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Norr Lazrak

Period 2
October 2, 2020

Justice, justice is something that has been tried to be establish for centuries. In many ways we
have succeeded, and in many ways we have failed. Back when civilizations were just starting,
people had safety in mind and that’s were justice comes in. Hammurabi's code was one of the
most intriguing written laws in early civilization, I feel it was just because it was protected to the
victim, got rid of a bad person for society and the person who committed the crime now cannot
commit anymore crimes.

The laws where just to the victim because they were reimbursed or punished the man who
committed the crime for example in law 21 if the man who robbed the house was caught they
were punished for what they did to that person. In one case if a man is caught robbing another
man's house, he will be tied to the hole they put in the wall but if they escape the district will
compensate for what the victim has lost. This way the man that got his goods stolen would
have not lost anything.

The laws were also just to the person breaking them because they were clearly written on giant
stone slabs and put in cities for all people to see. In law 21 it states that if the robber is found
stealing in the home then he will be killed. Which might suggest that Hammurabi put in harsh
laws to scare people from breaking them, therefore keeping order.

The laws were just to society because the person who committed the crime was punished and
used as an example to show people what will happen if they break the law. In law 21 is says
that they will pierce the man and kill him or tie him to the hole he, made the wall which will
deter others from breaking the law and protecting society or they kill the man who committed
the crime putting 1 less person onto the streets.
Hammurabi's code was just for their time because it told people what the punishment were
and taught them right from wrong. And people who didn’t follow the law were punished,
therefore creating peace or balance

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