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Clifford Kent Ybañez Score:


Assignment #1

1. Define Axial precession in 50-75 words

- In astronomy, axial precession is the gravity induced, slow and continues change in the
orientation of an astronomical body’s rotational axis. Is the absence of precession the
astronomical body’s orbit slow, axial parallelism in a particular axial precession can refer
to the guar dial shift in the orlatation of the earth axis rotation in cycle of approximately
26000 years.

Assignment #2

1. Expand statement “star move because of earth “

- The earth is revolving on its axis that affect the stars seems like moving and to the earth
go to full rotation for the life on earth to see the night and day for us to see different
stars and constellations
2. Look for your zodiac constellation and determine its location on the sky this 2023
- Scorpio it was found in the southern hemisphere of the sky in 2023 its located in
latitudes 51 degrees 28’ 47’ N time zone Europe\London then sits 3:29 set 5:51, Scorpio
is now above the horizon of France, Greenwich, united kingdom

Assignment #3

1. List 2 define the models of the earth

Spherical model

- Is an ellipsoid of revolution by rotating an ellipe about its shutter axis.

Ellipsoidal model

- The earth is not perfect sphere , but instead more or like a slightly squashed sphere
called ellipsoid it look like a basketball ball salting on it.

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