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Code: 012

Time 3 hours


1. This paper consist of section A, B and C

2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and three questions from section C
3. All writing should be in blue or black ink except for drawings in pencil.

SECTION A (20 marks)

1. For each of the items (i)……(xv) choose the correct answer from among of the given alternatives
and write its letter beside the term number;
i). The first European nation to industrialize was
A. France B. Belgium C. Holland D. Britain

ii).The earliest social organization from which society has passed through

A. Slavery B. Socialism C. Feudalism D. Primitive communalism

iii). By 1914 the entire African continent had been portinated except

A. Ethiopia and Nigeria B. Liberia and Mozambique C. Ethiopia and Liberia D. Ethiopia
and Ghana

iv). It was fight between Boers and xhosa

A. Mfecane war B. Majimaij war C. Kaffir war D. Chimlenga war

v). The applied indirect rule in many her colonies except

A. Zimbabwe B. Kenya C. Uganda D. Mozambique

Vi) .Which society in Africa waged war against German invasion?

A. Xhosa and Khaikho B. Nandi and Hehe C. Nama and Herero D. Zulu and Asante

vii). The best example of the evolution of man is represented by the discovery made at

A. Fort Jesus B. Olduvai gorge C. Bagamoyo D. Uvinza

viii). History teaches us why and how people acted upon…

A. Land B. People C. Environment D. Vegetation

ix). The first European to invade the coast of east Africa were

A. Dutch B. Portuguese C. Boers D Spain

x). Man started to be skillful and tool maker at the stage of

A. Middle Stone Age B. Homosapiens C. Homo habilis D. Homo eructus

xi).The most important factor for interaction among people of African was

A. Agriculture B. War C. Trade D. Pastoralism

xii). Which one was the first treaty signed for the abolition of slave trade in East Africa

A. Moresby treaty B. Anglo German treaty C. Hemerton treaty D. Heligoland treaty

xiii). Important urban centers like Meroe in western Sudan emerged as a result of

A. Improve agriculture B. salt making C. Metal working D. Ship building technology

xiv). European took laboureres from Africa during the Trans –Atlantic slave trade were

A. Sick but very strong B. Unable to do any work C. Strong and hardworking D. Weak but
resistant to diseases

xv). The western Sudanic States which engaged in the Trans – Sahara trade were

A. Mali, Songhai and Bunyoro

B. Ghana, Mali and Songhai
C. Ghana, Asante and Buganda
D. Oyo, Benin and Songhai
2. Match the description in list A with the corresponding historical terms in the list B by writing the
letter of the correct response beside the items number in your answer sheet provided

A. Zanzibar
i) The origin of species by means of B. Fort Jesus
natural selection C. Fort of Elmina
ii) One among the leaders of Boer trek D. Clan organization
iii) The biggest and prominent slave E. Charles Darwin
market in East Africa F. Alafin
iv) The fort which was built in west G. Lois Trichardt
Africa so as to control God H. Mikindani
v) The basic and simplest unit of social
organization in the early society

SECTION B (35 marks)

Answer all questions in this section

3. Briefly answer the following questions

i) Why abolition of slave trade in East Africa took a long time?
ii) How did Ethiopian escaped from colonialism
iii) Why some areas in Africa experienced more intensive scramble for than other areas?
iv) Differentiate Regional trade and local trade
v) How did exploders and Traders facilitated colonialism to Africa?
vi) Why African resistance against colonialists failed?
4. Arrange the following statement in chronological order by writing number 1 to 5 beside the item
i) In the 1770s the Dutch took some slave to West Indies.
ii) After the defeat of the Portuguese in East Africa, the Arabs dominated the trade of
slaves via the Indian oceans
iii) Slave trade is the process of buying and selling human being as other commodities in
the market.
iv) The Portuguese took slaves to America and to the French sugar and coffee plantation in
Mauritius and Reunion Island.
v) Slave trade along the east Africa coast began before 18th century.
5. Draw a sketch map of Africa and locate by using roman numbers the following;
i) The country in which Sultan Seyyid Said from Oman moved to in 1840
ii) The country which was dominated by British after berlin conference of 1884
iii) The northern Africa country which was under the Italy colonial rule during the colonial
iv) The country where Dutch were settled
v) The country where chimurenga war took place

SECTION C (45 marks)

Answer three questions from this section
6. Explain six characteristics of the second exploitative mode of production
7. Account for failure of the Portuguese rule in East Africa. (six points)
8. Explain six limitations of written records as a source of history.
9. While some societies resisted the imposition of colonial rule in Africa, other appeared to
collaborate. Discuss this context giving concrete examples from East Africa ( six points )

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