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Africa Vocabulary Magic Squares

Directions: Match up the vocabulary word with its definition. Then place the number with the corresponding
letter in the squares. Add up each column and row to see if they have the same value (hint: they should all
equal the same number).

A=3 B=4 C=2

D=5 E=9 F=7

G=1 H=8 I=6

Definitions: Words:
1) Process by which fertile or semi-desert land becomes desert A) Great Zimbabwe
2) Root language of West Africa on which some early African B) Mali
migration patterns are based C) Bantu
3) Early West African trading Kingdom D) Mansa Musa
4) Medieval West African trading empire E) Ghana
5) Greatest ruler of the Kingdom of Mali F) Ethiopia
6) Trading center and powerful ancient kingdom G) Desertification
7) Ancient Greek term for Axumite Kingdom, present day H) Swahili
country in East Africa I) Axum
8) An East African culture that emerged about 1000 A.D.
9) Powerful East African medieval trade center and city-state

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