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                      THEME: DO GOOD TO OTHERS.


-As believers, we should have heart for our fellow whether they are believers or not.

- we should always help those who are in need.

- though rich person needs help.



I. God puts us in a position; that we can help others.

      We marvel at the providence of God in the life of a man who was not honoring the
God of Israel. Neither Mordecai nor Esther had revealed their true nationality.
Perhaps we should classify them with Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea who were
"secret disciples" and yet were used of God to protect and bury the body of Jesus
(John 19:38-42). Like these two men, Mordecai and Esther were "hidden" in the
Persian capital because God had a very special work for them to do. Mordecai was
able to use his position for the good of both the king and the Jews.

    A. We should help our relatives or brethren in Christ.

Mordecai's tenderness in adopting Esther: -- We Christians have not

always been ready to give the Jew credit for such tenderness, such ready pity, such
gentle helpfulness. Let us ask ourselves if we are willing to come up to the standard
of this Jew? What is the good of any religion unless it do make us pitiful, loving, eager
to help the poor world about us? I heard a very beautiful story some time since.

B. we should also help the unbelivers.

unsa kaha mahitabo kung wala gitbangan ni Mordecia si Xerxes?

- posible nga mga mamatay ang hari ug ang ang Judio. Well that is not what had happaned.

what is the reason for assissination?

- The Bible is silent.
-It is possible that this assassination attempt was connected with the crowning of
the new queen and that Vashti's supporters in the palace resented what Ahasuerus
had done.
- Or perhaps these two men hated Esther because she was an outsider.
      . Although it wasn't consistently obeyed, tradition said that Persian kings
should select their wives from women within the seven noble families of the land.
These conspirators may have been traditionalists who didn't want a "commoner" on
the throne.
- Though the bible is silent about the motive of the eunuchs, but Mordecia did
his duty. he    was loyal to the king.
- God in His providence enabled Mordecai to hear about the plot and notify
Queen Esther.

nakabasa ko sa usa ka storya:

- one Sunday one pastor in America was preaching at some little country chapel,
and went to dinner at the house of a laborer, where he found eight children.
He was struck with the fact that they seemed to run in pairs, as if they were all
twins. After dinner the good woman said, "I saw you looking at the children, sir, as
if you could not quite make them out."
"Well, yes," said he, "I could not help wondering if they were all twins!"
The wife laughed. "No," said she, "they are not twins.
You see they are all ours, so to speak, and yet four of them are not. When we
came into this house the man and woman who lived here before us had just died
and left four little children just the age of our four.
They had to go to the workhouse, and the van was at the door to take them
just as we came in.
Three of them were in the van; but the fourth little fellow would not go. He had
got hold of the door, and was screaming with all his might. The man was trying not
to hurt him, and yet of course he wanted to make him let go.
I felt very, very sorry for them all, and said, 'You can't take him screaming like
that. People will think that you are murdering him.
Put the three back again and come again to-morrow. We will look after them for
the night.' The man was very glad to do it, so they all came in again. Well, then you
see our children began to play with them, and we all sat down together at supper,
and managed to get them off to bed.
- to make the story short. they adopted the kids.
- though they were not rich, but they had a heart to others. this is how belivers
should live.
- We are to live for other not only for ourselves.
How? before we discuss how to help, it is better to know first their need.

what is their need? They need to be saved, they need to be loved.

how can we help them?

- By sharing Christ with them.

        Christ is the most important treasure they need to possess.

- By showing love to them.

II. We are not to help others for personal gain.

A.    we are not to help others that they will repay for our help.



Matthew 6:1
But when you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right
hand is doing,
- Let love be our motive in giving or helping others.

III. God rewards us in perfect timing.

A. Man sometimes forgot repay the works of others.

The incident was routinely recorded in the official chronicles of the kingdom.

Mordecai was not rewarded immediately.

    B. God knows what we have done.

God keeps good records.

          -Mordecai received neither recognition nor reward for saving the king's life
after what he has done.

He had to wait, but it was sure to come. No matter; God saw to it that the
facts were permanently recorded, and He would make good use of them at the
right time.

Our good works are like seeds that are planted by faith, and their fruits don't
always appear immediately. "Evil pursues sinners, but to the righteous, good shall
be repaid" (Proverbs 13:21, NKJV).
Joseph do well to his a fellow prisoner in the past, and the man completely
forgot his kindness for two years (Genesis 40:23; 41:1). But God's timing is always
perfect, and He sees to it that no good deed is ever wasted.

Truth gathered:     

Esther 2:19-23
It's possible that this assassination attempt was connected with the crowning of
the new queen and that Vashti's supporters in the palace resented what Ahasuerus
had done. Or perhaps these two men hated Esther because she was an outsider.
Although it wasn't consistently obeyed, tradition said that Persian kings should
select their wives from women within the seven noble families of the land. These
conspirators may have been traditionalists who didn't want a "commoner" on the
Ahasuerus enjoyed almost unlimited authority, wealth, and pleasure. He was
insulated from the everyday problems of life (Esther 4:1-4); but this didn't
guarantee his personal safety. It was still possible for people to plot against the
king and threatens his life. In fact, fourteen years later, Ahasuerus was
God in His providence enabled Mordecai to hear about the plot and notify Queen
Esther. When Esther told the king, she gave Mordecai the credit for uncovering the
conspiracy; and this meant that his name was written into the official chronicle.
This fact will play an important part in the drama four years later (6:1ff).
By Warren W. Wiersbe.
The incident was routinely recorded in the official chronicles of the kingdom. Mordecai
was not rewarded immediately. He had to wait, but it was sure to come. God keeps good
records. The ancient Greek historian Herodotus says that hanging was the standard
punishment for traitors and rebels in Persia at that time. BC

Esther 2:19-23
Mordecai received neither recognition nor reward for saving the king's life. No
matter; God saw to it that the facts were permanently recorded, and He would
make good use of them at the right time. Our good works are like seeds that are
planted by faith, and their fruits don't always appear immediately. "Evil pursues
sinners, but to the righteous, good shall be repaid" (Proverbs 13:21, NKJV). Joseph
befriended a fellow prisoner, and the man completely forgot his kindness for two
years (Genesis 40:23; 41:1). But God's timing is always perfect, and He sees to it
that no good deed is ever wasted.
The plot that Mordecai successfully exposed, however, was nothing compared to
the plot he would uncover four years later, planned and perpetrated by Haman, the
enemy of the Jews. By Warren W. Wiersbe.

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