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Hi and welcome to our introduction to the basics of digital marketing, Social Media, and SEO.

sure you’re sitting comfortably, as you’re about to get a comprehensive overview of EVERYTHING
related to digital marketing, social media, and SEO.

If you want to be successful online today, you MUST have strong Digital marketing skills as internet
business has never been more competitive. In this introduction, we’ll outline the basics of SEO, Digital
Marketing and Social Media and break each of these topics down, so you understand the most
essential things you need to know. You’ll learn key tips for Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Instagram,
Email, and Twitter Marketing, Growth Hacking, and so much more.

After this taster, you’ll be primed to understand the basics of marketing online. We’ll go into much
more detail on each topic in later videos, so you’ll be able to master each of the topics we touch on

In this video, we’ve outlined the most crucial pieces of information on the most important topics
related to digital marketing, social media, and SEO. This is a core first step on your learning journey
as it will help you to quickly lay down the foundations and is a great place to start if you want a
career in digital marketing or want to be successful marketing online.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is vital if you have a business or want to sell anything online. Even if you’re just
looking to build profile, you need a strong internet presence, if you want people to know you exist.
The purpose of Digital Marketing is to raise awareness, connect with people who are interested in
what you’re offering, and persuade them to take actions you want. It uses digital forms of
communication like the web, smartphones, social media platforms, and search engines, as a medium
to reach potential customers.

Just like traditional marketing, digital marketing, is about finding prospective customers and
broadcasting your message to them in the right place, in the right tone, and at the right time.

Digital Marketing has one major advantage over traditional marketing as you can use analytics tools
to monitor your campaigns in real time, so you can swiftly adjust your approach. Typically, it would
cost more and take longer to make these kinds of adjustments, but with Digital Marketing it’s easier
to course correct than it would be if you had invested in a print ad.

What is Social Media?

Social Media is an umbrella term to describe online platforms focused on community-based
communication, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Platforms like this use content sharing
and post interaction, and most of there is content produced being from the users not the owners of
the platform. Social media also includes curation sites such as wikis, as well as professional
networking platforms like LinkedIn.

Due to the massive reach of Social Media, good social media marketing skills are now essential for
anyone looking to attract the maximum number of customers online.

What is SEO?
SEO, or Search engine optimization, is the science of attracting specific types of traffic to a website
using a search engine. To master SEO, you need to create high-value content with high authority
backlinks and include keywords in that content that your ideal customers search for.

SEO is never a one size fits all solution, to be successful, you must take a bespoke approach. That
means you need to optimise your site for the type of search engine you want it to rank highly on, like
Google, Amazon, or Bing. SEO typically focuses on scoring highly organic search results, not paid or
sponsored traffic, but you can also use it in paid ads, to maximise their reach.

As search engines attempt to give the most suitable answer to each person’s search query, you must
ensure a search engine views your site as the most appropriate match.

Every search engine uses a different algorithm to determine what the best result to a search query
is. This will include a combination of different factors, including the quality of your content and
backlinks, how many visitors your site has, and your website’s speed and uptime.

Modern SEO is complex, and mastering it takes more than just getting the right meta tags. It
includes understanding how rich snippets, video, and featured snippets work to enhance your
rankings as well as the importance of voice search and Video SEO. If you want to be successful using
Google Search, you also need to understand how Google Rank Brain scores your website and must
optimise your site to score highly on Google’s algorithm.

Local SEO is also becoming more critical, and you will need to learn the basics of this, especially since
nearly half of all Google searches now have a local intent. Near Me searches have grown even faster,
exploding at a rate of 150% more than local searches alone.

Mastering SEO also includes understanding Technical SEO, which focuses on priming your website
for crawling and indexing by search engines. It’s important you don’t neglect this aspect, as without
it search engines will find it much more difficult to access, crawl, and index your website. As a result,
you will rank much lower. The reason this process is referred to as “Technical SEO” is because it has
nothing to do with promoting your website and or the type of SEO you include in your content.

What types of careers will this course help you with?

Once you complete this course, you’ll be a Digital Marketing Master, and will have many different
career options open to you. You could work as a freelance Facebook Ads consultant and generate
upwards of $1000 a client per month, market real estate brands, or promote your own business.
Your options will be almost unlimited, as strong digital marketing skills are highly in demand.

As they focus on online business, and can be done entirely online, Digital Marketing jobs are also
pandemic proof, so your skillset will always be needed. Just make sure to narrow down your choices
and focus on what you enjoy and do well.

Maybe you have a passion for branding, and would like to work as a branding consultant for start-up

Perhaps you’re interested in specialising, whether that be in marketing for the tech sector, the
health and wellness niche, or in real estate?

The best way to achieve top earnings is to find a niche you can position yourself as an authority voice
in, and you can do this by acquiring a skillset your competitors don’t have. If you can offer expertise
in Facebook advertising, or email marketing, for example you will be bringing something extra to the
table that will give you an edge.
Having niche knowledge will mark you out from other candidates trying to land their first gig and
signals that you are a high value candidate to employers and clients.

You can also specialise by diversifying into niche careers such as SEO or copywriting. SEO knowledge
is a highly in demand skill and it doesn’t require a qualification. If you know how to do it right,
copywriting can be similarly rewarding.

Because of the amount of online content we consume, demand for skilled SEO experts and pro
copywriters has grown massively. More brands than ever require well-written content, that’s
optimised to perform well in search. If you can combine the two, you’ll have a huge competitive

When you’re getting started, you can try freelance sites, like Elance, although it will take a little while
to build up a reputation. Blogging can be another area you can build up a following in and then
monetize, though to do well you must post regularly, and provide unique content.

Website design skills, which you will learn on this course, are another great way to make money.
You can gain practical experience by creating sites for your family and friends for free or in exchange
for their skills. Practical experience is essential when you are first starting out and will stand you in
great stead as you progress in your mastery.

Once you become more confident and have built up your portfolio, you’ll be able to land paid
clients. You can use your knowledge to create professional looking WordPress sites for local or
online brands – without needing coding skills, or any upfront investment.

Course Learning Format

We’ve optimised our learning structure to help you take in as much information as quickly as
possible, using a three-tier approach.

First, we introduce you to a subject by covering the basics, helping you to get a good overview of the
topic in question. Then we go into more depth, using high quality animated explainers, so you can
see how to put our techniques into practice. Finally, we get granular, with over 60 hours of
explainer videos covering every possible aspect of a topic. By the end you will be a true expert as you
will learn advanced techniques and strategies.

Our three-tier learning structure:

1) Good general overview and introduction to the essential points - 90 minutes

2) Visual animated explanations – so you can see how to put our techniques in to practice - 5 hours

3) In-depth explainer videos that cover all aspects of a topic with advanced techniques - 80 hours

All our learning content has been designed to help you to become proficient FAST, and uses the
show not tell method, with no boring waffle. This method has been proven to be the best way to
learn and become a master at any subject, swiftly.

Keep watching as we look at the basics of the different topics we’ll be covering, so you learn the
most essential things related to SEO, Social Media, and Digital Marketing. We believe in you, and we
know that if you put in the effort, you can become a digital marketing expert. With the new skills
you’ll learn from us, you’ll master the arts of Digital Marketing, which will open up a whole new
world of online success and career opportunities.
Brand Building
Brand Building is the art of crafting a unique brand identity that people can instantly relate to. It also
includes raising profile, communicating your values, and expanding your influence, and you should
think about all these elements when you sit down to create your brand image.

Six steps to build your brand

1) Define Your Brand

Decide your brands strengths by taking an honest look at your company and assessing what you’re
doing better or differently than your competitors. Decide on your core values too, what do you stand
for and what do you represent? Are you an ethical brand? A family owned business? When you
understand what makes your brand unique, you can start brainstorming ways of communicating this
to potential customers.

2)Create a solid brand value proposition

There’s so much competition out there and one of the major challenges for any brand is getting
heard above all the noise. Demonstrate why customers should choose you, by highlighting the
benefits of choosing your product or service. Identify your ideal customer avatar, then write down
how your product solves an urgent problem for them or taps into a desire they have. Once you’ve
done this, you can design a marketing strategy that conveys this to your audience.

3) Build, build, build

Building a successful brand doesn’t happen overnight, you need to put in consistent, regular effort
and apply solid marketing strategies. One of the keys to growing a brand is raising customer
awareness, so use every opportunity to tell the right people about what you do. Blogging, social
media, and advertising can help you reach out, but don’t just push your products, as you need to
build trust first.

To win customer trust, you need to show you add value. Create informative, useful social posts and
blogs that are relevant to your audience and post regularly to keep them engaged.

When you are ready to promote, you won’t just be screaming into the wind, you’ll be promoting to a
high trust audience. To help build your authority, you can show testimonials from your satisfied
customers, as people love before and after stories. Story telling is a superb way to show potential
customers how they’ll benefit, when they purchase your products and services.

4) Unify your brand voice

All your content should be consistent, and that includes your graphic design, copywriting, and ads.
You need to communicate your brand voice strongly in everything you put out online, so it is
instantly recognisable. The goal here is to distil the essence of your brand so that people know
immediately what it stands for. Great brands can make their customers feel like they are part of a
tribe, by evoking aspirational feelings in their customers that make them want to purchase.

5) Encourage Interaction
Make things personal by encouraging your customers to interact with your brand, whether that’s by
giving feedback, co-creating products, or sharing their experiences. If you can make your following
feel their voice matters, you’ll be able to develop customer loyalty and a much stronger connection
to your brand.

6) Adapt to thrive

Monitor your marketing and branding approach so you can quickly adapt to changes in consumer
demand. Tracking your performance and making tweaks can also be used to overhaul struggling
brands if you are prepared to take an honest look at where your weaknesses lie.

You can use social media analytics tools, Google Analytics tools, and Heat Maps to evaluate your
sales copy, website, and blogs, to see what’s working and what isn’t. This will help you to finetune
your marketing and pick up on opportunities to raise brand awareness.

In all your brand building and marketing efforts remember to stay strong and be persistent, and
never be discouraged by setbacks. Some of the most successful brands have had many false starts,
so learn to develop patience and diligence, so you can stay the course. When it comes to building a
thriving brand, you’ll find that a little constant effort is the key ingredient to success.

Product Marketing
Product Marketing focuses on a product’s lifecycle, from build up to launch and beyond. It takes a
different approach from conventional marketing, which aims to drive conversions and make sales.
The goal of Product Marketing is to make a product as appealing as possible to potential customers.

If you’re building a brand, or marketing online, you’ll need to use both Product and Conventional
marketing. Conventional marketing helps you reach the widest audience possible, while product
marketing positions your product to be as tempting as possible to your target market.

One of the best examples of product marketing is the Apple Brand, which has become synonymous
with aspiration worldwide. Apple’s branding manages to feel both current and timeless. Its iconic
logo is instantly recognisable, and the company manages to back up their unique branding by
consistently producing market leading products. Their strategy helps them constantly acquire new
customers and helps define them as a brand in the marketplace.

Apple have also managed to make each of their products a unique branding opportunity. Every one
of their products features cutting edge design and incorporates the logo that has helped build the
brand. If you can manage to marry both your branding and products like Apple has done, you’ll
carve out a strong brand voice, even in the most overcrowded market niche.

The 5 Step Guide to perfect Product Marketing

Step 1: Know your market

Your target market should drive all your product marketing campaigns.

First, you need to identify:

• Why similar products are doing well and how they are presented in the market

• Your competitor’s strategies for successful product positioning

• Your target audience’s pain points and how your product offers them solutions
Step 2: Define your message and decide where your product fits

Use your findings from Step 1 to create your product messaging and decide where it should be
positioned in the market. Is it aimed at tech users looking for budget solutions, or people looking to
splurge a little extra on a luxury item? Create text, video, and visuals that are aimed at your target
audience and that demonstrate you can solve your customer’s problems.

Step 3: Lay out your go-to-market plan

List the platforms you’ll be using to tell people about your product and define the types of
communication you’ll use to get the message out. Focus on your target demographic, where do they
hang out online? Make sure all your branding and marketing materials are in sync across the
channels you’re using and use traditional marketing strategies to help reach as many people as

Step 4: Bring it all together

Get your team on board and make sure every aspect of your product, visuals, and communication is
in sync with the position you want to aim for in the market. You need to do this to establish a
strong, unique presence for your product on all the channels you’ll be launching on.

Step 5: Roll out your product and track its performance

Launch your product on your chosen channels and assess the impact of your marketing strategy, and
the reactions of your target customers. Use these insights to refine your product marketing strategy
and incorporate your findings into your strategy for future products too.

Growth Hacking
Growth hacking focuses on growing a brand quickly, and uses tools and strategies to expand, track,
and scale growth.

First, you must prioritise areas you want to grow in, then identify the right channels to acquire new
custom. Finally, you must implement a marketing strategy that attracts your ideal customer.

The growth hacking process relies on continually monitoring, testing, and adapting your expansion
strategy, according to what is working.

The simple guide to growth hacking

1) Develop a product prototype and test it on a small sample of your ideal target market, to
make sure there is a demand. This lets you identify areas for improvement and gives you
data on potential customers that you can use to better your marketing campaigns.
2) Improve your product as necessary, and keep testing it, ensuring you analyse the feedback
you get. This will tell you whether your product will be a success.
3) Start to market your brand and product, using the data you’ve gathered on your key buyer
persona as a guide when you create your marketing materials. Your aim should be to raise
your profile, raise awareness of your product, expand your mailing list, and create buzz.
4) Roll out your product by launching it officially and continuing to market, assess, and track.
Use social media, Google and Facebook Ads, blogs, and social proof to amp up interest in
what you’re selling.
5) Use stats to see where you can optimise your campaign budget and implement conversion
optimisation techniques to maximise your sales.
6) Continue this process and use it every time you launch a new product or service.

Growth Hacking Tips you can use to grow your brand and get more sign-ups:
 Use the fear of missing out (FOMO) by making sign up more exclusive i.e., by invite only
 Make the sign-up process fun by offering rewards or getting people to complete challenges
 Offer incentives your potential customers will want when they refer new sign-ups
 Leverage the power of Affiliate marketing to enjoy lower-cost product promotion and
expand your reach

Affiliate Marketing
You can use affiliate marketing in two main ways to tap into a useful second income stream:

1) Creating your own affiliate program.

If you’re goal is to expand, raise brand awareness, or make more sales, creating your
own affiliate program is a good way to go. By getting people to post your links, embed
your videos, or endorse your brand, and offering rewards or commission, you can
benefit from your own sales and marketing team, without having to pay a salary. You
can use your affiliate program to reward people for selling your products or sending
traffic to your website, and pay them with goods from your store, exclusive bonuses, or
commission. You get a lot of control, as you can set the percentage of any sales or traffic
that follow, and if they don’t make any referrals, you don’t lose anything.

2) Promoting other brands

If you don’t want to create your own affiliate program, or don’t have a store of your
own, you can use affiliate marketing to make money promoting other brands. This is a
great idea if you have a site that gets a lot of traffic, but it can also be successful if you
have strong digital marketing skills. You need to select an affiliate program, where you’ll
get a unique affiliate link, which you’ll post whenever you’re promoting. If you have any
kind of online social media presence, or run a blog or YouTube Channel, you can
monetize it quickly by including your affiliate link.

Create your own affiliate program

If you want your own affiliate store and you have a Word Press website, you can use a Plugin like
AffiliateWP to host your store on the platform or you can use WordPress affiliate themes, like
Elegant Themes or StudioPress. If you don’t have a Word Press site, you can host your products on
an affiliate platform like Amazon or Shopify.

Recruit affiliates by promoting on social media, in your email campaigns, and on your blog, and
create an enticing landing page that encourages visitors to sign up.
Monetize by promoting other brands

If you’d prefer to promote other affiliate schemes, focus on finding one in your niche, or area of
interest. If you already have a following, select a program that your audience will be interested in
too, and check that you are getting good commission rates. Platforms like HubSpot and Aweber
offer good pay-out rates, or you can find a list of good current affiliate programs on Authority Hacker
or through Google search.

If your audience likes reading blogs, and you can create content, consider signing up for SEM Rush,
as it gives generous monthly bonuses of up to $1000.

YouTube Marketing is another great way to monetize, as you can promote different brands and their
solutions on a related channel. This is ideal if you have a large following on YouTube or are
interested in growing your following on the platform. In this course, you’ll get a detailed guide to
YouTube Marketing, Video SEO, and Video Production, which will teach you everything you need to
know if you want to monetize your YouTube channel.

Reddit Marketing Essentials

You can’t directly promote on Reddit, unless you pay for advertising, but there are other ways you
can attract attention to your brand. You can share news, running Ask Me Anything (AMA) sessions,
or create text-based posts. To find out what content is popular on Reddit, analyse how many people
are talking about your keywords and topics, and check if anyone has mentioned your brand, or
similar rival brands.


Blogs are popular on the platform but since Redditors are an educated crowd, you need to offer
value. If you can create informative, well-written copy, sharing your blogs can be a great way of
getting Reddit users to talk about your brand. Make sure you share your content to the right Reddit
groups or threads, use headlines that attract attention, and proofread your work, before you post it
anywhere on Reddit.

Text-based posts

Unlike Facebook and other social media platforms, on Reddit, text-based content is king. This is
because Reddit is a forum for exchanging ideas and information, so fancy graphics won’t always

You can use Reddit to create text posts that encourage interaction from your target audience, build
trust and authority by teaching people something new, or get feedback by asking relevant questions.
You can also share your blogs in full as text posts, as well as posting links to where they are hosted.

AMAs (Ask Me Anything’s)

AMAs are threads where Redditors with large followings or unique stories answer community
questions, and they are usually hosted on the subreddit r/AmA. They can be hosted elsewhere on
Reddit too, but on the /Ama, they’re tagged with topics like Politics or Law, so users can find the
sessions they want to take part in.
If you get the chance to do an AMA on Reddit, take it, as it’s an excellent chance to raise brand
awareness and reach out to a large, interested audience.


To share news on Reddit you don’t have to have a scoop, as long your content is relevant. Try
sharing news from niche thought leaders, or links to new studies that relate to your brand or

You can also create news about your products, by announcing new features, and talking about their
benefits. If you want to post this kind of news on Reddit, make sure it’s informative. State how they
are technologically or scientifically advanced, and back this up with research links. This approach will
be more successful than just announcing a product release, which will earn you a ban or get you

Asking for feedback

Reddit can be a useful tool to gauge social opinion on your brand and your competitors, and you can
also use it to learn what your ideal customer wants. By monitoring user reactions to industry trends,
and existing products, you can tweak your products to hold more appeal. You can also use Reddit to
directly ask for feedback, by posting topical questions that ask for user opinion in relevant

5 fast Copywriting Hacks
Get max attention from the off

If you want maximum click throughs, you must use headers that evoke strong emotion and are
targeted to your ideal reader. The best type of headers are short and punchy, with enough impact
to arouse curiosity, or provoke a reaction. Incorporating numbers is a great way to make headers
sound more specific: like 10 Top tips to get ripped fast, or 5 PRO ways to protect your privacy online.
Don’t just cast out clickbait headers that bear no relation to your content, or people will lose trust in
you and switch off.

Don’t shy away from emotion

While it’s true that dropping stats and facts helps you build trust and credibility, if you do this too
much, you’ll end up boring people. Your copy needs a human element to be relatable, and one of
the most powerful ways to achieve this is making your content emotional. Use high impact words,
and share funny stories, or situations your audience can relate to, so that they can put themselves
right in the scenario. When you add an element of personality, you’ll make your followers feel
closer to you than to other content creators who play it safe and stick to the facts.

Use emojis for social media

Emojis work well in social posts and ads and help to grab attention. You might feel they look
unprofessional, but research has shown they perform, so punctuate your most important sentences
with them, especially when posting on Facebook or Twitter. You can also use emojis to break up
long pieces of text on social media, as typically people will scroll past, if they see a huge wall of copy.
Identify your audience’s pain points

Pain points are problems people stress about and look for a solution too. Your job as a marketer is
to emphasise these pain points but in a way that hints YOU can provide the solution. To find out
your potential customer’s pain points, you must do market research on your target demographic, to
identify their fears, desires, and needs. Market research doesn’t have to be conventional, if your
typical customer hangs on out Reddit, why not monitor what they post about and use this to make
your copy hold more appeal?

When you stress customer’s pain points, you should also highlight the importance of immediate
action. Let your your audience know they must act now if they want the solution.

Use AIDA for success

AIDA, or Attract, Interest, Desire, Action, is a four-stage formula that every successful copywriter
employs to get people to act. Every piece of copy that’s designed to get people to take an action you
want, needs to shift through these four stages:

ATTRACT – Usually employed at the header stage, it can also be used high up in your copy to pull
people in. Grab attention with emotive headlines and provocative questions or statements, to
persuade people to keep reading.

INTEREST – Hook people in and keep up the momentum by hitting their pain points. Remind them
of a worry or fear they have, then tease that you have the solution, without revealing exactly what
that is at this stage.

DESIRE – Here’s where you reveal your product and frame it as the answer to their prayers. Briefly
outline the main benefits but do it in a way your customers can relate to. Don’t bore with too many
technical specifics, use relatable language that gets people visualising. Say things like “in 6 weeks
you can look slimmer, have 10X more energy, and 50% lower cholesterol levels” to get people to
visualise the benefits they’ll enjoy if they make a purchase. You should slip in a stat or two to back
up your claims, just be careful not to overdo it and keep the focus on evoking emotion.

ACTION – Seal the deal and encourage people to act right away by employing urgency and the fear
of missing out (FOMO). Limited time offers, sales, or exclusive bonus gifts, are good ways to get
people to hit that buy button. If you don’t want to go down this route, you can create a strong call
to action by leveraging FOMO to make people want your product so they can turn around their
problem. Make it easy for people to take the action you want by including prominent click to
purchase buttons.

Website Creation
You can use website creation skills to create a showcase for your brand, or you can make extra
money creating sites for others. With plug and play platforms like WordPress and Wix, you can get
pro-looking websites without any coding experience at all!

WordPress allows you to customise every element of your website FAST, enabling you to add video,
image carousels, and embedded documents, simply by drag and drop. You can instantly switch
colour schemes and icons, and change text by clicking on it, making WordPress one of the most
flexible platforms out there if you’re looking to create your first website.

The three most important elements of Website Creation:

Prime your site

You must optimise your site if you want to attract and retain the maximum number of visitors, as
well as convert them into sales and subscribes. Your site should display well on both desktop and
mobile devices, should have a fast-loading time, and be consistently online.

Make sure your images load quickly and are the right format and consider layout and navigation, and
how this relates to your content. Check to make sure all your links are working and prioritise
content to make sure the most important stuff gets displayed higher up. You can use Heat Map
tools to see where visitors spend the most time on your page, and where they switch off, and market
research and competitor analysis to learn what’s attracts people’s interest.


When creating your website, you need to attend to all aspects of SEO and make sure they are
optimised for high performance. This includes technical SEO elements so search engines can index
and crawl your website. You also need to prep your local SEO so you show up in local and Near Me
Google searches, and the content that’s on your site so it can score highly in featured snippets, rich
snippets, voice, and mobile search. Of course, you can’t neglect traditional SEO elements either,
such as metadata, backlinks, and keywords, as all these factors will help you appear higher in organic

Logos and Graphic Design

Visuals are important as your website will be the first point of contact many people have with your
brand. Get the sharpest, most appealing graphics you can, whether you source free royalty free
images from sites like or purchase paid photos from Shutterstock. Resize and compress
images, and make sure they are displayed in a format that doesn’t result in loss of quality when you
upload them to your website.

Plug and play sites like Word Press have ready-made theme templates, so you can get a pro looking
layout fast, but you will need a logo that encapsulates your brand, as well other marketing materials,
like customised graphics and headers.

You can use sites such as Canva to create logos, promotional materials, and website headers and
banners, or try logo creators like If you have basic Photoshop or graphic design
skills, you can also try creating your own from scratch.

Conversion Rate Optimisation

Conversion rate optimization refers to the art of getting maximum conversions out of the traffic that
visits your website or landing page. It involves optimising several elements including colour,
copywriting, layout, and loading time, many of which will depend on your target customer.

Ten top tips for MAXIMUM Conversions

 All your copywriting must be persuasive, grammatically correct, and punchy. Use power
words and don’t talk about how great your brand is, focus on letting the customer know why
they need you.
 Get your visuals right by picking sharp images that you know will hold appeal to your ideal
customer. Optimise picture compression and include infographics which incorporate both
pictures and text, as these are popular.
 Engage people with questions as research has shown this attracts click throughs. When
you’re trying to get people to click through try asking relevant questions in your ads. If
you’re trying to sell muscle health supplements, you could say something like, “Did you
know 50% of over 45’s lose 10% muscle mass every year? “
 Use heatmap tools like HotJar or Crazy Egg to see where browsers click on your page.
Optimise your layout so the stuff that attracts your audience appears higher and more often.
 Show personality and develop an instant rapport with your browsers by telling a story they
can relate to. Don’t be afraid to use humour, it’s a great way to stand out and helps to win
over potential customers.
 Leave people hanging. Curiosity is an excellent convertor, so offer free tasters that cut off at
a tantalising point, or intrigue people with information that stops at a crucial cliff-hanger. If
they want to know more, they’ll have to sign up or make a purchase. You can use this same
technique with your headers too, to get more people to click through.
 When you add your purchase buttons, make them Add to Cart options, rather than Buy Now
buttons. It’s less scary to your visitors, as it tricks people into thinking they are not making
so much of a commitment and can change their minds if they want. This makes them more
likely to click in the first place.
 Analyse your traffic sources and experiment with different versions of your landing page for
separate user segments to find out what works best for each demographic. Your Facebook
traffic may respond better to a certain type of page, while the traffic you get from organic
search might convert better with another version.
 Keep it simple. Decide on the one main action you want your visitors to perform and make
sure you make it easy for them to do it. Don’t overload them with too many options, make
sure you give them a way to take your one desired action, with a clearly displayed button or
page element.
 Testimonials work, providing they’re authentic, so include them on your page, particularly if
they’re from household names, authority voices, or big brands. Never be tempted to fake
testimonials though, as visitors will be able to tell immediately.

YouTube Marketing
Start out strong

Your title is an important part of YouTube optimisation, and can be the deciding factor when people
are deciding to click through or scroll past. For optimal results, go for one that’s between 40-50
characters, as research has shown titles using under 50 characters rank higher in search.

Use emotive headers that have personality and incorporate numbers to shake things up and make
your headline stand out. A study conducted by HubSpot found that brackets and parentheses can
increase YouTube clicks by 33%, so experiment with these in your title too.

Prepare your thumbnail image

You can’t just pick any thumbnail image if you want to attract viewers to your video. YouTube uses
mostly red, black, and white colours, so to stand out, you need to select a BOGY thumbnail, that’s
comprised of Blue, Orange, Green, and Yellow.

Optimise your intro

The ideal YouTube intro should be brief and include your targeted keywords, high up in the
description. YouTube crawls the first 2-3 sentences and places more importance on the words and
phrases that appear here, when it returns search results. Don’t be tempted to stuff your intro with
keywords, as it also needs to be appealing to read. People preview intros before deciding whether
to press play and your intro will also display in YouTube search as a snippet.

Create a wow outline

Your YouTube outline is a chance to sell your video and encourage people to watch. Let people know
exactly what they’ll be getting, and don’t be afraid to go into a bit of detail. The ideal outline should
be 150 words plus and should include all the keywords you want to hit.

Link it and ask for likes

Your description is a great place to include links that push people to your website, blog, or other
social media. Don’t just drop them in, create a short call to action reminding people why they
should bother to click. You can also use your YouTube description to remind people to subscribe to
your channel or give you a like.

Video Marketing
Video is the most popular online content medium, with 79% of consumers saying they prefer to
discover products through video rather than through articles, or text-based ads. With 93% of
businesses claiming they’ve gained new customers thanks to social media videos, if you have an
online business, or need to market products, video marketing skills are a must.

One good video can change everything

Video has viral potential, but you need to spend some time to strategize appealing content. You can
show people more in a video than you ever could in a blog, or still image, with the bonus that they’ll
feel more connected to you when you use this format. Just one original well shot and thought-out
video can reach thousands of potential customers and has the power to turn around a flagging

You don’t need expensive equipment

Nowadays the pixel quality on mobile devices is so good, you don’t need to own a pro rig to shoot
compelling video. With powerful film editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro, you can create a
catchy, professional looking video, using just your smartphone.

Create your marketing strategy around your video content

When you’re strategizing your marketing approach, try to create your blogs, images, and other posts
around your video output. If you place the focus on video content above everything else, you’ll be
maximising your opportunity to gain customers and future proofing your marketing approach. Video
is great way to get more views, likes, follows, and subscribes, especially on social. It’s easier for
people to watch a video, than read an article and you can pack more information into a video than
you can into a single still graphic.
Tailor your format to suit

With video content, one size doesn’t fit all, so you need to tailor your approach. If you’re creating
content for Facebook or Instagram, shorter clips will serve you well, while content for YouTube
should be longer, and more informative. No matter what platform you create your videos for, you
must always add value. You can do this by showing people something new, telling your brand story,
or teaching viewers how to do something using step-by-step guides or tutorials.

TikTok Marketing
Tiktok is growing rapidly and it’s a superb way to reel in more custom, particularly if you make short,
punchy videos that can get good traction. If you’re want to use TikTok to market your products,
there are some key things you should bear in mind, to create content that will do well on the

Reach out to influencers

Reach out to a TikTok influencer in your niche and you be able to tap into an already interested
audience. You’ll also overcome one of the major hurdles of the customer journey – winning
customer trust – as influencer’s opinions hold a lot of sway. Spend some time developing a
relationship before you contact with your influencer, by commenting on their TikTok content. Don’t
forget to check their following to make sure it’s real and ensure that their audience is engaged and
active. Gaining an influencer’s trust will take a little time and effort, but if you can get someone
popular to endorse your products on TikTok, it can result in a huge explosion of interest.

Keep it short, snappy, and fun

Content on TikTok performs best when it’s shorter, upbeat, and original. If you can create unique
content that makes people laugh, gasp, or intrigued, you’ll do well on this platform. The ideal TikTok
video should be 60 seconds or less, and should use high quality compression, good lighting, and clear
audio. TikTok videos are ideal for letting viewers peek at the story and people behind your brand, or
for running contests or challenges that promote your products.

TikTok Ads

As well as organic posts, you can pay to run ads on TikTok, but if you’re going to spend your budget,
make sure you do it wisely. To create ads that connect and convert, first do some research on the
type of ads your ideal TikTok customer watches, so you can shoot a video that will appeal to them.
With TikTok ads, it’s vital to grab your audience from the start, or they’ll switch off. Put your most
compelling footage early on, ideally in the first few seconds. Your core message can follow but
remember to keep things entertaining, even when you’re blatantly promoting.

Make sure you monitor your ad’s performance too and run different ads so you can compare them
against each other, to see what works better.

Email Marketing
Email campaigns are still an invaluable way of optimising your bottom line, as they let you directly
promote to an already interested subscriber base. Getting conversions can be tricky but if you can
apply the right approach, email campaigns can be an excellent way of achieving more sales.

Don’t Spam Add Value – Never spam subscribers, remember, they’ve placed their trust in you by
signing up, so you must treat them accordingly, if you want to keep them on your list. Make your
email campaigns something people look forward to opening, by giving away handy tips, insider
secrets, or running exclusive subscriber discounts, giveaways, or promotions.

Ask subscribers to engage - You can encourage subscriber interaction, by asking for their feedback,
posting questions, or encouraging people to give their input on new products. Asking for input or
feedback is a solid method of retaining subscribers, as it makes people feel like they are having more
of a two-way relationship with you, rather than just receiving your mail outs.

Strategize well - Don’t send beige and boring campaigns just for the sake of meeting your monthly
deadline, give your mail outs some thought by planning out a strategy in advance. Consider all
aspects of your market research, so you can create emails that will have maximum appeal to your
subscribers. Keep things fresh and don’t just repeat your other promotional material, as your email
campaigns need to act as a compliment to your other marketing efforts, not compete with them.

Use the best tools – If you’re going to send out subscriber campaigns, you need to ensure you’re
using a reliable platform. Tools like Mail Chimp help you create campaigns from pre-made templates
and offer a huge range of customisation possibilities. Whatever platform you use, make sure you can
expand your list and add in new subscribers as it grows.

Keep building your list - As well as retaining the subscribers you have, you should be continuously
trying to grow your list, as more subscribes means more chances to convert. Create low-cost lead
magnets your target customer will love, like e-books, or mini-courses, or offer free webinars, tasters,
or previews, if they sign up.

Create a strong call to action on your website, so that when people visit, they are promoted to sign
up to your newsletter. You can experiment with placement or try a sticky scroller that follows your
browsers as they scroll down your page. Make sure you make the benefits of signing up to your
newsletter clear, and be persuasive, not pushy. Remember to let people know that you won’t spam
them and will only send them content they are interested in and want to read.

Save time with automation - By setting up pre-loaded content that will be sent out automatically
depending on the actions your subscribers take you’ll save you lot of hassle and time. Set up triggers
for emails that will be sent out when people sign up, download your lead magnet, or complete a
consultation form, and segment your subscriber list depending on audience traits, so you can send
each list more appropriate content.

Analyse and tweak - Use the tools provided with your mailing list software to monitor your stats, so
you can assess open rates, click throughs, conversions, and unsubscribes. Don’t forget to ask for
subscriber feedback as well, so you can make your campaigns hold more appeal, as this will help you
continually improve your campaign’s performance.

Get your main keyword in FIRST
Google places a higher value on keywords that appear higher up in your content, so your most
important keyword should be positioned in the first 25 words, to optimise your search ranking.

Create unique content

If you want to score highly on Google, your content must be unique, as should all your titles,
descriptions, Meta tags, and Image alt text. Duplicating content will cause you to appear lower in
search, as according to Google, to rank well, your content needs to be fresh and original.

Optimise your titles

Don’t overstuff your headers with keywords, instead choose one and use it as early as possible in
your title instead. Your title should be short but compelling, with enough appeal to make people
want to click through. Make sure your copy lives up to the promise of your header so you can
maximise your shares, as the more people share your work, and the more click throughs you get, the
higher you’ll rank on Google.

Create longform content

Google favours long form articles over briefer ones, so for the best results your content should be
between 1900-2000 words. By creating informative dives into topics searchers are looking for, you’ll
be raising your ranking and ensuring you score higher in search results.

Monitor your ranking

A successful SEO strategy is built on the ability to be adaptable, so make use of analytics tools like
the Google Search Console to assess your performance. You can use the Search Console to see how
well your keywords are doing, check your discoverability, and analyse your click through rate.

Modern SEO
To rank your content, Google uses a system called EAT (Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness)
and the higher your EAT score, the higher you’ll appear in search results. The good news is there are
some steps you can take to improve your ranking, so you appear on the first page of Google search

Three ways to score BIG with Google’s EAT system:

Use high authority sources

Google places more priority on content that’s attributed to trusted sources, so pay attention to your
authors, and try to use established experts, or people with high EAT scores. Google will check the
authority of your content when it returns search results, and content from authority sources will
always appear higher.

Monitor your mentions

Google’s algorithm also considers your mentions on other websites, so it can assess what people are
saying about you and your brand and rank you accordingly. If you’ve accumulated a lot of negative
reviews on trusted sites, this will impact your ranking, but if you can get positive reviews on big sites
like Yelp, or Trip Adviser, or gather a lot of likes on Facebook, you can gain a huge search engine

Use Internal linking

Google’s EAT system also assesses your internal backlinks, and their relevance, so to boost your
score, link to other, related pages on your website, and use your main keyword in your anchor text.

Backlinking to other pages is a great way to give a boost to content that hasn’t yet received much
attention by giving these pages a better score in search. Never link low link authority pages to other
low scoring pages, instead try linking popular, older content to newer articles that haven’t had the
chance to gain traction.

Technical SEO
Use tools to check your site’s performance

As well as tracking your keywords and click throughs, you can also use the Google Search Console to;

 Monitor your website’s performance and uptime

 Check for indexing errors in the Coverage tab
 Examine your site’s mobile usability through the Enhancements tab

Indexing errors prevent Google from crawling your site, so if you find any, fix them fast, so people
can discover your content.

It’s important to check your site’s Mobile Usability too, as more are now accessing the internet via
devices like smartphones. Another reason this factor is so important is because Google’s search
index prioritises mobile devices, so you can’t rank well if your site isn’t optimised to display, load,
and perform well on tablets and phones.

Optimize your loading speed.

Your site loading speed is crucial to Google, and if your website loads fast, you’ll be giving a boost to
your search engine score.

To help your site load as fast as possible, compress your images and display them in a format and
size suitable for your layout. Your themes should be lightweight and clutter free, rather than
templates with many elements. A great way to boost site speed is by using lazy loading, which loads
content only as it’s needed. Implementing lazy loading can rev up your site by up to 50%, so it’s
worth giving it a try to see it if works for you.

Off-Page SEO
Too many people fail at SEO, even if they create a lot of informative, high value content because
they don’t implement an effective personal outreach strategy. Although you need quality content to
make SEO work for you, you must optimise it for the web, and search, and you should also be
reaching out to network with people in your sector. In our Google SEO section, you’ll discover how
to use modern SEO tools to your advantage, to move higher up in search. You’ll also learn how to
find out what links your competition is using, and why you must connect with website and social
media pages in your business niche, to ask them to share your content.

Three great tips for getting links from people in your niche:
Don’t spam or pester. Never send spammy or generic emails, spend a little time creating a
personalised message to build trust and maximise your chance of getting a yes.
Try to develop relationships first. Spend some time cultivating relationships with your business
peers and it will pay off in the long run. Engage them on Facebook and on their page or blog and
offer to reciprocate if they share your content when you contact them to ask for backlinks or shares.
Don’t be put off if people ignore you at first, getting backlinks is one of the most challenging parts of
SEO, so stick at it, as eventually, you’ll get a positive response.

Share your content for free

People need to know you exist before they’ll start doing you favours. They also need to know you’re
reliable and can create good content people enjoy engaging with. Share your stuff for free in related
Facebook Groups, to get your brand name out there, so people can start to associate it with value
added, informative content. Don’t promote at first, make sure the content you share is educational
and useful. This way you’ll build trust faster, and you’ll also encourage more people to interact with
your work and share it.

Remember to keep at it, even when it feels like no one is responding to you as it takes some time to
build trust and a network of people who will be willing to link to your content. Being consistent will
pay off, so stay focused and keep reaching out, and you will soon see results. We know getting
backlinks can be difficult in the beginning, but we also know that if you stay strong and are diligent,
you WILL have success. We believe in you, so keep going and make sure you watch all our SEO
related videos, so you can optimise your strategy and triumph in your Digital Marketing efforts.

Local SEO
Check your MAP ranking...

When people search for a nearby business on Google, it returns a set of 3 top results, with a location
taken from Google Maps, called a MAP pack. The Map Pack also appears in other non-local results
when Google decides it’s appropriate. As the MAP pack is becoming more relevant to search, and is
displayed above organic search, you should try to rank in it, if you want to optimise your search

Enhance your keywords...

To score well in local organic search, you must optimise your keywords and make sure they’re
relevant to your local business. Make use of tools like Google Suggest and the Google Keyword
Planner to get granular data and see which keywords score highly in specific locations.

Your primary keyword should be relevant to local search results and you should include it in both
your URL and title tag. Your website content should also include related local search keywords,
including your blog articles, sub headers, and meta data.

Make a Google my business profile

Google My Business is extremely important when you’re trying to rank high in local search, so you
need to set up a profile. Your Google My Business profile should mention your opening hours and
should include images and video content that show off your brand and your location. To rank even
higher, make sure you keep your profile updated by posting weekly news and updates. One of the
best strategies for creating new content for Google My Business is to focus on photo updates. You
can showcase your business’s location and give customers a look inside, whether you’re a shop, spa,
restaurant, or have any other kind of business. Show off your menu, products, treatment list, or
dishes and introduce your team too. You can have your staff share their stories and give people an
inside look at what they do, and how they contribute to your business.

Remember to ask your customers to leave you a positive review, as this is an essential part of
growing your Google My Business profile. If you can gather many glowing reviews, you will boost
your power on Google Maps. You’ll also boost your rating on the Google Map Pack, making it more
likely your company will come up first when people make local searches.

Facebook Marketing & Facebook Ads

When marketing on Facebook you need to consider Facebook’s 3 Key ranking Metrics, as scoring
high will help you get found fast on the platform.

Facebook’s Key Ranking Metrics look at:

 Content Quality Score - How informative and valuable your posts are compared to other,
similar brands
 Engagement Rate Score - How engaged people are with your brand, the number of likes,
shares, and comments you receive
 Conversion Rate Ranking – How well you’re doing in terms of sales, click throughs, and
subscribes compared to your competitors

Three ways to win with Facebook Marketing

Examine the competition

Facebook lets you check out your competitors through the Insights tab on your Facebook Business
Page. Click on Insights, then scroll to Function Pages to Watch, and add in the brands you want to
assess to the performance overview. You’ll be able to compare your performance against theirs to
see how you measure up. If you’re competitors are out-performing you, you can use this tool to
examine you’re their Facebook marketing strategy and include what they’re doing right in your own

One of the best competitor analysis tools Facebook offers is the Facebook Ads library. We
recommend you take some time to check it out right now as its an invaluable tool that will help you
expand your approach to Facebook Ads. When you click through to the Ad library, enter the name
of a rival brand, and then click on the Search All button. To try this out for yourself, enter Udemy in
the search field in the Facebook Ads Library. Facebook will show you all the ads your competitor is
running in your country, but you can adjust the settings to see all the ads your competitors are
running worldwide, or in other countries. Pause this video now and test it out for yourself in a new
tab, so you can become familiar with the interface and see how everything works.

Use Audience Insights to check out customers

Audience Insights is one of the most valuable tools Facebook has to offer, as it gives you huge
amounts of data on your target customers. With Insights you can find out what your potential
customers are interested in and what jobs they have, as well as their age, and their relationship
status. You can even get super specific and use postcode geo-targeting so you can define precise
customer segments to run your ad campaigns to.

Post content with real appeal

Make sure your content is carefully targeted to your main follower demographic, so you post what
people want to see most. Use visuals or video to compliment your text posts and make sure you
have a killer cover photo to represent your business. Try posting competitions and fun polls to up
follower engagement and use your Facebook Timeline to share your brand's history and tell your

Image galleries do well on Facebook, so create collections of related pictures, or infographics that
people will want to look through. You can show off your products, display information in visual
format, or tell your brand story through photos. You can also combine galleries with engagement
ads to target and build up custom and lookalike audiences. Later on, in this course, we’ll teach you
in detail how to use these kinds of audiences with your galleries.

Facebook Ads
Facebook Ads can get click throughs, sign ups and conversions but there’s an art to getting them
right. On Mobile Preview, Facebook cuts off most of your text, so make sure you put everything
important up front. If you’re running a limited time offer, or special sale, that needs to be at the start
of your copy. Always make it easy for people to navigate to your landing page or contact you by
including your URL or phone number.

Use emojis at the start and end of your most important sentences and include a high-quality image
with your ad, that will inspire and connect with your customers. You can conduct market research to
find out what visuals work best with your target group.

Use power words in your ad copy and keep things snappy and brief, especially at the start of your ad.
If you want to do a lengthy pitch, save it for after the click to read more, or wait until people have
clicked through to your landing page.

Remember to include testimonials as social proof if you have them and use stats to back up the
claims you make about your product. Create a sense of urgency by setting a time limit for your
offers, and press pain points by hinting that you have the solution to a common problem your target
audience has.

Let’s pull all this info together and see how it might look in a Facebook Ad.

Sample GOLDEN TEMPLATE you can use for Facebook Ecommerce Ads that works EVERY time!

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Facebook Business Manager

Facebook Business Manager is an essential for every online marketer and you can find it at

Facebook also owns Instagram and WhatsApp, and you can use Business Manager to link your
Facebook Business Page to your Instagram Business Profile, as well as your WhatsApp number. This
makes it easy to create powerful Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger Ads that also have support
for your WhatsApp business number. Business Manager is fantastic as it allows you to boost your
brand from one place, across several popular social media platforms.

Instagram Ads & Instagram Marketing

Tease your product

A single compelling image or well shot short clip with a punchy caption is best way to tease your
product, or promote a free to download app, giveaway, or discount. The idea is to intrigue and have
everyone wanting to know more, not to spill every detail. When you market on Instagram, the goal
is to create buzz and reach the right people, so hashtag your posts with trending tags for your niche.
Instagram helps you to find these easily, as when you type a tag, you can see how popular it is in the
drop-down menu that appears.

Use Sponsored Ads to grow your following

If you have a low number of followers, Sponsored Ads can help you expand your reach and get a big
boost. You can run several different types of Sponsored Ads, including:

 Photo
 Video
 Carousel/Dynamic Ads
 Stories
 Stories Canvas

Sponsored Ads put your campaigns in front of anyone who’s in your defined target audience, not just
your followers. A handy hack to get the most out of this type of Instagram Ad is to view your highest
performing posts, with Instagram’s built in Analytics tool. You can turn these into Sponsored Ads
quickly, and market to the same audience that loved your top-performing posts. As they’ve already
done well with this type of audience, you’ll be maximising your ad spend budget.

You can do this from your mobile in the Instagram app, and can even select precise targeting
demographics, including age, as well as your ad goals. You can decide whether you’d prefer to grow
your post, or whether you’d rather push traffic to your website, and the best thing is, you can do it
all in 10 minutes or less, without any fiddly set up!

Increase engagement with Instagram Stories

If you want to appear at the top of your follower’s timelines, you can use Stories to get their
attention, and increase the likelihood your content will get noticed. Instagram Stories allow you to
make posts in several different formats including:

 Photos
 Short video
 Rewind video
 Live video
 Boomerangs (GIF like images that loop)

Stories appear above the newsfeed, and when an Instagram user clicks on one, a pop-up window
appears so they can see it. You can also use Stories to make fast, unedited posts and create more
content, without worrying about it spoiling your timeline, as after 24 hours these posts get deleted,
although you can save them to use again later.

Up your engagement with user interaction

If you need posts fast, and have an engaged audience, you can use user generated content to max
out your timeline. Run challenges or contests and ask your followers to submit pictures or videos or
ask them to help co-create your next product design. Collect entries under a branded hashtag, then
repost them to your Instagram, for easy content that encourages follower interaction.

Quora Marketing
Quora is where questions get asked or answered by Internet users, and answers can be factual, or
opinion. You might not have considered Quora as useful to your marketing efforts, but it can be a
great way to connect with potential customers who have high trust in you. The key to success on
Quora is to establish yourself as an authority voice on the platform. You can’t just start promoting
right away, to be successful, you must create trust by consistently answering questions and

Quora’s not a place where you can push products, unless you’re running paid for ads, but once
you’ve built up a little bit of credibility, you can share your blog content, or links to your site.

The 4 -step guide to using Quora for promoting

1. Sign up for an account and completely fill out your profile, then follow relevant industry

2. Start answering your first questions. Choose ones you can answer competently and take the
time to give a detailed answer of at least 100 words, or ideally more. Don’t include any promotion at
this stage, as people won’t react well to new users using the platform to push their content.

3. As soon as you’ve made between 5-10 responses to questions, you can start to share your
own content. The way to promote on Quora is to use excerpts from your blog articles that are
relevant to the topic in question, with links to the full blog post included at the end. Tell people that
that if they want to know more, they can visit your blog to read the rest of the article.

4. To make Quora pay off, you must be active often, so check back regularly to see if you’ve
received any comments on your posts and follow up with them fast to get rated higher. Consider
making your own threads too, about related topics to your brand but never blatantly sell, and always
keep your posts informative, or you’ll risk losing credibility, or getting a ban.
Influencer Marketing
Reaching out to influencers and getting them to talk about or endorse your products is a great way
to tap into a ready-made, already interested audience. The trick is to pick an influencer in your
niche, and spend time cultivating a relationship, before you contact them and ask them if they’d
consider featuring your stuff.

To up your chance of receiving a yes, you need to offer influencers some value, whether that’s
reciprocal promotion, free products, or you are doing free work for them. You could offer to update
their website, edit their pictures, or create blogs for their site, but whatever you offer, it should be
something they will benefit from.

8 ways to build FAST rapport with influencers

1) Engage them. Comment on influencer’s posts regularly and you’ll stand out as a valuable
follower. This is a good way to build trust, and if you take time to consider your responses, you
might even start a dialogue with them, especially if you make insightful comments.

2) Leave feedback when they ask for it. Influencers frequently engage their followers by asking
them for feedback, and this can be an excellent way to get them to notice you. Respond to polls, and
leave comments explaining why you voted that way, give your feedback on design options, or post
informative answers to a question, and you’ll start to win over their trust.

3) Share their stuff. Share their content with a comment and you’ll be appreciated, as
everyone loves someone who helps them reach a bigger audience. Tag them in every time you do
this, so they get notified, and they’ll remember you when you reach out and make your request.

4) Subscribe to their list and be active. If your influencer is a blogger, don’t just follow them on
social, sign up to their mailing list too. Be active whenever you get the chance, by asking questions
and feedback, to stand out from 100’s of other subscribers and start building a connection with

5) Leave blog comments. Don’t just comment on their social posts, leave blog comments too, if
you can. By making thoughtful replies, or asking questions, you can engage influencers on their
home turf, and even kickstart conversations. This can be invaluable to you when you’re trying to
develop a relationship.

6) Tell them about typos. If you notice mistakes in their social media or blog posts, or their
website is down, let them know politely and they’ll thank you for it. Everyone wants their website to
be accessible, and nobody wants error strewn posts, so your feedback is sure to be appreciated.
Don’t call people out on their out mistakes publicly though, send a short Direct Message, or email
them telling them what the issue is.

7) Link to their content. If you have a blog, you can link to influencer’s posts or content in
your copy, which also gives you both a boost in Google, if the link is related to your page. Let them
know you’ve done this by sending a quick email, outlining why you’ve mentioned them, or tag them
on social media to give them a heads up. This tip works best when you’ve already developed a
relationship first, as otherwise it can seem like you’re looking for a mention in return.
8) Mention them in a list. You can tag them into a list of influential people you publish on your
blog, or social media, to let them know you appreciate your work. Like linking to their content, it’s
better to do this once they know you exist, otherwise they will think you hunting for reciprocal
action right off the bat. Running a list works better if you have a large following and make a targeted
list of influencers that are relevant to your sector. Remember to send the influencers you mention
an email, introducing yourself and letting them know you’ve included them, and why. If you want
them to feel like you really value their insight, you could also ask them for a quote, which you can
include in your blog post.


If you have a local business, try reaching out to nearby brands and do some personal outreach to
influencers in your community. If you can get influential local figures or celebrities to stop by your
location, you can take pictures and feature them on your feed, which will give a big boost to your
Instagram. Often you won’t even have to pay them to appear, if you make a genuine approach, and
are polite, complimentary, and sincere. Many celebrities are supportive of local communities and
independent business, plus they enjoy going to new places, and having the opportunity to share this
with their audience.

LinkedIn Marketing
LinkedIn is an essential platform for reaching out to major decision makers, and if you’re attempting
to become successful online as a brand, you need a strong presence on the platform. You don’t have
to spend hours every day on LinkedIn, but by taking a targeted approach, you can raise awareness of
your brand to get the attention of the people that matter.

Three steps to winning with LinkedIn

1. First, you need to set up a Company Page, where people can get an overview of your brand,
team and how to contact you. Make sure you link your page to your website and other social
media channels and include relevant keywords so more people can find you in search. Your
Company Page should give your potential customers an opportunity to learn about your
brand, meet your team, and discover your contact details.
2. Next you need to get more people to view your page by promoting it outside of LinkedIn. Try
inviting your contacts and subscribers to follow you on the platform or include your LinkedIn
URL in your email campaigns and at the end of your blogs. You should also include a “Follow
on LinkedIn” button on your website.
3. To promote within the platform, check your stats, and run ads, you’ll need to use the
LinkedIn Campaign Manager. This will allow you to set up an advertising account, precision
define a budget, choose the types of campaigns you want to run, and track their

BONUS TIP: To optimise your profile, check out your competitors by searching relevant keywords
related to your niche. See who appears at the top of search results, and who has had the most
views, then analyse what they are doing to achieve this and what keywords they are using. You can
then use your discoveries in your own LinkedIn profile to optimise your search position.

LinkedIn Ads
Once of the major advantages of LinkedIn Ads is that the layout for Ad’s objective and setup is now
similar to Facebook Ads. This will help you to create LinkedIn Ads quickly, as you will already be
familiar with the setup, if you have any experience with Facebook advertising.

Another big benefit of LinkedIn Ads is that you can select precise targeting based on the Bio data in
each person’s profile. You can choose to target only middle or top management in the IT industry,
for example, or can target specific professions, such as carpenters, or plumbers.

As well as this, you can also target your ads based on LinkedIn user’s education level and
specialisation, among other options. This is invaluable when you are building up a new brand based
on a Business-to-Business approach and will help you cut down unnecessary spend on your Ads and
get a better return on your investment.

In this course, we feature guided practical step by step guides to setting up successful LinkedIn Ad
campaigns, including how to use targeted LinkedIn Ads to hone in on your perfect audience.

Pinterest Marketing
Pinterest is all about interacting with others, but to get engagement, you need to put yourself out
there. Follow relevant influencers, as well as their followers, post regular content, and like and
comment on other people’s pins. Try re-pinning links to your blog, social media, and other content
as well, as on Pinterest people can click on live links.

You don’t always have to spend the time creating original pins on Pinterest. You can boost your
following by pinning content on the platform that’s related to what you do, as well as things you find
on the web, using the Pinterest browser add on.

To raise your profile on Pinterest, invite your social media contacts and blog followers to join and
interact with your board. You can also invite your Pinterest following to do the same. Set your
board to allow contributions, where people can pin posts that fit in with your group theme, to make
users feel they are part of your brand. Board groups are also perfect for running contests, or co-
creation campaigns.

Six savvy tips for performing well on Pinterest:

● Use your other social platforms to drum up more engagement on Pinterest by posting your
Pinterest board links and cross promoting your account.

● Make your presence known by following relevant popular industry accounts and
commenting on their posts to raise awareness, develop relationships, and interact with their

● Check out your competition to see what they are doing to grow their Pinterest following and
apply your insights to your own Pinterest strategy to build up your account.

● Monitor popular keywords and hashtags that are relevant to your industry niche and
incorporate these in your Pinterest posts to maximise your reach.

● Engage with popular Pinterest influencers and develop relationships with them by liking and
commenting on their posts. Once you have a solid dialogue, ask if they will re-post some of your
content to help you reach their audience. They get free related content for their Pinterest, you get
promotion, and you can return the favour by cross promoting them on your Pinterest account too.

● Run paid Pinterest ads to build your following, raise brand awareness, and attract more sales
and subscribes by opening a Pinterest advertising account. Make sure you analyse competitor ads to
see what types of campaigns do well on the platform.

Bonus tip for Pinterest Marketing:

When you create Pins on Pinterest you can include links, which can help boost your SEO. But you
can also place Pinterest buttons under your website and blog images, so if browsers like what they
see, they can click on the Pin button and pin your content. This can be an excellent way of getting
more mentions on Pinterest, as well as more eyes on your products and your brand.

Twitter Marketing
To market successfully on Twitter, you must begin with a solid strategy, and the best way to
approach this is to plan out all your content in advance. You can schedule blocks of posts in advance
with content schedulers like Hootsuite or Buffer, which will also allow you to set times for different
posts, so you can catch your followers when they are most likely to be online.

The first thing you should do before you even start using Twitter as a brand is define your primary
brand objectives, i.e., what it is you hope to achieve by posting on the platform.

Do you want to use Twitter to…

● Get more leads or make more sales?

● Develop relationships with your customers and build trust?

● Raise awareness of your brand or promote your products?

● Offer customer support through Twitter, instead of, or in addition to, other channels?

● Conduct market research to find out what your customers interests are and learn what posts
of yours they prefer to interact with and who they share them with?

● Reach out to industry influencers to try and get them to mention or endorse your products?

● Carry out competitor analysis with tools such as Sprout or Tweepsmap so you can monitor
your rivals high-engagement tweets, and hashtags, and learn about their follower base?

It’s best to focus on 2-3 core objectives, as this will help you precision tailor your strategy and
content so you can achieve your goals faster.

Six top tips for Twitter:

1. Find the most popular hashtags to tag your posts with so you can grow your reach on
Twitter, by monitoring relevant trending topics. You can use Twitter trending to see what
tags are riding high or make use of specialist tools from sites like
2. When you’re on Twitter, keep track your followers with tools like Audiense, to see who’s
following, active, and inactive, and how well you are attracting and retaining followers.
3. Monitor the performance of your posts with management tools like Union Metrics or
Sprout, to learn what content performs best and what’s not working so well.
4. Before you post anything, make sure you proofread your content and hashtag all your posts.
Use tools like Grammarly to review your posts, or the editing software that comes with your
word processing platform.
5. Remember to tweak your Twitter profile, so when people check it, they get an instant
snapshot of your brand. You get 160 characters, so make it snappy and to the point, and
remember to keep what you write in line with your other copy and posts. Choose an
appealing image and high-quality header that’s consistent with your brand image and
include hashtags so you get found more easily. If you’re a local business, include your
location in your bio too.
6. Always include an image or video with every post as this will generate more interest. You
can get free royalty free images to use with your Twitter posts from If you want
to caption your images or make promotional graphics that are sized perfectly for Twitter,
you can use tools like Canva or Crello, to create appealing posts.

Podcast Marketing
Podcasts are popular and their appeal is growing, so if you have the time, it’s worth creating one to
help spread the word about what you do. There are many free tools that will allow you to set up,
record, and publish a podcast fast, but before you get going there are some basic guidelines you
should follow, so you get the most out of your efforts.

Eight easy steps to get started with podcasting:

● Decide why you want to podcast - Is it to develop connections, raise your profile, or get
more sales? Maybe you want to monetize your podcasts and turn them into a second income

● Select a theme – You can podcast about almost anything but if your goal is to promote, you
must make sure your podcast is relevant to your brand. It also needs to hold your target audience’s
interest, so do your market research to discover what your listeners want to learn about, so you can
create content they’ll listen to.

● Choose the type of podcast – Do you want to make multiple podcasts, or will you be
creating occasional or even one-off episodes? Remember, you’ll have better results and a larger
audience of listeners the more you post. You also need to decide what types of podcast you’ll be
putting out. Will your podcast be news based or will you be interviewing relevant industry figures?
Do you want to publish discussions, or tutorials where you share insights and strategies?

● Pick a name – Your podcast name is crucial, as it will attract listeners or switch them off, so
make it short and highly relevant to your brand. Whatever title you pick, it needs to clearly
communicate what your podcast is all about. If you’re serious about growing your podcast audience,
you should also get a website with a that matches your podcast name.

● Plan your recordings in advance – Once you’ve decided how often you want to publish
episodes, you need to plan your content. Sit down and script out the first few episodes, starting by
making bullet points of the most important things you want to cover. After that you can fill in the
details, so you’re well prepped in advance. Doing this will make your podcast sound smooth and
seamless, as well as much more professional. Remember to schedule your podcast episodes into
your content plan, alongside all your other promotional efforts, so you can integrate your podcasting
into your marketing strategy.

● Get your kit ready– You don’t an expensive rig to record a high-quality podcast, as now you
can easily record high quality episodes using your smartphone or tablet. If you’re using a desktop,
invest in a microphone, and minimise rebound by placing duvets, or thick rugs on the floor.

● Record and Edit – Record your podcast and play it back so you can see what needs cutting
and what you want to keep, then edit it so it’s polished to perfection before you hit publish. You can
use free tools like Audacity and Anchor to perfect your podcast and add in special effects.

● Upload and Host - Once you’ve recorded your podcast, you need to upload it to a podcast
hosting platform, so it can get assigned an RSS feed and be picked up by podcast apps. Some
podcast editing and recording platforms have hosting included, like Anchor, but if yours doesn’t, you
can sign up for an account on a podcasting platform. There are a wide variety of choices, but Buzz
Sprout or Transistor are particularly good.

Chatbot Marketing
Value Proposition

Chatbots can help you cut down on marketing costs but before you create one, you need to decide
what you want to achieve.

 Do you need an e-commerce bot to guide customers through the purchasing process or
answer product queries?
 Do you want a booking bot, that helps customers schedule online or offline events and pay
for tickets?
 Maybe you need a bot that gives stock updates or other useful information?
 Will your bot be promoting your products or special offers, discounts, or campaigns?

As soon as you decide why you want to build your bot, you should break down its specifics.

• The main problem your bot will help solve

• How it will do this – what value it provides

• Your bot’s features - and how they will help your business save time, money, or reach more

• How you can optimise the performance of your bot – what does it need to get information
fast and work smoothly?

You also need to consider your bot’s main users:

• Who will be using your bot?

• Are they business or consumer users?

• What demographic do they come from?

• Where do they live?

• What are their interests? What values are important to them?

Your value proposition will be centred around the answers to these questions, and this is what
should guide your bot’s creation and configuration.


The type of language your bot uses is critical, as it needs to sound natural, and use dialogue that will
be familiar to users. As well as choosing the right language, you also need to consider how your
customers speak, and program your bot so that it fits well with this.

Tooling – Third Party platforms

ChatBot Canvas

Chatbot Canvas is a bot planning platform that lets you lay out your chatbot design and go in depth
on the detail. It uses colour coded grids to help you plan out your bot, and gives question prompts
that aid you in defining specifics and brainstorming.

FeedYou Designer

FeedYou Designer is a cloud-based platform that lets you build a bot from scratch using AI, without
any coding knowledge. It’s a great platform to use if you want a bot that talks naturally, as it allows
you to auto-create conversation from inputted specifics you define.

Mobile Monkey

Mobile Monkey is a free Facebook Messenger bot building tool that uses a visual interface and
requires no coding experience. It provides a wide range of customisation abilities, so you can create
almost any type of Messenger bot, and includes Chatbot Templates, Custom Attributes, Q&A
Triggers, and Live Chat Takeover options.


The channel you roll out your bot on will depend on the type of bot you build, as well as who its
primary users will be, and what you need it to do.

You can deploy bots on Facebook Messenger, Skype, Slack, WhatsApp, or Viber, or you can integrate
them with AI using Google Assistant. You can also use bots to respond to Telegram or Twitter DM’s,
so when people message you, they receive a response.

You can build and deploy SMS bots that promote, take bookings, or answer questions, or voice bots
for mobile and landline phones. Email chatbots can be useful too, as they cut down on your
marketing team’s work by automating your campaigns.

Google Ads
Google allows you to run four types of Ads on their platform:

● Search ads – Text-based ads that get displayed along with organic results when people use
Google search.
● Display ads - Image-focused Ads, that appear on websites in the Google Display Network.

● Video ads – These are 6-15 Second long Ads that get displayed on YouTube.

● Google Shopping Ads – Lets you integrate targeting and retargeting techniques by displaying
multiple products from your catalogue, to a predefined interested market sector.

Top tips for succeeding with Google Ads

Hone your keyword range

Don’t use broad or generic keywords to cast as wide a net as possible in your Google Ads. Instead,
use tools like the Google Ads Keyword Planner to search for niche keywords that focus precisely on
your target audience, yet still deliver a high number of clicks. Make sure you choose keywords that
are relevant to your ad content, as this is key to generating a good response rate with Google Ads.

Check your Ad copy

Your keywords might be getting hits, but it doesn’t stop and end there. If your ads aren’t converting,
it might be because of your ad’s body copy, as this needs to reflect what your audience is searching
for. Don’t just stuff your ad with popular words and phrases, conduct market research to find out
what your customers want, and make sure your copy echoes this.

Use copy that creates emotion

Inspire potential customers and get them excited about your product or service with power words
and emotive phrases that intrigue or provoke desire. If you can invoke strong feelings in your
audience, whether that be fear, worry, or longing AND position your product as a solution to their
problem, you’ll up your conversion rate and make many more sales with Google Ads.

Refine your copy with machine learning

Google allows you to use machine learning to test out your phrases and titles so you can find the
optimum combination using smart AI. This is helpful, as it’s often impossible to predict what exact
sentences will bring the best response. Use this feature to try out a variety of different phrases,
titles, and taglines, so you can optimise your campaigns and get maximum ROI from your Google Ads

Target your market

Google Ads aren’t just about keywords, they also allow you to precisely define detailed demographic
and social data. You can choose to target higher income groups of customers or show your ads
during a particular time of day. Google can also display your ads on YouTube channels and videos
that are highly relevant to your niche – and all you need to do is simply fill in the URLs. Google Ad
Manager has a very intuitive layout for display Ads creation and is an extremely useful tool you can
use to automate your Ad campaigns. It can feed images directly from your Facebook Business page
and can help you create dynamic video banners in minutes, making the process of Ad creation and
setup much easier.

Improve your Google PPC quality score

If you want to do well with Google Ads, you need to pay attention to Google’s PPC Quality Score
(QS), as this is the system that decides where your ad ranks. The QS system considers your expected
clickthrough rate when it scores you, but it also looks at your keywords and how relevant they are to
your ads. To score highly, your landing page and ad content must be closely related to the keywords
you’ve chosen.

Let’s look at the 4 main components of the PPC Quality Score system in a little more details:

● Quality Score – This is Google’s assessment of how relevant your ads, keywords, and landing
page will be to the targeted audience you’ve chosen for your Google Ad campaign

● Landing page experience – This looks at how useful your landing page will be to a
predefined set of browsers who view your Google Ad and click through to your URL.

● Ad relevance – This part of the QS system assesses how closely your keyword matches the
primary message in your ad copy.

● Expected clickthrough rate (CTR)- Google scores your ad according to how likely and how
often it will be clicked, when it is shown to your target audience. This part of the QS score is based
on the past performance of your Google Ads.

Four top tricks to improve your Google PPC Quality Score:

 Spend time discovering high-performing keywords that your target audience is searching for,
and use them in your ad header and title, as well as on your landing page. You need to
quickly let browsers know your ad is relevant to their search.
 Optimise your landing page and make it more relevant to your Google Ad click throughs by
using groups of related keywords, instead of single one-word keywords. “Organic Dorset
Produce” works better than “organic” or “Dorset”, for example.
 Don’t just tweak your copywriting, choose appealing images that are highly relevant to your
Google Ad too. The visual you select should be consistent with all your other marketing and
branding, and especially to the page you’ll be directing people to.
 Experiment. Make different versions of your Google Ads, so you can test them on your
audience and see which ones perform better. You can track the performance of your Google
Ads in your Campaigns Dashboard. Doing this allows you to create niche ads that focus on
one aspect, and is a more effective way of marketing the same product to different types of
people, than just running the same generic Ad.

Google has an intuitive system that over time shows you how you can improve your campaigns and
ads set up. You can use machine learning to optimise costs and further refine your results. Utilising
the benefits of Google’s intuitive AI in this way helps you boost your search optimisation score and
cut down on time, as you can go through all possible combinations faster to find the best versions of
your campaigns, that will generate the highest response.

To optimise the efficiency of your Google Ads, you need to understand three key terms.
Broad Match - This is a keyword option that allows your ad to be displayed whenever someone
searches for that keyword, variations of it, or other related topics. For example, the broad match
keyword “bicycle bell” will cause your ad to be displayed if someone searches for terms like cycling
accessories, blue bicycle helmets, and bell reviews for bikes.

Phrase Match – Phrase Match allows you to show your ad to customers who search for your exact
keyword, as well as closely related variants, including with additional words added before or after.
Phrase match is more targeted than Broad Match, but offers more flexibility than Exact Match,
another key Google Ads term you should become familiar with. Phrase Match gives you more
control over how closely your keyword must match someone else’s search term, allowing you to
choose when your ad will be displayed.

Exact Match – Exact Match allows you to display your Google Ad to people searching for your exact
keyword, as well as people searching for similar versions of your keywords. With Exact Match, close
variants include searches for keywords that have the same meaning as exact match keywords,
regardless of spelling or grammar.

For example, if you are selling running shoes and someone is searching for running shoes, or shoes
for running, your ad will be displayed both times, as they are looking for the same thing. Exact
Match saves you a lot of time, as close variants of exact match keywords help you connect with
more people who will be interested in your brand. This reduces the need to build an extensive list of
keywords. Exact Match gives you a lot of control over who sees your ad, which can result in a higher
CTR (Clickthrough rate).

Google Merchant Centre (Google Shopping)

Google Merchant Centre is a helpful set of tools that let you quickly upload and update product
information, so it can be displayed in all related Google Shopping Searches. Using Merchant Centre,
you can update pricing, images, and text, as well as add or delete products from your catalogue.
Merchant Centre helps you efficiently manage all the products you’ll be marketing using Google
Shopping and it offers full integration with Google My Business. It’s basically a one-stop shop for all
your Google-based marketing and ecommerce.

Get started with Merchant Centre

To get approved for a Merchant Centre Account, you must have:

 A Google Account
 A website and business verified by Google My Business
 An e-commerce platform that can sync data with Google Merchant Centre

Once you’ve been approved, you can start uploading your products, but make sure to use a format
Google accepts, like a TXT or XML file. You need to include ALL relevant product information,
including pricing, product details, product availability, and shipping. In the Google Ad section of this
course, you’ll find detailed explainer videos, where we show you how to set up and connect the
Google Merchant Centre with Google Ads Manager.

Other key features of Merchant Centre

Google AdWords integration – You can link the products you have uploaded to the Google
Merchant Centre to specific Google AdWords, helping you to integrate, tweak, and track your
Google-wide campaigns.

Remarketing and Retargeting - Merchant Centre lets you deploy remarketing and retargeting
techniques to specific audiences on the Google and YouTube network. You can use these to hook in
previous visitors to your website or remind browsers who’ve already displayed an interest in your

Google Analytics support - If you use Google Analytics, you can add Custom Segments for your
Google Merchant Centre hits, so you can keep track of these stats separately. Doing this will help
you see which of your products are doing well on Google, and who is purchasing.

Product review integration – If you’ve received public product reviews, Google Merchant
automatically integrates these in your product listing, and gives top placement to your 4.5 and 5-star

Google Local Search integration – Merchant Centre lets you to include your geo-location in your
listing, which is helpful if you have a local business, as it allows you to give physical directions to
potential customers in your area.

Google Tag Manager & Google Analytics

Superfast 6-step guide to Google Analytics
1. Sign up and associate your website. To get Google Analytics working on your site, first sign
up and create an account, then select the websites you want to monitor. After that, tell
Google where your Analytics Data can be shared and receive your tracking code.
2. Install your tracking code. Once you have your code, you need to install it on every page of
your website. If you have a WordPress Site in your own domain, you can Google plugin. This
plugin is very easy to use, and it allows you to use all Google service on 1 place. It includes
Google Analytics as well as Google Search Console. Just install Google Site Kit Plugin on your
WordPress website. This lets you instantly enable advanced Google Analytics tracking
features and offers a Google Analytics Dashboard for WordPress. You can see actionable
analytics reports from your WordPress dashboard and can monitor and track your website
traffic and performance. It will also immediately give advices about improving your site
performance and speed performance.
3. Turn on the Goals Setting. You can locate this by clicking the Admin link at the top of
Google Analytics, then selecting Goals in your website's View column. Activating Goals will
let Google Analytics know when a notable action has been made on your website, like when
someone signs up or subscribes.
4. Set up site Search. If your website has a search bar, activating site search in Analytics will let
you access valuable insights, so you can see what visitors are searching for on your site.
This can help you tweak your site to make it easier for people to access information they
need and can give you ideas for new products to include, or topics for your content
marketing schedule.
5. Track your progress with Compare. Compare is a helpful tracking tool and you can locate it
in the Audience Overview. It gives you an instant insight into your month-on-month
performance, so you can see how much your traffic is growing or identify drops in visitors.
6. Simplify your reports. Google Analytics can be overwhelming at first, but you can make
your data reports easier to understand with free tools like Quill Engage. Quill Engage lets you
add up to ten website profiles and gives a concise, clear snapshot of your Analytics data, so
you can quickly see how you’re doing.

Google Tag Manager

Tags are tracking codes or JavaScript snippets that relay information to third party sites, like Google.

If you’re using Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager is a useful add on, as it lets you automatically
update your tracking code, along with other Google tags on your website. It also speeds up your site
if you have Analytics installed.

Too many different codes from third parties can have a detrimental effect on your website’s
performance, and page loading speed, which can lower your search engine ranking. By installing Tag
Manager, you can sidestep this downside while benefiting from the many insights that different
codes from third parties provide.

Tag Manager also lets you automatically track more types of clicks than Google Analytics does alone,
unless you activate event tracking, which can be tricky. Install Tag Manager, and you’ll be able to
track File downloads and embedded video views, without having to fiddle around.

Once you’ve got Google Tag Manager up and running on your site, you can add new tags into Tag
Manager to swiftly set up file download and video view tracking.

To set up automatic Event Tracking in Tag Manage, you need to create a tag, and then assign a
trigger in Google Tag Manager. When you’ve done this, you can see when and how often your site
visitors perform certain actions, in the Analytics Dashboard.

You can deploy different kinds of tracking codes on your site with Tag Manager, including Google
Analytics code and Facebook Pixel code, so it’s a helpful addition to your toolset, if you want to
monitor what your traffic is doing.

Heat Maps
A Heat Map gives you a visual insight into your visitor’s behaviour and is a great way to monitor and
analyse your website, so you know how to improve it. You can use Heat Map tools like Crazy Egg or
Hot Jar to view your site’s statistical data in Heat Map form, and learn where people are clicking,
how long they spend on your content, and what type of content they prefer. You can also see where
they click, and what actions they take when they’re on your website – all in one image.

Heat Maps let you discover the weak points of your website and show you what’s working well.
They can also show you where people are finding it hard to navigate, so you can optimise your site
to make it easier for people to browse.

Using Heat Maps to optimise your site like this will help you drive conversions and will encourage
your visitors to engage more with your website, and spend a longer time browsing.
Three useful ways you can use Heat Maps:
Content Marketing - Scroll Maps are Heat Maps which let you see how far down your page users
scroll, letting you know how much of your content they're reading. You can use them to track how
engaging your blog, sales copy, and other content is, and can combine them with Click Maps, to
identify your highest converting content.

Website Optimisation - Heat Maps can be a useful tool if you’re looking to make your site more
appealing. Try running a map before your redesign, then after, to collect user stats and compare
them. If you’re new site isn’t performing better than your old one, identify weak areas, and
improve, then run another map to check the results.

Experimentation – You can also use Heat Maps to try out different versions of your website, landing
or home page, so you can see which one performs the best, by viewing what your visitors do
differently. Try experimenting with tiny tweaks like shifting your Subscribe, or Add to Cart button, or
test different versions of your landing page to see which one converts better.

We really hope you enjoyed this guide to the fundamentals of Digital

Marketing. The aim of this video was to give you a quick, clear overview, so
you can understand the basics of Digital Marketing – fast.
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insight. After that we will progress into practical screen recordings as well as
in-depth over the shoulder and face to face explanations.
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