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4. The Geographic Information System was
1 - 20. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan introduced for the first time in 1964 to help
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi scientists conduct research much more -------
bulunuz. and accurately.

A) formerly
B) rapidly
C) kindly
D) rarely
E) recently

1. The African National Congress was

established by the representatives of African
people in 1922 to defend their freedom -------
their rights. 5. The agreement, which has been issued -------
the World Trade Organization, advises its
A) in order to members ------- support sustainable
B) in case of development in international trade.
C) as long as A) at / from
D) in contrast to B) with / out
E) as well as
C) in / by
D) by / to
E) for / at

2. Aristotle’s father died when he was still

young, and he was ------- by his uncle,
Proxenus. 6. In November 1939, the Soviet troops -------
Finland after the Finns ------- to surrender a
A) taken off key territory to Joseph Stalin.

B) filled in
A) invaded / refused
C) brought up
B) invade / are refusing
D) came down
C) had to invade / refuse
E) closed off
D) were invading / have refused
E) would invade / were refusing

3. Although a blog or a personal online diary

seems like an intimate journal, it actually 7. The best way to explore a new place is to
occupies a ------- writing space rather than a travel on foot ------- you are under pressure
private one. for time.

A) public A) so
B) challenging B) unless
C) gentle C) such
D) crucial D) now that
E) rare E) besides

8. Malaria killed -------- many early European 11. Ferdinand, Prince of Brunswick, who ------- as
people in West Africa -------- Europeans an officer in the Prussian Army in 1740, -------
nicknamed this territory the ‘‘white person’s a friend of Frederick the Great.
A) has been appointed / will become
A) such / as B) could be appointed / might become
B) too / to C) was appointed / became
C) so / that D) is appointed / has become
D) a lot / than E) will be appointed / was becoming
E) most / of

KD 12. In the past, travelling ------- about getting to
9. ------- Greenland is generally not considered the destination in the shortest amount of
much of a tourist destination, it offers some time; but these days, travellers ------- relaxing
spectacular sights like its colossal ice sheet, and pleasurable journeys.
a lively seascape, and precious wildlife.
A) could be / were seeking
A) Thanks to B) is / seek
B) As long as C) had been / had sought
C) In case D) used to be / are seeking
D) Just as E) might be / sought
E) Even though

13. Research shows that women and men look at

10. Over the last 60 years, Britain has faces and absorb visual information in
experienced some significant political -------, different ways; -------, it is thought that there
but one state figure has remained the same: is a gender difference in the understanding
the Queen. of visual cues.

A) possessions A) due to
B) abilities B) therefore
C) acceptances C) on the contrary
D) transformations D) nevertheless
E) industries E) however

14. ------- the difficulty of finding scientific 18. Digital photography, a radical break with the
evidence related to its origin, studies have past, has changed -------- the means to take
provided valuable insights into the nature photographs -------- the way they are stored.
and development of language.
A) rather / than
A) As well as B) both / and
B) In addition C) as / as
C) Due to D) so / that
D) However E) neither / or
E) In spite of

15. English is a language that has ------- across
the globe and is now spoken all over the

A) spread
B) prevented
C) dedicated 19. Before banknotes and coins -------, people
D) thrown used a variety of other objects for trading
E) created goods.

A) introduced
B) are introduced
C) be introduced
D) were introducing
E) were introduced

16. ------- happened to mammoths remained a

mystery until the anthropologist Russell

Graham discovered that they simply ran out

of water 5,600 years ago.

A) Where
B) How
C) Which
D) What
E) When

20. Since Iron Man, a ground-breaking movie

------- in 2008, Marvel and its parent company,
17. It is almost impossible to find a single policy Disney, ------- about two superhero films a
approved by everyone ------- people are very year, grossing upwards of $8.3 billion
different from one another. globally.

A) until A) was premiering / are producing

B) whereas B) has premiered / used to produce
C) because C) will premiere / had produced
D) so that D) premiered / have produced
E) while E) has been premiering / produce

21 - 25. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen A) such as
sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. B) since
C) as
D) though
E) so
In the late 4th millennium B.C. the valley and
delta of the River Nile ---21--- into the twin
kingdoms of Upper and Lower Egypt. ---22--- the
next 3,000 years, Egypt was ruled by thirty-two
dynasties of kings. One title for an Egyptian king
was Pharaoh (meaning ‘Great House’), and so
this great span of time is often known ---23--- the
Pharaonic Period. For much of the 3rd and 2nd
millennia B.C., Egypt was the ---24--- and the

most powerful nation in the Ancient Near East.
Even after Egypt lost its political ---25--- in the
late 1st millennium B.C., its culture and religion
survived to influence those of Greece and Rome.
A) wealthier
B) wealthier than
C) as wealthy as
D) wealthy
21. E) wealthiest
A) were formed
B) are being formed
C) have formed

D) form
E) forming

22. 25.
A) Between A) power
B) Over B) weakness
C) Off C) mobility
D) With D) knowledge
E) Since E) destruction

26 - 30. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen A) in other words
sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. B) even though
C) for instance
D) otherwise
The idea of human rights has grown ---26--- in E) however
influence since the United Nations endorsed the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948.
However, the concept itself can be traced back
much further, to the idea of natural rights ---27---
played a central role in the earlier stages of
liberal political philosophy. John Locke, ---28---,
claimed that all men had natural rights to life,
liberty, and property. The Universal Declaration’s

list of rights is ---29--- more extensive. Besides
rights that directly protect liberty, it also includes
others ---30--- effect is to provide people with
access to material benefits, such as the right to
work, the right to an adequate standard of living,
and the right to education.
A) none
B) few
C) many
26. D) any
E) much
A) mutually
B) steadily
C) severely

D) decreasingly
E) adversely

27. 30.
A) in which A) when
B) what B) where
C) who C) what
D) that D) whose
E) whether E) how

33. When the British colonization of Australia
31 - 41. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun began in 1788, -------.
şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) it is widely known that many aboriginal
traditions are associated with spiritual
B) there were two hundred or more Aboriginal
language communities within the continent
C) there is still limited information about the
lifestyles of aboriginal communities in
D) many anthropological studies have been
conducted in areas remote from European
E) there is an existent relationship between

European expansionism and slave trade

31. Many analyses of advertising try to make a

distinction between informative and
persuasive advertising, -------.

A) since they find the distinction quite

34. Online multiplayer games are often
unnecessary when applied to other fields
associated with anti-social behaviour -------.
B) unless they consent to establishing a new
order in this field of study A) due to the fact that gamers develop a false
C) but in reality the line between the two is sense of identity in that virtual community
often too difficult to draw B) since studies have found that we are good
D) because such divisions or categories have at distinguishing between real and virtual
not existed in cartoons violence
E) these people, therefore, are generally C) despite evidence suggesting that
biased against any types of advertising face-to-face interactions are more rewarding
than playing computer games
D) although numerous studies about the effects
of games on the brain had been published
E) whereas there is some concern that video

games make young people more violent

35. Unlike the Greek empires which it gradually

32. If two groups of people speaking different replaced, --------.
languages have been in contact for a long
time, -------. A) the succeeding empires also used the same
military strategies, which they perfected in
A) it is a well-known fact that newborns learn time
how to speak by imitating their parents B) the Roman empire imitated many institutions
B) how certain species of animals of the Greek empires, from education to law
communicate still remains a mystery C) the Romans adopted many aspects and
C) the speakers of Japanese would get better characteristics of Greek theatre
at learning new vocabulary D) the political system of the empire was mainly
D) there are new linguistics theories about the based on Greek institutions
languages spoken by minorities E) the Roman Empire depended on non-native
E) their languages are likely to show certain administrators from diverse cultural
similarities backgrounds

36. In July 1553, Mary Tudor came to the throne 39. -------, technically it is not the date on which
of England -------. the colonies voted to become a new nation.

A) although Mary had received the support of A) Though Americans have long celebrated
her cousin Independence Day on July 4
B) because such stereotypes existed in many B) While the Second World War was still raging
countries in the world and many people were dying
C) because Mary’s crown was left to her sister, C) When the agreement between the two
Elizabeth parties was signed
D) however, England had not come under the D) As long as Third World countries’ debt
control of a foreign prince continues to increase at this rate
E) despite her brother’s efforts to replace her E) Because it was just one of the turning points
with Lady Jane Grey in the history of the nation

37. When art is produced using craft methods or
manual skills, -------.
40. Because traditional societies expect females
art was not generally a good investment, to spend more time with their families than
certainly not over the long term males do, -------.
B) the great majority of them tend to produce
tiny editions for very high prices A) female employees might face certain
difficulties in the workplace
C) the quantity of any artist’s work is restricted,
and priced accordingly B) many male workers have complained about
D) there were artists who believed that the lack of well-paid jobs
technology should be an essential part of art C) the percentage of women in the workforce
has increased substantially
E) photographs, CDs or videos are distributed
around the world in large numbers D) people working in the same work place are
called colleagues
E) it is expected to be established in the near

38. In most circumstances, the production of a

musical is very difficult, ------- .

A) since Mozart tailored his work exactly to the

cast available for the Prague premiere in
1787 41. Of the seven operas that Monteverdi
B) since the greatest pains must be taken in composed, ------- .
casting singers of the right vocal weight and
temperament A) opera had already become firmly
established as an art form thanks to him
C) but the recording taken from the opening
night of the 1950 Salzburg Festival was B) his unique style somehow went unnoticed in
marked as a failure his lifetime
D) as long as such an orchestra performs C) it was produced and performed in Venice in
ambient music and meets audience the early 1640s
expectations D) only three have survived, including Orfeo,
E) though it seems hard to categorize it into first performed in 1607
various subclasses in accordance with its E) it was only considered to be an
official description in books entertainment for the royal family

44. The rich culture, romantic mythology and
42 - 47. sorularda, verilen İngilizce sophisticated political system of ancient
cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi Rome still intrigue and inspire people today.
A) Zengin kültürü, romantik mitolojisi ve
oldukça gelişmiş politik sistemi sayesinde
Eski Roma bugün bile bizi şaşırtmakta ve
ilgimizi çekmektedir.
B) Zengin kültürü, mitolojisi ve gelişmiş politik
anlayışına rağmen, Eski Roma bugün hâlâ
insanlardan hak ettiği ilgiyi görememektedir.
C) Eski Roma’nın kültürü, romantik mitolojisi ve
42. Archaeology is usually thought to be zengin politik sistemi bugün bile insanlara
synonymous with digging, but some ilginç gelmeye ve ilham vermeye devam
archaeologists never excavate or very few etmektedir.
spend most of their time on it.
D) Eski Roma, zengin kültürü, romantik

A) Arkeoloji ve kazı kelimelerinin eşanlamlı mitolojisi ve gelişmiş politik sistemiyle bugün
olduğu düşünülür, ancak arkeologların hâlâ birçok insanda merak uyandırmakta ve
birçoğu kazılara katılmazken, bazıları da onları etkilemektedir.
buna çok az vakit ayırır. E) Eski Roma’nın zengin kültürü, romantik
B) Arkeoloji ve kazı yapmak çoğu zaman bir mitolojisi ve gelişmiş politik sistemi bugün
tutulsa da bazı arkeologlar bu işi çok hâlâ insanların merakını uyandırmakta ve
önemsemez ya da bu işe pek zaman onlara ilham vermektedir.
C) Arkeolojinin genellikle kazı yapmakla eş
anlamlı olduğu düşünülür, ancak bazı
arkeologlar hiç kazı yapmazlar ya da çok azı
zamanının çoğunu kazı yaparak geçirir.
D) Kazı yapmak genellikle arkeolojinin zıt
anlamlı olarak görülür, çünkü bazı
arkeologlar neredeyse hiç kazı yapmaz ya
da buna çok zaman ayırmaz.
E) Arkeoloji ve kazı yapmak genellikle bir
tutulur, ancak çoğu arkeolog hiç kazı
yapmazken çok azı bu konuya yeterince
zaman ayırır.

45. Descartes and many of his contemporaries

wanted Medieval views to move aside and
43. Finding traces of our Palaeolithic ancestors make room for a modern conception of
is extremely difficult, since they had very science.
little impact upon their surroundings.
A) Descartes ve birçok çağdaşı Ortaçağa ait
A) Paleolitik atalarımızın izlerini bulmanın görüşlerin bir kenara çekilip modern bir bilim
zorluğu kendi çevrelerinde hiç iz bırakmamış anlayışına yer açmasını istemişlerdir.
olmalarından kaynaklanır. B) Descartes ve birçok çağdaşı Ortaçağa ait
B) Paleolitik atalarımızın izlerini bulmak tüm inanışları ortadan kaldırarak modern bir
oldukça zordur, çünkü kendi çevreleri bilim anlayışına yer açmayı amaçlamışlardır.
üzerinde çok az etki bırakmışlardır. C) Descartes ve çağdaşlarının Ortaçağa ait
C) Paleolitik atalarımızın kendi çevrelerine görüşleri çürüterek modern bir bilim anlayışı
etkilerinin yetersiz olduğu düşünüldüğünde oluşturmayı istedikleri düşünülür.
izlerini bulmak da zorlaşır. D) Descartes da çağdaşlarının birçoğu gibi
D) Paleolitik atalarımız çevreleri üzerinde daha ortaçağa ait görüşleri eleştirerek modern bir
fazla etkiye sahip olsaydı, izlerini bulmak bu bilim anlayışına yer açılmasının gerekliliğini
kadar zor olmayacaktı. savundu.
E) Çevrelerinde çok az etki bıraktıkları için E) Descartes ve birçok çağdaşı Ortaçağa ait
Paleolitik atalarımızın izini sürmek her görüşleri temelden sarsacak modern bir
zaman son derece zor olmuştur. bilim anlayışını ortaya koydular.

46. When designing a workplace, it is important
to take into consideration how the space will 48 - 53. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye
affect both the employees and clients. anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi
A) Bir işyeri tasarlarken, mekânın çalışanları ve
müşterileri nasıl etkileyeceğini göz önünde
bulundurmak önemlidir.
B) Bir işyeri tasarlarken düşünülmesi gereken
en önemli unsurlardan birisi de mekânın
çalışanlar ve müşteriler üzerinde yaratacağı
C) Mekânın müşteriler üzerinde ne tür etkiler
yaratacağı, bir işyeri tasarlarken 48. Tüketim kültürüne artan bağlılık sadece
düşünülmesi gereken bir unsurdur. iktisadi refahın değil, aynı zamanda
D) Bir işyeri tasarlarken önemli konuların toplumsal değerlerdeki önemli değişimlerin
başında mekânın, çalışanlar ve müşteriler de bir işaretidir.

üzerinde yaratacağı etki gelmelidir.
A) Significant changes in economic prosperity
E) Yeni bir işyeri tasarlarken, hesaba katılması
gereken unsurlardan biri de mekânın and social values are a sign of growing
çalışanları ve müşterileri nasıl commitment to consumer culture.
etkileyeceğidir. B) Growing commitment to consumer culture
brought with it some significant changes in
economic prosperity and social values.
C) Growing commitment to consumer culture
KD led to significant changes not only in
economic prosperity but also in social
D) With the growing commitment to consumer
culture, there occurred significant changes
in economic prosperity as well as in social
E) Growing commitment to consumer culture is
not only a sign of economic prosperity but
also significant changes in social values.

47. Attempts to change others’ opinions are

older than recorded history and it is thought
to have originated with the development of 49. Edebiyat, diller ve toplumlar arasındaki
speech. farklılık ve benzerlikleri incelemek ve
anlamak için bir araçtır.
A) Başkalarının görüşlerini değiştirme
girişimleri konuşmanın gelişmesiyle ortaya A) Literature is a means to examine and
çıkmıştır ve yazılı tarihten bile daha eskidir. understand the differences and similarities
B) Başkalarının görüşlerini değiştirme çabaları among languages and societies.
konuşmayla ortaya çıkmıştır ama bu B) Literature is a good way of understanding
durumun yazılı tarih kadar eski olduğu the differences and similarities between
düşünülür. languages and societies.
C) Konuşmanın gelişimiyle ortaya çıkan C) There are various means to understand the
başkalarının görüşlerini değiştirme differences and similarities among
çabalarının, yazılı tarih kadar eski olduğu languages and societies, and literature is
iddia edilmektedir. one of them.
D) Başkalarının görüşlerini değiştirme D) Literature examines the differences and
girişimleri yazılı tarihten daha eskidir ve similarities of languages and societies in
bunun, konuşmanın gelişmesiyle ortaya order to understand them.
çıktığı düşünülür. E) Examining and understanding the
E) Yazılı tarih kadar eski olan konuşmanın, differences and similarities among
başkalarının görüşlerini değiştirme languages is the primary function of
girişimleriyle ortaya çıktığına inanılır. literature.

50. Çocuğunuzun bir yabancı dilde akıcı olmasını 52. Yirmi birinci yüzyılda dünya, yazılı bilgiye
veya bir konser piyanisti olarak yetişmesini boğulmuş ve baş döndürücü bir hızda bilgi
istiyorsanız, yapmanız gereken, onun ilgili teknolojileri tarafından tamamen
eğitime mümkün olduğu kadar erken kuşatılmıştır.
başlamasını sağlamaktır.
A) In the twenty-first century, the world is
A) As you want your child to be fluent in a completely surrounded and shaped by
foreign language, or grow up to be a concert written information as well as information
pianist, the advice is to force him/her to start technologies with astonishing speed.
training at an early age. B) The world of the twenty-first century has
B) If you wish your child to become fluent in a started to be surrounded by written
foreign language, or grow up to be a concert information and information technologies
pianist, what you have to do is to make sure with astonishing speed.
he/she starts related training as early as C) In the twenty-first century, the world has
possible. been saturated with written information and
C) If you hope that your child will become fluent totally surrounded by information

in a foreign language, or become a pianist, technologies with astonishing speed.
then you should encourage him/her to start D) The world in the twenty-first century is not
these activities at an early age. only shaped by written information but also
D) If you would like to see your child become surrounded by information technologies with
fluent in a foreign language and a concert astonishing speed.
pianist, all you have to do is to make him/her E) It is in the twenty-first century that the world
start as soon as possible. is filled with written information and
E) Whether you want your child to master a enclosed by information technologies with
foreign language, or grow up to be a concert certain speed.
pianist, the suggestion will be that he/she
should start training as soon as possible.

53. Belli bir yoğunluktaki düzenli egzersiz,

sağladığı faydalar sayesinde yaş ve

cinsiyetten bağımsız olarak depresyona karşı

korunmamıza yardımcı olur.

A) One way to protect against depression is to

51. Birleşmiş Milletler’in amaçlarından biri, take up regular exercise of any intensity as it
insan haklarının önemini ve uluslararası provides benefits regardless of age and
hukuka duyulan saygıyı vurgulamaktır. gender.
B) Regular exercise of certain intensity helps
A) The United Nations highlights the us protect against depression thanks to
importance of human rights in order to benefits it provides regardless of age and
increase respect for international law. gender.
B) One of the objectives of the United Nations C) Regular exercise of any intensity does not
is to highlight the importance of human only provide benefits regardless of age and
rights as well as international law. gender, but also helps protect against
C) The United Nations aims to highlight the depression.
importance of human rights and promote D) With great benefits it provides regardless of
respect for international law. age and gender, regular but intensive
D) One of the objectives of the United Nations exercise can help people protect against
is to highlight the importance of human depression.
rights and respect for international law E) To protect against depression, one should
E) The main aim of the United Nations is to take up regular exercise of any intensity and
highlight the importance of human rights and enjoy benefits it provides regardless of age
respect for international law. and gender.

55. Although there is no universally accepted
54 - 59. sorularda, parçada anlam form of feminism that represents all of its
bütünlüğünü sağlamak için boş bırakılan advocates, its representatives share certain
yerlere getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz. characteristics. To begin with, feminists
question basic assumptions about gender
and sexuality, including the understanding of
what it means to be a woman. -------. Last but
not least, they address the issue of
oppression by men as an issue of power,
dominion, and hierarchy. They believe this
oppression exists in relation to the identity
of women and the challenges they have to
face in local and global contexts.

A) Since the late 1970’s, feminist cultural

studies established gender as an important

criteria of analysis within broader cultural
B) Secondly, feminist scholars and activists
seek clarity about feminine consciousness,
the identity of women, their values and
C) Then, not all people were comfortable with
the Second Wave Feminism’s new issues
KD and styles of protest
D) Many women in the industrialized world
demanded new rights, and liberation from
stereotypical female roles
E) By the mid-twentieth century the feminist
movement had brought about positive
transformation and advances for women

54. Angola is one of Africa’s major oil producers.

The oil industry is the most important sector
of the economy and it accounts for the
majority of the country’s exports. Angola

also has minerals: diamonds, iron, uranium,

phosphates, feldspar, bauxite, and gold.
-------. The causes of poverty lie in the history
of this country, which has suffered a
twenty-seven-year civil war that was caused
not only by ethnic factors but also by
disputes over natural resources.

A) The products derived from this sector are

bananas, sugarcane, coffee, sisal, corn,
cotton, and tobacco
B) During the mid-1960s there were guerrilla
actions which ended with the negotiation for
C) But Angola is classified as one of the world’s
poorest countries despite its abundant
natural resources
D) Bantu and other African languages were
spoken by a high percentage of the
E) The topography varies from arid coastal
areas and dry savannas in the interior south
to rain forests in the north

56. Between 1950 and 2000, the world population 58. The term ‘archaeology’ comes from the
increased from about 2.5 billion to over 6 Greek word arkhaiologia, which means
billion people. Throughout this era, food “discourse about ancient things”. Yet, it has
shortages and malnutrition persisted in parts come to mean the study of the human past
of eastern and southern Asia, Central and through surviving material traces. The term
South America, and throughout sub-Saharan ‘human’ past needs stressing, because
Africa. Famines were caused by human archaeologists do not – contrary to what
factors such as war, civil strife, and failed many of us believe – study dinosaurs, or
economic and political policies, while rocks. --------. Archaeologists cannot possibly
sometimes being exacerbated by natural study dinosaurs, because they had been
disasters such as drought. -------. Hundreds extinct for tens of millions of years by the
of thousands of others left their homes, time the first humans evolved.
walking long distances to neighbouring
countries in search of food. These refugees A) Dinosaur bones should be studied by
then became dependent on subsistence aid archaeologists and palaeontologists
from governments or relief agencies. together

B) Similarly, a geologist studies the physical
A) In the early twenty-first century, a structure and substance of the earth
peanut-based paste offered high nutritional
C) Palaeontologists know precisely why and
value at very low cost
how dinosaurs became extinct
B) Technological and political developments
D) That is to say, archaeology and geology
led to the increase in food production and
have certain theoretical similarities
distribution in many regions
E) Those are the realm of palaeontologists and
C) The change in developed countries’
geologists, not of archaeologists
agricultural policies in the 1980s increased
agricultural production by 50 percent
D) In the 1970s an almost decade-long drought
in the Sahel region of Africa south of the
Sahara contributed to the death of millions
E) Improved transportation and communication 59. Global urbanisation is one of the biggest
systems allowed food to be distributed in social transformations in human history.
poor regions With more than half of the world’s population
already living in cities, and 90 percent of
population growth by 2050 projected to be
added to them, cities are at the forefront of
the battle for sustainability. They pose major
challenges for city planners and
57. The Renaissance is usually associated with policymakers, such as land use, resource

the Italian city states. However, Italy’s demand, and air and water pollution. This
undoubted importance has too often being so, however, it is expected that more
overshadowed the development of new ideas urban areas will be built in the next 30 years
in many other regions. In offering a more than ever before. -------. If cities continue to
global perspective on the nature of the expand at this rate, the projected
Renaissance, it would be more accurate to urbanisation alone will exceed the limit set
refer to a series of ‘Renaissances’. -------. by the 2015 Paris climate agreement.
They often overlapped and exchanged
influences with the more classical and A) Cities already account for about 75 percent
traditionally understood Renaissance of global energy use and contribute an
centred on Italy. equivalent share of greenhouse gas
A) The term Renaissance comes from the B) Only a much closer collaboration between
French word for ‘rebirth’ scientists and urban policymakers can lead
B) The Renaissance began as early as the to a more efficient transportation system
thirteenth century with the art of Giotto C) Cities are complex, adaptive and evolving
C) Contributions to the Renaissance emerged systems that interact and influence each
from Europe, particularly from Italy and other in complex ways
France D) Even though Australia is already a highly
D) Each of them had different characteristics urbanised country, it is still experiencing
and influence rapid urban expansion
E) The Renaissance is seen as an international E) As a result, there has been an increase in
phenomenon today the rate of agricultural production

62. (I) Reading, unlike speaking and
60 - 65. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla understanding, must be deliberately taught.
okunduğunda parçanın anlam (II) Three methods of teaching reading have
bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz. been used in the United States: whole-word,
whole-language, and phonics. (III) In the
whole-word and whole-language approaches,
children are taught to recognize entire words
without regard to individual letters and
sounds. (IV) The phonics approach
emphasizes the spelling-sound
correspondences of the language, and thus
draws on the child’s innate phonological
knowledge. (V) However, students of all ages
must learn content material such as maths
60. (I) The connection between philosophy and and science.
literature is acknowledged by many recent

scholars. (II) Most ancient philosophers see A) I
their task as being, in general, that of B) II
understanding the world, a task which C) III
includes understanding ourselves. (III) In this
respect, Aristotle has indicated that all
humans by nature desire ‘to understand’. (IV) E) V
What is meant is not a piling-up of known
facts, but rather the achievement of
understanding. (V) This is something that we
do when we master a field or body of
knowledge and explain systematically why
things are the way they are.

A) I
E) V

61. (I) The founding of cities depends on several

factors but none is more important than an
abundant supply of food and water. (II) For
this reason, in the ancient world it was
common for cities to be located near rivers
and coasts like the cities of the Tigris and
Euphrates rivers in Mesopotamia. (III) Many
cities in Europe were destroyed during
World War II and had to be rebuilt. (IV) Other
factors can also explain the location of a city,
such as its geographical position. (V) For
example, Constantinople became a thriving
city without either good local farmland or
freshwater because of its strategic location.

A) I
E) V

63. (I) As mass culture became steadily more 65. (I) Built in 1961, the Berlin Wall quickly
spectacular and immersive – with larger became the most vivid symbol of the Cold
high-definition TV sets and vast cinema War. (II) The agreement in question came to
screens, with the enclosed and carefully an end with the breakup of the Soviet Union.
calculated spectacle of the shopping centre (III) The 28 miles of wall with barbed wire and
or theme park – art had to compete. (II) Art minefields separated the Soviet-controlled
could do so by feeding off the allure of mass East Berlin from the U.S. supported West
culture while adding its own aesthetic and Berlin. (IV) Passage across the border
estranged edge. (III) It could reverse the between East and West Berlin was heavily
norms of mass culture, providing restricted. (V) Families were divided after its
impressive, non-functional objects and establishment, and some East Berliners were
environments that, unlike those of the mall or no longer able to commute to work.
resort, were not geared to selling. (IV) Both of
whom have recently had shows in New A) I
York’s most important art museums. (V) B) II
Lastly, art could compete with mass culture C) III

by making representations of a scale,
richness of colour, and definition unknown in
the mass media. E) V

A) I
E) V

64. (I) Hypnosis is frequently used to attempt to

change unwanted behaviours such as
smoking or overeating. (II) Although the
effectiveness of hypnosis in these areas is
controversial, some successes have been
reported. (III) Montgomery and Sapirstein, for
example, have found that adding hypnosis to
other forms of therapy increased the
effectiveness of the treatment. (IV) In addition
to helping to change certain behaviours,
hypnosis has also been found to be effective
in improving the condition of patients
experiencing anxiety disorders.
(V) Therefore, the amount of new information
recalled by witnesses at court turns out to be
a mixture of accurate and inaccurate

A) I
E) V

67. We understand from the text that the symbol
66 - 68. soruları aşağıda verilen parçaya of Europa on European coins --------.
göre cevaplayınız.
A) was not approved by European people for a
long time
Images on coins are not chosen randomly. They B) promotes faith in continuity and unification at
function as emblems of the country that mints a time of significant change
them. The Greek word “Europe” is the name of a C) was used simply for decorative purposes
mythical figure, and also defines the D) meant different things for different nations in
geographical and political entity Europe. The the world
double meaning is not coincidental. The fortunes
of the mythical figure and the region have been E) is still under debate because of its political
intimately connected from antiquity, though the implications
precise nature of their relationship was complex
and contested. The coin suggests a clever play
on the word ‘Europa’. It uses the mythical

“Europa” to symbolize modern Europe. In doing
so, it makes a powerful statement about national
(and international) identities and about modern
Europe´s cultural origins. The Euro was
introduced in 2002 to mark a new world order:
the creation of a new Europe or the European
Union. At this moment of great change, the coin
provides the reassurance of continuity; new
Europe is also old Europe, with a long and
venerable tradition that goes back to ancient
Greece. Thus, the repetition of the symbol
promotes the European Union.

68. According to the text, images used on coins

66. According to the text, the word ‘Europa’
-------. A) do not have much significance and can be
easily changed by governments
A) is used as an indication of the cultural origin B) can be powerful instruments to affirm the
of European states political and cultural integrity of countries
B) defines a long forgotten mythological figure C) can be copied and used by various powerful
C) used to be the name of a region in Europe states across the globe
D) bears no relation to the political entity of D) must have been of little importance from
Europe antiquity to modern times
E) gained significance only after the creation of E) show the significance of economic and
the European Union industrial development in a country

70. We understand from the text that -------.
69 - 71. soruları aşağıda verilen parçaya
göre cevaplayınız. A) descriptive grammar focuses on the
exceptional uses of words
B) it is only possible to speak a language by
The way linguists use the word ‘grammar’ differs being proficient in its grammar rules
from most common usages. Grammar is the C) our capacity to use a language is defined by
knowledge speakers have about the units and the combination of lexicon and grammar
rules of their language: rules for combining D) linguists encourage people to speak a
sounds into words called ‘phonology’, rules of
language without paying attention to
word formation called ‘morphology’, rules for grammar
combining words and phrases into sentences
called ‘syntax’, as well as the rules for assigning E) grammar does not describe basic linguistic
meaning called ‘semantics’. The grammar, knowledge but tells us how we should speak
together with a mental dictionary called a
‘lexicon’ that lists the words of the language,

represents our linguistic competence. Every
human being who speaks a language knows its
grammar. When linguists wish to describe a
language, they make explicit the rules of the
grammar of the language that exist in the minds
of its speakers. There will be some differences
among speakers, but there must be shared
knowledge too. The shared knowledge makes it
possible to communicate through language. To
the extent that the linguist’s description is a true
model of the speakers’ linguistic capacity, it is a
successful description of the grammar and of the
language itself. Such a model is called a
descriptive grammar.

71. According to the text, in order to use

language for communication, -------.
69. According to the text, the grammar rules
used to form sentences are called -------. A) a successful description of grammar is vital
B) it is essential to have a good dictionary
A) semantics
C) a shared knowledge of grammar is
B) phonology necessary
C) lexicon D) everyone has to agree about grammar rules
D) syntax E) people must give up trying to describe
E) morphology grammar

73. We can understand from the text that
72 - 74. soruları aşağıda verilen parçaya multiculturalism -------.
göre cevaplayınız.
A) aims for greater acceptance of different
Multiculturalism has become the official policy in B) causes great damage to the political
many Western states and represents a liberal structure of nation-states
democratic attempt to promote ethnic and racial C) is solely related to educational institutions
equality. It is based on the idea of displaying
D) is against free religious education
tolerance towards a range of cultural practices
within the contexts of the nation-state. As a E) cannot work without the support of political
policy approach, it has been influential in parties
educational and cultural spheres where it has
underpinned attempts to introduce people to a
range of different beliefs, values, customs and
cultural practices. For example, the teaching of

multi-faith religious education, the performance
of rituals and the promotion of ethnic food
became facets of educational policy. While
multiculturalism as a strategy has much to offer,
some critics argue that the process of relativizing
cultures can, in the context of institutionally racist
social orders, overlook the dimension of power.
That is, the day-to-day experiences of racism in
relation to housing, employment and physical
violence may slip from view. Thus, critics of
multiculturalism argue that we would be better
served by an anti-racist approach that highlights
the operations of power and challenges the
ideological and structural practices that
constitute racist societies.

74. Critics of multiculturalism believe that -------.

72. It is clear from the text that multiculturalism
-------. A) it highlights the operations of power and
challenges ideological practices
A) is only supported by ethnic minorities B) it allows ethnic minorities to use physical
B) has long been neglected in education violence under certain circumstances
C) advocates gender equality above everything C) it may fail to address daily problems caused
else by racial intolerance
D) encourages respect for and celebrates D) it may interfere with the cultural practices of
differences ethnic minorities
E) started as a reaction against the liberal E) it ignores the rights of certain ethnic
democratic approach minorities living in the world

76. In the text, Borromini, Bernini, and Rubens
75 - 77. soruları aşağıda verilen parçaya are given as examples of -------.
göre cevaplayınız.
A) representatives of Baroque painting
B) renowned advocates of Rococo art
The term baroque (misshaped pearl) was C) prominent Renaissance artists in France
applied, at first contemptuously but later well-known pioneers of Rococo painting
respectfully, to a style of architecture that
originated in Rome in the early seventeenth E) famous pioneers of Baroque visual arts
century and showed a significant departure from
the traditions of the Renaissance. Asymmetry of
design, luxuriance of ornament, strange or
broken curves or lines, and polychromatic
richness were its main features. The word was
later extended to the other visual arts of the
baroque period, which is generally regarded as

having lasted to the middle of the eighteenth
century. The best known early exponents are
Borromini in architecture, Bernini in sculpture,
and Rubens in painting. Rococo (rock-work) is
sometimes treated as synonymous with baroque,
but is more properly confined to a later
development of it, especially in France, lighter
and more fanciful, and with ornament even less
related to structure. The characteristics of
baroque are grandeur, pomposity, and weight;
those of rococo are inconsequence, grace, and
lightness. Baroque aims at astounding, rococo at

75. We understand from the text that -------. 77. The text is mainly about -------.
A) rococo was the dominant painting style in A) the significance of Baroque painting in the
Italy history of French art
B) baroque began as a reaction against rococo B) different kinds of architecture observed in
in Italy the Renaissance period
C) the term baroque was first used to describe C) the characteristics of and differences
a style in music between ‘baroque’ and ‘rococo’
D) the term baroque was coined by French D) the transformation of ‘rococo’ during and
architects after the Renaissance period
E) application of the term baroque changed E) why baroque, as an artistic style, lost its
over time significance in time

79. It is understood from the text that headless
78 - 80. soruları aşağıda verilen parçaya horsemen -------.
göre cevaplayınız.
A) generally lost their lives while preparing for
The tradition of the headless horseman goes B) might be warriors who lost their heads on
back to ancient times, and examples of these battlefields
phantoms can be found in the earliest German C) were lucky and strong enough to survive
and Scandinavian folklore. According to legend, many battles
both rider and horse are said to be pitch black in D) were usually admired by the soldiers whom
colour and they can just as easily gallop in the they fought with
sky as on the ground. The horsemen are
sometimes said to be outcasts from the Wild E) did not call for war and bloodshed unless
Hunt, or otherwise great chiefs who had the necessary
misfortune to lose their heads in battle or were
beheaded. A well-known Irish example is the

Headless Rider of Castle Sheela, whose story is
told in Ghosts in Irish Houses by James
Reynolds (1947). Many literary critics have been
interested in headless horseman legends and
written book-length studies on this topic. Perhaps
the most famous book on the topic is The
Headless Horseman by American writer, Captain
Mayne Reid, published in 1869 and based on an
allegedly true case from Texas which the author
himself had investigated.

78. According to the text, the headless horseman

------- . 80. According to the text, Captain Mayne Reid’s
The Headless Horseman -------.
A) is thought to bring bad luck in Irish culture
B) is a legend about the lives of the nobility and A) is based on the writer’s own investigation
high-rank officials B) deals with early Scandinavian folklore
C) was a popular figure in his community C) is purely a product of the writer’s
D) is a legendary figure that appears in imagination
different folklores D) tells us about ancient Irish ghost stories
E) was first mentioned in Irish and American E) is about a group of headless horsemen in
folklore Texas


A Grubu Cevap Anahtarı

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

4. China’s estimated space budget is still
1 - 20. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan over-shadowed by NASA’s, ------- is 19,3
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi billion dollars for this year alone.
A) who
B) what
C) which
D) where
E) when

1. ------- its geographic position as a crossroads

of Europe, Belgium has been a significant
commercial center since the Middle Ages.

A) Unlike
B) Because of
C) In spite of 5. Many individuals think creative people are
more self-sufficient; -------, there is no
D) Rather than scientific study to support this idea.
E) As if
A) for instance
B) consequently
C) likewise
D) however
E) in other words

2. Most artists need a good, well-paying second

job ------- they are selling a large number of
their works of art.

A) provided 6. ------- the 1830s a major cholera epidemic

sweeping through Europe from the Middle
B) because East killed about 31,000 ------- Britain alone.
C) therefore
D) unless A) During / across
E) similarly B) Under / in
C) By / for
D) At / at
E) In / under

3. Diversity of experience has created a

separate Islamic world, ------- four 7. ------- advertising’s historic origins ------- its
geographically and culturally distinct blocks: modern operations have been well
Middle Eastern, Indian, Malay, and African. understood by many traditional businesses.

A) taken off A) Much / more

B) broken in B) Neither / nor
C) turned down C) Not / only
D) woken up D) Either / and
E) divided into E) As / as

8. Modern underwater archaeology ------- special 12. Knowledge of a language ------- us to combine
methods to ------- shipwrecks and other sounds to form words, words to form
archaeological sites that lie under water. phrases, and phrases to form sentences.

A) has used / studied A) enables

B) is using / having studied B) prefers
C) used / being studied C) refuses
D) will use / have studied D) chooses
E) uses / study E) includes

9. The principal ------- of the philosophy of 13. Recent research suggests that air pollution
science is to analyse the methods of enquiry ------- to 1,2 million deaths and caused
used in various sciences. thousands of severe health cases only in
China in 2010.
A) complaint
A) was contributed
B) society
B) contributes
C) task
C) has contributed
D) memory
D) had been contributed
E) rescue
E) contributed

10. Coffee houses ------- appeared in İstanbul with 14. Local governments should provide an
coffee entering through the cities of Aleppo effective safety net for the poor and for those
and Damascus in 1555. who become sick or ------- at work.
A) globally A) crowded
B) originally B) decisive
C) honestly C) injured
D) monthly D) basic
E) correctly E) wide

11. There is a vital and clear distinction between 15. Joyoti Roy, the consultant for the British
the concepts of 'society' and 'state' ------- National Museum, has worked ------- a team of
many political thinkers have ignored this experts in order to make the museum and its
fact. collection more accessible.

A) because A) unlike
B) as soon as B) such as
C) as long as C) in contrast to
D) although D) along with
E) when E) in terms of

16. Babylon ------- one of the cultural centres of 19. Among the measurements to calculate
the world before it ------- by revolt in 689 BC inflation, the consumer price index is by far
by the Assyrians. ------- commonly used measurement in the
A) will be / is destroyed
B) had been / was destroyed A) as much as
C) was / will be destroyed B) such a lot
D) has been / has been destroyed C) so much
E) is / had been destroyed D) many more
E) the most

17. ------- the World Bank has been funded by the

United States, its policies have been heavily
influenced by Washington, the capital city of
the USA.

A) As
B) Although
C) Whereas
D) By the time
E) Unless

18. Military geography ------- military leaders with 20. ------- its split from Slovakia in 1993, Czechia
information about areas where they ------- to has become one of Europe’s most popular
operate. travel destinations.

A) had provided / will need A) Over

B) is providing / had needed B) Since
C) will provide / used to need C) During
D) provides / may need D) Before
E) will be providing / needed E) Until

21 - 25. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen A) explain
sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. B) decline
C) expect
D) compare
A common nationality ---21--- to create trusting E) trust
feelings by forming a common identity that draws
on a shared culture, history, and language.
These commonalities supposedly create a/an
---22--- between people that reaches beyond
their many differences of opinion and interests
and enables them to cooperate with each other.
First, people find it easier to engage with and
---23--- people whom they regard as similar in
certain pertinent ways. Second, cooperative
activities, ---24--- democracy and welfare, involve
more than the humanitarian obligations we owe
to people in general. Not only are such
obligations difficult to create and sustain ---25---
all human beings, but also people of differing
cultures will want to shape them in different

A) such as
B) so that
21. C) unlike
A) says D) due to
B) has said E) as if
C) is said
D) had said
E) said

22. 25.
A) bond A) off
B) owner B) below
C) lecture C) under
D) queue D) among
E) row E) into

26 - 30. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen A) on
sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. B) of
C) to
D) from
Historians of Africa ---26--- significant problems E) at
for a long time now. It is important to stress that
many such problems are shared with historians
---27--- work in other parts of the world. The lives
---28--- ordinary working people, women or
children, for example, can be difficult and often
impossible to capture and interpret. However,
Africa has its own challenges. ---29--- addressing
these challenges, historians have developed a
range of methods which have not only increased
the sophistication of African historical studies,
but have also added to the research techniques
and the analytical style of the ---30--- of history.

A) Though
A) were faced
B) If
B) have faced
C) Until
C) were facing
D) Unless
D) had faced
E) While
E) will face

27. 30.
A) what A) increase
B) in which B) report
C) who C) break
D) which D) field
E) whose E) change

34. -------; for example, a person must have it to
31 - 41. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun practise medicine and law.
şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) Modern civil law systems were originally
developed in Western European countries
B) Licenses may not be assigned to or
inherited by a third party in the law
C) The term 'license' is always applied in
31. Despite having vast fertile lands, -------. property law, international law and tax law
A) Cuba imports 80 percent of its food at a cost D) Consumption taxes raise the prices of
of $2 billion per year certain products for consumers
B) farmers all agree that their country has great E) A license issued by a government agency is
economic potential required for certain professions
C) much of the island’s landscape is worth
D) China has put a ban on using child labour in
E) it is known that almost 70 percent of the
lands of Brazil are fertile

35. The price for an American car is affected not

only by American companies, -------.

A) thanks to foreign policies that have an

32. In societies where most people can earn a impact on agriculture
living only by working for others, -------.
B) due to the low price we pay for other local
A) air pollution is also recognized as an products
environmental problem in Europe C) but also by Japanese and European auto
B) being unable to find a job is a serious manufacturers
problem D) in order to reduce competition for car
C) of the 6,000 people hoping to get jobs, 135 manufacturing companies
were hired E) so Asian companies are in competition with
D) statistics for local areas are based partly on foreign companies
the same survey
E) export is becoming the major national
income resource

33. Although cultural diversity is supposedly 36. Although the major part of Aristotle’s works
valued in many societies, -------. is lost, -------.

A) it has been getting more and more popular A) their notes are mostly for the use of public
since then officials
B) the country’s political offices are run B) they are composed of essays and
efficiently enough manuscripts
C) many people still do not approve of C) most of his writings were never intended to
interracial marriages be read
D) equal opportunities for all people are really D) we may still form some idea of his
valued philosophical views
E) there are much better job opportunities than E) he was not as popular as most of his
before contemporaries

37. While humans have described the nature of 40. When the novel The Grapes of Wrath was
social relations for centuries, -------. published on March 14, 1939, -------.

A) a new network of social relations is part and A) it created an unexpected sensation across
parcel of industrialization the world
B) it was only in the 19th century that this B) it can be read as a social comment on the
became a scientific field of study economic disasters of the time
C) the social relations involved exploitation, C) the other masterpiece 'Of Mice and Men' is
alienation, and domination set in California
D) different definitions of civil society reflect D) these chapters depict the atmosphere
different theoretical orientations during the Great Depression
E) sociology is mainly concerned with social E) John Steinbeck was born in 1902, in
relations Salinas, California

38. Before paper and coins were introduced as

permanent forms of money, -------.

A) paper was later invented in China, which

transformed the whole world irreversibly
B) money is widely accepted in payment for
goods and services and in settlement of
C) coins have been around for more than five
thousand years as a medium of exchange
D) people used a variety of things like rice to
serve as money for trading goods
E) the value of the material used is usually
much less than its value as money itself

39. -------, but the country has experienced

considerable growth in industry since the
1950s. 41. Life is boring without fresh experience, -------.
A) Large cities first appeared in Anatolia during A) but they also need new experiences to
the reign of the Hittites enrich it
B) Today, 75 percent of Turkey’s population B) so without such shocks to the system, they
lives in cities and towns would become boring
C) Manufactured goods, especially textiles, C) because new experience brings new
now dominate the export sector information and forces us to learn
D) Turkey has served as a bridge between Asia D) that’s why most people avoid trying new
and Europe throughout history things
E) For centuries Turkey’s economy was E) even though what we call 'life' moves as
predominantly agricultural slowly as a snail

44. By 2050, Nigeria is expected to become the
42 - 47. sorularda, verilen İngilizce third most populous country in the world,
cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi overtaking the United States of America.
A) 2050 yılına kadar Nijerya’nın, Amerika
Birleşik Devletleri’ni geçip, dünyadaki
üçüncü en yoğun nüfuslu ülke olması
B) 2050 yılından önce Nijerya’nın, Amerika
Birleşik Devletleri’ni geçerek, en yoğun
nüfuslu ülkelerinden biri olması bekleniyor.
C) 2050 yılında, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri
42. If the experiments do not support the Nijerya’yı geçip, dünyadaki en yoğun
scientific explanation, then alternative nüfuslu üç ülkeden biri olacak.
explanations must be proposed and tested. D) 2050 yılına kadar Nijerya, nüfus yoğunluğu
bakımından çoktan Amerika Birleşik
A) Bilimsel veriler ileri sürülen açıklamayı
Devletleri’ni geçip, üçüncü sıraya
desteklemezse, bu açıklama bilimsel olarak
geçersiz sayılabilir.
B) Deneyler önerilen açıklamayla uyuşmazsa, E) 2050 yılında, Nijerya’nın Amerika Birleşik
Devletleri’nden sonra dünyadaki üçüncü
o zaman söz konusu açıklama tekrar
yoğun nüfuslu ülke olacağı tahmin ediliyor.
gözden geçirilebilir.
C) İleri sürülen açıklamalar farklı deneylerle
desteklenmediği zaman, alternatif bilimsel
çalışmalar yapılmalıdır.
D) Bilimsel deneyler açıklamayı
desteklemezse, alternatif deneyler yapılmalı
ve açıklama gözden geçirilmelidir.
E) Deneyler bilimsel açıklamayı
desteklemezse, o zaman alternatif
açıklamalar önerilmeli ve test edilmelidir.

43. Knowing a language means being able to

produce sentences never spoken before and
to understand sentences never heard before.
45. The type of music we prefer to listen to can
A) Bir dili bilmek, daha önce hiç söylenmemiş have a significant effect on our emotions and
cümleleri kurabilmek ve daha önce hiç behaviour.
duyulmamış cümleleri anlayabilmek
anlamına gelir. A) Dinlemekten hoşlandığımız müzik türünün
B) İnsan bir dili tam anlamıyla biliyorsa, bu duygularımızı ve davranışlarımızı
onun o dilde cümle kurabildiği ve daha önce şekillendirdiği düşünülüyor.
hiç duymadığı cümleleri anladığı anlamına B) Hangi tür müzik türünü dinlemeyi tercih
gelir. edersek edelim, duygu ve davranışlarımız
C) Hiç duymadığınız cümleleri üretiyor ve yeni bundan belli bir ölçüde etkilenir.
duyduğunuz cümleleri anlıyorsanız, bu sizin C) Duygularımız ve davranışımız dinlemeyi
o dili oldukça iyi bildiğinizi gösterir. tercih ettiğimiz müzik türlerinden tahmin
D) Bir dili bilmek için, daha önce söylenmemiş ettiğimizden fazla etkileniyor olabilir.
cümleleri hatasız bir şekilde kurmak ve yeni D) Duygularımız ve çoğu davranışımız,
duyduğu cümleleri iyi anlamak gerekir. dinlemeyi tercih ettiğimiz müzik türünden
E) İnsanın bir dili bilip bilmediğini anlamak için, önemli ölçüde etkilenmektedir.
daha önce söylenmemiş cümleleri kurma ve E) Dinlemeyi tercih ettiğimiz müzik türü,
ilk kez duyduğu cümleleri anlama becerisine duygularımız ve davranışımız üzerinde
bakılmalıdır. önemli bir etkiye sahip olabilir.

46. Dogs are highly social animals and certainly
sense the situations in which we are 48 - 53. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye
unhappy or in pain. anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi
A) Köpekler oldukça sosyal hayvanlardır ve
kendilerini mutsuz eden veya acı çektiren
insanları kesinlikle hissederler.
B) Köpekler oldukça sosyal hayvanlardır ve
mutsuz veya acı içinde olduğumuz durumları
kesinlikle hissederler.
C) Son derece sosyal hayvanlar olan köpekler
mutsuz olduğumuz ve acı çektiğimiz çoğu
durumu hissedebilirler. 48. Pers kralları tarafından gerçekleştirilen en
önemli mimari projeler özenle planlanan ve
D) Köpekler sosyal hayvanlardır ve acı
inşa edilen saraylardı.
çektiklerinde ya da mutsuz olduklarında,
bizim ne hissettiğimizi daha iyi anlayabilirler. A) The Persian kings considered palaces the
E) Çok mutsuz olduğumuz veya çok acı most important architectural projects and
çektiğimiz durumların çoğunu hissedebilen they carefully planned and constructed them
köpekler sosyal hayvanlardır. themselves.
B) The Persian king attached great importance
to the planning and construction of palaces
as architectural projects.
C) The most important architectural projects
realised by the Persian kings were palaces
which were carefully planned and
D) Since they were considered to be the most
important architectural projects, Persian
kings carefully planned their palaces.
E) As one of the most important architectural
projects realised by the Persian kings, all
palaces were carefully planned and

49. Ekonomi, işsizlik, enflasyon, kalkınma ve

uluslararası para krizleri gibi geleneksel
meselelerle ilgilenir.
47. The sign languages are the best evidence to
support the notion that all languages are A) Economics deals with traditional issues such
shaped by the same universal values. as unemployment, inflation, development
and international monetary crises.
A) Her dilin evrensel değerler tarafından B) Economics is not only related to traditional
şekillendirildiği tezinin en büyük issues but also employment, inflation,
kanıtlarından biri işaret dili olabilir. development, and international monetary
B) Tüm dillerin benzer evrensel değerlerden crises.
etkilendiğini gösteren unsurlar arasında C) Common problems including unemployment,
işaret dili de bulunur. inflation, development, and international
C) İşaret dilleri, tüm dillerin aynı evrensel monetary crises are the subjects of
değerler tarafından şekillendirildiği Economics.
düşüncesini destekleyen en iyi kanıttır. D) Economic studies include certain traditional
D) Bazı dilbilimcilerine göre, dünya dilleri problems like unemployment, inflation and
evrensel değerlerle şekillenir; bunun önemli international monetary crises.
kanıtı da işaret dilidir. E) Traditional problems as well as
E) İşaret dili, tüm dillerin benzer değerlere unemployment, development and
sahip olduğu düşüncesini destekleyen en international monetary crises are issues
önemli verilerden biridir. related to economics.

50. Göç birçok ülkenin değişen nüfuslarında 52. On dokuzuncu yüzyılın sonunda inşa edilen
önemli bir rol oynayan demografik bir Pera Palas, Agatha Christie gibi birçok ünlü
süreçtir. konuğa ev sahipliği yapmıştır.

A) Migration is a demographic process that A) Many famous guests like Agatha Christie
plays an important role in the changing wanted to stay at Pera Palace, which was
populations of many countries. built at the end of the nineteenth century.
B) Migration, which is a demographic process, B) Pera Palace, which was built at the end of
plays an important role by changing the the nineteenth century, has hosted a famous
population of every country. writer called Agatha Christie.
C) Changes in the populations of certain C) Pera Palace, which was built at the end of
countries are caused by migration, which is the nineteenth century, has hosted many
a common demographic process. famous guests like Agatha Christie.
D) The most important role of migration as a D) Pera Palace, which was built in the
demographic process is that it changes nineteenth century, has hosted many
almost all countries’ populations. famous writers such as Agatha Christie.
E) Migration is one of the most important E) Built before the end of the nineteenth
demographic processes as it changes many century, Pera Palace was visited by many
countries’ populations. guests like Agatha Christie.

51. İstanbul Deniz Müzesi, Türkiye’nin en büyük

denizcilik müzesidir ve zengin koleksiyonları
bakımından dünyanın en önemlilerinden

A) The rich collections of the Istanbul Naval

Museum have made it Turkey’s largest
museum and one of the most important
museums in the world.
B) The Istanbul Naval Museum is one of the 53. Haritalar, çeşitli kültürlerin çevrelerindeki
most important museums in the world due to dünyayı nasıl betimlediklerinin mükemmel
its size and its rich maritime collections. örnekleridir.
C) The Istanbul Naval Museum in Turkey has
A) Various cultures use excellent maps in order
become the largest maritime museum in the
to describe the world around them.
world owing to its rich collections and unique
location. B) Maps are examples of cultures, illustrating
how they describe the world around them.
D) The Istanbul Naval Museum is Turkey’s
largest maritime museum and is one of the C) Various cultures have been using maps to
most important in the world in terms of its show the ways they describe their own
rich collections. world.
E) The Istanbul Naval Museum is one of the D) Maps are examples of how various ancient
most significant maritime museums in the cultures imagined the world around them.
world and the most important one in Turkey E) Maps are excellent examples of how various
due to its rich collections. cultures describe the world around them.

55. In April 1601 the English East India Company
54 - 59. sorularda, parçada anlam sent its first expedition to the East. -------. The
bütünlüğünü sağlamak için boş bırakılan success of this journey led to a second
yerlere getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz. expedition by the same ships, which left
London in March 1604. On the return, Hector
and Susan set off first, but Susan was lost at
sea and Hector was rescued by Ascension
and Dragon, which found her in South Africa
with most of her crew dead. Ascension,
Dragon, and Hector made it back to England
in May 1606 with a cargo of pepper, cloves,
and nutmegs. The shareholders in these two
voyages made a profit of 95% on their

A) Despite the success of the third expedition

in 1607, the fourth one was a complete
B) A train run by steam power changed the
history of transportation forever
C) Rich London businessmen provided a lot of
money for these farmers
D) Its four ships returned from Sumatra and
Java with a cargo composed mainly of
E) The cost of building such a ship and
maintaining it is quite high these days

54. The purpose of a research paper is to

synthesize previous research and
scholarship with your ideas on the subject.
Therefore, you should feel free to use other 56. The term 'allegory' derives from Greek
people’s words, facts, and thoughts in your allegoria, which can be defined as 'speaking
research paper, but the material you borrow otherwise'. As a rule, an allegory is a story in
must not be presented as if it were your own verse or prose with a double meaning: a
creation. Otherwise, you end up committing primary and a secondary meaning. -------. The
plagiarism, presenting somebody else’s origins of allegory are ancient, and it
ideas as your own. -------. These notes should appears to be a mode of expression so
always distinguish among three types of natural to the human mind that it is universal.
material: your ideas, your summaries, and For example, many myths are allegorical
your paraphrases of others’ ideas and facts. stories that explain universal facts and
A) To avoid this during research and writing,
keep careful notes about your sources A) However, we can take the old Arab fable of
B) Presenting an author’s exact wording the frog and the scorpion
without marking it as a quotation is known B) The best known allegory in the English
as plagiarism language is Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress
C) When you copy and paste passages, make C) In other words, an allegory is a story that
sure that you add quotation marks can be read and interpreted at two levels
D) Unfortunately, some students continue to D) It is difficult to classify such styles correctly
take this approach in high school as there are too many subcategories
E) For this reason, the best way of supporting E) The whole work is a simplified
your argument is to use quotations representation of the average man’s journey

57. Talking in our heads is referred to by 59. -------. Unfortunately, it was not performed
psychologists as inner 'speech'. -------. elsewhere during Mozart’s lifetime. That is
However, there are notable differences too, probably why devotees today of Mozart’s
with brain areas useful in inhibiting overt Idomeneo assume that it was totally forgotten
speech playing a greater role in inner between 1791, when Mozart died, and 1951,
speech. The exact brain mechanisms when Fritz Busch and Carl Ebert brought it to
involved may come down to why we are Glyndebourne. However, a glance at Alfred
talking in our heads in the first place. For Loewenberg’s Annuals of Opera will show
example, when we read a book, brain regions you how many times it was produced
involved in attention may be more active than between those years. Gramophone records
when we are mentally preparing for a race. also testify that Idomeneo was known about
and sung during the first half of the twentieth
A) The Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas are century.
active in overt speech
B) It involves some similar processes to overt A) Most remarkable of all, Mozart wrote graces
speech as it activates the brain regions into the vocal parts in his thirties
involved in language B) For practical reasons he made other cuts
C) For psychologists the resemblance between shortly before the first performance
these two always requires the same brain C) Mozart did conduct a concert performance in
mechanisms Vienna in March 1786
D) Talking in our heads may even be D) Mozart faced difficulties with all three
accompanied by small muscle movements singers, during rehearsals
E) Inner speech is thought to be healthy as the E) Mozart’s Idomeneo was first performed in
individual may get rid of the stress of the Munich in 1781
day in this way

58. The Asian Development Bank (ADB), a

nongovernmental organization based in
Manila, in the Philippines, was founded to
provide aid, funding, and various forms of
financial and technical support to countries
in Asia and the Pacific. The organization also
attempts to assist in the improvement of
conditions that affect women and children.
The ADB started operations in 1966 and
initially represented a group of 31 states. As
of 2006, it had grown to have 66 members.

A) This help can take several forms and affect

regional, subregional, and local projects
B) This is a major mistake despite the depths
of poverty encountered in the country
C) These financial programs can involve both
public and private investments
D) This included 47 states from inside the zone
and 19 from elsewhere
E) Most of these people in the region live on
less than $2,00 per day

62. (I) The category of photographic 'art' is
60 - 65. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla loaded with problems because there are at
okunduğunda parçanın anlam least two, and possibly three, traditions out
bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz. of which this artistic endeavor has been put
together. (II) In the last 25 years artists have
become increasingly aware of the histories
of fine arts. (III) Firstly, there is 'art
photography', stemming from the 1860s,
which involves photographers making
pictures that claim the status of art. (IV)
60. (I) Your goal in summarizing a text is to state Secondly, there is abstract photography, in
the work’s main ideas and key points simply, which it is hard to unfold the story behind at
briefly, and accurately in your own words. (II) the first glance. (V) Thirdly, 'street
To summarize a written text, first find the photography' or 'auteur documentary' is
author’s central idea – the thesis. (III) A often grouped within art-photography.
scientific paper should include an
introduction and body paragraphs. (IV) Then, A) I
divide this whole idea into a few major and B) II
perhaps minor ones. (V) Since a summary C) III
must be fairly short, you must decide which
of these ideas are important and should be
included. E) V

A) I
E) V

61. (I) For many years, archaeologists have been

determinedly working to solve one of the
world’s largest jigsaw puzzles: the Forma
Urbis Romae. (II) It was an enormous marble
map of ancient Rome created between the
years AD 203 and 211. (III) From the fifth
century, as the map fell into disuse, it was
broken up into thousands of pieces, which
were subsequently scattered throughout the
city. (IV) The spectacular ruins that remain
today are interesting examples of traditional
Italian architecture. (V) Scholars have been
searching for the map’s fragments in
locations around Rome and attempting to
determine their original positions for the
past 500 years.

A) I
E) V

63. (I) Aesthetics, the philosophy of beauty, 65. (I) The First Gulf War was fought by a
comes from the Greek word aisthetikos, coalition of forces from 34 countries against
which means 'perceptive', especially with Iraq in 1991. (II) The war began because of
regards to feeling. (II) For example, there are several crises stemming from the Iran-Iraq
still differences in its implications, one of the War of 1980–88. (III) After the Iran-Iraq War
most significant being the status given to the ended, Iraq was left with huge debts, largely
body. (III) In philosophy, the word was first to other Arab nations that had helped to
used in 1750 by A. G. Baumgarten to mean finance the war. (IV) The Kuwaiti government
'the science of sensuous knowledge', whose made the disastrous decision to increase its
object is beauty. (IV) Kant rejected this use of oil production. (V) However, the Iraqi military
the word 'aesthetics', and redefined it as the had benefited from the war by becoming the
'a priori principles of sensible experience'. strongest military force in the Gulf region.
(V) Hegel, in turn, redefined it as the
philosophy of the fine arts and this definition A) I
is the one presently used. B) II
A) I
E) V
E) V

64. (I) All developed nations maintain a variety of

social welfare programs. (II) Governments
establish them to provide a so-called safety
net to prevent people from suffering the
effects of poverty. (III) However, many people
believe that welfare encourages its recipients
to become dependent on government support
and remain unemployed. (IV) As a result,
welfare programs have always caused heated
public debate. (V) Likewise, there are also
non-profit organizations to help people who
cannot support themselves fully or earn a

A) I
E) V

67. It can be inferred from the text that -------.
66 - 68. soruları aşağıda verilen parçaya
göre cevaplayınız. A) the Industrial Revolution had a major effect
on advertising methods
B) new advertising methods have become a
Advertising is the use of mass media to promote subject of controversy for many people
a specific product, service, or idea on behalf of a C) advertisements try to persuade people to
business or organization. Advertisers ordinarily buy many products that they do not really
use media such as television, radio, print need
sponsorship of cultural and sporting events, and D) women used to spend more on big ticket
the Internet. From the Industrial Revolution to the products than men
mid-twentieth century, advertising in Europe was
generally straightforward and usually included E) teenagers do not have as much influence on
only an image and description of the product’s advertisement sector as adults do
function, price, and the location from which it
could be purchased. Ads were primarily directed
toward women because they were responsible
for the majority of consumer purchases, the
exception being 'big ticket' products like cars and
major appliances. Since World War II, however,
industries have increasingly tried to attract the
adult male consumer, and with the advent of
youth culture, children, teenagers, and young
adults have been targeted as well. A common
strategy for advertisers is to create the idea that
the given products will correct a specific problem
or insecurity although most of them will not do

66. It is stated in the text that advertising in

Europe -------. 68. It can be understood from the text that -------.
A) did not include too many details about the A) advertisers usually use the same media
product until the mid-twentieth century rather than a variety of media forms
B) used to be more interested in persuading B) the target group of advertisements has
the adult male consumer to buy changed over time
C) uses the Internet as a tool more often than C) the Internet is the most effective medium of
other forms of mass media advertising of all time
D) mainly aims at promoting the sales of D) purchasers buy products though they know
modern cars and major appliances the products make them insecure
E) is directed only towards women rather than E) since World War II, women have been the
men or young adults now only target audience of advertisers

70. What is the passage mainly about?
69 - 71. soruları aşağıda verilen parçaya
göre cevaplayınız. A) a well-known philosopher’s ideas about
human reasoning
B) the similarities between modern and ancient
The famous French philosopher and philosophers
mathematician René Descartes focused on C) the reasons why humans are superior to
rational thought. For Descartes, humans were animals
able to know through reason, in contrast to D) a comparison between rational thinking and
animals that have no language, reason or soul. sensation
In his writings, humans and animals are seen as
living machines, but humans are above animals E) different definitions and applications of
because of their powers of (self-) consciousness. various fields
According to Descartes, the essence of being a
human subject is this capacity for thinking.
Descartes attached importance to rational
thinking over bodily sensation in our
understanding of the material world, and he was
sure that his findings could be used for the
progress of humankind. However, Descartes has
been harshly criticised in recent times. Today,
many scholars do not agree with the idea of a
coherent, individual self, able to control the
material world. They claim that a person does not
really act on the world or shape society
consciously. In contrast, they say that social
'texts' such as politics, law, religion and
education shape individuals.

69. We understand from the text that -------. 71. According to the text, modern scholars
suggest that -------.
A) Descartes’s ideas have not always been
practical in politics A) Descartes was right in his claims about
B) Descartes believed that humans and human rationality
animals were equal in all aspects B) humans can control the material world
C) Descartes’s ideas are followed by most through rational thinking
scientists today C) individuals mostly act consciously and
D) for Descartes, bodily sensation is more coherently
important than the capacity for thinking D) people cannot consciously shape social life
E) modern scholars and Descartes have but are rather shaped by it
opposing beliefs about our capacity to E) Descartes’s ideas can help us understand
change the material world the human mind

74. According to the text, many postmodern
72 - 74. soruları aşağıda verilen parçaya works of literature are -------.
göre cevaplayınız.
A) classified as 'pop culture' by ordinary people
B) said to defy the conventional models of
The term 'postmodernism' is often applied to the 'mass culture'
literature and art produced in the aftermath of C) not easily classified as postmodern literature
World War II. It was a time when the effects and art
World War I were greatly worsened by the
D) against being defined only as postmodernist
experience of Nazi totalitarianism, the threat of
total destruction by the atomic bomb, the
progressive devastation of nature, and the E) hard to classify according to conventional
obvious threat of over-population. literary norms
Postmodernism involves not only a continuation
of the counter-traditional experiments of
modernism, but also diverse attempts to break
away from modernist forms. Many works of
postmodern literature –by Jorge Luis Borges,
Samuel Beckett, Vladimir Nabokov, and many
others– include such various genres and styles
that they cannot be classified easily according to
traditional literary norms. This is also true for
other art forms such as pop art, and certain types
of music.

72. According to the text, postmodernism -------.

A) started as a reaction against Nazi
B) is likely to lose popularity due to its complex
C) was born out of the pain and suffering
caused by World War II
D) is a term that is only applied to literature
E) was mainly interested in visual arts rather
than literature

73. According to the text, postmodernism can be

considered to be -------.

A) both a continuation of and a break from

modernism and its forms
B) a harsh criticism towards both pop art and
musical composition
C) a blind continuation of modernism and its
literary forms
D) a form of experimentation observed in
contemporary cinema
E) an attack against literature and art as well
as modernism itself

76. According to the text, -------.
75 - 77. soruları aşağıda verilen parçaya
göre cevaplayınız. A) the primary goal of for-profit businesses is to
earn more money than they spend
B) the number of non-profit businesses is
Most businesses seek to make a profit—that is, higher than that of for-profit businesses
they aim to get income that is more than the C) non-profit organizations are often run by
costs of operating the business. However, some governments
businesses only seek to earn enough to cover D) businesses should not play a significant role
their operating costs. Commonly called in defining prices in free-market economies
non-profits, these organizations are primarily
nongovernmental service providers. Examples of E) non-profit businesses do not make any
non-profit businesses include organizations such money even for their operating costs
as social service agencies, foundations and
many hospitals. However, many people argue
that businesses seeking profit also play a vital
role in the life and culture of countries with
free-market economies. In free-market systems,
expenses and prices are primarily shaped by
competition among businesses, not by
governments. Businesses provide almost
anything consumers want or need, including
basic necessities such as food and housing,
luxuries such as wide-screen televisions, and
even personal services such as caring for
children and finding companionship. As a result,
both for-profit businesses and non-profits are of
great importance within the society they exist in.

75. It is clear from the text that in free-market

economies, -------.
77. The text is mainly about -------.
A) non-profit businesses are more important
than for-profit ones A) advantages of non-profit businesses over
B) social service agencies do not cooperate for-profit ones
with for-profit businesses B) how businesses have changed over time
C) the cultural life of the population is C) the different roles of for-profit and non-profit
negatively affected by business businesses
D) the operating costs of businesses are paid D) different products that businesses offer for
by local government customers
E) the majority of public needs are provided by E) examples of for-profit businesses and their
businesses products

79. The animals that were used to carry
78 - 80. soruları aşağıda verilen parçaya caravanners’ goods -------.
göre cevaplayınız.
A) were generally borrowed or hired from the
local political authorities
Throughout much of human history, merchants B) could not endure the hardships of the long
who moved goods across long distances journeys through deserts and mountains
minimized their risks of loss to plunderers by C) were not easy to find, particularly when the
acting together, travelling in caravans and route was through a desert
carrying arms for protection. These caravanners
D) were selected according to the geographical
who passed from the region of one political
features of the route
authority to another depended on local
authorities to secure their protection, and in E) were relatively faster compared to other
return they paid transit fees, generally in the form forms of transportation
of gifts. While passing through stateless areas,
armed caravans seemed to be as impressive as
a small army. The cost of transporting goods by
land was generally higher than by sea or river,
and thus the number of caravans was high only
in regions where these alternatives did not exist.
Across dry deserts such as the Gobi, the camel
was the only pack animal that could survive the
rigors of the crossing. In the intense cold of the
Himalayan Mountains, the yak was the perfect
pack animal for carrying goods. In addition to
their economic benefits, the caravan routes
played an important role in world history,
connecting people from different races and

78. It is clear from the text that caravanners 80. We can understand from the text that -------.
A) the busiest and most profitable caravan
A) were quite individualistic and often looked routes were found in the Middle East
for self-interest B) caravan routes were beneficial to
B) were armed and worked cooperatively to communities both economically and
protect their goods from plunderers culturally
C) travelled in small numbers in order to C) caravans were economically more
minimize the risk of quarrels in the group advantageous than other forms of transport
D) carried arms to steal from the inhabitants of D) caravanners had to pay ransom to each and
the towns they were travelling through every country they were travelling through
E) had to fight some of the local authorities in E) rivalries between different caravanners
order to carry on their journey caused long and painful disputes


A Grubu Cevap Anahtarı

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

4. Users generally regard their profiles -------
1 - 20. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan social networking sites as a form -------
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi self-expression, but for marketing
bulunuz. companies, they only have commercial value.

A) from / at
B) over / on
C) with / by
D) into / in
E) on / of

1. In the past, there were some economists who

believed advertising was ineffective; -------,
they regarded it as a waste of time and
5. In today’s world, the wheel is ------- significant
A) however and indispensable ------- it is hard to imagine
B) such as living without it.
C) nevertheless A) so / that
D) instead B) rather / that
E) therefore C) such / that
D) either / or
E) as / as

2. Psychology emerged as a field of study -------

the late 19th century, when Wilhelm Wundt
founded the first laboratory to conduct 6. The main criteria used in specifying ethnic
psychological research. groups are common behavior patterns, diet
and dress ------- a shared history.
A) while
B) during A) but
C) since B) despite
D) between C) unless
E) for D) as well as
E) though

3. Traditional arts and crafts are ------- the 7. A recent study has shown that people may
heritage and symbols of valuable wealth left remember the same event differently,
by our ancestors ------- an important link in depending on ------- they process it in their
the continuous development of culture. memory.

A) less / than A) whose

B) neither / nor B) whom
C) not only / but also C) how
D) such / that D) that
E) instead / of E) what

8. The name “labyrinth” was given by the 12. Lifestyles that ------- to be marginal in the past
ancient Greeks and Romans to buildings, ------- less unusual and increasingly common
entirely or ------- underground, with passages. in the present world.

A) globally A) were considered / are becoming

B) quickly B) are considered / have been becoming
C) lately C) have been considered / had become
D) socially D) might be considered / used to become
E) partly E) must be considered / will become

13. Technology makes it possible for companies

9. Throughout the 18th century, some important to ------- enormous amounts of data on the
composers tried to popularize their music by possible partners they will work with.
making it more ------- to the general public.
A) approve
A) rare
B) perform
B) accessible
C) decide
C) complete
D) happen
D) foreign
E) collect
E) regular

14. The rise of Japan into the ranks of the

industrial powers in the 20th century
10. In 1793, the Louvre ------- as a public museum
in France, and, the next year, the French surprised everyone ------- it had no iron ore
painter Louis David ------- as its director. and very little coal.

A) had been opened / has been appointed A) if only

B) could be opened / is appointed B) because
C) might be opened / may be appointed C) yet
D) was opened / was appointed D) so that
E) has been opened / had been appointed E) just as

15. ------- public interest in exercise is generally

11. The Cyrillic alphabet originally had 43 letters, thought to have increased over the last 30
the majority of which appear to have been years, it is reported that only 27% of adults
------- the Greek scripts of the time. do exercise regularly.

A) looked into A) Now that

B) turned down B) As long as
C) derived from C) Provided
D) taken away D) While
E) divided into E) Unless

16. The earliest civilizations did not arise in 19. Users who are part of the same ‘‘network’’
fertile rain-watered lands; -------, they began may view one another’s profiles ------- a
in dry regions, where water came from a profile owner has decided to deny
river or a lake. permission to those in his or her network.

A) despite A) as long as
B) therefore B) when
C) on the contrary C) if
D) likewise D) just as
E) as well as E) unless

17. When entrepreneurs in the early 20th century

first ------- to record moving pictures of
real-life events, people ------- to call this new
type of storytelling documentaries.

A) began / started
B) were beginning / start
C) have begun / were starting
D) had begun / have started
E) begin / had started

18. In the United States, readers appreciate a 20. According to art historians, the Japanese
direct -------, which means when you express visual arts ------- by three major factors:
your point as openly as possible, you show Chinese visual arts, indigenous traditions,
that you value your readers’ time. and Buddhist iconography.

A) safety A) had influenced

B) approach B) are influencing
C) mystery C) were influencing
D) ambition D) have been influenced
E) memory E) have influenced

21 - 25. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen A) if
sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. B) as soon as
C) once
D) though
Part of listening to what others are saying ---21--- E) while
observing how they say it. Even when we say
nothing, our bodies talk; sometimes they even
shout. Research shows that more than half of
what we communicate ---22--- through our body
language rather than our words. Therefore, we
must also become aware of body language,
facial expressions, and tone of voice ---23--- we
do not wish to create a wrong impression. These
should match what we say in words; ---24---, we
might end up sending mixed messages and
creating more misunderstandings. For example,
as long as you want to make an assertive
statement, you ---25--- what the other person is
thinking and keep your expression friendly.

A) similarly
B) consequently
21. C) otherwise
D) besides
A) includes
E) moreover
B) raises
C) appears
D) grows
E) controls

22. 25.
A) conveys A) should have guessed
B) is conveyed B) would guess
C) was conveyed C) have guessed
D) has conveyed D) had better guess
E) is conveying E) could be guessing

26 - 30. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen A) yet
sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. B) for instance
C) however
D) such as
Like many English novelists, George Eliot ---26--- E) therefore
to novel writing relatively late in life. She was
forty ---27--- her first novel, Adam Bede, was
published in 1859. The lives of her characters
are, ---28---, viewed from this well-developed
perspective and extensive experience. This point
of view was emphasized by her practice of
setting her stories back in time, to the period of
her own childhood, or even ---29---. In most of
her novels, she draws a preindustrial rural scene
or the small-town life of the English Midlands,
---30--- she sees with a combination of nostalgia
and candid awareness of its limitations.

A) as early as
B) early enough
C) much earlier
A) came D) earlier than
B) has come E) so early as
C) might come
D) comes
E) is coming

27. 30.
A) until A) whose
B) when B) what
C) even if C) who
D) after D) when
E) whereas E) which

33. -------, in opposition to the notorious
31 - 41. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun uncertainty of the Symbolist movement.
şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) Acmeism was a significant movement in the
early 20th century, aiming for precision and
B) Anna Akhmatova’s early work was
perceived as exemplary of the new
movement, Symbolism
C) The Symbolists were a group of Russian
poets, many of whose works were published
in “Apollon”
D) The Acmeist movement did not last very
long, but it included some distinguished
Russian poets
E) For the Acmeists, a poet was no longer a
prophet or a theurgist, but a craftsman or a

31. The Eastern Roman Empire, or the Byzantine

Empire, flourished until 1453, -------.
34. -------, but children need space to learn and
A) whether the empire had been split into two grow on their own, too.
at this time or not
A) Parents can help their children learn to
B) that today’s England was then dominated by
identify and solve their problems themselves
Angles and Saxons
B) Children who cannot regulate their emotions
C) even though historians marked it as the are more likely to have a harder time making
beginning of a new age friends
D) but it did not make many significant C) Educating the people who will be parents is
territorial gains in Europe
a significant starting point for beginning a
E) although it took control of not just art but family
also education D) Over-controlling parents can negatively
affect a child's ability to manage his or her
E) It is natural for parents to do whatever they
can to keep their children safe and healthy

35. In order to perform satisfactorily in the

32. -------, governments may or may not establish classroom and provide high-quality
a dedicated ministry for tourism policies. education, -------.

A) While spreading the benefits of tourism fairly A) the students’ families have more urgent
among all the stakeholders expenses, like housing and transportation
B) Depending upon the extent of tourism’s B) there has not been effective support for
economic and political significance raising the quality of the workforce
C) If they had maximized the potential of C) educators must receive appropriate ongoing
tourism as a source of income support and professional development
D) Providing public goods, such as street D) the present workforce in the education
lighting, and merit goods, like art galleries system is having financial troubles
E) Unless they get the statistics required to E) many children have no access to
monitor economic activity high-quality services in their environment

36. Despite profound differences in their morals 39. Each year, governments create a budget to
and ideas, -------. determine -------.

A) these forms of cultural exchanges might A) since recycling should be supported to

cause bigger problems encourage less pollution
B) the Spanish and the Aztecs were similar in B) as long as the budget designates which
their cultural aspects public goods to produce
C) in 1519, the Spanish conquers landed on C) which includes social security, welfare, and
the coast of Veracruz other social programs
D) the gap between the Aztecs and the D) how much money they will spend in the
Europeans was huge upcoming year
E) these peoples had had so little contact that E) although the taxes support programs that
they were alien to one another help people with low incomes

37. In addition to its more common forms such

40. Little is known about Marco Polo’s early life,
as smoking and alcohol, -------.
A) scientists are looking for new ways to treat
A) moreover, the merchants of the day traded
addictive behavior
throughout the Mediterranean region
B) the behavior of addicts leads to their
B) since his travels and experiences in China
neglecting other areas of their lives
increased interest in Asian trade
C) that kind of addiction is about five times
C) because his own account of his travels is
more common in men than women
the only source of information on him
D) addiction has also been linked with food,
D) so he was born in Venice, the most
and even relationships
important center of trade in medieval Europe
E) substance abuse is among the major
E) if he had received a typical education for
psychological disorders on the list
children of merchants at that time

38. Despite revolutionary developments in

digitized technology, particularly in the 41. ------- because of his musical gifts as a pianist
visual arts, -------. and as a composer.

A) traditional works of art have continued to be A) The Marriage of Figaro, a piece composed
highly valued by the international art market by Mozart, was first performed that year
B) postmodern art was motivated by a need to B) Mozart’s works were catalogued
connect with broader human concerns chronologically by Ludwig von Köchel
C) the experience, ownership, and use of art C) During the last years of his life, Mozart had
are no longer limited to a social elite difficulties handling financial issues
D) digital photography and photographic D) Many composers like Mozart were
montage were widely applied by many dissatisfied with the low pay
E) the issue of gender has been ignored in the E) As a child prodigy, Mozart became widely
discussion about artistic production regarded as a miracle of nature

44. At the height of their power, the Aztecs
42 - 47. sorularda, verilen İngilizce controlled a region stretching from the Gulf
cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi of Mexico to Guatemala.
A) Güçlerinin zirvesindeyken Aztekler, Meksika
Körfezi’nden Guatemala’ya uzanan bölgeyi
tamamen kontrol edebiliyorlardı.
B) Aztekler, güçlü oldukları zamanlarda,
Meksika ile Guatemala arasında kalan
bölgeyi kontrol ediyorlardı.
C) Güçlü oldukları zamanlarda Aztekler,
Meksika Körfezi ve Guatemala gibi bölgeleri
42. The United Kingdom must continue to abide kontrol edebilmişlerdir.
by European Union laws and treaties until its D) Meksika Körfezi’nden Guatemala’ya uzanan
obligations as a member state have ended. bir bölgeyi kontrol eden Aztekler, güçlerinin
zirvesine bu dönemde ulaşmıştır.
A) Birleşik Krallık, Avrupa Birliği kanun ve
E) Güçlerinin zirvesindeyken, Aztekler Meksika
anlaşmalarına bağlı kalmaya devam
Körfezi’nden Guatemala’ya kadar uzanan bir
etmelidir, çünkü üye devlet olarak
bölgeyi kontrol etmişlerdir.
yükümlülükleri hâlâ devam ediyor.
B) Birleşik Krallık, üye devlet olarak
yükümlülükleri sona erene kadar Avrupa
Birliği kanun ve anlaşmalarına bağlı
kalmaya devam etmelidir.
C) Avrupa Birliği üyesi olan Birleşik Krallık, üye
devlet statüsü sona erene kadar, tüm kanun
ve anlaşmalara bağlı kalmaya devam
D) Birleşik Krallık, Avrupa Birliği’ndeki üye
devlet statüsü sona erene kadar, kanun ve
anlaşmalardan kaynaklanan tüm
sorumluluklarını yerine getirmelidir.
E) Birleşik Krallık, üye devlet olarak
yükümlülükleri sona erene kadar Avrupa
Birliği’nin kanun ve anlaşmalarına bağlı
45. Canal houses in Amsterdam were often built
with a certain tilt, to allow goods to be
carried to the attic without crashing against
the windows.

43. When families cannot care for their children, A) Eşyaların çatı katına pencerelere
states have the authority to provide care for çarpmadan taşınmasını sağlamak için
the children. Amsterdam’da evler öne doğru bir eğimle
A) Aileler çocuklarına bakamadıklarında, B) Amsterdam’daki kanal evleri, eşyaların üst
devletler bu çocuklar için bakım sağlama katlara ya da çatı katına pencerelere
yetkisine sahiptir. çarpmadan taşınmasını sağlamak için öne
B) Aileler çocuklarına bakamazlarsa, devlete doğru bir eğimle yapılır.
bu çocuklar için bakım sağlama yetkisi C) Amsterdam’daki kanal evleri, eşyaların çatı
verilebilir. katına pencerelere çarpmadan taşınmasını
C) Aileler çocuklarına bakmadıklarında, sağlamak için genellikle öne doğru belli bir
devletlerin yetkili birimleri, o çocuklara eğimle yapılırdı.
bakım sağlayabilir. D) Amsterdam’ın ünlü kanal evleri, eşyaların
D) Devletin, ailesi olmayan çocuklara bakım pencerelere çarpmadan taşınmasını
sağlama yetkisini kullanma hakkı sağlamak için öne doğru belli bir eğimle
bulunmaktadır. yapılırdı.
E) Devletin, aileleri tarafından bakılmayan E) Amsterdam’daki kanal evleri öne doğru belli
çocuklar için sürekli bakım sağlama yetkisi bir eğimle yapılır; böylelikle eşyaların çatı
vardır. katına kolay bir şekilde taşınması sağlanır.

46. Although the topic of lying has received the
attention of researchers, there is relatively 48 - 53. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye
less investigation into this behavior in anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi
children. bulunuz.

A) Bugüne kadar yalan söyleme konusu

hakkında birçok bilimsel araştırma
yapılmasına rağmen, çocuklar üzerine fazla
B) Bugüne kadar yalan söyleme konusu
hakkında birçok bilimsel araştırma
yapılmıştır; ancak bu davranışın çocuklar
üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmamıştır.
C) Yalan söyleme konusu, uzun zamandır
araştırmacıların dikkatini çekmektedir; 48. Toprak reformunun en önemli amacı feodal
ancak, çocuklardaki bu davranış üzerine az toprak sahipliğini, toprağı olmayan köylülere
araştırma yapılmıştır. toprağı yeniden pay ederek ortadan
D) Yalan söyleme konusu araştırmacıların
dikkatini çekmesine rağmen, çocuklardaki A) One of the most significant objectives of
bu davranış üzerine görece daha az land reform was to give free land to landless
araştırma vardır. peasants by abolishing feudal
E) Araştırmacıların oldukça dikkatini çeken landownership.
yalan söyleme konusu, çocuklar üzerinde şu B) Landless peasants demand land reform
ana kadar daha az araştırılıp incelenmiştir. from politicians, which aims to abolish feudal
forms of landownership forever.
C) The most significant objective of land reform
was to abolish feudal landownership by
redistributing land to landless peasants.
D) The key objective of land reform was to
abolish feudal ownership instead of
redistributing land to landless peasants.
E) The most significant objective of land reform
was to redistribute certain lands to peasants
by abolishing feudal landownership.

47. Because China’s nuclear-power industry is 49. İlk medeniyetler geliştikçe, insanlar ateşi
centrally run, the authorities are able to keep silah ve evlerini aydınlatmanın bir yolu olarak
tight control over safety measures. kullanmaya başlamışlardır.

A) Güvenlik önlemlerini sıkı tutabilen Çinli A) As early civilizations advanced, fire was
yetkililer, nükleer enerji endüstrisini yıllardır widely used by people as a weapon and as
merkezden yönetiyorlar. a way of lighting their homes.
B) Çin’in nükleer enerji endüstrisi merkezden B) Early civilizations advanced significantly as
yönetildiği için, yetkililer güvenlik önlemlerini they made use of fire as a weapon and as a
sıkı tutabiliyorlar. way of lighting their homes.
C) Merkezden yönetilen Çin’in nükleer enerji C) As a result of using fire as a weapon and as
endüstrisinin güvenliği hükümet tarafından a way of lighting their homes, early
sağlanmaktadır. civilizations started to advance.
D) Çin’de merkezden yönetilen nükleer enerji D) As early civilizations advanced, people
endüstrisinin güvenlik önlemlerini sıkı started to make use of fire as a weapon and
tutmak zor olmuyor. as a way of lighting their homes.
E) Çin’in nükleer enerji endüstrisini merkezden E) In order for early civilizations to advance,
yönetebilmek için, yetkililer güvenlik people had to use fire as a weapon and as a
önlemlerini sıkı tutuyorlar. way of lighting their homes.

50. Asur sarayı, sadece kraliyet ikametgâhı değil, 52. Uçağın icat edildiği 1903 yılından bu yana,
aynı zamanda imparatorluğun gücünün ve hava ulaşımı turizm endüstrisinin en önemli
yenilmezliğinin görünür bir ifadesiydi. sektörlerinden biri olmuştur.

A) An Assyrian palace was not only a royal A) Since 1903, when the aircraft was invented,
residence but also a visible expression of air transport has been one of the most
the power due to its indestructibility. important sectors of the tourism industry.
B) An Assyrian palace was a royal residence B) The aircraft was invented in 1903; since
since it was a visible expression of the then, air transport has become a very
power and indestructibility of the empire. important sector of the tourism industry.
C) An Assyrian palace was considered to be C) Since the invention of the aircraft in 1903,
both a royal residence and a visible air transport has always been considered to
expression of the power and indestructibility be an important sector of the tourism
of the empire. industry.
D) An Assyrian palace was more than a royal D) Since the invention of aircraft in 1903, air
residence as it was a visible expression of transport has been considered one of the
the power and indestructibility of the empire. most important sectors of the tourism
E) An Assyrian palace was not only a royal industry.
residence but also a visible expression of E) Air transport, which has been an important
the power and indestructibility of the empire. sector since 1903, has contributed a lot to
tourism industry.

53. Uzaktan öğrenime artan ilgi, neredeyse her

51. Her bir müzenin misyonu farklıdır; konuda günün 24 saati destek sunan pek çok
bulunduğu yer ve kapsadığı tarihsel dönem, şirketle devasa bir çevrimiçi destek
müzenin yapısını ve içeriğini belirler. endüstrisi oluşturmuştur.

A) Museums have different missions; the A) Increasing interest in distance learning has
country where it is situated and its historical formed an online support industry, with
period should define the structure and companies using 24-hour-a-day assistance
content of the museum. services in every subject.
B) The mission of each museum is different; B) Many online companies offering assistance
the place where it is situated and the almost 24 hours a day in every subject area
historical period that it covers define the are mainly due to increasing interest in
structure and content of the museum. distance learning.
C) The mission of a museum should be C) Since many companies are offering
different; the structure and content of the 24-hour-a-day assistance in almost every
museum should be shaped by where it is subject, distance learning has developed a
situated and the historical period it covers. huge online support industry.
D) The mission of each museum may be D) The online support in distance learning can
different; the place where it is situated and be seen as a huge industry, with many
every historical period it covers all define the companies offering 24-hour-a-day
structure and content of the museum. assistance in every subject.
E) The place where a museum is situated and E) Increasing interest in distance learning has
the historical period it covers define the formed a huge online support industry, with
structure of the museum, which makes it many companies offering 24-hour-a-day
quite different from other ones. assistance in almost every subject.

55. The functions of leadership can vary
54 - 59. sorularda, parçada anlam significantly. An instrumental leader, for
bütünlüğünü sağlamak için boş bırakılan instance, is one who is goal-oriented and
yerlere getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz. largely concerned with accomplishing set
tasks. We can assume that an army general
would be an instrumental leader. -------. The
leaders of charity organizations and social
service programmes are often considered
this type of leader.

A) These directors of youth homes have long

tried hard to meet young people’s demands
B) Such leaders, on the other hand, are not
into accomplishing set tasks
C) In contrast, there is a longstanding
stereotype that men are leaders that are
more instrumental
D) Expressive leaders, on the other hand, are
more interested in improving emotional
E) They allow group members to self-manage
and make their own decisions

56. Making decisions about the ethics of

research involves weighing the costs and
benefits of conducting versus not conducting
a project. The costs involve potential harm to
the research participants and to the field,
whereas the benefits include the potential for
54. With the increase in the number of advancing knowledge about human behavior
advertisers and advertising media over time, and offering various advantages to the
it has become harder for individual individual participants. Most generally, the
advertisers to get and keep our attention. ethics of a given research project are
-------. For example, a 30-second online determined through a cost-benefit analysis,
advertisement today may consist of a series in which the costs are compared to the
of 20 to 30 different images. However, a benefits. -------. Then, the research is
television advertisement from the early 1960s considered “unethical,” and, therefore,
generally consisted of exactly one shot and should not proceed.
would seem dull and boring to viewers today.
A) What is ethical is defined by the current
A) This is why they are constantly looking for state of thinking and evaluating within
new ways to get us to buy their products society
and services B) The harm done by a given research study
B) Moreover, large advertisers typically have may not be as dangerous as previously
employees who supervise the marketing thought
functions of the firm C) The potential costs of the research could
C) Similarly, all online agencies are supposed outweigh any potential benefits that might
to hire professionals to compete with others come from it
D) New media also provide new opportunities D) The Institutional Review Board is a
for advertisers to identify different segments committee whose goal it is to determine the
of consumers cost-benefit ratio
E) However, commercial artists design the look E) A set of principles has been developed for
of advertisements and choose the type of researchers to help them make precise
lettering decisions

57. Empiricism is a philosophical theory that 59. Technological development has often had a
claims that all knowledge grows from significant impact on the way in which media
experience. -------. Before these two influential products are both produced and consumed.
figures, a different theory of knowledge -------. Similarly, alternative sources of news
called rationalism had dominated such as the Internet have led to a decline in
seventeenth century intellectuals. This theory the readership of mass circulation
suggested that people can uncover truths newspapers. But that is not all. Record
about the world solely by utilizing their companies have seen a reduction in sales as
ability to think and reason. music fans find access to music through the
A) The works of John Locke and Isaac Newton
provided one of the intellectual building A) In addition, television is beginning to take on
blocks of this theory many of the properties of a computer
B) As well as other factors involved, this theory B) As a result, digital media represent
is likely to completely eliminate rationalism significant changes to analog technology;
C) For instance, some scientists claimed that one of these is interactivity
rationalism was a new way of searching for C) For example, the introduction of television
new clues clearly reduced the number of radio listeners
D) According to rationalists, it always works D) By including a modem in a satellite receiver,
with information obtained by analyzing viewers are able to order films and other
thoughts products online
E) Newton adapted empiricism to the needs of E) The video recorders of the 1980s were not
scientific investigation of his time very popular among the elderly

58. -------. In some of them, the pictures were

arranged according to schools or artistic
circles. Other collections were arranged
thematically. One wall of the entrance hall of
the Galleria Uffizi in Florence, for example,
has been densely filled with portraits since
1753. In some cases, paintings were simply
organized according to the size of the canvas
or hung where space was available when
they were acquired by the museum.

A) Many important works of Western literature

aim to reflect the daily lives of their time and
the way people were educated
B) There were different organizational models
for the presentation of pictures in the art
galleries of the 19th century
C) Today, pictures exhibited in many European
art galleries often date back to as early as
the first and second centuries
D) The last two centuries have seen an
ongoing revolution in imaging technologies,
from lithography to the Internet
E) A picture is a two-dimensional surface that
depicts a scene by virtue of the way its
surface is marked and colored

62. (I) The women’s movement has often been
60 - 65. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla called one of the most important social
okunduğunda parçanın anlam movements. (II) Its most basic goals are to
bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz. improve women’s social, economic, and
political conditions. (III) Various movements
played an important part in reshaping a
cultural society. (IV) Introducing new ideas
to public discourse and exerting pressure on
policymakers are the main goals of this
movement. (V) Beyond these basic features,
however, there is considerable diversity
among specific women’s movements around
the world.

A) I
60. (I) In the beginning, the study of folklore was B) II
limited to the songs and stories of oral C) III
traditions. (II) However, it soon began to
include all popular customs, arts and
traditions. (III) Such a comprehensive study E) V
presented many problems. (IV) The term
“folklore” combines the words folk (people)
and lore (tradition) to indicate popular
traditions and their study. (V) One of these
problems was finding a criterion to define
the object of study.

A) I
E) V

61. (I) Bertrand Russell’s greatest contributions

lie in the technical fields of logic and
philosophy. (II) Philosophers use techniques
and ideas developed from his work without
feeling the need to mention his name. (III) In
this way, he is a far more significant
contributor to philosophy than his pupil
Ludwig Wittgenstein. (IV) Russell’s bad
reputation was chiefly the product of his
engagement in social and political
controversy. (V) Philosophy learned some
valuable lessons from Wittgenstein, but from
Russell it acquired an entire framework,
constituting what is now called analytic

A) I
E) V

63. (I) The systematic study of ancient Egypt 65. (I) In classical Greek, “mythos” means any
began with the Napoleonic expedition to story or plot, whether true or fictional. (II) In
Egypt in 1798. (II) Accompanying Napoleon its central modern significance, however, a
Bonaparte’s invading army was a group of myth is one story in a mythology. (III) If the
scholars who recorded ancient Egyptian protagonist is a human being rather than a
monuments. (III) But a synthesis of all forms supernatural being, the traditional story is
of evidence is needed in order to better usually called not a myth but a legend. (IV)
understand other ancient civilizations. (IV) These anthropologists doubt that many
Systematic excavations in Egypt, however, classical works include facts about a society.
did not really begin until the late nineteenth (V) If the story is about supernatural beings
century, with the work of William Matthew who are not gods, and the story is not part of
Flinders Petrie. (V) Previous to Petrie’s work a systematic mythology, it is usually
in Egypt, excavators had mainly been classified as a folk tale.
interested in sending ancient art and texts
back to museums and collectors in Europe. A) I
A) I
E) V
E) V

64. (I) Perhaps the school of psychology that is

most familiar to the general public is the
psychodynamic method, championed by
Sigmund Freud. (II) It is a method that
focuses on the role of unconscious thoughts,
feelings, and memories. (III) Freud developed
his theories about behavior through
extensive analysis of the patients he treated.
(IV) He believed that many of the problems
his patients experienced were the result of
the effects of painful childhood experiences.
(V) The founders were researchers who
worked with individuals to help them
understand their symptoms.

A) I
E) V

67. According to the text, genealogical tourism
66 - 68. soruları aşağıda verilen parçaya especially attracts those -------.
göre cevaplayınız.
A) who are interested in the cultural heritage of
various countries
Genealogical tourism has been historically B) who would like to visit new countries and get
undervalued, but it is now becoming recognized to know different cultures
as a valuable tool for destination promotion. C) who can spare the time and money to visit
Genealogical tourists want to travel to the countries with intriguing histories
country of their ancestors’ origins and to learn D) whose families come from small countries
more about their family history or the contextual with diverse cultural traditions
and cultural heritage of the family. In addition to
the places and sites where people used to live E) whose ancestors had to leave their home
and work, visits to graveyards and churches to country for certain reasons
see memorials and burial sites, as well as to
inspect historic records are becoming
increasingly popular. Although a worldwide
phenomenon, genealogical tourism is most
common among communities removed from their
homelands or where there has at some time
been mass emigration, e.g., from England to
Australia, and from Ireland to England and the
USA. Evidence suggests that it is a growing
sub-sector of tourism, as a result of the
increasing sociological awareness of the
post-industrial society that we currently live in.

66. It is clear from the text that -------. 68. Which of the following CANNOT be a
motivation for genealogical tourism?
A) genealogical tourism did not receive the
attention it deserved in the past A) Desire to have a holiday with family
B) museums and art galleries are the main members.
attractions for genealogical tourists B) Desire to find new documents about the
C) genealogical tourists consult historians to history of a family member.
choose their destinations C) Desire to examine historic records related to
D) genealogical tourism is becoming more one’s family.
popular in England than in the USA D) Desire to see the place where one’s family
E) governments have made enormous originally came from.
investments in genealogical tourism in E) Desire to make a trip to discover one’s
recent years family history and lineage.

70. According to the text, -------.
69 - 71. soruları aşağıda verilen parçaya
göre cevaplayınız. A) one has to own a property in order to start a
small business
B) the terms investment and capital have
The term “capital” is often used to refer to money nothing in common
that is available for investment or, indeed, any C) there is greater capital accumulation in
asset that can be readily turned into money for it. Eastern countries than Western countries
Thus, a person’s house is often described as his D) the laws regulating capital exchange need to
or her capital, because it can be turned into be improved
capital either by selling it or by borrowing on the
strength of it. Many small businesses are indeed E) there are well-defined conditions for turning
set up in this way. It is, however, only possible to property into capital
turn property into capital if its ownership is clearly
established, its value can be measured, its title
can be transferred, and a market exists for it. A
characteristic feature of the development of
capitalist societies is the emergence of
institutions that enable the conversion of assets
of all kinds into capital. It is the absence of these
institutions and, above all, functioning systems of
property law that frustrates the emergence of
local capitalisms in the Third World.

71. It is clear from the text that Third World

countries -------.

A) lack the institutions necessary for capitalism

69. The text is mainly about -------. to flourish
B) inherited their capitalist institutions from the
A) the different ways to establish small East
businesses C) have redefined their financial systems and
B) the definition of capital and its convertibility flourished
C) the evolution of capitalism in the West D) are hardly in need of productive
D) what capital means to small businesses businessmen for economic development
E) how capital changed hands in the modern E) have standardized the laws regulating their
world economies in recent years

73. According to the data from the Pew Research
72 - 74. soruları aşağıda verilen parçaya Center, -------.
göre cevaplayınız.
A) some people use their mobile phones to
upload their CVs because it is much easier
Since the beginning of the Millennium, B) the highest increase in the number of people
researchers have tried to bring attention to the using PCs took place in the 1990s
“digital divide”, the uneven access to technology C) people from minority groups are mostly
among different races, classes, and geographic using their mobile phones instead of wired
areas. The term became part of the common computers to access the Internet
lexicon in 1996. This was the point when D) thanks to mobile phone technology, more
personal computer (PC) use had shifted from and more people are able to find proper jobs
300,000 users in 1991 to more than 10 million
users. The issue of the digital divide had to do E) as a result of the digital divide, more
with communities that received infrastructure minority groups are using online technology
upgrades that largely went to wealthy urban and for empowerment rather than entertainment
suburban areas. Data from the Pew Research
Center suggests that as technological devices
get smaller, larger percentages of minority
groups are using their cell phones to connect to
the Internet. About 70% of people in minority
groups connect to the web via such devices.
While it might seem that the Internet is the
Internet, regardless of how you get there, there’s
a notable difference. Tasks like updating CVs or
filling out job applications are much harder on a
cell phone than on a wired computer. Therefore,
the digital divide might also mean access to
online technology that allows for empowerment,
not just entertainment.

72. The digital divide -------.

A) was a concept first developed and 74. It can be inferred from the text that -------.
introduced to the public before 1996
B) refers to the unjust distribution of technology A) a person would have a better chance of
among different races, classes, and getting a job if he used a wireless devices to
geographic areas prepare his/her CV
C) is a term encompassing infrastructural and B) there is no direct link between the size of the
technological problems encountered in technological devices and the rate of their
urban and suburban areas use
D) assures that different races, classes, and C) researchers started to pay special attention
geographic areas benefit equally from to the problem of the digital divide in 1991
technological advances D) the digital divide may also indicate certain
E) was the result of the widespread distribution forms of inequalities in a given society
of infrastructural upgrades and technological E) the authorities have long overlooked the
advances problems created by the digital divide

76. The Galileo Navigation Project -------.
75 - 77. soruları aşağıda verilen parçaya
göre cevaplayınız. A) was canceled after Britain voted for Brexit
B) involves some secret data about European
Britain has not launched a rocket into space for C) will replace America’s GPS as it is no longer
50 years, but it has a huge space industry. reliable
According to a government report, its share in D) is a project that is funded by the American
the global space economy is 6,5%. The industry
in the country is worth £13,7 billion, and it
employs 39,000 people directly. Britain produces E) is a British project that involves sensitive
40% of the world’s small satellites. Now the information
British space industry may face great problems
after Brexit, the withdrawal of the United
Kingdom from the European Union. Airbus, a
multinational company that is the biggest
satellite-maker in Britain, has announced that it
will move some of its operations from Britain to
France after Brexit. Problems have become more
serious in Britain’s participation in the Galileo
Navigation Project. This project is Europe’s
equivalent of America’s GPS, the navigational
system. The European Union (EU) says
post-Brexit Britain should not be included in such
EU projects that involve sensitive information.
However, there are some reasons for hope for
Britain. The space industry has little government
support in Britain. So, the companies in this
sector are very commercially minded. If Britain
loses business in the EU, it could find new fields
to operate in places like the Middle East.

77. From the text, we can infer that -------.

A) the EU wants to exclude Britain from its
75. It is clear from the text that Britain -------. space program as it operates in the Middle
A) is one of the countries that get considerable B) Britain is a country that employs the highest
benefits from the space economy number of people in the space economy
B) will have to stop investing in the space C) the space industry has little government
economy after Brexit support in Britain, so it cannot develop in
C) is one of the European countries that have that country
never launched any rockets D) the Galileo navigation project will suffer a lot
D) hopes to make much more money from if Britain decides not to participate in it
space technology after Brexit E) Brexit may create new opportunities for the
E) will support space research programs to British space industry in other parts of the
compete with other European countries world

79. According to the text, which of the following
78 - 80. soruları aşağıda verilen parçaya is NOT a function of gossiping?
göre cevaplayınız.
A) To provide a control mechanism for the
group members.
In any socio-cultural milieu, people may be B) To change customary rules and norms.
occupied in gossip for a substantial part of their C) To secure group unity.
everyday lives. Recognizing that studying our D) To test and approve certain types of
daily lives is the key to an understanding of
human behavior. Anthropologists have long
appreciated the significance of gossip. E) To prevent disagreements from harming
Nevertheless, sustained analysis of gossip friendships.
remained intermittent until the 1960s, when three
broadly distinct views emerged: the functionalist,
the transactionalist, and the
symbolic-interactionist. The functionalist view is
exemplified by Max Gluckman. Gossip,
Gluckman claims, is a culturally determined and
sanctioned process, a social fact, with customary
rules and with important functions. Notably,
gossip helps maintain group unity, morality, and
history. For Gluckman, the essence of gossip is
a constant communal evaluation and
reaffirmation of behavior by assessment against
common, traditional expectations. Furthermore,
gossip enables groups to control the competing
cliques and aspiring individuals of which they are
composed; through gossip, differences of opinion
are fought out behind the scenes so that
outwardly a show of harmony and friendship can
be maintained.

78. It can be understood from the text that -------.

A) Max Gluckman was the first anthropologist

to conduct a scientific study of gossip
B) anthropologists have refused to study 80. The text is mainly about -------.
gossip as it occupies a substantial part of
everyday life A) how gossiping may damage group dynamics
C) it was in the 1960s that anthropologists first B) the differences among three views of
started to show serious interest in gossip gossiping
D) anthropologists have tried to identify the C) why Max Gluckman decided to study gossip
effects of gossip on one’s personality D) the significance of gossip as a social
E) the functionalist and the transactionalist phenomenon
views share a number of theoretical E) various functions of gossiping and its
similarities negative effects


A Grubu Cevap Anahtarı

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

1. In the US, the recent trend toward
accountability in education has increased the legal 6. All species of plants and animals tend to produce
---- for becoming and remaining certified as a more offspring than the environment can support,
teacher. and this ---- intense competition for living space,
resources, and mates.
A) requirements
B) incidents A) results in
C) facilities B) sets out
D) attitudes C) works out
E) implications D) puts off
E) takes on
2. Being an island, Britain has always had a fresh ---
-- of fish and seafood, both from the sea and 7. The Amish ---- from a relatively small founding
freshwater rivers. population, and each major settlement ---- largely
genetically isolated from both other Amish
A) prospect settlements and the surrounding U.S.po pulations
B) supply for over 200 years.
C) opportunity
D) reception A) originate / will remain
E) appeal B) originated/ has remained
C) had originated / remained
3. Tour operators occupy a ---- role in tourism D) were originating / remains
industry, given their role as agents tha design, E) have originated / had remained
organise, package, market and operate vacation
and other tours. 8. A popular social networking site says if
everything ---- as planned, they ---- a new privacy-
A) significant protected messaging service by the end of 2020.
B) dependent
C) vague A) has gone / start
D) current B) is going / will be starting
E) descriptive C) had gone / will start
D) went / are to start
4. Although there is some disagreement regarding E) goes / will have started
----- how to define transfer oflearning, it is clear
that it involves seemingly simple similarity 9.The biological basis ---- variations in human
relations. intelligence is not well understood, but research in
neuroscience, psychology, and other fields has
A) peculiarly begun to yield insights ---- what may underpin such
B) importantly differences.
C) precisely
D) intentionally A) through / to
E) fiercely B) in / about
C) of / by
5.Ancient explorers named the Canary Islands D) for / into
Canaria from the Latin word canis because of the E) at / from
large dogs ---- the islands.
10. The tension in Britain ----- modernism and the
A) resisting bourgeois theatre that had surfaced before the
B) treating First World War was not resolved ----- after the
C) inhabiting Second.
D) replacing
E) inheriting A) between / until
B) among / by
C) from / over
D) towards / with
E) through / for

11. Venice's vibrant commerce, ---- its peak during 15. Egyptians built irrigation canals to carry water
the early to middle years of the Renaissance, and created a calendar that predicted the annual
brought traders from --- the known world to the flooding of the Nile ---- they could maximise food
port city. production.

A) about / on A) in case
B) through / along B) so that
C) at / around C) even if
D) in / beyond D) while
E) with / off E) as though

12. Anthropologists may have difficulty in

separating out the field from astronomy, geglogy
or botany, ----- it is not so obvious how 16. In some groups the bonds among members are
Anthropology may be distinguished from the many strong and enduring due to harmony achieved
other branches of science. through close relationships, ---- in other groups
members are loosely linked and lack a sense of
A) although 'groupness'.
B) until
C) because A) as if
D) just as B) whereas
E) in case C) since
D) just as
13. Philosophy occurs in all cultures and daily life, - E) provided that
--- only in Western philosophy is there a distinct
way of thinking that consists of hypotheses and 17. The ancient Egyptians' fascination with science
generalisations about the natural and human and new technology resulted in inventions ---- the
worlds. calendar and door lock, which are still used today.

A) since A) in contrast with

B) so that B) in spite of
C) provided that C) such as
D) but D) regardless of
E) otherwise E) in terms of

14. When a young child says 'mouses' instead of 18. Tokyo is one of the wealthiest, safest, cleanest,
'mice,’ this is good evidence that the child is and most creative cities in the world ----- being
learning the regular forms of the language and partly destroyed and rebuilt twice in the past
knows how to the make plurals ---- he or she has hundred years.
not yet learned the irregular forms.
A) despite
A) once B) due to
B) whether C) rather than
C) even if D) together with
D) just as E) unlike
E) as if

19. Although the composer Johann Strauss Jr. Cloze Test 1
immortalised the Danuba River in his famous waltz Mali's largest ethnic group, the Bambara live
entitled On the Beautiful Blue Danube, the Danube primarily in the western part of the country. They
River is not blue- its waters appear ----- greenish -- have settled (21)--- the Niger River. They speak
--- brown. Bamana, a language used throughout Mali, (22)----
in the areas of business and trade. The Bambara
A) no sooner / than are farmers who produce large quantities of
B) the more / the more sorghum and groundnuts, and their main crop is
C) as / as millet. Environmental hardship (23)---- drought
D) either / or often makes farming difficult so people may keep
E) so / that livestock to supplement their diet. Often they trust
their neighbours, the Fulani herdsmen to look after
20. In Costa Rica, responsibility for national parks is their domestic animals. This arrangement allows
given to the Ministry of NaturalResources, Energy the Bambara (24)---- on farming during the short
and Mines, ----- main goal is mineral exploitation, rainy season from June to September. Men help
not conservation of resources. women with the farming duties (25)----- women
can leave the fields earlier to prepare meals for
A) how their families.
B) whose
C) who Soru No: 21
D) which A) along
E) that B) about
C) in
D) with
E) from

Soru No: 22
A) decently
B) urgently
C) particularly
D) preventively
E) prematurely

Soru No: 23
A) in the hope of
B) on behalf of
C) for the sake of
D) despite
E) such as

Soru No: 24
A) focusing
B) to have focused
C) focused
D) to focus
E) having focused

Soru No: 25
A) in case
B) whether
C) so that
D) although
E) once

Cloze Test 2 Soru No: 30
South Africa is a large country with its fertile A) fixed
agricultural land. It is rich (26)----- natural B) forced
resources - gold, diamonds, metallic ores and coal. C) inspired
Industrially, it has for a long time been the most D) promised
developed country in the sub-Saharan Africa. Its E) improve
ethnically varied population, including social
groups such as Africans, Europeans, Asians (27)----
people of mixed Asian-African descent, grew 31. ----, with advances made by cosmology in
rapidly in the second half of the 20th century from evaluating evidence from carefully observed
13 to 43 million. In the late 19th century, South phenomena.
Africa was a British colony. The white Afrikaners
(28) ---- from Dutch colonisers, broke away and A) The human understanding of the universe has
declared their independence. (29)----- they finally dramatically changed over time
defeated them in two wars, the British allowed B) Cosmology touches at several points also of
South Africa to run its own affairs as a self- concern to religion, ethics and philosophy
governing Dominion in 1910. Numerous C) The word 'cosmology is itself of fairly recent
segregation laws were passed, which reduced origin, first used by philosopher Christian Wolff
'Natives' (Africans) to a poor underclass of D) Cosmology is the study of the universe as a
labourers and servants. These laws, which whole, its structure, composition, history, and
discriminated against the Africans, (30)----- them to future
live in reserves, prevented them from ownina land E) Much of cosmological theory has no immediate
outside the reserves and controlled their relevance to understanding the environment of
movement inside the country. living organisms on earth

Soru No: 26 32. ----, though there is no reliable figure to

A) of determine the size of the population.
B) in
C) by A) The origins of slavery were not precisely
D) for understood until the end of the eighth century
E) at B) In Classical times, the possession of at least one
slave was regarded as a basic human right
Soru No: 27 C) Slaves in Athens are thought to have
A) owing to outnumbered those in any other Greek community
B) in terms of D) Slavery was an integral part of the ancient Greek
C) as well as life for centuries
D) unlike E) In Greek history, slaves who had faithfully
E) in spite of served their masters earned their freedom

Soru No: 28 33. ----- , whereas anxiety is created from an image

A) to have descended of danger that is not present in that actual
B) to descend moment.
C) having descended
D) to be descending A) Fear often triggers our defence mechanism in
E) descend various ways
B) Fear is explained by a general activation of our
Soru No: 29 sympathetic nervous system
A) Unless C) Fear is a powerful yet delicate emotion that can
B) If cause physical paralysis
C) Whether D) Fear is defined as an emotional state triggered
D) After by genuine danger that is in front of you
E) In case E) Fear is considered to be one of the most
primitive emotions of humankind

34. Because social historians believe in the 38. -----, some anthropologists believe that it does
importance of groupings of people, ------. not differ fundamentally from the simple systems
of communication employed by other animals.
A) their passions often centre on the activities and
beliefs of certain leaders A) Though a human being is a highly intelligent
B) some other branches of history also focus on creature
individuals as causes of change B) Although human language is regarded to be
C) they present their findings in terms of single highly sophisticated
events rather than social groups C) While 'human' is placed within a classification of
D) they spend relatively little time on individual animals
biography D) As chimpanzees are closest to humans in
E) they work to use familiar sources in new ways as problem-solving
much as possible E) Because culture sets humanity radically apart
35. Although Gae Aulenti is considered Italy's most from animals
famous female architect, -----.

A) she experiments with relations among 39. -----, new shipping routes are becoming
materials, distances and measurements navigable.
B) her well-deserved reputation is due to her
outstanding architectural designs for theatre and A) Though sailors have to learn to operate vehicles
museums in Arctic conditions
C) she has had little influence on practice and B) Even if the Arctic is attracting new interest from
theory in the architecture schools govenments
D) her museum designs always take into account C) As the Arctic Circle warms and large masses of
viewing objects from different perspectives ice melt
E) her best-known project is the design of the D) Although Britain has deployed its military forces
famous museum Musée d'Orsay in the Arctic
E) If the Arctic becomes vulnerable to new
36. Even though the effects of climate change on environmental threats
some rivers will be limited, ------.
40. -----, the most important questions that
A) water pollution harms a river's ecology by killing psychologists address have remained constant.
off organisms
B) today's methods for controlling rivers are A) Even though psychology has changed
remarkably different from those employed in the dramatically over its history
past B) Given that there has been an increasing influx of
C) unique climatic and geographic conditions researchers into the field of psychology
determine a river's annual discharge regime C) Since the study of psychology spans many
D) rivers contain only a minuscule portion of the different topics at many different levels of
total water on earth explanation
E) they will pose serious threats to most of the D) As the earliest psychologists known are the
rivers in the world Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle
E) While the psychological disorder known as
37. In hunter-gatherer societies, many social depression affects millions of people worldwide
arrangements, such as cross-group marriage, do
not eliminate serious conflicts, ------.

A) therefore they are respected by all societies

B) but they channel them into the ways that
prevent killing
C) while they may lead to more complex situations
D) yet they may eventually cause the breakdown of
both societies
E) since many people do not participate in such

41. Hot yoga, which typically involves going 43. Ancient Greek philosopher Parmenides is said
through 26 tough poses in a warm and humid to have drawn up an excellent set of laws for his
room, may just be a waste of effort, -----. city, but we know nothing of his political
A) leading improvements in the blood vessels of
the participants A) Kendisinin siyasi felsefesi ile ilgili hiçbir bilgi
B) making people sweat intensely, which is seen as bulunmamakla birlikte antik Yunan filozofu
a good sign of health Parmenides'in kendi şehri için mükemmel bir
C) offering little benefit compared to yoga at a kanunlar bütünü hazırlamış olduğu rivayet
normal temperature edilmektedir.
D) reducing the percentage of yoga groups' body B) Antik Yunan filozofu Parmenides'in kendi şehri
fat of 2 percent için mükemmel bir kanunlar bütünü hazırlamış
E) creating a slight but still meaningful impact on olduğu söylenmektedir, ancak biz onun siyasi
muscle strengthening felsefesi ile ilgili hiçbir şey bilmiyoruz.
C) Antik Yunan filozofu Parmenides'in siyasi
42. Before the 16th century there was a gradual felsefesi hakkında hiçbir şey bilmiyoruz, ancak
increase in the world's population and economy kendi şehri için mükemmel bir kanunlar bütünü
although epidemics and famine caused temporary hazırlamış olduğunu söyleyebiliriz.
halts. D) Antik Yunan filozofu Parmenides'in kendi şehri
için mükemmel bir kanunlar bütünü hazırladığı
A) Salgın hastalıklar ve kıtlık geçici sektelere neden söylenmesine rağmen biz onun siyasi felsefesi ile
olsa da 16. yüzyıldan önce dünya nüfusu ve ilgili bilgi sahibi değiliz.
ekonomisi kademeli biçimde artıyordu. E) Siyasi felsefesi ile ilgili hiçbir şey bilmememize
B) 16. yüzyıl öncesinde dünya nüfusu ve rağmen, antik Yunan filozofu Parmenides'in kendi
ekonomisinde yaşanan kademeli artışa rağmen şehri için mükemmel bir kanunlar bütünü
salgın hastalıklar ve kıtlık geçici sektelere neden hazırladığı söylenmektedir.
C) 16. yüzyıl öncesindeki salgın hastalıklar ve kıtlık,
dünya nüfusu ve ekonomisindeki kademeli artışın 44. French chemist Antoine Lavoisier sought to
geçici olarak sekteye uğramasına neden oldu. modernise chemistry by giving it new theoretical
D) Salgın hastalıklar ve kıtlık geçici sektelere neden foundations, and though some of his ideas were
olsa da 16. yüzyıl öncesinde dünya nüfusu ve misunderstood, on the whole he was enormously
ekonomisinde kademeli bir artış vardı. successful.
E) 16. yüzyıl öncesinde dünya nüfusu ve
ekonomisindeki kademeli artışın sekteye A) Bazı fikirlerinin yanlış anlaşılmasına rağmen,
uğramasının nedeni, salgın hastalıklar ve kıtlıktı. Fransız kimyager Antoine Lavoisier kimyayı yeni
teorik temellere dayandırarak çağdaşlaştırmada
genelde çok başarılıydı.
B) Fransız kimyager Antoine Lavoisier kimyayı yeni
teorik temellere dayandırıp çağdaşlaştırmaya çalıştı
ve genelde çok başarılı oldu ancak bazı fikirleri
yanlış anlaşıldı.
C) Fransız kimyager Antoine Lavoisier kimyayı yeni
teorik temellere dayandırarak çağdaşlaştırmaya
çalıştı ve bazı fikirlerinin yanlış anlaşılmasına
rağmen genelde çok başarılı oldu.
D) Kimyayı yeni teorik temellere dayandırarak
çağdaşlaştırmanın yollarını arayan Fransız kimyager
Antoine Lavoisier genelde çok başarılı oldu ancak
bazı fikirleri yanlış anlaşıldı.
E) Kimyayı yeni teorik temellere dayandırarak
çağdaşlaştırması bazıları tarafından yanlış anlaşılsa
da Fransız kimyager Antoine Lavoisier'in fikirleri
genelde çok başarılı oldu.

45. Being untouched and untamed, the Norwegian 47. For years, self-publishing has given talented
Lofoten Islands, far above the Arctic Circle, are authors the means to share their works with
everything an adventurer could wish for and more. audiences that would otherwise never read them.

A) El değmemiş ve değiştirilmemiş hâliyle, Kuzey A) Kendi yayıncılığını yapmak, yıllarca yetenekli

Kutup Dairesi'nin oldukça yukarısında olan Norveç yazarlara çalışmalarını başka türlü asla okumayacak
Lofoten Adaları, bir maceraperestin isteyebileceği olan kitlelerle paylaşma aracı sağlamıştır.
her şey ve daha fazlasıdır. B) Yetenekli yazarlar yıllarca bireysel yayıncılığı araç
B) Kuzey Kutup Dairesi'nin oldukça yukarısında olan olarak kullanarak, çalışmalarını başka türlü asla
Norveç Lofoten Adaları'nda bir maceraperestin el okumayacak olan okuyuculara ulaştırmışlardır.
değmemiş ve değiştirilmemiş olarak isteyebileceği C) Kendi yayıncılığını yapmak, yetenekli yazarların
her şey fazlasıyla mevcuttur. yıllarca çalışmalarını başka türlü asla okumayacak
C) Kuzey Kutup Dairesi'nin ötesini arzulayan bir kitlelerle paylaşmak için kullandıkları bir yöntem
maceraperestin isteyebileceği her şey ve fazlası, el olmuştur.
değmemiş ve değiştirilmemiş olarak Norveç D) Bireysel yayıncılık yaparak kitlelere ulaşan
Lofoten Adaları'nda bulunur. yetenekli yazarlar bu yöntemi yıllarca kullanarak
D) Bir maceraperestin Norveç Lofoten Adaları'nda eserlerini başka türlü okumayacak olan
el değmemiş ve değiştirilmemiş haliyle bulunmasını okuyuculara ulaştırmışlardır.
isteyebileceği her şey ve daha fazlası Kuzey Kutup E) Kendi yayıncılığını yapmak, yıllarca yetenekli
Dairesi'nin oldukça ilerisindedir. yazarların normalde çalışmalarını asla okumayacak
E) El değmemiş ve değiştirilmemiş şeyler peşinde kitlelere ulaşmasının aracı olmuştur.
olan bir maceraperest, Kuzey Kutup Dairesi'nin
oldukça yukarısında bulunan Norveç Lofoten 48. Modern diş fırçasını Çinliler icat etmiştir ancak
Adaları'nda istediğini fazlasıyla bulur. Avrupa'ya hiç ulaşmadığından, yeniden icadı
William Addis'e ithaf edilmektedir.

46. Most of the archaeological work done today is A) The reason why the reinvention of the modern
part of anthropology, which studies humans in all to toothbrush is credited to William Addis is that it
their biological and cultural aspects. never reached Europe despite being invented by
the Chinese.
A) Günümüzde yürütülen arkeolojik çalışmaların B) The Chinese invented the modern toothbrush
çoğu, antropolojinin bir parçası olarak insanları but as it never reached Europe, its reinvention is
tüm biyolojik ve kültürel yönleriyle inceler. credited to William Addis.
B) Günümüzde yapılan arkeolojik çalışmaların çoğu, C) Had the moderm toothbrush invented by the
antropolojinin bir parçasıdır ve insanları tüm Chinese reached Europe, its reinvention would not
biyolojik ve kültürel yönleriyle inceler. be credited to William Addis.
C) Günümüzde yürütülen arkeolojik çalışmaların D) The reinvention of the modern toothbrush,
çoğu, insanları tüm biyolojik ve kültürel yönleriyle which had been invented by the Chinese but never
inceleyen antropolojinin bir parçasıdır. reached Europe, is credited to William Addis.
D) Günümüzdeki arkeolojik çalışmaların çoğu, E) Although the Chinese invented the modern
insanları tüm biyolojik ve kültürel yönleriyle toothbrush, it never reached Europe, which makes
araştıran antropolojinin bir parçası olarak William Addis be credited with its reinvention.
E) Günümüzdeki arkeolojik çalışmaların çoğu,
antropolojinin bir parçası olduğu için insanları tüm
biyolojik ve kültürel yönleriyle inceler.

49. Bir çalışmaya göre, deneyim ve zekânın satranç 51. Dünyanın her yerinden milyonlarca insan
becerileri ile bağlantılı olmasına karşın, en yüksek ülkenin güzel manzarasını ve büyüleyici mirasını
korelasyonu çocukların bir günde oyunu oynayarak görmeye geldiğinden, turizmin İngiltere'nin en
geçirdikleri saat sayısı vermiştir. büyük endüstrilerinden biri olduğu söylenir.

A) According to a study, although experience and A) Britain is said to be visited by millions of people
intelligence were related to chess skills, the highest from around the world who want to see its
correlation was with the number of hours a day beautiful scenery and amazing heritage, thus
children spent playing the game. tourism is the biggest industry in the country.
B) According to a study, despite the number of B) Tourism is said to be the biggest industry in
hours a day children spent playing the game, the Britain because millions of people from around the
highest correlation with chess skills was produced globe go to the country to see not only its beautiful
by experience and intelligence. scenery but also its amazing heritage.
C) A study found that chess skills were somewhat C) It is said that one of Britain's biggest industries is
related to experience and intelligence, but a tourism since millions of people from around the
stronger correlation was with the number of hours world visit the country in the hope of seeing its
a day children spent playing the game. beautiful scenery and amazing heritage.
D) A study found that even though the number of D) Tourism is said to be one of Britain's biggest
hours a day children spent playing the game had industries, as millions of people from around the
the highest correlation with chess skills, experience globe arrive to see the country's beautiful scenery
and intelligence were also important. and amazing heritage.
E) It was found by a study that no matter how high E) Millions of people from around the world are
a child's experience or intelligence were, the said to visit Britain for its beautiful scenery and
highest correlation with chess skills was with the amazing heritage, which makes tourism one of the
number of hours a day children spent playing the biggest industries in the country.
52. Kırmızı, genellikle öfke ve saldırganlık ile
50. Ultraviyole koruma sağlayan kıyafetler giymek, ilişkilendirilen bir renk olsa da araştırmalar
ihtiyaç duyduğunuz güneş kremi miktarını %90'a motivasyonunuzu artırmak için onu
kadar azaltabilir. kullanabileceğinizi göstermektedir.

A) Wearing clothes providing ultraviolet protection A) Red, which is a colour often associated with
can reduce the amount of sunscreen you need by anger and aggression, can be used to boost your
up to 90 percent. motivation as studies show.
B) The amount of sunscreen you need can be B) Red is a colour that is often associated with
reduced by up to 90 percent by wearing clothes anger and aggression, although studies show that
providing ultraviolet protection. you can use it to boost your motivation.
C) When you wear clothes that provide ultraviolet C) Although red is a colour that is often associated
protection, you can reduce the amount of with anger and aggression, studies show that you
sunscreen you need by up to 90 percent. can use it to boost your motivation.
D) You can use 90 percent less sunscreen if you D) Despite being often associated with anger and
wear clothes providing ultraviolet protection. aggression, red is a colour that you can use to
E) By wearing clothes that provide ultraviolet boost your motivation as studies show.
protection, you can reduce the amount of E) Even though red is a colour that is often
sunscreen you need by up to 90 percent. associated with anger and aggression, studies
show that using it can boost your motivation.

53. Tolstoy'a göre mutluluğu sosyal statü 55. Hermann von Helmholtz is a name that is not
aracılığıyla aramak, kişiyi sürekli kaygıya ve statü uttered frequently enough anymore. ---- He
kaybı endişelerine açık hâle getirir. invented and popularised the ophthalmoscope,
participated in describing non-Euclidean geometry,
A) Seeking happiness through social status, and published across many disciplines, including
according to Tolstoy, obviously leads one to physiology, psychology, physics, and philosophy.
experience relentless anxiety as well as concerns
about losing status. A) For one thing, he began his academic career in
B) For Tolstoy, if one seeks happiness through an army medical school.
social status, it is clear he or she will end up feeling B) So, he decided at an early age to study Kant's
constant anxiety and concerns about losing status. theories and he continued his career with this
C) According to Tolstoy, to pursue happiness interest.
through social status opens one to constant C) Over a hundred years after his death,
anxiety and concerns about losing status. researchers have tested some of his most brilliant
D) Tolstoy believed that those who seek happiness insights.
through social status experience persistent anxiety D) However, this remarkable scientist, and
due to concerns about losing status. philosopher, contributed to modern science with
E) When happiness is sought through social status, numerous concepts and inventions.
one becomes open to constant anxiety and E) Perhaps Helmholtz's most notable achievement
concerns about losing status, says Tolstoy. was his characterisation of the human brain as a
‘prediction machine'.

54. During the period from 1500 to 1800 European 56. Ludwig van Beethoven is one of the most
cities not only grew markedly in size but came to important figures in Western music. For example,
exercise an unprecedented influence over society he had ---- hearing problems from a very early age.
in general. As a result, some historians have While still a boy, he supported his family as a
considered this era the true beginning of historical traveling performer. At the age of 17 he impressed
urbanisation. ----- The number of European cities Mozart in Vienna, Austria, and moved there to
with more than 10,000 people increased from 154 study with Haydn. He amazed many people in high
in 1500 to 364 by 1800. social circles with his piano playing. The musical
visions expressed in his many works were often far
A) By 1800, London was rapidly approaching the ahead of their time.
size of Imperial Rome.
B) A few key factors combined to produce this new A) He composed some of the most astonishing
phase of urbanisation. music ever written, but had a troubled life.
C) Urban influences affected many rural areas both B) There is evidence that Beethoven lived in more
culturally and economically. than 60 different places during his 35 years in
D) The rise of a merchant capitalist economy Vienna.
provided new levels of urban capital. C) During his early years, Beethoven was always
E) Clearly a notable growth of the urban exploring new directions to transform music.
population took place at the time. D) Among his most famous early works are two
piano sonatas: the Pathétique and Moonlight
E) His work marked the crossover between the
Classical and Romantic periods in the history of

57. Becoming popular in the 16th century with 59 .History has come to mean many things. It is an
both commoners and nobles, the violin has account of past events, in sequence of time; it is
remained a democratic instrument, universal and the study of events, their causes and outcomes;
versatile. The development of the modern violin and it is all that is preserved or remembered about
was gradual and complex. ---- The influence of the the past. For evidence, historians use written
two stringed rabab, which is an Arabian violin accounts and artefacts such as weapons and tools.
introduced to western Europe in the 11th century, ----- Otherwise, events, even important ones,
and the three-stringed rebec, which appeared in might disappear from memory.
Spain between the 11th and 13th centuries, is also
reflected in the modern violin. A) Oral history is a good source of local history.
B) Religious records give details of marriages and
A) Maple and spruce trees have been the most funerals.
favoured types of wood to make violins. C) Historians look for rational explanations for the
B) The city of Brescia was the earliest to excel in events.
violin craft. D) This is because people record things in some
C) It became more influential after being way to remember them.
incorporated into orchestras. E) History is written by those who play a major part
D) It evolved from a variety of other stringed in it.
E) Stringed instruments have a long history in folk 60. (I) Although people often use the terms
music. frontier, boundary, and border interchangeably,
historians have emphasised important distinctions
58. Advances in communication and information between frontiers and boundaries. (II) Frontiers
technologies are changing the ways we interact are above all zones of interaction. (III) While the
with each other. For some, these changes have term frontier can be traced back to medieval Spain,
opened up new venues and opportunities. ----- For historians in the United States have debated its
others, these same changes have been associated role in US history for centuries. (IV) They can arise
with loss: the loss of traditions, or jobs, or as a result of cross-cultural encounters, population
significant relationships. But whatever form these movements, and the absence of state authority or
changes take, few realise the magnitude, intensity, an effective monopoly of violence. (V) In contrast,
and long term implications of these borders are established by states to separate their
transformations. subjects and territories from other political
A) While societies live under a multitude of
conditions, they are not immune to these changes. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
B) Distant places are increasingly accessible, and
work and learning can occur from any location that
has an Internet connection.
C) In some areas we are witnessing extremely rapid 61 .(I) There is controversy in current linguistics
societal transformation, and in other places only over the formal differences between Old English
certain groups are affected. and modern English. (II) The history of Old English
D) Yet, there has been little attention focused on poetry is rather different from that of Old English
the social side of globalisation. prose, and also much more difficult to fully
E) Thus, we have been gradually losing our critical perceive. (III) The major reason for this is that the
thinking skills. vast majority of Old English poetry is to be found in
only four manuseripts, all compiled in the late 10th
to early 11th century. (IV) These manuscripts are:
the Vercelli Book, the Exeter Book, the Beowulf
Manuscript and the Junius or Caedmon
Manuscript. (V) There is very little doubt that these
manuscripts were, by and large, compilations of
poetry written at different times during the Old
English period.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

62 .(I) Many Chinese children do not have brothers
or sisters. (II) This is owing to government policies
trying to reduce the population growth. (III) To
control the rising population, the government
offers special benefits to couples with only one
child. (IV) Many people in China have been moving
from the country to cities, where there are
relatively well-paid jobs to help them afford their
children's education. (V) Although this has slowed
down the rate of growth, China's population still
grows by millions each year.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

63 .(I) Alchemy was a form of chemistry studied in

the Middle Ages. (II) Traditionally, the central aim
of practising alchemists was to discover how to
turn base metals into gold. (III) Second to this was
a search for the elixir of life, which would cure all
sickness and enable immortality. (IV) The science
of modern chemistry had its early experimental
roots in alchemy. (V) Medieval alchemists sought a
philosopher's stone, which they believed would
make both tasks possible.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

64 .(I) Delays, cancellations and overcrowding are

enough to put many people off from travelling by
train, but the price of a ticket can often be the real
prohibitive factor. (II) Sometimes, it might be the
easiest or only way to get from one place to
another. (III) Fortunately, it is possible to reduce
how much you pay with some tricks. (IV) Buying at
the ticket office just before you travel is usually the
most expensive option. (V) Instead, you can go to
an agent or look online to book an advance ticket.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

65 .(I) In Roman agriculture, each field had to be

plowed between three and six times before it
would be completely ready. (II) Oxen, which were
used to pull plows, were quite expensive. (III) After
plowing, the farmer had to fertilize the fields,
which demanded that manure be mixed into the
soil, often by hand. (IV) Fertilization was followed
by the actual sowing of the seeds. (V) Once the
seeds were sown, the soil had to be worked over
with hoes and weeded by hand.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

Copernicus, a Polish-born, Italian-educated
churchman, took a big step toward the scientific 68. Which of the following is true about Copernicus
revolution in 1543 when he published his theories according to the passage?
about how the Earth and planets move in relation
to the Sun. Copernicus said that the Sun, not the A) Copernicus' book was rewritten by Galileo
Earth, was the centre around which the universe centuries later.
revolved. Copernicus delayed releasing his B) Galileo worked hard to immediately lift the ban
findings, but at the urging of supporters, he on Copernicus' book.
published his book The Revolution of the Heavenly C) It was forbidden to read Copernicus' book for a
Spheres around 1543, the year of his death. His very long time.
Sun-centred universe, along with the notion that D) Copernicus thought neither the Earth nor
the Earth spins on its axis, upset some other the Sun was the centre of the universe.
astronomers and churchmen. To claim that God E) Galileo's research was the main reason for the
would place his creation on a spinning ball that ban on Copernicus' book.
revolved around another heavenly body struck
many people as ridiculous, as it was against the
teachings of the Catholic Church. The controversy
only caught fire, however, after 1610, when
physicist and astronomer Galileo Galilei of Pisa
published a book about his own astronomical
observations, which supported those of
Copernicus. The Catholic Church banned
Copernicus' book, The Revolution of the Heavenly
Spheres, in 1616 and did not lift the ban until 1835.

66. One can understand from the passage that

Copernicus' book -----.

A) was published following his death

B) was published immediately after it was
C) reached a great number of readers
D) upset astronomers in particular
E) was a breakthrough in the world of science

67. Which of the following can be inferred from

the passage?
A) Copernicus wrote many books in his
B) Copernicus lived a long and healthy life.
C) Galileo's findings were similar to
D) Galileo and Copernicus wrote a book
E) Galileo also had trouble with the Catholic

Srirangam Island, at the confluence of the Kaveri 71. It can be inferred from the passage that -----.
and Kollidam Rivers in south-eastern India's state
of Tamil, is home to a 2,000-year-old temple A) the geophysical surveying techniques used were
complex, major parts of which are still in use not sophisticated enough to study the parts ruined
today. However, much of the complex is hidden or by Ulugh Khan
destroyed. Many older sections are buried under B) geologists specialising in sediment layers
sediment as a result of centuries of flooding, and contributed a great deal to the rediscovery of the
the complex was ransacked in the 14th century by buried sections
general Ulugh Khan. Recent excavations at the site, C) many artefacts unearthed from the tombs will
guided by geologists with knowledge of flood never be seen by the public as this is not permitted
sediment layers, have begun to reveal what was for religious reasons
presumed to have been lost. Researchears D) Sri Manavala Mamunigal restored the temple
including geologist Mu Ramkunar of Periyar primarily to make it his burial place
University have uncovered parts of the temple E) the researchers from Periyar University are
destroyed by Ulugh Khan and unearthed artefacts wrong about their assumptions that the temple
such as pendant lamps and statues of the deity complex might have been restored previously
Gopalakrisnan with his consorts. Using geophysical
surveying techniques, they have also identified
what they believe to be the tomb of religious
scholar and teacher Sri Manavala Mamunigal, who
restored the temple complex in the 15th century.
The tombs have been left unexcavated for religious

69. The temple on Srirangam Island mentioned in

the passage -----.

A) is still used today although most of its parts are

buried or damaged
B) was constructed in the 14th century by Ulugh
Khan after conquering the island
C) has been revealed to contain 2,000-year-old
artefacts belonging to Ulugh Khan
D) has many older sections still in good condition
despite centuries of flooding
E) will not be reopened for religious reasons when
its reconstruction is complete

70. The underlined word in the passage 'ransacked'

is closest in meaning to -.

A) admired
B) neglected
C) utilised
D) damaged
E) altered

Mary Tudor had never enjoyed good health, and it 74. What is the primary purpose of the author?
got worse rapidly after she became queen.
Desperate to conceive an heir, she suffered the A) To criticise Mary Tudor and her brutal reign over
humiliation of two phantom pregnancies during London
which she displayed all the symptoms of an B) To highlight the importance of being a
expectant mother although she was not pregnant charismatic leader
in reality. But her swollen stomach may have been C) To emphasise the need for quality medical care
due to a cancerous tumour. Early in 1558, as Mary in medieval times
persisted in believing that she would soon be D) To describe events leading up to Elizabeth's
delivered of an heir, it was obvious to everyone becoming queen
else that she was dying. By 28 October, wracked E) To acknowledge the accomplishments of
with pain, she finally acknowledged that there Elizabeth
would be no 'fruit of her body,' and confirmed
that the crown would pass to Elizabeth. She
begged her half-sister to uphold the Roman
Catholic faith, but the knowedge of how unlikely
Elizabeth was to honour this request tormented
Mary until her last breath. Upon hearing that Mary
was dead and that Elizabeth was now queen, there
was great rejoicing in London. All across the
capital, church bells were rung and at night
bonfires were lit, around which thousands of
people gathered to make merry. The brief, brutal
reign of Mary Tudor was over: now the nation's
hopes rested upon her beautiful and charismatic

72. It can be understood from the passage that

Mary Tudor -----.

A) was in good health before she became queen

B) had two babies who both died soon after birth
C) lied to her nation about her physical condition
D) never believed she would have a legitimate heir
E) died in pain possibly due to a cancerous tumour

73. According to the passage when the reign of

Mary Tudor ended, -----.

A) the people of London were happy and hopeful

B) her half-sister ruled the country unwillingly
C) the Londoners understood that she actually had
a miserable life
D) Elizabeth ordered the churches to toll their bells
E) Roman Catholicism was immediately abolished

Whenever photographer Gabriele Galimberti 77. According to the passage, which of the
meets people on his travels, he asks the same following is true about how cultures use medicine?
question: "Can I see what's in your medicine
cabinet?" Some are shy; others proud to do so. He A) Medicines are more frequently used to slow
asks this question to reveal who the people are. down aging in developed countries compared to
"The medicines they use tell us about their desires, less developed ones.
their wants, their diseases. It's very intimate," says B) Regardless of the nation they belong to, people
Galimberti. What can our medicines say about us? tend to stockpile medicines even if they do not
For one, how affluent we are. Cabinets in really need them.
developed countries tend to overflow with C) In some countries, due to poor living standards,
pharmaceuticals. People in less deyeloped medicine cabinets do not show much about the
countries collect medications more slowly. People culture.
take pills to be physically stronger and thus more D) Indian people tend to choose antidepressants
vigorous, to sleep more (or sometimes less), to age made in their own country although they are not
more slowly, or for other reasons. View the very effective.
different cabinets' contents, and cultures start to E) African countries prefer medicines imported
take shape. In Paris and New York, Galimberti saw from China because they do not have labels.
large numbers of antidepressants and antianxiety
pills. Indian people tended to choose medicines
with Indian labels, independent of quality or
potency. African cabinets had drugs from China,
often unlabelled. Yet all the people photographed
had something in common: None of them were

75 . Why does Galimberti ask people to show him

their medicine cabinets?

A) To examine diseases common across different

B) To see whether people react positively or
negatively to such questions
C) To help them improve their economic conditions
D) To collect detailed personal information from a
wide range of nations
E) To compare developed and less developed
countries regarding quality of health care

76 . The underlined word in the passage 'vigorous'

is closest in meaning to -----.

A) skilful
B) memorable
C) energetic
D) flexible
E) optimistic

A richly furnished grave excavated in 1878 near the 80. Which of the following conclusions can be
Viking town of Birka in eastern Sweden had long reached based on the passage?
been assumed to hold a powerful male warrior.
The grave was equipped with a range of weapons, A) Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary,
as well as a set of gaming pieces and a gaming not all Viking warriors were female.
board, which were seen as indications that the B) Even if evidence is conclusive, some refuse to
warrior in the grave was a military commander. A believe Viking women were able to hold high
pair of horses was also found in the grave, one military positions.
bridled as if prepared to ride off into battle once C) Testing mistakes occur frequently in
again in the afterlife. More than a century later, archaeology, which means that all results should
several researchers concluded - and genetic be questioned.
analysis confirmed - that this Viking warrior was D) Excavation of burial sites is a tricky process and
actually female. When these results were reported requires several different types of testing.
in 2017, sceptics wondered whether there had E) Researchers at Uppsala University are more
been a testing mistake, or, perhaps, whether the open-minded than those at other Swedish higher
person in the grave had been a warrior after all. A education institutions.
new review of the evidence led by Neil Price of
Uppsala University concludes that the person in
the grave was indeed biologically female, and that
there is no reason to doubt that she was a warrior
in a position of great authority. "Ever since its
excavation, the burial has been interpreted as that
of a high-status warrior," says Price. "We think so,
too, for exactly the same reasons as everyone else
has always thought so, but in light of the new sex
determination, she was a female high-status

78 . According to the passage, the Viking grave

found in Sweden did NOT include -----.

A) a variety of weapons
B) items indicating military rank
C) life-size models of animals
D) items used for entertainment
E) horses prepared for battle

79. Sceptics of the results produced in 2017 -----.

A) wanted further genetic testing to be conducted

on the remains
B) reviewed the evidence again with staff from
Uppsala University
C) doubted the rank of the warrior in the grave, not
the accuracy of the genetic analysis
D) have been proven wrong by the new sex
E) created controversy by publicly opposing the

4. Almost all we know of Siddhartha Gautama’ s
1. Although Søren Kierkegaard is widely life comes from biographies written by his
regarded as the father of existentialism, his ---- followers centuries after his death, and which
as an important thinker was long delayed. differ --- in many details.

A) reluctance A) sustainably
B) redundancy B) coincidentally
C) recognition C) widely
D) rebellion D) gradually
E) rejection E) efficiently

5. Originating from the 17th-century pleasure

gardens of France, amusement parks are
2. Toronto is known worldwide for its controlled environments that ---- visitors
multicultural ----,which provides one of the most through the simulation of space, place and
important reasons to visit the city. experience.

A) composition
A) entertain
B) endurance
C) obstacle B) threaten
D) implementation
E) destruction C) protect
D) respect
E) interrupt

3. Song and dance are the ---- elements of ballet,

which distinguishes it from theatre, in which 6. Hunter-gatherer societies usually ---- bands of
song and dance may be present, but are not approximately 50 individuals who are related to
necessary elements. each other through marriage or some other
A) sufficient
B) fragile A) fall behind
C) temporary B) put on
D) essential C) bring down
E) vague D) consist of
E) come through
7. Most sociologists ---- that over the past 10. The Enlightenment was a period
decades, the concept of family ---- significant characterised by a decline ---- religious authority
and rapid changes. and the replacement of the medieval focus on
the next world by a greater emphasis ----
A) should agree / would undergo mankind’ s place in this world.
B) agree / has undergone A) off / to
C) need to agree / had undergone B) for / at
D) might agree / used to undergo C) from / with
E) had agreed / will have undergone D) about /by

E) in / upon

8. Though it is now part of Greater London,

Hampstead in England ---- once a separate
village, and it ---- a village character to this day. 11. Most theories of development attempt to
define the social, economic, or political
A) would be / will retain conditions ---- which humans are able to live ----
B) has been / is retaining dignity and fulfilment.

C) had been / retained A) for / onto

D) is / has retained B) through / from

E) was / retains C) around / across

D) under / with

E) above / along

9. Archaeological sites can develop ---- great or 12. Many supermarkets place high-demand
small amounts of time and space, and ---- large items such as milk in the back of the store ----
or small actions of humans and nature. consumers will need to walk through the entire
store and perhaps purchase extra items.
A) in / above
A) before
B) over / through
B) so that
C) for / on
C) as if
D) from / at
D) until
E) along / beyond
E) as soon as
13. ---- access to technology resources was 16. ---- the ancient Greeks did not invent the
previously cited as the most challenging obstacle style of sandals, they created many types of
for teachers, the lack of time to learn new them such as leather ones.
programmes and to infuse them in their
teaching is currenty seen as a major challenge. A) As

A) Since B) Even though

B) Whereas C) If

C) In case D) Once

D) As if E) Given that

E) Whenever

14. There are about 30 species of coffee, ---- only

two species provide most of the world market 17. In 2000, the total value of goods and sevices
with coffee. exchanged between countries ---- international
A) as trade was roughly $6.9 trillion.

B) or A) contrary to

C) otherwise B) instead of

D) so C) on behalf of

E) but D) rahter than

E) as a result of

15. When first introduced, gasoline-powered

vehicles remarkably impacted the delivery of 18. ---- print media which enables adults to have
newspapers ---- they could be distributed some control over the kinds of information
throughout cities and rural areas to more children could access, visual media signals the
readers more quickly. end to such control.
A) unless A) Due to
B) because B) Similar to
C) before C) Along with
D) just as D) As a consequence of
E) although E) In contrast to
19. In ancient Rome, pearls were ---- rare and
expensive ---- they were reserved almost
exclusively for the noble affluent.

A) whether / or

B) as / as

C) so / that

D) either / or

E) such / that

20.The Orkney Islands are situated in the path of

the warm Gulf Stream, ---- continuously washes
nutrients ashore and keeps the winters
relatively mild.

A) which

B) where

C) when

D) how

E) what
Water is essential for life, not only in terms of its
biological utility, but also for its social,
economic, health, technical, financial, and
political dimensions. (21) ----, historically, the
availability of a domestic water supply has been 24.
a significant factor in the development of
civilisations. If naturally occurring freshwater is A) prior to B) regarding
polluted as a result of human activities, various
processes are (22) ---- to convert the raw water C) despite D) for the sake of
to a quality fit for a particular use, such as
drinking. In most cases, because of high levels of E) except for
pollution by humans, water (23) ---- before and
after its use. The behaviour of humans (24) ----
their consumption of water also has historical,
geographical, and cultural dimensions. Water
has various uses, including agricultural,
recreational, industrial, and domestic. (25) ---- a 25.
limited amount of usable water, there is
competition, sometimes tension, among various A) Towards B) Into
water users. Both market-oriented and
C) From D) Above
hierarchy-based rules are used to distribute
water among its various consumers.
E) With

A) However B) Even so

C) Instead D) For instance

E) In contrast


A) required B) reversed

C) received D) disrupted

E) eliminated


A)might have been treated

B) would have been treated

C) must be treated

D) is able to be treated

E) could have been treat

Public-private partnerships may not always 28.
seem to be a desirable solution at first. Most
organisations prefer to stay on paths they know A) bring back B) call of
well, (26) ---- goals and work practices with
other groups that think and act like them- C) engage in D) take away
governments working with governments,
businesses with businesses, and non-profit E) find out
groups with non-profit groups. Governments
and private firms have long worked together
under simple arrangements, (27)---- government
purchase of products produced by the private
sector. However, both parties often hesitate to
(28) ---- more complex relationships.
Goverments are frequently concerned that
private businesses will take advantage of them,
(29) ---- businesses often consider government
approaches to be burdensome and a waste of
time. Therefore, it is useful to allow some time
for trust to be established (30) ---- the key 29.
A) while B) so

C) for D) given that

E) only if
A) having been shared
A) along B) behind
B) sharing
C) against D) at
C) to be shared
E) among
D) being shared

E) to have shared


A) except for B) despite

C) rather than D) such as

E) as opposed to
31. Although American community colleges have 33. ----, while public universities receive a
existed since the late 19th century, ---- mixture of state appropriations and student
A) little sociological attention has been paid to
these institutions until recently. A) Universities are very labour intensive, with the
major portion of expenditures being devoted to
B) many scholars view them as a great invention salaries and benefits
of US higher education.
B) Public and private enterprises have some
C) they have made post-secondary education specialised accounts for the unique functions of
accessible to many Americans. those institutions
D) they have been accepting students from all C) Most private universities depend heavily on
around the world for master’s degree. student tuition as the major source of revenue.
E) they have had several important functions D) The objectives of public colleges and
throughout its history. universities differ from those of commercial

E) The primary sources of revenue vary

depending on whether an institution is public or

34. Even through the 17th- century French

32. Even though online shopping has become philosopher Rene Descartes has been
extremely popular all over the globe, ----. remembered primarily for his contributions to
philosophy, ----.
A) some online platforms ensure that their
consumers’ personal information remain A) he was one of the leading philosophers of his
confidential. time.

B) not only teenagers but also young adults are B) he also showed curiosity about many aspects
doing online shopping more frequently. of the natural world.

C) many industries are voluntarily following strict C) many people encounter Descartes only
self-regulation processes to avoid its abuse. through his writings.

D) policy guidelines for regulating and D) his rationalistic ideas have been praised by
authenticating the e-trade have been released. many researchers and philosophers.

E) most buyers are a bit worried about placing E) almost all philosophers after him were deeply
their faith in faceless, online companies for some influenced by his works.
35. Whereas fantasy deals with the impossible, 37. The long tradition of Greek bronze sculpture
----. started during the third millennium BC, ----.

A) social and political arguments in science A) but bronze was easier to cast and stronger
fiction have been emphasised even more than pure copper.
since the 1990s.
B) when the advantages of using bronze in
B) the beginnings of science fiction go back to sculpture became evident.
prehistoric myths and tales of fantastic
voyages and adventures. C) since bronze was an alloy made of 90 percent
copper and 10 percent tin.
C) science fiction stories may be set in the future
as well as in the past or even in the present D) supposing that early Greek bronze statues
day. were rather simple designs.

D) science fiction describes events that could E) as sculptors employed various techniques
actually occur according to accepted theories. depending on the type of the material.

E) science fiction is throught to have reached its 38. ----, Limbu, one the ethnic languages spoken
most characteristic modern form by the late in Nepal, is likely to be completely extinct by the
1800s. end of this century.

36. An electronic book is the result of combining A) Although at present it is highly unlikely that
a digital text with an electronic reading device,-- the next generation of speakers will be raised in
--. this language

A) although computers and other electronic B) When today’s generation of young adults
devices have always supported the reading of eventually start to show interest in their native
text files. language

B) because the text coding in e-books provides C) Whereas there are reportedly very few
many of the features that people value in printed isolated households where this language is still
works. spoken today

C) while this technology offers advanteges such D) Unless necessary measures are taken to
as keyword-searching and note-taking. revitalise this language through the primary
school system
D) once the integration of printed text with
electronic devices has potential in education. E) Because many linguists think that the language
needs urgent grammatical documentation
E) so that the text can be read in the same
manneras a paper-based book.
39. Many studies report an increased tendency 41. The first Americans were mainly hunters, ----.
to bully in today’s society,----.
A) through their prey were mostly large
A) so that the Internet makes it easier for bullies herbivores such as bison and mammoths.
to project their own feelings of inadequacy onto
complete strangers. B) if the wooded environment had not provided
them with a diverse range of foods.
B) because in our competitive world, people will
do anything to inflate their fragile status, C) although occasional finds of plant material
including pulling others down. show that they had a varied diet.

C) although more and more people commit D) as they obtained food by cultivating a number
online hate crime against other users based on of local plants.
their race, religion or gender. E) because this way of life survived until the
D) given that school administrators around the appearance of European settlers.
globe have developed a growing awareness of
the impact of bullying.

E) since psychotherapists describe bullying asa

transfer of shame, a coping mechanism simply to
suppressing our own shame by disgracing others.

40. Although Freud was flexible in his own

thinking, and he reformulated his own theories
multiple times, ----.

A) he was not the first clinician to practice


B) many of his ideas were greatly supported by

his contemporaries.

C) he aspired to make psychoanalysis an applied


D) he linked childhood experiences to adult

emotional adjustment.

E) he was less tolerant of the divergent views of

his followers.
42.Although Siberia feels far away to many 43. Of the many different relationships we form
Americans, it actually sits only 90 kilometres over the course of the life span, the relationship
from Alaska, which is separated from Asia by the between parent and child is among the most
glacial waters of the Bering Strait. important.

A) Tüm hayatımız boyunca kurduğumuz birçok

A) Sibirya birçok Amerikalıya çok uzak gelse de farklı ilişkiye kıyasla ebeveynlerin çocukları ile
aslında Asya’ dan Bering Boğazı’nın buzlu suları ile kurdukları ilişki hepsinden çok daha önemlidir.
ayrılan Alaska’ ya yalnızca 90 kilometre
uzaklıktadır. B) Tüm hayatımız boyunca kurduğumuz birçok
farklı ilişkiden en önemli olanlarından biri de
B) Sibirya birçok Amerikalıya çok uzak ebeveyn ve çocuk arasındaki ilişkidir.
gelmektedir, ancak Asya’ dan Bering Boğazı’nın
buzlu suları ile ayrılmış olan Alaska’ya aslında C) Ebeveyn ile çocuk arasındaki ilişki, tüm
sadece 90 kilometre uzaklıktadır. hayatımız boyunca kurduğumuz birçok farklı ilişki
içinde en önemli olanıdır.
C) Bering Boğazı’nın buzlu suları ile Asya’ dan
ayrılmış olan Sibirya, aslında Alaska’ ya sadece 90 D) Tüm hayatımız boyunca birçok farklı ilişki
kilometre uzaklıkta olduğu halde pek çok kurarız, ancak bunların arasında en önemlisi
Amerikalı tarafından uzak bir yer olarak görülür. ebeveyn ile çocuk arasındaki ilişkidir.

D) Aslında Alaska’ya yalnızca 90 kilometre kadar E) Tüm hayatımız boyunca kurduğumuz birçok
yakın olmasına rağmen birçok Amerikalı, Asya’ farklı ilişki içinde ebeveyn ile çocuk arasındaki
dan Bering Boğazı’nın buzlu suları ile ayrılmış olan ilişki en önemlileri arasındadır.
Sibirya’yı çok uzak bir yer olarak düşünmektedir.

E) Aslında Asya’ dan Bering Boğazı’nın buzlu suları

ile ayrılmış olan Alaska’ya sadece 90 kilometre
uzaklıkta olsa da birçok Amerikalı Sibirya’yı çok
uzak bir yer olarak düşünmektedir.
44. The term ‘urbanisation’ is used to define the 45. Archaeology, which combines the
economic and social changes that accompany accumulated knowledge of centuries of
population concentration in urban areas and the investigation, gives us the story of the human
growth of cities. past on our planet.

A) İnsanlığın gezegenimizdeki geçmişinin

A) ‘Kentleşme’ terimi, ekonomik ve sosyal hikâyesini sunan arkeoloji, yüzyıllar boyunca
değişimlere bağlı olarak kentlerin büyümesiyle süren araştırmaların sonucunda biriken bilgiyi bir
meydana gelen nüfus yoğunluğu tanımlamak için araya getirmektedir.
B) Arkeoloji, yüzyıllardır devam eden araştırmalar
B) Kentsel alanlardaki ekonomik ve sosyal sonucunda biriken bilgiyi bir araya getirmekte ve
değişimlerin yanı sıra nüfus yoğunluğu ve insanlığın gezegenimizdeki geçmişimim hikâyesini
kentlerin büyümesini tanımlamak için de sunmaktadır.
‘kentleşme ‘ terimi kullanılır.
C) Arkeoloji, bizlere insanlığın gezegenimizdeki
C) ‘ Kentleşme ‘ terimi, kentsel alanlardaki nüfus geçmişinin hikâyesini sunarken, yüzyıllardır
yoğunluğu ile kentlerin büyümesinin yol açtığı devam eden araştırmalar sonucu birikmiş olan
ekonomik ve sosyal değişimleri tanımlamak için bilgiyi bir araya getirmektedir.
D) Yüzyıllardır devam eden araştırmalar
D) Kentsel alanlardaki nüfus yoğunluğu ile sonucunda birikmiş olan bilgiyi bir araya getiren
kentlerin büyümesiyle birlikte oluşan ekonomik arkeoloji, bizlere insanlığın gezegenimizdeki
ve sosyal değişimler, ‘ kentleşme ‘ terimi geçmişinin hikâyesini sunmaktadır.
kullanılarak tanımlanır.
E) Yüzyıllar boyunca yapılan araştırmalar sonucu
E) ‘ Kentleşme ‘ terimi, kentsel alanlardaki nüfus biriken bilgi, arkeoloji tarafından bir araya
yoğunluğuna ve kentlerin büyümesine eşlik eden getirilerek bizlere insanlığın gezegenimizdeki
ekonomik ve sosyal değişimleri tanımlamak için geçmişinin hikâyesi sunulmaktadır.
46. International organisations count countries 47. Although European explorers had ventured
and states as their members and these into Asia in the 1st century AD, the first
organisations have some official role in the significant European contact with the continent
international system, most notably as providers began in 1498, when the Portuguese fleet of
of collective security. Vasco da Gama arrived in the west coast of
A) Uluslararası kuruluşların, ülkeleri ve devletleri
üyeleri olarak kabul etmesinin sebebi, bu A) Avrupalı kâşifler Asya’ya MS 1. yüzyılda gitme
kuruluşların özellikle müşterek güvenlik sağlayıcısı cesaretini göstermiş olsalar da, kıta ile kayda
olarak uluslararası sistemde resmi bir rol değer ilk Avrupalı teması Vasco da Gama’nın
yüklenmiş olmalarıdır. Portekizli filosunun Hindistan’ın batı kıyılarına
vardığı 1498'de başlamıştır.
B) Özellikle ülkeleri ve devletleri üye olarak kabul
eden uluslararası kuruluşlar müşterek güvenlik B) Avrupalı kâşifler Asya’ya MS 1. yüzyılda gitme
sağlayıcısı olarak uluslararası sistemde resmi bir cesaretini göstermiş olsalar da, Vasco da
rol oynamaktadır. Gama’nın Portekizli filosunun Hindistan’a vardığı
yıl olan 1498, kıta ile kayda değer ilk Avrupalı
C) Uluslararası kuruluşlar, ülkeleri ve devletleri temasının başlangıcıdır.
üyeleri olarak görmektedir ve bu kuruluşların
özellikle müşterek güvenlik sağlayıcısı olarak C) MS 1. yüzyılda Asya’ya gitme cesareti gösteren
uluslararası sistemde resmi bir rolü vardır. Avrupalı kâşiflere rağmen, kıta ile kayda değer ilk
Avrupalı teması Vasco da Gama’nın Portekizli
D) Ülkeleri ve devletleri üyeleri olarak kabul eden filosuyla Hindistan’ın batı kıyılarına vardığı
uluslararası kuruluşlar, özellikle müşterek 1498'de gerçekleşmiştir.
güvenlik sağlayıcısı olarak uluslararası sistemde
resmi bir rol yüklenmiştir. D) MS 1. yüzyılda Asya’ya gitme cesareti gösteren
Avrupalı kâşiflerden sonra, kıta ile kayda değer ilk
E) Özellikle müşterek güvenlik sağlayıcısı olarak Avrupalı teması Vasco da Gama’nın Portekizli
uluslararası sistemde resmi bir role sahip olan filosunun Hindistan’ın batı kıyılarına vardığı 1498
uluslararası kuruluşlar, ülkeleri ve devletleri yılında olmuştur.
üyeleri olarak saymaktadır.
E) Avrupalı kâşifler Asya’ya MS 1. yüzyılda gitme
cesaretini göstermiş olmalarına rağmen, kıta ile
kayda değer ilk Avrupalı temasının başlaması
Vasco da Gama’nın Portekizli filosunun
Hindistan’ın batı kıyılarına vardığı 1498 yılına
48. ‘Feodalizm’ terimi, Avrupa’ da 9. yüzyıl 49. Renkler, ne yediğimizden ne giydiğimize
civarındaortaya çıktığı iddia edilen, askeri insan kadar günlük kararlarımızın çoğunu bilinçli veya
gücü oluşturmayı amaçlayan siyasi sistemi bilinçsiz olarak etkiler
tanımlamak için kullanılmaktadır.
A) Colours influence many of our daily decisions
A) ‘Feudalism’ is a term allegedly used to describe such as what we eat and what we wear
the political system that emerged in Europe consciously or unconsciously.
around the 9th century with the purpose of raising
military manpower. B) Consciously or unconsciously, colours have an
influence on our daily decisions as to what we eat
B) It is claimed that the term ‘feudalism’ has been or what we wear.
used to refer to the political system that arose in
Europe around the 9th century to raise military C) Colours influence many of our daily decisions
manpower. consciously or unconsciously from what we eat to
what we wear.
C) ‘Feudalism’ as a term decribes the political
system which allegedly arose in Europe around D) Many of our daily decisions like what we eat
the 9th century for raising military manpower. and wear are influenced consciously or
unconsciously by colours.
D) The political system that is claimed to have
arisen in Europe around the 9th century to raise E) Like many of our daily decisions, colours
military manpower has been called as ‘feudalism’. influence what we eat and what we wear
consciously or unconsciously.
E) The term ‘feudalism’ has been used to decribe
the political system aiming to raise military
manpower that allegedly arose in Europe around
the 9th century.
50. Haçlı Seferleri sırasında Orta Doğu’ ya ulaşan 51. On bin yıldan daha uzun bir süre önceki
savaşçıların arasında, yeni bir ülkede yeni bir tesadüfi keşfinden bu yana çay, dünya üzerinde
hayata başlamaya hevesli Avrupalı göçmenler de su dışında en çok tüketilen sıvı haline gelmiştir.
A) Tea was accidentally discovered more than ten
A) Alongside the warriors who arrived in the thousand years ago, and except water, it has
Middle East during the Crusades, European become the most consumed liquid on Earth.
immigrants were also willing to begin a new life in
a new land. B) Since its accidental discovery over ten
thousand years ago, tea has become the most
B) Among the warriors who arrived in the Middle consumed liquid on Earth, apart from water.
East during the Crusades, there were also
European immigrants eager to begin a new life in C) Ever since it was discovered accidentally over
a new land. ten thousand years ago, tea has been the most
frequently consumed liquid together with water.
C) The warriors who arrived in the Middle East
during the Crusades were accompanied by D) From the time it was accidentally discovered,
European immigrants who were eager to begin a which was over ten thousand years ago, tea has
new life in a new land. become the second most consumed liquid on
Earth after water.
D) When the warriors arrived in the Middle East
during the Crusades, there were also European E) The reason why tea has become the most
immigrants among them, who wanted to have a frequently consumed liquid on Earth after water
new life in a new land. is that it has been more than ten thousand years
since its discovery.
E) European immigrants were among the warriors
who arrived in the Middle East during the
Crusades with the aim of beginning a new life in a
new land.
52. Tarih boyunca deniz kabuğundan sigaraya 53. Gazetelerin televizyon yayıncılığına göreceli
kadar çeşitli nesneler ödeme araçları olarak olarak başarılı bir biçimde uyum sağlamasına
kullanılmıştır, ancak MÖ 8.yüzyılda altın ve rağmen, televizyon öncesi dönem muhtemelen
gümüş baskı haline gelmiştir. gazetelerin en parlak dönemi olarak kabul
A) Various items ranging from seashells to
cigarettes were used as means of payment A) Even after the relatively successful adaptation
throughout history, but gold and silver became of newspapers to television broadcasting, the
predominant in the 8th century BC. pretelevision era is accepted to be the heyday of
B) Gold and silver predominated as means of
payment in the 8th century BC, but a number of B) Even though the pretelevision era is likely to be
items from seashells to cigarettes were used seen as the heyday of newspapers, the
throughout history. adaptation of newspapers to television
broadcasting was regarded as relatively
C) Not only silver and gold, which predominated successful.
in the 8th century BC, but also various items such
as seashells and cigarettes were employed C) The pretelevision era is most probably
throughout history as means of payment. considered the heyday of newspapers, but their
adaptation to television broadcasting was
D) Throughout history, a wide range of items regarded as relatively successful.
including seashells and cigarettes were in use as
means of payment, but nothing compares to gold D) Though newspapers were adapted to
and silver, which became predominant in television broadcasting with relative success, it is
the8thcentury BC. likely that the pretelevision era is considered to
be the heyday of newspapers.
E) Although gold and silver became predominant
as means of payment in the 8th century BC, a E) Despite the relatively successful adaptation of
variety of items such as seashells and cigarettes newspapers to television broadcasting, the
were used throughout history. pretelevision era is likely to be regarded as the
heyday of newspapers.
54. Migration is the movement of people from 55. The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci is
one geographic location to another. Migration perhaps the world’s most well-known painting.
may result from many different causes. In some It is difficult to think of another piece of artwork
cases, economic opportunities may motivate that has been analysed, talked about and
individuals to move. Algerian guest workers in written about to quite the same degree as this
France are an example of this situation. ---- For one. ---- Some believe that the model was da
instance, violence emerging from internal Vinci’s own mother, Caterina, or Princess
conflicts in Rwanda and Sudan has created mass Isabella of Naples, or a Spanish noblewoman
migrations during recent years. named Costanza d’Avalos. Some even suggested
that da Vinci based the portrait on his own
A) Migration affects not only the recipient region likeliness due to the subject’s slightly masculine
or country but also the region or country of facial features.
A) The painting was eventually acquired by King
B) War and political unrest also frequently lead to Francis I of France and is now the property of the
large-scale movements of people. French Republic.
C) Migration may boost economic productivity by B) Perhaps the most plausible answer came from
using labour in a more efficient manner. art historian Vasari, who suggested that the
D) Contrary to the common view, migration may model was Lisa Gherardini del Giocondo.
also produce opportunities as well as challenges. C) But however famous the portait is, the true
E) Migration is categorised in many ways to inspiration behind that half-smile has never been
better describe the characteristics of these truly discovered.
movements. D) It has remained on permanent display at the
Louvre Museum in Paris since 1797 where it
continues to attract huge crowds.

E) A 500-year-old note by one of da Vinci’s

friends, which stated that the artist was working
on the portrait, was recently discovered.
56. The principal source of revenue in 57. Ancient Rome has no police force, at least
Afghanistan traditionally came from the not in the way that we tend to think of it today.
agricultural sector. For a long time, the country This was not unusual or unique, since the police
was capable of producing not only enough food force in its modern sense did not develop until
to feed its entire population but surplus food to the 18th and 19th centuries. ---- Up until
export abroad. ----- Given that the country could recently, none of these was perceived to be the
grow crops only to live on, not to sell, the particular responsibility or duty of the state.
decline in income levels increased poverty, Rome did possess a legal system, but this system
dramatically causing various economic was only applied to cases that were, on the
difficulties at the same time. whole, brought to the court by private citizens.

A) Moreover, the private sector played a major A) The job of the modern police is to prevent
role in the country’s traditional economic crime, investigate crimes that have been
activities in 2000. committed, and catch criminals.

B) Besides, the country had many economic B) During the republic, it was strictly forbidden to
relations with the former Soviet Union in the have military forces within the pomerium, the
past. sacred boundary of the city.

C) However, it was in 2001 that the country was C) The city streets were considered to be
no longer able to produce enough food. particularly dangerous at night due to robberies.

D) Similarly, the agricultural sector has never D) Interpersonal violence seems to have been
produced at full capacity for decades in Pakistan. permitted or at least ignored and was seen as
away of settling disputes.
E) In addition, the telecommunications
infrastructure has improved vastly since 1999. E) The state intervened in cases in which a crime
was perceived to have been comitted against the
58. Students’ fundamental motor skills are 59. Ecotourism organisations play a major role in
already developing when they begin researching the viability of ecotourism as a
kindergarten, but are not yet perfectly sustainable development tool. Universities
coordinated. Five-year-olds can generally walk provide funding and facilities for this research,
satisfactorily for most school-related purposes. and also function as a forum for related debate.
For some at thisage, running still looks a bit like ---- A good recent example is the Canadian
a hurried walk, but usually it becomes more public agency Canadian Tourism Commission’s
coordinated within a year or two. Similarly with efforts to document Canadian ecotourism
jumping, throwing, and catching. ---- Whoever is practices in the publication Catalogue of
responsible, it is important to notice if a child Exemplary Practices in Adventure Travel and
does not keep more-or-less to the usual Ecotourism. This document will serve as a
developmental timetable. learning tool for other ecotourism
A) From kindergarten to the end of high school,
students improve basic motor skills, double their A) However, they have not established the basic
height and triple their weight. standards for the sector.

B) Students who are clumsy are awere of how it B) Some goverment agencies also play a major
could negatively affect their status among their role in this effort.
C) Ecotourism provides important benefits
C) Even if physical skills are not a special focus of especially for the areas affected by climate
a classroom teacher, they can be quite important change.
to students themselves.
D) Public universities should take more active
D) Failure in developing necessary motor skills roles in the development of ecotoruism.
generally results in poor self-esteem and
traumatic experiences. E) There is a need for guiding certification
programmes in ecotourism.
E) Assisting such developments is usually the job
either of physical education teachers, or of
classroom teachers.
60. (I) The Byzantine Empire, which developed 62. (I) The term ‘graphics’ is often taken for
organically out of the Roman Empire and its granted and used in a generic sense. (II) Graphic
ancient Mediterranean civilisation, has no clear designers are professionals who may even
starting point. (II) The term Byzantine is modern, coordinate the production of a printed material.
coined by historians to underline the distinctive (III) In fact graphics are a powerful way to
qualities of the civilisation centered in communicate in today’s visually oriented society.
Constantinople. (III) Many date its origins to the (IV) Most publications need strong, dominant
year 330 AD, when Emperor Constantine I visual elements to make them more interesting
established his new imperial capital, to the reader. (V) They are extremely useful to
Constantinople. (IV) Others favour the mid-6th help attract attention, unify a look, convey
century during the reign of Justinian I the Great, speacial meaning, and add impact.
the last emperor to speak Latin as his native
tongue. (V) Still others argue that it only emerged A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
as a distinctive civilisation after the Arab
conquests of the 7th century.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
63. (I) Many people who struggle with insomnia
already know the basics of ‘sleep hygiene’: make
sure your bedroom is dark, keep a regular
bedtime, only use the bed for sleep, etc. (II)
61. (I) Egyptology as a discipline did not fully However, they have probably also found those
develop until Jean-François Champollion’s tips to be insufficient. (III) Insomnia is a disaster
decipherment of ancient Egyptian in 1822. that will ruin the following day as well. (IV) That is
(II)Since then, it has dealt with all aspects of because sleep gets sabotaged by what
ancient Egypt, including language and literature, psychologists call an ‘ironic effct’: the harder you
architecture, archaeology, art, and overall try to fall asleep, the more difficult it gets. (V) To
historical developments. (III)Major finds, such as avoid this, you need to reduce your emphasis on
the tomb of Tutankhamun, the workmen’s village sleep.
at Giza, and, more recently, the origins of the
alphabet have fuelled public interest in A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
Egyptology and the field as a whole. (IV)Ancient
Egyptian civilisation lasted from approximately
3000 BC until the date of the last known
hieroglyphic inscription in 395 AD. (V) With
archaeologists and historians making great 64. (I) Mycenaean society was greatly influenced
discoveries every year, the perceptions of key by the Minoans who had developed on the island
issues in ancient Egyptian civilisation continue to of Crete. (II) Although the Minoan culture had
change. faded at the time the Mycenaeans came to Crete,
the Mycenaeans adopted much of the Minoan
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V culture. (III) For example, in the early years their
hairstyes were similar to the Minoans but much
more carefully styled in long curls held in place by
richly decorated crowns. (IV) Later, Mycenaean
men cut their hair short or bound it closely to
their head and grew beards. (V) After the fall of
the Minoan and Mycenaean civilisations in about
1200 BC, Greek society developed.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
65. (I) Just over a year ago, an eager team of
archaeologists dug under the mud of a slum in
Cairo erected on the ruins of the pharaonic city of
Heliopolis. (II) They recovered a gigantic statue,
which was believed by them to represent the
pharaoh Ramses the Great. (III) His policies
allowed the Hellenes to establish colonies on
Egyptian soil for the first time. (IV) However,
there was slight disappointment when it was
discovered that the statue was not of Ramses but
a lesser-known 7th-century BC ruler of Egypt,
Psamtik I. (V)Despite the disappointment, though,
this discovery was instantly celebrated by
archaeologists not only in Egypt but also around
the globe.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
66. As difficult as they may be in some cases, 67. What was especially interesting about the
culture shock experiences serve as the very force research on Canadian technical advisors in
that drives strangers to learn and adapt. It is Kenya?
through the presence of stress that strangers are
compelled to strive to achieve the level of A) Psychological adjusment at the end of the first
learning and self-adjustment, which is necessary year was directly related to culture shock.
in order to meet the demands of the B) Some participants who experienced higher
environment and to work out new ways of levels of culture shock were found to be more
handling their daily activities. In a study of effective in their jobs.
Canadian technical advisors who were on two-
year assignments in Kenya, researchers found C) The level of professional effectiveness was
that the intensity and directionality of culture unrelated to the magnitude of culture shock
shock was unrelated to patterns of psychological within the first year.
adjustment at the end of the first year in the
alien land. Of particular interest is the finding D) All of the subjects in the study showed greater
that, in some instances, the magnitude of effectiveness in their jobs when they were
culture shock was positively related to the subjected to further culture shock.
individuals’ social and professional effectiveness E) In some cases, patterns of culture shock and
within the new environment (i.e. , the greater
psychological adjusment were found to be
the culture shock, the greater the effectiveness.)
related to the environment.
Based on this finding, it was thought that culture
shock experiences might, in fact, be responsible
for successful adaptation. This point is further
echoed in research that shows culture shock is a
traditional learning experience that facilitates a
psychological change from a state of low self-
awareness and cultural awareness to a state of
high self-awareness and cultural awareness.

68. It can be inferred from the passage that prior

According to the passage, stress ----. to the study on Canadian technical advisors in
Kenya, most researchers had assumed that
A) weakens a person’s ability to achieve learning
culture shock ----.
and self-adjusment.
A) helped individuals to fully integrate a foreign
B) hinders the handling of daily activities in
unfamiliar environments.
B) caused the formation of experiences that
C) is what causes people to become less social in
facilitated change.
a new culture.
C) allowed individuals to change states of
D) helps those experiencing culture shock to
better adapt to a foreign environment.
D) occurred when foreigners experienced high
E) makes it impossible for strangers to meet the
demands of a new environment.
E) was an obstacle to adaptation to a foreign
69. The explosion of mobile phone use has
revolutionised our lives. We can download
movies, communicate with our family members,
and broadcast to the world, all at the push of a
button. However, there are some questions
about these valuable devices we have been 70. According to the passage, we can reduce
unable to answer, such as the possibility of screen time and its possible harm by ----.
health conditions resulting from excessive
‘screen time’. Yet, many initial reactions have A) installing readily available health applications
been mora spontaneous than evidence-based. In that monitör and limit our screen use.
the past decade, we have heard that they will B) paying more attention to the relation between
rewire our brains, strip us cognitive abilities and
obesity and screen time.
damage our mental health. In turth, there is no
good evidence that such alarming conditions are C) comparing more conscious of our usage of
caused by our tech habits. The World Health screens and how related they are to our lives.
Organization, for example, recommends limiting
screen time as a way of tackling obesity, voicing D) becoming more conscious of our usage of
no health concerns related to screens particular. screens and how related they are to our lives.
It says that our children under 3 should have no
E) incorporating more health activities into our
screen time and those aged 3 to 4 should be
limited to an hour a day, but its focus is on
curbing childhood obesity. As the fears grow and
the debate becomes more heated, it is time to
separete the proven health advice from
exaggerated facts. Rather than impose
unreasonable limits, we should take a look at
our use of screens and ask how they fit with the
activities and lifestyles we want as individuals
and families.

It is pointed out in the passage that excessive 71. The attitude of the author towards common
screen time ----. reactions concerning our tech habits is ----.

A) is proven to delay developmental processes in A) sceptical

children under 3.
B) sarcastic
B) shows no convincing evidence of damaging our
C) admiring
cognitive abilities and mental health.
D) supportive
C) prevents small children from interacting with
their families and other children. E) optimistic
D) is seen as the main reason for including
childhood obesity in those aged 3 to 4.

E) may change the way our brains work, leading

to alarming health conditions.
72.The most celebrated African novelist is
Chinua Achebe,whose Things Fall Apart
permanently transformed the landscape of
African fiction,bothin his own continent and in 73. It is pointed out in the passage that ----.
the Western imagination. His novels effectively
challenged many of the West’s false impressions A) Achebe both studied and taught in University
of African life and culture,replacing simplistic College, Ibadan.
stereotypes with portrayals of a complex society
still suffering from a legacy of Western colonial B) Achebe started his career at Nigerian
oppression. Achebe was born in Ogidi an lgbo- Broadcasting Corporation.
speaking town in eastern Nigeria, and educated C) Okigbo provided Achebe financial support to
in English at churchschools and University
set up his own publishing company.
College, Ibadan, where he subsequently taught
before joining the Nigerian Brodcasting D) Okigbo wrote poems about the civil war in
Corporation in Lagos. Then he launched a Nigeria.
publishing company with Cristopher Okigbo, a
poet soon to die in the Nigerian civil war. His E) In Things Fall Apart, Achebe mentioned the
Things Fall Apart, written with an insider’s problems his own familiy had in the West.
understanding of the African World and its
history, depicts the destruction of an individual,
a family, and a culture during colonialism.
Helping to deny Western prejudices about
Africa, this rich portrait of a culture also advance
Achebe’s ambition to help his society regain
belief in itself and get rid of the complexes
produced by colonialism.

It is clearly stated in the passage that ……. 74. It can be inferred from the passage that ----.
A) Achebe has changed the way Western people A) Achebe aimed at helping Africans rebuild self-
think of African culture. respect and self-confidence.
B) Things Fall Apart is Achebe’s fırst and most B) With Things Fall Apart, Achebe made the Igbo
famous novel. language more popular in the West.
C) Achebe’s novels are mainly about Africans’ C) Things Fall Apart was mainly written from the
false assumptions about Westerners. perspective of a Westerner.
D) Africa has always been a culturally rich D) Achebe suggested Africans distrust Western
continent in Western imagination. societies in Things Fall Apart.
E) Achebe is still the best novelist for many E) Achebe faced fierce criticism in the Western
readers in Western societies. world.
75. Justice in ancient Egypt encompassed a
range of physical punishments including
corporal punishment such as beatings, and
capital punishment, which is the legal killing of a 76. Members of priviledeg classes in ancient
person. Punishments were typically Egypt who faced execution ----.
administered in public. Corporal punishments
were imposed on citizens for lesser crimes such A) were thrown into the Nile when they
as non-payment of taxes. But in the most severe committed the most unforgivable crimes.
cases, the Egyptian state would execute
offenders. Robbing royal tombs, injuring the B) were not able to get away with public
pharaoh, and disloyalty were all regarded as the execution.
worst crimes Egyptian citizens could commit. If
C) had to remove their names from history so
criminals were caught, they would be punished that they could avoid death.
by death. Executions were carried out in a
number of ways, most often in public. Members D) had the option to commit suicide by drinking
of privileged classes could sometimes choose to poison in order to avoid a painful public death.
take their own lives by swallowing poison rather
than undergoing a painful death in public. The E) did not want their families to get their bodies
harshest punishment was not only death in this for funerals.
world but death in the afterlife. Burning a
person’s body, throwing their remains into the
Nile, and erasing their names from history were
the most serious punishments, as the person
would not exist either here or in the hereafter.
In these cases, families would not receive the
body for burial or for the purposes of funerals.

77. Which of the following could be the best title

The main difference between corporal
of the passage?
punishment and capital punishment was that ---.

A) the former was administered in public in most

cases. A) Capital Punishment Methods in Ancient Egypt
B) the latter was used more frequently in ancient B) The Court System in Ancient Egypt
C) Burial Rituals in Ancient Egypt
C) the former was for criminals who stole from
the pharaoh. D) Crime and Punishment in Ancient Egypt

D) the offender died as a result of latter. E) How the Aristocracy was Punished in Ancient
E) the criminals were charged with higher taxes
for the former.
78. Freud felt that our memories and how they
are arranged in our minds are vital parts of our
personalities. He proposed that there are three
basic divisions of memory that are differentiated 79. According to the passage, what makes us
by how aware or conscious each of us is of the unique?
material in those divisions: the conscious, the
preconscious and the unconscious. The A) How desires and conflicts appear in memories.
unconscious is the most famous of the three. It
contains the memories and experiences that we B) Both nice and disturbing ideas we have.
are not aware of. They are deep inside our
C) Our deep and dark secrets.
minds and difficult tı access. Actually, Freud
throught that our unconscious is filled with all D) Types and awareness of memories.
our memories, thoughts and ideas that are
troubling, disturbing, and horrible to keep in our E) Unfiltered and true feelings about ourselves.
conscious awareness. This is where we keep our
truest feelings, unfiltered and unedited by the
niceties of everyday life. Our unconscious is
where our deepest and most basic desires and
conflicts reşide, it is the realm of secrets so dark
that we are not even aware of them ourselves.
Depending on what kind of memories we have
and how aware we are of them, we may have a
completely different personality than we do
now. Our conscious, preconscious and
unconscious memories help make us unique,
giving us that special little personality thay
everyone loves.

Freud suggested a division for our memories to 80. According to the passage, which could be an
example of an unconscious memory?
A) Jealous feelings directed towards a close
A) help people hide their horrible secrets.
B) focus more on the niceties of everyday life.
B) Hearing how your colleagues appreciate you.
C) simply explain our level of consciousness.
C) Remembering simple tasks like riding a bike.
D) further study people’s deepest and most basic
D) Purposefully ignoring the man sitting next to
E) better understand how memories are
E) Reliving the happiest day of your life.
31- A
1- C
32- E
2- A
33- C
3- D
34- B
4- C
35- D
5- A
36- E
6- D
37- B
7- B
38- D
8- E
39- B
9- B
40- E
10- E
41- C
11- D
42- A
12- B
43- E
13- B
44- E
14- E
45- D
15- B
46- C
16- B
47- A
17- E
48- E
18- E
49- C
19- C
50- B
20- A
51- B
21- D
52- A
22- A
53- E
23- C
54- B
24- B
55- C
25- E
56- C
26- B
57- A
27- D
58- E
28- C
59- B
29- A
60- B
30- E
61- D

62- B

63- C

64- E

65- C

66- D

67- B

68- E

69- B

70- D

71- A

72- A

73- A

74- A

75- D

76- D

77- D

78- C

79- D

80- A

6. Millions of immigrants and refugees change homes

1. - 20. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun
each year in pursuit of freedom, security, economic
düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
betterment, or simply to ------- a more desirable
environment in which to live.
1. Skills assessment tests try to find out how well you are
A) turn down B) look for
likely to satisfy the technical or operational ---- of a
job. C) give up D) take off
A) requirements B) solutions E) fall behind
C) shortcomings D) conflicts
7. Native American tribes and nations ----- their own
E) punishments
religions and political views long before Europeans ----
their lands.

A) had been developing / had been invading

2. The introduction of printing was delayed in Europe
B) were developing / have invaded
because of the --- of paper until the 14th century.
A) occupation B) variety
C) have developed / had invaded
C) expansion D) absence
D) developed / could have invaded
E) validation
E) had developed / invaded

3. The human face is a highly meaningful stimulus that

8. London ---- the oldest and most comprehensive
provides scholars with ---- information for adaptive
subway system in the world today, and all of the city’s
social interaction with people.
train stations----- by subway.
A) weak B) deceptive
A) had / might be reached
C) redundant D) diverse
B) has had / could have been reached
E) erroneous
C) has / can be reached

D) is having / may have been reached

4. Centres and programmes that support excellence in
college and university teaching have grown ---- since E) will have / must be reached
the mid-20th century, and offer a broad range of
services and resources to various institutions.
9. Our brains are the most flexible when we are young
A) accurately B) severely children, as it is ---- this time that we learn the most ----
our environment.
C) incidentally D) extensively
A) before / for B) behind / without
E) temporarily
C) between / across D) during / about

E) against / from
5. If people ----- a group, they want to be like the group's
members and to hold similar characteristics and 10. With around 1.5 billion people living ----- its borders,
opinions. China is currently the most populous land -----the
A) admire B) offend
A) from / around B) into / under
C) leave D) divide
C) throughout / upon D) within / across
E) defeat
E) about / for


11. The search ---- gold and silver and the control of their 16. They are some of the oldest monuments in the world,
sources have had a significant influence -----human ---- much about Egypt's pyramids remains a mystery.
history as a motivation for exploration, trade, and
A) but B) otherwise
C) as D) supposed that
A) at / during B) for / on
E) once
C) about / beyond D) in / through

E) towards / around
17 . ------- the rationalists, who thought that we were born
with certain ideas about the world, 17th-century
philosopher John Locke claimed that our minds were
12 . ------ he was never regarded as a musical genius at a like a blank slate (tabula rasa) at birth, meaning we are
very young age like Mozart or Mendelssohn, not born with innate knowledge.
Beethoven's talent was quite impressive.
A) With the help of B) On behalf of
A) As long as B) Because
C) In terms of D) Unlike
C) Even though D) Once
E) Together with
E) Provided that

18 .------ disagreements over the definition, meaning and

value of privacy, most philosophers defend the unique
13 . -------- attention is a process that is so widely and fundamental value of privacy protection.
A) Such as B) In spite of
throughout the brain, different systems have been
proposed to explain the varying types of attention. C) By means of D) Similar to

A) Unless B) Once E) In the hope of

C) After D) Because

E) As soon as 19. Much of the overall increase in population between

now and 2050 is projected to occur ----- in high fertility
countries ----- in countries with large populations.

A) so / that B) such / that

14. Many animals can communicate with each other and
share information basically; ---- , humans are the only C) both / and D) as / as
creatures who can communicate using symbolic E) the more / the more

A) that is B) however
20. Our rapidly changing society necessitates continuous
C) accordingly D) likewise
updating of knowledge and competences in an
E) as a result evolving work environment ----- lifelong learning
solutions are required.

A) how B) where

15. Computers and the Internet have greatly increased the C) what D) whom
amount and range of information available to students E) which
------ their benefits are often exaggerated in
media reports.

A) until B) even if

C) in order that D) in case

E) unless


21.- 25. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış 23.

yerlere uygun düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz. A) effectively

B) reluctantly
Pedagogy is typically defined as the art and science of
C) harshly
teaching. Teaching young children is a dynamic process
that demands not only that a teacher should have a fully D) instinctively
realised vision of the goals and content present in a
E) adversely
curriculum but also a theoretical understanding of how best
(21) ---- students to learn. (22) ---- , teachers must develop
and become expert at using a repertoire of strategies. With
this repertoire, they can respond (23)----- to both an
individual student's learning and the class as a whole. In
other words, pedagogy is a teacher's toolkit that
encompasses his or her professional philosophy about
teaching and the purposes of early education (24) ----- a
range of methods for putting views into action. This toolkit
can be developed (25) ---- professional preparation
opportunities and teachers’ individual experiences of

A) in case of
A) to assist B) as well as
B) assisting C) with the exception of
C) to be assisted D) regardless of
D) being assisted E) as opposed to
E) having assisted


A) Otherwise B) By comparison 25.

C) In addition D) Instead A) beyond
E) On the contrary B) over

C) below

D) at
E) through


26. - 30. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış 28.

yerlere uygun düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz. A) had been found

B) would be found
Described with majesty and respect in many historical texts,
C) will be found
the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were said to be one of
humanity's greatest achievements. They were a multi-layered, D) have been found
irrigated paradise, and in many ways they (26)----- the core
E) were being found
values of Babylon: beauty, wealth and remarkable engineering
skills. Some academics, (27) ---- , consider them pure myth.
After all, while the Hanging Gardens are mentioned in
numerous later texts, no documents from the time identifying
them (28) ----. What is more, ‘Father of History’ Herodotus
does not mention them at all in his Histories, (29) ----- visiting
the city and describing many of its other features in detail. As a
result, today debate rages fiercely (30) ----- whether or not
these legendary gardens were real. Unfortunately, while much
of the region today remains overrun by conflict, excavation
work to pin down if the Hanging Gardens did once exist is not

A) survived
A) instead of
B) demanded
B) prior to
C) exemplified
C) despite
D) destroyed
D) due to
E) diminished
E) for the purpose of


A) however

B) moreover
A) along
C) for instance

D) at first B) without

E) eventually C) for

D) over

E) in


31. - 41. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde 34. Because the vast changes in altitude and terrain in
tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. Ecuador can make road travel slow and difficult, ----.

31 ---- , they have no real evidence for what early society A) taxis and buses provide non-stop city transport for very
was like. reasonable fares

A) Now that the glyph writing system of the Maya B) telecommunication and electrical services in Ecuador
city-states were decoded by the archaeologists are state-owned and -operated

B) When archaeologists use radiocarbon dating in the C) tourists and Ecuadorians alike utilise in-country flights,
sites with materials that contain carbon which serve as a more practical alternative

C) Provided that an archaeological report describes D) the country harbours a lot of holiday destinations and
everything a researcher did in the field and laboratory tourist attractions

D) Since many archaeological reports are now available E) goods are still transported through rocky and tough
online roads

E) Although archaeologists can reconstruct what early

people ate and how they made some artefacts
35. Although only the well-to-do could afford to have their
own carriage in Victorian England, ------.
32. While many people in the US are only aware of anti-war
and peace movements from the period of social unrest A) electric trams were introduced at the end of the 19th
in the 1960s and 1970s, ----. century

A) people and groups resist war and armed conflict for B) ordinary people could hire a private coach by making
various reasons arrangements in advance

B) these efforts rarely receive mainstream attention in the C) the nobles often avoided using a public cab for door-to-
US door transportation in town

C) the goals of such movements vary according to the D) the cabs for private use were too expensive for most
dominant issue of the moment people’s ordinary daily use

D) they concentrate on a variety of issues related to E) the underground revolutionised the speed and cost of
violence, war, and oppression urban transportation

E) these notions have been in existence since long before

33 ----- if food security for all people in the world is to be 36 . ------, it nevertheless does contribute to carbon
provided. emissions and climate change.

A) Supermarkets can now offer not only frozen and A) Because the transportability of natural gas makes it
packaged food, but also fresh food year-round from all suitable for various uses
over the world B) While natural gas is cleaner compared to other fossil
B) The way food is produced and distributed throughout fuels
the world has changed dramatically since the Industrial C) As long as natural gas fulfills a vital role in the global
Revolution supply of energy
C) In a world where food is abundant as never before, D) As natural gas has recently lost its role as a lighting
food supply is extremely vulnerable to economic and source
political interests
E) Since natural gas is a flammable mixture of
D) Fundamental changes in global trade and the hydrocarbon gases
international financial system must be introduced

E) Lack of access to food leads to undernourishment, a

problem that affects more than 800 million people


37 . -------, water has been a dominant factor in determining 40. The modern concept of sport refers mainly to
the location and distribution of human settlement in organised physical activities such as football,
Afghanistan. basketball, or table tennis, -------.

A) Although many of the historically important towns are A) however, modern sports evolved mainly in the West
located near rivers and streams during the time of the Industrial Revolution

B) Since much of the country is covered by deserts and B) thus it leaves out board and card games such as
receives little rain bridge, chess, or poker

C) Whereas the country’s capital lies on the well-watered C) as there is no evidence that sports are necessary for
plains of a river human existence

D) Despite the fact that 80 percent of the country’s D) yet basketball has now become one of the most
population is rural, utilising water sources on a large popular sports around the world
E) in other words, sports as a form of cultural expression
E) Even if humid air from the Persian Gulf produces reflects a culture’s history
summer showers in the southwest

41. Very few researchers have an interest in studying

whistled languages -------.
38 . ------, written communication continues to change both
A) whereas their intelligibility does not always match that
in speed and fluency.
of spoken languages
A) As the world becomes increasingly interconnected via
B) although the populations that use them are located in
technologies such as e-mail and text messaging
isolated areas
B) Given that the Internet may have some undesirable
C) so that they are most ideally used in areas with high
effects on written communication
noise concentrations
C) Since the development of paper is thought to have
D) if users could detect an entire sentence from long
facilitated communication for commoners
D) Although engaging in written communication over long
E) even though such speech has been around since
distances has become much easier
ancient times
E) Even though written communication is intricately
connected to the technology of writing

39. The earliest examples of plant and animal

domestication date back hundreds of thousands of
years, --------.

A) as domestication changed the natural behaviour and

characteristics of the plants and animals

B) although the domestication of their environment was a

great survival technique of the human population

C) instead, the domestication of plants and animals took

place in a single limited area

D) whereas domestication was one of the most

fundamental changes in human history

E) but the environmental effects of those lifestyle changes

are still apparent today


42.- 47. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca en 44. Some scholars argue that most European cultures
yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz. stem from ancient Celts, who migrated from what is
now Eastern Europe to the British Isles in the 9th
42. People with disabilities have always been part of century BCE.
society, but what has changed is how society defines
these differences and how people with special needs A) Çoğu Avrupa kültürünün antik Keltlerden geldiğine
are treated. inanan bazı araştırmacılar, Keltlerin MÖ 9. yüzyılda
A) Toplumun her zaman bir parçası olan engellilere günümüzde Doğu Avrupa olarak bilinen bölgeden
yönelik farklılıkların tanımlanması ve özel ihtiyacı olan Britanya Adaları’na göç ettiğini öne sürmektedir.
insanlara nasıl davranıldığı konularında değişim B) Bazı araştırmacılara göre, MÖ 9. yüzyılda günümüzde
meydana gelmiştir. Doğu Avrupa olarak bilinen bölgeden Britanya
B) Engelliler toplumun her zaman bir parçası olmuşlardır, Adaları’na göç eden antik Keltler, çoğu Avrupa
ancak değişen şey toplumun bu farklılıkları nasıl kültürünün temelini teşkil etmektedir.
tanımladığı ve özel ihtiyaçları olan insanlara nasıl C) MÖ 9. yüzyılda Doğu Avrupa’dan Britanya Adaları’na
davranıldığı olmuştur. göç eden antik Keltlerin bugünkü çoğu Avrupa
C) Engelliler toplumun her zaman bir parçası olsa da kültürünün kökenini oluşturduğu, bazı araştırmacılar
toplumun onların bu farklılıklarının tanımlanması ve tarafından iddia edilmektedir.
özel ihtiyaçları olan insanlara nasıl davranıldığına D) Bazı araştırmacılar, çoğu Avrupa kültürünün MÖ 9.
yönelik yaklaşımı değişmiştir. yüzyılda günümüzde Doğu Avrupa olarak bilinen
D) Toplumun her zaman bir parçası olan engellilerin bölgeden Britanya Adaları’na göç eden antik Keltlerden
farklılıklarının tanımlanma biçimi ve özel ihtiyaçları olan geldiğini öne sürmektedir.
insanlara yönelik davranış biçimleri değişime E) Günümüzdeki çoğu Avrupa kültürünün MÖ 9. yüzyılda
uğramıştır. Doğu Avrupa’dan Britanya Adaları’na göç eden antik
E) Engelliler her zaman toplumun bir parçası olmalarına Keltlerden geldiğini öne süren bazı araştırmacılar
rağmen toplumun bu farklılıkları nasıl tanımladığı ve vardır.
özel ihtiyaçları olan insanlara nasıl davrandığı
konularında değişim yaşanmıştır.
45. As coffee spread from its native Africa to the Middle
East, then to Europe and other parts of the world, it
43. The Europeans’ exploration of the world began in the was transformed from the drink of a select few to a
second half of the 15th century when the desire to find product consumed by the masses.
a sea route to the East led the Portuguese to make a A) Kahve, ana vatanı Afrika’dan Orta Doğu’ya, oradan da
series of voyages to the west coast of Africa. Avrupa ve dünyanın diğer bölgelerine yayıldıkça seçkin
A) Doğu’ya deniz yolu bulma arzusunun Portekizlileri bir azınlığın içeceğinden kitlelerin tükettiği bir ürüne
Afrika’nın batı sahiline bir dizi seyahat gerçekleştirmeye dönüşmüştür.
yönelttiği 15. yüzyılın ikinci yarısı, Avrupalıların dünyayı B) Ana vatanı Afrika’dan Orta Doğu’ya, oradan da Avrupa
keşfinin başladığı zamandır. ve dünyanın diğer bölgelerine yayılan kahve, önceleri
B) Avrupalıların dünyayı keşfi, Doğu’ya deniz yolu bulma seçkin bir azınlığın içeceğiyken kitlelerin tükettiği bir
arzusunun Portekizlileri Afrika’nın batı sahiline bir dizi ürün hâline gelmiştir.
seyahat gerçekleştirmeye yönelttiği 15. yüzyılın ikinci C) Kahve, ana vatanı Afrika’da seçkin bir azınlığın
yarısında başlamıştır. içeceğiyken Orta Doğu’ya, oradan da Avrupa ve
dünyanın diğer bölgelerine yayıldıkça kitlelerin tükettiği
C) Avrupalıların dünyayı keşfi, Doğu’ya deniz yolu bulma
arzusunun Portekizlileri Afrika’nın batı sahiline bir dizi bir ürüne dönüşmüştür.
seyahat gerçekleştirmeye yönelttiği 15. yüzyılın ikinci D) Kahveyi seçkin bir azınlığın içeceği olmaktan çıkarıp
yarısına dayanmaktadır. kitlelerin tükettiği bir ürüne dönüştüren şey, ana vatanı
D) Avrupalıların dünyayı keşfi, 15. yüzyılın ikinci yarısında, Afrika’dan Orta Doğu’ya, oradan da Avrupa ve
Portekizlilerin Doğu’ya deniz yolu bulma arzusuyla dünyanın diğer bölgelerine yayılması olmuştur.
Afrika’nın batı sahiline yönelerek bir dizi seyahat E) İlk zamanlarında seçkin bir azınlığın içeceği olarak
gerçekleştirmesiyle başlamıştır. bilinen kahve, ana vatanı Afrika’dan Orta Doğu’ya,
E) Avrupalıların dünyayı keşfi, Doğu’ya deniz yolu bulma oradan da Avrupa ve dünyanın diğer bölgelerine
arzusu ile Afrika’nın batı sahiline yönelen Portekizlilerin yayılması sonucunda kitlelerin tükettiği bir ürüne
bir dizi seyahat gerçekleştirmesiyle, 15. yüzyılın ikinci dönüşmüştür.
yarısında başlamıştır.


46. Although cities provide the optimum context for social 47. Despite advances in understanding of the anatomy
activities, daily life conditions in cities are becoming and physiology of pain and the development of
increasingly more difficult. treatments based on sophisticated technology,
chronic pain continues to be a prevalent and costly
A) Şehirlerdeki günlük yaşam koşulları gittikçe daha zor
bir hâle gelse bile şehirler sosyal aktiviteler için en
uygun ortamlardır. A) Ağrının anatomisinin ve fizyolojisinin anlaşılmasındaki
ilerlemelere ve üst düzey teknolojiye dayalı tedavilerin
B) Şehirlerdeki günlük yaşam koşulları gittikçe daha zor
geliştirilmesine rağmen, kronik ağrı yaygın ve maliyetli
bir hâl almaktadır, ancak şehirler sosyal aktiviteler için
bir sorun olmaya devam etmektedir.
en uygun ortamı sunar.
B) Ağrının anatomisi ve fizyolojisi konusunda ilerlemeler
C) Sosyal aktiviteler için en uygun ortamı sağlayan
kaydedilmiş ve üst düzey teknolojiye bağlı tedaviler
şehirlerdeki günlük yaşam koşulları gittikçe daha zor bir
geliştirilmiştir, ancak kronik ağrı yaygın ve maliyetli bir
hâl almaktadır.
sorun olmaya hâlâ devam etmektedir.
D) Şehirler sosyal aktiviteler için en uygun ortamı sağlasa
C) Kronik ağrı, anatomisinin ve fizyolojisinin
da şehirlerdeki günlük yaşam koşulları gittikçe daha zor
anlaşılmasındaki ilerlemelere ve üst düzey teknolojik
bir hâle gelmektedir.
tedavilerin geliştirilmesine rağmen, yaygın bir sorun
E) Sosyal aktiviteler için en uygun ortam şehirlerde olmaya devam etmektedir ve tedavisi maliyetlidir.
bulunmasına rağmen şehirlerdeki günlük yaşam
D) Hâlâ yaygın ve maliyetli bir sorun olan kronik ağrıya
koşulları gittikçe daha zor bir hâl almaktadır.
karşı üst düzey teknolojik tedavilerin geliştirilmesi,
ağrının anatomisinin ve fizyolojisinin anlaşılmasındaki
ilerlemeler sayesinde olmuştur.

E) Ağrının anatomisinin ve fizyolojisinin anlaşılmasındaki

ilerlemeler sayesinde üst düzey teknolojiye dayalı
tedaviler geliştirilmiş olsa bile kronik ağrı yaygın ve
maliyetli bir sorun olmaya devam etmektedir.


48. - 53. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en 49. Amazon yağmur ormanları insan topluluklarının varlığı
yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz. için uygun olmayan bir yer olarak tanıtılagelmiştir,
fakat yeni çalışmalar çeşitli eski toplulukların bölgede
tarım yaptıklarını öne sürmektedir.
48. Immanuel Kant, deneyciliğin ve doğa bilimlerinin
oluşmasına katkıda bulunan bir düşünce sistemi A) While current studies suggest that numerous ancient
geliştirdiği için 19. yüzyıldan itibaren diğer Aydınlanma societies practiced agriculture in the Amazon rainforest,
Dönemi düşünürlerinden daha etkili olmuştur. the region has been introduced as a place unsuitable
for the presence of human societies.
A) Immanuel Kant, who has been more influential than
any other Enlightenment philosopher since the 19th B) The Amazon rainforest, introduced as a place
century, constructed a system of reason in order to unsuitable for the presence of human societies, has
contribute to the emergence of empiricism and the been shown by recent studies to be a region where
natural sciences. various ancient societies practiced agriculture.

B) The reason why Immanuel Kant has been more C) The Amazon rainforest has been introduced as a place
influential than any other Enlightenment philosopher unsuitable for the presence of human societies;
since the 19th century is that he contributed to the however, several ancient societies have been reported
emergence of empiricism and the natural sciences with by new studies to practice agriculture in the region.
the system of reason he developed. D) Although the Amazon rainforest has been introduced
C) Thanks to his contributions to the emergence of as a place unsuitable for the presence of human
empiricism and the natural sciences through a system societies, new studies have revealed that some ancient
of reason he constructed, Immanuel Kant has been societies practiced agriculture in the region.
more influential than any other Enlightenment E) The Amazon rainforest has been introduced as a place
philosopher since the 19th century. unsuitable for the presence of human societies, but
D) Immanuel Kant has been more influential than any new studies suggest that various ancient societies
other Enlightenment philosopher since the 19th century practiced agriculture in the region.
because he constructed a system of reason which
contributed to the emergence of empiricism and the
natural sciences. 50. Klasik koşullanma, davranışçılık olarak bilinen
psikoloji ekolünde önemli bir kavramdır ve davranış
E) Immanuel Kant, who developed a system of reason, terapisinde kullanılan bazı tekniklerin temelini
contributed to the emergence of empiricism and the oluşturmaktadır.
natural sciences, which is why he has been deemed
more influential than any other Enlightenment A) Providing the basis for some of the techniques used in
philosopher since the 19th century. behaviour therapy, classical conditioning is an
important concept in the school of psychology known
as behaviourism.

B) Classical conditioning, which is a key concept in the

school of psychology known as behaviourism, lays the
foundation for some of the techniques used in
behaviour therapy.

C) Classical conditioning is an important concept in the

school of psychology known as behaviourism, and it
forms the basis for some of the techniques used in
behaviour therapy.

D) The school of psychology known as behaviourism sees

classical conditioning as an important concept, and
some of the techniques used in behaviour therapy are
based on it.

E) Classical conditioning is a fundamental concept in the

school of psychology known as behaviourism, and
some of the techniques used in behaviour therapy have
originated from it.


51. İlk medeniyetlerdeki nüfuslar yoğunlaştıkça ve 53. Roma, MÖ 509 yılında bir cumhuriyet hâline
kasabalar şehirleştikçe bazı insan toplulukları bir dizi geldiğinde, karar alma gücü bulunan bir grup yaşlı
yeni özelliklere sahip olmaya başladılar. devlet adamından oluşan Senato dâhil olmak üzere,
eski monarşik düzenin bazı unsurlarını korumuştur.
A) A series of new features emerged in some human
societies when populations grew in density and towns A) The Senate, a group of elder statesmen with decision-
turned into cities in early civilisations. making powers, was preserved even after Rome
became a republic in 509 BCE as some elements of
B) A range of new characteristics were developed in some
the old monarchical system were to be retained.
human societies in early civilisations as populations
became denser and towns transformed into cities. B) When Rome became a republic in 509 BCE, it retained
some of the elements of the old monarchical system,
C) In early civilisations, some human societies began to
including the Senate comprised of a group of elder
demonstrate a series of new characteristics as a result
statesmen with decision-making powers.
of populations increasing in density and towns growing
into cities. C) Rome became a republic in 509 BCE; however, certain
elements of the old monarchical system such as the
D) With populations becoming denser and towns turning
Senate, consisting of a group of elder statesmen
into cities in early civilisations, it was possible for some
having decision-making powers, was maintained.
human societies to develop a group of new features.
D) Although Rome became a republic in 509 BCE, it
E) As populations increased in density and towns grew
maintained some of the elements of the old
into cities in early civilisations, some human societies
monarchical system, including the Senate, a group of
began to take on a set of new characteristics.
elder statesmen with decision-making powers.

E) Preserving certain elements of the old monarchical

52. Kıtlıkların hâlâ meydana geliyor olması küresel ölçekli system such as the Senate, which included a group of
gıda eksikliğinin değil, gıdanın yerel dağıtımıyla ilgili elder statesmen having decision-making powers, Rome
olanlar da dâhil olmak üzere siyasi ve sosyal became a republic in 509 BCE.
sorunların bir sonucudur.

A) A global food shortage is not responsible for the fact

that famines still occur, which is rather caused by
political and social problems such as those linked to
local distribution of food.

B) Famines that still occur are a consequence of not only

a global food shortage but also political and social
problems associated with local distribution of food.

C) Although there is not a global food shortage, famines

still occur due to political and social problems such as
those resulting from local distribution of food.

D) The fact that famines still occur is not a consequence

of a global food shortage, but of political and social
problems, including those associated with local
distribution of food.

E) Political and social problems, including those related to

local distribution of food, are contributing to the fact that
famines do still occur, along with a global food


54. - 59. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam 56. The purpose of a library, whether paper or digital, is to
bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi facilitate communication across space and time by
bulunuz. selecting, preserving, organising, and making
accessible documents of all kinds. ---- For example,
technological methods of information retrieval make it
54. Anthropology literally means the science of mankind. possible to index books at the level of chapters, or
The word was used in this broad sense in English for even at the level of sections and paragraphs. However,
several centuries. In the 18th century, and even for just as a paper library can provide too many books,
most of the 19th century, it was conceived as a digital libraries can provide an even greater
primarily physiological study, though there were overabundance of documents, chapters, and
always those who insisted that anthropology should passages.
study body, soul, and the relations between them. ----
A) Some digital library collections contain images created
What remained was primarily ‘cultural’
with human effort.
anthropology and an emphasis on the variety of
human societies. B) Like all professions, librarianship offers specialties and
A) This meant an emphasis on primitive societies which subspecialties.
can be studied in a more comprehensive way. C) Digital libraries provide many opportunities to improve
B) It is usually impossible to study advanced societies in upon paper libraries.
detail and compare them with primitive ones. D) A library must have a collection of materials that carry
C) After the discovery of the DNA in 1953, physical information.
anthropology became more significant than it had ever
E) People tend to associate the word ‘librarian’ with
anyone who works in a paper library.
D) This has often cast the anthropologist in the role of the
defender as well as the interpreter of the values of

E) With the development of zoology, sociology, and

economics, anthropology lost a great deal of its
57. The world's longest river, stretching for about 6,400
km from the African tropics to the Mediterranean Sea,
55. Before World War II, Brazil was the leading world the Nile was a great source of life flowing through the
producer of many agricultural goods. Sugar, rubber, heart of ancient Egypt. With much of the country
and coffee were important exports. Yet, price
covered in inhospitable desert, civilisation grew up
variations in the world market for these commodities
along the river’s banks. --- The Egyptians relied on it
left the Brazilian economy vulnerable. After the war,
for transportation and entertainment, and to plant their
the government succeeded in rapidly industrialising
crops on its nutrient-rich banks.
the economy in order to diversify and decrease its
dependency on imported goods. ---- However, the A) Ancient people living along the Nile wore jewellery to
country's growing prosperity was damaged by the honour their gods.
inflation caused by budget deficits.
B) High rainfall near the Nile’s source would cause the
A) The agricultural sector of Brazil represented a larger waters to rise rapidly.
percentage of the gross domestic product than industry
before World War II. C) The farming year in ancient Egypt began following the
B) Brazil became one of the only industrialised nations of annual flooding of the Nile.
South America and an important exporter of
D) Pharaohs would ride on large ceremonial boats on
manufactured goods.
important occasions along the Nile.
C) Besides economic factors, Portuguese and African
immigrants had a remarkable impact on the social life E) Every aspect of ancient Egyptian daily life depended on
in Brazil for a long time. the Nile.
D) The government debt, which highly increased during
the 1980s, was due mainly to the borrowing of new
money to implement economic plans in the country.
E) Major imports were machinery and equipment,
chemical products, oil, and electricity, most of which
came from the United States.


58. North America was an arena of conflict between British 59. In 1925, Le Corbusier, the Swiss-French architect
and French colonialism in the mid-18th century. The suggested demolishing the homes, statues, and
British victory in the French and Indian War of 1754-63 streets of much of Paris’s Right Bank. In their place, he
settled this issue in Britain’s favour, but proposed erecting 18 glass towers, divided by lawns
disagreements between Britain and its thirteen North for pedestrians and elevated highways for cars. ---- A
American colonies arose in the aftermath of the war. quote attributed to him leaves no doubt as to which
---- Escalating conflict led them to unite in declaring side he was on: “Progress is achieved through
independence in 1776 and, with French help, they experimentation; the decision will be awarded on the
defeated British efforts to suppress the rebellion, field of battle of the new."
which led to the establishment of the United States of
A) Le Corbusier contended that lovers of antique
architecture and progressive thinkers were at war
A) Most colonists who had remained loyal to Britain left about how humans should live.
the country, many moving to Canada, which remained
B) Based on the need for security and housing, or other
in British hands.
facilities, most people preferred to move to a new
B) Born of an uprising against the British rule in 1776, the neighbourhood.
United States of America was a new kind of state
C) High-rise buildings similar to those envisioned by Le
embodying the principles of democracy.
Corbusier have recently been dotting various urban
C) The new United States had an initial population of districts across China.
around 4 million, similar in size to the population of
D) Le Corbusier was one of the pioneers of modernism in
Ireland at that time.
architecture and insisted on this extraordinary
D) The war was followed by a burst of economic growth suggestion.
that radically changed the nature of the United States
E) Some leaders suggested that we should live in dense
of America.
urban areas with public transit and walkable facilities.
E) Colonists disputing the right of the British Parliament to
impose taxes and duties on them staged rebellious
acts that provoked a repressive response.


60.- 65. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda 63. (I) The Aborigines have a belief system based on events
parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz. believed to have occurred in what is called the Dream
Time, in which mystic ancestors gave shape to the
landscape. (II) The events that occurred in the Dream Time
60. (I) Elizabeth I reigned as queen of England from 1558 to are considered to be sacred. (III) A form of communal
1603. (II) During that time, England began its rise to
ceremony to imitate such events involves a dramatic ritual
become the empire ‘on which the sun never sets’. (III) In
based upon this magico-religious tradition. (IV) There are
her reign, popular culture flourished; her court became a
records of white settlers enjoying the spectacle of scripted
focal point for writers, musicians, and scholars such as
plays by the Aborigines in the 19th century as a sort of
Shakespeare and Francis Bacon. (IV) Elizabeth inherited
novelty. (V) It consists of song cycles, dancing, and mime
an England that was troubled by inflation, bankruptcy,
disastrous wars, and religious conflict. (V) She also in a cleared performance space, and the belief is that
encouraged a spirit of free inquiry that in turn facilitated the performers are born with a gift for performing.
Scientific Revolution and the Age of Enlightenment. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

61. (I) Poultry, birds kept for their meat and eggs, have long
64. (I) When we are sleeping, there is a brain mechanism that
figured in human symbolism and legend. (II) Geese
stops the neural activity associated with dreaming from
supposedly saved ancient Rome from a surprise attack in
triggering speech or body movements, but this system is
the 4th century BCE by cackling loudly when the invaders
tried to sneak up on the Capitol. (III) Pigeons were offered not perfect, and sometimes signals can get through.
as sacrifices by the Hebrews of the Bible. (IV) The 16th- (II) This can lead to mumbling and groaning, and
century Flemish artist Pieter Bruegel the Elder used the sometimes even proper speech while sleeping. (III) There
turkey as a symbol of envy in his series of paintings on the are laboratory experiments proving that stress can
seven deadly sins. (V) The chicken has always been one increase the likelihood of body movements during sleep.
of the most familiar domesticated animals since almost any (IV) The content of sleep talking can be complex and
family could afford to keep a hen. usually varies from person to person. (V) It may be
influenced by recent events in the sleeper’s life, but can be
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
strange and nonsensical.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

62. (I) All governments have some laws requiring location and
protection of historic and archaeological sites, at least on
public lands. (II) Important historic buildings, objects, or 65. (I) There has been much discussion of the potential
archaeological sites are only a few of cultural resources of consequences of early bilingualism. (II) Historically, early
a nation. (III) Historic preservation specialists may work in bilingualism was seen as dangerous, leading to language
private foundations or government agencies to achieve
disorders and language delay. (III) Bilingualism is often the
these goals. (IV) In addition, they work as lobbyists with
product of second language learning after the first
legislators to improve laws or raise funds to protect sites.
language has been acquired. (IV) Research has made
(V) Sometimes they spend more time raising money and
clear that early bilingualism may well bring cognitive
public awareness than digging operations.
advantages, particularly in domains such as helping
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V children understand the arbitrary nature of language
systems. (V) Nonetheless, such advantages are also small
– they are only a few months ahead of monolingual
children in accomplishing some tasks.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


66. - 68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 67. According to passage, some parts of the city
having ancient heritage ----.

A) have lately undergone some restorations

There is only one Turkish word that a foreigner should
learn before visiting Gaziantep: fistık (pistachio). This B) attract tourists from all around the world
fast-paced and gourmet city is believed to harbour more C) have recently lost their past magnificence
than 180 pastry shops producing the world’s most
famous pistachio baklava. Other gastronomic treats are D) are now being renovated with extreme care to attract
also on offer for adventurous foodie travelers. On the more tourists
other hand, Gaziantep is also known for its historic E) were under risk of demolition before they were restored
places. Some of them, including the fortress, bazaars,
caravanserai and old stone houses, have been recently
restored. One of south eastern Anatolia’s gateways,
Gaziantep, formerly known as Aintab, has rarely been as
full of confidence and hope for the future as it is today
because it witnessed great conflicts and wars in history.
By the time the Arabs conquered the town in 638, the
Persians, Alexander the Great, the Romans and the
Byzantines had all left their imprints on Gaziantep. The
region was politically unstable until the Seljuk Turks
arrived from the east around 1070. It was later taken over
by the Ottomans in 1516 and has remained
68. It is clearly stated in the passage that before the arrival
predominantly populated by Turks since then.
of the Seljuk Turks, ----.

A) great empires fiercely battled with each other in an

effort to not surrender the city
66. According to the passage, Gaziantep's cuisine
B) the Byzantines had the most significant impact on
A) has always been popular among foodie travelers
C) Gaziantep was a region that lacked political stability
B) offers several different pastries made with pistachio
D) Turks mainly lived in regions neighbouring Gaziantep
C) is known worldwide for its pistachio baklava
E) the city suffered from serious political conflicts caused
D) includes authentic foods from diverse civilisations by the Arabs

E) has delicious dishes whose names tourists learn even

before visiting the city


69. - 72. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 70. The author of the passage states that in Tolstoy’s
novels ----.

A) characters seek happiness in various fields of life,

having no satisfying and long-lasting outcomes
Do we all pursue happiness? Is happiness something that can
be chased and sometimes captured? The phrase ‘the pursuit B) the pursuit of romantic love as a means to attain
of happiness’ contains at least two major assumptions: firstly, happiness is ridiculed
happiness lies outside of us, out there in the world; and
C) though the promise of happiness is deceptive, some
secondly, it is elusive, requiring intention and effort to capture
characters could achieve it with ease
it. The novels of Leo Tolstoy explore these assumptions in
great depth. His books are filled with characters in feverish D) characters seek to achieve bliss although they are
pursuit of happiness in many different ways. Yet few, if any, aware of its temporary nature
manage to attain it. Indeed, his stories often portray tempting
E) joining battles is shown to bring happiness to soldiers
yet deceptive pathways that promise happiness but end with
in every aspect of life
disasters: soldiers seeking the glory of battle; young men and
women plunging into the insanity of romantic love; greed
addicts pursuing wealth, power, or status. They often
experience a temporary bliss, which then fades away, leaving
behind emptiness. True, sustainable happiness, as opposed to
temporary pleasure, is a state of well-being and the harmony
of all aspects of one’s life – especially in relationships. But the
more manically Tolstoy’s characters pursue happiness, the
more it escapes them. Hence the paradox in Tolstoy’s works is
that the pursuit of happiness seems to result in deep

71. According to the author, the irony implied in Tolstoy’s

works is that ----.
69. According to passage the ‘pursuit of happiness’ as a
phrase ----. A) even though happiness is elusive in nature, it can still
be attained if there is the will to do so
A) means that one cannot really capture happiness
because it is not within people’s reach B) the more one tries to attain happiness, the more
sadness this chase leads to
B) indicates that few people make an effort to attain true,
sustainable happiness C) the harmony in one‘s relationships will not necessarily
bring sustainable happiness
C) constitutes part of human nature that one should seek
to attain through interaction D) the temporary bliss one feels later turns into intense
D) implies that happiness is an external concept that could
be chased and achieved E) feverish pursuit of happiness is always bound to cause
disasters in romantic love
E) is a title of one of Tolstoy’s novels where he explores
the nature of happiness


72. - 74. Soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 73. It can be understood from the passage that the Royal
Swedish Academy of Sciences ----.

A) was initially meant to be a national association but now

Scientific academies and associations played a key role in the functions as an international one
development of science prior to the 20th century, providing a
way for scientists to meet with each other and sponsoring B) is a less active association than the Royal Society in
publications in journals and books as a way to disseminate the UK although it has more international members
scientific knowledge so that it could be shared by everyone. C) is like the Royal Society in the UK in many ways even
These roles have continued through the 20th century and into though it was founded much later
the 21st century. Scientific associations are usually found
organized along national lines or within scientific disciplines. D) is the most important international association that
The Royal Society in the United Kingdom, founded in 1660, is engages in media relations
the premier example of a national society; it has remained E) serves a remarkable function in the advancement of
vigorous, publishing journals, funding research, and electing international research
distinguished scientists to be fellows of the society. Other
prominent national societies have played more important
roles. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, for instance,
selects the winners of the scientific Nobel prizes and plays a
much stronger role in promoting research in different fields
and countries. National associations often function as a
method to promote interdisciplinary research, as do the
broader international associations. Today, almost every
scientific discipline has an association that also engages in
media relations, campaigns for funding and promotion of
science as a way to knowledge. One of the best ways for
historians to see that a scientific subdiscipline has been
successfully created is to look for the founding of the
accompanying association.

74. According to the passage, scientific associations ----.

72. The underlined word in the passage ‘disseminate’ is A) were initially founded for the quick circulation of
closest in meaning to ----. innovative interdisciplinary research
A) refute B) are a sign of successful establishment of a scientific
B) spread subdiscipline

C) possess C) are criticised by scientists unless they support

international and interdisciplinary research
D) substitute
D) should commit themselves to research to encourage
E) approve more Nobel prize winners

E) give priority to fund-rising and receiving support

through media relations


75. - 77. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 76. It is stated in the passage that Japan ----.

A) is the only developed country that has a higher life

expectancy than the US
Life expectancy is the average number of years to be lived by
an individual or a population at a given age. The term is often B) is currently the country with the highest life expectancy
confused with a related term, life span, which refers to the age in the world
to which the longest-lived members of a species survive. The C) has been cooperating with countries in southern
life expectancy of a country has been shown to be related to its Europe to increase its life expectancy
socioeconomic development. Most countries that are classified
as ‘more developed’ have higher levels of life expectancy at D) does better on life expectancy at birth, but not overall
birth than most of the countries classified as ‘developing’. life expectancy
While the US has a high level of life expectancy compared to E) has witnessed a dramatic improvement in life
that of the developing countries of the world, it ranks quite low expectancy despite high mortality rates from heart
in life expectancy among developed countries. Japan and most disease
European countries including some in southern Europe have
higher life expectancies at birth than the US for both males and
females. In recent years, Japan has become the world leader
in life expectancy at birth. The success of the Japanese in
raising their levels of life expectancy has been due to large
declines in mortality from heart disease relative to other
developed countries.

77. The passage is mainly about ----.

75. We can infer from the passage that life expectancy ----.
A) the difference between life expectancy and life span
A) is a concept that developing countries pay more
attention to B) how to increase life expectancy in developing countries

B) is not as reliable as life span in evaluating the C) life expectancy differences across genders
socioeconomic development of a country
D) international differences in life expectancy
C) is noted as the most important difference between
E) socioeconomic causes and outcomes of life
developed and developing countries
D) could be used as an indicator of a country’s level of
socioeconomic development

E) refers to the age to which the longest-lived members of

a species can reach


78. - 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 79. The underlined word in the passage ‘unfounded’ is
closest in meaning to ----.

A) undeniable
It has been estimated that the average child in the US spends
more time each week watching TV than attending school. This B) irreversible
is of great concern, as a surprisingly large proportion of what C) respectable
children watch is violent. Saturday morning cartoons, for
example, present as many as twenty violent acts per hour. D) groundless
Despite this concern, the producers of violent programming E) threatening
have often continued to claim that children will not imitate
what they see in those programmes. This claim has sounded
unfounded to psychologists ever since Albert Bandura’s
classic ‘Bobo doll’ studies in the early 1960s. In his seminal
experiment, Bandura showed pre-schoolers a film of an adult
playing with a new toy, known at the time as a Bobo doll. The
adult in the film committed abuse on the toy in various ways,
punching it, kicking it, striking its head with a hammer, and
throwing other toys at it, all the while clearly enjoying herself.
The children were then led into a room with various toys in it,
including the Bobo doll. Children who had seen the film were
far more likely to beat up the doll than children who had not.
This prompted Bandura to describe a new type of learning
theory: social learning or modeling.

78. Children’s excessive exposure to TV in the US is 80. It can be understood from the passage that the
concerning because ----. experiment carried out by Albert Bandura is significant
A) most of the children do poorly on school subjects
A) but it has not received the attention it deserves over the
B) there is not enough empirical evidence on how it
affects children
B) because it was the first psychological experiment that
C) producers admit that children may act out what they
used toys
see on TV
C) since it was conducted in collaboration with producers
D) violence is present in much of the content children
of TV programmes
D) although more and more evidence now is in
E) children mostly prefer violent TV shows to cartoons
contradiction with its findings

E) as it led to the development of a new type of learning



28 MART 2021

1. A 21. A 41. E 61. E

2. D 22. C 42. B 62. B

3. D 23. A 43. B 63. D

4. D 24. B 44. D 64. C

5. A 25. E 45. A 65. C

6. B 26. C 46. D 66. C

7. E 27. A 47. A 67. A

8. C 28. D 48. D 68. C

9. D 29. C 49. E 69. D

10. D 30. D 50. C 70. A

11. B 31. E 51. E 71. B

12. C 32. E 52. D 72. B

13. D 33. D 53. B 73. E

14. B 34. C 54. E 74. B

15. B 35. B 55. B 75. D

16. A 36. B 56. C 76. B

17. D 37. B 57. E 77. D

18. B 38. A 58. E 78. D

19. C 39. E 59. A 79. D

20. B 40. B 60. D 80. E

6. In order to manage their vast empire, Mongol khans ----
1. - 20. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun
an elaborate postal system in which messages could
düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
travel from Bejing to Tabriz (In Iran) in just a month.

A) put out B) went through

1. Social learning theories are based on the simple but
powerful----- that people learn by observing other C) took down D) set up
E) broke in
A) familiarity B) equation

C) disapproval D) assumption 7. Ada Lovelace earned her place in history as the first
computer programmer, but she ---- it without the help
E) correspondence
of British mathematician Charles Babbage, who
developed a mechanical calculator that -----nearly any
mathematical task ordered.
2. Participant observation is an umbrella term for a range A) should not have done / must perform
of methods to investigate the common ----- of
B) could not have done / could perform
individuals and groups, such as eating and
handshaking. C) might not have done / can perform
A) failures B) practices D) did not use to do / may perform
C) sensations D) breakthroughs E) would not have done / had to perform
E) memorials
8. By the time the first Europeans----- in Central America
in 1052, the region’s greatest civilisations ----- into the
3. Agricultural societies, in which the domestication of
plants and animals provides a ----- part of human
subsistence, are thought to date back as far as 10,000 A) were arriving / were already dissipating
B) would arrive / are already dissipating
A) transparent B) misleading
C) were going to arrive / have already dissipated
C) simultaneous D) substantial
D) had arrived / already dissipated
E) desirable
E) arrived / had already dissipated

4. According to the behaviourist approach to

psychology, learning occurs when a new behaviour is 9.the past two decades, self-study of teacher
repeatedly and ----- performed in response to a given education practices has become a well-accepted
stimulus. approach to developing insights ----- teaching as
teacher educators have sought productive ways of
A) impatiently B) subtly researching their practice.

C) preciously D) consistently A) For / with B) Over / into

E) adversely C) On / towards D) During / againist
E) Through / at

5. Whenever one sees a complex situation form a 10. Prized ---- their sweet edible fruits, blueberries grow
different perspective, new and important features of only ----- highly acidic and well–drained but moist
the situation are often ----. soils.
A) revealed B) protected A) with / at B) for / in
C) worsened D) resricted C) through / around D) amongs / under
E) disturbed E) from / on


11. Around 3600 BCE, -----reasons that are still unclear, 16. Our understanding of the Inca Empire comes from
people ---- Malta and the nearby island of Gozo began archaeology, early Spanish documents, and a handful
to construct massive limestone temple complexes and of native accounts ---- there was no indigenous system
went on to create large underground burial chambers. of writing practised by the Incas.

A) behind / over B) for / on A) since B) in case

C) at / from D) through / by C) whenever D) once

E) in / across E) until

12 you are in extreme poverty and struggling to put 17. The greatest breakthroughs in understanding and
food on the table, studies indicate that even winning a treating plague came ----- the mid-19th-century
big lottery payout does not increase happiness for developments in germ theory by Louis Pasteur and
very long. Robert Koch.
A) Given that B) In case A) unlike B) in contrast with
C) Unless D) As long as C) as a result of D) as well as
E) Because E) in comparison to

18 ------- various measures taken since the mid-1950s to

13 functionalism no longer exists as a school of protect the Spanish cinema industry against
psychology, its basic principles have been observed competition, the number of films made in Spain
into psychology and continue to influence it in many continued to decline.
A) According to B) Despite
A) As soon as B) Although
C) Along with D) Expect for
C) Ever since D) Unless
E) Unlike
E) In case

19. New research that studied individuals who lost a loved

14 aptitude tests may help you figure out one aspect of one in the previous year has found that ----- they talked
puzzle, they do not give you the complete picture. about the loss with others, ----- likely they were to
become ill during the subsequent year.
A) As if B) Just as
A) as / as B) neither / nor
C) Given that D) Even though
C) the more / the less D) not only / but also
E) Unless
E) whether / or

15 a child has been identified as having a disability or 20. Science fiction is a popular kind of imaginative
considered at risk, there are several intervention literature ---- basic themes include space travel, time
programmes available to support the child. travel, marvellous discoveries or inventions.

A) Until B) Once A) that B) when

C) Unless D) As though C) at which D) whose

E) Because E) to whom


21. - 25. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış

yerlere uygun düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.

An instinct is an automatic, involuntary, and unlearned 23.

behaviour that occurs in response to a specific trigger or
stimuli. Numerous examples of what we consider human A) made up for B) stood up to
instincts (21) ------ in phrases that we use every day: the C) caught up on D) came up with
maternal instinct, the survival instinct, the killer instinct, and so
on. Instincts motivate us in the sense that we do what we do E) got away from
(22) we have to. Behavioural scientist James McDougall
(23) a way to classify some of our most basic instincts are
purposeful and guide our behaviour (24) ---- the meeting of
specific goals. In fact, McDougall believed that an instinct
could be identified by first determining what its intended goal
was. Using this notion, he was able to distribute numerous
instincts into categories (25) ----- parenting, seeking food, and


A) can be found
B) ought to be found
A) with B) by
C) could have been found
C) of D) toward
D) must be found
E) from
E) used to be found

A) in spite of B) such as
A) unless B) although
C) owing to D) regardless of
C) because D) whether
E) with the aim of
E) so that


26. - 30. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış

yerlere uygun düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.

Mahatma Gandhi, one of the most transformative figures of the A) except for B) as well as
20th century, often stressed how ordinary he actually was.
Yet, he was compelled to constantly improve himself, morally C) despite D) owing to
and spiritually, and this is what (26) ----- him and led him to the E) regardless of
heights he reached as a nationalist leader and religious
exemplar. But in his eyes what he achieved was not
extraordinary at all. (27) ---- , he thought it could be attained by
everyone: 'I do not have a doubt that any man or woman can
achieve what I have, if he or she would make the same effort
(28) ---- cultivating the same hope and faith.’ Gandhi's
character was embodied in his strategy of non-violent
resistance, (29) ---- satyagraha (holding to the truth). In the
face of injustice, he believed civil disobedience was a citizen's
duty. It should have no ill will or hatred behind it'. The strength
of the satyagraha was its attempt to engage with opponents
and win disputes (30) ----- persuasion, to affect change without
creating an enemy.


A) terming B) to term
C) termed D) to have termed
A) adopted B) motivated
E) to be termed
C) enrolled D) admitted

E) dismissed


A) through B) above
C) towards D) without
A) To illustrate B) Otherwise
E) behind
C) Likewise D) Indeed

E) Even so


31. - 41. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde 34. While the automobile provides unprecedented personal
tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. mobility, ----.
A) the number of vehicles on roads is increasing daily
around the world
31. Because young children possess a natural curiosity
B) this convenience has its costs, including traffic crashes,
about the world, ----.
and the deaths and injuries caused by these crashes
A) abstract or complex notions begin to make sense when
C) cars are operated by people whose behaviours are
they reach a certain age
influenced by a multitude of psychological factors
B) learning experience is a constant source of intrinsic
D) traffic safety professionals have been working to
pleasure for them
reduce the frequency of motor vehicle crashes for
C) extreme shyness may prevent them from participating decades
in classroom activities
E) an important component of the traffic safety problem is
D) parents are advised not to harshly criticise their understanding, predicting, and modifying the
children based on school success behaviours of drivers
E) some prefer to spend time with their peers while others
favour playing on their own 35. Death rates have been falling in all Western countries
for decades ----.
32 ---- , but the country is predominantly tropical, with the
equator crossing through the northern part of the A) so life expectancy is calculated based on the proportion
country. of deaths at each age

A) Brazil is a vast country in South America with a large B) even if big social as well as cultural changes occur
and ethnically diverse population almost in each society

B) Not more than one-fifth of Brazil’s terrain is beyond the C) although life expectancy was previously climbing by
limits of agricultural usefulness about three months a year

C) The Amazon basin in Brazil contains the world’s largest D) given that fatalities can be reduced substantially
tropical rain forest through mass media coverage of traffic accidents

D) Brazil’s geographical diversity makes for a range of E) as there have been a number of improvements in
climatic conditions medicine and nutrition

E) Countless islands are found throughout Brazil’s river

systems and in the huge delta of the Amazon 36. While the science of psychology may seem abstract at
times, ----.
33. Just as dinosaurs characterised the Cretaceous A) it also relates to why we are so fascinated with
Period, which ended with their extinction 66 million celebrities
years ago, ----.
B) it is German psychologist Wilhelm Wundt who is
A) studies that aim to find how they went extinct focus on considered to be the father of the field
the impact of a celestial body as the most probable
cause C) it is a remarkably varied field with a great number of
B) dinosaurs roamed the planet for millions of years as the
dominant species, much longer than human beings D) the human mind, the main focus of psychologists, does
not function in isolation
E) its implications touch every arena in which people
C) human beings consume and use up natural resources
think, feel, or act
at a pace faster than any other species have in history

D) many scientists believe we need to designate a new

geologic age, called the Anthropocene, that reflects the
impact of humankind

E) the Tasmanian tiger, thylacine, was one of the species

of animals that went extinct in the 1900s


37 , it was not until only 1995 that extreme sports 40 , subliminal advertising’s effectiveness is still
achieved their highest level of public exposure with uncertain.
the First Extreme Games.
A) If its effects are restricted to a select group of people
A) While most sports now classified as extreme have all
existed for a long time and most have competitions B) Due to fears that it may influence people
B) Given that extreme sports are international, with the
Extreme or X Games attracting competitors from C) In addition to several research studies on advertising
dozens of nations techniques

C) Because what differentiates extreme sports from others D) While it has been proven to work to some extent in
involves changes in the rules and use of equipment some research

D) Although sport climbing is the only extreme sport with E) As several studies have found that subliminal stimuli
separate divisions for men and women can influence behaviour

E) Seeing that all extreme sports are individual sports and

involve a greater degree of risk to the athletes 41. Because ethnicity and race are critical to Southern
Africa’s social and economic framework, ----.

A) the region’s main racial features originally appeared in

38 , the roots of environmental movements date back the Cape Colony and Natal
to the 1800s, when demands for cleaner water and air
became common. B) colonial boundary-makers generally ignored existing
ethnic boundaries
A) Since they had their origins in the conservation
movement that began a century earlier C) the colonial settlements also produced mixed race
B) As long as industrialisation and colonialism sparked the
first environmentalist voices D) racial and ethnic struggles tend to be central drivers of
the region’s politics
C) One the rapid sweep of resource exploitation aroused a
few opposing voices E) the 19th century was an especially violent period in
South Africa
D) Even though the term environmentalism was not used
until much later

E) Given that the term ‘environmental’ appeared during

the second half of the 20th century

39 , some simple breathing techniques can help you

lower high levels of anxiety.

A) Though some studies have shown that controlling your

breathing helps reduce anxiety

B) Unlike ancient yoga, which can decrease your anxiety


C) While you block your right nostril and keep breathing

through your left nostril

D) Despite the recent growing interest in learning how to

breathe correctly

E) Whether you are an anxious flyer, rushed off your feet

or running late for an appointment


42. - 47. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca 44. Novelists explore ethical ideas through the crises and
en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz. dilemmas their characters endure, and Tolstoy’s
exploration of happiness evidently falls into this

42. Since its slave revolution and war of independence, A) Roman yazarlarının karakterin katlandığı krizler ve
which resulted in the founding of the nation in 1804, ikilemler aracılığıyla etik fikirleri keşfetmesi gibi
small-scale agricultural production has dominated the Tolstoy’un mutluluğu keşfi de açıkça bu kategoride yer
economy of Haiti. almaktadır.

A) Köle devrimi ve bağımsızlık savaşı sonrası 1804 B) Roman yazarları, etik fikirleri karakterlerinin tahammül
yılında kurulan Haiti’nin ekonomisine, kuruluşundan ettiği krizler ve ikilemler aracılığıyla keşfederler ve
beri küçük ölçekli tarımsa üretim hakim olmuştur. Tolstoy’un mutluluğu keşfi açıkça bu kategoriye girer.

B) Haiti ekonoisinde küçük ölçekli tarımsal üretim, 1804’te C) Roman yazarları, etik fikirler aracılığıyla karakterlerin
ülkenin kuruluşuyla sonuçlanan köle devrimi ve katlandığı krizleri ve ikilemleri keşfeder ve Tostoy’un
bağımsızlık savaşından itibaren hüküm sürmüştür. mutluluk keşfi de açıkça bu kategoride yer almaktadır.

C) Köle devrimi ve bağımsılzık savaşı neticesinde 1804 D) Etik fikirler, karakterlerin katlandığı krizler ve ikilemler
yılında kurulmuş olan Haiti’nin ekonomisinde en önemli aracılığıyla roman yazarları tarafından keşfedilir ve
yerlerden birini küçük ölçekli tarımsal üretim tutmktadır. Tolstoy’un mutluluğu keşfetmesi de açıkça bu
D) Haiti, 1804’te köle devrimi ve bağımsızlık savaşı
sonrasında kurulmuş ve o zamandan beri E) Roman yazarlarının karakterlerin tahammül ettiği krizler
ekonomisindeki en büyük pay küçük ölçekli tarımsal ve ikilemler aracılığıyla keşfettiği etik fikirler ve
üretim olmuştur. Tolstoy’un mutluluğu keşfi açıkça aynı kategoridedir.

E) 1804’te ülkenin kurulmasıyla sonuçlanan köle devrimi

ve bağımsılık savaşından beri Haiti ekonomisine küçük
ölçekli tarımsal üretim hakim olmuştur.
45. Since the 4th century BCE, the works of Aristotle,
student to Plato, have profoundly influenced a broad
variety of fields, including the natural sciences, logic,
and political science.
A) Eserleri MÖ 4. Yüzyıldan itibaren doğa bilimleri, mantık
ve siyaset bilimi gibi pek çok alanı derinden etkilemiş
olan Aristo, Platon’un öğrencisidir.
43. It is of vital importance to learn how to identify sources
of stress in order to reduce the risk of seriously B) Doğa bilimleri, mantık ve siyaset bilimi dahil olmak
impairing our mental health. üzere birçok alanı eserleriyle derinden etkileyen Aristo,
MÖ 4. Yüzyılda Platon’un öğrencisiydi.
A) Ruh sağlığımızı ciddi şekilde bozma riskini azaltmak
için stres kaynaklarının nasıl tespit edileceğini C) Aristo, MÖ 4. Yüzyılda, Platon’un öğrencisi olarak
öğrenmek, hayati bir öneme sahiptir. eserleriyle doğa bilimleri, mantık ve siyaset bilimi gibi
birçok alanı büyük ölçüde etkilemiştir.
B) Stres kaynaklarının nasıl tespit edileceğini öğrenmek,
ruh sağlığımızı ciddi şekilde bozma riskini azaltma D) MÖ 4. Yüzyıldan buy ana doğa bilimleri, mantık ve
konusunda hayati bir önem taşımaktadır. siyaset bilimi başta olmak üzere pek çok alanı derinden
etkilemiş olan Aristo, Platon’un öğrencisidir.
C) Stres kaynaklarının nasıl tespit edileceğini öğrenerek
hayati bir öneme sahip olan ruh sağlığımızı ciddi E) Platon’un öğrencisi olan Aristo’nun eserleri, MÖ 4.
şekilde bozma riskini azaltabiliriz. Yüzyıldan itibaren doğa bilimleri, mantık ve siyaset
bilimi dahil olmak üzere pek çok alanı büyük ölçüde
D) Stres kaynaklarının nasıl tespit edileceğini öğrenmek, etkilemiştir.
ruh sağlığımızı ciddi bir şekilde bozma riskini
azaltacağı için hayati bir önem taşımaktadır.
E) Ruh sağlığımızı ciddi şekilde bozma riskini azaltmak
hayati bir öneme sahiptir ve bunun için stress
kaynaklarının nasıl tespit edileceğini öğrenmemiz


46. Emotional intelligence, which involves the ability to 47. Different societies shared certain common,
recognise your own emotions as well as the emotions fundamental features until about 10,000 years ago as
of other people, also has to do with how you manage they all obtained their food, shelter and clothing
your emotions and other people’s emotions. roughly the same way.
A) Duygusal zeka yalnızca kendi duygularınızı ve diğer A) Farklı toplumlar yaklaşık 10,000 yıl öncesine kadar belli
insanların duygularını tanıma yeteneğini kapsamakla ortak temel özellikleri paylaşıyorlardı çünkü tümü
kalmaz, duygularınızı ve diğer insanların duygularını yiyeceğini, barınağını ve giysilerini hemen hemen aynı
nasıl yönettiğinizle de ilgilenir. şekilde elde ediyorlardı.
B) Hem kendi duygularınızın hem de diğer insanların B) Toplumlar farklı olsa da 10,000 yıl öncesine kadar
duygularının farkında olma anlamına gelen duygusal
temel özellikleri ortaktı çünkü tüm toplumlar kabaca
zekaya sahip olduğunuzda kendi duygularınızın yanı
aynı şekilde yiyecek, barınak ve giysi ihtiyaçlarını
sıra diğer insanların duygularını da yönetebilirsiniz.
C) Duygusal zeka, kendi duygularınızla birlikte
C) Değişik toplumların temel ortak özellikleri nerdeyse
başkalarının da duygularını tanıma yeteneğine sahip
10,000 yıl öncesine kadar aynıydı çünkü tümü yiyecek,
olup hem kendi duygularınızı hem de başkalarının
barınak ve giysilerini, kabaca da olsa aynı şekilde elde
duygularını yönetmekle alakalıdır.
D) Diğer insanların duygularının yanı sıra kendi
duygularınızın da farkında olma yeteneğini kapsayan D) Farklı toplumların hepsi yiyeceklerini, barınaklarını ve
duygusal zeka, aynı zamada duygularınızı ve diğer giysilerini yaklaşık 10,000 yıl öncesine kadar aynı
insanların duygularını nasıl yönettiğinizle de alakalıdır. şekilde elde ettiklerinden, belli ortak özellikleri de
neredeyse aynıydı.
E) Kendi duygularınızı ve diğer insanların duygularını
tanıma yeteneği anlamına gelen duygusal zekaya E) Değişik toplumlarde izlenen ortak temel özellikler
sahip insanlar hem kendi duygularını hem de başka neredeyse 10,000 yıl öncesine dayanır çünkü o
insanların duygularını yönetebilirler. zamanlarda toplumların tümü yiyecek, barınak ve
giysilerini benzer yollarla ediniyordu.


48. - 53. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en

yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.
50. Kuzey Amerika’nın yerli hakları 15. yüzyıl sonundaki
Avrupalı yerleşimci akıma ittifaktan silahlı direnişe
48. Rönesans, bir zaman diliminden ziyade, belirli fikirlerin kadar çeşitli şekillerde tepki göstermiştir.
hayatın neredeyse tüm alanlarına uygulanmasıyla A) At the end of the 15th century, the ways native peoples
tanımlanan bir dönemdi. of the North America reacted to the influx of European
A) The Renaissance was defined as a period by the settlers varied from alliance to armed resistance.
application of certain ideas to almost all aspects of life B) Native peoples of the North America reacted to the
rather than a span of time. influx of European settlers at the end of the 15th century
B) During the Renaissance, the period was not only in varied ways from alliance to armed resistance.
defined by a span of time but also by the way certain C) The reaction of native peoples of the North America to
ideas were applied to almost all aspects of life. the influx of European settlers at the end of the 15th
C) Instead of a span of time, the application of certain century varied from alliance to armed resistance.
ideas to nearly every aspect of life defines the D) As the influx of European settlers grew at the end of
Renaissance as a period. the 15th century native peoples of the North America
D) The Renaissance was a period defined less by a span reacted to through alliances and armed resistance.
of time than by the application of certain ideas to E) Native peoples of the North America demonstrated
almost every aspect of life. their reaction to the influx of European settlers at the
E) The definition of the Renaissance was not made by a end of the 15th century in various ways including
span of time but by applying certain ideas to nearly alliance and armed resistance.
every aspect of life.

51. Asyalılar 175 yıldan daha fazla bir süredir ABD’de

49. İlk Avrupalı kaşifler karşılaştıkları her kara parçasının yaşamaktadırlar , fakat Asya kökenli Amerikalarının
ada olduğunu varsaymışlardır ve kıtalar ile adalar sayıca önemli bir hale gelmeleri ve toplumların ve
arasındaki ayrım ise ancak 16. Yüzyılda yapılmıştır. konumlarının yeterli ilgiyi çekmesi ancak 19. Yüzyılın
A) Even if the distinction between continents and islands sonunda olmuştur.
was eventually made in the 16th century, early A) For over 175 years, Asians have lived in the US, but it
European explorers believed that every land they was only in the late 19th century that the Asian
encountered was an island. Americans became important in number and thus,
B) The distinction between continents and islands could sufficient attention was given to their society and
not be made until the 16th century because early position.
European explorers thought every land they B) It was not earlier than the late 19th century that Asian
encountered was an island. Americans became numerically significant, and
C) Early European explorers assumed that every land sufficient attention was paid to their society and
they encountered was an island, and it was not until the position although Asians have lived in the US for more
16th century that the distinction between continents and than 175 years.
islands was finally made. C) Asians have lived in the US for over 175 years, yet it
D) Because early European explorers considered every was not until the late 19th century that the Asian
land they encountered to be an island, it was not Americans became numerically significant, and their
possible to distinguish continents from islands until the society and position attracted sufficient attention.
16th century. D) Asians had lived in the US for more than 175 years
E) Although it was finally possible to distinguish between when sufficient attention was paid to the society and
continents and islands in the 16th century, it was early position of the Asian Americans during the late 19th
explorers who supposed that evey land they century, with their numbers becoming significant.
encountered was an island. E) Asian Americans became numerically so important that
their society and position received sufficient attention in
the late 19th century though Asians have lived in the US
for over 175 years.


52. Günümüzün fiziki nakde bağlılık eksikliği, insanların 53. Avrupa'da gazete kullanımını benimseyen ilk ülke
işlemleri gerçekleştirmek için başka ödeme olmasına rağmen, Almanya o kadar çok sayıda rakip
yöntemlerini kullandıkları, paranın var olmasından bile devlete bölünmüştü ki, 1871'deki birleşmeden önce
önceki bir zamana dayanır. hiçbir gazete baskın bir rol oynamamıştır.

A) Today's lack of reliance on physical cash dates back to A) It was the first country in Europe to adopt the use of
a time before money even existed when people utilised newspapers, but Germany was divided into so many
other forms of payment to perform transactions. states that before its unification in 1871, no newspaper
played a dominant role.
B) Today, we don't have to rely on physical cash, which
dates back to a time before money even existed, when B) Since Germany was divided into many competing
people utilised other forms of payment to perform states before its unification in 1871, no newspaper
transactions. played a dominant role though it was the first country in
Europe to adopt the use of newspapers.
C) People utilised other forms of payment to perform
transactions during the times when there was no C) Even though it was the first country to adopt the use of
physical cash, but today there is no such reliance. newspapers in Europe, Germany was divided into
many rival states before the unification in 1871, and
D) Although physical cash dates back to a time before
thus no newspaper could play a dominant role.
money even existed, today, people utilise other forms
of payment to perform transactions. D) Germany was the first country to use newspapers in
Europe, but because the country was divided into many
E) We lack reliance on physical cash today, which dates
rival states before the unification in 1871, no
back to a time before money even existed when people
newspaper played a dominant role.
utilised other forms of payment to perform transactions.
E) Although it was the first country in Europe to adopt the
use of newspapers, Germany was divided into so many
rival states that no newspaper played a dominant role
before the unification in 1871.


54. - 59. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam

bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi
56. High-yield seeds, fertilisers, pesticides, tractors, and
motorised well pumps have hugely increased crop
54. As early humans moved out of Africa and into colder, yields since the 1960s in India. Once struck by
more hostile climates, they were confronted with the famines, India feeds itself today. Its farmers sell the
problem of keeping warm ----- From this basic need world torrents of grains and fruits ------ Agricultural
developed the rich and varied dress of the world's chemicals have poisoned entire river systems,
peoples. As societies began to develop, many other possibly contributing to hot spots of diseases like
factors determined the specific dress of a region or a cancer. Moreover, unsustainable harvests have
culture, including technological levels, relative resulted in a great loss of large quantities of
affluence, class and hierarchy, migration, war, religion, groundwater.
and industrialisation
A) For example, Punjabi farmers produce nearly a quarter
A) The earliest forms of dress were probably animal skins, of India's wheat.
at first used in their original shapes and later modified
to fit the human form. B) Thus, devastating famines, coupled with political
instability, led the country into turmoil.
B) Clothing that mirrored social divisions and defined
subcultures allowed an immediate visual determination C) In addition, excessive mining of sand from riverbeds
of the wearer's place and status. has destroyed aquatic habitats.

C) Without a thick coat of hair to protect them from the D) But this stunning victory against hunger has come at a
elements, they had to create an artificial means of huge cost.
retaining body heat in order to survive.
E) With its Green Revolution, India has made a
D) The first woven garments were probably simple spectacular agricultural breakthrough.
rectangles or squares of fabric wrapped around the

E) Early clothing was shaped not only by climate and

environment, but also by the materials that were
available to make clothes.
57. In the United States and many Western societies,
autonomy and individualism are the guiding
philosophies. Individuals are socialised and reinforced
to be self-sufficient and independent, and personal
55. There is a popular misconception that medieval food success and achievement are highly valued.
had less variety than modern food, possibly due to the Conversely, Asian cultures are characterised as
number of new ingredients introduced to the cuisine
collectivistic ----- Roles are interdependent and
after the discovery of the New World ------ Not only did
inextricably woven into social structures. Therefore, a
they consume domestic livestock such as cows,
decision made by an individual must take into account
sheep, pigs, chicken, geese, and ducks, but they also
the whole rather than merely the individual's needs.
hunted game such as deer, boars, rabbits, and
wildfowl. Commoners were generally not supposed to A) Successes and failures are due to the blessings or
hunt, but they often poached rabbits and wildfowl in anger of their ancestors.
defiance of the laws.
B) In other words, one's identity, behaviours, and
A) At the bottom of the economic scale, people were successes are rooted in collective units such as the
suffering from undernutrition due to lack of food.
family and community.
B) For most of the people, protein came less from meat
than from eggs, butter, and cheese. C) Shameful behaviours do not merely reflect on the
individual but ultimately on his/her entire family,
C) The range of foods was less diverse than it is today
lineage, and even community.
because of the difficulties of preservation.
D) Tomato and potato were among the popular foods D) However, the concept of independence and societal
introduced to the medieval cuisine. cultures. norms can take on different connotations in
E) Yet, the 14th-century aristocracy ate a much greater
range of meats than is common today. E) Positive and negative behaviours are believed to
impact future generations in Western culture.


58. DNA detective work has revealed the ancient origins of 60.-65.. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda
the domesticated watermelon. Its wild counterparts parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
found in parts of Africa are nothing like domesticated
varieties. They are small, round and have white flesh
with a very bitter taste due to compounds called 60. (I) Social informatics is a term that lies at the intersection
cucurbitacins ------ However, pictures on the walls of at
between information technology and social science. (II)
least three ancient Egyptian tombs depict what look
like watermelons - including one that looks strikingly Over the past few decades, particularly since the early
like modern varieties. 1990s, there have been dramatic advances in information
technologies. (III) It has two distinct meanings; in the first,
A) In the 19th century, watermelon leaves were found
social informatics consists of the study of the impacts of
placed on a mummy in a tomb dating back around
3500 years. information and communication technology (ICT) on
society. (IV) In the second, it consists of the use of ICT to
B) We do not know much about when and where they advance research in social science. (V) In the second
were domesticated. case, social informatics sometimes is contracted to
C) One ancient Egyptian picture is of what appears to be socioinformatics.
C) an elongated melon, so it seems farmers had bred A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
watermelons at least 3500 years ago.

D) The DNA also reveals that the ancient watermelon was

closely related to a sweet watermelon still grown in the
Darfur region of Sudan. 61. (I) Ships were invented before the beginning of recorded
history. (II) The Egyptians developed true sails by 3500
E) The watermelon was first grown by farmers in Sudan BCE and the first sail-only boats were being used by 2000
and use of the plant spread northwards along the Nile. BCE. (III) For almost 4,000 years, the leading technological
developments involved refinements in sails and the design
of larger and more powerful ships. (IV) The 19th century
brought the development of steam power; after that time
59. Most historians believe the first Central Americans ships driven by electricity, fossil fuels, and even nuclear
were people from Asia who migrated around 20,000
energy were developed. (V) Throughout history, ships have
years ago across the Bering Strait from Russia and
down through the Americas ------ Either way, things got served as unifying forces, promoting multilateralism and
decidedly more tense for the region in the next few cultural diversity through trade.
thousand years. Natural disasters, such as hurricanes,
volcanic eruptions and mudslides, destroyed A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
settlements, while rival city-states battled each other.
Then the Europeans showed up, with the first Spanish
settlement established in Panama in 1509.
A) Others argue that seafaring Asians crossed to present- 62. (I) Archaeologists have used remains and nutrient
day California only about 11,000 years ago. analyses of wild plants and animal foods consumed by
B) Most of the 'Indians' who met the Spanish lived in small hunter-gatherers that survived into our age to estimate the
tribes, as corn farmers or hunter-gatherers. dominant composition of prevailing pre-agricultural diets.
(II) The enormous diversity of hunter-gatherer societies -
C) The first European settlement in Central America was ranging from maritime hunters to foragers in arid
established in a region near Panama in 1509. environments - means that there has never been a single
typical hunter-gatherer diet. (III) These reconstructions
D) In some parts of Central America, one can still trace
conclude that plant foods, generally consumed within hours
several remnants from the Asian migrants.
after being gathered, supplied 65 to 70 percent of all food
E) To many historians, how the region was populated is energy. (IV) Proteins made up about a third of food energy,
still a mystery that needs to be unearthed. and lipids about 20 percent. (V) Average intakes of
vitamins and minerals were generally well above the
modern recommended daily allowances (RDA).
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


63. (I) Seen in terms of world history, Columbus achieved a

great deal. (II) His voyages demonstrated that the Atlantic
could be crossed and recrossed in relative safety. (III)
However, just as we cannot draw a precise map of
Columbus's travels, we do not know the extent of his
formal knowledge of geography and related matters. (IV)
This fact, in turn, encouraged others to extend the range of
exploring expeditions, eventually leading to the Spanish
explorer Balboa's discovery of the Pacific Ocean in 1513.
(V) The discovery of the extent of the oceans radically
transformed the European conception of the Earth's
surface, making it possible to sail to all corners of the

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

64. (I) Burning herbs for purification, grounding and to drive

away negative energies is common in many cultures. (II)
Ancient Egyptians and Greeks burned herbs as an offering
to the gods. (III) In China, also, the Naxi people have a
custom that involves burning incense made from sacred
plants and herbs. (IV) To deepen this historical practice,
one can grow his/her own herbs such as wild ones in the
forests. (V) They do not do it to make a room fragrant or to
meditate, but the effort of creating the incense makes its
burning an important ritual for the Chinese, a way of giving

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

65. (I) The history of playing cards is lost in the mists of time.
(II) Some claim they were the invention of the ancient
Chinese, others that they were first used in Ancient Egypt.
(III) India has also been put forward as the place where
they originated. (IV) There are perhaps links with the
Crusaders who may have learned about them from the
Saracens, who may have used them to divine the future
since the eighth century AD. (V) The first cards to arrive in
Britain came from France five hundred years ago, and the
design of the cards is still based on a pattern used all those
years ago.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


66. - 68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 67. The author mentions the cases of measles in
England in order to ----.

A) demonstrate how hazardous the measles vaccine

Conspiracy theories seem shot-through with paranoia,
really is
and there is evidence to suggest that the more paranoid
someone is, the more they tend to believe these theories. B) illustrate that those ‘in the know’ can avoid dangerous
However, studies point out that this does not refer to vaccines
severe ‘clinical level’ paranoia, even for those who
C) prove that conspiracy theorists are just trying to stay
believe in theories as unreasonable as the Earth being
flat instead of a globe. Most conspiracy theories are
mundane, everyday suspicions that we all have to some D) argue that people who are against vaccines are not
extent – not outlandish levels. Recent studies have also actually paranoid
found that people who are more likely to believe in
E) show how harmful certain conspiracy theories can be
conspiracy theories also tend to have a need for
uniqueness – a desire to be part of the small group of
people who are ‘in the know’. Conspiracy theories can
seem pretty harmless, but in July 2018, Public health
England announced that more than 750 cases of
measles had been identified across England so far this
year, because a theory was put forth by conspiracy
theorist about the dangers of the measles vaccine. It is
important to note that conspiratorial thinking exists within
all of us. These habits of mind can creep into a lot of
beliefs that do not necessarily look like conspiracy
theories on the surface. In other words, perhaps the most
68. What the author finds most concerning about
dangerous thing of all is to assume that conspiracy
conspiracy theories is that ----.
theorists are all other people.
A) conspiracy theorists should be considered ‘ clinically’

B) most people strongly feel the need to be unique

C) conspiratorial thinking aims to understand the world

66. Which of the following best describes the author’s
attitude towards the flat Earth theory? D) conspiracy theorists serve a useful role in society

A) Critical E) any one of us can actually be a conspiracy theorist

B) Indifferent

C) Sympathetic

D) Neutral

E) Approving


70. One can understand from the passage that in France --

69. - 71. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
A) the performance of the average 18-year-old man on a
reasoning test got better in time
In 1987, political scientist James Flynn of the University
B) the youngsters in 1974 had far worse result when
of Otago in New Zealand documented a curious
compared to the ones in 1949
phenomenon: broad intelligence gains in multiple human
populations over time. Across 14 countries where C) the increase in IQ scores were not reliable due to the
average IQ scores of large numbers of people in the faulty intelligence tests
population were available for decades, all had an upward
D) the average 18-year-old man in 1974 got 25 points
trend, some of them had a dramatic increase. Children in
more than his Japanese peers
Japan, for example, gained an average of 20 points on a
test known as the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for E) the average IQ test scores of the average 18-year-old
Children between 1951 and 1975. In France, the average man worsened over the years
18-year-old man performed 25 points better on a
reasoning test in 1974 than did his 1949 counterpart.
Flynn initially suspected the trend reflected faulty tests.
Yet, in the ensuing years, more data and analyses
supported the idea that human intelligence was
increasing over time. Proposed explanations for the
phenomenon, now known as the Flynn effect, include
increasing education, better nutrition, and greater use of
technology. However, beginning with people born in the
1970s, the trend has reversed in some Western
European countries, deepening the mystery of what is
behind the generational variations. But no consensus has
emerged on the underlying cause of these trends.

71. According to the passage, for people born around and

69. According to the passage, James Flynn ----. after 1970s in some Western European countries, ----.

A) revealed that all the countries studied had sharp increases A) performance on IQ tests has got better thanks to
in IQ scores improvements in education, health and technology

B) had already analysed several IQ tests carried out B) scientists have started to believe that human
especially in Western Europe by 1987 intelligence is subject to change over time

C) observed an increase in average IQ scores from past to C) the overall results of young people in basic reasoning
the present in the 14 countries he studied tests have worsened due to poor nutrition

D) tested the claim whether people become more intelligent D) the average performance in intelligence tests has
as they age begun to decrease

E) is the first scientist to conduct a study on the increase of IQ E) the factors causing the general variations have been
scores better understood


72. - 74. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 73. It can be inferred from the passage that the Soviets ----

A) opened their doors to sociologists fleeing from China.

When the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) came to national
power in 1949, some Chinese sociologists left the country, but B) did not recognise sociology as a field of study in their
most remained. Initially, those who remained were optimistic own regime
that their skills would be useful to the new government.
C) sent sociologists to China to help design its own
Experience in community fieldwork and an orientation toward
methods of social investigations.
studying social problems seemed to make Chinese
sociologists natural allies of those constructing a planned D) forced the CCP to abolish sociology and expel
social order. These hopes disappeared quickly in 1952 when sociologists from the country.
the CCP abolished the field of sociology. That decision was
E) offered aid to the CCP in achieving its goal of rising to
motivated by the CCP’s desire to follow the Soviet model. The
political power.
CCP argued that it had developed its own methods of “social
investigations” during the revolutionary process, with Mao
Zedong playing a leading role in this development. This
approach stressed basic investigations designed to further
official revolutionary or economic goals of the CCP rather than
any sort of search for objective truth. Chinese sociologists,
trained in a different tradition and looking for objective truth to
raise questions about the CCP’s policies, were seen as a
threat to the ideological hegemony of the new regime.

72. According to the passage, which of the following is

true about the CCP? 74. What can be understood from the passage about Mao
A) It tried hard to prevent Chinese sociologists from
leaving the country. A) He feared that sociologists seeking objective truth
could harm the new regime.
B) It refused to ally itself with sociologists before taking
control of the country. B) He took more interest in meeting the CCP’s
revolutionary objectives than economic ones.
C) It made extensive use of the contributions of
sociologists, as expected by them. C) He was the one who gave hope to Chinese sociologists
in the first place.
D It disappointed sociologists who stayed in China after
rising to power. D) He desired to transform the mindset of the remaining
sociologists radically.
E) It wanted to collaborate with sociologists
E) He copied the Soviet model to introduce valuable
who focused mainly on social problems.
insights into the study of sociology.


75. - 77. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 76. Paula Byrne describes Austen as someone who ----.

A) was typical of English writers at the time

Was Jane Austen a shy, gentle country girl, happy to write B) was aware of the importance of social skills
her romantic novels in the peace and quiet of the family
C) was reluctant to express her feelings in letters
house, or was she an independent business woman
determined to achieve fame? This question has provoked D) avoided literary clichés as much as possible
much debate over the past decades and will no doubt
E) was sophisticated and aware of the world outside
continue to resurface. Frustratingly, little is known about
Austen, who died tragically young, at the age of 41. Much of
the evidence we have of her life is in the form of the many
letters she wrote to family and friends, which offer a unique
insight into the daily life of the novelist, but little about her
thoughts and feelings. Paula Byrne, who has written two
books on Austen, has never been a subscriber to the cosy
cliché of Austen scribbling her novels in the safety of her
cottage. Instead, she wants people to see her as she really
was; an independent woman in Georgian England who was
well-travelled, socially adept and far more in touch with her
world than has previously been assumed. Austen died in
1817, leaving what may have been her finest novel
unfinished. No matter how one views Jane Austen, there is
no doubt she had so much more to offer the world.

77. Which of the following is implied by the underlined

sentence in the passage?

A) Jane Austen’s role in Georgian England

75. According to the author, many people have questioned
----. B) Jane Austen’s well-known novels

A) why so little is known about Austen even today C) The private life of Jane Austen

B) why Austen wished to be famous in her lifetime D) The early death of Jane Austen

C) what kind of a person Austen really was E) Jane Austen’s frustrations in life

D) why Austen’s books trigger debate in literary circles

E) what genre Austen’s books fall into


78. - 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 79. Which of the following is true about ancient Egypt?

A) It was possible for most free Egyptians to become very

Ancient Egyptian society was composed of three classes, one
of which consisted of “free people.” Free Egyptian citizens - B) Free people were not allowed to work for the
both male and female - possessed two defining rights: they government.
were free to travel and to enter into contractual agreements.
C) Marriage ceremonies usually involved a priest.
Although they enjoyed no other rights of modern societies,
their right to make contracts permitted members of this group D) Marriages were religious conventions accompanied by
to own property and marry. Serfs and slaves were also an agreement.
permitted possessions, but they could not transfer them
E) The family of the bride was one party of the marital
without a contract - only the free class could acquire and sell
animals, property and buildings as they wished. Though most
free people earned just enough to live on, some accumulated
wealth, and a few even earned high positions in government.
Whether rich or poor, any free person had the right to
marriage. Marriage was not a religious matter in Egypt - no
ceremony involving a priest took place - but simply a social
convention that required an agreement, that is, a contract,
negotiated by the suitor and the family of his prospective wife.
The agreement made an exchange of objects of value
necessary on both sides. The agreement also specified what
property belonged to the woman and what belonged to the
man, as well as stating who would inherit what on the death of
either party. In some cases, a written contract was executed
before witnesses, in others only a verbal agreement took

78. According to the passage, free Egyptian citizens ----.

80. The marriage contract ----.
A) had as many rights as a free citizen in a modern
A) required the exchange of valuable gifts by each party
B) ensured all mutual property owned by the couple
B) enjoyed certain rights regardless of gender
transferred to the woman
C) needed a contract to sell and buy possessions
C) did not address the possible death of either the
belonging to serfs
husband or the wife
D) could sell property just the same as slaves and serfs
D) was only legally valid if executed in front of witnesses
E) were required to have a contract in order to travel
E) was handled exclusively by the family of the
prospective wife



1. D 21. A 41. D 61. E

2. B 22. C 42. E 62. B

3. D 23. D 43. A 63. C

4. E 24. D 44. B 64. D

5. A 25. B 45. E 65. E

6. D 26. B 46. D 66. A

7. B 27. D 47. A 67. E

8. E 28. B 48. D 68. E

9. B 29. C 49. C 69. C

10. B 30. A 50. B 70. A

11. B 31. B 51. C 71. D

12. C 32. D 52. E 72. D

13. B 33. D 53. A 73. B

14. D 34. B 54. C 74. A

15. B 35. E 55. E 75. C

16. A 36. E 56. D 76. E

17. C 37. A 57. B 77. D

18. B 38. D 58. B 78. B

19. C 39. E 59. A 79. E

20. D 40. D 60. B 80. A

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