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Ruling Absolutely: Absolute Monarchies in Europe

Focus Question: What is absolutism? Who are the key absolute monarchs and the techniques they used?

Directions: While reading Topic 6: Lessons 1 & 2 (pages 324-341) in your textbook, answer the questions and fill in the chart. Color in the box if the
monarch used that technique. Some boxes may not apply to all monarchs.

1) Absolute Monarchy definition:

2) Why does absolute monarchy develop?

Technique of Absolutism Phillip II Louis XIV Maria Frederick Peter the Catherine the
Lesson 1 Lesson 1 Theresa William Great Great
Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Lesson 2
Control the Nobles
Centralize the Bureaucracy
Control the Economy
Unify Religion
Expand territory/ military power
Build monuments to self

3) What are some benefits for people living in an absolute monarchy?

4) What are some costs for people living in an absolute monarchy?

5) Were the monarchs justified in their actions? Why or why not?

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