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rEsr coDE 02127010

FORM TP 2017237 MAY/JUNE 20I7




I hour 30 minutes

08 JUNE 2017 (4.m.)


This test consists of 45 items. You will have I hour and 30 minutes to answer them.

2. ln addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet.

3 Do not be concerned that the answer sheet provides for more answers than there are items in this

4 Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you
are about to answer and decide which choice is best.

5 On your answer sheet" find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having
the same letter as tlre answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below.

Samole ltem

Which of the fotlowing forms of protest used by the enslaved in the British Caribbean in
the eighteenth century was the LEAST common?
Sample Answer
(A) Staging armed revolt .^, ,-.
(B) Poisoninglivestock ^
(C) Petitioning the Crown
(D) Sabotaging equipment
The best answer to this item is "Petitioning the Crown", so (C) has been shaded.

6. lf you want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice.

7. When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. tf you
cannot answer an itenr, go on to the next one. You may return to that item later.

8. You may do any rough work in this booklet.


Copyri ght @ 20 I 4 Cari bbean Exam i nations Counc I

ffi A ll riohts reserved

I -2-

I Which of the following statements MOST 4. Which ofthe following situations provides
accurately characterizes the religion ofthe evidence ofcontact between Europeans and
Thinos OR Kalirragos? WestAfricans during the fifteenth century?

(A) They were NOT religious people. (A) The spread ofArabic literacy
(B) They worshipped in targe stone (B) WestAfricanproductionofconon,
ternples. silk and salt
(C) They had no clearly articulated (C) The arrival ofJohn Hawkins on the
concept ofGod. upper Guinea coast
(D) Tobacco smoking formed part of (D) The arrival of the Portuguese at
their religious ritual. Elmina on the West African
a. Which of the following descriptions is
FALSE for the Aztec,lnca and Maya 5. Which of the following terms refers to the
people? traditional stories of Norse history?

(A) They produced large supplies of (A) Sagas

food. (B) Runes
(B) They lacked well-organized (C) Myths
governments. (D) Legends
(c) They possessed well-organized I

religious systems.
(D) They developed complex catendar 6. ln which century did the Portuguese FIRST
and mathematical systerns. trade with Africa?

(A) Twelfth
3. The archaeological excavation at L'Anse (B) Thirteenth
aux Meadows provides evidence of the (c) Fifteenth
(D) Seventeenth
(A) existence of a Viking settlement in
(B) precise location of the Viking 7 The MAIN factor that led to contact
settlement in Vinland betweenAfricaand Europe upto I450 was
(c) existence of a permanent Viking the
settlement in Vinland
(D) existence of a Viking settlernent in (A) desire to build a Portuguese
North Newfoundland colonialempire
(B) attempt by some Europeans to
compete with Spain
(C) search by some European countries
for a captive labour force
(D) desire by some European countries
to breach the monopoly of the
-3 -

8.. expedition to Mexico was

The Spanish 13 Between l5l0 and l-542, the campaign
MAINLY in search of to halt the decimation of the indigenous
peoples was led by the
(A) new sources of wealth
(B) new lands for cultivation (A) Benedictine monks
(c) the kingdom of Prestor Jolrn (ts) Dominican friars
(D) converts to the Christian faith (C) Jesuit missionaries
(D) Franciscan missionaries

9. purpose of the.encomienda
system introduced by the Spaniards was to
14. Cortds' military carnpaign in Central
(A) provide defence for the Spaniards Anrerica between l5l9 and l52l was
its) ensure fair treatment ofthe lndians successful -MAINLY because
,.C) prevent enslavement of the Indians
,) (D)a pool of labour for the
provide (A) Spanislr forces possessed guns and
Spaniards horses
(B) m ilitary headquarters were
established at Vera Cruz
10.the following was NOTan effect
Which of (c) Spanish forces outnumbered those
of Spanish settlement in the New World? of the indigenous people
(D) he acquired guides who were
iA) The importation ofAfrican labour familiar with the layout of the
iB) Mechanization within the tobacco land
c) The introduction of European
diseases 15. The MAIN stmtegy used bY Montezuma
D) Miscegenation of the population to prevent Cort6s' advancement to
Tenochtitl6n was

rVhich of 11.the following systems forced (A) offering tribute to tlre Spaniards
rdigenous people to labour for Spanish (B) surrendering the city of Tlaxcala
-ttlers in exchange
settlers for conversion to (c) casting spells over the Spaniards
.:ristianity? Christianity? (D) offeri ng sacrifi ces to H u iui lopochtl i

) (A)
r) (B)
Coartaci6n 16. Chattel slavety can BEST be defined as the
') (C)
7) (D)
Repartirniento (A) mass transportation ofAfricans to
the Caribbean
(B) acceptance of labour without
12. the MAIN consequence of
#hat was payment of wages
ipanish settlement on the indigenous (c) forced servitude of persons to their
ropulation of Hispaniola? owners for a lifetirne
(D) use of Africans as labourers on
A) (A)
Decimation large numbers of plantations
B) (B)
C) (C)
D) (D)

17. of the following factors BEST

Which 2t The 'seasoning'of newly enslaved Africans
accounts for the European preference for took place during the
Africans as chattel slaves in the seventeenth
century? (A) scramble
(B) Middle Passage
(A) Africans were available in large (C) first month on the estate
numbers. (D) journey to the coast ofAfrica
(B) Africans were ideally suited for
labour in the tropics.
(C) Enslaved Africans could be 22 West lndian planters gave provision
converted to Christianity. grounds to the enslaved MAINLY to
(D) There were already establiShed
forms of human bondage in (A) keep the enslaved occupied
Africa. (B) supply the internal markets
(C) decrease the planters'food expenses
(D) ensure that all estate land was
'l'he mortality
18. of pregnant enslaved females cultivated
on Caribbean plantations was LARGELY
the result of
23. Which of the following factors BEST
(A) seI f-induced abortions explains the success of the Haitiarr
(B) inadequate health care Revolution?
(c) lack of parenting skills
(D) miscarriages from overwork (A) The importation of soPhisticated
European weapons
(B) Achange of policy in France which
Tlre gender-blind policies on the sugar confused the colonists
plantations in the Caribbean were (c) The assistance rendered bY the
implemented ONLY for work in blacks from Santo Domingo
(D) The hilly terrain in the interior
A) sugar factories which fac i I itated gueri I la warfare
tl) field-based tasks
Ll) tlre skilled trades
D) the Great House 24 Between 1750 and 1830, the d.ecline in the
enslaved population in the Frcnch colonies
was due to the fact that
20. independence in Haiti in 1804 was
declared by (A) the mortality rate in the French
colonies increased
(A) Henri, Christophe (B) French territories moved towards
(B) Alexandre Pition mechanization
(c) Toussaint L'Ouverture (c) France lost Martinique and
(D) Jean-Jacques Dessal ines Guadeloupe
(D) France lost St Donringue as a

25. The Haitian Revolution was fought 29 The MOST accurate interpretation of the
MAINLY because Mansfield Judgement of 1772 was that it

(A) the enslaved wanted their freedom (A) abolished trading in enslaved
(B) rich whites wanted autonomy from Africans
France (B) outtawed enslavement in the
(c) frec coloureds wanted equality with Caribbean
whites (c) abolished enslavement in the
(D) poorwhites wanted greater respect British Empire
from rich whites (D) recognized that enslavement in
Britain was unlawful

26 Which of the following was one of the

British Anrel ioration ProPosals? 30 Which of the following islands opted for
tMMEDIATE emanciPation in 1834?
(A) Enslaved families should not be
separated. (A) Antigua
(B) Masters were responsible for (B) St. Kitts
clothing the enslaved. (c) Grenada
(c) Enslaved children under six (D) Montserrat
years of age were to be freed
(D) Enslaved Africans were to receive 31. The MOST popular occupation of formerly
small wages for fixed hours of enslaved women after 1838 was that of a
work each week.
(A) huckster
(B) innkeeper
27. Maroons were a serious threat to the (c) seamstress
plantocracy MAINLY because theY (D) fish vendor

(A) stole supplies from the plantation

(B) were known for their expertise in 32 Which of the following factors was a
guerilla warfare consequence ofemancipation in the British
(C) grew crops such as sugar cane and colonies?
coffee for trade
(D) served as a constant reminder of (A) There was an increase in exPorts
successful resistance to slaverY ofsugar.
(B) Absentee planters returned to the
28. The claim that the reduction of profits (c) The former enslaved became
from the sugar industry led to the ending involved in internal marketing.
of slavery is refered to as the (D) The labour of freed PeoPle was
shared between Plantation and
(A) decline thesis peasant activitY.
(B) econocide thesis
(C) convergenoe thegry
(D) theory of supplY and demand

33. The MAIN factortlratattracted peasants to Item 36 refers to the following extract.
the free villages was the
"The social situation in the British
(A) access to markets for their crops Caribbean in the 1930s was likened to a pot
(B) variety of crops that could be left on the stove simmering. At times the
cultivated heat was raised, at times even lowered, but
(C) independence and sense of self the pot was never removed from the stove.
afforded them It was bound to boil over."
(D) activity ofmissionaries in spreading
Christianity J. Campbell & H. Cateou, History of the
Caribbean in theAtlantic World Caribbean
Exa m i nations Counc il (CXC), 2 005, p. I 2 6.
34 The metayage system was a partnership in
which the
36. Which of the tbllowing factors was NOT
(A) planter provided land and some an ingredient in the "simmering" pot?
(B) planter kept all the profits and the (A) 't'he worldwide economic
peasant kept the land depression of the 1930s
(c) profits were shared between tlre (B) The state of health among the poor
planter and the peasant in the Caribbean
(D) peasant provided all the labour and (c) The policy of the United States in
some factory equipment the Caribbean in the 1930s
(D) The absence of the right to vote
among the lower classes in the
35. lndian imnrigrants came to the Caribbean Caribbean
in the nineteenth century to

I. earn higher wages 37 The creation of a just society in Haiti

il. escape death in their homeland between 1804 and 1825 was hindered by
1il. escape the poverty and famine in the
their homeland
(A) use of forced labour on plantations
(A) I only (B) domination of the towns by
(B) I and Il only mulattoes
(c) ll and III only (c) division of plantations into peasant
(D) l, ll and lll lots
(D) establishment of a constitution in
the territory
-7 -

3E. One ofthe policies ofthe Cuban government 42 France's colonial possessions voted to
towards the Caribbean and Latin America become departmens of France rather than
during tlre 1960s and I970s was to pursue political independence after the
World War II because
(A) replace the United States as the
principal power in the region (A) France was not willing to grant the
(B) help other Third World nations to colonies political independence
achieve 'liberation' (B) the local white minority provided
(C) treat the needs of the region with no resistance to the idea of
indifference departmentalization
(D) isolate itself from the rest of the (C) Francepromisedtointroduceamore
region equitable form of government
(D) the local black majority showed no
irtterest in the political future of
39 Wh ich of the fol lowing statements descri bes ' the colonies
associated statehood in the British colonies
in the twentieth century?
43 Which ofthe following Jamaican political
(A) of botlr
Colonies were in charge leaders was considered a 'Father of
their internal and foreign Independence'?
(B) Britain controlted both the internal (A) Alan Coombs
and foreign policies of the (B) William Crant
colonies. (c) NoelNethersole
(C) Colonies were in charge of their (D) Alexander Bustamante
foreign policies but Britain
controlled their internal pol icies.
(D) Colonies controlled their internal 44 ln a French Overseas Department, the
policies butBritain was in charge prefect's responsibilities did NOT include
of their foreign policies.
(A) controtling intemal security
(B) functioning independently
40. During the first two years of the Cuban (C) regulating official documents
Revolution, the strategies or ideologies (D) representing the state of France
practised by Fidel Castro were

(A) socialism and fascism 45. Which of the following territories was NOT
(B) nationalizationandcollectivisrn an overseas Department of France?
(C) communism and popularism
(D) commercializationandprivatization (A) Haiti
(B) Martinique
(C) Guadeloupe
4t. By the 1970s, the MAJOR advances in (D) French Guiana
Cuba were in the areas of
(A) sports and culture
(B) education and politics
(c) health and education
(D) science and technology


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