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1. People and animals ---- to find new sources of food 4. Since NASA ---- using the Space Shuttle in 2011, the
when old ones ---- unavailable or they have to move Soyuz spacecraft ---- the only way for astronauts to
to new areas. reach the International Space Station.

A) used to learn / have become A) will stop / was

B) would learn / will become B) was stopping / is

C) must learn / were becoming C) stops / will be

D) might learn / had become D) stopped / has been

E) have to learn / become E) may stop / used to be


2. Today, geophysicists ---- more detailed reports 5. Insomnia ---- chronic when someone ---- difficulty in
about why earthquakes happen more frequently in either getting to sleep or staying asleep for at least
some places than others. three months.

A) would produce A) became / is going to have

B) will be produced B) becomes / has had

C) are producing C) was becoming / is having

D) had produced D) has become / was having

E) are produced E) had become / will have

3. The global human population ---- dramatic growth 6. The National Centre for Health ---- periodic
at least twice throughout history, the first of which ---- Nutrition Examination Surveys since 1960 to
around 10,000 years ago. determine how much obesity ---- among Americans.

A) experiences / will take place A) had been conducting / is increasing

B) will experience / was taking place B) is conducting / was increasing

C) had experienced / takes place C) has been conducting / has increased

D) was experiencing / had taken place D) was conducting / will have increased

E) has experienced / took place E) will conduct / increased

7. For a few years now, the World Health Organization 10. In the past, travelling ---- about getting to the
---- the public against the Zika virus, announcing that destination in the shortest amount of time; but these
governments ---- everything possible to stop its days, travellers ---- relaxing and pleasurable journeys.
A) could be / were seeking
A) has warned / used to do
B) is / seek
B) will warn / had done
C) had been / had sought
C) was warning / might do
D) used to be / are seeking
D) has been warning / must do
E) might be / sought
E) had warned / had to do


11. Before banknotes and coins ---- , people used a
8. In November 1939, the Soviet troops ---- Finland variety of other objects for trading goods.
after the Finns ---- to surrender a key territory to
A) introduced
Joseph Stalin.
B) are introduced
A) invaded / refused

B) invade / are refusing C) be introduced

D) were introducing
C) had to invade / refuse
E) were introduced
D) were invading / have refused
12. Since Iron Man, a ground-breaking movie ---- in
E) would invade / were refusing
2008, Marvel and its parent company, Disney, ----
about two superhero films a year, grossing upwards of
$8.3 billion globally.
9. Ferdinand, Prince of Brunswick, who ---- as an
officer in the Prussian Army in 1740, ---- a friend of A) was premiering / are producing
Frederick the Great.
B) has premiered / used to produce
A) has been appointed / will become
C) will premiere / had produced
B) could be appointed / might become
D) premiered / have produced
C) was appointed / became
E) has been premiering / produce
D) is appointed / has become

E) will be appointed / was becoming


13. Today, the Internet ---- access to public and 16. Ever since the hydrogen bomb ---- , attempts ----
private biological databases that ---- the work of to harness the power of nuclear fusion for peaceful
thousands of biotech researchers around the world. purposes.

A) will provide / were supporting A) is invented / had been made

B) provided / would support B) has been invented / will be made

C) would provide / supported C) was invented / have been made

D) provides / support D) will be invented / were made

E) had provided / have supported E) had been invented / are made

14. Habitat ---- a broad term that we use to describe YÖKDİL YAZ 2018 SAĞLIK SORULARI
the surroundings or conditions where any given
17. Some 400 years after Hippocrates ---- , Claudius
organism ----.
Galenus of Pergamum ----- the most influential
A) has been / lived physician of his time.

B) is / lives A) was dying / will have become

C) had been / had lived B) will die / had become

D) was / has lived C) dies / would become

E) will be / would live D) had died / has become

15. The La Braña-Arintero site ---- by chance in 2006 E) died / became

by Julio Manuel Vidal Encinas, an archaeologist of the
Council of Castilla y León.
18. Today, many neonatal care units ---- massage
A) has been discovered
therapy with premature infants, as the gentle touch of
B) was discovering the massage therapist ---- to calm and relax these
C) has discovered
A) will use / had seemed
D) was discovered
B) used / will have seemed
E) discovered
C) were using / will seem

D) had used / has seemed

E) use / seems
19. Genetic tests for certain types of cancer ---- a long 22. Recent research suggests that air pollution ---- to
way since they ---- clinics in 1995. 1,2 million deaths and caused thousands of severe
health cases only in China in 2010.
A) will come / have entered
A) was contributed
B) came / might enter
B) contributes
C) have come / entered
C) has contributed
D) come / had entered
D) had been contributed
E) will be coming / were entering
E) contributed

20. A recent analysis of blood tests ---- that HIV

(Human Immunodeficiency Virus) was widespread in 23. Babylon ---- one of the cultural centres of the
the 1970s. world before it ---- by revolt in 689 BC by the
A) will reveal
A) will be / is destroyed
B) has been revealed
B) had been / was destroyed
C) is revealed
C) was / will be destroyed
D) has revealed
D) has been / has been destroyed
E) was revealed
E) is / had been destroyed


24. Military geography ---- military leaders with
21. Modern underwater archaeology ---- special information about areas where they ---- to operate.
methods to ---- shipwrecks and other archaeological
sites that lie under water. A) had provided / will need

A) has used / studied B) is providing / had needed

B) is using / having studied C) will provide / used to need

C) used / being studied D) provides / may need

D) will use / have studied E) will be providing / needed

E) uses / study

25. Although smartphones ----- arguably the most 28. The essential oil ---- from the lavender flower is
popular gaming platform for the past couple of years, used in aromatherapy ---- anxiety, insomnia,
they do not have the ability ----- with desktop nervousness, and restlessness.
A) deriving / to have treated
A) have been / to complete
B) derived / to treat
B) were / to be competing
C) to have derived / treated
C) could be / competing
D) to be derived / treat
D) are / to have completed
E) to be deriving / treating
E) must have been / compete


26. E-mail advertising ----- a good reputation these
days, as people realise that it ----- affordable and 29. The Amish ---- from a relatively small founding
population, and each major settlement ---- largely
genetically isolated from both other Amish
A) gets / has to be settlements and the surrounding U.S populations for
over 200 years.
B) was getting / could be
A) originate / will remain
C) has been getting / used to be
B) originated / has remained
D) will get / should be
C) had originated / remained
E) is getting / can be
D) were originating / remains

E) have originated / had remained


27. Findings of a recent study ---- that green teas and

carrots ---- a part in fighting Alzheimer’s disease, 30. A popular social networking site says if everything
though there is need for more research. as planned, they ---- a new privacy-protected
messaging service by the end of 2020.
A) has suggested / would pay
A) has gone / start
B) have suggested / should have played
B) is going / will be starting
C) suggest / could play
C) had gone / will start
D) suggested / used to play
D) went / are to start
E) are suggesting / will have played
E) goes / will have started

31. The study of ecosystems ---- increasingly 34. The largest known prime number, with more than
sophisticated in the 20th century, and today it ---- us 23 million digits, ---- in December 2017 by an electrical
investigate and control the environmental effects of engineer called Jonathan Pace.
A) is discovered
A) has become / has helped
B) was discovered
B) became / helps
C) was discovering
C) becomes / is helping
D) had discovered
D) was becoming / helped
E) discovered
E) had become / was helping


32. Hydrogen ---- so easy to make (one just adds a
metal to an acid) that it ---- as early as the late 15th 35. Though some birthmarks, especially large ones, ---
- permanent, many ---- unnoticeable by about age 10.

A) was / is being known A) have been / became

B) would be / are becoming

B) has been / will be known
C) are / had become
C) is / was known
D) may be / become
D) will be / is known
E) had been / can become
E) had been / has been known

36. Cataracts were once a leading cause of age-related

33. Recently, biologists ---- mini-kidneys that can
blindness, but today ophthalmologists surgically ----
produce urine, which ---- a big step toward repairing
cataracts and replace the lens with a prosthetic
damaged organs.
intraocular one.
A) can grow / had been
A) removed
B) had grown / will be
B) are removed
C) used to grow / has been
C) have been removed
D) are growing / was
D) remove
E) have grown / is
E) are being removed
37. Aromatic plants ---- for their healing, preservative, 40. Lifestyles that ---- to be marginal in the past----
and pleasurable qualities throughout recorded less unusual and increasingly common in the present
history, in both the East and West. world.

A) have employed A) were considered / are becoming

B) had employed B) are considered / have been becoming

C) were employing C) have been considered / had become

D) are being employed D) might be considered / used to become

E) have been employed E) must be considered / will become

38. The use of general anesthesia in dentistry ---- in 41. When entrepreneurs in the early 20th century first
1844, when Horace Wells first ---- the chemical ---- to record moving pictures of real-life events,
compound nitrous oxide during a dental procedure. people ---- to call this new type of storytelling
A) had begun / use
A) began / started
B) began / used
B) were beginning / start
C) has begun / was using
C) have begun / were starting
D) begins / had used
D) had begun / have started
E) was beginning / has used
E) begin / had started


42. According to art historians, the Japanese visual
arts ---- by three major factors: Chinese visual arts,
39. In 1793, the Louvre --- as a public museum in indigenous traditions, and Buddhist iconography.
France, and, the next year, the French painter Louis A) had influenced
David ---- as its director.
B) are influencing
A) had been opened / has been appointed
C) were influencing
B) could be opened / is appointed
D) have been influenced
C) might be opened / may be appointed
E) have influenced
D) was opened / was appointed

E) has been opened / had been appointed


43. At the end of the 17th century. Isaac Newton ---- 46. In 2014, the US confirmed 125 cases of measles
his laws of motion and gravity, making science more and declared that nearly half of the victims ---- against
precise and mathematical than it ---- before. measles, so it seems the reason of the outbreak ----
America’s growing anti-vaccination movement.
A) had set down /would have been
A) have not been vaccinated / is
B) was setting down /has been
B) had not been vaccinated / was
C) set down / had been
C) were not vaccinated / wiII be
D) would set down / was
D) will not be vaccinated / has been
E) had been setting down / would be
E) are not vaccinated / had been

44. Over the past 100 years, the relativity theories and
quantum mechanics --- major triumphs at the cost of YÖKDİL MART 2020 SOSYAL SORULARI
us, ---- our classic conception of time.
47. Most sociologists ---- that over the past decades,
A) have celebrated / losing the concept of family ---- significant and rapid
B) celebrated / to have lost
A) should agree / would undergo
C) have been celebrated / having been lost
B) agree/has undergone
D) had celebrated / being lost
C) need to agree / had undergone
E) were celebrated / to be lost
D) might agree / used to undergo

E) had agreed / will have undergone


45. You ---- stretching many times, but you ---- of it as

a key part of your workout; as stretching for 10-15 48. Though it is now part of Greater London,
minutes post-workout relieves sore muscles. Hampstead in England ---- once a separate village, and
it --- a village character to this day.
A) must have skipped / could have thought
A) would be / will retain
B) should have skipped / have to think
B) has been/is retaining
C) might have skipped / would have thought
C) had been / retained
D) may have skipped / should think
D) is / has retained
E) could have skipped / used to think
E) was/ retains

1. E
2. C
3. E
4. D
5. B
6. C
7. D
8. A
9. C
10. D
11. E
12. D
13. D
14. B
15. D
16. C
17. E
18. E
19. C
20. D
21. E
22. E
23. B
24. D
25. A
26. E
27. C
28. B
29. B
30. E
31. B
32. C
33. E
34. B
35. D
36. D
37. E
38. B
39. D
40. A
41. A
42. D
43. C
44. A
45. D
46. B
47. B
48. E

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