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1.-16: Choose the best answer. 6) An official report stated that trainee pilots were
unable to locate their destination, ---- fuel, and
1) Today, more than half of the population live in thus crashed into water.
cities, which not only leads to traffic ----, but also
takes a toll on local governments. A) ran out of B) cut down on

A) enthusiasm B) resentment C) made up for D) got back on

C) congestion D) expansion E) ended up with

E) recreation 7) With a new technique, water ---- in the

atmosphere of a very old planet outside our
solar system, which ---- researchers to learn
how many planets possess water throughout the
2) At its height, the Roman Empire ---- from the universe.
Atlantic Ocean to the Euphrates River in the
Middle East. A) has been detected / could help

A) initiated B) allocated B) used to be detected / must have helped

C) stretched D) confronted C) will be detected / helped

E) originated D) is detected / will have helped

E) was detected / would help

3) Using computer simulations, a Japanese team

has ---- explained why an ice age occurs every
100,000 years. 8) Five years ago, NASA ---- the “first vague
detection” of a planet orbiting two stars, and since
A) hazardously B) respectively then, planets in even farther multi-star systems ----.

C) dramatically D) thoroughly A) had announced / would have founded

B) has announced / may be found

E) incidentally
C) announced / have been found
4) Newborns are often particularly ---- when an
infection is going around a community and
D) would announce / could have been founded
claiming lives.
E) announces / were found
A) accessible B) vulnerable

C) immune D) thriving
9) The Ancient Olympic Games ---- every four years
E) doubtful in honor of the god Zeus in Olympia, ----- in the
western Peloponnese peninsula.

A) might be held / to have been located

5) On September 11, 2001, 19 militants hijacked
four airliners and then ---- suicide attacks B) have been held / to be located
against targets in the United States.
C) had been held / locating
A) looked after B) relied on
D) are held / to locate
C) showed off D) took up
E) used to be held / located
E) carried out

Atatürk Bulvarı No: 169 Kızılay ANKARA - 417 07 20

10) The water flowing ---- the tunnels beneath the 14) ---- Olympian gods are portrayed as ordinary
tomb of King Pakal has a symbolic meaning ---- human beings, it is not uncommon to see their
the Mayan people as to afterlife. depiction as deities with supernatural powers or
as extraordinary creatures.
A) by / beyond B) in / with
A) As though B) Even though
C) through / for D) along / of
C) Once D) As soon as
E) at / under
E) If

11) A new research offers a novel insight ---- the

nature of dark matter and what the future ---- our
universe might be.
15) Dark matter, which constitutes most of the
A) over / at B) into / of material universe, remains ---- mysterious ----
many scholars have failed to explain it clearly.
C) in / off D) towards / by
A) not only / but also B) so / that
E) around / in
C) whether / or D) as / as

E) such / that
12) ---- scientists have made remarkable
advancements in astronomy, unforeseen
constraints have slowed progress toward
reaching precise results. 16) The Romans, even with their excellent road
systems, were unable to manage their holdings
A) Whenever B) Unless effectively ---- the sheer size of the lands they
C) Since D) While
A) due to B) despite
E) Just as
C) for all D) instead of

E) but for
13) One can hardly see seagulls, whales, dolphins
and seals together ---- there is enough fish to
feed on.

A) as if B) because

C) now that D) just as

E) unless

Atatürk Bulvarı No: 169 Kızılay ANKARA - 417 07 20

17. - 21. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış 22. - 31. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış
yerlere uygun düşensözcükya da ifadey ibulunuz. yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

An acid attack is another form of gender-based

violence, which in turn is a violation of human rights. A
UN convention prohibits any violence (17) ---- a woman 22) Because Arctic is an inhospitable landscape
just because she is a woman or any attack that affects with very harsh conditions, ----.
women disproportionately, (18) ---- in the continuation
A) the people are much more settled and live in small
of gender inequality and discrimination. The violence
fishing villages along the shore
women are exposed to refers to bodily injury. (19) ----
torture, it is also about injury, pain and death. But in B) it has been inhabited by those who share similar
many parts of the world it is often viewed as an characteristics or who are relatives
everyday issue (20) ---- a problem or a violation of
human rights. To make matters worse, because gender C) it is sparsely populated by very few people and has
violence is deeply rooted in systems of kinship, religion, limited economic activities
warfare and nationalism, its prevention (21) ---- major
social changes in communities, families and nations. D) the inhabitants don’t prefer to eat western type of
fast food, which has recently become available
17. there

A) with B) among E) it stretches across much of inland Alaska and

C) against D) through

E) from

23) In order to treat a resistant infection and prevent
A) resulting B) resulted resistance from spreading, ----.
C) to result D) to have resulted A) doctors prescribe a much broader spectrum
antibiotic than normally needed
E) result
B) the emergence of antibiotic resistance creates
another challenge for public health
A) Before B) Despite
C) it may be difficult to find a cure except for using
C) Thanks to D) Due to antibiotics

E) Like D) a number of new illnesses have been detected

20. E) the disease should be diagnosed carefully

A) due to B) despite

C) in case of D) as well as

E) rather than


A) enhances B) requires

C) varies D) provides

E) assigns

Atatürk Bulvarı No: 169 Kızılay ANKARA - 417 07 20

24) ---- ,being a woman even in the USA is to feel 27) If the Vikings are famous for one thing, -----.
unequal and discriminated.
A) they had brought death and destruction
A) To benefit from various government back up
B) they have invaded many countries
B) But for both genders’ unique understandings of their C) it is definitely their obsession with war
D) it is important to recognize this fame
C) Because of the overwhelming support for gender E) they were notorious warriors
equality in work, life and politics

D) Despite great strides to enhance gender equality 28) No prisoner has ever successfully escaped from
the federal prison on Alcatraz Island ----.
E) Partly due to different definitions of equality in the
world A) unless they were released at regular intervals by
those who were in charge of the administration of
25) ----, it was not until the modern period that the prison
scholars reached any conclusive evidence
about them. B) because it is located in a region with natural
protection in the cold and strong currents of San
A) Although some modern interpretations portray the Francisco Bay
Ancient Aztec art in different terms
C) since the guardians are ordered to warn those
B) When science was regarded as a body of empirical, violating the rules at least three times before
theoretical, and practical knowledge shooting
C) Since the history of art is the study of the D) as if they would not repeat any similar crimes during
development of artistic movements and ideas the rest of their lives
D) Unless historians accurately define what caused E) while it is impossible to swim from Alcatraz and
their demise and subsequent events survive
E) While ambiguous references to the Aztec
settlements in South America exist in ancient and
medieval texts 29) Known as the period immediately following the
Middle Ages in Europe, ----.
26)----, but speaking to yourself is still a great way
to practice and improve your speaking skills in a A) intellectuals view the Renaissance as an attempt to
foreign language. study both the secular and worldly ideas

B) Latin texts were preserved and studied in Western

Europe since late antiquity
A) Being able to speak another language means
understanding the culture of foreign people C) Italy was divided into smaller city states and
territories rather than existing as a political entity
B) It might sound really weird and make you feel then
D) the Renaissance saw a great interest in the
C) Learning a local language may be a waste of time classical learning and values of ancient Greece and
today Rome
D) You are interested in minority languages in the E) the ideas characterizing the Renaissance had their
world origin in late 13th-century Florence
E) The English speakers are usually at a disadvantage

Atatürk Bulvarı No: 169 Kızılay ANKARA - 417 07 20

30) ----, while other large groups have roots in 32. – 38. sorularda verilen İngilizce cümleye
France and Germany. anlamca en yakın olan Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.

A) Most of third-generation residents in Switzerland are 32) Cyber security is a fast-growing industry,
descendants of Italian immigrants employing 58,000 experts, but the authorities

B) These immigrants’ descendants can speak at least have warned it is proving difficult to recruit
three languages fluently people with the right skills.

C) One carries out an investigation into the origins of

people of the former Austrian Empire
A) 58000 uzmanın istihdam edildiği bir alan
D) Cooperation and consensus between different olan siber güvenlik en hızlı gelişen sektördür;
nations can be achieved in Europe bu yüzden, yetkililer bu kişileri istihdam etmenin

E) Swiss and Italian authorities can forge close ties in zorlaşmaya başladığına dair uyarılar
trade and agriculture with France soon yapmışlardır.

B) Siber güvenlik, 58000 uzmanı istihdam eden

hızlı gelişen bir sektördür ama yetkililer doğru
31) As long as pancreatic cancers are examined
carefully and diagnosed early, ---- . becerilere sahip kişileri istihdam etmenin
zorlaştığı konusunda uyarı yapmışlardır.
A) the risk of developing this cancer is higher among
non-smokers C) Siber güvenlik, 58000 kadar uzmanı
istihdam eden ve çok hızlı gelişen bir sektördür
B) the symptoms of the most common form of
ama yetkililer bu becerilere sahip olan kişileri
pancreatic cancer may include yellow skin and back
pain istihdam etmenin zorlaştığı konusunda
açıklama yapabilirler.
C) the patient is not likely to maintain a living on his
own D) Siber güvenlik, 58000 uzmanın istihdam
edildiği en hızlı gelişen sektörlerden biridir ve
D) the chance of recovery increases substantially with
proper treatment yetkililer doğru kişileri istihdam etmenin
zorlaştığı konusunda bilgi verdiler.
E) patients are desperate about the overcoming the
fatal illness E) En az 58000 uzmanın istihdam edildiği alan
olan siber güvenlik çok hızlı gelişen bir
sektördür ve yetkililerce bu becerilere sahip
olan kişileri istihdam etmenin zorlaştığı
konusunda uyarı yapılmıştır.

Atatürk Bulvarı No: 169 Kızılay ANKARA - 417 07 20

33) The Trans-Pacific Partnership aims to boost 34) A recent study shows that excess air pollution
trade among 12 member countries in the Pacific caused by the emissions from old cars may trigger
Rim that collectively account for almost 40% of serious health problems in Europe.
world GDP.
A) Yeni bir araştırma, eski arabaların
A) Trans-Pasifik Ortaklığı, birlikte dünya GSMH’ sinin emisyonundan kaynaklanan aşırı hava kirliliğinin
en az %40’ını oluşturan Pasifik kıyısındaki 12 üye Avrupa'da ciddi sağlık sorunlarına sebep
ülkenin arasındaki ticareti artırmak amaçlı bir olabileceğini gösteriyor.
B) Güncel bir araştırma, eski arabaların
B) Dünya GSMH’ sinin %40’ından fazlasını oluşturan emisyonunun da aşırı hava kirliliğine yol
Pasifik kıyısındaki 12 üye ülkeyi içeren Trans-Pasifik açabileceğini ve bunun Avrupa'da ciddi sağlık
Ortaklığı, birbirleri arasındaki ticareti artırmayı sorunlarını getirebileceğini gösteriyor.
C) Yeni bir araştırmaya göre, eski arabaların
C) Kendi aralarındaki ticareti artırmak için, Pasifik emisyonunun yol açtığı aşırı hava kirliliği
kıyısındaki 12 ülke, Trans-Pasifik Ortaklığını Avrupa'nın bir çok bölümünde ciddi sağlık
imzalayarak, dünya GSMH’ sinin hemen hemen sorunlarına yol açacaktır.
%40’ını oluşturmayı amaçlamaktadırlar.
D) Yeni bir araştırma, eski arabaların sebep olduğu
D) Pasifik kıyısındaki 12 üye ülkenin, dünya GSMH’ hava kirliliğinin Avrupa'da sağlık sorunları
sinin neredeyse %40’ını oluşturma amaçlı ticareti doğuracağını gösterebilir.
artırma anlaşması Trans- Pasifik Ortaklığı
E) Eski arabaların emisyonları üzerine yapılan bir
araştırma, emisyonun yol açtığı hava kirliliğinin
E) Trans-Pasifik Ortaklığı, birlikte dünya GSMH’ sinin Avrupa'da ciddi sağlık sorunlarına yol açtığını
hemen hemen%40’ını oluşturan Pasifik kıyısındaki göstermiştir.
12 üye ülke arasındaki ticareti artırmayı

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35) Ortalama yaşam süresi artıkça, hükümetlerin 37) Birleşik Krallık hükümetinin yenilebilir enerji
yaşlanan bir nüfus için daha fazla para kaynakları ile çalışan santrallere desteği keserken
harcaması gerecektir. nükleer güç istasyonlarına maddi destek sağlama
kararı bazı uzmanlar tarafından eleştirildi.
A) As people age, the governments had better
spend more money to increase life expectancy A) The UK government's choice to finance most
for an ageing population. nuclear power stations while cutting support for
the ones using renewable energy sources has
B) When the average life expectancy rises, most been criticized by many experts.
governments should spend a lot of money for
the elderly people. B) The UK government’s decision to subsidize
nuclear power stations while cutting support for
C) As long as the current life expectancy persists, the ones using renewable energy sources has
governments must spend money for an ageing been criticized by some experts.
C) The UK government decided to give more
D) As the average life expectancy increases, the money to nuclear power stations by cutting
governments will need to spend more money for support for the ones using renewable energy
an ageing population. sources, which caused a great debate.

E) Whether the life expectancy climbs or not, some D) Both the UK government’s funds for nuclear
governments are going to spend less money for power stations and its decision to curb the ones
an ageing population. using renewable energy sources are harshly
criticized by most authorities.

E) When the UK government persisted in

36) Maymunlar çoğunlukla tropik yağmur sponsoring the nuclear power stations rather
ormanlarında yaşarlar, fakat aynı zamanda otlaklar, than assisting the ones using renewable energy
karlı dağlar, çöller ve hatta şehirler de bile sources, some experts severely opposed to this.

A) Monkeys mostly live in tropical rainforests, but

they can also live in grasslands, snowy
mountains, deserts, and even in our cities.

B) Monkeys that mostly live in some tropical

rainforests can also exist many places such as
grasslands, snowy mountains, deserts and

C) Although monkeys live in most rainforests, they

can also dwell in grasslands, snowy mountains,
deserts, and even in our cities.

D) Monkeys typically occupy some rainforests, but

they can be seen in grasslands, snowy
mountains, deserts and some cities.

E) As well as living grasslands, snowy mountains,

deserts and cities, monkeys may also live in

Atatürk Bulvarı No: 169 Kızılay ANKARA - 417 07 20

According to a recent survey of over 20,000 people 39. According to the passage, it is difficult to
in the Netherlands, about 30 per cent of visits to study fatigue scientifically because ----.
doctors involve complaints about being tired all the
time. Some 20 per cent of people in the US report
A) it is a novel area of research with limited
having experienced fatigue intense enough to
resources and staff
interfere with living a normal life. This hits them in
their pockets, too. Namely, workers who are B) there are various factors to be considered
while studying tiredness
unproductive because of fatigue cost US employers
more than $100 billion a year. Until recently, daytime C) it is a natural result of the ageing process
tiredness was presumed to be nothing more and working life
mysterious than simple physical exhaustion or feeling D) the number of scholars in the field is not
the need to sleep .The US Center for Disease enough to carry out experiments
Control and Prevention estimates that 35 per cent of E) it is nothing but just physical exhaustion or
people are short on sleep. Combine that with the fact the need to sleep
that tiredness is subjective and therefore difficult to
measure; in addition, it is hard to measure as the
subject falls somewhere between studies of the body
and mind. And considering these, it is no wonder
fatigue has largely escaped scientific scrutiny. Since 40. According to the text, currently for some
tiredness accompanies so many common diseases, researchers ----.
not to mention ordinary ageing, a better
understanding of its causes could improve quality of
life for pretty much everybody. A handful of A) the US Center for Disease Control and
Prevention serves only people short on
researchers are now trying to figure out the causes,
and possible fixes.
B) a better understanding of fatigue improves
quality of life for the elderly
C) being tired is presumed to be nothing more
mysterious than simple physical exhaustion
D) workers are unproductive because of
fatigue in the Netherlands
E) the reasons behind fatigue and its solutions
are the subject matters

41. In terms of the tone and attitude of the

38. We learn from the passage that ----. writer, the text is ----.

A) extreme tiredness may have side effects on A) informative and neutral

economy in addition to daily life
B) satirical and biased
B) the great majority of the patients in the
Netherlands visit doctors to complain about C) humorous and light-hearted
being tired D) hesitant and indifferent
C) 20 per cent of people in the world think E) appreciating and supportive
they have experienced fatigue lately
D) the percentage of fatigue in the
Netherlands and that of the US are the
E) doctors prescribe certain types of medicine
without listening to the complaints

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Humility. Empathy. Selflessness. These are qualities 43. The statement “you are your own brand”
most of us associate with being a “nice person”. But probably means that ----.
being nice doesnot often help you in the fierce
competition to get that job, win a project or secure a
promotion. No one likes an egocentric big-head but if, A) it is your own characteristics that matter
as they say, “you are your own brand”, perhaps in most
this modern world it pays to be a bit narcissistic. In B) you have to create a brand to be successful
other words, so long as you can show your unique C) wearing brand new items makes you feel
features, a little egoism inflicts no damage. The truth is strong
that although narcissists may be deluded, they can D) you can choose the best item with
benefit from their inflated self-image and desire for many features
others to recognise their superiority. We think we E) it is not yours but others’ perception that
dislike them, but research shows we actually tend to counts
judge them as more confident, intelligent and attractive
44. The main aim of the writer is to ----.
than other people. This means they are more
successful in job interviews, more likely to become
leaders, and preferred by the opposite sex. There’s A) warn the reader about the costs of being
even evidence that narcissistic artists sell more and get narcissistic at job interviews
higher prices for their work. A new understanding of B) highlight how to be successful at work and
narcissism suggests why, when and how it might be in personal relations
beneficial. It reveals that when it comes to success in C) inform the reader about what makes a
life, there is a “right” and a “wrong” sort of narcissism. person a “nice person”
So if you are struggling with work or a relationship,
D) convince the reader that narcissism is not
perhaps you should become a bit more narcissistic. necessarily a bad thing
E) support narcissistic people in general and
artists and leaders in particular

45.As can be understood from the passage,----.

42. We learn from the passage that ------.

A) being a nice person can help one to find a

A) humility, empathy and selflessness are job but not to win a project or to be
enough to be a good citizen promoted
B) being nice is more important than winning a B) people may not be aware of the fact that
project they actually favour narcissistic people
C) it is not that easy to get promoted by being
nice alone C) why, when and how narcissism might be
D) an egocentric person is always more beneficial is still being debated
preferable than a normal one in art D) there is no such thing as a “right” and a
E) narcissists are unlikely to become leaders “wrong” sort of narcissism
or be preferred by the opposite sex E) without skill, artists would not sell more and
get higher prices for their work

Atatürk Bulvarı No: 169 Kızılay ANKARA - 417 07 20

- According to the article, optimistic people are
- I did not know that we use only 10 % of our twice as likely to have strong cardiovascular
brain. health.

İsmail: Buray:

- This is one of the most common myths about the - Isn’t it natural, since they have lower levels of
brain. stress hormones?
- Ayşegül:
Ahmet: - True, but it is more than that. ----

- What do you mean? Buray:

İsmail: - And all these affect their heart health. Well,

makes sense.

A) No matter how unhealthily they eat, they rarely get
- I see. I think I should not trust everything I read. ill.

B) They also exercise more and are less likely to

A) Though it may sound surprising, at birth the average
brain of boys is 12 to 20% larger than that of girls. C) Unlike optimists, pessimistic people have higher
level of the same hormones.
B) Well, think of “Mozart effect”, many people once
thought that listening to classical music helps you D) Being stressed also promotes the risk of developing
remember better. cancer.

C) I mean, why don’t you try using more of it? E) Moderate consumption of chocolate makes people
D) Well, although we do not use all of it at the same
time, even for a small action, we use a large part of

E) There are lots of myths about brains, but this one

seems rational.

Atatürk Bulvarı No: 169 Kızılay ANKARA - 417 07 20

48. 49. – 50. sorularda verilen cümleye anlamca en

yakın olanı bulunuz.
49. The education industry has often lagged
- According to a recent World Happiness Report, behind other industries, such as gaming and
Denmark is the happiest country in the world. travel, in adopting and developing new digital
A) When it comes to using and devising digital
---- technologies, the education industry has
often overtaken other industries including
Daniel: gaming and travel.

- Well, money is not the sole factor. Mexico, for B) In terms of using and devising novel digital
example, ranks higher than the USA, though it is technologies, the education industry has
not wealthier. often been surpassed by other industries
like gaming and travel.
Mary: C) As far as using and devising latest digital
technologies are concerned, the education
- What other factors affect their happiness then? industry is far ahead of other industries,
particularly gaming and travel.
D) In terms of using and devising novel digital
- There are lots, such as working less, good technologies, other industries especially
health care and living in an equal society. gaming and travel follow the education
E) When it comes to using and devising digital
technologies, other industries, gaming and
A) I am a bit hesitant to such reports.
travel in particular, rank after education.
B) Is it because of its closeness to the Arctic?
50. It has become cheaper to buy a new item
C) So, it shows one more time that money cannot buy
rather than repair the old, but some artisans
still restore the items that people already own.
D) Does it say why Americans feel superior? A) Although it costs less to purchase a new
product compared to fixing the old one,
E) It is hardly surprising since it has little poverty. there are some craftsmen who continue to
repair the things people possess.
B) It costs more to purchase a new product
compared to fixing it, so there are some
craftsmen who continue to repair the things
people possess.
C) It used to be more expensive to buy a new
product compared to fixing it, and there
were few craftsmen who continued to repair
the things people possessed.
D) It costs less to fix a new product compared
to fixing an old one, and you can find
someone who can repair the old things
you love.
E) While it costs less to purchase a good
product compared to fixing an old one,
there are skilled craftsmen who can repair
the things people possess.

Atatürk Bulvarı No: 169 Kızılay ANKARA - 417 07 20

51. – 52. sorularda paragrafta verilen boşluğa 53. –55. sorularda verilen cümleler sırasıyla
anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek okunduğunda anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi
cümleyi bulunuz bulunuz
51.The hottest topic at Mobile World Congress in
Barcelona this year is not a new phone, apart 53. (I) Surely you have heard the plea from your
from the Nokia 3310. Nor is it a new technology company: “we want more innovation, from
like virtual reality - compared with last year- , everyone at every level.” (II) Your boss might
there seem to be fewer virtual reality headsets even agree with the opinion - because, of
around. ----.The excitement about the next course, who doesn’t like innovation? (III) For
generation of mobile networks has reached new example, big companies that do not innovate
heights. Every major company which are face extinction today. (IV) Yet, when it comes
exhibiting in Barcelona is eager to explain how it to innovating at your job, it might be better to
will be at the cutting edge of the coming 5G lower your expectations. (V) Your idea is far
revolution. more likely to die on your boss’s desk than it
is to reach the CEO because top managers
want new ideas but the people around you
A) So, the 3310 is a very clever move and we are unlikely to bend toward change.
expect it will sell in significant volumes
B) In fact, the biggest thing in the congress is A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
something invisible that does not yet exist,
C) Nokia's 3310 phone has been relaunched (I) Two new tests for lung cancer can detect this
nearly 17 years after its debut killer in time for treatment to be effective. (II)
D) Other companies still prefer to see the Early diagnosis is one of the best ways to defeat
widespread use of the 4G cancer. (III) In the first test, cell samples taken
E) Virtual reality refers to computer from inside an individual’s cheek are viewed
technologies using software to generate the through a specialized microscope. (IV) The
realistic images, sounds and other microscope detects particular cellular changes,
sensations indicating whether lung cancer may be
developing. (V) The other is a simple breath test
52. For years environmentalists have warned in which exhaled breath is examined to detect
against imminent food shortages, spreading thousands of volatile organic compounds.
pollution, accelerating climate change and the
early exhaustion of the world's oil and other A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
minerals.----. There are actually serious
predictions of water shortages in many
countries. Even some experts claim that wars 55. (I) Children's Lego boxes may already contain
of the future will be fought over water, not oil. yellow Batman, Harry Potter and Star Wars
characters. (II) But soon they will also contain
female Nasa pioneers. (III) The Danish toy
A) Certainly, dams will cause more argument
company is now making a new set of five
than ever
figurines, based on real female scientists,
B) On the other hand, powerful rural farmers can engineers and astronauts.(IV)The Lego Ideas
afford to pump out free groundwater competition takes place twice a year, and one
or two winners are selected for production.(V)
C) Yet, until recently they have overlooked the
The design, created by US science writer
most essential substance of all: water
Maia Weinstock, has won the Lego Ideas
D) Fortunately, there are usually cheaper and competition and the characters will be
better ways of storing water available in late 2017 or early 2018.

E) In fact, rich households have access to piped

water from municipal utilities A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

Atatürk Bulvarı No: 169 Kızılay ANKARA - 417 07 20

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