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Fire Extinguisher Presentation

 First and foremost, call 911 to report any fire, no matter how small it may
be. Always have an escape route
 Before I demonstrate the extinguisher, I would like to first cover the basic
components of it. (Canister, gauge, hose)
 Inside the canister is propellent (air) and an extinguishing agent
o Different types of fire extinguishers A-B-C-D and K for different types
of fire
 A- Ordinary combustibles – wood, paper, etc
 B- Flammable liquids – grease, oil, solvents
 C- Live electrical equipment
 D- Combustible metal like magnesium
 K- Commercial cooking equipment
o Most extinguishers you find are A-B-C and are general purpose
 Now, lets go over the basics of fire
o Fire needs four things to sustain itself
 It needs oxygen, fuel, heat or an ignition source, and the chain
reaction from the previous three.
 Using a fire extinguisher disrupts this chemical reaction by removing oxygen
from the equation. You will do this using the PASS technique
o PASS stands for Pull, Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep.
 Pull the pin, aim the hose at the base of the fire, squeeze the
handle/valve, and sweep the hose.
o Doing this can effectively extinguish the flame
Demonstrate use and put out a fire
 Once the fire is out, never turn your back to the fire, escape, and call 911.
Even if you think you have the fire extinguished, it may be smoldering still
and has the potential to reignite once oxygen is reintroduced.
 If you think the fire is too big, escape and call 911. Do not underestimate
the power and damage that fire can cause

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