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AFFrx sE.rL rrEltE +
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90 minutes

21 MAY 2010 (a.m.)


..f{ L This test consists of 45 items. You will have 90 tninutes to answer them.

1 ln addition to this test booklet, you should have au ausurer sheet.

J. Do not be concerned that the ansu,er sheet prorrides spaces for more answers than there are items
in this test.

4. Each item in this test has four suggested answers iettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you
are about to answer and decide which choice is best.

5. On youranswersheet, findthenumberu,hich corresponds toyouritem andshadethespacehaving

the same letter as the answer you have chose n. Look at the sample item belorv.
Sampleltern a
Wl-ricir of the following forms of protest Lrsed by the enslavecl in the British Caribbean in the laj

eighteenth centnry vvas the LEAST cornmon?

(A) Petitioning the Crown
(B) Poisoning livestock
(C) Sabotaging equipment
(D) Staging armed revolt

The best answer to this item is "Petitior-ring the Crown", so ansrver space (A) has been shaded.

If you want to change yolrr answer, erase it cornpletely before yoLr flill in your neu, choice.

When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as qLrickly and as carefully as yoti can. Ifyou
cannot anslver an itern, ornit it and go on to the next one. You can conre back to the on'ritted item
later. Your score q,ill be the total number of correct ans\vers,
(). Yor: may do any rough u,ork in lhis booklct.

\ a'\


1. FoTANY ONE of the following groups, the 5. Van Sertima's argument thatAfricans were
Azlec OR Inca OR Maya, r.vhich of the present in the Americas in the pre-Columbian
descriptions below is FALSE? period is based on the

(A) They iacked well-organized (A) use of navigational aids

govemment. (B) direction of the South Westerlies
(B) They developed complex calendar (C) discovery of pre-1492 African
and mathematical sYstems. artefacts
(C) Theyproduced large supplies offood. (D) evidence from British and French
(D) They possessed well-organized missionaries
religious systems.

FoTANY ONE of the following groups, the 6. Contact between Europeans and West
Kalinago OR Taino OR Tupi, which of the Africahs during the fifteenth century was
statements below is TRUE? evidenced by the

(A) They constructed stone dwellings. (A) spread ofArabic literacy

(B) They created large emPires. (B) WestAfrican production of cotton,
(c) They practised gender division of silk and salt
labour. (c) arrival ofJohn Hawkins on the upper
(D) They established complex road Guinea coast
networks. (D) Portuguese arrival on the coast of
, Western Africa at Elmira

J. By which century had Norse contact with the

Americas occurred? 7. Which of the following did the Spanish
conquistadores seek in the Americas?
(A) Eighth
(B) Ninth (A) Freedom ofreligion
(c) Tenth (B) Conversion of the natives
(D) Eieventh (C) Return of Quetzalcoatl
(D) Knowledge ofnew cultures

4. Which activity was NOT a feature of

indigenous mainland American societies? B. The Spanish Crown sought to protect the
indigenous people ofthe GreaterAntilles by
(A) Worship of one god establishing
(B) Practice of agriculture
(C) Conquest of other groups (A) Audiencias and Cabildos
(D) Stratification of societY @) Siete Partidas and Reconquista
(C) the Repartimiento and Encomienda
(D) the Laws of Burgos and the Nerv
9. Which of the following was NOT a fonn of 13. The Spanish Crown agreed to legislate
resistance used by the indigenous peopie of
against the encomienda system in 1542
the Americas against the Spaniards?
(A) Refusing to trade with the Spaniards (A) save the indigenous population
(B) Armed rebellion against Spanish (B) control the encomendero class
forces (C) increaseAfrican chattel slavery
(c) Refusing to work in the mines and (D) appease the Dominican friars
(D) Committing suicide to avoid Spanish
contol 14. The Spanish Crown's efforts to end abuses
against the indigenous peoples ofHispaniola
after 1542 failed because
10. The Spaniards used Amerindian labour
PRIMAzuLY (A) most of the indigenous people had
already died out
(A) to work in the gold mines (B) the encomendero class had become
(B) in the production of logwood
too powerful to be controlled
(c) in the prodLrction of grain crops (C) the Governors were unaware of the
(D) to cultivate and manufacture sugar
policy to protect the Amerindians
(D) the missionaries were not interested
in ending abuses
11. An example of the 'divide and rule, strategl,
used by Cortds to conquer Mexico was
15. The decline in theAmerindian population by
(A) the systematic capture of villages 1550 was MAINLYaresult of
(B) the capture of EmperorMontezuma
by Spanish troops (A) a decline in thefertility rare
(c) the formation of alliances with local (B) an increase in infant mortality
tribes to march against (C) the innoduction ofold world diseases
Tenochtitlan (D) the effects ofmalnutrition
(D) the recruitment of volunteers for his
expedition from various Spanish
settlements 16. Which of the following BEST explains why
the use ofEuropean indentured servants as
labourers in the Americas during the
12. Cortds' military campaign in Cenfr-al Amedca
seventeenth century was unsuccessfu l?
between 1519 and 1521 was successful
MAINLY because (A) They were not avaiiable in adequate
(A) Spanish forces oLrtnrimbered t^hose of (B) They were not used to the tropical
the indigenous peopie
(B) coLrnter measures by theAaec u,ere (c) They were not agriculfuralists by
underrnined by unexpected illness
(c) military headquarters \l/ere (D) They refused to work alongside
established ar Vera Cruz
(D) he ac'quired guides r.r,ho.u,ere
fhmiiiar u,ith the layor-rt of the land


17. The initiation of newly an-ivedAfricans into ?1. Which of the following factors BEST
enslavernent in the Caribbean was called the explains why Maroon societies were a serious
threat to the plantocracy?
(A) slave coft'Ie
(B) chaltel slavery (A) Maroons were known for their
(C) indentr.ueship expertise in guerilla warfare.
(D) seasoning period (B) Maroons stole supplies from the
(C) Maroons grew crops such as sugar
18. Which of the following factors does NOT cane and coffee for trade.
explain the low birth rate among enslaved (D) Maroons served as a constant
Caribbeanwomen? reminder of successful resistance
to s1avery.
(A) Extended periods of breast-feeding
(B) Physiologicaleffectsofdislocation
(C) Lack of privacy on plantations 22. The gender-blind policies on the sugar
(D) Poornutrition on plantations plantations in the Caribbean were implemented
ONLY for work in

19. The MAIN cause of death on the Middle (A) sugar factories
Passage during the trans-Atlantic trade in (B) field-based tasks
enslaved Africans was (c) the skilled trades
(D) tl-re Great House
(A) disease
(B) suicide
(C) malnourishment 23. The Haitian Revolution was fought MAINLY
(D) insunection because

(A) the enslaved wanted their freedom

20. Which of the following actions were used by (B) rich whites wanted autonomy frotn
enslaved women as methods of resistance? France
(c) free coloureds wanted equality with
I. Eating African foods whites
It. Practising birtir control (D) poor whites wanted greater respect
III. Poisoning their masters from rich whites
IV. Participating in armed revolts

(A) I and iI only

(B) 1l and III only
(c) I, II and III only
(D) lI, III and IV only
Item 24 refers to the following quotation. 27. Which ofthe following statements accurately
reflects the Mansfield Judgement of 1772?
"In overthrowing me you have cut down in
St. Domingue only the trunk of the tree of (A) It outlawed enslavement in the
liberty. It will spring up again by its roots, for Caribbean.
they are numerous and deep." (B) It recognised the freedom of
S.C. Gordon, Caribbean Generations,pg. 103. ensiaved persons on their arrival
24. On what occasion during the Haitiar-r (c) It abolished enslavement in the
Revolution did Toussaint L'Ouverh:re exprcss BritishEmpire.
these sentiments? (D) It abolished trading in enslaved
(A) After his capture by the French
(B) After the British were expelled from
St. Domingue 28. Which ofthe following factors accounted for
(C) After a major victory over the the eventual failure of the Amelioration
Spanisharmy proposals?
(D) Afterthe expulsion ofthe ruling class
from St. Domingue I. The enslavedpeople were impatient
for freedom.
II. The colonial Government failed to
25. Which ofthe following factors BESTexplains effectively implement the
the success ofthe Haitian Revolution? proposals.
m. The planters were opposed to the
(A) The assistance rendered by the proposals.
blacks from Santo Domingo ry. The enslaved did not understand the
(B) The hilly terrain in the interiorwhich provi sions of the proposals.
facil itated guerilla warfare
(C) A change ofpolicy in France which (A) I andII only
confused the colonists (B) II and III only
(D) The importation of sophisticated (C) I, III and IV only
European weapons (D) I,II,III and IV

26. Which of the following was NOT one of the 29. Eric Williams'decline thesis suggests that the
Ameiioration Proposals? decline ofthe slave economies of the British
(A) The prohibition of all floggings
(B) The right of the enslaved ro be (A) was a result of the Bdtish Industrial
married Revolution
(C) The prohibition of separation of (B) began with the Napoleonic War
families (C) encouraged Britain to pass the Act
(D) The admission of evidence in court ofEmancipation
by the ensiaved (D) was precipitated by the passage of
theAct of 1833

30. Which of the following measures reflected a 33. Which of the following factors accounted for
gradual approach in Britain to the final the failure ofthe Chinese immigration scheme
dismantiement of the system of slavery? in the British West Indies during the nineteenth
I. The foundation of the Socief for
theAbolition of the Slave Trade I. The alienation of the Chinese in
II. The introduction of the policy of British West Indian society
Amelioration II. The high proportion of male versus
III. The introduction of compulsory female immigrants
registration of the enslaved III. The high death rate of Chinese
IV. The imposition of the system of immigrants
Apprenticeship IV. The dislike of the Chinese for
plantation labour
(A) I and II only
(B) I, II and III only (A) Ilonly
(c) II, III and IV only (B) I and III only
(D) I, II, III and IV (C) I, II and IV only
(D) II, III and IV only

31. Which of the follox,ing factors u.'as

consequence of Emancipation? 34. Why did Chinese immigrantwomen workon
plantations in some Caribbean territories?
(A) Absentee planters returned to the
Caribbean. I. To earn extra income
(B) There was an increase in exports of il. To learn about Caribbean culture
sugar. IIL To accompany their male
(c) The former enslaved became companions
involved in internal marketing. IV. To preserve their marriages and
(D) The labour of freed people was famiiylife
shared between plantation and
peasant activity. (A) I and III only
(B) III and [V only
(c) I, III and IV oniy
32. What was the MAIN factor which accounted (D) II,III and iV only
for the West Indian pianters'preference for
Indian indentured labour on the estates?
35. Indian immigrants came to the Caribbean in
(A) They created a buffer class between the nineteenth century to
the planters and the former
enslaved. I. earn higher wages
(B) They were more industrious that the II. establish businesses
former enslaved. III. escape death in their homeland
(c) They were easier to control and iess ry. escape the poverly and famine in
expensive to maintain than the theirhomeland
former enslaved.
(D) They were less likely to complain than (A) II only
the former enslaved. (B) II and III only
(c) I, III and IV only
(D) II, III and IV oniy
-7 -

ItSmq!!:lZrefer to the foliowrng extracr. 39. As part of its post-revolutionary policies,

Cuba's assistance to other regions included
"The social situation in the Br itish Caribbean
ihe provision of
in the 1930s was likened to apot left on the
stove simmering. At times the heat was
I. medical personnel
raised, at times, even 1owered, but the pot
II. militarypersonnel
was never removed from the stove. It was
III. technical assistance
bound to boil over.,,
IV. educationai opportunities

J. Campbell & H. Cateau - History For

Caribbean in theAtlantic World. Caribbean
(A) I and II onty
Examinations Council (CXC), 2005,p. 126.
(B) III andlVonly
(C) I,II and III onty
36. Which of the foilowing was NOT
(D) I,II, III and IV
ingredient in the,.simmering,, pot?
40. Which ofthe following Caribbean countries
(A) Theworldwideeconomicdepression
was LEAST influenced by Castro,s socialist
ofthe 1930s policies by 1983?
(B) Thepolicy ofthe United States in the
Caribbean in the 1930s
(C) (A) Barbados
The state of health among the poor
(B) Grenada
in the Caribbean
(D) (C) Guyana
The absence of the right to vote (D) Jamaica
among the lower classes in the
41. Which of the following was an objective of
the Cuban government in relation to the rest
37. Which of the following factors triggered
the of the Caribbean and LatinAmerica durino
social situation in the Caribbean to ,.boil
over,,? the l960sand I970s?
(A) The arrest ofprominentworking class
(A) Isolate itself from the rest of the
(B) region.
The lack of educational opporhrnities
(B) Help other'third world, nations to
for all classes
(c) achieve,liberation,.
The steady rise in the mortality rate
(C) Replace the United States as the
among the working class
(D) principalpower in the region.
The rehlm ofimmigrant labourers and
(D) Treat the needs of the region with
the increase in unemployment

38. During the first two years of the Cuban

Revoiution, the ideologies pracrised by Fidel
Castro r.vere

(A) nationalization and col i ecti vi sm

(B) socialism and facism
(c) commerci alization and privati2ati on
(D) commlmi sm and popularisn-)

/1 'Jamaica can walk ... ' smali islands""
can t/
{i. In a French Overseas Department
all "' '' Prefect's responsibiiities did NOT include
bareiy creep... . others not at

is (A) contro lling intemal securitY

Which of the following political leaders
in relatron to (B) functioning indePendentlY of the
associated with this statement
Minister of the Interior
Federation in the Caribbean?
(c) regulating imPorts and exPorts
(D) having discretionary Powers over
(A) EricWilliams
(B) GrantleYAdams
(C) NormanManleY
(D) AlexanderBustamante
Which ofthe following statements are TRIIE
of residents of the Overseas Departments
43" Which of the following statements describes
Associated Statehood which was conferred
on British colonies in the twentieth
century? l. TheY are French citizens'
IL They are free to travel to, and reside
in France.
(A) Britain controlled both the internal
UL TheY are free to vote in French
and foreigr policies ofthe colonies'
(B) Colonies controlled their internai
butBritain was in charge IV. TheY are not rePresented in the
Policies French Parliament'
of their foreign Policies'
(C) Colonieswereinchargeofboththeir
(A) I and lI onlY
intemal and foreign Policies'
(D) Colonies were in charge of foreign
(B) II and III onlY
controlied (C) I, II and III onlY
Policies but Britain
intemal Policies'
(D) I, [1,III and IV


&- -2-
1. For ANl'ONE of the following
groups, the 5. Which of the following suggests the presence
Aztec OR lnca, OR Maya, which of the de- ofAfricans in the Americas before 1492?
scriptions belorv is FALSE?
(A) The saga of Erick the Red
(A) They produced large supplies of (B) Mayan worship of a dark-skinned
food. god
(B) They Iacked weil-organized (C) Mention of African PeoPIe in
governments. Balboa's records
(C) They possessed well-otganized (D) The use of shells as currencY in
religious systems. Central America
(D) They developed complex calendar
and mathematical sYstems.
6. The MAIN suppiy of gold to Western Europe
in the fourteenth century came from
2 For ANY ONE of the following groups, the
Tainos OR Kalinagos, OR Tupi, which of the (A) Asia
following was NOT a feature of their culhue? (B) West Africa
(C) the Middle East
(A) 'Ierraced fields (D) the Mediter:ranean
(B) Tobacco smoking
(C) Ancestor worship ,"ri i

(D) Use of simple tools 7. Which of the following factors motivated

Spanish colonisation:in the Caribbean up to
I 600?
3. The archaeological excavation at L'Anse aux
Meadows provides evidence of the existence I. Bullionism
ofa Il. Mercantilism
IiI. Spread of Christianity
(A) Viking settlement in Greenland I\T Law of prirnbgeniture
(B) Viking settlement in North .r : ..1':i

Newfoundland (A) I, II and IItr only

(C) permanent Viking settiement in (B) I, II and lV;onlyi;,;
Viniand (c) Il, III and {V only
(D) precise location for a Viking settle- q) I, II, III and ry
ment in Vinland

8. The fransfer of fooci, planrs anci animais from

4. Which of the foliowing BEST describes the one continent to another as a result of the
traditional stories of Norse history? European Age of Exploration was referued
to as the
(A) Sagas
(B) Runes (A) Western Design
(C) Myths (B) Colurnbus Project
(D) Legends (C) Columbian Exchange
CD) Enterprise of the Indies


421270IO/CAPE 2011
9. Which of the following refers to the system 13. A consequence ofthe Inca civil war ol 1530
which forced indigenous people to labour for was that
Spanish settlers in exohange for conversion
to Christainity? (A) Atahualpa won the th-rone
(B) the Inca was imprisoned
(A) Tribute (c) there was a dispute between the
(B) Reconquista Inca and his son
(C) Encomienda (D) inca military resistance to Spanish
(D) Repartimiento aggression was weakened

10. Indigenous people paid tribute to Spaniards 14, Bartolomd de Las Casas is associated with
with the

(A) crops and cloth (A) introducticin of the tribute system

(B) cotton and beils (B) enslavement of indigenous peoples
(C) gold and knives (C) campaign against the encomienda
(D) bottle gourds and gold system
(D) encouragement of indigenous
11. S/hich of the following was NOT a method
ofresistance used by the indigenous people
against the Spaniards? 15. Between l5l0 and 1542, the campaign
to halt the decimation of the indigenous
(A) Mass suicide peoples was led by the
(B) Paying tribute
(C) Guerilla warfare (A) Benedictine monks
(D) Crop destruction (B) Dominican friars
(C) Jesuit missionaries
(D) Franciscan missionaries
12. Which of the following factors.accounted for
the Spanish conquest ofthe Aztecs and Incas?
16. The FIRST nation to be invoived in the
I. Intemal conflict among the indians trans-Atlantic trade in enslaved Africans
II. Strong resistance from the indians was
IIi. Superior military force of the
Spanish (A) Portr.rgal
iV. Tactics of divide and rule by the (B) Holland
Spanish (C) Britain
(D) Spain
(A) I,II and III oniy
(B) I, III and iV only
(c) II, III and IV only
(D) I, II, II] and iV


421210\0/CAPE 20 1I
t7, Which of the following statements MOST 2t. Which of the foilowing was NOT a contrib-
accurately represents chattel slavery in the utory factor to the success of the Haitian
Car-ibbean? Revolution?

(A) The enslaved u'ere considered the (A) Leadership of Toussaint

properry of plantation olvners. L'Ouverflue
(B) The enslaved worked for five days (B) Military alliances with France,
and had weekends off. Britain and Spain
(c) Laws protected the enslaved from (C) Unity among all groups in St
harsh forms of punishment. Domingue
(D) Plantation owners were prohibited (D) Purchase of guns from the United
from separating families. States ofAmerica

18. Which of the following factors BEST

accounts for the Europeans'preference for Item22 refers to the foilowing quotation.
Africans as chattel slaves in the seven-
teenth century? "In overthrowing me you have cut down in
St Domingue only the trunk of the tree of
(A) Africans were available in large Iiberry. It will spring,up again by its roots,
numbers. for they are numerous and deep."
(B) The white indentured servants
ivere not suitable for work in the S.C. Gordon, Cari.bbean Generations, pg.
tropics. 103.
(c) It was felt that ensiaved Africans
could be converted to Christi- )) During the Haitian Revolution, Toussaint
anity. L'Ouverture dXpressed the above senti-
(D) There were already established ments after
forms of human bondage in
Africa. (A) his oapnre by,the French
(B) a major victory over the Spanish
19. \trftich of the following actions were used
by enslaved women as methods of resist- (C) the British were expelled from St
ance? Domingue
(D) the expulsion of the ruling class
I. Eating African foods from St Domingue
Il. Practising birth control
III Poisoning their masters
iV Participating in armeci revolts 23. The MOST accurate interpretation of the
Mansfield Judgement of 1772 was that it
(A) l and II only
(B) II and IiI only (A) outlawed enslavement in the Carib-
(C) I, II and III only bean
(D) II, III and IV only (B) abolished trading in ensiavedAfri-

20. The mortaliry of pregnant enslaved females (C) abolished enslavement in the
on Caribbean piantations was LARGELY British Empire
the result of (D) recognized that enslavement in
Britain was unlawful
(A) self-induced abortions
(B) inadequate healrh care
(C) lack of parenting skills
(D) miscarriages from overwork
02t27010/3APE 2011
': -,\
24. One of the provisions of the Amelioration 28. The claim that the reduction ofprofits in thda
Proposals of 1 823 rvas the sugar industry led to the ending of slavery \*
is referred to as the
(A) restriction of Sunday labour
(B) restriction of slave marriages (A) decline thesis
(c) granting of freedom to children (B) thesis of econocide
under six years ofage (c) labour theory of value
(D) requirement that the enslaved (D) theory of supply and demand
attend Sunday church services

29. The trans-Atlantic trade in Africans enciecl

25. Which of the following strategies of in the nineteenth century because of the
economic survival was LEAST used by
ensiaved Africans in the Caribbean? I. agi tation.o f abo litionists
II. decline ohprofitability of the trade
(A) Rearing of animals iII. recognition of the inhumanity of
(B) Bartering of allowances the trade
(C) Bargaining for better wages IV. increased availabilily of indenrured
(D) Cultivation of prof,rision grounds servants

(A) I and II only

Maroons were a serious threat to the plantoc- (B) II and III only
racy MAIITILY because they (c) I, ll and lll only
(D) l, II, III and IV
(A) were known for their expertise in
guerilla warfare
(B) stole supplies from the plantation 30. The events which galvanised support for the
(C) grew crops such as sugar cane and abolitionists' cause in England were the
coffee for trade
(D) served as a constant reminder of t. death of Bussa in Barbados
successful resistance to slavery iL persecution of Sarah Ann Gill in
m. death of Reverend John Smith in
27. The factors which contributed to the Demerara
dismantlement of Caribbean slavery were IV. persecution of William Knibb and
the Thomas Burchell in Jarnaica

I. ending of the slave trade (A) I and Il oniy

II. anti-slavery movement in the (B) iI and III only
metropole (L) I, II and III only
IiI. insurrectionary acrions of the (D) II, III and IV oniy
IV activities of pro-abolitionists in the

(A) I and II only

(B) III and IV only
(C) I, II and III only
(D) l, II. Iil and IV


a2t2l al]tcAPE 20 i 1
31. The MOST popular occupation of a forrner 35. The regulations governing the conduct of
enslaved woman afler 1838 w'as that of a indenfured immigrants in the British West
Indies in the nineteenth century tried to
(A) huckster ensure that the
(B) seamstress
(c) innkeeper (A) rights of immigrants were protected
(D) fish vendor (B) planters had less control over
(C) immigrants were not repatriated at
37. Which of the follorving were the MAINI anYtime
reasons for the rapid development of the (D) former enslaved mixed with the
peasant sector after I 838? immigrants

I. Land was avaiiable in some colo-

nies. 36. The MAIN reason for the West Indian
II. The planters supported small planters' preference for Indian indentured
farming. iabour over the former enslaved on the
I II. The pianters constantlY tried to estates was that the lndians
lower wages.
IV There was an urgent need to live (A) were less likelY to comPlain
independently of the plantations. (B) were more industrious
(C) weie easier to control and less
(A) I and III only expensive to maintain
(B) ll and IV only (D) created a buffer class belween the
(c) I, III and IV only planters and the former enslaved
(D) l, II, III and IV

Jt. 'The Indian indentureship scheme was a

JJ. The MOST important factor that attracted
new form of siavery.'
peasants to the free viliages was the

Which of the following factors contributed

(A) access to markets for their crops
MOST to this claim?
(B) variety of crops that could be culti-
(C) activities of missionaries in
(A) The Indians often lacked proper
spreading Christianity
(D) independence and sense of self (B) Movement of Indians awaY from
the plantations was restricted.
afforded them
(C) Many Indians died from diseases
such as chicken pox and dYsen-
34 The metayage system was a partnership in tery.
which the (D) The Indians were engaged in full-
time labour on the plantation.
(A) planter provided land and some
(B) planter kept ail the profits and the
peasant kept the land
(c) profits rvere shared between the
planter and the peasant
(D) peasant provided all the labour and
some factory equipment


02t21010/3APE 201i
38. The creation of a just sociery in Haiti between 41. By 1964,Cuba was subjected
to a collective
1804 and 1825 was hindered by the embargo from all Latin American countries **
(A) division of plantations into peasant
lots (A) Chile
(B) domination of the towns by mulat- (B) Mexico
toes (C) Honduras
(C) use offorced labour on plantations (D) Argentina
(D) estabiishment of a constitution in
il the territory
Which of the following factors BEST
accounts for the lack of a united position
39. Which of the following challenges were by Caribbean leaders towards the Cuban
encountered in Haiti after independence? revolution belween 1960 and i983?

I. There was a decline in the export (A) Their pre-occupation with their
of staples. l
domestic policies
II, The governance continued to be (B) The influence of CARICOM on
authoritarian. Caribbean affairs
IIl. There were several leaders berween (C) The influence of British foreign
1804 and I 825. policy on the wider Caribbean
IV. There was a civil war which caused region
a division in the country. (D) The ini-rerent conflict betweett
parliamentary democracy and
(A) III and IV only communism
(B) I, II and IV only
(C) II,III and IV only
(D) I, II, III and IV Item 43 refers to the following extract,

"The social situation in the British Carib-

bean in the I 93 0 's was likened to a pot left
40. The United States stopped trading with
on the stove simmering. At times the heat
Haiti between 1806 and 1809 because they
was raised, at times even lowered, but the
pot was never removed from the stove, It
L were experiencing financial
constraints was.bound to boil over."
iI. refused to be associated with this
CXC - History tor the Caribbean in the
first black rebeI nation
Atlantic World. p. i26
IIi were afraid that the revolution
wo.uld spread to their country $. Which of the following was NOT an in-
IV wanted to ensure the suppon of gredient in the "simmering" pot?
) France in the dispute with Spain
j over the Louisiana Purchase (A) Worldwide economic depression in
the 1930s
(A) I and II oniy (B) State of health among the poor in
(B) II and III only the Caribbean
(c) II, iII and IV only (C) Policy of the United States in the
(D) I, II, III and IV Caribbean in the 1930s
(D) Absence of the right to vote among
the Ior.r,er classes in the Caibbean


02t210|O/CAPE 2011
ta. Almost immediately after the coliapse of Item 45 refers to the following extract.
the Federation, an attempt was made to
formally integrate the British colonized "The picture then, is of rwo islands in the
Caribbean through the formation of the Caribbean almost totally oriented to France
and content to be in that position."
(A) Caribbean Communiry
(B) Association of Caribbean States S.C. Gordon, Caribbean Generations, p.
(c) Caribbean Free Trade Association ?QA
(D) Organization of Eastern Caribbean
States 45. In the context of the French Departments,
the two islands referred to were

(A) Aruba and Guadeloupe

(B) St Lucia gnd Martinique
(C) Martinique and Guadeloupe
(D) Haiti and The Dominican Repubiic



421270\\/]APE 20r l
History Unit I
Multiple Choice Paper2012

1. Which of the following statements MOST 4. According to Van Sertima, ocean currents
accurately characterizes the religious were important in helping West Africans to
practices of the Tainos and Kalinagoes? establish contact with the Americas in the
pre-Columbian era. Which of the following
a. They worshipped in large stone temples currents most likely would not have
b. They had no clearly articulated concept of impacted on this historical occurrence?
c. Tobacco smoking or cohiba was part of their a. Guinea Current
religious ritual b. North Equatorial Current
d. They were not religious people c. Benguela Current
d. South Equatorial Current

5. What century did Vikings establish contact

2. Which of the following activities was NOT a with the Americas?
feature of indigenous mainland Amerindian
societies? a. 8th
b. 9th
a. Worship of one God c. 10th
b. Practice of agriculture d. 11th
c. Conquest of other groups
d. Stratification of society 6. The evidence found at L’Anse aux Meadows

a. The establishment of Viking settlement in

3. The Atlantic World may BEST be defined as Greenland
a geographical area consisting of b. The precise location of Viking settlement at
a. Africa, Europe and the Americas c. The permanent settlement of Vinland
b. Territories with an Atlantic coastline d. Viking settlement in North Newfoundland
c. West Africa, Western Europe and the
eastern seaboard of North and South 7. The Iberian peninsula consists of
d. Territories involved in trade across a. France and Spain
the Atlantic b. Spain and Holland
c. Portugal and Spain
d. France and Holland
8. Amerindian labour was used MAINLY 13. The Spanish Crown sought to protect the
indigenous population of the Americas
a. In the gold mines through
b. In the production of logwood
c. In the production of grain a. The audiencia
d. In the cultivation and manufacture of sugar b. The SietePartidas
c. The repartimiento
d. The Laws of Burgos
9. Which of the following was NOT a method
of resistance of the Amerindians 14. Which of the following was NOT an effect
that contact with the Europeans had on the
a. Paying tribute relationship between the Tainos and
b. Crop destruction Kalinagoes
c. Suicide
d. Marronage a. Exposure to disease
b. Death from overwork
c. Conflict between the two groups
10. What was the MAIN purpose of the d. Conversion to Christianity
encomienda system established by the
Spaniards in the Americas? 15. What was the MAIN consequence of
Spanish settlement on the indigenous
a. To ensure fair treatment of the Indians population of Hispaniola?
b. To prevent the enslavement of the Indians
c. To provide defence for the Spanish a. Decimation
d. To provide labour for the Spanish b. Displacement
c. Miscegenation
d. Christianization
11. An example of divide and rule used by
Cortes was seen in 16. Chattel slavery can BEST be defined as

a. His capture of indigenous villages a. Forced servitude of persons to their master

b. His formation of alliances with local tribes for a lifetime
c. His gathering volunteers from other Spanish b. The use of Africans as labourers in large
colonies numbers
d. The capture of Emperor Montezuma by c. Acceptance of labour without payment
17. The initiation of enslaved Africans took
place during
12. The Columbian Exchange affected the
Europeans in all of the following ways a. The ‘scramble’
EXCEPT b. The Middle Passage
c. The first months on the estates
a. Introducing them to new diseases d. The journey to the coast of Africa
b. Adding new foods to their diet
c. Influencing their religious development
d. Hybridization through sexual encounters
18. Which of the following statements BEST 23. The Haitian Revolution was fought mainly
explains why more women than men because
survived the Middle Passage?
a. The enslaved wanted freedom
a. They had fewer restrictions placed on them b. The rich whites wanted autonomy from
b. They were less likely to rebel France
c. They had a stronger immune system c. The free coloureds wanted equality with
d. They could better withstand the effects of whites
shock, pain and malnutrition d. Poor whites wanted greater respect from rich
19. The enslaved African population in the 24. The French Revolution impacted on the
Caribbean generally did not increase by Haitian Revolution by
natural means because
a. Supplying arms for the enslaved
a. Abortions were prevalent masses
b. Plantation life was rigorous b. Encouraging Toussaint to overthrow
c. There were no nuclear families the landed aristocracy
d. Planters did not encourage reproduction c. Sending the British and Spanish to
fight alongside Toussaint to defeat
the French
20. Some Caribbean planters gave provision d. Providing the ideological basis for
grounds to the enslaved MAINLY to revolution

a. Keep the enslaved occupied 25. Which of the following was not a slave
b. Encourage the development of the internal revolt in the British West Indies?
market system a. Bussa Revolt
c. Reduce planters expenses b. Demerara Revolt
d. Ensure that all plantation land was cultivated c. Nat Turner Rebellion
d. Christmas Rebellion

21. What factors BEST explain why maroon

societies were a threat to the plantocracy? 26. Apart from the British, the earliest abolition
of the Trans-Atlantic Trade in Enslaved
a. for guerilla warfare Africans was implemented by the
b. for stealing food from the planters
c. for developing a new avenue of trade which a. French
will pose competition b. Danish
d. as an avenue for successful escape by other c. Dutch
slaves d. Americans

22. Gender blindness in plantation society 27. Slave revolts contributed to the
occurred MAINLY in dismantlement of slavery by

a. Sugar factories I destroying property

b. Field labour II destroying lives of whites
c. Skilled labour III proving the enslaved were not happy
d. Domestic tasks
a. I only
b. I and II
c. II and III
d. I, II and III
28. According to the preamble to the Act of 32. The origin of the peasantry in the Caribbean
Emancipation, which of the following was can be traced back to
NOT an aim of the British Emancipation Act
of 1833? I runaway slaves
II slave provision grounds
a. Abolition of slavery III the market system
b. Apprenticeship
c. Compensation a. I only
d. Industrialization b. II only
c. I and II
29. The Agency Committee of 1831 d. I, II and III

I was a conservative group that called 33. Dessalines attempted to revive the post-
for gradual abolition of slavery independence economy of Haiti by all of the
II was a radical group that wanted following ways EXCEPT
immediate abolition of slavery
III consisted of younger abolitionists a. introducing forced labour
and humanitarians b. reviving agriculture
c. nationalizing large plots of land
a. I only d. declaring all Haitians to be noirs
b. II only
c. I and II 34. France recognized Haitian independence in
d. I and III
a. 1804
30. Abolitionists abandoned gradual abolition in b. 1815
favour of immediate abolition of slavery c. 1823
because of d. 1825

I the failure of amelioration

II the need to appease the British public 35. Which of the following factors created
III the radicalism of the Agency Committee challenges in the reconstruction of Haiti
after the revolution
a. I and II
b. I and III I Political instability
c. II and III II International isolation
d. I, II and III III Internal conflict

a. I and II only
31. The uninterrupted decline of the British b. I and III only
West Indian sugar plantation was the result c. II and III only
of d. I, II and III

a. The Anglo-Dutch Wars 36. The July Movement 1953-1959 overthrew

b. The Seven Years War
c. The American War of Independence a. Marti
d. The Cuban War of Independence b. Cespedes
c. Machado
d. Batista
37. What is the correct order in which the 41. One of the policies of the Cuban government
following events occurred after the Cuban towards the Caribbean and Latin America
Revolution? during the 1960s and 1970s was to

I US factories refused to refine Soviet oil a. Isolate itself from the rest of the region
II Cuba imported Soviet oil b. Help other Third World Nations to achieve
III The US imposed a complete embargo on ‘liberation’
Cuba c. Replace the US as the principal power in the
a. I, II, III d. Treat the needs of the region with
b. I, III, II indifference
c. II, I, III
d. III, I, II

38. During the first two years of the Cuban 42. Which of the following Jamaican political
Revolution, what were the ideologies that leaders was considered a Father of
Fidel Castro implemented? Independence?

a. Socialism and Fascism a. Alan Coombs

b. Communism and Popularism b. William Grant
c. Nationalization and Communalism c. Noel Nethersole
d. Commercialization and Privatization d. Alexander Bustamante

39. By the 1970s the MOST spectacular 43. Which of the following was the MAIN
advances in Cuba were in the areas of reason for the failure of Federation?

a. Sports and culture a. The inability of the various politicians to see

b. Health and education themselves as a regional unit
c. Science and technology b. Britain’s refusal to give its full support
d. Education and industrial development c. Trinidad being chose a the capital
d. Disagreement among the leaders
40. Which of the following factors BEST
accounts for the intervention of the USA in 44. What does Associated Statehood mean?
Grenada in 1983?
a. Britain controlled both internal and foreign
a. Grenada’s alliance with the Soviet Union policies of the colonies
b. The existence of cruise missiles in Grenada b. Colonies controlled internal policy and
c. The construction of a new airport in Grenada Britain controlled foreign policy
d. The quarrel between Tom Adams and c. Britain controlled internal policy and the
Maurice Bishop colonies controlled their foreign policy
d. Colonies controlled both internal and foreign
45. “The picture is of two Caribbean islands that a. Aruba and Martinique
are fully oriented by France – and content to b. Haiti and the Dominican Republic
be in that position” c. Martinique and Guadeloupe
d. St. Lucia and Martinique
With reference to the quote above, which two
departments were spoken about?
History Unit I
Multiple Choice Paper2013


1. Which century did Portuguese trade with 5. The main supply of gold to Western Europe
West Arica originally begin? in the C14th was from
a. 12th a. The Mediterranean
b. 13th b. The Middle East
c. 17th c. West Africa
d. 15th d. Asia

2. Which of the following criteria did the 6. Which of the following suggests possible
mainland indigenous societies use for social presence of Africans in the Americas before
stratification? 1492?
a. The Saga of Erik the Red
I occupation b. Mayan worship of a dark skinned
II lineage god
III wealth c. Mention of Africans in Balboa’s
IV colour records
d. Use of shells as currency in Central
a. I and II America
b. I and III
c. I, II and III 7. Which of the following groups of evidence
d. II, III and IV would be considered most reliable to the
3. Which was the system under which
indigenous labour was to be given in a. Norse coin, spindle, guanine
exchange for conversion to Christianity? b. Sagas and journal entries
a. Leonage c. Contemporary maps of journeys of
b. Coartacion discovery
c. Reconquista d. Ocean currents and trade winds
d. Repartimiento
8. Early expeditions of Portuguese into Africa
4. By which century had Norse contact with found difficulty in penetrating to the interior
the Americas occurred? because
a. 8th
b. 9th I there were few navigable rivers that led to
c. 10th the interior
II Africans were aggressive and so prevented
d. 11th
the advancement of the traders into the d. Bartolome de Las Casas
III tropical diseases caused high mortality rates 13. Spanish adventurers in the Americas were
among traders called
a. Hidalgos
a. I and II b. Cabildos
b. I and III c. Conquistadores
c. II and III d. Vaqueros
d. I, II and III
14. The final subjugation of the Aztecs and
9. Which of the following was NOT an Incas by Spanish forces was MAINLY a
important Portuguese fort on the coast of result of
West Africa during the C15th?
a. Superior weaponry
a. El Mina b. Military strategy
b. Arguin c. Internal dissension
c. Timbuktu d. Diseases
d. Axim
15. The capital of the Aztec empire was
10. Portuguese monopoly of trade in enslaved a. Texcoco
Africans was broken in the late C16th b. Tenochtitlan
MAINLY by the c. Macchu Picchu
d. Mayapans
a. Spanish and Dutch
b. English and French
c. English and Dutch
d. French and Spanish
16. West Indian planters gave provision grounds
11. The Treaty of Tordesillas to the enslaved MAINLY to
a. Keep the enslaved occupied
a. gave Spain control of all territories in b. Supply internal markets
the Western Hemisphere c. Decrease the planters’ food expenses
b. gave Portugal control of all lands in d. Ensure that all estate land was
the East cultivated
c. divided all newly discovered lands
between Spain and Portugal
d. divided all land between Spain and 17. Which of the following statements MOST
Portugal with the exception of Brazil accurately relates to chattel slavery in the
12. The encomienda system was made official a. The enslaved worked for five days
Spanish policy in 1503 by and got the weekends off
b. Plantation owners were prohibited
a. Hernan Cortes from separating families
b. Nicolas de Ovando c. Laws protected the enslaved from
c. Christopher Columbus harsh forms of punishment
d. The enslaved were considered as the 22. The Haitian Revolution was fought
property of the owner MAINLY because
a. The enslaved wanted their freedom
18. Which of the following factors BEST b. Rich whites wanted autonomy from
accounts for the European preference for France
Africans as chattel slaves in the seventeenth c. Free coloureds wanted equality with
century? whites
a. Africans were available in large d. The poor whites wanted freedom
numbers from discrimination
b. Africans were ideally suited for
labour in the tropics 23. Which of the following factors BEST
c. Enslaved Africans could be accounts for the success of the Haitian
converted to Christianity Revolution?
d. There were already established forms a. The religious rituals performed by
of human bondage in Africa the leaders
b. The assistance rendered by Blacks
19. The first nation to be involved in the Trans from Santo Domingo
Atlantic Trade in Enslaved Africans was c. The hilly terrain in the interior which
a. Portugal facilitated guerilla warfare
b. Holland d. Use of sophisticated European
c. Britain weapons by revolutionaries
d. Spain

24. Which of the following strategies of

economic survival was LEAST used by the
20. The ‘seasoning’ of newly enslaved Africans enslaved Africans in the Caribbean?
took place during the a. Rearing animals
a. Scramble b. Bartering
b. Middle Passage c. Bargaining for better wages
c. First month on the estate d. Cultivating provision grounds
d. Journey to the coast of Africa

25. One of the provisions of the Amelioration

21. Maroon societies posed a serious threat to Proposals of 1823 was
plantocracy MAINLY because Maroons a. Restriction of Sunday labour
a. Stole supplies from the plantation b. Restriction of slave marriages
b. Were known for their expertise in c. Granting of freedom to children
guerilla warfare under six
c. Grew crops such as sugar cane and d. Requirement that the slaves attend
coffee for trade Sunday church services
d. Served as a constant reminder of
successful resistance to slavery
26. Which of the following factors account for
the eventual failure of amelioration 29. The last territory in the Americas to abolish
proposals? slavery was

I the planters were opposed to the a. Cuba

b. Puerto Rico
II the enslaved did not understand the c. USA
provisions d. Brazil
III the colonial government failed to
implement the proposals 30. Workers’ rebellions in the British West
Indies in the latter half of the C19th were a
a. I and II result of
b. I and III
c. II and III I poor social amenities
d. I, II and III II introduction of immigrant labour
III lack of political representation
27. Which of the following statements
accurately reflect the Mansfield Judgment of a. I and II
1772? b. I and III
a. It abolished trading in enslaved c. II and III
Africans d. I, II and III
b. It outlawed enslavement in the
Caribbean 31. Which of the following was NOT a source
c. It abolished enslavement in the of immigrant labour for the British West
British Empire Indian planters?
d. It recognized that enslavement in
Britain was unlawful a. The Azores
b. Java
c. Madeira
d. Mauritius

28. Slave societies actually achieved freedom in 32. Planters supported schemes for immigration
the Americas by because

I imperial legislation I immigrants would reduce the black-white

II revolution ratio in the islands
III civil war II immigrants would suppress wages and
create competition in the labour market
a. I and II III planters would once again assume control
b. II and III over the labourforrce
c. I, II and III
a. I and II 37. Which of the following Haitian leaders did
b. I and III NOT revive plantation and commercial
c. II and III agriculture in Haiti after 1804?
d. I, II and III a. Dessalines
b. Christophe
33. West Indian planters attempted to import c. Petion
immigrant labourers from all of the d. Boyer
following EXCEPT
38. The newly independent nation of Haiti faced
a. Baltimore problems of
b. Atlanta
c. Philadelphia I political instability
d. New York II hostilities from the international community
III a war ravaged economy
34. Indian immigrants were located on
a. I and II
a. banana estates in Jamaica b. I and III
b. citrus plantations in Dominica c. II and III
c. sugar estates in Cuba d. I, II and III
d. nutmeg estates in Grenada
39. Which of the following factors prevented the
35. Sirdas were creation of a free society in Haiti between 1804 and
a. Recruiters of immigrants 1825?
b. Supervisors of indentured gangs
c. Indian merchants a. Mulattoes control of the town
d. Local magistrates during b. Forced labour on the plantations
indentureship c. Division of land to peasants for subsistent
d. The removal of white ownership of property

36. “Indian Immigration is just another form of 40. Which of the following statements describes
slavery” Which factor contributed MOST to Associated Statehood in the British Colonies?
this view?
a. lack of proper nutrition of the a. The colonies had control over both their
Indians foreign policies and internal affairs
b. movement of Indians away from b. Britain had control over both the colonies
plantation was restricted foreign policies and internal affairs
c. Indians engaged in full-time labour c. The colonies had control over their foreign
d. Indians died from diseases like policies but not their internal affairs
chicken pox and dysentery d. Britain had control over the colonies foreign
affairs but the colonies had control over
their internal affairs
41. Which of the following was an objective of the 44. Which of the following BEST explains why the
Cuban government in relation to the rest of the West Indian Federation failed?
Caribbean and Latin America during the 1960s and
1970s? a. The lack of power to raise taxes
b. Bickering between leading personalities
a. To help other ‘Third World’ nations to c. Weaknesses of communication
achieve liberation d. Lack of commitment to regionalism
b. To undermine democracy in the region
c. To replace the US as the principal power in 45. Which of the following was NOT an overseas
the region department of France?
d. To treat the needs of the region with
indifference a. Haiti
b. Guadeloupe
42. By the 1970s the MAJOR advancements in c. Martinique
Cuba were in the areas of d. French Guiana

a. Sport and culture

b. Health and education
c. Education and politics
d. Science and technology

43. Which of the following factors BEST accounts

for the lack of a united position by Caribbean
leaders towards the Cuban Revolution between
1960 and 1983?

a. Conflicts between parliamentary democracy

and communism
b. The influence of British foreign policy on
the wider Caribbean region
c. The influence of CARICOM on Caribbean
d. Preoccupation with domestic policy
; - -,.

rESr coDE 02127010

Paper 0l

I hour 30 ninules

06 JUNE 2014 (a.m.)


t. This consists of 45 items. You will have I hour and 30 minutes to answer them.

2. ition to this test booklet, you should have an answer slleet.

3. Dor be concerned that the answer sheet nrovides lor more answers than there are items
in th Iest.

4. Each in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each
rtem are about to answer and decide which choice is best. I

5. On r answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space
havi the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below.

I Whic of the following was the LEAST common form of protest used by the enslaved in
the Bish Caribbean in the eighteenth century?
Sample Answer
(A) Poisoning Iivestock
Staging armed revolt
Petitioning the Crown
(D) Sabotaging equipntent

The answer to this item is "Petitioning the Crown", so answer space (C) has been

lfyo t to change your answer, erase it cornpletely before you fill in your new choice.
'l wh are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can.
Ifyou nnot answer an item, go on to the next one. You may return to this item later. Your
score ll be the total number of correct answers.
8. You do any rough work in this booklet.


Copyright Cr 20 l2 Caribbean Examinations Council
l. which of the following statements MosT 5. The transf'er of food, plants and animals
accurately characterizes the religion ofthe from one continent to another as a result
Tainos or Kalinagos or TuPi? of the European Age of Exploration was
referred to as the
(A) They worshipped in large stone
temples. (A) Western Design
(B) They had a theocracy. (B) Columbus Project
(C) They had a clearlY articulated (C) Columbian Exchange
concept of Cod. (D) Enterprise of the lndies
(D) Thby were not a religious people.

6. In which century did the Portuguese FIRST

Which of the following types of evidence trade with Africa?
was NOT used by Van Sertima to support
his thesis of African presence in the (A) Twelfth
Americas before 1492? (B) Thirteenth
(C) Fifteenth
(A) Folk tales (D) Seventeenth
(B) Linguistic pattems
(C) Botanicalsimilarities
(D) Archaeologicalremains 7. Population decline in the Americas after the
Spaniards arrived was MAINLY due to the

3. Which of the following BEST describes (A) failure of native croPs

the traditional stories ofNorse history? (B) introduction of European diseases
(C) growth ofthe European population
(A) Sagas (D) intemal warfare among indigenous
(B) Runes people I

(C) Myths
(D) Legends
8. The Spanish conquest of Mexico was
MAINLY the result pf the search for
4. The archaeological excavation at L'Anse
aux Meadows provides evidence ofthe (A) new sources of wealth
(B) new lands for cultivation
(A) existence ofa Viking settlement in (C) the kingdom of Prester John
Green land (D) converts to the Christian faith
(B) precise location of the Viking
settlement in Vinland
(c) existence of a permanent Viking 9. The Spanish Crown sought to protect the
settlement in Vinland indigenous people of the Greater Antilles
(D) existence ofa Viking settlement ln by establishing i
North Newfoundland
(A) the Laws of Burgos and the New
Laws I
(B) the Repartimiento and Encomienda
(c) Siete Partidas and Reconquista
(D) Visita and Cabildos

.r.t rE \rcv.r. DA /-:E
| -3

10. Which of Le followinq was NO I a nrerhod t4. The Spanish Crown's efforts to end
olresisranLe used by tiie indigenous people abuses against the indigenous peoples of
against thd Span iards? Hispaniola after 1542 failed because
(A) SJi"iae (A) most ofthe indigenous people had
(B) G$erilla warfare already died out
(C) Palment of tribute (B) tlre encomendero class had become
(D) C{op destruction too powerful to be controlled
I (C) the Governors were unaware
I. of the policy to protect the
ll. The MAllrl purpose of the encomienda Amerindians
system intioduced by the Spaniards was to (D) the missionaries were not interested
in ending abuses
(A) fair treatment ofthe Indians
(B) t enslavement ofthe Ind ians
(c) ide defence for the Spaniards 15. The Audiencias were established by the
(D) vide a pool of labour for the Spaniards in the Americas to
(A) act as the Supreme Courts of the
12. An ofthe 'divide and rule' strategy (B) supervise the work of the
used by to conquer Mexico was the municipalities
(c) replace the Governors in case of
(A) c capture of villages the corruption
(B) of Emperor Montezuma by (D) superv ise the commercial activities
ish troops of the colonies
(c) mat ion of alliances with
ocal tribes to march against
bnochtitlan r6. Chattel slavery can BEST be defined as the
(D) itment of volunteers for his
bxoedit ion from various Soanish (A) mass transportation of Africans to
settlements the Caribbean
(B) acceptance of labour without
payment of wages
13. Cones'niilitary campaign. in Centla I (c) lorced servitude of persons to therr
America between l5 l9 and 152 | was owners for a lifetime
successfu llMA INLY because (D) use of Africans as labourcrs on
large numbers of plantations
(A) Splnish forces outnumbered those
$f the indigenous people
(B) col.rnter measures by the Aztec 17. The FIRST nation to be involved in the
ivele undermined by unexpected transatlantic trade in enslaved Africans was
(C) .llitury headq u arrers were (A) Spa in
istablished at Vera Cruz (B) Britain
(D) hel acquired guides who were (c) Holland
familiar with the layour of the (D) Portuga I


I /-:r.| r)N Trl TITtr \IFYT PA NE

21. which of the fo ll ng factors BEST

18. Which of the following statements BEST
explains whY Ma societies were a
explains why more women than men
survived the Middle Passage? serious threat to the

(A) Maroons sto supplies from the

(A) Women had fewer restrictions
Placed on them. (B) Maroons crops such as sugar
(B)r Women were less likely to rebel
cane and be for trade.
! during the Passage.
(c) Maroons we known for their
(C) The immune sYstem of women was
expertise i guerilla warfare.
more resistant than men.
(D) Maroons se ed as a constant
(D) Women could better withstand
remindero resistance
the effects of shock, Pain and
to slavery.

Items 22-23 refer to the table below which

19. Which of the following factors BEST
shows the enslaved population in the
accounts for the Europeans' preference for
Caribbean, 1750 and i1830.
Africans as chattel slaves in the seventeenth

Colonies 1750 r830
(A) Africans were available in large British 3 r6 891 684 996
numbers. French 281 658 202 940
(B) The white indentured servants
were not suitable for work in the 22. The growth of the ri:nslaved populations
troprcs. in the British territories between 1750 and
(c) It was felt that enslaved Africans I 830 was MAINLY h consequence of
could be converted to I
I Christianity. (A) a reduction ih the death rate
(D) There were alreadY established (B) an increase ilr the number ofbirths
forms of human bondage tn (C) an increasd in the number of
Africa. imPorted Africans
(D) an improverlent in the living and
working ionditions
20. Some Caribbean planters gave provision !

grounds to the enslaved MAINLY to

tl Between l75o and Jsl0, tll. a""tin"in tlt"
(A) keep the enslaved occuPied enslaved in the French colonies
(B) encourage internal marketing was due to the fact
(C) reduce the planters' food expenses
(D) ensure that all estate land was (A) France lo Domingue as a
cultivated colony
(B) F rance I t Martin ique and
(c) the mortality rate in the French
colonies increased
(D) French territories moved towards

t Tr rr rrrrrv-f rrA i/:E


..^^L accurate interpretation of tl)e
lhe MOS:l 28. Which of the following events galvanized
Mansfield Judgement of 1772 was that it support for the abolitionists'cause in
(A) abolished trading in enslaved
hfrican. I. The persecution ofSarah Ann Gill
(B) oitlawed enslaventent rn the in Barbados
Caribbean Il. The death ofReverend John Smith
(C) ,t ,. , in Demerara
abblished enslavement in the
British Empire Ill. The persecution of William Knibb
(D) retognized that enslavemenl in and Thonras Burchell in Jamaica
Blitain was unlawful
(A) I and II only
(B) I and lll only
25. Which of the following strategies of (c) II and lll only
economic!survival was LEAST used by (D) I, II and III
enslaved Africans in the Caribbean?

(A) Rearing animals 29. The claim that the reduction ofprofits in the
(B) Balrtering allowances sugar industry led to the ending of slavery
(c) Pe'rforming work as jobbing slaves in the British Caribbean is referred to as the
(D) Cultivating prov ision grounds
I (A) wealth of nations
(B) decline thesis
26. Which ofi the following factors BEST (C) thesis of econocide
explains'the success of the Haitian (D) theory of supply and demand

(A) The assistance rendered by the 30. The factors which contributed to the
blacks from Santo Domingo dismantlement of British Caribbean slavery
(B) The hilly terrain in the interior were the

wh ich facilitated guerrilla

L ending of the slave trade
(c) A change of policy in Francewhich
II. anti-slavery movement in the
confused the co lon ists
(D) The importation of sophisticated
lll. activities ofpro-abolitionists in the
colon ies
European weapons
i (A) I and IIonly
27. National independence in Haiti in 1804 was
(B) I and III only
declared by
(C) II and Illonly
(D) l,lland III
(A) Henri Christophe
(B) Alexandre Pdtion
31. The MOST popu lar occupation of a former
(c) Toussa int L'Ouverture
enslaved woman after I 838 was that of a
(D) Jean-Jacques Dessalines
(A) huckster
(B) seamstress
(C) innkeeper
(D) fislr vendor


32. The MAIN economic contribution of the 3s. The MAIN factor which accounted for
Caribbean peasantry between 183 8 and the failure of the Chinese indentured
1860 was'the immigration scheme in the British West
I Indies was the
(A) eipansion of settlements
(B) diversification of the economy (A) small numbers that were involved
(c) growth in the number oflandowners (B) conflict with the former enslaveg
(D) increase
in intra-Caribbean persons
(C) alienation of Chinese in British
l- West Indian society
(D) fact that the Chinese spent most of
ll Which of the following were the MAIN their time gambling
reasons for the rapid development of the
peasant sector after I 838?
36. The MAIN factor which accounted for the
West Indian planters'preference for Indian
I-ina *u. available in some
indentured labour was that the lndians
lt. The 'planters constantly tried to (A) were more industrious than the
' lower wages,
former enslaved
III. There was an urgent need to live (B) were easier to control and less
independently of the plantations. expensive to maintain
(C) created a buffer class between the
(A) I and II only planters and the former enslaved
(B) I and lll only (D) were less likely to complain than
(c) II and III only the former enslaved
(D) I, II and III

37' Indian immigrants came to the Caribbean

34. Which of the following factors was a in the nineteenth century to
consequence ofEmancipation in the '
colonies? I. earn h igher wages
II. escape death in their homeland
(A) Tlrere was an increase in exports lll. escape the poverty and famine in
of sugar. their homeland
(B) Absentee planters retumed to the
; Caribbean. (A) I and l[ only
(C) The former enslaved became (B) I and lll only
iinvolved in internal marketing. (C) II and III only
(D) The labour of freed people was (D) I, II and III
i shared between plantation and
peasant activity. 3g. Which of the following reasons BEST
explains the need to swiftly improve the
fortifications in Haiti after 1804?

(A) The impending mulafto uprising

(B) In response to the generals'request
(c) Fear of an imminent invasion by
French forces
(D) In response to demands by the
newly-freed population

NrI Trr THF \IFYT PA r-]tr

-7 -

39. The creation of a just society in Haiti 43. 'Jamaica can walk ... small islands ... can
between 1804 and l8Z5 was hindered by barely creep . .. others not at all ...?'
Which of the following political leaders is
(A) division ofplantations into peasant associated with this statement in relation
lots to Federation in the Caribbean?
(B) domination of the towns by
I mulattoes (A) AlexanderBustamante
(C) use of forced labour on sugar (B) Grantley Adams
\ plantations (C) Norman Manley
(D) establishment ofa constitution in (D) Eric Williams
the territory

44. Which of the following statements

40. By the 1970s, the MOST significant describes Associated Statehood which
advances in Cuba were in the areas of was conferred on British colonies in the
twentieth century?
(A) sports and culture
(B) health and education (A) Britain controlled both the internal
(C) science and technology and foreign policies of the
(D) education and industrial colonies.
development (B) Colonies controlled their internal
policies but Britain was in charge
of their foreign policies.
41. By 1964, Cuba was subjected to a collective (C) Colonies were in charge of both
embargo from all Latin American countries their internal and foreign
EXCEPT po lic ies.
(D) Colonies were in charge of foreign
(A) Chile policies but Britain controlled
(B) Mexico internal policies.
(C) Honduras
(D) Argentina
Item 45 refers to the following extract.

"The picture then, is of two islands in the

42. As part of its post-revolutionary policies,
Caribbean almost totally oriented to France
Cuba's assistance to other regions included
and content to be in that position."
the prov ision of

S.C.Cordon, Caribbean Oenerations, I 983,

I. medical personnel
ll. military personnel
lll. educational opportun ities
45. In the context of the French Departments,
(A) the two islands referred to were
I and IIonly
(B) | and IIIonly (A) Aruba and Cuadeloupe
(C) II and III only (B) St Lucia and Martinique
(D) I, II and lll
(C) Martinique and Guadeloupe
(D) Haiti and Dominica


t, l/t/ '

,1 ,


l Which of the following statements MOST Which of the following suggests the
accurately characterizes the religion ofthe
possible Presence of Africans in the
Tainos OR Kalinagos? Americas before 1492?

(A) They were NOT religious people (A) The saga of Erik the Red
(B) They worshiPPed in large stone (B) Mayan worshiP of a dark-skinned
(C) They had no clearly articulated (c) Mention of African PeoPle in
Balboa's records
concePt of God.
(D) Tobacco smoking formed Part of
(D) The use of shells as currencY in
Central America
their religious ritual.

6. Which of the follorving activ ities was NOT

2. FoTANY ONE of the following groups, the
a feature of indigenous mainland American
Kalinago OR Taino OR Tupi, which of the
statements below is true?

(A) TheY created large emPires'

(A) WorshiP of one god
(B) They constructed stone dwellings'
(B) Stratification of societY
(C) They practised a gender division of
(C) Practice of agriculture
(D) Conquest of other grouPs
(D) They established comPlex road
7. The MAIN factor that led to contact
beu'een Africa and Europe up to I 450 was
J. The archaeological excavation at L'Anse
aux Meadows provides evidence ofthe
(A) desire to build a Portuguese
colonial emPire
(A) existence of a Viking settlement in
(B) attemPt bY some EuroPeans to
comPete with SPain
(B) precise location of the Viking
sertlement in Vrnland
(C) search by some European countrles
for a caPtive labour force
(C) existence of a permanent Viking
sefilement in Vinland
(D) desire by some European countrles
to breach the monoPolY of the
(D) existence ofa Viking settlement ln
North Newfoundland
provides 8' ln which century did the Portuguese FIRST
+. Which of the follorving situations
trade with Africa?
evidence ofcontact benveen Europeans and
WestAfricans during the fifteenth century?
(A) Twelfth
(A) The sPread of Arabic literacY
(B) Thirteenth
(B) WestAfrican production of cotton'
(C) Fifteenth
silk and salt
(D) Seventeenth

(C) The anival ofJohn Hawkins on the

uPPer Guinea coast
(D) The arrival of the Portuguese at
Elmina on the West African


9. The transfer of food. plants and animals t{. One of the consequences of the Inca civ il
from one continent to another in the late war of I 530 was that
1400s was referred to as the
(A) Atahualpa won the throne
(A) Westem Design (B) the Sapa Inca was imprisoned
(B) Columbus Project (C) there was a dispute betrveen the
(C) Enterprise of the Indies Sapa lnca and his son
(D) Columbian Exchange (D) lnca military resisunce to Spanish
aggression was weakened

10. Which of the follo*'ing was NOT an effect

of Spanish settlement in the New World? 15. The MAIN strategy used by lVlontezuma
(A) The imponation of African labour
to prevent Cort6s' advancement to
(B) Tenochtitl6n was
Mechanization w ithin the tobacco
(C) The introduction of European (A) offering tribute to the Spaniards
(B) surrendering the city ofTlaxcala
(D) Miscegenation of the population
(C) casting spells over the Spaniards
(D) offering sacrifices to Hu itzilopochtli

ll. The MAIN purpose of the encomienda

system introduced by the Spaniards was to
16. The MAII- cause of death on the Middle
Passage during the trans-Atlantic trade in
(A) ensure fair treatment ofthe Indians enslaved A[ricans was
(B) prevent enslavement ofthe Indians
(C) provide labour for the Spaniards (A) suicide
(D) provide defence for the Spaniards (B) disease
(C) insurrection
(D) malnourishment
12. The events o f La Noche Triste suggest that
the success ofthe conquistadores in Mexico
was MAINLY due to the 17. Which of the following factors BEST
accounts for the European preference for
(A) military technology of the Spaniards Africans as chattel slaves in the seventeenth
(B) infectious diseases brought by the century?
(C) rigid political centralization ofthe (A) Africans were available in larse
Arecs l. . n umbers.
(D) conversion of the indigenous (B) Africans were ideally suited for
people to Christian iry labour in the tropics.
(C) Enslaved Africans could be
converted to Christianit-r.
13. Bartolomd de Las Casas is associated with (D) There were already established
tne forms of human bondage in
A frica.
(A) introduction ofthe tribute system
(B) enslavement of indigenous peoples
(C) campaign against the encomienda
sy srem
(D) encouragement of indigenous



18. Which of the following statements BEST

1) West Indian planters gave provision
reflects current thinking on the debate grounds to the enslaved MAINLY to
regarding the family unit during slavery?
(A) keep the enslaved occuPied
(A) Nuclear families were common' (B) supPlY the intemal markets
(B) The family was highly matrifocal (C) decrease the planters'food expenses

(C) Families were nearlY alwaYs (D) ensure that all estate land rvas
separated. cultivated
(D) The familY unit did not survtve
23. Which of the following strategies of
economic survival was MATNLY used by
19. The gender-blind policies on the sugar enslaved Africans in the Caribbean?
plantations in the Caribbean were
implemented ONLY for rvork in (A) Rearing animals
(B) Bartering for allowances
(A) sugar factories (C) Cultivating provision grounds
(B) field-based tasks (D) Bargaining for more leisure rime
(C) the skilled trades
(D) the Great House
21. Which of the following actions were
used by enslaved women as methods of
20. Which of the follorving MOST likely resistance?
reflected the experiences of enslaved
females? L Eating African foods
ll. Practising binh control
(A) Women held skilled jobs in the III. Poisoning their masters
distillery. MarticiPating in armed revolts
(B) Women experienced high levels of
fertilitY (A) I and ll onlY
(C) Women ParticiPated in armed (B) lI and Il[ onlY
rebellion in search of freedom ' (C) I, II and lll onlY
(D) Women were usually the leaders in (D) Il, III and IV onlY
Maroon societies.
a! The Haitian Revolution rvas fought
21. Maroon societies posed a serigus threat to MAIN LY because
the plantocracy in the Caribbeaii MAINLY
because Maroons (A) the enslaved wanted their freedom
(B) rich whites wanted autonomy from
(A) stole supplies from the plantatrons
(B) were knoun for their expertise in (C) free coloureds wanted equality with
guerrilla warfare whites
(C) grew crops such as sugar cane and (D) poor whites wanted greater respect
coffee for trade
from rich rvhites
(D) seryed as encouragement for slaves
to resist slavery


26. Which of the fbllowing factors BEST 30. Which of the following events galvanized
accounts for the success of the Haitian support for the abolitionists' cause In
Revolution? England?

(A) The religious rituals performed by L The persecution of Sarah Ann Gill
the leaders in Barbados
(B) The assistance rendered by the It. The death ofReverend John Smith
blacks from Santo Domingo in Demerara
(C) The hilly terrain in the interior IIL The persecution of William Knibb
which facilitated guerrilla and Thomas Burchell in Jamaica
(D; The use ofsophisticated European
(A) I and Il only
rr eapons by the revolutionaries
(B) I and IIIonly
(C) II and III only
(D) I, II and III
27. Which of the following statements
accurately reflects the Mansfield Judgement
of 1772? 3l' Which of the following factors was a
consequence of emancipation?
(A) It abolished trading in enslaved (A) There was an increase in expons
African s.
of sugar.
(B) It outlawed enslavement in the (B) Absentee planters retumed to the
(c) It abolished enslavement in the (c) The former enslaved became
British Empire. inr olved in inremal marketing.
(D) It recognized the freedom of (D) The labour of freed people was
enslaved persons on their arrival
shared between plantation and
in Britain. peasant activity.

28. The claim that the reduction of profits a) The MOST popular occupation ofa former
from the sugar industry led to the ending enslaved woman in the British Caribbean
ofslavery is referred to as the after 1838 was that of

(A) dec line thesis (A) huckster

(B) econoc ide thesis
(B) seamstress
(C) convergence theory (C) innkeeper
(D) theory of supply and dem'gn9 (D) fish vendor

29. One of the provisions of the Amelioration 33. The MAIN factor that attracted peasants to
Proposals of 1823 was the the free villages was the

(A) restriction of Sunday Iabour (A) access to markets lor their crops
(B) restriction of slave marriages (B) variety of crops that could be
(c) granting of freedom to children cultivated
under six years of age (C) independence and sense of self
(D) requirement that the ens lav ed afforded them
attend Sunday church services (D) activity of missionaries in spreading


MAIN contribution of the peasantry to Item 38 refers to the follolving e\tract
3!t. The
the Caribbean between 1838 and 1900 rvas
"The social situation in the British
Caribbean in the 1930s likened to a pot
(A) exPansion of senlements left on the stove simmering. At times the
(B) diversification of the economY heat was raised, at times, even lowered, but
(C) inc rea se in intra-Caribbean the pot was never removed from the stove'
migration It was bound to boil over'"
(D) groMh in the number of landowners
J. Campbell & H. Cateau, Histor!.lor
the Caribbean in the Atlantic lVorld
C aribbean Exam inations Cotmcil
35. Why did planters in British Guiana import
more indentured labourers than their 2005, p. 126.

Jamaican counterparts?
38. Which of the following was NOT an

(A) The enslaved population was much ingredient in the ''simmering" pot?
smaller than in Jamaica.
(B) Planters were more innovatiYe than (A) The rvorldrlide economic
those in Jamaica. depression ofthe 1930s

(C) The cost of production was higher (B) The policy of the United States in
than in Jamaica. the Caribbean in the 1930s
(D) More labourers left the plantations (C) The state ofhealth among the poor
than in Jamaica. in the Caribbean
(D) The absence of the right to vote
among the lower classes in the
36. The creation of a free society in Haiti
between 1804 and 1825 was hindered by
39. Which ofthe following statements describes
(A) use offorced Iabour on plantations associated statehood in the British colonies
(B) domination of the towns bY in the twentieth century?
(C) division ofplantations into peasant (A) Colonies r,l'ere in charge of both
their internal and foreign
(D) establishment of a constitution in Po

the territorY (B) Britain controlled both the intemal

and foreign Policies of the
t:. co lon ies.

Jl. The MAIN factor which accounted for the

(C) Colonies were in charge of their
West Indian planters'decision to use lndian
foreign Po lic ie s but Britain
controlled their intemal policies'
indentured labour was thatthe Indians \vere
(D) Colonies controlled their internal
policies but Britain was in charge
(A) more industrious
(B) more available
of their foreign Polic ies'
(C) easier to control
(D) Iess likelY to complain


-7 -

40. During the first two years of the Cuban Item 43 refers to the follo\aing extract.
Revolution, the strategies or ideologies
practised by Fidel Castro rvere ''The picture then, is of two islands in the
Caribbean almost totally oriented to France
(A) socialism and fascism and content to be in that position."
(B) narionalization and collectivism
(C) communism and popularism S. C. Gordon, Caribbeon Generalions.
(D) commercializationandprivatization 1983. p. 299.
43. In the context ofthe French Departments.
41. By the 1970s, rhe MAJOR advances rn the two islands referred to were
Cuba were in the areas of
(A) Aruba and Cuadeloupe
(A) sports and cullure (B) Haiti and Dominica
(B) education and politics (c) Saint Luc ia and Martinique
(c) health and education (D) Martinique and Guadeloupe
(D) science and technology

44. In a French Overseas Department, the

42. One of the policies ofthe Cuban govemment prefect's responsibilities did NOT include
towards the Caribbean and Latin America
during the | 960s and 1970s was ro (A) controlling internal securit;
(B) fu nctioning independently
(A) isolate itself from the resr ol. the (C) regu laringoflcial documents
regton (D) representing the state of France
(B) treat rhe needs of the region with
(C) help other'Third World'nations to 45. Which of the following terrirories was NOT
become 'liberated' an overseas department of France?
(D) replace the United States as the
principal porver in the region (A) Haiti
(B) Maninique
(C) Guadeloupe
(D) French Guiana




1. For ANY ONE of the following groups, the Aztec OR 6. The MAIN supply of gold to Western
Inca, OR Maya, which of the descriptions below is Europe in the 14th century came from
(a) Asia
(a) They produced large supplies of food.
(b) West Africa
(b) They lacked well-organised governments.
(c) The Middle East
(c) They possessed well-organised religious systems.
(d) The Mediterranean
(d) They developed complex calendar and
mathematical systems.
7. Which of the following factors motivated
Spanish colonisation in the Caribbean up to
2. For ANY ONE of the following groups, the Tainos OR 1600?
Kalinagos, OR Tupi, which of the following was NOT a
feature of their culture? I. Bullionism

(a) Terraced fields II. Mercantilism

(b) Tobacco smoking III. Spread of Christianity

(c) Ancestor worship IV. Law of primogeniture

(d) Use of simple tools (a) I, II and III only

(b) I, II and IV only

3. The archaeological evacuation at L’Anse aux (c) II, III and IV only
Meadows provides evidence of the existence of a (d) I, II, III and IV
(a) Viking settlement in Greenland

(b) Viking settlement in North Newfoundland 8. The transfer of food, plants and animals
(c) Permanent Viking settlement in Vinland from one continent to another as a result of
the European Age of Exploration was referred
(d) Precise location for a Viking Settlement in Vinland to as the

(a) Western design

4. Which of the following BEST describes the (b) Columbus Project

traditional stories of Norse history?
(c) Columbian Exchange
(a) Sagas
(d) Enterprise of the Indie
(b) Runes

(c) Myths
9. Which of the following refers to the system
(d) Legends which forced indigenous people to labour for
Spanish settlers in exchange for conversion to
5. Which of the following suggests the presence of
(a) Tribute
Africans in the Americas before 1492?
(b) Reconquista
(a) The saga of Erick the Red
(c) Encomienda
(b) Mayan worship of a dark-skinned god
(d) Repartimiento
(c) Mention of African people in Balboa’s records

(d) The use of shells as currency in Central America

10. Indigenous people paid tribute to
Spaniards with

(a) Crops and cloth

(b) Cotton and shells 15. Between 1510 and 1542, the campaign to
halt the decimation of the indigenous peoples
(c) Gold and knives was led by the
(d) Bottle gourds and gold (a) Benedictine monks

(b) Dominican friars

11. Which of the following was NOT a method of (c) Jesuit missionaries
resistance used by the indigenous people against the
Spaniards? (d) Franciscan missionaries

(a) Mass Suicide

(b) Paying tribute 16. The FIRST nation to be involved in the

trans-Atlantic trade in enslaved Africans was
(c) Guerrilla warfare
(a) Portugal
(d) Crop destruction
(b) Holland

(c) Britain
12. Which of the following factors accounted for the
Spanish conquest of the Aztecs and Incas? (d) Spain

I. Internal conflict among the Indians

II. Strong resistance from the Indians 17. Which of the following statements MOST
accurately represents chattel slavery in the
III. Superior military force of the Spanish Caribbean?
IV. Tactics of divide and rule by the Spanish (a) The enslaved were considered the property
of plantation owners.

(a) I, II and III only (b) The enslaved worked for five days and had
weekends off.
(b) I, III and IV only
(c) Laws protected the enslaved from harsh
(c) II, III and IV only forms of punishment.

(d) I, II, III and IV only (d) Plantation owners were prohibited from
separating families.

13. A consequence of the Inca civil war of 1530 was

that 18. Which of the following factors BEST
accounts for the Europeans’ preference for
(a) Atahualpa won the throne
Africans as chattel slaves in the 17th century?
(b) The Inca was imprisoned
(a) Africans were available in large numbers.
(c) There was a dispute between the Inca and his son
(b) The white indentured servants were not
(d) Inca military resistance to Spanish aggression was suitable for work in the tropics.
(c) It was felt that enslaved Africans could be
converted to Christianity.

14. Bartolome de Las Casas is associated with the (d) There were already established forms of
human bondage in Africa.
(a) Introduction of the tribute system

(b) Enslavement of indigenous people

19. Which of the following actions were used
(c) Campaign against the encomienda system by enslaved women as methods of resistance?

(d) Encouragement of indigenous marronage 1. Eating African foods

II. Practising birth control

III. Poisoning their masters

IV. Participating in armed revolts 24. The claim that the reduction of profits in
the sugar industry led to the ending of slavery
(a) I and II only is referred to as the
(b) II and III only (a) Decline Thesis
(c) I, II and III only (b) Thesis of econocide
(d) II, III and IV only (c) Labour theory of value

(d) Theory of supply and demand

20. The mortality of pregnant enslaved females on
Caribbean plantations was LARGELY the result of
25. Most planters in the British Caribbean did
(a) Self –induced abortions not encourage breeding among the enslaved
(b) Inadequate health care people during the 1700s MAINLY because

(c) Lack of parenting skills (a) The labour of slave women was usually
lost when they attended to children
(d) Miscarriages from overwork
(b) The slaves were adverse to the idea of
reproduction for it to be successful

21. Which of the following was NOT a contributory (c) It was more costly to breed slaves than to
factor to the success of the Haitian Revolution? simply buy them

(a) Leadership of Toussaint L’Ouverture (d) Most slave pregnancies resulted in

stillborn and miscarriages which made
(b) Military alliances with France, Britain and Spain
breeding unfavourable
(c) Unity among all groups in St. Domingue

(d) Purchase of guns from the United States of America

26. Passive methods of resistance were
preferred by the enslaved people because

22. “In overthrowing me you have cut down in St. (a) Active methods of resistance required a
Domingue only the trunk of the tree of liberty. It will large number of slaves to be successful
have spring up again by its roots, for they are numerous
(b) The slaves were not punished for passive
and deep.”
methods of resistance
During the Haitian Revolution, Toussaint L’Ouverture
(c) These methods of resistance were usually
expressed the above sentiments after
unnoticeable and difficult to prevent
(a) His capture by the French
(d) These methods of resistance were
(b) A major victory over the Spanish army effective in depriving the plantation of its
(c) The British were expelled from St. Domingue

(d) The expulsion of the ruling class from St. Domingue

27. Only a few slaves were employed in the
sugar factories because

23. Which of the following strategies of economic (a) The bulk of the work on the sugar
survival was LEAST used by enslaved Africans in the plantations were in the fields
(b) Factory work was dangerous and required
(a) Rearing of animals the most skilled slaves

(b) Bartering of allowances (c) It was difficult to control a large number of

slaves in the factories
(c) Bargaining for better wages
(d) The success of the factories were more
(d) Cultivation of provision grounds
depended on machineries than slave labour
(d) The whites were to be expelled from St.
28. The MAIN aim of the slaves who participated in the
Jamaica Rebellion of 1831 was to

(a) Organize themselves into a strong fighting force 32. Britain invaded St. Domingue during the
against the whites slave rebellion for all of the following reasons
(b) Destroy the sugar plantations and cause economic
ruins to the planters (a) To defeat the slave rebels and prevent the
insurrection from spreading to her colonies
(c) Take strike actions against the plantations and
demand wages (b) To gain the support of the French planters
who remained in the colony
(d) Express their anger with the harsh punishments
from the planters (c) To avenge France’s role in the
independence of the North American colonies
in 1776
29. All of the following were strategies employed by the (d) To halt sugar production in St. Domingue
enslaved people during the Jamaica Rebellion of 1831 and reduce competition for her colonies

(a) Starting fires to stop the harvest and cause

confusion 33. Toussaint broke his alliance with the
Spanish during the St. Domingue revolt
(b) Disarming the whites and holding them prisoners MAINLY because
(c) Creating a slave regiment which mobilized and held (a) He feared that the Spanish would have
bases in the forest sided with the British and restored slavery
(d) Rallying with the Accompany maroons who (b) Spain was unable to supply sufficient arms
provided food and shelter
and supplies for the rebels

(c) The National Assembly of France declared

30. The harsh punishments endured by the enslaved the abolition of slavery in St. Domingue
rebels in the aftermath of the Jamaica Rebellion was (d) The Spanish were generally distrustful of
significant because his motives which led to tension
(a) It convinced the rebels that the whites were not
34. All of the following were achievements
(b) It deterred the enslaved people from participating in
made by Toussaint by 1802 EXCEPT
further resistance
(a) Succeeding in a civil war against the
(c) It strengthened the anti-slavery movement in Britain
mulatto leaders
by exposing the evils of slavery
(b) Seizing control of Santo Domingo
(d) It convinced the British Government that it was
inhumane to prolong slavery. (c) Signing treaties of Trade with the US and

(d) Completely reviving the sugar plantations

31. All of the following were provisions outlined in
and boosting trades in St. Domingue
Toussaint’s constitution for Saint Domingue in 1801

(a) Slavery was forever abolished throughout St.


(b) St. Domingue would become an independent state

but remain loyal to France

(c) The Free blacks were to work on the sugar

plantations to develop the economy
35. The United States were reluctant to trade (c) The servants were paid while the enslaved were not
with the Haitians after 1804 MAINLY because
(d) The servants received land while the enslaved did
(a) The Southern planters who supported not
slavery opposed further trades with Haiti

(b) The US government did not approve of the

policies adopted by the Haitian leaders 40. Susu, partner and boxhand were
economic systems developed by the slaves
(c) France provided loans to new US industries through which

(d) The US government was promised French lands in (a) Small amount of excess crops were
North America brought from slaves who owned provision
grounds and sold in the markets

(b) Money was collected amongst a small

36. Up to the 1820s, the primary concern for Haitian group of slaves and then given as loans to
leaders was
(a) The diversification of the country’s economy (c) Marginal lands were used to grow cash
(b) The security of the country against external threats crops and raise small animals

(c) The redistribution of lands in the country (d) Money was pooled together by a family of
slaves and used to purchase land from the
(d) The reduction of racial animosity between blacks planters
and mulattoes

41. The MAIN carriers of enslaved people across

37. The Haitians were displeased with the decision to the Atlantic up to the 18th century was
pay war damages to France in 1825 because
(a) Spain, Portugal, Holland and Britain
(a) The majority of damage took place in Haiti and not
France (b) Germany, Spain, Holland and Britain

(b) They could not understand why the French had to (c) Portugal, France , Holland and Britain
be paid (d) Germany, Spain, Holland and Portugal
(c) The Haitians were excessively taxed to meet the
payment requirements
42. Planters were required to register their
(d) The French demands were outrageous and could slaves after 1807 primarily to
not be justified.
(a) Prevent the illegal importation of slaves

(b) Ensure the slave population was reproducing

38. Slaves were prohibited from possessing property to
ensure that they (c) Improve the general conditions of the slaves

(a) Had not strong motives to stage revolts (d) Account for the drastic decline of the slave
(b) Were dependent on the planters

(c) Focused on their duties and responsibilities

43. All of the following leaders of Haiti had
(d) Were reminded of their status as chattels aimed to re-establish the plantation system

39. The MAIN difference between the indentured (a) Jean Pierre Boyer
servants and the enslaved people during the 17 th
(b) Jacque Dessalines
century was that
(c) Henri Christophe
(a) The servants had rights while the enslaved had none
(d) Alexandre Petion
(b) The servants had freedom of movement while the
enslaved had none
44. The Portuguese wanted to explore West
Africa in the late 1400s MAINLY to

(a) Locate a sea route to Asia

(b) Expand European geographic knowledge of West


(c) Prevent any attempts of the Moors to spread the

Islamic faith in West Africa

(d) Break the monopoly held by the Arab traders in

West Africa

45. The MAIN aim of the encomienda system was to

(a) Impose the Spanish government on the Indians

(b) Regulate the use of lands in the Americas

(c) Provide the Spanish with an effective supply of


(d) Ensure the Christianization of the Indians

PRINT your name on the line below and return
this booklet with your answer sheet. Failure to
do so may result in disqualification. TEST CODE 02127010

FORM TP 2019245 MAY/JUNE 2019




UNIT 1 - Paper 01

1 hour 30 minutes

( 06 JUNE 2019 (a.m.))


I. This test consists of 45 items. You will have I hour and 30 minutes to answer them.

2. In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet.

3. Do not be concerned that the answer sheet provides spaces for more answers than there are items
in this test.

4. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (8), (C), (0). Read each item you
are about to answer and decide which choice is best.

5. On your answer sheet, find the number which con-esponds to your item and shade the space having
the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below.

Sample Item

Which of the following forms of protest used by the enslaved in the British Caribbean in
the eighteenth century was the LEAST common?
Sample Answer
(A) Staging armed revolt
Poisoning livestock
Petitioning the Crown
(D) Sabotaging equipment

The best answer to this item is "Petitioning the Crown" , so (C) has been shaded.

6. [f you want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice.

7. When you are told to begin, tum the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. lfyou
cannot answer an item, go on to the next one. You may return to that item later.


_____________________ ___________________'=_=,


1. Which of the following statements MOST 5. Which of the following terms refers to the
accurately characterizes the religion of the traditional stories of Norse history?
Tainos OR Kalinagos?
(A) Sagas
(A) They were NOT religious people. (B) Runes
(B) They worshipped in large stone (C) Myths
temples. (D) Legends
(C) They had no clearly articulated
concept of God.
(D) Tobacco smoking formed pa11 of 6. For which of the following were the
their religious ritual. continental indigenous Americans

2. Which of the following descriptions is I. Settled agriculture

FALSE for the Aztec, Inca and Maya II. Nomadic lifestyle
people? IJI. Advanced building technologies

(A) They produced large supplies of (A) I and II only

food . (B) I and III only
(B) They lacked well-organized (C) II and lil only
governments. (D) I, II and III
(C) They possessed well-organized
religious systems.
(D) They developed complex calendar 7. The lack of evidence of contact between
and mathematical systems. the people of the Atlantic World and Africa
prior to Columbus was MAINLY related to
3. For ANY ONE of the following groups, the
Kalinago OR Tai no OR Tupi, which of the (A) lack of oral traditions
below statements is true? (B) lack of anthropological research
(C) unavailability of archeological
(A) They created large empires. findings
(B) They constructed stone dwellings. (D) destruction of native writings by
(C) They practised gender division of Europeans
(D) They established complex road
networks. 8. The MOST detailed information ava ilable
to historians on the Vikings ha s come
4. Which of the following activities was NOT
a feature of indigenous mainland American (A) written accounts of the Icelandic
societies? Sagas
(B) inscriptions left on runestones
(A) Worship of one god (C) chronicles of Vikings
(8) Practice of agriculture (D) archeological evidence
(C) Conquest of other groups
(D) Stratification of society


The ocea n current which poss ibly ass isted 13. Bartolome de las Casas is associated with
9. the
the Europeans in reaching the Car ibbean
islands was called the
(A) introduction of the tribute system
(A) Gulf Stream current (B) enslavement of indigenous peoples
Carary cmTent (C) campaign against the encomienda
(C) North Equatorial
South Equatorial (D) enc our age men t of indigenous

10. Which of the following factors accounted

14. Cortes ' military campaign in Central
for the Spanish conquest of the lnca?
America between I 519 and 1521 was
successful MAINLY because
I. The death of the Sapa Inca
II. Strong resistance from the Indians
(A) Spanish forces possessed guns and
III. Sup erio r military force of the
(B) mi I itar y hea dqu arte rs wer e
established at Vera Cruz
(A) I and II only
(C) Spanish forces outnumbered those
(B) I and III only
of the indigenous people
(C) II and III only
(D) he acq uire d guid es who wer e
(D) I, II and III familiar with the layout of the

11. The encomienda system was made official

Spanish policy in 1503 by
15. The MAIN reason for the shift of Spanish
colonization from the Caribbean to Mexico
(A) Heman Cortes
was the
(B) Nicolas de Ovando
(C) Christopher Columbus
(A) failure of the colonies to produce
(D) Bartolome de las Casas
large quantities of gold
(B) desire to con que r and occupy
Mexico before other European
12. The Spanish Crown sought to protect the rivals
indigenous people of the Greater Antilles exti ncti on of the indi gen ou s
by establishing people leading to decreases in
(A) the Laws of Burgos and the New
(D) retaliation of the indigenous people
against the Spanish presence in
(B) the Repartimiento and encomienda
the Caribbean is lands
(C) Siete Partidas and Reconquista
(D) Visita and Cabildos
:1mn·wtta¥t , it aai


16. Which of the fo llowing was used to class ify 19. A 'pen' on a sugar plantat ion was MAINLY
offspri ngs of mixed unions in Caribb ean used as
slave society ?
(A) ex tra land t hat suppl ied t he
(A) Creole plantation with small livestock
(B ) Mandi ngo such as pigs and chicken
(C) Mustiphini (B) a farm that supplied the plantat ion
(D) Coromartee with basic food crops like com,
planta ins and provis ions
(C) a ho) iday bay where plante rs
17. Which of the following strategies were used stored a variety of commodities,
to safeguard white control of plantation including lumbe r and hogshead
societies? (D) a livestock farm that supplied the
planters with animals for the mill
I. Alliances with Maroo ns and for fresh and dried meat
II. Encouraging white migration
Ill. Granting rights to free coloureds
and free blacks 20. The MAIN factors which determ ined the
allocation of enslav ed men to domestic
(A) I and II only duties were
(B) I and III only
(C) II and III only (A) colour and age
(D) I, II and III (B) colour and skills
(C) age and place of birth
(D) skills and place of birth
18. Why did enslav ed Africans dread working
in the factory more than cutting cane?
21. The ' season ing' of newly enslaved Africa ns
(A) It meant longer hours and little time took place during the
for breaks .
(B) No break or food was given which (A) scram ble
led to a shorte r lifespan. (B) Middle Passag e
(C) Work in the factory was unpleasent (C) first month on the estate
and hazard ous (D) journe y to the coast of Africa
(D) Many of the ensla ved feared
reprisa ls for mistak es made.
22. West Indian plante rs gave prov is ion
ground s to the enslav ed MAINLY to

(A) keep the enslav ed occupied

(B) supply the internal marke ts
(C) decrease the planters' food expenses
(D) ensure that al I estate lan d was

s of ed
23, Wh ich of the foll ow ing ' per iod 26. What was the MAJOR factor that stirr
e used by the on?
weakness ' amo ng whites wer the Haitian revoluti
in the
enslaved Afr ican s to stage revolts
eighteenth and earl y nine teen th cen turi es? (A) The rise of Napoleon in France
The support ofAmerican plantation

(A) Dur ing the sea son ing period owners for the revolution
(B) Dur ing Chr istm as celebrations (C) The sup por t the rev olu tion arie s
(C) When the ens lave d wer e hard at rece ived from the British and
wor k Spanish forces
(D) When ther e was man umi ssio n of (D) The influence of retu rnin g Gens
the ens lave d de Cou leur who serv ed in the
Am eric an Revolution

24. Which factors BES T explain the suppres ti of
27. To which Eur ope an cou ntry was Hai
of the 1831 rebe llio n in Jam aica ?
importance in the 1790s?
I. The stra tegy of the militia
(A) Den mar k
IT. Ina deq uate stra tegy by rebels
(B) Holland
III. The invo lvem ent of the Maroons
(C) France
(D) Spain
(A) I and II onl y
(B) I and III onl y
(C) II and III onl y fits
28. The clai m that the red ucti on of pro
(D) I, II and III to the end ing
from the sug ar industry led
of slavery is referred to as the
25. The Ha itia n Rev olu tion was fou (A) decline thes is
MA INL Y because (B) eco noc ide thesis
(C) con ver gen ce theo ry
(A) the ens lave d wanted thei r freedom
(D) theo ry of sup ply and dem and
(B) rich whites wanted auto nom y from
(C) free coloureds wanted equality with rati on
29. One of the pro visi ons of the Am elio
Proposals of 1823 was the
(D) poo r whites wanted gre ater respect
from rich whites
(A) restricting the flogging of wom en
(B) restricting of slave marriages
(C) gra ntin g of free dom to chil dre n
und er six yea rs of age
(D) requ irin g that the ens lave d attend
Sun day church services

30. Which of the follow ing events galvanized 33.

. The MAIN contribution of the peasantry to
suppo rt for the abolit ionist s ' cause 111
Englan d ? the Caribbean between J 838 and l 900 was
1. T~e persec ution of Sarah Ann Gill (A) expansion of settlements
m Barba dos (B) diversification of the economy
Il. T~e death of Rever end John Smith (C) incre ase in intra- Carib bean
111 Deme rara migration
Ill. The persec ution of William Knibb growth in the number oflandowners
a nd Thom as Burchell in Jamaica

(A) 1 and II only 34. Why did planters in British Guiana import
(B) I and Ill only more inden tured labou rers than their
(C) II and JU only Jamaican counterparts?
(D) I, II and III
(A) The enslaved population was much
smalle r than in Jamaica.
31. Which of the follow ing factor s was a (B) Planters were more innovative than
conse quenc e of emanc ipatio n? those in Jamaic a.
(C) The cost of produc tion was higher
(A) There was an increa se in export s than in Jamaic a.
of sugar. (D) More labourers left the plantations
(B) Absen tee planters return ed to the than in Jamaica.
Caribb ean.
(C) The forme r ensla ved becam e
involv ed in intern al marke ting. 35. Indian immig rants came to the Caribb ean
(D) The divisi on of labou r betwe en in the nineteenth centur y to
planta tion and peasen t activit y.
I. earn higher wages
IL escape death in their homel and
III. escape the povert y and famine in
32. The MOST popul ar occup ation of formerly
their homel and
enslav ed females was

(A) 1 only
(A) hucks ter
(B) I and II only
(B) innkee per
(C) II and III only
(C) seams tress
(D) I, II and III
(D) fish vendo r
- 7-

36. Whicl~ of the follow ing factor s BEST 39.

s ' need to SWJ'ft 1y Which of the following statements BEST
expla ins Dess aline
. . .
fi descr ibes assoc iated stateh ood in the
impro?ve the fortifi cation s in Ha'f
1 1 a ter British colonies in the twentieth century?
(A) Colonies were in charge of both

( (A)

The need to keep his gener als
The fear of an immin ent invasion (B)
their intern al and foreig n
Britain controlled both the internal
by Frenc h forces and foreig n polic ies of the
(C) The dema nd of the newly freed colonies.
peasa nt popul ation (C) Colonies were in charge of their
(D) The impen ding mulatto uprising foreig n polic ies but Brita in
controlled their internal policies.
(D) Colonies controlled their internal
37. The creati on of a just societ y in Haiti policies but Britain was in charge
betwe en I 804 and 1825 was hindered by of their foreign policies.

(A) use of forced labour on plantations 40. The MAIN reason for the end of diplomatic
(B) domi natio n of the towns by relatio ns betwe en Cuba and the Unite d
mulattoes States by 1962 was the
(C) division of plantations into peasant
lots (A) failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion
establishment of a constitution in (B) chang e to a comm unist ideology in
the territory Cuba
(C) natio naliz ation of the Cuba n
econo my
In which year was Haiti 's independence (D) Unite d States trade emba rgo on
recognized by France? Cuban sugar

(A) 1826
(B) 1825 41. By the 1970s , the MAJOR advan ces in
(C) 1806 Cuba were in the areas of
(D) 1804
(A) sports and culture
(B) education and politics
(C) health and education
(D) science and techno logy
- 8-

42, On e of the policies of the C uban 44. The specific action which brought about
governm ent towards the Caribbea n and the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 was
Latin America during the 1960s and 1970s
was to (A) the overthrow of Fulgencio Batista
(B) Cuba' s close relations hip with
(A) replace the United States as the China
principal power in the region (C) the installatio n of rockets in Cuba
(B) help other Third World nations to by the Soviet Union
achieve 'liberatio n' (0) Cuba's expulsio n from the
(C) treat the needs of the region with Organiza tion of American States ·
indifferen ce (OAS)
(D) isolate itself from the rest of the
45. Which of the following territories was NOT
an overseas Departm ent of France?

43. Which of the followin g Jamaican political

(A) Haiti
leaders was conside red a ' Father of
(B) Martiniq ue
Independ ence ' ?
(C) Guadelou pe
(D) French Guiana
(A) Alan Coombs
(B) William Grant
(C) Noel Netherso le
(D) Alexand er Bustama nte



PRINT your nume on the line below und rel um
this booklet with your answer sheel. Failure lo
do so may result in disquulilication .
TEST CODE 021270}0
FORM TP 2020272 MAY/JUNE 2020




UNIT 1 - Paper OJ
1 hour 30 minutes

( 04 JUNE 2020 (a.m.))


1. This test consists of 45 items. You will have 1 hour and 30 minutes to answer them.

2. In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet.

3. Do not be concerned that the answer sheet provides for more answers than there are items in this

4. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you
are about to answer and decide which choice is best.

5. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having
the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below.

Sample Item

Which of the following forms of protest used by the enslaved in the British Caribbean in
the eighteenth century was the LEAST common?
Sample Answer
(A) Staging armed revolt
Poisoning livestock
Petitioning the Crown
(D) Sabotaging equipment

The best answer to this item is " Petitioning the Crown", so (C) has been shaded .

6. lf you want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice .

7. When you are told to begin , turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. If you
cannot answer an item , go on to the next one. You may return to that item later.


Copyright © 2019 Caribbean Examinations Counc i I

A II rights reserved.
0212701 0//MJ /CA PE 2020
Which of the following routes did the
5. Scardinavian explorers take to get to North
1. Whkh of the following BEST describe the
traditional stories of Norse history? America?
Greenland - Norway - Iceland
(A) Sagas (A) Norway - Iceland - Greenland
(B) Runes (B)
(C) Myths Iceland - Greenland -- Norway
(C) Norway - Greenland -- Iceland
(D) Legends (D)

2. The archaeological excavation at L' Anse In which century did the Portuguese FIRST
aux Meadows provides evidence of the 6.
trade with Africa?
(A) existence of a Viking settlement in Twelfth
Greenland Thirteenth
precise location of the Viking (B)
(B) Fifteenth
settlement in Vinland (C)
(D) Seventeenth
(C) existence of a permanent Viking
settlement in Vinland
(D) existence of a Viking settlement in
7. The transfer of food , plants and animals
North Newfoundland
from one continent to another as a result
of the European Age of Exploration was
3. Which of the following activities was NOT referred to as the
a feature of indigenous mainland American
societies? (A) Western Design
(B) Columbus Project
(A) Worship of one god (C) Columbian Exchange
(B) Practice of agriculture (D) Enterprise of the lndies
(C) Conquest of other groups
(D) Stratification of society
8. The Spanish expedition to Mex ico w as
MAINLY in search of
4. Which of the following situations provides
evidence of contact between Europeans and (A) new sources of wealth
West Africans during the fifteenth century? (B) new lands for cultivation
(C) the kingdom of Pres tor John
(A) The spread of Arabic literacy (D) converts to the Christian faith
(B) West African production of cotton,
silk and salt
(C) The arrival of John Hawkins on the
upper Guinea coast
(D) The arrival of the Portuguese at
Elmina on the West African

9. Cortes ' military campaign in Central 13. Bartolome de las Casas is associated with
America between 1519 and 1521 was the
successful MAINLY because
(A) introduction of the tribute system
(A) counter measures by the Aztec (8) enslavement of indigenous peoples
were undermined by unexpected (C) campaign against the encomienda
illness system
(8) Spanish forces outnumbered those (D) encouragement of indigenous
of the indigenous people maroonage
(C) Spaniards destroyed the religious
images of the Aztecs
(D) mi Ii tary headquarters were 14. The Spanish Crown ' s efforts to end
established at Vera Cruz abuses against the indigenous peoples of
Hispaniola after 1542 failed because

10. Which of the following was NOT a method (A) most of the indigenous people had
ofresistance used by the indigenous people already died out
against the Spaniards? (B) the encomendero class had become
too powerful to be controlled
(A) Suicide (C) the governors were unaware of the
(B) Guerilla warfare policy to protect the Amerindians
(C) Crop destruction (D) the missionaries were not interested
(D) Payment of tribute in ending abuses

15. The audiencias were established by the

11. The MAIN purpose of the encomienda Spaniards in the Americas to
system introduced by the Spaniards was to
(A) act as the Supreme Courts of the
(A) ensure fair treatment of the Indians Indies
(B) prevent enslavement of the Indians (B) supervise the work of the
(C) provide defence for the Spaniards municipalities
(D) provide a pool of labour for the (C) replace the governors in case of the
Spaniards corruption
(D) supervise the commercial activities
of the colonies
12. An example of the 'divide and rule' strategy
used by Cortes to conquer Mexico was the

(A) systematic capture of villages

(B) capture of Emperor Montezuma by
Spanish troops
(C) formation of alliances with
local tribes to march against
(D) recruitment of volunteers for his
expedition from various Spanish


Which of the following statements BEST

16. Which of the following was/were used by 20. explains why more women th a n men
enslaved women as methods of resistance? survived the Middle Passage?

I. Practising birth control Women had fewer restriction s

II. Poisoning their masters (A)
placed on them .
III. Prolonging the lactation period Women were less likel y to re bel
during the passage .
(A) II only The immune system of women was
(B) I and II only (C)
more resistant than that of men .
(C) II and 1111 only Women could better withstand
(D) I, II and Ill (D)
the effects of shock , pain and
malnutritio n .
17. West Indian planters gave provision
grounds to the enslaved MAINLY to
Under the Barbados Slave Code of 1661
(A) keep the enslaved occupied masters had a responsibil ity to
(B) supply the internal markets
( C) decrease the planters' food expenses (A) keep enslaved families together
(D) ensure that all estate land was (B) protect the enslaved from cruel
cultivated overseers
(C) set standards for enslaved houses
and diets
18. Which of the following statements MOST (D) provide the enslaved w ith one set
accurately relates to chattel slavery in the of clothing per year

(A) The enslaved worked for five days 22. Which of the following leaders repo11edly
and had weekends off. gave the signal to begin the revolt in St
(B) Plantation owners were prohibited Domingue?
from separating families.
(C) Laws protected the enslaved from (A) Dutty Boukman
harsh forms of punishment. (B) Fran9ois Makanda!
(D) The enslaved were considered the
(C) Touissant L' Ouverture
property of plantation owners.
(D) Jean-Fran9 ois Papillon

19. Which of the following ' periods of 23.

weaknesses ' among whites were used by The Haitian Revolutio n was fought
MAINLY because
the enslaved Africans to stage revolts in the
eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries?
the enslaved wanted their freedom
(A) During the seasoning period rich whites wanted autonom y from
(B) During Christmas celebration s France
(C) When the enslaved were hard at free coloureds wanted equality w ith
work whites
When there was manumissio n of poor whites wanted greater respect
the enslaved from rich whites

28. Maroons were a serious threat to the

24. Which of the following factors BEST plantocracy MAINLY because they
accounts for the success of the Haitian
Revolution? served as a constant reminder of
successful resistance to slavery
(A) The religious rituals perfomrnd by grew crops such as sugar cane and
the leaders coffee for trade
(8) The assistance rendered by the were known for their expertise in
blacks from Santo Domingo (C)
guerilla warfa re
(C) The hilly terrain in the interior
(D) stole supplies from the plantat ion
which facilitated guerilla warfare
(D) The use of sophisticated European
weapons by the revolutionaries
29. The events which gal vanized support for
the abolitionists ' cause in England were the
25. The claim that the reduction of profits
I. persecution of Sarah Ann Gi ll in
from the sugar industry led to the ending
of slavery is referred to as the
II. death of Reverend John Smith in
(A) decline thesis Demerara
(B) econocide thesis m. persecution of William Knibb and
(C) convergence theory Thomas Burchell in Jamaica
(D) theory of supply and demand
(A) I and II only
(B) II and III only
26. To which European country was Haiti of (C) I and II only
importance in the 1790s? (D) I, II and 1lI

(A) Denmark
(B) Holland 30. A factor which contributed to the
(C) France dismantlement of British Caribbean slavery
(D) Spain was the

(A) destruction of prov ision grounds

27. Many people thought that the Mansfield (B) abolition of the agency committee
Judgement of 1772 (C) anti-slavery mo v ement i n the
(A) abolished trading in enslaved (D) break-up of the families of the
Africans enslav ed
(B) outlawed enslavement in the
(C) abolished enslavement in the
British Empire
(D) recognized that enslavement 111
Britain was unlawful


02127010//MJ/C A P F. 20 ?.0

ltem 33 refors to the foll ow ing ext rac t.

wo me n
Wh y did Ch ine se imm igr ant Bri ti s h
wo rk on pla nta tion s in som e Car
ibb ean "Th e soc ial situ oti on in the
to a pol
Car ibb ean in the 193 0s was like ned
terr itor ies? At tim es the
ten on the sto ve sim111ering.
ere d, bul
I. To ear n ext ra inc om e hea t was rais ed. al tim es eve n low
the sto ve .
II. To learn abo ut Car ibb ean cul ture the pot was nev er re111oved fro111
Ill. To acc om pan y their male com pan It was bou nd to bo i I ove r."
to1T o{l hc
.J. Cam pbe ll and H Co teau. His
Ca rib heo n
(A) I and II onl y Car ihh ean int heA tlan tic Wo rld
5. /7. I 26.
(8) I and Ill onl y Exa min atio ns Cou nci l (CX C). 200
(C) II and 111 onl y
(D) I, rJ and 111
wa s NO T
33. Wh ich of the foll ow ing fac tors
g" pol ?
an ing red ien t in the "si mm erin
ted for
32. The MA IN fac tor wh ich acc oun
ure d ic
the fail ure of the Ch ine se ind ent
(A) Th e wo rld wi de ec on om
tish We st
imm igra tion sch em e in the Bri dep res sio n of the 193 0s
Ind ies was the (B) The stat e of hea lth am ong the poo
in the Car ibb ean
(A) sma ll num ber s tha t wer e inv olv ed The pol icy of the Un ited S ta tes
con flic t wit h the form er ens lav
ed (C)
(B) the Car ibb ean in the 193 0s
per son s e
(D) The abs enc e of the rig ht to vot
alie nat ion of Ch ine se in Bri tish
(C) am ong the low er cla sse s in the
We st Ind ian soc iety
of Car ibb ean
(D) fact tha t the Chi nes e spe nt mo st
the ir tim e gam blin g
n o f the
34. The MA IN eco nom ic con trib utio
183 8 a nd
Car ibb ean pea san try bet vve e n
186 0 wa s the

(A) expa nsi on of set tlem e nts

(B) div ers ific atio n of the eco no m y
(C) gro wth in the num ber ofl and ow
rib b ea n
(0) inc rea se in int ra - C a
mi g rati on

35. The. metayag .

e system was a partn ers 111.p in 38. Which of the followin g factors BEST
h h
W h IC t e explain s Dessali nes' nee_d to ~~iftly
improve the fortifica tions m Ha1t1 after
(A) planter provide d land and some 1804?
(B) planter kept all the profits and the (A) The need to keep his general s
peasant kept the land happy
(C) profits were shared between the (B) The fear of an imminen t invasion
planter and the peasant by French forces
(D) peasant provided all the labour and (C) The demand of the newly freed
some factory equipme nt peasant populati on
(D) The impendi ng mulatto uprising

36. Which of the followin g factors created

challeng es to the reconstruction of Haiti 39. Haiti's agricultural econom y was revived
after the Revolut ion? using the agrarian land policy called the

I. French invasion (A) Code Rural

I I. Political instability (B) Corvee Labour
III. Internat ional isolation (C) Property Taxatio n
(D) Tenant- Farming Statute
(A) I and II only
(B) I and III only
(C) JI and Ill only 40. By the 1970s, the MOST signific ant
(D) I, II and III advance s in Cuba were in the areas of

(A) sp011s and culture

(B) health and educatio n
37. The creation of a just society in Haiti
(C) science and technol ogy
between 1804 and 1825 was hindered by
(D) educa tion and indust rial
develop ment
(A) establis hment of a constitu tion in
the territory
(B) division of plantati ons into peasant
(C) domin ation of the towns by
mulatto es
(D) use of forced labour on plantati ons



Which of the following factors accounted for

41. Which of the following factors BEST 44.
the dependence of the Cuban government
accounts for the lack of a united position
on Soviet economic assistance?
by Caribbean leaders towards the Cuban
Revolution between 1960 and 1983? The constant threat of aggression
from the United States
(A) The inherent conflict between
Russia ' s desire for a presence
parliamentary democracy and (B)
nearer to the United States
The failure of Che Guevara's
(B) The influence of British foreign (C)
'moral incentives'
policy on the wider Caribbean
(D) The United States ' economic
(C) The desire of some leaders to be embargo against Cuba
aligned with the US
(D) The influence of CARICOM on
Caribbean affairs 45. Which of the following factors BEST
accounts for the failure of the West Indies
42. As part of its post-revolution ary policies,
Cuba's assistance to other regions included (A) Disagreement among the Caribbean
the provision of labour leaders
(B) The choice of Trinidad instead of
I. medical personnel Barbados as the capital
II. military personnel (C) The unwillingne ss of Britain
111. educational opportunities to give the federation its full
(A) I and II only (D) The inability of the politicians to
(B) I and Ill only see the Caribbean as a regional
(C) II and III only unit
(D) I, II and Ill

43. The specific action which brought about

the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 was

(A) the overthrow of Fulgencio Batista

(B) Cuba's close relationship with
(C) the installation of rockets in Cuba
by the Soviet Union
(D) Cuba's expulsion from the
Organization of American States



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