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The pie charts illustrate the proportion of men and women

labourers in 2 different countries A and B, which are being

divided into 3 categories.
In general, the highest percentage can be seen in the number
of both countries’s employees in service area. However, in
country A the rate of worker in agriculture is significantly
more than in industry while in country B it is opposite.
It can be seen that in country A the majority of male and
female labourers are focus on servicing, 56% for the former
and 49% for the latter. Meanwhile, men are tend to do
industrial work than women (15% against 8%) but the rate of
women work in agriculture is higher than men.
On the other hand, the number of country B’s male workers
are higher in comparision with female wokers in agriculture
and industry. The proportion of those for industry are very
low, 3% and 1% respectively. Conversely, the figure for
female workers work in the service sector occupied by 88%,
is more than male workers with 65%.

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