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Baldomero Lillo

Was a Chilean short story

writer, considered the
master of the genre of social
realism in his country.

Born in Lota, Biobío Region on

January 6, 1867 and died in San
Bernardo, Santiago Metropolitan
Region on September 10, 1923.

Lota, the small mining town where

Baldomero Lillo lived throughout his
childhood, provided the dramatic scenes
that the author brought to his stories.

The readings that had the greatest

influence on his narrative were
Dostoevsky, Zola, Turgenev and
later, Maupassant, Eça de Queiroz,
Dickens and Balzac.

In 1903 he achieved recognition by winning first

place in a short story contest with "Juan Fariña", a
collection of eight short stories, thus appearing in

In 1907, his second book

Sub-sole appeared, with
thirteen stories of peasant
life and the sea.

Baldomero Lillo has maintained his relevance throughout

one hundred years and is an indispensable source when
referring to coal mining in Chile.

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