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Teh kotak

All: Assalamu'allaikum Wr.Wb. Good morning mam and everyone.

Neil: First of all, let us thank you for the time given.

allow us to introduce ourselves

I am Neil Lathoifa Rahmania as the group leader
I am Inaya Lakoro as a member
I am Galih Pratama as a member
on this occasion we will promote teh kotak products.

Neil: Teh Kotak is a beverage product from Ultrajaya. This beverage

product was launch in 1979 (one thousand nine hundred and seventy nine),
and became the pioneer of ready-to-drink drinks in Indonesia.

Galih: This beverage product is a high quality tea drink. This product is
suitable for all ages to drink.

Galih: The ingredients of this tea is :

Water, Sugar, Jasmine Tea, and Vitamin C.

Inaya: This product can also fulfill our body's mineral needs, especially
after activities and exercise. The tea is brewed directly (not extracted) To
create a delicious flavor and aroma.

Neil: The product is durable because the UHT (Ultra High Temperatur)
process and aseptic packaging ensure that the jasmine tea box las't long
without any external damage before consumption.
Galih: This product can be consumed by anyone, starting from children
from children over 2 years, teenagers, and also adults.

Inaya: Benefits of drinking Teh Kotak :

Processed tea leaves combined with fruit extracts and fresh water, help you
meet the mineral and vitamin C needs your body needs.

Neil: No need to worry about enjoying the fresh of delicious Teh Kotak,
you only need to pay 5.000 for each one pcs.

Galih: Don't forget to drink teh kotak so that the minerals in the body are
maintained and healthy.

Inaya: Before the presentation ends, we thank you for your listening, may
all those we have share be benifical for all of us.

All: With this, we close today's presentation. Thank you and good morning.

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