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Flutter Dart Intro:

Dart Basics
1. main method and printing something on dart
2. variable declaration and initialization
3. String concatenation_interpolation_Escaping
4. Multiline Strings
5. String operations
6. Conversions types
7. increment & decrement
8. relational and logical operators
9. Ternary operator and comments
10. Arithmetic operations, const, dynamic

Control Flow
1. If else Statement/break-continue
2. while and for loops/do while
3.Switch case and enums

1.Lists/Lists operations
2.Maps/ Maps operations
3.As operator & Null Values
4.Iterating Maps and Nested Collection
5.Collection If & Collection for and spread operators

1. Function arguments & return values
2. Function with naming arguments
3. Fat arrow and anonymous function
4. For Each, Map & Function with list argument
5. where, firstWhere, reduce and fold method

1.OOp intro and concept
2.use of Inhertance, abstaration, encapsulation, polymorphism
4.factory constructor/abstaract classes

Flutter Ui Design
1.Intro Material App/Scaffold
2.Exploring Flutter Widgets
3.Building Book App Ui
4.Responsive Widgets and MediaQuery
5.working with pkgs

State Management intro and importance

1. Intro Flutter Riverpod
2. use of ChangeNotifier/StateProvider/Provider/StateNotifierProvider
3. Todo Crud App With StateNotifierProvider
4. watch state in ui and call methods

Movie App With Riverpod and Tmdb Api

1.Intro to Asynchronus Programming
2.Implementt Future Provider
3.Folder Structure /Design Pattern
4.Data Fetch and Error Handling With Dio Library
5.Check Connection

Sample Post App with Chat Feature using Firebase

1.Firebase Set up
2.Into to Stream
3.Set up firebase rules and add crud feature
4.implementing chat feature
5.send message notification to the user with cloud messaging

Google Maps
1.location permission
2.get user logititude and lattitude user location in google map

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