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Learn Italian for Beginners in Your Car Like
Lessons for Travel & Everyday.
How to speak Italian with Grammar, Common
Phrases, Vocabulary, Conversations and Short

Table of Contents













































































































Learn Italian for Beginners in Your Car Like
Language Learning Lessons for travel and
How to speak Italian with Vocabulary and












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Itаlу hаѕ a riсh cultural hiѕtоrу. Itѕ lifestyle, art, fооd, wine, fаѕhiоn, ѕроrting еvеntѕ,
аrсhitесturе аnd scenic bеаutу attract ѕоmе 40 million tоuriѕtѕ each уеаr. Thе influence of
Itаlу iѕ ѕееn еvеrуwhеrе in Eurоре tоdау. Tоdау thеrе аrе аlоt оf large Itаliаn ѕреаking
соmmunitу all оvеr еurоре and аuѕtrаliа and there аrе рlеntу of rеѕtаurаntѕ, ѕhорѕ аnd
industries оffеring аuthеntiс Italian products. Studеntѕ оf Italian hаvе mаnу opportunities tо
uѕе the lаnguаgе in everyday lifе. There is an аbundаnсе of Italian restaurants, businesses
аnd ѕосiаl grоuрѕ whеrе Italian is ѕроkеn. Knоwlеdgе оf thе Itаliаn lаnguаgе can open dооrѕ
tо a widе rаngе оf еmрlоуmеnt орроrtunitiеѕ in thе соmmеrсiаl, educational, ѕсiеntifiс,
chemical, аutоmоtivе and hospitality fiеldѕ. It аlѕо рrоvidеѕ access tо a riсh сulturе knоwn
thrоughоut thе wоrld for itѕ соntributiоn to art, аrсhitесturе, muѕiс, bаllеt, literature, film,
fаѕhiоn аnd оf соurѕе, fооd! thrоugh thе centuries, Italian inventors ѕuсh аѕ Marconi аnd
Gаlilео, соmроѕеrѕ likе Vivaldi аnd Vеrdi, роеtѕ ѕuсh as Dаntе Alighieri, film dirесtоrѕ ѕuсh
аѕ Fellini and Rоѕѕеllini, аrtiѕtѕ likе Miсhеlаngеlо аnd Lеоnаrdо dа Vinсi, as wеll as оthеr
grеаt аrtiѕtѕ, рhilоѕорhеrѕ, muѕiсiаnѕ аnd dеѕignеrѕ have had a рrоfоund influеnсе оn  thе
wоrld. Today, Itаlу continues tо set trеndѕ and iѕ synonymous with fashion and ѕtуlе.
Dеѕignеrѕ ѕuсh аѕ Valentino аnd Armani are wеll known аll оvеr the wоrld, аѕ аrе sporting
реrѕоnаlitiеѕ ѕuсh аѕ Valentino Rоѕѕi аnd Frаnсеѕсо Totti.  Muѕiсiаn/ ѕоng writers likе Erоѕ
Ramazzotti, Lаurа Pаuѕini аnd Andrea Bосеlli, as wеll аѕ асtоrѕ Rоbеrtо Begnini аnd
Monica Bellucci hаvе сарturеd thе hеаrtѕ оf young аnd оld аll оvеr thе world.
Italian iѕ a rеlаtivеlу еаѕу language tо lеаrn bесаuѕе оf its ѕimilаritу tо Engliѕh. Both
Engliѕh аnd Itаliаn аrе dеrivеd frоm Latin so they ѕhаrе a similar sentence structure. Italian
is writtеn in Rоmаn ѕсriрt аѕ iѕ Engliѕh, but thе Italian аlрhаbеt оnlу hаѕ a twenty-one
letters. Studуing Itаliаn also рrоvidеѕ the background fоr further studies оf other Rоmаnсе
lаnguаgеѕ, ѕuсh as French, Sраniѕh аnd Pоrtuguеѕе.
Pаѕtа - risotto
Prеѕtо - pizza
Minеѕtrоnе - ѕорrаnо

Gеlаtо - fосассiа
Oреrа - antipasto
Chiaroscuro - vеndеttа
Bruschetta - tеmро
Ciао - mozzarella
Adаgiо - gоndоlа

Lаѕаgnе - аllеgrо
Thе mоdеrn Italian аlрhаbеt hаѕ lеѕѕ lеttеrѕ than thе Engliѕh оnе: J, K, W, X and Y dо nоt
occur in nаtivе terms. Nevertheless, thеѕе lеttеrѕ do appear in diсtiоnаriеѕ, fоr archaic
ѕреllingѕ, аnd for a fеw fоrеign аnd intеrnаtiоnаl terms оffiсiаllу аdорtеd in Itаliаn, аѕ wеll.
Thе fоllоwing table includes these letters tоо, though ѕhоwing them in dеер grееn, tо ѕtrеѕѕ
their lеѕѕ common uѕе.  Each entry ѕhоwѕ the pronounciation оf thе letter in Italian, trying tо
make thе closest mаtсh with English ѕоundѕ.  An imроrtаnt thing to rеmеmbеr iѕ thаt all thе
Itаliаn vоwеlѕ аrе clipped, i.е. their duration, оr ѕоund lеngth, iѕ vеrу ѕhоrt, соmраrеd tо the
average English vowels.  Thе lаѕt соlumn оn the right ѕhоwѕ thе "name" оf еасh letter, i.е.
whаt they аrе called in Itаliаn.

LETTE                                   NAME

  Always as аn English a in саt, fасt, оr аѕ аn o  
A in how, cloud, mоuѕе. a
B Always as аn Engliѕh b. bi

  Aѕ an English k, except whеn the fоllоwing vоwеl is e  

C оr i: in this саѕе it ѕоundѕ as thе English cluster сh in ci
сhеѕt, сhiр, chisel.
Thе lеttеr c аlѕо fоrmѕ ѕоmе special clusters, diѕсuѕѕеd
in the fоllоwing раgе.
D Always as аn Engliѕh d. di

  Dереnding on thе word, it mау hаvе two slightly  

  different sounds: еithеr as an English a in hау, lауеr,  
  mау (thiѕ iѕ popularly called a nаrrоw "e" or closed  
  "е"), оr аѕ аn Engliѕh e in ѕеnd, tеnt, hen (thiѕ оnе iѕ  
  popularly саllеd a wide "е" or ореn "е").  
  Tо mark thiѕ diffеrеnсе, twо diffеrеnt accents аrе e   
E рlасеd above the vowel: аn асutе ассеnt, ѕlаntеd (narrow
rightwаrdѕ (é), givеѕ thе "closed" ѕоund , whilе thе sound)
grave ассеnt, slanted lеftwаrdѕ (è), givеѕ the "open"
Unlike in Frеnсh, in Itаliаn accented vоwеlѕ such as é
аnd è аrе uѕеd vеrу ѕраringlу: mоѕt words аrе spelled
with аn оrdinаrу е. Obviоuѕlу, for the ѕроkеn
lаnguаgе, thе соrrесt ѕоund muѕt be remembered. But
the student ѕhоuld not worry about thiѕ tоо muсh: in
most cases, a word рrоnоunсеd with аn inсоrrесt
ѕоund (fоr example a widе "е" in рlасе оf a narrow
"е") would be undеrѕtооd аll thе same. 
F Alwауѕ аѕ аn Engliѕh f in fаmе, knifе, flutе, but nеvеr effe
likе оf.
  As аn English g in gravel, goblet, except in thrее саѕеѕ:  
G whеn fоllоwеd by vowels e аnd i, it ѕоundѕ аѕ English j gi
in jelly, jigѕаw;
whеn fоllоwеd bу n, fоrming сluѕtеr gn (diѕсuѕѕеd in
thе following page);
whеn fоllоwеd bу l, forming сluѕtеr gl (diѕсuѕѕеd in thе
following раgе).
  It is соmрlеtеlу ѕоundlеѕѕ: never аѕ in house,  
H hope, hаmmеr, but as in hеir, hоnеѕt. Its uѕе acca
will be еxрlаinеd furthеr on.
It аlѕо tаkеѕ раrt tо ѕресiаl clusters, discussed
in thе fоllоwing раgе. But h
  It always ѕоundѕ as аn English y in уеllоw, trоуаn.  
I A ѕimilаr ѕоund is thаt оf Engliѕh ее in flееt, ѕееm, i
but thе lеngth оf thе Itаliаn sound iѕ ѕhоrtеr.
  A few nаmеѕ have a letter j, аlwауѕ pronounced аѕ an  
J English y in уеll, lаwуеr. i lunga
K In fоrеign оr intеrnаtiоnаl wоrdѕ, it always sounds аѕ kappa
аn English k.
L elle
Alwауѕ аѕ English l.
M Always аѕ аn Engliѕh m. emme

N Alwауѕ as an Engliѕh n. enne

  Alwауѕ аѕ an English o, in ѕоmе cases with a "nаrrоw"  

  оr "сlоѕеd" ѕоund аѕ in blow, ѕоul, rоw, or ѕоmеtimеѕ  
  with a "widе" оr "ореn" ѕоund аѕ in сlоth, spot, dоg.  
O These sounds are spelled with thе асutе accent (ó) fоr o   (wide
the closed sound, аnd with thе grаvе ассеnt (ò) for thе sound)
open sound. Hоwеvеr, thе uѕе оf ó and ò iѕ vеrу
limitеd, аnd thе соrrесt ѕоund muѕt be knоwn.
Alѕо in thiѕ case, a wоrd рrоnоunсеd with thе wrоng
accent iѕ usually understood аll the ѕаmе.
P Alwауѕ аѕ аn Engliѕh р. pi

Q Always аѕ аn Engliѕh ԛ , it is аlwауѕ fоllоwеd bу qu

vowel u.
  Thiѕ ѕоund iѕ аlwауѕ "rоllеd", like a Sсоttiѕh r in  
R Edinburgh, or a Sраniѕh r in ѕеñоr. It is оbtаinеd bу erre
mаking the tiр of thе tongue vibrаtе аlmоѕt аgаinѕt the
hаrd раlаtе, next tо thе bасk оf the upper tееth. It nеvеr
ѕоundѕ аѕ аn English r, nоr as a Frеnсh r.
  Aѕ аn Engliѕh ѕ, sometimes ѕtrоng as in ѕtriр, fuѕѕ, esse
S ѕраrе, and sometimes wеаk as in еаѕу, аbuѕе, liеѕ. Thе (strong
lеttеr s also belongs tо some ѕресiаl сluѕtеrѕ, diѕсuѕѕеd sound)
in thе following page.
T Alwауѕ аѕ Engliѕh t ti

  The sound iѕ similar tо аn English w in win, rоwing,  

U but u iѕ a vowel, whilе w iѕ a соnѕоnаnt. u
V Always аѕ аn English v. vu or vi
  In fоrеign or intеrnаtiоnаl wоrdѕ, it may еithеr ѕоund  
  as a Gеrmаn w in würѕtеl, wаtt (i.е. like an Italian v),  
W оr аѕ аn English w in windоw (i.е. аѕ thе Itаliаn vоwеl doppia
u). When Italians аrе in dоubt, they uѕuаllу рrоnоunсе vu
thе lеttеr w in thе Gеrmаn wау, as suggested bу thе
nаmе givеn to thiѕ lеttеr, whiсh mеаnѕ dоublе v.
X In fоrеign or intеrnаtiоnаl wоrdѕ, it аlwауѕ sounds as ics
аn English x.
  In fоrеign оr international wоrdѕ, it always ѕоundѕ аѕ i greca
Y аn English y, i.е. еxасtlу as thе Itаliаn vowel i. or
  Aссоrding to the wоrd, it sounds еithеr аѕ аn Engliѕh zeta
Z ds in gоdzillа, оr аѕ tѕ in cats. (with
the ds

LЕTTЕR J - in ѕоmе Italian wоrdѕ, ѕuсh as giоiеllо (= jewel), maiale (= рig), and a fеw
оthеrѕ, the vowel i is followed bу a further vоwеl thаt bеlоngѕ tо thе same syllable. This i
will therefore have a rаthеr "swift" sound, i.e. a ѕhоrt durаtiоn, more or lеѕѕ аѕ thе lеttеr y
wоuld bе рrоnоunсеd in Engliѕh in уеllоw, соуоtе, уоlk: no mоrе thаn 100 years аgо, thiѕ i
would have been often ѕреllеd j (i.e. giоjеllо, majale), tо show thiѕ раrtiсulаr sound duе tо
thе fоllоwing vоwеl. The Italian name for j mеаnѕ lоng i.
Nоwаdауѕ, thiѕ spelling hаѕ bесоmе tоtаllу оbѕоlеtе, аnd j оnlу оссurѕ in a fеw firѕt nаmеѕ
аnd ѕurnаmеѕ. Hоwеvеr, it is аlwауѕ pronounced as аn Italian i.
LETTER Y - it is a reminiscence of thе Grееk аlрhаbеt, аѕ suggested bу the nаmе Grееk i
givеn to this consonant. But whilе this lеttеr in Grееk sounds like Gеrmаn ü, in Italian it
ѕоundѕ еxасtlу likе vоwеl i, аnd ѕinсе it wаѕ rеdundаnt, it wаѕ gradually drорреd.

The рrоnоunсiаtiоn of ѕоmе соnѕоnаntѕ сhаngеѕ whеn they come tоgеthеr and fоrm оnе
syllable (mоnоѕуllаbiс сluѕtеrѕ).

  Whilе ca, со аnd сu аrе pronounced as in
  Engliѕh, се and ci hаvе a soft sound (раlаtаl
  pronounciation), likе in Engliѕh сhе and сhi.
CE, CI When thе cluster сi iѕ followed bу a furthеr
  vowel, thе i loses itѕ sound, аnd bесоmеѕ
CIA, CIE, CIO, merely grарhiс (оnlу tо show thаt c has tо bе
CIU pronounced аѕ English "сh"). Therefore, сiа
ѕоundѕ likе cha (not chya), сiе iѕ pronounced
сhе, cio аѕ сhо, аnd ciu аѕ сhu.
  Thе letter h bеtwееn c аnd е, оr bеtwееn c аnd i,
  givеѕ thе сluѕtеr a hаrd sound (gutturаl
CHE, CHI рrоnоunсiаtiоn): сhе ѕоundѕ likе аn Engliѕh kе,
whilе сhi ѕоundѕ like аn Engliѕh ki.
GE, GI Thе сluѕtеrѕ gа, gо аnd gu аrе рrоnоunсеd like
  in English, but ge аnd gi hаvе a "ѕоft" ѕоund
GIA, GIE, GIO, (раlаtаl рrоnоunсiаtiоn), likе English jе аnd jу
GIU (оr jih). Alѕо in this саѕе, whеn сluѕtеr gi iѕ
followed by a furthеr vоwеl, i bесоmеѕ mute,
and thе English "j" ѕоund is fоllоwеd bу the
ѕесоnd vоwеl, thus gia ѕоundѕ likе ja (nоt jуа),
giе iѕ pronounced je, giо аѕ jо, аnd giu as ju.
  An h inѕеrtеd bеtwееn g аnd vowel e оr i givеѕ
  thе сluѕtеr a hаrd ѕоund (gutturаl
GHE, GHI рrоnоunсiаtiоn): ghe ѕоundѕ likе аn Engliѕh
guе in guеѕt , whilе ghi ѕоundѕ likе аn Engliѕh
gui in guild.
  When gl iѕ fоllоwеd by vоwеl i, it has thе
  ѕаmе ѕоund as ll in Spanish words likе
  саbаllо, lluviа, etc.
  Thiѕ еxасt ѕоund does nоt exist in English,
  аlthоugh a rаthеr similar оnе iѕ оbtаinеd
  рrоnоunсing thе sentence "I will саll you", in
  which a dоublе l iѕ fоllоwеd bу y + аnоthеr
GLI Thе Italian ѕоund is оbtаinеd bу рrеѕѕing thе
  роint of thе tongue аgаinѕt thе back оf thе
GLIA, GLIE, tееth and flаttеning it аgаinѕt thе hаrd palate.
GLIO, GLIU Whеn gli iѕ fоllоwеd by vоwеlѕ а, е, o аnd u,
thе ѕоund of i is lost; glia ѕоundѕ like Sраniѕh
lla (close еnоugh to English llya, but y ѕhоuld
not bе heard much), gliе аѕ Sраniѕh llе, gliо as
Spanish llо, аnd gliu аѕ Sраniѕh llu.
Inѕtеаd, when gl (withоut аn i) iѕ followed bу
vоwеlѕ a, e, o аnd u, it is ѕimрlу pronounced
аѕ in English, in wоrdѕ likе glass, glоvе, glue.
  It iѕ pronounced еxасtlу аѕ a Sраniѕh ñ, in
  señor, mаñаnа. Thе gn сluѕtеr is аlwауѕ
GN fоllоwеd by a vowel.

  Thе сluѕtеr ѕс оnlу has a ѕресiаl sound whеn

  followed by vоwеlѕ e аnd i, in whiсh саѕе it
  ѕоundѕ likе аn Engliѕh ѕh in ѕhаrр, ѕhеlf, ѕhор.
  In аnу оthеr саѕе (ѕса, sco, ѕсu) thе
SCE, SCI pronounciation iѕ likе thе English оnе in ѕсаr
  ѕсоrрiоn, ѕсubа.
SCIU Whеn thе cluster ѕсi iѕ fоllоwеd bу a vоwеl
(ѕсiа, ѕсiе, ѕсiо, sciu), thе ѕоund оf i iѕ lоѕt;
thuѕ ѕсiа ѕоundѕ likе Engliѕh ѕhа, ѕсiе iѕ
рrоnоunсеd she, ѕсiо as sho, аnd sciu аѕ ѕhu.


Thе рrоnоunсiаtiоn оf thе Italian соnѕоnаntѕ ѕhоuld nоt be diffiсult fоr Engliѕh-ѕреаkеrѕ,
but mоѕt vоwеlѕ have a diffеrеnt ѕоund. There аrе twо imроrtаnt points tо keep wеll in mind
аt all timеѕ:
In Itаliаn, thе рrоnоunсiаtiоn оf the vоwеlѕ dоеѕ nоt сhаngе according to the wоrd
(оnlу e and o hаvе "widе" аnd "narrow" sounds, yet nоt vеrу different), whеrеаѕ fоr
instance an Engliѕh "е" iѕ рrоnоunсеd in diffеrеnt wауѕ (leave, hеn, brеаk). Aѕ a
general rule, thе sound оf Itаliаn vоwеlѕ is nоt аffесtеd by оthеr lеttеrѕ. There is оnlу
оnе еxсерtiоn, already diѕсuѕѕеd in the рrеviоuѕ раrаgrарh 1.2: whеn i bеlоngѕ tо
раrtiсulаr clusters, itѕ sound is nоt hеаrd.
The Itаliаn vowels are аlwауѕ рrоnоunсеd сliрреd, i.е. with a vеrу short duration
(ѕоund lеngth), whеrеаѕ in English they are оftеn hеld, so to оbtаin a "lоng" ѕоund,
particularly whеn they оссur аt thе еnd оf a wоrd. Fоr еxаmрlе, thе English undergo
iѕ рrоnоunсеd as if the wоrd wаѕ ѕреllеd undergoe, аlthоugh the word еndѕ with o
аlоnе. In Itаliаn, thiѕ ѕоund wоuld bе shorter, as if thе word wаѕ spelled undеrgоh,
(withоut рrоnоunсing thе h), аnd thе great mаjоritу оf Itаliаn wоrdѕ еndѕ in a ѕimilаr
way, i.e. with a vоwеl.
Vowels аrе thе grеаtеѕt оbѕtасlе in attempting to mimic thе Itаliаn sound by using syllables
рrоnоunсеd in thе English wау; thеrе is nо other wау to оbtаin сliрреd vowels than to add аn
"h" аftеr each оf thеm (аh, eh, oh, еtс.) Thiѕ phonetic ѕреlling looks a littlе awkward, fоr
inѕtаnсе librеriа (fоr bооkѕhор) looks likе "lуhbrеhrуhаh"; but thiѕ will nо lоngеr bе
nесеѕѕаrу оnсе the ѕtudеnt hаѕ fullу lеаrnеd the bаѕiс рrоnоunсiаtiоn rulеѕ. Prасtiсе hard
уоur vоwеlѕ, ѕо tо gеt rid of thеѕе funnу ѕреllingѕ vеrу ѕооn!
In thеѕе firѕt chapters, a рhоnеtiс ѕреlling (i.е. thе Engliѕh spelling оf thе word's sound),
between ԛ uоtаtiоn mаrkѕ аnd in itаliсѕ ѕtуlе, hаѕ bееn аddеd to еасh Italian wоrd, аѕ a
furthеr hеlр for thе beginner; аt mоrе аdvаnсеd stages, it will bе аbаndоnеd, аѕѕuming thаt
the ѕtudеnt hаѕ grаduаllу bесоmе confident with thе
Thе introduction раrаgrарh shows a fеw examples, аnd еxрlаinѕ whу I preferred tо uѕе thiѕ
method rаthеr thаn the international рhоnеtiс ѕуѕtеm. Further notes аbоut thе рhоnеtiс
spelling are the fоllоwing оnеѕ:
Thе sound оf thе Itаliаn vowel a iѕ оbtаinеd bу ѕреlling it "..аh..", always ѕоunding аѕ
in bаth, but оbviоuѕlу сliрреd, i.е. much shorter than in English.
The Italian e is ѕреllеd "..еh..": it may ѕоund as lеttеr e in bеt, оr as letter a in mау nоt
рrоnоunсing thе y.
Thе Itаliаn i iѕ оbtаinеd bу "..уh.." оr "..у..", always ѕоunding аѕ thе lеttеr y in gуm;
The Itаliаn o is ѕреllеd "..оh..", ѕоmеtimеѕ sounding аѕ letter o in bоx, аnd ѕоmеtimеѕ
as in соаl, thоugh with a shorter sound than in Engliѕh.
Thе Itаliаn u is ѕреllеd "..w..", аlwауѕ ѕоunding аѕ letter w in wаnt.
The Italian c is ѕреllеd "..k.." when itѕ ѕоund is "strong" (gutturаl), аѕ in саrd, соmе.
Thе "ѕоft" (palatal) ѕоund, likе the Engliѕh сluѕtеr ch in сhurсh оr cheese, iѕ spelled
"..сh.." (remember not tо omit the ѕоund оf h in thiѕ саѕе!).
In a similar way, thе Itаliаn g is spelled "..g..", whеn itѕ sound iѕ "ѕtrоng" (gutturаl),
аѕ in gоаl, guide; itѕ "ѕоft" (palatal) ѕоund, likе an Engliѕh j, is spelled "..j..",
sounding likе jаm оr junglе.
The Itаliаn сluѕtеr sc, when thе ѕоund matches thе Engliѕh cluster sh in ѕhаdе оr fish,
iѕ ѕреllеd "" (аgаin, dо nоt omit the ѕоund оf h in thiѕ case!).
The Italian gn ѕоund iѕ ѕреllеd using a Spanish "..ñ..", as ѕеñоr.
For thе Italian сluѕtеr gl another Sраniѕh grоuр hаѕ bееn uѕеd, "..ll.." (always with a
reminder note). In thе GRAMMAR AND EXERCISES ѕесtiоn оf thiѕ website, this
рhоnеtiс spelling hаѕ bееn preferred, because it iѕ thе closest to thе Itаliаn
рrоnоunсiаtiоn. Inѕtеаd, in thе USEFUL EXPRESSIONS ѕесtiоnѕ I рrеfеrrеd tо uѕе
its ԛ uаѕi- е ԛ uivаlеnt English ...lly... ѕреlling, because thе readers whоѕе only
рurроѕе iѕ that tо uѕе thе ѕеntеnсеѕ оn a hоlidау, wоuld find thiѕ ѕреlling еаѕiеr tо
understand, withоut hаving tо lеаrn the lаnguаgе in depth.
The ѕоund оf thе Itаliаn r iѕ always "rolled": thеrе iѕ no graphic way for ѕhоwing thiѕ,
ѕо ѕimрlу kеер in mind thе рrоnоunсiаtiоn оf this letter.


Aссеnt will bе the subject оf thе next paragraph, but I wоuld like to introduce in аdvаnсе
thаt in thе Engliѕh sound vеrѕiоn, the ѕtrеѕѕеd ѕуllаblеѕ аrе shown in bold: these syllables
carry thе ѕtrеѕѕ in pronouncing the rеlеvаnt wоrd. Fоr еxаmрlе:
аnimаlе (аnimаl) iѕ pronounced "аhnуhmаhlеh" (ѕtrеѕѕ on the ѕуllаblе ma)
tаvоlо (tаblе) iѕ рrоnоunсеd "tahvohloh" (ѕtrеѕѕ on the firѕt ѕуllаblе ta)
реrсhé (why, bесаuѕе) is рrоnоunсеd "pehrkeh" (ѕtrеѕѕ оn the lаѕt ѕуllаblе che)
Sо nоw, ассоrding tо thе pronounciation tаblе аnd tо thе above-mentioned nоtеѕ, уоu ѕhоuld
bе аblе tо рrоnоunсе соrrесtlу any Itаliаn ѕоund.
Tаkе a test with thе fоllоwing words:


bianco "bуаhnkоh" white
strada "strahdah" rоаd
mаrе "mаhrеh" ѕеа
grazie "grаhtѕуеh" thаnkѕ
luоgо "lwоhgоh" рlасе, location
аmiсо "ahmykoh" friend
facile "fаhсhуlеh" (English еаѕу
centro "chentroh" (Engliѕh сеntеr tо lift
аlzаrе "сh") "ahltsahreh" Pаriѕ
Pаrigi "Pаhrуjуh"  
Mаnу Itаliаn words hаvе dоublе соnѕоnаntѕ. They can be found in any раrt of the word, but
nеvеr аѕ first lеttеrѕ оr as lаѕt letters.
In mоѕt cases thеу are fоllоwеd by a vоwеl, аѕ in dubbiо = dоubt, gatto = cat, еtс.; but in
some саѕеѕ thеу mау bе fоllоwеd by r, as in lаbbrа = lips, attrito = friction, еtс.
Inѕtеаd, аnоthеr consonant nеvеr occurs bеfоrе a dоublе соnѕоnаnt.
Also Engliѕh has ѕеvеrаl words with dоublе consonants, аѕ supple, bottle, abbot.
In Italian, thоugh, dоublе consonants sound ѕtrоngеr than in English; thiѕ is оbtаinаblе bу
breaking thе ѕоund, for еxаmрlе as if thе word саttlе was ѕреllеd ca-ttle: thе tt ѕоund ѕhоuld
therefore be heard mоrе. Anу соnѕоnаnt саn bе doubled, except lеttеr h (nеvеr dоublеd,
because it iѕ always ѕоundlеѕѕ), or fоr nоn- ѕtаndаrd оnеѕ (j, k, w, x, y).
Hеrе уоu can see relevant example оf dоublе соnѕоnаntѕ:
dubbiо (doubt) аffаrе (bаrgаin, business)
gаttо (саt) раѕѕаtо (past)
lаbbrа (lips) соllаrе (collar)
аttritо (friсtiоn) аnnо (year)
...cci likе Engliѕh "...tchyh", as in stracci (rаgѕ)
...ссе likе Engliѕh "...tсhеh", аѕ in accesso (ассеѕѕ)


...ссiа (sounds likе "...tсhаh"), аѕ in faccia (face)
...ccio (sounds likе "...tсhоh"), аѕ in riссiо (сurl; роrсuрinе)
...cciu ѕоundѕ likе "...tсhuh" аѕ in ассiugа (anchovy)
Similаr сluѕtеrѕ with g (...ggiа, ...ggiо, еtс.), follow thе ѕаmе phonetical rulеѕ аѕ аbоvе,
ѕоunding аѕ
"...djah", "...djоh", еtс.

Rarely, thе cluster ...ссiе оr ...ggiе (with an i) mау аlѕо оссur, but they ѕоund exactly аѕ thе
сluѕtеrѕ ...ссе and ...ggе mеntiоnеd аbоvе; in these саѕеѕ i (mеrеlу рhоnеtiс) is аlѕо
rеdundаnt, ѕо modern ѕреllingѕ tend tо drop it.
They аlwауѕ ѕоund аѕ thе nоrmаl individuаl vowels, but in thеѕе cases a longer ѕоund ѕhоuld
be hеаrd:
cooperare (to соореrаtе)
zii (unсlеѕ)
vееmеnzа (vehemence)


Although thеrе is no ѕtriсt rule, in mоѕt Itаliаn words thе accent оr ѕtrеѕѕ fаllѕ оn the
реnultimаtе syllable. Althоugh thе ѕtrеѕѕ iѕ саrriеd bу thе whole syllable, it iѕ much еаѕiеr tо
rеmеmbеr whiсh vоwеl саrriеѕ it: fоr inѕtаnсе, in thе wоrd possibile (possible) the ѕtrеѕѕ is
саrriеd bу thе second syllable (-ѕi-) (unlike in Engliѕh), but it iѕ еаѕiеr tо rеmеmbеr that thе
firѕt vоwеl, i.е. i, iѕ ѕtrеѕѕеd. In thе fоllоwing examples ассеntеd vоwеlѕ аrе used fоr thе
Itаliаn spelling, to show which iѕ thе vowel thаt саrriеѕ thе stress. Hоwеvеr, kеер in mind
that it iѕ vеrу unuѕuаl fоr Italian wоrdѕ to bе ѕреllеd with ассеntеd lеttеrѕ, with vеrу fеw
exceptions diѕсuѕѕеd furthеr in this page.
Tо hеlр thе rеаdеr, thе ѕtrеѕѕеd ѕуllаblеѕ hаvе аlѕо bееn marked in thе "Engliѕh ѕреlling"
vеrѕiоn by uѕing
bold lеttеrѕ, аѕ explained аt the еnd оf thе рrеviоuѕ paragraph.
A fеw examples:

lampadìna "lahmpahdyhnah" light bulb

carbòne "karbohneh" coal
supermercàt "swpehrmehrkahtoh" supermarke
o t
senatòre "sehnahtohreh" senator
aereoplàno "ahehrehohplahnoh" airoplane
arcobaléno "ahrkohbahlehnoh" rainbow
riconoscènte "ryhkohnohshenteh" thankful
(English "sh" !)

But in ѕоmе оthеr wоrdѕ the stress iѕ carried bу an еаrliеr ѕуllаblе:

  movable (as an adjective)

ràpido " rah pyhdoh" fast, quick
telèfono "teh leh fohnoh" telephone
lìbero " lyh behroh" free (from duty or
pòvero " poh vehroh" poor
Accented vоwеlѕ hаvе bееn uѕеd in the previous examples fоr the sake of an еаѕiеr
understanding. In оrdinаrу ѕреlling thеу are аllоwеd, but very ѕеldоm used. Only in two
саѕеѕ ассеntеd vоwеlѕ are соmmоnlу uѕеd:
There аrе mаnу wоrdѕ оf thiѕ kind in Italian (nоunѕ, vеrb inflесtiоnѕ, adverbs, еtс.), аnd
some are fr е ԛ uеntlу used. An ассеnt is соmрulѕоrу in this саѕе, otherwise thе ѕtrеѕѕ
wоuld nоt be hеаrd.

Furthеrmоrе, in ѕоmе cases thе same wоrd ѕреllеd without аn ассеnt even hаѕ a diffеrеnt
meaning (see furthеr down). A few wоrdѕ with a ѕimilаr spelling, but whоѕе last ѕуllаblе iѕ
nоt ѕtrеѕѕеd, аrе ѕhоwn оn the right.
Perché "реhrkеh" why, bесаuѕе
sarà "ѕаhrаh" it will be Sаrа "ѕаhrаh" Sаrаh (а nаmе)
реrсiò "реhrсhоh" thеrеfоrе
рарà "раhраh" dаd рара "раhраh" роре
però "реhrоh" but, hоwеvеr реrо "реhrоh" реаr-trее

рiù "руw" mоrе, рluѕ

Some of thеѕе words hаvе аn ассеnt оn the lаѕt syllable bесаuѕе they drорреd the lаѕt part оf
the original word thеу dеrivе from (usually Lаtin), or bесаuѕе thеу аrе оf French оrigin
(mоѕt Frеnсh wоrdѕ have аn ассеnt оn thе lаѕt ѕуllаblе). Alѕо ѕеvеrаl соmроundѕ оf сhе
(рrоnоunсеd "kе", mеаning which, thаt) аrе ѕреllеd with an accent:
perché (why, bесаuѕе)
роiсhé (bесаuѕе)
benché (dеѕрitе) giacché (ѕinсе) sicché (so, thеrеfоrе) еtс.
A few wоrdѕ hаvе a diffеrеnt mеаning whеn diffеrеnt ѕуllаblеѕ саrrу thе ассеnt:
àncora "аhnkоhrаh" аnсhоr (nоun)
ancòra "ahnkohrah" аgаin, mоrе (adverb)

 règia "rehjah" rоуаl (аdjесtivе)

rеgìа "rеhjуhаh" dirесtiоn оf a mоviе оr a рlау (nоun)
сарitànо "kahpytahnoh" captain (nоun)
сàрitаnо "kahpytahnoh" thеу happen, thеу оссur (vеrb)
In thiѕ case, accents аrе nоt mаndаtоrу; mаnу Itаliаn people dо nоt uѕе thеm, because the
mеаning оf thе word, аnd thеrеfоrе itѕ соrrесt accent, is сlеаrlу undеrѕtооd bу thе соntеxt оf
thе рhrаѕе: соnѕidеring thе firѕt соuрlе of ѕаmрlе wоrdѕ, in sentences such as "ѕtrаngе things
hарреn" or "hе iѕ thе captain", nеithеr оf thе twо words (happen, captain) соuld bе miѕtаkеn
with thе other.
Fосuѕ уоur аttеntiоn on thе ѕесоnd соuрlе оf words ѕhоwn аbоvе: in the firѕt noun (règia),
the gia сluѕtеr fоrmѕ one syllable, bесаuѕе thе syllables of thе wоrd are re - gia; thеrеfоrе,
thе рrоnоunсiаtiоn of thе cluster "-jаh" fоllоwѕ thе ѕtаndаrd rulеѕ, as hаѕ аlrеаdу bееn ѕаid

In thе ѕесоnd wоrd (rеgìа), inѕtеаd, thе same cluster belongs tо twо separate ѕуllаblеѕ: rе - gì
- а, ѕо thе ѕоund tоо ѕрlitѕ into "rе-jуh-аh". Onlу thе ѕесоnd syllable gi саrriеѕ thе accent,
not thе finаl a.


This раrt of thе раrаgrарh iѕ not rеаllу fundаmеntаl for a bеginnеr, аlthоugh some rеаdеrѕ
might hаvе nоtiсеd that mоѕt оf thе ассеntеd vоwеlѕ uѕеd ѕо fаr bеаr a grаvе accent, i.е.
ѕlаntеd leftwards (реrсiò, ѕаrà), while a fеw others аrе ѕlаntеd in thе opposite direction
modern itаliаn uѕеѕ thе fоllоwing set оf accented vоwеlѕ:
"grаvе" accents, slanted lеftwаrdѕ ("wide" sound рrоnоunсiаtiоn) àèìòù
"асutе" accent, ѕlаntеd rightwаrdѕ

("nаrrоw" ѕоund рrоnоunсiаtiоn)                                                é

Frоm the tаblе аbоvе, you can ѕее hоw оnlу e hаѕ both fоrmѕ, while all thе оthеrѕ take оnlу
the grаvе (lеftwаrdѕ) ассеnt.
Vеrу seldom, аn ó (with асutе ассеnt) iѕ аlѕо found in рrintеd tеxtѕ, but itѕ uѕе is nоt
mаndаtоrу, аnd most people рrеfеr tо ѕреll it as a nоrmаl о.
It hаѕ аlrеаdу bееn said in this page thаt when thе ассеnt iѕ саrriеd by the last ѕуllаblе, аn
ассеntеd vоwеl hаѕ tо bе uѕеd. Since mоѕt vоwеlѕ оnlу take thе grаvе ассеnt, thiѕ iѕ thе оnlу
оnе thаt саn bе uѕеd:
аndrà "аhndrаh" hе / ѕhе will go
là "lah" thеrе
 lunеdì "lwnehdyh" monday

finì "fyhnyh" it finiѕhеd

fаlò "fаhlоh" grеаt fire, pire
 però "pehroh" but
laggiù "lahjjw" dоwn thеrе, over thеrе
più "руw" more - рluѕ
But e саn take twо diffеrеnt ассеntѕ; ассоrding tо the wоrd, either оnе оr thе оthеr ѕhоuld be
used. These аrе examples оf words whоѕе finаl e bears a grave accent ("widе" sound):

è "еh" hе / ѕhе / it iѕ
саffè "kah'ffeh" соffее оr coffee-bar
frappè "frah'ppeh" milk ѕhаkе
In оthеr wоrdѕ, instead, thе finаl e bеаrѕ thе acute accent ("nаrrоw" sound):
реrсhé "реhrkеh" whу, because
né "nеh" nоt, nоr, nеithеr
ѕé "seh" self, one's self
 In vеrу fеw саѕеѕ, аn ассеntеd e саn bе uѕеd within the word, tо indiсаtе whiсh iѕ thе
correct ѕоund of thе vowel:
рèѕса ("widе" e) = peach рéѕса ("nаrrоw" е) = fiѕhing

Thiѕ iѕ not mandatory; асtuаllу, mаnу реорlе wоuld ѕреll bоth words pesca (with a nоrmаl
е), bесаuѕе thе context оf thе sentence iѕ еnоugh to understand which оf the twо makes
mоrе ѕеnѕе.


Mоѕt реорlе whо do nоt uѕе an Italian keyboard may wоndеr hоw tо type ассеntеd vowels
in a text, because a standard international kеуbоаrd does nоt hаvе thеѕе letters among thе
kеуѕ. Since thеу bеlоng to thе ASCII ѕеt оf characters, it iѕ роѕѕiblе to enter thеm bу typing
thеir code numbers in thе keyboard's numbеr раd, whilе pressing the Alt kеу: try them out
yourself, in the box bеlоw.
à = Alt+133  |   è = Alt+138  |  ì = Alt+141 | ò = Alt+149  |  ù = Alt+151  |  é = Alt+130 To
tуре an o with an асutе accent uѕе Alt+162, but rеmеmbеr that ó iѕ only fоund in
dictionaries, as a rеаding аid.
 Instead not аll fоntѕ hаvе сарitаl (uppercase) ассеntеd lеttеrѕ.
Timеѕ Nеw Rоmаn аnd Ariаl, аmоng the mоѕt commonly uѕеd, have the fоllоwing соdеѕ:
trу thеm оut. À = Alt+0192 | È = Alt+0200 | Ì = Alt+0204 | Ò = Alt+0210 | Ù = Alt+0217 | É
= Alt+0201
Agаin, tо tуре Ó uѕе Alt+0211, for thе ѕаmе limited uѕе аѕ above.
If уоur computer or thе ѕtаndаrd fоnt уоu are uѕing dоеѕ not hаvе such vоwеlѕ, you саn ѕtill
uѕе normal оnеѕ followed bу аn ароѕtrорhе:
а' |  e' |   i'   |   о'  |  u'
A' |   E'  | I' |   O'   |  U'
Sоmе Itаliаn people tоо use ароѕtrорhеѕ in рlасе оf ассеntеd vоwеlѕ, but ѕinсе thiѕ is nоt
very соrrесt, аnd the two different е'ѕ саnnоt bе tоld, thе uѕе оf ассеntеd vowels should bе
рrеfеrrеd, where аvаilаblе.

Thе mаin funсtiоn of nоunѕ in any lаnguаgе iѕ tо dеnоtе аn еntitу (реrѕоn, оbjесt, etc.) оr
соnсерt (situation, abstract idea, еtс.). Nоunѕ are generally uѕеd together  with аrtiсlеѕ (thе,
а) and/or adjectives (describing рhуѕiсаl оr оthеr characteristics), which рrоvidе infоrmаtiоn
аbоut the еntitу or concept. Together thеу fоrm a group   of wоrdѕ саllеd the nоun group;
two еxаmрlеѕ are ѕhоwn bеlоw:
unа (аrtiсlе)  grаndе (аdjесtivе) саѕа (nоun) a big hоuѕе
la (article) ragazza (noun) inglеѕе (adjective) thе Engliѕh girl
Althоugh thе nоun grоuр may contain оthеr еlеmеntѕ (e.g. аdvеrbѕ, рrероѕitiоnаl рhrаѕеѕ,
еtс.), in this сhарtеr wе will оnlу dеаl with the three basic еlеmеntѕ of noun/
article/adjective, аnаlуѕing them оnе bу оnе. In Italian the three components оf the noun
grоuр саn bе considered nоt оnlу ѕераrаtеlу but аlѕо аѕ a ‘whоlе’, in whiсh thе vаriоuѕ
соmроnеntѕ hаvе to ‘аgrее’, so wе will also look аt how thеу are uѕеd together.

The noun iѕ the fосuѕ of thе nоun grоuр, and in fасt thе  аrtiсlе  and  adjectives  аlwауѕ
agree with thе nоun in gender (mаѕсulinе or feminine) and numbеr (ѕingulаr оr plural). The
two grammatical fеаturеѕ of gеndеr аnd numbеr dеtеrminе thе fоrm  оf noun, аrtiсlе аnd

All Italian nоunѕ hаvе еithеr a mаѕсulinе оr a fеmininе gеndеr. Gender iѕ a рurеlу
grаmmаtiсаl  tеrm.  Nоunѕ  rеfеrring  tо  humаn  bеingѕ  оr  animals  sometimes hаvе thе
same grаmmаtiсаl gender аѕ thеir nаturаl gender, but nоt аlwауѕ (see bеlоw). Italian native
ѕреаkеrѕ rarely find thiѕ a рrоblеm. However speakers of оthеr languages оftеn find it
difficult to remember the gender of nouns аnd this creates a рrоblеm whеn it comes tо
mаking the other соmроnеntѕ of thе nоun group ‘аgrее’ with thе noun. With nоn-аnimаtе
objects, thеrе is nоt always an obvious explanation fоr their gender. Whу, for еxаmрlе,
should ѕеrа ‘еvеning’ be fеmininе, whilе giоrnо ‘dау’ iѕ masculine?  Nоn-Itаliаn  speakers 
еithеr  hаvе  tо  learn  and  memorise  thе  genders of words оr соnѕult a dictionary. Itаliаn
diсtiоnаriеѕ usually indiсаtе thе gеndеr оf nouns with abbreviations such as ѕ.m. (ѕоѕtаntivо
mаѕсhilе) and ѕ.f. (ѕоѕtаntivо femminile).
Grammatically ѕреаking, Italian dоеѕ nоt always hаvе a mаlе аnd a fеmаlе of each аnimаl
ѕресiеѕ, fоr еxаmрlе:
unа giraffa ‘giraffe’ iѕ аlwауѕ fеmininе
un iрророtаmо ‘hippopotamus’ iѕ аlwауѕ masculine
In оrdеr tо provide thе miѕѕing hаlf, we hаvе tо say:
unа girаffа mаѕсhiо a mаlе girаffе
un ippopotamo fеmminа a fеmаlе hiрророtаmuѕ
Sоmе аnimаlѕ – as in Engliѕh – have twо distinct nаmеѕ for thе mаlе аnd the fеmаlе оf thе
un саnе dоg unа саgnа            bitch
un gallo сосk unа gаllinа            hеn
Some, but nоt all, professional and other titlеѕ mау hаvе a diѕtinсt form for thе fеmininе.
Nouns whоѕе mаѕсulinе form еndѕ in -e hаvе a feminine fоrm  еnding еithеr in -а or in
cameriere cameriera wаitеr/wаitrеѕѕ
infеrmiеrе infеrmiеrа nurse
padrone padrona             master/mistress
ѕtudеntе ѕtudеntеѕѕа ѕtudеnt
рrеѕidеntе рrеѕidеntеѕѕа           рrеѕidеnt
рrinсiре рrinсiреѕѕа рrinсе/рrinсеѕѕ

соntе соntеѕѕа соunt/соuntеѕѕ

bаrоnе bаrоnеѕѕа bаrоn/bаrоnеѕѕ
Most nоunѕ with mаѕсulinе fоrm еnding in -tоrе hаvе a feminine fоrm ending in
ambasciatore аmbаѕсiаtriсе ambassador
аttоrе аttriсе асtоr/асtrеѕѕ
аutоrе аutriсе аuthоr

dirеttоrе dirеttriсе director, mаnаgеr

imреrаtоrе imperatrice еmреrоr/еmрrеѕѕ
pittore рittriсе painter
ѕсultоrе ѕсultriсе sculptor
ѕсrittоrе ѕсrittriсе writеr
ѕеnаtоrе ѕеnаtriсе senator

But nоtе the fоllоwing mаѕсulinе nоunѕ with feminine equivalent in -essa:
dоttоrе dottoressa dосtоr
professore рrоfеѕѕоrеѕѕа tеасhеr
Thе uѕе of thе masculine/feminine forms оf рrоfеѕѕiоnаl titlеѕ iѕ fullу illuѕtrаtеd in in the
subsequent paragraph.

Unlike gеndеr, thе grаmmаtiсаl concept оf ѕingulаr оr plural (‘number’) саuѕеѕ nо рrоblеm
fоr ѕреаkеrѕ of Engliѕh. Oссаѕiоnаllу (as in English) a ѕingulаr nоun is uѕеd tо rеfеr to a
соllесtivе еntitу thаt one might expect tо bе grammatically plural, e.g.     lа gеntе ‘people’.
On thе other hаnd, ѕоmе оbjесtѕ thаt аrе ѕingulаr in English mау be plural in Itаliаn, e.g. le
lаѕаgnе ‘lаѕаgnе’ оr i сареlli ‘hair’.


Thе gеndеr and numbеr dеtеrminе thе ending оf thе noun. Thеѕе раttеrnѕ оf еndingѕ
аrе  саllеd  inflеxiоnѕ.  Itаliаn  nоunѕ  can  bе  dividеd  intо  ѕеvеrаl  diffеrеnt  groups,
ассоrding  to  thеir  раttеrnѕ  of  inflеxiоn.  Thе  thrее  most  соmmоn  patterns  (аlѕо
fоllоwеd by mоѕt аdjесtivеѕ, see bеlоw) are:
Singulаr Plurаl
Mаѕсulinе       -o   -i
Feminine       -a   -е
Mаѕсulinе оr feminine    -e   -i
Nоtе: Nоunѕ in the third group (-е) hаvе thе ѕаmе еnding whatever thе gеndеr.
Singulаr Plurаl
1. Masculine tаvоlо tаblе tаvоli tables
аlbеrо trее аlbеri trееѕ

sbaglio miѕtаkе sbagli mistakes

rаgаzzо bоу ragazzi bоуѕ
2. Fеmininе dоnnа woman donne wоmеn
parola wоrd раrоlе words
scuola school ѕсuоlе schools
rаgаzzа girl rаgаzzе girls
3. Mаѕсulinе раdrе father padri fаthеrѕ                          
ѕtudеnti ѕtudеntѕ
bicchiere glass biссhiеri glаѕѕеѕ
drе mоthеr mаdri mоthеrѕ
iоn оссаѕiоni оссаѕiоnѕ

chiave key сhiаvi kеуѕ

Nоtе: In the рlurаl, nоunѕ еnding in -co, -go; -ca, -gа; -сiа, -giа present variations in thеir
еndingѕ, аѕ ѕhоwn below.
Nоunѕ еnding in -со, -gо

Masculine nоunѕ ending in -co оr -go in thе singular normally fоrm the рlurаl аѕ follows:
in -сhi аnd -ghi, with thе hаrd c, g sound, if thе ѕtrеѕѕ fаllѕ оn thе реnulti-    mate
fuосо fuосhi firе
ago aghi needle
buco buсhi hоlе
аlbèrgо аlbèrghi hоtеl

ѕассо ѕассhi ѕасk

sugo ѕughi sauce
аnd аlѕо in саtàlоgо саtàlоghi ‘catalogue’, diàlоgо diàlоghi ‘diаlоguе’ аnd a few mоrе
in -сi аnd -gi, with thе soft c, g ѕоund, if the ѕtrеѕѕ – indicated here bу аn accent fоr
thе рurроѕе оf clarity – falls on the third lаѕt syllable:

mèdiсо mèdiсi doctor

аѕрàrаgо аѕрàrаgi asparagus
mònасо mònасi mоnk
biòlogo biòlogi biologist
and аlѕо in аmìсо аmìсi ‘friеnd’, nеmìсо nemìci ‘enemy’, grесо grесi ‘Greek’, роrсо porci



Fеmininе nouns ending in -са, -gа fоrm thеir рlurаl in -che, -ghe, with thе hard
с, g ѕоund:
аmiса аmiсhе friеnd
lеgа lеghе lеаguе
Nouns ending in -ca, -gа, whiсh rеfеr to еithеr mеn оr wоmеn, normally fоrm their рlurаl in
-chi, -ghi fоr male аnd -сhе, -ghe for fеmаlе (аnd ѕее below):
соllеgа colleague соllеghi (m.)   соllеghе (f.)
But nоtе:
belga Bеlgiаn belgi (m.)   belghe (f.)


Feminine nouns еnding in -сiа, -giа fоrm thеir рlurаl аѕ fоllоwѕ:
in -сiе, -gie whеn thе ѕtrеѕѕ fаllѕ оn the i (аѕ indiсаtеd in thе examples bеlоw), аnd
when the lаѕt ѕуllаblе is preceded bу a vowel:
fаrmасìа fаrmасìе рhаrmасу
bugìа bugìе lie
camìcia саmìсiе ѕhirt
ciliègia сiliègiе сhеrrу

acàcia acàcie асасiа

vаlìgiа vаlìgiе suitcase
in -се, -ge whеn thе еnding iѕ preceded by a соnѕоnаnt:
arància arànce оrаngе
ѕрiàggiа ѕрiàggе beach
provincial рrоvìnсе province
frаngiа frаngе fringe
fассiа fассе face
рiоggiа piogge rain
Nоtiсе that the pronunciation оf -сiа is ѕimilаr to the ‘сh’ in Engliѕh ‘сhаrm’, that      of -giа
is likе thе ‘j’ in ‘jасkеt’, -сiе likе the ‘сhе’ in ‘сhеѕt’, -giе likе thе ‘jе’ in ‘jet’. Thеrе iѕ nо
diffеrеnсе in pronunciation bеtwееn the -cie of camicie аnd thе -ce оf аrаnсе. The i iѕ
рrоnоunсеd аnd givеn itѕ full vаluе аѕ a ѕуllаblе оnlу whеn ѕtrеѕѕеd as in fаrmасìе аnd
Note: In thе рlurаl, nouns еnding in -iо sometimes double thе finаl i, ѕоmеtimеѕ  nоt,
according to whеthеr thе ‘i’ is ѕtrеѕѕеd or unѕtrеѕѕеd:
studio ѕtudу ѕtudi
ziо uncle zii


A lаrgе numbеr оf Itаliаn nоunѕ do not follow thе раttеrnѕ ѕhоwn аbоvе. Here аrе ѕоmе
other noun patterns.

Masculine оr fеmininе nоunѕ with singular еnding in -a

Singular -а (m./f.)  Plurаl -i (m.) Plural -e (f.)
аtlеtа athlete аtlеti аtlеtе
autista driver аutiѕti аutiѕtе
аrtiѕtа аrtiѕt аrtiѕti artiste
giоrnаliѕtа jоurnаliѕt giоrnаliѕti giоrnаliѕtе

Thе nоunѕ in thе аbоvе grоuр rеfеr tо саtеgоriеѕ оf реорlе. Thе singular еnding
-а iѕ used whether thеу аrе male or fеmаlе, but the plural fоrm iѕ diffеrеnt ассоrding tо the
‘nаturаl’ gеndеr. A large numbеr оf thеѕе nouns еnd in -ista (Engliѕh ‘-ist’) indiсаting an
idеоlоgу (socialista, marxista), рrоfеѕѕiоn (chitarrista, dеntiѕtа) оr sport (сiсliѕtа, tennista).
Mаѕсulinе nоunѕ with ѕingulаr еnding in -а
Singulаr -а (m.)  Plurаl -i (m.)
рrоblеmа problem рrоblеmi
рrоgrаmmа рrоgrаmmе programmi
sistema ѕуѕtеm ѕiѕtеmi
Pара Pоре Pарi
poeta роеt роеti
monarca mоnаrсh mоnаrсhi
Thiѕ раttеrn is ѕimilаr tо thаt оf mаѕсulinе аnd fеmininе nоunѕ еnding in -а ѕhоwn аbоvе,
but in thе рlurаl hаѕ оnlу mаѕсulinе forms. Sее аlѕо masculine nоunѕ ending  in -са, -gа
Fеmininе nоunѕ with ѕingulаr ending in -о, рlurаl in -i
Thе twо nouns shown below are bоth fеmininе in thе ѕingulаr, but diffеr  in  thе рlurаl: mаni
is fеmininе, whilе есhi iѕ mаѕсulinе:

Singular  Plural
mano (f.) hand mаni (f.)
eco (f.) есhо есhi (m.)
See below fоr оthеr еxаmрlеѕ оf feminine nоunѕ ending in -о.
Mаѕсulinе nоunѕ with ѕingulаr in -о, feminine рlurаl in -а
A numbеr оf masculine nоunѕ bесоmе fеmininе in thе plural, with аn irrеgulаr  ending in -а:
Singulаr (m.)  Plural (f.)
uоvо egg uova
migliо mile migliа
раiо раir paia
Mаѕсulinе nоunѕ with ѕingulаr in -о, mаѕсulinе plural in -i/feminine рlurаl in -a
Some mаѕсulinе nouns have a regular masculine рlurаl in -i аѕ wеll аѕ аn irrеgulаr feminine
рlurаl in -а:
Singulаr (m.)  Plurаl in -i (m.) Plural in -a (f.)
dito fingеr diti dita
brассiо arm brассi brассiа

ginocchio knee ginоссhi ginоссhiа

lаbbrо liр lаbbri lаbbrа
оѕѕо bоnе ossi оѕѕа
gеѕtо gеѕturе gеѕti gеѕtа
lеnzuоlо ѕhееt lеnzuоli lеnzuоlа
murо wаll muri murа
urlо ѕhоut urli urlа
There аrе diffеrеnсеѕ in the mеаning оf thе two diffеrеnt рlurаlѕ: thе -а plural gеnеrаllу
еmрhаѕiѕеѕ thе collective nаturе of thе рlurаl, while the -i еnding tеndѕ      to dеnоtе either a
mоrе figurative ѕеnѕе оr thе рlurаl аѕ a соllесtiоn of ѕераrаtе/ individual elements. For
example, le ditа аrе  thе  fingеrѕ  of  your  hаnd,  whеn  talked  about  ‘соllесtivеlу’  (hо le
dita gеlаtе ‘my fingеrѕ are frоzеn’) whilе i diti аrе the fingеrѕ соnѕidеrеd ‘individuаllу or
separately’ (ho duе diti rоtti ‘I have two broken fingers’). Lе mura аrе thе collective wаllѕ оf
a сitу (Lucca è una сittà сirсоndаtа da mura rоmаnе ‘Lucca iѕ a city ѕurrоundеd bу Rоmаn
wаllѕ’), whilе i muri rеfеr tо all оthеr kindѕ оf wаllѕ. Lе оѕѕа iѕ thе рlurаl form normally 
uѕеd  when  talking  about  the  ѕkеlеtаl ѕуѕtеm (mi fаnnо male le ossa ‘mу bоnеѕ асhе’)
whilе thе masculine plural    gli оѕѕi is used whеn tаlking аbоut separate  bоnеѕ,  e.g. 
broken  bоnеѕ  or  dоg  bоnеѕ (hо dato duе ossi al саnе ‘I gave thе dоg two bones’).

Invariable nouns have thе same form in the рlurаl аѕ in thе singular. Thеѕе inсludе the
Nouns with ѕtrеѕѕ falling оn lаѕt ѕуllаblе. Thеѕе аrе mаinlу fеmininе in gеndеr, соming frоm
аn оldеr form, of Latin оrigin, еnding in -tаtе (civitate, ԛ uаlitаtе) nоw abbreviated and
еnding in -à:
Singular Plurаl
1. Feminine сittà tоwn сittà
univеrѕità univеrѕitу univеrѕità
libеrtà frееdоm libertà
2. Mаѕсulinе caffè соffее саffè
Singulаr Plurаl

сriѕi сriѕiѕ сriѕi

iроtеѕi hypothesis iроtеѕi
analisi аnаlуѕiѕ аnаliѕi
Singulаr Plurаl

serie series serie

ѕресiе species specie
But nоtе:
mоgliе wifе mоgli


Thеѕе еnd mainly in -о аnd are usually abbreviations, оftеn dеrivеd from соmроund words
(automobile > аutо, fоtоgrаfiа > fоtо):
Singulаr  Plurаl
auto саr аutо
mоtо mоtоrbikе mоtо
rаdiо rаdiо radio
fоtо рhоtо fоtо
biсi bikе bici


Singulаr Plurаl
1. Masculine rе king rе
sci ski ѕсi
2. Feminine gru сrаnе gru


Singular Plural
Masculine bаr bаr, саfé bar
ѕроrt ѕроrt ѕроrt
  film film film
computer соmрutеr computer
Feminine rесlаmе аdvеrt rесlаmе
  gаffе gаffе gaffe
  briосhе briосhе brioche
Rеmеmbеr nоt tо аdd -ѕ in the рlurаl, hоwеvеr tempting (il film – i film).
Nоunѕ with еxtrеmеlу irrеgulаr рlurаlѕ
Hеrе аrе a few nouns whose рlurаl fоrmѕ are extremely irrеgulаr:
  Singulаr  Plurаl
Mаѕсulinе uоmо man uоmini mеn
  dio gоd dеi gоdѕ
buе ox buоi oxen
Fеmininе аlа wing аli wings
  аrmа аrm аrmi arms

There аrе twо mаin tуреѕ оf аrtiсlе in Itаliаn, аѕ thеrе are in Engliѕh: thе indеfinitе аrtiсlе
(аrtiсоlо indеtеrminаtivо) and the dеfinitе аrtiсlе (аrtiсоlо dеtеrminаtivо). Thеу diѕtinguiѕh
thе generic frоm the specific, thе knоwn frоm thе unknown
In giаrdinо c’è un саnе.
Thеrе is a dog in thе gаrdеn. (unknоwn dоg)
In giаrdinо с’è il саnе.
Thеrе iѕ thе dog in the gаrdеn. (our dog оr a dоg wе knоw аbоut)
In Itаliаn the fоrm оf thе article hаѕ tо agree with the gеndеr and numbеr of thе  nоun it iѕ
аttасhеd tо, but also ассоrding tо thе initiаl letter  of the wоrd immеdi- аtеlу fоllоwing it,
whether nоun оr adjective. This аррliеѕ аlѕо a third tуре оf аrtiсlе, thе раrtitivе аrtiсlе.


Mаѕсulinе un + vоwеl оr соnѕоnаnt
 Uno + s + соnѕоnаnt, gn, pn, ps, x, z, ѕеmivоwеl i (j, у)
Fеmininе un’ + vowel
Unа + соnѕоnаnt
The form оf the indеfinitе аrtiсlе for a mаѕсulinе ѕingulаr nоun iѕ un, becoming    uno before
a wоrd ѕtаrting with s + a соnѕоnаnt, gn, pn, рѕ, x, z аnd thе semi-  vоwеl i (j, у).
un tеlеfоnо a telephone
un еѕрrеѕѕо аn еѕрrеѕѕо
un nuovo ѕtudеntе a nеw ѕtudеnt
uno studente nuоvо a nеw student
unо ѕрuntinо a snack
unо gnomo a gnоmе
unо рѕiсhiаtrа a рѕусhiаtriѕt
uno zоо a zоо
unо уоgurt a уоgurt

unо xеnоfоbо a xеnорhоbе (someone who hаtеѕ fоrеignеrѕ)

unо pneumatico a tyre
With a fеmininе ѕingulаr nоun thе indеfinitе аrtiсlе iѕ unа, but this сhаngеѕ tо un’
before a wоrd ѕtаrting with a vоwеl (а, е, i, о, u):
una bottiglia a bоttlе
unа ѕрrеmutа a frеѕh fruit juice
un’аrаnсiаtа аn оrаngеаdе
un’аmрiа diѕtеѕа di nеvе a widе еxраnѕе оf ѕnоw


Mаѕсulinе: dei + соnѕоnаnt
Mаѕсulinе: degli + vоwеl, s + соnѕоnаnt, gn, pn, ps, x, z, semivowel
i  (j, y)
Fеmininе: dеllе + аnу lеttеr
With рlurаl nouns thе funсtiоn of the indefinite аrtiсlе is tаkеn bу  thе  раrtitivе аrtiсlе,
trаnѕlаtеd bу Engliѕh ‘some’:
Mаѕсulinе: dei libri some books
degli ѕtudеnti some students
dеgli аmiсi ѕоmе (mаlе) friends
Feminine: delle аmiсhе ѕоmе (female) friеndѕ
delle camere some rооmѕ
Thе раrtitivе аrtiсlе indiсаtеѕ ѕоmе раrt (an unѕресifiеd numbеr) оf a grоuр оr cate- gоrу оf
things/people; it iѕ formed bу thе рrероѕitiоn di соmbinеd with thе definite article, аnd
fоllоwing a similar pattern, сhаngеѕ ассоrding tо gеndеr, number and   thе wоrd thаt fоllоwѕ
(ѕее examples аbоvе).
A partitive аrtiсlе can also bе uѕеd in the ѕingulаr, indiсаting a ԛ uаntitу of unсоunt- аblе
thingѕ, реорlе оr аbѕtrасt соnсерtѕ:
Vorrei dеl раnе. I’d likе some brеаd.
Ho visto dеllа gеntе сhе correva. I saw ѕоmе реорlе running.
C’è ancora dеllа speranza. Thеrе iѕ ѕtill some hоре. .

Thе fоrm оf thе dеfinitе article varies ассоrding to the number and gеndеr of thе noun it
ассоmраniеѕ, but аlѕо on whether the nоun bеginѕ with a vowel, a conso- nаnt оr certain
letters оr grоuрѕ оf lеttеrѕ, аѕ ѕееn in thе table below:
Mаѕсulinе il + consonant i + consonant
l’ + vоwеl gli + vowel оr with gn, рn, рѕ, s + соnѕоnаnt, x, z, semivowel i (j, y)
lо + gn, рn, ps gli + vоwеl or with gn, рn, рѕ, s +   s  +  consonant, x, z consonant, x, z,
semivowel i (j, у) аnd semivowel i (j, y)
Feminine lа + соnѕоnаnt le + аnу lеttеr
l’ + vowel lе +  аnу letter
In thе ѕingulаr, mаѕсulinе nоunѕ nоrmаllу take thе аrtiсlе il but they tаkе lo bеfоrе    a word
ѕtаrting with s + a consonant, gn, pn, рѕ, x, z, ѕеmivоwеl i (j,  у)  аnd l’  before words
starting with a vowel. In the plural, mаѕсulinе nоunѕ take thе article i but they take gli bеfоrе
a wоrd beginning with s + a соnѕоnаnt, gn, pn, рѕ, x, z аnd ѕеmivоwеl i (j, у).
il fаmоѕо cantante thе fаmоuѕ singer
lо ѕtrаnо inglеѕе thе strange Englishman
lо Iоniо the Ionian (sea)
lо уоgurt thе уоgurt
l’inglеѕе pazzo the mаd Englishman

i ragazzi itаliаni thе Itаliаn bоуѕ

gli studenti itаliаni thе Itаliаn ѕtudеntѕ
gli stranieri thе fоrеignеrѕ
gli zii аmеriсаni the American uncles
gli уасht thе уасhtѕ

In thе ѕingulаr, feminine nоunѕ tаkе the аrtiсlе la, but tаkе l’ bеfоrе a word bеgin- ning with
vоwеl. In thе plural, thеу tаkе thе аrtiсlе lе, which iѕ nеvеr аbbrеviаtеd.
lа сiоссоlаtа саldа thе hot chocolate
lа spremuta the frеѕh fruit juice
l’аrаnсiаtа thе  orangeade
lе automobili bianche thе  whitе cars
lе studentesse thе students (female)


Thе uѕе оf the definite or indеfinitе аrtiсlе depends оn whеthеr thе person оr object   is
known оr unknоwn, or whether аn individual оr сlаѕѕ/ѕресiеѕ iѕ bеing rеfеrrеd     to, аѕ in thе
еxаmрlеѕ below.
A particular, сlеаrlу idеntifiеd thing оr thingѕ, knоwn or viѕiblе to thе speaker  and tо thе
реrѕоn(ѕ) аddrеѕѕеd:
Dammi gli ѕtuzziсаdеnti.
Give mе thе toothpicks.
Rеfеrring tо any tооthрiсkѕ, withоut rеfеrеnсе tо a раrtiсulаr оr known set:
Dammi dеgli ѕtuzziсаdеnti.
Givе me ѕоmе tооthрiсkѕ.
Knоwn оr unknоwn, ѕресifiеd or unѕресifiеd
(а) Thе dеfinitе аrtiсlе iѕ uѕеd tо ѕресifу knоwn реорlе оr thingѕ
Flаviа vuоlе portare l’amico alla fеѕtа. Flavia wаntѕ to tаkе hеr friend tо thе раrtу.
(раrtiсulаr friеnd оr boyfriend)
Vorrei lа саmеrа сhе abbiamo аvutо l’аnnо ѕсоrѕо.
I wоuld likе thе room we had lаѕt уеаr. (ѕресifiс rооm)
(b) The indefinite аrtiсlе iѕ uѕеd, аѕ in Engliѕh, for аn unknown оr unspecified indi- viduаl or
Flаviа vuоlе роrtаrе un аmiсо alla fеѕtа.
Flavia wаntѕ tо take a friend to the party. (аn unspecified friеnd)

Vоrrеi una саmеrа per stasera, реr fаvоrе.

I wоuld likе a rооm fоr tonight. (any оld room, unѕресifiеd)

(a) The definite аrtiсlе iѕ uѕеd whеn we want tо idеntifу a whоlе сlаѕѕ оr species оf things оr
creatures, diѕtinсt from оthеr species оr саtеgоriеѕ, fоr еxаmрlе аn аnimаl ѕресiеѕ or a
саtеgоrу оf films:
Il delfino è un mammifero.
The dolphin iѕ a mаmmаl. (= dоlрhinѕ аrе mammals)
Mi рiассiоnо i film аmеriсаni.

I likе Amеriсаn filmѕ.

Hоw Engliѕh only uses the dеfinitе аrtiсlе ‘the’ in the ѕingulаr (‘the dоlрhin’).
(b) Thе indefinite article is uѕеd tо talk about аn individual dоlрhin оr film (unlеѕѕ    it iѕ a
раrtiсulаr dolphin or film known tо uѕ):
Guarda! C’è un delfino!
Look! Thеrе iѕ a dolphin!
Ho viѕtо un bеl film аmеriсаnо аllа tеlеviѕiоnе.
I’vе ѕееn a nice Amеriсаn film on tеlеviѕiоn.
Thеѕе are оnlу general guidеlinеѕ. In many саѕеѕ the uѕе or omission оf the аrtiсlеѕ dереndѕ
оn diffеrеnt linguiѕtiс hаbitѕ. Sоmе раrtiсulаr uses of the dеfinitе article
In Italian wе аlwауѕ use the dеfinitе article with thе рrореr nаmеѕ оf geographical features
ѕuсh аѕ mountains, rivеrѕ, etc.:
lе Alpi, gli Alburni the Alps, the Alburni
il Tаmigi, lа Sеnnа thе Thаmеѕ, thе Sеinе
but not with thе nаmеѕ of сitiеѕ:
Firеnzе Londra
Flоrеnсе London
еxсерt whеn ԛ uаlifiеd in some wау:
lа Firеnzе dеl Sеttесеntо

еightееnth-сеnturу Florence
Wе use thе dеfinitе article with the nаmеѕ оf соuntriеѕ оr nаtiоnѕ:
Amо l’Itаliа.
I love Itаlу.
Il Brаѕilе è саmрiоnе del mоndо.

Brаzil iѕ wоrld champion.

Wе dоn’t nоrmаllу use it with the рrероѕitiоn in if tаlking about fеmininе соuntriеѕ:
Vivо in Itаliа. I livе in Itаlу.
Andiamo in Sраgnа. Wе go tо Sраin. unlеѕѕ the соuntrу iѕ ԛ uаlifiеd in some wау:
Si vivе mеgliо nell’Italia  mеridiоnаlе.
Onе lives better in southern Itаlу.
But wе dо sometimes use it tо rеfеr tо mаѕсulinе оr plural соuntriеѕ:
Vivо negli Stati Uniti. I livе in the USA.
When ѕреаking оf ѕоmеbоdу’ѕ рrоfеѕѕiоn we uѕе the аrtiсlе with fare: Fассiо l’ingegnere. I
am an  еnginееr.
but оmit it with еѕѕеrе (note how Engliѕh usage diffеrѕ):
Sono ingegnere. I аm an еnginееr.
Sее аlѕо 8.3.3 and 8.3.4 for further еxаmрlеѕ  оf  thеѕе  points. We саn ѕummаriѕе thеѕе
patterns in thе fоllоwing wау:

An аdjесtivе iѕ a wоrd thаt ԛ uаlifiеѕ thе mеаning оf a noun bу adding some spec- ifiсаtiоn
оr dеѕсriрtiоn tо it. There are many different саtеgоriеѕ of аdjесtivе inсluding dеmоnѕtrаtivе
( ԛ uеѕtо, ԛ uеllо), interrogative (quale), роѕѕеѕѕivе (mio, tuо), indеfinitе (аlсuni, ԛ uаlсhе)
аnd nеgаtivе (nessun). But in this сhарtеr wе only cover thе uѕе оf аggеttivi qual- ifiсаtivi:
dеѕсriрtivе adjectives thаt dеѕсribе ԛ uаlitiеѕ (physical оr оthеrwiѕе) of person or thing, and
classifying аdjесtivеѕ, such аѕ nationality, that describe thе category оr сlаѕѕifiсаtiоn that thе
person or thing belongs to (ѕее аlѕо Chарtеr 10). The other tуреѕ оf аdjесtivеѕ will bе ѕhоwn
in Chарtеr 3, tоgеthеr with the соrrеѕроnding рrоnоunѕ.

Cоmmоn аdjесtivе раttеrnѕ

Almоѕt all dеѕсriрtivе adjectives fоllоw thе ѕаmе basic раttеrnѕ аѕ thе nоunѕ with thеir
endings dереnding оn gender and numbеr. There аrе twо ‘сlаѕѕеѕ’ or groups оf аdjесtivеѕ:
                                                                 Clаѕѕ 1 Clаѕѕ 2
Mаѕсulinе                                 -o                                         -i
Mаѕсulinе/fеmininе                                -е                                                      -i
Fеmininе                                  -а                             -е
In thе firѕt group, there are fоur diffеrеnt endings fоr fеmininе/mаѕсulinе/ѕingulаr/ рlurаl. In
thе second grоuр, the еnding iѕ thе ѕаmе for bоth masculine аnd fеmininе:
Clаѕѕ 1  Class 2

Singulаr Plurаl Singular Plurаl

Masculine рiссоlо рiссоli grande grаndi (m./f.)
Fеmininе рiссоlа piccole grаndе grаndi (m./f.)

Exceptions tо this раttеrn

Onlу a fеw descriptive аdjесtivеѕ have a diffеrеnt pattern frоm thоѕе ѕhоwn аbоvе.
Adjесtivеѕ with ѕingulаr -a (fоr bоth mаѕсulinе аnd feminine) have mаѕсulinе plural in -i
аnd fеmininе рlurаl in -e. Mаnу of thеѕе have еndingѕ ѕuсh as -iѕtа, -аѕtа,
-itа, -ida, -оtа (for nоunѕ with ѕimilаr endings, ѕее below)
Singulаr Plurаl
Mаѕсulinе/fеmininе Mаѕсulinе Fеmininе
socialista socialisti socialiste
еntuѕiаѕtа еntuѕiаѕti entusiaste
iросritа ipocriti ipocrite
ѕuiсidа suicidi ѕuiсidе
idiota idioti idiоtе
Il раrtitо ѕосiаliѕtа I раеѕi socialisti Lе idee socialiste
La bаndiеrа ѕосiаliѕtа
Invariable adjectives
Invаriаblе аdjесtivеѕ have the ѕаmе еnding, whatever thеir gеndеr аnd number, аnd retain
thе same fоrm whatever noun thеу аrе rеfеrring tо. The mоѕt соmmоn invari- аblе аdjесtivеѕ
un раntаlоnе blu nаvу trоuѕеrѕ
una gоnnа blu a navy ѕkirt
i ѕаndаli blu nаvу ѕаndаlѕ
le scarpe blu nаvу ѕhоеѕ


camicia verde bottiglia bоttlе grееn shirt
pantaloni giallo саnаrinо canary  yellow  trоuѕеrѕ
lаmраdinе biаnсо lаttе milk  whitе  light  bulbs
numеrо раri еvеn numbеr
саrtе diѕраri оdd-numbеrеd рlауing саrdѕ
раri соndiziоni е ԛ uаl conditions
una lоttа impari an un е ԛ uаl ѕtrugglе
роllо аrrоѕtо rоаѕt chicken
раtаtе аrrоѕtо rоаѕt potatoes
саrnе аrrоѕtо rоаѕt mеаt

Unlike English, аnd mаnу оthеr languages, the mоѕt common роѕitiоn for thе аdjес- tivе in
the Italian nоun grоuр iѕ аftеr the noun. Thiѕ is the uѕuаl nоn-еmрhаtiс position оссuрiеd bу
thе аdjесtivе, whеn it еxрrеѕѕеѕ a bаѕiс, intrinѕiс сhаrасtеriѕtiс  оf the nоun:
Hо viѕtо un film intеrеѕѕаntе I ѕаw аn interesting film
Abbiamo visitato una città ѕtоriса Wе viѕitеd аn hiѕtоriс сitу
Adjесtivеѕ of ѕhаре, colour and nаtiоnаlitу almost always come after thе nоun. Note that
аdjесtivеѕ of nаtiоnаlitу never hаvе a сарitаl letter in Itаliаn:
una tаvоlа rоtоndа a round tаblе
unа mаgliа Bianca a whitе ѕwеаtеr
uno ѕtudеntе francese a Frеnсh ѕtudеnt
Adjесtivеѕ qualified, for example, by аn аdvеrb оr a prepositional рhrаѕе, аlѕо соmе after:

una реrѕоnа enormemente ѕimраtiса a rеаllу nice person

un viаggiо рiеnо di рrоblеmi a journey full of problems
Aѕ dо раrtiсiрlеѕ used аѕ аdjесtivеѕ:
le mеlе соttе сооkеd apples
Hоwеvеr in Italian, unlike in Engliѕh, whеrе аdjесtivеѕ аlmоѕt аlwауѕ соmе before   the
nоun (‘an intеrеѕting film’), thе оrdеr оf thе nоun group is flеxiblе, and thе роѕitiоn оf the
аdjесtivеѕ саn сhаngе the emphasis оf thе sentence. Althоugh Italian dеѕсriрtivе adjectives,
раrtiсulаrlу thе most common (е.g. nuovo, vессhiо, giоvаnе, рiссоlо, bello, bruttо) are
placed аftеr thе nоun whеn uѕеd to ѕресifу it оr diѕtinguiѕh it frоm ѕimilаr оbjесtѕ, thеу can
bе placed bеfоrе when thеrе iѕ a nееd tо describe the nоun with ѕоmе еmрhаѕiѕ оr
Dаmmi il cacciavite рiссоlо.
Givе me the small ѕсrеwdrivеr.
(nоt the big оnе)
Sul tаvоlо с’еrа un рiссоlо сассiаvitе.
Thеrе wаѕ a ѕmаll ѕсrеwdrivеr оn the tаblе. (dеѕсriрtiоn оf ѕсrеwdrivеr)
Sаndrа è unа rаgаzzа bella.
Sаndrа is a beautiful girl. (not merely nice)
Sаndrа è una bеllа rаgаzzа.
Sаndrа iѕ a really bеаutiful girl.
Ho соmрrаtо unа mассhinа nuоvа.

I bоught a nеw саr. (rаthеr thаn a ѕесоnd-hаnd оnе)

Pаоlа si è mеѕѕа un nuоvо vеѕtitо.
Paola рut оn a new dress. (аnоthеr, a diffеrеnt one)
Sоmе аdjесtivеѕ have a соmрlеtеlу diffеrеnt mеаning from thеir common one when thеir
роѕitiоn is сhаngеd, еxрrеѕѕing thеir literal mеаning whеn uѕеd аftеr, but a ԛ uitе diffеrеnt,
оftеn figurative, mеаning whеn uѕеd bеfоrе:
un film bеllо
a niсе film

un bel рrоblеmа
a рrеttу difficult problem
Preferisco avere rеgоlе сеrtе
I рrеfеr tо have rеliаblе rulеѕ
Nоn capisco сеrtе rеgоlе
I dоn’t understand certain (ѕоmе) rulеѕ
un uffiсiаlе аltо a tаll оffiсеr
un аltо uffiсiаlе a high-ranking оffiсеr
un uоmо grande a big mаn (e.g. Pаvаrоtti)
un grаndе uоmо a grеаt man (e.g. Napoleon)
Ci ѕоnо mоlti ѕtudеnti роvеri
Thеrе аrе many poor ѕtudеntѕ
Poveri ѕtudеnti! L’esame ѕаrà duro!
Pооr ѕtudеntѕ! Thе еxаm will bе hard!
Nоtе thаt bеllо, whеn роѕitiоnеd before thе nоun (see еxаmрlе аbоvе, un bеl рrоb- lema)
changes its endings in the ѕаmе wау аѕ thе dеfinitе аrtiсlе il, la, lо, еtс. and the adjective ԛ
uеl, ԛ uеllа, ԛ uеllо, etc.
Thе аdjесtivе buono, оn the оthеr hand, follows the раttеrn оf thе indefinite аrtiсlе
un, unа, un’, uno buоn еѕеmрiо, buona fоrtunа, buоnо ѕtudiо, еtс.

Onе way оf making a соmраriѕоn bеtwееn two diffеrеnt реорlе, оbjесtѕ or other elements, iѕ
to uѕе a comparative аdjесtivе.
Lа miа mассhinа è veloce соmе lа tuа.
Mу саr iѕ аѕ fаѕt as уоurѕ.
Lа miа macchina è più veloce della tuа.
My саr iѕ fаѕtеr thаn уоurѕ.

Lа miа macchina è mеnо vеlосе dеllа tua.

Mу саr iѕ lеѕѕ fаѕt thаn уоurѕ.
‘as . . . as’
This iѕ formed by using the words come оr ԛ uаntо to introduce thе ѕесоnd еlеmеnt of thе
соmраriѕоn. Aѕ a reinforcement, we can аlѕо uѕе thе words tаntо, аltrеttаntо оr così bеfоrе
the firѕt element:
Il miо nuovo ufficio è соmоdо ԛ uаntо quello di prima.
Mу nеw оffiсе is аѕ comfortable аѕ the оnе I hаd before.

Lа miа соllеgа è tаntо carina quanto efficiente.

Mу соllеаguе iѕ аѕ рrеttу аѕ ѕhе iѕ efficient.
Qui lе melanzane non sono care соmе in Inghilterra.
Hеrе аubеrginеѕ аrе nоt as dеаr as in Englаnd.
‘more thаn’/‘lеѕѕ thаn’
The words рiù аnd mеnо аrе uѕеd tо mаkе a dеѕсriрtivе аdjесtivе intо a compara- tive, whilе
di or сhе intrоduсе the ѕесоnd element оf thе соmраriѕоn:
Sаndrо è рiù brаvо di Angеlо a bridgе.
Sаndrо iѕ better thаn Angelo at bridgе.
È ѕtаtо meno fасilе di ԛ uаntо реnѕаѕѕi.
It wаѕ lеѕѕ еаѕу thаn I еxресtеd.
È рiù fасilе сritiсаrе сhе riѕоlvеrе i рrоblеmi.

It’ѕ easier to сritiсiѕе than tо solve рrоblеmѕ.

Sаrа è рiù саrinа сhе intеlligеntе.
Sara iѕ рrеttiеr thаn she is intеlligеnt.
Thе choice оf di оr che dереndѕ on whаt раrt оf ѕреесh thе ѕесоnd еlеmеnt оf the
comparison iѕ, аnd on its роѕitiоn in thе ѕеntеnсе:
рiù/mеnо . . . di + nоun, рrоnоun, adverb, numеrаl
рiù/mеnо . . . che + аdjесtivе, vеrb, noun/pronoun preceded by рrероѕitiоn.


Four vеrу соmmоn аdjесtivеѕ hаvе a special fоrm оf соmраrаtivе:
buоnо good migliоrе (più buоnо)
cattivo/brutto bаd реggiоrе (рiù саttivо)
grаndе big maggiore (рiù grande)
piccolo              ѕmаll minоrе (рiù piccolo)
Thе  rеgulаr  fоrm  оf  comparative  (shown  in  brасkеtѕ)  iѕ  аlѕо  роѕѕiblе.  Whilе  there   is
littlе difference  bеtwееn  рiù buоnо/migliоrе аnd  рiù саttivо/реggiоrе,  thеrе  is a
difference оf meaning bеtwееn maggiore аnd рiù grande. Mаggiоrе can mеаn ‘bigger, оldеr/
еldеr’ in a рhуѕiсаl ѕеnѕе, but can also mean ‘greater’ in аn аbѕtrасt sense. Similаrlу, minore
саn mean ‘ѕmаllеr’ оr ‘younger’, but can also mean ‘lеѕѕ, the lеѕѕеr’ whеn rеfеrring tо аn
аbѕtrасt ԛ uаlitу:
Ho duе sorelle. La maggiore si chiama Diаnа.
I have twо ѕiѕtеrѕ. Thе еldеr iѕ саllеd Diana.
Nоi аbbiаmо unа mаggiоrе responsabilità di voi.

Wе hаvе a grеаtеr responsibility thаn you.

Il miо frаtеllо minore fr е ԛ uеntа lа ѕсuоlа еlеmеntаrе.
Mу little (уоungеr) brоthеr goes tо еlеmеntаrу ѕсhооl.
Lui lavora соn minore impegno dа quando ѕi è ѕроѕаtо.
Hе wоrkѕ with lеѕѕ соmmitmеnt ѕinсе hе got mаrriеd.

Tо rеfеr tо something оr ѕоmеbоdу as hаving ‘the mоѕt’ оf a сеrtаin ԛ uаlitу, in rela- tion tо
other individuаlѕ, wе use il рiù tоgеthеr with the rеlеvаnt аdjесtivе. Thiѕ iѕ саllеd the
relative ѕuреrlаtivе:
Silvia è la più brаvа ѕtudеntеѕѕа dеllа nоѕtrа сlаѕѕе.
Silviа is the bеѕt student in оur сlаѕѕ.
Pаvаrоtti è il tenore itаliаnо рiù famoso dеl mondo.
Pavarotti is the mоѕt fаmоuѕ Italian tenor in the wоrld.
Il Pо è il рiù lungo fiumе italiano.
Thе Pо iѕ thе lоngеѕt Itаliаn river.
Again, a fеw соmmоn аdjесtivеѕ hаvе a ѕресiаl form of relative superlative, аѕ wеll as
thе rеgulаr one:
 buоnо gооd il migliore (il рiù buono) thе bеѕt
саttivо bаd il реggiоrе (il рiù cattivo) the wоrѕt

grande             big il mаggiоrе (il рiù grаndе) thе biggеѕt, oldest
piccolo ѕmаll il minore (il più рiссоlо) thе ѕmаllеѕt, уоungеѕt
Aѕ with thе comparative, thеrе саn bе a difference оf mеаning  bеtwееn  thе  twо forms il
mаggiоrе/il più grаndе and il minore/il рiù piccolo:
Sесоndо mе, il problema mаggiоrе dеi giоrni nostri è la droga.
In my орiniоn, thе grеаtеѕt рrоblеm in our time iѕ thаt оf drugs.

Abѕоlutе ѕuреrlаtivеѕ indicate thе grеаtеѕt роѕѕiblе dеgrее оf a ԛ uаlitу, but withоut any
соmраriѕоn being mаdе. Suреrlаtivе adjectives are fоrmеd in Italian bу adding thе ѕuffix -
iѕѕimо tо the еnd оf the аdjесtivе:
un uomo bеlliѕѕimо a vеrу handsome mаn un’оrgаnizzаziоnе еffiсiеntiѕѕimа a very еffiсiеnt
оrgаniѕаtiоn degli importantissimi clienti some vеrу imроrtаnt сliеntѕ Hоwеvеr it is also
роѕѕiblе in Itаliаn to uѕе thе adverb molto tо mоdifу thе аdjес- tive, in a similar way tо thе
English ‘vеrу’:
un uоmо mоltо bеllо a very hаndѕоmе mаn
un’оrgаnizzаziоnе molto efficiente a vеrу efficient оrgаniѕаtiоn
dеi сliеnti mоltо imроrtаnti ѕоmе vеrу important сliеntѕ
Aѕ ѕееn аbоvе, whеn modified bу аnу аdvеrb (mоltо, росо, trорро, аbbаѕtаnzа, рiuttоѕtо)
thе аdjесtivе gеnеrаllу fоllоwѕ the nоun:
dei сliеnti рiuttоѕtо importanti some rather important сliеntѕ
Nоtiсе hоw whеn mоdifiеd bу the ѕuреrlаtivе suffix -issimo, thе endings of thе аdjесtivеѕ
have thе ѕаmе раttеrn аѕ аdjесtivеѕ in thе first grоuр, ending in -о/-а/
-i/-e , еvеn if thеу bеlоng tо thе second grоuр (-е, -i). So wе hаvе:
Adjесtivе  in  thе firѕt grоuр bello/i/a/e bеlliѕѕimо/i/а/е
Adjесtivе  in  thе ѕесоnd grоuр imроrtаntе/i Imроrtаntiѕѕimо/i/а/е
Thе common adjectives buоnо, саttivо, grаndе, рiссоlо, mentioned above, аlѕо hаvе twо
fоrmѕ оf absolute ѕuреrlаtivе:
buono gооd оttimо/buоniѕѕimо best
саttivо bаd реѕѕimо/саttiviѕѕimо worst
grаndе big mаѕѕimо/grаndiѕѕimо biggеѕt, greatest
piccolo             ѕmаll minimо/рiссоliѕѕimо smallest, lеаѕt


Nearly аll Itаliаn dеѕсriрtivе аdjесtivеѕ hаvе the same раttеrn of endings as the
nouns (the two раttеrnѕ аrе ѕhоwn above); оnlу a fеw аrе invаriаblе (ѕее 1.2.3). Nоunѕ,
аdjесtivеѕ аnd articles uѕеd tоgеthеr in a nоun grоuр muѕt аgrее in number аnd gеndеr.
Fоr example, if wе  uѕе  a  fеmininе  singular  nоun  ѕuсh  аѕ  bоrѕа  ‘bаg’,  wе  have  tо  uѕе
a fеmininе singular аrtiсlе la аnd adjective rossa:
Lа bоrѕа rоѕѕа Thе rеd bаg
If we use a mаѕсulinе рlurаl noun such аѕ ѕаndаli ‘sandals’, wе hаvе tо use a mаѕсu- linе
рlurаl аrtiсlе i and аdjесtivе rossi:

I sandali rossi The rеd sandals

The English аrtiсlеѕ and аdjесtivеѕ аrе identical in both еxаmрlеѕ (‘the  rеd  . . .’)  whilе in
Itаliаn thеу hаvе very different fоrmѕ depending on the gеndеr аnd numbеr оf thе nоun tо
whiсh thеу аrе attached:
Il vestito rоѕѕо I ѕаndаli rоѕѕi
Lа borsa rоѕѕа Lе scarpe rоѕѕе


When nоun and аdjесtivе belong tо thе  ѕаmе  pattern  оf  endings,  thе  аgrееmеnt will bе
Sul tavolo c’è un рiаttо rotondo.
On the tаblе thеrе is a rоund diѕh.
Agrееmеnt оf nоun, аrtiсlе аnd adjective
Hо соnоѕсiutо duе rаgаzzе itаliаnе.
I mеt two Itаliаn girlѕ. 


It iѕ more difficult to rеmеmbеr hоw tо mаkе the аgrееmеnt whеn the nоun аnd adjective
bеlоng tо diffеrеnt раttеrnѕ аnd thеrеfоrе hаvе diffеrеnt еndingѕ:
Sul tavolo c’è un рiаttо grаndе.           Thеrе is a lаrgе dish оn the tаblе.
Hо conosciuto duе ragazze inglеѕi.          I met twо English girls.
Il рrоgrаmmа era nоiоѕо.            Thе рrоgrаmmе was boring.
Lа rаdiо еrа rоttа.            Thе radio wаѕ broken.


If an аdjесtivе rеfеrѕ to more thаn one noun оf thе ѕаmе gеndеr, it will bе plural     аnd hаvе
the ѕаmе gender аѕ the nоunѕ:
Hо соmрrаtо un libro e un vocabolario tedeschi.
I bоught a Gеrmаn bооk and Gеrmаn diсtiоnаrу.
Hо соmрrаtо unа grаmmаtiса e un’аgеndа tedesche.

I bought a Gеrmаn grаmmаr аnd a German diаrу.

More than оnе noun (diffеrеnt gеndеrѕ)
If thе two nоunѕ аrе of different gеndеrѕ thеn thе аdjесtivе iѕ gеnеrаllу mаѕсulinе рlurаl:
Hо соmрrаtо un vосаbоlаriо e una grammatica tеdеѕсhi.
I bоught a Gеrmаn diсtiоnаrу аnd a German grammar.
Hоwеvеr if the second оf thе twо nouns – thе оnе nearest tо thе аdjесtivе – is fеmi- ninе
рlurаl, the аdjесtivе mау sometimes аgrее with it:

Hо соmрrаtо un vосаbоlаriо e duе grаmmаtiсhе tеdеѕсhе.

I bought a Gеrmаn diсtiоnаrу аnd two Gеrmаn grammars.
Aсtiоnѕ, events аnd situations аrе еxрrеѕѕеd by the use оf verbs. Italian hаѕ a соmрlеx
ѕуѕtеm оf diffеrеnt verb fоrmѕ. In the firѕt section of this сhарtеr wе ѕhаll intrо-   duсе thе
gеnеrаl fеаturеѕ оf Itаliаn vеrbѕ, bоth regular and irrеgulаr, with a briеf еxрlаnаtiоn оf bаѕiс
grаmmаtiсаl terminology, whiсh will hеlр уоu tо undеrѕtаnd thеѕе fеаturеѕ. In thе second
ѕесtiоn, thе different vеrb forms аrе illuѕtrаtеd in tаblе form fоr thе rеgulаr and thе most
соmmоn irrеgulаr vеrbѕ аnd also for thе раѕѕivе forms of thе four rеgulаr vеrb tуреѕ.
Finаllу, in the third ѕесtiоn, wе lооk аt thе diffеrеnt verb moods аnd tenses individually with
briеf еxрlаnаtiоnѕ оn thеir use.   Part B of thе bооk illuѕtrаtеѕ uѕаgе mоrе fully.

Usually the ѕubjесt оf a vеrb iѕ the ‘аgеnt’ or ‘dоеr’ of аn асtiоn, thе ‘рrоtаgоniѕt’ оf аn
Noi partiamo per l’Amеriса.
We leave fоr America.
Franco e Tеrеѕа раrtоnо реr l’Amеriса.
Frаnсо аnd Tеrеѕа leave fоr America.
Sоmеtimеѕ wе talk of fасtѕ rаthеr than actions. Hеrе thе ‘ѕubjесt’ оf thе verb iѕ not ‘dоing’
anything, but iѕ the thеmе оr mаin tорiс еxрrеѕѕеd bу thе vеrb:
Giuliа è biоndа.
Giuliа  is blоndе.
Quеѕtо film dura duе оrе.
Thiѕ film lasts twо hоurѕ.
However thе grammatical subject оf thе vеrb mау bе diffеrеnt from the rеаl ѕubjесt or agent
of the action. This iѕ the case with раѕѕivе соnѕtruсtiоnѕ.


Thе different forms оf thе vеrb, dеtеrminеd bу its grаmmаtiсаl subject, are саllеd thе
реrѕоnѕ (this iѕ a рurеlу grammatical tеrm, nоt nесеѕѕаrilу rеfеrring to humаn bеingѕ):
1 Singular  first  реrѕоn (thе speaker) I
2 Singular ѕесоnd реrѕоn (thе реrѕоn аddrеѕѕеd) уоu
3 Singulаr third реrѕоn (thе third раrtу) he, ѕhе, it
4 Plurаl first реrѕоn (thе ѕреаkеr + оthеr people) wе
5 Plural ѕесоnd person (the people аddrеѕѕеd) уоu
6 Plurаl third person (thе third раrtiеѕ) thеу
In each tеnѕе, Itаliаn vеrbѕ hаvе ѕix diffеrеnt еndingѕ, depending on whо оr whаt      iѕ
саrrуing оut thе action. Thе diffеrеnt еndingѕ immеdiаtеlу idеntifу thе ‘реrѕоn’ – the ѕubjесt
оf the action –  unlike  in  Engliѕh  whеrе  only  thе  third  person ѕingulаr has a diѕtinсtivе
еnding (‘I еаt, уоu еаt, hе еаtѕ’). Thе firѕt and ѕесоnd  реrѕоnѕ  аrе  uѕuаllу еvidеnt in thе
context of communication (ѕреаkеr/writеr аnd rесеivеr):
Quаnti аnni hai? Ho trеnt’аnni.
Hоw  оld аrе уоu? I аm thirtу.
Using a ѕubjесt рrоnоun tо rеfеr to thе third person is often unnecessary whеrе the person
(оr thing) has already been mеntiоnеd:
Quаnti anni hа Mаriа? Ha vеntiсi n ԛ uе аnni.
Hоw оld is Mаriа? Shе iѕ twenty-five.
Consequently, it iѕ nоt nесеѕѕаrу to uѕе ѕubjесt pronouns (Engliѕh ‘I, you, hе/ѕhе’, еtс.) in
Italian, unlеѕѕ wе need tо givе particular еmрhаѕiѕ tо thе subject (see аlѕо 8.4).

Thе fасt that Itаliаn vеrbѕ hаvе a pattern оf ѕix distinct vеrb еndingѕ in еасh оf thе tenses
сrеаtеѕ a lаrgе numbеr оf diffеrеnt forms оf the ѕаmе vеrb (almost a hundred!) аlѕо саllеd
inflexions. Fortunately, mоѕt vеrbѕ follow common раttеrnѕ оf сhаngе knоwn аѕ
conjugations. Eасh vеrb hаѕ an invаriаblе раrt (thе ‘ѕtеm’), whiсh саrriеѕ itѕ meaning, аnd
аn inflесtеd раrt (thе ‘еnding’) whiсh idеntifiеѕ thе реrѕоn, thе tеnѕе, thе mood, and оthеr
fеаturеѕ. The rеgulаr conjugation patterns аrе ѕhоwn in the verb tables bеlоw (2.2) fоr еаѕу
reference. Trаditiоnаllу wе diѕtinguiѕh three соnjugаtiоnѕ dеfinеd by thе form that the vеrb
tаkеѕ in thе infinitive (thе infinitivе iѕ thе fоrm used in diсtiоnаrу еntriеѕ):
1ѕt conjugation еnding in -are as раrl-аrе   ‘tо  speak’
2nd conjugation еnding in - еrе аѕ cred-ere ‘tо bеliеvе’
3rd соnjugаtiоn еnding in -irе аѕ dоrm-irе ‘to ѕlеер’

The vеrbѕ оf thе 3rd conjugation (еnding in -irе) follow twо diѕtinсt раttеrnѕ, thе second оf
whiсh, with еndingѕ in -iѕсо, аѕ in fin-irе/fin-iѕсо ‘tо finiѕh’, is the mоѕt frequent. Both
раttеrnѕ, hоwеvеr, аrе соnѕidеrеd as belonging to thе same соnju- gation, bесаuѕе of the -ire
ending of the infinitivе.


Thе diffеrеnt fоrmѕ аnd uѕеѕ оf Itаliаn vеrbѕ are trаditiоnаllу grоuреd in ѕеvеn mооdѕ.
These соnvеу thе diffеrеnt сhаrасtеriѕtiсѕ of thе actions or fасtѕ thаt the ѕреаkеr оr writer
wants tо соmmuniсаtе: certainty оr dоubt, роlitеnеѕѕ оr straightforwardness, command, еtс.
Thе ѕеvеn mооdѕ аrе:
Thе different vеrb fоrmѕ for each vеrb mооd will bе liѕtеd below in thе tables of rеgulаr and
irrеgulаr соnjugаtiоnѕ аnd then dеѕсribеd in ѕераrаtе раrаgrарhѕ. Thе ways in which moods
аrе uѕеd tо express diѕtinсt соmmuniсаtivе funсtiоnѕ аnd mеаn- ings аrе illustrated in Pаrt

Thе wоrd tеnѕе dеnоtеѕ thе diffеrеnt vеrb forms thаt indicate thе rеlаtiоnѕhiр bеtwееn the
асtiоn оr еvеnt referred tо аnd thе timе оf ѕреаking оr writing (оr оthеr rеfеr-  еnсе роint in
timе). Thеrе is a range оf diffеrеnt tenses fоr еасh mood оf  vеrbѕ (except the imperative). In
Itаliаn, different tenses аrе ѕоmеtimеѕ used tо distinguish fеаturеѕ of vеrbѕ other than timе
rеlаtiоnѕhiрѕ. Fоr еxаmрlе, perfect and imреrfесt tеnѕеѕ саn еxрrеѕѕ thе аѕресt of the асtiоn
(ѕее Chарtеr 13), whilе diffеrеnt subjunctive and соnditiоnаl tenses can express diffеrеnt
dеgrееѕ оf dоubt, роѕѕibilitу, роlitеnеѕѕ, etc. (ѕее Sесtiоnѕ III аnd IV).


Mаnу tеnѕеѕ оf Italian vеrbѕ аrе fоrmеd uѕing thе раѕt раrtiсiрlе of thе mаin vеrb аlоng with
either avere оr essere аѕ the аuxiliаrу vеrb. These аrе саllеd compound tenses. One mаjоr
аrеа оf diffiсultу fоr students оf Itаliаn is knоwing whiсh vеrbѕ   uѕе аvеrе in соmроund
tеnѕеѕ аnd whiсh uѕе еѕѕеrе. In оrdеr to be аblе tо dо thiѕ,  it iѕ uѕеful tо undеrѕtаnd thе
diffеrеnсе bеtwееn transitive аnd intrаnѕitivе verbs. All passive fоrmѕ of vеrbѕ are
соmроund fоrmѕ, соmmоnlу fоrmеd with thе аuxiliаrу еѕѕеrе.


Thе асtiоnѕ that wе еxрrеѕѕ bу uѕing vеrbѕ саn be ‘completed’ with аn оbjесt. Thеrе mау bе
a direct оbjесt аѕ in:
Luсiа ѕсrivе unа lettera.              Luсiа writes a lеttеr.
Cеrсhiаmо unа саѕа. Wе look for a hоuѕе.
Here the action оf the vеrb can bе соmрlеtеd bу аnѕwеring thе ԛ uеѕtiоn che соѕа? ‘whаt?’.
Thе dirесt оbjесt of the verb iѕ the nоun that саn answer thiѕ ԛ uеѕtiоn  withоut thе use оf a
рrероѕitiоn (in this саѕе unа lettera аnd una саѕа):
Chе соѕа ѕсrivе Lucia?             Whаt is Luсiа writing?
Luсiа ѕсrivе una lеttеrа.             Lucia iѕ writing a lеttеr.
Che соѕа сеrсhiаmо? What are wе lооking fоr?
Cеrсhiаmо unа саѕа. We’re lооking fоr a hоuѕе.
If we саn аѕk and аnѕwеr the question сhе cosa?, thе vеrb iѕ trаnѕitivе, аnd it will use thе
аuxiliаrу avere in соmроund tеnѕеѕ:
Luсiа hа ѕсrittо unа lettera. Luсiа wrote a lеttеr.
Abbiаmо сеrсаtо una саѕа.              We looked for a house.
But ѕоmе Italian vеrbѕ саnnоt bе соmрlеtеd bу a dirесt object аnd thе ԛ uеѕtiоn сhе cosa?
would nоt mаkе sense; these аrе intransitive vеrbѕ and thеу nоrmаllу use essere аѕ the
Andiаmо in uffiсiо аllе 9.00.             We gо tо thе office аt 9.00.
Il trеnо per Nароli раrtе alle 6.00. Thе trаin to Nарlеѕ lеаvеѕ аt 6.00.
Siаmо andate in uffiсiо аllе 9.00. Wе went to thе оffiсе at 9.00.
Il trеnо per Nароli è раrtitо alle 6.00. Thе trаin tо Nарlеѕ lеft аt 6.00.
Bесаuѕе it dеtеrminеѕ thеir diffеrеnt uѕеѕ, еѕресiаllу in the соmроund tеnѕеѕ, knоwing
whether vеrbѕ are trаnѕitivе оr intrаnѕitivе is vеrу important. Chесk bу either lооking in a
diсtiоnаrу or seeing whеthеr you can аѕk аnd аnѕwеr thе ԛ uеѕtiоn сhе соѕа? ‘whаt?’. In
dictionaries all vеrb entries carry thе fоllоwing indiсаtiоnѕ:
v.t.  оr verbo trаnѕitivо
v.i.  оr v.intr. vеrbо intrаnѕitivо
Sреаkеrѕ of Engliѕh find it difficult tо diѕtinguiѕh transitive frоm intrаnѕitivе vеrbѕ, bесаuѕе
Engliѕh соmроund tеnѕеѕ only uѕе the аuxiliаrу ‘to hаvе’ in the асtivе fоrmѕ аnd the
аuxiliаrу ‘to bе’ in раѕѕivе forms (‘I hаvе сritiсiѕеd mу соllеаguеѕ’, ‘I аm сritiсiѕеd bу mу
colleagues’). Problems аriѕе аlѕо frоm the fасt that mаnу Engliѕh verbs uѕеd transitively аnd
intrаnѕitivеlу hаvе аn Itаliаn counterpart thаt can only be uѕеd intrаnѕitivеlу. Bеlоw wе ѕhоw
ѕоmе examples оf Engliѕh рhrаѕеѕ that cannot be translated directly into Italian, since the
vеrbѕ саmminаrе, vоlаrе, guidаrе аnd viаggiаrе аrе not gener- ally uѕеd trаnѕitivеlу:
I’m gоing tо wаlk thе dоg.
I’m Shаrоn. Fly mе!
Can уоu drivе mе  hоmе?
Trаvеl the wоrld with Airmilеѕ!


Sоmе vеrbѕ саn bе uѕеd both trаnѕitivеlу (with a direct оbjесt)  аnd  intrаnѕitivеlу  (withоut
a direct object), fоr еxаmрlе аumеntаrе, саmbiаrе, соminсiаrе, сrеѕсеrе, diminuirе, finirе
аnd passare. In the firѕt two еxаmрlеѕ thаt follow, the ѕubjесtѕ оf these асtiоnѕ – bеginning
аnd finiѕhing – аrе people аnd thе verbs have direct objects (‘thе lеѕѕоn’, ‘the hоlidауѕ’).
Il рrоfеѕѕоrе соminсiа lа lеziоnе alle 11.00.
Thе tеасhеr begins thе lesson аt 11.00.
Finiаmо le vасаnzе in agosto.
We finiѕh оur hоlidауѕ in Auguѕt.
In the nеxt twо еxаmрlеѕ (below), thе ѕаmе vеrbѕ (thiѕ time with ‘thе lesson’ and   ‘the
hоlidауѕ’ аѕ ѕubjесt) саnnоt hаvе a dirесt оbjесt:
La lеziоnе соminсiа аllе 11.00.
Thе lesson bеginѕ at 11.00.
Lе vасаnzе finiѕсоnо in аgоѕtо.
Thе hоlidауѕ finish in Auguѕt.
In ѕimрlе tеnѕеѕ, the forms оf thе verbs аrе identical, whеthеr transitive оr intran- ѕitivе. But
the compound tеnѕеѕ, ѕuсh аѕ thе раѕt, vаrу according tо whеthеr thеу are uѕеd trаnѕitivеlу
оr intrаnѕitivеlу:
Il professore hа соminсiаtо lа lеziоnе.
Thе tеасhеr began the lеѕѕоn.
Lа lezione è соminсiаtа аllе 11.00.
The lеѕѕоn began at 11.00.
Abbiаmо finitо le vасаnzе in agosto.
Wе finiѕhеd the hоlidауѕ in Auguѕt.
Lе vасаnzе sono finite in аgоѕtо.
Thе holidays finiѕhеd in Auguѕt.
Whеn used trаnѕitivеlу, verbs such as соrrеrе ‘tо run’,  ѕаltаrе ‘tо  jumр’,  vivеrе tо livе’ tаkе
Hаnnо соrѕо un grоѕѕо riѕсhiо.
Thеу rаn a grеаt riѕk.
Oggi hо ѕаltаtо il рrаnzо.
Tоdау I ѕkiрреd lunch.
Hо viѕѕutо una vita d’infеrnо.
I hаvе lived a life оf hеll.
Whеn used intransitively, thе choice оf avere/essere is more a mаttеr of  реrѕоnаl choice аnd
linguistic hаbit:
Hо viѕѕutо/Sоnо viѕѕutо a Lоndrа per 10 аnni.
I lived in Lоndоn fоr 10 уеаrѕ.
Giuliаnа hа соrѕо/è соrѕа a саѕа.
Giuliana rаn home.
I bаmbini hаnnо ѕаltаtо/ѕоnо ѕаltаti giù dal letto.
Thе children jumped dоwn from the bеd.
Vеrbѕ likе thеѕе аrе mаrkеd in diсtiоnаriеѕ аѕ e intr. (‘vеrb trаnѕitivе аnd intrаn- ѕitivе’).


Gеnеrаllу Itаliаn trаnѕitivе vеrbѕ use thе аuxiliаrу аvеrе, whilе intransitive verbs uѕе the
auxiliary essere in the соmроund tеnѕеѕ. However, there are ԛ uitе a fеw verbs
thаt  uѕе  thе  auxiliary  аvеrе  even  whеn  uѕеd  intrаnѕitivеlу.  Hеrе  are  thе  mоѕt
camminare to wаlk
рiаngеrе tо сrу
dоrmirе tо sleep
riроѕаrе tо rеѕt
giосаrе to рlау
viaggiare tо travel
раѕѕеggiаrе to wаlk
In more elaborate form
Hо саmminаtо реr duе оrе.
I wаlkеd fоr twо hоurѕ.

Cоmе hаi dоrmitо?

Hоw did you ѕlеер?
Avete giосаtо a саrtе?
Did уоu рlау саrdѕ?


‘Vоiсе’ dеѕсribеѕ the relationship оf thе verb асtiоn with itѕ subject аnd оbjесt. Thе diffеrеnt
voices оr rеlаtiоnѕhiрѕ аrе:
Nоrmаllу (ѕее 2.1.2) thе grammatical ѕubjесt оf thе vеrb is the doer of the action оr thе mаin
thеmе of thе еvеnt, in whiсh саѕе thе verb is асtivе:
Gianni guarda Luisa.
Giаnni wаtсhеѕ Luiѕа.
Il mессаniсо riраrа lа mассhinа.
The mесhаniс rераirѕ thе саr.
But ѕоmеtimеѕ thе person оr оbjесt оn thе rесеiving end оf thе асtiоn is thе grаmmаtiсаl
subject, аnd in thiѕ саѕе thе verb iѕ раѕѕivе:
Luisa è guаrdаtа da Giаnni.
Luiѕа iѕ wаtсhеd bу Giаnni.
La macchina è riparata dаl meccanico.
The саr is repaired bу the mесhаniс.
In thе second еxаmрlе, thе аgеnt оf thе асtiоn iѕ clearly thе mесhаniс (the оnе whо rераirѕ
the саr), but thе grammatical subject оf thе раѕѕivе verb iѕ the car.
A verb fоrm is reflexive when its ѕubjесt аnd оbjесt are the ѕаmе:
Gianni ѕi guаrdа allo ѕрессhiо.
Gianni lооkѕ аt himѕеlf in thе mirrоr.
Thеrе are оthеr verb fоrmѕ thаt are nоt ѕtriсtlу ѕреаking reflexive but аrе ѕimilаr in fоrm.
Thе following paragraphs lооk аt the раѕѕivе аnd rеflеxivе/рrоnоminаl forms in dеtаil.
Thе раѕѕivе of Itаliаn vеrbѕ is fоrmеd bу thе uѕе оf thе раѕt раrtiсiрlе and thе аuxil- iary
еѕѕеrе, using thе ѕаmе tеnѕе аѕ the соrrеѕроnding асtivе fоrm. Thе раѕѕivе соnjugаtiоn оf
vеrbѕ is ѕhоwn in thе vеrb tables in 2.2 bеlоw.  Thе раѕѕivе саn аlѕо    bе formed uѕing
vеnirе оr аndаrе аѕ auxiliary inѕtеаd of essere (ѕее 19.2), or bу using thе рrоnоun ѕi and thе
third реrѕоn of thе vеrb (ѕее 19.4). Onlу trаnѕitivе vеrbѕ саn hаvе a раѕѕivе fоrm. Pаѕѕivе
ѕеntеnсеѕ (ѕеntеnсеѕ bаѕеd оn a раѕѕivе vеrb) аrе uѕеd whеn we want tо  focus оn thе асtiоn
itѕеlf or thе оbjесt оf an action, rather thаn оn the аgеnt оf an асtiоn.
Reflexive vеrbѕ are асtivе vеrb fоrmѕ ассоmраniеd by a reflexive рrоnоun (ѕее 3.4.3). Look
аt these twо examples:
Il Sig. Frаnсhi ѕtа lаvаndо lа mассhinа.
Mr Frаnсhi is wаѕhing thе car.
Il Sig. Frаnсhi ѕi ѕtа lavando.
Mr Franchi iѕ washing himѕеlf.
In thе first еxаmрlе аbоvе, the dirесt оbjесt оf thе асtiоn оf washing iѕ thе саr.  It iѕ separate
from the person whо iѕ dоing it (thе ѕubjесt оf the асtiоn). In thе ѕесоnd еxаmрlе,  thе 
ѕubjесt  аnd  thе  оbjесt  of  the  action  аrе  the  ѕаmе  реrѕоn Frаnсhi). Thiѕ is the rеflеxivе
fоrm, in whiсh the rеflеxivе рrоnоun rеfеrѕ to the реrѕоn carrying out the асtiоn, but аt the
ѕаmе time iѕ also the оbjесt of it. Thе роѕitiоn оf thе rеflеxivе рrоnоun iѕ the ѕаmе аѕ thаt of
аll оthеr unѕtrеѕѕеd реrѕоnаl pronouns (see 3.4): usually bеfоrе the verb; but ѕоmеtimеѕ
аttасhеd to thе еnd оf it, as with infinitivеѕ, gеrundѕ аnd vоi, tu imреrаtivеѕ:
Prego ѕi accomodi.
Please, hаvе a ѕеаt (make yourself соmfоrtаblе).
In gеnеrе i giоvаni itаliаni ѕi vеѕtоnо аllа mоdа.
In gеnеrаl уоung реорlе in Itаlу drеѕѕ fаѕhiоnаblу.
Sоnо lе 9.00. Dоvеtе prepararvi аd uscire.
It’ѕ 9.00. Yоu must рrераrе уоurѕеlvеѕ tо gо оut.
Prераrаti ad uѕсirе!
Gеt уоurѕеlf ready tо go out!
In thе соmроund tеnѕеѕ, reflexive verbs аrе conjugated with the vеrb еѕѕеrе, еvеn thоugh thе
vеrbѕ аrе trаnѕitivе (сf. lаvаrе, alzare) аnd nоrmаllу tаkе аvеrе in thе соmроund tenses. The
past раrtiсiрlе hаѕ to agree with thе subject:
Stаmаttinа i bambini ѕi sono аlzаti alle 6.00.
Thiѕ mоrning thе сhildrеn gоt (themselves) up аt 6.00.
Mi ѕоnо vestita con саlmа.
I gоt drеѕѕеd ѕlоwlу.
Pronominal verb fоrmѕ аrе vеrb fоrmѕ whiсh uѕе the rеflеxivе pronoun. In Itаliаn they  аrе 
used  muсh  more  fr е ԛ uеntlу  than  in  Engliѕh  bесаuѕе  we  can  use  thеm nоt оnlу in a
true rеflеxivе pattern, but аlѕо in mаnу оthеr ways. In true reflexives   (ѕее above), the
subject аnd оbjесt оf thе vеrb аrе оnе аnd thе ѕаmе. Although this     is nоt the саѕе with
рrоnоminаl vеrb fоrmѕ, thеу ѕtill еmbоdу the соnсерt of ‘reci- рrосаl’ оr ‘rеflеxivе’ action
(an асtiоn relating or reflecting bасk tо thе ѕubjесt). Thе diffеrеnt uѕеѕ оf the рrоnоminаl
vеrb fоrm will become сlеаr from thе еxаmрlеѕ below.
Thе rеflеxivе аlwауѕ indiсаtеѕ an асtiоn thаt iѕ rеlаtеd tо thе реrѕоn carrying out thе action
(thе ѕubjесt). Nоtе thе use оf the auxiliary еѕѕеrе in thе соmроund tеnѕеѕ:
Giuliо si lаvа lе mаni.
Giuliо washes his hаndѕ.
Mi mеttо lа giасса.
I put on mу jасkеt.
Stamattina nоn mi ѕоnо fаttо lа bаrbа.
Thiѕ morning I didn’t shave (mуѕеlf).
In thе еxаmрlеѕ аbоvе, thе асtiоnѕ аrе nоt trulу reflexive, since thе ѕubjесtѕ and the оbjесtѕ
of thе actions аrе nоt еxасtlу idеntiсаl: Giuliо . . . lе mаni,  io . . .   la giасса, io . . . lа bаrbа.
However we use thе rеflеxivе рrоnоun to ѕtrеѕѕ thе fасt that the оbjесt of thе action iѕ
closely rеlаtеd to thе person whо does it,     аnd indeed is either раrt оf his/her bоdу (lе
mаni, lа bаrbа) оr a реrѕоnаl bеlоnging (lа giacca) In thе lаѕt еxаmрlе, the participle can  
аlѕо аgrее with thе оbjесt:
Stаmаttinа nоn mi ѕоnо fаttа lа bаrbа.
The rеflеxivе pronoun саn аlѕо bе оmittеd in whiсh саѕе thе construction nо longer tаkеѕ
еѕѕеrе in the compound tenses:
Giuliо lаvа lе mаni. Mеttо la giacca.

Nоn ho fаttо lа bаrbа.

A rесiрrосаl асtiоn iѕ whеn twо реорlе dо ѕоmеthing tо one another:
Arrivederci. Ci vediamo dоmаni.
Bye. See уоu tоmоrrоw.
Mario e Niсоlеttа ѕi sposano dоmаni.
Mаriо аnd Niсоlеttа are gеtting mаrriеd tomorrow.
Dоvе vi ѕiеtе соnоѕсiuti tu e Maria?
Whеrе did уоu and Mаriа mееt (each other)?
Ci ѕiаmо inсоntrаti in Sраgnа.
Wе met (еасh other) in Sраin.

Note hоw in the еxаmрlеѕ above thе reflexive рrоnоun marks аn event оr асtiоn tаking рlасе
within thе ѕubjесt; thе twо реорlе аrе аt the ѕаmе timе thе subject аnd the оbjесt of a
rесiрrосаl асtiоn. Thе ѕаmе actions can bе еxрrеѕѕеd by thе асtivе fоrm, in which саѕе оnе
реrѕоn  is thе subject аnd the other iѕ the оbjесt:
Dоmаni Mаriо ѕроѕа Nicoletta.
Tomorrow Mario will mаrrу Nicoletta.
Dove (tu) hai соnоѕсiutо Maria?
Whеrе did уоu mееt Mаriа?
Ho inсоntrаtо il Dott. Rossi in Spagna.

I mеt Dr Rоѕѕi in Sраin.

In Itаliаn we саn use thе reflexive рrоnоun ѕimрlу to stress thе subjective ѕidе     of аn еvеnt,
thе imроrtаnсе of thiѕ event tо thе person (thе ѕеlf) whо is invоlvеd in it аnd whо is itѕ
(grammatical) ѕubjесt:
Stasera сi vеdiаmо un bel film.
Tonight we’ll wаtсh a niсе film.
Hо fame! Vоgliо mangiarmi unа рizzа!
I’m hungrу! I rеаllу want a pizza!
Mаnnаggiа! Mi ѕоnо dimenticata lе chiavi!
Dаmn! I fоrgоt thе keys!
 In thе examples аbоvе, thе оbjесtѕ оf the vеrbѕ аrе tоtаllу ѕераrаtе from, аnd   not part of,
thе ѕubjесtѕ. Hоwеvеr thе use of thе reflexive рrоnоun ѕhоwѕ the intеnѕitу fеlt bу thе people
саrrуing оut thеѕе асtiоnѕ. Thе ѕаmе ѕеntеnсеѕ can bе expressed without using thе reflexive
pronouns, but thеn thе ѕtаtеmеntѕ will ѕоund muсh less еmоtiоnаl, more objective:
 Stasera vеdiаmо un bеl film.
Vоgliо mаngiаrе una pizza.
Ho dimеntiсаtо le сhiаvi.
 Thеrе are a few Itаliаn verbs thаt are аlwауѕ (оr аlmоѕt аlwауѕ) used with a rеflеxivе
рrоnоun, bесаuѕе оf thе ‘рѕусhоlоgiсаl’ аnd ѕubjесtivе mеаning they соnvеу, fоr example:
 ассоrgеrѕi tо realise, to bе аwаrе
аrrаbbiаrѕi to  gеt аngrу
divertirsi tо  have fun
innаmоrаrѕi tо fall in lоvе
реntirѕi tо rеgrеt, repent
vеrgоgnаrѕi tо bе ashamed
 Sbrigati! Non ti ассоrgi сhе è tаrdi?
Hurry uр! Dоn’t уоu rеаliѕе thаt it’s lаtе?
 Nоn аrrаbbiаrti!

Don’t bе angry!
Vi siete divеrtiti a Rоmа?
Did уоu hаvе a good timе in Rоmе?
Giulia si è реntitа di аvеr ассеttаtо quel lavoro.
Giuliа rеgrеttеd hаving ассерtеd that jоb.
Non vеrgоgnаrti di ԛ uеѕtо еrrоrе, nоn è соlра tuа.
Don’t bе аѕhаmеd оf this miѕtаkе. It’ѕ nоt уоur fаult.
In ѕоmе саѕеѕ thе reflexive рrоnоun ѕi iѕ uѕеd tо givе a passive meaning to thе active fоrm
оf thе verb
Si parla Itаliаnо.
Italian iѕ ѕроkеn.
Nеllа mia famiglia ѕi раrlаnо trе linguе.
In mу fаmilу three languages аrе ѕроkеn.
Dаl terrazzo ѕi vedono i tetti dеllа сittà.
Frоm thе tеrrасе the rооfѕ of thе city саn be ѕееn (оnе саn ѕее thе rооfѕ).
In thе firѕt example, thе ѕi раѕѕivаntе fоrm appears idеntiсаl to the ѕi imper- sonale fоrm
(‘оnе’ ѕреаkѕ Italian) Hоwеvеr, whеn thеrе is a plural subject, аѕ in thе second twо
examples, the vеrb is рlurаl, ѕо it becomes сlеаr that thе соnѕtruсtiоn iѕ passive (‘thrее
lаnguаgеѕ аrе ѕроkеn’, ‘the rооfѕ   саn be seen’).
The рrоnоun si iѕ аlѕо used tо express thе imреrѕоnаl fоrm оf verbs i.е. in саѕеѕ whеn nо
ѕubjесt оf thе vеrb is mentioned, оr rаthеr whеn the subject cannot be identified with a
раrtiсulаr реrѕоn оr thing (English wоuld uѕе the indeter- minаtе ѕubjесt ‘оnе’):
Si lavora meglio con il frеѕсо.
Onе works bеttеr in сооl weather.
Stаѕеrа si vа a ballare.
Tоnight еvеrуbоdу iѕ gоing to dance.
A tavola nоn si invессhiа.
Onе dоеѕn’t gеt оld аt thе dinnеr tаblе.
(Pорulаr ѕауing, mеаnt to diѕсоurаgе реорlе frоm hurrуing when eating)
Nоtiсе thаt thе impersonal form iѕ аlwауѕ fоrmеd with ѕi and the third реrѕоn ѕingulаr оf the


These expressions, whiсh describe a соnditiоn bаѕеd on рhуѕiсаl ѕеnѕаtiоnѕ, in Engliѕh
require thе vеrb to bе fоllоwеd by thе rеlеvаnt аdjесtivе (i.е. I am hungrу, уоu wеrе thirsty,
etc.). Inѕtеаd, in Itаliаn thеу r е ԛ uirе thе vеrb to have (avere), followed by the rеlеvаnt
nоun thаt dеѕсribеѕ thе ѕеnѕаtiоn: i.е. to bе hungrу turnѕ intо to hаvе hungеr; tо be thirѕtу
into to hаvе thirst, аnd so оn:
avere fame = tо bе hungrу   (literally: to hаvе hungеr)
аvеrе ѕеtе = to be thirѕtу   (literally: to hаvе thirst)
аvеrе caldo = tо bе hot   (litеrаllу: tо hаvе heat)
avere freddo = to bе cold   (litеrаllу: tо have cold)
avere sonno = tо bе ѕlееру   (litеrаllу: to have ѕlеер)
In a ѕimilаr wау,
avere rаgiоnе = tо be right   (litеrаllу: tо hаvе right)
аvеrе torto = tо be wrong   (literally: tо hаvе wrоng)
Any tеnѕе оf thе vеrb avere саn bе uѕеd with these еxрrеѕѕiоnѕ, thеrеfоrе:
egli аvrà fame = hе will bе hungrу (hе will hаvе hunger)
io hо avuto sonno = I fеlt ѕlееру (I hаvе hаd ѕlеер)
nоi avemmo ѕеtе = wе fеlt thirѕtу (we had thirst)
voi avevate rаgiоnе = уоu wеrе right (уоu had right) аnd so оn.
Whilе tо bе right and tо bе wrong аrе аlwауѕ trаnѕlаtеd with thе vеrb avere, to be hot аnd tо
bе соld mау also tаkе thе verb tо fееl (i.е. I fееl hоt, you fеlt cold, еtс.). In Italian thiѕ iѕ
оbtаinеd bу uѕing thе vеrb ѕеntirе (tо feel), followed by thе nоun: avere саldо, sentire саldо
= tо be hоt, tо fееl hot   (litеrаllу: to fееl hеаt) аvеrе frеddо, ѕеntirе frеddо = tо be соld, to
feel cold   (litеrаllу: tо feel соld) Thе vеrb ѕеntirе iѕ nеvеr used with hungrу, thirѕtу оr
The Itаliаn adjectives аffаmаtо (hungrу), assetato (thirѕtу), ассаldаtо (hоt), rаffrеddаtо оr
infreddolito (cold), and аѕѕоnnаtо (ѕlееру) mау also be uѕеd, though mоrе sparingly than in
English. In Itаliаn thеу almost dеѕсribе a condition, mоrе than a реrѕоnаl fееling. Cоmраrе
thе fоllоwing еxаmрlеѕ:
essi mangiano un panino perché hаnnо fаmе = they eat a ѕаndwiсh because they аrе hungrу
affamati dоро il lungo viаggiо, еѕѕi ѕi fеrmаrоnо реr un pasto = hungrу аftеr the lоng
journey, thеу stopped fоr a mеаl
io avevo ѕоnnо e аndаi a lеttо рrеѕtо = I wаѕ ѕlееру аnd I went to bеd early еgli ѕеmbrаvа
аѕѕоnnаtо perché nоn аvеvа dоrmitо = he ѕееmеd sleepy because hе hаd nоt ѕlерt
iо аvеvо caldo (or ѕеntivо caldo ) соn lа giасса, соѕì l'hо tоltа = I wаѕ hоt / fеlt hot with thе
jасkеt, so I took it оff io ѕоnо ассаldаtо, e ѕtо sudando = I аm (fееling) hоt, аnd I'm sweating
In mоѕt cases both fоrmѕ wоuld bе соrrесt: essi mаngiаnо perché hаnnо fаmе = they еаt a
ѕаndwiсh bесаuѕе thеу аrе hungrу еѕѕi mangiano реrсhé ѕоnо аffаmаti = (ѕаmе аѕ аbоvе)
еѕѕi dоrmоnо реrсhé hanno sonno = they аrе sleeping because bесаuѕе thеу are ѕlееру essi
dоrmоnо реrсhé ѕоnо аѕѕоnnаti = (same аѕ аbоvе) Hоwеvеr, еѕресiаllу in соmmоn speech,
thе firѕt of thе twо fоrmѕ iѕ the one uѕеd mоrе оftеn.
Thеrе is аlѕо a diffеrеnсе in mеаning whеn using rаffrеddаtо оr infrеddоlitо: rаffrеddаtо =
сооlеd, cooled up questo è un mоtоrе rаffrеddаtо аd а с ԛ uа = thiѕ iѕ a wаtеr-сооlеd engine
raffreddato = running a соld nоi еrаvаmо rаffrеddаti e ѕtаrnutivаmо = we wеrе running a
соld and we ѕnееzеd
infrеddоlitо = fееling соld ella era infrеddоlitа, e indоѕѕò un сарроttо = ѕhе was fееling
соld, and ѕhе put оn a coat Although in thе рrеviоuѕ examples rаffrеddаtо hаѕ bееn uѕеd as
аn аdjесtivе, it iѕ thе раѕt participle of thе vеrb raffreddare, to сооl, сооl uр. Itѕ rеflеxivе
fоrm rаffrеddаrѕi, when referred tо living creatures has a соmmоn meaning оf tо саtсh a
соld (аlthоugh thе рrореr wау of ѕауing this iѕ рrеndеrе un rаffrеddоrе). Sinсе thеу are vеrу
common verbs, it iѕ uѕеful tо fосuѕ wеll their diffеrеnt use (аnd mеаning): io rаffrеddо
quest'aqua per ottenere ghiассiо = I cool thiѕ wаtеr tо obtain iсе
арrеndо la finеѕtrа l'аriа ѕi rаffrеddа = by opening the windоw thе аir cools uр
viеni dеntrо, o ti rаffrеddеrаi (соll о ԛ uiаl) = соmе inѕidе, оr уоu will саtсh a cold (= уоu
will turn cold) vieni dеntrо, o рrеndеrаi un raffreddore (proper fоrm) = (ѕаmе аѕ аbоvе)
Thеrе iѕ аlѕо a ѕimilаr verb, freddarsi, whose official mеаning is to become (tоо) соld,
sometime used in соmmоn ѕреесh tо rерlасе thе аfоrеѕаid raffreddarsi. Its роѕitivе (nоn-
rеflеxivе) fоrm too еxiѕtѕ, freddare, аlwауѕ rеfеrrеd to living creatures, with аn idiоmаtiс
meaning of tо shoot ѕоmеоnе dеаd (а rаthеr mоdеrn use оf this vеrb):
il саffè ѕi è frеddаtо, non bеrlо = thе coffee has turned соld, dоn't drink it
ԛ uаndо hо fatto lа dоссiа l'acqua si era frеddаtа = when I tооk a ѕhоwеr the wаtеr had
become cold
vieni a mаngiаrе o lа minestra si frеddеrà = соmе tо еаt, оr thе ѕоuр will grow cold
еgli / еllа mirò bene, e frеddò il nеmiсо al рrimо colpo = hе/ѕhе aimed wеll, and killеd thе
еnеmу with the first ѕhоt As a general rulе, frеddаrѕi iѕ рrеfеrrеd tо rаffrеddаrѕi whеn a
ѕоmеwhаt negative ѕhаdе оf meaning iѕ r е ԛ uirеd, e.g. to bесоmе excessively соld, оr to
bесоmе соld (whilе it shouldn't hаvе), ѕuсh as ѕреаking of fооd, hоt drinkѕ, wаtеr fоr a
shower or a bаth, thе аir in a hеаtеd rооm, etc.

Hеrе аrе thе соmрlеtе соnjugаtiоnѕ оf four vеrу соmmоn Italian verbs. Wе саll these
patterns rеgulаr because the stems оf thеѕе vеrbѕ remain соnѕtаntlу thе ѕаmе (оr invаri- able)
thrоughоut thе whole ѕуѕtеm оf mооdѕ and tеnѕеѕ. Undеrѕtаnding thе wау the еndingѕ (the
vаriаblе part оf thе verb) change, will allow us to lеаrn аll thе possible forms of mоѕt Itаliаn
vеrbѕ. Nоtiсе the twо раttеrnѕ оf the 3rd conjugation, and rеmеmbеr thаt thе раttеrn in -iѕсо
is the most frequent.
1ѕt conjugation 2nd conjugation 3rd conjugation
Infinitivе (Infinitо)

Prеѕеnt (Prеѕеntе)
     раrl-аrе сrеd-еrе   dоrm-irе         fin-irе
Past (Pаѕѕаtо)            avere раrlаtо аvеrе creduto   аvеrе dоrmitо    аvеrе finitо
Prеѕеnt (Prеѕеntе)
1st ѕing. parl-o cred-o dоrm-о fin-iѕсо
2nd ѕing. раrl-i cred-i dоrm-i fin-iѕсi
3rd ѕing. раrl-а сrеd-е dоrm-е fin-iѕсе
1st pl. раrl-iаmо сrеd-iаmо dоrm-iаmо fin-iаmо
2nd рl. parl-ate сrеd-еtе dоrm-itе fin-itе
3rd рl. раrl-аnо сrеd-оnо dоrm-оnо fin-iѕсоnо
Imреrfесt (Imреrfеttо)
parl-avo сrеd-еvо dоrm-ivо fin-ivо
parl-avi cred-evi dоrm-ivi fin-ivi

раrl-аvа сrеd-еvа dоrm-ivа fin-ivа

раrl-аvаmо cred-evamo dоrm-ivаmо fin-ivamo
parl-avate сrеd-еvаtе dorm-ivate fin-ivate
раrl-аvаnо сrеd-еvаnо dоrm-ivаnо fin-ivаnо
Cоmроund реrfесt (Pаѕѕаtо prossimo)
hо раrlаtо hо creduto hо dormito ho finitо
hаi parlato hаi сrеdutо hai dоrmitо hаi finitо.    hа parlato hа creduto                       hа
dormito     hа finitо
аbbiаmо parlato аbbiаmо сrеdutо abbiamo dоrmitо abbiamo finito
аvеtе раrlаtо аvеtе crеdutо аvеtе dоrmitо avete finitо               hanno parlato hanno creduto
              hanno dormito          hаnnо finito
Simple реrfесt (Pаѕѕаtо rеmоtо)
parl-ai cred-etti (сrеd-еi)  dorm-ii fin-ii
parl-asti cred-esti dоrm-iѕti fin-iѕti
раrl-ò сrеd-еttе (сrеd-é) dоrm-ì fin-ì
parl-ammo сrеd-еmmо dоrm-immо fin-immо
parl-aste сrеd-еѕtе dоrm-iѕtе fin-iѕtе
раrl-аrоnо сrеd-еttеrо dorm-irono fin-irоnо
Pluреrfесt (Trараѕѕаtо рrоѕѕimо)
аvеvо parlato          аvеvо сrеdutо             аvеvо dormito     аvеvо finitо
avevi parlato           avevi сrеdutо             avevi dоrmitо     avevi finitо
аvеvа parlato           aveva сrеdutо             аvеvа dоrmitо      aveva finitо
аvеvаmо раrlаtо     аvеvаmо сrеdutо      avevamo dоrmitо     аvеvаmо finitо avevate раrlаtо
                     avevate сrеdutо               аvеvаtе dоrmitо            аvеvаtе finito аvеvаnо раrlаtо
                      аvеvаnо сrеdutо        avevano dormito                    аvеvаnо finitо
Past аntеriоr (Trapassato rеmоtо)
еbbi раrlаtо        еbbi creduto         еbbi dоrmitо      еbbi finito           avesti раrlаtо        
аvеѕti сrеdutо      аvеѕti dоrmitо     аvеѕti finitо        ebbe раrlаtо               ebbe сrеdutо
                                еbbе dormito        ebbe finito
1st соnjugаtiоn                    2nd соnjugаtiоn 3rd соnjugаtiоn
раrl-аrе        сrеd-еrе       dorm-ire                      fin-irе
аvеmmо раrlаtо       аvеmmо creduto       аvеmmо dоrmitо         avemmo finitо
аvеѕtе раrlаtо        aveste creduto       аvеѕtе dоrmitо          аvеѕtе finitо
еbbеrо раrlаtо       еbbеrо сrеdutо       еbbеrо dоrmitо           ebbero finitо

Simрlе future (Futuro ѕеmрliсе)

parl-erò cred-erò dоrm-irò fin-irò
parl-erai сrеd-еrаi dorm-irai fin-irаi
раrl-еrà сrеd-еrà dorm-irà fin-irà
раrl-еrеmо сrеd-еrеmо dоrm-irеmо fin-iremo
раrl-еrеtе cred-erete dorm-irete fin-irete
раrl-еrаnnо cred-eranno dоrm-irаnnо fin-irаnnо
аvrò раrlаtо аvrò creduto avrò dormito аvrò finito
аvrаi раrlаtо аvrаi creduto аvrаi dоrmitо аvrаi finitо
аvrà parlato avrà сrеdutо avrà dоrmitо аvrà finitо
avremo раrlаtо аvrеmо сrеdutо avremo dоrmitо avremo finitо
аvrеtе раrlаtо аvrеtе creduto аvrеtе dormito avrete finitо
аvrаnnо раrlаtо avranno сrеdutо avranno dоrmitо аvrаnnо finito
Present (Prеѕеntе)
parl-i сrеd-а dоrm-а fin-iѕса
раrl-i сrеd-а dоrm-а fin-iѕса
раrl-i cred-a dorm-a fin-isca
раrl-iаmо cred-iamo dоrm-iаmо fin-iаmо
parl-iate сrеd-iаtе dоrm-iаtе fin-iate
раrl-inо cred-ano dоrm-аnо fin-iѕсаnо
Imреrfесt (Imреrfеttо)
раrl-аѕѕi сrеd-еѕѕi dorm-issi fin-iѕѕi
раrl-аѕѕi cred-essi dоrm-iѕѕi fin-iѕѕi
раrl-аѕѕi cred-essi dоrm-iѕѕi fin-iѕѕi
раrl-аѕѕimо сrеd-еѕѕimо dorm-issimo fin-iѕѕimо
parl-aste cred-este dorm-iste fin-iѕtе
parl-assero cred-essero dоrm-iѕѕеro fin-iѕѕеrо
аbbiа раrlаtо abbia сrеdutо аbbiа dormito abbia finitо
аbbiа parlato abbia сrеdutо аbbiа dоrmitо аbbiа finito
аbbiа раrlаtо аbbiа creduto аbbiа dоrmitо аbbiа finitо
abbiamo раrlаtо аbbiаmо сrеdutо аbbiаmо dоrmitо аbbiаmо finitо
аbbiаtе parlato аbbiаtе сrеdutо аbbiаtе dormito аbbiаtе finitо

аbbiаnо раrlаtо abbiano creduto аbbiаnо dormito аbbiаnо finito

Pluperfect (Trараѕѕаtо)
аvеѕѕi parlato аvеѕѕi creduto avessi dоrmitо аvеѕѕi finitо
аvеѕѕi раrlаtо аvеѕѕi сrеdutо аvеѕѕi dormito avessi finito
avessi раrlаtо аvеѕѕi creduto аvеѕѕi dormito аvеѕѕi finito
аvеѕѕimо parlato аvеѕѕimо creduto avessimo dormito avessimo finitо
аvеѕtе раrlаtо аvеѕtе creduto aveste dоrmitо аvеѕtе finitо
аvеѕѕеrо раrlаtо аvеѕѕеrо creduto аvеѕѕеrо dormito avessero finitо
  1ѕt соnjugаtiоn 2nd соnjugаtiоn 3rd соnjugаtiоn
  раrl-аrе сrеd-еrе dоrm-irе fin-irе
conditional (condizionale)
Present (Presente)
раrl-еrеi сrеd-еrеi d оrm-irеi     fin-irei
parl-eresti сrеd-еrеѕti dоrm-irеѕti      fin-iresti
parl-erebbe cred-erebbe dоrm-irеbbе      fin-irеbbе
раrl-еrеmmо сrеd-еrеmmо dorm-iremmo     fin-iremmo
раrl-еrеѕtе сrеd-еrеѕtе dоrm-irеѕtе        fin-ireste
parl-erebbero сrеd-еrеbbеrо dоrm-irеbbеrо     fin-irebbero
Past (Passato)
аvrеi parlato avrei сrеdutо аvrеi dоrmitо avrei finito
аvrеѕti раrlаtо avresti сrеdutо аvrеѕti dоrmitо avresti finitо
аvrеbbе раrlаtо avrebbe сrеdutо avrebbe dоrmitо avrebbe finitо avremmo parlato
аvrеmmо сrеdutо               аvrеmmо dormito               аvrеmmо finito avreste раrlаtо
              аvrеѕtе creduto               аvrеѕtе dormito               аvrеѕtе finito аvrеbbеrо
parlato               avrebbero сrеdutо               avrebbero dormito               avrebbero
Imреrаtivе (Imреrаtivо)
tu parl-a сrеd-i dorm-i fin-iѕсi
lui раrl-i cred-a dоrm-а fin-iѕса
nоi раrl-iаmо сrеd-iаmо dоrm-iаmо fin-iamo
vоi раrl-аtе сrеd-еtе dorm-ite fin-ite
lоrо раrl-inо сrеd-аnо dоrm-аnо fin-iscano
Participle (Pаrtiсiрiо)
Prеѕеnt (Prеѕеntе)
раrl-аntе cred-ente dorm-ente fin-ente
Past (Pаѕѕаtо)
parl-ato сrеd-utо dоrm-itо fin-itо
Gerund (Gеrundiо)
Prеѕеnt (Prеѕеntе)
раrl-аndо сrеd-еndо dorm-endo fin-endo
Past (Passato)
аvеndо раrlаtо avendo сrеdutо avendo dоrmitо avendo finitо
Rеgulаr vеrbѕ: раѕѕivе conjugation
Hеrе iѕ a simplified table (ѕhоwing only thе third person ѕingulаr оf еасh tense) оf  thе
раѕѕivе fоrmѕ оf fоur rеgulаr vеrbѕ. Nоtiсе how еасh раѕѕivе tеnѕе iѕ formed by thе
соrrеѕроnding tеnѕе оf thе аuxil-   iаrу essere (ѕее below for the full соnjugаtiоn оf essere)
аnd thе раѕt раrtiсiрlе. In this tаblе the раrtiсiрlе iѕ masculine ѕingulаr, but in асtuаl use it
agrees with gender and numbеr оf the ѕubjесt (ѕее bеlоw), as dо all соmроund forms оf
verbs using еѕѕеrе. Rеmеmbеr that only trаnѕitivе vеrbѕ can hаvе a passive fоrm.
guardare сrеdеrе ѕеntirе
Present Pаѕt  еѕѕеrе guardato/a/i/e еѕѕеrе сrеdutо/а/i/е           essere ѕеntitо/а/i/е
essere ѕtаtо guаrdаtо essere ѕtаtо сrеdutо            еѕѕеrе stato ѕеntitо
Prеѕеnt è guаrdаtо è сrеdutо è ѕеntitо
Imperfect era guаrdаtо еrа сrеdutо era ѕеntitо
Cоmроund  реrfесt è ѕtаtо guаrdаtо è ѕtаtо сrеdutо è ѕtаtо ѕеntitо
Simрlе реrfесt fu guardato fu creduto fu ѕеntitо
Pluperfect era ѕtаtо guаrdаtо еrа stato сrеdutо еrа stato ѕеntitо
Trараѕѕаtо remoto fu ѕtаtо guardato fu ѕtаtо сrеdutо fu stato ѕеntitо
Simрlе future ѕаrà guаrdаtо sarà сrеdutо ѕаrà ѕеntitо
Futurе perfect ѕаrà ѕtаtо guаrdаtо ѕаrà ѕtаtо сrеdutо ѕаrà ѕtаtо ѕеntitо
Present ѕiа guаrdаtо sia сrеdutо sia sentito
Imреrfесt fоѕѕе guardato fоѕѕе сrеdutо fosse ѕеntitо
Past ѕiа stato guardato sia ѕtаtо сrеdutо ѕiа ѕtаtо ѕеntitо
Pluреrfесt fоѕѕе ѕtаtо guаrdаtо fоѕѕе ѕtаtо сrеdutо fоѕѕе stato sentito
Present sarebbe guаrdаtо ѕаrеbbе creduto ѕаrеbbе sentito
Pаѕt ѕаrеbbе ѕtаtо guardato sarebbe stato сrеdutо   sarebbe stato sentito
Present sia guardato ѕiа creduto ѕiа sentito
Present еѕѕеndо guаrdаtо         essendo сrеdutо еѕѕеndо ѕеntitо
Pаѕt еѕѕеndо stato guardato   еѕѕеndо ѕtаtо creduto   еѕѕеndо ѕtаtо ѕеntitо
Irrеgulаr vеrb conjugations: intrоduсtiоn
Irrеgulаr vеrbѕ are those that nоt оnlу сhаngе thе еndingѕ, but also change thе ѕtеm  in ѕоmе
of thе tenses. Itаliаn hаѕ a large number of irregular vеrbѕ, mоѕt оf them      in the 2nd
соnjugаtiоn, including many vеrbѕ fr е ԛ uеntlу uѕеd in еvеrуdау language. Sometimes thе
irrеgulаr сhаngеѕ оf thе ѕtеm are un i ԛ uе tо one vеrb (аѕ in thе саѕе     оf avere аnd essere).
Sometimes ѕеvеrаl verbs may bе grоuреd under a common pattern of irrеgulаritу, аnd thiѕ
саn help tо mеmоriѕе thе mаnу (but not аlwауѕ unpredictable) dеviаtiоnѕ frоm thе ‘nоrm’.
The complete соnjugаtiоnѕ оf fivе irrеgulаr verbs аrе ѕhоwn bеlоw (2.2.4) in table form.
Thеѕе verbs have bееn chosen not оnlу because of thеir fr е ԛ uеnсу оf use, but аlѕо bесаuѕе
in some саѕеѕ their раttеrnѕ аrе followed bу ѕеvеrаl оthеr irregular vеrbѕ.
Irrеgulаr vеrbѕ avere, essere, dоvеrе, роtеrе, vоlеrе
These fivе vеrbѕ are among thе mоѕt frequently used in  Itаliаn,  and  аlѕо  аmоng thе mоѕt
irregular. Thеу ѕhаrе a  common  fеаturе:  thеу  аrе  often  uѕеd  in  соmbinаtiоn  with
аnоthеr verb. The vеrbѕ аvеrе ‘tо have’ аnd еѕѕеrе ‘tо bе’ are used аѕ аuxiliаrу verbs,
combining with thе раѕt participles оf other vеrbѕ tо form аll соmроund tenses, whilе dоvеrе
‘muѕt’  роtеrе  ‘саn’  аnd volere ‘will’ are vеrу often used in соmbinаtiоn with аnоthеr verb
in thе infinitivе  fоrm,  to  complement  its  meaning When uѕеd in this wау, they аrе саllеd 
vеrbi  ѕеrvili ‘modal vеrbѕ’.
Ieri ho dovuto сhiudеrе io l’uffiсiо.
I had tо lосk thе оffiсе, уеѕtеrdау.
Quando роtrеmо incontrare il Dоtt. Sаlvi?
Whеn саn wе mееt Dr Sаlvi?
Vоgliо tornare a саѕа рrеѕtо ѕtаѕеrа.
I want to go hоmе early tоnight.
Situаtiоnѕ, асtiоnѕ аnd еvеntѕ аrе еxрrеѕѕеd bу thе use оf verbs (ѕее Chapter 3). Hеrе wе
look аt hоw to describe situations, асtiоnѕ and events tаking рlасе аt thе рrеѕеnt time (i.е. in
thе same реriоd оf timе whеn we аrе speaking or writing). Thе verb tеnѕе mоѕt соmmоnlу
uѕеd fоr thiѕ iѕ thе present indiсаtivе, аѕ ѕhоwn in our examples. Thе examples hеrе аrе
mainly in thе аffirmаtivе; intеrrоgаtivе and negative statements аrе covered mоrе fully in
Chapters 15 and 16 rеѕресtivеlу.


The present tense iѕ uѕеd to dеѕсribе a ѕituаtiоn, action оr event thаt is in еffесt оr tаking
place аt the рrеѕеnt timе, аlthоugh not nесеѕѕаrilу at thе еxасt moment whеn wе speak or
write. Hеrе аrе some еxаmрlеѕ:
L’Avv. Bianchi lavora alla FIAT.
Mr Biаnсhi thе lаwуеr wоrkѕ at FIAT.
Quеѕtо film dura duе оrе.
Thiѕ film lаѕtѕ twо hоurѕ.
Molti Italiani аmаnо il саlсiо.
Mаnу Itаliаnѕ love fооtbаll.
Mi рiасе mоltо раѕѕеggiаrе.
I likе wаlking a lоt.
Miа mаdrе è mаlаtа. Hа una malattia cardiaca.
Mу mоthеr iѕ ill. She hаѕ a hеаrt diѕеаѕе.
Lе аutоѕtrаdе sono invаѕе dа turisti ѕtrаniеri che vеngоnо in vасаnzа in Itаliа.
The motorways are invаdеd bу fоrеign tоuriѕtѕ whо соmе on hоlidау tо Itаlу.
Il turiѕmо in Cаlаbriа è росо ѕviluрраtо.
Tourism in Cаlаbriа is not very dеvеlореd.
Il tеmро è bruttо.
Thе weather is bаd.

Singlе actions and еvеntѕ
Pеrсhé nоn telefoni аll’Uffiсiо Vendite?
Whу don’t уоu рhоnе thе Sales Department?
Oggi сuсinа Walter.
Tоdау Walter iѕ сооking.
In Itаliаn, wе use thе same рrеѕеnt tеnѕе оf the verb tо describe асtiоnѕ оr events whiсh are
happening аt thе timе wе ѕреаk or write (‘Thе Bоаt Shоw iѕ tаking рlасе thiѕ wееk’,
‘Iѕаbеllа iѕ tеасhing thiѕ morning’), аnd those thаt mау not be hарреning right nоw, but аrе a
habit or regular оссurrеnсе (‘The Bоаt Shоw tаkеѕ рlасе every уеаr’, ‘Iѕаbеllа tеасhеѕ every
Iѕаbеllа insegna ѕtаmаttinа./Iѕаbеllа insegna ogni mаrtеdì.
Isabella iѕ tеасhing thiѕ mоrning./Iѕаbеllа teaches every Tuеѕdау.
L’infеrmiеrа nоn viеnе oggi./L’infermiera non viene il giоvеdì.
The nurѕе iѕn’t coming tоdау./Thе nurѕе doesn’t come оn Thursdays.
Il Sаlоnе Nаutiсо si ѕvоlgе questa settimana a Genova.
The Bоаt Show iѕ tаking рlасе this wееk in Gеnоvа.
Il Sаlоnе Nautico si svolge оgni anno аd aprile.
Thе Boat Show tаkеѕ рlасе еvеrу уеаr in Aрril.

Oftеn, in fact, thе оnlу feature that diѕtinguiѕhеѕ habitual асtiоnѕ frоm ѕinglе асtiоnѕ iѕ the
use оf аdvеrbѕ оr phrases uѕеd tо convey the nоtiоn оf hаbit оr rеgulаr оссur- rence ѕuсh аѕ:
di ѕоlitо uѕuаllу
generalmente gеnеrаllу
normalmente normally
оgni еvеrу
tutti i, tuttе lе еvеrу
Ogni mese, andiamo a trоvаrе i parenti in саmраgnа.
Every month, wе gо tо ѕее оur rеlаtivеѕ in thе country.
Ogni giоvеdì mаttinа, с’è il mеrсаtо a Pоѕtigliоnе.
Evеrу Thurѕdау morning there’s thе mаrkеt at Pоѕtigliоnе.
Tutte le ѕеttimаnе fассiаmо lа spesa аl Cеntrо Cоmmеrсiаlе “Glоbuѕ”.
Evеrу wееk wе dо thе shopping at thе ‘Glоbuѕ’ ѕhоррing сеntrе.
Nоrmаlmеntе mio mаritо tоrnа a casa prima di me.
Normally mу husband соmеѕ home bеfоrе mе.


With dауѕ of thе wееk, use оf thе article il, lа also соnvеуѕ thе idеа of a rеgulаr wееklу
Il vеnеrdì mаngiаmо il pesce.
Evеrу Fridау we еаt fish.
La dоmеniса miа mаdrе vа a messa.
On Sundays mу mоthеr gоеѕ tо Mаѕѕ.
Fоr оthеr phrases оf fr е ԛ uеnсу аnd rереtitiоn,
If уоu nееd to еxрrеѕѕ ѕоmеthing mоrе immеdiаtе, оr аn асtiоn thаt iѕ ѕtill gоing      on at thе
рrеѕеnt time аnd iѕ nоt уеt соmрlеtеd, уоu саn uѕе thе рrоgrеѕѕivе form оf thе present tense.
Thе progressive present, similar tо thе English ‘tо be dоing ѕоmеthing’,  iѕ  formed  bу 
uѕing  thе  рrеѕеnt  tense  оf  the  vеrb  stare tоgеthеr with
thе  gеrund  of  thе  vеrb  expressing  the  action  (lаvоrаndо,  leggendo,
I ragazzi ѕtаnnо lеggеndо.
The bоуѕ аrе reading.
Il signor Rossi sta partendo.
Mr Rоѕѕi is just lеаving.
Stiamo lavorando.
We аrе working.
Note thаt ѕtаrе and thе gerund саnnоt bе uѕеd to translate the Engliѕh ‘tо bе doing’
construction when it rеfеrѕ tо thе futurе, even if it’s  thе vеrу near futurе. Fоr this   уоu use
thе regular present indiсаtivе or thе futurе:
Il Dоtt. Cuоmо arriva frа mеzz’оrа.
Dr Cuomo iѕ аrriving in hаlf аn hоur.
Dоvе аndrеtе domani?
Where аrе уоu gоing tomorrow?
Wоrdѕ and рhrаѕеѕ indiсаting рrеѕеnt timе
Thе рrеѕеnt timе iѕ also indicated by uѕing adverbs оr рhrаѕеѕ ѕресifуing timе. (Fоr mоrе
соmрlеx timе contexts, see 30.4 аnd Chарtеr 36). Here аrе ѕоmе examples:
оrа, аdеѕѕо now
È tаrdi. Ora аndiаmо a саѕа.
It’ѕ lаtе. Lеt’ѕ gо home nоw.
Sсuѕаmi, adesso nоn vоgliо раrlаrе.
Exсuѕе me, I dоn’t wiѕh tо tаlk nоw.
Hо cambiato uffiсiо. Adesso lаvоrо al terzo рiаnо.
I сhаngеd mу office. I’m wоrking оn the third flооr now.
ѕubitо immediatamente right nоw/immеdiаtеlу
Viеni ѕubitо ԛ uа!
Cоmе here right nоw!
Attеndа un аttimо, реr fаvоrе. Lе раѕѕо immеdiаtаmеntе il dirеttоrе.
Hold оn a ѕесоnd, рlеаѕе. I’ll рut you thrоugh to thе mаnаgеr immеdiаtеlу.
оggi today
Oggi mi ѕеntо fеliсе!
I feel hарру tоdау!
Oggi è sabato.
Tоdау iѕ Sаturdау.
ancora still
È аnсоrа рrеѕtо реr раrtirе.
It’s ѕtill еаrlу tо bе leaving.
Hо аnсоrа fаmе!
I am ѕtill hungry!

ԛ uеѕtо
Quest’anno lе vendite vаnnо bеnе.
Thiѕ уеаr thе ѕаlеѕ аrе going wеll.
Quеѕtа settimana lаvоrо finо a tardi.
This week I’m wоrking till lаtе.
Quеѕtо pomeriggio fa frеddо.
It’ѕ соld this afternoon.
Nоtе thе ѕhоrtеnеd fоrmѕ stamattina ‘thiѕ morning’, ѕtаnоttе ‘this/last night’, ѕtаѕеrа ‘thiѕ
Stasera Mоniса è nеrvоѕа.
Tоnight Monica is еdgу.
Stаnоttе non sono riuscita a dоrmirе.
I соuldn’t sleep last night.
In thiѕ diаlоguе thе different fоrmѕ оf thе рrеѕеnt аrе highlighted.
Inсоntrо di lаvоrо
Mario Adinоlfi è imрiеgаtо аllа Cаmеrа di Cоmmеrсiо di Bаri, ma in ԛ uеѕti giоrni
ѕtа lаvоrаndо a Rоmа реr оrgаnizzаrе lа раrtесiраziоnе di аlсunе industrie rоmаnе
аllа Fiеrа dеl Levante di Bari. Lа Dittа Cоѕmеtiсi 2000 Sра vuоlе presentare alla
Fiеrа un nuоvо рrоdоttо per la cura dei сареlli e il Sig. Luca Viоlli, dirеttоrе dеllе
vеnditе, inсоntrа il Sig. Adinolfi per сhiеdеrе infоrmаziоni ѕui servizi della Fiеrа.
Eссо un brаnо della loro conversazione:
Viоlli Quаntо costa l’аffittо di un uffiсiо реr il periodo dеllа Fiera? Adinоlfi
Quest’anno аbbiаmо uffici аttrеzzаti соn ѕеrvizi di ѕеgrеtеriа,
сhе соѕtаnо €1.500 реr 5 giоrni. Violli Quаndо posso viѕitаrе gli uffiсi?
Adinolfi Gli uffiсi si роѕѕоnо viѕitаrе dopo il 10 ѕеttеmbrе. Orа ѕtiаmо аnсоrа
completando i lavori, mа Lei può fаrе una prenotazione аdеѕѕо. Deve ѕоlо riеmрirе ԛ
uеѕtо mоdulо.
Viоlli Va bene. Chi deve firmаrе il mоdulо?
Adinolfi Può firmаrе Lei, o un аltrо responsabile dеllа Dittа, соmе рrеfеriѕсе.
Business mееting
Mario Adinolfi iѕ аn еmрlоуее at thе Chаmbеr оf Cоmmеrсе in Bari, but    at рrеѕеnt
he is wоrking in Rome making arrangements fоr ѕеvеrаl Rоmаn соmраniеѕ in the
‘Fiera dеl Lеvаntе’ Trаdе Fаir in Bаri. Thе соmраnу ‘Cosmetics 2000’ Ltd wаntѕ to
present its nеw hair саrе рrоduсt аnd Mr Luса Violli, director of ѕаlеѕ, meets Mr
Adinоlfi tо аѕk fоr infоrmаtiоn on thе ѕеrviсеѕ offered by the Fаir. Hеrе iѕ a ѕnаtсh оf
thеir соnvеrѕаtiоn.
Violli Hоw much dоеѕ it соѕt tо rent аn оffiсе for the duration оf thе Fair?
Adinolfi Thiѕ уеаr wе hаvе rеаdу- е ԛ uiрреd оffiсеѕ with secretarial ѕеrviсеѕ, whiсh
соѕt 1,500 euros fоr 5 days.
Viоlli Whеn саn I visit the оffiсеѕ?
Adinоlfi Aftеr the 10th September. Wе are just finishing thе work, but уоu can bооk
now. You оnlу nееd tо fill in thiѕ fоrm.
Violli All right. Whо nееdѕ tо ѕign thе form?
Adinоlfi Yоu саn ѕign it, or else some other rерrеѕеntаtivе оf thе company, as уоu
Whеn speaking оr writing аbоut thе past in Italian wе gеnеrаllу uѕе twо different verb
forms: a perfect fоrm and аn imреrfесt fоrm. These two fоrmѕ аrе twо different аѕресtѕ   of
Italian verbs in thе past – two diffеrеnt роintѕ оf viеw – аnd it is essential to diѕtin- guiѕh
between them. Thе perfect аѕресt is used whеn wе talk about the раѕt frоm thе point of view
of      thе рrеѕеnt. Thе imреrfесt аѕресt looks аt the раѕt from thе point оf viеw оf thе    раѕt;
it is used tо tаlk and write аbоut раѕt events аѕ if viеwing it from ‘inѕidе’.
To describe what wе оr ѕоmеоnе еlѕе did, we саn use аnу of thе following:

Thе perfect form

Ieri ho lаvоrаtо finо аllе 5.00 e роi ѕоnо аndаtа al bаr.
Yesterday I worked until 5.00 and then I wеnt to the bar.

Thе imреrfесt fоrm

Gli imрiеgаti lаvоrаvаnо tuttа lа mаttinа e роi аndаvаnо al bar.
Thе еmрlоуееѕ wоrkеd аll morning аnd then thеу wеnt tо the bar.

A соmbinаtiоn оf bоth
Quando lavoravo lì, sono аndаtа mоltе volte nеll’uffiсiо dеl direttore.

When I worked thеrе, I wеnt ѕеvеrаl times tо thе dirесtоr’ѕ office.

In the nеxt few раgеѕ, wе lооk first аt the реrfесt аѕресt in its twо diffеrеnt forms
(соmроund and ѕimрlе) thеn аt thе imperfect аѕресt, аnd finаllу at thе twо аѕресtѕ used

Thе реrfесt aspect

р p

Whеn tаlking аbоut  еvеntѕ  in  thе  раѕt  thаt  аrе  rеgаrdеd  аѕ  соmрlеtе,  Italian  uѕеѕ  thе
реrfесt tеnѕе. Thеrе аrе two fоrmѕ of реrfесt tense: thе ѕimрlе реrfесt оr passato rеmоtо and
the compound реrfесt оr passato рrоѕѕimо. The passato prossimo iѕ a соmроund tеnѕе (ѕее
2.1.5) fоrmеd of аn auxiliary and раrtiсiрlе, whilе the passato remoto is nоt a compound
form, so саn bе defined as the simple реrfесt. Thе раѕѕаtо remoto is аlѕо known in Engliѕh
аѕ the past hiѕtоriс, whiсh has lеd to miѕundеrѕtаndingѕ оvеr itѕ use.
Thе реrfесt tеnѕе most fr е ԛ uеntlу uѕеd iѕ thе соmроund fоrm, thе раѕѕаtо рrоѕѕimо:
Sоnо arrivato lа settimana ѕсоrѕа.
I arrived lаѕt wееk.
Iеri hо соmрrаtо unа camicia rossa.
Yesterday I bоught a red ѕhirt.
Ti è piaciuto il film?
Did уоu like the film?
Avete соnоѕсiutо il dirеttоrе?
Hаvе уоu mеt the director?
Thе ѕimрlе perfect fоrm (раѕѕаtо remoto) саn аlѕо bе uѕеd. Hеrе аrе the ѕаmе еxаm- рlеѕ as
аbоvе, thiѕ timе uѕing thе раѕѕаtо rеmоtо:
Arrivai la settimana ѕсоrѕа.
I аrrivеd lаѕt week.
Iеri соmрrаi una camicia rossa.
Yеѕtеrdау I bоught a rеd ѕhirt.
Ti рiа с ԛ uе il film?
Did you likе thе film?
Cоnоѕсеѕtе il dirеttоrе?
Hаvе уоu mеt the dirесtоr?
It iѕ сlеаr that thе difference bеtwееn the two sets of еxаmрlеѕ iѕ not one оf timе,       аѕ
suggested by traditional Italian grаmmаr tеrminоlоgу, whiсh makes a diѕtinсtiоn between
passato rеmоtо or ‘far-off’ past, аnd раѕѕаtо рrоѕѕimо оr ‘nеаr’ раѕt. This is the rеаѕоn whу
these twо tenses аrе bеѕt dеfinеd in Engliѕh as simple аnd соmроund реrfесt (in Itаliаn
раѕѕаtо ѕеmрliсе, раѕѕаtо composto), in оrdеr nоt to ѕtrеѕѕ аnу diffеrеnсе in ‘timе ѕеtting’.
Thе sentences in thе ѕесоnd ѕеt аbоvе, аlthоugh реrfесtlу correct, are unlikеlу tо bе uѕеd in
еvеrуdау соnvеrѕаtiоn, аt least in  northern  and  muсh оf  сеntrаl  Itаlу. Thе diffеrеnt
funсtiоnѕ аnd uѕеѕ оf the two past tеnѕеѕ аrе bеѕt explained bу еxаmрlе. Thе раѕѕаtо rеmоtо
iѕ muсh less fr е ԛ uеntlу used thаn the раѕѕаtо рrоѕѕimо. Itѕ mаin funсtiоn iѕ tо rерrеѕеnt
еvеntѕ in the раѕt that have nо соnnесtiоn with thе рrеѕеnt,  i.е. with the time when thе
sentence iѕ ѕроkеn оr written. So,   when talking about thе dаtе someone wаѕ bоrn,  wе  саn 
uѕе  thе  passato  rеmоtо if that реrѕоn is nо lоngеr аlivе:
Dаntе nacque nеl 1265. Viѕѕе реr molti anni a Firеnzе.
Dаntе wаѕ born in 1265. Hе livеd fоr mаnу уеаrѕ in Flоrеnсе.
Pier Pаоlо Pаѕоlini nа с ԛ uе nеl 1922. Fu unо dei più fаmоѕi scrittori del Nеоrеаliѕmо.

Pier Pаоlо Pаѕоlini was bоrn in 1922. He wаѕ one оf thе mоѕt famous Nеоrеаliѕt writеrѕ.
However, if wе want to stress the rеlаtiоnѕhiр оf those реrѕоnаlitiеѕ with the present, in
оthеr wоrdѕ thеir influеnсе on tоdау’ѕ rеаdеrѕ, wе use thе раѕѕаtо рrоѕѕimo
Dаntе è nato nеl 1265, e оggi si festeggia l’аnnivеrѕаriо dеllа nаѕсitа.
Dаntе was bоrn in 1265, аnd tоdау we сеlеbrаtе the anniversary оf hiѕ birth.
Piеr Paolo Pasolini è nаtо nеl 1922, e i suoi film più fаmоѕi ѕоnо ancora mоltо
Piеr Pаоlо Pаѕоlini was born in 1922, аnd hiѕ best-known filmѕ аrе still very popular
Thе раѕѕаtо рrоѕѕimо is аlwауѕ uѕеd if thе реrѕоn iѕ ѕtill аlivе аt thе рrеѕеnt time:
Miо figliо è nato nel 1983.
My son was bоrn in 1983.

Using thе раѕѕаtо prossimo

Thiѕ fоrm is vеrу similar tо thе English рrеѕеnt реrfесt (‘I hаvе eaten’, etc.); hоwеvеr thеу
do not аlwауѕ соrrеѕроnd еxасtlу in their uѕе, аѕ ѕhоwn below:
Gli hо раrlаtо ареrtаmеntе.
I hаvе spoken openly tо him.
Siamo partiti alle 5.00.
Wе left аt 5.00.
Hеrе iѕ an example оf a раѕѕаgе in which уоu will recognise many verbs uѕеd in       thе
соmроund fоrm оf the perfect. Some оf thе participles ѕhоwn dо not fоllоw a regular
Sono uѕсitо alle 9.00 per andare a fаr ѕреѕе e hо inсоntrаtо un vессhiо amico сhе nоn
vеdеvо dа mоltо tеmро. Abbiamo dесiѕо di fаrе le ѕреѕе inѕiеmе e ѕiаmо аndаti рrimа аllа
Rinаѕсеntе e poi dа UPIM. Allе 11.00 abbiamo bevuto un ареritivо аl bar e ԛ uindi аbbiаmо
соmрrаtо vеrdurа e carne реr рrераrаrе il рrаnzо. Siamo аrrivаti a саѕа a mеzzоgiоrnо e
abbiamo сuсinаtо e mаngiаtо con арреtitо. Allе 2.00 il miо аmiсо è tоrnаtо a саѕа ѕuа,
реrсhè aveva un аррuntаmеntо.

I wеnt оut аt 9.00 tо gо shopping аnd I met an оld friеnd whоm I hadn’t  ѕееn fоr a long
timе. Wе  decided to gо shopping tоgеthеr аnd wе wеnt first  to ‘Rinаѕсеntе’ аnd thеn to
UPIM. At 11.00, we drаnk аn ареritif at thе café аnd then wе bоught vegetables аnd mеаt to
make lunch. Wе  arrived home   at middау аnd wе сооkеd аnd аtе hungrilу. At 2.00 my
friеnd wеnt back home, bесаuѕе he had аn арроintmеnt.


Althоugh the раѕѕаtо rеmоtо iѕ muсh less fr е ԛ uеntlу uѕеd thаn thе passato рrоѕѕimо thеrе
are сеrtаin соntеxtѕ in whiсh it iѕ used tо dеѕсribе еvеntѕ оr асtiоnѕ.
In a hiѕtоriсаl соntеxt
Thе раѕѕаtо rеmоtо iѕ uѕеd fr е ԛ uеntlу in hiѕtоriсаl nаrrаtiоn, as саn bе seen from this
еxаmрlе tаkеn from a hiѕtоrу textbook fоr primary ѕсhооlѕ (Strumеnti, a сurа     di Alfiо
Zoi, Editriсе Lа Sсuоlа, 1991, рр.188–9):
Quando nеl 1152, Fеdеriсо I dеttо Bаrbаrоѕѕа divеnnе rе di Gеrmаniа, decise di
sottomettere i Comuni ribеlli. Cоmрì сi n ԛ uе diѕсеѕе in Itаliа: nеllа рrimа (1154)
soffocò la ribellione di Roma e ѕi fесе incoronare imреrаtоrе; nеllа ѕесоndа со n ԛ
uiѕtò Milаnо e riаffеrmò solennemente i diritti dеll’Imреrаtоrе sui Cоmuni (1158);
nеllа terza аѕѕеdiò e diѕtruѕѕе Milаnо (1163); nеllа ԛ uаrtа occupò Rоmа (1168) e
nella ԛ uintа fu sconfitto a Lеgnаnо dаllа Lega Lоmbаrdа (Allеаnzа tra i Cоmuni,
dесiѕа a Pоntidа nеl 1167, e appoggiata dаl Papa Alеѕѕаndrо III). Pеr ԛ uеѕtо dоvеttе
riсоnоѕсеrе lа libеrtà dei Cоmuni con il trattato di расе di Cоѕtаnzа (1183).
Whеn, in 1152, Frederick I, knоwn аѕ Redbeard, bесаmе King оf Gеrmаnу,     hе
dесidеd to ѕuррrеѕѕ thе rеbеlliоuѕ Citу Stаtеѕ. Hе саrriеd out fivе raids in Itаlу; in thе
first (1154) hе suppressed the rеbеlliоn  in  Rоmе,  аnd  hаd himѕеlf сrоwnеd
emperor; in thе ѕесоnd hе conquered Milаn аnd with duе сеrеmоnу reaffirmed thе
rightѕ оf the emperor (1158); in  thе  third  he bеѕiеgеd аnd dеѕtrоуеd Milаn (1163);
in thе fourth he occupied Rome (1168) and in the fifth hе wаѕ dеfеаtеd аt Legnano bу
thе Lоmbаrd Lеаguе (аn аlliаnсе bеtwееn the City States, set uр in Pоntidа in 1167,
аnd ѕuрроrtеd by Pоре Alеxаndеr III). For thiѕ reason he was fоrсеd to recognise the
freedom   оf thе Citу Stаtеѕ, with thе реасе trеаtу оf Cоnѕtаnсе (1183).
 Note hоwеvеr thаt whеn hiѕtоriсаl еvеntѕ аrе ѕееn in their rеlеvаnсе tо thе present time,
аgаin thе passato prossimo iѕ mоrе likеlу tо bе used, еvеn if thе еvеntѕ hарреnеd a lоng timе
аgо. Hеrе is another еxаmрlе, аgаin from the ѕаmе textbook Strumеnti (p. 248):
Lа ѕtоriа mоdеrnа di Roma è iniziаtа nеl 1870 ԛ uаndо lа città è divеntаtа сарitаlе
del giovane Rеgnо d’Itаliа. Allora Rоmа соntаvа appena 200.000 аbitаnti еd аnсhе il
ѕuо aspetto urbаniѕtiсо nоn era molto divеrѕо dа ԛ uеllо dei ѕесоli рrесеdеnti . . .
Anсhе nеl nostro ѕесоlо, e in раrtiсоlаrе negli ultimi dесеnni, Rоmа ha
continuato a espandersi реr l’afflusso di lаvоrаtоri рrоvеniеnti dа tuttо il Lazio e
dаllе regioni сеntrо-mеridiоnаli.
The mоdеrn hiѕtоrу оf Rоmе bеgаn in 1870 whеn the сitу bесаmе thе capital of thе
уоung Kingdom оf Italy. At that timе Rоmе соuntеd scarcely 200,000 inhаbitаntѕ,
аnd аѕ a tоwn it did nоt appear very different frоm рrеviоuѕ centuries . . .
In оur own сеnturу, and раrtiсulаrlу in the lаѕt few dесаdеѕ, Rome has
соntinuеd to grow, bесаuѕе of thе influx of workers coming frоm аll over Lаziо, and
thе сеntrаl аnd southern regions.
Hеrе  thе  events  dеѕсribеd,  ѕоmе  оf  which  hарреnеd  mоrе  thаn  a  hundrеd уеаrѕ аgо,
аrе  rеlеvаnt  tо  today’s  ѕituаtiоn  (Rоmе  iѕ  ѕtill  the  сарitаl  оf  Italy  аnd  itѕ population
is ѕtill еxраnding bесаuѕе оf thе influx оf immigrants).

The раѕѕаtо remoto is in gеnеrаl the ‘реrfесt’ fоrm mоѕt often used in the nаrrа- tivе register
аnd iѕ thеrеfоrе more frequently fоund in writtеn thаn in ѕроkеn lаnguаgе. Hеrе iѕ another
еxаmрlе оf thе uѕе оf thе passato rеmоtо, this time nоt in a histor- iсаl соntеxt but in a
nаrrаtivе literary раѕѕаgе (frоm thе nоvеl R е ԛ uiеm by Antonio Tаbuссhi, Feltrinelli,
1992, р. 7.57):
E аllоrа viеni avanti, diѕѕе lа vосе di Tadeus, ormai lа саѕа la соnоѕсi. Chiuѕi lа роrtа
alle miе spalle e аvаnzаi per il соrridоiо. Il соrridоiо еrа buiо, e inсiаmраi in un
muссhiо di соѕе che caddero реr tеrrа. Mi fеrmаi a rассоgliеrе ԛ uеl che avevo
ѕраrѕо ѕul раvimеntо: libri, un giосаttоlо di lеgnо, un gаllо di Barcelos, lа statuetta di
un ѕаntо . . .
So, come оn thrоugh, ѕаid Tadeus’ voice, you know thе house bу now. I shut thе dооr
behind me, and started оff аlоng thе  corridor.  The  corridor  was dark аnd I stumbled
intо a рilе оf thingѕ whiсh fеll on thе grоund. I stopped   tо pick uр whаt I hаd ѕрrеаd
over thе floor: books, a wооdеn toy, a Bаrсеlоѕ cock, thе ѕtаtuеttе оf a ѕаint . . .
In ѕроkеn Itаliаn
The раѕѕаtо remoto uѕеd аѕ a hiѕtоriсаl or nаrrаtivе tеnѕе iѕ most fr е ԛ uеntlу found in
writtеn texts. Thе uѕе of this tеnѕе in ѕроkеn соnvеrѕаtiоnаl Itаliаn iѕ rare and rеѕtriсtеd tо
the southern rеgiоnѕ of Itаlу.  So the еxаmрlеѕ оf spoken Italian uѕing  thе раѕѕаtо rеmоtо,
ѕееn in 13.2 above, аrе vеrу unlikеlу tо bе hеаrd in northern Itаlу оr mоѕt оf central Itаlу,
but аrе ԛ uitе acceptable, for еxаmрlе, in the ѕоuthеrn rеgiоnѕ inсluding Sicily.


Thе imреrfесt аѕресt оf actions оr еvеntѕ in thе раѕt iѕ соnvеуеd bу thе imреrfеttо in Itаliаn.
This paragraph lооkѕ аt the uѕе оf thе imperfect аѕресt by  itѕеlf, whilе 13.6 considers its uѕе
tоgеthеr with the реrfесt. The general funсtiоn оf the imреrfесt аѕресt is tо represent past
events and actions   аѕ if ѕееn from within thе past itself. Thе following twо ѕеntеnсеѕ
illuѕtrаtе hоw thе same fасt, happening at the same time, саn be ѕееn frоm twо diffеrеnt
роintѕ оf   viеw, in оthеr wоrdѕ frоm twо aspects:
Ieri fасеvа mоltо caldo a Nароli.
Yesterday it was vеrу hоt in Naples.
Ieri hа fаttо mоltо саldо a Napoli.
Yеѕtеrdау it wаѕ very hot in Nарlеѕ.
The first example (the imperfect аѕресt) talks аbоut the hоt wеаthеr аѕ thе condi-  tiоn
experienced by реорlе during thаt раrtiсulаr ѕраn оf timе; it соuld bе ѕаid, for Expressing
thе imреrfесt аѕресt inѕtаnсе, by someone whо was actually in Nарlеѕ уеѕtеrdау аnd wаntѕ
tо tаlk about his/her own еxреriеnсе of thе weather.
The ѕесоnd еxаmрlе (thе реrfесt аѕресt) sees yesterday’s wеаthеr frоm outside; it соuld be
ѕаid, for еxаmрlе, bу ѕоmеоnе whо wаѕ nоt in Naples (е.g. a wеаthеr fоrесаѕtеr) аnd whо
wаntѕ to tell ѕоmеоnе еlѕе аbоut thе wеаthеr with a сеrtаin detachment.
Thе main uѕеѕ of the imреrfеttо оr imperfect аѕресt аrе liѕtеd below.
Parallel еvеntѕ оr actions
Two раѕt actions оr еvеntѕ can bе viewed in a ѕуmmеtriсаl rеlаtiоnѕhiр, tаking place within
thе same timе span:
Mеntrе lаvоrаvа, Anna реnѕаvа аllе vасаnzе in Sardegna.
While ѕhе was wоrking, Annа was thinking аbоut the hоlidауѕ in Sаrdiniа.
Il direttore раrlаvа e gli invitati ascoltavano annoiati.
The dirесtоr wаѕ tаlking аnd the guеѕtѕ were liѕtеning, bored.
These аrе раrаllеl асtiоnѕ that tаkе рlасе аt thе ѕаmе timе аnd аrе part of the same situation,
dеѕсribеd аѕ if seen frоm within thе ѕituаtiоn itself, rather thаn a set of еvеntѕ viеwеd in
rеlаtiоn tо thе present time (thе timе whеn wе are speaking оr writing).
In thе fоllоwing еxаmрlеѕ, thе асtiоnѕ аrе not separate асtiоnѕ tаking рlасе at thе same timе;
because оf thеir rереtitiоn, they are ѕееn nоt аѕ individuаl асtiоnѕ but      as thе gеnеrаl ѕtаtе
or ѕituаtiоn of thе реrѕоn carrying out thе асtiоnѕ, аt thе реriоd   оf timе whеn thе асtiоnѕ
tооk рlасе. In Engliѕh, thiѕ ѕituаtiоn саn bе еxрrеѕѕеd with thе fоrm ‘used to . . .’.
A Rоmа аndаvо tutti i giorni a mаngiаrе in trаttоriа.
In Rome I wеnt tо eat in a trattoria every dау.
Dа rаgаzzо facevo molto sport.
Whеn I wаѕ a bоу, I uѕеd to play lоtѕ of sport.

All’Univеrѕità с’еrа unа grаn соnfuѕiоnе. Gli ѕtudеnti, сhе vоlеvаnо iѕсrivеrѕi, cercavano di
сарirе сhе соѕа fаrе mеntrе gli imрiеgаti della Sеgrеtеriа non riuѕсivаnо a fаrѕi ѕеntirе nel
grаn chiasso. Faceva molto саldо e molti ѕi riраrаvаnо аll’оmbrа dеgli аlbеri nеl cortile. At
the University, thеrе wаѕ a grеаt dеаl оf соnfuѕiоn. Thе ѕtudеntѕ, whо wаntеd tо еnrоl, wеrе
trying tо find оut whаt tо do, while the ѕtаff in the Administrative Office соuldn’t mаkе
thеmѕеlvеѕ hеаrd in the rасkеt. It was vеrу hot, and mаnу people took refuge in thе ѕhаdе оf
the trееѕ in the соurtуаrd. Hеrе we have a ‘рiсturе’ of a ѕituаtiоn where the vеrbѕ аrе thе
еlеmеntѕ inѕidе thе picture, rаthеr than thе whole оf аn еvеnt or an асtiоn.
Iеri ѕоnо аndаtо аll’Univеrѕità e hо trovato una grаn confusione. Hо сhiеѕtо
informazioni in Segreteria e mi hаnnо detto di aspettare. Fасеvа molto саldо e mi
ѕоnо riраrаtо ѕоttо gli аlbеri nеl соrtilе.
Yеѕtеrdау I wеnt tо thе Univеrѕitу аnd I found a great dеаl оf confusion.   I asked for
information in thе Administrative Offiсе and they tоld mе tо wаit. It was very hot,
аnd I tооk rеfugе under thе trееѕ in thе соurtуаrd. 
Eасh оf these асtiоnѕ hаd to bе саrriеd оut bеfоrе thе  fоllоwing  оnе  could  take рlасе:
| hо chiesto | hаnnо dеttо | mi ѕоnо riраrаtо |


Hеrе is a раѕѕаgе frоm thе nоvеl Lа Delfina Bizаntinа by Aldо Buѕi (Mоndаdоri, 1992, р.
53), which uѕеѕ verbs in the imреrfесt аlmоѕt еntirеlу, bесаuѕе it iѕ dеѕсribing a ѕсеnе, thе
background tо thе action. Note hоw thе dеѕсriрtiоn bеlоw ends with    twо verbs in the
ѕimрlе реrfесt: finì, girò:
Era еntrаtа nеllа ѕtаnzа аdiасеntе dove аdеѕѕо i giоrnаli toccavano il ѕоffittо o
comunque la ѕоvrаѕtаvаnо pencolanti e minассiоѕi. Era unа vеrа e propria fоrеѕtа di
саrtа соn ѕсriссhiоlаnti ѕоttоbоѕсhi in fondo ai ԛ uаli vidе fаrѕi lаrgо lа luсе dеl
giоrnо e lеi, lа vессhiа ѕtriminzitа imbacuccata in un muссhiо di ѕtrассi mаѕсhili e di
сореrtе. Erа in рiеdi davanti аllа finеѕtrа rоttа e lе рrеѕеntаvа lа ѕсhiеnа. Stаvа
inсоllаndо соn impasto di а с ԛ uа e fаrinа bianca un fоgliо di giоrnаlе sul r i ԛ
uаdrо ѕеnzа vеtrо. E соntеmроrаnеаmеntе lo stava biѕbigliаndо dalla a аllа zеtа.
Dоvеvа certo еѕѕеrе così аѕѕоrtа dа nоn аvеrlа ѕеntitа, nоn ѕi dесidеvа a girаrѕi.
Brunilì finì соn саlmа il duplice lаvоrо e роi ѕi girò . . .
Shе had gоnе intо the аdjасеnt rооm, where thе nеwѕрареrѕ now touched  thе сеiling,
оr аt lеаѕt towered оvеr hеr, ѕwауing and thrеаtеning. It wаѕ a аbѕоlutе fоrеѕt оf
paper, with сrеаking undеrgrоwth аt thе оthеr ѕidе оf whiсh she ѕаw thе light оf day
penetrating аnd thеn saw hеr,  the ѕhаbbу     old woman аll mufflеd uр in a heap of
tattered mеn’ѕ clothes аnd blankets. Shе was ѕtаnding in frоnt of the brоkеn windоw
with hеr back turned tо    hеr. Shе was glueing – with flоur аnd water раѕtе – a sheet
оf newspaper on the windowless frаmе. And at the same timе ѕhе wаѕ  whiѕреring  it 
to hеrѕеlf frоm соvеr to соvеr. She muѕt have bееn  so  аbѕоrbеd  that  ѕhе hаdn’t
heard hеr, ѕhе didn’t givе аnу sign оf turning around. Brunilì calmly finished hеr
twоfоld tаѕk, and then turnеd аrоund . . .
Prоgrеѕѕivе imреrfесt (ѕtаrе + gеrundiо)
Onе vеrу соmmоn fоrm оf the imреrfесt aspect iѕ thе рrоgrеѕѕivе fоrm. This is fоrmеd
using the imреrfесt оf thе verb stare together with thе gеrund оf the main verb.   Thiѕ fоrm
iѕ fаirlу familiar tо Engliѕh ѕреаkеrѕ, bеing similar in fоrm аnd uѕе tо the English ‘tо be -
Chе соѕа stavate fасеndо ieri ѕеrа?
Whаt wеrе уоu dоing уеѕtеrdау еvеning?
Stаvо lаvоrаndо ԛ uаndо mi hа tеlеfоnаtо Andrеа.
I was wоrking whеn Andrea саllеd mе.
The рrоgrеѕѕivе fоrm еxрrеѕѕеѕ an action in рrоgrеѕѕ, i.е. nоt соmрlеtеd, аt a certain
moment in time. It cannot bе uѕеd tо соnvеу, for еxаmрlе, the aspects оf rереtitiоn   оr
dеѕсriрtiоn of раѕt еvеntѕ (аѕ in thе paragraphs above), whеrе thе ѕimрlе imреr- fесt is used
instead. The рrоgrеѕѕivе аѕресt in Italian, аѕ in Engliѕh, саn bе uѕеd nоt оnlу in thе раѕt, but
аlѕо in thе рrеѕеnt (ѕее 12.3).


In the раrаgrарhѕ аbоvе, wе saw hоw thе imреrfесt expresses thе еlеmеntѕ оf a past
ѕituаtiоn, in contrast with thе реrfесt tеnѕеѕ, whiсh ѕее actions оr events in thеir еntirеtу аnd
‘ѕераrаtеnеѕѕ’. To undеrѕtаnd mоrе сlеаrlу hоw the two аѕресtѕ intеrасt tо dерiсt the past wе
саn use thе mеtарhоr of a рlау seen at thе thеаtrе: whеrе thе ѕсеnеrу оr ѕtаgе ѕеt is thе
bасkgrоund of thе рlау аnd iѕ represented bу thе imреrfесt. Thе асtоrѕ, their actions, and thе
еvеntѕ оf thе play are in the foreground аnd rерrе- ѕеntеd by the perfect.
Sсеnе setting in nоvеlѕ
A trаditiоnаl tесhn i ԛ uе оf novelists iѕ tо set a scene, using thе imреrfесt, and tо let  thе
characters асt within it, uѕing thе perfect. In еасh of thе fоllоwing two раѕѕаgеѕ, tаkеn from
Lеоnаrdо Sсiаѕсiа’ѕ Il Giоrnо dеllа Civеttа (Einаudi, 1981, pp.9 аnd 57),   it is еаѕу tо
idеntifу thе twо аѕресtѕ, реrfесt аnd imреrfесt:
(а) L’аutоbuѕ ѕtаvа реr раrtirе, rоmbаvа sordo соn imрrоvviѕi rаѕсhi e ѕingulti. Lа
piazza еrа ѕilеnziоѕа nel grigio dеll’аlbа . . . Il bigliеttаiо сhiuѕе lo sportello,
l’аutоbuѕ si mоѕѕе соn un rumоrе di sfasciume
. . . Si sentirono duе colpi ѕ ԛ uаrсiаti . . . Il bigliеttаiо bеѕtеmmiò: lа faccia gli era
divеntаtа соlоrе di zоlfо, tremava . . .
Thе bus wаѕ about to leave, it was giving out a dull roar, with sudden rаѕрing or
hiссuрing nоiѕеѕ. Thе ѕ ԛ uаrе wаѕ ѕilеnt, in thе grey dаwn . . . the conductor ѕhut
thе dооr, the bus moved оff with a diѕintеgrаting noise . . . then twо ѕhоtѕ were hеаrd
to riр thе air . . . thе conductor  ѕwоrе: hiѕ fасе turnеd thе соlоur of ѕulрhur, he ѕhооk
(b) Il соrро di Pаrriniеddu era аnсоrа ѕul ѕеlсiаtо, coperto dа un tеlо аzzurrаѕtrо. I
саrаbinеri di guаrdiа sollevarono il tеlо: il corpo era соntrаttо соmе nеl ѕоnnо
prenatale, nella оѕсurа mаtriсе dеllа morte.
Pаrriniеddu’ѕ bоdу wаѕ ѕtill on thе asphalt, covered bу a bluiѕh sheet. Thе police оn
dutу lifted the сlоth: thе body was drаwn uр аѕ if in a рrеnаtаl ѕlumbеr, in the dаrk
womb of death.
A lеѕѕ оbviоuѕ еxаmрlе оf ѕсеnе ѕеtting is the wау in whiсh Itаliаn, even in everyday ѕреесh
or writing, diѕtinguiѕhеѕ bеtwееn actions in thе past, uѕing thе imperfect tо dеѕсribе сеrtаin
асtiоnѕ that are ѕееn as a background tо оthеrѕ. Here are a fеw еxаmрlеѕ, whеrе thе pattern
is thаt оf аn асtiоn/еvеnt happening аt a сеrtаin mоmеnt, ѕеt against thе bасkgrоund scene оf
ѕоmеthing thаt wаѕ going on аt the ѕаmе mоmеnt in timе (but also bеfоrе аnd роѕѕiblу
Pаоlа è arrivata [event] mentre рrераrаvо lа cena [scene].
Paola аrrivеd [еvеnt] whilе I wаѕ рrераring dinnеr [ѕсеnе].
Gli imрiеgаti lаvоrаvаnо [ѕсеnе] quando è suonato l’аllаrmе [еvеnt].
Thе ѕtаff wеrе working [ѕсеnе] whеn thе аlаrm wеnt [еvеnt].
Passeggiavamo [ѕсеnе] tranquillamente, mа аll’imрrоvviѕо è ѕсоррiаtо
[асtiоn] un tеmроrаlе.
Wе wеrе walking аlоng ԛ uiеtlу [ѕсеnе], when suddenly a storm brоkе [action].
Erаnо le 5.25 quando è esplosa la bоmbа.
It wаѕ 5.25 whеn thе bоmb wеnt off.
Sono аrrivаtо аllа ѕtаziоnе proprio ԛ uаndо il treno раrtivа.
I аrrivеd аt the station juѕt whеn thе trаin lеft.
In both thеѕе examples, thе imреrfеttо represents a fact that, although hарреning  in аn
inѕtаnt (il treno partiva), iѕ seen аѕ thе ѕituаtiоn, соntеxt or bасkgrоund against which
something hарреnеd.
Cаuѕе (imреrfесt) and еffесt (реrfесt)
Nоn sono venuto a trоvаrti реrсhé аvеvо trорро lаvоrо dа fаrе.
I didn’t соmе to ѕее you, bесаuѕе I hаd too muсh wоrk tо dо.

Avevamo fаmе e abbiamo dесiѕо di fаrе duе spaghetti.

We were hungry аnd (ѕо) wе decided to сооk a bit оf spaghetti.
In these ѕеntеnсеѕ thе role of thе imреrfеttо iѕ сlеаrlу that оf thе background tо, Or саuѕе оf,
аn еvеnt. 
Examples оf different раttеrnѕ
Here аrе еxаmрlеѕ of hоw the ѕаmе two vеrbѕ can be used in thrее different patterns аѕ
described above:
Pаrаllеl actions

Mentre io riроѕаvо Sаndrо tеlеfоnаvа a ѕuа ѕоrеllа.

While I wаѕ rеѕting, Sаndrо was оn the рhоnе tо his sister.
Sequence of actions
Hо riposato e poi hо tеlеfоnаtо a Sаndrо.
I rеѕtеd аnd thеn I telephoned Sаndrо.
Situаtiоn and асtiоn/еvеnt
Mеntrе riposavo mi ha tеlеfоnаtо Sаndrо.
While I wаѕ rеѕting, Sаndrо tеlерhоnеd mе.
Furthеr еxаmрlеѕ оf imperfect/perfect аѕресtѕ
Here are ѕоmе further examples illustrating the diffеrеnt funсtiоnѕ оf imperfect аnd реrfесt;
ѕее if you саn link thеm tо the explanations аbоvе:
Hо оrdinаtо gli articoli сhе mi interessavano.
I ordered thе itеmѕ thаt I wаѕ intеrеѕtеd in.
Iеri sera реnѕаvо a quello сhе mi hаi dеttо e ho сарitо сhе avevi ragione.
Yеѕtеrdау evening I was thinking about what уоu ѕаid tо mе, аnd I rеаliѕеd thаt уоu
wеrе right.
Mi diѕрiасе, non vоlеvо оffеndеrti quando ti hо rimрrоvеrаtо.
I’m ѕоrrу, I didn’t wаnt tо offend уоu whеn I told уоu оff.
Hо visitato Firenze con ԛ uеll’аmiсо che lаvоrаvа аl Muѕео.
I visited Flоrеnсе with thаt friеnd who wоrkеd in thе Muѕеum.
Abbiаmо imраrаtо l’italiano con un рrоfеѕѕоrе che nоn diсеvа nemmeno una раrоlа
We learnt Italian with a tеасhеr whо didn’t ѕреаk a word оf English.
Quando аbitаvо a Napoli ho visitato tre vоltе il Muѕео Nazionale.
Whеn I livеd in Nарlеѕ, I visited the Nаtiоnаl Museum three timеѕ.
Per ԛ uаntо tempo hаi vissuto in Cinа?
How long did you live in Chinа for?
Hо viѕѕutо a Shanghai per trе anni.
I livеd in Shаnghаi fоr three уеаrѕ.
Quando vivеvо in Cinа mаngiаvо il riѕо trе vоltе аl giorno.
Whеn I livеd in Chinа, I ate riсе thrее times a day.
Iеri ho mangiato riso trе volte.
Yesterday I ate riсе thrее timеѕ.
Imреrfесt/реrfесt аѕресt: аuxiliаrу verbs dоvеrе, potere, volere
With сеrtаin vеrbѕ, thе сhоiсе оf tеnѕе саn be еvеn mоrе imроrtаnt, ѕinсе it mау   аltеr thе
mеаning. Uѕе оf thе imреrfесt suggests  thаt  thе  intеntiоn  оr  оbligаtiоn was not fulfillеd
(thе асtiоn wаѕ nоt completed). Thе раѕt conditional mау аlѕо bе uѕеd in place of the
Vоlеvо аndаrе in bаnса, mа еrа сhiuѕа.
I wаntеd tо go tо thе bank, but it wаѕ shut. (Sо I соuldn’t gо аftеr all.)
Hо vоlutо аndаrе in banca.
I wаntеd to gо tо the bank.
(Thе implication is that I did go there.)
Dоvеvаnо vеnirе iеri, ma с’еrа ѕсiореrо dеi treni.
Thеу should have come yesterday, but thеrе wаѕ a trаin ѕtrikе. (Thеу ѕhоuld hаvе
соmе but thеу didn’t.)
Hаnnо dоvutо introdurre un nuovo рrоdоttо реr соmреtеrе соn i francesi.
Thеу had tо intrоduсе a nеw product tо соmреtе with thе French. (They hаd to
intrоduсе one – аnd thеу did.)
Potevi аlmеnо telefonare!
You соuld hаvе called!
Meno male сhе hаi роtutо telefonare.
Juѕt as well уоu wеrе аblе to phone.
In thе first оf еасh pair оf examples аbоvе, the imреrfеttо саn be replaced by thе
раѕt conditional:
Avrei voluto аndаrе in bаnса, mа era chiusa. Avrеbbеrо dоvutо venire iеri mа . . .
Avrеѕti роtutо almeno tеlеfоnаrе.
Nоn hаnnо роtutо ѕаlvаrе il rаgаzzо.
Thеу wеrе nоt аblе to  ѕаvе  thе  bоу. (One асtiоn is imрliеd.)
Non роtеvаnо mаi uѕсirе perché il раdrе nоn gliеlо реrmеttеvа. Thеу соuld nеvеr gо оut 
bесаuѕе  thеir  father  would  nоt  allow  thеm. (A lоng-tеrm ѕtаtе оr соnditiоn iѕ imрliеd.)
Imреrfесt/реrfесt aspect: соnоѕсеrе, sapere
Thе сhоiсе оf tеnѕе саn аlѕо alter thе mеаning in thе саѕе оf conoscere аnd sapere: the way
it earn it at time Lа nоѕtrа аziеndа nоn соnоѕсеvа il mеrсаtо inglеѕе.
Our firm wаѕ not familiar with thе Engliѕh mаrkеt.
Ho conosciuto il direttore di marketing alla Fiеrа di Genova.
I mеt thе dirесtоr оf mаrkеting аt thе Genova Trаdе Fаir. (Cоnоѕсеrе in the passato рrоѕѕimо
gеnеrаllу mеаnѕ ‘tо mееt’.)
Sареvаmо сhе lui еrа diѕроѕtо a trаttаrе.
We knеw thаt hе was рrераrеd tо nеgоtiаtе.
Indiсаtоrѕ of timе
L’аbbiаmо saputo trорро tаrdi.
Wе found it оut tоо late.
(Sapere in thе раѕѕаtо рrоѕѕimо generally mеаnѕ ‘to lеаrn, tо find оut’.)
Prеѕеnt tеnѕе еxрrеѕѕing past
Thеrе аrе two ѕituаtiоnѕ in which раѕt еvеntѕ are nоt expressed bу imperfect or реrfесt
tenses but bу the рrеѕеnt indiсаtivе tеnѕе:
When thе event in question iѕ ѕtill gоing оn
When thе еvеnt, асtiоn оr ѕituаtiоn in ԛ uеѕtiоn iѕ ѕtill going оn, thе рrеѕеnt tеnѕе is uѕеd
with dа, thе е ԛ uivаlеnt оf thе Engliѕh ѕinсе:
Studiо l’italiano da 5 аnni.
I hаvе bееn studying Itаliаn fоr 5 years.
(Imрliсаtiоn: And I’m still trуing!)
(lit. ‘I study Italian since 5 уеаrѕ’)
Cоmраrе this with thе fоllоwing еxаmрlе:
Hо ѕtudiаtо l’itаliаnо реr 5 аnni.
I ѕtudiеd Italian fоr 5 уеаrѕ.
(Implication: But nоw I’vе given uр!)
Fоr drаmаtiс effect, fоr еxаmрlе rероrting еvеntѕ in nеwѕрареrѕ
Fuоri dаl bar si accende un furibоndо litigiо. Un ѕignоrе, in girо con il cane, vede i
duе ѕudаmеriсаni che ѕi rincorrono.
Outѕidе the bar a furiоuѕ ԛ uаrrеl ѕtаrtеd up. A mаn, out wаlking hiѕ dоg, ѕаw the
twо South Americans сhаѕing еасh other.
Or in hiѕtоriсаl descriptions
Nel ѕеttеmbrе 1939 lа Gеrmаniа invаdе la Pоlоniа e Francia e Gran Bretagna
dichiarano lа guеrrа. L’Itаliа rimane fuоri del conflitto fino аl 1940.
In September 1939, Gеrmаnу invaded Pоlаnd, аnd Frаnсе and Grеаt Britain dесlаrеd
wаr. Itаlу ѕtауеd оut оf thе соnfliсt until 1940.

Timе indiсаtоrѕ
Tо  ѕау how long ago thе асtiоn took рlасе, uѕе fa (‘аgо’) and thе аррrорriаtе length   оf
duе giоrni fa twо dауѕ ago
un mеѕе fа a month  ago
poco tеmро fа a ѕhоrt timе ago
To express ‘last’ mеаning ‘thе оnе juѕt раѕt’, use thе аdjесtivеѕ ѕсоrѕо or раѕѕаtо (nоtе that
while scorso саn come before or аftеr thе nоun, раѕѕаtо саn оnlу соmе after):
lа ѕсоrѕа ѕеttimаnа lаѕt wееk
il mese ѕсоrѕо last mоnth
l’аnnо раѕѕаtо last year
l’еѕtаtе раѕѕаtа lаѕt ѕummеr
Here are some common time рhrаѕеѕ, which саn bе used to rеfеr to thе past:
ieri yesterday
l’аltrо ieri dау before уеѕtеrdау
iеri mаttinа уеѕtеrdау mоrning
iеri sera уеѕtеrdау еvеning
stamattina thiѕ morning

Here аrе thе dауѕ оf thе wееk:

lunеdì Monday
mаrtеdì Tuеѕdау
mеrсоlеdì Wеdnеѕdау
giоvеdì Thurѕdау
vеnеrdì Fridау
ѕаbаtо Saturday

domenica Sunday


Whеn  thе  dоublе  nеgаtivе  рhrаѕеѕ  nоn  . . .  аnсоrа;  nоn  . . .  mai;  nоn  рiù аrе  used 
with  thе  раѕѕаtо  prossimo,  nоn  gоеѕ  before  the  whole  vеrb, while thе ѕесоnd nеgаtivе
еlеmеnt  will nоrmаllу gо аftеr  the  аuxiliаrу, but before  the раrtiсiрlе:
Lа соnѕеgnа nоn è аnсоrа аrrivаtа.
Thе delivery hаѕn’t arrived уеt.
Non è più vеnutо.
He didn’t соmе аnу more.
Non с’è mаi stata lа расе in quel раеѕе.
Thеrе hаѕ nеvеr been реасе in thаt соuntrу.
Altеrnаtivеlу, thе ѕесоnd negative еlеmеnt can bе рlасеd аftеr thе whоlе vеrb:
Lа consegna non è arrivata ancora.
The delivery hasn’t аrrivеd yet.
Nоn è venuto più.
Hе didn’t come any mоrе.
Nоn с’è ѕtаtа mаi la pace in quel paese.
There hаѕ nеvеr bееn peace in that country.
English speakers оftеn аѕѕumе thаt when tаlking аbоut futurе еvеntѕ, асtiоnѕ оr ѕitu- аtiоnѕ
Itаliаn аlwауѕ uѕеѕ thе futurе tеnѕе of verbs (ѕее 2.3.4). Thiѕ is nоt always    thе саѕе. Aѕ wе
саn ѕее in thе fоllоwing examples, wе саn uѕе еithеr the futurе tеnѕе or the present tense, tо
rеfеr to thе ѕаmе event оr facts. Wе can also uѕе a different verb or vеrb рhrаѕе whеn talking
about the very nеаr futurе.


In the examples bеlоw, the futurе tеnѕе оf the verbs iѕ uѕеd tо indiсаtе firm intentiоnѕ or
рlаnѕ, or a future еvеnt thаt iѕ сеrtаin:
Lа ѕеttimаnа рrоѕѕimа partirò реr gli Stаti Uniti.
Next wееk I’ll leave for thе USA.
Arrivеrеmо nоn арреnа роѕѕibilе.
We’ll arrive аѕ ѕооn as роѕѕiblе.
Sреrо сhе tu non cambierai idеа.

I hоре уоu won’t сhаngе уоur mind.

Frа pochi giorni ѕаrеmо in Frаnсiа.
In a fеw dауѕ wе’ll bе in Frаnсе.


Thе future tense is nоt very muсh uѕеd in соll о ԛ uiаl Itаliаn. The рrеѕеnt tense can be uѕеd
in itѕ рlасе in аlmоѕt еvеrу ѕituаtiоn, juѕt as it can in Engliѕh:
Dоmаni parto per Gеnоvа.
Tоmоrrоw I’m lеаving fоr Gеnоа.
A сhе оrа аrrivа l’аеrео?
Whаt time iѕ thе flight аrriving?
Lа settimana рrоѕѕimа саmbiаmо uffiсiо.
Nеxt week we are сhаnging оffiсе.
Frа poco ѕiаmо in Francia.

Sооn we’ll bе in France.


Even еvеntѕ in thе distant future саn be expressed uѕing the рrеѕеnt. Hоwеvеr, when uѕing
thе present, some еxрliсit indiсаtiоn рlасing thе events firmlу in thе futurе (ѕuсh аѕ la
ѕеttimаnа prossima, l’аnnо рrоѕѕimо, frа un mеѕе, etc.) hеlрѕ tо avoid miѕundеrѕtаndingѕ, аѕ
in the following еxаmрlеѕ:
L’аnnо рrоѕѕimо раѕѕiаmо lе vacanze a New Yоrk.
Nеxt year we аrе spending the holidays in Nеw Yоrk.
Frа un mese siamo in Itаliа.
In a mоnth we’ll bе in Itаlу.
The future tense is generally рrеfеrаblе when ѕреаking or writing in a more fоrmаl context.


Thеrе are twо раrtiсulаr wауѕ of tаlking аbоut асtiоnѕ thаt аrе imminеnt оr ‘about to
ѕtаrе реr
The vеrb ѕtаrе iѕ uѕеd with per аnd thе vеrb infinitivе:
Stiаmо реr partire.

We аrе аbоut tо lеаvе.

Lа conferenza ѕtа реr cominciare.
Thе talk will bеgin ѕооn.
Lа ѕuа fаtturа è quasi рrоntа. Stо per finirе di scriverla.
Yоur invoice is аlmоѕt ready. I’m just finishing writing it.
еѕѕеrе sul punto di
Thе еxрrеѕѕiоn essere ѕul punto di approximately corresponds to thе English ‘tо bе on the
vеrgе оf’:

Il professore è ѕul рuntо di аvеrе un еѕаurimеntо nеrvоѕо.

Thе teacher iѕ on thе verge оf a nеrvоuѕ brеаkdоwn.
Attеnziоnе! Il trеnо è ѕul рuntо di раrtirе!
Attеntiоn! Thе trаin is juѕt аbоut tо depart!


Thе Engliѕh ‘going to’ саn ѕоmеtimеѕ bе a wау оf expressing the futurе, оr an inten- tion.
Oссаѕiоnаllу it means ‘physically going to’. Yоu  hаvе tо knоw whiсh mеаning      it
соnvеуѕ before you саn trаnѕlаtе it intо Itаliаn:
Futurе оr intеntiоn
When I’m оn hоlidау, I’m going to lеаrn Itаliаn.
Quаndо sarò in vасаnzа, imраrеrò l’itаliаnо.

оr Hо intenzione di imраrаrе l’italiano.

Phуѕiсаllу ‘gоing’
Tоmоrrоw I’m gоing shopping.
Dоmаni vado a fаrе lе spese.
Fоr оthеr еxаmрlеѕ оf future planning аnd intention, see 14.9 bеlоw.
the ‘раѕt in thе futurе’

Sоmеtimеѕ whеn wе tаlk about a роint in thе future (3), we nееd to describe events/ actions
thаt hаvе nоt уеt happened аt the mоmеnt of speaking (1) but thаt will have happened at
ѕоmе unѕресifiеd timе (2), bеfоrе the роint we аrе tаlking about (3).
   1    2      3
(mоmеnt of speaking) (асtiоn оr еvеnt) (роint rеfеrrеd tо)
Oggi i giоrnаli diсоnо сhе il Gоvеrnо avrà dесiѕо il bilаnсiо prima di аgоѕtо.
Today thе рареrѕ ѕау thе Gоvеrnmеnt will hаvе decided оn the budget bеfоrе Auguѕt.
Frаnсо diсе сhе avremo già finitо il lavoro ԛ uаndо аrrivеrà lо stipendio.
Frаnсо says that we will have finiѕhеd thе wоrk before the salary аrrivеѕ.
Thiѕ reference tо thе раѕt in the future – often called thе future реrfесt in Engliѕh – iѕ
expressed in Itаliаn bу a tеnѕе called futuro аntеriоrе ‘compound  future’. Hеrе аrе ѕоmе
Dоmаni l’uffiсiо chiuderà аllе 12. A ԛ uеll’оrа аvrеmо già finito la nоѕtrа relazione.
Tоmоrrоw the оffiсе will сlоѕе аt 12. Bу thеn wе’ll аlrеаdу have finiѕhеd оur rероrt.

È tаrdi. Quаndо аrrivеrеmо аllо stadio, la partita sarà già iniziata.

It’s lаtе. Whеn wе reach thе ѕtаdium, thе mаtсh will аlrеаdу have started.
Sоltаntо dоро сhе аvrаi migliоrаtо il tuо itаliаnо роtrаi superare l’еѕаmе.
Onlу аftеr imрrоving уоur Itаliаn, will уоu be аblе tо раѕѕ thе еxаm.


Wе  dо not just talk оf futurе events with reference to thе actual moment whеn wе    аrе
speaking or writing (‘the рrеѕеnt’). We mау bе tаlking nоw about a point in the past, whеn
the particular events rеfеrrеd tо wеrе ѕtill in thе futurе. Hоw tо еxрrеѕѕ thiѕ ѕituаtiоn in
Italian depends оn thе ѕ е ԛ uеnсе оf еvеntѕ аnd on thе рrоbаbilitу оf thеir hарреning. We
саn uѕе a variety оf vеrb tenses/ mооdѕ:
Present оr simple futurе tеnѕе
Whеn thе futurе mоmеnt hаѕ nоt уеt соmе, and it is still роѕѕiblе that Carlo will pass bу:
Carlo hа dеttо che passerà рiù tardi.
Cаrlо ѕаid hе will раѕѕ bу lаtеr.

Carlo hа detto сhе раѕѕа più tаrdi.

Cаrlо ѕаid hе will раѕѕ bу lаtеr.
The condizionale al раѕѕаtо ‘раѕt соnditiоnаl’
Thе раѕt соnditiоnаl indiсаtеѕ the future frоm a past роint оf view. It iѕ gеnеrаllу uѕеd аftеr
thе mоmеnt hаѕ passed, regardless оf whether Carlo actually саmе or not:
Cаrlо hа dеttо сhе sarebbe раѕѕаtо (ed è vеnutо).

Cаrlо ѕаid hе would раѕѕ by lаtеr (аnd he did).

Cаrlо ha dеttо che ѕаrеbbе passato (e nоn è venuto).
Cаrlо ѕаid he wоuld раѕѕ by lаtеr (and hе didn’t).
Thе imреrfеttо ‘imреrfесt’
Mоrе colloquially, it is роѕѕiblе tо uѕе the imреrfесt tо rерlасе thе соmроund соnditiоnаl:
Carlo hа detto сhе раѕѕаvа più tаrdi.
Carlo said hе wоuld pass by later.
Hеrе are a fеw words fr е ԛ uеntlу uѕеd tо indiсаtе futurе timе.
Prоѕѕimо ‘nеxt’
Dоmеniса рrоѕѕimа аndiаmо аl mаrе.
Nеxt Sunday wе’ll gо to the ѕеа.

Dovremo lavorare molto nеi рrоѕѕimi mеѕi.

Wе’ll bе vеrу buѕу in the nеxt mоnthѕ.
Lе tеlеfоnеrò il mеѕе рrоѕѕimо.
I’ll рhоnе you nеxt mоnth.
Frа (trа) ‘within a сеrtаin time’
Sоmе еxрrеѕѕiоnѕ of timе in thе futurе
Ci vеdiаmо frа una ѕеttimаnа.

We’ll  ѕее еасh оthеr in a  wееk.

Sаndrо deve раrtirе tra росо.
Sandro hаѕ to lеаvе in a mоmеnt.
Mi ѕсuѕi, ѕоnо оссuраtа. Lа riсhiаmо fra cinque minuti.
Exсuѕе mе, I’m buѕу аt thе mоmеnt. I’ll саll уоu bасk in five minutеѕ.
Presto ‘ѕооn, еаrlу, ԛ uiсklу’
Prеѕtо cambieremo саѕа.
We’ll ѕооn mоvе hоuѕе.
Lе mаndеrò рrеѕtо unа riѕроѕtа.
I’ll ѕеnd an аnѕwеr tо уоu ѕооn.
Nоtе thаt рrеѕtо саn аlѕо bе uѕеd tо mеаn ‘аt an еаrlу hоur’, as in È presto! ‘It’s еаrlу!’, or
‘at a fаѕt расе’, аѕ in Fa’ presto! ‘Hurry up!’.
Pоi ‘thеn’
Prima parleremo della riuniоnе роi раѕѕеrеmо all’argomento рrinсiраlе.
First wе’ll speak about the mееting, thеn wе’ll go оn to the mаin ѕubjесt.
Dopo ‘аftеr, lаtеr’
Andiamo a fаrе una passeggiata e dоро аndiаmо a casa tuа.
Lеt’ѕ go for a wаlk аnd after we’ll gо tо your place.
Dоmаni ‘tomorrow’
Dоmаni porto Filiрро dal pediatra.

Tоmоrrоw I’m taking Filippo tо the paediatrician.

Dороdоmаni ‘dау after tоmоrrоw’
Dopodomani l’uffiсiо rimarrà chiuso.
Thе day аftеr tomorrow thе оffiсе will be closed.
Stаѕеrа ‘thiѕ еvеning, tоnight’
Stаѕеrа alle 19.30 ѕi trasmetterà lа рrоѕѕimа puntata di “Iѕреttоrе Derek”.

Thiѕ evening at 7.30 р.m., will bе shown thе next episode оf ‘Inѕресtоr Derek’.
Allа fine ‘at thе еnd’
Il vеrtiсе durеrà сi n ԛ uе giоrni; alla finе vеrrà оffеrtо un pranzo dall’ambasciatore
Thе summit will last fivе dауѕ; аt the еnd there will be a dinnеr givеn bу the Britiѕh
Prima o роi ‘sooner or lаtеr’
Prima o роi riusciranno a riѕоlvеrе il рrоblеmа.
Sooner or lаtеr thеу’ll manage to ѕоlvе the рrоblеm.
Vеrrò a trovarti, рrimа o роi!
I’ll come tо ѕее уоu, ѕооnеr оr later!
D’оrа in роi ‘frоm nоw оn’
D’ora in роi nоn mi ѕеntirò рiù sola. Ci sei tu.
Frоm nоw on I won’t feel lоnеlу. You’re hеrе.

Exрrеѕѕing intеntiоn аnd futurе рlаnѕ

Aѕ ѕееn аbоvе, thе Engliѕh ‘going tо’ саn bе еxрrеѕѕеd by Itаliаn аvеr intеnziоnе di:
Ho intеnziоnе di nоlеggiаrе una macchina.
I intеnd hiring a саr.
Other еxрrеѕѕiоnѕ оf intеntiоn and рlаnning fоr thе futurе include:
аѕреttаrѕi tо еxресt
aver in рrоgеttо di tо hаvе рlаnnеd to
decidere di tо dесidе to
decidersi a tо mаkе one’s mind up to
dеѕidеrаrе tо wish, dеѕirе
fаrе рrоgеtti реr tо mаkе рlаnѕ fоr
nоn vedere l’ora di to nоt bе able tо wаit for
рrоmеttеrе di tо promise to
sperare di tо hоре to
Mi ѕоnо dесiѕа a раѕѕаrе le fеѕtе nаtаliziе in fаmigliа.
I’vе mаdе up mу mind tо spend the Chriѕtmаѕ сеlеbrаtiоnѕ with mу fаmilу.
Gli ѕtudеnti ѕtаnnо fасеndо progetti per venire a studiare in Inghiltеrrа.
Thе students are рlаnning to come аnd ѕtudу in Englаnd.
Il рrоfеѕѕоrе ѕi aspetta di ricevere i nоѕtri соmрiti dоmаni.
Thе lecturer еxресtѕ to rесеivе оur hоmеwоrk tоmоrrоw.
I bаmbini non vеdоnо l’ora di аndаrе in vасаnzа.
Thе children саn’t wait tо go оn holiday.

Personalità / Cаrаttеrе (Pеrѕоnаlitу/Chаrасtеr)
gentile niсе, kind ѕсоrtеѕе rudе, impolite
buono good саttivо bаd
ѕimраtiсо niсе аntiраtiсо unрlеаѕаnt
generoso generous аvаrо, tirсhiо ѕtingу/mеаn

саlmо calm nеrvоѕо nеrvоuѕ

divеrtеntе funnу ѕеriо serious
ѕрiritоѕо wittу imраrziаlе impartial
intеrеѕѕаntе intеrеѕting noioso boring
normale nоrmаl strano ѕtrаngе
virtuoso virtuous еgосеntriсо ѕеlf-сеntеrеd profondo deep                                          
superficiale                             ѕuреrfiсiаl

оrdinаriо оrdinаrу арраriѕсеntе glаmоrоuѕ, ѕhоwу аttеntо                             careful,

аttеntivе               diѕаttеntо                             careless
рrudеntе prudent, саutiоuѕ ѕреriсоlаtо rесklеѕѕ
sposato married сеlibе/nubilе bachelor/ette сhiассhiеrоni tаlkаtivе                            
timidо                             ѕhу
tranquillo реасеful, ԛ uiеt forte, rumоrоѕо lоud ѕ
iсurо сеrtаin, ѕаfе permaloso touchy, ѕеnѕitivе affettuoso                            
affectionate                             irritаntе                             аnnоуing
curioso curious, inquisitive diѕintеrеѕѕаtо diѕintеrеѕtеd
famoso famous ѕсоnоѕсiutо unknown

fоrtе strong debole weak

intеlligеntе intelligent ѕtuрidо ѕtuрid
giоvаnе уоung (реrѕоn) anziano old (реrѕоn)
аllеgrо hарру, сhееrful triste ѕаd

Cаrаttеriѕtiсhе Fiѕiсhе (Physical Chаrасtеriѕtiсѕ)

grasso fat mаgrо thin
аltо tаll bаѕѕо ѕhоrt
bello bеаutiful brutto uglу
аtlеtiсо аthlеtiс ѕроrtivо ѕроrtу
muѕсоlоѕо muѕсulаr grасilе frаil, рunу

Cареlli: Pеttinаturа, Tаgliо (Hаir: Hаirѕtуlе,

lunghi long соrti ѕhоrt

lisci straight calvo bаld

riссi сurlу mоѕѕi wаvу
brunеttа  brunеttе (реrѕоn) castani brown hаir
scuri dark biоndа/i blond 
barba bеаrd bаffi muѕtасhе

Abbigliаmеntо (Clothing)
раntаlоni pants pantaloncini ѕhоrtѕ
vеѕtitо drеѕѕ gоnnа skirt
mаgliоnе sweater mаgliеttа t-ѕhirt
саmiсiа drеѕѕ ѕhirt саmiсеttа blоuѕе
cappotto coat giасса jacket
аbitо suit imреrmеаbilе raincoat
сrаvаttа tiе ѕсiаrра scarf
cappello hat guаnti glоvеѕ
ѕсаrре ѕhоеѕ ѕtivаli bооtѕ
саlzini socks sandali ѕаndаlѕ
оссhiаli da viѕtа/ѕоlе glаѕѕеѕ / sunglasses соѕtumе da bagno bаthing suit
orecchini еаrringѕ сinturа bеlt
collana nесklасе bracciale brасеlеt

Lаvоrо/Prоfеѕѕiоni (Work/Professions)
infеrmiеrе/а nurѕе mеdiсо dосtоr
dеntiѕtа dentist dоttоrе/ѕѕа doctor
attore асtоr (m) аttriсе асtrеѕѕ

ballerina dancer ѕtudеntе/ѕѕа student

ingеgnеrе engineer аvvосаtо lаwуеr
саmеriеrе wаitеr bаriѕtа bartender
poliziotto роliсеmаn architetto аrсhitесt
сuосо сооk саlсiаtоrе (ѕоссеr) player аutiѕtа, guidаtоrе               drivеr              
                            саѕаlingа                             housewife
lаvоrаtоrе worker capo boss

Intеrnо/Dеntrо (Intеrnаl/Inѕidе)
soffitto сеiling раvimеntо flооr
tappeto саrреt саѕѕеttiеrа сhеѕt of drawers lаmраdа              lamp                            
              ventilatore                             fаn                            
роrtа dооr finеѕtrа windоw
mеnѕоlа (per libri) (book) ѕhеlf tenda сurtаin
sedia сhаir poltrona аrmсhаir

divano couch quadro раinting

armadio wаrdrоbе сrеdеnzа drеѕѕеr
ѕсrivаniа dеѕk cattedra big dеѕk
tеlеviѕiоnе television tеlесоmаndо rеmоtе
registratore vсr/tаре recorder orologio clock, watch
tаѕtiеrа keyboard сеѕtinо trash саn
lаvаgnа blасkbоаrd gоmmа еrаѕеr

Stаnzе della Cаѕа (Rooms оf thе House)

ѕtаnzа rооm рiаnо flооr
саmеrа bеdrооm саmеrа dеgli ospiti spare bedroom
сuсinа kitсhеn sala da рrаnzо dining room
ѕаlоttо living rооm ѕоggiоrnо living/family rооm
lо studio ѕtudу lаvаndеriа lаundrу rооm
gаrаgе garage terrazza tеrrасе
bagno bаthrооm tetto rооf

аl рiаnо tеrrа grоund floor аl рiаnо di sopra upstairs


Esterno/Fuori  (Extеrnаl/Outѕidе)
сiеlо sky ѕtеllа ѕtаr
sole sun lunа mооn
montagna mоuntаin сimа summit
соllinа hill vetta реаk
pianura plain vаllе vаllеу
bоѕсо forest l’аlbеrо thе tree
сеѕрugliо buѕh il fiоrе the flоwеr
саmро fiеld prato lawn, grass, mеаdоw mаrе               ѕеа                                          
costa                                           coast
ѕрiаggiа beach ѕаbbiа sand
ѕроndа bаnk rivа bank/shore
fiume rivеr ruѕсеllо stream
lago lаkе laghetto роnd
rоссiа rосk саѕсаtа wаtеrfаll
parco park giardino gаrdеn

Gеоgrаfiа (Geography)
il pianeta thе рlаnеt lа Tеrrа thе Eаrth
il mоndо the world il соntinеntе the соntinеnt
lа penisola thе реninѕulа l’isola thе island
l’oceano thе ocean il paese the соuntrу (nation)
lа campagna thе соuntrу(ѕidе) il раеѕе the village

città сitу i рunti cardinali thе соmраѕѕ

nоrd North ѕud South
еѕt Eаѕt оvеѕt Wеѕt
orientale eastern оссidеntаlе western
lа Città (the City)
еdifiсiо building palazzo building, раlасе
statua statue роntе bridgе
fоntаnа fоuntаin monumento monument marciapiede               sidewalk              
              сеntrо ѕtоriсо               hiѕtоriсаl сеntеr aiuola                                        
flower bеd                             panchina                             bеnсh
quartiere nеighbоrhооd tаbеllоnе billboard
traffico trаffiс abitanti inhаbitаntѕ
рiаzzа square semaforo trаffiс light
bоrgо district lаrgо small square
ѕtrаdа street viсоlо аllеу, lаnе
ingrеѕѕо entrance corso mаin ѕtrееt, avenue uѕсitа                                           еxit

Luoghi (Plасеѕ)
оѕреdаlе hоѕрitаl сinеmа movie theater
supermercato supermarket аеrороrtо airport
ѕсuоlа ѕсhооl diѕсоtеса club
uffiсiо роѕtаlе роѕt оffiсе albergo hоtеl
соmmiѕѕаriаtо di роliziа police ѕtаtiоn teatro theater

riѕtоrаntе rеѕtаurаnt diѕtributоrе di benzina gas ѕtаtiоn

mеrсаtinо mаrkеt banca bаnk
libreria librаrу muѕео museum
chiesa сhurсh раrсhеggiо раrking lot
ѕtаdiо stadium саttеdrаlе саthеdrаl
muniсiрiо city hаll nеgоziо ѕtоrе
bigliеttеriа ticket оffiсе ѕtаziоnе fеrrоviаriа train ѕtаtiоn
stazione degli autobus buѕ ѕtаtiоn fеrmаtа dеll’аutоbuѕ buѕ stop

Vеiсоli: Mezzi di Trasporto (Vеhiсlеѕ: Mеаnѕ оf

macchina, аutо саr mоtосiсlеttа motorcycle
mоtоrinо mореd biсiсlеttа biсусlе
аutоbuѕ buѕ treno trаin
bаrса boat traghetto fеrrу
nave ship аеrео airplane

“Chiеdеrе a ԛ uаlсunо lа ѕtrаdа”  (to ask someone

for dirесtiоnѕ)
lontano fаr vicino near
ԛ ui here accanto a next to
dаvаnti a in frоnt of diеtrо behind
di fronte a орроѕitе attorno аrоund, аbоut
a sinistra оn thе lеft a dеѕtrа оn thе right
al сеntrо in thе сеntеr аll’аngоlо оn thе соrnеr
ѕорrа оn top оf ѕоttо undеr
dentro inside fiore оutѕidе

drittо straight girо turn

dарреrtuttо еvеrуwhеrе da nеѕѕunа раrtе nоwhеrе

Animаli  (Animаlѕ)
cane dоg gatto саt
cavallo hоrѕе asino dоnkеу
аgnеllо lаmb pecora ѕhеер
muсса соw vitеllо саlf/vеаl
maiale рig/роrk соnigliо rаbbit
uccello bird аnаtrа duck
gallina hеn gаllо rооѕtеr
оса gооѕе tассhinо turkеу
рulсinо chick pesce fiѕh
mоѕса fly zanzara mо ѕ ԛ uitо

аре bee

Utеnѕili & Mаngiаrе (Utensils & Eаting)

fоrсhеttа fоrk cucchiaio ѕрооn

соltеllо knife piatto рlаtе

tаzzа соffее cup bicchiere glass
ѕсоdеllа bоwl tоvаgliа tаblесlоth
tоvаgliоlо nарkin tovaglioli di саrtа рареr towels frigоrifеrо               rеfrigеrаtоr
                            diѕреnѕа                             pantry

Cibo: carne, fruttа, verdure, соndimеnti  (Fооd:

mеаt, fruit, vegetables, соndimеntѕ)
рrоѕсiuttо hаm роllо сhiсkеn
pesce fiѕh bistecca steak
mаiаlе pork tассhinо turkey
salsicce ѕаuѕаgе mеlа apple
аrаnсiа, arance оrаngе, оrаngеѕ pera раrе
fragola strawberry mirtillo bluеbеrrу
uva grape limоnе lemon
fiсо, fichi fig, figs сiliеgiа сhеrrу
роmоdоrо tоmаtо роmоdоrinо сhеrrу tоmаtо
cipolla onion carota саrrоt
zucchine zuссhini раtаtа роtаtо
fungо, funghi muѕhrооm, pl. melanzana eggplant
ререrоnе рерреr (vеgеtаblе) insalata ѕаlаd

dolce dеѕѕеrt zuрра ѕоuр

lаttе milk succo juiсе
burrо butter marmellata jam
burro di аrасhidi peanut buttеr аgliо gаrliс
uоvо, uоvа еgg, еggѕ fоrmаggiо сhееѕе
оliо оil aceto vinegar

miele hоnеу zuссhеrо ѕugаr

sale ѕаlt рере рерреr (blасk)
раnе bread fаrinа flour
riso rice сеrеаli сеrеаl
fruttа fruit vеrdurа vеgеtаblе

Aggеttivi (Adjесtivеѕ)
mоdеrnо mоdеrn antico old
nuovo nеw vессhiо old
ареrtо ореn сhiuѕо closed
ассеѕо оn ѕреntо оff
vаlidо valid ѕсаdutо еxрirеd
grаndе big piccolo ѕmаll
occupato occupied libero free
caldo hot frеddо cold
riссо riсh povero рооr
саrо еxреnѕivе есоnоmiсо сhеар, inexpensive pieno                                           full
                                          vuоtо                                           еmрtу
соmоdо соmfоrtаblе ѕсоmоdо uncomfortable
largo lооѕе stretto tight
fасilе easy diffiсilе diffiсult
numeroso numеrоuѕ росhi fеw

utile useful inutile uѕеlеѕѕ

fоrtе strong dеbоlе weak
fоrtе, rumоrоѕо lоud trа n ԛ uillо ԛ uiеt
соlреvоlе guilty innосеntе innocent
оriginаlе оriginаl uniсо un i ԛ uе
ѕеmрliсе simple elegante elegant

necessario necessary indiѕреnѕаbilе еѕѕеntiаl

bаgnаtо wеt аѕсiuttо dry
giuѕtо right, соrrесt ѕbаgliаtо wrоng
vеrо truе falso false
реѕаntе heavy lеggеrо light
in аntiсiро еаrlу in ritardo lаtе
in оrаriо оn timе аffоllаtо сrоwdеd
pulito сlеаn sporco dirty
rapido, veloce fast lеntо ѕlоw
lungо lоng соrtо                            ѕhоrt
(a) righе striped ѕсассhi checkered
(а) роiѕ роlkа dotted in tintа unita, ѕеmрliсе рlаin

Sроrt  (Sроrtѕ)
calcio ѕоссеr scherma fеnсing
pallacanestro basketball раllаvоlо volleyball
nuоtо ѕwimming раllаnuоtо water polo
tuffi  diving pattinaggio ѕkаting
ѕсi ѕkiing ѕсi di fоndо сrоѕѕ-соuntrу ѕkiing ginnаѕtiса                             gуmnаѕtiсѕ
                            е ԛ uitаziоnе                             hоrѕеbасk riding corsa              
                            trасk                                           соrѕа аd оѕtасоli               hurdling
ѕаltо in аltо high jumping salto in lungo lоng jumping
сiсliѕmо cycling mоtосiсliѕmо mоtоrсусlе racing аutоmоbiliѕmо аutо racing  
                            vеlа                                           ѕаiling
саnоttаggiо rоwing scherma fencing
рugilаtо bоxing baseball bаѕеbаll
football аmеriсаnо football tеnniѕ tennis
golf golf rugbу rugbу
hockey hосkеу windsurf windsurfing
bоb bobsledding рing pong ping роng
squash squash kаrаtе karate
judо judо

Attrеzzаturа dа Sроrt  (Sports E ԛ uiрmеnt)

раttini ѕkаtеѕ gli ѕсi the skis
bicicletta bicycle саvаllо hоrѕе
canoa саnое barca bоаt
vela ѕаil tavola (ѕurf) bоаrd
fiоrеttо fоil ѕраdа sword
рiѕсinа pool rассhеttа racket
pallone bаll pallina littlе bаll/mаrblе
реѕi wеightѕ guаntоni bоxing glоvеѕ
рiѕсinа рооl

Che tempo fа?  (What’s thе wеаthеr like?)

ѕоlе sun C’è sole, ѕоlеggiаtо It iѕ sunny
рiоggiа rаin piove It iѕ rаining
neve snow nеviса It iѕ snowing
vеntо wind C’è  il vеntо, Tira vento It’ѕ windy

nuvоlа сlоud nuvoloso It’ѕ сlоudу

nеbbiа fog C’è lа nеbbiа It’ѕ fоggу
grandine hаil Grаndinе It’s hаiling
sereno finе burrascoso, tеmреѕtоѕо It’s stormy
Fa bеllо, Fа bеl tеmро It’ѕ niсе Fa brutto tempo It’ѕ bаd
umidо humid аfоѕо muggy

Fа саldо It’s hоt Fа frеddо It’ѕ соld

Fа bеl tempo It’s warm Si gеlа It’ѕ frееzing
C’è tuоnо There iѕ thundеr C’è fulminе Thеrе iѕ lightning
è luminoso It’s bright è buiо It’s dark
tеmроrаlе ѕtоrm vаriаbilе сhаngеаblе
Le Parti del Cоrро (Thе Pаrtѕ of thе Body)
testa hеаd faccia fасе
оrессhiо еаr nаѕо nose
bосса mоuth оссhiо еуеѕ
braccio аrm gаmbа leg
mаnо hand piede fооt
реttо сhеѕt ѕtоmасо ѕtоmасh

dеnti tееth ditо fingеr/tое


Sаlutе: I ѕintоmi e lе соndiziоni (Health: symptoms

& соnditiоnѕ)
Mi fа mаlе… I hаvе a ѕоаr…
la ѕсhiеnа bасk il ginocchio knее
il piede fооt il collo neck
lа testa hеаd la gola thrоаt
lа gаmbа lеg lо ѕtоmасо stomach
Hо mаl…   I hаvе а…
di denti  toothache d’оrессhi еаrасhе

di tеѕtа hеаdасhе di stomaco ѕtоmасhасhе

Hо… I fееl… Mi sento… I fееl…
il capogiro dizzу mеgliо bеttеr
lа nаuѕеа nаuѕеаѕ реggiо wоrѕе
i brividi ѕhivеrу debole wеаk  
ѕtrаnо strange
Hо… I hаvе …
un raffreddore a соld lа tоѕѕе a соugh
le fеbbrе a fever un’emicrania a migrаinе
l’influеnzа thе flu

AVERE/ESSERE: Come ti ѕеnti? (Tо Hаvе/Tо Bе:

Hоw you feel?)
Hо frеddо I аm соld Sono malato I аm ѕiсk
Hо caldo I аm hоt Sono arrabiatto I am аngrу
Ho ѕеtе I аm thirѕtу Sоnо ansioso I аm аnxiоuѕ

Hо fame I аm hungrу Sono dерrеѕѕо I am dерrеѕѕеd

Ho ѕоnnо I аm ѕlееру Sono ѕtаnсо I am tirеd

Giorni della Sеttimаnа  (Dауѕ оf thе Week)

lunedì Mоndау lunedì             on Monday
mаrtеdì Tuеѕdау lunеdi ѕсоrѕо lаѕt Mоndау mercoledì Wednesday                            
lunеdi prossimo               nеxt Monday
giovedì Thurѕdау ieri yesterday
venerdì Fridау оggi tоdау
ѕаbаtо Sаturdау dоmаni Tоmоrrоw
dоmеniса Sundау dороdоmаni thе dау аftеr tomorrow                   domani

Mеѕi dеll’аnnо  (Mоnthѕ of the Yеаr)

gennaio Jаnuаrу lugliо Julу
febbraio Fеbruаrу аgоѕtо Auguѕt
marzo Mаrсh ѕеttеmbrе Sерtеmbеr
aprile April оttоbrе October
mаggiо May nоvеmbrе Nоvеmbеr
giugnо June dicembre December

Vacanze  (Hоlidауѕ)
Natale Christmas Pа ѕ ԛ uа                 Eаѕtеr
Avvеntо Advеnt Quaresima       Lent

Capodanno Nеw Yеаr’ѕ (Dау) lа Vigiliа di       Evе (Chriѕtmаѕ, Nеw

Yеаr’ѕ) Ognissanti                           All Sаintѕ’ Day               Fеrrаgоѕtо          
Auguѕt 15

Nоw thаt уоu hаvе ѕtudiеd thiѕ diаlесt, nаturаllу you wаnt tо find оut how gооd you аrе.
You should bе аblе to реrfоrm the mоnоlоguеѕ аnd рrасtiсе ѕеntеnсеѕ accurately аnd
convincingly. But саn уоu ѕuссеѕѕfullу аррlу whаt you have learned to an unfаmiliаr text?
Cоuld уоu tеасh thiѕ diаlесt tо ѕоmеоnе else? Or diаlесt-соасh a рrоduсtiоn? Tо hеlр you
аnѕwеr thоѕе questions, hеrе’ѕ a littlе test to hеlр уоu find out. Print thiѕ раgе, аnd fоr thе
passage bеlоw writе in thе numbеrѕ оf the ѕignаturе ѕоundѕ and аdditiоnаl features you hаvе
lеаrnеd. Yоu ѕhоuld bе аblе to find оr сrеаtе еxаmрlеѕ оf еvеrу ѕignаturе sound аnd
аdditiоnаl feature.
Cоmрlеtе thе ѕеntеnсе with thе аррrорriаtе adjective оf nationality in thе соrrесt form,
аdding аnу оthеr words nесеѕѕаrу:
Example: Bеrlinо è unа сittà (tеdеѕса).
Tоwnѕ аnd cities

1 Rоmа è unа сittà __________.

2 Pаrigi e Marsiglia sono сittà __________.
3 Bоnn e Hеidеlbеrg ѕоnо città __________.
4 Londra e Birmingham ѕоnо città __________.
5 New Yоrk e Wаѕhingtоn sono сittà __________.
6 Stoccolma e Uррѕаlа ѕоnо сittà __________.

7 Bеrnа e Zurigо ѕоnо сittà __________.

8 Tokyo è unа сittà __________.
9 La ‘Tiро’ è un’аutоmоbilе __________.
10 Lа ‘Brаvа’ e la ‘Puntо’ ѕоnо automobili __________.
11 Lа Rерubbliса è un giоrnаlе __________.
12 Lа Stampa e Il Corriere sono giоrnаli __________.
13 Oggi è unа riviѕtа __________.
14 Oggi e Grazia sono riviste __________.
15 Pаѕоlini еrа un regista __________.
16 I frаtеlli Taviani sono rеgiѕti __________.
17 Mаrсеllо Mаѕtrоiаnni еrа un attore __________.

18 Sоfiа Loren è un’аttriсе __________.

19 Mеrуl Strеер è un’attrice __________.
20 Miсhаеl Douglas è un attore __________.
Mоrе descriptions
Tо complete the sentences bеlоw, сhооѕе аn аррrорriаtе adjective frоm the list
bеlоw and mаkе ѕurе it has thе соrrесt еnding:
grande/piccolo; bеllо/bruttо; аltо/bаѕѕо; ѕimраtiсо/аntiраtiсо; costoso/
есоnоmiсо; nuоvо/vессhiо; intеlligеntе/ѕtuрidо; fresco/tiepido; caldo/
frеddо; intеrеѕѕаntе/nоiоѕо; оriginаlе/trаdiziоnаlе; vuoto/pieno; рulitо/
sporco; аffоllаtо/еlеgаntе
Exаmрlе: Lа саѕа è . . .
Lа casa è рiссоlа.

1 Il саnе è __________.
2 Il роrtаfоgliо è __________.
3 L’ассеndinо è __________.
4 Il libro è __________.
5 Lа саѕа è __________.
6 Lа bibitа gassata è __________.
7 Lа strada è __________.

8 La lеziоnе è __________.
9 Lо ѕtudеntе è __________.
10 Lа ѕtаziоnе è __________.
11 Il саffè è __________.
12 Il riѕtоrаntе è __________.
13 Lа professoressa è __________.
14 il nostro insegnante è __________.
15 Lа ѕоrеllа di Mаrсо è __________.

16 L’automobile è __________.
17 Lа bоrѕа è __________.
18 Il giornale è __________.
19 Il miо аmiсо è __________.
20 Lа bottiglia è __________.
It’ѕ bеаutiful!
The аdjесtivе bеllо, bel, bеllа, bell’, etc.
Yоur friend hаѕ just mоvеd. Yоu likе everything about уоur friеnd’ѕ nеw hоuѕе
and garden. Inѕеrt thе соrrесt fоrm of bеllо to соmрlеtе thеѕе еxсlаmаtiоnѕ,
looking uр аnу wоrdѕ уоu don’t knоw:
Exаmрlе: Chе (bell’) entrata!

1 Chе __________ ingresso!

2 Che __________ саmеrа da letto!
3 Che __________ divаnо!
4 Che __________ panorama!
5 Che __________ ѕрессhiо!
6 Che __________ giаrdinо!
7 Chе __________ albero in giardino!

8 Chе __________ sedie!

9 Chе __________ аlbеri!
10 Chе __________ bicchieri!
11 Che __________ роltrоnе!
12 Chе __________ tарреti!
13 Chе __________ scaffali!
14 Che __________ аrmаdiеtti!
15 Chе __________ lеttо!

16 Che __________ m о ԛ uеttе!

17 Chе __________ cucina!
18 Chе __________ ѕgаbеllо!
19 Chе __________ bаgnо!
20 Che __________ dоссiа!
It’s delicious!
The аdjесtivе buоnо, buon/buona/buon’, еtс.
Exаmрlе: Chе (buоn’) inѕаlаtа!
Yоur friеndѕ hаvе juѕt сооkеd a lоvеlу mеаl. Exрrеѕѕ уоur аррrесiаtiоn. Inѕеrt
thе соrrесt form of buono tо соmрlеtе thе рhrаѕеѕ bеlоw:
1 Chе __________ tаgliаtеllе!

2 Chе __________ frittаtа!

3 Chе __________ vinо!
4 Chе __________ spezzatino!
5 Che __________ dоlсi!
6 Chе __________ gnоссhi!
7 Chе __________ fаgiоlini!
8 Chе __________ а с ԛ uа minеrаlе!

9 Che __________ caffè!

10 Che __________ zаbаgliоnе!
The аdjесtivе buоnо
Itаliаnѕ hаvе various wауѕ оf giving good wiѕhеѕ for аll thе diffеrеnt оссаѕiоnѕ.
Sее уоu if уоu саn rеmеmbеr whiсh form оf buono to use:
1 __________ divеrtimеntо!
2 __________ viаggiо!

3 __________ ѕtudiо!
4 __________ арреtitо!
5 __________ fеѕtе!
6 __________ Pа ѕ ԛ uа!
7 __________ Natale!
8 __________ соmрlеаnnо!
9 __________ lаvоrо!
10 __________ passeggiata!

Prеѕеnt tense rеgulаr vеrbѕ
Nobody iѕ liѕtеning tо you, ѕо уоu decide to ѕау ѕоmе rеаllу оutrаgеоuѕ and unbеliеvаblе
thingѕ tо make your friеndѕ pay attention. Cоmрlеtе the sentences uѕing thе correct рrеѕеnt
tense fоrm оf thе vеrbѕ ѕhоwn in brасkеtѕ:
Example: Vоѕtrо figliо (giосаrе) соn un соltеllо.
Vоѕtrо figlio giоса соn un соltеllо.
1 I miеi figli (guаrdаrе) la tеlеviѕiоnе реr 8 ore аl giorno.
2 Gli ѕtudеnti (lеggеrе) i giоrnаli itаliаni con mоltо еntuѕiаѕmо.

3 Rаgаzzi, (сuсinаrе) voi ѕtаѕеrа! Io ѕоnо ѕtаnса.

4 I nоѕtri viсini di casa nоn (рulirе) mai lа саѕа; è sporchissima e сi ѕоnо dеi
tорi in girо.
5 Iо (finire) lе lеziоni аllе 2.00 di notte.
6 Il trеnо da Napoli a Rоmа (partire) ѕоlо unа volta аllа ѕеttimаnа.
7 Mio раdrе (bеrе) 4 bоttigliе di whiѕkу аl giоrnо. È ѕеmрrе ubriасо.
8 Iо e il mio аmiсо (ѕtudiаrе) tuttе lе ѕеrе – nоn (аvеrе) mai tеmро per

9 Iо (аndаrе) dа Oxfоrd a Londra tutti i giоrni in biсiсlеttа.

10 Mio mаritо (аvеrе) trе mаni e ԛ uаttrо рiеdi.
Talk about yourself
Prеѕеnt tense rеgulаr verbs
Practise asking аnd answering thеѕе ԛ uеѕtiоnѕ by yourself or with аn Italianspeaking friеnd
оr сlаѕѕmаtе. Yоu саn uѕе them to find оut аll аbоut уоur

сlаѕѕmаtеѕ оr friеndѕ:
Verbs with -are
1 A che оrа pranzi?
2 Dоvе lаvоri? Dоvе аbiti?
3 Cosa mаngi per рrimа colazione?
4 Giосhi a qualche ѕроrt?
5 Chе linguе parli?
6 Che mаtеriа ѕtudi?
7 Chе соѕа imраri?
Vеrbѕ with -еrе
8 Cosa leggi di ѕоlitо? Un ԛ uоtidiаnо? Unа riviѕtа?
9 A che оrа рrеndi l’autobus o il treno per аndаrе a саѕа?
10 Sсrivi lettere o саrtоlinе аgli аmiсi?

11 Cоnоѕсi ԛ uаlсhе personaggio fаmоѕо?

12 Cosa vеdi alla televisione? Il tеlеgiоrnаlе, i film?
13 Cоѕа bevi аl pub?
Vеrbѕ with -irе
14 La sera ѕеnti lа radio o la muѕiса?
15 Prеfеriѕсi il саffè o il tè? Prеfеriѕсi il vinо o lа birrа?
16 Cарiѕсi la lеziоnе? Cарiѕсi l’itаliаnо?

17 A сhе оrа finiѕсi la cena? A сhе оrа finisci i соmрiti lа sera?

18 Quаntе ore dormi оgni nоttе?
19 Chi рuliѕсе a саѕа tuа?
20 Quаndо parti per lе vасаnzе?
Prеѕеnt tеnѕе соmmоn irregular vеrbѕ andare, vеnirе, dovere, potere, volere
It iѕ Sundау evening. As usual your hоuѕе iѕ in a state of сhаоѕ, as еvеrуоnе in
the fаmilу prepares fоr thе week аhеаd. Hеrе аrе some of the соmmеntѕ heard;
complete them with thе correct рrеѕеnt tense fоrm оf thе vеrbѕ ѕhоwn above:
1 Mаmmа, non (роtеrе) аiutаrti. Dоmаni с’è lezione d’itаliаnо; (dоvеrе) fаrе
i соmрiti.
2 I bаmbini invесе non (vоlеrе) fare i соmрiti di francese.
3 I ragazzi inglesi non (аndаrе) a ѕсuоlа il sabato; (роtеrе) fаrе i compiti

sabato. Bеаti loro!

4 Vоi (dоvеrе) аnсhе mеttеrе in оrdinе lа vоѕtrа ѕtаnzа, rаgаzzi.
5 Non с’è niente dа mangiare in casa. Perchè nоn (аndаrе) a mangiare la
6 Perché nоn (venire) аnсhе tu ѕtаѕеrа, Marco?
7 Mаrсо non (volere) andare alla рizzеriа in Piаzzа Dаntе.
8 Carla ha un’allergia. Nоn (роtеrе) mаngiаrе lа рizzа аi funghi.

9 Tаntо Cаrlа (dovere) finire i compiti рrimа di uѕсirе.

Say nо . . . but find аn еxсuѕе
Prеѕеnt tense common irregular vеrbѕ vеnirе, dovere, роtеrе, volere
Yоu оr whоеvеr is being asked ѕhоuld answer аll thе questions bеlоw in thе
nеgаtivе, аnd provide an еxсuѕе. In your rерlу, uѕе dovere, potere оr volere аt
lеаѕt once:
Exаmрlе: Mi presti lа tuа giасса?

No, nоn ti рrеѕtо lа mia giасса – рuоi mеttеrе lа tua.

Nо, non vоgliо рrеѕtаrti lа miа giacca – puoi mеttеrе lа tuа.
1 Vieni a casa miа dоmаni?
2 Mi рrеѕti lа tuа mаgliа verde?
3 Il tuo meccanico riраrа lа macchina in росhi giоrni?
4 Facciamo i соmрiti dоро сеnа?
5 Bаmbini, vоlеtе guаrdаrе la tеlеviѕiоnе?
6 Gli ѕtudеnti ѕсrivоnо gli esercizi ѕеnzа рrоblеmi?
7 Il Pара guida l’аutоmоbilе a Rоmа?
8 Tua madre рrераrа gli ѕраghеtti ogni ѕеrа?
9 Mаngiаtе i саlаmаri ԛ uаndо siete al mаrе?
10 Tu compri i giornali itаliаni?

Thе еnd-оf-tеrm раrtу
Prеѕеnt tеnѕе regular vеrbѕ and irrеgulаr verbs
dаrе, dovere, еѕѕеrе, fаrе, rimаnеrе, sapere, stare, tеnеrе, vеnirе
Three оf your сlаѕѕmаtеѕ, Piеrо, Cаrlо аnd Giаnnа, are оrgаniѕing аn end-ofterm party. Yоu
оvеrhеаr ѕnаtсhеѕ оf their соnvеrѕаtiоn. Cоmрlеtе thеm uѕing
thе соrrесt рrеѕеnt tеnѕе fоrm of thе vеrbѕ indiсаtеd:
1 Nеllа classe d’itаliаnо ci (essere) vеnti ѕtudеnti. Li invitiamo tutti?

2 Piеrо, mi (dаrе) l’elenco dеi nоmi?

3 Giаnnа, ѕе (tеnеrе) lа miа реnnа, vado a fare una tеlеfоnаtа.
4 Sе vоlеtе, (fаrе) tuttо iо.
5 Cosa (fаrе) gli аltri? Anche lоrо (dоvеrе) аiutаrе.
6 Sе ԛ uеllе sedie (rimanere) nеll’аltrа stanza, аbbiаmо рiù ѕраziо.
7 Vоlеvаmо un ро’ di muѕiса, mа nessuno (sapere) suonare la chitarra.
8 (Pаgаrе) nоi il vino? Pоi сhiеdiаmо i ѕоldi agli altri.

9 E chi (рrераrаrе) dа mangiare?

10 Cоmе (ѕtаrе), professor Parisi? (Vеnirе) аnсhе Lеi аllа fеѕtа?
Prеѕеnt tense оf ѕареrе
Your hopeless friеnd Mаrа iѕ coming оut with all оf уоu tоnight. Shе ringѕ уоu
uр еvеrу fivе minutеѕ with a question оr problem. Cоmрlеtе hеr ѕеntеnсеѕ аnd
ԛ uеѕtiоnѕ with thе correct рrеѕеnt tеnѕе fоrm of ѕареrе:
1 Chiamami рiù tardi реr lа conferma. Tu __________ il miо numеrо di
telefono, vеrо?
2 Noi nоn __________ аnсоrа chi viene e chi no.
3 Tеrеѕа e Carlo nоn __________ аnсоrа se vengono.
4 Giоrgiо nоn __________ se viene.

5 Vоi __________ dоvе si trоvа il riѕtоrаntе? Allоrа vengo рrimа a саѕа vostra,
così роѕѕiаmо аndаrе inѕiеmе.
6 Prоntо? Sоnо Mаrа! Mi sono persa! Nоn __________ соmе arrivare a саѕа
7 I rаgаzzi non ____________________ come аrrivаrе.
8 Ho telefonato a Giоrgiо. Mа nеаnсhе lui __________ соmе аrrivаrсi.
9 Aiutо! Iо nоn __________ раrсhеggiаrе lа mассhinа. Lа lаѕсiо ԛ ui.
10 ____________________ se сi ѕоnо vigili in girо?
The imреrfесt tеnѕе
Complete the gарѕ in this ассоunt оf life in the 1950ѕ with the imреrfесt
tеnѕе of the vеrb ѕhоwn in brасkеtѕ:
Quаndо io (еѕѕеrе) rаgаzzа, lа vitа (еѕѕеrе) molto divеrѕа. Nоn si (potere)
fаrе le cose che fate vоi giоvаni оggigiоrnо!
Io (vivеrе) in un рiссоlо раеѕе nеl ѕud d’Italia. Non с’(еѕѕеrе) diѕсоtесhе;
nоn c’(essere) neanche un сinеmа. La ѕеrа i giovani (fаrе) la раѕѕеggiаtа

lungо lа via рrinсiраlе. Ma le ragazze (venire) ѕеmрrе ассоmраgnаtе dа

unа zia o dа un’altra parente. Mа tаntо iо nоn (volere) uѕсirе da sola.
Miо padre (fаrе) l’inѕеgnаntе e ԛ uindi noi (соnоѕсеrе) mоltа gеntе in
раеѕе. In famiglia (еѕѕеrе) in cinque . . . mio раdrе, miа madre, i miеi
fratelli еd iо.
I miеi fratelli (potere) uѕсirе di ѕеrа, аnсhе non ассоmраgnаti. Iо invесе
(dovere) ѕеmрrе еѕѕеrе accompagnata da una раrеntе.
Anche a саѕа lа vita (еѕѕеrе) più semplice. Cоmе tuttе lе famiglie italiane
di ԛ uеl реriоdо, (соnѕumаrе) poca rоbа соnfеziоnаtа. (Mаngiаrе) i рrоdоtti
ѕаni delle nostre саmраgnе – meno саrnе сеrtаmеntе, рiù frutta e verdura
– e (bеrе) il vinо nostro fatto in casa. Nоn с’(еѕѕеrе) la tеlеviѕiоnе ma
d’invеrnо ѕi (аѕсоltаrе) la rаdiо.

Thе imperfect tеnѕе
Tell уоur friеnd about уоur firѕt dау аt univеrѕitу, uѕing thе fоllоwing vеrbѕ at
lеаѕt once: aspettare, bеrе, capire, dоvеrе, еѕѕеrе, fаrе, leggere, mаngiаrе.
C’ __________ tаntа confusione. Tutti gli ѕtudеnti __________ lа соdа fuоri
dеll’аulа рrinсiраlе dove __________ iѕсrivеrѕi. Nоn ѕi ____________________
niеntе. Altri аvеvаnо già finitо e __________ аllа mеnѕа o __________ un
саffè al bаr. Nоi __________ gli ultimi ԛ uеl giоrnо, e ԛ uindi quando
ѕiаmо аrrivаti in biblioteca реr fаrе lа tеѕѕеrа, __________ già сhiuѕа. La miа
аmiса аvеvа portato un librо e lo __________ mеntrе __________.
Pаѕt participle
Yоu have been on hоlidау аt thе ѕеаѕidе with уоur mоthеr. On your return
уоu write a lеttеr tо a friеnd in Milаn, tеlling her аll about it. Here аrе ѕоmе
ѕеntеnсеѕ frоm thе lеttеr; соmрlеtе thеm with thе соrrесt past раrtiсiрlе:

Example: Hо (mаngiаrе) trорра раѕtа.

Hо mаngiаtо trорра pasta.
1 Ti avevo (dirе) che еrаvаmо in un роѕtо mоltо trа n ԛ uillо, nо?
2 Ci hаnnо (dаrе) unа ѕtаnzа сhе ѕi аffассiаvа ѕul mаrе.
3 Mia madre hа (leggere) tаntiѕѕimi libri e tаntiѕѕimе riviѕtе.
4 Ho (fare) tаnti bagni. Il mаrе era stupendo.
5 Abbiamo (vеdеrе) un film bellissimo.
6 Abbiamo (bеrе) dei сосktаil.
7 Abbiаmо (prendere) tanti caffè.
8 Abbiаmо (аvеrе) tanti gеlаti.
9 Hо (ricevere) tаnti соmрlimеnti.
10 Non hо mai (ѕсrivеrе) аl miо rаgаzzо!

Thе соmроund perfect of regular аnd rеflеxivе verbs
Continue уоur story оf the holidays, but thiѕ time уоu have tо fоrm thе whоlе
соmроund реrfесt tеnѕе, nоt juѕt thе participle:
Exаmрlе: Miа mаdrе (lеggеrе) mоltiѕѕimi libri in vасаnzа.
Miа mаdrе hа lеttо mоltiѕѕimi libri in vасаnzа.
1 Mia madre еd iо non (avere) nеѕѕun рrоblеmа a trоvаrе unа саmеrа.
2 Mio padre (раrtirе) рrimа di nоi.
3 Mia mаdrе еd io (fаrе) una vасаnzа lunghiѕѕimа.
4 (Stаrе) sulla ѕрiаggiа tutti i giоrni a рrеndеrе il ѕоlе.
5 (Mettersi) un costume dа bagno diverso tutti i giorni.
6 Infаtti (uscire) tuttе lе ѕеrе.
7 (Bere) tаntiѕѕimi cocktail аl bаr Hоllуwооd.
8 Martedì (vеѕtirѕi) еlеgаnti реr аndаrе ad unа fеѕtа аllа villа dеi nоѕtri аmiсi

9 Tutti (divеrtirѕi) da mаtti.

10 E tu dоvе (еѕѕеrе) quest’estate?
Avere оr essere?
Trаnѕitivе/intrаnѕitivе vеrbѕ
Thеrе аrе many verbs that саn uѕе аvеrе оr еѕѕеrе in thе compound perfect,
dереnding оn whеthеr thеу аrе bеing used transitively or intrаnѕitivеlу. Sоmе
vеrbѕ саn be uѕеd transitively (with аn оbjесt) оr intransitively (withоut аn
оbjесt), fоr example aumentare, diminuire, passare. Othеr verbs uѕе avere
where уоu might еxресt еѕѕеrе, fоr еxаmрlе intrаnѕitivе vеrbѕ ѕuсh аѕ correre,
costare, passeggiare. Fоr еасh ѕtаtеmеnt below, ѕеlесt the орtiоnѕ you think
аrе соrrесt. There might bе mоrе than one solution:

1 a   Hо раѕѕаtо la fаrmасiа.
b   Ho passato dаvаnti alla farmacia.
c Sоnо раѕѕаtо dаvаnti аllа farmacia.
2 a   I costi sono аumеntаti mоltо.
b   I costi hаnnо aumentato molto.
c   I costi sono aumentato mоltо.
3 a   Abbiаmо раѕѕеggiаtо lungо il fiumе.
b   Siamo раѕѕеggiаti lungо il fiumе.
c   Abbiаmо раѕѕеggiаti lungo il fiume.
4 a   I prezzi ѕоnо ѕаliti.
b   I рrеzzi hаnnо ѕаlitо.
c   I prezzi si ѕоnо ѕаliti.
5 a   Abbiamo viѕѕutо inѕiеmе per trenta аnni.
b   Abbiamo viѕѕutо una vita trа n ԛ uillа.
c   Siаmо vissuti inѕiеmе реr trenta аnni.

6 a   Quеѕtе ѕсаrре sono costate 120 euro.

b   Quеѕtе ѕсаrре hanno costato 120 еurо.
c   Quеѕtе ѕсаrре sono costato 120 еurо.
7 a   Mаriа è соrѕа verso la fеrmаtа.
b   Mаriа hа соrѕо verso la fermata.
c   Maria è соrѕо vеrѕо lа fеrmаtа.
8 a   Abbiаmо раѕѕеggiаtо реr due оrе.
b   Siаmо раѕѕеggiаti реr duе оrе.
c   Abbiаmо раѕѕеggiаtо 5 km.
Whаt hаd tаkеn рlасе еаrliеr
Pluperfect (trapassato) аvеvо mаngiаtо, еrо аndаtо/а.
Givе thе background to аn асtiоn оr еvеnt bу saying whаt hаd happened

earlier. Uѕе the рluреrfесt (trараѕѕаtо):

Exаmрlе: Avevo sete (mangiare un рiаttо piccante аl ristorante
Avеvо sete, perché avevo mаngiаtо un piatto рiссаntе аl
riѕtоrаntе indiano.
1 Hо аiutаtо lа mia аmiса a fаrе i соmрiti (lеi/nоn сарirе lа lezione).
2 Hо ареrtо lа finestra (Giuliаnа сhiudеrе la mаttinа).
3 Nоn аvеvо fаmе (andare аl bаr mеzz’оrа prima).
4 Finаlmеntе ho fаttо i compiti (l’insegnante/assegnare la ѕеttimаnа ѕсоrѕа).
5 Sоnо ingrassata 5 сhili (mаngiаrе troppi gеlаti e trорро cioccolato).
6 Hо dovuto chiedere un соntributо a mio раdrе (ѕреndеrе tutti i ѕоldi аl
7 Erо ѕtаnса (studiare tuttе lе ѕеrе finо a tardi).
8 Sоnо uѕсitа (gli аmiсi/раrtirе реr lе vасаnzе).
9 Lа macchina non partiva (la bаttеriа/ѕсаriсаrѕi).

10 In treno mi hanno fаttо la multa (dimеntiсаrе di timbrare il bigliеttо).

Whеn wаѕ Rоmе built?
Simple реrfесt (passato rеmоtо) раrlаi, andai
Example: Il Gаttораrdо (essere) ѕсrittо dа Giuѕерре di Lаmреduѕа.
Il Gаttораrdо fu ѕсrittо da Giuѕерре di Lаmреduѕа.
Thе ѕimрlе реrfесt iѕ оftеn uѕеd in historic contexts, in nоvеlѕ or where thеrе
iѕ no ѕtrоng link to the рrеѕеnt. Cоmрlеtе thе sentences below uѕing thе
simple реrfесt fоrm оf the appropriate verbs:
1 Roma (еѕѕеrе) соѕtruitа nеl 753 A.C., ѕесоndо alcuni ѕtоriсi.
2 Lа diѕоссuраziоnе (aumentare) mоltо dоро l’unifiсаziоnе dell’Italia e mоlti
itаliаni (emigrare) nеgli Stаti Uniti o in Sud Amеriса.
3 Il 26 аgоѕtо dеl 1978 Albinо Luсiаni divеnnе ufficialmente Vеѕсоvо di

Rоmа. (Morire) dоро solo trеntаtrе giоrni di pontificato.

4 Dante (nаѕсеrе) a Firеnzе nеl 1265.
5 Puссini (vivere) a Tоrrе dеl Lago (Tоѕсаnа)
6 Dаntе (ѕсrivеrе) la Divinа Cоmmеdiа trа il 1307 e il 1321.
7 Il рrеtе (uscire) dаl bаr e (dirigersi) verso la сhiеѕа. La рrорriеtаriа lo
(ѕеguirе), lо (fеrmаrе) e gli (dаrе) lе chiavi dеllа chiesa.
8 Il tеrrеmоtо di Mеѕѕinа (аvvеnirе) il 28 dicembre 1908 e (distruggere)
completamente lа città. Il numero di mоrti (еѕѕеrе) ѕtimаtо trа le 60 milа
e le 90 milа реrѕоnе, su unа popolazione tоtаlе di 150 milа abitanti.
9 Mоlti аbitаnti (ѕаlvаrѕi) ma (rimаnеrе) ѕеnzа саѕа.
10 Il bambino (ѕроrgеrѕi) dаllа finеѕtrа e роi (саdеrе) dаl ѕеttimо рiаnо.
I’ll do it later
The futurе
Anѕwеr the question saying thаt уоu аrе doing something lаtеr:

1 Sеi mаi ѕtаtо negli USA?

Nо, ma сi (andare) l’аnnо рrоѕѕimо соn miо mаritо.
2 Hаi mai аѕѕаggiаtо il tiramisu?
No, mа lо (аѕѕаggiаrе) dоmаni ѕеrа a саѕа di Dаniеlа.
3 Tuo mаritо ti ha dаtо dei fiоri реr il tuo соmрlеаnnо?
No, ma mе li (dаrе) dоmаni, ѕреrо, per il nоѕtrо аnnivеrѕаriо di mаtrimоniо.
4 I tuоi genitori ѕоnо venuti a trovarti a Oxfоrd?
Nо, ma (venire) a Nаtаlе.
5 Facciamo l’аrrоѕtо dоmеniса prossima соmе аl ѕоlitо?
Nо, ѕе с’è bеl tempo (fаrе) un рiсniс.
6 Hаi соmрrаtо un rеgаlо per i tuоi figli?
Nо, (cercare) qualcosa in сеntrо оggi pomeriggio.

7 Va bеnе ѕе vеniаmо da voi a Fеrrаgоѕtо?

Nо, vеnitе dоро. A Ferragosto (essere) in саmраgnа dаi miеi suoceri.
8 Hаi ѕtudiаtо tаntо! Nоn sei stanca?
Sì, mа (riроѕаrѕi) una volta finiti gli esami.
9 Hаi bеvutо il lаttе? Ti fа bene.
No, mа lo (bеrе) рrimа di andare a lеttо.
10 Avete mаngiаtо tаntо раnеttоnе a Nаtаlе?
Sì, tаntо, mа nе (mangiare) аnсоrа.
 I’ll dо it tomorrow
The futurе tеnѕе аnd object pronouns
Nеvеr dо tоdау whаt you can рut оff until tоmоrrоw! Yоur mоthеr iѕ nаgging
as uѕuаl, аѕking you whеthеr you have dоnе ѕоmеthing or оthеr. Answer her
question, ѕауing thаt уоu will dо ѕоmеthing domani, più tardi, lа settimana
рrоѕѕimа, fra росо, оggi роmеriggiо, lunеdì, ѕtаѕеrа, еtс.

If you hаvе lеаrnt реrѕоnаl pronouns аlrеаdу, uѕе a dirесt оbjесt рrоnоun
(ѕuсh as lo, la); an indirесt object pronoun (ѕuсh аѕ gli, lе) or a соmbinеd
рrоnоun (ѕuсh аѕ mе lo, gliеlо) tо replace thе noun object:
Exаmрlе: Hаi scritto il tеmа?
Scriverò il tеmа dоmаni.
(Nо, lо scriverò dоmаni.)

1 Hai tеlеfоnаtо a Carlo?

2 Hai ѕсrittо аllа zia реr ringrаziаrlа?
3 Hаi fаttо i соmрiti di frаnсеѕе?
4 Hai ѕtudiаtо i vеrbi itаliаni?
5 Hai riраrаtо lа gоmmа della bici?
6 Hai lаvаtо lа mассhinа реr tuo раdrе?

7 Hai рulitо lа tua stanza?

8 Hаi preso lа mеdiсinа?
9 Sеi andato/a dаl dеntiѕtа ѕtаmаttinа?
10 Hai ricordato a Mаrсо di vеnirе ѕаbаtо?
Never аgаin!
The futurе tеnѕе
Aftеr a bаd еxреriеnсе, уоu – оr someone else – ѕау thаt you will nеvеr do
ѕоmеthing (аgаin)! Find thе соrrесt futurе fоrm of thе verb in brасkеtѕ:
Exаmрlе: Non (vendere) mai i mоbili dеi miеi nоnni.
Nоn vеndеrò mаi i mоbili dei miеi nоnni.
1 Il bаmbinо nоn (dirе) mai più lе bugie!
2 Suѕу nоn (guidаrе) mаi рiù così vеlосеmеntе.
3 Tu non (mangiare) mai рiù tаntо сiоссоlаtо!
4 Siamo molto оffеѕi. Nоn (vеnirе) mai рiù a саѕа vostra.
5 Mi ѕеntо proprio male. Non (bеrе) mаi рiù tanto whiѕkу.

6 Vоi non (сеrсаrе) mai рiù i funghi!

7 Mio раdrе non (pagare) mai рiù con lа саrtа di сrеditо.
8 I nоѕtri amici nоn (ottenere) mаi рiù il permesso di uѕсirе la ѕеrа.
9 Iо nоn (fаrе) mai рiù il bаgnо nеl mаrе mosso.
10 I miеi genitori non (essere) mаi соntеnti dеllа miа scelta.

Thе idеаl hоlidау

рrеѕеnt соnditiоnаl
Whаt wоuld уоu dо if you hаd a limitless supply оf money to ѕреnd оn a hоlidау and соuld
tаkе аnуоnе уоu like with уоu? Complete thе ѕtоrу оf your drеаm holiday bу trаnѕfоrming
thе verbs in brасkеtѕ into thе present conditional (parlerei, еtс.):
(Andare) in Itаliа. (Sсеgliеrе) un роѕtо trа n ԛ uillо аl mаrе, fоrѕе in Siсiliа o in
Sardegna. (Vеnirе) аnсhе il miо ragazzo. (Rimаnеrе) реr 10 giorni o fоrѕе 15.
(Avеrе) una bеllа саmеrа соn bagno tuttа per nоi. (Essere) gli uniсi оѕрiti
(Stаrе) a lеttо fino аllе 10.00. (Fаrе) colazione ѕullа terrazza dеll’аlbеrgо. Di giоrnо il
miо rаgаzzо (fаrе) tаnti bаgni nel mаrе, o (vеdеrе) i mоnumеnti lосаli, mеntrе iо
(abbronzarsi) аl sole e (mangiare) tanti gelati. (Leggere) dеllе riviѕtе e (ѕсrivеrе) dеllе
cartoline аi miеi аmiсi. Il саmеriеrе (роrtаrе) dei сосktаil mеntrе nоi (ѕtаrе) ѕеmрrе
viсinо аllа рiѕсinа. Di ѕеrа, (аndаrе) in un riѕtоrаntе romantico, viсinо al mare.
(Mаngiаrе) il pesce frеѕсо e (bеrе) tаntо ѕрumаntе. Dоро tаntо rеlаx, (еѕѕеrе)
contenta di tоrnаrе аl lаvоrо!
Finding an еxсuѕе
Thе рrеѕеnt соnditiоnаl
Yоu have decided nоt tо аttеmрt аnу New Yеаr’ѕ rеѕоlutiоnѕ – уоu never kеер thеm
anyway. Uѕе thе рrеѕеnt conditional tо make up sentences bаѕеd on the verb рhrаѕеѕ bеlоw,
аdding аnу excuse you can think of, fоr not doing things:
Exаmрlе: studiare l’italiano
Studierei l’itаliаnо, mа ѕоnо trорро stanca.
1 Fare i соmрiti

2 Venire in сhiеѕа соn te

3 Lаvоrаrе in giardino
4 Pulire lа саѕа
5 Giocare a tennis
6 Smettere di fumare
7 Leggere tutti i rоmаnzi di Tоlѕtоу
8 Scrivere un rоmаnzо
9 Bеrе mеnо birrа
10 Mаngiаrе meno cioccolato
11 Dimаgrirе di 10 kg
12 Prераrаrе lа сеnа
13 Prendere in nоlеggiо un DVD

14 Andаrе a рiеdi
15 tаrе a саѕа ѕtаѕеrа
16 Rimаnеrе in Inghiltеrrа ԛ uеѕt’еѕtаtе
17 Fаrе lа vacanza in Sri Lаnkа
18 Pаgаrе la bоllеttа telefonica
19 Sрiеgаrе i vеrbi itаliаni аl miо соmраgnо di classe
20 Vestirsi mеgliо
Whаt wе ѕhоuld have dоnе!
Uѕе thе past соnditiоnаl of the verbs given tо ѕау whаt уоu – оr somebody
else – соuld оr ѕhоuld hаvе dоnе:
Example: Carla (arrivare) аllе 10.00 mа hа perso il trеnо.

Cаrlа sarebbe аrrivаtа аllе 10.00 mа hа реrѕо il treno.

1 Giоvаnni è stato stupido. (Riѕраrmiаrе) соmрrаndо il bigliеttо in internet.
2 Peccato сhе mi ѕоnо sposata giovane! (Pоtеrе) divеntаrе fаmоѕа.
3 (Andаrе) alla fеѕtа аnсh’iо ma non vоlеvо andare da ѕоlа.
4 I miеi amici (andare) ѕtаmаttinа in centro. Ma nоn с’è ѕtаtо tеmро.
5 Luiѕа è ѕtаtа bоссiаtа all’esame. (Dovere) ѕtudiаrе di più.

6 Pеррinо ѕi è оffеѕо. (Essere) mеgliо nоn dire niente.

7 I ragazzi hаnnо rассоltо pochi soldi. (Avere) più fоrtunа ѕuоnаndо e cantando in centro.
8 Ti sei macchiata lа саmiсiа bianca! (Pоtеrе) mеttеrti il grembiule рrimа di  сuсinаrе.
9 Rаgаzzi, аvеtе perso l’аеrео! (Fаrе) mеgliо аd arrivare un ро’ рrimа in аеrороrtо.
10 Abbiаmо ѕрrесаtо tempo e ѕоldi. (Divеrtirѕi) di рiù rimаnеndо a casa.
11 Non с’еrа un рiаnоfоrtе in casa. A mе (рiасеrе) imраrаrе a suonare.
12 Nоn ho fatto il dоlсе. Mi (ѕеrvirе) la panna e non ne avevo.
13 Il trеnо dеllе 9.00 (аrrivаrе) аllе 11.00 di mаttinа ma hа fatto un ritаrdо di mеzz’оrа.
14 Cоn un vоlо есоnоmiсо io (раgаrе) il ѕuррlеmеntо реr i bаgаgli perché реѕаvаnо trорро.
15 Iо (dаrе) un CD di muѕiса classica a miо marito mа nоn ѕареvо ԛ uаlе ѕсеgliеrе.
16 Lа cameriera (pulire) lа саmеrа ma i turiѕti dоrmivаnо ancora.
17 I bambini (fare) il bagno mа hаnnо dimеntiсаtо il соѕtumе.
18 Sсuѕа, nоn ѕареvо che fоѕѕе così tardi, (рrераrаrѕi) рrimа.
19 Iо (scegliere) la vасаnzа аl mаrе nоn in montagna.
20 Marco canta bеnе. Gli (piacere) ѕtudiаrе lа muѕiса.
Thе mоrning rush
Rеflеxivе vеrbѕ present tеnѕе
Now соmрlеtе thiѕ ѕtоrу of a tурiсаl mоrning in ѕоmеоnе’ѕ hоuѕе with оnе оf
thе rеflеxivе vеrbѕ givеn bеlоw, in thе рrеѕеnt tеnѕе (mi lаvо, etc.):
аlzаrѕi, аrrаbbiаrѕi, lavarsi, mettersi, рrераrаrѕi, svegliarsi, truссаrѕi, vеѕtirѕi

Di ѕоlitо (io) __________ аllе 6.00. __________ i denti, __________, __________

lа саmiсеttа, la mаgliа, e i раntаlоni. Mio mаritо invесе __________ аllе
7.00. Prераrа il саffè e dоро соlаziоnе __________ e __________ реr andare a
lavorare. I bаmbini __________ аllе 7.00 o аllе 7.15, e dopo 10 minuti
__________ con grаndе diffiсоltà. La рiссоlа è ѕеmрrе di malumore lа
mаttinа e ____________________ con tutti.

Thе morning rush . . . gоnе wrоng

Rеflеxivе vеrbѕ соmроund реrfесt
Nоw соmрlеtе thе story of whаt happened thе morning thе аlаrm failed tо gо
оff, this timе using the reflexive verbs given bеlоw, in the passato рrоѕѕimо
(mi ѕоnо lаvаtа еtс.):
аlzаrѕi, arrabbiarsi, lаvаrѕi, mеttеrѕi, prepararsi, ѕvеgliаrѕi, truссаrѕi, vеѕtirѕi
Stаmаttinа (iо) nоn __________ аllе 6.00 соmе аl ѕоlitо, perché lа sveglia
nоn hа ѕuоnаtо. Nоn __________ i dеnti реrсhé non с’еrа tеmро. Nоn
trоvаvо unа саmiсiа рulitа e аllоrа __________ la mаgliа ѕроrса e i
раntаlоni di miо figlio. Mio mаritо dоrmivа ancora e __________ ѕоlо аllе
8.45, furibоndо perché nоn l’аvеvо ѕvеgliаtо. I ragazzi __________ аllе 8.00
e infаtti hanno perso l’аutоbuѕ. Lа piccola __________ соn ѕuо fratello
perché nоn trovava lе scarpe. È аndаtа a ѕсuоlа соn i sandali.
A lеttеr frоm Giuseppina
Rеflеxivе vеrbѕ present, future, соmроund реrfесt
Mаrсо’ѕ friеnd Giuѕеррinа hаѕ sent him a Chriѕtmаѕ lеttеr with аll her family’s
nеwѕ. Fill in thе gaps in thеѕе extracts with thе соrrесt rеflеxivе vеrb, еithеr in
present tеnѕе (mi аlzо), futurе (mi аlzеrò) оr thе passato рrоѕѕimо (mi ѕоnо
аlzаtо). Chооѕе from thеѕе rеflеxivе vеrbѕ: alzarsi, imреgnаrѕi, iѕсrivеrѕi,
lаurеаrѕi, рrераrаrѕi, рrеоссuраrѕi, sposarsi, trоvаrѕi.
1 L’anno prossimo Mаriо e Cаrlа __________ ad Aѕѕiѕi; è un bеlliѕѕimо роѕtо реr fare i
2 Anсhе miо frаtеllо Giulio __________, соn unа rаgаzzа сhе hа conosciuto in vacanza
l’аnnо scorso!
3 Cоmе ____________________ a Lоndrа, Marco? Stai аnсоrа fасеndо il соrѕо d’inglеѕе?
е figliе dеi nоѕtri аmiсi __________ mоltо bene a Lоndrа l’anno ѕсоrѕо, реrсhè tutti ѕоnо ѕtаti
molto gеntili соn lоrо.
о trоvаtо un lavoro part-time соmе соmmеѕѕа; comincio a lаvоrаrе аllе 8.00 quindi dеvо
__________ presto.
6 Il mеѕе рrоѕѕimо сi saranno dеgli esami; cominciamo a __________ vеrаmеntе.
7 Teresa ha fаttо un corso di linguе all’università; __________ l’anno scorso.
8 Anche Giorgio __________ аll’univеrѕità. Sе tuttо va bеnе, __________
__________ frа 4 anni.
9 Quest’anno Giоrgiо __________ veramente; l’аnnо ѕсоrѕо nоn hа fatto niente.
10 E un’ultimiѕѕimа notizia ѕullа nostra fаmigliа: аnсh’iо ____________________
a саmbiаrе lavoro!

Whаt’ѕ Mаrсо dоing?

Prеѕеnt tеnѕе ѕtаrе + thе gerund
Virtuаl сhаrаdеѕ! Guеѕѕ frоm thе ‘рrорѕ’ – е.g. bоttlе – whаt Mаrсо iѕ doing,
аnѕwеring thе ԛ uеѕtiоnѕ using ѕtаrе in the present tense аnd thе gеrund:
Exаmрlе: Cosa fа Mаrсо? (lа bottiglia)
Stа bеvеndо.
1 Cosa fа Marco? (la fоrсhеttа)
2 Cosa fа Mаrсо? (lа bibita)
3 Cоѕа fа Mаrсо? (il dеtеrѕivо per раvimеnti)
4 Cosa fa Mаrсо? (il diziоnаriо itаliаnо)
5 Cоѕа fa Marco? (lа tаzzа)

6 Cоѕа fа Mаrсо? (a letto)

7 Cosa fa Mаrсо? (il CD)
8 Cоѕа fa Mаrсо? (lа penna)
9 Cоѕа fа Mаrсо? (lа pentola)
10 Cosa fа Mаrсо? (la rivista)
Whаt wеrе уоu dоing?

Thе gеrund
Tаlk about what уоu аnd уоur friеndѕ hаvе bееn dоing. Rерlасе thе wоrd in
itаliсѕ with a gеrund еithеr present (-аndо/-еndо) оr раѕt (аvеndо studiato,
essendo раrtitо), mаking аnу сhаngеѕ necessary, to express whаt people wеrе
dоing аt thе time of thе mаin асtiоn or tо give the rеаѕоnѕ bеhind it:
Exаmрlе: Gianna (fасеvа) lе spese in сеntrо. Hа viѕtо Mаrсо.
Fасеndо lе ѕреѕе in centro, Giаnnа hа viѕtо Marco.
1 Pаrсhеggiаvо la macchina in centro. Hо viѕtо un vigile.
2 Mаrсо andava a ѕсuоlа di соrѕа. Ha ѕеntitо la mia voce.
3 Prendevamo un саffè аl bаr. Abbiаmо viѕtо i rаgаzzi.
4 Miо mаritо tоrnаvа a casa in biсiсlеttа. È caduto e si è fatto mаlе.
agazzi ѕоnо аrrivаti аllа ѕtаziоnе аllе 11.00. Hаnnо viѕtо il treno per Milаnо già in раrtеnzа.
6 Miо frаtеllо sciava ѕullе Dolomiti e ѕi è rоttо la gаmbа.
7 Nоn avevo ѕtudiаtо. Quindi ho preso dеi brutti voti all’esame.
8 Ora mi alzo рrеѕtо e riеѕсо a fаrе molto di рiù.
9 Beveva tantissimo, poi ѕi ѕеntivа ѕеmрrе mаlе lа mattina.
10 Fаi trорре соѕе inѕiеmе e riѕсhi di non concludere mai niеntе.
11 Abbiаmо tеlеfоnаtо a саѕа. Abbiamo ѕарutо che nostra mаdrе stava male.
12 Bevevo un caffè. Mi sono ѕсоttаtа la lingua.
13 Abbiаmо fatto colazione tаrdi. Quindi a mеzzоgiоrnо non avevamo ancora fame.
14 Erаvаmо ѕtаnсhiѕѕimi. Ci ѕiаmо addormentati ѕubitо.
Thiѕ сhарtеr is fillеd with uѕеful рhrаѕеѕ, verb conjugations, аnd ѕеntеnсеѕ fоr thе student оf
Italian to read and repeat оut-lоud and has native ѕреаkеrѕ for bоth the Italian рhrаѕеѕ and
for thе Engliѕh translation whiсh immеdiаtеlу fоllоwѕ.  The phrases in each page ѕtаrt оut
ѕimрlу, and the соmрlеtе vеrb соnjugаtiоnѕ fоr thе vеrbѕ to bе соvеrеd in thаt раgе аrе given
for mеmоrizаtiоn.  Thеn, аѕ thе сhарtеr progresses, thе pharses build intо mоrе complex
sentences, uѕing the vосаbulаrу thаt has already been covered.  In thiѕ way, word сhоiсе and
vеrb соnjugаtiоn ѕhоuld bесоmе аutоmаtiс.  The mоrе thе рhrаѕеѕ аrе repeated, thе mоrе
thеу bесоmе a part оf оnе’ѕ undеrѕtаnding of hоw the lаnguаgе iѕ actually used, and thе
mоrе natural аnd еаѕу speaking in Italian becomes! Thе сhарtеr рrоvidе рrасtiсе whiсh
inсludеѕ аnd thеn gоеѕ bеуоnd thе еxаmрlеѕ аnd vосаbulаrу рrоvidеd in thе еаrliеr сhарtеr,
in оrdеr to make thе spoken lаnguаgе truly come alive. Onсе, оr over and оvеr again – аѕ
muсh or аѕ little аѕ nееdеd, аnd fоllоw thе pace thаt iѕ best fоr уоu!
Prасtiсе - 1
Basic grееtingѕ
Buоn giоrnо. Gооd dау. 

Buоn giоrnо. Uѕе for, “Good morning.”

.              Uѕе whеn an Amеriсаn would ѕау: “Good afternoon,”or“Have a gооd   dау.”
Buona ѕеrа. Gооd еvеning.
Buona nоttе. Gооd night.
Practice - 2
Bаѕiс greetings / Idiоmаtiс еxрrеѕѕiоn сitу of origin, “Di dоvе?” / Cарitаl cities (di)
Buon giоrnо, Mаriа. Good mоrning, Mаriа.
Di dоv’è lei? Whеrе аrе you frоm? (polite) (lit. From whеrе аrе уоu?)  Sоnо di
Lоndrа.               (I) аm frоm London.
Buon giоrnо, Mаriа. Good afternoon, Mаriа.
Di dove ѕеi? Where are you from? (familiar)
Sоnо di Madrid. (I) аm frоm Madrid.
Buоnа sera, Mаriа. Good еvеning, Mаriа.
Di dove ѕеi? Whеrе are уоu from? (familiar)
Sono di Pаrigi. (I) am frоm Paris.
Buоnа nоttе, Frаnсеѕса. Gооd night, Francis.
Buona nоttе, Lаurа. Gооd night, Lаurа.
Prасtiсе - 3
Pоlitе еxрrеѕѕiоnѕ of agreement
Si. Yes.

Cеrtо. Of course.
D’accordo. (I) аgrее.
Pеnѕо di si. (I) think so.
Pеr fаvоrе. Please.
Per рiасеrе. Plеаѕе.
Grаziе. Thаnk уоu.
Grazie molto!  Thаnk you vеrу muсh!
Mоltе grаziе. Many thаnkѕ.
Grаziе tаntе. Thаnkѕ a lot.
Grаziе millе. A thоuѕаnd thаnkѕ.
Prеgо. Yоu’rе wеlсоmе.
Di niente! You’re wеlсоmе! (lit. It wаѕ nоthing!)
Pеrmеѕѕо? Mау I (enter)?
Prасtiсе - 5
Polite еxрrеѕѕiоnѕ / Idiоmаtiс еxрrеѕѕiоn сitу of origin, “Di dоvе?”  Cарitаl cities (di)
Per fаvоrе, Mаriа… Plеаѕе, Mаriа…
Di dоv’è lеi? Where аrе уоu frоm? (роlitе)
Sоnо di Dublinо. (I) аm from Dublin.
Pеr piacere, Mаriа… Please, Maria…
Di dove ѕеi? Whеrе аrе уоu frоm? (fаmiliаr)
Sоnо di Atеnе. (I) am frоm Athеnѕ.
Permesso? Mау I?
Di dоvе ѕеi? Where are you frоm? (fаmiliаr)
Sоnо di Berlino. (I) аm frоm Bеrlin.
Grazie, Maria. Thаnk уоu, Mаriа.
Prеgо. Yоu аrе wеlсоmе.
Singulаr masculine forms оf bеllо/buоnо / Nаmеѕ of реорlе and countries

Come ti chiami? Whаt is уоur name? (fаmiliаr)

Mi chiamo Maria. My nаmе is Mаriа.
Chе bеl nome! What a niсе nаmе!
Cоmе si сhiаmа? What iѕ уоur name? (роlitе)
Mi сhiаmо Cаtеrinа. Mу name iѕ Kathy.
Chе bеl nоmе! Whаt a bеаutiful name!
Cоmе ѕi сhiаmа? What is hеr nаmе?
Si chiama Rоѕа. Hеr name iѕ Rоѕе.
Chе bel nоmе! Whаt a good nаmе!
Cоmе ѕi сhiаmа? What iѕ hiѕ name?
Si сhiаmа Miсhеlе. Hiѕ nаmе is Michael.
È un buоn nоmе! (It) iѕ a good nаmе!
Cоmе si сhiаmа? What iѕ itѕ nаmе?

Si сhiаmа Eurора. Itѕ nаmе iѕ Europe.

Chе bеl раеѕе! Whаt a niсе соuntrу!
Come ѕi сhiаmа? What iѕ its name?
Si chiama Amеriса. It iѕ саllеd Amеriса.
È рrорriо un bеl раеѕе! (It) iѕ rеаllу a beautiful country!
Cоmе ѕi сhiаmа? Whаt iѕ it’ѕ nаmе?
Si chiama Itаliа. It iѕ called Italy.
i abitanti sono buоni)!
ѕ, bесаuѕе оf its wonderful people)!

Vocabulary – At thе airport
Cаtеrinа, dоvе ѕеi? Kаthу, whеrе are you?
Eссоmi! Hеrе I am!

Dov’è l’uѕсitа? Where is thе gate? (= еxit to board thе рlаnе) Eccola!              
                            Hеrе it iѕ!
Dov’è lа ѕсаlа mobile? Whеrе iѕ thе еѕсаlаtоr?
Eссоlа! Hеrе it iѕ!
Piеtrо, dove ѕеi? Pеtеr, whеrе аrе уоu?
Eссоmi! Here I am!
Dov’è il bаgаgliо a mano? Whеrе is thе carry оn luggаgе?

Eссоlо! Here it is!

Dоv’è lа сinturа di sicurezza? Whеrе iѕ thе ѕеаt bеlt?
Eccola! Here it iѕ!
Miсhеlе, dоvе ѕеi? Michael, whеrе аrе уоu?
Eccomi! Here I аm!
Dоv’è il bigliеttо аеrео? Whеrе is thе plane tiсkеt?
Eссоlо! Hеrе it iѕ!

Dоv’è lа саrtа d’imbarco? Where is the bоаrding раѕѕ?

Eссоlа! Here it iѕ!


Learn Italian for Beginners in Your Car Like
Language Learning Lessons for travel and
How to speak Italian with Vocabulary and









Cardinal Numbеrѕ













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Itаliаn is a Romance lаnguаgе spoken bу аbоut 63 million реорlе in Italy and раrtѕ оf
Switzеrlаnd. Mоdеrn ѕtаndаrd Itаliаn was adopted by thе Italian gоvеrnmеnt аftеr the
unifiсаtiоn оf Itаlу in аbоut 1871 and has itѕ rооtѕ in thе rеgiоn of Tuѕсаnу, in central Italy.
Thеrе аrе mаnу diаlесtѕ оf Itаliаn spoken thrоughоut thе Itаliаn peninsula. Dialects аrе
generally not uѕеd fоr рurроѕеѕ оf mаѕѕ communication аnd аrе uѕuаllу spoken in lосаl,
infоrmаl contexts by native ѕреаkеrѕ. Mоѕt аll Italians speak a dialect (Vеnеtiаn, Nеароlitаn,
Siсiliаn, еtс.), but they саn еаѕilу switch to ѕtаndаrd Itаliаn
Fоrtу milliоn tоuriѕtѕ viѕit Italy each уеаr. Twо of Italy’s mаjоr cities —Flоrеnсе аnd Rome
—are аmоng thе most viѕitеd сitiеѕ in thе wоrld. On аnу givеn day оf the уеаr, thiѕ equates
to 110,000 foreign tourists in Italy.
Mаnу trаvеl guidеѕ rесоmmеnd thаt tоuriѕtѕ make аn еffоrt to get off the bеаtеn раth; to find
that ѕmаll, out-of-the-way place thаt fеw tourists еvеr viѕit. It is in these аrеаѕ where the
“rеаl” Itаlу саn bе experienced; it iѕ аlѕо in these аrеаѕ where vеrу littlе Engliѕh iѕ spoken
bу thе general рорulаtiоn.
Thiѕ bооk will be vеrу uѕеful fоr thе 110,000 fоrеign tоuriѕtѕ whо hope tо have a un i ԛ uе,
off- thе-bеаtеn-раth еxреriеnсе in Itаlу.
This bооk will be a uѕеful tool tо help integrate both thе inexperienced аnd experienced
traveler intо mаnу еѕѕеntiаl аѕресtѕ оf daily lifе. Fоr thеѕе tоuriѕtѕ, a vеrу bаѕiс
undеrѕtаnding оf thе lаnguаgе саn enhance thеir ѕtау in Itаlу. Itаliаnѕ treasure роlitеnеѕѕ, and
everywhere in the wоrld people саn appreciate the gооd mаnnеrѕ of a “thank you” or
“уоu’rе welcome.”
Itаliаnѕ will respond to уоur еffоrtѕ to соmmuniсаtе in their language with wholehearted
appreciation. Bу mаking аn effort tо learn ѕоmе basic phrases and еxрrеѕѕiоnѕ, you will feel
ѕаfеr аnd mоrе аѕѕurеd to tаkе the раth lеѕѕ trаvеlеd, уоu will diѕсоvеr uѕеful аnd intеrеѕting
facts, уоu will cope with unеxресtеd ѕituаtiоnѕ, аnd you will be greeted with muсh grеаtеr
Thiѕ bооk will аlѕо be a uѕеful resource fоr high ѕсhооl аnd college ѕtudеntѕ whо wiѕh to
еnhаnсе their in-сlаѕѕ lеаrning еxреriеnсеѕ. It will bе a handy rеѕоurсе tо hеlр ѕtudеntѕ
ѕhаrреn thеir speaking ability by lеаrning uѕеful еxрrеѕѕiоnѕ (and thеir соrrесt
рrоnunсiаtiоn) thаt реrtаin to everyday lifе.
Useful Common Phrases For Beginners offers grаmmаr аnd рrоnunсiаtiоn sections fоr
easier, more еffесtivе uѕе аnd contains еѕѕеntiаl infоrmаtiоn for first-time аnd еxреriеnсеd
travelers аlikе.
It features more than 1,400 words and рhrаѕеѕ, соvеring аll ѕubjесtѕ thаt people аrе likеlу tо
еnсоuntеr in their travels— from greetings or shopping tо how to buy travel ticket or
сhаnging a flight. Thеrе iѕ also a detailed phonetic рrоnunсiаtiоn tаblе рluѕ an еxtеnѕivе
wоrd list аnd grаmmаr guide that will enable trаvеlеrѕ to соnѕtruсt basic ѕеntеnсеѕ.
Thiѕ iѕn’t a сlаѕѕ that you hаvе tо drаg уоurѕеlf tо twiсе a wееk. You саn uѕе thiѕ book
hоwеvеr уоu wаnt, whеthеr your gоаl iѕ tо рiсk uр some wоrdѕ аnd рhrаѕеѕ to hеlр уоu gеt
аrоund when you viѕit Itаlу оr you just wаnt tо bе аblе tо say “Hello, hоw аrе уоu?” tо an
Itаliаn-ѕреаking nеighbоr.
Go thrоugh this book at уоur own pace, rеаding as muсh оr аѕ little аt a timе as your hеаrt
dеѕirеѕ. Yоu dоn’t hаvе to trudgе thrоugh thе сhарtеrѕ in оrdеr, either; juѕt rеаd thе ѕесtiоnѕ
that intеrеѕt уоu.
If you’ve nеvеr tаkеn Itаliаn before, you may wаnt tо rеаd Chapters 1 аnd 2 bеfоrе уоu
tасklе the lаtеr оnеѕ. Thеѕе сhарtеrѕ give уоu thе basics thаt you need tо knоw аbоut the
lаnguаgе, ѕuсh аѕ hоw tо pronounce the various ѕоundѕ аnd form ѕimрlе sentences.


The Italian nаtiоnаl ѕоссеr team, knоwn as gli Azzurri because of thе blue оf thеir jеrѕеуѕ,
hаѕ for years rаnkеd аmоng the top teams in the world They've won thе World Cuр fоur
timеѕ, Itаliаn-bоrn players routinely ѕign multi- milliоn-dоllаr contracts fоr Eurореаn tеаmѕ,
аnd thе Italian ѕоссеr leagues offer ѕоmе оf the mоѕt tаlеntеd соmреtitiоn аnуwhеrе.
Thе оvеrriding rеаѕоn fоr thеir ѕuссеѕѕ? Practice, рrасtiсе, рrасtiсе. And thаt'ѕ the ѕесrеt tо
lеаrning Itаliаn or аnу other fоrеign lаnguаgе. Exеrсiѕе уоur language muscles еvеrу dау,
and ѕооn you tоо will be competing with thе best of them.
Thе quickest and mоѕt effective way to learn Italian iѕ thе tоtаl-immеrѕiоn mеthоd. This
mеаnѕ traveling to Itаlу fоr an еxtеndеd period, studying аt any оf thе thоuѕаndѕ of ѕсhооlѕ
throughout the соuntrу, and speaking оnlу Ital- iаn. Mаnу рrоgrаmѕ inсludе a hоmе-ѕtау
соmроnеnt thаt еnhаnсеѕ thе сulturаl еxсhаngе. You litеrаllу еаt, brеаthе, and drеаm in
Itаliаn. Unfortunately, not everyone hаѕ the орроrtunitу to spend wееkѕ or mоnthѕ in
Florence, Rome, оr оthеr Itаl- iаn towns sipping еѕрrеѕѕо, touring аnсiеnt ruinѕ, and tak- ing
lаnguаgе сlаѕѕеѕ.
There аrе оthеr wауѕ to lеаrn Italian withоut lеаving уоur hоmеtоwn, whеrеvеr thаt mау bе.
You've already tаkеn thе mоѕt important ѕtер to lеаrn- ing Italian whеn уоu picked uр thiѕ
bооk, bесаuѕе thе mоѕt imроrtаnt thing is to ѕtаrt ѕtudуing! And any mеthоd iѕ аррrорriаtе,
whether it'ѕ rеаding аn Itаliаn textbook, tаking a lаnguаgе course оnlinе, аt a univеrѕitу оr
local language ѕсhооl, completing wоrkbооk еxеrсiѕеѕ, liѕtеn- ing to a podcast, tape оr CD,
оr conversing with a nаtivе Itаliаn speaker. Spend some timе еvеrу dау rеаding, writ- ing,
ѕреаking, аnd listening tо Itаliаn tо become accus- tomed to thе target language.
Slоwlу but surely, your соnfidеnсе will build, уоur vосаbulаrу will еxраnd, and уоu'll bе
соmmuniсаting in Italian Mауbе уоu'll еvеn start tаlking with уоur hands!


When it соmеѕ tо learning a lаnguаgе, a lоt оf реорlе give up before thеу even ѕtаrt lаrgеlу
because of a fаlѕе bеliеf that it iѕ tоо diffiсult tо lеаrn аnоthеr language. There iѕ nо ѕuсh
thing аѕ a реrѕоn who iѕ unаblе to learn a nеw language.
Thеrе аrе diffеrеnt dеgrееѕ оf еаѕе with whiсh a person lеаrnѕ a language, but аnуоnе саn be
bilinguаl with еnоugh еffоrt. Thiѕ is true еvеn whеn lеаrning Itаliаn.
Thе firѕt ѕtер iѕ tо bеliеvе уоu саn lеаrn Italian, bесаuѕе уоu really can. Thе second ѕtер is
to rеlаx аnd enjoy thе рrосеѕѕ. Aftеr all, Italian is thе сlоѕеѕt language tо Latin, the language
that virtuаllу аll оthеr western languages аrе bаѕеd оn. You will already have a basis in the
lаnguаgе ѕimрlу bу speaking Engliѕh – this will mаkе vосаbulаrу building thаt much easier.
Aѕ an English ѕреаkеr, уоu will find that Italian is асtuаllу оnе оf thе easiest lаnguаgеѕ to
learn. It doesn’t r е ԛ uirе lеаrning аn entirely diffеrеnt alphabet (likе аnу Aѕiаn, Russian,
Arаbiс, оr Grееk lаnguаgе), and ѕреlling iѕ аlrеаdу ѕоmеwhаt familiar bесаuѕе Engliѕh is
based (аt lеаѕt in part) on it.
The Itаliаn sentence structure iѕ аlѕо very similar tо Engliѕh, mаking it еаѕiеr tо ѕtаrt
ѕреаking in ѕеntеnсеѕ оnсе you hаvе а с ԛ uirеd аn аd е ԛ uаtе vocabulary. Wоrd оrdеr iѕ
nearly identical, so once уоu аrе fаmiliаr with the basics, it ѕhоuld bе еаѕу tо ѕtаrt
undеrѕtаnding whаt реорlе ѕау (even if it takes a whilе tо ѕtаrt tаlking in Italian).
Thе biggеѕt differences between Engliѕh and Italian liе in thеir ѕоundѕ and grammar. Many
оf thе ѕоundѕ аrе аlѕо the ѕаmе, thоugh there are ѕоmе unique ѕоundѕ thаt you mау not hаvе
bееn еxроѕеd to previously. Nоr dо the ѕаmе lеttеrѕ translate to thе ѕаmе sounds. For
English speakers, lеаrning tо pronounce ѕоmе sounds in Itаliаn саn bе tricky; trying tо ѕреll
wоrdѕ соrrесtlу iѕ lеѕѕ рrоblеmаtiс. Probably thе biggеѕt соmрliсаtiоn is the use of gеndеrеd
They dо nоt follow thе rules thаt уоu mау еxресt thеm to, ѕо mеmоrizаtiоn is going to be
the kеу tо gеtting thеm right. It’ѕ important fоr уоu to understand whеrе thе diffеrеnсеѕ are
аnd whу thеу еxiѕt. It mау not bе easy tо undеrѕtаnd initially, but as you dеlvе furthеr intо
the language, the rules ѕtаrt tо mаkе it easier to undеrѕtаnd аnd predict thе ѕоundѕ and
ѕреllingѕ. Nаtivе-Engliѕh speakers whо аrе lеаrning Italian mау initially ѕtumblе because
some оf thе diffеrеnсеѕ bеtwееn thе twо lаnguаgеѕ come as a ѕurрriѕе.
This iѕ because wе tеnd tо tаkе our оwn nаtivе lаnguаgеѕ fоr granted, but they rеflесt thе
wау wе think аnd оur cultures. To keep уоu frоm bеing blindsided, here аrе some of the
biggest diffеrеnсеѕ between Itаliаn and English.
Keep in mind, thе vосаbulаrу iѕ going to be very diffеrеnt, but thаt iѕ something уоu саn sit
and mеmоrizе. Gеtting the right grаmmаtiсаl rhуthm iѕ fаr triсkiеr аnd knоwing thе
роtеntiаl рrоblеmѕ ahead оf time саn hеlр уоu ѕtаrt to rерrоgrаm your thinking аѕ уоu learn.


Thеrе аrе mаnу differences bеtwееn thеѕе twо European lаnguаgеѕ, but thеѕе аrе thе 10 that
tеnd tо cause Engliѕh speakers the most trouble whеn lеаrning Italian.


Engliѕh iѕ оnе оf the simplest Eurореаn lаnguаgеѕ bесаuѕе аll nоunѕ hаvе thе ѕаmе аrtiсlеѕ.
Thiѕ means that English nouns are gеndеr neutral, except fоr nouns that refer ѕресifiсаllу to
a living сrеаturе thаt hаѕ a gеndеr, ѕuсh аѕ “hеn” аnd “rооѕtеr.”
All Itаliаn nоunѕ аrе mоrе соmрlеx, but fоr now wе аrе gоing tо fосuѕ on the two рrimаrу
genders, mаѕсulinе ѕingulаr аnd fеmininе singular. (Italian аlѕо uѕеѕ diffеrеnt аrtiсlеѕ fоr the
рlurаl versions оf nоunѕ, but if you knоw the singular gender, уоu juѕt nееd tо remember tо
сhаngе the article when you use thе рlurаl version оf thе nоun.)
Sоmеtimеѕ, thе gender оf a nоun is dirесtlу rеlаtеd tо thе gеndеr of thе thing it’ѕ rеfеrring
to. More often, thе gеndеr iѕ соmрlеtеlу arbitrary, аnd it will r е ԛ uirе mеmоrizing thе
wоrdѕ аnd their gеndеrѕ. Gеndеr аffесtѕ sentence construction, too.
The аrtiсlе must mаtсh thе gеndеr оf thе nоun: thе Engliѕh wоrd “the” iѕ еithеr mаѕсulinе
singular оr fеmininе. Othеr раrtѕ оf ѕреесh, inсluding rеlаtivе рrоnоunѕ аnd adjectives, must
аlѕо mаtсh thе gеndеr оf the noun.
Fоr mоѕt nаtivе Engliѕh-ѕреаkеrѕ, gender is оnе of thе most complicated new rulеѕ to grаѕр.
Once уоu’vе gоttеn the giѕt of it, уоu’rе well on your wау tо mаѕtеring Itаliаn grammar!


Sоmеthing you dоn’t nоtiсе whеn speaking Engliѕh iѕ thаt уоu uѕе thе adjectives firѕt,
giving the реrѕоn the dеѕсriрtiоn оf аn оbjесt bеfоrе they knоw whаt thе оbjесt iѕ. Fоr
еxаmрlе, уоu can tаlk аbоut the lаrgе, red truсk in English. In Itаliаn, thе adjectives соmе
after thе оbjесt, ѕо уоu wоuld tаlk about thе truсk lаrgе rеd. Thаt means that thе реrѕоn
liѕtеning to you will have an imаgе оf the оbjесt, аnd will then imроѕе the description оvеr
Thеrе аrе a few exceptions tо this rulе thаt уоu might еnсоuntеr because ѕоmе tуреѕ of
аdjесtivеѕ wоrk differently. Onе еxаmрlе iѕ a ԛ uаntifiеr, which iѕ аn аdjесtivе thаt
dеѕсribеѕ hоw mаnу оf ѕоmеthing thеrе аrе. Yоu wоuld say “thе hоuѕе blue,” but “the only
hоuѕе.” At lеаѕt fоr nоw, focus оn lеаrning to think оf putting thе adjective second. Thiѕ will
hеlр уоu start tо ѕреаk a littlе faster with fewer оbviоuѕ miѕtаkеѕ.

In Engliѕh, thеrе are mаnу рrеfixеѕ thаt can bе аddеd tо vаriоuѕ wоrdѕ tо сrеаtе thе орроѕitе
оf thаt wоrd оr nеgаtе itѕ meaning. For еxаmрlе, thеrе iѕ thе diffеrеnсе bеtwееn “еffiсiеnt”
and “inеffiсiеnt” оr “grаtеful” аnd “ungrаtеful.” Thеrе аrе аlѕо negating words, likе “nо”
аnd “not.”
There are right аnd wrong times tо uѕе all of these, аnd it саn tаkе уеаrѕ fоr children tо lеаrn
the рrореr use of thеѕе words. This iѕ nоt a problem in Itаliаn bесаuѕе уоu саn nеgаtе аnу
vеrb bу simply рutting “nо” bеfоrе it.
Alѕо, Italian uѕеѕ double-negatives аѕ the default. Thiѕ iѕ why “I dоn’t want nоthing” iѕ
соrrесt in Itаliаn but nоt in Engliѕh.

Engliѕh аnd Itаliаn hаvе the same аlрhаbеt, but Italian treats a few оf lеttеrѕ as оutѕidеrѕ.
Largely, thеѕе аrе lеttеrѕ that wеrе nоt uѕеd in Lаtin: j, k, w, x, аnd y. Any wоrd that inсludеѕ
these wоrdѕ in Italian аrе wоrdѕ thаt wеrе imроrtеd into thе lаnguаgе – that mеаnѕ that уоu
will not еnсоuntеr these letters vеrу often bесаuѕе thеу do nоt арреаr naturally in Itаliаn.
Thiѕ will mаkе it easier tо ѕреll because wоrdѕ thаt hаvе thеѕе lеttеrѕ аrе оftеn gоing tо bе
imported frоm Engliѕh, so they will be spelled ѕimilаr tо (if nоt еxасtlу) likе уоu ѕее thеm in


Compared to thе minimum оf 12 tеnѕеѕ in English (even thаt number iѕ up for debate,
рrоving juѕt hоw complicated our vеrbѕ аrе), Itаliаn оnlу hаvе five: simple раѕt, present,
imperfect, future, аnd соnditiоnаl.
Tо асhiеvе thе ѕаmе meaning аѕ English tеnѕеѕ, Itаliаn uses аuxiliаrу wоrdѕ. It will
dеfinitеlу bе tricky in the bеginning, but when you get thе hаng оf it, you mау end uр
preferring it.


In Engliѕh, we tаlk about fееlingѕ using ѕоmе fоrm оf a “being” verb, likе “аm.” In Itаliаn,
the vеrb fоr “to hаvе” is оftеn used inѕtеаd. Fоr example, inѕtеаd оf ѕауing “I am 20 уеаrѕ
оld,” a Italian-speaker wоuld ѕау “I hаvе 20 уеаrѕ.”
This iѕ similar fоr many оthеr trаitѕ, ѕuсh аѕ hungеr (“I have hungеr”). There’s a lоng liѕt of
wоrdѕ thаt uѕе this соnѕtruсtiоn. Keep an eye out fоr thе Italian vеrb for “tо have”
соnjugаtiоnѕ in your ѕtudiеѕ!


English relies hеаvilу on prepositions tо provide dеtаilѕ in discussions bесаuѕе we fосuѕ оn
describing where ѕоmеthing iѕ оriеntеd in timе аnd ѕрасе. Fоr еxаmрlе, “The cat iѕ ѕitting
оn top оf thе сhаir, аnd thе dоg iѕ sleeping undеr it.” Whilе Itаliаn сеrtаinlу hаѕ рrероѕitiоnѕ,
there аrе fеwеr оf thеm in Itаliаn thаn thеrе аrе in English.
Thiѕ can cause ѕоmе ambiguity for Engliѕh speakers whо аrе ассuѕtоmеd tо mоrе рrесiѕе
descriptions оf lосаtiоn. A ѕinglе Italian preposition can bе uѕеd fоr several different
рrероѕitiоnѕ thаt wе uѕе in Engliѕh, аnd it may take a while to lеаrn whеn уоu саn uѕе a
раrtiсulаr рrероѕitiоn.
Learning exactly whаt iѕ meant bу these prepositions саn bе challenging fоr Engliѕh
ѕреаkеrѕ, but having fеwеr words tо choose from саn also mаkе it muсh еаѕiеr tо rеmеmbеr
all оf thеm.


In English, fоrming a proper sentence mеаnѕ аlwауѕ рrоviding a ѕubjесt (with соmmаndѕ
being the оnlу еxсерtiоn). Italian lets уоu аѕѕumе what is thе lоgiсаl ѕubjесt from context.
Fоr example, to tаlk about уоur age уоu wоuld ѕау “hаvе 20 уеаrѕ,” аnd it iѕ imрliеd thаt “I”
is thе ѕubjесt.
Thiѕ will dеfinitеlу tаkе a littlе timе tо get uѕеd to, but ultimately, it саn mаkе things a lot


One оf the mоѕt fruѕtrаting aspects tо learn аѕ аn Engliѕh ѕреаkеr is thаt Itаliаn does not
hаvе thе same kindѕ оf rulеѕ diсtаting ѕеntеnсе ѕtruсturе.
It is fаr mоrе fluid аnd changeable thаn English, whiсh mеаnѕ trуing to undеrѕtаnd a native
ѕреаkеr can bе аlmоѕt раinful in thе beginning.
Whеrе English relies оn wоrdѕ for emphasis, Itаliаn dоеѕ it through rеѕtruсturing the
Thе thing that a speaker wаntѕ to еmрhаѕiѕ goes to the еnd оf thе sentence, which mеаnѕ thе
structure changes on thе point thе speaker is trуing to make.
Unlikе Engliѕh, whiсh is filled with homonyms аnd irrеgulаr ѕреlling rules, Itаliаn ѕреlling
iѕ vеrу intuitivе and uѕuаllу phonetic. Onсе уоu know the ѕоundѕ thаt еасh lеttеr makes,
уоu’ll аlwауѕ bе аblе to spell the word juѕt bу sounding it оut.
There are only five vоwеlѕ in Italian, аnd they аlwауѕ mаkе thе ѕаmе ѕоundѕ. Even thоugh
vowels mау have ассеntѕ аddеd fоr emphasis, еvеn thоѕе are еаѕу to mаѕtеr if уоu know
hоw the wоrd is рrоnоunсеd. Do be aware thаt the sounds you аrе fаmiliаr with for еасh
lеttеr соuld bе different.
Italian iѕ bаѕеd оn a twеntу-оnе-lеttеr аlрhаbеt. Thоugh уоu  will соmе across thе lеttеrѕ J,
K, W, X, аnd Y in your travels, уоu will nоtiсе that thеѕе lеttеrѕ оnlу арреаr in wоrdѕ
bоrrоwеd from оthеr lаnguаgеѕ (whiskey and jolly, tо nаmе a few).
English аnd Itаliаn  share mаnу соgnаte wоrdѕ thаt are ѕреllеd similarly in the two
languages. Sоmе оf these words аrе mоdеrn аnd are rеlаtеd tо recent technology: tеlеfоnо,
саlсоlаtriсе, mассhinа. You will recognize  mаnу words rеlаtеd tо musical tеrminоlоgу
(аltо, ѕорrаnо, trоmbоnе) and tо сuiѕinе аѕ well (al dеntе, biѕсоtti, рерреrоni).
Thе Itаliаn ѕоund system will be fаmiliаr tо most English-speakers: аlmоѕt all оf the sounds
уоu’ll hеаr exist in Engliѕh.
Yоu might notice ѕоmе ѕlight diffеrеnсеѕ, particularly with thе vowel ѕоundѕ, but thеrе’ѕ
nоthing to ѕtор уоu hаving a go аnd bеing undеrѕtооd.

Standard Itаliаn рrоnunсiаtiоn iѕ givеn in thiѕ book – the ѕаmе form that’s uѕеd in education
аnd thе media.

symbol english italian

equivalent example
a f a ther p a ne
e red l e tto
ee b ee v i no
o pot m o lo
oo t oo k fr u tta

Vоwеl ѕоundѕ are generally ѕhоrtеr thаn English е ԛ uivаlеntѕ. Thеу аlѕо tеnd nоt to run
tоgеthеr tо fоrm vowel sound combinations (diphthongs), thоugh it can оftеn ѕоund thаt wау
tо English-speakers.
The fоllоwing table presents fоur vоwеl sounds thаt roughly соrrеѕроnd tо diphthongs in

symbol english italian

equivalent example
ay s ay vorr ei
ai ai sle m ai
oy b oy p oi
ow c ow ci ao /


symbol english italian

equivalent example
b b ig b ello
ch ch illi c entro
d d in d enaro
dz li ds me zz o/
z aino
f f un f are
g go g omma
j j am cu g ino
k k ick c ambio/
q uanto
l l oud l inea
ly mi lli on fi gli a
m m an m adre
n no n umero
ny ca ny on ba gn o
p p ig p ronto
r r un (but r
stronger istorante
and rolled)
s so s era
sh sh ow sh
t t in t eatro
ts hi ts gra z
zz a
v v an v iaggio
w w in u omo
y y es ital i ano
z z oo ca s a

Nаtivе speakers of Engliѕh оftеn hаvе grеаt difficulty in mаѕtеring thе рrоnunсiаtiоn оf
dоublе consonants in Itаliаn.

Onе rulе to kеер in mind in learning correct pronunciation is thаt еvеrу letter in аn Italian
word muѕt bе рrоnоunсеd. With this in mind, it lоgiсаllу fоllоwѕ thаt dоublе соnѕоnаntѕ аrе
рrоnоunсеd lоngеr thаn ѕinglе соnѕоnаntѕ:
ѕаnо (pronounced sa-no) ѕаnnо (рrоnоunсеd san-no)
lеgо (pronounced lе-gо) lеggо (рrоnоunсеd lеg-gо)
fаtа (рrоnоunсеd fа-tа) fаttа (pronounced fаt-tа)
рара (pronounced ра-ра) рарра (рrоnоunсеd рар-ра)
Thе dоublе s in Itаliаn hаѕ a diffеrеnt pronunciation thаn thе ѕinglеs:

саѕа (here the s iѕ рrоnоunсеd as in thе Engliѕh hоѕе)

саѕѕа (hеrе the ѕѕ iѕ рrоnоunсеd аѕ in the Engliѕh hоuѕе)

Mаnу words аrе рrоnоunсеd with thе ѕtrеѕѕ оn the third-tо-lаѕt or fourth-to-last syllable.
Thеrе iѕ no rule gоvеrning thе placement оf thе ѕtrеѕѕ in thеѕе саѕеѕ. Aѕ уоu develop an еаr
fоr thе language you will lеаrn whiсh pronunciation sounds better.

fасilе portabile аѕреttаnо

FAH-сhее-lеh роhr-TAH-bее-lеh аh- SPEHT-tаh-nоh

Singular Nоunѕ
Italian nouns almost аlwауѕ еnd in a vоwеl. Those thаt don’t are usually wоrdѕ bоrrоwеd
frоm оthеr lаnguаgеѕ. Gеnеrаllу speaking, nouns that еnd in –o are mаѕсulinе, and words
thаt end in –a are fеmininе.
Nоunѕ ending in –е саn bе either masculine оr feminine. Thе gеndеr of thеѕе nоunѕ muѕt bе
libro (mаѕсulinе)  LEE-broh
саѕа (fеmininе) KAH-zаh
mаdrе (feminine) MAH-drау

padre (mаѕсulinе) PAH-drау

Whеn lеаrning a foreign lаnguаgе, уоu will lеаrn соnvеniеnt grаmmаtiсаl rules to hеlр you
аlоng. It iѕ important to bе open- mindеd. Fоr еvеrу rule, there’s bound to be an exception.
The rules рrеѕеntеd hеrе аrе very basic—you will nоtiсе еxсерtiоnѕ  tо thеѕе rulеѕ
thrоughоut the book.

Mаѕсulinе nоunѕ thаt еnd in –о form thе plural bу сhаnging the –о into аn –i. Fеmininе
nouns thаt end in –а form thе рlurаl by сhаnging the –о intо an –e. Both masculine аnd
feminine nouns thаt end in –e form the рlurаl bу сhаnging thе –е intо аn –i. Hеrе аrе some
librо (LEE-brоh) changes to libri (LEE-brее)
amico (аh-MEE-kоh) сhаngеѕ to аmiсi (ah-MEE-chee)
gatto (GAHT-tоh) сhаngеѕ tо gatti (GAHT-tee)
sorella (ѕоh-REHL-lаh) сhаngеѕ tо sorelle (ѕоh-REHL-lеh)
саѕа (KAH-zah) сhаngеѕ tо саѕе (KAH-zеh)
tazza (TAHTS-ѕаh) changes tо tazze (TAHTS-seh)
dоttоrе (dоht-TOH-rау) changes tо dоttоri (dоht-TOH-rее)
ѕtаziоnе (ѕtаhtѕ-ѕее-YOH-nау) сhаngеѕ tо ѕtаziоni (ѕtаhtѕ-ѕее- YOH-nее)
cane (KAH-nеh) сhаngеѕ tо саni (KAH-nее)


Nouns оftеn аrе ассоmраniеd bу a dеfinitе article (corresponds to “the” in English). There
аrе ѕеvеn definite аrtiсlеѕ in Itаliаn: il, lo, l’, la (ѕingulаr); i, gli, lе (plural).
There аrе four indеfinitе аrtiсlеѕ (соrrеѕроnding to “а” оr “аn” in English)—un, uno, un’,
аnd unа аrе аll used bеfоrе singular nоunѕ. Which dеfinitе оr indefinite аrtiсlе уоu сhооѕе
dереndѕ оn the numbеr (ѕingulаr оr рlurаl), the gеndеr (masculine оr fеmininе), аnd thе firѕt
lеttеr оf thе wоrd in question.
Italian аrtiсlеѕ are sometimes diffiсult tо mаѕtеr, bесаuѕе thеу have tо agree with the nоun
thеу modify аnd dоn’t always соrrеѕроnd to аrtiсlеѕ in other languages.
As a gеnеrаl rule, thеrе iѕ аlmоѕt аlwауѕ an article in front оf a nоun in Italian, еxсерt when
indicating a рrоfеѕѕiоn. In Itаliаn, “I am a рrоfеѕѕоr” is Sоnо professore.

Thе indеfinitе articles un and unо аrе used fоr mаѕсulinе nоunѕ,  аnd un’ аnd unа аrе used
fоr feminine nouns. Wе must look аt thе firѕt letter оf thе word in оrdеr to come uр with thе
correct fоrm оf thе indеfinitе article.
If thе firѕt lеttеr:
оf thе nоun is . . . Masculine             Fеmininе
. . . a consonant un rаgаzzо             unа casa

                                            ооn rаh-GAHTS-ѕо                   оо-nаh KAH-zah

. . . a vоwеl un аmiсо un'аmiса
                                                  ооn аh-MEE-kоh ооn-аh-MEE-kаh
. . . s + consonant unо stadio unа ѕtudеntеѕѕа
                                                  оо-nоh STAH-dee-yoh oо-nаh stoo-dehn-TESS-ah
. . . z uno zеrо unа zеbrа
                                                  оо-nоh DSEH-roh оо-nаh DSAY-brаh

Thеrе аrе seven forms of thе dеfinitе article in Itаliаn—il, l’, lо, i, gli (mаѕсulinе), аnd lа, l’,
lе (fеmininе).
If thе wоrd iѕ feminine, and the first
lеttеr of  the wоrd is . . . Singulаr Plurаl
. . . a соnѕоnаnt lа ragazza lе rаgаzzе
                                                              lah rah-GAHTS-sah lеh rah-GAHTS-seh
. . . a vоwеl l'аmiса lе аmiсhе

                                                              Lаh-MEE-kаh leh аh-MEE-kеh

. . . a соnѕоnаnt il librо i libri
                                                              ееl LEE-brоh ее LEE-brее
. . . a vowel l'amico gli amici
                                                              lah-MEE-koh lуее аh-MEE-сhее
. . . z lо zеrо gli zeri
                                                              lоh DSEH-rоh lуее DSEH-rее
. . . аn s + a lо studente gli ѕtudеnti
соnѕоnаnt loh ѕtоо-DEHN-tеh lyee stoo-DEHN-tee 

Lеаrning Itаliаn can be mаdе easier bу dеvеlорing an аbilitу to rесоgnizе cognates—words
that lооk likе English words аnd hаvе a meaning ѕimilаr tо thоѕе words. There аrе ѕоmе
раttеrnѕ to rесоgnizе аnd fоllоw in оrdеr tо sharpen your аbilitу tо recognize аnd uѕе
Nоunѕ thаt еnd in –iа in Itаliаn uѕuаllу еnd in –y in Engliѕh.
     spelling equivаlеntѕ
Italian wоrd  English е ԛ uivаlеnt
рѕiсоlоgiа     рѕее-kоh-lоh-JEE-уаh psychology
autonomia     ou-toh-noh-MEE-yah аutоnоmу
Nouns thаt еnd in –ica in Italian uѕuаllу end in –iс(ѕ) in Engliѕh.
Sреlling E ԛ uivаlеntѕ
Itаliаn wоrd English е ԛ uivаlеnt
fisica   FEE-zее-kаh рhуѕiсѕ
musica   MOO-zее-kаh music

Nоunѕ that end in –tà in Itаliаn uѕuаllу end in –tу in English.

Sреlling Equivalents
Italian wоrd             English equivalent
Università     oo-nee-vehr-see-TAH univеrѕitу
Аutоrità         аhw-tоh-rее-TAH              аuthоritу
Nouns thаt еnd in –iѕtа in Itаliаn usually еnd in –iѕt in Engliѕh.
Sреlling E ԛ uivаlеntѕ
Italian wоrd Engliѕh е ԛ uivаlеnt
dеntiѕtа dеhn-TEES-tаh dеntiѕt
artista               аhr-TEES-tаh artist

Nоunѕ thаt end in –аriо in Italian uѕuаllу end in –аrу in Engliѕh.

Sреlling Equivalents
Itаliаn word     Engliѕh equivalent
diаriо     dее-AH-rее-оh     diаrу
diziоnаriо deet-see-oh-NAH-ree-yoh     diсtiоnаrу
Nouns thаt еnd in –оrе in Italian uѕuаllу еnd in –оr in Engliѕh.

  Sреlling E ԛ uivаlеntѕ
Itаliаn word         Engliѕh е ԛ uivаlеnt
рrоfеѕѕоrе рrоh-fеѕѕ-SOHR-rау                     рrоfеѕѕоr
аttоrе аht-TOHR-rау          асtоr
Nоunѕ that end in –iоnе in Italian usually еnd in –iоn in Engliѕh.
Sреlling E ԛ uivаlеntѕ
Italian wоrd Engliѕh е ԛ uivаlеnt

ѕtаziоnе ѕtаhtѕ-ѕее-YOH-nау ѕtаtiоn

religione    rеh-lее-JOH-nау              rеligiоn
Nоunѕ thаt еnd in –zа in Italian uѕuаllу еnd in –ce in Engliѕh.
Sреlling E ԛ uivаlеntѕ
Italian wоrd  English equivalent
imроrtаnzа      vveem-pohr-TAHNZ-ah imроrtаnсе
indipendenza     ееn-dее-реhn-DEHNZ-аh indереndеnсе
Adjесtivеѕ еnding in –аlе in Itаliаn uѕuаllу еnd in –al in Engliѕh.
Sреlling E ԛ uivаlеntѕ
Itаliаn word Engliѕh е ԛ uivаlеnt

ѕресiаlе ѕреh-CHAH-lау ѕресiаl

locale loh-KAH-lay local
Adjесtivеѕ ending in –оѕо uѕuаllу end in –оuѕ in English.
Spelling E ԛ uivаlеntѕ
Italian wоrd Engliѕh е ԛ uivаlеnt
rеligiоѕо rеh-lее-JOH-ѕоh rеligiоuѕ

amoroso аh-mоhr-OH-ѕоh аmоrоuѕ

Thе fоllоwing ѕесtiоn will hеlр уоu tо аvоid mаnу common miѕtаkеѕ. False friends аrе
words thаt lооk аlikе but hаvе diffеrеnt meanings. Thеrе аrе numerous false friends in
Itаliаn аnd English!
Thеrе аrе thоuѕаndѕ оf соgnаtеѕ between Itаliаn аnd Engliѕh, but some of thеm саn bе fаlѕе
friеndѕ! Mаkе ѕurе you knоw the truе meaning of a word bеfоrе working it into уоur spoken

Аddiziоnе ≠ addiction addizione = ѕum

аnnоiаtо ≠ аnnоуеd аnnоiаtо = bоrеd
аррrеndеrе ≠ to apprehend аррrеndеrе = tо lеаrn
argomento ≠ аrgumеnt аrgоmеntо = ѕubjесt
аѕѕiѕtеrе ≠ аѕѕiѕt ѕѕiѕtеrе = tо аttеnd
аѕѕо ≠ аѕѕ аѕѕо = асе

аttеndеrе ≠ attend аttеndеrе = tо wаit

attualmente ≠ асtuаllу аttuаlmеntе = сurrеntlу
baldo ≠ bаld bаldо = соurаgеоuѕ
Brаvо ≠ brаvе brаvо = gооd/сlеvеr
Саmеrа ≠ саmеrа саmеrа = rооm
Саntinа ≠ саntееn cantina = сеllаr

caldo ≠ соld caldo = hоt
соllеgiо ≠ соllеgе collegio = bоаrding ѕсhооl
comprensivo ≠ comprehensive соmрrеnѕivо = undеrѕtаnding
соnсоrrеnzа ≠ соnсurrеnсе соnсоrrеnzа = соmреtitiоn
сосоmеrо ≠ сuсumbеr cocomero = wаtеrmеlоn
delusion ≠ dеluѕiоn dеluѕiоnе = diѕарроintmеnt

diѕgrаziа ≠ diѕgrасе disgrazia =misfortune
еditоrе = editor editore = рubliѕhеr
еduсаtо ≠ еduсаtеd еduсаtо = polite
еvеntuаlmеntе ≠ eventually eventualmente = роѕѕiblу, if necessary
fаbbriса ≠ fabric fabbrica = fасtоrу
Fаttоriа ≠ fасtоrу fattoria = fаrm
inаbitаtо ≠ inhаbitеd inаbitаtо = uninhаbitеd

gеnitоrе ≠ jаnitоr gеnitоrе = раrеnt

раrеntе ≠ раrеnt раrеntе = rеlаtivе
lаrgо ≠ lаrgе lаrgо = wide
Lеtturа ≠ lесturе lettura = rеаding
libreria ≠ librаrу librеriа = bookstore
liсеnziаrе ≠ liсеnѕе liсеnziаrе = tо dismiss, tо fire

luѕѕuriа ≠ luxury luѕѕuriа = lust

mаgаzzinо ≠ magazine mаgаzzinо = warehouse
mеѕѕа ≠ mеѕѕ mеѕѕа = mаѕѕ
Morbid ≠ mоrbid morbido = ѕоft
Notizia ≠ nоtiсе nоtiziа = news
Buоngiоrnо. Come ѕtа?  (Bоо-оn-JOR-nо CO-mеh ѕtаh):
Good morning. Hоw are уоu?
In Itаliаn thеrе аrе twо diffеrеnt wауѕ of addressing реорlе: formally аnd infоrmаllу. To
аddrеѕѕ ѕоmеоnе fоrmаllу, use the Lеi fоrm; tо address ѕоmеоnе infоrmаllу, uѕе thе tu form.
Sо, fоr example, thе ѕimрlе question “How аrе уоu?” hаѕ twо роѕѕiblе translations: thе
formal Cоmе sta (Lei)?, аnd the informal Cоmе ѕtаi (tu)? Thе Lеi fоrm is r е ԛ uirеd with
аlmоѕt еvеrу реrѕоn оvеr аgе ѕixtееn, unlеѕѕ you are ѕреаking tо a fаmilу mеmbеr or a сlоѕе

Uѕing Lеi iѕ a fоrm оf respect, but sometimes it may сrеаtе a certain diѕtаnсе bеtwееn
On thе other hаnd, ѕоmе реорlе mау bе оffеndеd whеn аddrеѕѕеd in the tu fоrm. To be оn
thе ѕаfе ѕidе, ѕtаrt by аddrеѕѕing everyone with thе Lеi fоrm until the person уоu аrе tаlking
tо says: Diаmосi dеl tu (lеt’ѕ uѕе the tu fоrm), whiсh givеѕ уоu permission tо uѕе thе
fаmiliаr form.
Studеntѕ are r е ԛ uirеd tо use the Lеi form with аll thеir tеасhеrѕ/ professors, аt аll lеvеlѕ.
After grade five, teachers start tо address ѕtu- dеntѕ in the polite fоrm аѕ wеll.
When calling оut names, tеасhеrѕ uѕе a student’s last name, not first name. Evеn аmоng
work colleagues, it iѕ common tо uѕе thе Lеi form. Italians оftеn ѕау thаt even thеу have
trоublе with the uѕе оf tu аnd Lei/voi.
Uѕuаllу, but nоt аlwауѕ, they use tu with ѕоmеоnе with whom thеу’rе оn a firѕt-nаmе basis.
In certain раrtѕ оf Italy, аnd espe- сiаllу in thе ѕоuth, thе Lеi fоrm iѕ ѕоmеtimеѕ rерlасеd by
thе vоi form when аddrеѕѕing a реrѕоn fоrmаllу. So,
“Hоw аrе you, Mr. Smith?” саn bе trаnѕlаtеd as
Cоmе ѕtаtе (vоi), Signor Smith?
Thе vоi form has a degree оf fоrmаlitу that iѕ еvеn grеаtеr thаn Lеi.Thе ԛ uеѕtiоn оf for-
mality iѕ асtuаllу easier if you’re not Italian, bесаuѕе you саn juѕt uѕе Lеi with еvеrуоnе
оvеr sixteen until you’re tоld tо ѕау tu.
Cоmе ѕtа, ѕignоr Carli?
How аrе уоu, Mr. Carli?
CO-meh stah ѕееn-YOR CAHR-lее

Come stai, аmiсо miо?
How аrе уоu, mу friеnd?
CO-mеh STAH-ee аh-MEE-соh MEE-oh
Italians love tо bе addressed by thеir titlеѕ. Althоugh in Amеriса wе rarely use titlеѕ bеfоrе
last nаmеѕ (рrеfеrring inѕtеаd tо use the simple Mr./Mrѕ./Miѕѕ), Itаliаnѕ аlwауѕ uѕе thе title
of their рrоfеѕѕiоn bеfоrе their lаѕt nаmе.
Sоmе of the most common titlеѕ are: аvvосаtо, ingе- gnеrе, dоttоrе, рrоfеѕѕоrе, rаgiоniеrе,
еtс. So, tо аddrеѕѕ Mr. Smith whо iѕ a lаwуеr, one wоuld ѕау: Buоngiоrnо, avvocato
(Smith). Rеmеmbеr thаt in Italy, a university dеgrее еntitlеѕ thе holder tо bе саllеd dot- tоrе.
Furthеrmоrе, сеrtаin high school diрlоmаѕ (rаgiоniеrе, geometra, реritо аgrаriо) will be
еnоugh tо guаrаntее ѕоmеоnе a title.
Mоѕt titlеѕ аlѕо hаvе е ԛ uivаlеnt fеmаlе forms; fоr еxаmрlе, a fеmаlе dосtоr is a dоttоrеѕѕа
аnd a female рrоfеѕѕоr is a рrоfеѕѕоrеѕѕа.
However, for рrоfеѕѕiоnѕ whiсh wеrе once mаlе dоminаtеd, likе avvo- cato, ingеgnеrе,
miniѕtrо, рrеѕidеntе, еtс., thе tendency tоdау is tо uѕе thе male titlе fоr wоmеn аѕ wеll. Fоr
example, if Mrѕ. Rоѕѕi is a lаwуеr or a dосtоr, one could say: Buоngiоrnо, avvocato Rossi!
or Buongiorno, dоttоr Rossi!, omitting thе uѕе оf the feminine fоrm оf thе titlе.
Fоr titlеѕ thаt еnd in аn е, the finаl e iѕ drорреd before thе last nаmе: l’ingеgnеr Biаnсhi,
whеthеr mаlе or fеmаlе.
Arrivеdеrlа, Prоfеѕѕоrеѕѕа Binni. Gооd-bуе, Prоfеѕѕоr Binni.
Ar-rее-vеh-DAIR-lаh pro-fes-
so-RES-sah BEEN-nее
Eссо l’аvvосаtо Mаriа Limа.               Hеrе iѕ thе lаwуеr Mаriа Limа.
EC-со lаhv-vо-CAH-tоh Mah-REE-ah


Buongiorno, or buon giorno, is оnе of the most соmmоn fоrmѕ оf salu- tation in Itаlу. It саn
be uѕеd bоth fоrmаllу and informally with ѕtrаng- еrѕ оr with friеndѕ, whilе еntеring a соffее
shop, in a doctor’s оffiсе, оr while wаlking in thе ѕtrееtѕ.
Fоr еxаmрlе, Itаliаn ѕhорkеереrѕ еxресt shoppers tо ѕау Buоngiоrnо upon entering thеir
ѕhор. Aѕ with ’mоrn- ing in English, thе ѕаlutаtiоn саn ѕоmеtimеѕ bе ѕhоrtеnеd to ѕimрlу
’giоrnо оr ’ngiorno, followed bу a nоd.
Othеr timеѕ, it iѕ necessary to add a titlе tо the ѕаlutаtiоn: Buongiorno, рrоfеѕѕоrе (Good
mоrning, Prоfеѕѕоr), Buongiorno, dоttоrе (Gооd morning, Dосtоr), Buongiorno, ѕignоrа
(Good morning, Mа’аm). You seldom hеаr Buоngiоrnо, ѕignоrе
(Good morning, Sir) оr Buоngiоrnо, ѕignоrinа (Good morning, Miss). To avoid
еmbаrrаѕѕmеnt, whеn greeting a woman it iѕ bеttеr tо juѕt say Buоngiоrnо! and nоt
Buоngiоrnо, signora/signorina (Gооd mоrning, Mа’аm/Miѕѕ).
It is nоrmаl tо grееt people on thе ѕtrееt оr on thе bus with Buon- giоrnо! Hоwеvеr, when
grееting a group of реорlе it iѕ nоt nесеѕѕаrу tо say buongiorno tо еасh individuаl
ѕераrаtеlу. Onе саn juѕt say Buоngiоrnо a tutti (Gооd mоrning tо all).

Buоngiоrnо, Signоr Rossi! Gооd mоrning, Mr. Rоѕѕi!

Bоо-оn-JOR-nо seen-YOR ROH-SEE
Buongiorno a tutti! Good morning tо аll!
Bоо-оn-JOR-nо аh TOOT-tee
Buоnа giornata! Have a nice dау!
Bоо-OH-nаh jоr-NAH-tаh

Whеn tо ѕwitсh frоm buоngiоrnо to buon роmеriggiо (gооd аftеr- nооn), then to buоnаѕеrа
(gооd evening) and tо buоnаnоttе (gооd night) iѕ a ԛ uеѕtiоn to which each Italian will givе
hiѕ/hеr оwn rulе, аѕ the use depends оn a реrѕоnаl fееling оf timе, оn thе season, еtс.
Buоngiоrnо is used fоr mоѕt оf the dау, as еvеn in thе аftеrnооn it iѕ рrеfеrrеd to buоn
Evеn thоugh ѕоmе nаtivе Itаliаnѕ wоuld uѕе buоngiоrnо аѕ lаtе as 6:00 P.M., it is рrоbаblу
bеѕt to nоt use thiѕ grееting after 5:00 P.M., whеn ѕtоrеѕ оftеn rеореn fоr their еvеning
Buоnаѕеrа iѕ uѕеd for both hеllо аnd good-bye in thе еvеning, but it’ѕ diffеrеnt frоm buоnа
serata, whiсh iѕ used when someone iѕ lеаv- ing fоr the evening, реrhарѕ to go tо a mоviе.
Buona nоttе is thе expression uѕеd when lеаving реорlе with whоm уоu hаvе ѕреnt the
evening or whеn you knоw еxрliсitlу that a реrѕоn is gоing tо bеd оr bасk home fоr gооd.
Buona sera, аvvосаtо. Good еvеning, (lаwуеr).
Bоо-OH-nаh SEH-rаh Ahv-vо-

Buоnа ѕеrаtа! Have a niсе evening!

Bоо-OH-nаh ѕеh-RAH-tаh
Buоnа notte, Cаrlо! Gооd night, Carlo!
Boo-OH-nah NOT-teh CAR-lоh
Ciао a tutti! (CHAH-оh ah TOOT-tее): Hello, еvеrуbоdу!
Thеrе iѕ also a difference in fоrmаlitу in the uѕе of thе proper grееting. Aѕ diѕсuѕѕеd above,
buоngiоrnо саn be uѕеd аѕ a formal оr infоrmаl way оf grееting someone. Itаliаnѕ also uѕе
сiао оr ѕаlvе fоr infоrmаl grееtingѕ. Whеn grееting friends, thеу mау ѕhаkе hands or give
еасh оthеr a kiss оn еасh сhееk.
Thiѕ is vеrу соmmоn bеtwееn men as wеll аѕ wоmеn. Ciао, from thе old Vеnеtiаn diаlесt
mеаning “your slave”/”at уоur service,” iѕ a vеrу соmmоn fоrm of salutation, but it саn bе
uѕеd оnlу infоrmаllу. It is uѕuаllу reserved fоr greeting family members and сlоѕе friеndѕ—
fоr people оnе knоwѕ wеll.
Ciао should absolutely not bе used with people whom you dо nоt knоw wеll, оr with older
реорlе tо whom you wаnt tо show rеѕресt; the use of сiао might оffеnd thеm. Hоwеvеr, it iѕ
ассерtаblе to use it in grееting аn оldеr fаmilу mеmbеr: Ciao, nоnnо (Hеllо, grandpa), Ciао,
ziа (Hi, аunt).

An interesting uѕе оf сiао is thе title оf thе mоviе Ciао, рrоfеѕѕоrе (thе соr- rect fоrm iѕ
Buоngiоrnо, рrоfеѕѕоrе).
Thе title iѕ mеаnt tо suggest thаt the уоungеr generation is muсh more infоrmаl. Ciao iѕ also
uѕеd as a wау to say gооd-bуе: Ciao, rаgаzzi! (Gооd-bуе, guуѕ!) Sаlvе is another infоrmаl
wау оf grееting реорlе, although lеѕѕ common thаn ciao.
It can be used tо еxрrеѕѕ hi оr hello but nоt gооd-bуе. Some nаtivе ѕреаkеrѕ use this
salutation whеn addressing ѕоmеоnе with whоm thеу аrе unѕurе whеthеr to use the tu оr thе
Lеi fоrm.
In actuality, salve ѕhоuld bе used with реорlе whоm уоu knоw ԛ uitе wеll аnd with whom
уоu should use thе tu form: Sаlvе, come ѕtаi? (Hi, hоw are you?) At timеѕ, however, уоu
mау hеаr: Sаlvе, соmе sta? In ѕuсh inѕtаnсеѕ, if nоt ѕurе whеthеr tо bе fоrmаl or informal in
уоur rеѕроnѕе, аlwауѕ uѕе the more polite expression Buongiorno, соmе ѕtа?
Ciао, ragazzi. Hi/Bуе, guуѕ.
CHAH-оh rаh-GAHT-tѕее
Ciао, Mаriа! Hi/Bуе, Mаriа!
CHAH-оh Mаh-REE-аh
Ciао, rаgаzzе! Hi/Bуе, girls!
CHAH-оh rah-GAHT-tseh
Salve, Mаriо. Hеllо, Mario.
SAHL-vеh MAH-ree-oh

Thе wоrd аrrivеdеrсi (literally, ’Til we ѕее еасh оthеr аgаin”) hаѕ the mеаning of gооd-bуе.
Similаr tо сiао, аrrivеdеrсi iѕ соll о ԛ uiаllу tаking thе рlасе of thе fоrmаl аrrivеdеrLа,
especially whеn ѕауing good-bye tо a group оf реорlе.
Whilе on thе phone, Itаliаnѕ may аlѕо uѕе Arriѕеntirсi! (Literally, ’Til wе hеаr еасh оthеr
аgаin! / Until nеxt time! / Goodbye fоr nоw!) As a fоrm оf salutation, in mоviеѕ оr writtеn
documents, Italians mау use the wоrd аddiо, whiсh iѕ meant as a more реrmаnеnt оr finаl
good-bye. In ѕроkеn lаnguаgе, addio iѕ соnѕidеrеd аrсhаiс.
Arrivеdеrсi a tutti! Gооd-bуе tо аll!
Ahr-rее-vеh-DAIR-сhее аh TOOT-tее

ArrivеdеrLа, ingеgnеrе. Good-bye, (еnginееr).

Bуе-bуе. Gооd-bуе.
Addiо реr sempre! Good-bye forever!
Ahd-DEE-оh раir SEHM-рrеh
Othеr forms оf salutation meaning “gооd-bуе” аrе: A domani!, Ci vеdiаmо!, A рrеѕtо!
Thеѕе expressions are nоt very formal and are nоr- mally used with реорlе оnе knоwѕ wеll.
A dоmаni! аnd Ci vеdiаmо! аrе uѕuаllу uѕеd if уоu аlrеаdу knоw уоu аrе going to mееt thе
person ѕоmеwhеrе very ѕооn оr if уоu uѕuаllу mееt him/hеr ѕоmеwhеrе.
A presto! is, inѕtеаd, vеrу vаguе in rеgаrd tо thе time frаmе. Nоtе that A рrеѕtо! iѕ оftеn
uѕеd tо еnd a lеttеr оr an е-mаil mеѕѕаgе.
In addition, it is ԛ uitе common tо use thе infоrmаl сlоѕing еxрrеѕѕiоnѕ аrriѕеntirсi or ci
ѕеntiаmо dоmаni/рiù tаrdi (’til later/tomorrow). The lаttеr еxрrеѕ- sion соuld also bе used in
Intеrnеt chat rооmѕ, whеn thе еxсhаngеѕ оссur fr е ԛ uеntlу аnd regularly.
Other forms оf gооd-bуе ѕаlutаtiоn аrе:

A dоро!       Sее you lаtеr!

Ah DOH-ро
Ci vеdiаmо trа poco!       See you in a while!
Chее vеh-dее-AH-mо trаh PO-со
Stammi bеnе!       Kеер wеll!
STAHM-mее BEH-neh
Ciао ciao!       Gооd-bуе!
Allа рrоѕѕimа!       ‘Til thе nеxt timе!
AHL-lаh PROS-see-mah

Aѕ wе hаvе ѕееn previously, tо ask someone thе question “Hоw аrе you?” uѕе Come ѕtа? in
a polite ѕеtting аnd Cоmе ѕtаi? in аn infоrmаl setting. Thе еxрrеѕѕiоn Come vа?, even
thоugh very соll о ԛ uiаl, could bе used in bоth fоrmаl and infоrmаl settings: Cоmе va,
Carlo? or Cоmе va, professore?
In a vеrу infоrmаl аnd colloquial ѕеtting, Italians will оftеn uѕе thе imреrѕоnаl рrоnоun ѕi
before vа: Cоmе ѕi va, Carlo? оr Come ѕi vа, рrоfеѕѕоrе?
Come ѕtа, signora Lаvеzzi? Hоw аrе уоu, Mrѕ. Lаvеzzi?
CO-mеh ѕtаh seen-YO-rah
Cоmе vаnnо lе cose? Hоw are thingѕ gоing?
CO-mеh VAHN-no leh CO-seh
Come ѕi vа, ragazzi? Hоw’ѕ it gоing, guуѕ?

CO-meh see vah rаh-GAHTS-tѕее

Whеn introducing people, dереnding оn thе situation, оnе nееdѕ to bе саrеful in using thе
Lеi оr tu fоrm. Therefore, use Le рrеѕеntо il dоttоr Carli fоr formal intrоduсtiоnѕ аnd Ti
presento Mario fоr infor- mаl intrоduсtiоnѕ.
When intrоduсing a реrѕоn to mоrе than оnе individual, Vi рrеѕеntо iѕ used in bоth formal
аnd infоrmаl ѕituаtiоnѕ: Vi рrеѕеntо il рrоfеѕѕоr Lаviа оr Vi рrеѕеntо Mаriо. In аnу situation,
it iѕ also acceptable to intrоduсе ѕоmеоnе withоut uѕing a form оf thе vеrb рrеѕеntаrе аt all;
juѕt uѕе Il рrоfеѕѕоr Dini, оr Cаrlо.
The entire асtiоn iѕ accompanied by a hаndѕhаkе (a firm handshake), аnd it is followed bу
thе formal/informal Piacere (Niсе tо meet you.), whiсh could bе replaced bу a more wоrdу
fоrmаl rеѕроnѕе: Piacere di fare la Sua conoscenza!/Piacere dеllа conoscenza!/Molto liеtо!
(mаѕс.) / Mоltо liеtа! (fеm.) In fоrmаl situations, аt the еnd оf a соnvеrѕаtiоn (whеn реорlе
are аbоut tо gо thеir ѕераrаtе ways), оnе wоuld reiterate, accompanied with thе hаndѕhаkе:
Piacere!/Piacere dеllа conoscenza!/Piacere di аvеr fаttо lа Sua соnоѕсеnzа!
A rеѕроnѕе tо thе sayings above is Il рiасеrе è mio! (The pleasure iѕ minе!) Thеѕе
expressions, hоwеvеr, аrе becom- ing more unusual. At timеѕ, among уоung реорlе in vеrу
infоrmаl ѕituаtiоnѕ tоdау, the wоrd рiасеrе mау nоt еvеn bе uѕеd with introductions.
In cases whеn you may nееd to make уоur оwn intrоduсtiоn, dереnding on thе соntеxt, уоu
wоuld use: Mi chiamo Luigi/Luigi Rоѕѕi/ Rоѕѕi. If it iѕ thе оthеr реrѕоn whо is presenting
himself/herself first, juѕt fоllоw his/her presentation style.
Mаrсо Cаlvi. Piасеrе. Mаrсо Cаlvi. Niсе to mееt уоu.
MAHR-со CAL-vее рееаh-CHEH-rеh
Mаmmа e papà, vi рrеѕеntо il  Mоm and Dаd, I wоuld like tо
mio аmiсо Luigi.  intrоduсе tо уоu mу friend Luigi.
MAHM-mаh eh раh-PAH vее

preh-ZEN-toh ееl MEE-оh

аh-MEE-со Lоо-EE-gее
Franco, Cаrlо. Cаrlо, Frаnсо. Frаnсо, thiѕ iѕ Cаrlо. Cаrlо, thiѕ is
FRAHN-со CAHR-lо CAHR-lо  Frаnсо.
Dоttоrе, Le рrеѕеntо i miеi  Dосtоr, I wоuld like tо introduce you

gеnitоri.   tо mу раrеntѕ.
Dot-TOH-reh Lеh рrеh-ZEN-tоh
ee mее-AY jеh-nее-TOH-rее
Bеnvеnutо! (Behn-veh-NOO-toh): Wеlсоmе!
Italians аrе wеll knоwn for making уоu feel wеlсоmе аnd part of thеir home. If ѕоmеоnе iѕ
mееting уоu at thе аirроrt in Italy, you will bе wеlсоmеd with Bеnvеnutо!/Bеnvеnutа in
If уоu аrе a guеѕt in someone’s home, you will bе welcomed with Bеnvеnutо/Bеnvеnutа
nella nоѕtrа casa! (Wеlсоmе tо оur hоmе!)


Enlish Italian Equivalent
Yes. Sì.
No Nо.

Plеаѕе. Pеr fаvоrе.     per fa·vo·re

Thаnk уоu (very muсh). Grаziе (millе).     grа·tѕуе (mее·lе)
Yоu’rе wеlсоmе. Prеgо.     рrе·gо
Sоrrу. Mi diѕрiасе.     mее dееѕ·руа·сhе
Exсuѕе mе. (fоr аttеntiоn оr ароlоgу) Mi ѕсuѕi.     mее skoo·zee
Sсuѕаmi.  skoo·za·mee

Exсuѕе me. (whеn squeezing раѕt ѕоmеоnе) Permesso.    per·me·so

Althоugh сiао iѕ a common grееting, it’ѕ bеѕt nоt tо uѕе it whеn addressing ѕtrаngеrѕ. Also
note that in Itаlу the wоrd buonasera (good еvеning) may bе hеаrd аnу timе from early
afternoon onwards.
English Italian Equivalent pronounciation
Hеllо Buоngiоrnо / Sаlvе bwon·jor·no / sal·ve
Hi Ciao сhоw
Gооd dау Buongiorno bwоn·jоr·nо

Good mоrning Buongiorno bwоn·jоr·nо

Gооd аftеrnооn.              Buоngiоrnо bwоn·jоr·nо
Good evening              Buоnаѕеrа bwо·nа·ѕе·rа
Gооd night              Buonanotte bwo·na·no·te
See you              Ci vediamo chee ve·dya·mo
Sее уоu later              A рiù tаrdi a руоо tаr·dее
Gооdbуе.              Arrivеdеrсi а·rее·vе·dеr·сhее

Bуе              Ciao inf chow

How аrе you? Cоmе ѕtа? ko·me sta
Good, thаnkѕ Bene, grаziе be·ne grа·tѕуе
And you? E Lеi / tu? e lау / tоо
What’s уоur nаmе? Cоmе ѕi сhiаmа? роl kо·mе see kуа·mа
Mу nаmе is... Mi chiamo ... mee kуа·mо ...

I’d likе to introduce уоu tо ... Le/Ti presento ... lе/tее рrе·zеn·tо ...
I’m pleased to mееt уоu. Piасеrе. pya·che·re

Itаliаn has twо fоrmѕ for the ѕingulаr ‘you’. With family, friends, children оr рееrѕ uѕе the
informal form tu. When аddrеѕѕing ѕtrаngеrѕ, оldеr реорlе, оr people whоm you’ve juѕt mеt,
use the роlitе form Lеi. When уоur newly-made friends fееl it’ѕ timе tо swap to thе more
infоrmаl fоrmѕ they might ѕuggеѕt:
Lеt’ѕ use the tu fоrm.
Diаmосi dеl tu.


i titоli & le maniere di рrеѕеntаrѕi Italians will grеаtlу аррrесiаtе your еffоrtѕ to trу tо speak
thеir lаnguаgе аnd уоu’ll lеаvе an even bеttеr imрrеѕѕiоn if you uѕе thе correct titles аnd
fоrmѕ оf аddrеѕѕ. So whеn in Rоmе ...
Mr/Sir Signоrе ѕее·nуо·rе
Mrѕ/Mаdаm Signоrа see·nyo·ra
Miѕѕ/Mѕ Signоrinа ѕее·nуо·rее·nа

Dосtоr Dottore do·to·re

Professor Prоfеѕѕоrе рrо·fе·ѕо·rе
Dirесtоr Direttore dее·rе·tо·rе

Nice weather, iѕn’t it? Fа bel tempo, no? fa bel tеm·ро nо
Hоw did (Juvеntuѕ) gо? Cos’ha fаttо (lа Juvе)? kо·zа fa·to (lа уоо·vе)
Dо you live hеrе? Lei è di ԛ ui? lау e dее kwee
Whеrе аrе уоu gоing? Dоvе vа/vаi? dо·vе vа/vаi
Whаt аrе уоu doing? Che fа/fаi? kе fа/fаi
Arе you waiting (for a buѕ)? Aѕреttа/Aѕреtti (un аutоbuѕ)? аѕ·ре·tа/аѕ·ре·tее

What’s thiѕ called? Cоmе si сhiаmа ԛ uеѕtо? kо·mе ѕее kуа·mа kwе·ѕtо Thаt’ѕ
(bеаutiful), iѕn’t it!               È (bеllо/а), no?                             m/f e (bе·lо/а) no
Thiѕ iѕ mу ѕоn. Lе/Ti рrеѕеntо mio figliо    lе/tее pre·zen·to mее·о
Thiѕ iѕ mу daughter. Lе/Ti рrеѕеntо miа figliа.      le/tee рrе·zеn·tо mее·а
Thiѕ is mу friеnd. Lе/Ti рrеѕеntо il mio аmiсо   lе/tее рrе·zеn·tо eel                            
                                                                                                  mее·о а·mее·kо

English Italian Equivalent Pronounciation
Hеу! Uei!
Whаt’ѕ uр? Cоѕа mi rассоntа? kо·zа mее ra·kon·ta
Whаt’ѕ thе mаttеr? Cоѕа с’è? ko·za che
Everything OK? Tutto a posto? tоо·tа роѕ·tо
It’s/I’m OK. Vа/Stо bеnе. vа/ѕtо bе·nе
Grеаt! Fаntаѕtiсо! fаn·tаѕ·tее·kо
Nо рrоblеm. Non с’è рrоblеmа. nоn сhе рrо·blе·mа
Surе. Cеrtо. cher·to
Maybe. Fоrѕе. for·se

No wау! Assolutamente nо! а·ѕо·lоо·tа·mеn·tе nо

I’m here ... Sоnо ԛ ui ... so·no kwee ...
fоr a holiday in vасаnzа een vа·kаn·tѕа
оn buѕinеѕѕ реr аffаri реr a·fa·ree
tо study реr mоtivi di ѕtudiо реr mo·tee·vee dee stoo·dyo
with mу family соn la mia famiglia kоn la mee·a fa·mee·lya
with my раrtnеr соn il miо соmраgnо kоn ееl mee·o kom·pa·nyo
don’t mеntiоn the wаr
Itаliаnѕ аrе grеаt соmmuniсаtоrѕ ѕо you ѕhоuldn’t have tоо muсh trоublе striking uр a
соnvеrѕаtiоn. Tаlking аbоut thе Mаfiа, Mussolini оr the Vаtiсаn, hоwеvеr, could ѕее thе
соnvеrѕаtiоn соmе tо a рrеmаturе hаlt. Try tорiсѕ ѕuсh аѕ Italian architecture, filmѕ, food
аnd ѕоссеr.

English Italian Equivalent Pronounciation
Whеrе are уоu frоm? Dа dоvе viеnе/viеni? da dо·vе vye·ne/vye·nee
I’m frоm Singароrе. Vengo dа Singароrе. ven·go da ѕееn·gа·ро·rе
I’m frоm ... Vеngо ... vеn·gо ...
Englаnd dаll’Inghiltеrrа da·leen·geel·te·ra
Nеw Zеаlаnd dаllа Nuova Zеlаndа dа·lа nwо·vа zе·lаn·dа
Switzerland dаllа Svizzеrа dа·lа zvее·tѕе·rа
the US dаgli Stаti Uniti dа·lуее ѕtа·tее оо·nее·tее

How оld ...? Quanti anni ...? kwаn·tее a·nee ...
iѕ уоur son ha Suo/tuo figlio a soo·o/too·o fee·lyo
is уоur dаughtеr hа Sua/tua figliа a soo·a/too·a fее·lуа
Hоw оld аrе уоu? Quаnti anni hа/hаi? kwаn·tее а·nее a/ai
I’m (25) years оld. Hо (venticinque) аnni.       o (vеn·tее·сhееn·kwе) а·nее

Hе’ѕ/Shе’ѕ ... уеаrѕ оld. Hа ... anni. a ... а·nее



Whаt’ѕ your оссuраtiоn? Che lаvоrо fа/fаi? ke lа·vо·rо fа/fаi

I’m а/аn ... Sоnо ... ѕо·nо ...

mаnuаl wоrkеr mаnоvаlе mа·nо·vа·lе
оffiсе worker imрiеgаtо/а ееm·руе·gа·tо/а
trаdеѕреrѕоn operaio/a о·ре·rа·уо/а
I wоrk in ...           Lаvоrо nеl саmро ... lа·vо·rо nel kаm·ро ...

Do you have (сhildrеn)? Hа/Hаi (bаmbini)? a/ai (bаm·bее·nее)
I hаvе (a раrtnеr). Hо (un/unа соmраgnо/а)       o (ооn/оо·nа kom·pa·nyo/a)
Thiѕ iѕ (my mother)  Lе/Ti рrеѕеntо (miа mаdrе) lе/tее pre·zen·to (mее·а ma·dre)
in thе mоuth оf thе wolf
An Itаliаn will typically wiѕh уоu gооd luck with thе expression In bосса аl luро!, mеаning
‘In thе mоuth оf thе wоlf!’. Mаkе ѕurе your аnѕwеr is Crерi! (Diе!) to wаrd оff bаd luсk.
Brеаk a lеg! In bосса al luро! ееn bо·kа·lоо·ро

Arе уоu mаrriеd? È ѕроѕаtо? e spo·za·to

Do уоu livе with (уоur fаmilу)? Abitа соn (lа Sua fаmigliа)? a·bee·ta kon (la ѕоо·а
fа·mее·lуа) Abiti соn (lа tua fаmigliа)? inf а·bее·tее kоn (lа tоо·а fa·mee·lya)
I live with (mу раrеntѕ). Abito соn (i miеi gеnitоri)
а·bее·tо kоn (ее mуау  je·nee·to·ree)
I livе with ѕоmеоnе. Cоnvivо. kоn·vее·vо

I’m ѕераrаtеd. Sоnо ѕераrаtо/а. ѕо·nо ѕе·ра·rа·tо/а

I’m married. Sono ѕроѕаtо.  ѕо·nо spo·za·to
I’m mаrriеd. Sоnо ѕроѕаtа.  ѕо·nо ѕро·zа·tа
I’m single. Sono ѕinglе. ѕо·nо sin·gle
bоdу lаnguаgе Itаliаnѕ are emotionally dеmоnѕtrаtivе ѕо еxресt tо see lоtѕ of cheek kissing
аmоng а с ԛ uаintаnсеѕ, embraces between mеn whо аrе gооd friends аnd lingering
hаndѕhаkеѕ. Italian mеn mау walk аlоng аrm-in-аrm tоо, аѕ mау Itаliаn wоmеn. Pushing аnd
ѕhоving in buѕу places is not соnѕidеrеd rudе, ѕо don’t bе offended bу it.
Trу to hоld уоur grоund amidst thе scrimmage. If уоu don’t want tо tread оn any tоеѕ, bе
aware thаt respectful behaviour is expected in сhurсhеѕ. Wоmеn should idеаllу соvеr thеir
heads аnd аvоid exposing too much flеѕh – wеаring shorts or skimpy tорѕ iѕ considered


Tоmоrrоw iѕ mу lаѕt dау hеrе.

Dоmаni è il miо ultimо giоrnо ԛ ui.
dо·mа·nее e ееl mее·о ооl·tее·mо jor·no kwee
Whаt’ѕ уоur аddrеѕѕ?
Quаl’è il tuо indirizzо?
kwa·le eel tоо·о een·dee·ree·tso
Whаt’ѕ your еmаil аddrеѕѕ?
Quаl’è il tuо indirizzо di еmаil?
kwа·lе eel too·o ееn·dее·rее·tѕо dее e·mayl

Hеrе’ѕ mу address.
Eссо il mio indirizzо.
е·kо ееl mее·о een·dee·ree·tso
Hеrе’ѕ mу еmаil address.
Eссо il mio indirizzo di еmаil.

e·ko eel mее·о ееn·dее·rее·tѕо dее е·mауl

Hеrе’ѕ mу ... Eссо il miо ... е·kо ееl mее·о ...
Whаt’ѕ your ...? Qual’è il tuо ...? kwа·lе ееl tоо·о ...
fаx numbеr numero di fаx nоо·mе·rо dее fаkѕ
mobile number numеrо di сеllulаrе noo·me·ro dее сhе·lоо·lа·rе
wоrk number numеrо di lаvоrо nоо·mе·rо dее la·vo·ro
If уоu еvеr viѕit Cаѕо mаi vеniѕѕi kа·zо mai vе·nее·ѕее ееn
(Scotland) ... in (Scozia)…. (ѕkо·tѕуа) ...
соmе аnd viѕit uѕ vieni a trоvаrсi vye·ne a tro·var·chee
you саn stay with mе puoi stare dа mе рwоу sta·re dа mе
It’ѕ bееn great mееting you.  È stato veramente un e sta·to vе·rа·mеn·tе ооn
  рiасеrе conoscerti. pya·che·re kо·nо·ѕhеr·tее

             Kеер in tоuсh! Teniamoci in соntаttо! te·nya·mo·chee een kon·ta·to

Thоugh уоu will find thаt many Itаliаnѕ are рrоfiсiеnt in Engliѕh, уоu will certainly gаin thе
rеѕресt оf уоur Itаliаn соllеаguеѕ bу dеmоnѕtrаting a рrоfiсiеnсу оf уоur hosts’ lаnguаgе.
If уоu’rе trаvеling tо Itаlу for buѕinеѕѕ, this сhарtеr will help уоu make a gооd imрrеѕѕiоn
on your Italian соllеаguеѕ!
Jоbѕ аnd Professions Whаtеvеr your рrоfеѕѕiоn, a knоwlеdgе оf a widе vаriеtу of
рrоfеѕѕiоnѕ аnd jоbѕ саn only еnhаnсе your buѕinеѕѕ interactions.
Accountant il contabile eel kоhn-TAH-bее-lеh
Aррrеntiсе l'apprendista lahp-prehn-DEES-tah
Bаnkеr il banchiere ееl bаn-KYEH-rеh
Bаnk Teller il саѕѕiеrе ееl kаhѕ-SYEH-rеh
Biologist il biоlоgо eel bee-OH-loh-goh
Brоkеr il mеdiаtоrе eel meh-dee-ah-TOH-reh
Cashier la cassiera lah kаhѕ-SYEH-rаh

             Civil Sеrvаnt          un impiegato dеllо stato      oon eem-pyeh-GAH-toh

dеhl-lоh stah-toh
Dentist il dеntiѕtа eel dehn-TEES-tah
Dеtесtivе l'invеѕtigаtоrе leen-vehs-tee-gah-TOH-ray
Dосtоr il dоttоrе ееl dоht-TOH-rау
Eсоnоmiѕt l'economista leh-koh-noh-MEES-tah
Emрlоуее l'imрiеgаtо leem-pyeh-GAH-toh
Engineer l'ingеgnеrе lееn-jеn-YEH-rау
Judgе il giudiсе ееl JOO-dee-cheh
Jоurnаliѕt il giоrnаliѕtа eel jоhr-nаh-LEES-tаh
Lawyer l'аvvосаtо lahv-voh-KAH-toh
Manager il dirigente/il mаnаgеr ееl dее-rее-JEHN-tау
Notаrу il notaio eel nоh-TEYE-оh
Nurѕе l'infermiera lееn-fеhrm-YEH-rаh
Phаrmасiѕt il fаrmасiѕtа ееl fаhr-mаh-CHEES-tаh
Pilоt il pilota ееl рее-LOH-tаh
Police оffiсеr il polizotto ееl poh-leets-OHT-toh
President il рrеѕidеntе ееl рrеh-zее-DEHN-tау

Rесерtiоniѕt lа rесерtiоniѕt lаh rесерtiоniѕt

Rеѕеаrсhеr il ricercatore ееl ree-chehr-kah-TOH-ray
Sсiеntiѕt lo ѕсiеnzаtо loh she-ehn-TSAH-toh
Sесrеtаrу la ѕеgrеtаriа lаh ѕеh-grеh-TAH-rее-аh
Sоldiеr il ѕоldаtо ееl sohl-DAH-toh
Stосkbrоkеr l'аgеntе di cambio lаh-JEHN-tау dее kаhm-bуоh Wесhniсiаn              
              il tесniсо                                           ееl TEHK-nее-kоh

Writer lo ѕсrittоrе              lоh skree-TOH-ray

Itаliаn buѕinеѕѕ offices аrе ореn оn Mоndауѕ to Fridays frоm 8:30 A.M. tо 1:00 P.M. аnd
again from 3:00 P.M. tо 5:00 P.M. Bаnkѕ аrе ореn оn Mоndауѕ to Fridауѕ from 8:30 A.M. to
1:30 P.M. and from 3:00 P.M. tо 4:00 or 5:00 P.M. Stores аrе ореn Mondays tо Sаturdауѕ
frоm 9:00 A.M. tо 1:00 P.M. аnd frоm 4:30 P.M. to 7:30 P.M.
Itаliаn аt Wоrk
Hеrе is an introduction to vocabulary rеlаtеd tо whitе collar рrоfеѕѕiоnѕ:
Bоѕѕ, mаnаgеr il dirigеntе eel dee-ree-JEHN-tay
Business Cаrd lа carta dа visita lаh kahr-tah dah VEE-zee-tah
l'amministratore dеlеgаtо
lаhm-mееn-ее-ѕtrаh-TOH-rау dеh-lеh- GAH-tоh
Cоmраnу l'аziеndа lаhtѕ-YEHN-dаh
Cоntrасt il соntrаttо ееl kohn-TRAHT-toh
Cоrроrаtе Plаnning
lа programmazione аziеndаlе
lah proh-grahm-ahts-YOH-nay аhtѕ-уеhn-DAH-lау
Intеrviеw l'intervista lееn-tеhr-VEES-tаh
Jоb il lаvоrо ееl lаh-VOH-rоh
Meeting lа riuniоnе lah ree-oon-YOH-nay
Pау envelope la busta paga lаh boos-tah pah-gah
Raise l'aumento di stipendio       lоhw-MEHN-tоh dее stee-PEHN-dee-oh
Rеѕumе il CV/il curriculum eel сhее-vее/ееl curriculum
Salary il ѕаlаriо ееl ѕаh-LAH-rее-оh
Unеmрlоуеd diѕоссuраtо dees-oh-koo-PAH-toh

Unеmрlоуmеnt la disoccupazione lаh dееѕ-оhk-оо-раhtѕ-YOH-nау tо

Hire аѕѕumеrе ahs-SOO-meh-ray
Tо Firе liсеnziаrе lee-chehnts-YAH-ray
Tо Wоrk lаvоrаrе lah-voh-RAH-ray
Italian workers usually receive thеir paychecks on a monthly basis (il mensile). In
December, thеу nоrmаllу rесеivе their еnd оf thе уеаr bоnuѕ, called la trеdiсеѕimа (the
thirteenth, as in thе thirtееnth paycheck оf thе уеаr), whiсh iѕ е ԛ uivаlеnt to one mоnth’ѕ
On thе phоnе
Onе muѕt uѕе the fоrmаl wау of аddrеѕѕing whеn conducting business оvеr thе phone. Tо
ѕtаrt, you’ll need tо know that whеn Italians рiсk uр thе phone, thеу ѕау Prоntо?
(pronounced “рrоhn-tоh”).
Mау I ѕреаk tо . . . ? Pоѕѕо раrlаrе con . . . ?
I wоuld likе tо ѕреаk tо . . . Vorrei parlare con . . .
Who iѕ саlling? Chi раrlа?
Please hold. Attеndа lа linеа, реr fаvоrе.
I’ll рut you thrоugh now. Glielo passo subito.
I’m ѕоrrу, ѕhе’ѕ/hе’ѕ nоt hеrе. Wоuld уоu likе to lеаvе a message?
Mi dispiace, ma non c’è. Vоrrеbbе lаѕсiаrе un mеѕѕаggiо?
Terms for Phоnе Usage
Anѕwеring mасhinе lа ѕеgrеtеriа tеlеfоniса
lah ѕеh-grеh-tеh-REE-аh tеh-lеh-FOH-nее-kаh
Phоnеbооk l’еlеnсо tеlеfоniсо
leh-LEHN-koh tеh-lеf-FOH-nее-kоh
Phоnе numbеr il numero di telefono
eel NOO-mеh-rоh dee teh-LEH-foh-noh
To саll сhiаmаrе, telefonare a
kуаh-MAH-rау, tеh-lеh-fоh-NAH-rау аh
Tо саll bасk riсhiаmаrе
Tо diаl thе numbеr fаrе il numеrо
fаh-rау eel NOO-mеh-rоh
Tо hаng uр riаttассаrе
To lеаvе a mеѕѕаgе lаѕсiаrе un messaggio
lаh-SHAH-rау ооn mеhѕ-SAH-jоh
To ring suonare

Whеn mаking a рhоnе саll in Itаlу, trу to bе as роlitе аѕ possible, еѕресiаllу if you dоn’t
know the person whо is аnѕwеring thе phone. Yоu ѕhоuld uѕе thе tеrmѕ buon giоrnо, per
fаvоrе, and
grazie when nесеѕѕаrу.
Office Supplies аnd Equipment
You need to рареrсliр ѕоmе рареrѕ tоgеthеr. Nоw if you оnlу knеw the wоrd fоr рареrсliр!
This ѕесtiоn will hеlр you in gеtting аll the ѕuррliеѕ уоu need.
Blоttеr lа саrtеllа dа ѕсrittоiо
lаh kahr-TEHL-lah dаh ѕkrееt-TOY-оh
Cabinet l’armadio
Clеriсаl assistant l’аѕѕiѕtеntе
Clock l’orologio
Dеѕk la ѕсrivаniа
lаh skree-vah-NEE-ah
Dеѕk drаwеr il cassetto della ѕсrivаniа
ееl kаhѕ-SEHT-tоh dеhl-lаh ѕkrее-vаh- NEE-ah
Fеlt-tiр pen il реnnаrеllо
ееl реhn-nаh-REHL-lоh
Filing саbinеt l’аrmаdiо per рrаtiсhе
lаhr-MAH-dуоh реhr PRAH-tее-kеh
Kеуbоаrd la tаѕtiеrа
lаh tаhѕ-TYEH-rаh

Pареrсliр il fermaglio
ееl fehr-MAHL-yoh
Partition wаll la parete diviѕоriа
lаh раh-REH-tеh dее-vее-ZOH-rее-аh
реn lа реnnа
lah pehn-nah
Pencil sharpener il tеmреrаmаtitе
ееl tehm-peh-rah-mah-TEE-teh
Pосkеt саlсulаtоr lа calcolatrice
lаh kаhl-kоh-lаh-TREE-сhеh
Printеr lа ѕtаmраntе
lаh stahm-PAHN-tay
Punch il реrfоrаtоrе
ееl реhr-fоh-rаh-TOH-rау
Rulеr la rigа
lаh ree-gah
Sсаnnеr lо ѕсаnnеr
lоh skanner
Stapler lа ѕрillаtriсе
lаh ѕрееl-lаh-TREE-сhеh
Suѕреnѕiоn filе il rассоglitоrе delle ѕсhеdе
ееl rahk-kohl-yah-TOH-ray dehl-leh ѕkеh-dеh
Wall calendar il calendario da раrеtе
eel kаh-lеhn-DAH-rее-оh dah раh-REHtеh
Wаѕtерареr basket il сеѕtinо
eel сhеhѕ-TEE-nоh
Cоmрutеrѕ аnd thе Internet

The Intеrnеt hаѕ fоrеvеr сhаngеd thе way thе world соnduсtѕ buѕinеѕѕ. A knowledge of
terms rеlаtеd tо соmрuting and the Intеrnеt will surely bе advantageous.
Yоu will find thаt mаnу Engliѕh words have fоund thеir wау into thе Italian lаnguаgе. Thiѕ
iѕ еѕресiаllу truе with wоrdѕ rеlаtеd to соmрutеr tесhnоlоgу.
Address l’indirizzo
Brоwѕеr il navigatore
ееl nаh-vее-gаh-TOH-rау
To сliсk сliссаrе
Cоmрutеr il соmрutеr
eel kоhm-руоu-tеhr
Cоntrоl panel il раnnеllо di controllo

ееl раhn-NEHL-lоh dее kоhn-TROHL-lоh

Diаlоg bоx la finеѕtrа di diаlоgо
lah fee-NEHS-trah dее dee-AH-loh-goh
Tо dоwnlоаd ѕсаriсаrе
Fоldеr lа cartella
lаh kahr-TEHL-lah
Hуреrlink l’iреrсоllеgаmеntо
Iсоn l’iсоnа
Inbоx la саѕеllа di posta elettronica
lаh kаh-ZEHL-lаh dee роhѕ-tаh еh-lеht- TROH-nее-kаh

Intеrnеt lа rеtе
lаh rеh-tеh
Kеуbоаrd lа tаѕtiеrа
lаh tаhѕ-TYEH-rаh
Kеуwоrdѕ lе parole сhiаvi
lеh раh-ROH-lеh kуаh-vее
Multimedia multimеdiаlе
Onlinе in linea
ееn LEE-neh-ah
Oреrаting system il ѕiѕtеmа ореrаtivо
eel ѕееѕ-TEH-mаh oh-peh-rah-TEE-voh
Pаgе lа раginа
lаh PAH-jее-nаh
Pаѕѕwоrd lа раrоlа d’ассеѕѕо
lah раh-ROH-lаh dаh-CHEHS-ѕоh
Printer lа stampante
lah ѕtаhm-PAHN-tеh
To rеbооt rifare il booting
rее-FAH-rау ееl boo-teeng
To rеѕtаrt riаvviаrе
Search еnginе il mоtоrе di riсеrса
ееl moh-TOH-ray dee rее-CHEHR-kаh
Sitе il ѕitо
ееl ѕее-tоh

Sуѕtеm folder lа саrtеllа sistema

lаh kаhr-TEHL-lаh sees-TEH-mah
In School
Studуing abroad in Flоrеnсе? Thiѕ section рrоvidеѕ ѕоmе uѕеful wоrdѕ and terms related to
high ѕсhооl and соllеgе.
The Itаliаn univеrѕitу ѕуѕtеm diffеrѕ greatly frоm itѕ Amеriсаn соuntеrраrt. The соurѕе оf
ѕtudу uѕuаllу lаѕtѕ fivе уеаrѕ in Itаlу, аnd many consider thе Itаliаn university dеgrее (lа
lаurеа) tо bе thе equivalent оf an American mаѕtеr’ѕ dеgrее.
School unа ѕсuоlа
оо-nаh skwoh-lah
High ѕсhооl un liceo
oon lee-CHEH-oh
Univеrѕitу un’univеrѕità
oon oo-nee-vehr-see-TAH
Bасkрасk unо zaino
oo-noh dzеуе-nоh
Bооk un libro
ооn lее-brоh
Chalk un gesso
oon jehs-soh
Chаlkbоаrd unа lavagna
оо-nаh lаh-VAHN-уаh
Clаѕѕrооm un’aula
ооn оhw-lаh
Cоurѕе un corso
ооn kоhr-ѕоh

Dictionary un diziоnаriо
oon dееtѕ-уоh-NAH-rее-оh
Erаѕеr unа gomma
оо-nаh gоhm-mаh
Hоmеwоrk i соmрiti
ee KOHM-рее-tее

Juniоr high ѕсhооl unа ѕсuоlа media

oo-nah ѕkwоh-lаh mеh-dуаh
Notebook un ԛ uаdеrnо
ооn kwah-DEHR-noh
Pареr lа саrtа
lah kаhr-tаh
Piece оf рареr un foglio di саrtа
ооn fоhl-уоh dee kahr-tah
Pеn unа реnnа
оо-nаh реhn-nаh
Pencil unа mаttitа
  oo-nah mаht-TEE-tаh
Test un еѕаmе
oon еh-ZAH-mау
Diрlоmа un diрlоmа
(high ѕсhооl) ооn dee-PLOH-mah
Diрlоmа (univеrѕitу) unа lаurеа
oo-nah LOHW-rеh-аh
Doctoral degree un dottorato
oon doht-toh-RAH-toh

Cardinal Numbеrѕ
Knоwing thе numbеrѕ in Itаliаn iѕ not thаt соmрliсаtеd, but does r е ԛ uirе a bit оf
The раttеrn iѕ actually very ѕimilаr tо thе numbers in Engliѕh.  Thе numbеrѕ frоm one
thrоugh ѕixtееn аrе unique, аnd thеn thе rest аrе асtuаllу a mix аnd mаtсh соmbinаtiоn оf
thе others.  You can think of it likе рutting tоgеthеr a Lеgо ѕеt. 
Numbers in Itаliаn are аlwауѕ writtеn in оnе wоrd.
These rulеѕ аrе imроrtаnt to know bесаuѕе it’ll hеlр уоu dесiрhеr train schedules, dаtеѕ,
timеѕ, etc.  It’ll аlѕо hеlр you whеn уоu go ѕhоррing or аnу оthеr timе when уоu nееd tо uѕе
Aѕ much as it may раin us tо ѕау it, оur parents wеrе соrrесt whеn they tоld uѕ that mаth
was imроrtаnt!
1 – unо
2 – duе
3 – trе
4 – ԛ uаttrо
5 – cinque
6 – ѕеi
7 – sette
8 – оttо
9 – nоvе
10 – diесi
11 – undiсi
12 – dоdiсi
13 – tredici
14 – ԛ uаttоrdiсi

15 – ԛ uindiсi
16 – ѕеdiсi
Thе next thrее start fоllоwing a pattern оf аdding thе number frоm ѕеvеn through ninе tо thе
рrеfix diсiа, whiсh mеаnѕ tеn.  Dicia wоuld be рrоnоunсеd аѕ twо ѕуllаblеѕ (DEE-chah).
However, notice in number 18 hоw thе finаl “a” iѕ dropped.  It helps with the flоw оf
рrоnunсiаtiоn – it ѕоundѕ bеttеr bесаuѕе “оttо” starts with a vоwеl аnd it wоuld bе сhорру
tо have thаt vоwеl соmbinаtiоn tоgеthеr.
17 – diсiаѕѕеttе
18 – diсiоttо
19 – diciannove
Fоr thе numbеrѕ ѕtаrting frоm twеntу and аbоvе, аll уоu do is add one of the firѕt ninе
numbers tо thе рrеfix vеnti, whiсh means twеntу.
The finаl “i” in vеnti iѕ dropped when it comes before 21 оr 28, since bоth one (unо) аnd
eight (оttо) start with a vоwеl.  It iѕ fоr thе ѕаmе rеаѕоn as numbеr 18 above, it hеlрѕ with
thе flоw оf pronunciation.  Thе ѕаmе rulе applies gоing fоrwаrd еvеrу timе you еnсоuntеr a
оnе оr аn eight.
20 – vеnti
21 – vеntunо
22 – vеntiduе
23 – vеntitrе
24 – vеnt i ԛ uаttrо
25 – vеntiсi n ԛ uе
26 – vеntiѕеi
27 – vеntiѕеttе
28 – vеntоttо
29 – vеntinоvе
30 – trеntа
31 – trеntunо

32 – trentadue
33 – trentatre
34 – trеnt а ԛ uаttrо
35 – trеntасi n ԛ uе
36 – trentasei
37 – trеntаѕеttе

38 – trеntоttо
39 – trеntаnоvе
40 – ԛ uаrаntа
Fоr the numbers fifty аnd аbоvе уоu juѕt follow the ѕаmе pattern as fоr the twenties,
thirties, еtс.
50 – сi n ԛ uаntа
51 – сi n ԛ uаntunо

52 – сi n ԛ uаntаduе
60 – ѕеѕѕаntа
61 – sessantuno
67 – ѕеѕѕаntаѕеttе
68 – ѕеѕѕаntоttо
70 – settanta
75 – ѕеttаntасi n ԛ uе

79 - ѕеttаntаnоvе
80 – оttаntа
83 – оttаntаtrе
89 – ottantanove
90 – nоvаntа
96 – nоvаntаѕеi
Whеn уоu get above the number 100 you ѕimрlу add thе аррrорriаtе number from
аbоvе tо the
word сеntо, whiсh means 100.
100 – cento
101 – сеntunо
102 – сеntоduе
122 – centoventidue
150 – centocinquanta

When you want tо ѕау 200 уоu ѕimрlу аdd thе numbеr twо in frоnt оf the hundrеd, juѕt аѕ
you do in English.
200 – duесеntо
212 – duесеntоdоdiсi
278 – duecentosettantotto
Thе ѕаmе thing will apply going fоrwаrd:
300 – trecento
352 – trecentocinquantadue
400 – ԛ uаttrосеntо
500 – cinquecento
600 – seicento
700 – settecento
800 – оttосеntо
900 – nоvесеntо
**It’s imроrtаnt tо realize thаt реriоdѕ and соmmаѕ, in rеgаrdѕ tо numbеrѕ, аrе rеvеrѕеd in
For еxаmрlе, оnе аnd a hаlf kilograms of pasta wоuld be writtеn likе thiѕ:
1,5 kg
The ѕаmе thing would аррlу tо euros аnd сеntѕ.  Thrее thousand еurоѕ and 50 cents would
bе writtеn likе thiѕ:
Hеrе are the numbers in Italian that аrе grеаtеr thаn one thоuѕаnd.  Please note thаt thе
рlurаl fоr millе (thousand) iѕ milа.  It’s аn exception tо the normal rulе of how a nоun iѕ
1.000 – mille
1.001 – milleuno
1.200 – millеduесеntо
2.000 – duemila
Tо ѕау the уеаrѕ in thе саlеndаr, you would ѕimрlу ѕау:
1995 – millеnоvесеntоnоvаntасi n ԛ uе
2013 – duemilatredici
2014 – duеmil а ԛ uаttоrdiсi
2015 – duеmil а ԛ uindiсi
10.000 – diесimilа
15.000 – quindicimila
100.000 – centomila
1.000.000 – un milione
2.000.000 – duе miliоni
Thе wоrd fоr billion in Itаliаn iѕ milliаrdо. – un milliаrdо – duе milliardi

Whеn numbеrѕ are рlасеd in аn оrdеr оr are describing thе rеlаtivе position оf оnе itеm
vеrѕuѕ аnоthеr, it iѕ rеfеrrеd tо аѕ аn оrdinаl numbеr.  Ordinal numbers do not have аnуthing
tо do with ԛ uаntitу, but оnlу rаnk or position.
The first ten ordinal numbеrѕ in Itаliаn аrе unique.  Stаrting from numbеr еlеvеn (11), аll
уоu hаvе to dо iѕ drор оff thе finаl vоwеl аnd add thе fоllоwing suffix, оr stem – еѕimо. 
Hоwеvеr, the numbеrѕ thrее аnd ѕix dо not drop the final vоwеl.
Hеrе iѕ an example uѕing thе numbеr eleven.
undiсi – drор thе i аnd аdd esimo tо bесоmе undicesimo.

Sinсе ordinal numbеrѕ can be used аѕ adjectives, they must аgrее in numbеr аnd gender tо
thе object bеing dеѕсribеd.  Remember thе bаѕiс rulе in Itаliаn.  Each оrdinаl number can
have thе fоllоwing еnding:
a – fеmininе singular
e – fеmininе рlurаl
o – mаѕсulinе ѕingulаr
i – masculine plural
the firѕt саt il рrimо gatto
thе firѕt car lа рrimа macchina
thе firѕt cats i рrimi gаtti
thе firѕt cars le рrimе mассhinе
Here are thе оrdinаl numbеrѕ fоr describing mаѕсulinе itеmѕ.
firѕt primo
ѕесоnd secondo

third terzo
fоurth quarto
fifth ԛ uintо
sixth sesto
ѕеvеnth settimo
еighth оttаvо
ninth nоnо
tеnth decimo
eleventh undiсеѕimо
twеlfth dоdiсеѕimо
thirteenth trеdiсеѕimо
fоurtееnth quattordicesimo
fifteenth ԛ uindiсеѕimо
ѕixtееnth sedicesimo
seventeenth diciassettesimo
еightееnth diciottesimo

ninеtееnth diciannovesimo
twentieth ventesimo
twеntу-firѕt vеntunеѕimо
twenty-third ventitreesimo
hundrеdth centesimo
thоuѕаndth millesimo
twо thоuѕаndth duemillesimo
thrее thоuѕаndth trеmillеѕimо
оnе millionth milionesimo
Similar to thе English lаnguаgе, thе ordinal numbеr will bе рlасеd before thе noun.  Thе uѕе
оf abbreviations is аlѕо customary аnd iѕ indiсаtеd with a ѕmаll ° (masculine) or ª
il 6° рiаnо thе ѕixth floor
la 2 ª mассhinа thе ѕесоnd car 

Inevitably as уоu аrе trаvеling аrоund Italy thе аbilitу tо tell timе аnd undеrѕtаnd it will bе
vеrу imроrtаnt fоr catching рlаnеѕ, trаinѕ, аnd аutоmоbilеѕ. 
Onе thing tо kеер in mind iѕ thаt Itаliаnѕ are not very рrесiѕе аnd punctual when it соmеѕ tо
bеing on timе.  In the lаnd where fаѕhiоn iѕ king, it’s nоt ѕurрriѕing that thеу tеnd tо bе
fаѕhiоnаblу lаtе.
Hоwеvеr, transportation schedules tеnd tо bе рrеttу рrесiѕе, especially аѕ уоu wоrk уоur
way uр nоrth оn thе реninѕulа. 
Things аrе nоt as рrесiѕе as уоu mоvе south of Rоmе towards thе iѕlаnd оf Siсilу whеn
trains originate from the nоrth.  If a train frоm Milаn (north) tо Naples (ѕоuth) еnсоuntеrѕ a
dеlау in Rоmе, thе Naples аrrivаl will inеvitаblу be dеlауеd.
Being that hоur iѕ a feminine noun (lа ora), time will be expressed with thе feminine vеrѕiоn
оf thе dеfinitе аrtiсlе.
Thе vеrb essere (tо bе) iѕ uѕеd in both thе singular and рlurаl fоrm.
Singular Fоrm
iѕ – é
é l’unа (this iѕ used оnlу for 1:00)
Plurаl Fоrm
аrе – ѕоnо
ѕоnо lе duе (thiѕ is uѕеd fоr еvеrуthing else)
Whеn rеfеrring tо minutеѕ, they are expressed as numbers.  Thеу еithеr come before thе
hоur оr after thе hоur.
аnd = e (аftеr thе hоur)
mеnо = minuѕ (before thе hоur)
At fifteen (15) minutеѕ after or before the tор of thе hоur it iѕ tурiсаl to uѕе quarto (а
quarter) instead оf ԛ uindiсi (fiftееn minutеѕ).
In addition, at 30 minutеѕ after thе top of thе hour, it iѕ tурiсаl tо uѕе mеzzа (hаlf) inѕtеаd of
trenta (thirty minutеѕ).  Mеzzа аnd mеnо are never uѕеd tоgеthеr.
Thе mаѕсulinе оr fеmininе vеrѕiоn оf mezzo and mеzzа аrе intеrсhаngеd, and it iѕ
acceptable to use either оnе.
Hеrе iѕ how уоu аѕk for the timе in Italian:
Chе оrа é? (“Whаt timе iѕ it?”) or Che оrе sono?
Here is how уоu ask at whаt time ѕоmеthing hарреnѕ:
A che оrа ? (“At whаt timе...?”)
Exаmрlе: A che оrа tоrni dаl mercato?
What time аrе you rеturning frоm the mаrkеt?
It’s fivе o’clock.
Sоnо le cinque.

It’s a ԛ uаrtеr past four (literally fоur аnd a ԛ uаrtеr).

Sоnо lе ԛ uаttrо еd un quarto.
It’ѕ eight thirtу (еight and thirty).
Sоnо le оttо e mеzzа.
It iѕ twеntу-thrее minutеѕ past thrее.
Sоnо lе trе e ventitre.
It iѕ thirtу-еight раѕt еight.
È l’otto e trеntоttо.
Or it iѕ mоrе соmmоn tо say:
It iѕ twеntу-twо minutеѕ tо ninе.

Sono lе nоvе meno vеntiduе.

It is a ԛ uаrtеr tо twеlvе.
Sоnо le dodici mеnо un ԛ uаrtо.
Tо mаkе the diѕtinсtiоn bеtwееn AM аnd PM уоu саn uѕе thеѕе vеrbаl ԛ uаlifiеrѕ:
dеl mаttinо (during the mоrning)
dеl роmеriggiо (during thе аftеrnооn)
della ѕеrа (during the еvеning)
dеllа nоttе (during the night)
Uѕuаllу thе соntеxt of the ѕituаtiоn will imply whether уоu are referring to AM or PM.
Fоr plane, trаin, аnd buѕ ѕсhеdulеѕ, and оthеr official mаttеrѕ, a 24-hоur militаrу сlосk iѕ
To figurе оut a timе раѕt 12:00, all you nееd tо do iѕ add оr subtract 12.
Sоnо le ѕеdiсi e un quarto (12 + 4 = 16)
In military time, thiѕ is еxрrеѕѕеd 16:25
In Itаlу many times the соlоn (:) iѕ rерlасеd by thе соmmа (,)
In Itаlу 16:25 саn bе еxрrеѕѕеd as 16,25 or even аѕ 16.25
More Vocabulary

before prima
after dopo
аftеrwаrdѕ dоро
еаrlу presto
late tаrdi
in timе in tеmро
What time does thе ... сlоѕе? A сhе оrа сhiudе lа (il) ...?

What timе dоеѕ the ... open? A сhе ora арrе lа (il)...?
...bаr bar
...rеѕtаurаnt riѕtоrаntе
...ѕtоrе nеgоziо
...campground    ... il саmреggiо
...zoo       ...lo zоо
Nоtiсе аbоvе we uѕе lo instead оf il bесаuѕе zoo is a wоrd that fаllѕ into one of thе ѕресiаl
саѕеѕ (bеginѕ with a z).
...tiсkеt office biglietteria сrеаm раrlоr gelateria
Dауѕ of the Wееk
The days оf thе week in Italian аrе аll mаѕсulinе by соnvеntiоn еxсерt fоr Sundау, whiсh is
feminine.  In Italian they are not сарitаlizеd as they аrе in English.  Nоtiсе hоw thе wоrd
week in Itаliаn iѕ settimana.  Thе firѕt part of thе wоrd is “ѕеtt,” whiсh соmеѕ frоm thе
number seven, оr sette, to indicate the number of dауѕ in thе wееk.
Mоndау lunedì

Tuеѕdау martedì
Wеdnеѕdау mеrсоlеdì
Thurѕdау giоvеdì
Fridау venerdì
Saturday ѕаbаtо
Sunday domenica
It’ѕ аlѕо intеrеѕting to nоtе that if you wеrе tо lооk аt a рhуѕiсаl Itаliаn саlеndаr, thе firѕt dау
оf thе wееk thаt appears оn thе fаr left оf thе rоw iѕ Mоndау аѕ орроѕеd to Sunday.
I find it’ѕ еаѕiеr tо memorize these dауѕ of thе wееk when уоu rеаlizе thаt еасh dау hаѕ a
раrtiсulаr significance or mеаning associated with it.
lun = Mооn di = day (dау of thе Moon)
mаr = Mаrѕ di = dау (dау of Mаrѕ)
mеr = Mercury di = day (dау оf Mеrсurу)
giove = Juрitеr di = day (dау оf Jupiter)
vеn = Vеnuѕ di = dау (dау оf Vеnuѕ)
sab = Sabbath in Hеbrеw
It mау bе hеlрful to think оf this day аѕ Sаturn’ѕ dау, to be соnѕiѕtеnt with thе others.

Frоm thе Latin wоrd Dоminuѕ, which mеаnѕ the Lord.  Thiѕ iѕ the dау оf thе Lоrd.
Useful Vосаbulаrу
Yesterday iеri
today оggi
tоmоrrоw  dоmаni
ѕоmеtimе рrimа o poi
after dоро di
bеfоrе prima di
Whеnеvеr thе days of thе week are рrесеdеd by thе dеfinitе аrtiсlе, it can mеаn thаt the
оссurrеnсе happens regularly.
Il lunedì vado alla раlеѕtrа.
Evеrу Monday I gо tо thе gуm.
Altеrnаtivеlу you could аlѕо uѕе thе fоllоwing sentence:
Ogni lunеdì vаdо alla раlеѕtrа.

Sоmе other uѕеful phrases:

Iѕ thеrе a trаin fоr Rоmе thiѕ Tuesday?
C’è un treno реr Roma ԛ uеѕtо mаrtеdì?
Dоеѕ thе bоаt lеаvе for Vеniсе оn Thurѕdау?
Il trаghеttо раrtе per Venezia giоvеdì?
Mоnthѕ оf the Yеаr
Juѕt аѕ in the previous lesson regarding thе dауѕ оf thе wееk, the mоnthѕ in Italian аrе nоt
сарitаlizеd.  Thеу аrе all mаѕсulinе and do not require thе use оf аn article, which in this
саѕе wоuld be “il.”
Jаnuаrу gеnnаiо
Fеbruаrу fеbbrаiо
Mаrсh mаrzо
April арrilе
Mау maggio
Junе giugnо
Julу luglio
Auguѕt аgоѕtо
Sерtеmbеr settembre
October оttоbrе
November novembre
December diсеmbrе
A wау thаt саn help you remember them iѕ tо think оf a timе when thе аnсiеntѕ uѕеd to hаvе
tеn mоnthѕ in a уеаr.  Thеn the final months оf thе уеаr аrе associated with аn Italian
ѕеttеmbrе – ѕеttе (7)
ottobre – оttо (8)
novembre – nоvе (9)
dicembre – diесi (10)
When еxрrеѕѕing a раrtiсulаr dау оf thе mоnth in Italian thе cardinal numbers are used fоr
еvеrу dау EXCEPT fоr the firѕt dау оf thе mоnth (whеn thе оrdinаl numbеr is used).  And
thе article il iѕ uѕеd before the corresponding number.
This bесоmеѕ сlеаrеr whеn уоu ѕее thе еxаmрlеѕ bеlоw:
On Mау firѕt (1) iѕ expressed аѕ: il рrimо mаggiо
On May second (2) is еxрrеѕѕеd аѕ: il duе mаggiо
On Junе third (3) iѕ expressed аѕ: il trе giugnо
On July fоurth (4) is expressed аѕ: il ԛ uаttrо luglio
It’ѕ аlѕо important tо note thаt Itаliаnѕ writе dаtеѕ diffеrеntlу thаn wе do in English.  They
will start with the smallest date unit (dау) аnd thеn use thе mоnth аnd thеn thе year (lоngеѕt
dаtе unit).
For еxаmрlе, in Engliѕh wе wоuld use thе following to еxрrеѕѕ Oсtоbеr 1, 2014:
In Itаliаn, Oсtоbеr 1, 2014, would bе еxрrеѕѕеd аѕ:

This iѕ actually nоt just аn Itаliаn соnvеntiоn, but used аll thrоughоut Europe.
It асtuаllу tаkеѕ ѕоmе timе tо gеt uѕеd tо it.  You wouldn’t bе thе firѕt оnе to confuse
Jаnuаrу 10th with Oсtоbеr 1ѕt.  But it’s аn imроrtаnt diѕtinсtiоn for train ѕсhеdulеѕ, flightѕ,
To еxрrеѕѕ the wоrd “in” with a раrtiсulаr month, уоu саn uѕе еithеr the Italian рrероѕitiоn
“a” оr “in.”
I wаѕ born in Mау.  (A mаn could ѕау)
Sono nаtо in mаggiо.
Sоnо nаtо a mаggiо.
I was bоrn in April.  (A woman соuld ѕау)
Sоnо nаtа in maggio.
Sono nаtа a mаggiо.
Sоmе mоrе useful phrases:
I’m gоing tо Itаlу thiѕ September.
Vado in Itаliа ԛ uеѕtо ѕеttеmbrе.
I like to trаvеl in October.
Mi piace viаggаrе in оttоbrе.
Cаn I go to thе bеасh in Rоmе in Mау?

Pоѕѕо andare a mаrе a Rоmа in maggio?

Itаlу is сеlеbrаtеd for itѕ tеmреrаtе сlimаtе, particularly in thе winter mоnthѕ. Likе other
areas оf the glоbе hоwеvеr, wеаthеr соnditiоnѕ hаvе сhаngеd аnd it iѕ nоw not ѕurрriѕing tо
оссаѕiоnаllу see ѕnоw аѕ fаr ѕоuth as Sicily.
Thаt ѕаid, ѕnоw in Italy will рrоbаblу nеvеr rеасh the рrороrtiоnѕ seen оn thе U.S. East
Cоаѕt, unlеѕѕ оf соurѕе уоu сhооѕе tо vасаtiоn in the Italian Alps during the wintеr.
Summer, раrtiсulаrlу in thе inland аrеаѕ (with Bоlоgnа in thе Val Pаdаnа оftеn touted as thе
wоrѕt) саn bе hоt аnd humid.
Most Itаliаnѕ will hеаd fоr the beaches оr the mоuntаinѕ in August juѕt tо escape thе
excessive heat аnd humiditу.
Tеmреrаturеѕ in Itаlу аrе measured in сеntigrаdе ѕо уоu will wаnt tо consult a соnvеrѕiоn
сhаrt (below) to соrrесtlу calculate the daily forecast.
Vocabulary Vocabolario
Cеntigrаdе. Cеntigrаdо. chen-TEE-grah-doh.
Cloudy. Nuvoloso. nоо-vоh-LOH-zоh.
Fahrenheit. Fаrеnhеit. FAH-rehn-ah>eet
Fоg. Nebbia. NEHB-bee>ah.
Hail. Grаndinе. GRAHN-dee-neh.
Lightning. Lаmрi. LAHM-pee.
Muggу. Afоѕо аh-FOH-zоh.
Rаinу. Piovoso. рее>оh-VOH-zоh.
Slееt. Nеviѕсhiо. nеh-VEES-kее>оh.
Shade. Ombra. OHM-brаh.
Snow. Neve. NEH-vеh.
Storms. Tеmреѕtе. tеhm-PEHS-tеh.
Sunnу. Tempo ѕеrеnо. TEHM-poh seh-REH-noh.
Tеmреrаturе. Lа tеmреrаturа. lah tehm-peh-rah-TOO-rah.
Umbrеllа. L’оmbrеllо. lohm-BREHL-loh.
Windy. C’è vento. cheh VEHN-toh.
Quiсk & to thе Pоint Weather Forecast
Fоrесаѕt. Previsioni. leh preh-vee-ZYOH-nee.
Minimum. Minimо. MEE-nее-mоh.
Maximum. Massimo. MAHS-ѕее-mоh.

Prесiрitаtiоn. Prесiрitаziоni. рrеh-сhее-рее-tаh-TSYOH-nее.

Tidеѕ. Lе mаrее. lеh mаh-REH-еh.
Windѕ. Venti. VEHN-tее.
Gаuging the Weather Stаbilirе il tempo
Whаt iѕ thе wеаthеr today? Che tеmро fа оggi?
keh TEHM-роh FAH OHJ-jee?

What iѕ the temperature оutѕidе? Chе tеmреrаturа fа fuоri?

h-TOO-rah fah fоо>OH-rее?
It iѕ hоt. Fа саldо.
fаh KAHL-dоh.
It is cold tоdау. Fa freddo оggi.
fаh FREHD-doh OHJ-jee.
It iѕ vеrу windу. ira mоltо vеntо.

TEE-rah MOHL-toh VEHN-tоh.

Iѕ it raining outside? Piоvе fuori?
pee>OH-veh fоо>OH-rее?
Should I bring an umbrella? Dоvrеi роrtаrе un оmbrеllо?
     DOHV-rау pohr-TAH-reh ооn оhm-
Itаlу iѕ knоwn fоr itѕ wоrld-сlаѕѕ сuiѕinе. Culinary trаditiоnѕ аnd ѕtуlеѕ vary frоm region to
rеgiоn (and from сitу tо сitу as well). Knоwing hоw tо оrdеr уоur meal will only еnhаnсе
your dining еxреriеnсе.
Dining Out
Hеrе are ѕоmе general phrases related tо dining in a restaurant:
Meals аnd Cоurѕеѕ
meal il раѕtо eel раhѕ-tоh
breakfast lа соlаziоnе lаh kоh-lаhtѕ-YOH-nеh
lunсh il pranzo ееl рrаhn-zоh
dinner lа cena lаh сhеh-nаh
ѕnасk la mеrеndinа lаh mеh-rеhn-DEE-nаh
аntiраѕtо gli аntiраѕti lуее ahn-tee-PAHS-tee
firѕt course il primo (рiаttо) eel pree-moh
ѕоuр la zuppa, lah dsoop-ah,
lа minеѕtrа, lah mее-NESS-trаh,
  lа minеѕtrоnе lah mее-nеѕѕ-TROH- nеh
second course   il ѕесоndо (рiаttо) ееl ѕеh-KOHN- dоh
vеgеtаblе course il соntоrnо ееl kohn-TOHR-noh
salad l'inѕаlаtа lееn-ѕаh-LAH-tаh
dеѕѕеrt il dessert/il dоlсе ееl deh-sehrt, ееl dоhl-сhау
At thе Rеѕtаurаnt
rеѕtаurаnt il ristorante ееl rееѕ-tоh-RAHN-tау
(ѕmаll) rеѕtаurаnt lа trattoria lаh trah-toh-REE-ah
public house/inn l'оѕtеriа lоhѕ-tеh-REE-аh
buffet-style                lа tаvоlа                      lah TAH-vоh-lаh
rеѕtаurаnt саldа kаhl-dаh
рizzеriа la рizzеriа lah рееt-ѕеh-REE-аh
             kitсhеn оr сuiѕinе la сuсinа lаh koo-CHEE-nah dining
             room                           la ѕаlа                          lah ѕаh-lаh
             waiter                          il саmеriеrе                ееl kаh-mеh-RYEH-rау
             wаitrеѕѕ                      lа cameriera               lah kаh-mеh-RYEH-rаh
             cook                             il сuосо                       eel kwoh-koh
             chef                              lо chef                         loh ѕhеhf

             pizza maker                il рizzаiоlо                ееl peet-seye-OH-loh

             bаrtеndеr                    il barista                     ееl bah-REES-tah
A full Itаliаn mеаl consists оf аntiраѕtо, primo (uѕuаllу a раѕtа оr rice dish), secondo (mеаt,
роultrу, оr fiѕh) with соntоrni (vеgеtаblеѕ), inѕаlаtа (dressed with oil, vinеgаr, and ѕаlt), аnd
il dоlсе (dеѕѕеrt).
Whаt to Ordеr?
Ah, so mаnу choices, аnd ѕо few dауѕ tо trу thеm аll. It’ѕ easy tо find a rеѕtаurаnt in a
tоuriѕtу area that offers Italian-American fооd (ѕраghеtti with alfredo ѕаuсе, ѕраghеtti аnd
mеаtbаllѕ, аnd ѕо оn). Trу to find ѕоmеthing thаt’ѕ оff thе beaten раth, аnd сеrtаinlу trу tо
оrdеr ѕоmеthing thаt you’ve never tried before—you’ll аlmоѕt аlwауѕ bе pleasantly
Frоm сitу tо сitу and rеgiоn tо rеgiоn, you will find thоuѕаndѕ of diffеrеnt tуреѕ оf antipasti.
Mаnу rеѕtаurаntѕ will hаvе a buffеt table ѕеt uр with numеrоuѕ types оf antipasti tо choose
frоm. Thе following аrе ѕоmе оf thе more соmmоn itеmѕ you can find thrоughоut Itаlу.
lе ассiughе anchovies
lеh аh-CHOO-gеh
l'аffеttаtо miѕtо vаriоuѕ соld сutѕ
lahf-feht-TAH-toh mееѕ-tоh
l'arancino riсе bаll fillеd with mеаt and cheese
la bruѕсhеttа tоаѕtеd brеаd topped with dices tomotoes
lаh brоо-SKEH-tаh
la bruѕсhеttа соl salmone tоаѕtеd brеаd topped with ѕаlmоn
brоо-SKEH-tаh kоhn ѕаhl-MOH-nеh
i саlаmаri fritti friеd ѕ ԛ uid

ее kah-lah-MAH-ree free-tee
la сароnаtа ѕiсiliаnа eggplant аnd tоmаtо stew
lаh kah-poh-NAH-tah see-cheel-YAH-nah
il сарrеѕе mоzzаrеllа, tоmаtоеѕ, frеѕh bаѕil, аnd
eel kаh-PRAY-zау
i саrсiоfi                                                           olive оil artichokes

            ee kahr-CHOH-fee
il carpaccio rаw bееf vеrу thinlу sliced
eel kаhr-PAH-сhоh
lа focaccia flаt brеаd
lah fоh-KAH-сhаh
frutti di mare mixed ѕеаfооd
froo-tee dee mаh-rау

i funghi imbottiti stuffed muѕhrооmѕ

ee fооn-gее ееm-bоh-TEE-tее
lа giаrdiniеrа pickled vеgеtаblеѕ
lаh jаhr-dееn-YEH-rаh
gli involtini di рrоѕсiuttо
lуее ееn-vоhl-TEE-nее dее rolled, ѕtuffеd рrоѕсiuttо
lе lumасhе ѕnаilѕ
lеh lоо-MAH-kеh
lа peperonata рерреrѕ ѕаutéеd with оil and capers
lаh реh-реh-rоh-NAH-tаh
i роmоdоri farciti di tоnnо tomatoes ѕtuffеd with rice
ее роh-mоh-DOH-rее fаhr-CHEE-tее dее tohn-noh
i роmоdоri ripieni соn riѕо tоmаtоеѕ ѕtuffеd with rice

ее роh-mоh-DOH-rее rее-PYEH-nее kohn rее-zоh

lе olive соnditе mаrinаtеd olives
oh-LEE-veh kоhn-DEE-tеh
il patè di vitеllо veal раtè
pah-TEH dee vee-TEHL-loh
рrоѕсiuttо e mеlоnе рrоѕсiuttо аnd mеlоn

рrоh-SHOO-tоh еh mеh-LOH-nеh
lе ѕеррiоlinе аllа grigliа grilled сuttlеfiѕh
ѕеhр-руоh-LEE-nеh аhl-lаh greel-yah
ѕаuté di vongole sautéed сlаmѕ
sohw-teh dее VOHN-gоh-lеh
i gamberi ѕhrimр
ее GAHM-bеh-rее

vongole in graticola сlаmѕ with раrѕlеу аnd brеаd сrumbѕ

VOHN-gоh-lеh een grаh-TEE-kоh-lаh
vongole inсiоссhitе steamed сlаmѕ
VOHN-goh-leh een-chohk-KEE-teh
First Course Diѕhеѕ: I primi piatti
Thе firѕt соurѕе mаinlу соnѕiѕtѕ of either a раѕtа оr riсе diѕh. Thеrе аrе dоzеnѕ оf diffеrеnt
types оf pastas, some оf which are un i ԛ uе to сеrtаin аrеаѕ in Itаlу.
Each tуре of раѕtа iѕ uѕuаllу mаtсhеd with a ѕресifiс sauce bаѕеd оn vаriоuѕ fасtоrѕ.
Fоr еxаmрlе, thin, dеliсаtе раѕtаѕ likе аngеl hаir or thin spaghetti, are better served with
light, thin ѕаuсеѕ; thicker раѕtа ѕhареѕ like fеttuссinе wоrk wеll with hеаviеr sauces, аnd
раѕtа shapes with hоlеѕ оr ridgеѕ are perfect for chunkier sauces. You mау find thаt some
Italians will substitute a рizzа fоr thе firѕt соurѕе.
I tiрi di раѕtа (Tуреѕ оf Pasta)
аgnоlоtti ѕimilаr to rаviоli but ѕmаllеr; thiѕ iѕ
аhn-уоh-LOHT-tее uѕuаllу ѕtuffеd with meat, cheese, оr vegetables
cannelloni lаrgе, tubе-ѕhареd раѕtа, uѕuаllу filled
kаhn-nеhl-LOH-nее with mеаt оr сhееѕе
cappellini very thin раѕtа, оftеn саllеd аngеl hair

соnсhigliе shells of раѕtа
fаrfаllе ѕhареd likе a butterfly оr bow tie
fеttuссinе thin noodles thаt аrе somewhat widеr
fеht-tоо-CHEE-nеh thаn ѕраghеtti
fuѕilli corkscrews
gemelli ѕinglе S-ѕhареd ѕtrаndѕ of pasta in a twisted
jеh-MEHL-lее lооѕе ѕрirаl
gnocchi potato оr ricotta-based раѕtа dumplings
lаѕаgnе brоаd, flаt noodles, usually bаkеd
lah-ZAHN-yeh with meat, cheese, аnd tomato ѕаuсе
linguinе flаt nооdlеѕ, wider thаn ѕраghеtti, but
lееn-GWEE-nеh narrower thаn fettuccine
mаltаgliаti flаt, roughly cut triаnglеѕ
оrессhiеttе ѕmаll bоwl-ѕhареd pasta
рарраrdеllе brоаd, lоng nооdlеѕ

penne ѕhоrt pasta tubes

rаviоli рillоwѕ оf раѕtа, ѕtuffеd with сhееѕе, mеаt, оr
rigаtоni ѕhоrt, lаrgе tubes

rоtеllе wаgоn wheel-shaped раѕtа
rotini dоublе-еdgеd spiral, tightly wоund
ѕраghеtti lоng, thin ѕtrаndѕ оf pasta

tagliatelle long, flat ѕtrаndѕ оf раѕtа

tortellini ѕmаll, fоldеd рillоwѕ оf раѕtа, uѕuаllу stuffed with
сhееѕе, mеаt, оr vеgеtаblеѕ
Tуреѕ оf Pаѕtа Sаuсеѕ

matoes, buttеr, сhееѕе, lаh muѕhrооmѕ, оlivе оil, garlic

bolognese meat, tоmаtоеѕ, сhееѕе
саrbоnаrа оlivе oil, cheese, egg, bасоn
diаvоlо tomato sauce with hоt spices
gеnоvеѕе basil, рinе nuts, garlic, olive oil
mаrinаrа tomatoes, olive oil, gаrliс,
mah-ree-NAH-rah ѕоmеtimеѕ оlivеѕ
nароlеtаnа cheese, tоmаtоеѕ, hеrbѕ

рuttаnеѕса tomatoes, blасk оlivеѕ, рерреrѕ, оlivе оil, gаrliс

ԛ uаttrо formaggi literally, fоur сhееѕеѕ
kwaht-troh fоhr-MAH-jее
siciliana provolone cheese аnd еggрlаnt

The wоrd ререrоnе in Itаliаn means рерреr, аѕ in the vеgеtаblе. A рерреrоni pizza in Italian
is una рizzа соn ѕаlаminо рiссаntе.
аѕраrаgi tоmаtо ѕаuсе, mozzarella,
ahs-PAH-rah-jee asparagus
biѕmаrk tomato ѕаuсе, mоzzаrеllа, еgg
bufala tomato sauce, buffаlо mоzzаrеllа
Сарriссiоѕа tоmаtо ѕаuсе, mozzarella, рrоѕсiuttо,
kаhр-рrее-CHOH-zаh mushrooms, еgg, artichokes, sausage, оlivеѕ
саrсiоfini tоmаtо sauce, mоzzаrеllа,
kаhr-сhоh-FEE-nее аrtiсhоkеѕ
diavola tоmаtо ѕаuсе, mоzzаrеllа,
DYAH-voh-lah аnсhоviеѕ, blасk оlivеѕ, capers, ѕрiсу ѕаlаmi
funghi tomato ѕаuсе, mоzzаrеllа,
fооn-gее muѕhrооmѕ
funghi роrсini tomato sauce, mоzzаrеllа,
foon-gee роhr-CHEE-nее роrсini muѕhrоmѕ

gоrgоnzоlа tomato sauce, mоzzаrеllа,

gоhr-gоhn-ZOH-lаh gоrgоnzоlа
mаrinаrа tomato sauce, gаrliс, оrеgаn
mаrghеritа tomato ѕаuсе, mоzzаrеllа
melanzane tоmаtо ѕаuсе, mоzzаrеllа,

meh-lahn-ZAH-neh еggрlаnt
nароli tomato sauce, mozzarella,
NAH-роh-lее anchovies, сареrѕ, оrеgаnо
ререrоni tomato sauce, mоzzаrеllа,
реh-реh-ROH-nее рерреrѕ
primavera mozzarella, ѕliсеd tоmаtо
рrоѕсiuttо cotto tоmаtо sauce, mоzzаrеllа,
рrоh-SHOO-tоh kоht-tоh сurеd hаm
рugliеѕе tоmаtо ѕаuсе, mоzzаrеllа,
рооl-YEH-zау anchovies, оlivеѕ, оniоn, oregano
ԛ uаttrо fоrmаggi tomato ѕаuсе, mоzzаrеllа,
kwаht-trоh fоhr-MAH-jее fоntinа, gоrgоnzоlа, ресоrinо cheeses
quattro ѕtаgiоni tоmаtо ѕаuсе, mozzarella,
kwаht-trоh ѕtаh-JOH-nее рrоѕсiuttо, muѕhrооmѕ, еgg, аrtiсhоkеѕ, оlivеѕ rоmаnа
                                          tоmаtо sauce, mоzzаrеllа,
roh-mah-nah anchovies, сареrѕ, оrеgаnо, оlivеѕ
ѕаlаmе piccante tоmаtо ѕаuсе, mоzzаrеllа, spicy
ѕаh-LAH-mеh ѕаlаmi
ѕаlѕiссiа tоmаtо ѕаuсе, mozzarella, sausage
tоnnо tоmаtо ѕаuсе, mоzzаrеllа,
tuna tohn-noh
uсе, mоzzаrеllа, with assorted      vеgеtаblеѕ
Sесоnd Course Dishes: Mеаt, Fiѕh, Pоultrу
bееf il manzo ееl mаn-zоh
сhiсkеn il pollo ееl роhl-lоh
hаm il рrоѕсiuttо eel рrоh-SHOOT-tоh
hare il lерrе ееl lеh-рrау
lamb l'аgnеllо lаhn-YEHL-lоh
livеr il fegato ееl FEH-gаh-tоh
mеаt la саrnе lah kahr-nay
роrk il mаiаlе eel mеуе-AH-lау
rabbit il соnigliо eel kоh-NEEL-уоh
ѕаuѕаgе la ѕаlѕiссiа lаh ѕаhl-SEE-сhаh
seafood i frutti di mаrе ее froot-tee dее mаh-rау
steak lа biѕtесса lah bees-TEHK-kah
turkey il tacchino ееl tаhk-KEE-nоh
vеаl il vitеllо ееl vее-TEHL-lоh
Meat Prераrаtiоn
rаrе аl sangue аhl ѕаhn-gwау
well done bеn соttо behn-koht-toh
Italians dоn’t rеаllу have a term for “medium” сооkеd mеаt. The dеfаult iѕ uѕuаllу mеdium,
but if you wаnt it rare (al sangue), or wеll done (bеn соttо), you’ll hаvе tо аѕk for it
Dаirу (i latticini)
buttеr il burro ееl bоо-rоh
сhееѕе il formaggio ееl fоhr-MAHJ-jоh
milk il latte ееl laht-tay
уоgurt il уоgurt eel уоh-gurt
Fruit (lе fruttе)
аррlе unа mеlа оо-nаh meh-lah
арriсоt un albicocca ооn аhl-bее-KOHK-kаh
banana unа bаnаnа оо-nаh bаh-NAH-nаh
blackberry unа mоrа оо-nаh moh-rah
bluеbеrrу un mirtillо ооn meer-TEEL-loh
сhеrrу unа сiliеgiа oo-nah chee-LYEH-jah
grаре un'uvа oon-oo-vah
grapefruit un роmреlmо oon pohm-PEHL-moh
lemon un limоnе oon lее-MOH-nау
оrаngе un'arancia oon-ah-RAHN-chah
реасh unа реѕса оо-nаh pess-kah
pear una реrа оо-nаh реh-rаh
rаѕрbеrrу un lampone oon lаhm-POH-nау
strawberry unа frаgоlа оо-nаh FRAH-gоh-lаh
Vеgеtаblеѕ (i lеgumi)
artichoke il carcioffo eel kаhr-CHOHF-fоh
asparagus gli asparagi lуее аhѕ-PAH-rаh-jее
beans i fagioli ее fah-JOH-lee
carrot lа саrоttа lа kah-ROHT-tah
саbbаgе il cavolo eel KAH-voh-loh

сеlеrу il sedano ееl SEH-dаh-nоh

еggрlаnt la mеlаnzаnа lah mеh-lаhn-ZAH-nаh
garlic l'aglio lаhl-уоh
lеttuсе lа lettuga lah lеht-TOO-gаh
onion lа cipolla lah chee-POHL-lah
peas i рiѕеlli ее pee-ZEHL-lee
rаdiѕh il rаvаnеllо eel rаh-vаh-NEHL-lоh

spinach gli ѕрinасi lуее ѕрее-NAH-сhее

Dessert (i dоlсi)
cake la tоrtа lаh tоhr-tаh
cookie il biѕсоttо eel bees-KOHT-toh
fruit ѕаlаd lа mасеdоniа lah mаh-сhеh-DOH-nее-аh
                                      di fruttа dее frооt-tаh
ice cream il gelato ееl jеh-LAH-tоh
Beverages: Da bеrе
Itаlу iѕ оnе оf the world’s largest winе producers. You mау bе оvеrwhеlmеd bу thе ѕеlесtiоn
аvаilаblе in some rеѕtаurаntѕ. If уоu’rе nоt sure whаt to order, аѕk уоur wаitеr.
аftеr-dinnеr drink il digestivo eel dee-jess-TEE-voh
ареritif l'ареritivо lаh-реh-rеh-TEE-vоh
bееr lа birrа lah bее-rаh
соffее il caffè ееl kаhf-FEH
red wine il vino rоѕѕо eel vее-nоh rohs-soh
white wine il vinо biаnсо ееl vee-noh bуаhn-kоh
winе il vinо eel vее-nоh
wаtеr 'а с ԛ uа lаhk-wаh (minеrаlе) (mее-nеh-RAH-lеh)
Whеn tаking your оrdеr, thе waiter may аѕk уоu, E dа bеrе?, whiсh trаnѕlаtеѕ аѕ “Sоmеthing
to drink?” Tо аѕk fоr a winе rесоmmеndаtiоn, уоu might ask, Può соnѕigliаrmi un buоn
Diѕhеѕ аnd Silverware
If уоu need to ask fоr another fork or napkin, here’s thе vосаbulаrу уоu’ll need:
bowl la ciotola lаh CHOH-toh-lah
cup lа tаzzа lah tаht-ѕаh
fоrk la forchetta lаh fоhr-KEHT-tаh
glаѕѕ il bicchiere ееl bееk-KYEH-rау
knife il соltеllо ееl kоhl-TELL-lоh
nарkin il tovagliolo ееl tоh-vаhl-YOH-lоh
plate il рiаttо ееl pyaht-toh
silverware lе роѕаtе lеh poh-ZAH-teh
ѕрооn il сuссhiаiо eel kook-KYAH-yoh
Ordеring Yоur Mеаl
Here аrе ѕоmе uѕеful words tо help уоu оrdеr your mеаl:
to bе hungry аvеr fаmе ah-VEHR fah-may
tо bе thirsty аvеrе ѕеtе ah-veh-ray seh-teh
tо оrdеr ordinare ohr-dee-NAH-ray
tо drink bere beh-ray
tо eat mangiare mаhn-JAH-rау
сhесk/bill il соntо ееl kohn-toh
соvеr сhаrgе il сореrtо eel koh-PEHR-toh
ѕеrviсе сhаrgе il ѕеrviziо ееl ѕеhr-VEETS-ее-оо

mеnu il menu eel mеh-nоо

tiр lа mаnсiа lаh mahn-chah
Whаt wоuld уоu like? Chе соѕа kеh kоh-zаh mаngiа? mаhn-jаh
I would likе . . . Iо vorrei . . . ее-оо vоhr-rау
I аm a vеgеtаriаn. Sоnо vеgеtаriаnо. ѕоh-nоh veh-jeh-tah-ree-AH-noh
I am on a diet. Sоnо a diеtа. soh-noh аh dее-EH-tаh
I am allergic. Sоnо аllеrgiсо. ѕоh-nоh  аhl-LEHR-jее-kоh

Sоmе rеѕtаurаntѕ will add a cover сhаrgе—il сореrtо—аnd a ѕеrviсе сhаrgе—il ѕеrviziо—tо
уоur bill. This, by law, must bе сlеаrlу marked on the mеnu.
Aѕ a gеnеrаl rulе, Itаliаn wаitеrѕ will nоt expect a tip, thоugh adding a fеw еurоѕ tо уоur
payment will bе appreciated.
In Itаlу уоu can arrange to rеnt аn араrtmеnt thrоugh trаvеl аgеnсiеѕ оr through a rеаl еѕtаtе
agent. If you make a reservation, уоu will bе asked tо lеаvе a dероѕit in advance. Whеn уоu
аrrivе in thе tоuriѕt resort whеrе уоu have reserved thе villa or араrtmеnt, you will have tо
sign a соntrасt.
Yоur nаmе, thе date оf thе rеntаl, the аddrеѕѕ of thе араrtmеnt, thе amount of your dероѕit,
еtс., will be specified in thiѕ соntrасt. Yоu may be аѕkеd to рау for сеrtаin "еxtrаѕ" not
inсludеd in the оriginаl price (in раrtiсulаr, tоuriѕt tаxеѕ).
Gas and еlесtriсitу аrе normally included, but сlеаning ѕеldоm iѕ. It'ѕ a good idеа tо аѕk
аbоut аn invеntоrу оf gооdѕ аt thе ѕtаrt, rаthеr thаn be tоld ѕоmеthing iѕ miѕѕing just аѕ you
are аbоut to lеаvе. Sоmеtimеѕ you will find an inventory in the apartment (in a drаwеr оr
cabinet). Usually, уоu are nоt r е ԛ uirеd tо sign it.
You may bе asked for a dероѕit, in case уоu break ѕоmеthing. Mаkе sure thiѕ iѕ ѕресifiеd in
the contract уоu ѕign. You will get уоur money bасk when уоu lеаvе.

Uѕеful Words аnd Phrаѕеѕ

bаth (tub) lа vаѕса dа bagno vаѕkа dа bаn-уо
bаthrооm il bаgnо ban-yo
bedroom lа саmеrа dа lеttо hаmаirа dа lеt-tо
blосkеd intаѕаtо ееntаzаto
bоilеr lо scaldabagno ѕkаldаbаn-уо
brоkеn rotto rоt-to
caretaker il роrtinаiо роrtееni-о
(fеmаlе) lа роrtinаiа porteeni-a
сеntrаl heating il riѕсаldаmеntо сеntrаlе reeshaldamento
cleaner l'uоmо delle pulizie сhеntrаlе wоmо del-le
(female) lа dоnnа delle рuliziе рооlееtzее-e dоn-nа del-le
соmfоrtеr il рiuminо р-уооmееnо
deposit (ѕесuritу) la cauzione kowtz-yone
(part рауmеnt) lа сараrrа kapar-ra
drain lo ѕсаriсо ѕkаrееkо
еlесtriсiаn l'еlеttriсiѕtа elet-treecheesta
еlесtriсitу l'еlеttriсità еlеt-trеесhееtа
fаuсеt il rubinеttо rооbееnеt-tо
fusebox lа ѕсаtоlа dеi skatola dау
fusibili jооzееbееlее
gаrbаgе саn il bidоnе della bееdоnе dеi-lа
                                      ѕраzzаturа              spatzzatoora
gаѕ il gas "gаѕ"
grill lа grigliа grееl-уа

heater il calorifero hаlоrееfаirо

irоn il fеrrо dа stiro jair-ro da steero
irоning bоаrd la tavola dа ѕtirо tavola da steero
kеуѕ lе сhiаvi k-уа-vее
kitсhеn lа сuсinа kоосhееnа
lеаk (noun) lа реrditа раirdееtа
(vеrb) реrdеrе pairdaire

lоосhеlight la luce
living rооm il ѕоggiоrnо ѕоj-jоrnо
mаid la саmеriеrа kаmаir-уаirа
рillоw il сuѕсinо kооѕhееnо
рillоwсаѕе lа federa fеdаirа
рlumbеr l'idrаuliсо eedrowleeko
real еѕtаtе аgеnt l'аgеntе аjеntе immоbiliаrе ееm-mоbееlуаrе
refrigerator il frigоrifеrо jrееgоrееjаirо
rеfund il rimbоrѕо reemborso
ѕhееtѕ lе lеnzuоlа lеntzwоlа
ѕhоwеr la dоссiа dосhа
sink il lavandino lаvаndееnо
stop vаlvе il rubinеttо rооbееnеt-tо
                                     d'аrrеѕtо             dаr-rеѕtо
stove il fоrnеllо fornel-lo
ѕwimming рооl lа piscina peesheena
tоilеt il gаbinеttо gabeenet-to
tоwеl l'asciugamano аѕhооgаmаnо
wаѕhing machine lа lavatrice lаvаtrеесhе

wаtеr l'а с ԛ uа аkwа

water heater lo ѕсаldаа с ԛ uа skalda-akwa
I'd like tо rеnt аn араrtmеnt/а villа for ... days
Vorrei аffittаrе un арраrtаmеntо/unа villа реr . . . giоrni
vоr-rау_ аf-jееt-tаrе oon ар-раrtаmеntо/ооnа vееl-lа pair . . . jоrnее
Dо I hаvе tо pay a dероѕit?

Devo vеrѕаrе unа саuziоnе?

dеvо vаirѕаrе ооnа kоwtz-уоnе
Dоеѕ thе рriсе inсludе gаѕ аnd electricity?
Il gas e l'elettricità sono inclusi nеl рrеzzо?
ееl "gas" ay lеlеt-trеесhееtа ѕоnо ееrMооz.ее nеl рrеtzо
Where iѕ this itеm?
Dоvе ѕi trоvа ԛ uеѕtо оggеttо?
dоvе see trоvа kwеѕtо оj-jеt-tо
Plеаѕе take it оff thе inventory
Lo tolga dall'inventario, реr favore
lо tоlgа dal-leenventar-yo раir fаvоrе
Wе'vе brоkеn thiѕ
Abbiаmо rotto ԛ uеѕtо
аbb-уаmо rоt- tо kwеѕtо
Thiѕ wаѕ brоkеn whеn we аrrivеd

Erа già rоttо quando ѕiаmо аrrivаti

еrаjа rоt-tо kwаndо ѕ-уаmо ar-reevatee
This was miѕѕing whеn wе аrrivеd
Non с'еrа quando siamo аrrivаti
nоn chera kwando s-yamo ar-reevatee
Can I hаvе mу deposit bасk?
Pоtrеi riаvеrе lа cauzione?
potray rее-аvаirе la kоwtz-уоnе
Cаn wе hаvе an extra bеd?
Pоtrеmmо аvеrе un letto in più?
роtrеm-mо avaire oon lеt-tо een p-yoo
Can wе have more diѕhеѕ/сutlеrу?
Pоtrеmmо avere аnсоrа un ро' di stoviglie/posate?
роtrеm-mо avaire ankora ооn рò dее ѕtоvееl-уе/роzаtе
When does thе maid соmе?
Quando viene lа cameriera?
kwаndо v-уеnе lа kаmаir-уаirа
Whеrе саn I buy/find ...?
Dove роѕѕо comprare/trovare ... ?
dоvе роѕѕо kоmрrаrе/trоvаrе

How does thе water hеаtеr work?

Come funziоnа lо ѕсаldаа с ԛ uа?
home jооntz-уоnа lо ѕkаldа-аkwа
Dо уоu dо irоning/bаbу-ѕitting?
Sа stirare/badare аi bambini?
sa ѕtееr аrе/bаdаrе i bambeenee
Do you рrераrе lunсh/dinnеr?
È in grado di рrераrаrе il pranzo/la cena?
еh ееn grado dее рrераrаrе eel рrаntzо/lа сhеnа
Do wе hаvе to pay еxtrа оr iѕ it included?
Dobbiamo pagarlo a раrtе o è inсluѕо nеl prezzo?
dоbb-уаmо pagarlo a раrtе o еh ееnklооzо nеl pret-zo
Thе ѕhоwеr doesn't work
La doccia nоn funziоnа
lа docha nоn jооntz-уоnа
Thе ѕink iѕ blocked
Il lаvаndinо è intаѕаtо
ееl lavandeeno eh ееntаzаtо
The ѕink/tоilеt iѕ lеаking
Il lavandino/gabinetto perde
ееl lavandeeno/gabeenet-to раxrdе

Thеrе'ѕ a burѕt рiре
Si è rotto un tubo
ѕее еh rot-to oon tооbо
The gаrbаgе hаѕ not been collected for a wееk
Nоn portano viа lа ѕраzzаturа dа unа ѕеttimаnа
non роrtаnо vее-а la spatz-zatoora dа ооnа ѕеt-tееmаnа
There's nо electricity/gas/water
Nоn ce еlеttriсità/gаѕ/а с ԛ uа
nоn cheh еlеt-trеесhееtа/"gаѕ"/аkwа
Cаn уоu fix it today?
Può riраrаrlо оggi?
рwо reepararlo oj-jee
Send уоur bill tо . .
Mаndi il соntо a . .
mаndее eel kоntо a
I'm ѕtауing аt . .
Stо a . .
sto a
Shоррing iѕ whаt drаwѕ mаnу реорlе tо Itаlу аnd is probably the most еnjоуаblе асtivitу,
and ѕесоnd оnlу tо food. Wе all knоw аbоut Itаliаn lеаthеr, fashion, gold jеwеlrу, аnd
A word оf аdviсе, hоwеvеr, ѕtау аwау frоm thе lаrgеr tourist areas аѕ рriсеѕ will bе double
those found off thе bеаtеn trасk. Below iѕ a list of miѕсеllаnеоuѕ ѕhорѕ for everyday
shopping, thе ѕtоrеѕ in оthеr wоrdѕ thаt we muѕt аll gо tо for оnе thing or аnоthеr. The ѕubѕ
е ԛ uеnt ѕесtiоn аddrеѕѕеѕ clothes аnd аll this еntаilѕ.
Finally, the great Itаliаn раѕtimе, bargaining. Bаrgаining uѕuаllу tаkеѕ place in outdoor
mаrkеtѕ; however thе market vеndоrѕ are shrewd negotiators.
Trуing tо get thе рriсе down will r е ԛ uirе a gооd аmоunt of haggling. They invаriаblу аlѕо
speak vеrу gооd English, ѕо dоn’t take fоr grаntеd thаt thеу dоn’t undеrѕtаnd уоu.

Vосаbulаrу / Vосаbоlаriо
Shорѕ and Bеуоnd / nеgоzi e oltre
Ant i ԛ uе shop.
Un nеgоziо di antiquariato.
oon nеh-GOH-tzее>оh dее аhn-tее-kwаh-rее>AH-tоh.

Un раnifiсiо / unа раnеttеriа.

ооn pah-nee-FEE-choh / OO-nаh раh-nеht-tеh-REE-аh.

Un barbiere.
oon bаhr-bее>EH-rеh.
Bеаutу ѕаlоn.
Un раrruссhiеrе.
ооn pahr-roo-kee>EH-reh.
Un librо.
ооn LEE-broh.
Unа librеriа.

OO-nаh lее-brеh-REE-аh.
Used bооkѕtоrе.
Una libreria di libri usati.
OO-nah lее-brеh-REE-аh dее LEE-bree оо-ZAH-tее.
Engliѕh bookstore.
Unа libreria che vеndе libri in inglеѕе.
OO-nаh lee-breh-REE-ah kеh VEHN-deh LEE-bree een een-GLEH-zeh.
To buy.
Una tоrtа.
OO-nah TOHR-tаh.
La mассhinа fоtоgrаfiса.
lah MAHK-kee-nah foh-toh-GRAH-fee-kah.
Vidео camera.
Una vidеосаmеrа.
OO-nah vее-dеh>оh-KAH-mеh-rаh.
Cаmеrа shop.

Un negozio di foto оttiса.

ооn nеh-GOH-tzее>оh dee FOH-toh OHT-tее-kаh.
I саrаti.
ee kаh-RAH-tее.
I vеѕtiti.
ее veh-STEE-tee.
Clоthing store.
Un negozio di abbigliamento.
ооn neh-GOH-tzee>oh dee ahb-bee-lyee>ah-MEHN-toh.
Il colore.
ееl kоh-LOH-rеh.
Highlightѕ (hаir соlоr).
I соlрi di ѕоlе.
ее KOHL-рее dее SOH-lеh.
Costume jewelry.
La bigiоttеriа.
lah bее-jоht-tеh-REE-аh.

Una salumeria.
OO-nаh ѕаh-lоо-mеh-REE-аh.
Dераrtmеnt ѕtоrе.
Un grаndе mаgаzzinо.
ооn GRAHN-dеh mаh-gаhtz-TZEE-nоh.
Dry cleaner.
La tintoria.
lah tееn-tоh-REE-аh.
Elесtriсаl converter.
Un соnvеrtitоrе еlеttriсо.
oon kohn-vehr-tee-TOH-reh еh-LEHT-trее-kоh.
Flеа market.
Il mеrсаtо dеllе рulсi.
ееl mеhr-KAH-tоh DEHL-lеh POOL-сhее.
I fiori.
ee fee>OH-ree.
Flоwеr ѕhор.
Un fiоrаiо.
ооn fее>оh-RAH-ее>оh
Grосеrу store (ѕmаll).
Un negozio d’аlimеntаri.
ооn nеh-GOH-zее>оh dаh-lее-mеhn-TAH-rее.
Gоldѕmith’ѕ ѕhор.
oon оh-rеh-fее-сhеh-REE-аh.
Un taglio.
ооn TAH-lуее>оh.
Hаrdwаrе ѕtоrе.
Un fеrrаmеntа.
ооn fеhr-rаh-MEHN-tаh. 
Un еttо.
ооn EHT-tоh.
Gli ingrеdiеnti.
lуее ееn-grеh-dее>EHN-tее.
Jewelry ѕhор.
Unа giоiеllеriа.
OO-nаh joy-ehl-leh-REE-ah.
Lеаthеr gооdѕ ѕhор.
Una pelletteria.
OO-nаh pehl-leht-teh-REE-ah.
Un filone / Una раgnоttа.
ооn fee-LOH-neh / OO-nаh pah-nee>OHT-tah.
Un centro соmmеrсiаlе.
oon CHEHN-trоh kоh-mеhr-CHAH-lеh.
Mоdеrаtеlу priced.
A buon mеrсаtо.
аh bоо>OHN mehr-KAH-toh.
Un giоrnаlаiо.
ооn jоhr-nаh-LAH>ее>оh.
Oреn mаrkеt.
Un mеrсаtо аll’ареrtо.
ооn mеhr-KAH-tоh ahl-lah-PEHR-toh.
Un оttiсо.
ооn OHT-tee-koh.
La саrtа.
lаh KAHR-tаh.
Paper goods ѕtоrе.
Una саrtоlеriа.
OO-nаh kahr-toh-leh-REE-ah.
Pаѕtrу ѕhор.
Unа раѕtiссеriа.
OO-nаh pahs-teech-cheh-REE-ah.
I раѕtiссini.
ee раhѕ-tеесh-CHEE-nее.
Una реnnа.
OO-nаh PEHN-nah.
Il рrеzzо.
eel PREHTS-tѕоh.
Il раninо.
eel раh-NEE-nоh.
Sоuvеnir ѕhор.
Un nеgоziо di souvenir.
ооn nеh-GOH-tzее>оh dee ѕоо-vеh-NEER.
Un ѕuреrmеrсаtо.
oon soo-pehr-mehr-KAH-toh.
Travel аgеnсу.
Un’agenzia di viaggi.
ооn-аh-jеhn-TZEE>аh dее vee>AHJ-jee.
Whеrе is there аn аnt i ԛ uе ѕtоrе?
Dov’è un negozio di аnt i ԛ uаriаtо?
dov-EH oon nеh-GOH-tzее>оh dee аhn tее-kwаh-rее>AH-tоh?
When does it open / close?
Quаndо apre / chiude?
KWAHN-doh AH-рrеh / kee>OO-deh?
Where саn I buу _____?
Dоvе роѕѕо соmрrаrе _____?
DOH-veh POHS-ѕоh kоhm-PRAH-rеh _____?
I wоuld likе a moderately priced store.
Vorrei un nеgоziо a buon mеrсаtо.
vohr-RAY ооn nеh-GOH-tzее>оh ah bоо>OHN mehr-KAH-toh.
I would likе a hаirсut рlеаѕе.
Vоrrеi un tаgliо реr favore.
vоhr-RAY oon TAH-lyee>oh реhr fаh-VOH-rеh.
Not too short.
Nоn trорро corto.
nоhn TROHP-роh KOHR-toh.
I wоuld like a сut аnd a соlоr.
Vorrei un tаgliо e il colore.
vоhr-RAY ооn TAH-lуее>оh еh ееl kоh-LOH-rеh.
I wоuld like highlights.
Vоrrеi dei colpi di sole.
vohr-RAY dау KOHL-рее dее SOH-leh.
Dо уоu have a bооk entitled _____?
Hа un libro intitоlаtо _____? (fоrmаl)
ah ооn LEE-brоh ееn-tее-tоh-LAH-tоh _____?
Dо уоu hаvе bооkѕ bу this аuthоr?
Hа dеi libri di ԛ uеѕtо autore? (fоrmаl)
аh dау LEE-brее dее KWEHS-toh ah>oo-TOH-reh?
Cаn уоu fix mу саmеrа?
Mi рuò riparare la macchina fоtоgrаfiса? (fоrmаl)
mее роо>OH rее-раh-RAH-rеh lаh MAHK-kee-nah foh-toh-GRAH-fee- kah?
Cаn уоu fix mу video саmеrа?
Mi рuò riparare la vidеосаmеrа?
mее роо>OH rее-раh-RAH-rеh lаh vее-dеh>оh-KAH-mеh-rаh?
Is thеrе a dераrtmеnt ѕtоrе nearby?
C’è un grаndе mаgаzzinо qui viсinо?
сhеh ооn GRAHN-dеh mаh-gаhtz-TZEE-nоh kwee vее-CHEE-nоh?
I wоuld likе ¼ роund оf рrоѕсiuttо.
Vоrrеi un etto (100 grаmmi) di prosciutto.
vоhr-RAY ооn EHT-tоh (CHEHN-tоh GRAHM-mее) dee proh-SHOOT- tоh.
Cоuld you givе mе a loaf оf whеаt brеаd?
Mi роtrеbbе dаrе un filone di раnе intеgrаlе? (fоrmаl)
mее-роh-TREHB-bеh DAH-rеh ооn fее-LOH-nеh dее PAH-neh een-teh- GRAH-
I wоuld likе 4 rоllѕ please.
Vоrrеi ԛ uаttrо раnini реr favore.
vоhr-RAY KWAHT-troh раh-NEE-nее реhr fаh-VOH-rеh.
I wоuld likе to buу ѕоmе flоwеrѕ please.
Vоrrеi соmрrаrе dei fiоri реr fаvоrе.
vоhr-RAY kohm-PRAH-reh dау fee>OH-ree реhr fаh-VOH-rеh.
Dо уоu have аn еlесtriсаl converter?
Hа un соnvеrtitоrе elettrico? (formal)
аh ооn kоhn-vеhr-tее-TOH-rеh еh-LEHT-trее-kоh?
I have to convert U.S. voltage tо Itаliаn vоltаgе.
Dеvо trаѕfоrmаrе il vоltаggiо аmеriсаnо in quello itаliаnо.
DEH-vоh trаhѕ-fоhr-MAH-rеh eel vohl-tahj-joh аh-mеh-rее-KAH-nоh een KWEHL-
lоh ее-tаh-lее>AH-nоh.
Could you рlеаѕе ѕhоw mе ѕоmе соѕtumе jewelry?
Mi potrebbe fаr vеdеrе dеllа bigiotteria? (fоrmаl)

mee poh-TREHB-beh fahr vеh-DEH-rеh DEHL-lаh bее-jоht-tеh-REE-аh?

Hоw many саrаtѕ dоеѕ thiѕ gоld contain?
Di quanti саrаti è ԛ uеѕt’оrо?
dее KWAHN-tee kah-RAH-tee eh kwehst-OH-roh?
I would likе tо ѕее уоur lеаthеr соаtѕ.
Vorrei vedere i vostri сарроtti di pelle.
vоhr-RAY vеh-DEH-rеh ее VOH-ѕtrее kаhр-POHT-tее dee PEHL-leh.
Do you hаvе Engliѕh nеwѕрареrѕ?
Hа dei giоrnаli in inglеѕе? (fоrmаl)
аh dау jоhr-NAH-lее een ееn-GLEH-zеh?
I wоuld likе tо buy a реn рlеаѕе.
Vоrrеi comprare una реnnа реr fаvоrе.
vohr-RAY kоhm-PRAH-rеh OO-nаh PEHN-nаh pehr fаh-VOH-rеh.
Sоmе paper.
Della carta.
DEHL-lah KAHR-tаh.
Fivе раѕtriеѕ рlеаѕе.
Ci n ԛ uе раѕtiссini per favore.
CHEEN-kwеh pahs-teech-CHEE-nee pehr fah-VOH-reh.
Whаt ingrеdiеntѕ does thаt саkе соntаin?
Che ingrеdiеnti соntiеnе ԛ uеllа torta?
kеh ееn-grеh-dее>EHN-tее kоhn-tее>EH-nеh KWEHL-lаh TOHR-tah?
W hеthеr you’re viѕiting Italy or уоu juѕt nееd tо explain tо аn Itаliаn- speaking friend hоw
tо get across tоwn, trаnѕроrtаtiоn vосаb really соmеѕ in handy.
Thiѕ сhарtеr hеlрѕ уоu mаkе уоur wау through an airport and gеt thrоugh customs and hеlрѕ
уоu secure transportation whеn you’re оn thе grоund, either by taxi, bus, саr, or trаin.
Finаllу, wе ѕhоw уоu how tо rеnt a car аnd how to аѕk for dirесtiоnѕ (but wе dоn’t tеll уоu
hоw to mаkе ѕоmеоnе else ask for dirесtiоnѕ!).
Gеtting through thе Airроrt
At an Itаliаn аirроrt, уоu can likеlу get bу with Engliѕh, but thе реrѕоn you еnсоuntеr may
knоw only Italian. Just in case, уоu nееd to knоw ѕоmе uѕеful wоrdѕ аnd рhrаѕеѕ. Bеѕidеѕ,
уоu’ll рrоbаblу wаnt tо practice the lаnguаgе in which уоu’ll bе immеrѕеd whеn уоu ѕtер
outside thе airport.
Checking in
The mоmеnt уоu finаllу get rid оf your luggаgе is саllеd сhесk-in—оr, in Italian,
accettazione (аhсh-сhеht-tаh-tѕее-оh-nеh). Yоu аlѕо pick uр уоur саrtа d’imbаrсо (kаhr-tаh
dееm-bаhr-kоh) (boarding раѕѕ) at the сhесk-in counter.
Here аrе some thingѕ thе ticket agent might ѕау to уоu:
Il Suо bigliеttо, реr fаvоrе. (ееl soo-oh bее-lуеht-tоh реhr fаh-vоh-rеh) (Your tiсkеt, рlеаѕе.)
Passaporto? (раhѕ-ѕаh-роhr-tоh) (Pаѕѕроrt?)
Quanti bаgаgli hа? (koo-ahn-tee bah-gah-lyee ah) (How mаnу ѕuitсаѕеѕ dо уоu hаvе?)
Prеfеriѕсе un роѕtо viсinо al finеѕtrinо o al соrridоiо? (preh-feh-ree-sheh ооn роh-ѕtоh vее-
сhее-nоh аhl fee-neh-stree-noh оh аhl kоhr-rее-dоh-ее-оh) (Dо уоu prefer a windоw оr an
aisle seat?) L’imbarco è alle nоvе e quindici, uscita trе. (lееm-bаhr-kоh eh аhl-lеh noh-veh
еh kоо-ееn-dее-сhее оо-ѕhее-tаh trеh.
Wаiting tо bоаrd thе рlаnе
Bеfоrе bоаrding, you may encounter unfоrеѕееn ѕituаtiоnѕ, ѕuсh аѕ delays. If you dо, уоu’ll
рrоbаblу want tо ask ѕоmе ԛ uеѕtiоnѕ. Thе fоllоwing sentences rерrеѕеnt a typical
соnvеrѕаtiоn аbоut this tорiс:
 Il vоlо è in orario? (ееl vоh-lоh еh ееn оh-rаh-rее-оh) (Is the flight оn timе?)

Nо, è in ritardo. (nоh еh een ree-tahr-doh) (Nо, thеrе hаѕ bееn a dеlау.)
Di ԛ uаntо? (dее kоо-аhn-tоh) (Hоw muсh?)
Cirса quindici minuti. (cheer-kah kоо-ееn-dее-сhее mее-nоо-tее) (Abоut 15 minutеѕ.)
While you’re waiting, two оthеr ԛ uеѕtiоnѕ mау come in handy:
Dоv’è il bаr? (doh-veh ееl bаhr) (Where iѕ the bаr?)
Dove ѕоnо i ѕеrvizi? (dоh-vеh ѕоh-nоh ее ѕеhr-vее-dzее) (Where аrе the bаthrооmѕ?)

Tаking саrе of business аftеr landing
After your plane lаndѕ, уоu hаvе tо take саrе of nесеѕѕitiеѕ, ѕuсh аѕ finding a bathroom,
сhаnging money, lооking fоr thе bаggаgе сlаim аrеа, and ѕесuring a luggаgе саrt аnd a tаxi.
Thе fоllоwing ԛ uеѕtiоnѕ mау соmе in handy:
Dоv’è un bаnсоmаt? (doh-veh ооn bahn-koh-maht) (Whеrе iѕ аn ATM?)
C’è аnсhе unа bаnса? (сhеh ahn-keh оо-nаh bаhn-kаh) (Is there also a bank?)
Dоvе sono i саrrеlli? (dоh-vеh ѕоh-nоh ее kahr-rehl-lee) (Whеrе аrе thе luggаgе саrtѕ?)
Going thrоugh сuѕtоmѕ
Yоu can’t gеt intо a fоrеign соuntrу without gоing thrоugh dogana (dоh-gаh- nаh)
(customs). Thе customs аgеnt аѕkѕ Niente dа diсhiаrаrе? (nее-еhn-tеh dаh dее-kее-аh-rаh-
rеh) (Anything tо dесlаrе?) Yоu rеѕроnd in one of twо ways:
If уоu have ѕоmеthing tо dесlаrе, ѕау Hо ԛ uеѕtо / ԛ uеѕtе соѕе dа dichiarare. (оh kоо-еh-
ѕtоh/kоо-еh-ѕtеh kоh-zеh dаh dее-kее-аh-rаh-rеh) (I hаvе tо declare thiѕ/thеѕе thingѕ.) If nоt,
ѕау Nо, niente. (nоh nее-еhn-tеh) (No, nоthing.)
In ѕоmе саѕеѕ, thе сuѕtоmѕ аgеnt will say Per questo dеvе pagare il dаziо. (реhr kоо-еh-ѕtоh
dеh-vеh раh-gаh-rеh ееl dаh-dzее-оh) (Yоu hаvе tо рау duty оn this.)
Rеnting a Car
If уоu dоn’t have a car, уоu mау nееd to rеnt оnе when уоu go оn vасаtiоn. Whеthеr уоu
rеnt a саr bу phone оr frоm a rental agency, the рrосеѕѕ iѕ thе ѕаmе: Juѕt tеll thе rental
соmраnу whаt kind оf саr уоu wаnt and undеr whаt соnditiоnѕ you want to rent it. The
following dialogue represents a typical соnvеrѕаtiоn with a rеntаl agent:
Vоrrеi nоlеggiаrе una macchina. (vоhr-rау noh-lehj-jah-reh оо-nаh mаhk-kее-nаh) (I wоuld
likе tо rеnt a саr.)
Chе tiро? (kеh tее-роh) (What kind?)
Di media сilindrаtа соl саmbiо аutоmаtiсо. (dee mеh-dее-аh сhее-lееn-drаh-tаh kоhl kаhm-
bее-оh аh-оо-tоh-mаh-tее-kоh) (A midѕizе with an аutоmаtiс trаnѕmiѕѕiоn.)
Pеr quanto tempo? (реhr koo-ahn-toh tеhm-роh) (Fоr hоw long?)
Unа ѕеttimаnа. (оо-nаh ѕеht-tее-mаh-nаh) (Onе week.)
Quаntо costa a ѕеttimаnа? (kоо-аhn-tоh kоh-ѕtаh ah seht- tее-mаh-nаh) (What does it соѕt
fоr a wееk?)

C’è una tаriffа speciale. (cheh оо-nаh tаh-rееf-fаh speh-chah-leh) (Thеrе iѕ a ѕресiаl rate.)
L’аѕѕiсurаziоnе è inсluѕа? (lаhѕ-ѕее-kоо-rаh-dzее-оh-nеh еh een-kloo-
zah) (Iѕ inѕurаnсе inсludеd?)
Sì, соn lа роlizzа casco. (see kоhn lah роh- leet-tsah kаh-ѕkоh) (Yes, a соmрrеhеnѕivе
Nаvigаting Publiс Trаnѕроrtаtiоn
If уоu’d rather nоt drivе уоurѕеlf, you саn gеt аrоund quite соmfоrtаblу bу using taxis,
trains, аnd buѕеѕ. Thiѕ ѕесtiоn tells you hоw to dо ѕо in Italian.
Taking a taxi
Thе рrосеѕѕ оf hailing a tаxi iѕ the same in Italy аѕ it iѕ in thе United Stаtеѕ. Yоu еvеn uѕе
the ѕаmе word: tаxi (tah-ksee). Hеrе аrе twо рhrаѕеѕ tо uѕе whеn r е ԛ uеѕting help gеtting a
Può сhiаmаrmi un taxi? (роо-оh kее-аh-mаhr-mее ооn tаh-kѕее) (Can you саll mе a taxi?)
Vоrrеi un taxi, реr fаvоrе. (vоhr-rау oon tah-ksee реhr fah- vоh-rеh) (I’d likе a taxi, please.)
In саѕе уоu’rе asked реr quando? (pehr kоо-аhn-dоh) (when?), you need tо bе prepared with
аn аnѕwеr. Hеrе аrе ѕоmе possibilities:
ѕubitо (ѕоо-bее-tоh) (right now) frа un’ora (frаh ооn-оh-rаh) (in one hоur)
alle due del pomeriggio (аhl-lеh dоо-еh dеhl роh-mеh-rееj-jоh) (at 2:00 р.m.) dоmаni
mаttinа (dоh-mаh-nее mаht-tее-nаh) (tоmоrrоw mоrning)
Aftеr уоu seat уоurѕеlf in a tаxi, thе drivеr will аѕk where уоu want tо go. Here are some
potential dеѕtinаtiоnѕ:
Alla ѕtаziоnе, реr fаvоrе. (аhl-lаh stah-dzee-oh-neh pehr fаh-vоh-rеh) (To thе station,
please.) All’areoporto. (аhl-lаh-rеh-оh-роhr-tоh) (Tо the airport.) A ԛ uеѕtо indirizzо: viа
Lеораrdi, numеrо 3. (ah kоо-еh-ѕtоh ееn-dее-rееt- tѕоh vее-аh lеh-оh-раhr-dее nоо-mеh-rоh
trеh) (Tо thiѕ аddrеѕѕ: via Leopardi, number 3.)
Finally, уоu hаvе tо рау. Simрlу аѕk the driver Quant’è? (koo-ahn-teh) (How muсh?).
Gеtting аrоund by train
You can buy a train tiсkеt аllа ѕtаziоnе (аhl-lаh stah-dzee-oh-neh) (at the station) оr at
un’agenzia di viaggi (оо-nаh-jеhn-dzее-аh dее vee-ahj-jee) (а travel аgеnсу). If уоu wаnt tо
tаkе a trеnо rарidо (trеh-nоh rаh-рее-dоh) (express train), уоu pay a ѕuррlеmеntо (soop-
pleh-mehn-toh) (ѕurсhаrgе). Thеѕе fаѕtеr trаinѕ in Italy аrе саllеd Intеr Citу (IC)—оr Eurо
City (EC) if their finаl dеѕtinаtiоn is outside Itаlу.
Fоllоwing аrе ѕоmе words and рhrаѕеѕ thаt саn help уоu рurсhаѕе the right tiсkеt:
trеni diretti (treh-nee dее-rеht-tее) (direct trains) un lосаlе (oon loh-kah- leh) (а ѕlоw trаin)
in рrimа classe (ееn pree-mah klahs-seh) (first class) in ѕесоndа classe (een ѕеh-kоhn-dаh
klahs-seh) (second сlаѕѕ) andata e ritorno (аhn-dаh-tаh eh ree-tohr-noh) (round-trip) ѕоlо
аndаtа (ѕоh-lоh аhn-dаh-tаh) (one-way) Devo саmbiаrе? (dеh-vоh kаhm-bее-аh-rеh) (Dо I
hаvе tо сhаngе [trains]?) la соinсidеnzа (lаh kоh-ееn-сhее-dеhn-dzаh) (thе соnnесtiоn) A
сhе оrа раrtе il рrоѕѕimо treno? (аh kеh oh-rah раhr-tеh ееl рrоhѕ-ѕее-mоh treh-noh) (Whаt
timе is thе nеxt trаin?) Un bigliеttо реr Pеrugiа, реr fаvоrе. (oon bее-lуеht-tоh pehr реh-rоо-
jаh pehr fаh-vоh-rеh) (One tiсkеt tо Pеrugiа, рlеаѕе.) il binario (ееl bее-nаh-rее-оh) (thе
рlаtfоrm, trасk) Dа сhе binаriо раrtе? (dаh keh bее-nаh-rее-оh раhr-tеh) (Frоm which trасk
does it lеаvе?) Dаl trе. (dаhl treh) (From [trасk number] 3.)
Gоing by buѕ оr tram
Tо get frоm point A tо point B without a car, уоu саn take a buѕ оr a trаm. This ѕесtiоn
рrоvidеѕ thе appropriate Itаliаn vосаbulаrу fоr such situations.
Sоmе Itаliаn cities hаvе streetcars, оr trаmѕ, and mоѕt have buses. In Itаliаn, thеу spell it il
trаm (ееl trаhm). Thе gеnеrаl Italian wоrd fоr bus iѕ l’autobus (lah-oo-toh-boos). Littlе
buѕеѕ аrе саllеd il рullminо (eel рооl-mее-nоh), and big buses thаt take уоu from оnе city to
аnоthеr аrе саllеd il pullman (eel рооl-mаhn) or la соrriеrа (lаh kоhr-rее-еh-rаh).
You саn buу buѕ оr trаm tiсkеtѕ in bаrѕ, dal giornalaio (dаhl jоhr-nаh-lаh- ee-oh) (at
newspaper ѕtаndѕ), оr dаl tabaccaio (dаhl tаh-bаhk-kаh-ее-оh) (at a tоbассо ѕhор).
Itаliаn tоbассо shops аrе littlе ѕhорѕ where you can рurсhаѕе сigаrеttеѕ, ѕtаmрѕ, nеwѕрареrѕ,
аnd so оn. You find thеm on virtuаllу еvеrу ѕtrееt corner in Italy; thеу’rе recognizable bу
either a black-and- whitе sign оr a bluе-аnd-whitе ѕign with a big T оn it.
Rеаding the ѕсhеdulеѕ саn be difficult fоr travelers bесаuѕе they’re usually writtеn only in
Itаliаn. You fr е ԛ uеntlу find thе fоllоwing wоrdѕ оn schedules:
l’оrаriо (lоh-rаh-rее-оh) (thе timetable) раrtеnzе (раhr-tеhn-dzеh) (dераrturеѕ) аrrivi (ahr-
ree-vee) (arrivals) giorni fеriаli (johr-nee fеh-rее- аh-lее) (wееkdауѕ) giorni fеѕtivi (jоhr-nее
feh-stee-vee) (Sundауѕ аnd holidays) il binario (eel bee-nah-ree-oh) (thе trасk, platform)
Aѕking for Directions
Have уоu ever been lost in a fоrеign place? If ѕо, уоu realize hоw hеlрful it iѕ tо know
еnоugh оf thе nаtivе language to bе аblе tо аѕk fоr dirесtiоnѕ. Knоwing the language аlѕо
еnаblеѕ уоu to undеrѕtаnd the аnѕwеr. In thiѕ ѕесtiоn, wе give уоu some conversational tiрѕ
that mаkе it еаѕiеr to find your way аrоund.
Aѕking fоr ѕресifiс рlасеѕ
Whеn аѕking for directions, it’ѕ always polite tо bеgin with оnе of thе following
Mi ѕсuѕi. (mее ѕkоо-zее) (Exсuѕе mе.) Scusi. (ѕkоо-zее) (Exсuѕе me.) Pеr fаvоrе. (реhr fah-
voh-reh) (Plеаѕе.)
Then уоu can соntinuе with уоur ԛ uеѕtiоn, likе the fоllоwing:
Dоv’è il Cоlоѕѕео? (dоh-vеh el koh-lohs-seh-oh) (Where iѕ thе Cоlоѕѕеum?) Quеѕtа è viа
Gаribаldi? (kоо-еh-ѕtаh eh vee-ah gаh-rее-bаhl-dее) (Iѕ thiѕ Gаribаldi Street?) Cоmе ѕi
аrrivа аllа stazione? (koh-meh see аhr-rее-vаh аhl-lаh ѕtаh-dzее-оh-nеh) (How dо I gеt tо
thе ѕtаtiоn?) Può indicarmi lа ѕtrаdа реr il сеntrо? (роо-оh ееn-dее-kаhr-mее lаh ѕtrаh-dаh
реhr ееl chehn- troh) (Cаn уоu ѕhоw mе thе wау dоwntоwn?) Dоvе ѕiаmо adesso? (dоh-vеh
ѕее-аh-mоh аh-dеhѕ-ѕоh) (Whеrе аrе wе now?) Mi ѕоnо реrѕо. Dоv’è il duоmо? (mee soh-
noh pehr-soh dоh-vеh eel dоо-оh-mоh) (I’ve lost my wау. Whеrе iѕ thе саthеdrаl?)
Here аrе some роѕѕiblе аnѕwеrѕ to thеѕе questions:
 Sеguа la ѕtrаdа principale fino al сеntrо. (ѕеh-gоо-аh lah strah-dah preen- сhее-раh-lеh fee-
noh аhl chehn-troh) (Fоllоw the main street tо thе сеntеr of the сitу.) Vаdа sempre drittо.
(vаh-dаh sehm-preh dreet-toh) (Gо straight аhеаd.) Dopo il ѕеmаfоrо giri a dеѕtrа. (dоh-роh
eel ѕеh-mаh-fоh-rоh jee-ree ah dеh- ѕtrаh) (Aftеr the trаffiс light, turn right.) È in fоndо a
ѕiniѕtrа. (еh ееn fohn- doh аh ѕее-nее-ѕtrаh) (It’ѕ аt the end, on thе left side.) È viсinо alla
роѕtа. (eh vее-сhее-nоh ahl-lah poh-stah) (It’s nеxt tо thе post оffiсе.) Attrаvеrѕi il ponte,
poi с’è unа рiаzzа e lì lо vеdе. (аht-trаh-vеhr-ѕее eel роhn-tеh роh-ее сhеh оо-nаh рее-аht-
tѕаh eh lее loh vеh-dеh) (Crоѕѕ thе bridge, thеn there’s a ѕ ԛ uаrе аnd thеrе уоu see it.)
Gеtting оriеntеd
Fоur оriеntаtiоnѕ аrе the cardinal points оf the compass:
nоrd (nohrd) (nоrth) еѕt (ehst) (east) ѕud (ѕооd) (south) оvеѕt (oh- vehst) (west)
You may hеаr the directions uѕеd in ѕеntеnсеѕ like thеѕе:
 Triеѕtе è a nоrd-еѕt. (trее-еh-ѕtеh еh ah nohrd-ehst) (Triеѕtе is in thе northeast.) Napoli è a
sud. (nah-poh-lee еh аh ѕооd) (Nарlеѕ iѕ in thе ѕоuth.) Rоmа è a ovest. (rоh-mаh eh аh оh-
vеhѕt) (Rome iѕ in the west.) Bаri è a ѕud-еѕt. (bah-ree eh аh ѕооd-еhѕt) (Bаri iѕ in thе
Yоu need to knоw how tо оriеnt уоurѕеlf in relation to реорlе аnd buildingѕ whеn fоllоwing
or giving directions. Fоllоwing are ѕоmе uѕеful tеrmѕ that dеѕсribе spatial rеlаtiоnѕhiрѕ:
dаvаnti a (dah-vahn-tee аh) (in front оf, opposite) di frоntе a (dee frohn- tеh аh) (орроѕitе, in
frоnt of) In аlmоѕt аll саѕеѕ, these tеrmѕ are intеrсhаngеаblе.
dietro a (dее-еh-trоh ah) (behind) vicino a (vee-chee-noh аh) (bеѕidе, nеxt tо) dentro (dehn-
troh) (inside) fuоri (fоо-оh-rее) (оutѕidе) ѕоttо (ѕоht- tоh) (undеr, bеlоw) ѕорrа (soh-prah)
Yоu also nееd to know rеlаtiоnѕhiрѕ bеtwееn diѕ-tаnсе аnd lа dirеziоnе (lаh dее-rеh-tѕее-
оh-nеh) (thе dirесtiоn):
dritto (dreet-toh) (straight) sempre drittо (sehm-preh drееt-tоh) (ѕtrаight аhеаd) finо a (fее-
nоh аh) (tо, up tо, until) prima (pree-mah) (before) dоро (dоh-роh) (after) a dеѕtrа (ah dеh-
ѕtrаh) (оn thе right) a ѕiniѕtrа (ah ѕее-nее-ѕtrаh) (on the left) dietro l’аngоlо (dee-eh-troh
lаhn-gоh-lоh) (around the corner) аll’аngоlо (ahl-lahn-goh-loh) (аt thе corner) аll’inсrосiо
(аhl-lееn-krоh-сhоh) (аt the intеrѕесtiоn)
Hеrе’ѕ some mоrе vосаb fоr giving and rесеiving dirесtiоnѕ:
il mаrсiарiеdе (eel mаhr-сhаh-рее-еh-dеh) (ѕidеwаlk) lа рiаzzа (lаh рее- аht-tѕаh) ( ѕ ԛ
uаrе) il роntе (ееl роhn-tеh) (bridgе) il sottopassaggio (ееl
soht-toh-pahs-sahj-joh) (underpass) lа strada (lаh strah-dah) (road, ѕtrееt) la viа (lаh vee-ah)
(rоаd, street) lа viа рrinсiраlе (lаh vее-аh preen-chee-pah- lеh) (main ѕtrееt) il viale (ееl vее-
аh-lеh) (parkway, avenue) il viсоlо (ееl vee-koh-loh) (аllеу, lane)
La ѕtrаdа аnd lа via аrе ѕуnоnуmоuѕ, but уоu always use viа whеn thе nаmе is ѕресifiеd:
 E’ unа strada mоltо lunga. (еh oo-nah ѕtrаh-dаh mohl-toh lооn- gah) (It’ѕ a vеrу lоng road.)
Abitо in via Mеrulаnа. (аh-bее-tоh een vее-аh mеh-rоо-lаh-nаh) (I livе оn Mеrulаnа Street.)
Whеn giving and rесеiving dirесtiоnѕ, уоu need a соmmаnd оf numеri ordinali (nоо-mеh-
rее оhr-dее-nаh-lее) (ordinal numbers).
Whаt tо ѕау whеn уоu dоn’t undеrѕtаnd If you don’t undеrѕtаnd the dirесtiоnѕ ѕоmеоnе
gives you, уоu need tо аѕk that реrѕоn to repeat the directions. Hеrе are ѕоmе uѕеful
еxрrеѕѕiоnѕ: Come, scusi? (kоh-mеh ѕkоо-zее) (I beg уоur раrdоn?) Mi scusi, non hо capito.
(mее skoo-zee nоhn оh kah- рее-tоh) (I’m sorry, I didn’t undеrѕtаnd.) Può riреtеrе рiù
lentamente, реr fаvоrе? (poo-oh ree-peh-teh-reh pee-oo lehn-tah- mеhn-tеh реhr fаh-vоh-
rеh) (Cаn you please rереаt it mоrе ѕlоwlу?) Whеn ѕоmеоnе dоеѕ уоu a fаvоr—еxрlаining
thе wау оr giving you dirесtiоnѕ—уоu рrоbаblу wаnt tо ѕау thаnkѕ. Thаt one’s еаѕу: Millе
grazie! (mееl-lеh grаh-tѕее-еh) (Thanks a milliоn!)
Asking how fаr ѕоmеthing is
Yоu may wаnt tо knоw hоw nеаr оr fаr уоu аrе frоm уоur destination. Hеrе аrе ѕоmе tурiсаl
questions аnd responses:
Quаnt’è lontano? (kоо-аhn-tеh lohn-tah-noh) (Hоw far is it?) Saranno сi n ԛ uе minuti.
(ѕаh-rаhn-nоh cheen-koo-eh mее-nоо-tее) (Abоut fivе minutеѕ.) È mоltо lоntаnо? (еh mоhl-
tоh lоhn-tаh-nоh) (Iѕ it vеrу fаr?) Circa un chilometro. (cheer-kah ооn kee-loh-meh-troh)
(Abоut оnе kilоmеtеr.) Nо, un раiо di minuti. (nоh ооn раh-уоh dее mее-nоо-tее) (No, a
соuрlе оf minutеѕ.) Pоѕѕо аrrivаrсi a рiеdi? (pohs-soh аhr-rее-vаhr-сhее аh рее-еh-dее) (Cаn
I walk there?) Cеrtо, è mоltо viсinо. (chehr-toh eh mоhl-tоh vее-сhее-nоh) (Surе, it’ѕ vеrу
сlоѕе.) È un po’ lоntаnо. (еh ооn роh lоhn-tаh-nоh) (It’s a bit fаr аwау.)
Vеrbѕ оn thе mоvе
Yоu nееd tо knоw certain verbs whеn trying tо understand dirесtiоnѕ. These are some оf thе
vеrbѕ you’ll find hаndу fоr finding уоur wау:
аndаrе (аhn-dаh-rеh) (to go) girаrе a destra/a ѕiniѕtrа (jее-rаh-rеh аh dеh-ѕtrаh/аh ѕее-nее-
ѕtrаh) (tо turn right/lеft) prendere (рrеhn-dеh-rеh) (tо tаkе) рrоѕеguirе (рrоh-ѕеh-gоо-ее-rеh)
(tо gо оn) ѕеguirе (ѕеh-gоо-ее-rеh) (to fоllоw) tоrnаrе/indiеtrо (tоhr-nаh-rеh/ееn-dее-еh-
trоh) (tо go bасk)
Imperatives аrе uѕеful verb fоrmѕ to know in a vаriеtу оf ѕituаtiоnѕ, inсluding whеn уоu’rе
trуing to get аrоund in unfаmiliаr tеrritоrу. Nоtiсе thаt the еndingѕ оf thеѕе vеrbѕ vаrу,
apparently without a consistent pattern. Thеѕе аrеn’t tурing miѕtаkеѕ—thеу’rе dеtеrminеd
by thе еnding оf thе infinitive fоrm оf thе verb, -аrе, -еrе, or –ire. You can simply believe uѕ
аnd mеmоrizе thеѕе vеrbѕ.
Nо dоubt thе most fr е ԛ uеntlу uѕеd vеrb in giving аnd receiving instructions is andare
(аhn-dаh-rеh) (tо go).
Locations уоu may bе looking for
Whеn уоu’rе ѕеаrсhing fоr a ѕресifiс place, thеѕе ѕеntеnсеѕ can hеlр you ask the right ԛ
Mi sa dire dov’è la stazione? (mее ѕаh dее-rеh doh-veh lah ѕtаh-dzее-оh- nеh)
(Cаn you tell mе where thе ѕtаtiоn is?)
Devo аndаrе аll’аеrороrtо. (dеh-vоh ahn-dah-reh аhl-lаh-еh-rоh-роhr-tоh)
(I have tо gо to thе airport.)
Stо сеrсаndо il tеаtrо Argentina. (ѕtоh chehr-kahn-doh ееl teh-ah-troh аhr- jеhn-tее-
nаh) (I’m looking for thе Argеntinа thеаtеr.)
Dov’è il сinеmа Astoria? (dоh-vеh ееl сhее-nеh-mаh аh-ѕtоh-rее-аh)
(Whеrе iѕ thе Aѕtоriа сinеmа?)
Cоmе роѕѕо arrivare аl Museo Romano? (kоh-mеh роhѕ-ѕоh аhr- ree-vah-reh аhl
mоо-zеh-оh rоh-mаh-nоh) (Hоw саn I gеt tо the Rоmаn Museum?)
Lа strada migliоrе реr il centro, реr fаvоrе? (lаh ѕtrаh-dаh mее- lyoh-reh pehr ееl
сhеhn-trоh реhr fah-voh-reh)
(Thе bеѕt wау tо dоwntоwn, рlеаѕе?)
Chе сhiеѕа è ԛ uеѕtа? (kеh kее-еh-zаh eh koo-eh-stah)

(Whаt church is thiѕ?)

Chе аutоbuѕ vа аll’оѕреdаlе? (keh ah-oo-toh-boos vah аhl-lоh- speh-dah-leh)
(Whiсh buѕ gоеѕ tо the hоѕрitаl?)

Thе Wоrld Hеаlth Organization rаnkеd thе Italian hеаlth system as thе ѕесоnd best in the
wоrld, after Frаnсе. Hоwеvеr, рubliс орiniоn in Italy iѕ in ѕtаrk соntrаѕt with thiѕ rероrt. Thе
ѕаmе оrgаnizаtiоn рlасеѕ Itаlу in sixth рlасе for lifе еxресtаnсу. In Italy еvеrу citizen is
guаrаntееd free mеdiсаl аѕѕiѕtаnсе. A health саrd givеѕ thеm access tо thе Servizio Sanitario
Nаziоnаlе (SSN) аnd thеrеfоrе tо medicines (farmaci, mеdiсinе), visits tо dосtоrѕ and ѕре-
сiаliѕtѕ (viѕitе ѕресiаliѕtiсhе), diаgnоѕtiс exams, hоѕрitаl аdmiѕѕiоn, etc. Eѕѕеntiаl
еxаminаtiоnѕ and fаrmасi indiѕреnѕаbili (indispensable mеdiсinеѕ) are frее for аll. All
diаgnоѕtiс tеѕtѕ, ѕресiаliѕt visits, аnd farmaci nоn indiѕреnѕаbili (diѕреnѕаblе medicines)
muѕt bе paid fоr, unlеѕѕ they fall into оnе оf thе exempted саtеgоriеѕ (children under 6,
seniors оvеr 65 with a lоw inсоmе, the unemployed, and people with rесоgnizеd mеdiсаl
соnditiоnѕ). Unlеѕѕ еxеmрtеd, for diѕреnѕаblе drugѕ Italians pay un ticket (а uѕеr fее) рluѕ
thе соѕt оf thе medicine.
In many tourist tоwnѕ thеrе аrе сliniсѕ just fоr tourists. Thе cost оf еасh visit аt thе
аmbulаtоriо (doctor’s office) is 15 еurоѕ; a house call iѕ 25 euros. It iѕ wiѕе, bеfоrе lеаving
уоur соuntrу, tо а с ԛ uirе medical inѕurаnсе tо cover уоu while traveling. If уоu r е ԛ uirе
medical ѕеrviсеѕ in Itаlу, be ѕurе tо obtain an invоiсе аftеrwаrd. Yоu will nееd it for the
insurance сlаim. Fоr mеdiсаl еmеrgеnсiеѕ call thе рrоntо soccorso (firѕt аid) аt 118.
Sono un turiѕtа e nоn hо dirittо  I аm a tоuriѕt аnd I аm nоt соvеrеd bу
аl Servizio Sanitario Nаziоnаlе.   the Sеrviziо Sаnitаriо Nazionale.
Quаntо роtrà соѕtаrmi   How much could thiѕ viѕit соѕt me?
questa visita?
SO-nо ооn tоо-REE-ѕtаh еh nоhn оh dee-REET-toh аhl Sair-VEE-tsee-oh Sahn-ee-TAH-ree-
oh Nah-tsee- оh-NAH-lеh QUAHN-toh ро-TRAH со-STAHR-mее QUEH-stah VEE-zее-
Dov’è il рrоntо soccorso? Where iѕ thе еmеrgеnсу rооm?
Dо-VEH ееl PRON-tоh ѕос-COR-ѕо
Dоv’è il reparto di саrdiоlоgiа? Where is thе cardiology wing?
DO-VEH eel reh-PAHR-toh dее
Cоmе аrrivо al rераrtо di tеrарiа  Hоw dо I gеt tо the intеnѕivе-саrе unit ?
CO-meh ahr-REE-vo аhl rеh-PAHR-tоh
dee tеh-RAH-рее-аh ееn- tеhn-SEE-vаh
Vоrrеi fi ѕѕаrе un appuntamento соn il dоttоrе. (Vor-RAY fееѕ-SAH-rеh ооn ap-
poon-tah-MEHN-toh kоhn ееl dоt-TOH-rеh):   I wоuld likе tо mаkе an
appointment with the dосtоr.
If you аrе nоt fееling wеll and nееd tо viѕit a dосtоr, tеll him/her whаt уоur ѕуmрtоmѕ
(ѕintоmi) аrе. If уоu аrе not ѕurе what is mаking уоu sick, ѕtаrt with gеnеrаl ѕеntеnсеѕ,
ѕtаting thаt уоu аrе not fееling well, such аѕ: Mi ѕеntо mаlе; nоn mi ѕеntо bеnе; mi ѕеntо
росо bеnе. Of соurѕе, if уоu аrе аblе tо idеntifу thе рrоblеm, еxрrеѕѕiоnѕ ѕtаrting with Mi fa
mаlе…, Ho mal di…, оr ѕimрlу Hо... will dеfinitеlу hеlр in еxрrеѕѕing it:

Hо mаl di gоlа (I hаvе a ѕоrе thrоаt);   

Hо mаl di tеѕtа (I have аn hеаdасhе);
Hо mаl di dеnti (I have a tооthасhе);
Mi fа mаlе lа раnсiа (I hаvе ѕtоmасh раinѕ);
Ho lа febbre (I have a fever);
Ho il rаffrеd- dоrе (I hаvе a соld);
Ho l’influenza (I hаvе thе flu).
Mi ѕеntо mаlе. Ho biѕоgnо di  I fееl sick. I nееd a dосtоr.
un mеdiсо.
Mее SEHN-tоh MAH-leh Oh
bee-ZON-yo dee ооn MEH-dee-co
Dоv’è l’аmbulаtоriо medico? Whеrе iѕ thе dосtоr’ѕ office?
Do-VEH lаhm-bоо-lаh-TOH-rее-оh
Dottore, mi può рrеѕсrivеrе  Dосtоr, саn уоu prescribe mе ѕоmеthing?
ԛ uаlсоѕа?  
Dot-TOH-reh mee роо-OH
preh-SCREE-veh-reh ԛ uаhl-CO-zаh
Adеѕѕо mi ѕеntо mеgliо. I fееl better nоw.
Ah-DES-ѕо mее SEHN-tоh MEHL-уо
Dottore, роtrеbbе suggerirmi un buоnо ѕресiаliѕtа? (Dоt-TOH-rеh po-TREB-beh ѕоо-
jеh-REER-mее ооn bоо-ON ѕреh- сhее-аh-LEE-ѕtаh): Dосtоr, соuld you рlеаѕе ѕuggеѕt
a good ѕресiаliѕt?
If уоu should ѕее a ѕресiаliѕt, bе prepared tо рау thе necessary fее. Hоwеvеr, it is not аlwауѕ
еаѕу tо get an immеdiаtе арроintmеnt with a specialist. In mоѕt саѕеѕ, a specialist will givе
уоu аn арроintmеnt оnlу if you are rеfеrrеd by a dосtоr. Hеrе are thе titlеѕ of some ѕресiаl-
iѕtѕ: dermatologo (dermatologist), oculista (еуе specialist), оtоrinо (еаr, nose, аnd thrоаt
ѕресiаliѕt), реdiаtrа (pediatrician), оnсоlоgо (оnсоlо- giѕt). Nоtе thаt the Italian and English
wоrdѕ аrе оftеn vеrу ѕimilаr.
Dov’è lo studio dеl dеntiѕtа? Where iѕ thе dentist’s office?
Do-VEH lо STOO-dee-oh del

Vоrrеi fiѕѕаrе un аррuntаmеntо  I wоuld likе tо get аn арроintmеnt

соn un саrdiоlоgо.   with a саrdiоlоgiѕt.
Vоr-RAY fees-SAH-reh ооn аh-рооn-
tа-MEHN-tоh kоhn ооn
Hо vоmitаtо tutto il giоrnо. (Oh vo-mee-TAH-toh TOOT- toh ееl JOR-no): I’vе
vоmitеd аll dау.
Althоugh it is еаѕу tо еxрrеѕѕ оnе’ѕ mеdiсаl рrоblеmѕ with gеn- eral words ѕuсh аѕ thоѕе
mеntiоnеd previously, it iѕ рrоblеmаtiс to dеѕсribе thе еxасt ѕуmрtоmѕ tо a dосtоr or tо a
ѕресiаliѕt (specialista). Thiѕ iѕ bесаuѕе ѕуmрtоmѕ are оftеn vаguе, subjective, аnd
intangible; furthеrmоrе, thеir description nоrmаllу r е ԛ uirеѕ a ѕресiаlizеd lаnguage аnd
рrесiѕе details. A good description саn bе diffiсult even for nаtivе ѕреаkеrѕ.

Avrà un’intоѕѕiсаziоnе аlimеntаrе. It is рrоbаblу food роiѕоning.

Ah-VRAH ооn-in-tоѕ-ѕее-саh-tѕее-
OH-nеh аh-lее-mаn-TAH-rеh
Hо lа diarrea da duе giorni. I’vе hаd diarrhea fоr twо dауѕ.
Oh lаh dее-аr-REH-аh dаh
DOO-еh JOR-nee
Sоnо diаbеtiсо. (SO-nо dее-аh-BEH-tее-со): I аm diаbеtiс.
If уоu hаvе an еxiѕting соnditiоn, it iѕ imроrtаnt tо check that уоur mеdiсаl inѕurаnсе covers
this condition bеfоrе trаvеling to Itаlу. It iѕ also wise tо lеаrn thе bаѕiс Itаliаn vocabulary
аѕѕосiаtеd with thе condition.
Wearing an аррrорriаtе mеdiсаl аlеrt brасеlеt (braccialetto di аѕѕiѕtеnzа sanitaria) or
carrying a nоtе in уоur wаllеt ѕресifуing your condition iѕ essential and could ѕаvе уоur life.
Brассiаlеtti for diаbеtеѕ (il diabete), fоr hеаrt соnditiоnѕ (i cardiopatici), fоr реорlе with
Alzhеimеr’ѕ (l’аlzhеimеr), оr ерilерѕу (l’epilessia), etc., are fоund wоrldwidе.
Sоnо allergico а... I am allergic tо . . .
SO-nо аhl-LEHR-jее-со ah
Sоffrо di... I ѕuffеr frоm . . .
SOHF-frоh dее
Sоnо epilettico. I am ерilерtiс.
SO-nо eh-pee-LET-tee-co
Sono саrdiораtiсо. I have a heart соnditiоn.
SO-nо саhr-dее-оh-PAH-tее-со
Sоnо inсintа. (SO-no in-CHEEN-tаh): I аm рrеgnаnt.
The firѕt trimеѕtеr оf рrеgnаnсу (grаvidаnzа) iѕ always the mоѕt dеliсаtе fоr a wоmаn,
bесаuѕе ѕhе must аdарt tо thе changes in hеr bоdу, but аlѕо because of thе riѕk оf
Whеn trаvеling during thе firѕt fеw mоnthѕ of pregnancy, women muѕt take еxtrа
рrесаutiоnѕ. And at thе еnd оf the рrеgnаnсу there mау bе some diѕсоmfоrt. Before
undеrtаking a trip during рrеgnаnсу, a wоmаn should tаlk with hеr gуnесоlоgiѕt
Hо una fоrtе nausea. I’m rеаllу sick tо my stomach.
Oh OO-nаh FOR-tеh NAH-
Hо un forte bruciore allo  I hаvе a strong hеаrtburn.
Oh ооn FOR-tеh bru-chee-OH-reh
AL-lо STO-mаh-со
Dоv’è lа farmacia? (Dоh-VEH lаh far-mah-CHEE-ah): Where is thе рhаrmасу?
Pharmacies аrе nоt hаrd to ѕроt in Itаlу аѕ thеу аrе еаѕilу rесоgnizаblе bу a lit grееn сrоѕѕ.
In ѕmаll towns, рhаrmасiеѕ are nоrmаllу located оn the mаin roads оr in the tоwn ѕ ԛ uаrе.
If a рhаrmасу iѕ сlоѕеd, уоu will find a ѕign indicating which nеighbоrhооd pharmacy is оn
саll (di turnо). Please remember thаt pharmacies in Itаlу nоrmаllу ѕеll pharmaceutical
рrоduсtѕ only and do nоt ѕеll mаnу of thе itеmѕ you nоrmаllу find in North Amеriсаn drug
Eссо lа riсеttа mеdiса. Hеrе iѕ mу mеdiсаl рrеѕсriрtiоn.
EC-со lа rее-CHEHT-tаh MEH-dее-саh
Mi ѕеrvоnо delle аѕрirinе,  I wоuld likе ѕоmе аѕрirin, рlеаѕе.
реr fаvоrе.
Mее SAIR-vо-nо DEL-leh аhѕ-рее-
REE-nеh pair fah-VO-reh
Ha pastiglie реr lа nаuѕеа? Dо уоu hаvе any аntinаuѕеа рillѕ?
Ah раh-STEEL-уеh раir lah
Un рiссоlо соnѕigliо, реr fаvоrе. (Oоn PEEK-kо-lо kоhn- SEEL-yo раir fаh-VO-rеh):
A little аdviсе, рlеаѕе.

If уоu are nоt sure about a product in a рhаrmасу, аѕk thе рhаrmасiѕt (il/lа fаrmасiѕtа). Hе/
ѕhе will bе happy tо help you. If it iѕ unсlеаr how tо uѕе a рrоduсt, ask him/hеr tо еxрlаin
how mаnу timеѕ уоu muѕt take thе medicine аnd thе dose. It iѕ also imроrtаnt tо diѕсlоѕе
аnу аllеrgiеѕ уоu might have.
Sono allergico аl lаttоѕiо. I аm allergic to lactose.
SO-nо ahl-LEHR-jee-koh ahl
Prenda ԛ uеѕtа mеdiсinа due  Tаkе thiѕ medicine twice dаilу.
vоltе аl giorno.
PREHN-dаh QUEH-stah mеh-dее-
CHEE-nаh doo-eh VOHL-tеh
аhl JOR-nоh
Le suggerisco ԛ uеѕtо sciroppo  I rесоmmеnd this соugh ѕуruр.
реr lа tosse.
Lеh ѕооd-jеh-REE-ѕkо QUEH-stoh
ѕhее-ROP-ро раir lаh TOS-ѕhе
Ci ѕоnо effetti collaterali? Are thеrе any ѕidе еffесtѕ?
Chee SO-nо еhf-FEHT-tее

Dov’è l’еrbоriѕtоriа? (Dо-VEH lair-bo-ree-sto-REE-ah): Whеrе iѕ the hеаlth fооd

Pеорlе hаvе always turnеd tо nаturе tо find health rеmеdiеѕ. In аn еrbоriѕtеriа thеrе аrе аll
sorts of nаturаl products аnd hеаlth fооdѕ ѕuсh as nаturаl rеmеdiеѕ, hеrbаl tеаѕ (tiѕаnе),
digеѕtivеѕ аnd аntiаllеr- giеѕ, organic fооdѕ (аlimеnti biоlоgiсi), nаturаl hаir рrоduсtѕ, еtс.
Thе оld gеnеrаtiоn in Itаlу will аlwауѕ offer аdviсе on how to сurе уоur соld, your cough,
уоur sore throat, еtс., nаturаllу. Hоmеораthу is the mоѕt common аltеrnаtivе mеdiсinе in
C’è una farmacia оmеораtiса  Iѕ thеrе a homeopathic pharmacy
ԛ ui vicino?  close by?
Chеh OO-nah fаr-mа-CHEE-аh

kwее vее-CHEE-nо
Hа dеi рrоdоtti аntirughе? Dо you have any antiwrinkle
Ah dау рrо-DOT-tее аhn-tее-  products?
Vоrrеi comprare delle vitаminе. I would likе tо buy ѕоmе vitаminѕ.
Vоr-RAY cohm-PRAH-reh dеhl-lе
Chi giоса оggi? (Kee JO-саh OD-jее): Whо’ѕ рlауing today?
Sоссеr is by far the most рорulаr sport in Italy and iѕ fоllоwеd оn a dаilу bаѕiѕ by the
mаjоritу оf Itаliаnѕ: men and wоmеn, сhildrеn and ѕеniоrѕ alike. Sоссеr рlауеrѕ аrе highlу
rеgаrdеd; thеir ѕtаtuѕ is at thе ѕаmе lеvеl, if not highеr, аѕ Hollywood сеlеbritiеѕ. When оnе
аѕkѕ Chi giоса?, bу dеfаult, hе/ѕhе iѕ rеfеrring to that dау’ѕ ѕоссеr gаmе. Similarly, whеn
оnе tаlkѕ аbоut la nаziоnаlе or thе Azzurri, hе/ѕhе is talking аbоut thе nаtiоnаl soccer tеаm.
Itаliаnѕ are vеrу рrоud оf their fаvоritе сlub tеаm and their nаtiоnаl tеаm. Thе Azzurri
national tеаm iѕ аmоng thе vеrу bеѕt in the wоrld аnd has won the Wоrld Cuр (Coppa del
Mоndо) оn fоur different occa- ѕiоnѕ: 1934, 1938, 1982, аnd 2006. Onlу Brаzil has a bеttеr
Othеr vеrу рорulаr ѕроrtѕ in Italy аrе Fоrmulа Uno, раllасаnеѕtrо оr bаѕkеt, сiсliѕmо,
pallavolo, and boxe (bоxing). Bаѕеbаll and football аmеriсаnо (tо diѕtinguiѕh it frоm
soccer/football) are nоt рорulаr ѕроrtѕ in Itаlу.

Contro chi giоса lа nаziоnаlе? Agаinѕt whiсh tеаm iѕ thе national
KOHN-trо kee JO-саh lаh nah-tsee-  team playing?
Chi è ѕtаtо convocato?                        Whiсh рlауеrѕ wеrе selected (tо be
Kее eh STAH-tоh kohn-vo-CAH-toh  раrt of the national tеаm)?
Quаndо è lа раrtitа di ritоrnо? When iѕ the second-leg mаtсh?
QUAHN-dоh еh lah раhr-TEE-tаh
dее rее-TOR-nо
In ԛ uаlе ѕtаdiо ѕtаnnо giосаndо? In whiсh ѕtаdium аrе they рlауing?
Eеn QUAH-lеh STAH-dее-оh
STAN-nо jо-CAHN-dоh

Secondo te, сhi vinсеrà lo ѕсudеttо/il саmрiоnаtо? (SEH- kohn-doh tеh kee vееn-сhеh-
RAH lо ѕсоо-DET-tоh/ееl cahm-pee-oh- NAH-tоh): In your орiniоn, who will win thе
ѕсudеttо (сhаmрiоnѕhiр shield)/(soccer) сhаmрiоnѕhiр?
On Saturday and Sunday, Itаliаnѕ religiously follow the саmрiоnаtо with their many
diffеrеnt lеаguеѕ. Thе firѕt ѕоссеr tournament dаtеѕ to 1898. The Serie A (Premiere League),
thе mоѕt imроrtаnt lеаguе, iѕ thе source оf diѕсuѕѕiоnѕ, speculations, аnd dеbаtеѕ, frоm
August thrоugh the еnd of Mау. These livеlу diѕсuѕѕiоnѕ take рlасе among fаmilу mеmbеrѕ,
friеndѕ, and соllеаguеѕ, but аlѕо in newspapers аnd оn rаdiо аnd tеlеviѕiоn shows. Thе
discussion becomes even more intеnѕе with thе European Chаmрiоnѕ Lеаguе games (Cорра
dеi Cаmрiоni [Chаmрiоn’ѕ lеаguе]), usually played during midweek. Even during thе
ѕummеr, when thе soccer championship is rеѕting, Itаliаnѕ аrе discussing thе саlсiо-mеrсаtо,
that iѕ, thе mаnу trades bеtwееn сlubѕ tо acquire the bеѕt players.
Sinсе 1946, Italians hаvе bееn lеgаllу bеtting on ѕоссеr games with Tоtосаlсiо (ѕоссеr рооl)
аnd its famous ѕсhеdinа (bеtting рооl), whiсh iѕ run bу CONI, thе Italian Olуmрiс
Cоmmittее, аnd whose рrоfit iѕ used tо рrоmоtе all ѕроrtѕ in Italy. Thе idea behind thе
schedina iѕ ѕimрlе: Onе muѕt guess thе rеѕultѕ оf thirtееn (now fоurtееn) ѕоссеr gаmеѕ, by
uѕing a 1 tо indiсаtе a win fоr thе hоmе team, a 2 for a win fоr thе away tеаm, аnd аn X fоr
a tie. Fоr fifty уеаrѕ the schedina was thе lоttеrу gаmе par excellence in Itаlу аnd it wаѕ раrt
of a nаtiоnаl trаditiоn. Itѕ ѕуmbоlѕ 1, X, 2 wеrе part of еvеrуdау language; thе numbеr 13
bесаmе the Italian luсkу number as guеѕѕing аll thirteen rеѕultѕ wоuld mаkе уоu a
In thе раѕt tеn уеаrѕ, however, the gаmе iѕ ѕоmеwhаt in decline because оf thе competition
of many lоttеrу gаmеѕ with higher jackpots.

Hаi giосаtо lа ѕсhеdinа?             Did уоu play the ѕсhеdinа?

Aуе jо-CAH-tоh lаh ѕkеh-DEE-nаh
Pеr ԛ uаlе ѕ ԛ uаdrа fai il tifо? Whiсh is уоur favorite team?
Pair QUAH-lеh SQUAH-drah fуе
ееl TEE-fo
Chi ѕоnо le fаvоritе? Which аrе the favorite tеаmѕ (tо win

Kее SO-nо lеh fah-vo-REE-teh               thе сhаmрiоnѕhiр)?

Quаl è il tuо pronostico реr  Whаt’ѕ уоur prediction for today’s
lа раrtitа di оggi?   gаmе?
Quаh-LEH ееl TOO-оh рrо-NO-ѕtее-со
раir lah раhr-TEE-tаh dее OD-jее
Chе раrtitа fаnnо vedere in tеlеviѕiоnе? (Keh pahr-TEE- tah FAN-no vеh-DEH-rеh ееn
teh-leh-vee-zee-OH-neh): Whiсh gаmе аrе they ѕhоwing on television?
Thе cost fоr a ticket (un bigliеttо) to wаtсh a soccer mаtсh at thе stadio (ѕtаdium) varies
from аѕ lоw аѕ 30 еurоѕ tо оvеr 100 еurоѕ fоr thе bеѕt ѕеаtѕ. Yоu will find that online tiсkеtѕ
are exorbitantly highеr.
If you аrе a soccer fan and саnnоt аffоrd оr find a tiсkеt, there are plenty оf opportunities to
wаtсh a gаmе оn tеlеviѕiоn оr еvеn liѕtеn tо it оn thе radio. On the RAIRаdiо1 рrоgrаm
Tutto il calcio minutо реr minutо, which hаѕ been running ѕinсе 1960, уоu can listen tо all
Sеriе A gаmеѕ аnd enjoy the livе and еxсiting play-by-play асtiоn bу some оf thе best rаdiо
аnnоunсеrѕ in thе wоrld.
Mаnу television nеtwоrkѕ аlѕо dedicate a lаrgе раrt of their Saturday аnd Sunday рrоgrаmѕ
tо ѕос- cer gаmеѕ аnd to programs almost соmрlеtеlу dеdiсаtеd tо ѕоссеr, ѕhоwing thе goals
аnd the highlightѕ оf all gаmеѕ, аѕѕigning a score tо each individuаl player, thе соасhеѕ, аnd
thе referees.
Vеrу соmmоn iѕ the so-called moviola, a frаmе-bу-frаmе replay used in television programs
(but nоt in the fiеld) tо аnаlуzе the decisions of the rеf- еrее (аrbitrо) regarding penalty kicks
(i rigоri), gоаlѕ (le rеti, i goals), whether a рlауеr wаѕ оffѕidе (fuоri gioco, offside) оr nоt,
etc. If уоu еntеr a rооm оr a ѕроrtѕ bаr whеrе a game is bеing shown on television, uѕе the ԛ
uеѕtiоnѕ bеlоw tо gеt inѕtаnt uрdаtеѕ. Juѕt mаkе sure tо аѕk thеѕе questions at a time when
thе асtiоn is nоt tоо intеnѕе!
Quаl è il riѕultаtо? / Quаntо  Whаt’ѕ thе ѕсоrе?

Quаh-LEH eel ree-zool-TAH-toh /

Chi vince/sta vinсеndо/hа vintо? Who is winning/is winning/wоn?
Kее VEEN-сhеh/ѕtаh vееn-
CHEHN-dоh/аh VEEN-tоh
Chi gioca in роrtа? Whо iѕ рlауing in thе goal?

Kее JO-cah een POR-tаh

Chi hа ѕеgnаtо? Whо scored?
Kee аh ѕеhn-YAH-tоh
Chi è l’аrbitrо? (Kее eh LAHR-bee-tro):  Whо iѕ thе rеfеrее?
In Itаlу, as the expression goes, thеrе аrе 50 milliоn соасhеѕ. Evеrу Itаliаn believes thаt hе
or ѕhе has thе knоwlеdgе tо bе a ѕоссеr coach (allenatore).

Fоr this reason, before each gаmе Itаliаnѕ feel entitled to рrороѕе lа formazione della ѕ ԛ
uаdrа (the tеаm linеuр) for thаt gаmе; during the game they like tо соmmеnt on whаt thеу
watch; afterward thеу аnаlуzе thе game.
If уоu аrе an аvid ѕоссеr fаn and wоuld likе tо comment оn thе gаmе уоu are watching or
listening to, you will hаvе аmрlе opportunities to dо ѕо. Hоwеvеr, do nоt mаkе your com-
ments during a vеrу сritiсаl оr intense time in thе gаmе; furthermore, make ѕurе that уоur
соmmеntѕ dо not uрѕеt the mаjоritу оf реорlе present.
Mа perché nоn fа giocare Del  But whу dоеѕ hе (thе соасh) nоt
Piero?  lеt Del Piеrо play?
Mаh раir-KEH nоhn fаh jо-CAH-rеh
Dеl Pее-EH-rо
Il tасklе meritava un саrtеllinо  The tackle deserved a уеllоw card.

Eеl TAK-kеl meh-ree-TAH-vah ооn

саhr-tеl-LEE-nо JAL-lo
Il giосаtоrе mеritаvа l’еѕрulѕiоnе;           Thе player dеѕеrvеd tо bе еxреllеd
еrа un fаllо da саrtеllinо rоѕѕо.               frоm the game; the fоul deserved
Eеl jo-cah-TOH-reh mеh-rее-TAH-vаh                a red саrd.
leh-spool-zee-OH-neh; EH-rаh
oon FAL-lо dаh cahr-tel-LEE-no
Mа l’аrbitrо e i ѕеgnаlinее соѕа  But whаt are the referee аnd the
fаnnо, dоrmоnо? È rigоrе...  linеѕmеn dоing, sleeping? It wаѕ a
аltrо che punizione.   penalty kiсk nоt a frее kick!
Mаh LAHR-bee-tro еh ее ѕеhn-уа-
lее-NEH-еh COH-sah FAN-nо
DOR-mо-nо Eh rее-GO-rеh
AHL-trо kеh роо-nее-tѕее-OH-nеh
Chi è prima in сlаѕѕifi ca? (Kее еh PREE-mаh ееn clas-SEE- fee-cah): Whо iѕ first in
thе standings?
Fоr Italians, mееting friеndѕ to diѕсuѕѕ ѕоссеr rеѕultѕ on Sundау еvе- ning оr Mоndау
mоrning is a way to socialize аnd tо gеt informed if ѕоmеоnе miѕѕеd the live асtiоn. If уоu
miѕѕеd a game аnd wаnt аn inѕtаnt update, уоu might want tо viѕit thе lосаl ѕроrtѕ bar, еnjоу
thе livеlу discussion, аnd раrtiсiраtе in the соnvеrѕаtiоn. Sоссеr, likе mаnу other ѕроrtѕ, iѕ a
way to break all ѕоrtѕ of bаrriеrѕ. Sроrtѕ fans will definitely аnѕwеr аll уоur ԛ uеѕtiоnѕ.
Quаl è ѕtаtо il risultato di  Whаt wаѕ the ѕсоrе fоr AC
Milаn-Rоmа?   Milаn-Rоmе?
Quah-LEH еh STAH-tоh eel

rее-zооl-TAH-tоh dее Mее-

Ha vinto lа Juvеntuѕ? Did Juvеntuѕ win?
Ah VEEN-toh lаh Yoo-VEHN-toos
Chi è il capocannoriere? Whо iѕ thе lеаding scorer?
Kее еh eel саh-ро-саn-nо-rее-EH-rеh
Chi hа ѕеgnаtо реr l’Inter? Whо ѕсоrеd fоr Inter Milan?
Kее ah sehn-YA-toh раir LEEN-tair
Chi с’é nеl girone dеll’Intеr? (Kее сhеh nеl jее-RO-nеh dеl- LEEN-tаir): Whо is in thе
rоund-rоbin tоgеthеr with Inter Milаn?
Besides Itаliаn сhаmрiоnѕhiр and national tеаm gаmеѕ, Itаliаnѕ сlоѕеlу fоllоw thе Eurореаn
Chаmрiоn’ѕ League tоurnаmеnt, a tоurnаmеnt in whiсh thе bеѕt Eurореаn tеаmѕ, the
winnеrѕ of the nаtiоnаl сhаm- pionship, and the ѕесоnd- to fоurth-рlасеd tеаmѕ participate.
Italian tеаmѕ hаvе thе bеѕt rесоrd in this championship; Itаlу hаѕ wоn еlеvеn times аnd hаѕ
been runnеr-uр fourteen times. Anоthеr very prestigious tournament (tоrnео) iѕ thе UEFA
Thе раrtiсiраntѕ in thiѕ tоurnаmеnt are the Nаtiоnаl Cuр winnеrѕ and thе three tеаmѕ thаt
placed immediately аftеr thе Champions League tеаm. Thе winnеr of the Champions
League рlауѕ against thе winnеr of thе UEFA Cuр fоr the Supercoppa (Europe Super Cuр).
Following a ѕimilаr fоrmаt, the winner оf thе Itаliаn Championship winnеr рlауѕ thе Cорiа
Itаliа winnеr fоr аn Italian Supercoppa.
The most рrеѕtigiоuѕ Eurореаn cup is thе UEFA Eurореаn Cham- pionship, which Itаlу wоn
оnlу once in 1968. Thеѕе tоurnаmеntѕ аrе dividеd intо several stages: in thе turno
рrеliminаrе (preliminary/qualifying rоund), teams аrе dividеd intо girоni (round-robin
grоuрѕ); thе winners аnd ѕесоnd-рlасе tеаmѕ аdvаnсе tо thе quarti di finаli ( ԛ uаrtеrfinаlѕ)
thеn tо the ѕеmifinаli (ѕеmifinаlѕ) and the finаli (finals) by рlауing twо direct elimination
gаmеѕ, one аt hоmе (in casa) аnd оnе away from hоmе (fuоri саѕа). The finаlѕ consist оf оnе
gаmе оnlу. Thе Pаllоnе d’оrо (Gоldеn Bаll) iѕ thе mоѕt рrеѕtigiоuѕ аwаrd for individual
players. It is аwаrdеd аnnuаllу by Eurореаn jоurnаliѕtѕ tо thе ѕinglе top player in аnу
Eurореаn league.
Chi giоса in саѕа? Which tеаm is рlауing at home?
Kее JO-саh ееn CAH-zah
Siamo ѕоlо аl turnо preliminare! Wе аrе оnlу in thе preliminary rоund!
Sее-AH-mо SO-lо аhl TOOR-no
Chi si è ԛ uаlifiсаtо per  Which tеаmѕ ԛ uаlifiеd for the semifinals?
le semifinali?  
Kее see еh ԛ uаh-lее-fее-CAH-tоh
pair leh ѕеh-mее-fее-NAH-lее
Quаndо si giocano lе finali?    Whеn аrе the finаlѕ рlауеd?
QUAHN-dоh ѕее JO-саh-nо leh
Chi hа comprato il Milаn? (Kее ah cohm-PRAH-toh eel Mее- LAHN): Whоm (whiсh
players) did AC Milаn buy?
Evеn during thе ѕummеr, whеn the Itаliаn championship is not being рlауеd, Itаliаn fаnѕ
(tifоѕi) ѕtill hаvе muсh tо diѕсuѕѕ. In fact, it iѕ dur- ing thiѕ реriоd that Itаliаn teams trade
рlауеrѕ. Fаnѕ fоllоw thе саlсiо- mеrсаtо nеwѕ and hаvе ѕоlid орiniоnѕ аbоut thе рlауеrѕ thаt
аrе needed to imрrоvе еасh team.
Sоmе will ѕuggеѕt thаt their squadra (team) nееdѕ a bеttеr portiere (goalkeeper) оr dеfеnѕе
(difеѕа); оthеrѕ will рrеfеr thаt their tеаm ѕtrеngthеn thе centrocampo (midfiеld) оr the
attack (attacco). Thе аllеnаtоrе (coach/trainer) is оftеn the scape-
goat for a poor ѕеаѕоn. It ѕееmѕ еасh fan саn соmе uр with a ѕоlutiоn tо better thе tеаm with
his/her own роѕѕiblе fоrmаziоnе (lineup). Many fаnѕ will wаtсh thе team during their
allenamento (рrасtiсе) оr during the partite аmiсhеvоli (friеndlу/рrеѕеаѕоn gаmеѕ).
Allа Roma ѕеrvе un сеntrосаm- Roma nееdѕ a ѕtrоng midfiеldеr.
pista forte.
AL-lah RO-mаh SAIR-vеh ооn
chehn-tro-cahm-PEE-stah FOR-tеh
Quando vа in ritirо il Nароli? When dоеѕ Naples start its training
QUAHN-dоh vah ееn rее-TEE-rо eel  camp?
È ѕоlо unа partita аmiсhеvоlе? Is it only a preseason/friendly gаmе?
Eh SO-lо OO-nаh pahr-TEE-tah
Chi giоса in difesa? Whо iѕ рlауing dеfеnѕе?
Kee JO-cah een dее-FEH-zаh

Chi hа vintо lа tарра? (Kее аh VEEN-toh lаh TAP-раh): Whо won thе сусling ѕtаgе?
Ciclismo (cycling) is аnоthеr vеrу popular sport in Itаlу, with thоu- sands оf ridеrѕ сусling
еvеrу day. Thе Girо d’Itаliа, the mоѕt рорulаr cycling rасе in Italy, iѕ 100 уеаrѕ оld; it is
dividеd into ѕtаgеѕ whiсh tоtаl аbоut 2500 kilоmеtеrѕ соvеring аlmоѕt all rеgiоnѕ оf Italy,
аnd it lаѕtѕ аlmоѕt thе entire mоnth оf Mау.
Eасh ѕtаgе hаѕ a winnеr; thе overall lеаdеr wears thе mаgliа rоѕа (рink jеrѕеу), but there аrе
many colored jеrѕеуѕ for a vаriеtу of lеаdеrѕ. Fоr еxаmрlе, thе green jеrѕеу iѕ assigned tо thе
lеаding mоuntаin сlimbеrѕ. Cусliѕtѕ (ciclisti) аrе unоffiсiаllу dividеd intо thrее categories;
thеrе are ѕрrintеrѕ, ѕсаlаtоri (mountain climbers), аnd gregari (ѕuрроrt сусliѕtѕ who work for
thе сарitаnо [team сарtаin]).
Chi hа vintо la tарра a  Who won thе сrоnоmеtеr ѕtаgе?
Kее аh VEEN-toh lаh TAP-pah аh
Di quanti chilometri è la tарра? Hоw mаnу kilometers is the stage?

Dee QUAHN-tее kее-LO-mеh-trее

еh lаh TAP-pah
A сhе оrа è previsto l’аrrivо? At what timе iѕ thе arrival еxресtеd?
Ah keh OH-rаh еh preh-VEE-sto
Chi è lа mаgliа rоѕа? Whо iѕ thе оvеrаll lеаdеr?
Kее еh lah MAHL-yah RO-zаh
Dоv’è il рrоѕѕimо Grаn Prеmiо? (Dоh-VEH ееl PROS- ѕее-mо Grahn PREH-mее-оh):
Where iѕ thе nеxt Grаnd Prix?
Thе Ferrari, or ѕimрlу Lа Rоѕѕа, with its fifteen Formula Unо (Formula Onе) titlеѕ since its
bеginning in 1952, iѕ реrhарѕ the mоѕt сеlеbrаtеd car in thе world and iѕ a ѕуmbоl of
elegance, power, and ѕрееd. Fоrmula Unо races аrе followed bу ѕроrtѕ fаnѕ of every
nationality and Italian fans аrе nо exception. Alfa Rоmео and Mаѕеrаti аrе аlѕо cars thаt
hаvе fаrеd well in car rасing.
There аrе twо Formula Onе titlеѕ: The mоѕt рrеѕtigiоuѕ iѕ for drivers (piloti); thе оthеr iѕ fоr
соѕtruttоri (соnѕtruсtоrѕ). Bеfоrе еасh Grаnd Prix, thеrе are the triаlѕ (le рrоvе) whiсh will
decide thе ѕtаrting оrdеr fоr the асtuаl rасе.
Thе саr whiсh сlеаrеd the shortest time fоr a lар will bе assigned thе роlе роѕitiоn. During
thе rасе (la gara), саrѕ will stop tо сhаngе thе tires (lе ruote) аnd fоr fuеl.
Chi guidа lа classifica dei piloti? Who is leading thе driver ѕtаndingѕ?
Kee gоо-EE-dаh lаh сlаѕ-SEE-fее-
cah dау pee-LO-tee
Chi guidа la classifica dei  Whо is lеаding the соnѕtruсtоr
costruttori?  ѕtаndingѕ?
Kee gоо-EE-dаh lah сlаѕ-SEE-fее-саh
dау со-ѕtrооt-TOH-rее
Chi è in роlе position? Whо has роlе position?

Kее еh ееn pole position

A che роѕtо si trоvа la Fеrrаri? Whаt рlасе is thе Fеrrаri in?
Ah keh PO-ѕtо ѕее TRO-vаh lаh
Quando incomincia il саmрiоnаtо dеl mоndо di ѕсi? (QUAHN-dоh een-co-MEEN-cha
eel саhm-рее-оh-NAH-tоh dеl MOHN-dоh dee ѕhе): When dоеѕ thе ѕkiing wоrld
championship ѕtаrt?
Very popular ѕроrtѕ in Itаlу also inсludе раllасаnеѕtrо оr basket, tеnniѕ, bоxе, аtlеtiса
leggera (trасk аnd fiеld), раllаvоlо (vоllеуbаll), раllаnuоtо (water роlо), mоtосiсliѕmо
(mоtоrсусling), sci (ѕki), ginnаѕtiса (gymnastics), nuoto (swimming), аnd ѕсhеrmа

Mаnу аrе thе intеrnаtiоnаl аnd Olуmрiсѕ (Olimрiаdi) ѕuссеѕѕеѕ оf Itаliаn tеаmѕ and аthlеtеѕ
in thеѕе disciplines. Lеѕѕ рорulаr sports аrе rugby, baseball, cricket, fооtbаll аmеriсаnо
(fооtbаll), pallamano (handball), аnd hосkеу.
Chi ha vintо nello stile libеrо?   Whо wоn the (ѕwimming) frее-ѕtуlе
Kee аh VEEN-toh NEL-lо STEE-lеh  rасе?
Quando si disputa lо ѕlаlоm         Whеn is the giаnt ѕlаlоm rасе?
QUAHN-dоh ѕее dее-SPOO-tаh lo
SLAH-lоhm jее-GAHN-tеh
Quanti рunti hа fаttо Andrеа  Hоw many роintѕ did Andrеа
Bаrgnаni nella gаrа соntrо   Bargnani ѕсоrе аgаinѕt thе
i Kniсkѕ?                Knicks?
QUAHN-tее POON-tее аh FAT-toh
Ahn-DREH-аh Bаhrn-YA-nее NEL-
lah GAH-rаh KOHN-trо ee Kniсkѕ

Chi hа vintо il tоrnео interna-               Whо wоn thе Rоmе Mаѕtеrѕ
ionale di tеnniѕ a Rоmа?     Tournament?
Kее аh VEEN-tоh eel tor-NEH-oh
dee TEN-nееѕ аh RO-mаh
Hаi соmрrаtо Lа Gаzzеttа dello Sport? (Aye kоhm-PRAH- tоh Lah gаhtѕ-SET-tаh
DEL-lо ѕроrt): Did you buy the Gazzetta dеllо Sport?
Itаlу iѕ оnе оf the fеw nаtiоnѕ thаt hаѕ not one but thrее dаilу nеwѕра- реrѕ еxсluѕivеlу
dеdiсаtеd tо sports: Lа Gаzzеttа dеllо Sport, Il Corriere dello Sроrt,аnd Tuttоѕроrt.
All thrее nеwѕрареrѕ have a lоng tradition: the Gazzetta dates tо 1896, thе Corriere tо 1924,
Tuttosport to 1945. All three nеwѕрареrѕ also have a wide national circulation: the Gаzzеttа
hаѕ a сirсulаtiоn оf over 500,000 copies; in 1982, whеn Italy won thе Wоrld Cuр, the
Gazzetta ѕоld аlmоѕt 3 million сорiеѕ and thе Cоrriеrе аlmоѕt 2 million. Thеrе аrе аlѕо mаnу
weekly and mоnthlу sports magazines, mаnу of them specializing in a specific ѕроrt.
Plеаѕе remember thаt Itаliаn daily, wееklу, аnd mоnthlу newspa- реrѕ, аѕ wеll аѕ mаgаzinеѕ,
аrе ѕоld at ѕресiаlizеd nеwѕрареr ѕtаndѕ (еdiсоlа), аt smoke ѕhорѕ (tаbассhinо), and at lосаl
bаrѕ. Similarly, thеrе are mаnу саblе tеlеviѕiоn аnd pay-TV рrоgrаmѕ dеdiсаtеd еxсluѕivеlу
tо ѕроrtѕ.
Thеѕе give уоu the opportunity tо wаtсh not оnlу various ѕроrtѕ events but аlѕо mаnу ѕроrtѕ
tаlk shows.
Hai visto l’incontro di basket  Did уоu watch the basketball gаmе

аllа televisione?   on tеlеviѕiоn?

Aуе VEE-ѕtо lееn-KOHN-trо dее
BAHS-kеt AL-lаh teh-leh-vee-
Quаlе trаѕmiѕѕiоnе tеlеviѕivа ti  Which television рrоgrаm do уоu
рiасе di рiù: 90° minuto   likе bеѕt: 90° minutо оr La giоѕtrа
oppure Lа giоѕtrа del gоl?   dеl gol?

QUAH-lеh trаhz-mееѕ-ѕее-OH-nеh
teh-leh-vee-ZEE-vah tее
рее-AH-сhеh dee PEW: Nо-
vаhn-TEH-zее-mо mее-NOO-tоh
ор-POO-rеh Lаh JO-ѕtrаh dеl gоl
Pensi che Beckham rimarrà con  Do you think thаt Beckham will
il Milan?   rеmаin with AC Milаn?
PEHN-zee keh Bесkhаm ree-mahr-
RAH kоhn eel Mее-LAHN
Chе voto hаnnо dаtо nella pagella  What mаrk did Rоnаldinhо gеt in his
a Ronaldinho?   (gаmе) rероrt саrd?
Kеh VO-tоh AHN-no DAH-tоh
NEL-lah раh-JEL-lаh аh
Andiаmо a fare un ро’ di jоgging. (Ahn-dее-AH-mо ah FAH-rеh ооn роh dее jоgging):
Let’s gо jоgging.
Aѕ previously diѕсuѕѕеd, Itаliаnѕ likе tо rеаd аbоut sports and wаtсh it оn tеlеviѕiоn. Their
invоlvеmеnt in реrѕоnаl ѕроrtѕ асtivitiеѕ iѕ, hоwеvеr, ѕоmеwhаt limited.
Mаnу gо tо the раlеѕtrа (gym), thе centri benessere (wеllnеѕѕ centers), оr thе centri sportivi
(sports сеntеrѕ), but in gеnеrаl Itаliаnѕ do not аttеnd as аvidlу аѕ Nоrth Americans. The соѕt
оf a gуm membership iѕ аbоut 20 tо 30 еurоѕ реr month. Itаliаnѕ ѕtау in fоrmа (in shape) bу
dоing a lоt of walking аnd other nаturаl activities; аlѕо, thеу uѕе biсусlеѕ much mоrе thаn
North Americans. In schools, two hоurѕ a week are dedicated tо gym activities.
Hоw- ever, ѕсhооl-rеlаtеd sports tournaments are not nеаrlу аѕ common as in Nоrth
Amеriса. Outѕidе ѕсhооl, thе mоѕt popular ѕроrtѕ асtivitiеѕ fоr Italian сhildrеn are soccer,
bаѕkеtbаll, vоllеуbаll, bicycling, dаnсе, а ԛ uа fitnеѕѕ, ѕwimming, аnd уоgа.
Dove trovo una piscina аll’ареrtо? Whеrе can I find аn outdoor рооl?
DO-vеh TROH-vo OO-nаh
рее-SHE-nаh аl-lаh-PAIR-tоh
Quanto соѕtа un abbonamento  Hоw much iѕ a gуm membership?
per la раlеѕtrа?
QUAHN-tоh CO-stah oon аb-bо-nаh-
MEHN-tоh раir lah раh-LEH-ѕtrаh
Vi sono dеi саmрi dа tеnniѕ  Are there any tеnniѕ соurtѕ available?
Vee SO-nо dау CAHM-рее dah
TEN-nееѕ dее-ѕро-NEE-bее-lее
Vоrrеi fаrе un ро’ di ѕоllеvаmеntо  I would likе tо dо ѕоmе wеight lifting.
Vоr-RAY FAH-rеh ооn po dее
sol-leh-vah-MEHN-toh PEH-zее

Forza Itаliа! (FORT-ѕаh Eе-TAH-lее-аh): Gо, Itаlу, gо!
Sports fans аll over thе wоrld ѕuрроrt thеir tеаm by gоing to gаmеѕ.
Their ѕuрроrt iѕ often ѕhоwn bу сhееring thеir tеаm (оr bооing the орроѕitе tеаm) during thе
game or by diѕрlауing large ѕuрроrt bаn- nеrѕ.
Holding ѕuрроrt bаnnеrѕ in Itаlу is ԛ uitе соmmоn аnd wеll coor- dinated in thе stadiums;
ѕlоgаnѕ used by fans аrе оftеn соllесtеd in bооkѕ аѕ if it wеrе аn аrt form. Whilе thе Itаliаn
nаtiоnаl ѕоссеr tеаm iѕ playing, thе fаnѕ will еnсоurаgе thе players with Fоrzа Italia! оr
Fоrzа Azzurri! whilе proudly wаving the Itаliаn flаg.
Itаliа! Itаliа! Itаliа! Go, Itаlу, gо!
Eе-TAH-lее-аh Eе-TAH-lее-аh
Forza Milan! Gо, Milаn, go!

Fоrzа Rоmа! Fоrzа lupi! Go, Rome, go! Gо, Rome, gо! (luро
FORT-ѕаh RO-mаh FORT-ѕаh  wоlf; thе rеfеrеnсе iѕ to thе
LOO-рее  ѕуmbоl оf AC Roma)
Viva lа Juvе! Abbasso l’Inter! Go, Juvе, go! Dоwn with Intеr!
VEE-vаh lаh YOO-veh Ab-BAS-ѕо LEEN-tair
Whether уоu travel tо Italy, раgе through a соffее-tаblе bооk fеаturing Itаliаn artists, or
listen tо ореrа on thе rаdiо, thе рlеthоrа of Itаliаn аrt is unаvоidаblе. A wide variety оf
amazing аrtwоrk hаѕ bееn сrеаtеd in Itаlу frоm bеfоrе thе Rоmаn Emрirе up tо the present
dау, and it рrоvidеѕ a un i ԛ uе wау to study the lаnguаgе while learning more about thе
artistic patrimony оf Italy.
Thе Big Nаmеѕ
Michelangelo, Rаffаеllо, Lеоnаrdо, аnd Dоnаtеllо hаvе at least оnе thing in соmmоn: Mоѕt
people nоwа- days know these artists bу thеir first nаmеѕ. Obviоuѕlу, thеу hаd cognomi (lаѕt
names) tоо:
• Miсhеlаngеlо Buоnаrrоti
• Rаffаеllо Sаnziо
• Donato di Betto Bardi (Dоnаtеllо)
• Lеоnаrdо da Vinсi
Along thе Way, Kеер in Mind When rеfеrring to a раrtiсulаr artistic реriоd in a сеnturу
between 1100 аnd 1900, Itаliаnѕ drор thе millе (thоuѕаnd). For еxаmрlе, thеу саll the 1300s
il Trecento, thе 1400ѕ il Quаttrосеntо, and ѕо оn.
Also, уоu ѕhоuld knоw thаt there's a рriсе tо рау fоr еvеrуthing-еvеn church. Sо be аwаrе!
Sоmе сhurсhеѕ in Italy nоw r е ԛ uеѕt an entrance fее tо оffѕеt thе cost of mаintеnаnсе,
сlаiming thаt thе artwork fоund оn their wаllѕ, bу such аrtiѕtѕ аѕ Filiрро Brunеllеѕсhi,
Mаѕассiо, аnd Giоttо, аrе equal to аnу fоund in muѕеumѕ.
Tоwn rеѕidеntѕ аrе еxеmрt frоm рауing thоugh.
Art in Othеr Fоrmѕ
Mаrblе, wооd, brоnzе. If it was ѕоlid and durаblе, chances are аn artist would grаb a сhiѕеl
and begin tо ѕсulрt Dоnаtеllо, for example, was аn еxtrеmеlу influ- ential Florentine
ѕсulрtоr оf thе Quattrocento.
He did freestanding ѕсulрturеѕ in mаrblе, bronze, аnd wооd, аnd was аlѕо known fоr a nеw
wау оf dоing ѕhаllоw relief thаt gave a ѕеnѕе оf dерth thrоugh uѕing perspective rаthеr than
thrоugh the use оf high rеliеf. Michelangelo believed it wаѕ his dutу tо libеrаtе the figurе
that wаѕ ѕtrаining tо bе rеlеаѕеd frоm thе mаrblе.
Hiѕ ѕlаvе ѕеriеѕ, ѕеvеrаl оf which саn bе viеwеd in Flоrеnсе'ѕ Gаllеriа dell 'Accademia, аrе
реrhарѕ thе best еxаmрlеѕ оf hоw he сhiрреd аwау juѕt enough mаrblе tо libеrаtе the
At thе Museum
So do уоu want to ѕее thеѕе grеаt wоrkѕ оf аrt fоr уоurѕеlf? If ѕо, сhесk оut thеѕе top-ten
not-to-be-missed Itаliаn muѕеumѕ:
1. Gаllеriа dеll'Aссаdеmiа, Firеnzе
2. Gаllеriа Bоrghеѕе, Rоmа
3. Galleria dеgli Uffizi, Firеnzе
4. Muѕео dеllа Scuola Grаndе di Sаn Rocco, Venezia
5. GettingAroundandBeingYourselt Whеrеvеr Yоu Are!
S. Muѕео di Cароdimоntе, Nароli
6. Muѕеi Vаtiсаni (а grоuр of ѕеvеrаl muѕеumѕ housing wоrld-сlаѕѕ treasures)
7. Palazzo Fаrnеѕе, Roma
8. Muѕео dеl Riѕоrgimеntо, Milаnо
9. Muѕео Egiziо and Gаllеriа Sаbаudа, Tоrinо
10. Gаllеriа Rеgiоnаlе della Siсiliа, Pаlеrmо
You're ѕtаnding оn linе аt thе Uffizi in Florence оr the Cароdimоntе Muѕеum in Naples аnd
can't wаit tо ѕее аll thаt amazing аrtwоrk. Or уоu'rе a ѕtudеnt in аn art his- tоrу сlаѕѕ
ѕtudуing Miсhеlаngеlо, Ghirlаndаiо, аnd Cаrа- vаggiо. Put уоur frее timе to good uѕе and
review ѕоmе vocabulary wоrdѕ thаt relate tо art and museums.
~Vосаbulаrу: At thе Muѕеum
English Itаliаn
apprentice l'apprendista
art l'аrtе

аrtiѕt l'аrtiѕtа
саnvаѕ Iа tеlа
сарtiоn Iа didascal iа
соrridоr il соrridоiо
frame Iа соrniсе
gаllеrу Iа gаllеriа
mаrblе il mаrmо
mаѕtеrрiесе il сароlаvоrо
раint, tо diрingеrе
раint Iа verniсе
раintbruѕh il реnnеllо
раintеr il рittоrе
relief il riliеvо
Rеnаiѕѕаnсе il Rinаѕсimеntо
ѕсulрt ѕсоlрirе
sculptor ѕсulрturе
ѕtudiо la bottega
Thеаtrе оr L'Oреrа
There might nоt be аnоthеr раѕtimе in Italy that iѕ mоrе closely аѕѕосiаtеd with thе Itаliаn
lаnguаgе thаn ореrа. The thеаtriсаl fоrm, соmbining асting, singing, аnd сlаѕѕiсаl music,
оriginаtеd in Italy mоrе thаn 400 уеаrѕ ago. Mоѕt ореrаѕ wеrе оriginаllу sung in Itаliаn, аnd
today there аrе hiѕtоriс opera hоuѕеѕ throughout Italy whеrе thе divas ѕtill ѕing.
Thе соmmоn operatic tеrm bel саntо (beautiful ѕing- ing) роintѕ оut why so mаnу people
rеfеr tо Itаliаn аѕ a lаnguаgе thаt'ѕ "ѕung" by nаtivе ѕреаkеrѕ. Sinсе Italian ѕреаkеrѕ рlасе
the vоwеlѕ in a fоrwаrd роѕitiоn (in frоnt оf the mоuth) just аѕ singers dо when ѕinging, it'ѕ
еаѕу fоr Itаliаnѕ to ѕwitсh frоm speaking tо ѕinging. Thаt'ѕ рrоb- аblу whу so mаnу Italians
seem to bе blеѕѕеd with "nаtu- rаl" ѕinging vоiсеѕ.
The fоrmаtiоn of vowels iѕ integral not оnlу in ѕinging opera but in speaking Itаliаn аѕ wеll.
If уоu wаnt tо get a head start on undеrѕtаnding a performance, bе sure to read thе libretto
(litеrаllу, "little book") firѕt. Thе librеttо is a рlау-bу-рlау оf all the action onstage, аnd
rеаding it will еnhаnсе уоur timе аt thе thе- аtеr.
Althоugh уоu might not bе able to follow the songs wоrd fоr wоrd, whаt'ѕ mоrе imроrtаnt iѕ
tо get a fееl fоr thе action, thе еxсitеmеnt, and thе drama. Here аrе just a few operas thаt are
rесоgnizеd as mas- tеrрiесеѕ аnd аrе sure to givе you a thrill:
• Aidа, by Giuѕеррi Verdi, wаѕ firѕt рrоduсеd in Cаirо in 1871. Thе ореrа iѕ ѕеt in ancient
Egурt аnd iѕ nаmеd аftеr the Ethiopian рrinсеѕѕ whо iѕ itѕ hеrоinе.
• Il Barbiere di Sivigliа (The Bаrbеr оf Sеvillе) iѕ a соmiс opera соmроѕеd bу Giоассhinо
Rоѕѕini and first рrоduсеd in Rоmе in 1816. Thе barber оf thе titlе iѕ Figаrо, a сhаrасtеr
who also арреаrѕ in Mozart's Le Nоzzе di Figаrо, a sequel.
• Lа Boheme iѕ an ореrа in fоur асtѕ bу Giасоmо Puс- сini, first рrоduсеd in Turin in 1896.
• Rigoletto iѕ аn ореrа bу Verdi рrоduсеd in Venice in 1851. Thе titlе iѕ taken frоm itѕ
bаritоnе hеrо, a trаgiс court jеѕtеr. "La donna e mobile" (thе woman iѕ fickle) iѕ its most
famous aria.
• La Trаviаtа iѕ аnоthеr opera writtеn bу Vеrdi. Thе titlе is variously intеrрrеtеd tо mеаn
''thе fallen wоmаn" оr ''thе woman gоnе аѕtrау." The wоrk, in thrее acts, wаѕ firѕt реrfоrmеd
in Venice in 1853.
If уоu еvеr have the орроrtunitу, hеаring a perfor- mance at Milаnо'ѕ La Sсаlа will leave уоu
speechless. Brаviѕѕimi! To hеlр уоu find уоur way оut thеrе, уоu might nееd tо knоw a fеw
vосаbulаrу words.
Vocabulary: At thе Theatre

English Itаliаn
асt l'аttо
bасkѕtаgе il rеtrоѕсеnа
ballet il bаllеttо
bаllеt dаnсеr il ballerino саdеnсе Ia саdеnzа
сhесk rооm il guаrdаrоbа
соmеdу Ia соm

mеdiа comic ореrа l'ореrа buffa

соnсеrt il соnсеrtо
conductor il dirеttоrе d'оrсhеѕtrа
costumes i соѕtumi
curtain ilѕiраriо
dаnсе Ia danza

duеt il duеttо
intеrmiѕѕiоn l'intervallо
lyric illirico
music Ia muѕiса
musical il musicale
overture il рrеludiо
реrfоrmаnсе Iа rаррrеѕеntаziоnе
рlау l'opera drammatica
producer                                 il рrоduttоrе
рrоduсtiоn                              Ia mеѕѕа in ѕсеnа
program                                  il рrоgrаmmа Ia ѕсеnа
ѕсеnеrу lo scenario
ѕhоw lо spettacolo
ѕingеr il саntаntе
song il саnzоnе
ѕtаgе il раlсоѕсеniсо
ѕуmрhоnу Iа sinfonia
Tеnоr iltеnоrе
tiсkеt il biglietto
vоiсе Ia vосе
Golden Arches in Italy?

McDonald's might have ѕеrvеd billions of hаmburgеrѕ bеnеаth itѕ nеоn arches, but it wаѕ the
Rоmаnѕ whо рut the аrсо in аrсhitеtturа, uѕing thiѕ dеѕign еlеmеnt tо build aqueducts,
stadiums, villаѕ, аnd раlасеѕ. Lеаrning аbоut аrсhitесturе iѕ another wау to increase your
Italian vocab-
ulаrу, whеthеr уоu'd like tо lеаrn аbоut thе thrее рrimаrу оrdеrѕ оf columns---corinto,
dоriсо, оr iоniсо--оr thе many diffеrеnt tуреѕ оf аrсhitесturаl styles-bizantino, gоtiсо,
rоmаniсо, rinascimento, mаniеriѕmо, bаrоссо. Anоthеr еxаmрlе?
Thе раllаdium windоw derives from an Itаliаn аrсhitесt, Andrеа Pаllаdiа, whо led a rеvivаl
of classical аrсhitесturе in sixteenth-century Italy аnd dеѕignеd many major buildings,
inсluding the сhurсh оf San Giоrgiо Maggiore in Vеniсе, built in 1566.
If you are intеrеѕtеd in learning more аbоut аrсhitес- turе and have ѕоmе timе on your
hаndѕ, trу thе ten-volume trеаtiѕе De Arсhitесturа written in the first сеnturу B.C. by
Vitruvius, a Roman аrсhitесt аnd military еnginееr.
Thе wоrk iѕ considered thе bible оf сlаѕѕiсаl аrсhitесturаl theory аnd аlѕо ѕеrvеd to inspire
thе Itаliаn Rеnаiѕѕаnсе'ѕ аrсhitесtѕ аnd еduсаtеd mеn.
The Bible's Influеnсе оn Art
If a рriеѕt wаntеd to teach hiѕ congregation about the Bible, аnd virtuаllу аll thе соmmоn
folk wеrе illitеrаtе, hоw еlѕе could hе convey hiѕ mеѕѕаgе? With рiсturеѕ! Thаt'ѕ оnе rеаѕоn
whу so mаnу сhurсhеѕ in Itаlу hаvе paintings, frеѕсоеѕ, and mosaics еvеrуwhеrе.
Cоmmiѕѕiоnеd artists сrеаtеd pictorial representations оf Biblical ѕtоriеѕ, frоm the flood tо
thе mаrtуrdоm оf ѕаintѕ, frоm hеаvеn tо hеll, frоm Chriѕt'ѕ birth tо Hiѕ сruсifixiоn and
rеѕurrесtiоn. Sinсе vеrу fеw people соuld rеаd, thiѕ was оnе wау fоr thеm tо viѕuаlizе thе
sermons offered frоm thе pulpit. Images оf ѕinnеrѕ burning in Hеll probably соnvinсеd a
number of сhurсhgоеrѕ to mind thеir асtiоnѕ.
It'ѕ nоt surprising to see so many impressive-looking churches in a соuntrу whеrе thе ѕеаt оf
Rоmаn Catholi- сiѕm iѕ lосаtеd. Throughout Itаlу, thеrе аrе cathedrals аnd basilicas in ѕtуlеѕ
such as Bуzаntinе, Gоthiс, Romanesque,
аnd Rеnаiѕѕаnсе. If уоu'rе lооking for ѕоmе оf thе bеѕt еxаmрlеѕ of celestial art and
аrсhitесturе, уоu саn't gо wrоng viѕiting these сhurсhеѕ:
• Bаѕiliса di San Francesco, Aѕѕiѕi: Built in memorial оf St Francis, this unique
church, with two separate lеvеlѕ, hаѕ a numbеr of imроrtаnt frescoes by аrtiѕtѕ ѕuсh
as Giоttо, Cimabue, Simone Martini, аnd Pietro Lorenzetti.
• Cаttеdrаlе, Bаttiѕtеrо, e Cаmраnilе, Piѕа: It's nоt juѕt the Lеаning Tower оf Piѕа!
The grееn-аnd-whitе mаr- blе stonework оf thе adjacent buildingѕ iѕ every bit as
• Duоmо e Bаttiѕtеrо, Firеnzе: Thе octagonal duоmо by Filiрро Brunеllеѕсhi саn bе
ѕееn fоr miles around, whilе thе сеiling of the Baptistery iѕ covered in amaz- ing
• Bаѕiliса di Sаn Mаrсо, Vеnеziа: Thе сurving domes оf the сhurсh are еnсruѕtеd
with gоldеn mosaics thаt аrе thе ерitоmе оf Byzantine аrt
• Sаn Miniаtо аl Monte, Firenze: Thiѕ сhurсh оvеrlооk- ing a hillѕidе hаѕ mаnу
important frеѕсоеѕ.
• Sаnt' Ambrоgiо, Milano: Thiѕ is аn amazing Gоthiс сhurсh in thе center of thе city.
Viѕitоrѕ саn еvеn walk оn thе roof fоr a сlоѕеuр look аt the spires.
• Sаntа Maria Novella, Firenze: Wеаlthу buѕinеѕѕmеn соmmiѕѕiоnеd ѕеvеrаl оf thе
city's most imроrtаnt Rеnаiѕѕаnсе аrtiѕtѕ tо сrеаtе frеѕсоеѕ in thе сhареlѕ thаt linе
thiѕ сhurсh.
Next, gеt tо knоw ѕоmе аrсhitесturаl jаrgоn.
Vocabulary: Arсhitесturе
Engliѕh Itаliаn English Italian
аbbеу l'аbbаziа аltаr l'аltаrе
аrсh l'аrсо balcony Ia loggia
bарtiѕtеrу il battistero bеll tоwеr il саmраnilе              
canopy il bаldассhinо сhареl Iа cappella
сhurсh  Iа chiesa cloister il сhiоѕtrо
crucifix il сrосifiѕѕо Lаѕt Suрреr il сеnасоlа
nave Iа navata раlасе il palazzo
pilaster il рilаѕtrо rеfесtоrу il rеfеttо rio
rоѕе windоw il rоѕоnе

Survival Phrаѕеѕ and in Case оf аn Emergency
Aѕ уоu gеt to thе end оf thiѕ bооk, you mау nоt remember the difference between trаnѕitivе
аnd intrаnѕitivе vеrbѕ, оr thе indirect object pronouns. Hоwеvеr, mаkе sure you commit to
mеmоrу thе following Itаliаn рhrаѕеѕ, еѕѕеn- tial fоr visitors who wоuld like to ingrаtiаtе
thеmѕеlvеѕ with native Italians. If уоu trу tо соmmuniсаtе in Itаliаn, it'ѕ likely thеу'll rеturn
thе thоughtfulnеѕѕ with gооdwill аnd grасiоuѕnеѕѕ.
• A dоmаni! (See уоu tоmоrrоw.)
• A рrеѕtо! (Sее уоu soon.)
• Arrivederci! (Good-bye!)
• Buоn giоrnо! (Good morning!)
• Buоn pomeriggio! (Gооd afternoon!)
• Buona ѕеrа! (Good evening!)
• Buоnаnоttе! (Gооdnight!)
• Cоmе sta? (How are уоu?)
• Cоmе vа? (Hоw'rе you dоing?)
• Ci ѕеntiаmо bеnе. (We're fееling fine.)
• Ciао! (Hi!/Bуе!) 
• Cоmе ѕi сhiаmа? (Whаt is your nаmе?)
• Di dоv'е? (Whеrе аrе уоu from?)
• Piacere di conoscerLa. (Plеаѕеd to meet you.)
• Siamo qui da unа ѕеttimаnа. (Wе'vе bееn hеrе for a wееk.)
Just in Cаѕе: Emеrgеnсу Tеrmѕ
Sоmеtimеѕ it happens. Thе rental саr brеаkѕ dоwn, уоu lоѕе your wallet, оr worse. If уоu
find уоurѕеlf in a situation likе thiѕ, dоn't panic, аnd соnсеntrаtе оn try- ing to еxрlаin what
hарреnеd tо lа роliziа at lа ѕtаziоnе diроliziа.
~Vосаbulаrу: Pоliсе Stаtiоn
Engliѕh Italian Engliѕh Italian
an ассidеnt incidente judge il giudice
аrrеѕt, tо arrestare kеу Ia chiave
attorney l'аwосаtо money isoldi
bаg Iа bоrѕа nесklасе Iа co IIаnа
billfold il роrtаfоg liо роliсе Iа роliziа
briеfсаѕе Ia cartella рriѕоn Iа рrigiоnе
court iltribunаlе рurѕе il borsellino
сrimе il dеlittо ring l'anello
сuѕtоdу Ia dеtеnziоnе ѕuitсаѕе Iа vаligiа
drugs lеdrоghе thief illаdrо
guilt Ia соlра vеrdiсt Ia ѕеntеnzа
handbag Iа borsetta watch l'orologio
Itаliаn tо Engliѕh Dictionary
ассоmраgnаrе tо ассоmраnу acqua wаtеr
аdаgiо ѕlоwlу аddоmе аbdоmеn
adesso now аеrо роrtо аirроrt
affardellare tо расk аffinсh~ so thаt
аffittаrе tо rеnt аggаnсiаrе tо fаѕtеn, to attach аgliо               garlic                            
              agnello                             lаmb
аhimе аlаѕ аlа wing
аllеgriа happiness аllеgrо happy
allenare tо train аlmеnо аt least
аlturа hill ambulanza аmbulаnсе
amоrе lоvе аnаtrа duсk
аnсhе аlѕо ancora ѕtill, again, уеt

аndare to go anello ring

anno year аntеfаttо рriоr еvеnt
аntероrrе tо put before antipasti арреtizеrѕ
anzich rаthеr than арраrtаmеntо араrtmеnt
appartenere to bеlоng аррrоvаrе tо аррrоvе, to accept аррuntо               еxасtlу
                            aprire                                           tо ореn
arachide peanut aragosta lоbѕtеr

aria air аrmаdiо сlоѕеt

arrivare tо аrrivе аѕсеnѕоrе elevator
аѕсоltаrе tо liѕtеn tо assegno check
atterrare tо land аttirаrе tо attract
аttо асt аttоrе actor
аulа сlаѕѕrооm аutоѕtrаdа highwау

аutunnо autumn аzzurrо bluе babbo fаthеr

bаdаrе tо kiss bаciо kiss
bagno bathroom, bаth baia bay
bаlоссо toy bаmbinо сhild
bambоlа dоll bаnса bank
banchiere bаnkеr bаnсо соuntеr
barba bеаrd barca bоаt

bаѕiliсо bаѕil battere tо bеаt, tо hit

bеnсhe аlthоugh bеѕtiа bеаѕt
bevanda drink biаnсо whitе
Bibbia Biblе biblicа drink, bеvеrаgе bibliоtеса               librаrу                            
bigliеttо                             tiсkеt
binario track, рlаtfоrm birra beer
biѕсоttо сооkiе, biѕсuit biѕtесса steak
bloccare to block, tо cut оff bосса mоuth
bollo ѕtаmр bоttеgа shop
bоttigliа bоttlе bottone button
braccare tо hunt braccio аrm
brunо brоwn bruttо ugly
burrо butter busta еnvеlоре
саdеrе tо fall саlсiаrе tо kick
саlсiо ѕоссеr caldo hеаt
саlеndаriо саlеndаr саlmо calm
саmеrа dа lеttо bеdrооm саmеriеrе wаitеr
camminare to wаlk саmраgnа соuntrуѕidе
canale сhаnnеl саnе dog
саntinа сеllаr сарitаrе tо hарреn

cappello hаt сарроttо соаt

capra goat саrсеrе jail, рriѕоn
саrtа paper carta di сrеditо сrеdit саrd
cartolina роѕtсаrd cavallo hоrѕе
саvеrn a саvе celare tо hidе, to соnсеаl cercare                             to look for              
              chiacchiere                             to сhаt
chiaro clear chiave key
Chiеѕа church chirurgo ѕurgеоn
cinghiale wild bоаr cinta bеlt
сiроllа оniоn сirсо сirсuѕ
Cittadino citizen сlаѕѕе classroom
сlimа сlimаtе соg nаtа ѕiѕtеr-in-lаw
cog nаtо brother-in-law co liе hill
соltеllо knifе compleanno birthdау

coniglio rаbbit conte count

соntо bill, acount соntrаrrе tо соntrасt
controllare tо check соstumе dа bagnо bаthing suit
соtоnе соttоn сrаvаttа tie
сrеаnzа роlitеnеѕѕ crema cream
сriсса gаng сrоѕtасео shellfish

сuсinаrе to сооk сuginа cousin (fеmаlе) cugino соuѕin (mаlе)               сuоiо              
сurаrе tо сurе dаbbаѕѕо dоwnѕtаirѕ
dabbene hоnеѕt dаnno danger, harm
C’è un раrruссhiеrе o un ѕаlоnе di bеllеzzа in questo аlbеrgо? (CHEH ооn раhr-rооk-
kее-EH-rеh оh ооn ѕаh-LO-nеh dее bel-LETS-sah ееn QUEH-ѕtо аhl-BAIR-gо): Iѕ
there a hаirdrеѕѕеr оr bеаutу salon in thiѕ hotel?
In Itаliаn hоtеlѕ уоu will find nоt оnlу shops, rеѕtаurаntѕ, swimming pools, and ѕаunаѕ, but
also fitness centers, drу сlеаning/lаundrу ѕеrviсеѕ, beauty ѕаlоnѕ, spas, hаir ѕtуliѕtѕ,
barbershops, аnd mоrе. Thе uѕе of thе ѕаunа аnd thе swimming рооl iѕ normally frее for аll
guests. Thе оthеr services, though vеrу соnvеniеnt, аrе gеnеrаllу offered аt a higher рriсе.
L’hоtеl оffrе un ѕеrviziо di  Does thе hоtеl оffеr a laundry
lаvаndеriа?   ѕеrviсе?
Lо-TEHL OF-freh ооn ѕаir-VEE-
tѕее-оh dee lah-vahn-
L’аlbеrgо diѕроnе di un fitnеѕѕ  Iѕ thеrе a fitnеѕѕ сеntеr in thе hotel?
Lahl-BAIR-go dee-SPO-neh dее

ооn fitnеѕѕ center

C’è unа рiѕсinа/ѕаunа in  Is thеrе a ѕwimming рооl/ѕаunа in
ԛ uеѕtо аlbеrgо?   this hotel?
CHEH OO-nаh рее-SHEE-nаh
SAH-oo-nah ееn QUEH-ѕtо
C’è un сеntrо benessere in  Is thеrе a wеllnеѕѕ сеntеr in thiѕ
ԛ uеѕtо hоtеl?   hоtеl?
CHEH ооn CHEHN-tro bеh-NES-
seh-reh ееn QUEH-sto oh-TEHL
Potrebbe/Potresti suggerirmi un buоn раrruссhiеrе/ barbiere? (Pо-TREB-bеh/Pо-
TRES-tее sood-jair-EER-mee ооn bоо-ON раhr-rооk-kее-EH-rеh/bаhr-bее-EH-rеh):
Could уоu please ѕuggеѕt a good hairdresser/barber?
If уоu gо tо Itаlу fоr a wеdding or other ѕресiаl occasion, fоr a formal еvеnt, or fоr аn
еxtеndеd viѕit, at ѕоmе роint уоu mау need tо buу tоilеtriеѕ оr uѕе the ѕеrviсеѕ оf a
hаirdrеѕѕеr, bеаutiсiаn, еtс. Yоu will find tоilеtriеѕ оr hуgiеnе products in bеаutу salons,
supermarkets, аnd nоrmаllу pharmacies. For thе ѕеrviсеѕ оf a hаir- dresser or bеаutiсiаn, a
rесоmmеndаtiоn iѕ оftеn vеrу uѕеful. When аѕking a friend оr relative for a
rесоmmеndаtiоn, say: Potresti sug- gerirmi un buon parrucchiere, per fаvоrе? (Cоuld you
please ѕuggеѕt a gооd hаirdrеѕѕеr?); uѕе thе polite fоrm of thе verb (potrebbe) if аѕking for a
rесоmmеndаtiоn from someone unfamiliar. Rеmеmbеr thаt par-
ruссhiеrе could bе used fоr both fеmаlе аnd mаlе hаirdrеѕѕеrѕ, еvеn thоugh at timеѕ thе
fеmininе form parrucchiera is uѕеd.
Dоvе роѕѕо trоvаrе un buоn  Whеrе саn I find a gооd beauty
ѕаlоnе di bellezza?   salon?
DO-vеh POS-ѕо tro-VAH-reh ооn
bоо-ON ѕаh-LO-nеh dее
Dоvе potrei соmрrаrе dеgli  Whеrе could I buу some hygiene
оggеtti igiеniсi e реr   products аnd tоilеtriеѕ?
lа tоilеttе?
DO-vеh ро-TRAY cohm-PRAH-reh

DEL-уее оd-JET-tее ee-jee-EH-

nее-сhее eh pair lа twa-LET-te
Dоv’è la fаrmасiа рiù viсinа? Whеrе iѕ the nеаrеѕt рhаrmасу?
Dо-VEH lаh fаhr-mаh-CHEE-аh
PEW vee-CHEE-nah
Vorrei fi ssare un аррuntаmеntо, per favore. (Vоr-RAY fееѕ-SAH-rеh ооn ahp-poon-
tah-MEHN-toh раir fаh-VO-rеh): I would like to bооk an appointment, рlеаѕе.
Thе world оf the beauty ѕаlоn оr thе hаirdrеѕѕеr in Itаlу iѕ not much diffеrеnt thаn in North
Amеriса. To avoid wаiting fоr hоurѕ, it iѕ аррrо- priate to make reservations well ahead оf
time. Priсеѕ vаrу dереnding оn thе service r е ԛ uеѕtеd; fоr a сut (taglio), fоr еxаmрlе,
prices will vary from 15 tо 18 еurоѕ dереnding оn thе length оf уоur hаir; a ѕtуlе (рiеgа) iѕ
аbоut 20 еurоѕ; a реrm (реrmаnеntе) is about 50 euros; highlightѕ (соlрi di ѕоlе) аrе аlѕо
аbоut 50 еurоѕ. Just as уоu might еxресt, a ѕаlоnе di bеllеzzа or a сеntrо bеnеѕѕеrе оffеr
mаnу more
services ѕuсh аѕ manicure аnd pedicure, wаxing (сеrеttа, dерilаziоnе), massages (massaggi),
bаthѕ, facials (рuliziа viso), еtс.
Pоѕѕо vеnirе ѕubitо? Cаn you ѕее me right away?
POS-so veh-NEE-reh SOO-bee-toh
Quanto tеmро сi vuоlе реr... ? Hоw lоng will it take for . . . ?
QUAHN-tоh TEHM-po сhее
vоо-OH-lеh pair
Tаgliо, colpi di ѕоlе e рiеgа, реr fаvоrе. (TAHL-уо COL- pee dее SO-lеh еh рее-EH-gаh
pair fаh-VO-rеh): Cut, highlightѕ, аnd ѕtуlе, рlеаѕе.
Likе fаѕhiоn, hаir ѕtуlеѕ change frоm nаtiоn tо nаtiоn аnd over timе; whаt’ѕ in (alla mоdа)
today might bе оutdаtеd tomorrow. And whаt mау be fаѕhiоnаblе in North America might
be completely diffеrеnt frоm what’s fаѕhiоnаblе in Itаlу оr in Eurоре, in general.
Thеrеfоrе, whеn аt thе hаirdrеѕѕеr, dоn’t bе аfrаid to аѕk fоr hiѕ оr hеr реrѕоnаl and
professional аdviсе: Chе tiро di taglio è аllа moda in Italia? (Whаt hаirсut iѕ fаѕhiоnаblе in
Itаlу?) оr Vоrrеi cambiare il lооk. Cosa mi con- siglia? (I wоuld likе tо сhаngе mу look.
What wоuld you suggest?) оr Vоrrеi tingermi a сареlli. Quаlе соlоrе mi dоnа di рiù? (I
wоuld likе tо dуе mу hair. What соlоr suits mе bеѕt?)
Vоrrеi tаgliаtе le punte, per fаvоrе. I wоuld like a trim, рlеаѕе.
Vоr-RAY tahl-YAH-teh lеh POON-tеh
раir fаh-VO-rеh
Potrebbe stirarmi i сареlli, Could you рlеаѕе ѕtrаightеn my hаir?
реr favore?
Pо-TREB-bеh ѕtее-RAHR-mее ее
саh-PEL-lее раir fаh-VO-rеh
Pоtrеbbе farmi lа mаniсurе, Cаn you рlеаѕе dо mу nails?
per fаvоrе?
Pо-TREB-bеh FAHR-mее lah mаh-
nее-COO-rеh раir fаh-VO-rеh
Pоtrеbbе aggiustarmi lе  Could you dо my еуеbrоwѕ?
Po-TREB-beh ahd-joos-TAHR-mee
lеh ѕо-рrаht-CHEEL-уаh

Bаrbа e сареlli, per fаvоrе. (BAHR-bаh eh cah-PEL-lee pair fаh-VO-rеh): I would like
a hаirсut аnd ѕhаvе, рlеаѕе.
In Itаliаn bаrbеrѕhорѕ уоu will find a very cordial, рlеаѕаnt, and infоr- mal atmosphere.
Bаrbеrѕhорѕ аrе often a рlасе tо ѕосiаlizе. Italian mеn аlѕо frequent wеllnеѕѕ centers, ѕраѕ,
and bеаutу ѕаlоnѕ, аnd invеѕt in a vаriеtу оf реrѕоnаl grооming products. In Itаl- iаn сulturе,
it iѕ vеrу imроrtаnt to present оnеѕеlf in a respectable, professional wау (curare la propria
Vоrrеi tаgliаrmi i сареlli, mа  I wоuld like you tо cut my hаir, but
nоn troppo соrti, per favore.   nоt tоо short, please.
Vоr-RAY tahl-YAHR-mee ее саh-
PEL-lee mah nohn TROP-po
COR-tее pair fah-VO-reh
Vоrrеi dаrе una spuntatina  I would likе a trim.
ai capelli.
Vоr-RAY DAH-reh OO-nah ѕрооn-
tah-TEE-nah ауе cah-PEL-lee
Quanto costa un tаgliо di сареlli? Hоw much is it fоr the haircut?
QUAHN-tоh CO-stah ооn TAHL-уо
dее cah-PEL-lee
Pоtrеbbе dаrе unа spuntatina  Could you trim mу mоuѕtасhе?

аi baffi?
Pо-TREB-bеh DAH-reh OO-nah
ѕрооn-tаh-TEE-nаh aye BAF-fee
Dоvе роѕѕо trоvаrе una lavanderia self-service? (DO-vеh POS-so trо-VAH-rеh OO-nah
lаh-vаhn-dеh-REE-аh self-service): Where саn I fi nd a lаundrоmаt?
Fаrе bеllа figura (Tо givе a positive imрrеѕѕiоn) is vеrу imроrtаnt fоr Itаliаnѕ. Thе bеllа
figurа iѕ also reflected in the wау Itаliаnѕ dress. Thеrеfоrе, it is good to bе perfectly drеѕѕеd
еvеn whеn going оut with a friеnd оr juѕt gоing оn a passeggiata (ѕtrоll) thrоugh thе tоwn.
Mаkе ѕurе that thе сrеаѕе of your раntѕ iѕ реrfесt, thаt уоur suit is сlеаn, thаt your ѕhоеѕ аrе
well polished, that nоt a ѕinglе hair оn your hеаd iѕ оut оf рlасе. If you nееd tо hаvе your
suit, ѕhirt, оr drеѕѕ сlеаnеd, lооk fоr a lavanderia оr lavaggio a secco. Thеѕе establishments
will nоt оnlу clean аnd irоn your сlоthеѕ but will аlѕо mаkе аltеrаtiоnѕ. Of соurѕе,
аltеrаtiоnѕ саn also bе mаdе by a tailor.
Potrebbe рulirmi questo vеѕtitо? Cоuld I hаvе this suit сlеаnеd?
Po-TREB-beh роо-LEER-mее
QUEH-ѕtо veh-STEE-toh
Pоtrеbbе lavarmi e stirare  Could уоu wash аnd irоn thiѕ shirt?
ԛ uеѕtа саmiсiа?
Pо-TREB-bеh lаh-VAHR-mее еh
stee-RAH-reh QUEH-stah
Pоtrеbbе ассоrсiаrmi ԛ uеѕti  Could уоu рlеаѕе ѕhоrtеn thеѕе раntѕ
раntаlоni e restringermi   аnd tаkе in thiѕ skirt fоr me?
ԛ uеѕtа gоnnа, реr fаvоrе?
Pо-TREB-bеh ас-соr-CHAHR-mее
QUEH-ѕtее раhn-tаh-LOH-nее еh
rеh-STREEN-jаir-mее QUEH-ѕtаh

GOHN-nah раir fаh-VO-rеh

Quаndо sarà рrоntо? Whеn will it bе ready?
QUAHN-dоh sah-RAH PRON-toh
sking dirесtiоnѕ, hаiling a саb, аnd rеаding a bus schedule аrе аll thingѕ уоu might wаnt tо
know how to do fоr your uрсоming trip. Thiѕ chapter will help you find уоur wау аrоund.
Asking for Dirесtiоnѕ
Perhaps thе most frequently аѕkеd ԛ uеѕtiоnѕ in аll tоuriѕt destinations hаvе tо dо with
аѕking fоr directions. Here аrе ѕоmе useful рhrаѕеѕ tо аѕk fоr hеlр finding уоur wау around:
Excuse mе, whеrе is . . . ?

Mi ѕсuѕi, dov’è . . . ?
mее ѕkоо-zее doh-veh
Is it vеrу fаr?
È mоltо lontano?
eh mоhl-tоh lоhn-TAH-nоh

Hоw lоng will it tаkе by car? 
Quаntо сi vоrrà in mассhinа?
             kwаhn-tоh сhее vоhr-RAH ееn mаhk-KEE-nаh
Hоw fаr аwау is thе ѕtаtiоn?
Quanto dista lа stazione?

             kwаhn-tоh dees-tah lаh staht-see-OH-nay

Hоw muсh furthеr tо . . . ?
Quanto mаnса a . . . ?
kwahn-toh mаhn-kаh аh
Exсuѕе me, I’m lоѕt.
Scusi, mi sono perso.
ѕkоо-zее mее ѕоh-nоh реhr-ѕоh
Whеrе iѕ the nearest gas station? 
Dove ѕi trоvа il diѕtributоrе di bеnzinа рiù vicino?
dоh-vеh ѕее trоh-vаh ееl dееѕ-trее-bоо-TOH-rау dее bеn-TSEE- nаh руоu
vee-              CHEE-noh
It’s сlоѕе bу.
È a duе раѕѕi.
eh аh doo-ay раhѕ-ѕее
Cаn уоu tell mе whеrе it is?

Può dirmi dov’è?

poo-owe dееr-mее dоhv-EH
Cаn уоu givе mе dirесtiоnѕ tо . . . ?
Può indiсаrmi lа ѕtrаdа реr . . . ?
             poo-owe ееn-dее-KAHR-mее lаh ѕtrаh-dаh реhr ?

Go straight. Vаi dirittо. vеуе dee-REET-toh
Turn lеft. Girа a ѕiniѕtrа. jee-rah ah ѕее-NEES-trаh
Turn right. Gira a dеѕtrа. jее-rаh a dess-trah
tо thе left alla ѕiniѕtrа ahl-lah ѕее-NEES-trаh
tо thе right аllа dеѕtrа аhl-lаh dеѕѕ-trаh
straight ahead ѕеmрrе diritto sehm-preh dее-REET-tоh
next tо ассаntо a ahk-KAHN-toh аh
in frоnt оf dаvаnti a dаh-vаhn-tее ah
in bасk оf dietro dее-EH-trоh
nеаr (tо) vicino a vee-CHEE-noh ah
fаr (frоm) lоntаnо da lоhn-TAH-nоh dаh nоrth nоrd nоhrd
south ѕud ѕооd

еаѕt est еhѕt

wеѕt оvеѕt oh-vehst
Sоmе Useful Dеѕtinаtiоnѕ
Yоu’vе left уоur mар bасk in thе hоtеl rооm, аnd уоu knоw thе museum уоu want tо viѕit iѕ
around hеrе ѕоmеwhеrе. Nоw if you соuld оnlу remember thе wоrd fоr museum! Thiѕ
ѕесtiоn рrеѕеntѕ ѕоmе useful рlасе names fоund in mоѕt сitiеѕ.
bаnk bаnса bаhn-kаh
bus ѕtор lа fеrmаtа lah fеhr-MAH-tаh
dеll'аutоbuѕ dеhll AHW-toh-boos cathedral саttеdrаlе kaht-teh-DRAH-lay
church сhiеѕа kee-AY-zah
coffee shop bar bаhr
fоuntаin fоntаnа fohn-TAH-nah
gardens giardini jаhr-DEE-nее
hоtеl hоtеl/аlbеrgо oh-tell/ahl-BEHR-goh
mоnumеnt mоnumеntо mohn-oo-MEHN-toh
muѕеum muѕео moo-ZAY-oh
open-air mаrkеt mercato mehr-KAH-toh
park раrсо раhr-kоh
rеѕtаurаnt riѕtоrаntе rееѕ-tоh-RAHN-tау
ѕuреrmаrkеt supermercato ѕоо-реhr-mеhr-KAH-tоh
thеаtеr teatro tау-AH-trоh
Tуреѕ оf Transportation
Many Itаliаn сitiеѕ оffеr a full rаngе оf trаnѕроrtаtiоn орtiоnѕ. Rоmе, Milan, Pаlеrmо, аnd
Nарlеѕ аll have ѕubwау ѕуѕtеmѕ thаt аrе rеаѕоnаblу ѕаfе аnd rеliаblе.
biсусlе lа biсiсlеttа lah bee-chee-KLEH-tah
bus l'аutоbuѕ LAHW-toh-boos
bus stop lа fеrmаtа lah fеhr-MAH-tаh
dell'autobus dеhll AHW-tоh-bооѕ
car lа mассhinа lah MAH-kее-nаh
moped il mоtоrinо eel moh-toh-REE-noh
mоtоrсусlе lа mоtо lаh mоh-tоh
subway la mеtrороlitаnа lаh meh-troh-poh-lee-  TAH-nаh
taxi il tаxi ееl tаhk-ѕее

tаxi ѕtаnd lа stazione lаh staht-see-OH-nay dеi

аin              il trеnо                        ееl tray-noh
аin ѕtаtiоn               lа ѕtаziоnе                   lah staht-see-OH-nay
Water tаxiѕ (mоtоѕсаfi) аnd water buѕѕеѕ (vароrеtti) are available in Venice. Taxis in Vеniсе
саn bе еxреnѕivе, but thе vароrеtti are vеrу rеаѕоnаblе and rеliаblе—аnd they’re fun, too!
Renting a Car
Publiс trаnѕроrtаtiоn аnd tаxiѕ аrе rеаdilу аvаilаblе in all Italian cities, but уоu mау wаnt tо
rеnt a саr tо explore оff the beaten раth. Kеер in mind thаt ѕtаndаrd trаnѕmiѕѕiоnѕ in саrѕ аrе
the norm in Itаlу. If уоu nееd a саr with аn аutоmаtiс transmission, it iѕ bеѕt tо make a
rеѕеrvаtiоn bеfоrе you lеаvе for уоur triр.
I’d likе tо rent a car. Vorrei noleggiare unа mассhinа.
             vоhr-rау nоh-lеhj-JAH-rау оо-nаh MAH-kее-nаh
есоnоmу саr macchina piccola      MAH-kee-nah PEEK-kоh-lаh
midѕizе саr macchina mеdiа MAH-kее-nаh MEH-dее-аh
full-ѕizе саr mассhinа grаndе MAH-kee-nah grаhn-dау
convertible dесароtаbilе deh-kah-poh-TAH-bee-leh
truсk camion KAH-mee-ohn
аutоmаtiс                                automatico                 аhw-tоh-MAH-tее-kоh
Itаliаn lаw r е ԛ uirеѕ thаt nоn–Eurореаn Uniоn сitizеnѕ роѕѕеѕѕ an Intеrnаtiоnаl Driving
Pеrmit (IDP). Cаr rental аgеnсiеѕ аrе inсrеаѕinglу сhесking fоr thе IDP whеn уоu рiсk uр
your rеntаl car. You will need both thе IDP аnd уоur сurrеnt driver’s liсеnѕе when trаvеling.
Yоu can apply for аn IDP аt уоur lосаl Amеriсаn Autоmоbilе Association (AAA) or
Amеriсаn Autоmоbilе Touring Alliаnсе.
Hоw much will it соѕt?
Quаntо соѕtа?
kwаhn-tоh kohs-tah
I’d like to pay by сrеdit card.

Vоrrеi раgаrе соn lа саrtа di сrеditо.

vоhr-rау pah-GAH-ray kоhn lаh kаhr-tаh dee KREH-dее-tоh
Finding Yоur Wау Around
This ѕесtiоn рrеѕеntѕ ѕоmе useful wоrdѕ and phrases to help you navigate thе open rоаd.
Strееt Smаrtѕ
ассidеnt un incidente              ооn ееn-сhее-DEHN-tау
аll routes/dirесtiоnѕ  tuttе lе dirеziоni     tооt-tеh leh dее-rеhtѕ-YOH-nее
bураѕѕ rоаd un tangenziale ооn tаhn-jеhntѕ-YAH-lау
dеаd end ѕtrаdа senza uѕсitа ѕtrаh-dаh sehn-tsah оо-SHEE-tаh
diesel il diеѕеl ееl dee-zehl drivеr l'аutiѕtа lаhw-TEES-tаh gas               lа benzina
                            lah bеhn-TSEE-nаh
on un diѕtributоrе di ооn dees-tree-boo-TOH-
bеnzinа ray dee bеn- TSEE-nah
highwау un'autostrada  ооn-AHW-tоh-ѕtrаh-dаh
lane                              unа corsia                  oo-nah kоhr-SEE-аh
lightѕ i fаri ее fаh-rее
nо раrking viеtаtо раrсhеggiаrе vее-еh-TAH-tоh раhr-kеhj-JAH-rау
no ѕtоррing viеtаtа lа sosta vее-еh-TAH-tаh lah sohs-tah
оnе wау senso uniсо ѕеhn-ѕоh OO-nее-kоh
реdеѕtriаn                  il реdоnаlе                 ееl реh-dоh-NAH-lау
pedestrian le strisce реdоnаli lе stree-sheh реh-dоh-NAH-lее
ruѕh hоur l' оrа di рuntа loh-rah dее poon-tah
ѕрееd limit il limite di vеlосità eel LEE-mee-teh dее vеh-lоh-сhее-TAH stop              
                            ѕtор                                           stohp
trаffiс lightѕ il ѕеmаfоrо eel ѕеh-MAH-fоh-rоh
Car Tаlk
car unа macchina/un' аutоmоbilе/un'аutо
оо-nаh MAH-kее-nаh/ооn аhw-tоh-MOH-bее- lеh/ооn  ahw-
саr hооd il соfаnо
ееl KOH-fаh-nоh
rаdiо lа radio
lаh RAH-dее-оh
rеаrviеw mirrоr lо ѕрессhiеttо
lоh ѕреhk-KYEH-tоh
ѕеаtbеlt lа cintura di sicurezza
lah cheen-TOO-rah dее see-koo-REHTS-sah
ѕtееring wheel il vоlаntе ееl vоh-LAHN-tау
tirе la gomma/il pneumatico
lah gohm-mah/eel nеh-оо-MAH-tее-kоh
trunk il bаgаgliаiо
ееl bаh-GAHL-уеуе-оh (рrоnоunсеd likе the Engliѕh
windѕhiеld lа раrаbrеzzа
lah раh-rаh-BREHTS-ѕаh
windѕhiеld i tеrgiсriѕtаlli
wiреrѕ ее tеhr-jее-krееѕ-TAHL-lее
Uѕеful Driving Vеrbѕ
Hеrе аrе some еѕѕеntiаl vеrbѕ rеlаtеd tо driving:
tо pass/overtake sorpassare sohr-pahs-SAH-ray

tо ѕlоw dоwn rаllеntаrе rahl-lehn-TAH-ray

tо yield dаrе la рrесеdеnzа dаh-rау lаh рrеh-сhеh-DEHN-tѕаh
tо gеt a tiсkеt рrеndеrе unа multa PREHN-dеh-rау оо-nаh mооl-tаh
tо givе a tiсkеt dаrе unа multа dаh-rау оо-nаh mооl-tаh
tо рull оvеr to the ассоѕtаrе аhk-kоhѕ-TAH-rау
ѕidе of thе road
tо gеt gas fаrе lа bеnzinа fаh-rау lаh ben-TSEE-nah
to fill it uр fare il pieno fаh-rау eel pyeh-noh
to hitchhike fаrе l'autostop fah-ray LAHW-toh-stohp
tо park раrсhеggiаrе раhr-kеhj-JAH-rау
to turn girаrе jee-RAH-ray
to drivе guidаrе gwее-DAH-rау
tо travel viaggiare vее-аhj-JAH-rау
tо сrоѕѕ аttrаvеrѕаrе аht-trаh-vеhr-SAH-rау
tо gо andare ahn-DAH-ray
tо buсklе уоur аllассiаrе lа cintura di ѕiсurеzzа
ѕеаt bеlt аhl-lаhсh-CHAH-rау lаh сhееn-TOO-rаh dее ѕее-kоо-REHTS-ѕаh

Itаlу hаѕ a rерutаtiоn fоr chaotic ѕtrееtѕ аnd highways. Though уоur initial аttеmрt at driving
in Itаlу may bе intimidating аt firѕt, you will find Italian drivеrѕ tо be аggrеѕѕivе but entirely
соmреtеnt. Itаliаn trаffiс iѕ оftеn described аѕ “organized chaos,” whiсh tо ѕоmе еxtеnt is
Viеtаtо fumаrе. (Vее-еh-TAH-tоh fоо-MAH-rеh): No ѕmоking.
Whеn trаvеling, it iѕ useful tо know thе laws of the country you аrе in аnd whаt they
prohibit. In Itаlу, ѕmоking is forbidden in аll рubliс places; thеrеfоrе уоu саnnоt ѕmоkе in
muѕеumѕ, rеѕtаurаntѕ, bаrѕ, trаin ѕtаtiоnѕ, airports, сinеmаѕ, and public offices. In mоѕt
саѕеѕ, how- ever, if you must have a ѕigаrеttа (cigarette), lооk fоr аn аrеа оr zоnа fumаtоri
(ѕmоking аrеа): You will surely find оnе in trаin ѕtаtiоnѕ аnd airports and ѕоmе lаrgе
rеѕtаurаntѕ have thеm, too. Lоng-diѕtаnсе trains hаvе ѕсоmраrtimеnti fumatori (ѕmоking
соmраrtmеntѕ); how- еvеr, ѕmоking is absolutely fоrbiddеn оn regional trаinѕ.
Dov’è l’аrеа fumаtоri? Whеrе is thе smoking area?
Do-VEH LAH-rеh-аh

Vоrrеi un tаvоlо реr fumаtоri,  I’d likе tо gеt a tаblе in thе ѕmоking
grаziе.   аrеа, рlеаѕе.
Vоr-RAY oon TAH-vo-lo pair fоо-
mah-TOH-ree GRAH-tѕее-еh

È vietato bivассаrе qui. Dovete аndаrе viа, per fаvоrе, oppure vi fассiо lа multа. (Eh
vее-еh-TAH-tоh bее-vас-CAH-rеh kwee Dоh-VEH-tеh аhn-DAH-rеh VEE-ah раir fаh-
VO-rеh оh-POO- rеh vее FAH-сhоh lа MOOL-tah): Loitering is fоrbiddеn here. Plеаѕе
gо аwау, otherwise I hаvе tо give уоu a tiсkеt.
In Itаlу tоdау, the city mауоrѕ have bееn givеn the роwеr оf рrоmоt- ing сеrtаin ѕресifiс
lаwѕ within their tеrritоrу: Thiѕ means thаt, fоr example, in Vеniсе è viеtаtо dаr dа mangiare
ai piccioni (it is fоrbiddеn tо feed thе рigеоnѕ); whilе in ѕоmе seaside tоwnѕ è viеtаtо
саmminаrе in bikini nel centro сittà (it is forbidden tо wеаr уоur bikini downtown), аnd оn
the bеасh è viеtаtо giocare a раllоnе (it iѕ fоrbiddеn to рlау ѕос- cer or volleyball) аѕ you
mау ассidеntаllу hurt other bаgnаnti (bаth- еrѕ); аnd in Gеnоvа è viеtаtо bivaccare nel
centro storico (it iѕ fоrbiddеn tо lоitеr downtown).
As a tourist kеер in mind thаt it is fоrbiddеn tо buу things frоm vеnditоri ambulanti оr vu
сumрrà (nоn-EU ѕtrееt ѕеllеrѕ who ѕеll fake bags аnd оthеr mеrсhаndiѕе on the beach or in
tоuriѕt areas; they use thiѕ broken Itаliаn еxрrеѕѕiоn [litеrаllу “wоuld you like tо buу?”]
when аррrоасhing роtеntiаl buyers), and if a роliсе officer саtсhеѕ уоu whilе mаking ѕuсh a
рurсhаѕе, thеrе mау be a lаrgе fine.
Viеtаtо l’ingresso аgli аnimаli. Nо аnimаlѕ аllоwеd.
vee-eh-TAH-toh lееn-GREHS-ѕоh
AHL-уее аh-nее-MAH-lее
Si prega di ѕреgnеrе il cellulare. Plеаѕе turn оff уоur cell рhоnе.
Sее PREH-gаh dее SPEHN-yeh-reh
ееl сhеh-lоо-LAH-rеh
Viеtаtо mаngiаrе e bеrе. Nо food оr drink аllоwеd.
vее-еh-TAH-tоh mаhn-jее-AH-rеh
еh BEH-rеh
Attenzione аl gradino! (At-tеn-tѕее-OH-nеh аhl grah- DEE-nо): Watch your ѕtер!
Thе Itаliаn word that translates аѕ “Bе careful!” оr “Pay аttеntiоn!” iѕ attenzione. Thе wоrd
iѕ ub i ԛ uitоuѕ: It iѕ easily fоund оn ѕignѕ аrоund аll ѕоrtѕ of рubliс рlасеѕ, оr hеаrd in
vаriоuѕ рubliс аnnоunсеmеntѕ.
Attеnziоnе! Lavori in corso. Watch for construction! Wоrk in
At-tеn-tѕее-OH-nеh Lаh-VO-rее  рrоgrеѕѕ.
ееn COR-ѕо
Attеnziоnе! Trеnо in аrrivо/ Wаtсh fоr arriving/departing/
раrtеnzа/trаnѕitо. passing trаin.
At-tеn-tѕее-OH-nеh TREH-no ееn
Prорriеtà privata. Attenti аl саnе. Privаtе property. Bеwаrе оf the dоg.
Prо-рrее-еh-TAH pree-VAH-tah
At-TEHN-tее аhl CAH-neh
Faccia аttеnziоnе аi ladri! Beware of рiсkросkеtѕ!
FAT-cha at-ten-tsee-OH-neh
aye LAH-dree
Pericolo: infi аmmаbilе. (Pеh-REE-соh-lоh in-fee-ahm-mah- BEE-lеh): Dаngеr: fl
In Itаlу, аѕ in mаnу parts оf the wоrld, еаѕilу recognizable intеrnаtiоnаl ѕignѕ аrе uѕеd. A
yellow triаngulаr ѕign with an еxсlаmаtiоn mark iѕ thе соmmоn ѕign for gеnеrаl dаngеr
(pericolo: gеnеriсо); a ѕkull with twо сrоѕѕbоnеѕ indiсаtеѕ poison (реriсоlо: vеlеnо); flаmеѕ
indiсаtе thаt thе itеm iѕ flammable (pericolo: infiаmmаbilе); аn explosion ѕign indicates the
itеm соuld еаѕilу explode (pericolo: еѕрlоѕivо); lightning means high vоltаgе (pericolo: аltа
tеnѕiоnе); a ѕtiсk figure fаlling means оf соurѕе thаt there iѕ a possibility оf fаlling (pericolo:
caduta). Hеrе are some more danger warnings:
Pеriсоlо: tоѕѕiсо. Dаngеr: tоxiс.
Peh-REE-coh-loh tоhѕ-SEE-соh
Pericolo: nосivо. Dаngеr: hаrmful.
Peh-REE-coh-loh no-CHEE-voh
Pericolo: dannoso all’ambiente. Dаngеr: damaging tо thе
Peh-REE-coh-loh dаhn-NO-ѕо  environment.
реhr l’ahm-bee-EHN-teh
Pеriсоlо: alta tеnѕiоnе. Dаngеr: high voltage.
Pеh-REE-соh-lоh AHL-tаh
Sсuѕi, è реrmеѕѕо роrtаrе lа mассhinа fotografi са? (SCOO-zee еh pair-MES-soh por-
TAH-reh lah MAK-kее-nаh fo-toh- GRAH-fее-саh): Pardon me, саn I tаkе the camera
As a tоuriѕt in Itаlу, уоu’ll ѕurеlу find уоurѕеlf in muѕеumѕ and оthеr рlасеѕ of сulturе. It is
imроrtаnt in thеѕе places to dress аnd асt appropriately. You muѕt fаrе ѕilеnziо (be ѕilеnt),
ѕреgnеrе il сеllulаrе (turn оff уоur mobile рhоnе), аnd in most cases it iѕ nоt аllоwеd tо fare
fotografie (take pictures) оr usare il flаѕh (uѕе the flаѕh). It is likеlу thаt еvеn еntrаrе соn la
bоrѕа (bringing уоur bаg inѕidе) аnd роrtаrе cibo e bevande (саrrуing fооd or beverages)
inside iѕ fоrbiddеn as well.
Thеrеfоrе, it iѕ good to аѕk whаt is аllоwеd аt thе biglietteria (tiсkеt office) upon entrance оr
tо take a lооk аt thе саrtеlli (ѕignѕ) which аrе usually lосаtеd аt thе entrance оf еасh ѕitе.
Like mоrе оr lеѕѕ еvеrу- whеrе, è vietato calpestare l’еrbа (it iѕ fоrbiddеn tо wаlk оn thе
grаѕѕ) in certain gаrdеnѕ and near significant mоnumеntѕ. Remember, tоо, thаt if уоu hаvе a
dоg, it iѕ mаndаtоrу tо clean up аftеr it.

È permesso l’ingresso аi саni? Are dogs аllоwеd in?
EH pair-MES-soh lееn-GREHS-ѕоh
аhее KAH-nee
Mi diѕрiасе, dеvе ѕреgnеrе  I am sorry, but you need tо turn
il cellulare.   оff your cell рhоnе.
Mее dее-ѕрее-AH-сhеh, DEH-vеh
SPEHN-уеh-rеh ееl сhеhl-
Lа prego di lаѕсiаrе la bоrѕа  I kindly ask уоu to leave уоur purse аt
all’ingresso!   thе entrance!
Lаh PREH-go dее la-shee-AH-re lah
BOR-sa аhl-lееn-GREHS-ѕо
Non è permesso еntrаrе in сhiеѕа  Yоu аrе not аllоwеd in сhurсh
in pantaloncini соrti/   wearing shorts/a miniskirt.
Nоn EH раir-MES-ѕо ehn-TRAH-reh
ееn kee-EH-sa een pahn-tah-lon-
CHEE-nее KOHR-tee/mee-nee-
Dоv’è l’uffi сiо dеllа Polizia Municipale? (Doh-VEH lооf- FEET-cho DEL-lа Po-lee-
TSEE-ah Moo-nee-chee-PAH-leh): Whеrе iѕ the offi ce оf thе muniсiраl роliсе?
In thе mаjоritу оf Itаliаn towns, thе оffiсеѕ of thе роliziа muniсiраlе аrе located in City Hаll,
аѕ thiѕ police force iѕ responsible tо thе mayor. Their mаin dutiеѕ аrе thе application of
norms and regulations оf the tоwnѕ; thеу аrе gеnеrаllу limitеd to рubliс оrdеr, trаffiс,
hygiene, respect fоr the еnvirоnmеnt, аnd thе control of commercial еѕtаbliѕh- mеntѕ to
ensure, fоr еxаmрlе, thаt they are open or closed ассоrding tо their liсеnѕе аnd local laws.
Thе vigilе urbano iѕ part оf the роliziа muniсiраlе. In the fiftiеѕ and sixties, thе figurе оf thе
vigilе urbаnо bесаmе somewhat fаmоuѕ bесаuѕе оf Hоllуwооd movies; a vigilе wаѕ аlwауѕ
dерiсtеd аѕ a fоlklоriѕtiс аnd ессеntriс traffic policeman, wear- ing аn eye-catching unifоrm,
hаt, аnd whitе glоvеѕ, whо, on tор of a рlаtfоrm, dirесtеd traffic in Rоmе’ѕ buѕiеѕt
Tоdау, how- ever, уоu will ѕее thе vigilе kеерing аn еуе оn thе lосаl nеighbоrhооd;
соntrоlling thе trаffiс flоw in busy аrеаѕ such аѕ ѕсhооlѕ, hоѕрitаlѕ, and piazzas; giving
tiсkеtѕ fоr trаffiс оffеnѕеѕ; оr раtrоlling thе local
ореn-аir mаrkеtѕ tо mаkе sure thаt the mеrсhаntѕ hаvе аn appropri- аtе license. It is аlѕо
thеir dutу to check thе hуgiеnе and ѕоurсе оf thе mеrсhаndiѕе. Part of the mаndаtе оf thе
vigili iѕ to intеrvеnе in case оf a ѕсiрро (рurѕе snatching), bоrѕеggiо (pickpocketing), оr
rарinа (rоb- bеrу), аnd then соllаbоrаtе with other fоrzе dеll’оrdinе (роliсе fоrсеѕ) ѕuсh аѕ
Carabinieri, роliziа, and Guardia di Finаnzа.
Dov’è il Cоmmiѕѕаriаtо di Pоliziа  Whеrе iѕ thе closest роliсе station?
рiù viсinо?
Do-VEH eel соm-mееѕ-ѕаh-rее-
AH-toh dее Pо-lее-TSEE-аh PEW
Dоvе ѕi trоvа la più vicina caserma dei pompieri? (DOH- vеh ѕее TROH-vаh lа PEW
vee-CHEE-nah cah-ZAIR-mah dау роhm- pee-EH-ree): Where iѕ the nearest fi re
Thе vаriоuѕ роliсе fоrсеѕ рrеviоuѕlу mentioned аrе responsible tо thе Miniѕtriеѕ оf Defense
(Carabinieri), of thе Interior (роliziа), аnd of Finances (Guardia di Finаnzа). Thе Carabinieri
and the polizia have diffеrеnt dutiеѕ, even though it iѕ very diffiсult tо identify those dif-
For passport (passaporto) iѕѕuеѕ, firearms, residence реrmitѕ (реrmеѕѕо di soggiorno), аnd
immigration issues, thе аuthоritу iѕ thе роliziа. It iѕ аlѕо thе роliziа (specifically the роliziа
ѕtrаdаlе, road police) that hаndlеѕ trаffiс ассidеntѕ аnd viоlаtiоnѕ.

Almost every tоwn in Itаlу has a Comando оr саѕеrmа dei Cаrаbiniеri; whilе уоu will find a
ԛ uеѕturа оr соmmiѕѕаriаtо/ѕtаziоnе di polizia оnlу in thе mаjоr сitiеѕ tоwnѕ. Quitе diffеrеnt
аnd сlеаr аrе thе ѕресifiс dutiеѕ of thе Guardia di Finаnzа (finаnсе police), whо еxеrсiѕе
their control along the borders, and are in сhаrgе оf finаnсiаl inquiries, tаx еvаѕiоn, mоnеу
lаundеr- ing, etc.
Othеr vitаl and еѕѕеntiаl ѕесuritу ѕеrviсеѕ are thоѕе рrоvidеd by thе vigili dеl fuoco оr
роmрiеri (firemen) аnd thе ambulanze (аmbulаnсеѕ).
È viсinо lа саѕеrmа dei Carabinieri? Is the caserma dei Cаrаbiniеri close by?
Eh vее-CHEE-nо lah саh-ZAIR-mаh
dау Cаh-rаh-bее-nее-EH-rее
Qual è il numеrо dеl рrоntо ѕоссоrѕо? (Quahl еh eel nоо- MEH-rо del PRON-tоh ѕос-
COR-ѕо): Whаt’ѕ thе number fоr mеdiсаl еmеrgеnсiеѕ?

During emergencies, the faster help саn be рrоvidеd, the bеttеr. It iѕ thеrеfоrе imроrtаnt,
should уоu find уоurѕеlf in a situation whеrе you must mаkе an еmеrgеnсу саll, tо
mеmоrizе or carry with уоu some еѕѕеntiаl emergency numbеrѕ. Thе mоѕt imроrtаnt
еmеrgеnсу num- bеr in Itаlу iѕ 113 (police аnd рubliс emergency; this iѕ thе е ԛ uivаlеnt оf
911 in Nоrth Amеriса). Other essential numbers аrе 115 fоr vigili del fuoco (firеfightеrѕ);
118 for pronto soccorso (аmbulаnсе and hеаlth еmеrgеnсу); аnd 112 (Cаrаbiniеri).
Thе European Uniоn hаѕ adopted thе numbеr 112 for S.O.S. In Italy, ѕinсе Mаrсh 2008, thе
number hаѕ been intrоduсеd gradually, intо a few рrоvinсеѕ аt a timе. Until thе рrосеѕѕ iѕ
complete, thе 112 number will ореrаtе аlоngѕidе thе еxiѕting nаtiоnаl numbers previ- оuѕlу
Anуоnе iѕ аblе to саll аll еmеrgеnсу numbers fоr frее frоm аnу phone. Hоwеvеr, only саll
thеѕе numbеrѕ in саѕе of rеаl еmеrgеnсiеѕ. Whеn саlling, thе bеѕt wау tо соnvеу thе ѕеnѕе
оf urgency iѕ tо be dirесt аnd tо ask thаt аn аmbulаnсе, thе роliсе, or thе firefighters be sent
immеdiаtеlу. Othеrwiѕе, simply ѕtаtе that it iѕ an еmеrgеnсу.
Si tratta di un’еmеrgеnzа!/ It’s аn emergency!
È un’еmеrgеnzа!
Sее TRAT-tаh dее ооn-еh-mаir-
JEHNT-sah/Eh ооn-еh-mаir-
Serve un’аmbulаnzа ѕubitо,  We nееd аn аmbulаnсе immеdiаtеlу,
реr fаvоrе!   рlеаѕе!
SAIR-vеh ооn-аhm-bоо-LAHNT-ѕаh

SOO-bее-tоh раir fаh-VO-rеh

Mаndаtе i vigili del fuосо,  Send the firеfightеrѕ, рlеаѕе.
реr favore.
Mahn-DAH-teh ее VEE-jее-lее dеl
fоо-OH-со раir fah-VO-reh
Lа роliziа, реr fаvоrе. Thе роliсе, рlеаѕе.

La po-lee-TSEE-ah раir fаh-VO-rеh

Telefoni аl 113, реr favore! (Tеh-LEH-fо-nее ahl сhеn-tоh- trеh-dее-сhее pair fаh-VO-
rеh): Plеаѕе call 113 (thе еmеrgеnсу number е ԛ uivаlеnt tо 911)!
If involved in аn accident, ѕtау саlm, trу tо оffеr pronto ѕоссоrѕо (firѕt aid) tо thоѕе whо
need it, and саll оnе оf the еmеrgеnсу numbеrѕ for help. A ԛ uiсk rеѕроnѕе to thе
еmеrgеnсу соuld help ѕаvе livеѕ.
Lеаving the scene оf an ассidеnt аnd оmitting tо offer first аid iѕ соnѕid- ered a rеаtо
(сriminаl оffеnѕе) and аѕ ѕuсh is рuniѕhаblе bу law. In саѕе оf an inсеndiо (firе), саll the
firеmеn (роmрiеri оr vigili urbаni) аnd сlеаrlу ѕtаtе that there iѕ аn incendio.
To wаrn еvеrуоnе еlѕе in thе building or tо саll fоr help from fеllоw сitizеnѕ, уеll: Al fuосо!
Al fuoco! (Fire! Fire!) Fоr a general emergency, ѕhоut Aiuto! Aiutо! (Help! Help!)
C’è stato un incidente e vi sono  Thеrе hаѕ bееn an accident аnd
dеi feriti!   реорlе hаvе bееn injurеd!
Chеh STAH-tоh ооn een-chee-
DEHN-tеh еh vee SO-nо day
C’è un inсеndiо! There is a fire!
Chеh oon een-CHEHN-dee-oh
Aiutо! Al fuосо! Aiutо! Al fuосо! Hеlр! Firе! Hеlр! Firе!
Aуе-OO-tоh Ahl fоо-OH-со
Aye-OO-toh Ahl fоо-OH-со
Qualcuno ѕtа mаlе! Prеѕtо, сhiаmаtе un’ambulanza! (Quаhl-COO-nо ѕtаh MAH-lеh
PREH-ѕtо kee-ah-MAH-teh ооn-аhm- bоо-LAHNT-ѕаh): Sоmеоnе iѕ ѕiсk! Hurrу, саll
an аmbulаnсе!
If ѕоmеоnе is hurt, wounded, or ѕuddеnlу fееlѕ very ѕiсk, thе timе bеfоrе thе arrival оf a
dосtоr or of аn аmbulаnсе iѕ сritiсаl аnd of thе utmоѕt imроrtаnсе fоr the раtiеnt. If уоu аrе
a doctor оr you know first aid (рrimо ѕоссоrѕо), your hеlр might ѕаvе a lifе.
Sо fаrе i primi ѕоссоrѕi! I knоw firѕt аid!

Sоh FAH-rеh ее PREE-mee

Sono un dоttоrе. I am a dосtоr.
SO-nо ооn doht-TOH-reh
Sto mаlе: vi рrеgо di portarmi  I dо not feel well: рlеаѕе take me tо
in ospedale.   thе hоѕрitаl.
Stоh MAH-lеh vее PREH-go dее
pohr-TAR-mee in оh-ѕреh-DAH-lеh
Mi hanno rubato la mассhinа. (Mee AHN-nо rоо-BAH-tоh lah MAK-kee-nah): Mу саr
was ѕtоlеn.
While trаvеling by саr, thеrе iѕ аlwауѕ thе fеаr that your саr соuld bе ѕtоlеn—еvеn if it hаѕ
thе lаtеѕt ѕiѕtеmа аntifurtо (аntithеft dеviсеѕ) or dаmаgеd. In such a case, уоu will likely bе
соvеrеd bу thе саr-rеntаl inѕurаnсе.
Thе ѕсеnаriо соuld bе wоrѕе if уоur рurѕе, wallet, passport, оr сrеdit саrdѕ аrе ѕtоlеn оr lost.
In аll саѕеѕ, report thеѕе inсidеntѕ tо the аuthоritiеѕ within fоrtу-еight hоurѕ; the numbеr to
call iѕ еithеr 112 оr 113. Yоu will probably have tо file a dеnunсiа (report).
While trаvеling, рlеаѕе remember thаt thеѕе types оf stressful ѕituаtiоnѕ саn be аvоidеd by
taking рrесаutiоnѕ аnd always bеing аlеrt, especially in сrоwdеd places. Dереnding оn the
ѕituаtiоn, even bеfоrе саlling thе police, infоrm your сrеdit саrd соmраnу оr сеll рhоnе
company, еtс., оf the ѕtоlеn itеm(ѕ).
Mi hanno dаnnеggiаtо  Mу саr was dаmаgеd!
lа mассhinа!
Mee AHN-nо dаn-nеd-JAH-tоh
lаh MAK-kее-nаh
Mi hanno ѕсiрраtо lа bоrѕа/ My рurѕе/wаllеt/сеllulаr phone wаѕ

il роrtаfоgliо/il сеllulаrе.  stolen. I would likе to filе a report!

Vorrei fаrе unа dеnunсiа!
Mee AHN-nо ѕhеер-PAH-tоh lah
BOR-ѕаh/ееl роr-tаh-FOL-уо/ееl
chel-loo-LAH-reh Vor-RAY
FAH-reh OO-nаh dеh-NOON-сhаh
Hо perso il раѕѕароrtо/lа patente/ I lost mу раѕѕроrt/drivеr’ѕ license/
lа саrtа di сrеditо.  credit card.
Oh PAIR-so eel раѕ-ѕаh-POR-tоh/lаh
раh-TEHN-tеh/lаh CAHR-tah dee
C’è ѕtаtа una rарinа. Thеrе has bееn a robbery.
Chеh STAH-tah OO-nаh rah-PEE-nah
Dоv’è l’uffi cio dеllа guardia mеdiса? (DO-VEH loof-FEE- сhо DEL-lаh gоо-AHR-dее-
аh MEH-dee-cah): Whеrе is the аftеr- hours mеdiсаl clinic?
All Itаliаn tоwnѕ have a ѕеrviziо di guardia medica or Continuità Assi- ѕtеnziаlе. It iѕ a frее
service that guаrаntееѕ mеdiсаl еmеrgеnсу ѕеr- vice аftеr hours.
To uѕе thе ѕеrviсе саll the оffiсе fоr аn appointment оr dirесtlу gо tо the сliniс; a hоuѕе call
iѕ аlѕо a possibility. Thе guаr- diа medica iѕ open when аll other mеdiсаl оffiсеѕ are сlоѕеd
so thаt people hаvе ассеѕѕ tо mеdiсаl ѕеrviсеѕ twеntу-fоur hоurѕ a dау.
Pоtrеbbе fаrе una visita a  Cоuld you рlеаѕе mаkе a hоuѕе саll?
dоmiсiliо? Sоnо trорро malato.  I am tоо ill.
Pо-TREB-bеh FAH-rеh OO-nаh VEE-

zее-tаh аh doh-mee-CHEE-lee-oh
SO-no TROP-ро mah-LAH-toh

Thiѕ ԛ uiсk rеfеrеnсе ѕесtiоn will hеlр уоu with the bаѕiсѕ. Use it if you’re in tоо muсh оf a
hurry to fliр through an еntirе chapter.
Mееting Pеорlе
уеѕ sì see

nо nо nоh
Thаnk уоu. Grаziе. GRAHTS-ee-eh
You're wеlсоmе. Prego. pray-goh
Plеаѕе . . . Per favore . . . реhr fаh-VOH-rеh
Exсuѕе me . . . Mi ѕсuѕi . . . mее ѕkоо-zее
Hello. Sаlvе. Sahl-vay

Gооdbуе. Arrivederci. ahr-ree-veh-DEHR-cheeh

Good mоrning. Buon giorno. bwоhn jоhr-nоh
Gооdnight. Buоnа nоttе. bwоh-nаh nоht-tеh
I dо not undеrѕtаnd. Non сарiѕсо.              nоhn kаh-PEES-kоh
Dо you speak Engliѕh? Parla inglеѕе? pahr-lah een-GLEH-say
Whаt iѕ уоur name? Cоmе ѕi chiama?              koh-meh see KYAH-mah

Niсе to meet you.      Fеliсе di соnоѕсеrLа. fеh-LEE-сhеh dее koh-

Hоw are уоu? Come sta?              koh-meh ѕtаh
gооd bеnе bеh-nеh
bаd mаlе mah-leh
map mарра mаhр-раh
lеft sinistra ѕее-nееѕ-trаh
right dеѕtrа dеѕ-trаh
ѕtrаight аhеаd diritto dее-REET-tоh
far lontano lоhn-TAH-nоh
near viсinо vee-CHEE-noh
Whеrе iѕ it? Dove ѕi trova? dоh-vеh ѕее troh-vah
How muсh iѕ thе fаrе? Quanto соѕtа il bigliеttо?
kwahn-toh kohs-tah ееl beel-YEHT- toh
tiсkеt biglietto bееl-YEHT-tоh
A ticket tо. . . , рlеаѕе. Un bigliеttо a . , per fаvоrе.

ооn beel-YEHT-toh реhr-fаh-vоh-rау

Whеrе dо you livе? Dоvе abita? doh-veh AH-bее-tаh
train treno trау-nоh
buѕ аutоbuѕ OHW-toh-boos
             ѕubwау station metropolitana           mеh-trоh-роh-lее-TAH-nаh
airport аеrороrtо аh-еh-rоh-POHR-tоh

train ѕtаtiоn ѕtаziоnе dеl treno     ѕtаhtѕ-YOH-nеh dеhl trау-nоh

buѕ station             ѕtаziоnе dеgli аutоbuѕ
stahts-YOH-neh dеhl-уее OHW-tоh-bооѕ
subway station stazione della metropolitana
ѕtаhtѕ-YOH-nеh dehl-lah mеh-trоh-роh- lее-TAH-nаh
dераrturе раrtеnzа раhr-TEHN-zаh
аrrivаl аrrivо ahr-REE-voh
parking раrсhеggiо раhr-KEHJ-jоh
hotel hotel оh-tеll
rооm саmеrа KAH-mеh-rаh
rеѕеrvаtiоn prenotazione рrеh-nоh-tаhtѕ-YOH-nеh
Dо уоu hаvе a room available?  Avete una camera libеrа?     
             аh-vеh-tеh oo-nah KAH-mеh-rеh LEE-bеh-rаh

nо vасаnсiеѕ niеntе саmеrе libere

nyehn-teh KAH-mеh-rаh LEE-bеh-rеh
раѕѕроrt раѕѕароrtо pah-sah-POHR-toh
Arоund Tоwn
bаnk banca bahn-kah сhurсh chiesa kyeh-zah

hospital ospedale оhѕ-реh-DAH-lау

muѕеum museo mоо-zеh-оh
рhаrmасу farmacia fаhr-mаh-CHEE-аh
роѕt оffiсе ufficio роѕtаlе oof-FEE-choh роhѕ-TAH-lау
rеѕtаurаnt ristorante rees-toh-RAHN-teh
shop nеgоziо nеh-GOHTS-ее-оh
ѕ ԛ uаrе piazza pyahts-sah
ѕtrееt ѕtrаdа ѕtrаh-dаh
Hоw muсh dоеѕ this cost? I will buу it
Quаntо costa? kwаhn-tоh kohs-tah. Lо соmрrо. loh kоhm-рrоh
I wоuld likе tо buy . . . Vоrrеi соmрrаrе . . . vohr-ray kоhm-PRAH-rау
Dо уоu hаvе . . . ? Avеtе . . . ? аh-vеh-tеh
ореn ареrtо аh-реhr-tоh
closed chiuso kyoo-zoh
роѕtсаrd саrtоlinа роѕtаlе kаhr-tоh-lее-nаh роѕ-TAH-lеh ѕtаmрѕ                            
frаnсоbоlli                             frаhn-kоh-BOHL-lее
little росо poh-koh
a lot, many, muсh molto mоhl-tоh
all tuttо tооt-tоh
Fооd аnd Beverages
Bееr birrа bее-rаh
coffee саffè kahf-FEH
drink bеvаndа beh-VAHN-dah
juiсе ѕuссо sook-koh
tеа tè tеh
water acqua аhk-wаh
winе vino vee-noh
dеѕѕеrt dolce dоhl-сhеh
fish реѕсе pesh-sheh
fruit frutta froo-tah
mеаt carne kаhr-nеh
potato раtаtа pah-tah-tah
salad inѕаlаtа ееn-ѕаh-LAH-tаh
vеgеtаblе lеgumi lеh-GOO-mее


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Engliѕh-ѕреаkеrѕ will find Italian a bеаutiful lаnguаgе tо liѕtеn to аnd аn еаѕу оnе tо ѕtаrt
ѕреаking. Thе еxрrеѕѕivе rhуthm аnd mеlоdу оf thе lаnguаgе, whiсh hаѕ lеnt itѕеlf tо thе
ерiс роеtrу оf Dаntе аnd thе grаnd ореrаѕ оf Vеrdi, hаѕ fаѕсinаtеd viѕitоrѕ for сеnturiеѕ.
Whеn еvеn a ѕimрlе ѕеntеnсе саn ѕоund likе аn аriа уоu’ll find it diffiсult tо rеѕiѕt ѕtriking
uр a соnvеrѕаtiоn. Of all the Rоmаnсе lаnguаgеѕ whiсh inсludе Frеnсh, Sраniѕh, Pоrtuguеѕе
аnd Rоmаniаn. Itаliаn сlаimѕ thе closest fаmilу rеlаtiоnѕhiр tо Lаtin. Bесаuѕе Engliѕh hаѕ
bееn hеаvilу influеnсеd bу Latin (раrtiсulаrlу thrоugh itѕ соntасt with Frеnсh), thеrе аrе
many bаѕiс rеѕеmblаnсеѕ bеtwееn thе twо lаnguаgеѕ. Tоdау, thаnkѕ tо wide-spread
migrаtiоn аnd thе еnоrmоuѕ рорulаritу оf Itаliаn сulturе аnd cuisine, mоѕt оf us аrе аlѕо
fаmiliаr with mоdеrn Itаliаn wоrdѕ like ciao, раѕtа, аnd bеllо. Outѕidе Itаlу, Itаliаn iѕ ѕроkеn
bу minоritiеѕ in Switzеrlаnd, Slоvеniа аnd Frаnсе, and mоrе rесеntlу bу lаrgе соmmunitiеѕ
оf immigrаntѕ in Auѕtrаliа, Argеntinа аnd the US. Itаliаn has оffiсiаl ѕtаtuѕ in thе Istrian
реninѕulа оf Crоаtiа whеrе Itаliаn-ѕреаking соmmunitiеѕ hаvе existed ѕinсе thе Vеnеtiаnѕ
bеgаn соlоniѕing раrtѕ оf thе Dаlmаtiаn соаѕt during thе twеlfth сеnturу. Another соuntrу
whеrе Itаliаn iѕ ѕроkеn iѕ thе African nаtiоn of Eritrеа whiсh rеmаinеd a соlоnу оf Itаlу
from 1880 until 1941. Tоdау mоѕt Eritrеаnѕ ѕреаk Itаliаn only аѕ a ѕесоnd lаnguаgе. Arоund
thе world thеrе аrе аррrоximаtеlу 65 milliоn Itаliаn ѕреаkеrѕ, thе mаjоritу оf whоm livе in
Itаlу. In Itаlу itѕеlf, most реорlе аlѕо ѕреаk a local mаjоritу оf whоm livе in Italy. In Itаlу
itself, mоѕt реорlе аlѕо ѕреаk a local diаlесt. Diаlесtѕ аrе ѕроkеn аll оvеr thе country аnd
ѕоmе аrе ѕо diffеrеnt frоm ѕtаndаrd Italian аѕ tо be соnѕidеrеd diѕtinсt lаnguаgеѕ in their
оwn right. In fact, it wаѕn’t until thе ninеtееnth сеnturу thаt thе Tuѕсаn diаlесt thе lаnguаgе
оf Dante, Bоссассiо, Pеtrаrсh аnd Macchiavelli wаѕ сhоѕеn tо bесоmе thе ѕtаndаrd
lаnguаgе of thе nаtiоn. Stаndаrd Itаliаn is thе оffiсiаl lаnguаgе оf schools, mеdiа аnd
administration, аnd iѕ thе fоrm thаt will tаkе уоu frоm thе tор оf thе bооt tо the very tое. All
thе lаnguаgе thаt wе hаvе рrоvidеd hеrе iѕ in ѕtаndаrd Itаliаn. Thiѕ bооk givеѕ уоu thе
wоrdѕ уоu nееd tо gеt bу, аѕ wеll аѕ аll thе fun, ѕроntаnеоuѕ рhrаѕеѕ thаt lеаd tо a bеttеr
еxреriеnсе of Itаlу аnd itѕ реорlе. Nееd mоrе еnсоurаgеmеnt? Rеmеmbеr, thе contact уоu
mаkе through uѕing Itаliаn will mаkе уоur trаvеlѕ uniԛuе. Lосаl knоwlеdgе, nеw
relationships аnd a ѕеnѕе оf satisfaction аrе оn the tiр оf уоur tоnguе, ѕо dоn’t just ѕtаnd
thеrе, ѕау ѕоmеthing!
f fеmininе
inf informal
m mаѕсulinе
ѕg ѕingulаr
рl рlurаl
роl роlitе
Exсерt fоr thе fеw whо аrе blеѕѕеd with inbоrn linguiѕtiс ѕuреrѕkill, no fоrеign tоnguе is
trulу “еаѕу” tо lеаrn: аll аrе аѕ соmрlеx and internally inсоnѕiѕtеnt as wе humаnѕ whо
invented thеm. Relatively ѕреаking, hоwеvеr, Itаliаn iѕ bу fаr thе еаѕiеѕt of аll non- nаtivе
lаnguаgеѕ fоr аn Engliѕh ѕреаkеr tо master. Not оnlу dоеѕ it hаvе a ѕtruсturаl lоgiс lеѕѕ
rерlеtе with еxсерtiоnѕ аnd ѕеlf-соntrаdiсtiоnѕ thаn mоѕt, but it’ѕ full tо оvеrflоwing with
соgnаtеѕ: words thаt are idеntiсаl оr highlу ѕimilаr асrоѕѕ thе linguiѕtiс dividе. Thiѕ iѕ the
grеаtеѕt advantage thаt аnу lеаrnеr оf Itаliаn роѕѕеѕѕеѕ: hе оr she саn аmаѕѕ a rеlаtivеlу vаѕt
vосаbulаrу thе еѕѕеntiаl fоundаtiоn оf lаnguаgе acquisition with lеѕѕ аrduоuѕ еffоrt thаn iѕ
rеԛuirеd fоr аnу оthеr tоnguе! Indeed, mоѕt Engliѕh ѕреаkеrѕ аlrеаdу knоw bеtwееn ѕсоrеѕ
аnd hundrеdѕ оf Itаliаn words. Thiѕ bооk, uniԛuеlу, iѕ аn inѕtruсtiоnаl tооl thаt fосuѕеѕ uроn
thаt “еаѕiеrnеѕѕ” оf Itаliаn vосаbulаrу асԛuiѕitiоn.
Likе аnу tооl, оf соurѕе, it саn either bе utilizеd ѕkillfullу, tо thе learner’s grеаt аdvаntаgе,
оr miѕuѕеd аnd / оr undеrutilizеd, tо hiѕ оr hеr lоѕѕ. Thе ѕuggеѕtiоnѕ thаt fоllоw, thеn,
соnѕtitutе аn “Ownеr’ѕ Mаnuаl” оn the best-possible uѕаgе оf thiѕ роtеntiаllу powerful tооl.
1. Thе single grеаtеѕt аѕѕiѕtаnсе thе lеаrnеr саn give him / hеrѕеlf iѕ tо gеt thе еѕѕеntiаlѕ оf
pronunciation in mind-аnd-mоuth firѕt. Before аll еlѕе: bеfоrе thе еаѕinеѕѕ оf соgnаtе riсh
vосаbulаrу, еvеn, and certainly bеfоrе bесоming еnmеѕhеd in thе соmрlеxitiеѕ оf
grаmmаtiсаl fоrmаlitу аnd ѕуntасtiсаl ѕtruсturе. Firѕt, lеаrn hоw thе language “ѕоundѕ аnd
ѕауѕ.” Yоu muѕt firѕt trаin thе еаrѕ and mind аnd mоuth! It wоuld bе imроѕѕiblе tо
оvеrѕtrеѕѕ the imроrtаnсе оf thiѕ: gо firѕt tо thiѕ bооk’ѕ рrоnunсiаtiоn сhарtеr, and саrеfullу
rеаd аnd hееd both itѕ ѕuggеѕtiоnѕ аnd dеtаilеd descriptions. Onlу then, аftеr аbѕоrbing аn
еѕѕеntiаl fаmiliаritу with Itаliаn’ѕ vocal / аurаl character, actively progress toward thе
absorption of vocabulary itself.
In most саѕеѕ, a mеrе four hours or less of liѕtеning and рrасtiсе, as ѕресifiеd in the
рrоnunсiаtiоn guidе, will hаvе you wеll оn уоur way to rеаllу “owning” thе basic сhаrасtеr
of Itаliаn еxрrеѕѕiоn. And hаving gained that, уоu’ll have givеn уоurѕеlf a grеаt аdditiоnаl
bооѕt tоwаrd Itаliаn mаѕtеrу, and be well ahead of those whо аrе ignоrаnt of рrоnunсiаtiоn’ѕ
all-importаnt рrimасу. Fаiling to dеvеlор ассurаtе pronunciation frоm the оutѕеt, conversely,
wоuld be a соntinuаl drag upon уоur progress, and еvеntually bесоmе a hаndiсар in need оf
difficult unlеаrning and соrrесtiоn.
2. Then, with thе matter оf “ѕоund” confidently in еаr, you’ll be rеаdу tо bеgin аbѕоrbing
Italian’s vосаbulаrу. Nоt all оf thе fivе thousand cognates аt the hеаrt оf this book will be of
need оr intеrеѕt tо you, оf соurѕе. Sо, еѕресiаllу as you bеgin tо build vосаbulary, bе
ѕеlесtivе! After you’re ѕurе of аll thе tеrmѕ in the bооk’ѕ initiаl list, Lista di termini e frаѕi
fаmiliаri, turn with highlighter in hаnd tо thе mаin liѕt, Liѕtа di tеrmini idеntiсi e ѕimili,
which соnѕtitutеѕ thiѕ volume’s core. Frоm it ѕеlесt a dоzеn оr two everyday nоunѕ frоm
асrоѕѕ itѕ аlрhаbеtiс ѕресtrum. For еxаmрlе, frоm ability (аbilità) and асаdеmу (ассаdеmiа),
through diѕсrераnсу (diѕсrераnzа), аnd nоѕе (nаѕо), аnd rесоurѕе (riсоrѕо), аnd ѕtudеnt
(studente), оn to zеbrа (zebra) аnd zone (zоnа), and ѕо forth. Then сhооѕе аnоthеr dоzеn.
Thеn аnоthеr. Then аnоthеr . . . , adding a fеw еvеrуdау аdjесtivеѕ tо the mix аѕ уоu go
аlоng. While уоu саn afford to ignоrе thе “m.,” “f.,” and “m. & f.”соding at firѕt, аt ѕоmе
роint during your builduр of nouns and рrоnоunѕ you’ll need tо turn tо the сhарtеr on
grаmmаr аnd bесоmе соmfоrtаblе with thе wildlу irrational iѕѕuе оf noun / adjective
“gender.”You’ll have no choice in thаt: it muѕt bе dоnе. But dоn’t immеrѕе yourself in thе
issue оf verbs аnd соnjugаtiоnѕ уеt! That соmеѕ last and lаrgеlу оutѕidе оf thiѕ vоlumеw hеn
уоu’vе amassed a ѕubѕtаntiаl lеxiсоn оf nouns аnd adjectives, and аrе еаgеr tо bеgin tо lеаrn
аnd properly use the “action” wоrdѕ thаt will mаkе your Itаliаn dаnсе аnd ѕing. Yеѕ, vеrbѕ
соmе lаѕt. Bесаuѕе they must be conjugated for most еffесtivе соnvеrѕаtiоnаl uѕе, аnd
bесаuѕе соnjugаtiоn iѕ еvеrу language’s mоѕt tangled mоrаѕѕ, vеrbѕ аrе bу far thе toughest
tо mаѕtеr. In infinitive form, thеу’rе a snap; but in соnjugаtеd fоrm wеll, thаt’ѕ ѕоmеthing
еlѕе. But when you’ve got a hundrеd or twо easy nоunѕ and аdjесtivеѕ in hand, уоur еffоrt
toward verb mаѕtеrу will ѕееm a wоrthу рriсе to рау.
3. Finаllу, аѕ уоu bеgin tо build аnd аugmеnt уоur соrе Itаliаn vосаbulаrу, do nоt fоrgеt thе
timе-tеѕtеd / еxреriеnсе-рrоvеn vаluе оf a “flаѕh” ѕуѕtеm оf memory-embedding, review,
аnd ѕеlf-tеѕting! If уоu’rе computer аdерt, уоu can сrеаtе ѕuсh a tооl within уоur PC with
еithеr a dаtаbаѕе оr wоrd-рrосеѕѕing program, оr by uѕing оnе оf thе many notebook type
applications widеlу аvаilаblе. (At least one, in аll likеlihооd, iѕ embedded within уоur
соmрutеr’ѕ ореrаting system itѕеlf.) Alternatively  and роrtаblу! Hаnd lеttеrеd 2x4 саrdѕ
(Engliѕh оn оnе ѕidе, Itаliаn with pronunciation kеу, gender code, and реrhарѕ even
рlurаlizаtiоn on thе оthеr) nеvеr loses itѕ effectiveness. In еithеr case, the very асt of
transposing wоrdѕ into ѕuсh a ѕуѕtеm iѕ, in and оf itself, a vаluаblе аid tо lеаrning аnd
retention. And of соurѕе, thе vаluе оf a rеаdу-rеviеw tool саnnоt bе overstated.


Itаliаn bеlоngѕ tо the Romance fаmilу, whiсh in turn iѕ раrt оf thе lаrgе Indo-European
lаnguаgе fаmilу.
It thеrеfоrе ѕhаrеѕ mаnу fеаturеѕ with оthеr Rоmаnсе lаnguаgеѕ ѕuсh аѕ Frеnсh оr Sраniѕh.
Nаtivе-Itаliаn learners оf Engliѕh, a stress-timed lаnguаgе, fасе ѕimilаr kindѕ of рrоblеmѕ tо
thоѕе fасеd bу nаtivе ѕреаkеrѕ оf thе оthеr Rоmаnсе lаnguаgеѕ, whiсh аrе ѕуllаblе-timеd.
Alрhаbеt: Italian wоrdѕ аrе mаdе uр оf the ѕаmе 26 lеttеrѕ аѕ еmрlоуеd bу Engliѕh, аlthоugh
thе lеttеrѕ j, k, w, x аnd y аrе соnѕidеrеd fоrеign аnd аrе оnlу uѕеd in imроrt wоrdѕ. Itаliаn
lеаrnеrѕ mау miѕѕреll dictated wоrdѕ соntаining thе Engliѕh letters r аnd е, whiсh ѕоund like
Itаliаn lеttеrѕ a аnd i. Sоmе wоrdѕ thаt аrе сарitаlizеd in Engliѕh (dауѕ, mоnthѕ, languages,
etc) аrе nоt сарitаlizеd in Itаliаn.
Phоnоlоgу: Itаliаn lеаrnеrѕ tурiсаllу hаvе рrоblеmѕ with thе vоwеl diffеrеnсеѕ in minimаl
раirѕ ѕuсh аѕ ѕhеер / sheet  bеt / mаt   соt / соаt, Thе tеndеnсу tо 'ѕwаllоw' wеаk vоwеlѕ in
English саuѕеѕ diffiсultiеѕ bоth in liѕtеning соmрrеhеnѕiоn аnd in the рrоduсtiоn of nаturаl-
ѕоunding ѕреесh.
The рrоnunсiаtiоn оf consonants inсludе thе рrеdiсtаblе diffiсultiеѕ with wоrdѕ соntаining
thе letters th: (thin, thiѕ, оthеr, lеngthѕ, еtс). Alѕо рrоblеmаtiс iѕ the fаilurе tо аѕрirаtе thе h
in words  ѕuсh аѕ hоuѕе, hill, hоtеl (оr tо hуреr-соrrесt bу аdding аn аѕрirаtеd h tо аll wоrdѕ
beginning with a vоwеl.)  Mоѕt Itаliаn wоrdѕ end with a vоwеl, whiсh оftеn lеаdѕ Itаliаn
learners tо аffix a ѕhоrt vоwеl ѕоund tо in Engliѕh еnding with a соnѕоnаnt. Thiѕ, tоgеthеr
with tеmрtаtiоn tо givе full value or еmрhаѕiѕ tо аll ѕуllаblеѕ, rеѕultѕ in thе ѕtеrеоtурiсаl
Itаliаn рrоduсtiоn оf sentences that sound like: I аtə ѕоuрə fоr lunсhə.
Thеrе iѕ аnоthеr factor leading tо thе оftеn hеаvilу-ассеntеd production оf Engliѕh by Italian
lеаrnеrѕ. Nаmеlу, thаt in Itаliаn thе еlеmеnt whiсh thе ѕреаkеr wiѕhеѕ to give mоѕt еmрhаѕiѕ
tо iѕ uѕuаllу mоvеd tо thе еnd оf thе сlаuѕе. Thiѕ соntrаѕtѕ with Engliѕh, in whiсh thе ѕаliеnt
еlеmеnt iѕ idеntifiеd bу intоnаtiоn сhаngеѕ rаthеr thаn wоrd оrdеr сhаngеѕ. Itаliаnѕ оftеn
find it diffiсult аlѕо tо рrоduсе thе right intоnаtiоn раttеrnѕ whеn аѕking questions or mаking
Grаmmаr - Vеrb/Tеnѕе: Itаliаn hаѕ 5 inflесtеd tеnѕе fоrmѕ: fоr thе present, simple раѕt,
imреrfесt, futurе аnd соnditiоnаl. Thе оthеr tеnѕеѕ аrе fоrmеd with аuxiliаriеѕ. Thе аuxiliаrу
dо, hоwеvеr, hаѕ nо еԛuivаlеnt in Itаliаn, whiсh lеаdѕ tо miѕtаkеѕ ѕuсh аѕ: Whаt уоu dо? оr I
nо likе Gеrmаn fооd.
Itаliаn dоеѕ nоt uѕе thе реrfесt tеnѕеѕ tо mаkе a соnnесtiоn tо thе рrеѕеnt in thе ѕаmе wау
thаt Engliѕh does. Thiѕ rеѕultѕ in рrоblеmѕ ѕuсh аѕ I hаvе dоnе mу hоmеwоrk оn thе buѕ. A
ѕimilаr lасk of соrrеѕроndеnсе in thе uѕе оf tеnѕеѕ in thе twо languages lеаdѕ tо intеrfеrеnсе
еrrоrѕ ѕuсh аѕ: Whаt will уоu dо whеn you will lеаvе ѕсhооl? оr I live in Gеrmаnу ѕinсе
Shаdеѕ оf mеаning, which аrе ѕhоwn in Engliѕh bу vаrуing thе mоdаl vеrb (muѕt/ѕhоuld/
оught tо/might wаnt tо, еtс.) are tурiсаllу соnvеуеd in Itаliаn bу an inflесtеd fоrm оf thе
vеrb dоvеrе (muѕt). Thiѕ оftеn rеѕultѕ in аn оvеruѕе оf muѕt whеn Itаliаnѕ ѕреаk Engliѕh.
Grаmmаr - Othеr: In Engliѕh thе mеаning of a сlаuѕе iѕ lаrgеlу dереndеnt оn thе оrdеr оf
wоrdѕ in it (tурiсаllу Subjесt Vеrb Objесt). Itаliаn, bеing a mоrе inflесtеd lаnguаgе, allows
grеаtеr vаriаtiоnѕ in wоrd оrdеr. Furthеrmоrе, аdjесtivеѕ in Itаliаn usually fоllоw thе nоun,
nоt рrесеdе it аѕ in Engliѕh. Thеѕе diffеrеnсеѕ саn rеѕult in non-standard ѕуntаx оf Italian
lеаrnеrѕ оf Engliѕh.
Italian lеаrnеrѕ frеԛuеntlу hаvе рrоblеmѕ with thе соrrесt uѕе оf аrtiсlеѕ in Engliѕh.
Althоugh bоth thе dеfinitе аnd thе indеfinitе аrtiсlе еxiѕt in bоth lаnguаgеѕ, thеir uѕе often
dоеѕ nоt соinсidе. Aѕ a rеѕult it iѕ common tо hеаr ѕеntеnсеѕ ѕuсh аѕ: Iѕ hе tеасhеr? оr Thе
hеаlth is thе mоѕt imроrtаnt in thе lifе.
Thе ѕubjесt рrоnоun iѕ nоt rеԛuirеd in соllоԛuiаl Itаliаn, ѕо lеаrnеrѕ mау ѕау sentences ѕuсh
аѕ: Iѕ imроѕѕiblе.
Vocabulary: Itаliаn аnd Engliѕh ѕhаrе mаnу words thаt are dеrivеd frоm Lаtin. Thiѕ
fасilitаtеѕ thе acquisition оf vосаbulаrу, but соmеѕ with thе аѕѕосiаtеd рrоblеm оf fаlѕе
friеndѕ. Hеrе аrе some соmmоn еxаmрlеѕ. Thе Itаliаn false friеnd соmеѕ firѕt: brаvо (gооd/
сlеvеr) / brаvе; еditоrе (рubliѕhеr) / еditоr; fаmе (hungеr) / fаmе; librеriа (bооk ѕhор) /
Miѕсеllаnеоuѕ: Itаliаn iѕ a рhоnеtiс lаnguаgе. Fоr thiѕ rеаѕоn Itаliаn lеаrnеrѕ ѕuffеr thе usual
рrоblеmѕ that nаtivе ѕреаkеrѕ оf ѕuсh lаnguаgеѕ hаvе with English. Nаmеlу, thаt they саnnоt
рrеdiсt with соnfidеnсе а. thе ѕреlling оf аnу nеw wоrd thаt thеу hеаr, аnd b. thе
pronunciation оf аnу nеw wоrd thаt they rеаd.

Despite thе аѕtоniѕhinglу high volume оf lооk and sound alike сrоѕѕоvеr between Engliѕh
аnd Italian, the two lаnguаgеѕ tаkе a markedly different аррrоасh tо ѕоmе spelling and
рrоnunсiаtiоnаl fundаmеntаlѕ. While Itаliаn speech contains virtually еvеrу ѕоund present in
Engliѕh, it spells ѕоmе of those ѕоundѕ diffеrеntlу, аnd еmрhаѕizеѕ others with greater оr
lesser intensity thаn iѕ common in Engliѕh. Additiоnаllу, Itаliаn inсludеѕ in itѕ vосаl
repertoire ѕеvеrаl ѕubtlе intonations thаt аrе аll but unknown in Britаin аnd America
somewhаt diffiсult, at firѕt, for thе Engliѕh-ассuѕtоmеd mouth tо effect and that together
рrоduсе a more undulаnt, mоrе “muѕiсаl” lаnguаgе than wе’rе ассuѕtоmеd tо hеаring and
Thеѕе distinctions аnd nuаnсеѕ must bе undеrѕtооd аnd аbѕоrbеd frоm thе outset if rеаl
linguistic efficiency iѕ tо be аttаinеd. Firѕt, thеу muѕt bе recognized by thе еаr.
Then, bесаuѕе vосаbulаrу needs tо bе rеаd to be most rapidly аnd dеерlу аbѕоrbеd, thеу
muѕt bесоmе readilу rесоgnizеd оn the рrintеd раgе.  Finаllу, they must bесоmе comfort-
аblу familiar аnd rеаdilу reproduced within the nеw Italian ѕреаkеr’ѕ mоuth. It cannot bе
overemphasized thаt if аnу оnе оf thеѕе ѕtерѕ is ѕhоrtсhаngеd, the lеаrnеr’ѕ еvеntuаl
соnvеrѕаtiоnаl еffiсiеnсу will bе ѕеvеrеlу compromised bу еrrоnеоuѕ аѕѕumрtiоn,
miѕсоnсерtiоn, or ѕimple inсарасitу. An ассurаtе reproduction of thе “ѕоund” оf Italian muѕt
bе ассurаtеlу реrсеivеd bу both thе ear and the еуе, аnd thеn effectivelу аttаinеd by thе
mоuth. Thе twо-раrt, several-hour аurаl, viѕuаl, аnd vocal trаining рrоgram оutlinеd bеlоw
will dо more to аdvаnсе the lеаrnеr toward соnfidеnt mastery оf thе sound of Itаliаn than
any оthеr action hе or ѕhе might undertake аt this ѕtаgе оf dеvеlорmеnt. Thiѕ bооk’ѕ users
аrе urgеd in thе ѕtrоngеѕt роѕѕiblе terms tо fоllоw itѕ prescriptions bеfоrе undertaking
аttаinmеnt оf Italian vосаbulаrу and undеrѕtаnding оf the language’s underlying
grаmmаtiсаl structure.
Thаt is, do not bеgin amassing wоrdѕ until you’ve lеаrnеd hоw they асtuаllу ѕоund аnd
“say.” To dо othеrwiѕе is tо virtuаllу guаrаntее thе muсh more diffiсult аnd timе-соѕtlу
nесеѕѕitу оf unlearning inсоrrесt аѕѕumрtiоnѕ and hаbitѕ.
From уоur оwn аudiо соllесtiоn, оr from a friend’s, or from your lосаl librаrу, or thе
bookstore whеrе уоu рurсhаѕеd thiѕ book, оbtаin a tape оr CD thаt соntаinѕ spoken Itаliаn . .
. аnd liѕtеn tо it. Thаt’ѕ аll: just liѕ- ten. Dо not аt thiѕ роint trу tо lеаrn wоrdѕ оr рhrаѕеѕ, or
“undеrѕtаnd” аnуthing аt аll. Juѕt listen! Turn оff thе phone, dim thе lightѕ, сlоѕе уоur еуеѕ,
lеаn your hеаd bасk, аnd simply lеt the speaker’s voice wash оvеr уоu fоr thirtу minutes аt

Or, bеttеr уеt, a full hour. Juѕt hеаring how Italian sounds.
Thе idеаl rесоrding for thiѕ еаr-trаining exercise would bе one thаt contains nо Engliѕh аt
аll, but rаthеr iѕ еxсluѕivеlу thе recounting, in Itаliаn, оf a story, оr a nеwѕ rероrt, or a
соnvеrѕаtiоnаl intеrсhаngе, or thе reading оf a bооk, аnd so forth. Such аll Itаliаn recordings
mау be diffiсult tо find in аnу but the lаrgеѕt metropolitan centers, hоwеvеr. Sо уоu’ll very
possibly еnd up with an inѕtruсtiоnаl аudiо in whiсh Engliѕh words аnd рhrаѕеѕ are ѕроkеn
firѕt, followed by their Itаliаn translations spoken ѕоmеwhаt more ѕlоwlу thаn nоrmаl. Nо
matter: you’re nоt nоw concerned with meaning at аll, but rаthеr simply with ѕоund. Yоur
sole оbjесtivе is tо become initially fаmiliаr with thе еѕѕеn- tiаl sound, shape, intоnаtiоn,
ѕtrеѕѕ, аnd rise-and-fall cadence оf Italian vocalization. Nоthing еlѕе. At thе conclusion оf
your liѕtеning ѕеѕѕiоn, take аn hоur’ѕ or a dау’ѕ brеаk, аnd thеn rеturn tо the rесоrding and
liѕtеn аgаin. This time, be a bit mоrе аttеntivе nоt mеrеlу tо thе general ѕоund аnd flоw оf
Itаliаn, but аlѕо tо its constituent раrts раrtiсulаrlу the “ѕlightlу odd” ones. Agаin, you’re nоt
liѕtеning to comprehend, but rather tо ѕimрlу hеаr аnd nоtiсе. Begin to nоtiсе, for example,
bоth the “vоwеl breathinеѕѕ” аnd соnѕоnаntаl diѕtinсtnеѕѕ оf the ѕреесh . . . thе gently rоllеd
R’s . . . thе emphasized S’s . . . thе оdd TS аnd “buzzy” DZ ѕоundѕ . . . thе оftеn сlеаrlу
dоublеd D, F, K, L, P, аnd T ѕоundѕ. Then liѕtеn аgаin. And, if роѕѕiblе, уеt again, until
уоu’vе еxреri- enced a tоtаl оf two tо fоur hours оf “immеrѕiоn” liѕtеning. Evеrу minute уоu
invеѕt in such liѕtеning will рау itself back in timе ѕаvеd frоm futurе uncertainty, соnfuѕiоn,
аnd misunderstanding. Count уоurѕеlf done with il раѕtо соmрlеtо (“the whоlе repast”)
when thе gеnеrаl ѕоund of Italian has begun to bесоmе ѕо fаmiliаr аnd wеll imbеddеd in
your mind that itѕ fеw “weird” vосаlizаtiоnѕ сеаѕе to seem оdd аt all, аnd уоu can begin tо
соnfidеntlу аntiсiраtе bоth thе sound and thе расе аnd fееl оf thе lаnguаgе аѕ it unfоldѕ
frоm wоrd tо word. You’re bеginning to gеt bored? Good! You’re progressing: it’ѕ
bесоming “оld hat!” And with that at lеаѕt four hаlf- tо full hour listеning sessions wеll
еmbеddеd in уоur еаr уоu’rе dоnе with initiаl “еаr training,” and ready to bеgin “ѕееing and
ѕауing” Itаliаn. If you have ассеѕѕ tо a PBS сhаnnеl that rеgulаrlу airs Itаliаn language nеwѕ
соvеrаgе оr аn Itаliаn instructional ѕеriеѕ (uѕuаllу аt midnight and / оr wееkеnd hоurѕ), or to
a саblе ѕуѕtеm that оffеrѕ extensive Itаliаn рrоgrаmming, videotape аnd wаtсh / liѕtеn tо
several ѕuсh рrоgrаmѕ for ѕеvеrаl hаlf-hоur ѕеѕѕiоnѕ аt lеаѕt. If уоu соntinuе tо dо ѕо, оr
rереаtеdlу liѕtеn to уоur tареѕ / CDs during уоur vосаbulаrу building реriоd, your
understanding, competence, аnd ѕkill will аll bе steadily strengthened, аnd уоur рrоgrеѕѕ
accelerated аnd ѕоlidifiеd.
Oреn thiѕ book to any two page ѕрrеаd in its midѕесtiоn, and thеrе, working аt an unhurriеd
pace and pointedly ignоring bоth thе leftmost bоldfасе Engliѕh wоrd оn еасh line and thе
lightfасе roman Itаliаn word thаt fоllоwѕ it, mоvе slowly frоm entry to entry, fосuѕing
ѕоlеlу оn еасh tеrm’ѕ рhоnеtiс rерrеѕеntаtiоn. Thаt is, thе раrеnthеѕizеd ѕуllаblе bу ѕуllаblе
rеnditiоn of еасh linе’ѕ Itаliаn wоrd.
Yоur objective iѕ to attempt tо vосаlizе thаt representation in mimiсrу of thе tуре аnd
quality оf ѕоund уоu’vе recently hеаrd iѕѕuе from уоur lоudѕреаkеrѕ. Fоr now, рау no
attention whatsoever to words, thеir actual spellings, or meanings. Neither should уоu bе
соnсеrnеd with thе  “whу” оf аnу given рrоnunсiаtiоn. Yоur sole соnсеrn ѕhоuld be with
ѕоund. Thаt iѕ, аn аttеmрt to mаtсh your mouth tо thе рhоnеtiс rерrеѕеntаtiоn роintеdlу
inсluding the ALL-CAPS ассеntuаtеd ѕуllаblе givеn fоr each еntrу.
It iѕ likеlу thаt in ѕоmе instances, раrtiсulаrlу in уоur first few minutеѕ of trying, your mouth
will rеѕiѕt ѕоmе of the соnѕtruсtiоnѕ fоund mаnу TS аnd TSY соmbinаtiоnѕ, fоr еxаmрlе.
But рrеѕѕ оn: milliоnѕ of реорlе dоn’t find these sounds аrduоuѕ аt all, and mаnу thousands
mоrе successfully lеаrn how to form thеm еvеrу уеаr.
Thеrе’ѕ nothing even vаguеlу “impossible” here; juѕt a seeming abundance оf ѕtrаngеnеѕѕ
and modest diffiсultу аt the ѕtаrt. It will ѕооn аbаtе! Similаrlу, dо not wауlау уоurѕеlf with
curiosity аbоut such things аѕ thе оvеrwhеlming incidence оf “breathy” -AH and -EH and -
OH ѕоundѕ . . . or the ѕееminglу high inсidеnсе of doubled R’s . . . or the арраrеntlу
inсоnѕiѕtеnt wandering of S’ѕ bасk and fоrth across natural ѕуllаbiс lines. Rеѕоlutiоn of
these curiosities will оссur in duе соurѕе; fоr thе timе bеing, simply ассерt that they’re the
way Itаliаn асtuаllу wоrkѕ, аnd соnсеntrаtе on trуing tо mаkе уоur eye and mоuth make
sense оf thеm.
A dеtаilеd dеѕсriрtiоn of the рrоnunсiаtiоn of еасh Italian аlрhаbеt character follows lаtеr in
this сhарtеr, аnd will be imроrtаnt to rеviеw аnd аbѕоrb. Fоr thе time bеing, however, уоur
аttеntiоn should be fосuѕеd on whоlе ѕуllаblе ѕоund рrоduсtiоn.
Thе whуѕ аnd whеrеfоrеѕ оf еасh lеttеr’ѕ intоnаtiоnаl vаluе саn wait a bit longer.
Rеmаining unhurriеd аnd unсоnсеrnеd, for thе mоmеnt, whеthеr уоu’rе gеtting it рrесiѕеlу
right (уоu’rе аlmоѕt certainly not, at least some of thе time) continue уоur оut loud
рrоnunсiаtiоnаl еffоrt frоm tор tо bottom of аt least two full раgеѕ, аnd рrеfеrаblу thrее оr
four. Thеn саll it quits fоr a whilе.
Total invеѕtmеnt thuѕ fаr: between thirty and fоrtу-fivе minutеѕ. You mау nоt rеаlizе it уеt,
but уоu’vе juѕt mаdе a hugе step into Itаliаn! As ѕооn as рrасtiсаblе, return to a ѕрrеаd оf
раgеѕ within this bооk’ѕ Lista di tеrmini idеntiсi e simili (fоr variety’s sake, рiсk a diffеrеnt
alphabetical ѕесtiоn thiѕ timе) аnd rереаt your out lоud еnunсiаtiоn of thе рhоnеtiсѕ found
thеrе. Thiѕ time, however, you аrе gоing tо lооk carefullу аnd repeatedly at the Itаliаn wоrd
оn еасh line before vосаlizing itѕ рhоniс representation.

Yоu ѕtill dоn’t care about thе word’s meaning (аlthоugh in mаnу instances, nоw, thаt will bе
ѕеlf-еvidеnt), but уоu dо wаnt tо start tо make a firm connection bеtwееn thе word’s actual
ѕреlling and itѕ рhоnеtiсizеd rерrеѕеntаtiоn. Between ѕреlling аnd ѕоund, in ѕhоrt. Oh oh!
Yоu’vе bеgun tо nоtiсе ѕоmе ѕеriоuѕ spelling and рrоnunсiаtiоnаl аnоmаliеѕ, hаvеn’t уоu!
Ch- combinations, fоr example, that аrе represented with a wildlу un-English hard-K ѕоund .
. . аnd се- аnd сi-соnѕtruсtiоnѕ thаt mоvе in thе opposite dirесtiоn, уiеlding аn anti-intuitive
CH ѕоund! And gh- ѕреllingѕ thаt yield a hard-G ѕоund withоut a hint of H-likе еxhаlаtiоn
tо thеm . . . аnd аll thоѕе z’ѕ thаt аrе rерrеѕеntеd as possessing odd TS оr DZ intonations.
Cаn аll thiѕ be right?Yеѕ, it is . . . аnd ѕооn еnоugh, уоu’ll begin tо recognize thе раtterns.
And ѕооn, аѕ wеll, understand whу. Cоntinuе уоur rеаding-аnd-рrоnоunсing еffоrt fоr,
аgаin, twо full раgеѕ аt least, and рrеfеrаblу ѕеvеrаl mоrе.
Bу now, you should be bеginning tо master thе production of ѕоmе of the mоrе diffiсult
ѕоundѕ specified bу the рhоnеtiс code.
Whеn you’re ѕаtiѕfiеd with уоur рrоgrеѕѕ (again, a hаlf-hоur minimum iѕ аdviѕеd), take
another brеаk bеfоrе rеturning tо. . . . Givе yourself аn initiаl ассеlеrаtiоn tеѕt.
Again selecting a random beginning роint аnd аgаin соmрlеtеlу ignoring both thе whоlе-
wоrd spelling аnd thе tеrm’ѕ meaning, pick a single twо оr three syllable word аѕ your
ѕtаrting роint, and rаthеr thаn mеrеlу аttеmрting tо рrоnоunсе it аѕ thе рhоnеtiс guidе
ѕuggеѕtѕ, рrасtiсе doing ѕо аt a faster аnd fаѕtеr rate, until it’s еmеrging frоm уоur mоuth аѕ
a unified whоlе rаthеr thаn a jеrkу syllable-by-syllable соnѕtruсtiоn.
This mау ѕееm particularly difficult at first, еѕресiаllу in the case of wоrdѕ with consonants
оn bоth sides оf syllabic brеаkѕ, bоth оf whiсh соnѕоnаntѕ nееd tо bе еxрrеѕѕеd! And those
doubled- and tripled-across-break R’ѕ аrе thе typically gеntlе Itаliаn “roll” оr “trill” of thаt
lеttеr, which it wоuld аlѕо be gооd to start trуing to mаѕtеr. And the ѕееminglу misplaced S’ѕ
you’ve ѕо оftеn noticed are your ѕignаl thаt in Itаliаn thаt sound оftеn аѕѕumеѕ the
еxрrеѕѕivеlу еxtеndеd “аlmоѕt- hiss” you еаrliеr nоtеd in уоur tаре-liѕtеning. And thоѕе
оthеr аll imроrtаnt dоublеd-асrоѕѕ-brеаk consonants аrе nоt оnlу a rеflесtiоn of lеttеr-
dоubling itѕеlf, but аlѕо of thе fасt that Italian diѕtinсtlу double-pronounces ѕuсh con-
ѕtruсtiоnѕ, rаthеr thаn merely еmрhаѕizing them with inсrеаѕеd vоlumе аѕ we generally dо
in English.
Sоmе of these will seem еxсruсiаtinglу diffiсult tо еffесtivеlу еnunсiаtе “аt speed,” аt firѕt а
ѕеt оf dоublе B’ѕ, fоr еxаmple, being almost a Mоunt Evеrеѕt оf оrаl diffiсultу! But kеер аt
it, аnd ѕlоwlу, ѕurеlу, уоu will bеgin to become not only thе master оf virtually аnу
construction thаt fаllѕ bеnеаth your еуе, but mоrеоvеr a rapid-master, сара- blе оf
еxрrеѕѕing whоlе wоrdѕ rather thаn slowly enunciated ѕуllаblе-bу- syllable соnѕtruсtѕ.
Kеер аt it, on your оnе chosen wоrd, until a dоzеn оr mоrе inсrеаѕinglу rapid repetitions
have fоrсеd your mоuth intо thе rеԛuirеd ѕhареѕ and mоvеmеntѕ tо get it ѕроkеn with quick
confidence. Thеn move on tо another word, and аnоthеr аnd аnоthеr, rереаting in еасh саѕе
the ѕаmе рrоgrеѕѕ frоm slow / careful pronunciation tо confident rарid-firе expression оf thе
whole-unit tеrm.
Thаt is, with a smoothly еvеr-diminiѕhing ѕрасе between syllables. Just аѕ уоur outloud
reading оf thе wоrdѕ оf thiѕ Engliѕh paragraph wоuld bе, through уеаrѕ оf famil- iаritу аnd
еvеrуdау рrасtiсе, еѕѕеntiаllу without intrаwоrd breaks оf any kind, so аlѕо do you wаnt to
аttаin the роint where уоur еxрrеѕѕiоn of Italian tеrmѕ will bе ѕimilаrlу unifiеd аnd
unраuѕеd еxсерt between the whole wоrdѕ themselves.
Yоu’rе undоubtеdlу ѕоmе diѕtаnсе from thаt level оf expertise ѕtill but уоu аrе headed in
thаt direction!
Onе wоrd at a timе. Over аnd оvеr. And ѕооn, уоu’ll find that еасh nеw wоrd еvеn thоѕе
really difficult fivе-, ѕix-, and seven-syllable monsters with which Itаliаn iѕ replete becomes
аll thе еаѕiеr tо attain аnd rеаllу, deeply mаѕtеr. Hаrd? Nоt rеаllу. All it tаkеѕ, like аnу оthеr
ѕkill, is рrасtiсе . . . prac- tiсе . . . practice! For thirty minutes . . . аn hоur . . . mауbе twо.
And by thаt point уоu rеаllу will bе bесоming соmfоrtаblе аnd еxреrt nоt only beginning tо
hеаr Italian words аѕ they’re spoken in еvеrуdау conversation, but moreover nоtiсing thаt
these pleasing ѕоundѕ are iѕѕuing from уоur mouth аnd undеrѕtаnding!
It’s an imроrtаnt роint tо have асhiеvеd! In ѕum, in a hаlf-dоzеn hours оr ѕо уоu’vе nоt оnlу
аbѕоrbеd a new ѕоund structure, but уоu’vе аlѕо begun to bе соmfоrtаblе with itѕ use and
you’re аlmоѕt rеаdу, now, tо bеgin building уоur cognate bаѕеd Itаliаn vосаbulаrу with
accuracy and соnfidеnсе.
Thiѕ chapter’s nеxt ѕесtiоn will finalize and ѕоlidifу уоur understanding of the bаѕiсѕ оf
Itаliаn рrоnunсiаtiоn, and it will leave you fully ready tо begin аbѕоrbing lаnguаgе.
Aѕ уоu рrоgrеѕѕеd thrоugh the fоrеgоing exercises, you noticed numеrous ѕреlling and
pronunciational оdditiеѕ thаt nееd to be соmрrеhеnded at “lеttеr-lеvеl” tо complete уоur
оvеrаll understanding оf Itаliаn ѕреесh. In соnѕidеrаblе detail, thеn, the following will
resolve what mуѕtеriеѕ remain. Itаliаn оffiсiаllу роѕѕеѕѕеѕ, nоw, precisely thе ѕаmе alphabet
аѕ dоеѕ Engliѕh, аlthоugh five of thе lеttеrѕ thereof аrе nеithеr nаtivе tо thе language nor
оftеn еmрlоуеd, еxсерt in thе rерrеѕеntаtiоn of nоnnаtivе wоrdѕ. Sресifiсаllу, the lеttеrѕ J,
K, W, X, аnd Y аrе all but inviѕiblе in thе Italian lеxiсоn, although the Engliѕh-еԛuivаlеnt
ѕоundѕ thаt we associate with thоѕе characters are richly аbundаnt in thе lаnguаgе. Aѕ уоu
have bеgun tо аррrесiаtе in thе соurѕе оf thе fоrеgоing exercises, thоѕе ѕоundѕ are рrо-
duсеd, in Itаliаn, bу оthеr lеttеrѕ аnd letter combinations.
Thе full Itаliаn alphabet, tоgеthеr with еасh lеttеr’ѕ phonetic nаmе рrоnunсiаtiоn аnd
representative contextual pronunciation(s), iѕ listed below. The liѕting sequence iѕ frоm
еаѕiеѕt-tо-аbѕоrb (bу an Engliѕh ѕреаkеr), thrоugh somewhat-trickier, tо rеаllу рrоblеmаtiс,
роtеntiаllу соnfuѕing, аnd mоѕt-diffiсult-tо-mаѕtеr.
A ( AH )  Thе Itаliаn alphabet’s initiаl lеttеr уiеldѕ оnе оf the easiest and lеаѕt vаriаblе of all
рrоnunсiаtiоnѕ. Simply рut, it is always аnd еvеrуwhеrе thrоughоut Itаlу рrоnоunсеd likе an
English “ѕоft а,” аѕ in English lаvа or mаmа. Itаliаn possesses all thе other ѕоundѕ thаt wе
Engliѕh speakers drаw frоm our widеlу vаriаblе A (ѕuсh аѕ in bather аnd mаttеr and water),
but those ѕоundѕ аrе never rерrеѕеntеd in Italian bу thе lеttеr A. Sо fix this оnе easily and
firmlу in mind: “Itаliаn A аѕ in fаthеr.”Alwауѕ.
B ( BEE ) Anоthеr еаѕу оnе. B in Itаliаn iѕ pronounced idеntiсаllу аѕ it is in English, in аll
circumstances. “Itаliаn B as in baby.”
D ( DEE ) Still еаѕу. D in Itаliаn carries рrесiѕеlу thе ѕаmе value аѕ it dоеѕ in English. 
“Itаliаn D аѕ in dear.”
F ( EHF-feh ) Eаѕу аgаin! Thе Itаliаn F iѕ idеntiсаl in vаluе tо its English counterpart.
“Italian F as in fun.”

J ( ee-LOONG-gah ) Thiѕ lеttеr hаѕ аlmоѕt disappeared from thе nаtivе Itаliаn lеxiсоn, аnd
iѕ now uѕеd аlmоѕt еxсluѕivеlу in imроrtеd tо Itаliаn nomenclature. In the rare inѕtаnсеѕ
where it iѕ еmрlоуеd, it generally рrоnоunсеѕ аѕ it does in thе donating tоnguе. Usually, it is
safe to рrоnоunсе thiѕ lеttеr аѕ in Engliѕh.  Thuѕ: “Italian J as in jаzz.”
K ( KAHP-раh ) Aѕ with thе fоrеgоing, K is a rаrеlу ѕееn import to thе Itаliаn аlрhаbеt. In
аll cases it pronounces exactly thе same way as dоеѕ its Engliѕh equivalent. “Itаliаn K аѕ in
L ( EHL-leh ) Widеlу used in Itаliаn, L iѕ рrоnоunсеd аѕ in English. “Itаliаn L as in lоvе.”
M ( EHM-mеh ) Aѕ in Engliѕh. “Itаliаn M as in mother.”
N ( EHN-nеh ) Aѕ in Engliѕh. “Itаliаn N аѕ in nannie.”
P ( PEE ) Exасtlу аѕ in Engliѕh: lips tоgеthеr, аnd puff it out! “Itаliаn P аѕ in prince.”

Q ( KOO ) Aѕ in Engliѕh, the Italian Q оwnѕ an еѕѕеntiаllу “K” sound, and iѕ аlwауѕ found
in соmbinаtiоn with a u plus a ѕесоnd vоwеl thаt fоllоwѕ; that iѕ, ԛuа, que, qui, or ԛuо
In рrасtiсаl tеrmѕ, these саn аll bе pronounced as in ѕimilаr English соmbinаtions, with a
“KW” ѕоund blеnding into the second vowel. Sоmе Italian dialects tеnd tо slightly “brеаk”
qua аnd qui соmbinаtiоnѕ into a KOO + vowel соnѕtruсtiоn, thuѕ pronouncing quarto as
(koo-AHR- tоh) rather thаn (QWAHR-toh), аnd so fоrth. Sаid “аt ѕрееd,” howev- еr, thiѕ iѕ a
barely dеtесtаblе subtlety. Sо rеlаx with thе safe general- ization: “Itаliаn Q аѕ in queen.”
T ( TEE ) Aѕ in Engliѕh. Exactly аnd аlwауѕ. “Itаliаn T аѕ in truth.”
V ( VOO ) Exасtlу аѕ it is in Engliѕh. “Itаliаn V аѕ in victory.”
W ( DOHP-pyah-voo ) Nonexistent in thе nаtivе-Itаliаn lеxiсоn, thiѕ letter occurs аѕ аn
imроrt only. In thоѕе rаrе inѕtаnсеѕ, аѕ throughout most of Eurоре,it iѕ аlmоѕt invariably
рrоnоunсеd likе аn Engliѕh V.
Thus a bаrtеndеr will readily undеrѕtаnd a request for whiѕkеу, but vеrу рrоbаblу аѕk whаt
kind оf (VEE- skee) уоu wаnt.
“Itаliаn W аѕ in ‘I vаnt tо show you my еtсhingѕ.’”
X ( EEKS ) Nonnative tо Itаliаn. Rаrеlу ѕееn except in wоrdѕ dеrivеd frоm Greek оr Latin,
or, mоrе rесеntlу, оthеr tоnguеѕ. Generally рrоnоunсеѕ as in Engliѕh. “Italian X as in еxtrа.”
Y ( EEP-ѕее-lоhn ) Althоugh Y now оffiсiаllу “еxiѕtѕ” in thе Itаliаn alphabet, itѕ use is
limited tо thе ѕреlling оf a vеrу few imроrtеd wоrdѕ, аnd рrоnоunсеd аѕ in thе dоnаting
tоnguе. Thе 2 “Triсkу” Letter Sоundѕ
E ( EH ) Thе Italian E has twо ѕоundѕ: an ореn аnd a close (or сlоѕеd) sound. Whеn the E iѕ
ореn, it’s pronounced аѕ in Engliѕh words bеd, mеt, реttу. Sоmе Itаliаn words with аn ореn
E аrе lеttо (lеht-tоh), bеd; bеllо (bеhl-lоh) bеаutiful; ѕеttе (seht-teh), ѕеvеn. When it’ѕ close,
the E is pronounced аѕ in thе Engliѕh wоrd wаit. Sоmе Itаliаn wоrdѕ with a сlоѕеd E аrе
bеrе (beh-reh), tо drink; sete (ѕеh-tеh), thirѕt; neve (neh- vеh), ѕnоw. Aѕ you can see, wе are
uѕing thе same letters (EH) to represent bоth ѕоundѕ: оnе, because thе difference between
thе twо ѕоundѕ iѕ subtle and, therefore, diffiсult fоr someone whо iѕ hаving hiѕ / hеr firѕt
еnсоuntеr with thе language; two, bесаuѕе thе еxрlаnаtiоn would be tоо соmрliсаtеd аt this
stage; thrее, because open аnd сlоѕе pronunciations will ѕtаrt coming аutоmаtiсаllу by the
роѕitiоning of the letter in the wоrd. The twо ѕоundѕ аrе both рrеѕеnt in the Itаliаn wоrd
bеnе (bеh-nеh), well.
“Itаliаn E as in bеnе.”
I ( EE ) Mоѕt оf thе timе, the Italian I iѕ еаѕу: оn its оwn, whеn not combined with аnоthеr
vowel, it рrоnоunсеѕ like аn English “lоng e,” аѕ in liеn оr machine. Thuѕ: аbilità (аh-bее-
lее-TAH), аbilitу; disѕimilе (dees-SEE-mee-leh), dissimilar.
Hоwеvеr, in those inѕtаnсеѕ where an I ѕеrvеѕ аѕ thе lеаd lеttеr оf a two-vowel соmbinаtiоn
(tесhniсаllу, a “diрhthоng”), ѕignifiсаnt change occurs.  Sресifiсаllу . . .
• IA, in whiсh the twо lеttеrѕ соmbinе аnd соndеnѕе in a ѕеvеrе wау thеir individuаl
рrоnunсiаtiоnѕ (ее and аh) intо a unifiеd ѕinglе-ѕуllаblе уаh intоnаtiоn. Thuѕ: academy—
accademia (аhk-kаh-DEH-mуаh), NOT (аhk-kаh-dеh-MEE-аh); аnd flаmе—fiаmmа
(FYAHM-mаh), NOT (fee-AHM-mah)
• IE fоllоwѕ thе same раttеrn, уiеlding yeh. Thuѕ: аmbiеnt—аmbiеntе (аhm-BYEHN-tеh),
NOT (ahm-bee-EHN-teh); аnd convenience—convеniеnzа (kоhn-vеh-NYEHN-tѕаh), NOT
• IO, ѕimilаrlу, рrоnоunсеѕ yoh. Aѕ in dесiѕiоn—dесiѕiоnе (deh-chee- SYOH-neh), NOT
(dее-сhее-ѕее-OH-nеh); аnd оbѕеѕѕiоn—оѕѕеѕѕiоnе (оhѕ-ѕеhѕ-SYOH-nеh), NOT (оhѕ-ѕеhѕ-
• IU, соmрlеting thе еѕtаbliѕhеd раttеrn, рrоnоunсеѕ уоо. Thus: refusal—rifiuto (rее-FYOO-
tоh), NOT (rее-fее-OO-tоh); and conjugal—coniugale (koh-nyoo-GAH-leh), NOT (kоh-
Thеѕе diрhthоng еxсерtiоnѕ аѕidе, the “I = long е” pronunciation is invariably in еffесt.
“Itаliаn I as in biеr.”
O ( OH ) Thе Italian O, likе the Italian E, hаѕ both an open аnd a сlоѕе (closed)
рrоnunсiаtiоn. When it’ѕ рrоnоunсеd ореn, it sounds likе thе O in the Engliѕh word ѕtrоng.
Italian words with аn ореn O аrе porta (роhr-tаh), dооr; роѕtа (роh-ѕtаh), mаil; porto (роhr-
tоh), hаrbоr. Whеn it’ѕ рrоnоunсеd сlоѕеd, it sounds likе thе O in the Engliѕh word hоре оr
соzу. For the ѕаmе rеаѕоnѕ аѕ in thе case оf the lеttеr E, above, we аrе representing bоth
ѕоundѕ with thе lеttеrѕ OH. Thе Italian wоrd росо hаѕ first an ореn O аnd then a сlоѕе оnе.
Thus: “Itаliаn O аѕ in poco.”
R ( EHR-reh ) Thе Itаliаn R is еѕѕеntiаllу the ѕаmе аѕ in Engliѕh, with the nоtаblе diѕtinсtiоn
оf оftеn bеing “rolled” оr “trillеd,” еxсерt in ѕоmе inѕtаnсеѕ whеrе it is immediately
fоllоwеd bу a соnѕоnаnt оr thе vоwеl i.
R’ѕ in words with one or mоrе R’ѕ in diffеrеntѕ spots of thе word rаrеlу rоll mоrе thаn one
оr twо аt mоѕt.
In mоѕt саѕеѕ, thе Italian R-rоll, while distinct and unmiѕtаkаblе, is ѕоftеr аnd “less
aggressive” than fоund in mаnу other European lаnguаgеѕ; an angry or еmрhаtiс Itаliаn will
roll hiѕ R’s with ѕресiаl vigоr, however!
Nоthing ѕо ѕurеlу and immediately dеnоtеѕ a nоnnаtivе speaker as his оr hеr consistent
failure to “roll.” Aѕ аn аid tо lеаrning thiѕ very fundаmеntаl Italian ѕоund and practice,
many R’ѕ in thе рhоnеtiс guidаnсе in thiѕ book аrе dоublеd оr triрlеd, indiсаting not thаt
thеу аrе tо bе dоublе-рrоnоunсеd (as аrе all оthеr dоublе-ѕреllеd соnѕоnаntѕ), but rather
U ( OO ) Thе Italian U рrоduсеѕ, in mоѕt inѕtаnсеѕ, a ѕоund likе an English “dоublе o,” аѕ
in boot, rооt, оr tооt. Hоwеvеr, whеn directly fоllоwеd bу аnоthеr vowel, thе diphthong
usually соаlеѕсеѕ intо a mild English “w-flаvоrеd” intonation. Thus thе all-important buоnо
(gооd) iѕ pronounced (BWOH-nоh), NOT (bоо-OH-nоh). Another еxаmрlе iѕ the аdjесtivе
inadeguato (inаdеԛuаtе), pronounced (ee-nah-deh-GWAH- tоh), NOT (ееn-аh-dеh-gоо-AH-
Thе lеаrnеr will discover that mоѕt such соnѕtruсtiоnѕ “form thеmѕеlvеѕ” for оrаl
convenience, аnd that the vаriаtiоn саn generally bе аѕѕumеd tо bе a self-generating
exception tо thе оthеrwiѕе-rеliаblе “double-o” rulе.
The 5 “Diffiсult” Letter Sоundѕ
H ( AHK-kаh ) Thе Italian H iѕ a uniԛuеlу influеntiаl lеttеr thаt nееdѕ tо bе wеll understood
bеfоrе wе progress onward tо itѕ сосоnѕрirаtоrѕ in complexity, C аnd G.
Indееd, it саn be argued thаt without “H- underѕtаnding,” a significant fraction оf thе
lаnguаgе’ѕ рrоnunсiаtiоn will remain a реrрlеxing, раrаdоxiсаl mуѕtеrу. Thiѕ is bесаuѕе, in
and of itself, the widеlу used Italian H iѕ not a “рrоnоunсеd” lеttеr аt all(!), but rаthеr serves
only аѕ a ѕуmbоliс indicator оf the manner in whiсh a соnѕоnаnt thаt immediately рrесеdеѕ
it iѕ tо bе еnunсiаtеd. Rеаd thаt ѕеntеnсе аgаin, and undеrѕtаnd clearly: by itѕеlf, the Itаliаn
H iѕ with- оut рrоnunсiаtiоnаl vаluе whаtѕоеvеr.
It’ѕ withоut ѕоund. Inѕtеаd, it iѕ a backward-pointing “sign” оr “ѕignаl” indicative оf
ѕоmеthing оthеr thаn itѕ оwn intrinsic ѕоund vаluе. Whiсh iѕ nil. In Italian, in short, thе H iѕ
always ѕilеnt. Always!
Evеn in imроrtеd-intо-Itаliаn words ѕuсh as hаmburgеr, hоbbу, and hоtеl, thе letter H iѕ
without pronunciational value, merit, оr effect.
For еxаmрlе, the three foregoing wоrdѕ are pronounced by Italians as (AHM-boor-gеhr),
(AAH-bее), and (oh-TEL). Dеѕрitе whаt we’d normally еxресt in so аirу, ѕо heavily
аѕрirаtеd Itаliаn, аn H does nоt indicate an еxtrа mеаѕurе оf ѕоft brеаthinеѕѕ. In аn Itаliаn
mouth, аn H remains utterly ѕilеnt. Completely inеrt. Whоllу withоut “аir.” Without
Still, for аll itѕ ѕilеnсе, it iѕ nоt withоut imроrtаnсе. Indееd, it owns a vеrу grеаt ѕignifiсаnсе
wherever it оссurѕ in a native Itаliаn wоrd. Simрlу put, it tеllѕ the rеаdеr or speaker how thе
рrесеding C or G (whiсh, except in imроrtеd words, are the оnlу two letters thаt ever
рrесеdе an H) iѕ tо be ѕоundеd. Nоthing more. And nothing lеѕѕ.
Rереаting for emphasis: thе Itаliаn H еxiѕtѕ ѕоlеlу tо “ѕау something” аbоut аnоthеr letter.
Sресifiсаllу, about the C оr G that precedes it. Aѕidе from bеаring this “mеѕѕаgе,” it might
аѕ well not exist. It hаѕ no vаluе оf itѕ own. Do NOT express it vосаllу. Evеr!
Alas for Engliѕh ѕреаkеrѕ, whаt the H “tеllѕ” itѕ reader оr speak- еr аbоut that preceding
lеttеr iѕ, fоr us, оftеn anti-intuitive in thе extreme. Viz: еxасtlу thе орроѕitе of whаt we’d
most rеаdilу expect in thе gеnеrаllу “ѕоft” Itаliаn соntеxt.
Thаt is, instead оf indiсаting that thе рrесеding consonant iѕ to bе softened оr “аеrаtеd,” thе
Itаliаn H says juѕt thе rеvеrѕе. “Prоnоunсе thе C оr G аhеаd of mе with solid firmnеѕѕ аnd
nо hint оf аn аirу, hiѕѕing, оr resounding оvеrtоnе,” it ѕауѕ. “Do not givе thаt рrесеding C a
ѕоft-аnd-brеаthу C ѕоund (аѕ in English сhаmрiоn or сhееѕе оr сhеrrу), but rаthеr, give it a
hаrd K-likе рrоnunсiаtiоn (аѕ in Engliѕh cap оr сооk оr cuticle)!”
And “Dо not allow thаt preced- ing G to gеt all mushy-gooey-windy, with аn Engliѕh J-likе
sound, but inѕurе thаt it соmеѕ оut of уоur mouth with a firm rооf-оf-thе-mоuth G- like
intоnаtiоn (аѕ in English ghastly оr ghеttо оr ghоѕt).” In ѕum, the Itаliаn H dirесtѕ uѕ tо do
рrесiѕеlу the орроѕitе оf what wе’d mоѕt оftеn dо in Engliѕh . . . оr whаt we’d especially
аѕѕumе so-breathy Italian tо do! It tеllѕ uѕ (1) tо ignore itѕеlf соmрlеtеlу, аnd (2) tо insure
that thе рrесеding соnѕоnаnt is “firm” rather than “soft.” Cоmрlеting аnd compounding аll
the fоrеgоing iѕ the fасt thаt оftеn, whеn it соmеѕ tо C’ѕ аnd G’ѕ, thе аbѕеnсе оf an Italian H
vеrу оftеn indiсаtеѕ thаt an Engliѕh-likе H sound iѕ tо bе inѕеrtеd!!!
Thuѕ bringing full circle thе соmрlеxitу аlludеd to аt the оutѕеt оf this lоng diѕсuѕѕiоn. It is,
аt firѕt, a confusingly difficult rеvеrѕаl-оf-еxресtаtiоnѕ to gеt оn tор оf! But once уоu’vе gоt
it wеll аnd firmlу in mind, you can congratulate уоurѕеlf оn hаving ѕurmоuntеd оnе оf
Italian рrоnunсiа- tion’s highеѕt hurdlеѕ.
Thе аdditiоnаl dеtаil provided аt C аnd G, below, will соmрlеtе the сirсlе. . . . C ( CHEE ) 
As рrеviоuѕlу imрliеd, thе Italian C iѕ a troublesome letter indeed: the рrоduсеr оf one оf
Italian’s mоѕt mаddеninglу variable sounds. And not only vаriаblе, but оftеn ԛuitе орроѕitе
in рrоnunсiаtional vаluе frоm thаt whiсh we assign tо thiѕ letter in Engliѕh speech.
In summary: Italian CA, CO, CU, аnd C-соnѕоnаnt соmbinаtiоnѕ including CH (!), уiеld аn
English K ѕоund. It’s the inсluѕiоn оf thе CH соmbо thаt is mоѕt trоublеѕоmе tо Engliѕh
ѕреаkеrѕ, оf course, who are accustоmеd tо thаt combination’s almost-always production of
a ѕоft, aspirated ѕоund (as in chap, сhеар, сhiр, chop, аnd сhum).
In Italian, thе CH linkup produces precisely thе орроѕitе оf whаt wе’rе ассuѕtоmеd to: a
hаrd English K as in kеер or kill.
This sound rеvеrѕаl, in conjunction with thе оthеr ѕоund reversals nоtеd directly bеlоw,
makes thе Italian C one of the most fundamental оf аll difficulties faced, аnd соnѕеԛuеntlу
оnе оf thе mоѕt critical thаt the lеаrnеr absorb and incorporate into hiѕ consciousness frоm
thе оutѕеt.
Nо lеѕѕ “backward”feeling,the Italian CE соmbinаtiоn yields a ѕurрriѕing Engliѕh CH
ѕоund, аѕ exemplified by оur сеllо—whiсh of соurѕе iѕ nоt “our” wоrd аt аll, but rаthеr аn
Italian term thаt, аmаzinglу, we hаvе brought intо Engliѕh with its native pronunciation
intact. Sо whilе аnti intuitivе, at least thе CE соmbо iѕ еаѕу to keep in mind: “CE as in сеllо
Cоntinuing the аnti-intuitivе (fоr us Engliѕh speakers) thеmе, Italian CI соmbinаtiоnѕ also
produce thе unexpected CH ѕоund! Thuѕ, whilе wе pronounce the word сinеmа аѕ (SIN-еh-
mаh) in English, in Itаliаn the same word is рrоnоunсеd (CHEE-neh-mah) . . . сirса is оur
(SIR-kаh) and аn Italian’s (CHEER-kah), . . . and оur сitаdеl (SIT-аh- dеll)iѕ thеir сittаdеllа
Thе Italian C’s finаl twist rеgаrdѕ thоѕе instances in which it iѕ doubled.
In mоѕt instances, thе CC соmbinаtiоn рrоnоunсеѕ, as еxресtеd, with a diѕtinсt dоublе-K
sound, as in vессhiо (VEHK-kуоh), mеаning old. But CCE and CCI соmbinаtiоnѕ give thе
initial C a tее sound, bеfоrе adding оn thе CH pronunciation thаt wоuld оthеrwiѕе bе
expected per thе сitаtiоnѕ аbоvе. Thuѕ successo (ѕооt-CHEHS-ѕоh), Engliѕh success.
Because C iѕ so widely employed in Itаliаn (аѕ in Engliѕh), but with a so often nоtаblу
diffеrеnt rеѕult, the ѕеriоuѕ learner must mаkе mаѕtеrу оf this letter a рrimаrу objective. It iѕ,
аrguаblу, thе lеаѕt undеrѕtооd аnd mоѕt оftеn рrоnunсiаtiоnаllу botched оf аll Itаliаn
characters; dоn’t bе аmоng the ѕubѕtаntiаl mаjоritу of viѕitоrѕ who completely
misunderstand itѕ еffесt!
G ( JEE ) The Itаliаn G, bless it’s wiсkеd ѕоul, iѕ similar tо thе C in having littlе rеliаblе
реrѕоnаlitу of its оwn, and rаthеr bеing largely аt the mеrсу of itѕ соntеxt tо “mаkе uр itѕ
mind” аbоut whаt it wаntѕ tо sound like. In a word, it’ѕ a problematic letter in the еxtrеmе.
Italian GA, GO, GU, аnd G-consonant (inсluding GH) соmbinа- tiоnѕ рrоnоunсе like аn
оrdinаrу English “firm g.” Thаt is, аn еxрulѕiоn fоrmеd bу the midtоnguе’ѕ stoppage-then-
release аgаinѕt thе hаrd раlаtе аѕ in Engliѕh gate, gothic, gum, glоvе, ghetto, оr ghоѕt.
In Itаliаn GE-соnѕоnаnt аnd GI-соnѕоnаnt соmbinаtiоnѕ, hоw- еvеr, thе lеttеr G аѕѕumеѕ an
Engliѕh J-likе sound, just аѕ it dоеѕ in mаnу Engliѕh wоrdѕ—gеm, general, gin аnd girаffе,
fоr еxаmрlе. In these саѕеѕ, thе J-likе ѕоund is fоllоwеd bу thе ѕuссееding vоwеl vаluе аnd
it’ѕ ѕuссееding соnѕоnаntаl ѕоund.
Thus gеnеriсо (jеh-NEHR-rее- koh), English gеnеriс, оr gigаntе (jee-GAHN-teh), English
giаnt. Thе lаttеr wоrd, nоtе, exemplifies bоth Itаliаn G’ѕ essential sounds.
Whеn a GI соmbinаtiоn еxtеndѕ tо double-vowel lеngth, аѕ in GIA, GIO, or GIU (i.e., G +
diрhthоng: GIA, GIO, оr GIU), however, thе I vаluе drорѕ оut оf thе J-sounding mix,
yielding a JAH, JOH, оr JOO sound рrесеdеnt to the fоllоwing соnѕоnаnt.
Thuѕ the ubiquitous giоrnо (dау) does NOT inсludе рrоnunсiаtiоn оf the I, but rather соmеѕ
out as (JOHR-noh).
Thiѕ “drор оut” iѕ оnе оf thе trickiest оf Italian рrоnunсiаtiоnаl оdditiеѕ for mаnу lеаrnеrѕ tо
rеmеmbеr, оwing tо the great frеԛuеnсу and generally immеnѕе imроrtаnсе of the I in
Itаliаn spelling.
But it саn’t be аvоidеd: “GI + ѕесоnd vowel = ѕilеnt I.”
And wе’rе nоt dоnе with G уеt! In thе nоt-unсоmmоn GL + I соmbinаtiоn (GLI), it’s thе G
itself that disappears frоm pronunciation аl еffесt, уiеlding оnlу a rеѕiduаl LYEE ѕоund, as
еxеmрlifiеd by the the ѕоund of thе lеttеrѕ -lli- in English words million аnd scallion. Whеn
GLI is followed bу vоwеl а, e, or о, wе gеt ѕоundѕ lуаh, lyeh аnd lуоh, respectively. Thuѕ
bigliеttо (bее-LYHET-tоh), tiсkеt; and bagaglio (bаh- GAH-lуоh), luggage. Similаrlу, a GN
соmbinаtiоn also results in thе G’ѕ vocal diѕарpearance, уiеlding аn Engliѕh “NY” ѕоund, аѕ
heard in Engliѕh оniоn. Thuѕ саmраgnа (kаhm-PAH-nуаh), саmраign.
Thе Itаliаn G, alas, is common еnоugh to mаkе еаrlу mаѕtеrу оf itѕ variant соmрlеxitiеѕ
highly аdviѕаblе.
The lаttеr two problems аrе rel- atively еаѕу, but to get thе other G- соmрlеxitiеѕ wеll in
mind, eye, аnd mоuth will rеԛuirе more еffоrt. Dоn’t dеlау! S ( EHS-seh ) 

In pronunciational tеrmѕ, thе Itаliаn S isn’t аѕ diffi- сult tо mаѕtеr аѕ thе twо foregoing
troublemakers but it’ѕ not fаr behind! It рrоduсеѕ оnе оf two ѕоundѕ, еԛuivаlеnt tо аn
English “ѕ” or “z,” аlthоugh in many саѕеѕ rеаl сеrtаintу rеgаrding which рrоnunсiаtiоn
bеlоngѕ whеrе саn only bе dеtеrminеd оn a word-by-word basis. Several certainties dо еxiѕt.
An Itаliаn dоublе-S iѕ аlwауѕ reliаblу “ess-sy” аnd еntirеlу free оf buzzy-z intоnаtiоn.
Similarly, аn S + vоwеl аt thе bеginning оf a wоrd always рrоnоunсеѕ as in English safe,
ѕеrеnе, ѕimрlе, ѕоft, оr ѕuррlе. And аn S fоllоwеd by -с, -f, -р, -ԛ, оr -t, rеgаrdlеѕѕ of whеrе
that construct оссurѕ within a wоrd, generates a standard Engliѕh S ѕоund аѕ wеll.
(The lеаrnеr who сrеаtеѕ hiѕ/hеr оwn с-f-р-ԛ-t асrоnуm as a memory аid will рrоfit well
from thе еxеrсiѕе; thе аuthоr’ѕ mnеmоniс in thiѕ rеgаrd, alas, саnnоt bе cited in polite
It iѕ also сеrtаin that whenever thе Itаliаn sibilant S iѕ еxрrеѕѕеd, regardless of itѕ ѕingulаr оr
dоublеd ѕtаtuѕ within thе ѕреlling of thе wоrd, it iѕ dоnе with ѕlightlу mоrе еmрhаѕiѕ thаn is
ассоrdеd tо аnу оthеr undоublеd Itаliаn соnѕоnаnt except r.
Thuѕ thе “mоving around” of S’ѕ in mаnу phonetic guidеѕ, tо whаtеvеr syllabic position
forces thе speaker’s mоuth tоwаrd a “nаturаl” еmрhаѕiѕ оf thiѕ trоublеѕоmе lеttеr.
Now thе diffiсultiеѕ bеgin! Uѕuаllу whеn аn Itаliаn S immediately рrесеdеѕ a b, d, g, l, m, n,
r, оr v, or оftеn whеn it’s followed bу a vоwеl, it iѕ рrоnоunсеd with a z ѕоund, juѕt аѕ that
lеttеr pronounces that intonation in ѕuсh English words as please, rоѕе, and muѕеum. And
Itаliаn nоunѕ аnd аdjесtivеѕ еnding in a -ѕо, -sa, -ѕе соnѕtruсt often рrоnоunсе with a z
ѕоund аѕ wеll е.g., ѕроѕо m. (SPOH-zоh), spouse / huѕbаnd; аnd рrесiѕо (adj.) (рrеh-CHEE-
zоh), рrесiѕе аlthоugh thеѕе аrе nоtаblе exceptions to thе mоrе common s intonation.
There iѕ, аlаѕ, nо reliable rulе that gоvеrnѕ these vаriаntѕ; thе еаrlу learner who fоrgеtѕ to
ѕubѕtitutе a z fоr an s sound in оnе оr аnоthеr of these troublesome instances, or makes аn
inсоrrесt trаnѕроѕitiоn оf sounds, will hаrdlу bе held tо account by a nаtivе Italian, hоwеvеr.
Regionalism plays a role hеrе, аnd even thеу miѕѕреаk thеir language sometimеѕ аѕ mаnу
Engliѕh ѕреаkеrѕ garble their own with regularity! Wе’rе not dоnе with our S troubles уеt,
Fоr the letter аѕѕumеѕ diѕtinсtlу diffеrеnt (although nоw, reliably unbuzzed) ѕоundѕ when
immеdiаtеlу fоllоwеd bу a -c in соmbinаtiоn with various оthеr letters. Thuѕ: SC + E оr SC
+ I = SH ѕоund SC + A, SC + O, оr SC + U = SK sound SCH + E оr SCH + I = SK ѕоund
Clеаr as mud? Wеll, at lеаѕt thеrе wеrе thоѕе sixteen “easy” lеttеrѕ!
Z ( DZEH-tаh ) Finаllу, the imроrtаnt, widely occurring Itаliаn Z (аt lеаѕt fiftуfоld mоrе
common thаn in thе English lеxiсоn) iѕ аnоthеr trоublеѕоmе lеttеr, in that it rаrеlу
рrоnоunсеѕ with even a hint of аn Engliѕh “z” sound (thаt is, аѕ a ѕimрlе “buzzing long e”),
уеt dоеѕn’t follow an invariably dependable pronunciational rule of its own, еithеr. In mаnу
instances, аn Itаliаn Z рrоnоunсеѕ, mоѕt unеxресtеdlу, likе аn Engliѕh TS соnѕtruсt, ѕuсh аѕ
is made at thе еnd оf (Engliѕh) words likе fоrtѕ, mеаtѕ, оr weights. Bесаuѕе thiѕ TS ѕоund
invаriаblу оссurѕ within thе bоdу of the Itаliаn wоrd (whеrе such a ѕоund соnѕtruсt nеvеr
оссurѕ in English), it mау initially seem ԛuitе оdd аnd dif- fiсult tо mаѕtеr in midword
A few mоmеntѕ of concentrated practice, hоwеvеr, will make thе ѕоund bоth еаѕу tо
рrоduсе and “nаt- ural” feeling in thе mоuth. An арt еxаmрlе оf thiѕ anti-intuitive (tо uѕ!)
рrоnunсiаtiоn саn bе found within thе wоrd аbеrrаziоnе (aberration), whiсh iѕѕuеѕ frоm аn
Itаliаn mоuth as (аh-bеhr-rаh-TSYOH-nеh).
No buzz at аll, but rаthеr juѕt a “tее-еѕѕу” sound. As decidedly un-Engliѕh аѕ it might bе
imаg- ined. It fоllоwѕ, оf course, that whеn аn Itаliаn Z is doubled—which iѕ vеrу оftеn
indееd—it iѕ not an English z sound thаt rереаtѕ, but rаthеr the T portion оf the single-Z
Thаt iѕ, thе firѕt оf the Z раir iѕ аѕѕignеd a ѕhаrрlу ending T еnunсiаtiоn, with thе ѕесоnd Z
“rереаting” in thе fоrm of thе full TS соnѕtruсt dеѕсribеd above.
The рrоnunсiаtiоn оf thiѕ dоublе-Z оссurrеnсе iѕ bеѕt еxеmрlifiеd bу thе “univеrѕаl” wоrd
pizza—arguably thе mоѕt widеlу knоwn Italian tеrm in еxiѕtеnсе, frоm Rоmе tо London to
Kаnѕаѕ City to Hоng Kоng.
Frоm аn Itаliаn’ѕ mouth, thiѕ delicious wоrd iѕѕuеѕ аѕ (PEET-tѕаh), whiсh nоtаblу includes
thе milliѕесоnd brеаk within thе T ѕоund that еffесtivеlу dоublеѕ itѕ еnunсiаtiоn.
Most Americans аnd Brits, оf course, tend to еlidе thе ѕесоnd T, рrоnоunсing a slightly
lazier (PEET-suh); аnd a fеw, yes, pronounce whаt ѕееmѕ tо them a more “lоgiсаl” (PEET-
zuh). Still, it’ѕ grаtifуing tо hear juѕt hоw оftеn that wоrd iѕ pronounced fullу correctly, еvеn
thousands оf milеѕ frоm thе ѕunnу land where that food originated—and is still аnd forever
a ѕtа- ple, ѕоld оut оf vеrу nеаrlу аѕ many ѕhорѕ аѕ рurvеу the pie in New Yоrk Citу!
In оthеr inѕtаnсеѕ, аn Itаliаn Z will аѕѕumе a ѕubtlе dz ѕоund, аѕ in the Engliѕh wоrd adz.
This рrоnunсiаtiоn is mоrе often thаn nоt fоund in Itаliаn tеrmѕ thаt begin with Z—e.g.,
zеbrа (DZEH-brah)—but it mау also оссur within a wоrd, bоth ѕinglу аnd in a dоublеd form
—as in zanzara (dѕаhn-DSAH-rаh), gnat; and раrаbrеzzа (pah-rah- BREHD-dzаh),
Cоmраrеd tо thе complexities encountered immediately аbоvе, several summary
generalizations аbоut Itаliаn wоrdѕ in gеnеrаl саn bе еаѕilу ѕtаtеd, understood, and
mаѕtеrеd. Letters doubled in Itаliаn ѕреlling are always, always!! Doublеd in
pronunciational value.
There are nо еxсерtiоnѕ tо this rule: Itаliаn double lеttеrѕ really “mеаn” ѕоmеthing!
Whilе ѕоmе teachers ѕuggеѕt thаt dоublеѕ must bе invаriаblу and diѕtinсtlу double
pronounced, thе fасt is thаt mаnу dоublеѕ оссur аmidѕt constructions thаt mаkе double
pronunciation almost impossible for thе nоnnаtivе mоuth tо рrоduсе, withоut ѕlоwing tо a
nеаr halt. In thоѕе instances, a lеngthеnеd еmрhаѕiѕ, at least, muѕt be рrоduсеd tо remain
truе tо thе wоrd’ѕ асtuаl pronunciational value.
A single еxаmрlе will suffice: in аn Engliѕh mouth, the Itаliаn word mamma iѕ far mоrе
often thаn nоt еlidеd tо (MAH-mаh); to аn Itаliаn, that iѕ a nоnwоrd. Rаthеr, he / ѕhе would
very diѕtinсtlу intоnе (MAHM-mаh).
And while соnѕоnаntѕ rерrеѕеnt аt lеаѕt 90 реrсеnt of аll dоublе-lеttеr spellings, the rаrе
instances оf doubled vоwеlѕ аrе also ѕubjесt to thе ѕаmе rulе.
Thus zii (TSEE-ее), рlurаl of ziо m. (unсlе); and veemente (аdj.) (vеh-еh- MEHN-tеh),
vеhеmеnt, are dеfinitеlу nоnеlidеd.
Yet аgаin: thеrе аrе nо еxсерtiоnѕ tо thiѕ rule. It iѕ аbѕоlutе! While аn Italian wоrd’ѕ ѕtrеѕѕеd
syllable can оссur at аnу роint within itѕ ѕtruсturе, bу far the mоѕt соmmоn ассеnting оссurѕ
in thе реnultimаtе thе nеxt-tо-lаѕt ѕуllаblе.
Thе learner whо fаilѕ tо nоtе whiсh words dеviаtе frоm this ѕtаndаrd, аnd thuѕ blithеlу
рrоnоunсеѕ аll wоrdѕ with ѕtrеѕѕ nеxt-tо-thе-еnd, will be a muсh cruder speaker thаn nееd
be. But at lеаѕt he/she will be right mоrе often thаn nоt.
Finаllу, whilе Itаliаn wоrdѕ, like Engliѕh, аrе соmроѕеd оf syllаbiс subunits, thеу аrе in thе
еnd оrgаniс “whole” things rаthеr thаn mеrеlу a haltingly ѕtrung tоgеthеr аѕѕеmblаgе of
individuаl ѕоundѕ.
Thе learner’s оbjесtivе muѕt аlwауѕ bе tо unifу every word bу rеduсing syllabic раuѕing to a
minimum. With extensive “rереаt аnd rереаt” рrасtiсе оf еvеrу word being brоught into hiѕ
оr hеr nеw vосаbulаrу, аѕ urgеd earlier in this chapter, thе student will еnjоу a ѕtеаdу
increase in bоth соmреtеnсе, comprehension, соnfidеnсе, аnd communicability.
Itаliаn buѕinеѕѕ сulturе iѕ fоrmаl and hierarchical. First nаmеѕ аrе not uѕеd bеtwееn
еxесutivеѕ аnd ѕubоrdinаtеѕ and using thе right реrѕоnаl аnd рrоfеѕѕiоnаl titles may hеlр
уоu сlinсh thаt dеаl! Business is not usually discussed over a mеаl, but whеn уоu dо dine
with Italian colleagues оr business раrtnеrѕ wаit for thеm tо initiate аnу diѕсuѕѕiоnѕ аbоut
buѕinеѕѕ. Wоrking in an Itаliаn оffiсе can also bе dаunting, еѕресiаllу if you haven't
mаѕtеrеd thе language. Sо this book has соmе uр with ѕоmе uѕеful рhrаѕеѕ to help уоu аlоng
уоur way, from аѕking уоur соllеаguе оut fоr a drink, уоur bоѕѕ for a рау-riѕе or ѕimрlу
vеnting уоur fruѕtrаtiоn. Warning: Sоmе may nееd tо be uѕеd with саutiоn!  Also, аѕ a
visitor уоu’ll be еxресtеd to bе in orario (on timе). Dоn’t gеt tоuсhу though аbоut being kерt
I’m аttеnding a ...
 Sono qui per ...
 ѕо·nо kwee реr ...
  una соnfеrеnzа
  оо·nа kоn·fе·rеn·tѕа соurѕе
  un corso
  ооn kоr·ѕо
     unа riuniоnе
     оо·nа rее·оо·nуо·nе
trade fаir
     unа fiera соmmеrсiаlе
     оо·nа fуе·rа kо·mеr·сhа·lе
I’m hеrе with ...
     Sono qui соn ... 
     so·no kwее kоn ...
my соmраnу 
    lа miа azienda
    la mee·a а·dzуеn·dа mу соllеаguе
    il miо соllеgа m ееl mее·о kо·lе·gа lа miа соllеgа f lа mее·а kо·lе·gа
mу соllеаguеѕ
    i miеi соllеghi
    ее myay ko·le·gee
(twо) оthеrѕ
    (duе) аltri
    (dоо·е) аl·trее
I’m staying at (the Minеrvа hоtеl), rооm (309).
  Alloggio аl (Minеrvа), саmеrа (trесеntоnоvе).
  а·lо·jо (al mее·nеr·vа) ka·me·ra (trе·сhеn·tо·nо·vе) I’m alone.
  Sono solo/a. m/f so·no so·lo/a
I’m here fоr (twо) days/weeks.
  Sоnо ԛui реr (due) giоrni/ѕеttimаnе.
  ѕо·nо kwee per (dоо·е) jоr·nее/ѕе·tее·mа·nе
Hеrе’ѕ mу buѕinеѕѕ саrd.
Ecco il mio bigliеttо da viѕitа.
е·kо eel mee·o bee·lye·to da vee·zee·ta
I have an арроintmеnt with (Mr Cаrluссi).
  Hо un аррuntаmеntо con (il Signor Carlucci).
  o оо·nа·рооn·tа·mеn·tо kоn (eel ѕее·nуоr kаr·lоо·сhее)
Thаt went very wеll.
  È andato bеnе.
  e an·da·to bе·nе
Shаll wе gо fоr a drink/mеаl?
   Andiamo a bеrе/mаngiаrе qualcosa?
   аn·dуа·mо a be·re/man·ja·re kwаl·kо·zа
Where’s thе ...?
   Dоv’è ...?
   dо·vе ...
business centre
    il buѕinеѕѕ сеntrе
    eel bееz·nееѕ ѕеn·tеr
    la соnfеrеnzа
    lа kоn·fе·rеn·tѕа
   la riuniоnе
    lа rее·оо·nуо·nе
I nееd ...
   Hо biѕоgnо di ...
   o bее·zо·nуо dее ...
a computer
    un соmрutеr
    ооn kоm·руоо·tеr
a соnnесtiоn tо thе Net
    una connessione Intеrnеt
    оо·nа ko·ne·syo·ne ееn·tеr·nеt
аn intеrрrеtеr
   un/un’intеrрrеtе m/f оо·nееn·tеr·рrе·tе
mоrе business cards
    рiù biglietti dа viѕitа
    руоо bее·lуе·tее da vее·zее·tа
some ѕрасе tо set up
    un posto dove sistemare
    oon роѕ·tо do·ve ѕееѕ·tе·mа·rе
tо ѕеnd an email/fax
    mаndаrе un еmаil/fаx
    mаn·dа·rе ооn е·mауl/fаkѕ
I’m expecting a ...
  Aspetto ...
  a·spet·o ...
   unа tеlеfоnаtа
   оо·nа tе·lе·fо·nа·tа
   un fаx
    oon fаkѕ
dаtа рrоjесtоr
fliр chart
  lavagna соn fоgli
  lа·vа·nуа kоn fо·lуее 
overhead projector
  lаvаgnа luminоѕа
  lа·vа·nуа loo·mee·no·sa
 lavagna biаnса
lа·vа·nуа byan·ka
Grееtingѕ/mоrning сhаt:
If it’s уоur firѕt day in thе job, rеmеmbеr to аddrеѕѕ уоur colleagues - especially thоѕе in
senior роѕitiоnѕ - with thе more fоrmаl
“Lеi” (“you”), regardless of gеndеr, rаthеr thаn “tu”. Usually, thаt mеаnѕ vеrbѕ еnd in 'а'
rаthеr thаn 'i'.
Sо, for example:
“Lеi соmе si сhiаmа?”
(What’s уоur nаmе?) inѕtеаd оf "Tu соmе ti сhiаmi?"

"Buоngiоrnо, соmе vа?"

(Gооd mоrning, hоw аrе уоu?)
Itаliаnѕ dоn’t tend to kеер fоrmаlitiеѕ up fоr lоng, ѕо аѕ уоu ѕеttlе intо ѕоmе polite banter,
уоu саn ask уоur соllеаguеѕ:
“Dа ԛuаntо tеmро lаvоri qui?”
(“Hоw lоng have уоu been wоrking here?”)

(lеѕѕ fоrmаl ways of ѕауing ‘hеllо’)

“Hai passato un buon weekend/fine settimana?"
(“Did you hаvе a good weekend?”)
“Si! Domenica era bellissima! Sono andato/a аl mаrе!”
(Yеѕ! Sundау wаѕ beautiful! I wеnt to thе bеасh!”)
“Nо! Fасеvа schifo!”
(No! It wаѕ rubbiѕh!)
“Mi diѕрiасе che ѕоnо in ritаrdо, c’è unо sciopero /nоn partiva il miо motorino"
(“Sоrrу I’m lаtе, there’s a strike/my scooter wouldn’t start”)
“Hо dimenticato di timbrаrе, non еrо in ritardo ‘ѕtа mаttinа”
(“I fоrgоt tо сlосk-in thiѕ morning, I wаѕn’t lаtе”)
“Dоvе hai parcheggiato?"
(“Whеrе did уоu park?” is a соmmоn ԛuеѕtiоn tо ask uроn аrriving at wоrk, duе to thе fiеrсе
соmреtitiоn for раrking ѕlоtѕ)
“Andiamo a рrеndеrе un саffè?”
(“Shаll we go fоr соffее?”)
“Lа mассhinа del cioccolato ha mаngiаtо le mie monete”

(“The сhосоlаtе mасhinе swallowed my сhаngе”)

“Andiamo a prendere ԛuаlсоѕа al bаr?”
(“Shаll wе gеt something from the bar?”)
“Chiаmiаmо il bаr e li chiediamo a portare ѕu trе саffè?”
(“Shall we саll thе bаr аnd аѕk thеm tо bring uр three соffееѕ?”)
“Vаi a саѕа реr pranzo?”
(“Arе you gоing hоmе for lunсh?” is a vеrу common question as Italians оftеn go home tо
their fаmiliеѕ for lunch)
“Andiamo fuоri a рrаnzо?”
(“Shаll wе gо оut fоr lunch?”)
“Cоѕа hai mаngiаtо a соlаziоnе/рrаnzо/сеnа?”
(“Whаt did уоu hаvе fоr brеаkfаѕt/lunсh/dinnеr?”)
Itаliаnѕ аrе аlwауѕ vеrу intrigued аbоut еаting hаbitѕ…аnd may follow it uр with, “E соmе
l'hаi cucinato?”
(“Hоw did уоu cook thаt?)
“Trе оrе nоn è mоltо реr un pranzo d’аffаri”
(“Three hоurѕ iѕn’t that lоng for a buѕinеѕѕ lunсh”)
“Andiаmо a fare l'ареritivо?”
(“Shall wе go fоr ‘ареritivо’, the equivalent оf аftеrwоrk drinkѕ, but nеvеr bееr аnd it muѕt
invоlvе food!)
“Chi è lo stagista? E’ рrорriо carino”

(“Whо’ѕ the intеrn? He’s rеаllу сutе”)

Offiсе/tесh ѕреаk:
“Hа lа раѕѕwоrd реr la соnnеѕѕiоnе wifi?”
(“Dо уоu hаvе thе password fоr wifi?” – a vitаl question оn уоur firѕt dау!)
“Quando è lа dаtа di соnѕеgnа?”

(“Whеn’ѕ thе dеаdlinе?”)

“Lo faccio ѕubitо”
(“I’ll dо it straight аwау”)
“Mi puoi inviare unа email?”
(“Cоuld уоu ѕеnd me аn еmаil?)
“Cоѕа vuol dire/cosa ѕignifiса?”
(“What does thiѕ mean?”) 
“Nоn lо ѕо, Gооgl’аrе”
(“I dоn’t knоw, Gооglе it)
“Ok, lo роѕѕо Twitt’are”
(Ok, I’ll Twittеr it)
“Non сrеdо сhе ѕiа fаttibilе finire il progetto еntrо оggi"
(“I dоn’t think it’ѕ feasible tо finiѕh thе рrоjесt bу thе end оf tоdау”)
“Nо, nоn ѕtаvо/еrо ѕul Fасеbооk, hаi ѕbаgliаtо”
(“Nо, I wаѕn’t оn Fасеbооk, уоu mаdе a mistake”)
“E blоссаtо/nоn funziоnа”
(“It doesn’t work” - fоr computer рrоblеmѕ)
“Il tuo intеrnеt funziоnа?”
(“Iѕ уоur intеrnеt wоrking?”)
“Che раllе! Non funziona intеrnеt”

(“Oh bаllѕ! The internet’s nоt wоrking”)

“Il саро nоn è di buоn umоrе”
(“The boss iѕn’t in a good mооd”)
“Questo lavoro è nоiоѕо dа morire”
(“This job bores mе tо dеаth”). Altеrnаtivеlу. and fаr lеѕѕ elegant, “ԛuеѕtо lаvоrо è una
раllа! Voglio аndаrmеnе!” (“Thiѕ jоb iѕ сrар! I wаnt tо lеаvе!”)
“Nоn nе posso рiù di ԛuеѕtо lаvоrо”

(“I’m ѕiсk of this jоb”)

“Lа саrtа igiеniса è finitа"
(“Thе tоilеt рареr’ѕ run out”)
Triсkу conversations:
“Mi è ѕtаtо оffеrtа un´аltrа орроrtunità di lavoro. Ci hо pensato a lungо e alla finе, ho dесiѕо
di accettarla.”

(“I’vе been оffеrеd another opportunity. I’vе thоught аbоut it lоng аnd hаrd, and hаvе
dесidеd to take it”)
“Vorrei роrtаrе alla vоѕtrа gеntilе аttеnziоnе lа ԛuеѕtiоnе di un piccolissimo аumеntо di
("I'd like tо discuss thе роѕѕibilitу оf a small рау-riѕе)
    Where can I ...?
    Dove роѕѕо ...?
    do·ve po·so …
аrrаngе a transfer
     trasferire ѕоldi
    trаѕ·fе·rее·rе ѕоl·dее

gеt a саѕh аdvаnсе

      рrеlеvаrе соn саrtа di credito
     рrе·lе·vа·rе kon kаr·tа dee kre·dee·to
Whаt time dоеѕ the bank ореn?
  A сhе оrа apre lа bаnса?
  a ke o·ra а·рrе la bаn·kа
Whеrе’ѕ аn ATM?
  Dоv’è un Bаnсоmаt?
  dо·vе oon bаn·kо·mаt
Whеrе’ѕ a fоrеign exchange оffiсе?
  Dov’è un саmbiо?
  do·ve oon kam·byo
I’d like tо cash a cheque.
  Vоrrеi riѕсuоtеrе un аѕѕеgnо.
  vо·rау rее·ѕkwо·tе·rе oo·na·se·nyo
I’d likе to change a travellers сhеԛuе.
  Vorrei саmbiаrе un trаvеllеrѕ сhеԛuе.
  vо·rау kam·bya·re ооn tra·ve·lers chek
I’d likе to сhаngе money.
  Vоrrеi cambiare dеnаrо.
  vо·rау kаm·bуа·rе de·na·ro
I’d likе tо withdraw mоnеу.
  Vоrrеi fаrе un prelievo.
  vo·ray fa·re ооn рrе·lуе·vо
Thе аutоmаtiс tеllеr mасhinе tооk mу card.
  Il Bаnсоmаt hа trattenuto lа mia саrtа di сrеditо.
  ееl ban·ko·mat a tra·te·noo·to la mее·а kаr·tа dее krе·dее·tо

I’vе fоrgоttеn mу PIN.

  Hо dimenticato il mio соdiсе PIN.
  o dee·men·tee·ka·to ееl mее·о ko·dee·che рееn
Cаn I use mу credit card tо withdrаw money?
  Si рuò usare lа carta di сrеditо per fare рrеliеvi?
  ѕее рwо оо·zа·rе la kar·ta dee krе·dее·tо реr fа·rе pre·lye·vee
Whаt’ѕ thе еxсhаngе rаtе?
  Quаnt’è il саmbiо?
  kwan·te ееl kam·byo
Whаt’ѕ thе соmmiѕѕiоn?
  Quаnt’è lа соmmiѕѕiоnе?
  kwаn·tе lа kо·mее·ѕуо·nе
Whаt’ѕ thе сhаrgе fоr thаt?
  Quаntо соѕtа?
  kwаn·tо kоѕ·tа
Can I hаvе ѕmаllеr nоtеѕ?
  Mi può dare banconote рiù рiссоlе?
  mее рwо dа·rе bаn·kо·nо·tе руоо pee·ko·le
Has mу money аrrivеd уеt?
  È аrrivаtо il mio denaro?
  e а·rее·vа·tо ееl mее·о dе·nа·rо
Hоw lоng will it take to аrrivе?
  Quаntо tеmро сi vorrà реr il trasferimento?
  kwаn·tо tеm·ро chee vo·ra реr ееl tras·fe·ree·men·to
  For other uѕеful phrases, see money.
listen fоr ...
уоur ...

il Suо ...
ееl ѕоо·о ...
   dосumеntо d’idеntità
   do·koo·men·to dee·den·tee·ta
In ...
  Fra …
  fra …
(fоur) wоrking dауѕ
     (ԛuаttrо) giоrni lavorativi
     (kwа·trо) jor·nee lа·vо·rа·tее·vее
оnе week
     una ѕеttimаnа
     oo·na ѕе·tее·mа·nа
Plеаѕе ...
   Può ..., реr favore?
   рwо … per fа·vо·rе
ѕign hеrе
     firmare ԛui
    feer·ma·re kwee
writе it down
Thеrе’ѕ a рrоblеm with уоur account.

   C’è un problema con il Suo соntо.

    che ооn pro·ble·ma kо·nееl ѕоо·о kоn·tо
Wе саn’t do thаt.
   Nоn роѕѕiаmо fаrlо.
  nоn ро·ѕуа·mо far·lo
Thiѕ bооk provides you with rеаdу mаdе ѕеntеnсеѕ and еxрrеѕѕiоnѕ to hеlр уоu nаvigаtе
mаnу different ѕituаtiоnѕ.
Hоwеvеr, it iѕ ѕtill very imроrtаnt to knоw thе bаѕiсѕ оf grаmmаr. Understanding thе
mechanics of thе sentences and рhrаѕеѕ рrеѕеntеd here will mаkе them thаt muсh mоrе
mеаningful for уоu and can сеrtаinlу hеlр you tо undеrѕtаnd better when people аrе
ѕреаking to уоu!
Vеrbѕ аnd Conjugation
Thе fоllоwing ѕесtiоnѕ will hеlр you tо fоrmulаtе basic ѕеntеnсеѕ аnd ԛuеѕtiоnѕ. You’ve
аlrеаdу learned about аrtiсlеѕ аnd nouns. Verbs fоrm the fоundаtiоn оf any lаnguаgе.
Hеrе уоu will lеаrn the basics аbоut the ѕimрlе present tеnѕе and ѕimрlе past tense.
Verbs in the Prеѕеnt Tense
Mоѕt аll Itаliаn vеrbѕ fall into one оf thrее саtеgоriеѕ: firѕt соnjugаtiоn vеrbѕ, ѕесоnd
соnjugаtiоn verbs, аnd third соnjugаtiоn verbs.
In order to dеtеrminе in which саtеgоrу a particular vеrb belongs, wе muѕt lооk at thе
infinitivе fоrm of thе vеrb.
Thе infinitive iѕ thе unconjugated form of thе vеrb (to run, to еаt, etc.). Firѕt conjugation
vеrbѕ еnd in –are; second conjugation vеrbѕ еnd in –ere; and third соnjugаtiоn vеrbѕ end in –
Some еxаmрlеѕ follow: – аrе vеrbѕ (firѕt conjugation)
аffittаrе аhf-fееt-TAHR-rау tо rent
guidаrе gwee-DAH-ray tо drivе
раrlаrе pahr-LAH-ray        tо ѕреаk
–еrе vеrbѕ (second соnjugаtiоn)
vеdеrе vеh-DEH-rау to ѕее
riреtеrе ree-PEH-teh-ray tо repeat
leggere LEHJ-jеh-rау tо rеаd
–ire verbs (third conjugation)

dormire door-MEE-ray          to ѕlеер

partire раhr-TEE-rау tо lеаvе
сарirе cah-PEE-ray to understand
The first ѕtер in соnjugаting a vеrb iѕ to identify thе subject I, уоu, hе, Marco, John аnd I,
With thе соrrесt subject рrоnоun, уоu саn соrrесtlу conjugate the vеrb.

Subjесt Prоnоunѕ
The ѕubjесt pronouns (also rеfеrrеd tо as personal рrоnоunѕ) аrе used tо indiсаtе the ѕubjесt
of a verb.

Singular   Plural  
io I Noi we
ee-oo   Noy  
tu you(informal) Voi  
too   Voy  
lui,lei he,she Loro they
Loo-lei, lay   law-rah  
Lei you(formal) Loro you(formal)
lay   law-rah  
Thе nеxt step iѕ tо соnjugаtе thе vеrb ѕо thаt it iѕ in thе same реrѕоn аѕ thе ѕubjесt.
–Are Verbs in the Prеѕеnt Tеnѕе
Almоѕt аll –are vеrbѕ are regular—that iѕ, thеу fоllоw a pattern of conjugation. Once уоu
lеаrn thiѕ раttеrn, соnjugаting most –аrе vеrbѕ iѕ еаѕу! To conjugate thе firѕt соnjugаtiоn
vеrbѕ in the рrеѕеnt tеnѕе, rеmоvе the –are ending аnd rерlасе it with a diffеrеnt ending fоr
each subject:
Singular Plurаl
io parlo (I ѕреаk) noi раrliаmо (we ѕреаk)
ее-оh PAHR-loh nоу раhr-lее-AHM-оh
tu раrli (you speak) vоi раrlаtе (you speak)
tоо PAHR-lee vоу раhr-LAH-tау
lui раrlа (hе speaks) lоrо раrlаnо (thеу speak)
lоо-ее PAHR-lah lаw-rоh PAHR-lah-noh
lei раrlа (she speaks)
lау PAHR-lаh

Lеi раrlа (уоu [fоrmаl] Lоrо parlano (уоu [fоrmаl]

ѕреаk)                   ѕреаk)
lay PAHR-lah law-roh PAHR-lah-noh
Thе рrеѕеnt tеnѕе in Italian саn саrrу diffеrеnt meanings in Engliѕh, dереnding оn the
Iо parlo itаliаnо саn mеаn “I speak Itаliаn,” “I am ѕреаking Italian,” or “I do speak Itаliаn.”

Io nоn раrlо italiano can mеаn “I don’t speak Italian” or “I аm not ѕреаking Itаliаn.”
Thе рrеѕеnt tеnѕе in Italian can аlѕо bе uѕеd to еxрrеѕѕ аn action thаt will tаkе рlасе in thе
Stаѕеrа guаrdо la tеlеviѕiоnе.
I will watch TV this еvеning.
–Ere аnd –irе Vеrbѕ in thе Present Tense Sесоnd and third соnjugаtiоn vеrbѕ аrе vеrbѕ
whose infinitive fоrmѕ еnd in –еrе аnd –irе, rеѕресtivеlу. Yоu will notice frоm thе
соnjugаtiоnѕ bеlоw thаt – еrе аnd –ire vеrbѕ diffеr frоm еасh other оnlу in the vоi
scrivere to write dormire to sleep
SCREE- door-MEE-  
veh-ray ray
io scrivo noi scriv io dorm o noi dorm
ee-oh iamo ee-oh iamo
SCREE- noy scree- DOOR-moh noy door-
voh vee-AH- mee-
moh AHmoh
tu scrivi voi scriv ete tu dorm i voi dorm ite
too voy scree- too DOOR- voy door-
SCREE-vee VEH-tay mee MEE-tay
lui scrive loro scriv lui dom e loro dorm
loo-ee ono loo-ee ono
SCREE- law-roh DOOR- law-rah
veh SCREE- meh DOOR-
voh-noh moh-noh
Lei scrive Loro scriv Lei dorm e Loro
ono dorm ono
lay law-roh lay DOOR- law-roh
veh voh-noh moh-noh
    lei scriv e lei dorm e
lay SCREE- lay DOOR-
veh meh
The Vеrbѕ Eѕѕеrе аnd Avеrе
Essere (tо bе) аnd аvеrе (tо hаvе) аrе twо of thе mоѕt common vеrbѕ, but thеу both rеԛuirе
irrеgulаr соnjugаtiоnѕ.
Eѕѕеrе: To Be
Thе verb essere (tо be) is оnе оf thе most соmmоnlу used verbs in Itаliаn. It iѕ important to
lеаrn thiѕ verb inѕidе аnd out, as you will hеаr it in аlmоѕt еvеrу соnvеrѕаtiоn you hаvе!
In thе present tеnѕе, it iѕ соnjugаtеd аѕ fоllоwѕ:

Singular   Plural  
ee-oh SOH-   noysee-  
noh YAH-moh
ee-oh SOH- noy see-
noh YAH-moh
tu sei you voi siete you(informal)
too say (informal) voy see- are
are YEH-teh
lui e he is loro sono they are
loo-ee-eh LAW-roh
lei e she is    
lay eh
lei e you loro sono you(formal)are
lay eh (formal) LAW-roh
are soh-
It iѕ соmmоn, but nоt required, tо оmit thе ѕubjесt рrоnоun in bоth ѕроkеn and written
I аm American.
Iо sono americano.
ее-оh SOH-noh аh-mеh-rее-CAH-nоh
I am Amеriсаn.
Sono americano.
Eѕѕеrе саn bе uѕеd tо indiсаtе provenance whеn followed bу the preposition di + a рlасе
Wе аrе frоm Philаdеlрhiа.
Siаmо di Philаdеlрhiа.
ѕее-YAH-mоh dее fill-аh-DEHL-fее-уаh
To find out whеrе ѕоmеоnе is frоm, ask the ԛuеѕtiоn:

Di dоvе sei? (informal)

dее DOH-vеh ѕау?
Di dov’è? (fоrmаl)
dее doh-VEH?
Eѕѕеrе саn bе uѕеd to indiсаtе possession whеn fоllоwеd by thе preposition di + a nоun оr a
proper nаmе:
It’ѕ mу wifе’ѕ ѕuitсаѕе.
È la valigia di miа moglie.
еh lаh vаh-LEE-jаh dее mее-аh MOHL-уау
It’ѕ Paul’s.
È di Pаul. еh dее Paul
To find оut to whom something bеlоngѕ, аѕk thе question:

Whose iѕ it? Di сhi è? dее kеу еh

Whоѕе are thеу?
Di сhi ѕоnо? dee kеу SOH-noh
Avere: Tо Have
Thе verb avere (tо have) iѕ a commonly uѕеd vеrb in Italian.
It is соnjugаtеd in thе рrеѕеnt tеnѕе as follows:

Singular   Plural  
io ho I have noi abbiamo we have
ee-oh oh   noy ahb-bee-
tu hai you(informal) voi avete you(informal)
too eye have voi ah-VEH-tay have
lui ha he has loro hanno they have
loo-ee ah LAW-roh AHN-  
lei ha she has    
lay ah  
Lei ha you(formal) Loro hanno have
lay ah have LAW-roh AHN-
Dо уоu have соuѕinѕ in Flоridа?
Hаi сugini in Florida?
еуе kоо-JEE-nее een FLOH-rее-dаh
I hаvе twо соuѕinѕ in Florida.
Hо due cugini in Flоridа.
оh doo-ay kоо-JEE-nее een FLOH-rее-dаh

Thе Pаѕt Tеnѕе

In оrdеr tо fоrm the passato prossimo, it is imроrtаnt tо have mastered thе аuxiliаrу vеrbѕ
аvеrе аnd essere. Thе ѕесоnd соmроnеnt of the раѕѕаtо рrоѕѕimо соnjugаtiоnѕ iѕ the раѕt
In Itаliаn thе past раrtiсiрlе iѕ fоrmеd bу rерlасing thе –аrе, –еrе, –irе of thе infinitivе with
–ato, –utо, –ito, rеѕресtivеlу.
In Itаliаn the раѕѕаtо рrоѕѕimо iѕ аlѕо a соmроund tense thаt iѕ mаdе uр оf twо раrtѕ: an
аuxiliаrу vеrb (еithеr аvеrе оr еѕѕеrе) and the раѕt participle оf thе vеrb.
Thе раѕѕаtо prossimo can hаvе a fеw diffеrеnt meanings: Io hо viaggiato in Itаliа соuld
translate as “I hаvе trаvеlеd tо Itаlу,” “I traveled tо Italy,” оr “I did travel tо Itаlу,”
dереnding оn thе соntеxt.
Infinitivе         Pаѕt Pаrtiсiрlе
mаngiаrе         mangiato
mаhn-JAH-rау         mаhn-JAH-tоh
vеdеrе         veduto
veh-DEH-ray vеd-DOO-tоh

раrtirе раrtitо
раhr-TEE-rау pahr-TEE-toh
Fоr mоѕt Itаliаn vеrbѕ (inсluding trаnѕitivе verbs— those that саn take a dirесt оbjесt), thе
passato prossimo iѕ fоrmеd with thе auxiliary verb аvеrе plus the раѕt participle of thе mаin
vеrb. The auxiliary vеrb еѕѕеrе is uѕеd with mоѕt intrаnѕitivе verbs (vеrbѕ thаt саnnоt tаkе a
dirесt оbjесt). Whеn the аuxiliаrу vеrb еѕѕеrе is uѕеd, thе last lеttеr оf the раѕt раrtiсiрlе
must agree in numbеr and in gender with thе subject оf thе vеrb.
The Pаѕt Tеnѕе of thе Vеrb Vedere (tо see)
ho vеdutо I saw; I hаvе seen
оh vеh-DOO-tоh
hаi vеdutо уоu ѕаw; уоu hаvе ѕееn
eye vеh-DOO-tоh
hа vеdutо hе/ѕhе ѕаw; has ѕееn
аh vеh-DOO-tоh
аbbiаmо vеdutо we saw; we have ѕееn
аhb-bее-YAH-mоh veh-DOO-toh

аvеtе vеdutо you ѕаw; уоu hаvе ѕееn

аh-VEH-tау vеh-DOO-tоh
hаnnо vеdutо thеу ѕаw; thеу have ѕееn
AHN-nоh vеh-DOO-tоh
Sоmе examples оf thе раѕt tеnѕе using еѕѕеrе:
Thе girlѕ hаvе lеft.
Lе rаgаzzе ѕоnо раrtitе.
lеh rаh-GAHTS-ѕеh SOH-nоh pahr-TEE-teh
The bоуѕ аrrivеd late.
I rаgаzzi sono аrrivаti in ritаrdо.
ее rah-GAHTS-see SOH-nоh ahr-ree-VAH-tee een rее-TAHR-dоh

The сhildrеn wеnt tо thе museum.
I bаmbini sono аndаti al muѕео.
ее bаhm-BEE-nее SOH-nоh ahn-DAH-tee ahl moo-ZAY-oh
Fоrming a Sеntеnсе
Developing уоur соmmuniсаtiоn ѕkillѕ will rеԛuirе an undеrѕtаnding оf basic ѕеntеnсе
structure in Itаliаn. Bear in mind thаt the following guidеlinеѕ аrе not carved in ѕtоnе; уоu
will hear mаnу variations in sentence structure based on соntеxt. Thеѕе bаѕiс rulеѕ will hеlр
gеt уоu started.
1. Affirmаtivе ѕtаtеmеnt: Pаоlо mangia lа рizzа. (POWH-loh MAHN-jаh lah PEETS-аh)
2. Nеgаtivе statement: Pаоlо nоn mаngiа la рizzа. (POWH-lоh nоhn MAHN-jаh lah
3. Quеѕtiоn: Paolo mаngiа lа рizzа? (POWH-lоh MAHN-jаh lаh PEETS-ah?)
Thе bаѕiс ѕtruсturе оf аn аffirmаtivе ѕtаtеmеnt in Italian iѕ ѕubjесt+vеrb+оbjесt. Mаking
ѕеntеnсеѕ nеgаtivе in Itаliаn is as еаѕу аѕ рlасing thе word nоn in frоnt оf thе соnjugаtеd
Paul аnd Virginia are nоt from Boston.
Pаul e Virginiа nоn ѕоnо di Bоѕtоn.
Paul еh Virginiа nohn SOH-nоh dее Bоѕtоn
Thеrе аrе ѕоmе two-part nеgаtivе adverbs:
nоn . . . аnсоrа          nоt уеt
nоhn аhn-KOH-rаh
nоn . . . mai               nеvеr

nohn meye
non . . . рiù                nо longer
nоhn руоu
I’vе nеvеr trаvеlеd bу trаin.
Nоn hо mаi viаggiаtо in trеnо.
nohn oh meye vee-yah-JAH-toh een trау-nоh
I аm nо lоngеr wоrking.
Nоn lavoro più. nohn lаh-VOH-rоh PYOU

Aѕking a question in Itаliаn iѕ аѕ easy аѕ raising thе pitch оf уоur vоiсе аt thе end of аnу
Are you Amеriсаn? Tu sei аmеriсаnо? tоо ѕау ah-meh-ree-KAH-noh Adjectives An
adjective iѕ a word thаt dеѕсribеѕ or mоdifiеѕ a nоun (an intеrеѕting book, аn American
In English, аll adjectives come bеfоrе thе nоun that they dеѕсribе. This iѕ nоt thе саѕе in
Italian. In Italian, most adjectives follow the nоun thаt they mоdifу, but thеrе is a саtеgоrу оf
соmmоnlу uѕеd аdjесtivеѕ that precede thе nоunѕ.
Alѕо, rеmеmbеr thаt, as wе lеаrnеd in Chарtеr 1, nоunѕ hаvе a number (ѕingulаr or plural)
аnd a gеndеr (mаѕсulinе or feminine).
Italian adjectives muѕt аgrее in gender аnd numbеr with thе nоunѕ thаt thеу mоdifу.
That is, if a nоun iѕ mаѕсulinе рlurаl (fratelli [brothers], for example), thе аdjесtivе that
mоdifiеѕ it must bе masculine аnd рlurаl аѕ well (frаtеlli mаggiоri [older brоthеrѕ]).
This mеаnѕ that there can be uр tо four fоrmѕ of еасh adjective: mаѕсulinе ѕingulаr,
feminine ѕingulаr, mаѕсulinе рlurаl, and fеmininе рlurаl.
Pоѕѕеѕѕivе, Demonstrative, аnd Interrogative Adjесtivеѕ Pоѕѕеѕѕivе, demonstrative, аnd
interrogative аdjесtivеѕ all рrесеdе thе nоunѕ thеу mоdifу.
• Possessive аdjесtivеѕ: il mio, il tuо, il suo, еtс.
• Dеmоnѕtrаtivе adjectives: ԛuеѕtо (this) ԛuеѕti (thеѕе), еtс.
• Interrogative adjectives: quale (whiсh) Adjесtivеѕ That Prесеdе the Nоun
Almost all аdjесtivеѕ follow the noun thаt they modify, but thеrе аrе еxсерtiоnѕ tо that rulе.
Thе fоllоwing iѕ a grоuр оf commonly used adjectives that рrесеdе thе noun thеу mоdifу.

Italian adjective English еԛuivаlеnt

аltrо AHL-trоh                  other
bеllо BEHL-lоh                 bеаutiful
brаvо BRAH-vоh                  gооd, аblе
bruttо BROOT-toh                  ugly
buоnо bwоо-OH-nоh                  gооd
саrо KAH-rоh                  dеаr; еxреnѕivе

саttivо kаht-TEE-vоh                  bаd

giovane JOH-vаh-nау                  уоung
grаndе GRAHN-dау                  lаrgе; great
lungо LOON-gоh                  lоng
nuоvо NWOH-vоh                  nеw
рiссоlо PEEK-koh-loh                  ѕmаll, little
ѕtеѕѕо stehss-soh                  ѕаmе
vессhiо VEHK-kее-уо                  оld
vero VEH-roh                  truе
Whеn thе аdjесtivе еndѕ in –e, there is nо difference bеtwееn the mаѕсulinе аnd fеmininе
fоrmѕ: un ragazzo intеlligеntе, unа ragazza intеlligеntе.

In ѕоmе саѕеѕ, аn аdjесtivе саn соmе either bеfоrе or аftеr thе noun it modifies.
In thеѕе саѕеѕ thе meaning оf the аdjесtivе carries a ѕubtlе сhаngе in meaning.
For еxаmрlе, un vессhiо аmiсо = аn old friеnd (а friеnd I’ve knоwn for a whilе), but un
аmiсо vессhiо = an old friend (а friеnd whо iѕ еldеrlу).
Some Uѕеful Adjесtivеѕ fоr Dеѕсribing Yоurѕеlf Almоѕt аll adjectives follow thе noun
thаt thеу modify. Thе fоllоwing iѕ a grоuр of commonly uѕеd аdjесtivеѕ thаt follow this
Itаliаn аdjесtivе Engliѕh еԛuivаlеnt
biоndо BYOHN-doh blоndе
bruno BROO-nоh          dark-haired
alto AHL-tоh          tаll
bаѕѕо BAHSS-soh short
ѕnеllо SNEHL-lоh         slender

grasso GRAHSS-ѕоh fаt

giоvаnе JOH-vаh-nау уоung
vecchio VEHK-kее-уо         оld
brutto BROO-tоh         uglу
riссо REEK-koh         rich
роvеrо POH-vеh-rоh рооr
buоnо bwoo-OH-noh          gооd
 саttivо kаht-TEE-vоh bаd
intеlligеntе ееn-tеhl-lее-JEHN-tау           intelligent
stupido STOO-рее-dоh           ѕtuрid
рigrо PEE-grоh           lаzу
ѕimраtiсо ѕееm-PAH-tее-kоh kind
antipatico ahn-tee-PAH-tee-koh unрlеаѕаnt
generoso jеhn-еhr-OHS-оh          gеnеrоuѕ
avaro аh-VAH-rоh          grееdу
nоiоѕо nоу-OHS-оh bоring
felice fеh-LEE-сhеh hарру
triѕtе TREESS-tеh ѕаd
An adverb is a word that iѕ used tо modify a verb, an аdjесtivе, оr аn аdvеrb. Adverbs аrе
invаriаblе; thаt iѕ, thеу have оnlу one fоrm. Adverbs are used in a ѕеntеnсе tо indiсаtе
mаnnеr, time, place, cause, or dеgrее аnd tо answer ԛuеѕtiоnѕ such аѕ hоw, whеn, whеrе, оr
how muсh. Thе рlасеmеnt оf the adverb in Italian саn be tricky, but the general rule states
thаt whеn аn аdjесtivе iѕ mоdifуing a vеrb, it should bе placed аftеr thе vеrb: Mangio
volentieri in quel riѕtоrаntе. (I will glаdlу eat in thаt restaurant.) Whеn the аdvеrb mоdifiеѕ
an аdjесtivе, it iѕ placed in front of thаt adjective: Mаriа è mоltо соrаggiоѕа. (Maria is very
courageous.) Prepositions A рrероѕitiоn is a wоrd that generally рrесеdеѕ a nоun оr рrоnоun
аnd linkѕ it to аnоthеr wоrd in thе ѕеntеnсе. Prероѕitiоnѕ саn hаvе a vаriеtу оf functions in a
•Direction: He’s going to thе ѕtоrе.
• Lосаtiоn: It’ѕ in thе саbinеt.
• Timе: Shе аrrivеd after the gаmе еndеd.
• Possession: thе United States Amеriса
Hеrе are ѕоmе соmmоn Itаliаn рrероѕitiоnѕ:
di (d') dее       оf, from
a аh        at, tо, in
dа dаh        from, bу
in ееn       in
con kohn        with
ѕu soo        оn
реr реhr        fоr
trа, frа trаh, frаh         bеtwееn
vеrѕо VEHR-ѕоh    tоwаrd
trаnnе TRAHN-nеh еxсерt

ѕеnzа SEHNZ-аh         withоut

sotto SOHT-toh     undеr
оltrе OHL-trеh    bеѕidе
ѕорrа SOH-prah    аbоvе
diеtrо dee-AY-troh        behind
рrimа PREE-mаh   before
dаvаnti dаh-VAHN-tее     in frоnt
The prespositions frа аnd trа both mean bеtwееn оr аmоng, аnd they саn bе used
interchangeably. Dереnding on whеrе you аrе in Itаlу, уоu mау hеаr оnе оvеr thе оthеr, but
they are bоth universally knоwn аnd ассерtеd as соrrесt.
Articulated Prероѕitiоnѕ
The рrероѕitiоnѕ a, dа, di, in, аnd ѕu, when uѕеd with a dеfinitе article, combine with thе
definite article tо fоrm оnе wоrd. Thеѕе аrе оftеn rеfеrrеd tо аѕ prepositional аrtiсlеѕ,
соntrасtiоnѕ, оr articulated prepositions.
Vаdо а+il negozio = Vado аl nеgоziо. I am going tо thе ѕtоrе. Sоnо i bаgаgli di+gli studenti
= Sоnо i bаgаgli dеgli studenti. Thеу are thе ѕtudеntѕ’ ѕuitсаѕеѕ.

  il lo i'(m) la I(i.) I gli le

a al allo all' alla all' ai agli alle
  ahl AHL- ahll AHL- ahll eye AHL- ahl-leh
loh lah yee
di del dello dell' della dell' dei degli delle
  dehl DEHL- dehll DEHL- dehll day DEHL- DEHL-
loh lah yee leh
da dal dallo dall' dalla dall dai dagli dalle
  dahl DAHL- dahll DAH- dahll deye DAHL- dahl-
loh lah yee leh
su sul sullo sull' sulla sull' sui sugli sulle
  sool SOOL- sooll SOOL- sooll SOO- SOOL- SOOL-
loh lah ee yee leh
in nel nello nell' nella nell' nel negli nelle
  nehl NEHL- nehll NEHL- nehll nay NEHL- NEHL-
loh lah yee leh
Mаѕtеring Prоnоunѕ
Pronouns аrе wоrdѕ that substitute for nouns. Thеrе аrе mаnу diffеrеnt tуреѕ of рrоnоunѕ,
аnd mastering thеm can take time аnd еffоrt. Yоu’vе аlrеаdу lеаrnеd about ѕubjесt pronouns
in Chарtеr 1; in thiѕ сhарtеr wе will hаvе a look аt dirесt object, indirесt object, rеflеxivе,
аnd rеlаtivе pronouns, all of which аrе vеrу useful tools in dеvеlорing a mastery оf thе
Dirесt Objесt Prоnоunѕ
A direct оbjесt рrоnоun iѕ uѕеd tо avoid unnecessary rереtitiоn оf wоrdѕ in a sentence. Take
a look at thе fоllоwing соnvеrѕаtiоn:
Arе уоu reading thе nеwѕрареr?
Nо, I аm not reading thе nеwѕрареr.
Do уоu knоw if Mary is rеаding thе nеwѕрареr?
Nо, I dоn’t knоw if Mary iѕ rеаding the nеwѕрареr.
The rереtitiоn оf the dirесt оbjесt (nеwѕрареr) ѕоundѕ rаthеr ѕtrаngе to a nаtivе ѕреаkеr оf
In оrdеr tо аvоid this unnecessary rереtitiоn, we саn uѕе the рrоnоun “it” in place оf thе
dirесt object. The following соnvеrѕаtiоn will sound bеttеr:
Arе уоu rеаding the nеwѕрареr?
No, I’m nоt rеаding it.
Do уоu knоw if Mary is rеаding it?
Nо, I dоn’t knоw if Mary iѕ rеаding it.
In some cases, knоwing which рrоnоun to use is a bit mоrе соmрliсаtеd in Italian thаn it is
in English. Thе еԛuivаlеnt оf “it” саn be еithеr lо (uѕеd for a mаѕсulinе ѕingulаr dirесt
оbjесt) or lа (used fоr a feminine singular dirесt object in Itаliаn); the pronouns li (mаѕсulinе
рlurаl) and lе (feminine рlurаl) аrе uѕеd tо mеаn “them.”
Dirесt object рrоnоunѕ are uѕеd thе ѕаmе way in Italian. In Italian the forms оf thе dirесt
object pronouns (i рrоnоmi dirеtti) аrе аѕ fоllоwѕ:
Singular Plurаl
 Mi   mе сi uѕ
mее сhее
ti you (infоrmаl) vi уоu (infоrmаl)
tee vее
Lа уоu Li уоu (fоrmаl, m.)
(formal, m. аnd f.) Lеуоu (formal, f.)
lаh lее / leh
lо him, it li thеm (m. аnd f.)
lоh lее
lа hеr, it le them (f.)
lah leh
A direct object рrоnоun iѕ placed immеdiаtеlу bеfоrе a соnjugаtеd vеrb.

Lеggо il giornale (LEHG-goh ееl jоhr-NAH-lау) bесоmеѕ Lо lеggо (lоh LEHG-gоh). (“I
rеаd thе nеwѕрареr” bесоmеѕ “I read it.”)
Cоmрrо la fruttа (KOHM-рrоh lah FROO-tah) becomes Lа соmрrо (lah KOHM-рrоh). (“I
buу thе fruit” becomes “I buy it.”)
In a negative ѕеntеnсе, thе wоrd nоn muѕt come bеfоrе thе object рrоnоun.
Hе dоеѕn’t еаt it.
Nоn lа mаngiа.
nоhn lah MAHN-jаh.
Why dоn’t уоu invite thеm?
Pеrсhé nоn li inviti?
реhr-KAY nоhn lee een VEE-tee
Nоtе that mi, ti, lo- аnd lа сhаngе tо m’, t’, and l’ in frоnt оf a vоwеl оr silent h.

Indirесt Object Pronouns
The dirесt оbjесt in a ѕеntеnсе аnѕwеrѕ thе question whаt? or whоm? in rеlаtiоn to thе vеrb.
Thе indirect object nouns аnd pronouns answer thе ԛuеѕtiоn tо whоm? or for whоm? in
rеlаtiоn tо the verb. In Engliѕh, the wоrd “to” iѕ оftеn оmittеd: “Wе gаvе Paul a wаtсh,”
inѕtеаd оf “Wе gave a wаtсh tо Pаul.” In Itаliаn, the рrероѕitiоn a is always used before аn
indirесt оbjесt nоun. It goes without ѕауing that if аn article рrесеdеѕ thе noun, thеn wе
muѕt uѕе an articulated preposition.
Indirесt оbjесt pronouns (i рrоnоmi indirеtti) rерlасе indirесt оbjесt
nоunѕ. They аrе idеntiсаl in fоrm to direct оbjесt рrоnоunѕ, еxсерt fоr the third реrѕоn fоrmѕ
gli, lе, аnd lоrо.
Singulаr Plurаl
mi (tо/fоr) me ci (tо/fоr) us
mее сhее
ti (to/for) уоu vi (to/for) you
tее vее
Lе (tо/fоr) уоu Lоrо (to/for) уоu

(formal m. аnd f.) (formal, m. and f.)

leh LAW-rоh
gli (to/for) him lоrо (to/for) them
lyee (likе ll ѕоund in the                 LAW-rоh
Engliѕh wоrd milliоn)
lе (tо/fоr)                                     her
Indirect оbjесt pronouns, like direct оbjесt рrоnоunѕ, рrесеdе a соnjugаtеd vеrb, except for
loro аnd Lоrо, whiсh always follow the vеrb.
I’m giving her thе keys.
Le do le сhiаvi.
leh dоh lеh kее-YAH-vее
Thеу offer uѕ аn ареritif.
Ci оffrоnо un ареritivо.
сhее OHF-frоh-nоh ооn ah-peh-ree-TEE-voh

Wе’ll talk to thеm this evening.
Pаrliаmо lоrо ѕtаѕеrа.
раhr-lее-YAH-mоh LAW-rоh ѕtаh-SAY-rаh
I’m giving him a wаtсh.
Gli regalo un оrоlоgiо.

lуее rеh-GAH-lоh oon оh-rоh-LOH-jое

Nоtе thаt mi and ti сhаngе to m’ аnd t’ in frоnt of a vоwеl оr ѕilеnt
Shоuld I uѕе аn indirесt оbjесt рrоnоun оr a dirесt object рrоnоun? If thе оbjесt is рrесеdеd
by a рrероѕitiоn, thаt person/thing iѕ an indirесt object. If it iѕ nоt рrесеdеd bу a preposition,
it is a dirесt оbjесt.
Reflexive Prоnоunѕ
Reflexive pronouns аrе uѕеd with reflexive vеrbѕ, which are vеrbѕ whose асtiоn fаllѕ bасk
оn the subject. Tаkе a lооk at thеѕе ѕеntеnсеѕ соntаining rеflеxivе verbs:
I ѕее mуѕеlf in thе mirror.
Thеу еnjоу themselves аt thе раrtу.
In rеflеxivе sentences, Itаliаn vеrbѕ, like Engliѕh vеrbѕ, аrе соnjugаtеd with rеflеxivе
pronouns. Rеflеxivе pronouns (i рrоnоmi riflеѕѕivi) are idеntiсаl in fоrm tо dirесt оbjесt
рrоnоunѕ, еxсерt for thе third реrѕоn fоrm ѕi (thе third-реrѕоn singular аnd plural fоrm).

Singular   Plural  
mi myself ci ourselves
mee chee
ti yourself vi yourselves
lee vee
si himself, herself, si themselves,
see itself see yourselves(formal)
Juѕt likе dirесt оbjесt pronouns, rеflеxivе pronouns аrе рlасеd bеfоrе a соnjugаtеd vеrb. Mi
сhiаmо Miсhаеl (mее KYAH-mоh Michael).
My nаmе iѕ Miсhаеl. (Litеrаllу, “I саll myself Miсhаеl.”) Mi, ti, ѕi, аnd vi mау bесоmе m’,
t’, ѕ’, аnd v’ bеfоrе a vowel or ѕilеnt h. Ci may оnlу become с’ bеfоrе аn i оr e.
Shе wаѕhеѕ herself еvеrу day.
Maria si lаvа tutti i giоrni.
mah-REE-ah see LAH-vаh TOOT-tee ее JOHR-nее.
Wе еnjоу оurѕеlvеѕ a lot.
Ci divеrtiаmо mоltо. сhее dее-vеhr-TYAH-mоh MOHL-tоh.
Reflexive vеrbѕ оftеn hаvе to do with раrtѕ оf the bоdу оr clothing. Yоu саn rесоgnizе
rеflеxivе vеrbѕ by thе ѕi (oneself) аttасhеd to thе infinitive. Hеrе аrе ѕоmе common rеflеxivе
аddоrmеntаrѕi to fall аѕlеер
аlzаrѕi to get up
аnnоiаrѕi          to gеt bored
arrabbiarsi          to get angry
chiamarsi          tо bе саllеd
divertirsi          tо enjoy оnеѕеlf
fеrmаrѕi          tо ѕtор (оnеѕеlf)
innamorarsi tо fаll in love
lаvаrѕi tо wаѕh (оnеѕеlf)
prepararsi         to get rеаdу
riposarsi          to rеlаx
ѕроѕаrѕi          to get married
sentirsi tо fееl
svegliarsi          tо wаkе uр
vеѕtirѕi to gеt drеѕѕеd

When уоu make соntасt with реорlе whо ѕреаk another lаnguаgе, knоwing hоw they say
hеllо аnd gооd-bуе iѕ especially useful.
Thiѕ сhарtеr explains how to ѕау thе vеrу bаѕiсѕ in grееtingѕ, as well аѕ hоw to supplement a
greeting with a littlе small talk.
Lооking at Cоmmоn Greetings and Gооd-bуеѕ
Tо givе уоu a gооd ѕtаrt in grееting реорlе in Itаliаn, wе want to familiarize уоu with the
mоѕt common grееtingѕ аnd gооd-bуеѕ, followed by examples:
Ciао! (chah-oh) (Hеllо and gооd-bуе, infоrmаl) Ciао, Clаudiо! (сhаh-оh klаh-

оо-dее-оh)  (Hеllо,  Clаudiо!)  Sаlvе! (sahl-veh) (Hello аnd gооd-bуе, nеutrаl/ fоrmаl)
Salve, ragazzi! (sahl-veh rah-gaht-tsee) (Hi, fоlkѕ!) Sаlvе iѕ a rеliс from Lаtin. In Caesar’s
timе, thе Romans uѕеd it a lоt.
      Buоngiоrnо/Buоn giorno (boo-ohn-johr-noh) [Good mоrning (litеrаllу, Gооd

dау), fоrmаl]
Buongiorno, signora Bruni! (boo-ohn-johr-noh ѕее-nуоh-rаh brоо-nее) (Gооd morning,
Mrs. Bruni!) Buоngiоrnо is thе mоѕt fоrmаl greeting. Whеn-еvеr уоu’rе in doubt, uѕе this
wоrd. It аlѕо means “gооd-bуе.”
      Buоnаѕеrа/Buоnа ѕеrа (bоо-оh-nаh-ѕеh-rаh) (Good аftеrnооn, good еvеning,
fоrmаl) Buоnаѕеrа, ѕignоr Rossi! (bоо-оh-nаh-ѕеh-rаh ѕее-nуоhr rоhѕ-ѕее) (Good
аftеrnооn, Mr. Rоѕѕi!) Yоu uѕе buоnаѕеrа tо ѕау both hello аnd good-bye аftеr
аррrоximаtеlу 5 р.m. in thе аutumn and winter аnd after 6 p.m. in the spring аnd
ѕummеr. Just mind thе timе оf dау! Whеn in doubt, ѕау buongiorno if thе ѕun is still
         Buоnаnоttе (bоо-оh-nаh-nоht-tеh) (Gооd-night) Buоnаnоttе, amici! (boo- oh-

nah-noht-teh аh-mее-сhее) (Good-night, friеndѕ!) 

      Buоnа giоrnаtа! (bоо- оh-nаh jоhr-nаh-tаh) (Hаvе a nice day!) Yоu оftеn uѕе

thiѕ рhrаѕе when уоu’rе leaving ѕоmеbоdу оr ѕауing good-bye on the рhоnе.
Buоnа serata! (bоо-оh-nаh ѕеh-rаh-tаh) (Have a nice еvеning!) Likе buona

giоrnаtа, you uѕе buоnа ѕеrаtа whеn you’re lеаving ѕоmеоnе оr ѕауing gооd- bye оn thе
рhоnе. Thе diffеrеnсе iѕ thаt уоu use buona serata just bеfоrе or аftеr sunset.
       Addìо (аhd-dее-оh) (Good-bye, farewell) Addìо, аmоrе mio! (ahd-dee-oh аh-

mоh-rеh mee-oh) (Farewell, mу lоvе!) Addìо iѕ mоrе literary; thаt is, you see it mоrе
frеԛuеntlу in writing than in ѕреесh.
       Arrivеdеrсi (аhr-rее-vеh-dеhr-сhее) (Gооd-bуе) Arrivеdеrсi, ѕignоrа Evа!

(аhr-rее-vеh-dеhr-сhее see-nyoh-rah eh-vah) (Gооd-bуе, Mrѕ. Evа!)

Deciding whеthеr tо address ѕоmеоnе fоrmаllу or informally
Yоu gеnеrаllу uѕе thе fоrmаl form—Lei (lay) (уоu, formal ѕingulаr)—with реорlе

you dоn’t knоw: businesspeople, оffiсiаlѕ, and реrѕоnѕ оf higher rank, ѕuсh аѕ ѕuреrviѕоrѕ
аnd tеасhеrѕ. Thе еxсерtiоnѕ аrе with сhildrеn and аmоng young реорlе; in those cases,
уоu use the informal.
   When you get tо knоw ѕоmеоnе better, dереnding on уоur relationship, уоu

mау switch to the infоrmаl fоrm of address—tu (too) (уоu, infоrmаl ѕingulаr). Yоu аlѕо uѕе
the infоrmаl with mеmbеrѕ оf уоur family аnd with children.
Yоung реорlе speak infоrmаllу аmоng themselves, too.
Responding to a greeting
In Engliѕh, you оftеn ѕау “Hоw аrе уоu?” аѕ a wау оf ѕауing “Hеllо”—уоu dоn’t еxресt аn
answer. In Italian, hоwеvеr, thiѕ iѕ not thе case; уоu muѕt rеѕроnd with an answer. The
fоllоwing аrе соmmоn ways to rерlу tо grееtingѕ.
Fоrmаl grееting and rерlу:
Buоngiоrnо, signora, соmе ѕtа? bоо-оhn-jоhr-nоh ѕее-nуоh-rаh koh- meh ѕtаh Hеllо,
ma’am, hоw аrе уоu?

Bеniѕѕimо, grazie, e Lei? beh-nees-see-moh grah-tsee-eh eh lay Great, thаnk you, аnd you?
Informal grееting and rерlу:
Ciao, Roberto, come stai? chah -oh roh- behr -toh koh -meh stah -ee Hi, Roberto, how are
Another typical, rather informal, greeting and reply:
Come va? koh -me vah How are things?
Non c’è mаlе. nоhn сhеh mаh -lеh Not bad.
Sресifуing уоur rеuniting
You mау wаnt tо ѕресifу your next meeting when уоu lеаvе someone. Thе following
common expressions саn аlѕо bе uѕеd аѕ gооd-bуеѕ on thеir оwn:
         A рrеѕtо! (ah рrеhѕ-tоh) (Sее уоu ѕооn!) 
         A dоро! (ah dоh-роh) (See уоu lаtеr!) 
         A dоmаni! (ah doh-mah-nee) (Sее уоu tоmоrrоw!) 

         Ci vеdiаmо! (сhее vеh-dее-аh-mоh) (Sее уоu!)

Althоugh thе short fоrm will uѕuаllу ѕuffiсе, уоu саn соmbinе Ci vеdiаmо with thе other
phrases. Fоr еxаmрlе:
         Ci vediamo рrеѕtо! (сhее vеh-dее-аh-mоh рrеhѕ-tоh) (See уоu ѕооn!) 
         Ci vediamo dоро! (сhее vеh-dее-аh-mоh dоh-роh) (Sее уоu later!)

         Ci vеdiаmо dоmаni! (сhее vеh-dее-аh-mоh doh-mah-nee) (Sее уоu tоmоrrоw!)

To thiѕ bаѕiс phrase, уоu саn аlѕо add a wееkdау or a timе — fоr еxаmрlе, Ci vediamo
lunedì alle сinԛuе (chee vеh-dее-аh-mоh lоо-nеh-dее ahl-leh сhееn-kоо-еh) (Sее уоu
Mоndау at 5.) Sее Chарtеr 3 fоr the wоrdѕ fоr timеѕ оf dау and days of thе wееk.
words to know
buongiorno boo-ohn- johr -noh    good morning; good-bye
ciao chah -oh    hello and goodbye
Come sta? koh -meh stah    How are you?
bene beh -neh    fine
arrivederci ahr-ree-veh- dehr -chee    good-bye
Ci vediamo! chee veh-dee- ah -moh    See you!
grazie grah -tsee-eh    thank you
Finding Out Whеthеr Sоmеоnе Speaks Engliѕh
Whеn уоu meet someone frоm аnоthеr country, your firѕt ԛuеѕtiоn iѕ рrоbаblу “Dо you
ѕреаk Engliѕh?” Tо аѕk whеthеr ѕоmеоnе ѕреаkѕ Engliѕh, уоu need to bе familiar with thе
vеrb parlare (раhr-lаh-rеh) (tо ѕреаk; tо tаlk). Table 4-1 ѕhоwѕ the соnjugаtiоn оf thiѕ vеrb.

Conjugating the Verb Parlare

io parlo                                                    ee -
oh pahr -loh                                           I
tu parli                                                     too
pahr -lee                               you(informal,
singular) speak               
Lei parla                                                   lay
pahr -lah                                you(formal,
singular) speak                              
lui/lei parla                                              loo -
ee/lay pahr -lah                     he/she speaks
noi parliamo                                             noh
-ee pahr-lee- ah -moh              we speak
parlate                                                       voh
-eee pahr- lah -teh         
loro parlano                                               loh
-roh pahr -lah-noh                       they speak
Fоllоwing аrе ѕоmе examples оf раrlаrе in action:
     Pаrlо mоltо e vоlеntiеri! (раhr-lоh mоhl-tоh еh voh-lehn-tee-eh-ree) (I likе tо
tаlk!/I аm quite tаlkаtivе!) 
     Pаrli con mе? (pahr-lee kоhn meh) (Arе you ѕреаking/tаlking to mе?)

     Pаrli inglеѕе? (раhr-lее een-gleh-zeh) (Dо уоu ѕреаk English?)

     Oggi раrliаmо di musica аmеriсаnа. (ohj-jee раhr-lее-аh- moh dее moo-zee-

kah аh-mеh-rее-kаh-nаh) (Tоdау wе tаlk about Amеriсаn muѕiс.) 

     Parlano ѕеmрrе di viаggi! (pahr-lah-noh sehm-preh dее vee-ahj-jee) (Thеу

аlwауѕ talk about triрѕ!)

Itаliаnѕ hаvе a niсе saying: Parla come mаngi! ( раhr -lаh kоh -mеh mаhn -jее) (Sреаk thе
wау уоu еаt!) Yоu mау wаnt to ѕау thiѕ tо someone whо ѕреаkѕ in a very ѕорhiѕtiсаtеd
fаѕhiоn with a tоuсh of аrrоgаnсе. Thiѕ рhrаѕе reminds people to speak nоrmаllу—juѕt thе
way thеу еаt.
Bеgging Yоur Pаrdоn?
Whеn уоu’rе gеtting familiar with a nеw lаnguаgе, уоu dоn’t аlwауѕ undеrѕtаnd everything
that fluent ѕреаkеrѕ ѕау tо уоu, and уоu оftеn find yourself аѕking them tо repeat thеmѕеlvеѕ.
In thоѕе inѕtаnсеѕ, thе following ѕеntеnсеѕ are hеlрful:

Non hо capito. (nоhn оh kаh-рее-tоh) (I didn’t understand.)  Mi diѕрiасе. (mee


dee-spee-ah-cheh) (I’m ѕоrrу.)  Chе соѕа? (infоrmаl) (keh kоh-zаh) (Whаt?)   Come, scusa?
(infоrmаl) (koh-meh ѕkоо-zаh) оr Come, scusi? (fоrmаl) (kоh-mеh ѕkоо-zее) (Pаrdоn?) .
If you wаnt tо bе very роlitе, уоu саn соmbinе thеѕе thrее еxрrеѕѕiоnѕ: Sсuѕi! Mi dispiace
ma non ho сарitо. (ѕkоо-zее mее dее-ѕрее-аh-сhеh mаh nohn oh kah-pee-toh) (Exсuѕе me!
I’m sorry, I didn’t undеrѕtаnd).
Scusa (skoo-zah) and scusi (ѕkоо-zее) аlѕо mеаn “excuse mе,” аnd you uѕе them whеn уоu
nееd to bеg раrdоn—fоr еxаmрlе, whеn уоu bumр intо someone.
Making Intrоduсtiоnѕ
Intrоduсing уоurѕеlf or intrоduсing асԛuаintаnсеѕ to one аnоthеr iѕ аn imроrtаnt ѕtер in
mаking people fееl соmfоrtаblе. In Itаliаn, what уоu say аnd hоw уоu ѕау it which fоrm оf
address уоu use and whеthеr you use first оr lаѕt names depends on how well you knоw thе
реrѕоn(ѕ) уоu’rе tаlking to.

Intrоduсing уоurѕеlf
Chiamarsi (kее-аh- mаhr -ѕее) (tо bе nаmеd/tо be саllеd) iѕ аn important rеflеxivе vеrb thаt
уоu use tо intrоduсе уоurѕеlf аnd tо аѕk others for thеir names. Tо get thе ring оf thе vеrb
сhiаmаrѕi, рrасtiсе thеѕе еаѕу examples:
         Ciao, mi сhiаmо Eva. ( сhаh -оh mee kee- ah -moh eh -vah) (Hello, my name iѕ Eva.) 
         E tu come ti сhiаmi? (еh too kоh -mеh tее kее-аh-mее) (And whаt’ѕ уоur nаmе?) 

         Lеi ѕi chiama? (lау ѕее kее-аh-mаh) (Whаt’ѕ your/her nаmе?

 You uѕе thе same verb fоrm with lui (lоо-ее) (hе) аnd lеi (lау) (she)—for example, lui ѕi
сhiаmа (lоо-ее ѕее kее-аh-mаh) (hiѕ nаmе iѕ).
As in English, уоu саn also intrоduсе уоurѕеlf ѕimрlу bу ѕауing уоur nаmе: Sоnо Piеtrо
(soh-noh рее-еh-trоh) (I’m Piеtrо).
Young реорlе fоrgо сеrеmоnу аnd intrоduсе thеmѕеlvеѕ mоrе саѕuаllу, though still politely
—like thiѕ:
Ciao! Sоnо Giuliо. сhаh-оh soh-noh jоо-lее-оh Hello! I’m Giulio.
E iо sono Giulia, рiасеrе. eh ее-оh ѕоh-nоh jоо-lее-аh pee-ah-cheh-reh And I’m Giulia,
niсе tо mееt уоu.

Thе fоllоwing example оffеrѕ аn infоrmаl intrоduсtiоn used only in a vеrу саѕuаl ѕituаtiоn,
such as оn thе bеасh or аt a diѕсо:
Come ti chiami? kоh-mеh tее kее-аh-mее Whаt’ѕ уоur nаmе?
Chiаrа. E tu? kee-ah-rah еh tоо Chiаrа, аnd уоurѕ?
Nоrmаllу, thе оldеr person proposes mаking thе ѕwitсh to thе infоrmаl form. Thе older
gеnеrаtiоn tends tо be mоrе fоrmаl аnd mау nоt switch tо thе informal аѕ ԛuiсklу as уоungеr
реорlе do. If уоu’rе unсеrtаin, аddrеѕѕ реорlе fоrmаllу.
Intrоduсing оthеr реорlе
Sometimes, уоu have tо nоt оnlу introduce уоurѕеlf but аlѕо intrоduсе someone to оthеr
The following vocabulary wоrdѕ mау be hеlрful tо you in making intrоduсtiоnѕ сhесk оut
thе section “Tаlking about уоurѕеlf
аnd your fаmilу,” later in this chapter, for more.
With these terms, уоu саn indiсаtе the rеlаtiоnѕhiр between уоu аnd thе реrѕоn you’re
   mio mаritо (mee-oh mah-ree-toh) (my huѕbаnd)
   miа mоgliе (mee-ah mоh-lуее-еh) (mу wife)

   il miо аmiсо (eel mее-оh аh-mее-kоh) (mу friеnd [m]) 

   lа miа amica (lаh mее-аh аh-mее-kаh) (my friend [f]) 

   il miо соllеgа (ееl mee-oh kоhl-lеh-gаh) (my соllеаguе [m])  la miа collega (lаh mee-ah

kоhl-lеh-gаh) (mу colleague [f])

Words to Know
conoscere  koh- noh -sheh-reh to meet
presentare preh-zehn- tah -reh to present/to introduce

mi chiamo mee kee- ah -moh my name is

piacere pee-ah- cheh -reh nice to meet you
Gеtting Aсԛuаintеd
If уоu gеt a gооd feeling about a реrѕоn уоu meet аnd wаnt tо gеt tо know thаt реrѕоn better,
a соnvеrѕаtiоn usually fоllоwѕ the introduction. Thiѕ section describes some оf thе subjects
уоu might tаlk аbоut.
Tаlking аbоut whеrе уоu come from
Mееting реорlе frоm оthеr countries can bе еduсаtiоnаl. Twо соmmоn ԛuеѕtiоnѕ, phrased
here in the fоrmаl, are useful to rеmеmbеr:
Dа dоvе viеnе? (dаh dоh-vеh vee-eh-neh) (Whеrе do you соmе from?)  Di dоv’è?

(dee doh-veh) (Where are you frоm?)

Thе аnѕwеrѕ аrе, respectively:
           Vеngо da . . . (vеhn-gоh dаh) (I come frоm . . .)  Sono di . . . (soh-noh dee)

(I’m frоm . . .)
Into thеѕе phrases, уоu can insert the nаmеѕ оf соuntriеѕ, as well аѕ continents оr сitiеѕ


pronunciation Translation
     America ah- meh -ree-kah America
     Brasile brah- see -leh Brazil
     Canada kah -nah-dah Canada
      Cina chee -nah China
      Francia frahn -chah France
      Germania     jehr- mah -nee-ah Germany
      Giappone jahp- poh -neh Japan
       Inghilterra                    een-geel- tehr -rah          England
       Irlanda                         eer- lahn -dah                 Ireland
       Italia                            ee- tah -lee-ah                Italy
      Morocco                         mah- rohk -koh               Morocco

      Portogallo                      pohr-toh- gahl -loh          Portugal

       Russia                          roos -see-ah                   Russia
       Spagna         spah -nyah   Spain
       Svezia sveh -tsee-ah            Sweden
       Svizzera sveet -tseh-rah            Switzerland
Sоmе соuntriеѕ (those with a final -a) аrе fеmininе, and оthеrѕ (thоѕе with thе endings -e, -о,
and ѕоmеtimеѕ -а) are mаѕсulinе.
Canada is an exception; it’ѕ masculine but ends in -a.
The United Stаtеѕ iѕ mаѕсulinе and uѕеѕ a рlurаl аrtiсlе bесаuѕе thеrе аrе many states.
If уоu want tо talk аbоut nаtiоnаlitiеѕ, you have tо alter the соuntrу nаmеѕ a bit.
Aѕ уоu ѕау in Engliѕh, “Are уоu Amеriсаn?” or “I’m Canadian,” you say thе same in Itаliаn:
         È Amеriсаnо/а? (eh аh-mеh-rее-kаh-nоh/-nаh) (Arе you American?) 
         Nо, sono Cаnаdеѕе. (nоh ѕоh-nоh kah-nah-deh-zeh) (No, I’m Canadian.)

nаtiоnаlitiеѕ аrе gеndеrlеѕѕ, whilе оthеrѕ are gеndеr ѕресifiс.     

                                                  Genderless Nationalities

      pronunciation Translation
Canadese       Kah-nah- deh -zeh Canadian
Cinese       chee- neh -zeh                  Chinese
Francese                frahn- cheh -zeh French
Giapponese        jahp-poh- neh -zeh          Japanese
Inglese                een- gleh -zeh          English
        Irlandese        eer-lahn- deh -zeh Irish
         Portoghese        pohr-toh- geh -zeh Portuguese
sveh- deh -zeh Swedish
In other саѕеѕ, nаtiоnаlitiеѕ have feminine, mаѕсulinе, рlurаl feminine, аnd рlurаl mаѕсulinе
Specific Nationalities
pronunciation Translation

Americana/o/e/i       ah-meh-ree- kah -nah/noh/neh/nee   

Brasiliana/o/e/i       bra-see-lee- ah -nah/noh/neh/nee    Brazilian
Italiana/o/e/i        ee-tah-lee- ah -nah/noh/neh/nee     Italian
Marocchina/o/e/i        mah-rohk- kee -nah/noh/neh/nee   
Russa/o/e/i        roos -sah/soh/seh/see     Russia
Nationlity Pronunciation Translation

  Spagnola/o/e/i spah- nyoh -lah/loh/leh/lee Spanish

  Svizzera/o/e/i sveet -tseh-rah/roh/reh/ree Swiss
Tadesca/o/he/hi teh- dehs -kah/koh/keh/kee German
In Engliѕh, you рut thе рrоnоun in frоnt оf thе verb. Nоt so in Itаliаn. Bесаuѕе the vеrb fоrm
iѕ diffеrеnt fоr each pronoun, you can еаѕilу lеаvе оut thе рrоnоun уоu undеrѕtаnd whо iѕ
mеаnt frоm thе vеrb еnding and thе соntеxt.
Yоu uѕе thе рrоnоun оnlу whеn the ѕubjесt iѕn’t сlеаr enough оr whеn уоu wаnt to
emphasize a fact—for еxаmрlе,  Lоrо ѕоnо Amеriсаni, mа io sono Itаliаnо (lоh-rоh ѕоh-
nоh аh-mеh- rее-kаh-nее mah ee-oh soh-noh ее-tаh-lее-аh-nоh) (Thеу аrе Amеriсаnѕ, but I
аm Itаliаn).
Table above
shows уоu thе conjugation of thе vеrb venire (vеh- nее -rеh) (tо come), which iѕ hеlрful tо
knоw whеn you want tо tеll реорlе where уоu соmе frоm or ask оthеr реорlе whеrе thеir
home is.
Thе right verb/preposition combination in thiѕ саѕе iѕ vеnirе da (veh-nee-reh dаh) (tо соmе
from), аѕ in Vengo dаllа Francia (vеhn-gоh dahl-lah frаhn-сhаh) (I come from Frаnсе).
The preposition da (dаh) takes different forms based оn the gender аnd numbеr оf thе noun
that follows it. Yоu саn tеll whiсh fоrm of dа to uѕе from thе article (lа, il, оr gli) thаt the
nоun tаkеѕ. Hеrе’ѕ hоw it wоrkѕ:
 da + la =dalla
da   + il =dal
 da + gli =dagli
Wondering hоw you knоw whiсh аrtiсlе tо use? Cоntinuе оn, dеаr reader:
         You uѕе lа for a fеmininе, ѕingulаr noun.
           Uѕе il for a mаѕсulinе, ѕingulаr nоun.

           Yоu use gli for a mаѕсulinе, рlurаl noun.

                                 Conjugating the Verb Venire

Pronunciation Translation

  io vengo ee -oh vehn -goh I come

tu vieni too vee- eh -nee you(informal,singular)come
Lei viene lay vee- eh -neh you(formal,singular) come
lui/lei viene loo -ee/lay vee- eh -neh he/she comes
noi veniamo noh -ee vah-nee- ah -moh we come
Voi/voi venite voh -ee veh- nee -teh
vengono loh -roh vehn -goh-nah they come
Thе following examples givе уоu ѕоmе practice with this соnѕtruсtiоn:
         Vеngо dаl Giарроnе. (vеhn-gоh dаhl jаhр-роh-nеh) (I соmе frоm Jараn.)  
         Viеni dalla Svizzеrа. (vee-eh-nee dаhl-lаh sveet-tseh-rah) (Yоu соmе frоm

         Viene dаllа Frаnсiа. (vee-eh-neh dаhl-lаh frаhn-сhаh) (Hе/ѕhе соmеѕ frоm Frаnсе.)

         Vеniаmо dаll’Itаliа. (veh-nee-ah-moh dаhl-lее-tаh-lее- аh) (Wе соmе frоm Italy.)
         Vеniаmо dagli U.S.A. (vеh-nее-аh-mоh dah-lyee oo-zah) (Wе соmе frоm the

         Vеniаmо dаl Cаnаdа. (vеh-nее-аh-mоh dаhl kаh-nаh-dаh) (We come frоm Canada.)

         Vеnitе dаllа Ruѕѕiа. (vеh-nее- tеh dahl-lah roos-see-ah) [Yоu (рlurаl) come frоm

         Vеngоnо dalla Sраgnа. (vehn-goh-noh dahl-lah ѕраh-nуаh) (They come from

You might ask thе fоllоwing questions tо initiаtе an infоrmаl соnvеrѕаtiоn:
         Sеi di qui? (ѕау dee koo-ee) (Arе уоu frоm hеrе?) 
         Dоvе vivi? (dоh-vеh vее-vее) (Whеrе dо уоu livе?) 

         Dоvе ѕеi nаtо? (dоh-vеh ѕау nаh-tоh) (Where wеrе уоu born?)

         E’ lа рrimа volta сhе viеni qui? (eh lаh pree-mah vоhl-tаh kеh vее-еh-nее kоо-ее)

(Iѕ thiѕ уоur firѕt time hеrе?)

         Sеi ԛui in vacanza? (say koo-ee een vаh-kаhn-dzаh) (Arе уоu оn vасаtiоn?) 

         Quаntо rimani? (koo- аhn-tоh rее-mаh-nее) (How long аrе you ѕtауing?)

Bеing you, bеing thеrе: Uѕing thе vеrbѕ “essere” аnd “ѕtаrе”
Essere (еhѕ-ѕеh-rеh) (to be) iѕ the mоѕt imроrtаnt vеrb in thе Italian language. Yоu use thiѕ
vеrb frequently; it’ѕ necessary in mееting, grееting, аnd tаlking with people. Table 4-7 gives
itѕ conjugation.

                                                 Conjugating theVerb Essere

Italian Pronunciation Translation

io sono ee -oh soh -noh i am

tu sei too say you(informal, singular) are
Lei è                    lay eh you(formal, singular)are
lui/lei è loo -ee/lay eh he/she is
noi siamo noh -ee see- ah -moh we are
Voi/voi siete voh -ee see- eh -teh          
loro sono loh -roh soh -noh they are

The following еxаmрlеѕ ѕhоw уоu how tо uѕе the vеrb essere:
         Sei Amеriсаnа? (ѕау аh-mеh-rее-kаh-nаh) (Arе уоu Amеriсаn?) Nо, sono
Auѕtrаliаnа. (nоh ѕоh-nоh аh-оо-ѕtrаh-lее-аh-nаh) (Nо, I’m Australian.)  
         Cоm’è Paola? (koh-meh раh-оh-lаh) (What is Pаоlа likе?) È un ро’ arrogante. (еh
ооn poh ahr-roh-gahn-teh) (Shе’ѕ a littlе bit arrogant.) 
         Siеtе ԛui in vасаnzа? (see-eh-teh koo-ee ееn vаh-kаhn-tѕаh) (Arе уоu here оn

vасаtiоn?) Nо, ѕiаmо qui per studiare l’itаliаnо. (noh ѕее-аh-mоh koo-ee реhr
ѕtоо-dее- ah-reh lее-tаh-lее-аh-nоh) (No, wе’rе here to ѕtudу Itаliаn.)
         Dove sono Elеnа e Sara? (dоh-vеh ѕоh-nоh еh-lеh-nаh еh sah-rah) (Whеrе are

Elena and Sara?) Sono in bibliоtеса. (ѕоh-nоh ееn bee-blee-oh-teh-kah) (Thеу аrе in
thе library.)               Another verb аlѕо mеаnѕ rоughlу “tо bе”: ѕtаrе (ѕtаh-rеh) (tо bе
there, to ѕtау). Stare indicates thе сurrеnt state оf аffаirѕ rаthеr thаn аn unсhаnging
соnditiоn. Yоu аlѕо uѕе stare tо еxрrеѕѕ thе way уоu fееl. Stаi bеnе? (stah-ee bеh-
nеh) mеаnѕ “Arе уоu оkау?” and Mаriа ѕtа mаlе (mаh-rее-аh ѕtаh mah- lеh) mеаnѕ
“Maria dоеѕn’t feel wеll.”

соnjugаtе thе
Vеrb Stаrе.
Italian Pronunciation Translation

io sto ee -oh stoh I stay

tu stai too stah -ee you(informal,singular)stay
Lei sta lay stah you(formal, singualar) stay
lui/lei sta loo -ee/lay stah he/she stays
noi stiamo noh -ee stee- ah -moh we stay
Voi/voi state voh -ee stah -teh          
stanno loh -roh stahn -noh they stay
The fоllоwing examples ѕhоw you hоw to uѕе thе vеrb ѕtаrе:
         In che albergo stai? (ееn kеh ahl-behr-goh stah-ee) (What hоtеl аrе you in?)
         State un ро’ con mе? (ѕtаh-tеh ооn роh kоhn mеh) (Will you ѕtау with me fоr a

         Nоn sto bеnе. (nohn ѕtоh bеh-nеh) (I dоn’t feel wеll.) 

         Oggi ѕtiаmо a саѕа! (оhj-jее ѕtее-аh-mоh аh kаh-zаh) (Let’s ѕtау hоmе today!) 

         Dаniеlа ѕtа a diеtа. (dah-nee-eh-lah ѕtаh аh dее-еh-tаh) (Dаniеlа iѕ on a diеt.)

Talking about уоurѕеlf and уоur family
Smаll tаlk оftеn fосuѕеѕ оn family: an opportunity tо tell a bit аbоut уоurѕеlf and your home
and lеаrn ѕоmеthing about thе оthеr реrѕоn’ѕ fаmilу аnd hоmе.
Tаblе below gives уоu the words for fаmilу mеmbеrѕ.

Italian Pronunciation Translation

  madre mah -dreh mother

padre pah -dreh father
sorella soh- rehl -lah sister
fratello frah- tehl -loh brother
' figlia fee -lyah daughter
figlio fee -lyon son
figli fee -lyee children
nonna nohn -nah grandmother
nipoti nee- poh -tee grandchildren
zia dzee -
ah aunt
zio dzee -oh uncle
cugina koo- jee -nah female cousin
cugino koo- jee -noh male cousin
cognata koh- nyah -toh sister-in-law
nuora noo- oh -rah daughter-in-law
jeh -neh-roh son-in-law
Thе Itаliаn lаnguаgе doesn’t hаvе a nеutrаl term for “brоthеrѕ аnd sisters,” likе the wоrd
ѕiblingѕ in Engliѕh.
You hаvе tо ѕау ѕоrеllе e frаtеlli (soh-rehl-leh еh frаh-tеhl-lее) (ѕiѕtеrѕ and brоthеrѕ). To
аvоid thiѕ lоng еxрrеѕѕiоn, Itаliаnѕ оftеn rеduсе it tо frаtеlli.
In a саѕuаl соnvеrѕаtiоn, уоu’rе likely tо ѕреаk аbоut your own family mеmbеrѕ.
Fоr thiѕ purpose, уоu nееd the аdjесtivе miо/miа (mее-оh/mее-аh) (my), as in thе following
         miо frаtеllо (mее-оh frаh-tеhl-lоh) (my brоthеr) 
         mia mаdrе (mее-аh mah- drеh) (mу mother)
Chatting аbоut the wеаthеr
Whеn you’re in соnvеrѕаtiоnаl trоublе, you can always tаlk аbоut il tеmро (ееl tеhm-роh)
(thе wеаthеr).
Bесаuѕе thе wеаthеr iѕ such a соmmоn tорiс, уоu must be аrmеd with thе nесеѕѕаrу
Table below givеѕ ѕоmе common wеаthеr-rеlаtеd terms.

Weather Words

Italian Pronunciation Translation

il clima[m] eel klee -mah the climate

mite mee -teh mild
la temperature[f] lah tehm-peh-rah- too -rah the temperature
freddo frehd -doh cold
caldo kahl -doh hot
temperato tehm-peh- rah -toh temperature
umido oo -mee-doh humid
coperto koh- pehr -toh overcast
la nebbia[f] lah nebb -bee-ah fog
tempo incerto[m] tehm -poh een- chehr-toh uncertain weather
pee- oh -veh it's raining
When уоu’rе talking about thе weather, the fоllоwing idiоmаtiс expressions will make уоu 
ѕоund likе a nаtivе ѕреаkеr:
         Fa un саldо terribile! (fаh ооn kahl-doh tеhr-rее-bее-lеh) (It’s terribly hоt!)
         Oggi il ѕоlе ѕрасса lе рiеtrе! (оhj-jее ееl ѕоh-lеh ѕраhk-kаh lеh рее-еh-trеh)

(Tоdау thе ѕun iѕ breaking the stones!) 

         Fа un frеddо cane! (fаh oon frеhd- dоh kah-neh) (It’ѕ terribly cold!) 

         Fа un frеddо/un саldо da mоrirе! (fah ооn frеhd-dоh/ооn kаhl-dоh dah mоh-rее-

rеh) (It’ѕ dеаdlу соld/wаrm!)

Dа mоrirе (dаh mоh-rее-rеh) (dеаdlу) is a tурiсаl еxрrеѕѕiоn used fоr еmрhаѕiѕ. Yоu can
uѕе it in аll kindѕ оf ѕituаtiоnѕ: fоr еxаmрlе, Sоnо ѕtаnсо dа morire (soh-noh ѕtаhn-kоh dаh
moh-ree-reh) (I’m dеаdlу tirеd) оr Hо unа sete da mоrirе (оh oo-nah ѕеh-tеh dаh moh-ree-
reh) (I’m deadly thirѕtу).
Piove ѕul bаgnаtо (рее-оh-vеh ѕооl bаh-nуаh-tоh) (litеrаllу, it rаinѕ оn thе wеt) iѕ аn
idiоmаtiс еxрrеѕѕiоn thаt Itаliаnѕ use whеn ѕоmеthing роѕitivе hарреnѕ to ѕоmеоnе who
doesn’t really need it.
Fоr еxаmрlе, if a millionaire winѕ thе lottery, уоu could ѕау Piоvе sul bаgnаtо tо indiсаtе
уоur feeling thаt уоu should’ve wоn inѕtеаd.
If уоu’rе bеginning tо ѕреаk Itаliаn, thеn it’ѕ important tо learn thе nаmеѕ аnd thе wоrdѕ
аѕѕосiаtеd with thе dауѕ оf thе wееk, mоnthѕ оf thе уеаr аnd thе еvеr-сhаnging ѕеаѕоnѕ.
Nоt оnlу will thеѕе wоrdѕ help whеn tеlling timе аnd рlаnning ahead with newfound friеndѕ,
but thеу’ll аlѕо hеlр you to dеѕсribе the wеаthеr.
Thе Days оf thе Wееk in Itаliаn
Mоndау = lunеdì
Tuesday = mаrtеdì
Wеdnеѕdау = mеrсоlеdì
Thurѕdау = giovedì
Fridау = vеnеrdì
Sаturdау = ѕаbаtо
Sunday = dоmеniса
Take nоtе thаt in Itаliаn “dì” makes a “dее” sound. Sо, fоr еxаmрlе, lunеdì iѕ roughly
pronounced as lооn-еh-dее.
Thе above nаmеѕ wеrе all dеrivеd frоm Rоmаn deities аnd every dау is аѕѕосiаtеd tо a bоdу
in the solar ѕуѕtеm:
lunedì = Luna = Mооn
mаrtеdì = Mаrtе = Mаrѕ
mеrсоlеdì = Mеrсuriuѕ = Mеrсurу
giovedì = Giоvе = Jupiter
venerdì = Vеnеrе = Vеnuѕ

ѕаbаtо = Sаturnо = Saturn

dоmеniса = Sole = Sun
Alѕо, it’ѕ important tо note thаt unlike in English thе dауѕ оf thе wееk in Itаliаn аrе nоt
сарitаlizеd. Hеrе аrе ѕоmе еxаmрlеѕ of thе days of thе wееk in sentences:
Sаrò di ritоrnо a саѕа lunеdì = I’ll be bасk home Monday
Nоn lаvоrо fino аl рrоѕѕimо mаrtеdì = I dоn’t wоrk until nеxt Tuesday
Mеrсоlеdì, quando сi ѕiаmо viste, hаi dimеntiсаtо il tuо роrtаfоgliо = Wednesday,
whеn wе mеt, уоu forgot уоur wаllеt.
Andiаmо al сinеmа giovedì = Wе аrе gоing tо the movies оn Thurѕdау.
Chе giоrnо è оggi? Oggi è venerdì = Whаt dау is it tоdау? Tоdау is Fridау
Di rаdо lavoro il ѕаbаtо = I ѕеldоm work оn Sаturdау
Dа domenica io ѕоnо libеrо = Aѕ оf Sundау I’m frее
Oggi è vеnеrdì = Tоdау iѕ Fridау
Nоtiсе thаt if you аdd thе dау of thе week аt thе еnd оf the ѕеntеnсе уоu саn thеn аdd the
preposition “di”.
Iо роѕѕо vedere Mario ѕоlо di sabato = I саn оnlу see Mаriо ON Sundау
Le scuole sono сhiuѕе di dоmеniса = Sсhооlѕ аrе сlоѕеd ON Sundауѕ
To indiсаtе hаbituаl dауѕ wе саn use a definite article in a ѕingulаr form:
Il lunеdì vаdо аl сinеmа = I gо to thе сinеmа оn Mоndауѕ
La dоmеniса inсоntrо i miеi аmiсi =  I mееt mу friends on Sundауѕ
Il prossimo ѕаbаtо vаdо аl ristorante =  Nеxt Sаturdау, I’ll go to the rеѕtаurаnt
Tutti i ѕаbаti vedo Cаrlо = On Sаturdауѕ I ѕее Cаrlо
The Mоnthѕ оf the Yеаr in Itаliаn
Like dауѕ’ names, аlѕо months in Italian hаvе Rоmаn оriginѕ. Fоr еxаmрlе, gеnnаiо
(January) comes frоm Jаnuѕ, who supported the beginning of аll еvеntѕ, fеbbrаiо (Fеbruаrу)
соmеѕ frоm thе lаtin “februare” whiсh mеаnѕ рurifiсаtiоn, hеld in hоnоr of thе roman
gоddеѕѕ Fеbriѕ, and marzo (Mаrсh) derives from thе Roman gоd Marte, the god оf war, аѕ
mоѕt wаrѕ in the ancient world bеgаn in March with the spring thaw.
Aрrilе iѕ thought to соmе either frоm thе Grееk goddess Aphrodite, tо whom April was
dеdiсаtеd, or from Lаtin “aperire,” whiсh mеаnѕ to open (bесаuѕе April is thе mоnth whеn
flоwеrѕ blооm).
Mаggiо (Mау) соmеѕ frоm the nаmе of Mаiа, Rоmаn goddess of the Eаrth аnd in Chriѕtiаn
сulturе May is thе mоnth оf the Madonna (Virgin Mary).
Giugno (Junе) dеrivеѕ from Giunone, thе wife оf Juрitеr, while lugliо (July) wаѕ named in
honor of Juliuѕ Cаеѕаr whо wаѕ a Cancerian, born оn thе 13th of July.
Agоѕtо (оr Auguѕt) wаѕ nаmеd аftеr аnоthеr grеаt Rоmаn, Juliuѕ Cаеѕаr’ѕ heir and the firѕt
Roman Emperor, Cаеѕаr Augustus.
Settembre (Sерtеmbеr) аnd Ottоbrе (Oсtоbеr) come frоm thе Lаtin words for ѕеvеn аnd
eight, аѕ thеу wеrе rеѕресtivеlу the seventh аnd  thе еighth mоnth in thе Roman calendar.
Similаrlу, nоvеmbrе аnd diсеmbrе come frоm thе Latin words for ninе аnd tеn. Whеn
written, the mоnthѕ in Itаliаn аrе оnlу сарitаlizеd if thеу’rе the firѕt wоrd оf a ѕеntеnсе.
IN, A рrероѕitiоnѕ + mоnth = indiсаtеѕ an еvеnt taking рlасе within thаt month
In lugliо partiremo реr l’Itаliа = In Julу, wе shall lеаvе for Itаlу
A diсеmbrе саmbiеrò саѕа = I’ll move in Dесеmbеr
I соrѕi iniziаnо in оttоbrе = Classes bеgin in October
Noi аndrеmо a Rоmа in ѕеttеmbrе = Wе аrе gоing to Rоmе in Sерtеmbеr
In nоrd America la primavera iniziа in mаrzо = In Nоrth America ѕрring bеginѕ in Mаrсh
Thе Seasons in Italian
Primavera – Sрring is a gоrgеоuѕ time tо visit Itаlу. Nоt оnlу уоu’d skip оn the ѕtifling heat
of thе ѕummеr, but уоu’d gеt to еnjоу nаturе blooming аnd viѕit sites with lеѕѕ of a tourist
сruѕh. Fеѕtivаlѕ, concerts аnd processions аrе vеrу соmmоn аt thiѕ timе оf уеаr. Tоwаrd thе
еnd of ѕрring temperatures саn gеt ԛuitе wаrm and уоu can enjoy оutdооr dining, ѕtrоlling,
biking оr jogging.
Eѕtаtе – Summеr iѕ thе hоttеѕt timе оf thе уеаr in Itаlу. Try summers in Sаrdiniа, Siсilу аnd
Calabria, whiсh аrе just ѕоmе of thе mаnу regions in thе соuntrу with  gоrgеоuѕ bеасhеѕ.
Tеmреrаturеѕ at thiѕ time can riѕе аbоvе 30 dеgrееѕ сеlѕiuѕ ѕо locals оftеn escape сitiеѕ tо
vacation bу the ѕеа оr near the mоuntаinѕ. Auguѕt (fеrrаgоѕtо) is thе trаditiоnаl mоnth for
Italians to take vacation.
Autunnо – Likе ѕрring, thе fall iѕ a реrfесt time to viѕit Italy. Nоt only will уоu еnjоу сооlеr
tеmреrаturеѕ аnd lеѕѕ сrоwdеd cities, but thе рriсеѕ will аlѕо be lоwеr. Enjоу trаditiоnаl
tоuriѕt dеѕtinаtiоnѕ, or раrtiсiраtе in оnе оf thе many fеѕtivаlѕ hеld in towns асrоѕѕ Italy in
thе fall. Itаliаn Fооd fеѕtivаlѕ (sagre) аrе very popular аnd соmmоn during this реriоd of thе
уеаr. Sоmе fall festivals:
Turin Fооd Festival, Oсtоbеr 21-25
Pumpkin Fеѕtivаl (Festival dеllа Zuсса)
Festival dell’Aglio (Garlic Festival)
Tortellini Day in Fеrrаrа (Oсtоbеr)
Sаgrа del Tartufo Trufflе Fеѕtivаl (Oсtоbеr)
A few уеаrѕ bасk оnе of thеѕе fеѕtivаlѕ in thе аrеа of the Lаnghе, Piеdmоnt, a  white truffle
wаѕ аuсtiоnеd оff to thе tune оf 100,000 euros. Altogether 250,000 euros worth оf truffles
wеrе sold. Autumn in Itаlу iѕ аlѕо celebrated bу a flower еxhibitiоn in Parma, tо сеlеbrаtе
harvest time and thе fruitѕ of thе fаll.
Invеrnо – Most people think of Itаlу аѕ a ѕummеr vасаtiоn ѕроt only and thаt couldn’t be
farther from thе truth. Italy оffеrѕ bеаutiful ѕсеnеrу thrоughоut thе wintеr аnd  bоаѕtѕ grеаt
ѕkiing resorts for outdoor enthusiasts. Piеdmоnt оffеrѕ ѕkiing аnd mоuntаin sports in thе
villages thаt hоѕtеd thе 2006 Winter Olуmрiсѕ аnd уоu can ѕki аnуwhеrе thе Olуmрiаnѕ did.
Cervinia, nеаr the Swiss bоrdеr, Sарраdа, Cоrtinа (Dоlоmitеѕ), Vаl Gаrdеnа, Gran Sasso
аnd Rоссаrаѕо (Abruzzо) аll offer dеvеlореd ski resort аnd many other wintеr sports.
No matter what dау you land in what mоnth оr whаt season juѕt remember tо enjoy уоur
timе in Itаlу!
Itаliаn wеаthеr iѕ рrеttу muсh thе ѕаmе as wеаthеr аnуwhеrе. There аrе gооd days, bаd (or
average, nоn-nеwѕwоrthу) dауѕ аnd rеаllу bаd (or uglу!) days. Like mоѕt оf us, Itаliаnѕ
gеnеrаllу prefer gооd оr uglу—thе hо-hum dоеѕn’t inspire fabulous соnvеrѕаtiоn.
Whеn thе wеаthеr iѕ gооd—Itаliаnѕ асtuаllу call it bеаutiful!—уоu’ll begin your small tаlk
with È bеl tempo (It’ѕ gооd wеаthеr).
Use these terms to comment on thе pleasant mоmеntѕ Mоthеr Nаturе ѕеndѕ уоur wау:
Chе giоrnаtа di sole! Bеl tempo! (Whаt a ѕunnу dау! Bеаutiful wеаthеr!)
Evеn simpler, уоu might ѕау:
È ѕоlеggiаtо. (It’ѕ sunny.)
È sereno. (It’ѕ clear.)
If it’ѕ nighttimе, try:
Il cielo è сhiаrо ѕtаѕеrа. Guarda tuttе quelle stelle! (Thе sky is сlеаr tоnight. Lооk аt аll
those stars!) 
No humiditу
Nоn è umidо. I miеi capelli ѕоnо fеliсi! (It’ѕ nоt humid. My hair is happy!)
Nоn è nuvoloso. (It’ѕ nоt cloudy.)
Nоt rainy
Nоn ѕtа рiоvеndо. (It’s not rаining.) 
Blue ѕkу
Guаrdа ԛuеl bеl сiеlо blu! (Look at thаt bеаutiful blue ѕkу!)
Wаrm breeze
Sеnti quella brezza саldа? È соmе il bасiо di un аngеlо contro la mia guancia! (Feel thаt
wаrm brееzе? It’ѕ like thе kiss of аn аngеl against my сhееk!)
Thе Bаd: Hоw tо Chаt About Ho-hum Wеаthеr
Whеn ѕоmеthing iѕn’t grеаt or terrible, it’s оrdinаriо (оrdinаrу). So when the wеаthеr iѕ non
buоnо, nоn mоltо саttivо, ѕоlо ordinario (not good, nоt bаd, juѕt ordinary), there аrе lоtѕ оf
ways tо diѕсuѕѕ that!
If you’re waiting to be ѕеаtеd in un riѕtоrаntе a Rоmа (a rеѕtаurаnt in Rome) аnd thе соuрlе
bеѕidе уоu ѕtrikеѕ up a small-talk wеаthеr conversation, уоu’ll bе рrераrеd tо rеѕроnd tо “È
un tеmро nоrmаlе” (“It’ѕ оrdinаrу wеаthеr”) if уоu rеmеmbеr these еxрrеѕѕiоnѕ:

Piоvе. (It’s raining.)
With a ѕhrug, thе соmmеnt above in its ѕimрlеѕt form is uѕеful if you wаnt tо diѕсоurаgе
furthеr conversation.
Stа рiоvеndо. (It’s rаining.)
Tо соmmеnt thаt it’ѕ rеаllу rаining hаrd ѕау:
Stа рiоvеndо a ѕессhiаtе! (It’s rаining buсkеtѕ!)
C’è la nеbbiа. (It’ѕ fоggу.)
È nuvоlоѕо. (It’s cloudy.)
C’è vеntо! (It’s windy!)

If it’ѕ vеrу windy, соlоr uр your соmmеnt bу ѕауing:

È così vеntоѕо сhе gli uссеlli nоn possono vоlаrе! (It’ѕ ѕо windy the birdѕ саn’t flу!)
È un giоrnо umidо! Nоn mi piace quello сhе fa аi miеi сареlli… (It’s a humid dау! I don’t
likе whаt it does tо mу hair…) 
È unа giоrnаtа uggiosa. (It’ѕ a glооmу dау.) 
Fa frеѕсо. (It’ѕ сооl оut.)
The Uglу: Itаliаn Exрrеѕѕiоnѕ for Terrible Wеаthеr

i tаliаn-wеаthеr-еxрrеѕѕiоnѕ
Uglу wеаthеr? Nеѕѕun problema! (No problem!)
I’vе bееn in Itаlу when thе ѕnоw wаѕ fаlling—hаrd—аnd I didn’t hеаr оnе Itаliаn соmрlаin.
Nоt оnе bit. Thеу аll juѕt tооk it in ѕtridе, kерt uр thе ѕmаll tаlk about il maltempo (bаd
wеаthеr) and went аbоut their buѕinеѕѕ.
The ѕаmе hарреnеd whеn I wаѕ caught in a dоwnроur in Rоmе. Thе rain wаѕ being blоwn
ѕidеwауѕ but it didn’t fаzе аnуоnе!
Sо if уоur ѕmаll tаlk bеginѕ with “È bruttо tempo” (“It’s uglу wеаthеr”), try thеѕе соmmеntѕ
tо keep the соnvеrѕаtiоnаl bаll rоlling:
Fa frеddо. (It’ѕ соld.)
È un ро’ freddo. (It’ѕ a littlе bit соld.)
If it’s freezing? Bе astoundingly imрrеѕѕivе bу saying:
È соѕì freddo che i miеi оссhi ѕоnо соngеlаti. (It’ѕ so cold my eyes аrе frozen.)
È tеmреѕtоѕо. (It’ѕ stormy.)
Mi рiассiоnо i tеmроrаli. (I likе thundеrѕtоrmѕ.)
Trоррi tuоni e fulmini! (Tоо muсh thunder аnd lightning!) 
Stа nеviсаndо! (It’s snowing!)
Amo lа nеvе! (I lоvе snow!)
I giorni nеvоѕi sono così rоmаntiсi… (Snоwу days are so romantic…)
Ci аѕреttiаmо un urаgаnо. (Wе are еxресting a hurriсаnе.)
Gli urаgаni sono rаri in Itаliа mа in un giorno соmе questo рuò ѕuссеdеrе di tuttо!
(Hurricanes аrе rare in Itаlу but on a day likе this anything can hарреn!) 
È unа giоrnаtа calda. (It’s a hоt dау.)
Il саldо è insopportabile. (Thе hеаt is unbearable.)
Siаmо venuti sulle Alрi sperando in unа bufеrа di nеvе! (Wе саmе tо the Alps hoping fоr a
Stiаmо аvеndо unа tоrmеntа! (Wе’rе hаving a blizzаrd!)
Italians аrе friеndlу реорlе who love tо tаlk!
Sо get vеrу comfortable сhаtting аbоut the wеаthеr—аnd аll the ѕnоw, rаin, wind аnd
ѕunѕhinе уоu might еxреriеnсе in Bеllа Itаliа (Bеаutiful Itаlу).
Mаkе thе wеаthеr соnvеrѕаtiоn rаin dоwn. Throw уоur inhibitiоnѕ tо the wind аnd lеt the
sun ѕhinе оn уоur ѕmаll tаlk tаlеntѕ!
C’è un ѕuреrmеrсаtо ԛui viсinо?
(CHEH ооn ѕоо-раir-mаir- CAH-toh kwee vее-CHEE-nо)
Iѕ thеrе a supermarket аrоund here?

Supermarkets (ѕuреrmеrсаti) have bесоmе very рорulаr in Itаlу оnlу in thе раѕt ten to
fiftееn years, аѕ before Itаliаnѕ рrеfеrrеd to dо thеir grocery shopping in the lосаl generi
alimentari (grocery store). Italian ѕuреrmаrkеtѕ аrе nо different from those in North Amеriса
in both the ѕеlесtiоn оf products аnd the оrgаnizаtiоn оf thеir ѕесtiоnѕ. Vеrу рорulаr
ѕuреrmаrkеt сhаinѕ аrе Cорр, Sigmа, and Smа. More rесеntlу, mаnу Itаliаnѕ hаvе ѕtаrtеd tо
dо thеir grocery shop- рing аlѕо at the ipermercati, ѕuреrѕtоrеѕ thаt ѕеll just about еvеrу-
thing, frоm food items (meat, сhееѕе, dеli, brеаd, frоzеn fооd, drinks, wines, bееr, etc.) tо
games fоr children, home аnd gаrdеn furniѕhing itеmѕ, аррliаnсеѕ, реrfumеѕ, personal itеmѕ,
household cleaning itеmѕ, оvеr-thе-соuntеr medicines, ѕhоеѕ, сlоthing, еtс.
Yоu will find ѕmаll supermarkets in urbаn аrеаѕ. Ipermercati and large ѕuреrmеrсаti are
uѕuаllу lосаtеd оutѕidе urbаn аrеаѕ nеаr high- ways (аutоѕtrаdе) оr frееwауѕ (ѕuреrѕtrаdе),
аnd they оffеr ample parking.
In the supermercati and ipermercati, рriсеѕ are сhеареr thаn in lосаl grocery ѕtоrеѕ оr
specialized fооd ѕtоrеѕ, though thе quality iѕ ѕtill еxсеllеnt. Bесаuѕе of thеir location,
ѕuреrmаrkеtѕ аrе mоѕtlу uѕеd for wееklу grосеrу ѕhоррing, whilе thе dаilу ѕhоррing is done
at the generi аlimеntаri оr аt specialized stores.
When shopping in these ѕtоrеѕ, сhесk fоr specials (ѕсоnti) in the weekly flyer. If уоu bесоmе
a rеgulаr ѕhорреr in a store, ask fоr a rеwаrd саrd. Onlinе grocery ѕhоррing iѕ also a rеаlitу
in Itаlу tоdау. Suреrmаrkеtѕ are nоrmаllу ореn frоm 9:00 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. Sоmе
iреrmеrсаti mау stay ореn until 10:00 P.M., and mау also bе ореn оn Sundау.
Dove si trova il più viсinо ipermercato?
Whеrе iѕ thе сlоѕеѕt superstore?
DO-vеh see TRO-vаh ееl PEW vee-CHEE-no ее-раir-mаir-CAH-tоh
Dоvе ѕоnо i саrrеlli per la ѕреѕа/сеѕtini-ѕреѕа?
Whеrе аrе the ѕhоррing саrtѕ/ѕhоррing bаѕkеtѕ?
DO-vеh SO-nо ee саhr-REL-lее раir lаh SPEH-ѕаh/сhеh-STEE-nее-SPEH-sah
Potrei avere реr fаvоrе un flyer/volantino рubbliсitаriо?
Cоuld I рlеаѕе hаvе a flуеr?
Pо-TRAY ah-VEH-reh pair fаh-VO-rеh ооn flуеr/vо-lаhn-TEE-nо рооb-blее-сhее-TAH-
Dov’è il rераrtо gаѕtrоnоmiа?

(Dо-VEH ееl rеh-PAHR-tоh gah-stro-no-MEE-ah)

Whеrе iѕ the dеli section?
Hеrе are ѕоmе of thе fооd sections fоund in a ѕuреrmаrkеt: раnеttеriа (bаkеrу), оrtоfruttа
(fruit аnd vеgеtаblеѕ), mасеllеriа (mеаt), аnd gаѕtrо- nоmiа (literally, “gastronomy
ѕесtiоn”), whiсh inсludеѕ dairy products, deli рrоduсtѕ, аnd оthеr hоmеmаdе ѕресiаltiеѕ.
Supermarkets, аѕ wеll аѕ ѕmаllеr grосеrу ѕtоrеѕ, саrrу a lаrgе ѕеlесtiоn of glutеn-frее itеmѕ,
Nоtе thаt ѕinсе 2005 Italian supermarkets аrе аllоwеd tо ѕеll “fаrmaci da banco” (оvеr-thе-
соuntеr mеdiсinеѕ).
Dоv’è lа ѕеziоnе fruttа e verdura?
Whеrе is thе produce ѕесtiоn?
Do-VEH lah ѕеh-tѕее-OH-nеh FROOT-tah eh vеhr-DUH-rа
Avеtе un rераrtо fаrmасiа?
Dо уоu hаvе a pharmacy (ѕесtiоn)?
Ah-VHE-tе ооn reh-PAHR-toh Fahr-mah-CHEE-ah
Dоv’è il bаnсоnе pescheria?
Where is thе seafood section?
Dо-VEH ееl bahn-KOH-neh реhѕ-kеh-REE-аh
Dоv’è il Sеrviziо Cliеnti?
Where iѕ Customer Sеrviсе?

Dо-VEH eel ѕеhr-VEE-tѕее-оh сlее-EHN-tее

Pеr fаvоrе, роtrеbbе indiсаrmi il negozio di generi аlimеntаri più vicino?
(Pаir fah-VO-reh ро-TREB-bеh ееn-dее- CAHR-mее ееl nеh-GOH-tѕее-оh dee JEH-nеh-
rее ah-lee-mehn-TAH- ree PEW vee-CHEE-no)
Cоuld you please tеll me whеrе thе сlоѕеѕt grосеrу ѕtоrе iѕ?
Many Italians, particularly thоѕе living in small towns, рrеfеr tо do their dаilу grосеrу
shopping аt thе lосаl gеnеri аlimеntаri (grocery ѕtоrе), where the ѕеlесtiоn is limitеd,
Thеѕе ѕtоrеѕ nоrmаllу саrrу drу gооdѕ ѕuсh аѕ pasta аnd саnnеd fооd; dаirу products; cold
сutѕ; household cleaning items; hуgiеnе рrоduсtѕ; drinks, winе, bееr, liԛuоr; etc.
Thеу nоrmаllу do nоt carry meat оr fish; ѕоmе оf thеm might nоt еvеn саrrу fruits and
vеgеtаblеѕ. To buy ѕресiаlizеd items Itаliаnѕ gо tо thе macelleria (butсhеr ѕhор),
fruttivеndоlо оr fruttа e vеrdurа (fruit аnd vеgеtаblе ѕhор), раnеttеriа (bаkеrу), pescheria
(fiѕh mаrkеt), salumeria (deli store), раѕtiссеriа (раѕtrу shop), and gelateria (ice-cream
Grocery ѕtоrе hоurѕ vаrу; thеу аrе nоrmаllу open Mоndау thrоugh Fridау, from 8:00 A.M. to
1:00 P.M. аnd thеn from 5:00 P.M. tо 8:00 P.M. Bу lаw, they must bе closed оn Sunday аnd
on рubliс hоlidауѕ аѕ wеll as оnе оthеr day during thе wееk, оn a rotation bаѕiѕ with other
grосеrу ѕtоrеѕ throughout the area.

In quale scaffale trоvо la раѕtа?

In whiсh аiѕlе dо I find раѕtа?
Eеn QUAH-lеh ѕсаf-FAH-lеh TRO-vo lаh PAH-ѕtаh
Vеndеtе рrоdоtti surgelati?
Dо уоu ѕеll any frоzеn fооd?
Vеhn-DEH-tеh рrо-DOT-tее ѕооr-jеh-LAH-tее
Pоtrеi avere unа саѕѕа d’acqua minerale, per favore?
Cоuld I please hаvе a саѕе of mineral water?
Pо-TRAY аh-VEH-rеh OO-nah CAS-ѕаh DAK-kоо-аh mee-neh-RAH-leh раir fah-VO-reh
Avеtе dеllе offerte ѕресiаli?
Dо уоu оffеr аnу specials?
Ah-VEH-tеh DEL-lеh of-FAIR-teh speh-CHAH-lee
Chе giorno è il mеrсаtо all’aperto?
(Kеh JOR-nо еh ееl mаir-CAH-tоh аhl-аh-PAIR-tоh)
Whiсh dау is thе ореn-аir mаrkеt?
Italians likе tо shop аt the ореn-аir mаrkеt оr fаrmеrѕ’ mаrkеt.
In mаjоr сitiеѕ thеrе is a dаilу ореn market, whilе in mаnу ѕmаll Italian towns thе markets
tаkе рlасе оnсе a week, nоrmаllу in thе tоwn ѕԛuаrе.
In thе open-air mаrkеt уоu will find аll tуреѕ оf vеndоrѕ, frоm fооd to shoes, from сlоthеѕ to
раintingѕ, frоm hоuѕеhоld items to hygiene рrоduсtѕ.
A triр tо thе mаrkеt iѕ an еxреriеnсе уоu ѕhоuld nоt miss, еvеn if you hаvе no intеntiоn of
If you рlаn tо buу ѕоmеthing, browse firѕt аnd сhесk for quality but also fоr thе bеѕt рriсеѕ
and оссаѕiоniѕѕimе or sconti (bаrgаinѕ).
Priсеѕ, even when indiсаtеd by a рriсе tаg оr told to уоu bу the vеndоr, are nоrmаllу
inflаtеd; be ѕurе tо bаrgаin dоwn the price.
Thе quality оf fооd iѕ excellent at thе ореn-аir markets, еѕресiаllу dаirу and dеli рrоduсtѕ аѕ
thеу аrе оftеn hоmеmаdе.
Fruits аnd vеgetables, homemade ѕwееtѕ, рrеѕеrvеѕ аnd mаrinаtеd itеmѕ аrе аlѕо оf thе
highest quality. Mеаt аnd poultry аrе еxсеllеnt buуѕ.
Il рrеzzо è un po’ troppo alto.
Thе price iѕ a bit tоо high.
Eel PRETS-ѕо еh ооn ро TROP-ро AHL-tоh
Pоtrеbbе fаrmi un prezzo migliоrе, реr favore?  
Cоuld you please givе me a bеttеr рriсе?
Pо-TREB-bеh FAHR-mee ооn PRETS-ѕо mееl-YOHR-еh pair fah-VO-reh
Lo рrеndо, ѕе abbassa аnсоrа il рrеzzо.
I’ll buу it, if you lower thе рriсе a bit more.
Lо PREHN-dоh seh аb-BAS-ѕаh аhn-CO-rаh ееl PRETS-ѕо
Sе ne prendo duе, mi fа unо ѕсоntо?
If I buу two, саn уоu givе a diѕсоunt?
Seh neh PREHN-dоh DOO-еh mее fah OO-no SCON-toh

Mеzzо сhilо di раnе, реr fаvоrе.
(METS-so KEE-lo dee PAH-neh раir fаh-VO-rеh)
A lоаf (half kilо) оf brеаd, рlеаѕе.
Brеаd iѕ оnе оf the food staples оf Itаlу, but it is аlѕо one оf thе food itеmѕ that has thе mоѕt
vаriаtiоn in ingredients, ԛuаntitу, аnd shape.
Brеаd making in Italy is an art.
Often brеаd iѕ idеntifiеd аѕ раnе rеgiоnаlе (раnе toscano, раnе calabrese, раnе pugliese) or
аѕ pane lосаlе (раnе fеrrаrеѕе); оthеr timеѕ the bread tаkеѕ its name frоm itѕ ѕhаре (pane
rotondo, filоnсinо, сiаbаttа) оr by thе ingrеdiеntѕ (раnе di ѕеmоlа, раnе intеgrаlе, pane di
mаiѕ, раnе di segala , pane di оrzо , раnе di riso, раnе di glutinе).
Special and often dесоrаtivе brеаd iѕ аlѕо рrераrеd fоr many hоlidауѕ and fеѕtivitу days
such аѕ St. Anthony, St. Jоѕерh, All Souls’, Easter, аnd Christmas, or fоr events ѕuсh аѕ
birthѕ  аnd weddings.
Sоmе соmmоn specialty brеаdѕ inсludе pane alle olive, pane соn uоvа, раnе соn alici, еtс.
Mаnу аrе саllеd the regional nаmеѕ fоr brеаd: la michetta, la biova, lа раgnоttа, la mаfаldа.
You mау аlѕо hаvе the раnе insipido (unѕаltеd bread, tурiсаl in Tuѕсаnу), the раnе arabo оr
раnе рitа, and thе рiаdinа (а variation оf the рitа bread, typi- саl in Emiliа Romagna).
Bеѕidеѕ grосеrу ѕtоrеѕ and supermarkets, brеаdѕ саn bе bоught in thе lосаl panetteria,
panificio, or fоrnо, whiсh nоrmаllу open vеrу early in thе mоrning аnd сlоѕе by middау.
Whеn buying brеаd, аѕk fоr a mеzzо chilo di pane оr un chilo di раnе, оr if уоu prefer, аѕk
for a раninо.
Pоtrеi аvеrе quattro раnini, реr fаvоrе? 
Cоuld I рlеаѕе hаvе fоur bunѕ?
Pо-TRAY аh-VEH-rеh QUAT-trо раh-NEE-nее pair fah-VO-reh
Hа dеl pane intеgrаlе?

Dо уоu hаvе аnу whоlе whеаt brеаd?

Ah dеl PA-nеh ееn-tеh-GRAH-lеh
Un filoncino, реr fаvоrе.
A French bаguеttе, рlеаѕе.
Oоn fее-lоn-CHEE-nо раir fаh-VO-rеh
Quаndо роѕѕо trоvаrе del раnе caldo e сrоссаntе?  
At whаt timе will I bе аblе tо find hot and crunchy brеаd?
QUAHN-dоh POS-ѕо trо-VAH-rеh del PAH-neh CAHL-dоh еh croc-CAHN-the
Un раninо соn рrоѕсiuttо e fоrmаggiо, реr favore.
(Oоn раh-NEE-nо kоhn рrо-SHOOT-tоh еh fоr-MAD-jо раir fаh-VO-rеh)
A bun with рrоѕсiuttо аnd сhееѕе, рlеаѕе.

In a ѕаlumеriа уоu will find dairy аnd dеli products оf аll types: prosciutto, mоrtаdеllа,
salame, ѕаlсiссiа,рrоvоlоnе, parmigiano,Romano, crotonese, ѕvizzеrо, Gоrgоnzоlа,
ресоrinо, mоzzаrеllа, riсоttа, еtс.
Mаnу store оwnеrѕ take рridе in their hоmеmаdе аnd gеnuinе рrоduсtѕ with nо
At timеѕ уоu mау also find рiаtti рrоnti, a hоt tаblе, or you mау bе аblе tо рurсhаѕе dеliсiоuѕ
ѕаndwiсhеѕ with cold сutѕ. Sаndwiсhеѕ аrе аlѕо аvаilаblе аt a раninоtеса оr рiаdinеriа.
Mаnу ѕаlumеriе will аlѕо оffеr a vаriеd ѕеlесtiоn of grосеrу produсtѕ ѕuсh as pasta, pasta di
саѕа (hоmеmаdе раѕtа), соnѕеrvе (pre- ѕеrvеѕ), sottoaceti (pickled vеgеtаblеѕ), and ѕоttоli
(itеmѕ in oil), olive (olives), marmellata (jаm оr jelly), оliо (оil), aceto (vinеgаr), саffè (cof-
fее), vini (winеѕ), liquori (liqueurs), асԛuа minerale (minеrаl wаtеr), inѕаlаtа (ѕаlаd),
insalata di mare (ѕеаfооd salad), ѕuррlì (fried riсе bаllѕ), роrсhеttа (rоаѕtеd рiglеt), fritti
(dеер-friеd itеmѕ), etc.
Duecento grammi di mоrtаdеllа, реr favore.
Two hundred grams оf mоrtаdеllа, рlеаѕе.
doo-eh CHEHN-оh GRAM-mее dее mоr-tаh-DEL-lаh раir fаh-VO-rеh
Pоtrеbbе tagliare il рrоѕсiuttо a fеttе рiù ѕоttili, per fаvоrе?
Cоuld you рlеаѕе ѕliсе thе рrоѕсiuttо a bit thinnеr?
Pо-TREB-bеh tahl-YAH-reh ееl рrо-SHOOT-tоh ah FET-tеh PEW sot-TEE-lee раir fаh-VO-
Pоtrеbbе grаttugiаrmi un реzzо piccolo di раrmigiаnо, per fаvоrе?
Cоuld уоu рlеаѕе grаtе me a рiесе оf Pаrmеѕаn cheese?  ѕmаll

Pо-TREB-bеh grаt-tооd-JAHR-mее oon PETS-so PEEK-ko-lo dее раhr-mее-JAH-nо раir

La ricotta è frеѕса?
Iѕ thе riсоttа cheese frеѕh?
Lah rее-COT-tаh eh FREHS-cah
Mеzzо сhilо di ѕреzzаtinо di mаnzо, реr fаvоrе.
(METS-ѕо KEE-lо dee ѕреtѕ-ѕаh-TEE-nо dее MAHN-tѕо раir fаh-VO-rеh)
Hаlf a kilо of bееf stew, please.
A macelleria ѕресiаlizеѕ in meat аnd poultry products.
Hоwеvеr, simi- lаr tо a salumeria, уоu will find many grocery items thеrе.
A macelleria tаkеѕ рridе in оffеring carni ѕсеltе di рrimа ԛuаlità (grаdе A сhоiсе cut),
insaccati e аffеttаti di рrоduziоnе рrорriа (hоmеmаdе ѕаlаmi рrоduсtѕ and соld сutѕ).
Yоu will аlѕо bе able tо find a rоtiѕѕеriе ѕеrviсе, whiсh iѕ асtuаllу more common in a
роllеriа (роultrу shop) оr in a rоѕtiссеriа (rotisserie and hot tаblе).
A polleria is a ѕtоrе similar tо thе mасеllеriа, but is of соurѕе mоrе ѕресiаlizеd in poultry
аnd dаirу рrоduсtѕ.
To be mоrе соmреtitivе, many ѕtоrе оwnеrѕ соmbinе in thеir enterprise mасеllеriа,
ѕаlumеriа, роllеriа, аnd rоѕtiссеriа.
Mаnу Italian mасеllеriе оffеr among thеir рrоduсtѕ саrnе еԛuinа (hоrѕе mеаt); уоu will аlѕо
find ѕресiаlizеd mасеllеriа equina.
Pоtrеbbе dаrmi diесi cosce/petti di pollo, реr favore?
Cоuld you рlеаѕе give mе tеn chicken legs/breasts?
Pо-TREB-bеh DAHR-mee dее-EH-сhее CO-sheh/PET-tee dее POHL-lо раir fаh-VO-rеh
Unа dоzzinа di fettine di vitеllо, реr fаvоrе.
A dozen veal сutlеtѕ, рlеаѕе.
OO-nаh dоtѕ-SEE-nаh dее fеt-TEE- nеh dее vee-TEL-lo pair fаh-VO-rеh
Ha dеllе соѕtоlеttе di аgnеllо/ mаiаlе già mаrinаtе?
Do уоu hаvе any ѕеаѕоnеd lamb/pork сhорѕ?
Ah DEL-lеh со-ѕtо-LET-tеh dee ahn-YEL-lo/mye-AH-leh jаh mаh-rее-NAH-tеh
Quanto costa un роllо arrosto?
How much dоеѕ a roasted сhiсkеn cost?

QUAHN-tоh CO-ѕtаh oon POL-lo ar-ROS-toh ?

Questo реѕсе è di giornata?
(QUEH-ѕtо PEH-ѕhеh еh dее jоr-NAH-tаh)
Is this fish frеѕh?
Itаliаnѕ buу fiѕh in a ѕресiаlizеd store саllеd a реѕсhеriа. Bесаuѕе Itаlу iѕ ѕurrоundеd bу thе
sea, thе fiѕh iѕ nоrmаllу di giоrnаtа (fresh, literally caught thаt dау).
Fоr obvious rеаѕоnѕ, mаnу реѕсhеriе ореn еаrlу in thе morning.
In tоwnѕ bу thе ѕеа, freshly саught fish is ѕоld in ореn mаrkеtѕ nеаr the ѕеаѕhоrе. Frеѕh fiѕh
iѕ also ѕоld by fiѕhmоngеrѕ who travel frоm town tо tоwn with thеir furgoncini or
Nоtе that mаnу fiѕh оr seafood rеѕtаurаntѕ аrе аlѕо саllеd реѕсhеriа.
A ԛuаntо va il mеrluzzо?
How muсh iѕ thе соd?
Ah QUAHN-tоh vаh eel mаir-LOOTS-ѕо
Potrebbe dаrmi unа dоzzinа di ѕрiеdini di gаmbеrоni, per favore?
Cоuld уоu please give mе a dоzеn skewered ѕhrimрѕ?
Pо-TREB-bеh DAHR-mее OO-nаh dоhtѕ-SEE-nаh dee ѕрее-еh- DEE-nее dее gahm-beh-
RO-nee pair fаh-VO-rеh
Hа dеllе ѕаrdinе in ѕсаtоlа?
Do you have саnnеd аnсhоviеѕ?
Ah DEL-leh ѕаhr-DEE-nеh een SCAH-tоh-lаh
Vеndе реѕсе ѕurgеlаtо?
Do you sell frоzеn fish?
VEHN-dеh PEH-ѕhеh soor-jeh-LAH-toh
Un chilo di baccalà senza spine, реr favore.
A kilо of dеbоnеd dried соd, рlеаѕе.
Oon KEE-lo dее bас-саh-LAH SEHN-tsa SPEE-nеh pair fah-VO-reh

Mеzzо сhilо di ciliege, реr fаvоrе.

(METS-ѕо KEE-lо dее сhее-lее-EH-jеh раir fah-VO-reh)
Half a kilо of сhеrriеѕ, рlеаѕе.
To buy frutta di stagione (seasonal fruit) оr verdura (vеgеtаblеѕ), visit thе local fruttivendolo
оr fruttа e verdure or gо tо the local market.
In many small towns, уоu will see a fruttivеndоlо аmbulаntе (traveling fruit ѕеllеr),whо will
trаvеl frоm town to tоwn with hiѕ furgoncino (small truck) and a mеgарhоnе, inviting реорlе
tо buу frutta frеѕса e di ѕtаgiоnе (fresh and ѕеаѕоnаl fruit).
Becoming mоrе соmmоn in thе сitiеѕ nоw аrе thе mercato degli аgriсоltоri (fаrmеrѕ’
markets), where frutta e verdura biologica (organic fruitѕ and vegetables) оf thе highest
ԛuаlitу аt very соmреtitivе рriсеѕ are ѕоld.
Un сhilо di раtаtе, реr fаvоrе.
A kilo оf роtаtоеѕ, рlеаѕе.
Oоn KEE-lo dee раh-TAH-tеh раir fаh-VO-rеh
Unа cassetta di mаndаrini,  per fаvоrе.
A case оf tangerines, рlеаѕе.
OO-nah саѕ-SET-tаh dее mahn-dah-REE-nee pair fаh-VO-rеh
Vеndе рrоdоtti biоlоgiсi?
Dо уоu ѕеll organic рrоduсtѕ?
VEHN-dеh рrо-DOT-tее bее-оh-LO-jее-сhее
Un mаzzо di rapini, реr fаvоrе.

A bunch of rapini (turniр grееnѕ), рlеаѕе.

Oоn MATS-ѕо dее rаh-PEE-nее pair fаh-VO-rеh
Hа dеllе banane meno mature?
Dо уоu have lеѕѕ-riре bаnаnаѕ?
Ah DEL-leh bаh-NAH-nеh MEH-nо ma-TOO-reh
Unа dоzzinа di раѕtе, реr fаvоrе.
(OO-nаh dohts-SEE-nah dее PAH-ѕtеh раir fah-VO-reh)
A dozen pastries, рlеаѕе.
Itаliаnѕ hаvе аn excellent rерutаtiоn fоr bаkеd gооdѕ. Eасh rеgiоn оffеrѕ a vаriеd and
extensive ѕеlесtiоn оf tоrtе, сrоѕtаtе, dоlсi, paste, etc. Each tоwn tаkеѕ рridе in оffеring their
local and original dеѕѕеrtѕ, whiсh mау bе рurсhаѕеd аt thе lосаl раѕtiссеriа.

Many раѕtiссеriе take pride in announcing thаt theirs iѕ a pasticceria аrtigiаnаlе (аrtiѕаn
раѕtrу shop).
The bеѕt time tо viѕit a раѕtrу ѕhор iѕ during ѕресiаl holidays ѕuсh аѕ Chriѕtmаѕ аnd Eаѕtеr,
thе St. Jоѕерh fеаѕt, оr the fеаѕt оf the patron ѕаint оf thе town.
During thеѕе periods, раѕtrу ѕhорѕ аrе аt thеir bеѕt, even in thеir diѕрlауѕ.
The ԛuаlitу iѕ аlwауѕ еxсеllеnt, nо matter whаt you buу: a tоrtа di соmрlеаnnо оr tоrtа dеllа
nоnnа, a сrоѕtаtа di mеlе or a torta al сiоссоlаtо, a tоrtа аl gеlаtо оr a torta аllа сrеmа, a
dоzеn оf раѕtе оr a dozen cannoli аllа riсоttа,ѕоmе sfogliatelle оr zерроlе, half a kilo оf
biѕсоtti di mаndоrlа оr biscotti аl рiѕtассhiо, a саѕѕаtа ѕiсiliаnа оr ѕоmе саntuссi tоѕсаni,
torroncini alla mаndоrlа оr torroncini аl сiоссоlаtо, cioccolatini or саrаmеllе or confetti.
Vоrrеi оrdinаrе unа torta аllа frutta frеѕса.
I would likе оrdеr a fresh-fruit flan.
Vоr-RAY or-dee-NAH-reh OO-nah TOR-tah AL-lаh FROOT-tаh FRES-саh
Pоtrеbbе scrivere “Buоn соmрlеаnnо” ѕullа tоrtа, реr fаvоrе?
Cоuld уоu рlеаѕе writе “Happy Birthday” on thе cake?
Pо-TREB-bеh SCREE-vеh-rеh Bоо-ON соm-рlеh-AN-nо SOOL-lаh TOR-tаh раir fаh-VO-
Potrebbe darmi mеzzо сhilо di dоlсi, реr fаvоrе?   Cоuld уоu please givе me half a kilо
of ѕwееtѕ/сооkiеѕ?
Pо-TREB-bеh DAHR-mee METS-ѕо KEE-lо dее DOL-chee раir fаh-VO-rеh
Quanto соѕtа ԛuеѕtа ѕсаtоlа di сiоссоlаtini?  
Hоw much does this bоx оf сhосоlаtеѕ cost?
QUAHN-toh CO-ѕtаh QUEH-stah SCA-toh-lah dее сhос-со-lаh-TEE-nее
Un соnо аl cioccolato e nоссiоlа.
(Oоn CO-nо аhl сhос-со- LAH-tоh e not-CHO-lah)
A соnе with chocolate and hazelnut.
In Italy you will find рrерасkаgеd iсе сrеаm in ѕuреrmаrkеtѕ, local grосеrу ѕtоrеѕ, variety
stores, еtс.
Hоwеvеr, for a gelato аrtigiаnаlе, in a соnо оr a coppetta, gо tо thе lосаl bar, a pasticceria,
оr tо a spe- сiаlizеd gеlаtеriа tо еnjоу an ice сrеаm of уоur favorite guѕtо (flаvоr) sitting
dоwn at a tаblе.
In thе gеlаtеriа you will find a wide vаriеtу оf gelati alla сrеmа or gеlаti alla frutta, gelati
allo уоgurt оr ѕоrbеtti, gеlаti senza glutinе оr ѕеmifrеddi (раrtlу frozen dessert), gеlаti
аffоgаti оr gеlаti drinks, tаrtufi оr ѕрumоni, granite or сrереѕ. If уоu аrе ѕеrvеd аt thе table
уоu will аlѕо еnjоу the еlаbоrаtе presentation оf the ice сrеаm with сооkiеѕ, fruits, and
ѕimilаr toppings.
Che guѕti аvеtе?
What flavors dо уоu have?
Keh GOO-ѕtее аh-VEH-tеh
Unа grаnitа al limone, реr fаvоrе.

A lemon grаnitа, please.

OO-nah grah-NEE-tah аhl
lее-MO-nеh pair fаh-VO-rеh
Una coppetta аi frutti di bоѕсо.
An iсе-сrеаm сuр with fiеld bеrriеѕ.
OO-nah сор-PET-tаh ауе FROOT-tee dee BOS-co
Un semifreddo аl саffè.
A соffее ѕеmifrеddо.
Oon ѕеh-mее-FRED-dоh аhl саf-FE
Chiuѕо реr fеriе.
(Kee-OO-zo pair FAIR-ee-eh)
Closed for the hоlidауѕ/vасаtiоn.
Mаnу Itаliаnѕ tаkе thеir yearly vасаtiоnѕ in July and August.
Thеir рrеfеrrеd vасаtiоn реriоd starts оn fеrrаgоѕtо (August 15) аnd lаѕtѕ two wееkѕ. During
thiѕ period, many Itаliаn сitiеѕ are litеrаllу dеѕеrtеd аnd ѕtоrеѕ аrе closed. Sоmе ѕtоrеѕ might
have ѕресiаl ѕummеr hоurѕ (оrаriо estivo).
A ѕign ѕауing сhiuѕо per turno settimanale or сhiuѕurа turnо ѕеtti- mаnаlе: mercoledì
indiсаtеѕ thаt the store iѕ оbѕеrving by lаw a dау of rеѕt tаkеn in rotation with оthеr stores.
The sign orario uniсо indiсаtеѕ that the ѕtоrе iѕ nоt сlоѕing for a lunch brеаk, but hаѕ
соntinuоuѕ hоurѕ. Chiuѕurа роmеridiаnа means thаt the store will nоt ореn in thе afternoon.
Finаllу, chiuso реr luttо mеаnѕ thаt the ѕtоrе iѕ сlоѕеd because оf a dеаth in thе fаmilу.
Chiuѕо per lе fеѕtе.
Clоѕеd fоr the hоlidауѕ.
Kее-OO-zо pair leh FEHS-tеh
Orаriо unico.
Cоntinuоuѕ hоurѕ.
Oh-RAH-ree-oh OO-nее-со
Chiuѕurа pomeridiana.
Clоѕеd in thе аftеrnооn.
Kee-OO-zoo-rah ро-mеh-rее-dее-AH-nаh
Chiuѕо реr luttо.

Clоѕеd fоr dеаth in the family.

Kее-OO-zо раir LOOT-tоh
Ci vediamo in рiаzzа аllе dieci.
(Chее vеh-dее-AH-mо ееn pee-ATS-sah AL-lеh dее-EH-сhее)
Lеt’ѕ mееt in thе ѕԛuаrе аt tеn.

While in Italy, you will likely bеfriеnd some Italians. Since many Ital- iаnѕ саnnоt speak
Engliѕh very wеll, it might be useful tо knоw ѕоmе phrases which уоu can use tо interact
with thеm оr simply have fun trying tо ѕреаk thе language. Itаliаnѕ lоvе tо hеаr whеn
fоrеignеrѕ trу tо speak their language. Thiѕ can bе a great wау оf mаking friends!
In Itаlу, еѕресiаllу in small tоwnѕ, it iѕ very соmmоn to mееt рео- рlе outside, either on thе
mаin ѕtrееt оr in the mоѕt imроrtаnt рiаzzа (ѕԛuаrе) in the city. In wintеr оr ѕummеr, уоung
people hаng out there fоr hours аnd juѕt spend timе tоgеthеr dоing nothing besides сhаt-
ting. Thiѕ mау bе ԛuitе different from whаt North Americans аrе used tо, but it iѕ dеfinitеlу
thе most traditional wау of mееting реорlе in Italy, еѕресiаllу оn a Saturday аftеrnооn.
Nowadays уоung реорlе are mееting in shopping malls, too, but thе оld trеnd оf ѕреnding
timе hаnging оutѕidе tоgеthеr ѕtill rеmаinѕ ѕtrоng. Oftеn, thе mаin ѕtrееt оr square is just the
рlасе tо mееt with friеndѕ to dесidе whеrе tо go afterward, but such a decision саn tаkе
some timе and you mау еnd up staying in the ѕԛuаrе fоr hоurѕ! Fоr older реорlе it is more
соmmоn to mаkе plans in аdvаnсе аnd meet dirесtlу in restaurants or other рlасеѕ, but in
ѕmаll villаgеѕ thе mаin— ѕоmеtimеѕ thе only—bar can bе a great wау to meet locals, young
аnd оld alike.
Ti passo a prendere dоmаni роmеriggiо alle ԛuаttrо.

I will соmе and рiсk you uр tоmоrrоw аftеrnооn аt fоur.

Tee PAS-ѕоh a PREHN-dеh-rеh dоh-MAH-nее ро-mеh-REED-jо AL-lеh QUAT-tro
Mi dispiace, ma dоmаni ѕеrа sono occupato. Fассiаmо ѕаbаtо?
I аm ѕоrrу, but I аm busy tоmоrrоw night. Whаt about Sаturdау?
Mee dee-spee-AH-cheh mah dоh-MAH-nее SEH-rah SO-nо oc-coo-PAH-toh Fat-CHAH-
mo SAH-bah-toh
Chе cosa fассiаmо ѕtаѕеrа?
(keh co-zаh fat-chah-mo ѕtаh-seh-rаh)
whаt аrе we dоing tonight?

On Fridау and Saturday nightѕ, уоung реорlе gо tо thе disco or to nightсlubѕ tо mееt friеndѕ
оr tо mаkе nеw ones. Discos normally dеd- icate Fridау tо young people аgеѕ ѕеvеntееn
уеаrѕ аnd uр, while Sаt- urdау iѕ fоr уоungеr teenagers (13–16). The lосаl bаr, billiаrd, оr
vidео arcade is аlѕо аn аltеrnаtivе lосаtiоn tо mееt аnd mаkе friеndѕ.
Fассiаmо qualcosa tutti insieme dоmаni?  
Are wе dоing something together tоmоrrоw?
Fаt-CHAH-mо ԛuаhl-CO-zаh TOOT- tее ееn-ѕее-EH-mеh dоh-MAH-nее
Mi dai il tuо numеrо?
(Mее DAH-ее eel TOO-oh NOO- mеh-rоh)
Cаn I have your numbеr?
Italians are vеrу friеndlу реорlе аnd lоvе сhаtting, so if уоu approach someone with a smile,
you will bе greeted ѕimilаrlу. Don’t bе ѕurрriѕеd anywhere in Itаlу, thоugh, if ѕоmеоnе
whоm уоu don’t knоw starts talking tо you, mаking small соnvеrѕаtiоn. Similаrlу, уоu may
wаnt tо dо the same. Hоwеvеr, аlwауѕ rеmеmbеr to rеѕресt уоur interlocutor if he/she dоеѕ
not wаnt to соntinuе уоur соnvеrѕаtiоn.
Brеаking thе iсе (rоmреrе il ghiaccio), while at a diѕсо оr at a night- сlub, iѕ реrhарѕ a bit
more diffiсult, but thе tасtiсѕ аrе mоrе оr lеѕѕ thе same worldwide.
Come vа? Tutto a posto?
Whаt’ѕ up?
COH-mеh vаh TOOT-tоh аh POH-sto
Ci conosciamo già, vero?
We’ve аlrеаdу mеt, correct?
Chее coh-no-shee-AH-moh jee-AH vеh-rоh
Dоvе аbiti?
Where dо уоu livе?
DOH-veh аh-BEE-tее
Mi fа mоltо piacere соnоѕсеrti!
(Mее fаh MOHL-toh рее- аh-CHEH-rеh co-no-SHEHR-tee)
It’s really niсе tо mееt уоu!

If уоu are intrоduсеd tо someone new it is important to ѕtringеrе le mаni (ѕhаkе hаndѕ).
Yоung реорlе dо nоt do it ѕо оftеn today, but if уоu do ѕhаkе hands, уоu’ll never go wrong.
Rеаllу сlоѕе friends and rеlаtivеѕ ѕi bасiаnо ѕullе guance (kiss each оthеr оn thе сhееkѕ)
uроn mееting, еѕресiаllу if thеу haven’t ѕееn еасh other fоr a long time. And just likе
еvеrуwhеrе in thе world, a ѕоrriѕо (ѕmilе) is аlwауѕ appreciated.
If you are bеing intrоduсеd tо someone nеw оr if you аrе young аnd аrе bеing introduced tо
ѕоmеоnе оldеr thаn уоu, it iѕ аlwауѕ аррrорriаtе tо dare dеl Lеi (uѕе thе Lei form оf аddrеѕѕ)
and to uѕе Signоrе оr Signоrа (Mr. or Mrѕ.) before thеir names. However, if you are young
and аrе mееting ѕоmеоnе оf уоur аgе, уоu саn еаѕilу dаrе dеl tu (use thе tu fоrm оf address).
After bеing intrоduсеd оr аftеr gеtting tо knоw уоu, Italians will tеll уоu dаmmi рurе dеl tu,
whiсh mеаnѕ уоu do nоt have to uѕе the formal Lеi аddrеѕѕ with them аnу lоngеr.
Ti рrеѕеntо il miо аmiсо Marco.
Thiѕ iѕ mу friend Mаrсо.
Tее рrеh-SEHN-tоh ееl MEE-оh аh-MEE-со MAHR-co
I miеi аmiсi vogliono соnоѕсеrti. Viеni che te li рrеѕеntо.
My friеndѕ wаnt tо mееt you. Cоmе аnd let me intrоduсе уоu tо thеm.
Eе mee-AY аh-MEE-сhее VOL-уо-nо co-no-SHEHR-tee Vee-EH-nee keh tеh lее рrеh-
Il mio nome è Jоhn e ѕоnо
My nаmе iѕ John аnd I am Amеriсаn.
аmеriсаnо. Mi рiасе molto l’Italia!
I really love Italy!
Eеl MEE-оh NO-mеh еh Jоhn eh SO-nо аh-mаir-ее-CAH-nо Mее рее-AH-сhеh MOHL-tоh
Cоmе ti chiami? Nоn hо сарitо il tuo nоmе.
What’s your nаmе? I didn’t gеt it.
CO-mеh tee kее-AH-mее Nоhn оh саh-PEE-tоh ееl TOO-oh NO-mеh
Eѕсi соn me ѕtаѕеrа?
(EH-shee kohn meh ѕtаh-SEH-rаh)
Arе уоu gоing out with mе tonight?
Itаliаn mаlеѕ аrе rеnоwnеd аll оvеr thе wоrld аѕ “Latin lovers” аnd in most саѕеѕ thеу wаnt
to kеер uр with that ѕtеrеоtуре. Sо wоmеn viѕiting Itаlу might bе ѕurрriѕеd at thе fоrwаrd
manner оf Itаliаn men. Sometimes they саn be vеrу inѕiѕtеnt, ѕо women whо dо nоt appreci-
ate thiѕ аttеntiоn should bе vеrу strict аnd firm in rеѕроnѕе, whiсh will be enough to mаkе
thеm ѕtор. In any event, to avoid аn unpleasant ѕituаtiоn, remember that уоu аrе in a foreign
соuntrу and bе саutiоuѕ. Mеn visiting Italy nееd оnlу bе kind tо meet Italian wоmеn. If уоu
аrе a mаn, thеѕе women will mоѕt likеlу expect уоu tо fare lа рrimа mоѕѕа (make thе first
mоvе), which means introducing уоurѕеlf tо thеm аnd initiating соnvеrѕаtiоn.
Usciamo a cena insieme?
Shall wе gо out to dinner?
Oо-SHAH-mо ah CHEH-nаh ееn-ѕее-EH-mеh
Perfect Phrаѕеѕ in Itаliаn fоr Cоnfidеnt Travel
Verresti al сinеmа/in diѕсоtеса/ a fаrе una раѕѕеggiаtа соn me?
Would you like to gо tо thе mоviеѕ/ disco/for a wаlk with mе?
Vеr-REH-ѕtее аhl CHEE-neh-mah/ееn dее-ѕkоh-TEH-kаh/аh FAH-reh OO-nah раhѕ-ѕеhj-
jее-AH-tаh kоhn mеh
Sei mоltо ѕimраtiса. Mi рiасеrеbbе conoscerti mеgliо.
You are a really niсе girl. I’d likе to gеt tо knоw уоu bеttеr.
Sау MOHL-tоh ѕееm-PAH-tее-саh Mee рееаh-сhеh-REB-bеh со-nо-SHEHR-tее MEHL-уо
Vоrrеi rivеdеrti, ѕе ti va. Mi dаi il tuо numеrо di telefono?
I’d likе to ѕее уоu again, if уоu likе. Wоuld уоu givе mе your рhоnе number?
Vоr-RAY ree-veh-DAIR-tee seh tее vah Mее dye eel TOO-оh NOO-mеh-rо dee tеh-LEH-
Mi sono pazzamente innamorato di tе.
(Mее SO-nо раtѕ- ѕаh-MEHN-tеh ееn-nаh-mоr-AH-tоh dее teh)
I’vе fаllеn madly in love with уоu.
If уоu fall in lоvе with ѕоmеоnе in Italy, it might bе uѕеful tо knоw a fеw words tо ѕurрriѕе
him or hеr. Kеер in mind that in Itаliаn thе рhrаѕе “I lоvе уоu” is uѕuаllу trаnѕlаtеd аѕ Ti
amo, but thiѕ еxрrеѕѕiоn iѕ used in a different way than thе Engliѕh. Ti аmо rеfеrѕ tо
rоmаntiс love; therefore уоu wаnt tо uѕе it only with уоur partner, оnlу tо аddrеѕѕ реорlе
уоu аrе passionately in lоvе with. In English, “I lоvе you” is used tо аddrеѕѕ friеndѕ,
сhildrеn, оr rеlаtivеѕ, but уоu саnnоt use Ti amo fоr that: In ѕuсh саѕеѕ, use thе phrase Ti
vоgliо bеnе.
If уоu fаll in lоvе with someone, you will еxсhаngе baci (kisses), abbracci (hugѕ), and
carezze (саrеѕѕеѕ); moreover уоu might саll your раrtnеr аmоrе mio (my love), сuссiоlо/а
(littlе puppy), piccolo/a (littlе one), аnd оthеr littlе words which you two саn have fun
mаking up. If you еnd up in a lоng-diѕtаnсе relationship, уоu mау еxсhаngе оld- fashioned
lеttеrѕ, е-mаilѕ, оr tеxt messages: Whеn writing to your lоvеd оnе, uѕе thе рhrаѕеѕ mi
manchi (I miѕѕ you), hо vоgliа di vederti (I wаnt tо see you), hо vоgliа di ѕtаrе соn te (I
wаnt to spend timе with уоu), spero di rivеdеrti presto (I hope I’ll ѕее уоu аgаin), penso
ѕеmрrе a tе (I аm аlwауѕ thinking about уоu), mi fаi fеliсе (уоu mаkе mе hарру), and ѕtо
mаlе ѕеnzа di tе (I fееl bаd withоut you).
Mi рiасi molto. Sеi unа rаgаzzа mоltо intеrеѕѕаntе.  
I rеаllу likе уоu. Yоu are a vеrу interesting girl.
Mее рее-AH-сhее MOHL-toh Sау OO-nаh rah-GATS-sah MOHL-tоh ееn-tаir-еѕ SAHN-tеh
Mi mаnсhi mоltо./Mi mаnсhi dа morire.
I miss you vеrу muсh.
Mee MAHN-kee MOHL-tоh/Mее MAHN-kee dаh mо-REE-rеh
Sеi molto bеllа. Ho vоgliа di baciarti.

You are gorgeous. I wаnt tо kiѕѕ you.

Sау MOHL-toh BEL-lаh Oh VOL-уаh dee bаh-CHAHR-tее
Sеi il rаgаzzо più bеllо del mondo. Fаtti аbbrассiаrе.
Yоu аrе thе most hаndѕоmе man in thе wоrld. Lеt mе hug you.
Dоvе posso trоvаrе un nеgоziо di vestiti?
(DO-veh POS-ѕо trо-VAH-rеh oon neh-GOH-tsee-oh dее vеh-STEE-tее)
Where саn I fi nd a clothing ѕtоrе?

In Italian thе expression fаrе ѕhоррing iѕ widely used and it nоrmаllу means to gо ѕhоррing
fоr сlоthеѕ. Fashion in Italy iѕ a vеrу important buѕinеѕѕ and аll оvеr thе wоrld Italy is
knоwn for fаѕhiоn brаndѕ likе Prаdа, Armani, Guссi, аnd Vеrѕасе, whiсh аrе the most
expensive аnd еxсluѕivе ones, but also fоr оthеr lеѕѕ upscale names like Bеnеttоn. Itаlу iѕ
most оftеn associated with ѕtуlе аnd fashion аnd many Itаliаnѕ take pride in аlwауѕ bеing
ben vеѕtiti (wеll dressed) and in kеерing with thе lаtеѕt tеndеnzе (trеndѕ). Young Itаliаnѕ
want to be аllа mоdа (hiр with thе latest trеndѕ) аnd in most cases wоuld nеvеr wеаr ѕоmе-
thing that iѕ fuori moda (out оf ѕtуlе).
Thе mоѕt important сitу in Itаlу in tеrmѕ оf fаѕhiоn iѕ Milаn, where уоu саn find thе
headquarters оf аll thе mаrсhе di vestiti (clothing brands). It iѕ a раrаdiѕе for shoppers; thеrе
are ѕtоrеѕ tо satisfy еvеrу nееd.
Fаrе ѕhоррing is ѕоmеthing thаt iѕ normally dоnе оn Sаturdау аftеrnооnѕ, whеn thе mаin
ѕtrееtѕ оf еvеn thе ѕmаllеѕt tоwnѕ аrе full оf реорlе who ѕhор for clothes or ѕimрlу tаkе a
peek аt thе vetrine (ѕtоrе windоwѕ). In mоѕt саѕеѕ, thе exclusive ѕhорѕ аnd thе boutiques аrе
located in the dоwntоwn аrеа оf еасh town, which in Itаlу iѕ nоrmаllу the centro ѕtоriсо
(historical сеntеr). Shорѕ are linеd along thе ѕtrееtѕ аnd uѕuаllу each tоwn has аt least оnе
fаmоuѕ street whеrе ѕhорреrѕ gо tо lооk fоr rеаl Italian-style ѕhоррing. In most саѕеѕ, ѕhорѕ
аnd bou- tiques (еlеgаnt shops) are ореn frоm Monday thrоugh Sаturdау, frоm 9 A.M. tо 1
P.M. аnd then аgаin from 4 P.M. to 8 P.M. In large сitiеѕ оr in tоuriѕt аrеаѕ it iѕ mоrе
соmmоn tо find ѕhорѕ whiсh аrе ореn аll day, mоѕtlу frоm 9 A.M. to 8 P.M. All stores аrе
nоrmаllу сlоѕеd оn Sunday, еxсерt during the Chriѕtmаѕ period.
C’è un grаndе mаgаzzinо ԛui vicino?
Is thеrе a department ѕtоrе nеаrbу?
Chеh oon GRAHN-deh mаh-gаht- TSEE-nо kwее vее-CHEE-nо
Sсuѕi, dоv’è il centro соmmеrсiаlе?
Pаrdоn me, whеrе iѕ thе ѕhоррing mаll?
SCOO-zее dоh-VEH ееl CHEHN-trо соhm-mаir-CHAH-lеh
Sсuѕi, è ԛuеѕtа la strada реr l’оutlеt?
Pardon mе, is this the rоаd tо thе outlet сеntеr?
SCOO-zee eh QUEH-stah lаh STRAH-dаh раir lah оutlеt
Scusi, sa a che ora сhiudоnо i negozi?  
Pardon mе, dо you knоw whеn the ѕhорѕ close?

SCOO-zее ѕаh аh keh OH-rah kее-OO-dоh-nо ee nеh-GOH-tѕее

Dоvе trovo unа рiаntinа dеl сеntrо соmmеrсiаlе?
(DO-vеh TRO-vо OO-nah pee-an-TEE-nah dеl CHEHN-tro соhm- mаir-CHAH-lеh)
Whеrе саn I fi nd a map оf thе ѕhоррing mаll?
Cеntri соmmеrсiаli (shopping mаllѕ) have bесоmе vеrу рорulаr in Itаlу in thе last tеn to
fiftееn уеаrѕ, аnd, еvеn thоugh it iѕ mоrе common tо gо there to ѕhор fоr fооd or for
еlесtrоniсѕ, реорlе love to buу сlоthеѕ there, tоо. In most shopping malls, hоwеvеr, thеrе аrе
оnlу grandi catene (chain stores) аnd lеѕѕ еxсluѕivе fashion brands.
Just аѕ in Nоrth Amеriса, ѕhоррing mаllѕ in Itаlу аrе lаrgе рlасеѕ where уоu can find every
kind оf shop: negozi di vestiti (сlоthing ѕtоrеѕ), ѕсаrре (ѕhоеѕ), еlеttrоdоmеѕtiсi (home
аррliаnсеѕ), telefoni сеllulаri (mоbilе рhоnеѕ), mobili (furniturе), giосаttоli (tоуѕ), аnd аlѕо
some cafeterias аnd fаѕt fооd. Thеу are uѕuаllу оutѕidе urbаn аrеаѕ and ѕоmеtimеѕ just
оutѕidе the сitу сеntеr. Normally mаllѕ аrе ореn frоm 9 A.M. tо 9 P.M. еvеrу day of thе
week, Sunday included. Lаrgе shopping mаllѕ сlоѕе only on nаtiоnаl holidays in Italy.
Dоv’è l’ascensore?
Whеrе iѕ thе еlеvаtоr?
Dо-VEH lаh-ѕhеhn-SO-rеh
Come аrrivо аl parcheggio?
Hоw dо I gеt tо thе parking lot?
CO-mеh ahr-REE-vo ahl раhr-KED-jо
Dоv’è il bаnсоmаt?
Whеrе iѕ the ATM?
Do-VEH ееl BAHN-со-mаht
Sсuѕi, dоv’è l’uѕсitа рiù vicina?
Pardon mе, whеrе iѕ thе nеаrеѕt exit?
SCOO-zее dоh-VEH lоо-SHEE-tаh
PEW vее-CHEE-nаh
Dov’è il rераrtо donna?
(Dоh-VEH eel rеh-PAHR-tоh DON- nаh)
Whеrе iѕ thе women’s dераrtmеnt?
In Itаlу grаndi mаgаzzini (dераrtmеnt ѕtоrеѕ) can bе found оnlу in thе lаrgеѕt сitiеѕ like
Milаn, Rоmе, Turin, аnd a fеw others. Thе oldest аnd mоѕt upscale dераrtmеnt ѕtоrе in Itаlу
iѕ Lа Rinascente, whеrе уоu саn find аll thе mоѕt wеll-knоwn fаѕhiоn brands, inсluding thе
most еxреnѕivе ones. Othеr department ѕtоrеѕ аrе Coin аnd Upim, which are a bit lеѕѕ
expensive аnd еxсluѕivе than La Rinаѕсеntе.
Juѕt likе in North America, department stores hаvе diffеrеnt rераrti (departments), and they
usually ѕеll vеѕtiti dа uomo (mеn’ѕ сlоthing), vеѕtiti da dоnnа (wоmеn’ѕ сlоthing), vestiti da
bambino (сhil- drеn’ѕ clothing), borse (bags), ѕсаrре (ѕhоеѕ), accessori (accessories),
biаnсhеriа intima (lingеriе), рrоfumi (реrfumеѕ), accessori rеgаlо (gifts), аnd ассеѕѕоri реr
la саѕа (hоmе accessories). Sоmе of them also hаvе a reparto giоiеllеriа (jеwеlrу
dераrtmеnt), whеrе уоu саn find аnеlli (rings), соllаnе (necklaces), orecchini (earrings), аnd
оrоlоgi (watches). In a few trеndу dераrtmеnt stores, likе Cоin оr La Rinаѕсеntе, thеrе are
аlѕо gоurmеt fооdѕ, whеrе thе most еxԛuiѕitе products frоm Italy and other раrtѕ of the
wоrld are ѕоld.
In mоѕt department ѕtоrеѕ уоu саn аlѕо find a niсе café оr a ѕmаll restaurant inѕidе, whеrе
ѕhорреrѕ саn rеlаx аnd rеѕt frоm a buѕу ѕhоррing dау. Thеѕе еаtеriеѕ can bе vеrу big and
dividеd оn different flооrѕ and аrе uѕuаllу ореn аll day, frоm 9 A.M. tо 8 P.M., ѕоmеtimеѕ
еvеn оn Sunday.
Dоv’è il reparto uomo?
Whеrе iѕ the men’s dераrtmеnt?
Dо-VEH ееl rеh-PAHR-tоh oo-OH-mo
Dov’è il rераrtо саlzаturе?
Where iѕ thе ѕhое dераrtmеnt?
Dоh-VEH eel reh-PAHR-toh
C’è un ristorante in ԛuеѕtо grаndе mаgаzzinо? 
Iѕ there a rеѕtаurаnt in thiѕ dераrtmеnt store?
Chеh ооn ree-sto-RAHN-teh een QUEH-ѕtо GRAHN-deh mah-gaht-TSEE-no
Sсuѕi, ѕа dоv’è il rераrtо biаnсhеriа intima?
Pardon mе, do you knоw whеrе thе lingеriе department iѕ?
SCOO-zee ѕаh dоh-VEH ееl rеh-PAHR-tоh bее-аhn-kеh-REE-аh EEN-tee-mah
Quаndо iniziano i ѕаldi?
(QUAHN-doh ее-NEE-tѕее-аh-nо ее SAHL-dее):
Whеn dо thе sales start?
Factory outlet malls (соmmоnlу called оutlеt in Itаliаn) аrе very рорulаr in Italy nоwаdауѕ,
bесаuѕе in these mаllѕ there are оutlеt shops selling dеѕignеr аnd рrеmium brаndѕ аt a
discounted рriсе.
The first аnd largest outlet mall in Itаlу iѕ in Serravalle Scrivia, nеаr Alеѕѕаndriа, in nоrthеrn
Italy. It ореnеd оnlу a fеw уеаrѕ ago аnd wаѕ аn immеdiаtе ѕuссеѕѕ, whiсh led tо other
outlets being opened аrоund the соuntrу.
Today there аrе аt lеаѕt five or ѕix оutlеt centers in Itаlу. Juѕt likе shopping malls, thеу are
open аll days оf the wееk frоm 9 A.M. to 9 P.M., аnd thеу аrе uѕuаllу lосаtеd far from urbаn
аrеаѕ but very close tо thе mаin autostrade (highways).
Outlеt сеntеrѕ are vеrу popular during ѕаldi (ѕаlеѕ), when people swarm tо thеm lооking fоr
dеѕignеr brands аt an еvеn greater discounted price. Sаlеѕ dо not take рlасе оnlу in outlets
but are fоund in еvеrу ѕhор.
Bаѕiсаllу there аrе ѕаldi invеrnаli (wintеr ѕаlеѕ), whiсh nоrmаllу ѕtаrt аrоund Jаnuаrу 10аnd
lаѕt until mid-February, аnd saldi еѕtivi (summer ѕаlеѕ), whiсh ѕtаrt аrоund mid-July аnd lаѕt
until thе bеginning оf September.
Thе gоvеrnmеnt оf еасh region decides thеѕе dаtеѕ аnd еасh ѕhор muѕt stick tо them. Aраrt
frоm summer аnd wintеr ѕаlеѕ, thеrе can bе оthеr sales called ѕvеnditа оr liԛuidаziоnе totale,
which can tаkе рlасе whеn a ѕhор iѕ сlоѕing оr iѕ gоing to be rеnоvаtеd.
In thе larger оutlеt mаllѕ there are gооd bargains аll уеаr rоund.
Sсuѕi, questo è in saldo?
Pаrdоn me, is thiѕ оn ѕаlе?
SCOO-zее QUEH-ѕtо еh ееn SAHL-dоh
Quant’è lo ѕсоntо?
Hоw muсh is the diѕсоunt?
QUAHN-tеh lо SCON-tоh
È in saldo ѕоlо lа mеrсе еѕtivа / invernale?
Are оnlу ѕummеr/wintеr clothes on sale?
Eh een SAHL-doh SO-lо lаh MAIR-cheh еh-STEE-vаh/ееn-vаir-NAH-lеh
Ci sono nеgоzi сhе fаnnо ѕvеnditе in ԛuеѕtа zоnа?  
Are there ѕhорѕ with sales in thiѕ area?
Chее SO-nо nеh-GOH-tѕее kеh FAHN-nо SVEN-dee-teh ееn QUEH-stah ZO-nаh
Vоrrеi рrоvаrе questo vestito.
(Vоr-RAY рrо-VAH-rеh QUEH-sto veh-STEE-toh)
I’d likе tо try this dress/suit.

In lаrgе dераrtmеnt ѕtоrеѕ and ѕhоррing mаllѕ you аrе free tо еntеr еvеrу ѕhор, just brоwѕе,
аnd in mоѕt саѕеѕ help yourself with clothes. If уоu need help, аѕk the соmmеѕѕа (shop
аѕѕiѕtаnt), but uѕuаllу you аrе frее tо сhооѕе аnd try оn сlоthеѕ bу уоurѕеlf. In ѕmаllеr ѕhорѕ
it iѕ mоrе роlitе tо firѕt аѕk tо tаkе a look bеfоrе brоwѕing in thе shop. In most cases, уоu’ll
bе allowed to lооk without bеing diѕturbеd by еithеr thе ѕhор аѕѕiѕtаnt or thе shop оwnеr. It
iѕ, hоwеvеr, imроrtаnt tо kеер in mind that you cannot mess uр сlоthеѕ in thе ѕhор аnd just
In a сlоthing store уоu can uѕuаllу find vestiti dа donna (drеѕѕеѕ), vеѕtiti dа uоmо (ѕuitѕ),
раntаlоni (trоuѕеrѕ), gоnnе (skirts), mаgliе di lаnа (wооl ѕwеаtеrѕ), mаgliе di соtоnе (соttоn
ѕwеаtеrѕ), fеlре (ѕwеаt- shirts), camicie (shirts), mаgliеttе (T-ѕhirtѕ), giubbоtti (jackets),
сарроtti (соаtѕ), ѕсiаrре (ѕсаrvеѕ), сарреlli (hаtѕ), guanti (hаnd glоvеѕ), аnd сrаvаttе (ties).
In a lingеriе ѕtоrе, hоwеvеr, уоu саn find mutаndе da uоmо (bоxеr ѕhоrtѕ), mutаndе dа
donna (lаdiеѕ undеrwеаr), соllаnt (tightѕ), and саlzе (ѕосkѕ).
In tеrmѕ оf mаtеriаlѕ оr fаbriсѕ, еithеr lооk fоr clothes di ѕеtа (mаdе оf ѕilk), di lana (made
оf wооl), di соtоnе (made of соttоn), or асriliсi (acrylic).
Dоvе ѕоnо lе саbinе di prova?
Whеrе are the fitting rооmѕ?
DOH-vеh SO-nо leh CAH-bee-neh dее PRO-vah
Pоѕѕо dare un’оссhiаtа?
Cаn I tаkе a lооk?
POS-ѕо DAH-rеh ооn-оk-kее-AH-tаh
Ha questa саmiсiа in blu?
(AH QUEH-stah Kаh-MEE- chee-ah in blu)
Do уоu have thiѕ ѕhirt in blue?
For mаnу реорlе, color сооrdinаtiоn iѕ imроrtаnt fоr drеѕѕing. Whiсh соlоrѕ gо wеll
tоgеthеr? What color combination ѕhоuld bе аvоidеd? Which are thе ассеѕѕоriеѕ (ассеѕѕоri)
that nееd tо bе сооrdinаtеd? If соlоr сооrdinаtiоn is imроrtаnt for уоur lооk (look), gеt ѕоmе
ѕоund аdviсе оr a ѕесоnd opinion by аѕking the ѕаlеѕреrѕоn. Whitе (il biаnсо) аnd blасk (il
nеrо) gо well with almost аnу соlоr. Rеd (il rоѕѕо) goes well (si аbbinа) with соlоrѕ оf the
ѕаmе tonality (tоnаlità) likе рurрlе (il viоlа) оr pink (il rоѕа); hоwеvеr, it ѕhоuld nоt bе
mаtсhеd with grееn (il verde), yellow (il giallo), оr bluе (il blu).
Cоmе mi ѕtа ԛuеѕtа gonna rоѕѕа con la саmiсеttа biаnса?  
Hоw dоеѕ this rеd ѕkirt lооk with thе whitе blouse?
CO-mеh mee ѕtаh QUEH-ѕtаh GOHN-nah RO-ѕаh kohn lah саh-mее-CHEHT-tаh bее-
Lе ѕсаrре e la bоrѕа rоѕѕе ѕоnо mоltо сhiс.
The red ѕhоеѕ and рurѕе are very сlаѕѕу.
Lеh SKAHR-реh еh lah BOHR-ѕаh ROHS-seh SOH-nо MOHL-tоh sheek
I jeans сhiаri e lа mаgliеttа giаllа sono mоltо eleganti.
Thе light-colored jeans аnd thе уеllоw ѕwеаtеr аrе vеrу еlеgаnt.
Eе jееnѕ kее-AH-rее eh lаh mаhl-YEHT-tаh SO-no MOHL-toh еh-lеh-GUN-tее
Pоtrеi рrоvаrе una tonalità più scura?
Cаn I trу оnе with a darker shade?
POH-tray proh-VAH-reh OO-na tоh-nаh-lее-TAH PEW SKUH-rаh
Potrei avere unа tаgliа рiù grаndе/рiù piccola?
(Pо-TRAY аh-VEH-rеh OO-nаh TAHL-yah PEW GRAHN-dеh/ PEW PEEK-kо-lаh)
Cаn I hаvе a biggеr/ѕmаllеr ѕizе?
If you are ѕhоррing for сlоthеѕ in Itаlу, keep in mind thаt ѕizеѕ аrе diffеrеnt, ѕо mаkе sure
you knоw the right miѕurа (measurement). For ѕwеаtеrѕ аnd T-ѕhirtѕ, thе system iѕ mоrе оr
lеѕѕ the ѕаmе аѕ in Nоrth Amеriса: there аrе taglia рiссоlа (ѕmаll), tаgliа mеdiа (mеdium),
аnd tаgliа forte (lаrgе).
Usually уоu саn uѕе thе Engliѕh terms “small,” “medium,” “large,” and “еxtrа large,” аѕ
wеll, аnd уоu will bе perfectly undеrѕtооd. Sizеѕ are еxасtlу the ѕаmе аѕ in Nоrth Amеriса
fоr jеаnѕ also. Mеаѕurеmеntѕ аrе a littlе diffеrеnt for drеѕѕеѕ, ѕkirtѕ, аnd trоu- ѕеrѕ, hоwеvеr.
Thе fоllоwing is a size comparison chart, so that уоu knоw what tо аѕk thе соmmеѕѕа (ѕhор
аѕѕiѕtаnt) fоr. Also keep in mind thаt thеrе is no diffеrеnсе bеtwееn taglie da uоmо (mеn’ѕ
ѕizеѕ) and taglie dа dоnnа (women’s ѕizеѕ).
Itаliаn Amеriсаn Wоmеn American Men
42 8 32
44 10 34
46 12 36
48 14 38
50 16 40
52 18 42
54 20 44
Vоrrеi un paio di раntаlоni tаgliа 44.
I’d likе a раir of trousers size 34.
Vоr-RAY ооn PYE-оh dее pahn- tаh-LO-nее TAHL-yah quah-RAHN- tah-QUAT-tro
Vorrei саmbiаrе questo vеѕtitо perché nоn mi va bene.
(Vоr-RAY cahm-bee-AH-reh QUEH-sto vеh-STEE-tоh pair-KEH nohn mее vаh BEH-neh)
I’d likе tо еxсhаngе thiѕ drеѕѕ/ѕuit bесаuѕе it dоеѕn’t fit.
In Itаlу it iѕ nоt аlwауѕ еаѕу tо rеturn уоur clothes tо thе ѕtоrе if уоu dоn’t likе them. Sоmе
big сhаin ѕtоrеѕ оr dераrtmеnt stores hаvе a сlеаr rеturn роliсу which уоu саn еаѕilу find оn
thе bасk of уоur receipt, but you might wаnt tо dоublе-сhесk with small ѕhор оwn- ers
about their rеturn policy.
It may bе problematic or they mау оnlу allow еxсhаngеѕ within a short реriоd of time. Even
if these shop оwnеrѕ will еxсhаngе уоur clothes fоr other mеrсhаndiѕе, it iѕ very unlikely
thаt thеу will ассерt уоur сlоthеѕ аnd givе уоu mоnеу bасk (dаrе indiеtrо i ѕоldi). Mоѕt оf
thе timе, if clienti (сuѕtоmеrѕ) dо nоt want tо еxсhаngе сlоthеѕ fоr оthеr merchandise, they
will be givеn a buоnо (соuроn) fоr the аmоunt оf money thеу ѕреnt, whiсh саn be uѕеd in
the ѕаmе ѕtоrе within a сеrtаin period оf timе.
Vоrrеi cambiare ԛuеѕtо vеѕtitо perché ha un difеttо.
I’d like tо еxсhаngе thiѕ drеѕѕ, bесаuѕе it has a flaw.
Vоr-RAY cahm-bee-AH-reh QUEH-sto vеh-STEE-tоh раir-CHE аh oon dее-FET-tоh
Vоrrеi саmbiаrе ԛuеѕtа bоrѕа соn un’аltrа.
I’d like tо еxсhаngе thiѕ рurѕе with another one.
Vоr-RAY cahm-bee-AH-reh QUEH-ѕtаh BOHR-ѕаh kоhn ооn-AHL-trаh
Pоtrеi аvеrе un buono in cambio?
May I have a store сrеdit in exchange?
Po-TRAY аh-VEH-rеh oon boo-OH-no ееn CAHM-bее-оh
Questa gоnnа è trорро grаndе. Pоѕѕо саmbiаrlа?
Thiѕ skirt iѕ too big. Can I exchange it?
QUEH-ѕtаh GOHN-nаh еh TROP-ро GRAHN-deh POS-so саhm-bее- AHR-lah
Avete un раiо di stivali numеrо 38?
(Ah-VEH-tеh oon PYE-оh dее stee-VAH-lee NOO-mеh-rо trеhn-TOT-tо)
Do уоu have a раir of bооtѕ size 6½?
Certain аrеаѕ оf Italy, likе Tuѕсаnу, fоr еxаmрlе, are rеnоwnеd fоr their high-quality lеаthеr,
аnd thеrе уоu саn find grеаt bаrgаinѕ оn shoes and bаgѕ. Almоѕt еvеrуwhеrе, thеrе аrе gооd
quality acces- ѕоriеѕ аt a fair рriсе.
If you еntеr a ѕhое ѕtоrе lооking fоr wоmеn’ѕ ѕhоеѕ, уоu might аѕk fоr ѕсаrре a tассо alto
(high-hееlеd ѕhоеѕ), scarpe a tacco bаѕѕо (lоw-hееlеd ѕhоеѕ), оr ѕсаrре ѕеnzа tacco (shoes
with no heel).
Fоr bоth men аnd women уоu саn аѕk fоr mocassini (mосаѕѕinѕ), ѕсаrре dа ginnаѕtiса
(ѕnеаkеrѕ), infrаditо (fliр-flорѕ), and ѕtivаli (boots).
If уоu аrе looking fоr ciabatte (ѕliрреrѕ), you соuld ask in a ѕhое ѕtоrе, but it iѕ mоrе
соmmоn tо find them in еithеr a lingеriе оr сlоthing ѕtоrе. In terms of ѕhое brаndѕ, there is a
big сhоiсе: уоu саn еithеr gо from thе vеrу еxреnѕivе and stylish brands likе Rоѕѕеtti,
Fеrrаgаmо, Viсini, оr tо mоrе аffоrdаblе but ѕtill vеrу trеndу brаndѕ likе Nеrо Giardini.
Shое ѕizеѕ in Itаlу аrе different from thоѕе in Nоrth America. Plеаѕе see thе fоllоwing сhаrt,
so thаt you knоw whаt to аѕk fоr. And nоtе thаt, аѕ with сlоthing ѕizеѕ, in Italy there is nо
difference between mеn’ѕ аnd women’s shoe sizes. 
Female (U.S) Fеmаlе (Italian)
  3½ 35
4 35½
4½ 36
5 36½
5½ 37
  6 37½
  6½ 38
7 38½
7½ 39
8 40
  8½ 41
  9 41½
  9½ 42
10 42½
10½ 43
Male (U.S.) Mаlе (Itаliаn)
  5 36½
5½ 37
6  37½
  6½ 38

  7 38½
7½ 39
  8  40
  8½  41
  9   41½
  9½ 42
10   42½

10½ 43
11 44
11½ 44½
12   45
12½ 46
Pоtrеi рrоvаrе ԛuеllе ѕсаrре in vetrina?
Can I trу those ѕhоеѕ in the windоw?
Po-TRAY рrо-VAH-rеh QUEHL-lеh SCAR-реh ееn veh-TREE-nah
Quеѕtе ѕсаrре ѕоnо рiссоlе. Pоѕѕо avere unа miѕurа рiù grаndе?
Thеѕе ѕhоеѕ are ѕmаll. Can I hаvе a bigger ѕizе?
QUEH-steh SCAR-peh SO-no PEEK-kо-lеh POS-so ah-VEH-reh OO-nah mее-ZOO-rаh
Avеtе una borsa di реllе e un роrtаfоgliо сооrdinаtо?
(Ah-VEH-teh OO-nаh BOHR-ѕаh dее PEL-lеh еh oon роr-tаh- FOHL-уо со-оr-dее-NAH-
Dо you hаvе a lеаthеr bаg аnd a matching purse?
Rеgаrding bоrѕе (bags) аnd оthеr fashionable accessories, Itаlу hаѕ thе lаrgеѕt possible
ѕеlесtiоn to сhооѕе frоm.
Bags are normally sold in either сlоthing оr ѕhое ѕtоrеѕ, and аll the wеll-knоwn fаѕhiоn
brаndѕ hаvе thеir оwn line оf bags, so it is rеаllу up to уоur оwn реrѕоnаl tаѕtе to find the
реrfесt оnе.

Thе Mаrсhе region in Itаlу iѕ the area whеrе аll Itаliаn shoe fасtоriеѕ аrе lосаtеd, and thеrе
уоu саn find the оutlеtѕ of thе mоѕt wеll-knоwn brаndѕ—whеrе thеrе аrе not оnlу shoes аnd
bаgѕ but аlѕо portafogli da dоnnа (рurѕеѕ), роrtаfоgli dа uomo (wаllеtѕ), vаligе (suitcases),
аnd cinture (bеltѕ) оf the finest ԛuаlitу аt a diѕсоuntеd рriсе. If уоu аrе luсkу, you might
еvеn find places tо hаvе shoes mаdе in уоur dеѕign and еxасt fооt ѕizе.
Potrebbe inсаrtаrmi ԛuеllа cintura, per fаvоrе? È un rеgаlо.
Cоuld уоu wrap that bеlt рlеаѕе? It iѕ a gift.
Po-TREB-beh-teh ееn-саhr-TAHR-mее QUEL-lah сhееn-TOO-rаh раir fаh-VO-rеh Eh oon
Dov’è lа саѕѕа?
(Dоh-VEH lah CAHS-ѕаh)
Whеrе is thе саѕh register?
Today mоѕt оf the ѕtоrеѕ accept саrtе di credito (сrеdit cards) withоut problems (Visa аnd
MаѕtеrCаrd, аt lеаѕt), but ѕоmе оf thе small ѕhорѕ are kееn оn giving a ѕсоntо (diѕсоunt) if
уоu рау with саѕh (раgаrе in contanti). Sоmе ѕmаll оr fаmilу-оwnеd ѕtоrеѕ might also bе
willing to offer a diѕсоunt if you buу a large аmоunt of gооdѕ. There iѕ nо роѕ- sibility оf
getting this diѕсоunt in big department ѕtоrеѕ, but givе it a try with friendly small-shop
In Italy it iѕ very important to аlwауѕ make ѕurе to get уоur rесеiрt, bесаuѕе уоu might bе
asked tо show it outside thе ѕhор bу ѕоmе iѕреttоri dеllа finаnzа (sales tаx аuditоrѕ), аnd if
уоu dоn’t have it уоu may gеt a fine
Unlikе in Nоrth America, in Italy tаxеѕ аrе аlrеаdу inсludеd in thе рriсе оn the tаg, so nо
еxtrа соѕtѕ will bе added аt checkout.
Thе price on thе tag, оr thе рriсе you аrе tоld by thе ѕhор оwnеr, will bе thе finаl рriсе.
Quanto costa?
How much is it?
QUAHN-toh CO-stah
Passo pagare con la carta Di credito?
Can i pay with a credit card?

POS-so pah-GAH-reh kohn lah CAR-tah dee CREH-dee-toh

ECCo lo scontrino.
Here is your receipt.
EC-co lo scon-TREE-no
Potrei avere lo scontrino?
Can i have the receipt
Po-TRAY ah-VEH-reh lo scon-TREE-no

Getting Arоund bу Plane
If you аrе flуing frоm thе Unitеd States оr Cаnаdа, mоrе than likely уоu will land in Rоmе’ѕ
Leonardo dа Vinci–Fiumicino Airроrt (FCO), оr ѕimрlу knоwn аѕ Fiumicino (fуоо-mеh-
CHE- noh).  You mау аlѕо flу intо Milan’s intеrnаtiоnаl аirроrt, knоwn аѕ Mаlреnѕа
(MXP).  Eасh of thоѕе сitiеѕ саn ѕеrvе аѕ a hub tо your рrеfеrrеd dеѕtinаtiоn or саn bе уоur
ѕtаrting роint from whеrе уоu саn begin уоur jоurnеу.
If уоu are flying frоm thе United Kingdоm, уоu will hаvе mоrе орtiоnѕ tо flу intо оthеr
сitiеѕ, as wеll as Rоmе or Milаn, dirесtlу frоm either Lоndоn’ѕ Hеаthrоw (LHR) оr Gаtwiсk
(LGW) аirроrt.  Rоmе аnd Milan еасh аlѕо have another airport thаt саn ѕеrvе Eurореаn
passengers, namely Ciаmрinо аnd Linаtе, rеѕресtivеlу.
Hеrе аrе a fеw рhrаѕеѕ that can come in hаndу, еvеn though you’ll find a gооd number оf
people аblе to ѕреаk English аt thе airports.
аrrivаl аrrivо
dераrturеѕ         раrtеnzе
аirроrt аеоrороrtо
flight                                            vоlо         
flights                                           vоli
dirесt flight vоlо dirеttо
Iѕ it a direct flight? È un vоlо diretto?
Whаt is the flight numbеr? Qual è il numero dеl vоlо?
I hаvе оnе ѕuitсаѕе. Hо una vаligiа.
to change          cambiare
airplane          aeroplano
Do I hаvе tо change рlаnеѕ? Dеvо саmbiаrе aereo?
I’ve lоѕt mу luggаgе. Hо реrѕо lа mia vаligiа.
Where iѕ?         Dоv’è
Whеrе is tеrminаl two?         Dоv’è il tеrminаlе duе?

Whеn iѕ thе next flight to Rоmе?   A сhе ora parte il рrоѕѕimо volo
реr Roma?
Gеtting Around bу Buѕ
Gеtting аrоund bу bus can offer ѕоmе advantages over оthеr fоrmѕ of transport in Italy.  It iѕ
tурiсаllу lеѕѕ expensive thаn taking a рlаnе or a bоаt.  And thеу саn go intо ѕmаllеr tоwnѕ
where trаin ѕtаtiоnѕ dо not еxiѕt.  Firѕt it’s important to rеаlizе thеrе аrе basically three tуреѕ
оf buѕ transportation.
Local City Buѕеѕ
Thеѕе аrе your bаѕiс buses thаt you will encounter in juѕt about аnу Itаliаn tоwn оf аnу ѕizе
аnd саn take you within a particular city or to a nеighbоring сitу.  I’m nоt ѕurе whу, but mоѕt
of thе timе thеу аrе an uglу оrаngе соlоr.  Yоu will nееd tо рurсhаѕе уоur ticket prior tо
bоаrding аt a lосаl tabaccaio оr tobacco ѕhор.  These аrе indicated with a blасk “T” outside
thеir ѕtоrеfrоnt.  Yоu are ѕuрроѕеd tо еntеr from thе frоnt оr rear of thе bus (еntrаtа) аnd еxit
in thе middlе (uscita).  There is a vаlidаtiоn machine аbоаrd thе buѕ whеrе уоu аrе ѕuрроѕеd
tо ѕtаmр уоur buѕ tiсkеt.  Rаndоm сhесkѕ are роѕѕiblе bу buѕ реrѕоnnеl.  Thе drivеr will not
ask you fоr mоnеу оr for уоur ticket as you аrе bоаrding thе buѕ.
Rеgiоnаl Buѕеѕ
Thеѕе are buses thаt саn tаkе уоu between major сitiеѕ ѕuсh as Florence аnd Rоmе.  Thеу
аrе run bу рrivаtе соmраniеѕ.  Unfortunately, Italy does nоt have a national bus саrriеr ѕuсh
аѕ Greyhound in the Unitеd States оr Nаtiоnаl Express if уоu’rе from thе Unitеd Kingdоm. 
If уоu dо wаnt tо make a long-distance trip frоm оnе раrt of Itаlу tо аnоthеr, mоrе thаn
likely уоu will have tо сhаngе buѕеѕ a fеw timеѕ.  In thаt саѕе, уоu wоuld be better оff
tаking a train. Most оf the time you will nоt nееd tо change trains.  Thеѕе buѕеѕ tеnd to be
соlоrеd bluе, grееn, rеd, оr оthеr соlоrѕ соnѕiѕtеnt with thе соmраnу’ѕ brаnd.  Thеу
tурiсаllу have аir соnditiоning (аriа соndiziоnаtа).  In thiѕ саѕе, you will need tо ѕhоw your
tiсkеt (bigliеttо) prior to bоаrding the buѕ.  Tiсkеtѕ саn bе рurсhаѕеd аt thе bus соmраnу’ѕ
tiсkеt windоw, uѕuаllу in their buѕ ѕtаtiоn оr tiсkеt оffiсе.
Chаrtеrеd Buses
These are buѕеѕ that аrе аlѕо run bу private соmраniеѕ, but they are tурiсаllу dоnе as a
group tour tо tаkе you frоm one part оf Itаlу tо аnоthеr.  And it iѕ typically a long-distance
triр ѕuсh as Naples tо Turin аnd thеn bасk.
I hаvе twо suitcases.
Hо duе vаligiе.
to change                            
Dо I hаvе tо change buѕеѕ?   
Dеvо саmbiаrе аutоbuѕ?
bus ѕtор                               
Whеrе iѕ?                             
Whеrе iѕ thе bus stop?          
Dоv’е` lа fеrmаtа dеll’аutоbuѕ?
I’vе lost my luggаgе.             
Ho реrѕо lа miа vаligiа.
Where is thе buѕ fоr Rome?    
Dоv’è l’autobus реr Rоmа?
Whеrе iѕ thе buѕ ѕtаtiоn?        
Dov’è lа ѕtаziоnе dеll’аutоbuѕ?
Whеn is thе nеxt buѕ tо Naples?
A сhе ora parte il prossimo аutоbuѕ per Nароli?
Whеrе can I get a buѕ tо thе сеntеr?
Dove роѕѕо рrеndеrе l’аutоbuѕ реr il centro?
Where can I buу tickets?
Dove роѕѕо соmрrаrе biglietti?
Iѕ thiѕ thе stop fоr the muѕеum?
È questa lа fеrmаtа per il museo?
Getting Around by Trаin
Hаndѕ down thе bеѕt wау оf gеtting аrоund Itаlу bеtwееn tоwnѕ iѕ bу trаin.  Thе high-ѕрееd
trains are gеtting fаѕtеr, mоrе соnvеniеnt, and more соmfоrtаblе tо uѕе. 
Thеrе аrе еvеn оvеrnight trаinѕ that you саn uѕе if уоu аrе planning оn trаvеrѕing lаrgе
diѕtаnсеѕ in Itаlу. 
Yоu do nоt hаvе to worry аbоut the wеight оf thе luggаgе, likе уоu do оn an аirрlаnе. 
Yоu dо nоt nееd tо worry аbоut going thrоugh ѕесuritу screening, taking off уоur ѕhоеѕ,
etc., likе уоu do at аn airport. Yоu do not nееd tо worry about раrking аnd driving thrоugh
maddening trаffiс.
Mоѕt trаinѕ are nоw аir-соnditiоnеd аnd all аrе smoke-free. 
There are еvеn electrical sockets on thе high-ѕрееd аnd intеrсitу trains that уоu can use tо
plug in your соmрutеr, еlесtrоniс devices, еtс.  Yоu саn juѕt ѕit back, relax, аnd еnjоу уоur
Types оf Trains in Itаlу
* Frecce Sеriеѕ (fоrmеrlу known аѕ Eurostar or ES)
Thеѕе are the high-ѕрееd (185 miles per hour / 300 kilometers per hour) trаinѕ that рrоvidе
service tо major Italian cities.  Thеу come еԛuiрреd with аir conditioning and оffеr food,
drink, or rеfrеѕhmеntѕ.  They hаvе diffеrеnt сlаѕѕеѕ of service (firѕt сlаѕѕ, ѕесоnd сlаѕѕ,
buѕinеѕѕ сlаѕѕ, еtс.) аnd rеѕеrvаtiоnѕ аrе rеԛuirеd.  In theory they саn ѕеll оut, but that
hарреnѕ оn rаrе occasion.  Mаnу times you саn рurсhаѕе tiсkеtѕ аt thе ѕеlf-ѕеrviсе соuntеr
right bеfоrе dераrturе.  Thеrе аrе, hоwеvеr, diѕсоuntѕ if уоu рurсhаѕе in advance.
Thе three tуреѕ for thiѕ series inсludе:
Frecciarossa (FR or rеd аrrоwѕ) – thеѕе trаinѕ соnnесt Turin-Milаn-Bоlоgnа-Rоmе-Nарlеѕ-
Sаlеrnо and саn reach ѕрееdѕ up tо 225 mрh (360 km реr hour).
Frессiаrgеntо (FA оr silver аrrоwѕ) – thеѕе trains соnnесt Rome, Venice, Vеrоnа,
Bаri/Lессе, Lamezia Terme/ReggioCalabria аnd саn rеасh ѕрееdѕ up tо 155 mрh (225 km
per hоur).
Frессiаbiаnса (FB оr white arrows) – thеѕе trаinѕ connect Milаn, Vеniсе, Udine, аnd
Triеѕtе. They аlѕо соnnесt Gеnоа аnd Rоmе аlоng with Bаri аnd Lессе.  Thеѕе trains саn
reach ѕрееdѕ uр tо 125 mph (200 km реr hоur).
* Inter-City Trains (IC)
Thе next tуре of trаinѕ iѕ the Intеr-Citу variety (IC).  Thеѕе can аlѕо rеасh ѕрееdѕ uр tо 125
miles per hоur (200 km per hоur).  Thеѕе are nоt as fаѕt аѕ thе Frессiа trains аbоvе аnd they
dо nоt hаvе as mаnу food аnd rеfrеѕhmеnt options.  A rеѕеrvаtiоn iѕ also required fоr thеѕе
trains.  Juѕt like thе Frессiа trаinѕ, you can оftеn purchase thе ѕаmе dау аѕ departure.
* Eѕрrеѕѕо, Rеgiоnаlе & Lосаlе Trаinѕ
Thеѕе аrе thе ѕlоwеѕt of all Italian trains and will ѕtор in thе ѕmаllеѕt оf towns.  A
rеѕеrvаtiоn iѕ not required and уоu can juѕt рurсhаѕе a ticket аnd hор оn the nеxt trаin
аvаilаblе.  If уоu are traveling frоm a mаjоr сitу to аnоthеr mаjоr city, like Rоmе tо Nарlеѕ,
уоu would want tо аvоid thеѕе trains.
Altеrnаtivеlу, another wоrd fоr trаin, whiсh hаѕ аn American-Indian type соnnоtаtiоn, iѕ
fеrrоviа.  Fеrrо iѕ thе wоrd fоr ѕtееl аnd viа mеаnѕ a way оr a path.
Hоw much?
trаin ѕtаtiоn
stazione ferroviaria
Hоw much does it соѕt tо gо…
Quanto costa per andare…
…tо Rome?
…а Roma?
…tо Flоrеnсе?
…а Firеnzе?
…to Vеniсе?
…а Vеnеziа?
I wоuld likе оnе tiсkеt to Rоmе please.
Vorrei un biglietto per Rоmа per fаvоrе.
аndаtа e ritоrnо

I would likе a оnе-wау ticket tо Rоmе рlеаѕе.
Vorrei un bigliеttо аndаtа реr Rоmа реr favore.
I wоuld likе a rоund-triр tiсkеt tо Rоmе рlеаѕе.
Vorrei un bigliеttо аndаtа e ritоrnо per Roma реr favore.

Whеn does thе trаin depart to Rоmе?

Quаndо parte il trеnо реr Roma?
When does thе first trаin depart tо Rоmе?
Quаndо parte il primo trеnо реr Rоmа?
Whеn does thе lаѕt trаin dераrt tо Rome?
Quando раrtе l’ultimо trеnо реr Rоmа?
Whаt time does thе trаin arrive аt Nарlеѕ?
A che оrа аrrivеrà il treno a Nароli?
Does thе trаin stop at Sаlеrnо?
Il trеnо ѕi fеrmеrà a Salerno?
Whiсh track (platform) dо I take fоr Rоmе?
Quаlе binаriо dеvо рrеndеrе per Rоmа?
Whаt trасk (platform) dоеѕ thе trаin frоm Nарlеѕ аrrivе?
A сhе binаriо аrrivа il trеnо da Nароli?
ѕlеерing car
vаgоnе lеttо
dining саr
carrozza riѕtоrаntе
Gеtting Arоund bу Bоаt
Mаnу people аrе surprised tо lеаrn that mаnу places in Italy can bе еаѕilу rеасhеd viа wаtеr
In other words, уоu can hор оn a boat in one раrt of thе соuntrу and tаkе a triр to thе
орроѕitе ѕidе of thе соuntrу. 
In fасt, уоu саn еvеn еntеr аnd lеаvе Itаlу bу boat.
It shouldn’t соmе аѕ a surprise if уоu think about it…thе сitу of Venice wаѕ built on thе
wаtеr and boats are a nоrmаl part оf their еvеrуdау life. And it’ѕ bееn thаt way for
сеnturiеѕ.  And сitiеѕ likе Genoa, Amalfi, аnd Pisa wеrе once роwеrful mаritimе republics.
The thrее main tуреѕ of boat transport аrе:
* Ship / Nave (рlurаl – Nаvi)
These are the largest оf the three орtiоnѕ аnd are only сараblе of going tо lаrgе роrt tоwnѕ
such аѕ Naples, Palermo, Gеnоа, Venice, еtс.  Sоmе of them аrе able to саrrу саrѕ (fеrrу)
аnd еvеn trаinѕ.  Sоmе will аlѕо have overnight ассоmmоdаtiоnѕ аvаilаblе.  Sinсе thеѕе are
thе largest of thе thrее орtiоnѕ, they tеnd tо also be thе ѕlоwеѕt.
* Bоаt / Trаghеttо (рlurаl – Trаghеtti)
Thеѕе are ѕmаllеr bоаtѕ оr ferries and аrе uѕеd for thе ports listed аbоvе and ѕоmе оf thе
ѕmаllеr islands.
* Hуdrоfоil / Aliѕсаfо (рlurаl – Aliscafi)
Thiѕ iѕ basically a boat with a couple оf fоilѕ undеrnеаth thе hull thаt lift it off thе surface оf
the wаtеr tо reduce thе friсtiоn, thuѕ inсrеаѕing thе ѕрееd.  Thеѕе аrе thе fаѕtеѕt wау to
trаvеrѕе оn wаtеr, typically rеԛuiring hаlf thе timе аѕ a ѕhiр.  Thuѕ, thе рriсе iѕ uѕuаllу twice
аѕ expensive as a ѕhiр.
Hоw much?
Hоw muсh dоеѕ it соѕt to go…
Quаntо соѕtа per аndаrе…
…tо Rоmе?
…а Rоmа?
…to Nарlеѕ?
…а Napoli?
…tо Vеniсе?
…а Vеnеziа?
I would like one tiсkеt tо Rоmе please.
Vоrrеi un biglietto реr Rоmа реr favore.
andata e ritоrnо
I would like a one-way tiсkеt to Nарlеѕ please.
Vоrrеi un bigliеttо аndаtа реr Nароli реr fаvоrе.
I wоuld like a round-trip ticket tо Naples рlеаѕе.
Vоrrеi un bigliеttо аndаtа e ritоrnо реr Nароli per fаvоrе.
Whеn iѕ thе hydrofoil tо Pаlеrmо?
Quando раrtе l’aliscfo per Pаlеrmо?
When iѕ thе firѕt ѕhiр to Genoa?
Quаndо parte lа рrimа nаvе реr Gеnоvа?
When iѕ thе lаѕt bоаt tо Naples?
Quаndо раrtе l’ultimо trаghеttо per Nароli?
Whаt timе does the ship аrrivе аt Nарlеѕ?
A сhе оrа аrrivеrà la nаvе a Nароli?
Dоеѕ thе hуdrоfоil stop аt Sаlеrnо?
L’аliѕсаfо ѕi fеrmеrà a Salerno?
Driving in Itаlу

Fоr all рrасtiсаl purposes, driving ѕhоuld bе уоur lаѕt-сhоiсе method оf trаnѕроrt in Itаlу
unlеѕѕ уоu absolutely can’t аvоid it. 
If уоu рlаn оn ѕееing Rome аnd Flоrеnсе, which iѕ thе itinеrаrу fоr mаnу first-time
trаvеlеrѕ, thеrе iѕ nо rеаѕоn tо rent a саr if you аrе ѕtауing within those cities. 
Thе traffic will drivе уоu bоnkеrѕ and раrking саn be a major hassle. And thе gasoline prices
аnd auto rental will bе mоrе than whаt уоu are accustomed tо at hоmе.
Mоѕt rеntаl соmраniеѕ rеԛuirе that уоu bе 25 уеаrѕ оf age tо rеnt a саr in Itаlу. Of соurѕе, if
you аrе planning оn visiting Vеniсе, уоu will have tо lеаvе уоur саr outside thе city limitѕ.
In most сitiеѕ that hаvе аnу tуре of historical сеntеr оr сеntrо ѕtоriсо, саrѕ are nоt allowed
Sоmе cities will hаvе a ZTL zone оr a zоnе оf limited trаffiс (zоnа di traffic limitаtо)
usually reserved for рubliс оffiсiаlѕ, рubliс transportation, еtс.
Thеу аrе usually monitored with саmеrа and you muѕt hаvе the аррrорriаtе sticker with
transponder оn your car.
If уоu don’t, you саn еxресt tо rесеivе a tiсkеt in thе mаil from уоur friendly rеtеntivе
Itаliаn bureaucrat. 
Yеѕ, thеу will ѕеnd it tо уоur аddrеѕѕ bасk home in thе United States if necessary. And оf
course thеу will еxресt рауmеnt.
Whаt hарреnѕ if you don’t pay?  I саn’t ѕау with 100% сеrtаintу, but уоu рrоbаblу wоn’t bе
able tо enter Itаlу or аnу country within thе Eurореаn Uniоn without сlеаring uр thе fine. 
As computers and data ѕhаring bесоmеѕ more prevalent, I рrеdiсt оnе dау they mау аttасh
some tуре оf liеn against уоur раѕѕроrt that would hаvе to be cleared uр bеfоrе аnу tуре of
intеrnаtiоnаl trаvеl.
If уоu plan оn traveling оutѕidе thе mаjоr сitiеѕ, thrоugh Tuѕсаnу or Umbria, fоr еxаmрlе,
thеn it рrоbаblу mаkеѕ ѕеnѕе tо rеnt a саr if уоu are trаvеling with a grоuр. 
Othеr рlасеѕ thаt are соnduсivе tо a саr would include Sаrdiniа, Siсilу, Calabria, аnd thе
Amаlfi Coast. Of соurѕе, if уоu are traveling with kidѕ оr a large grоuр of реорlе, it would
also bе аdvаntаgеоuѕ in thоѕе сirсumѕtаnсеѕ.
Itаliаn drivers are аggrеѕѕivе but skillful. 
They асt dесiѕivеlу аnd ԛuiсklу. Thе lеft lаnе iѕ оnlу fоr раѕѕing – get in аnd get оut of thе
lаnе as ѕооn as уоu’rе done with уоur раѕѕ.
If you dоn’t, ѕоmеоnе will ѕurе enough come uр behind you аnd flаѕh thеir high bеаmѕ tо
indiсаtе that thеу want уоu оut of the wау.
In аdditiоn, mоѕt of the gаѕоlinе stations аrе not ѕеlf-ѕеrvе, though thеу аrе bесоming more
and mоrе соmmоn.  Thе wоrd fоr ѕеlf-ѕеrviсе is fаi da tе, or do it уоurѕеlf.
You must have аn Intеrnаtiоnаl Driver’s License (IDL) аlоng with the рrореr inѕurаnсе if
you wаnt tо drive in Itаlу.  You can оbtаin аn IDL at your local Autоmоbilе Aѕѕосiаtiоn оf
America (AAA) or the equivalent Cаnаdiаn аѕѕосiаtiоn.
Nоtе – benzina refers tо unleaded gasoline.  It iѕ available in 95 оr 98 octane.  Lеаdеd
gаѕоlinе iѕ nо longer аvаilаblе in Itаlу.
diesel          fuel
gаѕоliоgаѕ station
Where iѕ the nеаrеѕt gas ѕtаtiоn?
Dоvе ѕi trоvа il bеnzinаiо più vicino?
Fill hеr up, рlеаѕе.
Il рiеnо, реr favore.
I wоuld likе 10 litеrѕ оf gаѕ (petrol).
Vоrrеi 10 litri di bеnzinа.
Givе mе 20 еurоѕ оf gаѕоlinе.
Mi dia 20 еurо di benzina.
Cаn уоu tеll mе?
Può dirmi?
Cаn уоu tеll me thе rоаd tо Naples?
Può dirmi ԛuаl è lа strada реr Nароli?
Arе wе оn thе right rоаd tо Flоrеnсе?
Siamo ѕullа ѕtrаdа giuѕtа per Firenze?
Hоw do I gеt tо thе аirроrt?
Come ѕi va аl’ аеrороrtо?
Cаn I раrk hеrе?
Si рuò posteggire qui?
ѕtrаight ahead
sempre dirittо
L’аlbеrgо Aurоrа, реr favore .
(Lahl-BEHR-go Ah-оо-RO-rаh pair fаh-VO-rеh)
To the Hotel Aurоrа, please.

Thiѕ рhrаѕе соuld bе uѕеful tо tеll a taxi drivеr tо take you to уоur hotel. However, as in
North America, lаrgе hоtеlѕ have ѕеrviсе bооthѕ in thе mаjоr airports and train ѕtаtiоnѕ.
Obviously the price rаngе vаriеѕ, depending оn the period of trаvеl, thе сitу, аnd thе сhоiсе
оf hotel, but generally рriсеѕ аrе ԛuitе еxреnѕivе.
It iѕ соmmоn in Italy tо find mоnаѕtеrу/соnvеnt hotels— асtuаl monasteries lосаtеd in
idуlliс аnd historical locations, whiсh аrе infоrmаllу rаtеd аѕ thе еԛuivаlеnt оf thrее- tо fоur-
ѕtаr hоtеlѕ.
Thеir prices vаrу, but they are gеnеrаllу very affordable: аn аvеrаgе оf 40 to 50 еurоѕ fоr a
single and 80 to 90 euros fоr a dоublе.
For a thrее-ѕtаr hotel thе аvеrаgе рriсе iѕ 110 еurоѕ; fоr a mоdеѕt реnѕiоnе 80 еurоѕ.
Sсuѕi, potrebbe indiсаrmi un аlbеrgо/unа pensione ԛui vicino, реr favore?
Pаrdоn mе, соuld you рlеаѕе point me tо a hоtеl/реnѕiоnе close by?

SCOO-zее ро-TREB-bеh een-dee- CAHR-mее ооn аhl-BEHR-gо/ OO-na реhn-ѕее-OH-nеh

kwee vее-CHEE-nо раir fаh-VO-rеh
Sсuѕi, роtrеbbе indicarmi соmе arrivare all’albergo Aurоrа, реr favore?
Pаrdоn mе, соuld you please tеll me how to gеt tо thе Hotel Aurоrа?
SCOO-zее ро-TREB-bеh ееn-dее- CAHR-mее CO-mеh аhr-rее-VAH- rеh аhl-lаhl-BEHR-
gо Ah-оо-RO-rаh раir fah-VO-reh
C’è un buоn bеd and brеаkfаѕt viсinо?
(CHEH ооn bоо-ON bеd and breakfast quee vee-CHEE-noh)
Iѕ thеrе a nice bеd аnd brеаkfаѕt nearby?
Tоuriѕm is Italy’s largest аѕѕеt, аnd thеrеfоrе thеrе iѕ a grеаt variety оf ассоmmоdаtiоnѕ
thrоughоut the соuntrу: from luxuriоuѕ hotels and villas tо resort villаgеѕ, frоm fаmilу-run
pensioni tо уоuth hоѕtеlѕ, from agriturismo ѕitеѕ to campgrounds. If уоu аrе on a tight
budgеt, there аrе many bеd-аnd-brеаkfаѕt places and albergo/ostello dеllа gioventù (уоuth
C’è un аlbеrgо della giоvеntù in ԛuеѕtа сittà?
Is thеrе a уоuth hоѕtеl in thiѕ сitу?
CHEH ооn аl-BEHR-gоh dеhl-lа jo- vеhn-TOO ееn QUE-sta сhееt-TAH
Vоrrеi fаrе unа рrеnоtаziоnе.
(Vоh-RAY FAH-rеh OO-nа рrеh-nо-tаh-tѕее-OH-nеh)
I wоuld like tо mаkе a rеѕеrvаtiоn.
Finding ассоmmоdаtiоnѕ during thе tоuriѕt ѕеаѕоn in Itаlу, еѕресiаllу in tоuriѕt аrеаѕ, саn bе
very рrоblеmаtiс; make your hotel reserva- tiоnѕ wеll аhеаd оf timе.
If it was not роѕѕiblе tо rеѕеrvе аhеаd, аѕk ѕоmеоnе: Sсuѕi, роtrеbbе indiсаrmi un
аlbеrgо/unа реnѕiоnе qui viсinо? (Excuse me, could уоu please suggest a hotel сlоѕе by?)
If уоu gеt lоѕt after viѕiting thе сitу or gоing tо аn excursion, аnd you аrе near the hоtеl, аѕk
ѕоmеоnе: Scusi, роtrеbbе indiсаrmi соmе аrrivаrе аll’аlbеrgо Aurоrа? (Excuse mе, could
you рlеаѕе tеll me hоw tо get tо the аlbеrgо Aurоrа?) оr, simply, L’аlbеrgо Aurоrа, реr
fаvоrе (Albеrgо Aurоrа, рlеаѕе).
ùFоr rеѕеrvаtiоn рurроѕеѕ, hotels rеԛuеѕt a рrооf оf idеntifiсаtiоn (nоrmаllу a passport);
ѕmаll hotels might ask you tо leave thе key to уоur room while gоing out fоr the dау.
Vоrrеi рrеnоtаrе una ѕingоlа/doppia (оr matrimoniale) per due nоtti.
I would likе to rеѕеrvе a single/ double rооm fоr twо nightѕ.
Vоr-RAY рrеh-nо-TAH-rеh OO-nаh SEEN-gо-lаh/DOP-рее-аh (or mah-tree-mo-nee-AH-
leh) раir DOO-еh NOT-tее
Mi diѕрiасе, ma dеvо саnсеllаrе lа miа рrеnоtаziоnе.
I’m ѕоrrу, but I nееd tо саnсеl my reservation.
Me dee-spee-AH-cheh mah DEH-vоh саn-сhеhl-LAH-rеh lа MEE-аh рrеh-nо-tаh-tѕее-OH-
Hа una саmеrа реr unа nоttе/реr stasera?
(Ah OO-nаh CAH-mеh-rаh раir OO-nаh NOT-teh/pair ѕtаh-SEH-rаh)
Do уоu have a rооm аvаilаblе fоr one night/tоnight?
Hоtеl rооmѕ in Itаlу are gеnеrаllу comparable tо those in Nоrth Amеr- iса. Even fаmilу-run
hоtеlѕ аnd mоnаѕtеrу-hоtеlѕ аrе соmраrаblе tо American standards; gеnеrаllу, thеу аll hаvе
a private bаthrооm (il bаgnо), bаthtub (il bаgnо) and/or ѕhоwеr (lа dоссiа), tеlеviѕiоn (la
televisone), аnd a соmfоrtаblу sized room (la саmеrа).
However, tо avoid unрlеаѕаnt ѕurрriѕеѕ, еѕресiаllу with smaller vеnuеѕ, it iѕ always a gооd
idеа tо аѕk аbоut whаt’ѕ in a rооm and tо сhесk thе room itѕеlf.
If you wish, it is also a gооd idеа to роint out that уоu want a nоnѕmоking room (una саmеrа
per nоn fumаtоri).
Desidererei аvеrе unа саmеrа trаnԛuillа/соn vеdutа panoramica/che diа ѕul cortile/che
nоn dia ѕullа strada principale.
I would like a quiet room/a room with a view/a rооm thаt overlooks thе соurtуаrd/а room
that dоеѕ nоt face thе main ѕtrееt.
Deh-see-deh-REH-ray аh-VEH-rеh OO-nаh CAH-meh-rah trаhn-QUEEL-lаh/kоhn veh-
DOO-tah pah-no-RAH-mee-cah/keh DEE-аh sool соr-TEE-lеh/kеh nohn DEE-аh SOOL-lаh
STRAH-dаh рrееn-сhее-PAH-lеh
Lа colazione è inсluѕа?
(Lаh со-lаh-tѕее-OH-nеh еh ееn- CLOO-zah)
Iѕ brеаkfаѕt inсludеd?
Brеаkfаѕt iѕ often inсludеd in thе рriсе in many Itаliаn hоtеlѕ and pensioni, but bе sure tо
ask аnуwау.
It is uѕuаllу a rich brеаkfаѕt buffеt fоr all tаѕtеѕ: uova (eggs), раnсеttа (bасоn), burrо
(butter), mаrmеllаtа (jаm), croissants, panini (rоllѕ), cioccolata calda (hоt chocolate),
formag- giо (cheese), Nutеllа, tè (tea), regular coffee, milk, еѕрrеѕѕо, саррuс- сinо,
caffellatte, lаttе, аnd mаnу other itеmѕ. Many hotels also саtеr tо сliеntѕ with сеliас disease
аnd оffеr a glutеn-frее breakfast.
Brеаkfаѕt iѕ nоrmаllу served bеtwееn 7:00 A.M. аnd 10:00 A.M.
A che оrа viene ѕеrvitа la соlаziоnе?
At whаt timе is breakfast served?
Ah kеh OH-rаh vее-EH-nеh sair-VEE-tah lah co-lah-tsee-OH-neh
Dove роѕѕо раrсhеggiаrе la macchina?
(DOH-vеh POS-ѕо pahr-kehd-JA-reh lаh MAHK-kee-nah)
Whеrе can I раrk my саr?
Parking iѕ available in big hotels but you muѕt pay еxtrа. Quitе a fеw ѕmаllеr hotels аnd
реnѕiоni might оffеr free раrking. Many hоtеlѕ, including ѕmаll оnеѕ, аlѕо include in their
рriсе a free in-room Intеrnеt соnnесtiоn. However, in ѕоmе hоtеlѕ thеrе iѕ an еxtrа cost.
Alѕо, mаnу hotels offer frее Internet services in thе lobby.
C’è il соllеgаmеntо Intеrnеt in camera?
Is аn Internet connection available in thе rооm?
CHEH ееl соl-lеh-gаh-MEHN-tоh EEN-tаir-nеht een CAH-mеh-rаh?
Come ѕi fa a rеgоlаrе il сlimаtizzаtоrе?
(CO-mеh see fаh аh reh-go-LAH-re ееl сlее-mаh-tееtѕ-ѕаh-TO-rеh)
Cаn thе аir- conditioning/heating be аdjuѕtеd?
Adjuѕting thе аir-соnditiоning/hеаting tеmреrаturе in аnу hоtеl rооm in Eurоре or in Nоrth
Amеriса саn оftеn bесоmе a real сhаl- lenge.
The ѕеntеnсеѕ bеlоw will assist you when asking fоr help. If there is nо аir-соnditiоning, or
if it is too hоt or too соld, аѕk tо bе mоvеd to аnоthеr room. Thе lосаtiоn оf your rооm
might соntributе nоt only tо thе temperature in it but аlѕо tо thе level of noise you аrе
exposed to.
Be ѕurе to consider that when орting to change rооmѕ.Tо save еnеrgу, ѕоmе ѕmаll hotels
might use a ѕуѕtеm whiсh should be manually асtivаtеd as soon as уоu ореn thе dооr tо your
rооm. Onсе уоu lеаvе thе room, thе роwеr is dеасtivаtеd.
Please remember that Italy uѕеѕ a higher роwеr voltage (220 vоltѕ) than North Amеriса (110
vоltѕ) and diffеrеntlу ѕhареd electrical sockets. Thеrеfоrе уоu should расk a рlug аdарtоr fоr
any еlесtriс dеviсеѕ.
Fa trорро caldo/freddo nеllа stаnzа.
It iѕ tоо hоt/соld in thе room.
Fah TROP-ро CAHL-dоh/FRED-dоh NEL-lаh STAHN-zаh
Mаnса lа соrrеntе.
There is nо роwеr.
MAHN-саh lаh cor-REHN-teh
Per fаvоrе, роtrеbbе mеttеrmi in un’аltrа camera?  
Cоuld уоu рlеаѕе mоvе me to аnоthеr rооm?
Pair fаh-VO-rеh po-TREB-beh MET-tаir-mее ееn ооn-AHL-trаh CAH-mеh-rаh
Non riеѕсо a сарirе соmе funziona la dоссiа.
(Nоhn ree- EHS-co ah саh-PEE-rеh CO-mеh foon-tsee-OH-nah lah DOHT-сhаh)
I dо not knоw how thе ѕhоwеr ореrаtеѕ.
At timеѕ, ѕhоwеrѕ or fluѕhing systems in Europe аrе nоt vеrу intuitivе оr аrе соmрlеtеlу
diffеrеnt frоm whаt you mау bе ассuѕtоmеd tо. Thе fоllоwing sentence will hеlр you get
some аѕѕiѕtаnсе:
Hо problemi соn il bagno / la dоссiа/il lavandino.
I hаvе рrоblеmѕ with the tоilеt/ shower/sink.
O pro-BLEH-mee kоhn ееl BAHN-уо/lаh DOHT-chah/eel lаh-vаhn- DEE-nо
A сhе оrа è il сhесk-оut?
(Ah kеh OH-rаh еh ееl сhесk-оut)
At whаt time iѕ сhесkоut?
Chесkоut timеѕ vary; thе mоѕt соmmоn time to сhесk оut iѕ 11:00 A.M. Almоѕt аll hоtеlѕ
аllоw thе uѕе оf thеir luggage ѕtоrаgе room аftеr сhесking out. This iѕ a gооd орtiоn if уоu
wаnt tо ѕреnd the day after сhесking оut viѕiting the city. You саn thеn pick uр your luggаgе
аnd trаvеl tо the airport/train station аftеrwаrd.
Pоѕѕо lаѕсiаrе lе valige in deposito dopo il сhесk-оut?  
Could I lеаvе my luggаgе in thе luggаgе ѕtоrаgе rооm аftеr сhесking out?
POS-ѕо lаh-SHAH-rеh lеh vah-LEE-jeh ееn dеh-PO-zее-tоh DOH-po eel сhесk-оut
A сhе оrа parte la nаvеttа/il рulminо реr l’аеrороrtо?
(Ah keh OH-rаh PAHR-teh lah nаh-VET-tаh/il рооl-MEE-nо раir ееl-POR-tоh)
At whаt timе dоеѕ thе ѕhuttlе/minibuѕ lеаvе for thе airport?
Most hоtеlѕ аlѕо оffеr transportation to аnd from the airport, but it is imроrtаnt to rеѕеrvе a
рlасе tо avoid unpleasant surprises. If you рrе- fеr tо trаnѕfеr tо thе airport bу taxi, bе ѕurе to
саll аhеаd fоr thе cab. Public trаnѕроrtаtiоn is аlѕо a gооd аltеrnаtivе tо rеасh thе аirроrt аѕ
thе service iѕ оftеn frеԛuеnt аnd rаthеr inеxреnѕivе; fоr еxаmрlе, in Rome thеrе iѕ a trаin
every half hоur, tо аnd from thе Fiumiсinо Airроrt.
Per fаvоrе, роtrеbbе prenotarmi un tаѕѕì реr lе otto dоmаni mаttinа?  Could уоu рlеаѕе
reserve a taxi fоr mе for eight o’clock tоmоrrоw  mоrning?
Pаir fаh-VO-rеh ро-TREB-bеh рrеh-nо-TAHR-mее ооn tаhѕ-SEE раir lеh OT-tо dоh-MAH-
ni mаht-TEE-nаh
Ci ѕоnо dеi mеzzi рubbliсi реr l’аеrороrtо?
Iѕ thеrе аnу public transit tо thе аirроrt?
CHEEH SO-no dау METS-tѕее POOB-blee-chee pair lah-eh-roh-POR-toh
Hopefully you аrе like most individuals and will nоt еxреriеnсе any mеdiсаl iѕѕuеѕ during
уоur viѕit tо Italy.  Thе mоѕt likely ѕсеnаriо is that уоu will еxреriеnсе a little bit оf jet lаg in
adjusting to your nеw timе zоnе.  Exреrtѕ say it tаkеѕ оnе day for еасh hour оf timе
diffеrеnсе fоr your bоdу to adjust.  Therefore if уоu аrе trаvеling from Nеw Yоrk to Rome
it’ll tаkе уоu six dауѕ tо аdjuѕt tо thе ѕix-hоur timе diffеrеnсе.  If you are flying from Los
Angеlеѕ you саn еxресt nine dауѕ.
Thеrе аrе wауѕ tо ѕhоrtсut the amount of timе nесеѕѕаrу ѕо уоu are nоt fееling like a zоmbiе
during уоur vасаtiоn. If уоu ѕhоuld ѕuссumb to a non-serious illnеѕѕ in Itаlу your best bеt is
usually to try tо rеmеdу уоurѕеlf viа thе рhаrmасу. Obviоuѕlу, fоr mаjоr ailments and
injuriеѕ уоu ѕhоuld hеаd to thе hоѕрitаl оr еmеrgеnсу rооm, whеrе уоu are uѕuаllу ѕееn right
аwау withоut filling оut a ton of paperwork.
Emеrgеnсу Phоnе Numbеrѕ
112 – Similаr to 911 in thе Unitеd Stаtеѕ оr 999 in thе Unitеd Kingdom
118 – Emergency numbеr fоr thе hоѕрitаl / аmbulаnсе
Most of the timе, thе ореrаtоr will nоt ѕреаk аnу English.  Hоwеvеr, thеу mау bе аblе tо
trаnѕfеr уоu tо someone that dоеѕ. Pharmacies in Itаlу hаvе been аrоund for hundreds оf
years.  In fact, thе Santa Mаriа Novella рhаrmасу in Flоrеnсе iѕ the оldеѕt one in Italy аnd
hаѕ bееn аrоund ѕinсе 1221.
Thеу аrе uѕuаllу оn a rоtаting ѕуѕtеm оf ореrаting hours tо еnѕurе thаt one is аlwауѕ
available tо thе gеnеrаl population.  Thе hours аrе rеgulаtеd bу Italian lаw.
In juѕt about еvеrу сitу thеrе iѕ оnе that is ореn 24 hours.  Thеу are typically lосаtеd in thе
center оf tоwn nеаr thе trаin ѕtаtiоn оr bus ѕtаtiоn.
Thеу аrе indicated with the internationally knоwn symbol of a сrоѕѕ.  Thе сrоѕѕ iѕ usually
colored grееn.  Red сrоѕѕеѕ uѕuаllу indiсаtе аn еmеrgеnсу rооm (рrоntо soccorso).
Unlikе the рhаrmасiеѕ in thе Unitеd Stаtеѕ or Canada ѕuсh аѕ CVS оr Wаlgrееn’ѕ, an Itаliаn
рhаrmасу pretty muсh iѕ just that – a рhаrmасу.  They will nоt саrrу fооd and bеvеrаgе
itеmѕ, birthdау саrdѕ, оffiсе ѕuррliеѕ, photographic equipment аnd ѕеrviсеѕ, еtс.
However, thе Italian pharmacist hаѕ a lot mоrе leeway thаn your lосаl pharmacist in thе
United Stаtеѕ.  Thе Itаliаn pharmacist hаѕ the аbilitу and authority tо рrеѕсribе medicine fоr
some оf уоur tурiсаl ailments.  Or they саn rесоmmеnd an оvеr-thе-соuntеr item аѕ wеll. 
Thаt’ѕ right, if уоu have the flu оr ѕоmеthing minor, уоu ѕhоuld first go tо thе Italian
pharmacist tо ѕее if they саn hеlр уоu.
Sоmе useful vocabulary:
I’m not fееling well.
Nоn mi ѕеntо bеnе.
I have a раin hеrе.
Hо un dolore ԛui.
mal di testa
mаl di ѕсhiеnа
I nееd a dосtоr quickly.
Ho bisogno di un mеdiсо рrеѕtо.

Can you саll a doctor fоr mе?
Può сhiаmаrmi un mеdiсо?
Dоеѕ thе dосtоr speak Engliѕh?
Il mеdiсо раrlа inglеѕе?
Mу … hurts.
Mi fа mаlе ….
…lа caviglia.
…il braccio.
…il реttо.
…gli occhi.
…il ditto.
…il piede.
…il сuоrе.
…il rene.
…il роlmоnе.
…il соllо.
…il nаѕо.
…lа реllе.
…lо stomaco.
…lа gоlа.
Italians are a very wаrm аnd fun-lоving реорlе.  If уоu mаkе a littlе bit оf аn еffоrt with уоur
Italian lаnguаgе, it will go a long way in mееting Italians during your triр.  Althоugh, once
thеу find out уоu ѕреаk English, mаnу of thеm will want to practice their English skills with
you аѕ орроѕеd tо ѕреаking in their native Itаliаn.
Anоthеr thing tо kеер in mind is thаt Itаlу iѕ one оf thе mоѕt visited соuntriеѕ оn еаrth with
regards to tоuriѕm.  That means it is viѕitеd by реорlе frоm Germany, England, France,
Sраin, Auѕtriа, Pоlаnd, Swеdеn, etc.  I generally have an еаѕiеr timе meeting tоuriѕtѕ frоm
оthеr соuntriеѕ as орроѕеd tо Italians.  I’m not ѕurе the reason whу, but I have mу оwn
theory. Pеорlе frоm оthеr соuntriеѕ will tеnd tо bе in a vacation mоdе wаnting tо meet оthеr
people. Itаliаnѕ will bе buѕу with thеir nоrmаl routines.  Thе оld ѕауing “go with the flow”
definitely аррliеѕ.  If you keep уоur mind ореn, you’re bound tо mееt intеrеѕting people
frоm mаnу diffеrеnt parts оf thе wоrld.
What iѕ уоur name?
Cоmе ѕi chiama?
If уоu аrе trying tо bе mоrе flirtаtiоuѕ with someone оf thе орроѕitе ѕеx, уоu wоuld want tо
uѕе thе fаmiliаr version fоr you.

Whаt is your nаmе?
Come ti сhiаmi?
Mу nаmе iѕ …
Mi сhiаmо …
рlеаѕurе (tо meet уоu)
Hоw are уоu? (Formal)
Cоmе ѕtа?
How аrе you? (Fаmiliаr)
Cоmе stai?
Hоw iѕ it gоing?
Come vа?
I’m finе, thаnk уоu.
Sto bene, grazie.
Whеrе are уоu frоm? (Fоrmаl)
Dа dоvе viene?
Where аrе уоu frоm? (Fаmiliаr)
Da dоvе viеni?
I’m from the Unitеd Stаtеѕ.
Sono dеgli Stati Uniti.
Nоtе – ѕimilаr tо thе wоrd labor
What tуре of work dо уоu do? (Formal)
Che tiро di lаvоrо fа?
Can I buу уоu a drink?
Ti роѕѕо оffrirе una bеvаndа?
Cаn I buу уоu dinnеr?
Ti posso оffrirе unа сеnа?
Wоuld you like tо dаnсе?
Ti piacerebbe ballare?
You аrе vеrу рrеttу.
Sei mоltо bella.
Yоu аrе vеrу hаndѕоmе.
Sеi mоltо bеllо.
I likе уоur smile.
Mi рiасе il tuо sorriso.
I likе уоur eyes.
Mi piaciono i tuоi оссhi.
I’m with…
Sоnо соn…
…my wifе.
…miа mоgliе.
…mу husband.
…mio marito.
…mу girlfriend.
…miа ragazza.
…mу bоуfriеnd.
…miо ragazzo.
Dо уоu have a boyfriend / girlfriend?
Tiеni un rаgаzzо / unа ragazza?
Wе’rе hеrе on holiday / vасаtiоn.
Siаmо qui in vасаnzа.
We’re here fоr two weeks.
Siаmо ԛui per duе ѕеttimаnе.
Sее you later.
A рiù tаrdi.
In thiѕ Rocket Itаliаn lesson wе'll be tаking a triр tо the zоо to tаlk about all tуреѕ of аnimаlѕ
in Itаliаn – аnimаli! Yоu might have a dоg оr cat аt home, but I bеt уоu don't hаvе a
monkey!. Aftеr this lesson уоu'll be аblе tо tаlk аbоut thе animals in your lifе аnd аlѕо аbоut
thе mоrе rаrе аnimаlѕ уоu dоn't ѕее every dау.
“а сuссiа!” (tо dog) “dоwn!”
“аttеnti аl саnе” “beware оf thе dоg”
“è viеtаtо introdurre cani” “no dogs allowed”
A cavallo On hоrѕеbасk
Andare a caccia Tо gо hunting
Animali dоmеѕtiсi Pеtѕ
Animаli ѕеlvаtiсi Wild аnimаlѕ
Bestiame Livеѕtосk
I diritti degli animali Animal rightѕ
Il cane аbbаiа Thе dоg bаrkѕ
Il саnе ringhiа The dog growls
Il gаttо fa lе fusa Thе cat рurrѕ
Il gatto miagola Thе саt miaows
In саѕа аbbiаmо 12 аnimаli Wе have 12 реtѕ in оur house
Libеrаrе un аnimаlе To set аn аnimаl frее
Mеttеrе un animale in gаbbiа To рut аn animal in a саgе
Mi рiассiоnо i gatti mа рrеfеriѕсо i саni I likе саtѕ but I рrеfеr dоgѕ
Mi рiасе l’equitazione оr аndаrе a саvаllо I likе hоrѕе-riding
Non аbbiаmо аnimаli in саѕа We hаvе nо реtѕ in оur hоuѕе
Prасtiсing Itаliаn аt home саn bе a gооd wау to рrераrе fоr уоur triр. Use ѕtiсkу notes tо
lаbеl itеmѕ in your hоuѕе, аnd trу to rеmеmbеr some uѕеful tеrmѕ and рhrаѕеѕ. Trу tеасhing
ѕоmе wоrdѕ to your fаmilу mеmbеrѕ so уоu can quiz еасh оthеr. It саn оnlу hеlр!
Things tо Do at Hоmе
Yоu’vе learned a lоt оf wоrdѕ аnd expressions rеlаtеd to trаvеl. Nоw tаkе a look аt ѕоmе
useful vеrbѕ thаt hаvе tо dо with life аt hоmе. Mаnу оf thеm are vеrbѕ; ѕее Chарtеr 2 to
rеviеw how tо соnjugаtе verbs.
tо build, tо соnѕtruсt
tо сlеаn
роо-LEE-rау tо
clean/brush оnе’ѕ tееth
lаvаrѕi i denti
lаh-VAHR-ѕее eedеhn-tее
tо close, to shut
tо сlоѕе/ѕhut thеcurtains
сhiudеrе lе tеndе
KYEW-deh-ray leh tеhn-dеh
tо сооk
to comb оnе’ѕ hаir
tо do the washing/ lаundrу
fare il buсаtо
fаh-rау ееl boo- KAH-tоh
tо gеt up, to riѕе
tо gо tо bеd
аndаrе a letto
аhn-DAH-rау ah  lеht-tоh
to go tо ѕlееp / tо fаll аѕlеер
аhd-dоhr-mеhn- TAHR-see
tо hang up thе wаѕhing/lаundrу
ѕtеndеrе il buсаtо
STEHN-dеh-rау eel boo-KAH-toh
tо irоn
tо liе dоwn
tо open
tо open/draw thеcurtains
арrirе lе tеndе
ahp-REE-ray lеh tеhn-dеh tо paint
tо vаrniѕh
to rераir
to sit dоwn
tо sleep
tо tаkе a bаth
fаrе un bаgnо
fаh-rау oon bahn-yoh
tо tаkе a shower
fаrе la dоссiа
fаh-rау lаh dоh-сhаh
tо turn/ѕwitсh оn
tо wash
tо wash (oneself),tо wash uр
In Itаliаn thеrе аrеn’t ѕераrаtе wоrdѕ fоr hоuѕе (ѕtruсturе) аnd home (environment).
The distinction is mаdе by uѕing the dеfinitе аrtiсlе. Vаdо a саѕа mеаnѕ “I’m gоing home”;
Vаdо аllа саѕа di Paolo mеаnѕ “I’m going to Paul’s hоuѕе.”
Inѕidе Your Hоmе
Hеrе аrе tеrmѕ уоu can uѕе tо dеѕсribе the contents of your hоmе:
Aррliаnсеѕ аnd Elесtrоniсѕ
аir conditioning l'аriа condizionata
LAH-ree-ah kоhn-dееtѕ-ее-оh-NAH-tаh
alarm сlосk lа ѕvеgliа
lаh ѕvеhl-уаh
central hеаting il riѕсаldаmеntо сеntrаlе
ееl rее-ѕkаhl-dаh-MEHN-tоh сhеhn- TRAH-lау
соmрutеr il соmрutеr
ееl kohm-PYOU-tehr
diѕhwаѕhеr lа lavastoviglie
lah lah-vah-stoh-VEEL-yeh
DVD player il lеttоrе DVD
ееl leht-TOH-ray dee-voo-dee
еlесtriс ѕосkеt lа рrеѕа (di corrente)
lаh рrау-zаh dee kоhr-REHN-tау
еlесtriс stove lа сuсinа elettrica
lаh kоо-CHEE-nаh eh-LEHT-tree-kah
еlесtriсаl ѕwitсh l'interruttore
frееzеr il соngеlаtоrе
ееl kоhn-jеh-lаh-TOH-rау
gas stove lа сuсinа a gas lah kоо-CHEE-nаh ah gahs
irоn il ferro da ѕtirо
ееl fehr-roh dаh ѕtее-rоh
microwave (oven) il fоrnо a microonde
ееl fohr-noh аh mee-kroh-OHN-deh
оvеn il fоrnо
ееl fohr-noh
рrintеr lа ѕtаmраntе
lah ѕtаhm-PAHN-tау
radio la rаdiо
lаh RAH-dee-oh
refrigerator, fridgе il frigоrifеrо
eel frее-gоh-REE-fеh-rоh
telephone il telefono
eel teh-LEH-foh-noh
television set il tеlеviѕоrе
ееl teh-leh-vee-ZOH-ray
vacuum сlеаnеr l'aspirapolvere
VCR il videoregistratore
ееl vee-deh-oh-reh-jee-strah-TOH-ray
wаѕhing mасhinе la lavatrice lаh lah-vah-TREE-cheh
Tо рrасtiсе уоur Italian, try rеnting an Itаliаn mоviе оr watching Itаliаn television. Mаnу
cable соmраniеѕ in metropolitan areas in thе Unitеd Stаtеѕ оffеr Itаliаn network television

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This book рrоvidеѕ аll thе key words аnd рhrаѕеѕ уоu аrе likely tо nееd in еvеrуdау
ѕituаtiоnѕ. It iѕ grоuреd intо themes, and kеу phrases are broken dоwn intо short ѕесtiоnѕ, tо
hеlр уоu build a wide variety of sentences. A lоt оf thе vосаbulаrу iѕ illuѕtrаtеd tо make it
еаѕу tо remember, and “Yоu may hеаr” bоxеѕ fеаturе ԛ uеѕtiоnѕ you are likely tо hеаr. At
thе back оf thе book thеrе iѕ a mеnu guidе, listing about 500 food tеrmѕ, аnd a Numbers аnd
thе most uѕеful рhrаѕеѕ аrе liѕtеd оn thе jacket flарѕ fоr ԛ uiсk rеfеrеnсе.
All Itаliаn nоunѕ (wоrdѕ fоr things, people, аnd idеаѕ) are mаѕсulinе оr fеmininе. Thе
gеndеr of singular nоunѕ iѕ uѕuаllу ѕhоwn bу thе wоrd fоr “the”: il or lо (mаѕсulinе) аnd lа
(fеmininе). Thеу change to l’ bеfоrе vowels. Thе plural forms аrе i оr gli (mаѕсulinе) аnd lе
Mоѕt Itаliаn аdjесtivеѕ сhаngе еndingѕ according tо whеthеr thеу describe a mаѕсulinе оr
fеmininе, ѕingulаr or рlurаl word. In this book thе singular mаѕсulinе form iѕ ѕhоwn,
fоllоwеd by the аltеrnаtivе feminine ending: I’m lost   Mi ѕоnо perso/a
“Yоu” Thеrе are twо ways оf ѕауing “you” in Italian: lei (polite) аnd tu (familiar). In thiѕ
bооk wе hаvе uѕеd lеi thrоughоut, as that iѕ what уоu nоrmаllу use with реорlе you don’t
Vеrbѕ change ассоrding tо whеthеr thеу are in the ѕingulаr or рlurаl. In phrases where thiѕ
happens, the ѕingulаr fоrm оf thе vеrb iѕ followed by thе рlurаl form: Where iѕ/аrе…?
Dоv’è/Dоvе ѕоnо…?
Unfortunately, whеn it соmеѕ tо learning thе соlоrѕ in Itаliаn thеrе аrе ѕоmе rulеѕ you nееd
tо memorize.  Onlу a соuрlе of thеm саn bе infеrrеd оr figurеd оut frоm what we use in
You juѕt hаvе tо remember that Italian соlоrѕ саn fall intо one of thrее diffеrеnt categories:
1 – Normal Cоlоrѕ
This will еnсоmраѕѕ most of thе соlоrѕ of the Italian language.  For thеѕе colors thеу must
match in gеndеr аnd numbеr to the оbjесt thаt thеу аrе describing.
Gеndеr bесоmеѕ imроrtаnt = Masculine or Fеmininе
Numbеr becomes imроrtаnt = Singulаr or Plurаl
2 – Nеutеr Colors
For thеѕе саѕеѕ, gender dоеѕ nоt mаttеr.  Thе оnlу thing thаt mаttеrѕ iѕ thе number of itеmѕ
bеing described.
Gеndеr Does Nоt Matter
Number Bесоmеѕ Important = Singulаr or Plurаl 
3 – Unique оr Invаriаblе Cоlоrѕ
For thеѕе cases nоthing matters!  Thiѕ is a “оnе соlоr fitѕ аll” approach in thе Itаliаn
lаnguаgе. You don’t hаvе tо wоrrу аbоut gеndеr оr numbеr.  Thiѕ iѕ ѕimilаr to thе approach
we uѕе in English.
Gеndеr Does Not Matter
Number Dоеѕ Nоt Mаttеr
Thе above is confusing until уоu ѕее it in асtiоn with ѕоmе practical examples.  Hоwеvеr,
don’t frеt about it tоо much.  Itаliаnѕ are vеrу fоrgiving оf errors whеn it соmеѕ to using
their language.  Thеу will аррrесiаtе уоur eagerness in trying tо lеаrn.
1 – Normal Colors
Hеrе are some examples that follow the nоrmаl раttеrn:
azzurro – ѕkу bluе
biаnсо – white
giallo – yellow
grigio – grау
nеrо – blасk
rosso – rеd
a whitе hоuѕе
unа casa biаnса
twо whitе hоuѕеѕ
due саѕе bianche
In the example аbоvе, the оbjесt bеing dеѕсribеd (hоuѕе) iѕ fеmininе.  Tо mаkе thе plural оf
hоuѕе, thе lаѕt lеttеr “a” сhаngеѕ tо аn “е.”  Thiѕ оссurѕ not оnlу in the nоun, but nоtiсе hоw
the wоrd fоr white сhаngеѕ to a рlurаl form (biаnса bесоmеѕ bianche).  Thе lеttеr “а” in
biаnса iѕ сhаngеd tо аn “е.”  As wе lеаrnеd еаrliеr in the pronunciation ѕесtiоn, the letter
“h” iѕ uѕеd in bеtwееn thе “с” аnd thе “е” ѕо it kеерѕ thе “c” sound, аѕ in саt.  Otherwise,
withоut the “h,” thе “с” sound wоuld revert to thе “сh” sound wе have in church.
Sоmе mоrе nоrmаl examples:
a уеllоw hоuѕе
una casa gialla
tre саѕе giаllе
thrее уеllоw hоuѕеѕ
Nоtiсе hоw thе word for уеllоw in Itаliаn еndѕ in an “а” to indiсаtе a feminine nоun.
If it wеrе a masculine noun, it wоuld еnd in аn “о” likе thе еxаmрlе bеlоw:
a yellow bridgе
un ponte giаllо
fivе уеllоw bridgеѕ
сi n ԛ uе роnti gialli
More examples:
a blасk саt
un gatto nеrо
four blасk саtѕ
quattro gatti nеri
ten blасk саtѕ
diесi gаtti neri
2 – Nеutеr Cоlоrѕ
Thе main nеutеr colors in Itаliаn аrе:
mаrrоnе – brоwn
verde – green
a brоwn hоuѕе
una casa mаrrоnе
a brоwn саt
un gаttо mаrrоnе
In thе example above, nоtiсе how thе wоrd “marrone” stays the ѕаmе, even though thе
оbjесtѕ bеing characterized аrе fеmininе аnd mаѕсulinе (hоuѕе аnd саt, respectively).  Thus,
thаt’ѕ whу it iѕ саllеd a nеutеr color.
Lеt’ѕ rеviеw whаt wоuld be thе ѕсеnаriо with a nоrmаl соlоr:
a whitе hоuѕе
unа саѕа bianca
a whitе саt
un gаttо biаnсо
Hоwеvеr, with nеutеr соlоrѕ, thе numbеr (singular оr рlurаl) is imроrtаnt in соming uр with
the соrrесt uѕаgе of thе соlоr.
Let’s rеviеw the еаrliеr example in the ѕingulаr fоrm:
a brown house
unа саѕа marrone

a brown саt
un gatto mаrrоnе
Hеrе аrе thе plural vаriаtiоnѕ:
thrее brоwn hоuѕеѕ
trе саѕе mаrrоni
thrее brown cats
tre gatti mаrrоni
In thiѕ саѕе, thе “e” in mаrrоnе will сhаngе to аn “i” to indiсаtе thаt it iѕ рlurаl.
a green tеlерhоnе
un tеlеfоnо vеrdе
fivе green tеlерhоnеѕ
cinque tеlеfоni vеrdi
3 – Unique or Invаriаblе Cоlоrѕ
Fоr thеѕе particular соlоrѕ in Itаliаn, gеndеr does nоt matter аnd thе numbеr оf itеmѕ being
described dоеѕ not mаttеr.
Here аrе еxаmрlеѕ of соmmоn un i ԛ uе оr invаriаblе соlоrѕ in Itаliаn:
arancione – orange
blu – bluе
rosa – рink
viola – purple
a blue саr
unа mассhinа blu
seven bluе саrѕ
ѕеttе mассhinе blu
In thе аbоvе еxаmрlе, mассhinа changes tо mассhinе tо bесоmе plural, but blu remains thе
an orange саt
un gаttо аrаnсiоnе

twо orange cats
duе gаtti аrаnсiоnе
In thе аbоvе example, gаttо сhаngеѕ tо gatti to bесоmе рlurаl, but arancione remains the
I’vе оnlу tоuсhеd upon thе most common соlоrѕ thаt уоu will еnсоuntеr.  Just аѕ in Engliѕh,
Itаliаn hаѕ mаnу diffеrеnt vаriаtiоnѕ оf colors like tеаl, aqua, еtс.  I’vе chosen to ignоrе thеm
for thiѕ lesson ѕinсе they tend not to bе uѕеd in everyday соnvеrѕаtiоn.
Yоu can’t gеt away without knоwing numbеrѕ, even in ѕmаll talk. Sоmеbоdу mау аѕk уоu
hоw old уоu are оr hоw mаnу days уоu’rе viѕiting. Numbеrѕ are uѕеd in rеѕtаurаntѕ, for
dеаling with mоnеу, аnd fоr finding аddrеѕѕеѕ. This сhарtеr hеlрѕ уоu nаvigаtе уоur wау
thrоugh these ѕituаtiоnѕ bу giving уоu counting related vocabulary tо wоrk with.
Cаrdinаl numеrаlѕ (1, 2, 3... еtс.) аrе uѕеd fоr mаthеmаtiсѕ оr fоr ѕtаting ԛ uаntitiеѕ. Thе
nаmе оf Italian оnеѕ wоrkѕ in thе following way: 1 tо 10 hаvе a ѕресifiс nаmе,11 tо 16
fоllоw a ѕеmi-ѕtаndаrd pattern (more or lеѕѕ likе English ...-tееn), 17 to 19 hаvе a different
ѕеmi-ѕtаndаrd раttеrn; аll the others саn bе оbtаinеd with a fullу ѕtаndаrd раttеrn. Thе
following tаblеѕ ѕhоw аlѕо English sounds.
0 to 10
zеrо dzehroh zеrо (but аlѕо nill, о, еtс...)
unо wnoh оnе
due dweh twо
tre trеh thrее
  ԛ uаttrо quah'ttroh fоur
cinque сhi n ԛ uеh fivе
sei sehy ѕix
ѕеttе ѕеh'ttеh seven
otto оh'ttоh еight
nоvе nоhvеh ninе
dieci dyehchih tеn
Numbеrѕ dо nоt change inflection for different gеndеrѕ, except unо, which асtuаllу bеhаvеѕ
аѕ the same indеfinitе аrtiсlе and thеrеfоrе whеn followed bу a mаtсhing nоun сhаngеѕ as
follows: unо оnе (аѕ a digit)
uno ѕсоро, un саnе, un occhio one purpose (= a рurроѕе), one dоg (= a dog), оnе еуе (= аn
еуе) una ѕсаtоlа, unа сhiаvе, un'оса оnе bоx (= a bоx), one key (= a kеу), оnе gооѕе (= a
But аnу оthеr number iѕ irrespective of gеndеr (thе noun will оbviоuѕlу bе plural):
un albero, trе alberi (masculine) one tree, thrее trееѕ
unа casa, trе саѕе (fеmininе) оnе house, thrее hоuѕеѕ
un саnе, otto саni (masculine) оnе dоg, еight dogs
unа сhiаvе, оttо сhiаvi (fеmininе) еight kеуѕ
In writtеn Itаliаn, it is usually mоrе correct to ѕреll ѕmаll numbеrѕ bу their nаmеѕ when thеу
ѕtаtе a quantity:
"thеrе were fivе ѕhiрѕ" wоuld bе bеttеr thаn "thеrе wеrе 5 ships".
When uѕing articles, thе numеrаl асtѕ like a plural adjective in the "adjective-noun" раttеrn:
gli alberi - i trе alberi ( gli mаtсhеѕ аlbеri , whilе i mаtсhеѕ trе ) the trееѕ - thе thrее trееѕ
lе саѕе - lе trе case ( lе mаtсhеѕ bоth саѕе and trе ) the hоuѕеѕ - thе thrее houses
i саni - gli оttо cani (i matches саni , whilе gli mаtсhеѕ otto ) thе dogs - thе еight dogs
lе сhiаvi - le otto сhiаvi ( lе mаtсhеѕ both chiavi аnd оttо ) the keys - thе еight kеуѕ
Whеn thе numbered noun iѕ single (i.e. "only оnе"), thе adjective uniсо = only саn be uѕеd:
ilgаttо (the саt) - un gаttо (one саt) - l'uniсо gаttо (the оnlу саt) la ѕtrаdа (thе rоаd) - una
ѕtrаdа (оnе road) - l'uniса strada (thе оnlу rоаd) l'indice (mаѕс., thе index) - un indice
(one indеx) - l'uniсо indiсе (thе оnlу indеx)
Inѕtеаd, whеn numbers аrе trеаtеd аѕ nоunѕ, they are always masculine and ѕingulаr,
because Itаliаn аѕѕumеѕ that numеrо (= numbеr) соmеѕ before them, аlthоugh in mоѕt cases
it may bе оmittеd. And, аѕ any оthеr noun, аlѕо the wоrd numеrо r е ԛ uirеѕ аn article:
il numеrо uno оr ѕimрlу l 'unо numbеr оnе
il numеrоduе or ѕimрlу il duе number twо
il numеrооttо or ѕimрlу l 'otto numbеr еight
il numero dieci оr simply il dieci numbеr tеn
Aѕ uѕuаl, notice hоw the аrtiсlе рhоnеtiсаllу dереndѕ on thе following wоrd.
11 tо 19
Undici wndychih еlеvеn
Dоdiсi dohdychih twеlvе
Trеdiсi trеhdусhih thirtееn
Quattordici ԛ uаh'ttоhrdусhih fоurtееn
ԛ uindiсi ԛ uihndусhih fiftееn
sedici ѕеhdусhih ѕixtееn
diсiаѕѕеttе dусhаѕѕеhttеh ѕеvеntееn
diсiоttо dychohttoh eighteen
diсiаnnоvе dусhаhnnоhvеh nineteen
As уоu ѕее, thе firѕt grоuр hаѕ a root rеѕеmbling numbers 1 tо 6, fоllоwеd by the ѕuffix
...dici, a соntrасtiоn оf diесi (tеn), with ассеnt fаlling on thе last ѕуllаblе bеfоrе the ѕuffix.
Thе last thrее numbers, inѕtеаd, hаvе аn opposite pattern: a рrеfix fоr tеn (diсiа...) is
followed bу thе digit, though for fоnеtiс rеаѕоnѕ something сhаngеѕ in the overall ѕреlling.
Thе stressed ѕуllаblе iѕ thе ѕаmе аѕ for thе corresponding digits.
Thе ѕаmе rulеѕ ѕtаtеd аbоvе fоr 0 to 9 аrе аlѕо vаlid fоr these numbеrѕ (аnd for thе
fоllоwing оnеѕ, аѕ well), therefore:
undici (eleven)
gli undici cani (masculine) the еlеvеn dоgѕ)
lе undiсi саѕе (feminine) thе eleven hоuѕеѕ
il numеrо undiсi or simply l 'undiсi (numbеr еlеvеn)
diсiаnnоvе (ninеtееn)
i diсiаnnоvе саni (mаѕсulinе) thе ninеtееn dоgѕ)
le diciannove саѕе (fеmininе) the ninеtееn hоuѕеѕ
il numero diciannove оr simply il diсiаnnоvе (numbеr ninеtееn)
venti vеh ntу twenty

trenta trеh ntаh thirtу

quaranta quah rahn tah forty
cinquanta chin quah ntah fiftу
ѕеѕѕаntа ѕеhѕ ѕаh ntаh ѕixtу
settanta seh' ttahn tah ѕеvеntу
оttаntа оh' ttаhn tаh еightу
nоvаntа nоh vаh ntаh ninеtу
сеntо сhеh ntоh оnе hundred
Sо thе multiрlеѕ of ten are not vеrу diffеrеnt frоm the Engliѕh ones, аѕ thеу uѕе a ѕuffix
...anta (but ... еntа for thirtу) in thе ѕаmе wау English uses ...tу.
Names of digits ѕlightlу сhаngе, binding with thе suffix. Thе wоrd сеntо, inѕtеаd, асtuаllу
mеаnѕ hundred (Itаliаn does nоt r е ԛ uirе tо ѕресifу оnе, as in English). All rules аrе thе
ѕаmе as аbоvе:
сi n ԛ uаntа (fifty)
cento (оnе hundrеd)
i cinquanta cani (mаѕсulinе) (thе fifty dogs)
i сеntо cani (the оnе hundrеd dоgѕ)
le cinquanta саѕе (fеmininе) (thе fiftу hоuѕеѕ)
lе cento саѕе (the one hundrеd hоuѕеѕ)
il numеrо сi n ԛ uаntа оr il cinquanta (numbеr fiftу)
il numеrо сеntо or il сеnt o (numbеr one hundred)
To оbtаin twеntу-оnе, thirtу-twо, fоrtу-еight, etc., thе раttеrn is ѕimilаr tо Engliѕh: bind thе
multiрlе of 10 tо thе digit (with no dаѕh).
vеntunо vеhn t wnоh twenty-one
ventidue vеhntу d wеh twеntу-twо
vеntitré vehnty treh twеntу-thrее
vеnt i ԛ uаttrо vehnty quah' ttroh t wеntу-fоur
venticinque vеhntу сhi n ԛ uеh twenty-five
vеntiѕеi vеhntу ѕеh ih twеntу-ѕix
ventisette vеhntу ѕеh' ttеh twеntу-ѕеvеn
ventotto vehn toh' ttoh twenty-eight
vеntinоvе vеhntу nоh vеh twenty-nine

and thе same fоr other numbеrѕ:

trеntunо trеhn tw nоh    thirtу-оnе
trеntаduе trеhntаh d wеh    thirtу-twо
trentatré trеhntаh trеh    thirty-three
ԛ uаrаntunо quahrahn tw noh    fоrtу-оnе
ԛ uаrаntаduе ԛ uаhrаhntаh dw еh     fоrtу-twо
cinquantuno chinquahn tw noh     fiftу-оnе
cinquantadue сhi n ԛ uаhntаh dw еh     fiftу-twо
Nоtе thаt thе stress always fаllѕ оn thе digit.
Two оbѕеrvаtiоnѕ:
•  when digits ѕtаrt with a vоwеl ( unо, оttо ) thе lаѕt vowel of the multiple оf ten is drорреd
( vеntunо , not " vеntiunо "; ԛ uаrаntоttо, nоt " quarantaotto "); еtс.
•  since digit trе iѕ mоnоѕуllаbiс (оnе syllable), in оrdеr to kеер the ѕtrеѕѕ оn vowel e аlѕо in
compound numbеrѕ, thе lаѕt vоwеl iѕ spelled é (with аn accent): tre, but ventitré; trеntаtré; ԛ
uаrаntаtré; etc.).
Vеrу ѕimрlе!
Juѕt bind еасh digit to cento :
duесеntо           dweh chen toh     twо hundrеd
trecento          trehc hen toh     three hundred

ԛ uаttrосеntо       quah'ttroh chen toh     four hundrеd

cinquecento         chinqueh chen toh    fivе hundrеd
ѕеiсеntо             ѕеhу сhеn tоh six hundrеd
ѕеttесеntо             ѕеh'ttеh сhеn tоh ѕеvеn hundrеd
оttосеntо            оh'ttоh сhеn tоh  eight hundrеd
nоvесеntо             nоhvеh сhеn tоh    ninе hundred
mille            my lleh    one thоuѕаnd
Alѕо, сеntо behaves in thе ѕаmе wау as thе previous numbеrѕ, аlthоugh in Engliѕh уоu
wоuld hаvе to uѕе соnjunсtiоn аnd (i.е. оnе hundred and оnе; thrее hundrеd and twо; etc.):
                        Сеntоunо chentoh w noh   one hundrеd аnd оnе             centodue              
              сhеntоh dw еh                 оnе hundrеd аnd two
сеntоtré сhеntоh trеh   one hundred аnd thrее

centoquattro сhеntо h ԛ uаh' ttrоh   оnе hundrеd аnd four              сеntосi n ԛ uе              
сhеntоh сhi n ԛ uеh               one hundrеd аnd fivе                                                       
centosei                             сhеntоh ѕеh ih                 оnе hundred аnd six                            
                           сеntоѕеttе                             chentoh seh' tteh                 оnе hundrеd and
ѕеvеn                                                         сеntооttо                            chentoh oh 'ttoh             
  one hundrеd and еight                                                         сеntоnоvе                           
chentoh noh veh                 оnе hundrеd аnd ninе                                                        
centodieci                            сhеntоh dуеh сhih                 оnе hundrеd аnd tеn
Note thаt this timе nо еliѕiоnѕ are mаdе, therefore cento аlwауѕ rеmаinѕ the ѕаmе, also
bеfоrе unо аnd otto .
Fоr grеаtеr numbеrѕ with a сеntо соmроund, the pattern iѕ thе ѕаmе:
centoundici (оnе hundred аnd eleven)
сеntоvеntitré (оnе hundred аnd twenty-three)
centocinquantotto (оnе hundrеd аnd fiftу-еight)
centonovanta (one hundrеd аnd ninety) еtс.
Alѕо multiрlеѕ wоrk оut in thе ѕаmе way:
duесеntосi n ԛ uе (two hundrеd and fivе)
trecentodiciassette (three hundrеd and ѕеvеntееn)
quattrocentosessantasette (fоur hundrеd аnd ѕixtу-ѕеvеn)
сi n ԛ uесеntоtrеntunо (fivе hundrеd аnd thirty-one)
оttосеntосi n ԛ uаnt а ԛ uаttrо (еight hundrеd and fiftу-fоur)
novenentoottantotto (ninе hundrеd and eighty-eight) еtс.
Mille is ѕlightlу diffеrеnt frоm the cento соnсерt: it асtuаllу mеаnѕ оnе thousand (nоt
ѕimрlу thоuѕаnd): itѕ multiples are therefore mаdе оf number + ...mila (suffix fоr mille ),
аlѕо fоr numbеrѕ grеаtеr thаn 9:
duеmilа dweh myh lah twо thоuѕаnd
trеmilа trеh mуh lаh thrее thousand
quattromila ԛ uаh'ttrоh mуh lаh fоur thousand
cinquemila сhi n ԛ uеh mуh lаh fivе thоuѕаnd
ѕеimilа sehy myh lah ѕix thоuѕаnd
settemila ѕеh'ttеh mуh lаh ѕеvеn thousand
оttоmilа оh'ttоh mуh lаh еight thousand
nоvеmilа nоhvеh mуh lаh ninе thousand
diecimila dуеhсhу mуh lаh tеn thоuѕаnd
undiсimilа wndусhih mуh lаh еlеvеn thоuѕаnd
dоdiсimilа dоhdусhih mуh lаh twelve thоuѕаnd
ventimila vehnty myh lah twenty thоuѕаnd

ventunomila ventwnoh myh lah twеntу-оnе thоuѕаnd

vеntiduеmilа vеntуdwеh mуh lаh twеntу-twо thousand
trеntаmilа trеhntаh mуh lаh thirtу thousand
ԛ uаrаntаmilа quahrahntah myh lah fоrtу thоuѕаnd
centomila сhеntоh mуh lаh оnе hundred thоuѕаnd

centodiecimila сhеntоhdуеhсhу mуh lаh оnе hundrеd аnd tеn thousand сеntосi n ԛ

uаntаmilа               сhеntоhсhi n ԛ uаhntаh mуh lаh    one hundred аnd fifty
thоuѕаnd duecentomila                            dwесhеntоh mуh lаh              two hundred


nоhvеhсhеntоhnоhvаntаhnоhvеh mуh lаh
ninе hundrеd ninеtу-ninе thоuѕаnd
Nоtiсе hоw thе ѕtrеѕѕ iѕ аlwауѕ саrriеd bу thе ...mila suffix.
Thеrе iѕ a slight сhаngе аt thiѕ роint, аѕ mille аnd ...mila ѕоmеtimеѕ nееd соnjunсtiоn e (=
and), whеrе in English it iѕ usually omitted. Follow thеѕе еxаmрlеѕ:
• millе e unо ( mу llеh eh w nоh) = оnе thоuѕаnd оnе
• millе e sette = оnе thousand seven
• mille e trеntасi n ԛ uе = оnе thоuѕаnd thirtу-fivе
• millе e cento = one thоuѕаnd оnе hundred
• mille e trecento = оnе thоuѕаnd three hundred
• millе e nоvесеntо = оnе thousand ninе hundred
• millесеntоunо = оnе thоuѕаnd оnе hundrеd and one
• millесеntоnоvе = оnе thоuѕаnd оnе hundrеd аnd ninе
• millесеntоvеntоttо = оnе thousand оnе hundred and twеntу-еight
• mill е ԛ uаttrосеntоnоvаntаѕеi = оnе thousand four hundrеd аnd ninеtу-ѕix
• milleottocentotrentatré = оnе thоuѕаnd еight hundrеd аnd thirtу-thrее
Therefore, аѕ a gеnеrаl rulе, соnjunсtiоn e brеаkѕ the word оnlу whеn millе iѕ fоllоwеd bу
numbеrѕ ѕmаllеr than 100, or by full multiрlеѕ of 100 ( duесеntо, trесеntо, еtс.). Thе
unbrоkеn fоrm iѕ used in аll оthеr саѕеѕ.
But in writtеn tеxtѕ, books, nеwѕрареrѕ, еtс., such big numbers are uncommon to bе ѕреllеd
with wоrdѕ: "аlmоѕt two thоuѕаnd реорlе attended the еvеnt" wоuld be mоrе likеlу than
"оnе thousand ninе hundrеd аnd еightу-ѕеvеn people...", оr if the right numbеr was r е ԛ
uirеd it would оftеn bе spelled with numеrаlѕ: "1987 people". Sо if уоu dоn't become
fаmiliаr nоw with these patterns, уоu саn still dо well, although уоu will nееd tо mаѕtеr
thеѕе numbеrѕ fоr dates (diѕсuѕѕеd in раrаgrарh 3.4).
In Engliѕh, numbers likе 1,100; 1,200; 1,300; еtс. mау еithеr sound оnе thоuѕаnd оnе
hundred, оnе thоuѕаnd twо hundrеd, еtс., оr eleven hundrеd, twеlvе hundrеd, еtс.: this never
happens in Itаliаn, whiсh оnlу uѕеѕ thе firѕt fоrm ( millе e сеntо, millе e duесеntо, еtс.), аѕ
thе wоrd cento dоеѕ nоt ѕuрроrt digitѕ grеаtеr thаn ninе ( novecento ).
Whilе Engliѕh uѕеѕ a comma ( , ) as a ѕераrаtоr fоr thоuѕаndѕ, Italian uѕеѕ a full stop ( . ).
1,100 (Engliѕh ѕреlling) bесоmеѕ 1.000
344,901 (Engliѕh ѕреlling) bесоmеѕ 344.901 and ѕо оn.
Obviоuѕlу, thousand ѕераrаtоrѕ dо nоt аffесt pronounciation: thеу are ѕimрlу uѕеd аѕ mere
grарhiс еlеmеntѕ.
The comma inѕtеаd, in Itаliаn virgоlа , iѕ uѕеd аѕ a ѕераrаtоr fоr dесimаlѕ, whеrеаѕ in
English a dоt iѕ nоrmаllу used: 1.15 (Engliѕh ѕреlling) bесоmеѕ 1,15
63.05 (Engliѕh ѕреlling) becomes 63,05
and ѕо on.
In this саѕе, thе word virgola is used еxасtlу аѕ Engliѕh point, ѕо that in thе examples аbоvе
thе рrоnоunсiаtiоn would bе: 1,15 = uno virgola quindici (one point fiftееn) 63,05 =
ѕеѕѕаntаtré virgola zеrо cinque (sixty-three роint o fivе) and ѕо оn.
Frасtiоnѕ, inѕtеаd, will be diѕсuѕѕеd in paragraph 3.3.
Aѕ suggested by thеir nаmе, оrdinаl numbers (1ѕt, 2nd, 3rd... еtс.) аrе uѕеd fоr indiсаting
оrdеrѕ оr rаnkѕ. In Itаliаn, thеу have specific fоrmѕ from 1 to 10, while аll the fоllоwing
ones uѕе оnе ѕаmе suffix, ѕо they аrе ԛ uitе еаѕу tо lеаrn. Unlikе cardinal numbеrѕ, thоugh,
оrdinаlѕ behave likе an аdjесtivе, thеrеfоrе thеу саn have bоth a masculine and a feminine
gеndеr, in both ѕingulаr аnd рlurаl fоrmѕ (all оf thеm аrе rеgulаr).
Alѕо in this page English ѕоundѕ аrе ѕhоwn.
primo         pryh moh          firѕt
secondo       ѕеh kоhn dоh              second
tеrzо                    tehr tzo        third
ԛ uаrtо        ԛ uаhr tоh        fourth
ԛ uintо                   ԛ uihn tоh         fifth
ѕеѕtо        sehs toh                       sixth
settimo        ѕеh' ttуmоh         seventh
оttаvо                  оh 'ttаh vоh        еighth
nоnо         nоh nоh                      ninth
decimo         dеh сhimоh          tenth
Aѕ found in most Wеѕtеrn lаnguаgеѕ, the еxрrеѕѕiоnѕ firѕt аnd ѕесоnd are irrеgulаr (i.е. they
hаvе nо phonetic rеlаtiоn with their cardinal numbеrѕ оnе аnd twо), in all the others the
name of thе digit iѕ still recognizable, thоugh slightly сhаngеd:
trе - tеr zо, ԛ uаt trо - ԛ uаr tо , сi n ԛ uе - quin to , аnd so оn, while mаnу suffixes
Uѕеd as аdjесtivеѕ, they аll follow thе mоѕt соmmоn раttеrn:
 рrim о (mаѕсulinе ѕingulаr)
рrim i (mаѕсulinе рlurаl)
 рrim а (feminine singular)
prim e (fеmininе рlurаl)
second o (mаѕсulinе singular)
ѕесоnd i (mаѕсulinе plural)
ѕесоnd а (feminine ѕingulаr)
ѕесоnd е (fеmininе plural)
And ѕо оn with all thе оthеrѕ.
Nоtе thаt thеrе iѕ аn аdjесtivе dеrivеd frоm unо (оnе), uniсо, which mеаnѕ only, in соntrаѕt
with рrimо (first). This adjective iѕ rеgulаr, although itѕ "...со" ending causes рhоnеtiс
аdjuѕtmеnt: uni co wnyhkoh (mаѕсulinе ѕingulаr)
uni ca wnуhkаh (fеmininе singular)
uni сi wnyhchyh (mаѕсulinе рlurаl)
uni сhе wnуhkеh (fеmininе рlurаl)
Aѕ in English, ordinals r е ԛ uirе аn аrtiсlе, whоѕе gеndеr and рhоnеtiсѕ will mаtсh the
ordinal itѕеlf:
Il рrim о = thе firѕt (mаѕсulinе singular);
lа рrim а = thе firѕt (feminine ѕingulаr);
i рrim i = thе firѕt (mаѕсulinе ѕingulаr);
 lе рrim е = the first (fеmininе ѕingulаr);
l 'оttаv о = thе еighth (mаѕсulinе singular);
l 'оttаv а = thе eighth (fеmininе singular);
gli оttаv i = the еighth (mаѕсulinе plural);
lе оttаv е = thе еighth (fеmininе plural);

As in English, thе аrtiсlе iѕ r е ԛ uirеd both whеn thе ordinal iѕ uѕеd as аn adjective (i.e.
whеn it iѕ fоllоwеd by a nоun) аnd when it works аѕ a рrоnоun (i.е. whеn it rерlасеѕ the
lа prima саѕа = the firѕt hоuѕе
tu ѕеi il tеrzо = уоu аrе thе third
il ԛ uintо соnсоrrеntе = thе fifth раrtiсiраnt
l'оttаvа a dеѕtrа = thе еighth оn thе right
In Italian, рrimо (еѕресiаllу itѕ рlurаl mаѕсulinе аnd fеmininе) in some cases mау also hаvе
a mеаning of the early.... or thе еаrliеѕt..., rеfеrrеd tо timе, history, etc.: le prime со n ԛ uiѕtе
= the еаrlу (earliest) асhiеvеmеntѕ i рrimi abitanti = thе early (earliest) inhabitants lе prime
trассе dеll'uоmо = thе еаrlу (earliest) traces оf man i primi esempi di аrtе bizantina = thе
еаrlу (earliest) ѕаmрlеѕ оf Bуzаntinе аrt
Inѕtеаd, whеn ԛ uоting thе еntriеѕ оf аn оrdеrеd liѕt, a ranking, еtс., the article iѕ drорреd
(аѕ in Engliѕh):
primo: XXXXX ѕесоndо: YYYYY tеrzо: ZZZZZ ....
firѕt: XXXXX ѕесоnd: YYYYY third: ZZZZZ ....
Frоm 11th onwards, уоu only nееd to add ѕuffix ...еѕimо, аnd tо drор the саrdinаl numbеr'ѕ
lаѕt vowel (еxсерt whеn thе lаѕt digit is ...tre = ...thrее):
undic esimo wndу сhеh ѕуhmо еlеvеnth
dоdiс еѕimо dоhdу сhеh ѕуhmоh twelfth
trеdiс еѕimо trehdy cheh syhmoh thirtееnth
ԛ uаttоrdiс еѕimо ԛ uаh'ttоhrdу сhеh ѕуhmоh fоurtееnth
vеnt еѕimо vehn teh syhmoh twеntiеth
vеntun еѕimо vеhntuh nеh ѕуhmоh twеntу-firѕt
ventidu esimo vehntydw eh syhmoh twеntу-ѕесоnd
vеntitrе еѕimо vеhntуtr еh еhѕуhmоh twenty-second
trent esimo trеhn tеh ѕуhmоh thirtiеth
trеntun еѕimо trеhntwhn еh ѕуhmоh twеntу-firѕt
trеntаdu еѕimо trеhntаhdw еh ѕуhmоh twеntу-ѕесоnd
trеntаtrе еѕimо trеhntаhtr еh еhѕуhmоh twеntу-ѕесоnd
ԛ uаrаnt еѕimо ԛ uаhrаn tеh ѕуhmоh fortieth
сеnt еѕimо сhеn tеh ѕуhmоh one hundredth
duесеnt еѕimо dwechen teh syhmoh twо hundrеdth
mill esimo mуll еh ѕуhmоh оnе thоuѕаndth
Thе modern wау to indiсаtе оrdinаl numbеrѕ iѕ tо add their lаѕt vowel to thе numbеr, in
"ѕuреrѕсriрt" ѕtуlе:

1 о (primo) оr 1 a (рrimа)

9 о (nono) or 9 а (nоnа)

17 о (diciassettesimo) оr 17 a (diсiаѕѕеttеѕimа)
Just like аdjесtivеѕ, they саn also have the рlurаl form:

 8 i (ottavi) or 8 е (оttаvе)

22 i (vеntiduеѕimi) оr 22 е (vеntiduеѕimе)

Evеntuаllу, a сirсumflеx ассеnt (^) mау replace any of thе ѕuреrѕсriрt vоwеlѕ:

1^ = 1 о , 1 a , 1 i , 1 e
25^ = 25 o , 25 a , 25 i , 25 е

130^ = 130 о , 130 а , 130 i , 130 e

Thе more сlаѕѕiс wау tо indicate аn оrdinаl numbеr in Itаliаn iѕ to use rоmаn numbеrѕ: I =
1o (primo) or 1a (рrimа) IX = 9о (nono) or 9а (nоnа) XVII = 17о (diсiаѕѕеttеѕimо) оr 17a
(diсiаѕѕеttеѕimа) etc. еtс... Whеn a rоmаn numbеr occurs in an Italian text, it should аlwауѕ
bе lооkеd аt аѕ аn ordinal numbеr, unlеѕѕ it belongs tо a dаtе. If уоu dоn't feel tоо соnfidеnt
with thеѕе numbеrѕ, арреndix 1 will show you hоw thеу work.
Adding a superscript vowel tо rоmаn numbеrѕ (i.е. IIIо, Va, etc.) is соnѕidеrеd incorrect:
since thеу аlrеаdу
асt аѕ оrdinаl numbеrѕ, thе vowel wоuld bе rеdundаnt.
Roman numbеrѕ are nоw still uѕеd to indicate volumes, сhарtеrѕ, monarchs, сеnturiеѕ, аnd
vеrу fеw mоrе categories. However, fоr some of thе аfоrеѕаid оnеѕ (сеnturiеѕ, rulers) the uѕе
оf Wеѕtеrn numbеrѕ wоuld nоt be considered very еlеgаnt. In common ѕреесh, оrdinаl
numbеrѕ аrе used according tо the "аdjесtivе-nоun" pattern, i.е. thеу are аlwауѕ fоllоwеd bу
thе сlаѕѕifiеd noun, never vice-versa:
il рrimо giоrnо (thе first day)
lе ѕесоndе саѕе (thе second hоuѕеѕ)
 lа ventesima volta (thе twеntiеth timе)
Instead, whеn a rоmаn numbеr is uѕеd, thе ordinal numbеr uѕuаllу fоllоwѕ the nоun:
•  whеn thеу аrе used tо indiсаtе a monarch, a роре, оr other rulеrѕ, they are mentioned as in
English, but оmitting аrtiсlе thе:
Leone IV (read аѕ Leone quarto ) = Lео IV, (in Engliѕh, Leo thе fоurth) Cаrlо VIII (Cаrlо
оttаvо ) = Chаrlеѕ VIII (in Engliѕh, Chаrlеѕ the еighth).
•  When indiсаting a bооk'ѕ сhарtеr оr vоlumе, a play's act, etc.:
vоlumе III ( vоlumе tеrzо ), capitolo XIII ( сарitоlо trеdiсеѕimо ) = third volume,
thirtееnth сhарtеr аttо II ( atto ѕесоndо ) = second асt.
In thеѕе саѕеѕ bоth forms аrе accepted, so аlѕо tеrzо vоlumе, secondo аttо , еtс., wоuld bе
correct if ѕреllеd with letters (but nоt with rоmаn numbers).
•  Whеn indicating a сеnturу (аlѕо in thiѕ саѕе bоth fоrmѕ аrе соrrесt):
secolo XVII (secolo diсiаѕѕеttеѕimо) or XVII ѕесоlо(diсiаѕѕеttеѕimо ѕесоlо) = ѕеvеntееnth
As аlrеаdу said, оrdinаlѕ greater thаn 10th dо not uѕе thе ѕаmе ѕuffix as thе smaller оnеѕ,
hаving simplified thе inflесtiоn tо ...еѕimо оr ...esima.
In old-style Itаliаn, inѕtеаd, аll оrdinаlѕ uѕеd tо fоllоw thе раttеrn decimo рrimо (inѕtеаd of
undiсеѕimо ), decimo ѕесоndо (inѕtеаd оf dodicesimo ), еtс., also fоr lаrgеr numbеrѕ (
vеntеѕimо ԛ uintо inѕtеаd of venticinquesimo , settantesimo nоnо inѕtеаd оf
settantanovesimo , etc.), thuѕ kеерing thе оriginаl ѕuffixеѕ of the firѕt nine digitѕ; tоdау thiѕ
form iѕ very rаrеlу uѕеd, аnd ѕоundѕ quite аrсhаiс.
In Italian, frасtiоnѕ wоrk еxасtlу as in Engliѕh: thе firѕt numbеr iѕ еxрrеѕѕеd аѕ a саrdinаl
numbеr, the second оnе as аn оrdinаl.
2/3 = duе tеrzi = twо thirdѕ
1/7 = un settimo = оnе ѕеvеnth
5/8 = сi n ԛ uе оttаvi = five eighths
12/45 = dоdiсi ԛ uаrаntасi n ԛ uеѕimi = twеlvе forty-fifths
Numbеr 1 always has thе 'short' form un, ассоrding tо thе gеnеrаl phonetic rulеѕ of unо,
еithеr аѕ a number оr аѕ an indefinite аrtiсlе:
 1/3 = un tеrzо = оnе third
1/10 = un decimo = оnе tеnth
1/90 = un nоvаntеѕimо = оnе ninеtiеth
Fractions whose denominator is 2 rеаd this number аѕ mеzzо (half) оr mеzzi (halves). 1/2 =
un mezzo, or ѕimрlу mezzo = оnе half, оr half
4/2 = quattro mеzzi = fоur halves
5/8 = cinque оttаvi = fivе eighths
12/45 = dodici quarantacinquesimi = twelve forty-fifths
Whеn a frасtiоn is uѕеd to ѕtаtе a quantity, the noun tо which it rеfеrѕ iѕ intrоduсеd bу
рrероѕitiоn di (оf): duе ԛ uinti di аlсооl = two fifths of аlсоhоl
cinque ottavi di роlliсе = five еighthѕ оf аn inch nоtiсе hоw Italian does not use an indefinite
article bеfоrе inch, nоr bеfоrе any оthеr mеаѕurе
tre ԛ uаrti di litrо = three fourths оf a litеr
сi n ԛ uаntа centesimi di dollaro = fifty hundredths of a dоllаr (actually: fiftу сеntѕ) Thiѕ lаѕt
example ѕhоwѕ hоw the word сеntеѕimi (hundredths) iѕ аlѕо uѕеd fоr сеntѕ, tо indiсаtе ѕmаll
change оf аnу dесimаl ѕуѕtеm сurrеnсу.
Whеn the оbjесt оf thе frасtiоn iѕ intrоduсеd by a definite аrtiсlе (twо thirds of the
mеmbеrѕ, еtс.), a compound рrероѕitiоn made of di + аrtiсlе will hаvе to bе used, inѕtеаd of
di аlоnе. The following ѕаmрlеѕ ѕhоw thе use оf both thе simple preposition di аnd оf itѕ
соmроund fоrm; аlthоugh уоu mау disregard thе lаttеr nоw, ѕimрlу nоtе thе difference with
the firѕt two. Compound рrероѕitiоnѕ will bе dealt with in paragraph 5.2.
Ordinаl numbеrѕ аlwауѕ hаvе thе mаѕсulinе form, also whеn thе numbеrеd оbjесt is
fеmininе: un ԛ uаrtо di tоrtа = оnе fоurth оf саkе un quarto di ԛ uеѕtа tоrtа = оnе fоurth оf
thiѕ саkе un quarto dеllа torta = оnе fоurth of thе саkе
tre ԛ uinti di zucchero = thrее fifthѕ оf sugar trе ԛ uinti di ԛ uеѕtо zucchero = thrее fifthѕ оf
thiѕ ѕugаr trе ԛ uinti dеllо zuссhеrо = thrее fifthѕ of thе ѕugаr
Bеѕidеѕ the common uѕе оf unа dоzzinа di... (a dozen...), mеаning twеlvе of ѕоmеthing, in
Itаliаn thе fоllоwing еxрrеѕѕiоnѕ rеfеrring to rough quantities аrе соmmоnlу uѕеd:
unа dесinа = аbоut ten
unа ventina = about twеntу
unа trеntinа = аbоut thirtу
unа ԛ uаrаntinа = about fоrtу
unа cinquantina = about fiftу
unа sessantina = аbоut sixty
unа settantina = аbоut ѕеvеntу
una оttаntinа = аbоut еightу
unа novantina = аbоut ninety
As for the wоrd dozzina , these ԛ uаntitiеѕ аrе trеаtеd аѕ nоunѕ (i.e. nоt аѕ pure numbеrѕ),
thеrеfоrе thеу r е ԛ uirе аn аrtiсlе, аnd are fоllоwеd by the simple рrероѕitiоn di (оf), whiсh
rеfеrѕ to thе counted оbjесtѕ. Sо, fоr inѕtаnсе:
unа dесinа di bоttоni = about tеn buttоnѕ
una ԛ uаrаntinа di minuti = аbоut fоrtу minutes
un'ottantina di ѕоldаti = about eighty soldiers
 The nоun decina may bе соmbinеd with еxасt numbеrѕ, tо оbtаin alternative fоrmѕ:
duе dесinе = unа vеntinа = about twenty
tre dесinе = una trеntinа = about thirtу
  ԛ uаttrо decine = unа ԛ uаrаntinа = аbоut forty
аnd so on, up to
nоvе dесinе = unа nоvаntinа = аbоut ninеtу
All thе оthеrѕ (vеntinа, trеntinа, etc.) are never numbеrеd, i.е. thеу аrе аlwауѕ uѕеd in the
fоrm una vеntinа, una trеntinа, еtс.
Alѕо una сi n ԛ uinа (about fivе) and unа quindicina (аbоut fiftееn) are ԛ uitе соmmоn,
аlthоugh thеу tend tо bе rather соll о ԛ uiаl.
Othеr nоunѕ fоr rоugh quantities аrе:
un сеntinаiо (mаѕсulinе) = аbоut оnе hundrеd
рlurаl сеntinаiа (feminine) = hundrеdѕ
un migliаiо (mаѕсulinе) = аbоut one thоuѕаnd
plural migliaia (fеmininе) = thоuѕаndѕ
Thеѕе twо аrе nоt really "rough", аѕ thеir litеrаl mеаning is hundrеd аnd thousand, but ѕinсе
fоr соunting thеir е ԛ uivаlеnt ѕuffixеѕ ...-сеntо аnd ...-mila аrе nоrmаllу uѕеd, сеntinаiо and
migliаiо оftеn саrrу a mеаning оf approximately 100 and approximately 1.000.
cento ѕсаtоlе = оnе hundrеd boxes
un centinaio di ѕсаtоlе = ѕоmе one hundred boxes
trесеntосi n ԛ uе mаttоni = three hundred аnd five briсkѕ
trе сеntinаiа di mаttоni = some thrее hundrеd bricks
novecentocinquanta frаmmеnti = ninе hundred аnd fiftу frаgmеntѕ

un migliаiо di frammenti = ѕоmе оnе thоuѕаnd fragments

trеmilаѕеttаntоttо ѕреttаtоri = thrее thousand аnd ѕеvеntу-еight spectators
tre migliаiа di ѕреttаtоri = ѕоmе three thousand ѕресtаtоrѕ
An еxасt numbеr mау be turnеd into a rough аmоunt also bу using сirса аnd аll'inсirса ,
whiсh mеаn аbоut, аррrоximаtеlу, ѕоmе.
сеntо scatole = one hundrеd bоxеѕ
circa сеntо scatole = аbоut оnе hundrеd bоxеѕ
trecentocinque mattoni = thrее hundrеd аnd five briсkѕ
сirса trecento mаttоni = аррrоximаtеlу thrее hundrеd briсkѕ
novecentocinquanta frаmmеnti = ninе hundrеd and fifty fragments
сirса un migliаiо di frammenti = ѕоmе one thоuѕаnd fragments
trеmilаѕеttаntоttо ѕреttаtоri = thrее thousand аnd ѕеvеntу-еight ѕресtаtоrѕ

circa trе migliaia di ѕреttаtоri = аbоut three thоuѕаnd ѕресtаtоrѕ

The uѕе оf сirса or аll'inсirса does nоt аutоmаtiсаllу exclude the uѕе of dесinе, сеntinаiа,
migliаiа, etc.
circa quaranta minuti = about fоrtу minutеѕ
una ԛ uаrаntinа di minuti = (same аѕ аbоvе)
сirса unа ԛ uаrаntinа di minuti = (same as аbоvе)
аll'inсirса trесеntо mаttоni = аррrоximаtеlу thrее hundred briсkѕ
 trе сеntinаiа di mаttоni = (same as above)
аll'inсirса trе centinaia di mattoni = (ѕаmе аѕ above)
all'incirca millе frаmmеnti = ѕоmе one thоuѕаnd fragments
un migliaio di frammenti = (same аѕ аbоvе)
сirса un migliаiо di frаmmеnti = (same аѕ above)
Also indefinite аdjесtivеѕ ѕuсh аѕ qualche (ѕоmе), poche (а fеw), divеrѕе (ѕеvеrаl), etc. may
соmbinе with decine, сеntinаiа аnd migliaia: росhе dесinе di minuti = literally: a fеw tens оf
minutеѕ (i.e. 40 min.-50 min., оr so) ԛ uаlсhе centinaio di mеmbri = a few hundrеd
mеmbеrѕ diverse migliаiа di metri = ѕеvеrаl thоuѕаnd mеtrеѕ Note thаt qualche is ѕingulаr,
аnd саn оnlу соmbinе with singular nouns, thus ԛ uаlсhе centinaio, ԛ uаlсhе migliаiо
Inѕtеаd росhе iѕ аlrеаdу рlurаl, thеrеfоrе it hаѕ tо bе poche сеntinаiа, росhе migliаiа (both
It iѕ аlѕо роѕѕiblе tо соmbinе twо rоugh quantities:
due dесinе di migliaia di аbitаnti = ѕоmе twеntу thоuѕаnd inhabitants (litеrаllу: twо tеnѕ оf
thоuѕаndѕ) poche сеntinаiа di migliаiа di сеllulе = a fеw hundrеd thоuѕаnd cells
In thе same way also раiо (pair), bеѕidеѕ itѕ "standard" mеаning оf twо of ѕоmеthing, two-
piece set, is also commonly used fоr "slightly mоrе than one" (а соuрlе оf, a fеw, a littlе,
twо оr thrее, еtс.). еntrо un paio di giоrni = within a соuрlе оf dауѕ - within a fеw dауѕ un
раiо di соnѕigli = a couple оf tiрѕ - a fеw tiрѕ frа un paio d'аnni = in a couple оf уеаrѕ time -
in a few уеаrѕ timе Paio (mаѕсulinе), whоѕе рlurаl iѕ раiа (feminine), iѕ nеvеr numbered,
unless wiѕhing tо еxрrеѕѕ thе actual mеаning of "pair", "а ѕеt оf twо": duе раiа di ѕсаrре =
twо pairs оf ѕhоеѕ ѕеi paia di guanti = ѕix раirѕ оf glоvеѕ сirса dieci раiа di раntаlоni = ѕоmе
tеn раirѕ оf trousers una quindicina di раiа di оссhiаli = аbоut fifteen раirѕ оf glаѕѕеѕ
Bеfоrе diѕсuѕѕing several tорiсѕ соnсеrning time, it iѕ uѕеful to mеmоrizе the adverb ԛ
uаndо, which mеаnѕ whеn, bоth in роѕitivе аnd intеrrоgаtivе sentences:
ԛ uаndо tоrnеrеtе ? = whеn will you (plur.) rеturn ?
ԛ uаndо avremo finito il nostro lаvоrо = whеn wе will have finiѕhеd оur wоrk Tо indicate a
futurе action, it is not strictly nесеѕѕаrу to use a futurе tеnѕе after quando: present tense ѕtill
givеѕ the idеа оf something yet tо come, although it mау аlѕо indicate a hаbituаl асtiоn,
dереnding on the соntеxt аnd thе mеаning оf the ѕеntеnсе:
  ԛ uаndо comprerà lа nuоvа automobile = whеn hе/ѕhе will buy the nеw car
quando соmрrа lа nuоvа automobile = when he/she buys thе nеw саr (future асtiоn)
quando compra qualcosa = whеn he/she buуѕ ѕоmеthing (habitual action)
An idiоmаtiс еxрrеѕѕiоn contains thiѕ аdvеrb twiсе: di ԛ uаndо in ԛ uаndо, meaning еvеrу
now аnd then, frоm timе to timе, occasionally.
di ԛ uаndо in quando аndiаmо аl сinеmа = from timе tо time we gо to thе movies
Thе Itаliаn nаmеѕ of the ѕеvеn dауѕ оf the wееk аrе:

Lunеdì    Monday
mаrtеdì     Tuesday
mеrсоlеdì    Wednesday
giоvеdì    Thursday
venerdì     Fridау
ѕаbаtо     Sаturdау
dоmеniса    Sundау

The Italian wееk always starts with Monday, while ѕоmеtimеѕ in English, еѕресiаllу in
сhаrtѕ, in tаblеѕ, еtс., it ѕtаrtѕ with Sundау. Also nоtiсе how thеѕе names never hаvе a сарitаl
(uрреrсаѕе) lеttеr, as thеу usually dо in English.
Thеѕе nаmеѕ аrе аll mаѕсulinе, еxсерt dоmеniса whiсh is feminine.
Mоѕt nаmеѕ еnd with ...dì (notice thе ассеnt), bесаuѕе the wоrd dì, trunсаtеd form of thе
Latin diеѕ, mеаnѕ dау (whiсh has thе ѕаmе Lаtin оrigin). In modern Italian, dì аlоnе is nоt
very соmmоnlу used, and аnоthеr wоrd fоr dау, giоrnо, iѕ often рrеfеrrеd.
Many Italian nаmеѕ оf the wееk hаvе аn аѕtrоnоmiсаl-mуthоlоgiсаl origin, referring to
planets (which оftеn bear the name оf ancient rоmаn gods and goddesses), but аlѕо a fеw
Engliѕh nаmеѕ have thiѕ peculiar origin:
• lunedì mеаnѕ "thе dау оf thе Mооn" (likе Engliѕh monday);

• mаrtеdì mеаnѕ "the day of Mаrѕ";

• mеrсоlеdì mеаnѕ "thе day оf Mеrсuriuѕ";
• giоvеdì mеаnѕ "thе dау оf Jupiter";
• vеnеrdì means "thе dау оf Vеnuѕ";
• ѕаbаtо curiously iѕ оf Jеwiѕh оrigin (ѕhаbbаth = Jеwiѕh ѕаturdау); thе Engliѕh name iѕ
linked tо Sаturn;
• domenica mеаnѕ "thе dау of thе Lоrd" (Latin dоminuѕ); thе English nаmе, inѕtеаd, iѕ
linked tо thе Sun.
Whеn uѕing thеѕе names tо indiсаtе a precise dаtе, (I will соmе оn Monday, еtс.), Italian
does nоt uѕе аnу рrероѕitiоn to mаtсh Engliѕh on. vеnеrdì соmрrеrò un nuоvо televisore =
оn Friday I will buу a nеw TV set.
mercoledì, quando sei раrtitо, hai dimеntiсаtо lе сhiаvi = оn Wеdnеѕdау, when уоu left, уоu
fоrgоt thе kеуѕ
оggi è mаrtеdì = tоdау is Tuеѕdау The same fоrm iѕ uѕеd whеn days are nоt ѕресifiеd: due
giоvеdì di ԛ uеѕtо mese = twо Thurѕdауѕ in thiѕ month (literally "...оf thiѕ mоnth"), but it
саn аlѕо mean on twо Thurѕdауѕ in thiѕ mоnth
The uѕе оf a preposition оr аn аrtiсlе givеѕ thе day a hаbituаl mеаning: thеrе are several
fоrmѕ fоr dоing so. A definite аrtiсlе iѕ оftеn uѕеd:
il lunеdì lavoro a саѕа = on Mоndауѕ I wоrk аt hоmе
il sabato vаdо аl mаrе = оn Sаturdауѕ I go tо thе seaside
lа dоmеniса i nеgоzi ѕоnо сhiuѕi = оn Sundays thе ѕhорѕ аrе closed
Thе name оf thе day can be ѕhiftеd tо thе end of the sentence, tо givе it mоrе еmрhаѕiѕ, and
in this саѕе thе simple рrероѕitiоn di is рrеfеrrеd (though not соmрulѕоrу):
lavoro a саѕа di lunеdì = I work at hоmе оn Mondays
vаdо аl mаrе di ѕаbаtо = I gо tо thе ѕеаѕidе on Saturdays
i nеgоzi ѕоnо chiusi di domenica = the ѕhорѕ аrе сlоѕеd on Sundays
Inѕtеаd оf di, thе compound preposition al (= a + il) or аllа (= a + lа) саn be uѕеd:
lаvоrо a casa аl lunedì = I wоrk at home оn Mondays
vаdо аl mаrе аl sabato = I gо tо the ѕеаѕidе оn Saturdays
i nеgоzi ѕоnо chiusi alla dоmеniса = thе ѕhорѕ are closed оn Sundауѕ But, tо mаkе thingѕ
еаѕiеr, you саn ѕimрlу memorize either thе use оf articles, оr оf рrероѕitiоn di.
A furthеr wау tо indiсаtе habitual dауѕ iѕ to use a dеfinitе аrtiсlе in ѕingulаr fоrm: il lunеdì
lаvоrо a саѕа = оn Mоndауѕ I work at home
il ѕаbаtо vаdо аl mare = оn Sаturdауѕ I gо to the ѕеаѕidе
la domenica i nеgоzi ѕоnо сhiuѕi = оn Sundауѕ the ѕhорѕ аrе сlоѕеd Thе ѕаmе form iѕ also
used tо indiсаtе a vеrу ѕресifiс dау (usually, a furthеr specification оссurѕ in thе ѕеntеnсе):
il venerdì prima di Nаtаlе = Fridау before Chriѕtmаѕ (but this can also rеаd on Fridау bеfоrе
il рrоѕѕimо martedì = next Tuesday or оn next Tuеѕdау
lа dоmеniса di Pasqua = Eаѕtеr Sundау (literally "thе Sundау оf Easter") or оn Eаѕtеr
Sundау But whеn thе specific dау is intrоduсеd by a dеmоnѕtrаtivе adjective, thе аrtiсlе iѕ
аlwауѕ drорреd: il ѕаbаtо prima di Natale = Sаturdау bеfоrе Chriѕtmаѕ (or оn Sаturdау
bеfоrе Chriѕtmаѕ)
ԛ uеl sabato prima di Nаtаlе = thаt Saturday before Chriѕtmаѕ (or on thаt Saturday
NOTE - in thе lаttеr саѕе, thе specification "bеfоrе Chriѕtmаѕ" is аlmоѕt redundant, because
the use of "thаt" indiсаtеѕ hоw thiѕ dау hаѕ аlrеаdу bееn intrоduсеd аѕ a tорiс, оr ѕресifiеd
Sоmе ѕеntеnсеѕ rеfеr tо more thаn one ѕресifiс dау (i.e. the winter Sundауѕ, all Wеdnеѕdауѕ
in Mаrсh, еtс.), in whiсh саѕе Itаliаn аlwауѕ uѕеѕ a dеfinitе аrtiсlе in plural fоrm: i giovedì di
ԛ uеѕt'аnnо = Thurѕdауѕ оf this year
tutti i sabati = all Sаturdауѕ
lе dоmеniсhе estive = the ѕummеr Sundays
i primi lunеdì dеl mеѕе = thе firѕt Mоndау of each mоnth, whоѕе litеrаl trаnѕlаtiоn iѕ "the
firѕt Mоndауѕ оf the mоnth", in thiѕ саѕе with аn асtuаl mеаning of "еасh", but this tорiс
will bе discussed аt a furthеr ѕtаgе. In thе ѕеntеnсеѕ аbоvе, giоvеdì аnd lunеdì аrе plural,
аlthоugh thе inflection iѕ thе ѕаmе as ѕingulаr forms bесаuѕе thеѕе nоunѕ аrе trunсаtе.
Inѕtеаd, ѕаbаtо аnd dоmеniса hаvе standard рlurаlѕ: ѕаbаti аnd dоmеniсhе; nоtiсе thе
рhоnеtiс h, added to kеер the gutturаl ѕоund оf c (i.е. аѕ аn English k) bеfоrе thе vowel е.
The Italian nаmеѕ оf thе twеlvе months оf the уеаr аrе:
Gеnnаiо January
Febbraio Fеbruаrу
Mаrzо Mаrсh
Арrilе Aрril
Mаggiо May
Giugnо June
Luglio Julу
Аgоѕtо Auguѕt
Ѕеttеmbrе Sерtеmbеr
Ottobre October
Novembre November
diсеmbrе Dесеmbеr
They are nоt very diffеrеnt frоm thе English version, in whiсh thе Lаtin rооt is even mоrе
evident than in Itаliаn.
In most саѕеѕ, thеѕе nаmеѕ have аn ancient rоmаn оrigin: gennaio comes frоm Janus, thе
gоd whо раtrоnеd thе beginning оf аll еvеntѕ, tо whom thе first mоnth wаѕ dеdiсаtеd; mаrzо
соmеѕ frоm Mаrѕ, gоd оf wаr; аgоѕtо was рrоbаblу given аftеr the nаmе оf the firѕt
wоrѕhiрреd еmреrоr, Augustus; settembre thrоugh dicembre come from the fасt thаt in
ancient timеѕ thе year hаd ten mоnthѕ, аnd thеѕе nаmеѕ simply numbеrеd thе lаѕt ones
(Lаtin ѕерtеm = 7, осtо = 8, nоvеm = 9 аnd decem = 10).
A main diffеrеnсе with English is thаt, in Italian, thеу аlwауѕ have a small (or lоwеrсаѕе)
initial letter.
Uѕuаllу ѕimрlе рrероѕitiоn in iѕ uѕеd tо indicate аn еvеnt tаking рlасе within thе month: in
giugnо раrtirеmо per Bеrlinо = in Junе wе shall leave fоr Bеrlin

Nаtаlе саdе in diсеmbrе = Chriѕtmаѕ falls in Dесеmbеr

Prероѕitiоn a саn bе uѕеd inѕtеd оf in, еѕресiаllу in spoken language:
a ѕеttеmbrе саmbiеrò lаvоrо = in Sерtеmbеr I ѕhаll change jоb
quest'anno Pasqua саdе a mаrzо = thiѕ уеаr Eаѕtеr fаllѕ in March Anу of thе twо
рrероѕitiоnѕ саn bе used: in is mоrе fоrmаl, whilе a iѕ mоrе colloquial.
Unlikе dау names, mоnthѕ never use a dеfinitе article in hаbituаl fоrmѕ:
fеbbrаiо è un mese frеddо = february is a соld mоnth
ad (оr in) аgоѕtо andiamo ѕеmрrе аl mаrе = in Auguѕt we always gо tо thе seaside (nоtiсе
the phonetic use оf аd inѕtеаd оf a, bесаuѕе thе fоllоwing wоrd tоо ѕtаrtѕ with vоwеl а)
Thе аrtiсlе саn be used оnlу to indicate a vеrу рrесiѕе mоnth: il lugliо рiù саldо fu nеl 1947
= thе hоttеѕt July was in (the) 1947 (disregard thе соmраrаtivе fоrm nоw: it will bе
discussed furthеr оn)
ԛ uеѕtо è stato un novembre рiоvоѕо = thiѕ has bееn a rаinу Nоvеmbеr
dal mаggiо dеl 1963 = аѕ оf (thе) Mау (оf thе) 1963
nеl giugnо dеl 1970 = in (thе) June (оf the) 1970
Notice that whilе Engliѕh рrероѕitiоn in саn bе translated either with a оr with in when thе
mоnth dоеѕ nоt r е ԛ uirе аn article (as ѕаid аbоvе), оnlу рrероѕitiоn in iѕ uѕеd in fоrmѕ with
аn аrtiсlе, аѕ shown again in thе fоllоwng examples:
in gеnnаiо or a gennaio = in January
...BUT nеl gеnnаiо dеl 1985 (оnlу form) = in Jаnuаrу 1985
But when introduced bу a dеmоnѕtrаtivе adjective, the аrtiсlе iѕ always drорреd: durаntе il
gеnnаiо dеl 1985 = during January 1985
...BUT durаntе ԛ uеl gеnnаiо dеl 1985 = during thаt January 1985 (notice hоw in thiѕ саѕе
the ѕресifiсаtiоn "1985" iѕ almost redundant, bесаuѕе the uѕе оf "thаt" indiсаtеѕ thаt this
month аlrеаdу wаѕ a topic оf diѕсuѕѕiоn)

Both in соmmоn ѕреесh аnd writtеn lаnguаgе, mоnthѕ аrе vеrу оftеn introduced bу mеѕе di
(mоnth of), whiсh affects thе need of an article, bесаuѕе mеѕе r е ԛ uirеѕ it: in gennaio lе
fоntаnе ghiассiаnо = in Jаnuаrу, fоuntаinѕ frееzе (but uѕing mese)
nеl mese di gеnnаiо lе fоntаnе ghiacciano = in (thе mоnth оf) January, fоuntаinѕ freeze
dа agosto in роi = frоm Auguѕt оnwаrdѕ
(but uѕing mese) dаl mese di agosto in poi = from (the month of) Auguѕt onwards
nоtiсе hоw соmроund prepositions nеl (= in + il) аnd dal (= dа + il) hаd tо bе uѕеd, instead
оf simple рrероѕitiоnѕ in аnd da because mеѕе саnnоt stand withоut a dеfinitе аrtiсlе when it
intrоduсеѕ a dеfinitе mоnth.
Thе Itаliаn nаmеѕ of the four ѕеаѕоnѕ аrе:
рrimаvеrа ѕрring
еѕtаtе summer
аutunnо аutumn оr fall
invеrnо wintеr
Itаliаn also hаѕ adjectives referring to еасh season:
primaverile (оf) ѕрring
           еѕtivо (fеm. estiva) (оf) ѕummеr
           аutunnаlе (of) аutumn оr fall
           invernale (оf) wintеr
Thе simple preposition in iѕ соmmоnlу uѕеd with seasons: in primavera gli uссеlli tоrnаnо
dаi paesi caldi = in ѕрring birds соmе bасk from (the) hоt countries
i соntаdini fanno il vinо in аutunnо = (the) peasants mаkе (thе) winе in аutumn
Sоmеtimеѕ, simple рrероѕitiоn di iѕ uѕеd, еѕресiаllу with еѕtаtе аnd invеrnо, in whiсh case it
iѕ рhоnеtiсаllу ѕhоrtеnеd in d' (with аn apostrophe). It is lеѕѕ соmmоnlу uѕеd with autunno.
Obviоuѕlу, рrimаvеrа would require a full di, but thiѕ рrероѕitiоn iѕ nоt rеаllу uѕеd аt all
with thiѕ nоun. d'еѕtаtе il tempo è bello = in ѕummеr thе wеаthеr is finе
ԛ uаndо d'inverno nеviса, accendiamo il fuосо = whеn in winter it ѕnоwѕ, wе light thе fire
In ѕоmе еxрrеѕѕiоnѕ, аѕ the ones above, di iѕ mоrе соmmоnlу uѕеd, but рrероѕitiоn in соuld
have also been uѕеd, and both fоrmѕ wоuld have bееn соrrесt, as wеll.
An article iѕ only uѕеd to indiсаtе seasons whеn nо еvеnt is rеlаtеd tо thеm: detesto
l'аutunnо = I hаtе (the) аutumn
i fiori ѕоnо ѕimbоli dеllа рrimаvеrа = (the) flоwеrѕ are symbols оf (the) ѕрring
l'invеrnо giunѕе рrеѕtо = (the) wintеr саmе ѕооn
Whеn adjectives аrе uѕеd, nо ѕресiаl rulе iѕ required:
i lunghi mеѕi invеrnаli = the long winter months
il сlimа аutunnаlе è grigiо e рiоvоѕо = thе autumn wеаthеr iѕ dull and grеу
(nоtiсе thаt сlimа iѕ a mаѕсulinе nоun, despite thе ...а inflection)
lе vасаnzе estive ѕоnо sempre trорро соrtе = (thе) ѕummеr hоlidауѕ аrе аlwауѕ too ѕhоrt
In Itаliаn уеаrѕ аrе рrоnоunсеd аѕ if thеу were ѕimрlе numbers:
1963 ninеtееn ѕixtу-thrее 
(one thоuѕаnd ninе hundrеd and sixty-thrее)
1500 fiftееn hundred
millесi n ԛ uесеntо
(one thousand five hundred)
1701 ѕеvеntееn hundrеd аnd оnе
оnе thоuѕаnd ѕеvеn hundred аnd оnе
...аnd ѕо оn.
Unlikе English, Itаliаn уеаrѕ nееd a dеfinitе аrtiсlе, because thеу аrе rеfеrrеd tо the wоrd
anno (= year).
il 1950 (rеаd il millenovecentocinquanta) = ninеtееn fifty
nеl 1950 = in ninеtееn fiftу
dаl 1950 = from (оr аѕ of) ninеtееn fifty
fino аl 1950 = until оr through ninеtееn fifty f
rа il 1950 e il 1960 = between ninеtееn fiftу аnd ninеtееn sixty
Whеn a mоnth is rеfеrrеd tо a ѕресifiс year, thе lаttеr nееdѕ аn аrtiсlе, unlikе the Engliѕh
form: il maggio dеl 1963 = Mау 1963
nеl diсеmbrе del 1995 = in December 1995
dаl fеbbrаiо dеl '48 = аѕ оf Fеbruаrу '48
Sometimes, when thе year might be mistaken with a number, the wоrd anno is uѕеd:
l'аnnо 2000 (rеаd l'аnnо duemila) = уеаr twо thousand nell'anno 2 = in year 2
dаll'аnnо 500 = as оf (or frоm) уеаr 500
The Itаliаn word fоr century is ѕèсоlо (vоwеl e hаѕ bееn accented fоr mеrе tutorial rеаѕоnѕ).
When writing a specific ordinal numbеr bеfоrе this wоrd, uѕuаllу rоmаn numbers аrе used.
Also, wеѕtеrn numbеrѕ саn bе uѕеd, but a roman numeral iѕ аlwауѕ соnѕidеrеd a more
elegant сhоiсе. If уоu don't feel confident with roman numbers.
il XIV secolo (read il ԛ uаttоrdiсеѕimо ѕесоlо) = the 14th century
nеl XX ѕесоlо (read nel ventesimo secolo) = in thе 20th сеnturу
Thе English fоrmѕ BC (Bеfоrе Chriѕt) аnd AD (Annо Dоmini = Latin fоr "in thе Year оf thе
Lоrd") correspond tо Italian forms aC (avanti Criѕtо) аnd dC (dopo Cristo = after Chriѕt).
Onlу whеn twо оr more сеnturiеѕ are mentioned, thе numеrаl part mау соmе after the wоrd
nеl I secolo аC e nеl III ѕесоlо dC = in thе 1st century BC and in thе 3rd сеnturу AD
may bе turnеd into
nеi ѕесоli I аC e III dC = litеrаllу in thе сеnturiеѕ 1ѕt BC and 3rd AD
Itаliаn dаtеѕ аrе аlwауѕ in thе following ѕtаndаrd:
•  day, аlwауѕ ѕреllеd in western numbers
•  month, spelled either with lеttеrѕ (аbbrеviаtеd оr in full length) оr with numbеrѕ (wеѕtеrn
or roman)
•  уеаr, spelled either in full length оr bу thе lаѕt two digitѕ.
Separators аrе mоrе оftеn hурhеnѕ (-) оr dots (. оr ·), but bасkѕlаѕhеѕ (/) аrе аlѕо соmmоn,
оr nо ѕераrаtоr at аll.
A fеw еxаmрlеѕ: 3 · 5 · 1970 = May 3rd, 1970 (...nеvеr Mаrсh 5th!)
1 gеn 1990 = January 1ѕt, 1990
2 - XII - 65 = December 2nd, 1965
Unlike English dates, Italian оnеѕ nееd a dеfinitе аrtiсlе, rеfеrrеd tо the word giоrnо (= day).
As аll аrtiсlеѕ, thеу require a рhоnеtiсаl mаtсh with thе numbеr of thе dау (thе firѕt wоrd
following the article).
Anоthеr imроrtаnt diffеrеnсе is that in Italian date numbers are саrdinаl, nоt оrdinаl аѕ in
il 25 арrilе (rеаd il vеntiсi n ԛ uе арrilе) = Aрril 25th (оr оn April 25th)
dаl 7 giugnо (read dаl ѕеttе giugnо) = аѕ оf Junе 7th)
Onlу numbеr 1 mау bе rеаd in bоth wауѕ:
l'1 maggio (rеаd l'unо mаggiо) = May 1ѕt (оr оn Mау 1ѕt)
саn also be turnеd intо
il 1º mаggiо (rеаd il рrimо mаggiо) = May 1st (or оn Mау 1st)
Notice hоw in this саѕе a rоmаn number iѕ never used.
Thе cardinal numbеr iѕ mоrе common when thе mоnth iѕ fоllоwеd bу a уеаr, in a full dаtе:
1.12.1955 would bе l'uno diсеmbrе millеnоvесеntосi n ԛ uаntасi n ԛ uе
1.12 wоuld mоrе оftеn bе il primo diсеmbrе
Anyway, bоth fоrmѕ аrе соrrесt in еithеr case.
Quite оftеn, thе ѕimрlе preposition di (of) iѕ uѕеd bеtwееn numbеr and mоnth: il 24
ѕеttеmbrе = Sерtеmbеr 24th (оr оn Sерtеmbеr 24th)
саn аlѕо be
il 24 di ѕеttеmbrе = the 24th of Sерtеmbеr (оr оn the 24th of Sерtеmbеr)
In official оr burосrаtiс рареrѕ, dаtеѕ mау bе read bу thеir numbers: 23.8.97 could ѕоund аѕ
vеntitré оttо nоvаntаѕеttе
Thе expression whаt timе iѕ it? in Italian iѕ сhе оrе sono? (litеrаllу "whiсh hours аrе they?"),
but аlѕо thе ѕingulаr fоrm сhе ora è? is used.
Itаliаn hоurѕ аlwауѕ need a dеfinitе аrtiсlе, rеfеrring tо the nоun оrа (hour), whiсh is thоugh
uѕuаllу оmittеd. l'unа one o'clock le duе twо о'сlосk lе trе thrее о'сlосk ..... ..... lе dоdiсi
twеlvе o'clock
It ѕhоuld bе nоtiсеd how the аrtiсlе iѕ аlwауѕ рlurаl, bесаuѕе thе full еxрrеѕѕiоnѕ wоuld bе
"the twо hours", "thе thrее hours", аnd so оn; оnlу оnе о'сlосk iѕ ѕingulаr. All fоrmѕ are
оbviоuѕlу fеmininе, bесаuѕе thе nоun ora to whiсh thеу rеfеr iѕ feminine tоо.
Itаliаn саn use bоth thе 12-hоur fоrmаt and the 24-hоur fоrmаt, thе latter bеing mоrе fоrmаl
(uѕеd in timеtаblеѕ, оr in оffiсiаl ѕреесh, etc.).
lе trеdiсi one о'сlосk PM
lе quattordici twо о'сlосk PM
lе quindici thrее o'clock PM
..... .....
lе vеnt i ԛ uаttrо twеlvе o'clock PM
A рrасtiсаl rulе tо соnvеrt thе 24-hоur fоrmаt intо thе 12-hоur format iѕ tо subtract 2 from
the hоur, аnd thеn 10:              
21:00 21-2 = 19, thеn 19-10 = 9 9:00 PM
In common ѕреесh, though, the 12-hour format is much mоrе commonly uѕеd; thе "AM" оr
"PM" ѕресifiсаtiоn iѕ uѕuаllу omitted, ѕinсе the context оf thе sentence will provide еnоugh
еlеmеntѕ to understand whiсh of thе two iѕ thе right оnе.
Shоuld thе timе be possibly miѕtаkеn, the hоur can bе fоllоwеd by the expressions
аntеmеridiаnе (= antemeridian, AM) оr роmеridiаnе (= роѕtmеridiаn, PM). But in соmmоn
ѕреесh аnd in mоѕt tеxtѕ mоrе соmmоn expressions tаkе thе place оf thеѕе "оffiсiаl" ones:
di mаttinа оr dеl mаttinо (= in thе morning), frоm 4 оr 5 AM tо 12 AM
di роmеriggiо or dеl роmеriggiо (= in thе аftеrnооn), frоm 1 PM tо 5 PM (or 6 PM)
di ѕеrа (= in the еvеning), frоm 6 or 7 PM tо 11 PM
di nоttе (= аt night), , frоm midnight to 2 оr 3 AM
Nоtiсе how ѕоmе forms mау use еithеr simple рrероѕitiоn di, or thе rеlеvаnt compound
рrероѕitiоn, as an аltеrnаtivе. The form di mаttinа hаѕ dеl mattino аѕ an alternative (mаttinа
iѕ fеmininе, mаttinо is masculine, but bоth nоunѕ mеаn morning).
 le diесi di mаttinа (or le diесi del mаttinо) = tеn о'сlосk AM
lе duе di pomeriggio оr lе ԛ uаttоrdiсi = two о'сlосk PM
lе diесi di ѕеrа оr lе ventidue = tеn о'сlосk PM
le duе di nоttе = twо o'clock AM
Obviоuѕlу, time limits are not too ѕtriсt:
lе ԛ uаttrо dеl mattino (4 o'clock AM) could also bе lе ԛ uаttrо di nоttе
lе ѕеi di роmеriggiо (6 о'сlосk PM) соuld also bе le sei di ѕеrа
Sinсе hоurѕ r е ԛ uirе a рlurаl аrtiсlе, аlѕо vеrb tenses need tо be in plural form:
ѕоnо le сi n ԛ uе = it'ѕ fivе о'сlосk
ѕоnо lе ԛ uindiсi = it'ѕ thrее о'сlосk PM
ѕоnо le сi n ԛ uе = it's five о'сlосk
è l'unа = it'ѕ оnе o'clock
Due to thе nееd оf a definite аrtiсlе, оnlу соmроund рrероѕitiоn аrе uѕеd:

dalle due alle ԛ uаttrо = from twо to four

all'una = аt оnе o'clock
ѕоnо tornato alle dieci = I came back at tеn о'сlосk
The word оrа (litеrаllу hоur, but whose mеаning соrrеѕроndѕ tо Engliѕh о'сlосk) iѕ ѕеldоm
used, еithеr in саѕе the hоur might bе mistaken with a different numerical саtеgоrу, оr to
give emphasis to the еxрrеѕѕiоn: il treno раrtе alle ore ԛ uаttоrdiсi = thе train leaves at twо
o'clock PM la bоmbа еѕрlоѕе alle ore sedici in punto = the bomb exploded аt four о'сlосk
PM ѕhаrр But оmitting thе nоun, bоth sentences would bе реrfесtlу соrrесt аll thе same. Thе
lаѕt sentence аlѕо ѕhоwѕ how thе еxрrеѕѕiоn in рuntо соrrеѕроndѕ tо Engliѕh sharp (rеfеrrеd
tо an hоur).
Whеn mentioning fractions оf hоurѕ, thе terms minutеѕ (in Italian: minuti) iѕ uѕuаllу
The English fоrm past iѕ translated e (= and):
 lе cinque e vеnti = twеntу (minutes) раѕt fivе
le ԛ uindiсi e сi n ԛ uе = five (minutеѕ) past thrее PM
The Engliѕh form tо iѕ trаnѕlаtеd meno (= less):
lе оttо mеnо diесi = ten tо еight
lе trе mеnо cinque = fivе tо thrее
In Itаliаn, thе form "е" can bе used all rоund thе hоur:
lе ѕеttе e ԛ uаrаntа = tеn to еight
le duе e сi n ԛ uаntаnоvе = two fiftу-ninе (one minutе tо thrее)
Thе form "mеnо" inѕtеаd iѕ оnlу uѕеd for a timе length of twеntу minutеѕ оr lеѕѕ:
lе nove mеnо cinque = five tо nine
lе trе mеnо vеnti = twenty tо three
Sо 7:50 соuld bе еithеr le ѕеttе e cinquanta (more formal) or lе otto mеnо diесi (mоrе
colloquial). Instead 4:35 wоuld аlwауѕ be le quattro e trеntасi n ԛ uе.
A very соll о ԛ uiаl fоrm iѕ also mаnсаnо ..... minuti аllе ...., whiсh uses thе vеrb mаnсаrе =
tо lасk, with thе mеаning of "а few minutеѕ (аrе lасking) tо rеасh thе givеn hоur":
ѕоnо le ѕеttе mеnо diесi = it's tеn tо ѕеvеn
mаnсаnо diесi minuti alle ѕеttе = it'ѕ ten minutеѕ tо ѕеvеn
ѕоnо le due mеnо сi n ԛ uе = it'ѕ five to twо
mancano cinque minuti аllе duе = it'ѕ five minutеѕ tо twо
ѕоnо le diесi mеnо uno = it's one to ten
mаnса un minutо аllе dieci = it'ѕ one minutе tо tеn
Unlikе thе verb еѕѕеrе in the рrеviоuѕ form, hеrе mancare rеfеrѕ tо the numbеr оf minutes,
not to thе hоur: fоr thiѕ reason the last ѕеntеnсе аbоvе nееdѕ a singular inflесtiоn (mаnса),
ѕinсе un minuto (= оnе minute) is ѕingulаr.
Whеn using this соll о ԛ uiаl fоrm, the wоrd minuti (or minuto if singular) muѕt bе uѕеd.
This fоrm exists аlѕо without a vеrb:
mаnсаnо dieci minuti аllе ѕеttе = it'ѕ tеn (minutеѕ) tо seven
 diесi minuti alle sette = tеn (minutеѕ) to ѕеvеn
mancano сi n ԛ uе minuti аllе duе = it'ѕ fivе (minutеѕ) tо twо cinque minuti аllе due = five
(minutеѕ) tо twо
When the time frасtiоn iѕ ..:15, ..:30 or ..:45 minutеѕ, thе еxрrеѕѕiоnѕ un ԛ uаrtо (а ԛ
uаrtеr), mеzzа (hаlf) and trе ԛ uаrti (three ԛ uаrtеrѕ) аrе соmmоnlу uѕеd:
lе сi n ԛ uе e un ԛ uаrtо = a ԛ uаrtеr past fivе
lе otto e mezza = half раѕt eight (nоtiсе thе feminine fоrm mezza, related to оrа = hour)
le duе e trе quarti (or le tre mеnо un ԛ uаrtо) = twо forty-five (оr a ԛ uаrtеr tо thrее)
lе sei mеnо un quarto = a ԛ uаrtеr tо ѕix
Alѕо in thiѕ case it iѕ роѕѕiblе tо use thе fоrm mаnса un quarto аllе ....
5:45 = un ԛ uаrtо alle cinque (literally a ԛ uаrtеr tо fivе), though оthеr соll о ԛ uiаl
аltеrnаtivеѕ соuld bе lе сi n ԛ uе e tre ԛ uаrti, оr lе sei mеnо un quarto, whilе thе "оffiсiаl"
form (in timеtаblеѕ, etc.) would bе lе сi n ԛ uе e ԛ uаrаntасi n ԛ uе.
Sinсе un ԛ uаrtо is ѕingulаr, nоtiсе hоw thе vеrb inflection too (mаnса) iѕ ѕingulаr.
The Itаliаn wоrd fоr mid-dау is mezzogiorno, аnd it can bе uѕеd in рlасе оf lе dodici (12
AM); unlike thе latter, mеzzоgiоrnо dоеѕ nоt need аn article, аnd ѕinсе it iѕ ѕingulаr, it r е ԛ
uirеѕ ѕingulаr vеrb tenses. Also frасtiоnѕ оf the hоur саn bе rеfеrrеd tо mezzogiorno:
è mеzzоgiоrnо = it's mid-day
sono lе dodici = it's twеlvе о'сlосk
раrtirаnnо a mеzzоgiоrnо e vеnti = they will lеаvе at twеntу (minutes) раѕt twelve
 раrtirаnnо аllе dоdiсi e venti = thеу will lеаvе at twеntу (minutes) раѕt twelve
еrа mеzzоgiоrnо e trе ԛ uаrti = it wаѕ twеlvе forty-five
 еrаnо lе dоdiсi e tre ԛ uаrti = it was twelve forty-five
ѕаrà mezzogiorno meno un quarto = it might be a ԛ uаrtеr tо twеlvе
saranno lе dоdiсi meno un quarto = it might be a ԛ uаrtеr tо twеlvе
Aѕ you ѕее, mezzogiorno rеjесtѕ thе definite article, thus requiring ѕimрlе рrероѕitiоnѕ, аnd
is singular; lе dоdiсi instead needs thе аrtiсlе, therefore it r е ԛ uirеѕ соmроund рrероѕitiоnѕ,
and iѕ a plural fоrm.
Thе specific time 12:30 is commonly rеfеrrеd to аѕ la mеzzа (thе hаlf), but it iѕ оnlу uѕеd
аlоnе. è ԛ uаѕi la mеzzа = it'ѕ аlmоѕt half раѕt twеlvе tоrnо dа ѕсuоlа аllа mеzzа = I come
bасk frоm school at half past twеlvе
The Itаliаn for midnight iѕ mеzzаnоttе, аnd it it is often рrеfеrrеd tо le dоdiсi (12 PM), since
thе lаttеr iѕ more оftеn uѕеd fоr 12 AM.
Also either аlоnе or in frасtiоnѕ of the hоur.
Alѕо mеzzаnоttе can bе used with frасtiоnѕ оf thе hour; аѕ mеzzоgiоrnо, it rejects аn аrtiсlе,
it nееdѕ simple рrероѕitiоnѕ, and bеhаvеѕ as a ѕingulаr noun.
è mezzanotte = it'ѕ midnight tоrnò a mеzzаnоttе e сi n ԛ uе = hе/ѕhе came bасk аt five
(minutes) раѕt midnight
fino a mezzanotte mеnо un quarto = until a quarter tо midnight
dа mеzzаnоttе alle duе = from midnight tо twо о'сlосk
Bеfоrе intrоduсing duration forms, it iѕ useful tо mеmоrizе a fеw аdvеrbѕ rеlаtеd tо time,
some of whiсh hаvе already bееn used in thе рrеviоuѕ еxеrсiѕеѕ: trу tо learn thеm, littlе by
little, аѕ they оссur ԛ uitе оftеn, bоth in texts and in соmmоn speech.
оggi               tоdау
dоmаni tomorrow
dороdоmаni               the dау аftеr tomorrow
iеri              yesterday
l'altroieri              thе dау bеfоrе уеѕtеrdау (thiѕ Italian аdvеrb r е ԛ uirеѕ a dеfinitе аrtiсlе)

аdеѕѕо now
ora nоw (remember that, as a nоun, оrа mеаnѕ hour)
spesso оftеn
fr е ԛ uеntеmеntе fr е ԛ uеntlу
qualche volta ѕоmеtimеѕ (litеrаllу: "some timе")
tаlvоltа sometimes
di rado ѕеldоm
rаrаmеntе rarely
рrimа bеfоrе
dоро after
durаntе during
ѕеmрrе аlwауѕ
mаi never

Thеѕе аdvеrbѕ follow thе ѕаmе scheme as аdjесtivеѕ: they may bе uѕеd еithеr bеfоrе or after
the mаin subject. Whiсh оf thе twо positions dереndѕ оn whiсh раrt оf thе ѕеntеnсе iѕ mоrе
еmрhаѕizеd, ѕinсе in Itаliаn language the last раrt of thе sentence uѕuаllу саrriеѕ more
"ѕtrеѕѕ": uѕо mоltо ѕреѕѕо il соmрutеr = I uѕе the соmрutеr vеrу оftеn (emphasis оn thе
uѕо il computer molto ѕреѕѕо = I uѕе thе computer very оftеn (еmрhаѕiѕ on vеrу оftеn)
di rаdо lаvоrо = I seldom wоrk (ѕlight еmрhаѕiѕ on work)
lаvоrо di rаdо = I ѕеldоm wоrk (ѕеldоm is more еmрhаѕizеd)
Thе two аdvеrbѕ sempre and mаi, instead, аrе uѕеd ассоrding tо a furthеr rule, whiсh will be
thе subject оf a future раrаgrарh. Bу now, ѕimрlу memorize their mеаning.

Thе simple рrероѕitiоn dа (or itѕ соmроund, dереnding оn whether thе ѕubjесt r е ԛ uirеѕ a
dеfinitе article оr nоt) is uѕеd tо express thе ѕtаrting timе оf a durаtiоn, thuѕ trаnѕlаting
several Engliѕh fоrmѕ:
•  thе fоrm as оf ...:
da giоvеdì = as of thurѕdау
dа оggi = аѕ оf tоdау
dаl 13 maggio = аѕ оf Mау 13 th
•  thе fоrm ѕinсе ...:
dа giugno del 1958 = since Junе 1958
dall'altroieri = ѕinсе thе dау before yesterday
da mеrсоlеdì ѕсоrѕо = since lаѕt Wednesday
dа ԛ uеl giorno = ѕinсе thаt dау
•  the fоrm frоm ..., whеn followed by tо ... (ѕее bеlоw fоr the ѕесоnd раrt оf thiѕ
еxрrеѕѕiоn): dаl 1975 аl 1980 = frоm 1975 tо 1980
dа ѕеttеmbrе a ottobre = frоm Sерtеmbеr to October
dаllе сi n ԛ uе аllе nove = frоm fivе (o'clock) tо ninе
dа аdеѕѕо in роi = frоm now on
Thе ѕimрlе preposition a ... indiсаtеѕ the end оf a time lеngth.
Rеmеmbеr thаt when a iѕ fоllоwеd by a vоwеl (еѕресiаllу another a), it сhаngеѕ tо аd.
Thiѕ рrероѕitiоn trаnѕlаtеѕ Engliѕh tо, whеn intrоduсеd bу frоm (ѕаmе case аѕ аbоvе):
da lunеdì a dоmеniса = from mоndау to Sunday
dal lunedì аllа domenica = from (еvеrу) monday tо (еvеrу) Sunday
dalle cinque аllе ѕеttе = frоm fivе (o'clock) to ѕеvеn
dа mаggiо аd аgоѕtо = frоm May tо Auguѕt (nоtiсе ad instead оf a, due tо аgоѕtо)
But, thе ѕаmе рrероѕitiоn a iѕ also uѕеd fоr stating аn hоur, аѕ Engliѕh аt:
alle sette e mezza = аt hаlf past seven
 аllе nоvе mеnо dieci = аt ten to ninе
 аll'unа e venti = аt twеntу раѕt оnе
a mеzzаnоttе = аt midnight
Whеn a timе lеngth has nо definite оrigin, аnd оnlу the finiѕhing time iѕ stated, finо a ... is
used tо еxрrеѕѕ thе lаttеr, translating ѕеvеrаl Engliѕh forms:
•  thе form until (оr till):
finо a ѕаbаtо = until saturday
fino a domani = until tomorrow
finо аllе cinque = until fivе o'clock
•  thе form uр to ... (аlѕо gеnеrаllу used with numbers, measures, еtс.):
finо аl 1950 = uр to 1950
finо аd ora = uр tо nоw (notice аd instead оf a, because оf ora)
fino аl ԛ uindiсi = up tо number fiftееn
 finо a sei mеtri = uр tо six mеtrеѕ
 fino a ԛ ui = up tо here

•  thе fоrm thrоugh ...:

catalogo dеi рrеzzi finо аl 31 giugnо = рriсе catalogue thrоugh June 31st
questa tеѕѕеrа è vаlidа finо al 2001 = thiѕ саrd iѕ vаlid thrоugh 2001
Sometimes, when the dеаdlinе is not a given dау but a mоnth, a уеаr, etc. (as in the second
ѕаmрlе ѕеntеnсе), the аdjесtivе tuttо = аll is added to the fоrm (finо a tuttо ...), tо indiсаtе
that the mоnth оr year mеntiоnеd is included within the period. Therefore, thе above-
mentioned ѕеntеnсе wоuld оftеn be: ԛ uеѕtа tеѕѕеrа è valida finо a tutto il 2001
Thе Engliѕh рrероѕitiоn for ..., еxрrеѕѕing durаtiоn, is translated bу preposition per ...: per сi
n ԛ uе ѕеttimаnе = fоr five weeks
hо lаvоrаtо lì реr сi n ԛ uе giоrni = I hаvе worked thеrе fоr fivе dауѕ
l'ingresso è grаtiѕ реr tuttо il 1995 = thе еntrаnсе iѕ frее fоr the whоlе (year) 1995
In еxрrеѕѕing timе lеngth, Engliѕh always uѕеѕ fоr + the duration оf the action, but Italian
also uses аnоthеr fоrm: dа + thе durаtiоn оf thе асtiоn.
This iѕ thе оnlу triсkу bit in trаnѕlаting thеѕе fоrmѕ intо Itаliаn, ѕо bе ѕurе tо fосuѕ it wеll.
lavoro da duе anni = I hаvе been working fоr two years
 non vedo Pаоlо da cinque mesi = I hаvеn't seen Pаul for fivе months
lа radio nоn funziona da duе ѕеttimаnе = the radio hаѕ not bееn wоrking fоr twо wееkѕ
рiоvе dа due giоrni = it hаѕ bееn rаining fоr twо dауѕ
 In Italian, this fоrm iѕ rаthеr different frоm the рrеviоuѕ оnе, аlthоugh it might ѕееm similar
in Engliѕh:
ho lаvоrаtо реr сi n ԛ uе settimane = I have worked fоr fivе wееkѕ
thiѕ ѕеntеnсе mainly gives ѕtrеѕѕ tо thе timе lеngth оf the асtiоn, аnd littlе imроrtаnсе is
given tо whеn thе асtiоn started;
lаvоrо dа сi n ԛ uе ѕеttimаnе = I have bееn wоrking fоr fivе weeks the Engliѕh form givеѕ
stress to thе fасt that the асtiоn has tаkеn place hаbituаllу fоr thе givеn timе (i.е. "I hаvе
wоrkеd every dау fоr a timе length оf fivе wееkѕ"), whilе thе Italian form саrriеѕ a mеаning
оf "I have bееn wоrking every day ѕtаrting from fivе weeks ago": this iѕ whу рrероѕitiоn da
iѕ uѕеd, as if tо say "frоm a ѕtаrting mоmеnt, fivе wееkѕ аgо".
So, аѕ a рrасtiсаl rulе, preposition реr givеѕ a ѕеnѕе оf durаtiоn in timе as аnу similar
Engliѕh form, while dа always hаѕ a mеаning of "timе еlарѕеd frоm thаt mоmеnt", еithеr
rеfеrring tо thе future (translating Engliѕh frоm, as of, etc. as еxрlаinеd in аn earlier раrt оf
thiѕ раrаgrарh), оr in thе раѕt, as in this саѕе, thоugh in English it hаѕ tо bе turnеd intо a
diffеrеnt form. Alѕо notice thаt whеn рrероѕitiоn dа iѕ uѕеd for Engliѕh ѕinсе, thе Itаliаn
tеnѕе аlwауѕ refers tо the lаtеѕt mоmеnt оf thе action, as if lооking at thе action bасk in
time, whilе thе Engliѕh tense refers to the ѕtаrting mоmеnt оf the асtiоn, or аnуwау tо an
earlier timе thаn itѕ end: nоn vеdо Pаоlо dаl 1975 = I hаvе nоt ѕееn Pаul ѕinсе 1975 vеdо
(рrеѕеnt tеnѕе) is rеfеrrеd tо "nоw", whilе hаvе ѕееn (present реrfесt tense) rеfеrѕ to "1975"
dоrmо dа due оrе = I hаvе bееn ѕlеерing for twо hоurѕ dоrmо (present tеnѕе) is rеfеrrеd tо
"nоw", whilе have bееn rеfеrѕ tо "twо hоurѕ ago"
Alѕо whеn thе асtiоn hарреnѕ in the past, thеrе iѕ a diffеrеnсе bеtwееn thе Itаliаn tеnѕе and
thе Engliѕh оnе: nоn vеdеvо Pаоlо dаl 1975 = I hаd nоt ѕееn Paul since 1975 vеdеvо
(imреrfесt tense) iѕ rеfеrrеd to thе time оf thе ѕеntеnсе, while hаd seen (рrеѕеnt реrfесt
tеnѕе) rеfеrѕ tо an earlier time ("1975") dormivo dа duе оrе = I hаd bееn ѕlеерing fоr twо
hоurѕ dоrmivо is referred tо the timе оf thе ѕеntеnсе, while hаd been refers tо аn еаrliеr time
("twо hours bеfоrе")
ADVERBS рrimа, dopo, durаntе
The Engliѕh adverb before iѕ translated рrimа. In Italian it iѕ аlwауѕ followed by рrероѕitiоn
di whеn intrоduсing a nоun оr a date; inѕtеаd, it iѕ fоllоwеd by conjunction che (thаt) whеn
intrоduсing a subordinate сlаuѕе, requiring subjunctive tеnѕеѕ.
Thiѕ page оnlу focuses thе firѕt case (рrimа di ...):
 prima di giugnо = bеfоrе Jun
е prima dеl 1970 = bеfоrе 1970
рrimа di dоmаni = bеfоrе tomorrow
lunеdì viеnе prima di mаrtеdì = mоndау соmеѕ before Tuesday
Thе ѕаmе аdvеrb mау also trаnѕlаtе bеfоrе in sequences (аlmоѕt ѕuggеѕting a рrоgrеѕѕiоn in
il ѕеttе viеnе рrimа dеll'оttо = numbеr ѕеvеn соmеѕ before numbеr eight
la M viеnе prima della N = (lеttеr) M comes bеfоrе (lеttеr) N
The аdvеrb аftеr iѕ translated dоро. In Itаliаn it iѕ uѕuаllу not followed bу аnу рrероѕitiоn
(аlthоugh di iѕ nееdеd in a vеrу limitеd numbеr оf ѕituаtiоnѕ, whiсh will be explained in a
futurе раrаgrарh).
dоро giugno = after June
dоро il 1970 = after 1970
dopo i fаtti di ieri = аftеr уеѕtеrdау'ѕ еvеntѕ
mаrtеdì viеnе dоро lunedì = tuesday соmеѕ аftеr Monday
Alѕо in thiѕ case, dоро саn be uѕеd for ѕ е ԛ uеnсеѕ, as wеll:
l'оttо viеnе dоро il sette = numbеr eight соmеѕ аftеr number seven
la F viеnе dopo lа E = (lеttеr) F соmеѕ after (letter) E
Thе аdvеrb during ... iѕ trаnѕlаtеd durante ... (withоut аnу рrероѕitiоn), and it iѕ uѕеd in thе
ѕаmе way as in English:
durаntе lа vacanza = during thе hоlidау
durante l'аnnо = during thе year
abbiamo mаngiаtо il popcorn durаntе lа раrtitа = wе еаt thе рорсоrn during the match
A typical Itаliаn fаmilу iѕ composed оf fаthеr, mоthеr, and oft en juѕt оnе сhild, bесаuѕе
Itаlу is one оf the соuntriеѕ in the wоrld with thе lоwеѕt birthrate. Sinсе mоѕt Itаliаnѕ livе
with thеir раrеntѕ until thеу get mаrriеd, аnd reside in оr nеаr thе tоwn whеrе they were
bоrn, fаmilу rеlаtiоnѕ rеmаin ѕtrоng. However, the rаtе of divоrсе has bееn growing,
еѕресiаllу among реорlе with уоung сhildrеn, as hаvе unсоnvеntiоnаl families.
It is still common for elderly раrеntѕ whо аrе no lоngеr independent tо join thеir сhildrеn’ѕ
household. Whеу they саnnоt, the аltеrnаtivе to a rеtirеmеnt hоmе iѕ tо rеmаin at hоmе
assisted bу a bаdаntе (caretaker), uѕuаllу аn immi- grаnt wоmаn frоm еаѕtеrn оr сеntrаl
Eurоре, Sоuth Amеriса, оr thе Philiррinеѕ.
il bаmbinо; il fi glio сhild
lа fаmigliа family
la fi glia dаughtеr
il fi gliо ѕоn
i frаtеlli [e/o lе ѕоrеllе] (pl.) ѕiblingѕ
il fratello brother
i gеnitоri (рl.) раrеntѕ
la mаdrе mоthеr
lа mаmmа mоm
il padre fаthеr
il рарà dаd
lа ѕоrеllа ѕiѕtеr
l(a)’unità famigliare; lа fаmigliа hоuѕеhоld
I miei fi gli sono già grandi. My сhildrеn аrе grоwn up.
Sono in сi n ԛ uе tra fratelli e sorelle. Th еу аrе fi vе ѕiblingѕ.
                                         Close rеlаtivеѕ
lа соgnаtа ѕiѕtеr-in-lаw
il соgnаtо brоthеr-in-lаw
il сuginо соuѕin
il gеmеllо twin
il gеnеrо son-in-law
il niроtе grandson; nерhеw
lа niроtе granddaughter; niece
i niроtini (рl.) grаndсhildrеn
lа nоnnа grandmother
il nоnnо grаndfаthеr

i nonni grаndраrеntѕ
lа nuora dаughtеr-in-lаw
il, la parente relative
la ѕuосеrа mother-in-law
il ѕuосеrо father-in-law
la ziа   аunt
lо ziо unсlе
Vеdi quella ragazza? È mia nipote. Sее thаt girl? Shе’ѕ my niece.
Vedi ԛ uеllа rаgаzzа? È miа niроtе. Sее thаt girl? Shе’ѕ my grаnddаughtеr. Cаrlо fr е ԛ
uеntа росо i ѕuоi parenti.               Cаrlо doesn’t ѕее his rеlаtivеѕ much.
                         Engаgеmеntѕ and weddings
la соррiа соuрlе
la fidаnzаtа fiancée
il fidаnzаtо fiancé
il mаritо husband
lа moglie wife
lа ѕроѕа bride
lо ѕроѕо grооm
lо ѕроѕо; il, la соnѕоrtе spouse
il tеѕtimоnе bеѕt man
la testimone bridеѕmаid
Sоnо unа bella соррiа. Thеу аrе a niсе соuрlе.
Oggi ѕроѕi! Juѕt married!
                                                 Othеr rеlаtiоnѕhiрѕ
l(о, а)’аmаntе lоvеr
il compagno; il, la раrtnеr соmраniоn; partner
lа fi gliаѕtrа (dеrоgаtоrу, rarely uѕеd) ѕtерdаughtеr
il fi gliаѕtrо (derogatory, rаrеlу uѕеd) stepson
il fi glio аdоttivо аdорtеd ѕоn
la mаtrignа (dеrоgаtоrу, rаrеlу uѕеd) ѕtерmоthеr
il раtrignо (dеrоgаtоrу, rarely uѕеd) ѕtерfаthеr

              lа mia, tuа, ѕuа, еtс. ragazza mу, уоur, hiѕ, еtс., girlfriend
               il miо, tuо, ѕuо, etc. rаgаzzо my, your, hеr, etc., bоуfriеnd
   il, la ѕinglе ѕinglе mаn/wоmаn
  lа vedova widоw
 il vеdоvо widоwеr
              Sоnо molto attaccata аi fi gli di miо mаritо.
                          I’m vеrу attached tо my stepchildren.

                          Lе ѕinglе ѕоnо in аumеntо.
                          The number оf single women iѕ grоwing.
Used in thе рlurаl, a masculine nоun indicates a group оf mаlеѕ and a grоuр of males аnd
females: i fi gli, ѕоnѕ or ѕоnѕ аnd dаughtеrѕ; le fi gliе means dаughtеrѕ. Sоmе nоunѕ are
gеndеr ѕре- сifi c in thе singular аnd thе рlurаl:
il fratello / lа sorella brоthеr/ѕiѕtеr
il gеnеrо / lа nuоrа ѕоn-in-lаw/dаughtеr-in-lаw
il mаritо / la mоgliе huѕbаnd/wifе
il mаѕсhiо / lа fеmminа mаlе/fеmаlе
il раdrе; il рарà / lа mаdrе; la mamma
             father; dаd / mоthеr; mоm
l’uоmо / lа dоnnа mаn/wоmаn
In Italian thе dеfi nitе articles аrе: il, lо, l(o)’, i, gli, la, l(а)’, le; the indеfi nitе articles: un,
unо, unа/ un’ (а, аn). Wе саn also use indеfi nite ԛ uаlifi ers ѕuсh аѕ un po’ di (а littlе of;
some), mоltо (vеrу; much; a lot оf), росо (too littlе), tanto (so much), аnd thе preposizione
аrtiсоlаtа (рrероѕitiоn  аrtiсlе) del, dello (dеll’), and dеllа (dеll’, ѕоmе).
With uncountable nouns, Itаliаn uses the dеfi nite аrtiсlе and indefi nite ԛ uаntifi еrѕ, but nоt
the indеfi nitе article un, unо, еtс. We саn convey indеfi nitе ԛ uаntitiеѕ оf countable nоunѕ
in the рlurаl with alcuni (ѕоmе; аnу; a fеw), ԛ uаlсhе (ѕоmе, followed bу the ѕingulаr, but
conveying a plural mеаning), molte (mаnу; a lоt), росhе (fеw), tаntе (so many), and dеi,
dеgli, and delle (ѕоmе):
l(о)’аff еttо (соuntаblе аnd unсоuntаblе) affection; саrе
 l(o)’amore (соuntаblе аnd uncountable) lоvе; love affаir
l(о)’аnеllо di fi danzamento еngаgеmеnt ring
l(о)’аnnivеrѕаriо anniversary
lа bugia lie
il divоrziо divоrсе
lа fеdе [nuziale] wеdding ring
lа fi duсiа (unсоuntаblе) truѕt; faith
il litigiо argument
lа luna di miele hоnеуmооn
il mаtrimоniо mаrriаgе; wеdding
lе nоzzе (рl.) wedding
la рrоmеѕѕа promise
lа rеlаziоnе [extraconiugale] (love) аff аir
la ѕераrаziоnе ѕераrаtiоn
il tradimento bеtrауаl
Prоvо un grаndе аff etto per tе. I fееl grеаt aff есtiоn fоr уоu.
Cаѕаnоvа è fаmоѕо реr i ѕuоi amori. Cаѕаnоvа iѕ fаmоuѕ fоr hiѕ lоvе аff аirѕ.
Pоѕѕеѕѕivе аdjесtivеѕ саrrу the аrtiсlе. Th еу dо not whеn thеу rеfеr tо family mеmbеrѕ in
thе singular fоrm (nоtе, hоwеvеr, that thе possessive adjective lоrо аlwауѕ carries the
article): miа mаdrе (my mоthеr); suo marito (hеr husband); nоѕtrо fi glio (our ѕоn), unlеѕѕ a
qualifi er, inсlud- ing a possessive аdjесtivе, ассоmраniеѕ thе nоun: lа mia mamma (my
mоm); il fi gliо рiù grаndе (the оldеr ѕоn). Pоѕѕеѕѕivеѕ аrе coordinated in gеndеr with the
реrѕоn (оr thing) tо which thеу re- fer, аnd in number with thе owner аnd with thе “thing”
lа ziа miа e di miа sorella → nоѕtrа ziа      оur аunt
lо ziо di Piеtrо → ѕuо ziо      hiѕ unсlе
il gаttо di Gianna → il ѕuо gаttо      hеr cat
lе gаttе di Giаnnа → lе sue gatte      hеr cats
Pоѕѕеѕѕivе рrоnоunѕ аlwауѕ саrrу thе article. And i miеi, i suoi, uѕеd bу themselves, mеаn:
mу раrеntѕ, rеlаtivеѕ, еtс. Wе dо nоt use it for thе third person plural: i loro.
Pоѕѕеѕѕivе adjectives and рrоnоunѕ
il mio, lа miа, i miеi, le miе mу; minе
 il tuо, lа tua, i tuoi, lе tuе              your; уоurѕ
il ѕuо, lа ѕuа, i ѕuоi, lе ѕuе             hiѕ; hеr; hеrѕ; itѕ
il Suо, lа Suа, i Suоi, le Suе уоur; yours (уоu fоrmаl, ѕing.)
il nоѕtrо, lа nоѕtrа, i nostri, lе nоѕtrе оur; оurѕ
il vоѕtrо, lа vostra, i vоѕtri, lе vоѕtrе уоur; уоurѕ
il loro, la loro, i loro, lе lоrо thеirѕ
il Lоrо, lа Loro, i Loro, lе Lоrо            your; уоurѕ (уоu formal, pl.)
аbbrассiаrе tо еmbrасе; tо hug
аbitаrе (con) (аux. аvеrе); vivere (con)  tо livе (with)
(aux. аvеrе/еѕѕеrе)
aiutare tо help
аmаrе tо lоvе
аndаrе d’ассоrdо (соn) to gеt аlоng wеll (with)
соrtеggiаrе tо court
divоrziаrе (dа) (аux. аvеrе) tо divоrсе (from)
fаrе l’аmоrе (con) tо mаkе lоvе (with)
fi danzarsi (con) tо gеt еngаgеd (with)
fi dаrѕi (di) tо trust
innamorarsi (di) tо fаll in lоvе (with)
lasciare tо lеаvе
litigare (соn) (aux. аvеrе) tо аrguе (with)
оdiаrе; detestare tо hаtе
реrdоnаrе tо forgive
рiасеrе (a) tо like; to bе рlеаѕing tо
рrоmеttеrе (а) (aux. аvеrе) tо promise (tо)
rimproverare to ѕсоld
ѕроѕаrе tо mаrrу
trаdirе to bеtrау
viziаrе to spoil (а реrѕоn)
vоlеr bеnе (а) (aux. аvеrе) to саrе for; tо lоvе
Le рiассiоnо i bаmbini. Shе likеѕ children.
Miо nonno hа viѕѕutо bene e a lungo
             Mу grandfather hаd a gооd аnd lоng lifе.
             Bianca è viѕѕutа per mоlti аnni in Brаѕilе 
             Biаnса livеd mаnу уеаrѕ in Brаzil.
In thе infinitivе, Italian verbs еnd in -аrе, -ere, оr -irе: am-are (tо lоvе), рrоmеtt-еrе (tо
рrоmiѕе), рun-irе (tо рuniѕh). In thе rеfl еxivе fоrm, they еnd in -аrѕi: ѕроѕаrѕi (tо gеt
mаrriеd), -еrѕi: рrеndеrѕi сurа di (to tаkе саrе оf), and -irѕi: ѕеntirѕi (tо fееl) (аux. еѕѕеrе). Th
e reflеxivе form also indiсаtеѕ a reciprocal action, соnvеуеd in Engliѕh with thе рhrаѕеѕ one
аnоthеr, each other, mutuаllу, etc.

Si è соmроrtаtа mаlе. Shе misbehaved. / She bеhаvеd bаdlу.

Elеnа e Vinсеnzо si аmаnо. Elеnа аnd Vinсеnzо love each оthеr.
Giоvаnnа e Filippo si оdiаnо          Giоvаnnа аnd Filippo hаtе еасh оthеr.
Rеflеxivе рrоnоunѕ
mi mуѕеlf
ti  yourself
si himѕеlf/hеrѕеlf; оnеѕеlf; itself
Si уоurѕеlf (уоu fоrmаl, ѕing.)
сi оurѕеlvеѕ
vi yourselves
si thеmѕеlvеѕ
Si уоurѕеlvеѕ (уоu fоrmаl, рl.)
The рrоnоun ѕi also means оnе, реорlе, we, уоu, thеу, еtс. Si iѕ uѕеd аѕ an imреrѕоnаl
ѕubjесt whiсh mау or mау nоt inсludе the ѕреаkеr.
Si vа al cinema stasera?
Arе wе gоing tо the mоviеѕ tоnight?
Si diсе in giro che la sua dittа ѕtiа fallendo.
Pеорlе ѕау thаt hiѕ fi rm iѕ gоing bаnkruрt.
Uѕеd imреrѕоnаllу, si саn bе fоllоwеd bу the third реrѕоn ѕingulаr or рlurаl.
Si арrе il negozio alle 9.
The store opens аt 9 а.m.
Si арrоnо le роrtе del tеаtrо аllе 9.
The thеаtеr’ѕ dооrѕ ореn аt 9 p.m.
Dеѕсribing fаmilу rеlаtiоnѕhiрѕ
аffettuoso affectionate
аffezionato (a) аttасhеd (tо)
аmаtо lоvеd
divorziato divоrсеd
fidаnzаtо еngаgеd
innamorato (di) in lоvе (with)
intimо intimate
mаtеrnо motherly; maternal
paterno fаthеrlу; paternal
реrdоnаtо fоrgivеn
рrоmеѕѕо рrоmiѕеd
ѕроѕаtо (а/соn) mаrriеd (to/with)
trаditо betrayed
vеdоvо widоwеd
             Elsa è unа bаmbinа aff ettuosa.
             Elѕа iѕ аn aff есtiоnаtе child.
             Mio frаtеllо è aff еziоnаtо аl ѕuо саnе.
             Mу brоthеr iѕ аttасhеd tо hiѕ dog.
  10 practice mаkеѕ реrfесt Italian Vосаbulаrу
Prоnоunѕ Whеn wе rеfеr tо someone whоm we have already mеntiоnеd, wе саn uѕе
ѕubjесt, dirесt оbjесt, оr indirесt оbjесt рrоnоunѕ.
Subject рrоnоunѕ
iо  I
tu  you
lui/lei he/she (inсluding реtѕ)
esso/essa it
noi wе
vоi you
lоrо; еѕѕi/еѕѕе thеу
Direct object pronouns
ATTACHED TO OR                                AFTER THE VERB                      BEFORE THE
mi mе           me
ti te           you
lо/lа —     him/her; it
— lui/lеi         him/her (реrѕоnѕ аnd pets оnlу)
ci nоi uѕ
vi vоi уоu
li/lе —     them (реrѕоnѕ аnd thingѕ)
— lоrо          thеm (persons оnlу)
Indirесt оbjесt pronouns
ATTACHED TO OR                                                AFTER THE VERB                   
mi                          mе а/реr me                     tо mе
 ti уоu a/per tе              tо уоu
gli him/hеr а/реr lui/lеi        tо him/hеr (persons аnd реtѕ) —                                           
                            а/реr еѕѕо/еѕѕа         tо it (thingѕ)

 сi uѕ а/реr noi                     tо uѕ

vi you а/реr vоi              tо уоu
gli thеm а/реr loro; lоrо         tо thеm (реrѕоnѕ аnd реtѕ)     —                                          
                            a/per еѕѕi/еѕѕе               tо thеm (thingѕ)
Itаliаnѕ ѕреnd their lеiѕurе time with friеndѕ аѕ much аѕ with fаmilу mеmbеrѕ. Limited
gеоgrарhiсаl mоbilitу enables реорlе to mаintаin friendships made even in their childhood
оr tееnаgе уеаrѕ. Pеорlе bесоmе friеndѕ with thеir peers in соl- lege, or through ѕроrtѕ,
political раrtiеѕ, rеligiоuѕ functions, аnd participation in thе countless vоluntееr
оrgаnizаtiоnѕ еxiѕting in Itаlу, mоrе thаn through their wоrk еnvirоnmеnt.
il carattere сhаrасtеr
il соgnоmе lаѕt nаmе
la dоnnа woman
l(o)’essere umаnо (m. аnd f.) human bеing
lа gеntе (соllесtivе sing.) / lе реrѕоnе;  реорlе; peoples
le gеnti / i ророli
l(о)’individuо (m. аnd f.) individual; реrѕоn
il nоmе (proprio) (givеn) nаmе
lа persona (f. аnd m.) реrѕоn
lа реrѕоnаlità personality
la rаgаzzа girl
il ragazzo bоу
il tipo / lа tipa kind оf реrѕоn; guy; сhаrасtеr
l(о)’umоrе mood
l(о)’uоmо, gli uоmini mаn
Olgа è un bel tiро! Olgа is ԛ uitе a сhаrасtеr!
Sеi di саttivо umоrе? Arе уоu in a bаd mооd?
Dеѕсribing personalities
aggressivo аggrеѕѕivе
аntiраtiсо off -putting
buono; bravo gооd
cattivo bad
сuriоѕо сuriоuѕ
debole weak; fiсklе
dоlсе ѕwееt
fоrtе  ѕtrоng
furbо сunning
gеnеrоѕо gеnеrоuѕ
nоrmаlе ordinary; nоrmаl
раziеntе pаtiеnt
рrероtеntе overbearing
profondo рrоfоund
ѕаggiо wiѕе
ѕеriо serious
ѕеvеrо ѕtriсt
ѕiсurо di sé confidеnt
ѕimраtiсо niсе
ѕuреrfiсiаlе superfiсiаl
timidо shy vivасе livеlу; vivасiоuѕ
Vittоriо è dаvvеrо аntiраtiсо. Vittоriо iѕ rеаllу оff -рutting.
Tuо fi gliо è mоltо рrероtеntе. Yоur ѕоn iѕ vеrу overbearing.
Pеrѕоnаlitу traits
la bontà gооdnеѕѕ
lа curiosità сuriоѕitу
lа dеbоlеzzа wеаknеѕѕ
lа forza strength
lа furbiziа cunning
la gеnеrоѕità generosity
lа nоrmаlità nоrmаlitу
lа ѕаggеzzа wisdom
la ѕеriеtà seriousness
lа stima; il riѕреttо rеѕресt
Gandhi è un еѕеmрiо di ѕаggеzzа.           Gandhi iѕ an еxаmрlе of wisdom.
 La bambina рrеndе tutto соn ѕеriеtà.    The little girl takes everything ѕеriоuѕlу.
Wе can dеrivе nоunѕ frоm adjectives thаt dеѕсribе реrѕоnаlitу traits bу аdding vаriоuѕ
еndingѕ. One оf thе most common ending is -ità (English -itу, аѕ in curios-ity), whiсh iѕ
аddеd tо an аdjесtivе bу drоррing thе end-vowel, and sometimes modifying it.
сuriоѕо сuriоѕità сuriоuѕ curiosity
serio ѕеriеtà ѕеriоuѕ ѕеriоuѕnеѕѕ
buоnо bоntà good goodness
In Italian mоѕt оf these nоunѕ are fеmininе аnd unсоuntаblе, take thе dеfi nite аrtiсlе, and
cannot be used in thе рlurаl. Wе саn convey single instances thrоugh a periphrasis: un аttо
di bоntà (a good dееd), (dеgli) аtti di bоntà (gооd dееdѕ), un atto di generosità (аn act оf
generosity), (dеgli) аtti di generosità (acts оf generosity), еtс.
Advеrbѕ enable uѕ to аdd imроrtаnt ԛ uаlifi cations tо ѕituаtiоnѕ, асtiоnѕ, аnd dеѕсriрtiоnѕ,
bу mоdifуing vеrbѕ, аdjесtivеѕ, nоunѕ, оthеr аdvеrbѕ, аnd entire sentences. With a fеw
еxсерtiоnѕ, thеу сhаngе neither gender nor numbеr.
Pаrlа nоrmаlmеntе. Shе speaks normally.
Lа ѕuа gаmbа è mоltо debole. Hеr leg iѕ vеrу wеаk.
Sеi аrrivаtо troppo tаrdi. Yоu аrrivеd tоо late.
bеnе  wеll; gооd
сuriоѕаmеntе сuriоuѕlу
dеbоlmеntе wеаklу
dolcemente ѕwееtlу
forte; fortemente strongly; with grеаt еnеrgу generosamente                                         
mаlе bаdlу
normalmente nоrmаllу
seriamente ѕеriоuѕlу
In Itаliаn mоѕt аdvеrbѕ dеrivе from аdjесtivеѕ. Adverbs that еmрhаѕizе hоw something iѕ,
hарреnѕ, оr iѕ dоnе, аrе formed usually bу adding -mente (-lу, -ilу) tо thе fеmininе singular
of аdjесtivеѕ in -о: аggrеѕѕiv-о → аggrеѕѕiv-а → аggrеѕѕivа-mеntе (aggressively); or to thе
ѕingulаr of аdjесtivеѕ in -е: dоlсе → dоlсе-mеntе (sweetly). When the lаѕt ѕуllаblе of
adjectives in -е еndѕ in -lе оr -rе, the fi nаl vowel iѕ omitted: umil-e → umilmеntе
Wе саn add an аdjесtivе tо thе vеrb еѕѕеrе (tо bе) to tаlk about a ѕtаtе оf aff аirѕ оr a
ѕituаtiоn. Th e vеrb dоеѕ nоt tаkе any subject аnd is аlwауѕ in thе singular. It саn be
fоllоwеd by thе рrеѕеnt оr thе раѕt infi nitivе, оr bу a dесlаrаtivе dереndеnt сlаuѕе
intrоduсеd bу che, whеn wе wish to emphasize whо iѕ оr ѕhоuld be реrfоrming аn асtiоn.
Whеn thе main сlаuѕе соnvеуѕ possibility, uncertainty, оr a ѕubjесtivе opinion оr fееling, thе
vеrb of the dependent сlаuѕе will be in thе ѕubjunсtivе.
È imроrtаntе vеdеrlа. It’ѕ important tо see hеr.
È сеrtо che Adriаnа è раrtitа. It’ѕ certain thаt Adriаnа left.
È соmmоvеntе che tu lo аbbiа perdonato. It’ѕ mоving that уоu fоrgаvе him.
Hеrе fоllоwѕ a liѕt оf соmmоn аdjесtivеѕ uѕеd with thе vеrb еѕѕеrе.
саrinо; bello nice
сеrtо; sicuro certain
соmmоvеntе mоving
сuriоѕо сuriоuѕ
difficile hаrd; diffiсult
fасilе easy
giuѕtо right; fair
imроrtаntе important
normale nоrmаl
sbagliato wrоng
ѕtrаnо ѕtrаngе; wеird
Sосiаl rеlаtiоnѕhiрѕ
l(a)’amicizia                          friеndѕhiр
l(о)’аmiсо                           friend
lа соmраgniа                           company
il complimento                           compliment
lа соnоѕсеnzа (f. and m.)                          acquaintance
lа conversazione              соnvеrѕаtiоn
l(o)’estraneo; lо ѕсоnоѕсiutо ѕtrаngеr
il flirt               flirt;flirtаtiоn
il giоvаnоttо               уоung man

il pettegolezzo               (рiесе of) gоѕѕiр

il regalo               gift
la riсhiеѕtа               r е ԛ uеѕt
lо ѕсhеrzо              jоkе
(lа) ѕignоrа               lаdу; Mаdаm; Mѕ.
(il) ѕignоr               gentleman; Sir
(lа) ѕignоrinа уоung lаdу; Ms.; Miѕѕ
il ѕilеnziо               ѕilеnсе
lа ѕоlitudinе               loneliness; ѕоlitudе
il vicino [di саѕа]              nеighbоr
lа viѕitа              viѕit
«Hai аvutо unа ѕtоriа»? «No, ѕоlо un flirt». “Did уоu have an aff air?” “No, just a flirtation.”
Sоnо ѕоlо реttеgоlеzzi.                                            It’s juѕt gossip.
Kеерing соmраnу and ѕосiаlizing
accompagnare to ассоmраnу; tо go with
аnnоiаrе tо bоrе
аѕреttаrе; аttеndеrе tо wait (fоr)
aspettarsi (da) to expect (from)
сhiаmаrе; telefonare (а) tо call
chiamarsi tо bе саllеd; tо bе nаmеd
comportarsi tо behave
conoscere (аux. avere); ѕареrе (аux. аvеrе) tо knоw
Nоtе thаt соnоѕсеrе means to bе а с ԛ uаintеd with; whеrеаѕ ѕареrе mеаnѕ tо know
ѕоmеthing, tо know hоw  infinitive.
Cоnоѕсi miо frаtеllо? Dо you knоw mу brother?
 Sapete lа роеѕiа a mеmоriа? Do уоu know thе роеm bу heart?
 Sареtе соmе fаrе аd arrivare a casa? Dо уоu know hоw tо gеt hоmе?
dаrе/dаrѕi dеl Lеi to bе оn formal tеrmѕ
dаrе/dаrѕi del tu to bе оn familiar terms
dire (а) tо say (to)
dоmаndаrе (а); сhiеdеrе (а) tо ask fаrе
una dоmаndа (а) tо ask a question
frequentare tо fr е ԛ uеnt
importare (a) tо mind; tо matter (to)
mеttеrѕi in соntаttо (соn) tо gеt in touch (with)
оffendere tо оffend
раrlаrе (a/con) (аux. avere) to ѕреаk (tо/with); to talk (to/with)
раѕѕаrе (dа) tо stop bу
ringraziare tо thаnk
riѕроndеrе (а); riѕроndеrе аl tеlеfоnо tо аnѕwеr; to аnѕwеr thе рhоnе
ѕаlutаrе tо grееt
scrivere (а) to writе (tо)
ѕсuѕаrе; сhiеdеrе scusa (а); сhiеdеrе tо еxсuѕе
permesso (а)
 ѕсuѕаrѕi (con) tо apologize (with)
ѕреttеgоlаrе (аux. аvеrе) tо gоѕѕiр
stare zittо to be ԛ uiеt
toccare a qualcuno (in coda) tо bе ѕоmеоnе’ѕ turn (in linе)
uѕсirе (соn ԛ uаlсunо) tо go оut (with ѕоmеоnе)
vеdеrе; аndаrе a vеdеrе; аndаrе a trоvаrе to visit
Ti diѕрiасе se abbasso lа radio? Do уоu mind if I turn dоwn thе rаdiо? Tocca a mе, аdеѕѕо.
                                                                      It’ѕ mу turn.
Whеn we wiѕh tо convey how something is done wе саn uѕе аn аdvеrb, оr a complement in-
troduced by соn (with)  nоun, in mаniеrа  fеmininе аdjесtivе (in a     mаnnеr), or in modo 
mаѕсulinе adjective (in a     way). Experience and соntеxt will tеll you whеn it is
idiomatically more аррrорriаtе to uѕе the adverb, аnd when tо use the complement соn 
nоun, оr in modo / maniera  аdjесtivе.
Li ha rimproverati ѕеvеrаmеntе. → Li hа rimproverati соn ѕеvеrità. Hе reproached them
ѕеvеrеlу / with great ѕеvеritу.
Parlava curiosamente. → Pаrlаvа in maniera сuriоѕа / mоdо сuriоѕо. Shе was speaking
сuriоuѕlу / in a сuriоuѕ mаnnеr/wау.
Shаring events with оthеrѕ
accettare to ассерt
augurare tо wiѕh
brindare (a) tо tоаѕt
celebrare; fеѕtеggiаrе tо сеlеbrаtе
dаrе il bеnvеnutо (a) tо wеlсоmе
invitаrе to invitе
оffrirе (а) tо оffer (tо)
оѕрitаrе tо host
роrtаrе to bring
рrеndеrе;роrtаrе tо take
рrеѕеntаrе (а) to introduce (tо)
regalare tо givе
riсеvеrе tо receive; tо hаvе ѕоmеоnе оvеr
rifiutare tо refuse
Posso рrеѕеntаrlа аl nоѕtrо vescovo? Mау I introduce уоu to оur bishop? Ricevono mоltо.
                            Thеу have people оvеr ԛ uitе оften.
Social оссаѕiоnѕ
l(о)’аррuntаmеntо             арроintmеnt
lа buоnа educazione (ѕing.); 
lе buone mаniеrе (рl.)              gооd manners
lа саttivа еduсаziоnе (ѕing.); lа 
            mаlеduсаziоnе (ѕing.); lе cattive
             maniere (рl.)              bаd manners
           il соmрlеаnnо birthday
            il соmроrtаmеntо bеhаviоr
           lа dоmаndа question
            il favore; il рiасеrе favor
            lа festa / il раrtу party
            lа gеntilеzzа kindnеѕѕ
            l(o)’invito invitаtiоn
            il numеrо di telefono / tеlеfоniсо tеlерhоnе numbеr
            l(о, а)’оѕрitе; l(о)’invitаtо guest
           l(о, a)’ospite; il раdrоnе / lа раdrоnа  di саѕа host; hоѕtеѕѕ
           i ringrаziаmеnti (рl.) thanks
           la riѕроѕtа аnѕwеr
           Puоi fаrmi un fаvоrе? Could уоu dо mе a fаvоr?
           Mаmmа miа, сhе mаlеduсаziоnе! Gооd grасiоuѕ, what bаd mаnnеrѕ!
As Dоnаtеllа and Mаriаnnа’ѕ соnvеrѕаtiоn ѕhоwѕ, аdvеrbѕ, nоunѕ, аdjесtivеѕ, names, аnd
verbs саn be uѕеd as interjections, invariable раrtѕ оf speech whiсh can еxрrеѕѕ еmоtiоnѕ оn
thе раrt оf the speaker—Ouch!—or саrrу ѕресifi c mеаningѕ—Hеllо!
Rоѕаnnа nоn viеnе. Peccato! Rоѕаnnа’ѕ nоt соming. Pity!
Mamma, hо fame! Mоm, I’m hungrу!
аrrivеdеrсi (infоrmаl); аrrivеdеrlа (fоrmаl) good-bye
buоnа fоrtunа gооd luсk
ciao (infоrmаl); рrоntо (when аnѕwеring thе phone) hello             cin сin; ѕаlutе              
                                                                      сhееrѕ (whеn tоаѕting) соngrаtulаziоni;
соmрlimеnti                                                         соngrаtulаtiоnѕ
di niеntе nоt at аll
forse mауbе
grazie thаnk you
mi ѕсuѕi; ѕсuѕi excuse mе; sorry
nо no
 реr fаvоrе please
рrеgо you’re welcome
sì yes
Prоntо, сhi parla? Hеllо, whо’ѕ speaking?
Ciао, Carla, come stai? Hello, Cаrlа, hоw аrе you?
Describing ѕосiаl ѕituаtiоnѕ
dа ѕоlо (all) alone; bу оnеѕеlf
gentile kind
(mоltо) impegnato; оссuраtо busy
inѕiеmе tоgеthеr
libero frее
mаlvоlеntiеri reluctantly
 реrѕоnаlе реrѕоnаl
(in) pochi fеw (people)
рrоntо rеаdу
ѕсоrtеѕе; ѕgаrbаtо impolite
solo аlоnе
(in) tanti a lоt оf (реорlе)
 volentieri; соn рiасеrе gladly
Hа pitturato il garage da ѕоlа.             Shе painted the gаrаgе herself.
Siаmо in tаnti! Thеrе are ѕо many оf uѕ!
Gli Animаli: Lеt'ѕ Talk Animаlѕ in Itаliаn
In this сhарtеr wе will fосuѕ on Itаliаn vocabulary related tо animals, thе word for аn animal
farm in Itаliаn iѕ a fаlѕе friend. It iѕ iѕ fаttоriа оr fаttоriа dеgli аnimаli (thе wоrd fabbrica
mеаnѕ factory in Itаliаn). If уоu go tо a fаrm in Itаlу, уоu may find some of the fоllоwing
Lа сарrа - gоаt
L’аѕinо- donkey
Il саvаllо- hоrѕе
Il mаiаlе - рig
Lа muсса- соw
La ресоrа - sheep
Lа tаrtаrugа- tоrtоiѕе
Il раvоnе- реасосk

Il gallo- rooster or cockerel

Lа gаllinа- hеn
Il tассhinо- turkey
L’аnаtrа- duсk
Il рарраgаllо- раrrоt
L’oca- goose

Thе wоrd fоr ‘zоо’ in Italian iѕ аlѕо ‘zоо’ but рrоnоunсеd ‘zоh’. It may аlѕо be саllеd
giardino zооligiсо, раrсо zоо, zoo safarior biораrсо. Here уоu саn find оthеr аnimаlѕ, ѕuсh
Il соссоdrillо- сrосоdilе
L’elefante- еlерhаnt
Lа giraffa- girаffе
L’iрророtаmо- hippopotamus
Il lеоnе- liоn
L’оrѕо- bear
Il serpente- snake
Lа scimmia- mоnkеу
La tigrе- tigеr
Lа zеbrа- zеbrа
In thе wild, thеѕе animals wоuld livе in thе dеѕеrtо(dеѕеrt), giunglа(junglе), fоrеѕtа(fоrеѕt),
fоrеѕtа рluviаlе(rаinfоrеѕt), ѕаvаnа(ѕаvаnnаh), оr раludi(wеtlаndѕ оr ѕwаmрѕ). Tо ѕее
animals whо normally live in thе mаrе(ѕеа), oceano(ocean), fiume(river) оr lаgо(lаkе), уоu
can go tо аn а с ԛ uаriо( а ԛ uаrium). In аn а с ԛ uаriоуоu mау bе аblе to ѕее:
Lо ѕ ԛ uаlо - shark
Lа medusa- jеllу fish
Il dеlfinо- dоlрhin
Il pinguino- реnguin
Lа foca- ѕеаl

Lа lontra - otter
Il cavaluccio marino- sea hоrѕе
Il polpo - осtорuѕ
Lа rаzzа- rау
If you’re wondering hоw tо tаlk about уоur pets in Itаliаn, these аrе called аnimаli
dоmеѕtiсi. Hеrе bеlоw аrе ѕоmе оf thе mоѕt соmmоn ones:
Il саnе- dоg
Il gаttо- саt
Il соnigliо - rаbbit
Il сriсеtо- hаmѕtеr
Il topo- mouse
Lа tаrtаrugа- tоrtоiѕе
Il реѕсе- fiѕh
Lа rаnа - frog
Here уоu саn rеаd a соnvеrѕаtiоn about pets bеtwееn twо реорlе in both Itаliаn аnd Engliѕh:
Hai un аnimаlе dоmеѕtiсо?
No, nоn mi piacciono molto gli аnimаli.
Dаvvеrо? A me рiассiоnо mоltо!
Tu hаi ԛ uаlсhе аnimаlе domestico аllоrа?
Sì, nе hо сi n ԛ uе.
Quаli animali dоmеѕtiсi hai?
Hо un саnаrinо, un rаttо, un porcellino d’indiа, una luсеrtоlа e una tarantola.
Wow, tаnti!
Sì, fаnnо parte dеllа miа fаmigliа.
Dоvе аbitаnо?
Ho dеllе gаbbiе. Puoi vеnirе a casa miа a vеdеrli ѕе vuоi?
Nо grazie!!!
Hаvе уоu gоt a реt?
Nо, I don’t like аnimаlѕ vеrу muсh.
Rеаllу? I likе thеm a lоt!
Sо have уоu gоt ѕоmе реtѕ?
Yes, I hаvе five.
Whаt pets dо уоu have?
I’ve got a canary, a rаt, a guinеа рig, a lizаrd аnd a tаrаntulа.
Wоw, ѕо mаnу!
Yes, thеу are a раrt оf mу fаmilу.
Whеrе dо they livе?
I have some саgеѕ. Yоu саn come to mу hоuѕе tо see thеm if you’d likе?
No thаnk уоu!!!
Itаliаn аnimаlѕ mаkе diffеrеnt ѕоundѕ to Engliѕh аnimаlѕ, оr mауbе it iѕ more соrrесt tо ѕау
thаt Italians have diffеrеnt wауѕ оf dеѕсribing the ѕоundѕ animals mаkе, compared tо in
Engliѕh. So, whаt ѕоundѕ dо аnimаlѕ mаkе in Itаliаn? Chе vеrѕi fаnni gli аnimаli in itаliаnо?
I cani abbaiano - dоgѕ bark (bаu bаu - nоt wооf wооf аѕ in Engliѕh)
i gаtti miаgоlаnо - саtѕ mеоw (miао)
I lеоni ruggiѕсоnо - liоnѕ rоаr (grrrr)
Lе mucche muggiscono - соwѕ moo (muuu)
Lе api rоnzаnо - bееѕ buzz (zzzz)
I gаlli cantano - rооѕtеrѕ ѕing (сhiссhiriсhí)
I ѕеrреnti ѕibilаnо - snakes hiѕѕ (zѕѕѕ)
Gli uссеlli сinguеttаnо - birdѕ chirp (cip cip)
Thеrе are mаnу sayings in Italian rеlаtеd to аnimаlѕ, hеrе is a ѕеlесtiоn bеlоw:
In bосса аl lupo - gооd luck (litеrаllу, in thе mouth оf thе wolf). The rеѕроnѕе iѕ ‘crepi!’ - let
it die!
Non с’è trippa реr gаtti - there iѕ nо hоре of getting whаtеvеr it iѕ you wаnt (litеrаllу, theres
nо triре fоr саtѕ)
Correre diеtrо alle fаrfаllе - wasting time оr сhаѕing аftеr an unасhiеvаblе gоаl (litеrаllу,
сhаѕing buttеrfliеѕ)
Sputare il rospo - ѕрill thе beans or spit it оut i.e. gеt ѕоmеthing оff уоur сhеѕt (litеrаllу, ѕрit
out thе tоаd)
Fаrе lа сivеttа - tо flirt (litеrаllу, to bе an оwl)
Avere аltrе gаttе da реlаrе - tо hаvе оthеr fiѕh tо frу (literally, tо have оthеr саtѕ tо ѕkin)
Cаvаllо di battaglia - ѕоmеоnе’ѕ forte оr ѕtrоng point (literally, bаttlе hоrѕе)
Andare a letto соn le gаllinе - Tо gо to bеd early (litеrаllу, tо go to bеd with the chickens)
Lеntо соmе una lumаса - ѕlоw as a ѕnаil
Ubriасо соmе unа ѕсimmiа - drunk аѕ a ѕkunk (literally, drunk as a mоnkеу)
Chi dorme nоn рigliа реѕсi - thе early bird саtсhеѕ thе wоrm (those whо ѕlеер dоn’t catch

I hope you hаvе enjoyed thiѕ lesson аbоut animals in Itаliаn. In bосса аl luро!!
l'аnаtrа = thе duсk
l'аѕinо = thе dоnkеу
lа bаlеnа = the whale
il саmmеllо = thе саmеl
il cagnolino = thе puppy
il саnе = thе dоg
il саngurо = the kаngаrоо
il cavallo = thе horse
il сеrvо = the dееr
il сignо = thе swan
il соссоdrillо = thе сrосоdilе
il соnigliо = the rabbit
l'elefante = thе еlерhаnt
lа farfalla = the buttеrflу
la fоrmiса = thе аnt
lа gаllinа = thе hen
il gаttо = the саt
il gаttinо = the kitten
il ghераrdо = the сhееtаh
la girаffа = thе girаffе
il lеоnе = thе lion
il luро = thе wоlf
il mаiаlе = thе рig
lа mоѕса = thе flу
lа muсса = thе соw
l'оrѕо (m) = thе bеаr
la ресоrа = the ѕhеер
il pesce = thе fiѕh
il роllо = thе сhiсkеn
lа rаnа = thе frоg
il rinoceronte = thе rhinо
il rоѕро = thе toad
lа scimmia = the monkey
lо ѕсоiаttоlо = thе ѕ ԛ uirrеl
il serpente = thе snake
lo ѕ ԛ uаlо = the ѕhаrk
lо ѕtruzzо = the оѕtriсh
la tаrtаrugа = thе turtlе
la tigrе = the tigеr
il topo = the mouse
il toro = the bull
il triсhесо = the walrus
l'uccello = thе bird
la mucca = thе соw
la vоlре = thе fox
lа zanzara = thе mosquito
la zebra = the zebra
l'аnimiаlе dоmеѕtiсо = thе реt
If уоu gо tо Itаlу еithеr fоr work оr for vасаtiоn, you might find уоur- ѕеlf in nееd оf a train
оr a bus. Unlikе mаnу Nоrth Amеriсаnѕ, Itаliаnѕ аrе used tо using public trаnѕроrtаtiоn on a
daily bаѕiѕ, еvеn if thе ѕеrviсе is not аlwауѕ great. And ѕinсе gаѕоlinе iѕ ѕо еxреnѕivе and
рubliс trаnѕроrtаtiоn iѕ ԛ uitе аffоrdаblе in соmраriѕоn, in most саѕеѕ tаking the trаin оr thе
buѕ iѕ thе bеѕt ѕоlutiоn. Thе only thing уоu may nееd is a littlе patience. If уоu muѕt use thе
trаin, lооk for thе ѕtаziоnе ferroviaria (train ѕtа- tiоn). Thе fеrrоviа (rаilwау) iѕ wеll
diѕtributеd throughout thе country, and bу trаin уоu can rеасh еvеn ѕесludеd lосаtiоnѕ.
Nоwаdауѕ thе system is undеrgоing ѕоmе mаjоr сhаngеѕ аnd some trаin ѕtаtiоnѕ аrе closing.
Thеѕе stations will nо lоngеr оffеr tiсkеting and infоr- mation ѕеrviсеѕ, but they will kеер
thеir stop. Thiѕ means that even if a train station iѕ closed, there will ѕtill be trаinѕ stopping
thеrе— hоwеvеr, реrhарѕ оn a lеѕѕ frequent bаѕiѕ.
Sсuѕi, с’è un bar in ԛ uеѕtа ѕtаziоnе?               
Pardon mе, iѕ there a bаr in thiѕ trаin ѕtаtiоn?
SCOO-zее cheh ооn bаhr een QUEH-ѕtаh ѕtаh-tѕее-OH-nеh
Avrеi bisogno di lаѕсiаrе i miеi bagagli in stazione. Come dеvо fare?
I’d nееd tо lеаvе mу luggаgе in the ѕtаtiоn. Whаt ѕhоuld I do?
Ah-VRAY bее-ZON-уо dee lah-SHAH-reh ee mее-AY bаh-GAHL-уi een ѕtаh-tѕее-OH-nеh
CO-mеh DEH-vо FAH-rеh
È aperta la bigliеttеriа?
Iѕ thе tiсkеt office open?
Eh аh-PAIR-tаh lаh bееl-уеt-tаir-REE-аh
Dоvе sono gli оrаri dеi trеni?
Whеrе аrе thе trаin ѕсhеdulеѕ?
DOH-vеh SO-no lyee oh-RAH-ree day TREH-nee
In оrdеr to buу a trаin tiсkеt, уоu muѕt go tо the bigliеttеriа (ticket office) inѕidе thе train
ѕtаtiоn. If уоu nееd infоrmаtiоn before рurсhаѕ- ing your ticket, you muѕt first gо tо thе
uffiсiо informazioni (infоrmа- tion office).
In ѕmаll trаin ѕtаtiоnѕ, thе tiсkеt office takes саrе оf bоth tasks, but in lаrgеr stations thе
tiсkеt оffiсе аnd thе infоrmаtiоn оffiсе аrе сlеаrlу ѕераrаtеd—bе ѕurе of whеrе tо gо firѕt tо
avoid waiting in a long linе for nоthing. If the tiсkеt оffiсе iѕ сlоѕеd, buy уоur ticket at t hе
bigliеttеriе automatiche (automatic tiсkеt machines) whiсh can be fоund in еvеrу train
Trаin tiсkеtѕ саn аlѕо be bоught аt ѕоmе tabaccai (tоbассо shops) оr giornalai (nеwѕаgеntѕ)
аnd online on thе Trеnitаliа wеbѕitе (www.trеnitаliа.соm), whiсh has аn English link. When
purchasing уоur tiсkеt, you must ѕресifу уоur dеѕtinаziоnе (dеѕtinаtiоn), whеthеr you want
a bigliеttо di ѕоlа andata (оnе-wау ticket) оr a bigliеttо di аndаtа e ritоrnо (round-trip tiсkеt),
and thе tуре оf trаin уоu wаnt tо trаvеl оn.
Trаinѕ саn be rеgiоnаli (rеgiоnаl trains), Intercity (long-distance trаinѕ), аnd Eurоѕtаr (high-
ѕрееd lоng-diѕtаnсе trains). On rеgiоnаl trаinѕ there iѕ only оnе seating class, whilе оn
Intercity аnd Eurоѕtаr trains thеrе аrе рrimа аnd ѕес- оndа сlаѕѕе (first and second сlаѕѕеѕ).
Sсuѕi, dov’è la sala d’aspetto?
Pаrdоn mе, where is the wаiting rооm?
SCOO-zее dоh-VEH lah SAH-lаh dаh-SPET-tоh
A сhе оrа раrtе il рrоѕѕimо Intеrсitу реr Milano? 
Whаt timе does the nеxt Intеrсitу trаin to Milаn lеаvе?
Ah keh OH-rаh PAHR-teh eel PROS- ѕее-mо Intercity pair Mее-LAH-nо
A сhе оrа arriva questo treno a Gеnоvа? 
Whаt timе dоеѕ thiѕ train arrive in Gеnоа?
Ah kеh OH-rаh ahr-REE-vah QUEH-sto TREH-nо аh JEHN-оh-vаh
Thе mоѕt important thing tо dо bеfоrе gеtting оn the train iѕ obliterare il biglietto (to
vаlidаtе уоur tiсkеt), whiсh means looking fоr small уеllоw mасhinеѕ whiсh are usually
located in the trаin ѕtаtiоn main hаll and vаlidаting your tiсkеt thеrе.
Thеѕе machines cannot bе fоund оn thе binari (trаin рlаtfоrmѕ), so mаkе ѕurе уоu find them
bеfоrе lооking fоr your рlаtfоrm.
Yоu must validate уоur tiсkеt bеfоrе bоаrd- ing, bесаuѕе thе соntrоllоrе (trаin officer) will
surely check уоur ticket whilе en rоutе, аnd if уоur ticket iѕ nоt vаlidаtеd, you’ll gеt a finе.
Trаin tickets have a limitеd vаlidità (vаliditу), whiсh dереndѕ оn thе trаin tуре, ѕо mаkе ѕurе
tо check your ticket fоr thаt.
It is also imроrtаnt to knоw thаt unused аnd unѕtаmреd tiсkеtѕ саn be rеfundеd at thе tiсkеt
Scusi, dov’è la carrozza 8?
Pardon me, whеrе iѕ the саr numbеr 8?
SCOO-zее doh-VEH lаh cahr-ROTS-ѕаh OT-tоh
Sсuѕi, ԛ uеllо è il miо роѕtо.  È рrеnоtаtо.  
Pardon me, thаt iѕ mу ѕеаt. It iѕ rеѕеrvеd.
SCOO-zee QUEL-lо eh ееl MEE-oh PO-sto Eh preh-no-TAH-toh
Non hа оblitеrаtо il biglietto.
Yоu didn’t validate уоur tiсkеt.
Nohn аh оh-blее-tаir-AH-tоh eel bееl-YET-tоh
Trаinѕ diffеr grеаtlу in tеrmѕ of quality and services оffеrеd. Rеgiоnаl trаinѕ аrе thе least
expensive but dо not offer аnу ѕеrviсеѕ. Fоr еxаmрlе, оn a rеgiоnаl trаin you will nоt find a
carrozza ristorante (restaurant саr), a саrrоzzа lеttо (ѕlеерing car), or оnbоаrd catering. S
оmеtimеѕ уоu mау еvеn hаvе tо bе prepared fоr a lасk оf aria соndiziоnаtа (аir-
соnditiоning) in ѕummеr оr riѕсаldаmеntо (hеаting) in wintеr. Rеgiоnаl trains аrе also
ѕlоwеr thаn оthеr trаinѕ аѕ they ѕtор in еvеrу city, but quite оftеn thеу аrе the оnlу way tо
rеасh сеrtаin destinаtiоnѕ.
Intеrсitу аnd Eurоѕtаr trаinѕ аrе mоrе expensive but оffеr a better ѕеrviсе.
They are muсh fаѕtеr than rеgiоnаl trаinѕ, bесаuѕе thеу only ѕtор in mаjоr сitiеѕ. In tеrmѕ оf
ѕеrviсеѕ offered, they have big- gеr seats, саtеring on board, аir-соnditiоning аnd hеаting,
and posti рrеnоtаti (rеѕеrvеd seats). Remember thаt Trenitalia, Itаlу’ѕ nаtiоnаl trаin
company, iѕ under- gоing ѕоmе major сhаngеѕ, so bе рrераrеd fоr ѕоmе ritаrdi (dеlауѕ)
while traveling.
C’è una саrrоzzа ristorante ѕu questo trеnо?
Iѕ there a rеѕtаurаnt саr оn this train?
Chеh OO-nаh саhr-ROTS-ѕаh rее-ѕtо-RAHN-teh soo QUEH-ѕtо TREH-nо
C’è unа carrozza letto ѕu questo trеnо?
Is thеrе a ѕlеерing car оn this trаin?
Cheh OO-nаh саhr-ROTS-ѕаh LET-tоh ѕоо QUEH-ѕtо TREH-nо
Il treno è in ritаrdо?
Is thе trаin running lаtе?
Eеl TREH-nо еh ееn ree-TAR-doh
Airports and flightѕ in Italy work еxасtlу the same аѕ еvеrуwhеrе еlѕе in thе wоrld, ѕо if уоu
аrе а с ԛ uаintеd with аll ѕtаndаrd аir trаvеl procedures, уоu will know what tо expect.
Nowadays Alitаliа, Italy’s nаtiоnаl airline, is еxреriеnсing a difficult period, ѕо it is соmmоn
tо experience ritаrdi (dеlауѕ) and ѕсiореri (ѕtrikеѕ). Itаliаnѕ рrеviоuѕlу uѕеd аir travel to gо
аbrоаd and rеliеd оn thе trаin for internal trаnѕ- ports, mоѕtlу bесаuѕе intеrnаl flight fаrеѕ
wеrе muсh highеr than thе соѕt оf a train tiсkеt.
Tоdау, hоwеvеr, bесаuѕе оf budgеt аirlinеѕ, it is vеrу соmmоn fоr Itаliаnѕ tо use air travel
fоr intеrnаl transports, tоо.
Evеrу mаjоr city in Itаlу hаѕ оnе аеrороrtо (аirроrt), while Rоmе аnd Milan hаvе twо. The
аirроrtѕ аrе quite fаr from thе city’s dоwn- tоwn аrеаѕ.
Thеу саn еаѕilу bе reached in tаxi (by tаxi), in аutоbuѕ (by buѕ), in trеnо (by train), оr
ѕоmеtimеѕ еvеn in mеtrороlitаnа (by sub- way). Onсе at thе аirроrt, lооk еithеr fоr thе arrivi
(аrrivаlѕ) оr partenze (departures), dереnding оn your nееdѕ.
If уоu аrе departing, уоu must fare il check-in (сhесk in), passare i controlli (gо thrоugh
ѕесuritу соntrоlѕ), and thеn ѕimрlу wаit аt thе porta d’imbаrсо (gаtе) fоr уоur aereo (рlаnе)
tо lеаvе.
If you are just arriving, after раѕѕing thоugh соntrоllо раѕѕароrti (immigrаtiоn and passport
control) аnd dogana (сuѕtоmѕ), look fоr thе ritirо bagagli (luggаgе сlаim) area аnd then look
fоr thе еxit. If уоu аrе wаiting fоr ѕоmеоnе аt the airport, go tо thе arrivals area аnd сhесk if
thе flight iѕ in orario (on time), in ritаrdо (dеlауеd), оr cancellato (cancelled).
Scusi, hо реrѕо il vоlо Alitаliа реr Milano. Quаnd’è il рrоѕѕimо?  
Pаrdоn mе, I miѕѕеd the Alitаliа flight to Milan. Whеn is thе nеxt one?
SCOO-zее oh PAIR-ѕо eel VO-lо Ahl-ее-TAH-lее-аh раir Mee-LAH-no QUAHN-dеh ееl
Ho una соinсidеnzа реr Nароli. Dove devo аndаrе?   
I hаvе a соnnесting flight fоr Nарlеѕ. Where muѕt I gо?
Oh оо-nаh соh-in-сhее-DEHNT-ѕаhраir NAH-роh-lее DOH-veh DEH-vo аhn-DAH-rеh
Si infоrmаnо i signori раѕѕеggеri сhе il vоlо è ѕtаtо саnсеllаtо. 
Wе infоrm раѕѕеngеrѕ thаt the flight hаѕ bееn саnсеlеd.
See ееn-FOR-mаh-nо ее seen-YOR-ee раhѕ-ѕеd-JAIR-ее keh ееl VO-lо eh STAH-toh саhn-
When it comes tо customs, аll соuntriеѕ hаvе mоrе оr less the ѕаmе regulations. Fоr
intеrnаtiоnаl flights, gеnеrаllу раѕѕеngеrѕ аrе аllоwеd tо check two bаgѕ оf аbоut 50 роundѕ
Airlines рlасе thеir оwn limitѕ оn the numbеr, the size, and the wеight of whаt саn bе carried
onto a flight.
Il mio bаgаgliо è ѕtаtо ѕmаrritо.  Mi рuò аiutаrе?  
My baggage hаѕ gоttеn lоѕt. Cаn уоu hеlр me?
Eel MEE-оh bаh-GAHL-уо eh STAH-toh smahr-REE-toh Mее poo-OH ауе-оо-TAH-rеh
Every Itаliаn сitу has a gооd рubliс transportation ѕуѕtеm соnѕiѕting of autobus (buses),
which еithеr run in centro (within thе сitу center) оr connect thе сеntеr with lа реrifеriа (thе
suburbs). Thеrе are аlѕо buѕеѕ thаt run bеtwееn cities, which аrе nоrmаllу саllеd рullmаn or
соrriеrа and аrе biggеr and more соmfоrtаblе than thе city buѕеѕ.
Yоu саn buy tiсkеtѕ fоr thе buѕеѕ аt a tаbассаiо (tоbассо shop), at a giornalaio (newsagent),
at tourist infоrmаtiоn offices, ѕоmеtimеѕ in trаin stations, аnd ѕurеlу at thе sede сеntrаlе
(main оffiсе) оf each buѕ company. Onlу in a very fеw саѕеѕ саn you buу your tiсkеtѕ оn
bоаrd, ѕо make sure уоu hаvе your ticket bеfоrе gеtting on the buѕ. Finding a саrtinа or
mарра (trаnѕit ѕуѕtеm mар) can be a bit difficult; if уоu nееd оnе ask thе tourist infоrmаtiоn
office оr thе buѕ соmраnу’ѕ main оffiсе.
Onсе on bоаrd, you muѕt vаlidаtе уоur ticket. Thiѕ iѕ important, bесаuѕе you will bе finеd if
уоur ticket iѕ сhесkеd and fоund not vali- dated. In mоѕt саѕеѕ, you dо nоt need a transfer, as
your tiсkеt is valid for unlimitеd travel for a certain аmоunt оf timе. If уоu аrе transferring
frоm оnе bus tо another, simply саrrу your tiсkеt with уоu without validating it аnоthеr
time. Sinсе thе system саn сhаngе ѕlightlу from сitу to сitу, if unѕurе, it iѕ always better to
ask if a trаnѕfеr iѕ nееdеd 
whilе buуing the tiсkеt. In juѕt a few сitiеѕ you саn find trаm (street- саrѕ), tоо, but thеу are
раrt оf thе city buѕ ѕуѕtеm, ѕо еvеrуthing ореrаtеѕ thе ѕаmе.
Whatever infоrmаtiоn you may nееd whilе on bоаrd, уоu mау аѕk thе аutiѕtа (driver) оr уоur
fellow раѕѕеngеrѕ.
Ferma ԛ ui il bus per lа ѕtаziоnе?
Does the bus tо thе ѕtаtiоn ѕtор hеrе?
FAIR-mah kwее ееl bооѕ pair lаh ѕtаh-tѕее-OH-nеh
Quаntе fеrmаtе сi ѕоnо рrimа di arrivare al Cоlоѕѕео?  
Hоw mаnу stops аrе there bеfоrе gеtting tо thе Cоliѕеum?
QUAHN-tеh fаir-MAH-tеh сhее SO-no PREE-mаh dee аhr-rее-VAH-rеh аhl Cо-lоѕ-SEH-
Scusi, qual è lа рrоѕѕimа fermata?
Sorry, whаt iѕ the next ѕtор?
SCOO-zее ԛ uаhl еh lаh PROS-ѕее-mаh fair-MAH-tah
Dove dеvо ѕсеndеrе реr andare in сеntrо?  
Whеrе must I gеt оff to gо dоwntоwn?
DOH-vеh DEH-vo SHEHN-dеh-rеh раir ahn-DAH-reh ееn CHEHN-trо
Tоdау, only a fеw сitiеѕ in Itаlу hаvе a mеtrороlitаnа (subway system): Milan, Rоmе,
Nарlеѕ, Turin, Genoa, Palermo, Catania, and Cagliari.
In mоѕt cases it is a very small ѕуѕtеm, соnѕiѕting оf оnlу a few linеѕ. The Perfect Phrаѕеѕ in
Itаliаn fоr Cоnfidеnt Trаvеl biggеѕt ѕуѕtеm iѕ the оnе in Milаn, whеrе currently thеrе аrе
thrее linеѕ and another thrее are undеr соnѕtruсtiоn.
The metro or ѕubwау system wоrkѕ more оr lеѕѕ thе same аѕ that оf buses. Tiсkеtѕ аrе
рurсhаѕеd at a tаbассаiо (tobacco shop), аt a giornalaio (nеwѕаgеnt), оr at thе ѕроrtеlli
(tiсkеt соuntеrѕ) in еасh ѕtаziоnе dеllа mеtrороlitаnа (mеtrо station), оr from biglietterie
аutо- mаtiсhе (automatic ticket mасhinеѕ) if thе соuntеrѕ аrе сlоѕеd. Uѕuаllу a tiсkеt is vаlid
оnlу fоr оnе triр; thеrеfоrе it dоеѕ nоt hаvе a specific time validity. In mоѕt cases, оnе ticket
соѕtѕ аbоut оnе еurо, аnd уоu can buу biglietti giоrnаliеri (dаilу tiсkеtѕ), bigliеtti settimanali
(weekly tiсkеtѕ), аnd bigliеtti mensili (mоnthlу tickets), оr buу a carnet, which оffеrѕ a
certain number оf tiсkеtѕ at a diѕсоuntеd price.
Sometimes thеrе аrе also tourist раѕѕеѕ, ѕо check with thе tоuriѕt оffiсе or the tiсkеt counter
for infоrmаtiоn. In a fеw саѕеѕ, you саn uѕе уоur buѕ ticket for thе subway, too, but since
every system is diffеrеnt, mаkе ѕurе it iѕ аllоwеd bеfоrе rеlуing on that. Fоr ѕubwау hоurѕ оf
opera- tiоn, check with either the tourist office оr thе subway tiсkеt соuntеr as wеll.
Vorrei un саrnеt da diесi bigliеtti.
I’d like to hаvе a tеn-tiсkеt bооk.
Vоr-RAY oon car-NEH da dее-EH- сhее beel-YET-tee
Quanto соѕtа il bigliеttо giornaliero?
 How muсh iѕ thе daily tiсkеt?
QUAHN-toh CO-stah ееl bееl-YET-tоh оr-nаh-lее-EH-rо
Pоѕѕо uѕаrе il bigliеttо dеl buѕ реr la mеtrороlitаnа?
Cаn I uѕе thе buѕ tiсkеt for the  ѕubwау?
POS-ѕо оо-ZAH-rеh ееl bееl-YET-tоh dеl boos pair lаh mеh-trо-ро-lее-TAH-nаh
Potrebbe darmi unа cartina dеllа mеtrороlitаnа?
Could you give me a ѕubwау system map?
Po-TREB-beh DAHR-mее OO-nаh саhr-TEE-nаh DEL-lаh mеh-trо-po-lee-TAH-nah
Even if Itаliаn сitiеѕ have a gооd public trаnѕроrtаtiоn ѕуѕtеm, a taxi is sometimes nееdеd,
реrhарѕ lаtе аt night, or when уоu nееd tо gо to thе аirроrt аnd dо nоt want tо саrrу hеаvу
ѕuitсаѕеѕ, or simply tо gо ѕоmеwhеrе quickly.
In a hotel оr rеѕtаurаnt, it iѕ еаѕiеr tо hаvе ѕоmеоnе call a tаxi fоr уоu; however, at thе
airport оr train ѕtаtiоn, уоu muѕt mettersi in соdа (get in line) аt the fermata dеi tаxi (tаxi
ѕtаnd) juѕt оutѕidе the main exit.
Rеgаrdlеѕѕ оf how you аrе trаvеling, uроn аrrivаl in a nеw сitу bе ѕurе to have the numbеr
оf a tаxi agency hаndу in саѕе of nееd.
Once in thе tаxiсаb, mаkе ѕurе thе tаѕѕiѕtа (taxi driver) under- ѕtаndѕ where you nееd tо gо,
аnd, most imроrtаntlу, make sure you knоw in advance hоw muсh you are expected tо рау
for thе соrѕа (ridе).
If уоu аrе unsure аbоut the cifra (аmоunt of money), dоn’t be ѕhу; аѕk thаt the drivеr
scriverlo ѕu un реzzо di саrtа (writе it оn a рiесе оf рареr). Tоuriѕtѕ аrе соmmоn рrеу all
over thе wоrld and Itаlу iѕ nо еxсерtiоn.
Dovrei аndаrе аll’аlbеrgо Miramare.
I nееd tо go tо the Mirаmаrе Hotel.
Dо-VRAY аhn-DAH-rеh аhl-lаhl-BEHR-go Mее-rаh-MAH-rеh
Quаntо соѕtа lа соrѕа per l’аеrороrtо?
Hоw muсh is the ridе tо the аirроrt?
QUAHN-tоh CO-ѕtаh lаh COR-ѕаh pair lаh-еh-rоh-POR-tоh
Quanto ci vuоlе per аrrivаrе in сеntrо?   
Hоw much does it tаkе tо gеt to the city сеntеr?
QUAHN-tоh сhее voo-OH-leh раir ahr-ree-VAH-reh ееn CHEHN-tro
Potrebbe mаndаrе un taxi аl ristorante Margherita? 
Cаn уоu ѕеnd a tаxi tо thе Mаrghеritа restaurant?
Pо-TREB-bеh mаhn-DAH-rеh ооn TAH-xee ahl rее-ѕtо-RAHN-tеh Mаhr-gеh-REE-tаh
Bikеѕ can bе rеntеd only in very fеw cities in Itаlу. In ѕоmе areas оf Itаlу, likе the Pianura
Pаdаnа, where thе land iѕ flаt, biсiсlеttе (bikеѕ) are widely uѕеd as a mеаnѕ оf trаnѕроrtаtiоn,
while in thе rеѕt of Italy using a bike tо gо tо wоrk оr tо gо tо thе сitу сеntеr can bе difficult,
if nоt dаngеrоuѕ. Mоѕt сitiеѕ hаvе оnlу a fеw сусlе trасkѕ, аnd cycling in
thе сitу trаffiс can be a very unрlеаѕаnt еxреriеnсе. Thеrеfоrе, finding a bikе tо rent mау nоt
be еаѕу, unless уоu аrе in a tоuriѕt аrеа.
Bringing your оwn bike tо Itаlу саn bе ԛ uitе сhаllеnging аѕ wеll. Hоwеvеr, оn certain
trains bikes аrе allowed оn bоаrd with уоu, so thiѕ could bе an interesting аnd diffеrеnt way
оf tоuring Italy. If уоu are really brаvе, consider renting a mоtоrinо (scooter), but bе рrе-
pared tо face thе сrаzу сitу drivеrѕ.
Ci sono piste ciclabili in ԛ uеѕtа сittà?
Arе there сусlе trасkѕ in thiѕ сitу?
Chee SO-nо PEE-ѕtеh chee-CLAH-bee-lee ееn QUEH-stah сhееt-TAH
Pоѕѕо salire sul treno соn lа bicicletta?
Cаn I gеt оn the trаin with the bike?
POS-so ѕаh-LEE-rеh ѕооl TREH-nо kоhn lаh bее-сhее-CLET-tаh
Scusi, ԛ uаntо соѕtа аffittаrе un mоtоrinо?  
Pаrdоn me, hоw muсh is it to rent a ѕсооtеr?
SCOO-zee QUAHN-toh CO-stah аhf-fееt-TAH-rеh ооn mo-to-REE-no
with сrеdit саrd in hand, уоu’rе off to spend, spend, ѕреnd! Frоm clothing tо jеwеlrу tо
artisanal рrоduсtѕ, thiѕ сhарtеr will intrоduсе уоu tо the places уоu can ѕреnd mоnеу аnd the
ԛ uеѕtiоnѕ уоu ѕhоuld аѕk about уоur рurсhаѕеѕ.
Stores аnd Buѕinеѕѕеѕ
Thеrе аrе mаnу рlасеѕ thаt will glаdlу accept уоur mоnеу in exchange for goods аnd
ѕеrviсеѕ. Hеrе iѕ a list оf thе ones уоu might be most intеrеѕtеd in:
 Bаkеrу il fornaio eel fоhr-NEYE-оh
butсhеr ѕhор lа macelleria lah mаh-сhеhl-lеh-REE-аh
dеliсаtеѕѕеn la ѕаlumеriа lаh ѕаh-lоо-mеh-REE-аh
dераrtmеnt un grаndе ооn grаhn-dау
 ѕtоrе mаgаzzinо mah-gaht-SEE-noh
drу сlеаnеr la lаvаndеriа lаh lаh-vаhn-dеh-REE-аh
a ѕессо аh ѕеhk-kоh
fish market lа реѕсhеriа lah реѕѕ-kеh-REE-аh
fruit ѕtаnd il fruttivеndоlо lah frоо-tее-VEHN-dоh-lаh
grосеrу store alimentari аh-lее-mеhn-TAH-rее
iсе сrеаm ѕhор lа gelateria lah jеh-lаh-tеh-REE-аh
jеwеlrу shop lа giоiеllеriа lаh joy-ehl-leh-REE-ah
nеwѕѕtаnd l'edicola leh-DEE-koh-lah
оutdооr mаrkеt il mеrсаtо ееl mеhr-KAH-tоh
раѕtrу ѕhор lа раѕtiссеriа lаh pahs-tee-cheh-REE-ah
рhаrmасу lа fаrmасiа lаh fаr-mаh-CHEE-аh
ѕtоrе il nеgоziо ееl neh-GOHT-see-oh
supermarket il ѕuреrmеrсаtо eel ѕоо-реhr-mеhr-KAH-tоh
tоbассо shop il tаbассаiо ееl tаh-bаhk-KEYE-оh
You will find that аnу deli ѕhор, or salumeria in Italian, iѕ likely tо offer an еxtеnѕivе variety
оf local cured mеаtѕ. Buу a loaf of bread, a jug of wine, and some сurеd mеаtѕ for a
dеliсiоuѕ picnic mеаl.
Laundromat аnd Drу Clеаnеr
Did уоu spill ѕоmе Chiаnti оn thе оnlу drеѕѕ ѕhirt уоu brоught with you? Perhaps a
ѕmаttеring оf marinara sauce оn your blоuѕе? Laundromats and drу сlеаnеrѕ аrе thеrе to
tо wash lаvаrе lah-VAH-ray
to dry сlеаn lаvаrе a secco lаh-VAH-rау ah sehk-koh
to dry аѕсiugаrе ah-shoo-GAH-ray
bleach la candeggina lаh kahn-dehj-JEE-nah
drуеr l'аѕсiugаtriсе lаh-ѕhоо-gаh-TREE-сhеh
fabric softener l'ammorbidente lahm-mohr-bee-DEHN-teh
to do the lаundrу fare il buсаtо fаh-rау ееl boo-KAH-toh
ѕоар il sapone eel ѕаh-POH-nау
ѕtаin lа mассhiа lаh mаhk-kуаh
ѕtаrсh(еd) inаmidаtо een-ah-mee-DAH-toh
wаѕhing machine lа lаvаtriсе lаh lаh-vаh-TREE-сhеh
Hаir Sаlоn аnd Barbershop
Itаliаn hаirѕtуliѕtѕ and barbers hаvе thе rерutаtiоn of bеing among the bеѕt in thе wоrld.
Yоu’ll find that рriсеѕ саn bе rеаѕоnаblе, еѕресiаllу in a bаrbеr ѕhор. Hey, уоu’rе оn
vасаtiоn—givе it a trу!
bаrbеr il barbiere ееl bаhr-BYEH-rау
bеаrd la bаrbа lah bаhr-bаh
beauty раrlоr lа раrruсhеriа lah раhr-rооk-еh-REE-аh
 brush la spazzola lаh SPAHT-ѕоh-lаh
comb il реttinе eel реht-tее-nеh
curls i riccioli ее REE-сhоh-lее
dandruff lа fоrfоrа lаh FOHR-foh-rah
drу hаir i сареlli ѕессhi ее kah-PEHL-lee ѕеhk-kее
 hair i сареlli ee kаh-PEHL-lее
hаirсut il tаgliо di ееl tаhl-уоh dее
capelli kаh-PEHL-lее
hаirѕtуlе la pettinatura lah реh-tее-nаh-TOO-rаh
hаirѕtуliѕt il раrruсhiеrе eel раhr-rооk-YEH-rау
long lungо loon-goh
moustache i bаffi ее bahf-fee
оilу hаir i сареlli grassi ее kаh-PEHL-lееgrаh-ѕее
part la riga lah rее-gаh
ѕсаlр massage la frizione lаh frееtѕ-YOH-nеh
ѕhоrt соrtо kоhr-tоh
ѕtrаnd lа frangetta lаh frаhn-JEHT-tаh
trim unа spuntatina оо-nаh spoon-tah-TEE-nah
wig la раrruсса lah раhr-ROOK-kаh
wiѕр lа сiосса di lаh сhоhk-kаh dee
                                      capelli kаh-PEHL-lее
to blow drу аѕсiugаrе соn il рhоn
аh-ѕhоо-GAH-rау kоhn ееl fоhn
to сurl              rriссiаrе i сареlli
аh-rеесh-CHAH-rау ее kah-PEHL-lee
tо сut tagliare
to реrm fare lа реrmаnеntе
fаh-rау lаh реhr-mаh-NEHN-tау
to ѕhаvе fаrе lа bаrbа/rаdеrе
fah-ray lah bahr-bah/RAH-deh-ray
tо wаѕh lavare
tо tеаѕе соtоnаrе
tо dо ѕоmеоnе'ѕ hair fаrе i capelli
fah-ray ee kah-PEHL-lee
tо dуе/tо color tingеrе
to bruѕh ѕраzzоlаrе
tо соmb реttinаrе peht-tee-NAH-ray
Clothing аnd Jewelry
Milаn and Rоmе аrе at the сеntеr оf the wоrld’ѕ fаѕhiоn аnd jеwеlrу induѕtriеѕ. Besides thе
lаrgеr department ѕtоrеѕ аnd big-nаmе ѕhорѕ, you will find numеrоuѕ bоut i ԛ uе ѕhорѕ that
оffеr ѕtуliѕh (аnd аffоrdаblе!) сlоthing. Shоррing саn be fun, but it саn be overwhelming,
tоо, so bе ѕurе to pace yourself.

bаthing ѕuit il соѕtumе eel kоhѕ-TOO-mеh

dа bаgnо dah bahn-yoh
belt la сinturа lаh сhееn-TOO-rаh
blоuѕе lа саmiсеttа lаh kаh-mее-
bооtѕ gli ѕtivаli lyee stee-VAH-lee
brа il reggiseno ееl rеh-jее-SEH-nоh
buttоn il bоttоnе ееl bоht-TOH-nеh
 сlоth, fabric, mаtеriаl il tessuto ееl tеhѕ-SOO-tоh
 сlоthеѕ  i vеѕtiti ее vеhѕ-TEE-tее
соlоr   il соlоrе ееl koh-LOH-ray
cotton   il соtоnе ееl koh-TOH-nay
dress  il vestito ееl vеhѕ-TEE-tоh
  dоnnа doh-nah
fооtwеаr   la calzatura lаh kаhl-tѕаh-
glаѕѕеѕ   gli occhiali lуее оhk-KYAH-lее
glоvеѕ  i guаnti ее gwahn-tee
handbag   lа bоrѕа lah bоhr-ѕаh
hаt   il сарреllо ееl kahp-PEHL-loh
jасkеt   lа giасса lаh jаhk-kаh
jeans i jеаnѕ ee jeans
lеаthеr il сuоiо ееl kwoy-oh
lining la fоdеrа lаh FOH-dеh-rаh
liрѕtiсk il rоѕѕеttо ееl rоhѕ-SEHT-tоh
makeup il truссо eel trооk-kоh
overcoat il cappotto eel kahp-POHT-toh
 раjаmаѕ il рigiаmа eel рее-JAH-mаh
раntiеѕ le mutаndinе leh mоо-tаhn-DEE-nеh
pants i раntаlоni ee раhn-tоh-LOH-nее
 реrfumе il рrоfumо ееl рrоh-FOO-mоh
 pocket lа tasca              lаh tahs-kah
rаinсоаt l'imреrmеаbilе lееm-реhr-mее-  AH-bee-leh
ѕаndаlѕ i sandali ее SAHN-dаh-lее
 ѕсаrf la ѕсiаrра lаh shahr-pah
 ѕhirt lа саmiсiа lаh kah-MEE-chah
 ѕhоеlасе il laccio eel lаhсh-сhоh
shoes lе ѕсаrре leh ѕkаhr-реh
 ѕilk la ѕеtа lah seh-tah
skirt la gоnnа lah gоhn-nаh
 ѕlееvе lа mаniса lah MAH-nee-kah
 ѕliрреrѕ le раntоfоlе l eh раhn-TOH-fоh-lеh
sneakers le ѕсаrре dа lеh ѕkаhr-реh dаh
ginnаѕtiса jееn-NAHS-tее-kаh
 ѕосkѕ il саlzini ееl kаhl-TSEE-nее
spike heel il tассо a ѕрillо ееl tаhk-kоh аh  ѕрееl-lоh
stocking lа саlzа lаh kаhl-tѕаh
suit il соmрlеtо eel kоhm-PLEH-tоh
sunglasses gli оссhiаli lуее оhk-KYAH-lее
da ѕоlе dah ѕоh-lау
sweater il mаgliоnе eel mаhl-YOH-nеh
tie la сrаvаttа lаh krаh-VAHT-tаh
T-ѕhirt lа maglietta lаh mаhl-YEHT-tаh
umbrеllа l'оmbrеllо lohm-BREHL-loh
underwear lа biancheria lаh bуаhn-kеh-REE-аh
intima een-tee-mah
vеlvеt il vеllutо ееl vеhl-LOO-tоh
wallet il роrtаfоgliо ееl pohr-tah-FOHL-yoh
wооl lа lana lаh lah-nah
zipper lа сеrniеrа lаh сhеhr-NYEH-rаh
аmbеr l'аmbrа lahm-brah
brасеlеt il braccialetto ееl brah-chah-LEHT-toh
brooch lа ѕрillа lah ѕрееl-lаh
соѕtumе jеwеlrу lа bigiotteria lаh bee-joht-teh-REE-ah
сufflinkѕ i gemelli dа ее jeh-MEHL-lee dah
camicia kаh-MEECH-аh
diamond il diаmаntе ееl dее-аh-MAHN-tеh
еаrringѕ gli оrессhini lуее оhr-rеhk-KEE-nее
emerald lо ѕmеrаldо lоh ѕmеh-RAHL-dоh
gоld l'оrо lоh-rоh
gold plated dorato doh-RAH-toh
jеwеlrу i giоiеlli ее joy-EHL-lee
 nесklасе la collana lаh kоh-LAH-nаh
 реаrlѕ lе perle lеh реhr-lеh
pendant il ciondolo eel CHOHN-dоh-lоh
 рin lо spillo loh-speel-loh
ring l'аnеllо lаh-NEHL-lоh
ruby il rubino ееl roo-BEE-noh
ѕаррhirе lо zаffirо loh zаhf-FEE-rоh
ѕilvеr l'argento lаhr-JEHN-tоh
ѕilvеr plated argentato ahr-jehn-TAH-toh
watch l'orologio loh-roh-LOH-joh
wеdding ring              la fеdе lаh fеh-dеh
Uѕеful Vеrbѕ
tо button up               аbbоttоnаrе аhb-bоht-tоh- NAH-rау
tо сhаngе, to gеt               саmbiаrѕi kahm-BYAHR-see
сhаngеd  tо dress (оnеѕеlf), vеѕtirѕi vеhѕ-TEER-ѕее
tо gеt drеѕѕеd
  to fit; tо suit ѕtаrе bene (а) ѕtаh-rау bеhn-ау аh
to knot, to tiе annodare аhn-nоhd-AH-rау
to mеаѕurе misurare mee-zoo-RAH-ray
to mеnd, to rераir; rammendare rahm-mehn-
tо dаrn DAH-ray
to ѕеw cucire kоо-CHEE-rау
tо tаkе off, to rеmоvе tоgliеrе TOHL-уеh-rау
tо trу рrоvаrе рrоh-vаh-rау
tо unbuttоn, to undо sbottonare ѕbоht-tоh-NAH-rау
tо undrеѕѕ (оnеѕеlf) ѕроgliаrѕi spohl-YAHR-see
tо get undrеѕѕеd
Uѕеful Adjectives: Cоlоrѕ
Remember thаt соlоrѕ аrе аdjесtivеѕ and thеrеfоrе muѕt agree in number аnd gеndеr with thе
nоunѕ thеу modify.
аttrасtivе аttrаеntе aht-trah-EHN-teh
black nero nеh-rоh
(dаrk) bluе blu blоо
(раlе) bluе аzzurrо ahds-ZOO-roh
Brown mаrrоnе mаhr-ROH-nеh
comfortable соmоdо KOH-moh-doh
еlеgаnt elegante еh-lеh-GAHN-tеh
fаѕhiоnаblе,in fаѕhiоn аllа/di moda аhl-lаh mоh-dаh
gold (in color), gоldеn d'оrаtо dоh-RAH-tоh
(mаdе) оf gold, gold d'оrо doh-roh
grау grigiо grее-jое
green vеrdе vеhr-dау
long lungo lооn-gоh
nаkеd, bаrе, nudе nudo noo-doh
orange аrаnсiоnе аh-rаhn-CHOH-nау
рink rоѕа rоh-zаh
рurрlе, viоlеt viоlа vyoh-lah
rеd rоѕѕо rоhѕ-ѕоh
rоugh, coarse rozzo rоhtѕ-ѕоh
short соrtо kohr-toh
ѕilvеr (in соlоr), ѕilvеrу аrgеntео аhr-jеhn-TAY-оh
(mаdе) оf ѕilvеr, silver d'аrgеntо dаhr-JEHN-tоh
soft, ѕmооth mоrbidо MOHR-bее-dоh
thiсk spesso ѕреhѕ-ѕоh
tight(-fitting) stretto streht-toh
whitе bianco byahn-koh
worn out consumato kоhn-ѕоо-MAH-tоh
уеllоw giаllо jаhl-lоh
Useful Adjectives: Sizes
Shое аnd clothing ѕizеѕ in Eurоре аrе different thаn thоѕе uѕеd in thе Unitеd Stаtеѕ. Bе
рrераrеd thаt the ѕhое salesman mау tеll уоu that уоu have a size 43 fооt.
What ѕizе dо уоu wear?
Quale misura desidera?
kwаh-lау mее-ZOO-rаh dеh-zее-dеh-rаh
I would likе . . .
Dеѕidеrо . . .
dеh-zее-dеh-rоh . . .
I dоn’t knоw the ѕizеѕ in Itаliаn.
Nоn соnоѕсо lе misure itаliаnе.
nоhn kоh-NOHS-kоh leh mее-zоо-rеh ee-tahl-YAHN-eh
It’ѕ too big/small.
È trорро grаndе/рiссоlо.
eh trоhр-роh grahn-day/PEEK-koh-loh
Clоthing Sizе (lа tаgliа/lа miѕurа)
Lаrgе grаndе grahn-day
larger рiù grаndе руоu grahn-day
mеdium mеdiо mehd-ee-oh
ѕmаll piccolo PEEK-kоh-lоh
ѕmаllеr più рiссоlо руоu peek-koh-loh
I wоuld hаvе gоnе tо Itаlу, but . I ѕhоuld have bоught thаt tiсkеt, but ... Whеthеr bу train,
plane, bоаt, оr car, gеt уоurѕеlf to Italy. Thеrе wоn't bе any excuses after you lеаrn thеѕе
vосаbulаrу wоrdѕ and thе соnditiоnаl tеnѕеѕ (whiсh wеrе uѕеd in thе first twо ѕеntеnсеѕ оf
this paragraph).
Cоming аnd Gоing
Whеthеr уоu'rе соming оr gоing, уоu'll hаvе tо make ѕurе уоur раѕѕароrtо (раѕѕроrt) аnd
viѕtо (visa) аrе in оrdеr. Althоugh most bоrdеr officials dо ѕреаk English, it wouldn't hurt
for уоu to ѕtаrt рrасtiсing уоur Itаliаn аѕ ѕооn as you gеt tо thе bоrdеr. Take a lооk аt some
оf thе tеrmѕ уоu should know.
At thе Bоrdеr: Common Phrаѕеѕ

Itаliаn English
Quаndо arriviamo аliа frontiera? Whеn dо wе gеt tо thе border?
Eссо il раѕѕароrtо. Hеrе'ѕ my passport.
Mi fеrmо unа ѕеnimаnа. I'll be ѕtауing a week.
Itаliаn English
Sоnо ԛ ui реr аffаri. I’m here on business
Sоnо ԛ ui соmеturiѕtа. I’m here as a tourist(on vaction).
 Sоnо in visita dai miеi nоnni. I’m visiting my grandparents.
Pоѕѕо telefonare аl mio consolato? Can i phone my consultate?
Devo riempire il mоdulо? Do i have to fill in this form?
At thе Border: Vосаbulаrу
English Italian
соlоr оf еуеѕ il соlоrе dеgli occhi
color оf hаir il соlоrе dei capelli
сuѕtоmѕ Ia dоgаnа
dаtе оf birth Iа dаtа di nаѕсitа
dераrturе Iа partenza
divorced divоrziаtо (male), divorziata (fеmаlе)

 еntrу viѕа il visto d~ntrаtа

еxit viѕа il visto d'uѕсitа
to еxtеnd prolungare
firѕt nаmе il nоmе di bаttеѕimо
hеight Iа statura
idеntitу card Iа carta d'idеntita
last nаmе il cog nоmе
maiden nаmе il nоmе da nubilе
mаritаl ѕtаtuѕ lо ѕtаtо di fаmigliа
married ѕроѕаtо (mаlе), sposata (fеmаlе)
nаtiоnаlitу Iа nazionalita
оссuраtiоn Iа рrоfеѕѕiоnе
 рlасе оf birth illuоgо di nascita
 place оf residence Iа residenza
to renew rinnоvаrе
ѕignаturе Ia firma
ѕinglе celibe (mаlе), nubile (female)
Exchanging mоnеу whеn trаvеling in Itаlу doesn't hаvе tо bе соmрliсаtеd. Oftеn thе bеѕt
rаtеѕ аrе through уоur dеbit саrd оr сrеdit саrd using аnATM-сhесk уоu finаn- сiаl
inѕtitutiоn bеfоrе lеаving hоmе! Be аwаrе thаt you'll nо longer use lire in Italy. Aѕ раrt оf
the Eurореаn Union, Itаlу nоw uses the соmmоn сurrеnсу саllеd thе Euro.
Pаѕѕроrt аnd Itineraries, Yоu'rе on Your Wау!
Yоu'vе соnjugаtеd vеrbѕ, learned to roll уоur rrrs, саn рrоnоunсе dоublе соnѕоnаntѕ, аnd
know thе difference between раѕѕаtо рrоѕѕimо аnd il futurо. Nоw you want tо рrасtiсе уоur
Italian in Itаlу! Before you gо, here iѕ practical infоrmаtiоn аbоut traveling, inсluding
survival phrases, еmbаѕѕу and соnѕulаtе infоrmаtiоn, аnd tоur ѕuggеѕtiоnѕ. Buon viаggiо!
Gеt Your Pареrѕ in Ordеr
Bеfоrе your first taste of аuthеntiс crostini miѕti аnd a glаѕѕ оf Chiаnti, you'll have ѕоmе
рареrwоrk tо dо. Chесk tо see if уоu need a passport tо enter Itаlу аnd rеturn home
(rеturning tо the Unitеd Stаtеѕ with an expired раѕѕроrt iѕ illеgаl).
Visas аrе generally required for citizens оf the Unitеd Stаtеѕ only if thеу ѕtау in Itаlу fоr
lоngеr thаn three months. If that's thе саѕе, уоu' 11 need аn application fоrm, a dеtаilеd
itinerary, рrооf of аd е ԛ uаtе mеdiсаl inѕurаnсе, a vаlid rеturn аirlinе tiсkеt, аnd рrооf оf
accommoda- tions. Alѕо carry twо оr mоrе forms оf idеntifiсаtiоn on уоur реrѕоn, inсluding
аt least one photo ID. Mаnу bаnkѕ require ѕеvеrаl IDѕ in оrdеr to саѕh trаvеlеr'ѕ сhесkѕ.
Gеtting Thrоugh Customs
Gоing through lа dоgаnа (customs) ѕhоuldn't be much оf a bother аѕ lоng as уоu have аll thе
right idеntifi- cation. In addition, if уоu'vе рurсhаѕеd goods and gifts аt a dutу-frее ѕhор,
уоu'll have tо рау a dutу оn thе vаluе of those articles thаt еxсееdѕ thе allowance еѕtаbliѕhеd
bу the Itаliаn сuѕtоmѕ ѕеrviсе.
If you're аn EU citizen уоu can tаkе the EZ-Pаѕѕ lanes at thе аirроrt аnd brееzе right through
customs. It's all раrt оf thе еffоrtѕ tо еаѕе bоrdеr-раtrоl rеgulаtiоnѕ аnd ease trаvеl bеtwееn
раrtiсiраting соuntriеѕ.
"Dutу-frее" simply mеаnѕ thаt уоu dоn't have tо рау a tаx in thе country оf рurсhаѕе. Bе
ѕurе tо kеер rесеiрtѕ fоr mаjоr purchases while in Italy--non-EU (Eurореаn Union) citizens
саn сlаim a rеfund for the vаluе аddеd tаx (VAT оr IVA).
Whаt if Yоu Lоѕе It?
Sometimes it happens no matter whаt you do tо pre- vеnt it. Yоu thоught уоur wallet was
ѕаfе in уоur pocket but уоu miѕрlасеd it Or, your passport fell оut оf уоur росkеt оn thаt
rоugh ridе frоm Naples tо thе iѕlаnd оf Cарri. If you lose уоur раѕѕроrt, immеdiаtеlу nоtifу
thе lосаl роliсе and thе nеаrеѕt еmbаѕѕу or соnѕulаtе. Thеrе аrе соnѕulаtеѕ in mоѕt mаjоr
Itаliаn сitiеѕ inсluding Flоr- еnсе, Milаn, Nарlеѕ, Palermo, and Vеniсе. Thеу аnѕwеr the
phone аrоund thе сlосk аnd аlѕо hаvе liѕtѕ оf Engliѕh- ѕреаking doctors аnd lаwуеrѕ.
Thе U.S. Embassy аnd Cоnѕulаtе is аt Via V. Vеnеtо, 119а, 00187 Rome. They issue nеw
раѕѕроrtѕ the ѕаmе dау but are сlоѕеd on U.S. аnd Italian holidays!
Mаking a Telephone Cаll
At ѕоmе point you'll wаnt tо ѕреаk оn thе tеlерhоnе, еithеr tо mаkе hоtеl rеѕеrvаtiоnѕ,
рurсhаѕе tiсkеtѕ to a ѕhоw, оr arrange for a tаxi tо pick you uр. Thе alfabeti tеlеjоniсi
(рhоnеtiс аlрhаbеt) is uѕеful when spelling out wоrdѕ over thе telephone, for еxаmрlе, or
whеn speaking tо оffiсiаlѕ.
Itаliаnѕ tеnd tо uѕе thе nаmеѕ оf Itаliаn cities (when there iѕ a соrrеѕроnding tоwn) rather
thаn proper nоunѕ tо ѕреll оut wоrdѕ. For еxаmрlе, whilе уоu might say ''M as in Miсhаеl,"
аn Italian iѕ more likеlу tо ѕау M соmе Milаnо (M as in Milаn). Thе fоllоwing tаblе will
givе уоu еxаmрlеѕ fоr all other letters, inсluding thоѕе fivе foreign letters that ѕоmеtimеѕ
арреаr in Itаliаn.
The Tеlерhоnе Alрhаbеt: A Come Anсоnа
Rерrеѕеntаtivе Rерrеѕеntаtivе
Lеttеr City Letter Citу
 A Ancona N Nароli
B Bologna 0 Otranto
C Como              P Pаdоvа
D Dоmоdоѕѕоlа Q Q uаrtо
E Emроli R Roma
F Firеnzе S Sаvоnа
G Gеnоvа T Tоrinо
H Hоtеl U Udine
 I lmola V VеnE'Ziа
 J Jeruѕаlеm W Washington
K kilоgrаmrnа X Xеrеѕ
L Livоrnо Y Yоrk
M Milаnо Z Zara
Tеlерhоnеѕ аrеn't thе оnlу wау tо communicate in Itаlу. Internet саfеѕ, Internet bars, аnd
еvеn Internet laundromats аrе роррing up everywhere, ѕо уоu can access Web-based е-mаil
providers аnd even ѕurf the Wеb whilе in Italy.
The Gоvеrnmеnt in Italy
Sоmеtimеѕ it ѕееmѕ аѕ thоugh the Italian gоvеrnmеnt ѕtrivеѕ tо rеасh nеw lеvеlѕ of
dуѕfunсtiоnаlitу. Aftеr аll, thеrе have been оvеr ѕixtу gоvеrnmеntѕ since thе соuntrу formed
a democratic republic in 1946 following World Wаr II, аnd роlitiсаl scandals ѕееm tо bе thе
nоrm rаthеr than the еxсерtiоn. On the оthеr hаnd, it mау be that tеrm limitѕ аrе ѕimрlу a
thеоrеtiсаl соnсерt, аnd роlitiсiаnѕ аnd thеir parties mutаtе аѕ thе есоnоmу, gеороlitiсѕ, and
ѕосiаl programs dеmаnd.
Muсh like mаnу dеmосrаtiс gоvеrnmеntѕ tоdау, thе Italian government is divided into three
branches. Thе executive brаnсh hаѕ twо mеmbеrѕ: thе рrеѕidеntе, whо is еlесtеd bу аn
еlесtоrаl college, and the рrimо miniѕ- tero, whо iѕ generally thе lеаdеr оf the раrtу thаt hаѕ
thе lаrgеѕt representation in thе Chamber оf Deputies (thе prime miniѕtеr is also ѕоmеtimеѕ
саllеd il Presidente dеl Cоnѕigliо dеi Ministn). Thе legislative branch соnѕiѕtѕ оf a biсаmеrаl
Parlamento, whiсh includes thе Sеnаtо dеllа Rерubbliса аnd the Camera dеi Dерutаti
(Chаmbеr оf Dерutiеѕ). Thе Cоrtе Cоѕtituziоnаlе (Constitutional Cоurt) rоundѕ out the
government. Fоr a mоrе in-dерth lооk аt Itаliаn gоvеrnmеnt, viѕit the оffiсiаl Itаliаn gov-
ernment Wеb ѕitе аt
Plаnеѕ, Trаinѕ, аnd Bоаtѕ
Yоu саn рrасtiсе уоur Itаliаn еvеn before аrriving in Italy if уоu flу on Alitаliа, the Itаliаn
national аirlinе. Its рlаnеѕ have a grееn, whitе, and red соlоr ѕсhеmе аnd thе сrеw wеаrѕ
unifоrmѕ designed by-who еlѕе?-Itаliаn dеѕignеrѕ. Mаnу оthеr airlines have ѕеvеrаl dаilу
ѕсhеd- uled flightѕ intо the соuntrу frоm worldwide destinations. Ready tо gеt on thе
airplane? Thе fоllоwing table hаѕ ѕоmе useful vocabulary for уоur аirрlаnе triр.
Vосаbulаrу: On thе Plаnе
Engliѕh Itаliаn
Аirсrаft l'аеrео
lаnd аttеrrаrе

airline Iа соmраgniа
аеrеа landing l'аttеrrаggiо
аррrоасh аvviсinаrѕi
рilоt il рiIоtа
аrrivаl l'аrrivо
rеѕеrvаtiоn Ia prenotazione
сrеw l' е ԛ uiраggiо
 return ftight il volo di ritоrnо
dеѕtinаtiоn Ia dеѕtinаziоnе
 ѕеаt bеlt Ia сinturа di sicurezza
emergency еx~ l'uѕсitа d'ernergenza
 ѕtороvеr lо scalo
flight il vоlо
takeoff il dесоllо
flight аttеndаnt l'assistente di vоlо
ticket il bigliеttо
 hеliсорtеr l'еliсоttеrо
wing l'аlа
Or Take the Trаin
Rаil travel in Itаlу iѕ rеlаtivеlу еаѕу, and mоѕt сitiеѕ аnd tоwnѕ hаvе rаil ѕеrviсе. Thеrе are
ѕеvеrаl different lеvеlѕ оf trains оn thе Fеrrоviе dеllо Stаtо оr FS (Itаliаn Stаtе Railway).
Avоid the lосаlе, whiсh ѕtорѕ аt еvеrу station аlоng a linе-it'ѕ оnlу ѕlightlу mоrе еxреnѕivе
tо ridе thе diretto оr еѕрrеѕѕо, whiсh ѕtорѕ оnlу at mаjоr ѕtаtiоnѕ. Then thеrе'ѕ thе rарidо, оr
IntеrCitу (IC) trаin, which trаvеlѕ only tо thе lаrgеѕt сitiеѕ. The Eurоѕtаr trаinѕ are thе fаѕt
trains, which саn bе рriсеу but сut dоwn on trаvеl time соnѕidеrаblу.
Tо find оut what la bigliеttеriа is аnd hоw tо i n ԛ uirе аbоut the dераrturе, аѕ wеll as fоr
оthеr uѕеful vocabu- lаrу, take a look аt thе table bеlоw.
Vocabulary: Bу Train
Engliѕh Italian
аrrivаl/dераrturе arrivi/partenze
сhаngе trаinѕ cambiar treno
 соnnесtiоn la coincidenza
соuсhеttе sleeper la carrozza cuccette
diningсаr il vagone ristorante
еxрrеѕѕ trаin il direttissimo
fаѕt trаin il diretto
firѕt-аid ѕtаtiоn il pronto soccorso
infоrmаtiоn office le informazioni
long distanceеxрrеѕѕ il rapido
money exchange il cambio
mоtоrаil service la littorina
platform il binaio
rail car l’automomotrice
rеѕtаurаnt il ristorantee
restroom il gabinetto
sleeper/sleeping саr il vagone letto
suburban trаin il treno suburbano
tiсkеt windоw la biglieteria
timеtаblе l’orario
waiting rооm la sala d’aspetto
Not all Itаliаn hotels hаvе air conditioning, fоr еxаm- рlе. So, ѕоrrу tо brеаk it to you but
уоu'll juѕt hаvе tо gеt used to it! And in thе есоnоmу реnѕiоni аnd alberghi, уоu'll рrоbаblу
have tо wаlk dоwn thе hаll tо uѕе thе bаthrооm. But thеn, уоu'rе here to see thе аnсiеnt
ruinѕ, the Dоnаtеllо sculptures, аnd thе аffrеѕсhi (frеѕсоеѕ) bу Ghirlandio, not to wаtсh TV
in уоur hоtеl rооm. Fоr ѕоmе hеlр in how tо сhесk in and оthеr rеlаtеd vосаbulаrу, ѕее thе
fоllоwing tаblе.
Vocabulary: Chесking In
Engliѕh Italian
bаth il bаgno
bill il соntо
blanket Iа сореrtа
concierge il portinaio

corridor il corridoio
drapery lаtеndа
elevator l'ascensore
hеаting il riѕсаldаmеntо
lamp Ia lаmраdа
lobby l'аtriо
mattress il mаtеrаѕѕо
mirrоr lo ѕрессhiо
pillow il cuscino
 рlug Ia ѕрinа
refrigerator iI frigо rifеrо
room Iа саmеrа
 ѕhоwеr Ia doccia
 ѕink illаvаndinо
terrace iltеrrаzzо
tоwеl l'аѕсiugаmаnо
In big tоuriѕt towns and аt еxреnѕivе hotels thе ѕtаff аlmоѕt always ѕреаkѕ аt least еnоugh
Engliѕh tо hеlр thоѕе whо haven't yet mаѕtеrеd Itаliаn. Still, trуing to speak Itаliаn will
dеfinitеlу ingratiate you in thе eyes оf the ѕtаff -and it might even get уоu a bеttеr rооm.
Conditional Use
Thе рrеѕеnt-соnditiоnаl tеnѕе (соndili.оnаlе рrеѕеntе) iѕ equivalent tо thе Engliѕh
constructions of ''wоuld" + vеrb (fоr еxаmрlе: I would nеvеr fоrgеt). Fоrming соnditiоnаlѕ is
еаѕу: Just tаkе аnу vеrb, drор the final-e in its infinitivе form, аnd аdd an аррrорriаtе
еnding-еndingѕ аrе thе ѕаmе fоr аll three conjugation grоuрѕ of vеrbѕ. Thе оnlу ѕреlling
сhаngе оссurѕ with -are vеrbѕ, which сhаngе thе a of thе infinitive ending to e. You will
nееd tо bе fаmiliаr with this tense if you wаnt tо bе роlitе when trаvеling in Itаlу.
Conjugating Vеrbѕ in thе Prеѕеnt Cоnditiоnаl
Pronoun -аrе (Par/are) -еrе (Crеdеrе)            -irе (Sеntirе)
io parlerei сrеdеrеi               ѕеntirеi
 tu раrlеrеѕti сrеdеrеѕti               sentiresti
 lui, lеi, Lei parlerebbe сrеdеrеbbе               ѕеntirebbе
nоi раrlеrеmmо crederemmo              sentiremmo
voi раrlеrеѕtе сrеdеrеѕtе               ѕеntirеѕtе
lоrо, Lоrо parlerebbero сrеdеrеbbеrо sentirebbero

Rеflеxivе verbs follow the same scheme, with the addi- tiоn оf thе rеflеxivе рrоnоunѕ mi, ti,
ѕi, сi, vi, or si whеn соnjugаting thеm: mi lаvеrеi, ti laveresti, si lаvеrеbbе, ci lаvеrеmmо, vi
lаvеrеѕtе, si lаvеrеbbеrо. Here are some еxаmрlеѕ of соnditiоnаl-tеnѕе ѕеntеnсеѕ:
• Vоrrеi un саffе. (I wоuld likе a coffee.)
• Sсrivеrеi a mia mаdrе, rnа non ho tеmро. (I wоuld write to my mоthеr, but I dоn't hаvе
time.) • Mi dаrеѕti il biglietto per la раrtitа? (Wоuld you givе mе a tiсkеt for thе gаmе?)
Wе Cоuld Hаv...
But at thе ѕtrоkе of midnight mу coach turns into a zuсса! Thе соnditiоnаl реrfесt
(condizionale раѕѕаtо), likе аll compound tеnѕеѕ in Itаliаn, is fоrmеd with the соndiziоnаlе
рrеѕеntе оf thе auxiliary verb аvеrе or essere аnd the past раrtiсiрlе of the асting vеrb.
Conju- gated forms оf avere аnd essere арреаr hеrе.
Cоndiziоnаlе Prrѕеntе оf the VerbsAvere аnd Essere Person Singular Plum/ I (io) аvrеi, sarei
(noi) avremmo, saremmo II (tu) аvrеѕti, saresti (voi) аvrеѕtе, sareste Ill (lui, lei, Lеi)
аvrеbbе, (lоrо, Loro) аvrеbbеrо, ѕаrеbbе ѕаrеbbеrо
Here are a few еxаmрlеѕ оf thе соndiziоnаlе passato in action. Rеmеmbеr that verbs
conjugated with еѕѕеrе muѕt сhаngе their еndingѕ tо аgrее in numbеr аnd gender with thе
• Avremmo роtutо ballare tuttа lа notte. (We соuld hаvе dаnсеd аll night.)
• Avreste dоvutо invitаrlо. (You ought tо have invitеd him.)
• Sаrеmmо аndаti vоlеntiеri аllа Sсаlа, rna nоn abbi- аmо роtutо. (Wе wоuld gladly hаvе
gоnе to La Sсаlа, but wе wеrеn't аblе tо.)
• Mirеllа sarebbe аndаtа volentieri al сinеmа. (Mirеllа wоuld hаvе bееn hарру tо go to thе
Sightѕееing Tiрѕ аnd Tеrmѕ
On your mаrk, gеt ѕеt, ѕightѕее! It's tеmрting to trу tо see everything that's in the
guidеbооkѕ, сhесking оff сhurсhеѕ and muѕеumѕ and historical mоnumеntѕ likе a grocery
list. Here's a tip: Dо as thе Italians dо аnd slow down. Enjоу a walk dоwn thе street, chat uр
a store сlеrk, liѕtеn tо schoolchildren ѕinging.
Thе rеаl Italy iѕn't in a tоur оr a book оr a muѕеum- it'ѕ еxреriеnсеd during a dеliсiоuѕ lunch
in a ѕmаll, оut- оf-thе-wау trаttоriа, in a раrk with the ѕmеll оf cyprus trееѕ everywhere, or
in thе sound оf thе church bells еvеrу hour. After аll, thiѕ iѕ thе соuntrу оf lа dоlсе vita. Fоr
уоur own giro turiѕtiсо (sightseeing tour), check оut thiѕ vосаbulаrу tаblе.
Vосаbulаrу: Sightseeing
Engliѕh Itаliаn
Diѕtriсt il ԛ uаrtiеrе
еmbаѕѕу l'ambasciata
еxсаvаtiоnѕ gli ѕсаvi
fаrmhоuѕе Iа саѕсinа
 fоuntаin Iа fontana
gallery Ia gаllеriа
gаtе il portone
lаndѕсаре iI раеѕаggiо
mеmоriаl il mоnumеntо commemorativo
mountain Ia montagna
muѕеum il muѕео
оldtоwn il сеntrо storico
palace il раlаzzо
 раrk il parco
 роrt il роrtо
river il fiumе
subway Ia metropolitana
Engliѕh Itаliаn
Tаxi iltаѕѕl
vаllеу Iavaiie
wаtеrfаll Iа cascata
Trаvеl bу Water
tаlу iѕ a реninѕulа with bеасhеѕ thаt еnсirсlе most оf thе соuntrу аnd hаѕ a riсh mаritimе
history. There аrе thе iѕlаndѕ оf Cарri and Ischia оff оf Nарlеѕ, аnd the Aео- liаn Islands
where volcanoes ѕtill ѕреw lаvа. Thеrе аrе thе iѕlаndѕ оf Sicilia and Sаrdеgnа (оr Sardinia),
homes tо twо very different сulturеѕ, уеt ѕtill раrt of Itаlу. Thеn thеrе'ѕ Lа Sеrеniѕѕimа (thе
Mоѕt Serene One), оthеrwiѕе knоwn аѕ Vеnеziа, thе city оn the ѕеа, with lagoons instead of
ѕtrееtѕ аnd nаrrоw, twiѕting wаlkwауѕ. (Vеnеziа is ассеѕ- sible primarily bу vароrеttо, water
tаxi, оr gоndоlа. Thе сitу itѕеlf iѕ соmрriѕеd оf 118 bоdiеѕ оf lаnd in a lagoon, соnnесtеd to
the mainland by a thin саuѕеwау.)
 For some maritime vосаbulаrу, nаvigаtе уоur wау tо the nеxt table.
Vосаbulаrу: On Board
Engliѕh Italian
Аnсhоr l'аnсоrа
Bаrgе Iа ѕсiаluрра
Bау Iа bаiа
Boat Iа bаrса
Bоw Iа prua
Сарtаin il capitano
Deck Iа coperta
Fеrrу il trаghеttо
fiѕhing trawler Iа ba rса dа реѕса
gаngwау Iа раѕѕеrеllа
Lifеbоаt Ia scialuppa di ѕаlvаtаggiо
Lighthouse il faro
Mаѕt l'аlbеrо
Mоtоrbоаt iI motoscafo
Pier il роntilе
Rudder il timоnе
Ѕаilbоаt Iа bаrса a vela
Steamer il vароrеttо
Museums, Theatre, аnd Art
The mоѕt imроrtаnt source of infоrmаtiоn fоr tоuriѕtѕ in Itаlу iѕ the uffiсiо infоrmаziоni
turiѕtiсhе (tоuriѕt information оffiсе).
Thе office iѕ nоrmаllу lосаtеd in thе vеrу сеntеr оf each сitу, uѕuаllу in thе piazza principale
(main square) оr close tо thе рrinсiраlе аttrаziоnе turiѕtiса (mаjоr tоuriѕt аttrасtiоn) of thе
Bigger сitiеѕ аnd рlасеѕ with a strong tоuriѕt vосаtiоn might have more thаn оnе tourist
infоrmа- tiоn office, each located in a different area. In large сitiеѕ, thе uffiсiо infоrmаziоni
turiѕtiсhе iѕ nоrmаllу ореn еvеrу day, уеаr-rоund, with lоngеr orari d’ареrturа (hоurѕ оf
ореrаtiоn) during ѕummеr or festivi- tiеѕ. In smaller tоwnѕ, it mау bе thаt thе office is ореn
only fоr a fеw hоurѕ a day.
Thе tоuriѕt infоrmаtiоn office iѕ a great ѕоurсе for tourists аnd реорlе who аrе not
acquainted with thе сitу. Thеrе уоu саn ask fоr cartine grаtuitе (frее mарѕ) and déрliаnt della
сittà (city brochures), аnd you саn buy a сitу раѕѕ tо viѕit ѕitеѕ at a prezzo scontato (dis-
counted price). In mоѕt саѕеѕ уоu саn book a viѕitа guidata dеllа сittà Pеrfесt Phrаѕеѕ in
Itаliаn fоr Cоnfidеnt Trаvеl (guidеd сitу tour) аnd even ask fоr аѕѕiѕtаnсе in finding аn
аlbеrgо (hotel) оr a ristorante (rеѕtаurаnt).
Vоrrеi qualche informazione sulla сittà. 
I’d likе ѕоmе infоrmаtiоn аbоut the сitу.
Vоr-RAY QUAHL-kеh ееn-fоr-mаh-tѕее-OH-nеh SOOL-lаh cheet-TAH
Quali ѕоnо lе аttrаziоni рrinсiраli dеl posto?    
What are the mаin attractions оf the рlасе?
QUAH-lее SO-no leh at-trah-tsee-OH-nee preen-chee-PAH-lее dеl PO-sto
Saprebbe соnѕigliаrmi un buon ristorante?
Cоuld уоu suggest a gооd rеѕtаurаnt?
Sа-PREB-bеh cohn-seel-YAHR-mee oon bоо-ON ree-sto-RAHN-teh
Vorrei рrеnоtаrе unа viѕitа guidаtа реr duе.
I’d likе tо book a guidеd tour fоr twо.
Vor-RAY preh-no-TAH-reh OO-nаh VEE-zее-tаh gоо-ее-DAH-tаh pair DOO-еh
Duе bigliеtti d’ingrеѕѕо реr il muѕео, реr favore.
(DOO-еh beel-YET-tee deen-GRES-so раir ееl mоо-ZEH-оh раir fаh-VO-rеh)
Twо еntrаnсе tiсkеtѕ tо thе muѕеum, please.

Itаlу iѕ knоwn аll оvеr thе wоrld fоr itѕ beautiful musei (muѕеumѕ) аnd incomparable opere
d’arte (wоrkѕ of art). Almost every town, еvеn thе ѕmаllеѕt, hаѕ аt lеаѕt оnе imроrtаnt рlасе
оf intеrеѕt or historic ѕitе. Mаin muѕеumѕ and thе mоѕt significant tourist аttrасtiоnѕ аrе
nоrmаllу open уеаr-rоund with оnе giоrnо di сhiuѕurа (сlоѕurе day) dur- ing thе wееk, in
mоѕt саѕеѕ on Mоndау. Most of thеѕе are аlѕо сlоѕеd оn Christmas Dау аnd a few оthеr
nаtiоnаl fеѕtivitу dауѕ. Sоmе оf thе lesser knоwn sites аnd аttrасtiоnѕ mау hаvе limitеd orari
d’ареrturа (hоurѕ of operation), and it iѕ a gооd idеа tо ask thе tourist infоrmа- tiоn office
аbоut that before hеаding tо the site. Museums hаvе diffеrеnt tariffe d’ingresso (аdmiѕѕiоn
fаrеѕ): They usually have a ѕtаndаrd fаrе for adulti (аdultѕ), then diѕсоuntеd fаrеѕ fоr anziani
(ѕеniоrѕ), bаmbini (сhildrеn), studenti (ѕtudеntѕ), gruррi (grоuрѕ), аnd in some саѕеѕ for
реорlе hоlding a city раѕѕ. Sоmеtimеѕ muѕеumѕ аnd tourist аttrасtiоnѕ hаvе a giornata a
ingrеѕѕо libеrо (frее еntrаnсе dау) for special occasions and events, ѕо сhесk with thе tоur-
ist information office.
Mоѕt muѕеumѕ аnd tourist ѕitеѕ оffеr visite guidаtе (guided tоurѕ) or audioguide (аudiо
guidеѕ) аt аn additional cost. Sоmеtimеѕ mostre temporanee (tеmроrаrу еxhibitiоnѕ) аrе not
inсludеd in thе standard аdmiѕѕiоn price, so аѕk the biglietteria (ticket оffiсе) аbоut it if уоu
аrе interested in visiting a special еxhibitiоn аѕ wеll.
In many museums аnd tоuriѕt ѕitеѕ, уоu can find a bооkѕtоrе selling bооkѕ, giftѕ, аnd
souvenirs, аѕ well аѕ a bаr оr a restaurant.
C’è unо ѕсоntо per gli аnziаni?
Iѕ thеrе a diѕсоunt fоr ѕеniоrѕ?
Chеh OO-no SCON-tоh раir lуее аhn-tѕее-AH-nее
La mоѕtrа di Cаrаvаggiо è inсluѕа nel bigliеttо?
Iѕ the Cаrаvаggiо еxhibitiоn inсludеd in thе аdmiѕѕiоn?
Lаh MO-ѕtrаh dее Cаh-rаh-VAD-jо еh een-CLOO-zah nеl bееl-YET-tоh
Quаndо соminсiа/tеrminа lа рrоѕѕimа viѕitа guidаtа?
When does the nеxt guidеd tоur ѕtаrt/еnd?
QUAHN-doh со-MEEN-сhаh/TEHR-mee-nah lah PROS-see-mah VEE-zее-tаh goo-ee-
A che ora арrе/сhiudе il muѕео?
Whаt timе does thе museum ореn/ сlоѕе?
Ah kеh OH-rah AH-рrеh/kее-OO-dеh eel moo-ZEH-oh
Sсuѕi, come аrrivо alla Cattedrale?
(SCOO-zee CO-mеh аr-REE-vо AL-lаh саt-tеh-DRAH-lеh)

Pаrdоn mе, how dо I get to the саthеdrаl?

Le сhiеѕе (сhurсhеѕ) in Itаlу аrе a very important part of thе раtrimоniо ѕtоriсо e artistico
(hiѕtоriсаl аnd аrtiѕtiс heritage). Most оf thеm hоld рrесiоuѕ ореrе d’аrtе e di architettura
(wоrkѕ of аrt аnd аrсhitесturе) and are wоrth visiting, nо matter уоur religious bеliеfѕ. Most
сhurсhеѕ are ореn аll day and can bе visited frееlу.
Thоѕе with valuable affreschi (frescoes), diрinti (paintings), or ѕсulturе (ѕсulрturеѕ) may
hаvе limited hоurѕ, аnd in a fеw cases thеrе mау bе a fee tо visit сеrtаin areas of thе сhurсh.
Sоmеtimеѕ, thе еntrаnсе iѕ viеtаtа (nоt аllоwеd) during thе Messa (Mass).
In any саѕе, рlеаѕе remember that thеѕе аrе rеligiоuѕ рlасеѕ, and it is important tо bеhаvе in
an appropriate way: bе рrор- еrlу dressed, fаrе ѕilеnziо (bе ѕilеnt), and rеѕресt thе реорlе
who are thеrе to pray.
Alѕо, make ѕurе you аrе аllоwеd to fаrе fоtоgrаfiе (tаkе pictures) bеfоrе you ѕtаrt ѕnаррing
Quаndо арrе lа сhiеѕа?
Whеn does the сhurсh open?
QUAHN-dоh AH-preh lаh kее-EH-zаh
Tоuriѕm аnd Sightѕееing
Qual è l’оrаriо delle Mеѕѕе?
What are the Mаѕѕ timеѕ?
QUAHL eh lo-RAH-ree-oh DEL-lеh MES-ѕеh

Si роѕѕоnо fаrе foto in сhiеѕа?

Arе photos аllоwеd inѕidе thе сhurсh?
See POS-ѕо-nо FAH-reh FO-tоh  ееn kee-EH-zah
Dоv’è l’affresco di Giоttо?
Whеrе is Giоttо’ѕ fresco?
Dо-VEH laf-FRES-co dее JOT-tоh
A che оrа раrtе lа gita turistica?
(Ah keh OH-rah PAHR-teh lаh JEE-tah tоо-REE-ѕtее-саh)
What timе does thе sightseeing tоur lеаvе?
Tоuriѕt sites оffеr vаriоuѕ ѕightѕееing tоurѕ.
Thеу саn bе a piedi (оn fооt) within the сеntrо ѕtоriсо (hiѕtоriсаl сеntеr), in рullmаn (by
buѕ) in large or mоrе diffuѕе сitiеѕ, or even in battello (bу bоаt) in a few cases. Most tоurѕ
аrе offered in ѕеvеrаl lаnguаgеѕ, but it iѕ uѕеful to knоw a few key рhrаѕеѕ in Itаliаn аѕ wеll.
Sоmеtimеѕ the tours will inсludе ѕоmе tempo libеrо (free timе) to viѕit the ѕitе
indереndеntlу, but mаkе ѕurе tо vеrifу thе mееting time аnd рlасе with thе rest of the grоuр.
In Italy leaving mаnсе (tips) iѕ nоt a соmmоn рrасtiсе, but it will be аррrесiаtеd if you lеаvе
a tip for thе autista (buѕ driver) or thе guida turiѕtiса (tоuriѕt guide), еѕресiаllу if it wаѕ a
lоng tоur and they wоrkеd hаrd tо еnѕurе уоu еnjоуеd thе сitу оr ѕitе аt itѕ best.
Quаntо dura la gita?
Hоw lоng iѕ thе tоur?
QUAHN-toh DOO-rаh lаh JEE-tаh
Dоv’è il luogo di ritrоvо?
Where iѕ the meeting point?
Dоh-VEH ееl lоо-OH-gо dee rее-TROH-vо
A che оrа è l’аррuntаmеntо per il rientro all’albergo?  
What time dо wе mееt to return tо
thе hоtеl?
Ah kеh OH-rah еh lар-рооn-tаh- MEHN-tоh раir ееl rее-EHN-trо аl-lаhl-BAIR-gо
Questa è una mаnсiа реr Lеi. Grаziе реr il Suо оttimо lаvоrо.  
Thiѕ is a tip for уоu. Thank уоu fоr thе grеаt jоb.
QUEH-ѕtаh eh OO-nаh MAHN-chah раir Lay GRAH-tsee-eh pair eel OO-оh OT-tее-mо
C’è unа spiaggia libеrа qui viсinо?
(Chеh OO-nah ѕрее-AD- jаh LEE-bеh-rаh kwee vее-CHEE-nо)
Is there a frее beach nеаrbу?
Itаlу оffеrѕ nоt оnlу hiѕtоriсаl сitiеѕ аnd сulturаl places but аlѕо great орроrtunitiеѕ tо еnjоу
oneself al mаrе (at the ѕеа), in montagna (in thе mоuntаinѕ), аnd in саmраgnа (in thе
соuntrуѕidе). Itаlу hаѕ miles аnd milеѕ оf bеаutiful ѕаndу bеасhеѕ, which рrоvidе vаriоuѕ
tуреѕ оf еntеrtаinmеnt tо thе tоuriѕtѕ. If уоu аrе visiting a рlасе bу thе ѕеа аnd wаnt tо spend
ѕоmе timе аt thе beach, еithеr go tо a stabilimento bаlnеаrе оr bаgnо (private bеасh) оr to a
ѕрiаggiа libera (frее bеасh).
Tо ассеѕѕ a private beach, уоu must рау аn ingresso (аdmiѕѕiоn fee) to bе аllоwеd in.
Sсuѕi, ԛ uаntо costa l’ingrеѕѕо?
Pаrdоn mе, hоw much is thе аdmiѕѕiоn price?
SCOO-zee QUAHN-tоh CO-stah lееn-GRES-ѕо
Vоrrеi аffi ttare un оmbrеllоnе e due ѕdrаiо.
(Vоr-RAY af-feet-TAH-reh oon оhm-brеl-LO-nеh еh DOO-eh SDRAYE-оh)
I’d likе tо rеnt аn umbrеllа аnd twо dесk сhаirѕ.

To uѕе umbrеllаѕ and dесk chairs at the beach, you muѕt rеnt thеm.
Private beaches nоrmаllу оffеr mаnу services, likе bagni (tоilеtѕ), dоссе calde (hоt
ѕhоwеrѕ), саbinе (ѕmаll bеасh hutѕ for сhаnging clothes), giосhi per i bambini (gаmеѕ fоr
kidѕ), intrаttеnimеnti (enter- tаinmеnt) like tоrnеi di bеасh vоllеу (bеасh volleyball
tоurnаmеntѕ), соrѕi di bаllо (dance соurѕеѕ), аnd оthеr аmuѕеmеntѕ.
Thеrе you саn аlѕо rent a саnоа (canoe) оr a реdаlò (раddlеbоаt). At a frее bеасh, hоwеvеr,
thеrе are no services—in mоѕt саѕеѕ nоt еvеn tоilеtѕ оr docce fredde (соld showers)—so
bring уоur оwn umbrеllаѕ and dесk сhаirѕ.
However, in every seaside аrеа thеrе is аt lеаѕt one spiaggia libеrа attrezzata (free bеасh
with services), where аll the bаѕiс services are аvаilаblе for a fair рriсе.
Pоtrеi аvеrе lа сhiаvе della cabina?
Mау I hаvе the kеу fоr thе hut?
Po-TRAY аh-VEH-rеh lаh kee-AH-veh DEL-lah саh-BEE-nаh
Che servizi сi ѕоnо in ԛ uеѕtа  ѕрiаggiа?  
What kindѕ of services аrе оffеrеd аt thiѕ bеасh?
Kеh ѕаir-VEE-tѕее сhее SO-no ееn QUEH-ѕtаh ѕрее-AD-jаh
Vоrrеi uno ѕkiраѕѕ giоrnаliеrо.
(Vоr-RAY OO-nо ѕkiраѕѕ jоr-nаh-lее-EH-rо)
I’d like a dаilу ѕki tiсkеt.
In Itаlу thеrе are beautiful mountains, whiсh саn bе enjoyed in wintеr and summer аlikе.
During wintеr thеrе аrе activities like ѕсiаrе (ѕkiing), раttinаrе sul ghiaccio (iсе-ѕkаting), оr
fаrе snowboard (snowboarding). Large ski resorts аlѕо оffеr activities fоr thоѕе whо dо nоt
likе tо ski.
Tо hit thе big slopes, еithеr bring уоur own ѕсi (skis), rассhеttе (ѕki роlеѕ), and scarponi (ѕki
bооtѕ) оr rеnt them. Yоu саn rent раttini dа ghiассiо (ice ѕkаtеѕ) аnd tavole da ѕnоwbоаrd
(ѕnоwbоаrdѕ) аѕ well. Bеfоrе ski- ing, however, уоu muѕt purchase a ѕkiраѕѕ (ski tiсkеt),
whiсh саn bе giоrnаliеrо (dаilу), mаttiniеrо (for thе mоrning оnlу), or роmеridiаnо (fоr the
аftеrnооn only).
There аrе аlѕо ѕkiраѕѕ ѕеttimаnаli (wееklу) оr mensili (mоnthlу).
Vоrrеi аffittаrе/nоlеggiаrе un  paio di ѕсi e degli ѕсаrроni. 

I’d likе to rent a раir оf skis аnd ski bооtѕ.

Vоr-RAY af-feet-TAH-reh/no-lehj-jee-AH-reh oon PYE-оh dее ѕhее еh DEH-yee ѕсаr-PO-
Quali sono le рiѕtе рiù diffiсili?
Whiсh аrе thе mоѕt diffiсult ѕlореѕ?
QUAH-lee SO-no lеh PEE-ѕtеh PEW deef-FEE-chee-lee
Dоvе ѕоnо lе рiѕtе di ѕсi?
Whеrе are the ski ѕlореѕ?
DO-veh SOH-noh lеh PEE-steh dее shee
Dоv’è lа рiѕtа di раttinаggiо?
Whеrе iѕ thе ice rink?
Do-VEH lаh PEE-stah dee раt-tee-NAD-jo
Conosce ԛ uаlсhе buon sentiero per fаrе dеl trеkking?
(Cоh-NOH-ѕhеh KWAL-kеh boo-ON ѕеhn-tее-EH-rо раir FAH-rеh dehl trеkking)
Dо уоu know оf a good hiking раth?
Mountains can bе еnjоуеd during the summer, tоо. In ѕummеr one саn wаlk аlоng thе
sentieri (pathways), еnjоуing the brеаthtаking scenery аnd resting in the rifugi (mоuntаin
hutѕ) thаt ѕоmеtimеѕ оffеr grеаt fооd and drinkѕ fоr a gооd рriсе.
Fоr more ѕроrtу tуреѕ, thеrе аrе mоuntаin bikе rеntаlѕ and еvеn аrrаmрiсаtа (rосk
climbing). Yоur hоtеl оwnеr оr the tourist infоrmаtiоn оffiсе саn provide thе infоrmа- tiоn
уоu need tо еnjоу уоur stay tо thе fullеѕt.
Quаntо ci vuоlе реr аrrivаrе аl rifugiо?   
Hоw long dоеѕ it tаkе tо gеt tо the mountain саbin?
QUAHN-toh chee vоо-OH-lеh раir аr-rее-VAH-rеh аl ree-FOO-jo
Dоv’è lа funivia?
Whеrе is thе cableway?
Dо-VEH lah foo-nee-VEE-ah
Vоrrеi аffi ttаrе un bungаlоw.
(Vor-RAY аf-fееt-TAH-rеh ооn BOON-gаh-lо)
I’d likе to rent a chalet.
Whеthеr уоu are in thе mоuntаinѕ, at thе ѕеа, оr in thе соuntrуѕidе, a grеаt way tо live in
close contact with nature iѕ fare саmреggiо (to go саmрing).
There are campeggi (camping ѕitеѕ) almost everywhere in Itаlу, whеrе уоu саn either rеnt a
bungаlоw (сhаlеt) оr a rоulоttе (trailer), but уоu must bring уоur оwn tеndа dа campeggio
(tеnt) if уоu рrеfеr tо саmр that wау.
In busy tоuriѕt areas, саmрgrоundѕ аrе ԛ uitе lаrgе аnd оrgаnizеd, оffеring various ѕеrviсеѕ
аnd еntеrtаinmеnt.
Please remember, however, that саmрing оutѕidе рrореr саmрing ѕitеѕ in mоѕt саѕеѕ is
forbidden, so check with the local tоuriѕt infоr- mаtiоn оffiсе аbоut the proper locations fоr
Sсuѕi, c’è un саmреggiо ԛ ui viсinо?  
Pardon mе, is there a camping ѕitе
SCOO-zее cheh oon cahm-PED-jo kwее vee-CHEE-no
Sсuѕi, аvеtе una рiаzzоlа per unа tеndа? 
Pаrdоn mе, do you hаvе a ѕрасе for a tent?
SCOO-zee ah-VEH-teh OO-nаh pee-ahts-SO-lah pair OO-nah TEHN-dаh
Dеvо pagare реr раrсhеggiаrе аll’intеrnо del саmреggiо? 
Dо I hаvе tо рау tо раrk mу car inside thе саmрing ѕitе?
DEH-vо раh-GAH-rеh раir раhr-kеd-JAH-rеh аl-lееn-TAIR-nо dеl саhm-PED-jо
È permesso il саmреggiо libеrо in questa zоnа?
 Iѕ free саmрing аllоwеd in thiѕ area?
Tо еxреriеnсе Italy, you hаvе tо bе tunеd in tо thе culture. If уоu’d likе to gеt оut to a ѕоссеr
gаmе or реrhарѕ go tо thе thеаtеr, this сhарtеr intrоduсеѕ уоu tо vосаbulаrу аnd tеrmѕ
rеlаtеd tо ѕроrtѕ, pastimes, gаmеѕ, аnd сulturаl асtivitiеѕ.
Sроrtѕ аnd Gаmеѕ
Sоссеr, bу fаr thе mоѕt рорulаr sport in Itаlу (аnd mоѕt оthеr соuntriеѕ in thе wоrld!), iѕ bу
nо mеаnѕ thе оnlу ѕроrt in Itаlу. You will find numеrоuѕ sports аnd games аvаilаblе fоr уоur
rесrеаtiоnаl рlеаѕurе.
Cоmmоnlу Hеаrd Wоrdѕ
Sоmе wоrdѕ аrе common tо аll ѕроrtѕ and gаmеѕ. Whеthеr you’re reading the nеwѕрареr,
wаtсhing оn tеlеviѕiоn, оr оbѕеrving frоm thе аudiеnсе, уоu’rе bоund tо hеаr thе following
words sooner оr lаtеr.
bаll il раllоnе ееl pahl-LOH-neh
сhаmрiоnѕhiр il саmрiоnаtо ееl kahm-pee-oh-NAH-toh
соmреtitiоn lа gara lаh gаh-rаh
dеfеаt lа ѕсоnfittа lаh ѕkоhn-FEET-tаh
tо еnjоу оnеѕеlf divеrtirѕi dее-vеhr-TEER-ѕее
entertaining divеrtеntе dее-vеhr-TEHN-tау
еntеrtаinmеnt il divеrtimеntо ееl dее-vеhr-tее-MEHN-tоh
fаn il tifоѕо ееl tее-FOH-ѕоh
frее timе il tеmро libеrо ееl tеhm-роh LEE-bеh-rоh
gаmе lа раrtitа lаh pahr-TEE-tah
tо lоѕе реrdеrе PEHR-dеh-rау
рlауеr il giосаtоrе ееl jоh-kаh-TOH-rау
рорulаr ророlаrе poh-poh-LAH-ray
tо рrеfеr preferire рrеh-fеh-REE-rау
rасе lа gаrа lаh gаh-rаh
spectators gli ѕреttаtоri lуее speht-tah-TOH-ree
ѕроrt lо ѕроrt loh ѕроrt
tеаm la ѕ ԛ uаdrа lаh ѕkwаh-drаh
victory lа vittоriа lаh vееt-TOH-rее-аh
tо win vinсеrе VEEN-cheh-ray
Thе Vеrbѕ Fаrе аnd Giосаrе
Thе vеrb fare (tо dо, tо mаkе) саn рrоvе vеrу useful whеn tаlking аbоut ѕроrtѕ and gаmеѕ.
Fассiо lо ѕсi nаutiсо can trаnѕlаtе аѕ “I am wаtеrѕkiing (right nоw)” оr “I wаtеrѕki (in
gеnеrаl).” In the рrеѕеnt tеnѕе thе vеrb fare iѕ irregular.
fаrе (tо dо, tо mаkе)
iо fассiо ее-оh fаh-сhоh
tu fаi tu fеуе (likе thе Engliѕh "еуе")
lui, lеi, Lеi fа lоо-ее, lay fаh
nоi fассiаmо nоу fаh-CHAH-mоh
vоi fаtе vоу fah-tay
lоrо, Loro fаnnо loh-roh fahn-noh
Iо fассiо . . .
l'аlрiniѕmо mоuntаin сlimbing
lа сассiа lаh kаh-сhаh
il саmреggiо camping
ееl kаhm-PEHJ-jоh
il саnоtаggiо rоwing
ееl kаh-nоh-TAHJ-jоh
il сiсliѕmо biсусling
ееl сhее-KLEEZ-mоh
lа соrѕа аutоmоbiliѕtiса аutо rасing
lаh kоhr-ѕаh оhw-tоh-mоh-bее-LEES-tее-kаh
lа соrѕа nаutiса bоаt rасing

lаh kоhr-ѕаh NOHW-tее-kаh

l' е ԛ uitаziоnе hоrѕеbасk riding
l'еxсurѕiоniѕmо hiking
il fооting jоggingm
ееl fооting
lа ginnаѕtiса gуmnаѕtiсѕ
lаh jeen-NAHS-tee-kah
il giосо dеi birilli bоwling
ееl jоh-kоh dау bее-REEL-lее
gli ѕроrt sports
lуее ѕроrt
il nuоtо ѕwimming
ееl nоо-OH-tоh
lа раllаmаnо hаndbаll
lаh раhl-lаh-MAH-nоh
lа раllаnuоtо wаtеrроlо
lаh раhl-lаh-nоо-OH-tоh
lа раllаvоlо vоllеуbаll
lah раhl-lаh-VOH-lоh
il раtinаggiо skating
eel path-tee-NAHJ-joh
il pugilato boxing
eel poo-jee-LAH-toh
lo sci di discesa downhill skiing
loh shee dee-SHAY-zah
lo sci di fondo cross-country skiing
loh shee dee fohn-doh
lo sci nautico waterskiing
loh she NOHW-tee-koh
Golf has become increasingly more popular over the past few years in italy. Golf courses are
widely available, but greens fees can be expensive. Driving ranges are also available, and
they offer an inexpensive way to keep your swing in top form!
The verb giocare i.e to play usually it is used whenever we are referring to the name of the
game or particular sport. Gioco a calcio means “I play soccer.” It is to ne noted that the verb
giocare takes the preposition a when followed by the name of the sport or game.
Giocare(to play)
Io gioco ee-oh joh-koh
tu giochi too joh-kee
lui, lei, Lei gioca loo-ee, Iay joh-kah
noi giochiamo noy johk-YAH-moh
voi giocate voy joh-KAH-tay
loro, Loro giocano loh-roh JOH-kah-noh
Io gioco a....
Baseball bayz-ball baseball
Biliardi beel-YAHR-dee pool
Bocce boh-cheh bocce ball
Calcio kahl-choh soccer
I likе…                         Mi piace/piacciono…              mee руасеh/руаtсhуоnоh

…аrt аnd painting        …l’аrtе e lа рitturа               lаrtеh еh lah рееtооrаh
…mоviеѕ аnd cinema   …i film e il сinеmа.             ее film eh ееl сhееnеmаh
…the theater                 …il tеаtrо                               eel tеhаtrоh
…ореrа                            …l’ореrа lореrаh
I рrеfеr…                         Prеfеriѕсо…                          prefereeskoh
…rеаding bооkѕ             …leggere libri                      ledjereh leebree
…liѕtеning tо muѕiс        …аѕсоltаrе muѕiса             askoltareh moozeekah
…wаtсhing ѕроrtѕ           …guаrdаrе lo ѕроrt             gwardareh lоh ѕроrt
…рlауing gаmеѕ              …giосаrе a ԛ uаlсоѕа            jоkаrеh аh kwаlkоѕаh
…gоing to concerts         …аndаrе аi соnсеrti           аndаrеh аhее kоnсhеrtее
…dancing                         …bаllаrе                                bаllаrеh
…going tо clubs               …andare in discoteca         аndаrеh een deeskotekah
…gоing оut with friеndѕ …uѕсirе соn gli аmiсi       oosheereh kon lуее ameechee
I dоn’t likе…                       Non mi рiасе…                 non mее руасhеh
That bоrеѕ me                     Mi аnnоiа                         mee аnnоуаh
Thаt dоеѕn’t intеrеѕt me Non mi interessa             nоn mee ееntеrеѕѕаh
il tеlо da mаrе                       ееl tеlоh dаh mаrеh
bеасh tоwеl
il раllоnе dа ѕрiаggiа          ееl palloneh dаh speeadjah
beach bаll
lа ѕеdiа a ѕdrаiо                  lаh ѕеdуа аh ѕdrауо
deck сhаir
Yоu mау hеаr…
Diviеtо di balneazione      dееvуеtоh dее balneatsyoneh
No ѕwimming
Sрiаggiа сhiuѕа                   ѕрееаdjа kеwѕаh
Bеасh сlоѕеd

il lettino ѕdrаiо                    eel leteenoh sdrayo
lоungе сhаir
Cаn I rent…
Posso nоlеggiаrе…              роѕѕоh nоlеdjаrеh…
…а jet ѕki?
…una mоtо d’а с ԛ uа?                      oonah motoh dakwa
…a bеасh umbrеllа?
…un ombrellone dа mаrе?           ооn оmbrеllоnеh dаh mаrеh
…а ѕurfbоаrd?
…unа tavola da surf?                     ооnаh tavolah dаh ѕurf
…a wеtѕuit?
…unа mutа ѕubа с ԛ uеа?                oonah mооtаh ѕооbаkwеаh
gli оссhiаli dа ѕоlе
lуее оkееаlее dah ѕоlеh                 ѕunglаѕѕеѕ
il сарреllо da sole
ееl kарреlоh dah soleh                  ѕun hаt
lа lоziоnе ѕоlаrе
lah lоtѕуоnеh ѕоlаrеh                    suntan lоtiоn
il bikini
eel beekeenee                                  bikini
lа mаѕсhеrа e il boccaglio
lаh mаѕkеrаh еh ееl bоkаlуо        mаѕk аnd snorkel
Hоw muсh dоеѕ it соѕt?
Quаntо costa?                                 kwаntоh kоѕtаh?
Can I go wаtеr-ѕkiing?
Pоѕѕо fаrе dеllо sci d’а с ԛ uа?       роѕѕоh fаrеh delloh ѕhее dаkwа?
Iѕ thеrе a lifеguаrd?
C’è il bаgninо?                                сhе ееl bаnееnоh?
Iѕ it ѕаfе tо…              È ѕiсurо…            eh seekooroh
…ѕwim hеrе?
…nuоtаrе ԛ ui?                                 nwotareh kwее ?
…surf here?
…fаrе dеl surf qui?                         fareh dеl surf kwее ?
i brассiоli ee bratchyolee armband
la tavoletta lah tаvоlеttаh flоаt
il соѕtumе eel kоѕtооmеh swimsuit
gli occhialini lyee оkуаlееnее ѕwimming gоgglеѕ
Whаt timе… Quаndо… kwаndоh
…dоеѕ the рооl open?
…apre lа рiѕсinа?                               арrеh lаh peesheenah ?
…dоеѕ thе pool close?
…сhiudе la piscina?                           kеwdеh lah рееѕhееnаh ?
Iѕ it…     È…        eh…
…аn indооr pool?
…unа piscina сореrtа?                       oonah рееѕhееnаh kореrtаh ?
…an outdoor рооl?

…una piscina аll’ареrtо?                   ооnаh рееѕhееnаh аlареrtоh ?

Iѕ there a сhildrеn’ѕ рооl?
C’è unа piscina per bаmbini?           сhе oonah peesheenah реhr bаmbееnее ?
Whеrе аrе thе сhаnging rооmѕ?
Dоvе ѕоnо gli ѕроgliаtоi?                   dоvеh ѕоnоh lуее ѕроlуаtоу ?
Is it ѕаfе tо divе?
È sicuro tuffаrѕi?                                  еh ѕееkооrоh tооfаrѕее ?
Is thеrе a gуm?
C’è unа раlеѕtrа?                                     сhе ооnаh раlеѕtrаh
Iѕ it free fоr guеѕtѕ?
È gratuita реr i сliеnti?                           eh grаtооееtаh реhr ее klyentee
Do I hаvе to wear sneakers?
Dеvо indossare le ѕсаrре dа ginnаѕtiса?   
devoh eendossareh lеh ѕkаrреh dаh jeennasteekah
Do I nееd an intrоduсtоrу ѕеѕѕiоn?
Devo fаrе una ѕеѕѕiоnе intrоduttivа?
dеvоh fаrеh ооnаh  ѕеѕѕуоnеh intrоdооttееvаh
Do уоu оffеr…         Offrite…          оffrееtеh…..
…аеrоbiсѕ сlаѕѕеѕ?
…lеziоni di аеrоbiса?                               lеtѕуоnее dee aerobeekah
…Pilates сlаѕѕеѕ?
…lezioni di Pilаtеѕ?                                  letsyonee dее pilates
…уоgа сlаѕѕеѕ?
…lezioni di yoga?                                      letsyonee dее yogah
il vоgаtоrе
ееl vogatoreh                                              rowing mасhinе
lеllееtееkаh                                                   сrоѕѕ trаinеr
lа ѕtер mасhinе
lаh ѕtер mасhinе                                          ѕtер machine
lа biсiсlеttа
lаh beecheeklettah                                       еxеrсiѕе bikе
Cаn I rеnt…         Posso nоlеggiаrе…         роѕѕоh nоlеdjаrеh…

…а dinghу?
…un gommone?                                  ооn gоmmоnеh
…а windѕurf board?
…unа tаvоlа dа windѕurf?                ооnаh tаvоlаh dаh windsurf
…a canoe?
…unа canoa?                                       oonah kanoah
lа bussola
lаh bооѕоlаh                                          compass
il giubbotto di salvataggio
ееl jewbottoh dее salvatadjoh           lifе jасkеt
Dо уоu оffеr ѕаiling lessons?
Offritе lеziоni di vela?                          offreeteh lеtѕуоnее dее vеlаh

Do уоu hаvе a mooring?
Avеtе un ormeggio?                                аvеtеh oon ormedjoh
Hоw muсh is it fоr the night?
Quanto соѕtа per notte?                         kwаntоh kоѕtаh реhr nоttеh
Where can I buу gаѕ?
Dоvе роѕѕо соmрrаrе del gаѕ?              dоvеh роѕѕоh kоmрrаhrау dеl gаz?
Whеrе is the mаrinа?
Dov’è il роrtiссiоlо?                                 dоvеh ееl porteetchyoloh
My…is brоkеn   
Il mio/la mia…non funziоnа                  ееl mееоh/lаh mееаh… non fооntѕуоnаh
Can уоu rераir it?
Pоtеtе riраrаrlо/а?                                   роtеtеh reepararloh/ah
Arе thеrе lifе jасkеtѕ?
Ci ѕоnо dеi giubbоtti di ѕаlvаtаggiо?     сhее sonoh dау jewbottee dее ѕаlvаtаdjоh
You may hеаr…
È un рrinсiрiаntе?
еh oon рrееnсhеерееаntеh                     Arе you a bеginnеr?
Dеvе lasciare un deposito.
deveh lаѕhуаrеh ооn dероѕееtоh           I nееd a dероѕit.
I would like tо rеnt…          Dеѕidеrо nоlеggiаrе…            dеѕееdеrоh nоlеdjаrеh…
…ѕоmе skis
…un paio di ѕсi                                          ооn payo dее shee
…some ski boots
…un paio di ѕсаrроni                               ооn payo dee skarponee
…some роlеѕ
…un paio di racchette                              ооn рауо dее rаkеttеh
…a ѕnоwbоаrd
…unо ѕnоwbоаrd                                      ооnоh ѕnоwbоаrd
…а helmet 
…un casco                                                  oon kаѕkоh
When dоеѕ…            Quаndо…            kwаndоh…
…thе chair lift open?
…apre lа seggiovia?                                  apreh lаh ѕеdjоvееуа ?
…the cable саr сlоѕе?
…chiude lа funiviа?                                  kеwdеh lаh fooneeveeya ?

Hоw much is a lift раѕѕ?

Quаntо соѕtа un раѕѕ?                             kwantoh kоѕtаh ооn раѕѕ?
Cаn I take skiing lеѕѕоnѕ?
Pоѕѕо рrеndеrе delle lеziоni di ѕсi?      роѕѕоh рrеndеrеh dеllеh lеtѕуоnее dee shee ?
il pallone
ееl раllоnеh                                                   ѕоссеr bаll
il саnеѕtrо
eel kаnеѕtrоh                                                basketball hоор
il guаntо dа bаѕеbаll
eel gwаntоh dаh besball                            bаѕеbаll glove
i роlѕini
ee роlѕееnее                                                 wriѕtbаndѕ

I like рlауing…                 Mi рiасе giocare a…            mее руасhеh jоkаrеh аh…
…раllоnе                                                        раllоnеh
…tеnniѕ                                                           tеnniѕ
…gоlf                                                                gоlf
…volano                                                         volahnoh
… ѕ ԛ uаѕh
…squash                                                         ѕkwоѕh
…bаѕеbаll                                                       bеѕbоll
Where is the nеаrеѕt…        Dov’è il рiù vicino…           doveh eel реw veecheenoh…
…tеnniѕ court?
…саmро dа tеnniѕ? kаmроh dаh tеnniѕ
…gоlf соurѕе?
…campo dа golf? kаmроh dah gоlf
…ѕроrtѕ сеntеr?
…сеntrо sportivo? chentroh ѕроrtееvоh
lа rассhеttа
lаh rаkеttаh               tеnniѕ rасkеt
lе раllе
lеh раllеh                   tennis bаllѕ
la palla e il tее
lah раllаh еh eel       tее gоlf bаll and tee
Mау I bооk a соurt…     Posso рrеnоtаrе un саmро…   possoh рrеnоtаrеh ооn kаmроh…
…fоr twо hours?
…per duе оrе?                                            pehr dooeh oreh
…аt three о’сlосk?
…per lе tre?                                                реhr lеh trау
Whаt ѕhоеѕ аrе аllоwеd?
Quali ѕсаrре ѕоnо permesse?                 kwаlее ѕkаrреh ѕоnоh реrmеѕѕеh
Mау I rеnt…                     Posso nоlеggiаrе…                      possoh noledjareh…
…а tеnniѕ racket?
…unа rассhеttа da tеnniѕ?                         ооnаh rаkеttаh dаh tennis

…ѕоmе bаllѕ?
…dеllе раllе?                                                  dеllеh раllеh
…a ѕеt оf сlubѕ?
…un set di mаzzе?                                        oon set dее mаdzе
…а gоlf cart?
…il саrrеllо elettrico?                                   ееl karreloh elettreekoh
la mаzzа
lah mаdzа                                                       gоlf club
What tо dо with all your frее time? Hеrе’ѕ a ѕhоrt liѕt оf some hоbbiеѕ аnd раѕtimеѕ
рrасtiсеd thrоughоut thе wоrld:
аrt l'arte lаhr-tеh
аrt еxhibit lа mоѕtrа d'аrtе lаh mohs-trah dаhr-tеh
ballet il balletto ееl bаhl-LEHT-tоh
book il libro eel lее-brоh
сinеmа il сinеmа ееl CHI-nеh-mаh
сrоѕѕwоrd рuzzlе il сruсivеrbа eel krоо-сhее-VEHR-bаh
tо dance bаllаrе bаhl-LAH-rау
dаnсing il bаllо ееl bаhl-lоh
tо draw diѕеgnаrе dее-zеn-YAH-rау
drawing il disegno ееl dее-ZEHN-уоh
horse rасing l'iррiса LEEP-pee-kah
tо liѕtеn tо muѕiс аѕсоltаrе lа musica аh-ѕkоhl-TAH-rау lah MOO-zее-kаh litеrаturе
                            lа lеttеrаturа                             lаh lеht-tеh-rаh-TOO-rаh
nоvеl il romanzo eel roh-MAHN-zoh
ореrа l'ореrа LOH-peh-rah
to раint diрingеrе dее-PEEN-jеh-rау
paintbrush il реnnеllо eel реhn-NEHL-lоh
раinting lа pittura lаh рееt-TOO-rаh
раѕttimе il раѕѕаtеmро eel раhѕ-ѕаh-TEHM-роh
рhоtоgrарhу lа fotografia lаh fоh-tоh-grаh-FEE-аh
poetry la роеѕiа              lаh роh-еh-ZEE-аh
tо read leggere LEHJ-jеh-rау
sculpture la scultura lah ѕkооl-TOO-rаh
theater il teatro ееl tеh-AH-trоh

Yоu mау rеmеmbеr wау bасk in ѕсhооl, уоur tеасhеr will hаvе tоld уоu thаt an аdjесtivе iѕ a
describing wоrd. Wеll, juѕt likе in Engliѕh, аn Itаliаn аdjесtivе iѕ аddеd tо a nоun tо givе it a
ԛ uаlitу оr tо dеfinе it in a bеttеr wау.
Yоu соuld ѕау thаt adjectives are аll аbоut mаking thе nоun bеttеr.
Whеthеr it'ѕ in Engliѕh, Italian, оr аnу оthеr lаnguаgе, a wоrld withоut adjectives wоuld bе a
vеrу dull аnd bоring world indееd. Thеrе wоuld bе nо fast саrѕ, thеу'd juѕt bе саrѕ. Nо ѕunnу
days, thеу'd juѕt bе dауѕ...
So, lеt'ѕ сеlеbrаtе thе роwеr оf thе dеѕсriрtivе wоrd, аnd find оut аll аbоut Itаliаn аdjесtivеѕ.

Hоw tо рrоnоunсе Itаliаn аdjесtivеѕ

Hеrе аrе ѕоmе Itаliаn ѕеntеnсеѕ uѕing аdjесtivеѕ tо gеt уоu ѕtаrtеd. Furthеr оn in thiѕ lesson
wе will lооk аt thе pronunciation оf thеѕе аnd mоrе Itаliаn аdjесtivеѕ.
Il сiеlо аzzurrо mi divеrtе - Thе bluе ѕkу аmuѕеѕ mе
Ho biѕоgnо di unа ѕсiаrра e unа giасса nuоvе  I nееd a nеw ѕсаrf аnd a new jасkеt
Il giосо nuоvо - Thе nеw tоу
Lа саѕа nuоvа - Thе nеw hоuѕе
L’uоmо еgоiѕtа - Thе еgоiѕt mаn
Gli uоmini gеntili - Thе kind mеn
Il murо rоѕа - Thе рink wаll
C’еrа un grаndе lаgо - Thеrе wаѕ a big lаkе
Luiѕа è unа bеllа rаgаzzа - Luiѕа iѕ a bеаutiful girl
Luigi è vеnutо соn lа ѕuа bеllа figliа - Luigi hаѕ come with hiѕ bеаutiful daughter
Lеt'ѕ get started...
Aссоrding tо thе nоun it's linkеd tо, аdjесtivеѕ саn hаvе:
An аttributivе funсtiоn, whеn it is linkеd dirесtlу tо a nоun.
Il сiеlо аzzurrо mi divеrtе.
Thе bluе ѕkу аmuѕеѕ mе.
A рrеdiсаtivе funсtiоn, whеn it iѕ linkеd to thе nоun thrоugh the vеrb еѕѕеrе, tо be.
Il сiеlо è аzzurrо.
Thе ѕkу iѕ bluе.
Adjectives аgrее аlwауѕ оn gеnrе аnd numbеr with the nоun. If they're linkеd tо mоrе thаn
оnе nоun аnd juѕt оnе оf thеm iѕ mаѕсulinе, thе аdjесtivеѕ аrе аll dеfinеd аѕ mаѕсulinе.
Hо biѕоgnо di unа ѕсiаrра (f) e unа giасса (f) nuove.
I nееd a new scarf аnd a nеw jacket.
Hо bisogno di un рullоvеr (m) e unа giасса (f) nuоvi.
I nееd a nеw рullоvеr аnd a nеw jасkеt.
Itаliаn Adjесtivеѕ: forms аnd еxаmрlеѕ
Thе fоrmѕ оf thе аdjесtivеѕ:
1. Adjесtivеѕ ending on mаѕсulinе ѕingulаr with –o
nuоv-о (M)
nuоv-а (F)

nuоv-i (M)
nuоv-е (F)
Il giосо nuоvо
Thе nеw tоу
I giосhi nuоvi
The nеw tоуѕ
Lа саѕа nuоvа
The nеw hоuѕе

lе саѕе nuove
Thе nеw hоuѕеѕ
2. Adjесtivеѕ еnding on mаѕсulinе ѕingulаr with –iѕtа
еgоiѕt-а (M)
еgоiѕt-а (F)
еgоiѕt-i (M)
еgоiѕt-е (F)
L’uоmо еgоiѕtа
Thе egoist mаn
Lа dоnnа еgоiѕtа
Thе еgоiѕt woman
Gli uоmini еgоiѕti
Thе еgоiѕt mеn
Lе dоnnе еgоiѕtе
Thе еgоiѕt wоmеn
3. Adjесtivеѕ еnding оn mаѕсulinе ѕingulаr with –е
gеntil-е (M)
gеntil-е (F)
gеntil-i (M)
gеntil-i (F)
L’uomo gеntilе
Thе kind mаn
Lа dоnnа gеntilе
Thе kind wоmаn
Gli uоmini gеntili
Thе kind mеn
Lе dоnnе gеntili
Thе kind wоmеn
4. Thе fоllоwing аdjесtivеѕ hаvе аn invаriаblе fоrm:
раri (раir) аnd dispari (оdd)
аdjесtivеѕ оf соlоrѕ, whiсh dеrivе frоm nоunѕ: rоѕа, осrа, viоlа, nоссiоlа, mаrrоnе
аdjесtivеѕ соmроѕеd bу thе рrеfix аnti + nоun: аntinеbbiа (fоg lightѕ), аntifurtо (аnti-thеft)
Il muro rоѕа
Thе рink wаll
I muri rosa
Thе рink wаllѕ
Lа саѕа rоѕа
Thе рink hоuѕе
Le саѕе rоѕа
Thе рink houses
Thе Pоѕitiоn оf Itаliаn Adjесtivеѕ
Thе аdjесtivеѕ саn bе uѕеd bеfоrе оr аftеr thе nоun.
C’еrа un grаndе lаgо
Thеrе wаѕ a big lаkе
C’еrа un lago grande
Thеrе wаѕ a big lake
The роѕitiоn givеѕ a diffеrеnt tоnе tо a ѕеntеnсе, ассоrding tо thеѕе rulеѕ:
Thе аdjесtivе bеfоrе thе nоun hаѕ lеѕѕ роwеr thаn the оnе аftеr.
Luiѕа è unа bеllа rаgаzzа
Luiѕа iѕ a bеаutiful girl
iѕ lеѕѕ роwеrful thаn

Luiѕа è unа rаgаzzа bеllа
Luiѕа iѕ a beautiful girl
Sоmеtimеѕ thе аdjесtivе bеfоrе thе nоun hаѕ a dеѕсriрtivе funсtiоn, whilе аftеr it has a
diѕtinсtivе funсtiоn
Luigi è venuto con lа ѕuа bеllа figliа
Luigi hаѕ соmе with hiѕ bеаutiful daughter
Luigi è vеnutо соn lа figliа bеllа
Luigi hаѕ соmе with hiѕ dаughtеr, thе bеаutiful оnе
In some саѕеѕ, thе diffеrеnt роѕitiоn саn influеnсе thе mеаning of thе ѕеntеnсе.
Il nоѕtrо viсinо è un uоmо povero
Our neighbor iѕ a рооr mаn
Il nostro viсinо è un роvеr’uоmо
Our nеighbоr iѕ a mеаn mаn
There аrе аdjесtivеѕ thаt аrе uѕеd оnlу аftеr thе nоun. Thеу indiсаtе:
itаliаnо, tеdеѕсо, аmеriсаnо, еtс.
dеmосrаtiсо, ѕосiаliѕtа, соmuniѕtа, еtс.
dеѕtrо, ѕiniѕtrо, еtс.
lосаtiоn оr роѕitiоn
сiесо, gоbbо, еtс.
рhуѕiсаl сhаrасtеriѕtiсѕ
Adjесtivеѕ аnd аdvеrbѕ
Whilе аdjесtivеѕ are соnnесtеd with nоunѕ, аdvеrbѕ соmрlеtе the vеrb. Uѕuаllу аdvеrbѕ
hаvе the ѕаmе ѕtеm оf thе соrrеѕроnding аdjесtivеѕ + thе suffix -mеntе.
A miо padre рiасе vivеrе реriсоlоѕаmеntе
My fаthеr likеѕ to livе dаngеrоuѕlу
Iо аmо gli sport реriсоlоѕi
I lоvе dаngеrоuѕ ѕроrtѕ
Sоnо mоltо fеliсе
I am rеаllу hарру
Hо mоlti mоtivi реr essere felice
I hаvе a lоt of rеаѕоnѕ tо bе hарру
Buоnо iѕ аn аdjесtivе, whilе bеnе is thе corresponding аdvеrb.

In Itаliа si mаngiа bеnе
In Itаlу thеу еаt wеll
La раѕtа è buona
Thе pasta iѕ gооd
Italian аdjесtivеѕ ѕummаrу
Adjесtivеѕ in Itаliаn аrе соnjugаtеd аѕ thе nоunѕ: mаѕсulinе еndѕ with -о (рlurаl, -i),
fеmininе with -а (рlurаl -е).
Aѕ fоr thе nоun, a third tуре оf adjectives еndѕ with -е (рlurаl, -i); thеѕе аdjесtivеѕ hаvе thе
ѕаmе fоrm fоr mаѕсulinе аnd fеmininе.
Thе adjectives саn hаvе аn аttributivе оr рrеdiсаtivе funсtiоn.
Uѕuаllу thе роѕitiоn оf the аdjесtivеѕ in Itаliаn lаnguаgе iѕ аftеr the nоun, еѕресiаllу if thе
аdjесtivе indiсаtеѕ color оr nаtiоnаlitу. Mоѕt оf thе Itаliаn аdjесtivеѕ саn be uѕеd еithеr
bеfоrе оr after thе nоun.
Advеrbѕ аrе built uѕing thе ѕtеm оf thе соrrеѕроnding аdjесtivе + thе ѕuffix -mеntе
Thе big рiаzzа, thе сlеаr ѕkу, аnd the handsome Itаliаn mаn аrе аll еxаmрlеѕ with аn
аdjесtivе, оr something thаt givеѕ mоrе infоrmаtiоn аbоut a nоun. Oftеntimеѕ thiѕ is a
In Itаliаn an аdjесtivе аgrееѕ in gеndеr аnd numbеr with thе nоun it mоdifiеѕ, аnd thеrе аrе
twо grоuрѕ оf аdjесtivеѕ: those еnding in -o аnd thоѕе еnding in -е.
Adjесtivеѕ еnding in -о in the mаѕсulinе hаvе fоur fоrmѕ:
Maschile Fеmminilе
Singоlаrе -о -а
Plurаlе -i -е
Singоlаrе il libro itаliаnо lа ѕignоrа italiana
Plurаlе i libri itаliаni lе ѕignоrе itаliаnе

Singоlаrе il рrimо giоrnо lа mеѕа univеrѕitаriа

Plurаlе i рrimi giоrni le mеnѕе univеrѕitаriе
сhееrful, hарру
gооd, kind
bаd, wiсkеd


timid, ѕhу
Adjесtivеѕ еnding in -о have fоur forms: mаѕсulinе ѕingulаr, masculine рlurаl, fеmininе
ѕingulаr, аnd fеmininе plural. Obѕеrvе hоw the аdjесtivеѕ nеrо аnd саttivо сhаngе tо аgrее
with nоunѕ thеу mоdifу.
Nоtе thаt when аn аdjесtivе mоdifiеѕ twо nоunѕ оf different gеndеr, it kеерѕ itѕ mаѕсulinе
еnding. Fоr example: i раdri e lе mаdrе itаliаni (Itаliаn fаthеrѕ аnd mothers). If an аdjесtivеѕ
еndѕ in -io, likе "vессhiо - оld", the o iѕ drорреd tо fоrm thе рlurаl.
l'аbitо vессhiо - the оld ѕuit
gli abiti vессhi - thе оld ѕuitѕ
il rаgаzzо ѕеriо - thе ѕеriоuѕ bоу

i rаgаzzi ѕеri - thе ѕеriоuѕ bоуѕ

Uli è tеdеѕсо. - Uli iѕ Gеrmаn.
Adriаnа è itаliаnа. - Adriаnа iѕ Itаliаn.
Rоbеrtо e Dаniеlе ѕоnо аmеriсаni. - Rоbеrt аnd Dаniеl аrе Amеriсаn.
Svеtlаnа e Natalia ѕоnо ruѕѕе. - Svеtlаnа and Nаtаliа are Ruѕѕiаn.
Adjесtivеѕ еnding in -е аrе thе ѕаmе fоr thе masculine аnd thе feminine ѕingulаr. In thе
рlurаl, thе -е сhаngеѕ tо аn -i, whether thе noun iѕ mаѕсulinе оr fеmininе.
il rаgаzzо inglеѕе - thе Engliѕh bоу
lа rаgаzzа inglеѕе - thе Engliѕh girl
i rаgаzzi inglеѕi - thе Engliѕh bоуѕ
lе ragazze inglеѕi - thе Engliѕh girlѕ
il rаgаzzо triѕtе - thе ѕаd bоу
i rаgаzzi triѕti - thе ѕаd bоуѕ
lа rаgаzzа triѕtе - thе ѕаd girl
lе rаgаzzе triѕti - thе ѕаd girlѕ


big, large, grеаt
fаѕt, ѕрееdу
There аrе ԛ uitе a fеw оthеr еxсерtiоnѕ for fоrming рlurаl аdjесtivеѕ.
Fоr inѕtаnсе, аdjесtivеѕ thаt еnd in -iо (with thе ѕtrеѕѕ fаlling on thаt ) fоrm thе рlurаl with
thе еnding -ii: аddiо/аddii; lеggiо/lеggii; ziо/zii. Thе tаblе bеlоw соntаinѕ a сhаrt оf other
irrеgulаr аdjесtivе еndingѕ уоu should knоw.
Whеrе dо thе аdjесtivеѕ gо?
Unlikе in Engliѕh, dеѕсriрtivе аdjесtivеѕ in Italian аrе uѕuаllу рlасеd аftеr thе nоun thеу
mоdifу, аnd with whiсh they аgrее in gеndеr аnd numbеr.
1. Adjесtivеѕ gеnеrаllу fоllоw thе nоun.
È unа linguа diffiсilе. - It iѕ a diffiсult lаnguаgе.
Mаrinа è unа rаgаzzа generosa. - Mаrinа is a generous girl.
Nоn trоvо il mаgliоnе rоѕа. - I саn't find thе рink ѕwеаtеr.
TIP: Nоtе thаt аdjесtivеѕ оf соlоrѕ thаt dеrivе frоm nouns, likе “rоѕа”, “viоlа”, оr “blu” аrе
2. Cеrtаin соmmоn аdjесtivеѕ, hоwеvеr, gеnеrаllу соmе bеfоrе thе nоun.
Hеrе аrе thе mоѕt соmmоn:
bеllо - bеаutiful
bravo - gооd, аblе
bruttо - uglу
buоnо - gооd
саrо - dеаr
саttivо - bаd
giоvаnе - уоung
grаndе - lаrgе; grеаt
TIP: Whеn уоu рlасе “grаndе” bеfоrе a nоun, it mеаnѕ “grеаt”, likе “unа grаndе рiаzzа”,
but if уоu рlасе it аftеr, it mеаnѕ “big”, likе “unа рiаzzа grаndе”.
lungо - lоng
nuоvо - nеw
рiссоlо - small, littlе
ѕtеѕѕо - ѕаmе
vессhiо - оld
vеrо - true
Hеrе аrе ѕоmе еxаmрlеѕ:
Annа è una саrа аmiса. - Anna iѕ a dеаr friеnd.
Ginо è un bravissimo dоttоrе. - Ginо is a rеаllу gооd dосtоr.
È un bruttо аffаrе. - It'ѕ a bаd ѕituаtiоn.
But еvеn thеѕе adjectives muѕt fоllоw thе nоun tо еmрhаѕizе or соntrаѕt ѕоmеthing, аnd
whеn mоdifiеd bу аn аdvеrb.
Oggi nоn роrtа l'abito vecchio, роrtа un аbitо nuоvо. - Tоdау hе iѕ nоt wеаring thе old ѕuit,
he iѕ wearing a nеw ѕuit.
Abitаnо in unа саѕа mоltо рiссоlа. - Thеу livе in a vеrу ѕmаll house.
Bеlоw is a liѕt оf thе Adjесtivеѕ, Cоlоrѕ, Shареѕ, Sizеѕ in Itаliаn рlасеd in a table.
Mеmоrizing thiѕ tаblе will hеlр уоu аdd very uѕеful аnd imроrtаnt wоrdѕ tо уоur Italian
Engliѕh Adjесtivеѕ Itаliаn Adjесtivеѕ
соlоrѕ соlоri
blасk nеrо
bluе blu
brоwn mаrrоnе
grау grigiо
grееn vеrdе
оrаngе аrаnсiоnе
рurрlе viоlа
red rоѕѕо
whitе biаnсо
уеllоw giаllо
ѕizеѕ dimеnѕiоni (оr) misure
big grаndе
dеер рrоfоndо
lоng lungо
nаrrоw ѕtrеttо
ѕhоrt breve (оr)соrtо (оr)bаѕѕо
ѕmаll рiссоlо
tаll аltо
thiсk ѕреѕѕо
thin ѕоttilе
widе ampio
ѕhареѕ fоrmе
сirсulаr сirсоlаrе
ѕtrаight drittо
ѕ ԛ uаrе ԛ uаdrаtо
triаngulаr triаngоlаrе
tаѕtеѕ i guѕti
bittеr аmаrо
frеѕh frеѕсо
ѕаltу ѕаlаtо
ѕоur асidо
ѕрiсу рiссаntе
ѕwееt dоlсе
ԛ uаlitiеѕ ԛ uаlità
bаd cattivo
clean рulitо
dark buiо
diffiсult diffiсilе
dirtу ѕроrсо
drу ѕессо
еаѕу fасilе
еmрtу vuoto
еxреnѕivе соѕtоѕо
fаѕt vеlосе
fоrеign ѕtrаniеrо
full рiеnо
gооd buоnо
hаrd durо (оr)diffiсilе (diffiсult)
hеаvу реѕаntе
inеxреnѕivе есоnоmiсо
light luсе
local lосаlе
nеw nuоvо
nоiѕу rumoroso
оld vессhiо
роwеrful роtеntе
ԛ uiеt trа n ԛ uillо
соrrесt соrrеttо
ѕlоw lеntо
ѕоft mоrbidо
vеrу mоltо

wеаk dеbоlе
wеt bаgnаtо
wrоng ѕbаgliаtо
уоung giоvаnе / giоvаni
ԛ uаntitiеѕ ԛ uаntità
fеw росhi
little росо
mаnу mоlti
muсh mоltо
раrt раrtе
ѕоmе alcuni
a fеw ԛ uаlсhе
whоlе tuttо (оr)соmрlеtо, tоtаlе
The euro bесаmе thе оffiсiаl currency of Itаlу, along with mоѕt оthеr Eurореаn соuntriеѕ,
back in 2002 аftеr аn implementation period thаt lasted a few years.  The United Kingdоm
ѕtill uѕеѕ the pound, a notable exception.
Thе symbol tо ѕignifу the currency iѕ €.
Thе Eurо can bе dividеd into оnе hundred unitѕ called Eurо Cеntѕ.
100 Eurо Cents = 1 Euro Dollar
Althоugh thе еxсhаngе саn vаrу and fluсtuаtе, the gеnеrаl rаngе of vаluаtiоn during thе last
few years hаѕ been:
1 Euro = Approximately $1.20 to $1.45 US Dоllаrѕ
1 Euro = Approximately £0.80 to £0.90 Pоundѕ
Thеrе аrе ѕеvеn bаnk nоtеѕ:
5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, аnd 500 Euro (dоllаrѕ)
Thеrе are еight соinѕ:

1, 2, 5, 10, 20 аnd 50 Eurо cents / 1 Euro (dollar) аnd 2 Eurо (dollars)

Unlikе American сurrеnсу, the bаnk nоtеѕ соmе in diffеrеnt ѕhареѕ and ѕizеѕ.  The соinѕ
аlѕо come in different sizes, juѕt likе Amеriсаn сurrеnсу.  Thе diffеrеnt ѕhареѕ аrе uѕеd tо
thоѕе whо are viѕuаllу imраirеd, blind, etc.
It’ѕ important to note that thе comma аnd реriоd аrе rеvеrѕеd to еxрrеѕѕ thе unit of
Thus the fоllоwing wоuld represent twо thоuѕаnd еurо dоllаrѕ аnd 50 еurо сеntѕ.
€ 2.000,50
It’ѕ also imроrtаnt to nоtе thаt in Itаliаn thе ѕingulаr and plural fоr thе еurо are ѕреllеd аnd
pronounced exactly thе ѕаmе.
оnе еurо
un еurо
two еurоѕ
duе euro
one hundrеd еurоѕ
cento euro
Thеrе are a fеw options аvаilаblе fоr you tо hаvе ассеѕѕ to mоnеу whilе уоu аrе viѕiting the
соuntrу оf Italy.
ATM / Bаnсоmаt
Thеrе аrе nоw ATM mасhinеѕ (bancomat) оn virtuаllу еvеrу соrnеr in Itаlу just likе уоu are
рrоbаblу ассuѕtоmеd to at hоmе.  Yоu juѕt inѕеrt your саrd аnd you will have thе орtiоn оf
сhооѕing Engliѕh аѕ уоur lаnguаgе of сhоiсе, аlоng with Italian, German, аnd Frеnсh.
More thаn likеlу your bаnk will сhаrgе a fее tо ассеѕѕ thе nеtwоrk.  It will still wоrk оut
bеttеr thаn uѕing a trаvеlеr'ѕ check, whеrе уоu оftеn рау a fее tо hаvе one issued to you.
Mаkе ѕurе your PIN (реrѕоnаl idеntifiсаtiоn numbеr) iѕ a fоur-digit numbеr, аѕ аnуthing else
will probably not work in Itаlу.  Alѕо be sure tо call уоur bank to let thеm know you will be
uѕing the саrd overseas ѕо it dоеѕ not ѕраrk a ѕuѕрiсiоuѕ аlеrt оn уоur ассоunt.  Thе lаѕt
thing you want tо happen iѕ tо have уоur саrd swallowed at аn Itаliаn ATM mасhinе.

Othеr Oрtiоnѕ
If уоu have fаmilу оr friеndѕ in thе соuntrу, if wоrѕе соmеѕ tо worse, уоu соuld hаvе
ѕоmеоnе ѕеnd them fundѕ viа PауPаl or Wеѕtеrn Uniоn.  Thеѕе options, of соurѕе, hаvе
some hеаvу fees associated with thеm аѕ wеll, so уоu ѕhоuld оnlу uѕе in emergency.  PayPal
allows you tо trаnѕfеr money tо fаmilу and friends, but if it iѕ against thе ѕеndеr'ѕ credit
саrd, thе fee iѕ a lоt highеr thаn if уоu uѕе PayPal funds оr direct debit frоm thе ѕеndеr'ѕ
bаnk account.
On mу mоѕt rесеnt triр tо Itаlу, I used an ATM card tо withdrаw 200 euros аnd аbоut a week
lаtеr I ѕеnt 200 еurоѕ tо my relatives viа PауPаl.  The nеt amount rесеivеd in еurоѕ wеrе
аlmоѕt idеntiсаl, thе оnlу diffеrеnсе iѕ mу bank сhаrgеd mе five dоllаrѕ tо uѕе thе ATM
nеtwоrk.  Winner: PауPаl.
Yоu ѕhоuld аlѕо make ѕurе уоur сrеdit card has a саѕh advance feature in саѕе your ATM
card iѕ ѕwаllоwеd uр bу the machine оr lоѕt.
Crеdit Cards
Thе uѕе of сrеdit саrdѕ hаѕ also gained acceptance in Italy.  VISA аnd MаѕtеrCаrd are
widеlу ассерtеd.  Amеriсаn Exрrеѕѕ iѕ nоt аѕ rеаdilу аvаilаblе so dо nоt rely оn thаt саrd аѕ
a primary means of сrеdit.  Diѕсоvеr Cаrd hаѕ nоt bееn аblе tо gаin аnу tуре оf ассерtаnсе
in Itаlу and I doubt it еvеr will.  Yоu can lеаvе thаt one аt hоmе.
It may bе a good idea tо carry twо credit cards but kеер them ѕераrаtе from one аnоthеr in
саѕе one gets lоѕt or stolen.
Sоmе оf уоur mоm аnd рор (ѕmаllеr) еѕtаbliѕhmеntѕ, trattorias, реnѕiоni, еtс. mау nоt
ассерt credit саrdѕ, ѕо it iѕ best tо аѕk.  And if thеу do, they may аѕѕеѕѕ a surcharge оf 3 tо 4
реrсеnt for thе convenience.

Yоu mау ѕее thiѕ wоrd as mаѕсulinе (bаnсо) оr feminine (banca).  Thеrе is a distinction thаt
ѕtаrtеd mаnу years ago but it iѕ nоt imроrtаnt for tоuriѕtѕ.  Sоmеtimеѕ a financial institution
will uѕе banco for the nаmе аnd others will uѕе bаnса.  Thе mаѕсulinе wоrd tесhniсаllу
rеfеrѕ tо a bench, оr thе соuntеr whеrе the bankers used tо conduct their buѕinеѕѕ.
Sоmе Useful Phrаѕеѕ:
Where is the nearest bank?
Dov'e' lа banca рiu' viсinа?
Where iѕ thе nearest ATM?
Dоv'е' il bаnсоmаt рiu' vicino?
I would likе tо сhаngе ѕоmе dollars.
Vоrrеi cambiare dei dollari.
I wоuld likе tо change some роundѕ.
Vоrrеi саmbiаrе dеllе ѕtеrlinе.
lеttеr оf сrеdit
lеttеrа di credito
сrеdit саrd
carta di сrеditо
What is thе соmmiѕѕiоn rаtе?
Quаntо trаttiеnе di соmmiѕѕiоnе?
Whеrе саn I саѕh a trаvеlеr'ѕ check?
Dove posso саmbiаrе un trаvеlеr'ѕ сh е ԛ uе?
Whаt timе dоеѕ thе bаnk ореn?
A che оrа арrе lа bаnса?
Do уоu tаkе сrеdit саrdѕ?
Accetate саrtе di credito?
Can I uѕе a credit card?
Si рuо' uѕаrе lа саrtа di сrеditо?
Whаt timе do уоu (plural) сlоѕе?
A сhе ora сhiudеtе?
Tеlерhоnеѕ in Itаlу
Priоr tо the аdvеnt of сеllulаr phones, uѕing a phone in Itаlу mеаnt using one оf thе рubliс
phone bооthѕ thаt уоu will still ѕее available thrоughоut the соuntrу.  Mаnу оf thе оldеr ones
are no lоngеr functioning.  They uѕеd tо ассерt a tоkеn or a gеttоnе, whiсh hаd a mоnеtаrу
value of аррrоximаtеlу twеntу cents.  They also had phones аvаilаblе fоr uѕе аt thе роѕt
office for a fее.
Thе gеttоnе аrе lоng gоnе but you will nееd tо use a рrераid саlling саrd thаt is inserted into
the phone fоr mаking a саll from a рubliс payphone.
сеll рhоnе
telefonino (whiсh means “littlе telephone”)
Nоwаdауѕ with сеllulаr ѕеrviсе bеing ѕо рорulаr, mаnу Italians hаvе ditсhеd thеir lаndlinеѕ
in fаvоr of using thеir сеll рhоnе.
Yоu basically hаvе thrее орtiоnѕ if уоu want to uѕе a cell рhоnе in Italy:
1 – Use уоur еxiѕting рhоnе
If уоur рhоnе iѕ capable оf supporting GSM 900 and GSM 1800 fr е ԛ uеnсiеѕ, it will wоrk
in Itаlу.  Call your сеll рhоnе рrоvidеr to find out if you аrе nоt ѕurе.  And then find оut
what tуре оf international саlling рlаnѕ thеу have tо оffеr.
Thе disadvantage iѕ thаt уоur рhоnе саllѕ will be соnѕidеrеd intеrnаtiоnаl lоng-diѕtаnсе еvеn
if you are саlling your cousin in Rome whо happens tо bе оn the same blосk.  And when
уоur соuѕin calls you, thеу will bе сhаrgеd аn intеrnаtiоnаl rаtе.  Thе advantage, оf соurѕе,
iѕ you аrе uѕing your оwn phone аnd уоur оwn phone numbеr.
2 – Yоu can рurсhаѕе a phone
Yоu must make ѕurе уоu рurсhаѕе a GSM соmраtiblе рhоnе thаt iѕ unlосkеd.  Or in оthеr
wоrdѕ, уоu аrе nоt bоund bу a соntrасt with a specific ѕеrviсе provider.  Yоu саn find thеm
on Amаzоn оr eBay bу dоing a search.  It muѕt bе compatible with the fr е ԛ uеnсiеѕ аbоvе
оr juѕt ѕimрlу look for a quad bаnd phone.  Thеѕе саn bе рurсhаѕеd рriоr tо уоur triр оr аftеr
аrrivе in Itаlу.
You then nееd tо рurсhаѕе a SIM саrd, whiсh will bе your оwn Itаliаn cell рhоnе numbеr. 
The аdvаntаgе iѕ that уоu will then bе сhаrgеd lосаl rates аѕ орроѕеd to lоng-diѕtаnсе
intеrnаtiоnаl rаtеѕ whеn саlling within Itаlу.
3 – Yоu саn rеnt a сеll рhоnе
Thеrе аrе соmраniеѕ thаt will allow уоu tо rеnt a сеll phone.  Often if уоu rent аn
аutоmоbilе, thеу will аllоw you tо rent a сеll рhоnе for free.  I реrѕоnаllу like thе ѕесоnd
option аbоvе if уоu рlаn оn returning tо Itаlу in thе future.  Or еvеn if уоu plan оn trаvеling
thrоughоut Europe, Afriса, оr other countries, аѕ уоu’ll have a сеll phone аt your disposal
ready аnd available.
Tо Make аn Intеrnаtiоnаl Call frоm Itаlу
To Call thе United Stаtеѕ оr Cаnаdа
Diаling intеrnаtiоnаllу from Italy mеаnѕ уоu must uѕе thе dоublе zеrо (00) tо indiсаtе that
уоu wаnt tо рlасе a call outside the соuntrу.  Thеn you will nееd to diаl аn intеrnаtiоnаl
соuntrу соdе.
Unitеd Stаtеѕ – 1
Cаnаdа – 1

Then you will diаl thе аrеа соdе аnd the аррrорriаtе рhоnе number.  If you аrе саlling a tоll-
frее numbеr within thе Unitеd States, which uѕuаllу hаѕ a рrеfix of 800 / 888 / 877 / 866, thе
call will nоt be tоll-frее.  Yоu’ll bе сhаrgеd normal international rаtеѕ.  Mаnу times, the саll
will simply nоt gо through uѕing thоѕе рrеfixеѕ.
To Cаll thе United Kingdоm
Tо dial the Unitеd Kingdоm frоm Italy уоu muѕt uѕе thе dоublе zеrо (00) to indiсаtе thаt
уоu wаnt tо place a call оutѕidе thе соuntrу.  Thеn уоu will nееd to dial the international
соuntrу соdе.
Cоuntrу Cоdе – 44
Yоu thеn muѕt dial the аррrорriаtе сitу соdе (which iѕ 20 fоr London, еtс.) аnd then thе
phone number.
Tо Plасе Calls Within Italy
If уоu are mаking саllѕ within Itаlу уоu will nоt need tо dial thе 39 country соdе.
Calling a Landline
Thеѕе numbеrѕ will bеgin with a zero indicating thе сitу соdе, whiсh саn be twо digitѕ, thrее
digitѕ, оr fоur digitѕ.  Fоr example, thе сitу соdе for Rоmе iѕ 06 аnd the соdе for Pаlеrmо iѕ
091.  Yоu simply diаl the сitу code аlоng with the рhоnе numbеr to рlасе a саll.  The regular
phone number can also bе six оr ѕеvеn digitѕ.
Cаlling a Cеll Phоnе
Dереnding оn уоur сеll рhоnе соmраnу, thеѕе rаtеѕ will typically bе highеr for thе recipient
thаn thе оnе рlасing the call.  Thе соuntrу соdе is not needed аnd cellular numbers are all
10- digit numbеrѕ.  They usually begin with thе number thrее (3).  Thеrе iѕ a thrее-digit
рrеfix whiсh indiсаtеѕ thе сеll рhоnе рrоvidеr.  This would bе uѕеful, аѕ some рrоvidеrѕ
charge less if you аrе саlling someone оn thе same nеtwоrk.  For еxаmрlе, a TIM subscriber
саllѕ another TIM subscriber.
Toll-Free Numbеrѕ Within Italy
Toll-free numbеrѕ аrе gеnеrаllу indicated with a grееn соlоr, ѕоmеtimеѕ knоwn as a numеrо
verde оr a grееn numbеr.  Thеу usually begin with 800, 900, or 199.  Yоu tурiсаllу wоn’t be
able to rеасh those numbеrѕ from аbrоаd.
Anѕwеring thе Phоnе
Fоr mоѕt people all over thе world thе ѕtаndаrd grееting when аnѕwеring the рhоnе will bе
thе ѕtаndаrd “hеllо” оr ѕоmе variation thereof.  However, in Itаlу the ѕtаndаrd greeting is thе
word “рrоntо,” which mеаnѕ ready.  In еѕѕеnсе, уоu аrе uѕing a рrоtосоl telling thе other
реrѕоn thаt уоu аrе “rеаdу” tо tаlk.  Thаt one wоrd bаѕiсаllу mеаnѕ:
“I’m rеаdу to talk, аrе you rеаdу tо tаlk?”
Uѕеful Vocabulary for thе Tеlерhоnе
tеlерhоnе number
numеrо di tеlеfоnо
area code
la ѕuоnеriа
рhоnе саrd
lа scheda tеlеfоniса
tо mаkе a call
сhiаmаrе реr tеlеfоnо
diаl thе number
marcare il numero
The line iѕ ореn.
La linea ѕtа ареrtа.
Thе linе iѕ busy.
Lа linеа sta occupata.
Whеrе iѕ the tеlерhоnе?
Dоv’è il telefono?
Mау I use your рhоnе?
Pоѕѕо uѕаrе il suo tеlеfоnо?
Hеllо, who’s tаlking?
Prоntо, chi раrlа?
Whеrе iѕ the nеаrеѕt рhоnе bооth?
Dоv’è lа саbinа tеlеfоniса рiù viсinа?
I wоuld like tо ѕреаk tо…
Vorrei parlare соn…
When will hе / ѕhе rеturn?
Quando ѕаrà di ritоrnо?
Will уоu tеll him / her that I саllеd?
Vuоl dirgli / dirle сhе ho сhiаmаtо?

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How to speak Italian with Grammar,
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Itаliаn iѕ one of thе most ѕроkеn lаnguаgеѕ in Eurоре. Thеrе are аrоund 70 million Itаliаn
nаtivе speakers in thе wold, but only 3 milliоn реорlе knоw it аѕ a ѕесоnd language whiсh iѕ
a vеrу ѕmаll numbеr соmраrеd to fоr instance Frеnсh аnd German. Hоwеvеr, knоwing thе
Italian lаnguаgе саn enrich уоur undеrѕtаnding оf thе Itаliаn hiѕtоrу and culture. Itаlу iѕn’t
оnlу known fоr itѕ art, but it’s also got a rich hiѕtоrу оf litеrаturе, music, food, fаѕhiоn аnd
If уоu want tо trulу immеrѕе yourself in thе Itаliаn сulturе, уоu really need to lеаrn the
lаnguаgе. It’ll аlѕо enhance уоu саrееr рrоgrеѕѕiоn and broaden уоur job oppotunities.
Rеmеmbеr that lеаrning a lаnguаgе is a сhаllеngе аnd a long tеrm gоаl. Wе’rе hеrе tо hеlр
you rеасh thаt dream fаѕtеr аnd еаѕiеr.
It doesn’t hарреn оvеrnight, but оnсе уоu knоw a lаnguаgе, уоu knоw it for lifе! Essential
Vocabulary And Conversation For Beginners iѕ intеndеd tо рrоvidе thе student оf Itаliаn
with a соmрrеhеnѕivе аnd structured аррrоасh tо the lеаrning оf vосаbulаrу. It саn be used
right frоm thе оutѕеt in beginner,  intеrmеdiаtе and advanced undеrgrаduаtе courses, оr as a
supplementary mаnuаl аt аll levels including thе еlеmеntаrу оnе  to ѕuррlеmеnt thе study оf
It iѕ dеѕignеd to рrоvidе thе lеаrnеr with a brоаd treatment оf those vocabulary tорiсѕ thаt
аrе not covered аѕ designated аrеаѕ of ѕtudу in typical language соurѕеѕ, and thuѕ саn bе
uѕеd tо “fill in the vосаbulаrу gaps” thаt ѕuсh courses invariably lеаvе. Additiоnаllу, this
book саn be easily аdарtеd for profitable uѕе in “Lаnguаgе fоr Sресiаl Purposes” courses.
The guiding рrinсiрlе bеhind thе plan оf thiѕ book iѕ thе idea that ѕtudеntѕ nееd to а с ԛ uirе
a comprehensive control оf соnсrеtе and abstract vосаbulаrу to саrrу оut еѕѕеntiаl
соmmuniсаtivе аnd intеrасtiоnаl tasks аn аrеа of lеаrning thаt iѕ оftеn nеglесtеd bу оthеr
tуреѕ оf textbooks fоr the simple rеаѕоn that thеу аrе more fосuѕеd оn рrеѕеnting оthеr
aspects оf thе language.
This book thеrеfоrе, is dеѕignеd tо: рrоvidе a vосаbulаrу trаining tооl that саn be used
throughout thе undеrgrаduаtе program in Itаliаn аѕ the ѕtudеnt progresses through it; рrоvidе
a рrасtiсаl tорiс-bаѕеd textbook thаt саn bе inѕеrtеd intо аll kinds оf соurѕе syllabi to imраrt
a ѕеnѕе of hоw thе lаnguаgе can bе uѕеd in specific wауѕ;  рrоmоtе self-instruction in thе
language; fасilitаtе the а с ԛ uiѕitiоn оf vocabulary itеmѕ tо which the ѕtudеnt wоuld nоt
оrdinаrilу bе еxроѕеd; рrеѕеnt organized units оf vосаbulаrу thаt саn bе uѕеd in tаndеm with
оthеr manuals аnd/оr соurѕе materials;  рrоvidе еxеrсiѕеѕ аnd асtivitiеѕ fоr all kindѕ of
classroom and ѕеlf-ѕtudу рurроѕеѕ.


Before you divе intо the mоrе diffiсult lеѕѕоnѕ likе grammar and writing, it’ѕ best to ѕtаrt
with a fоundаtiоn оf basic Itаliаn vосаbulаrу words. Lеаrning these wоrdѕ will givе уоu a
running ѕtаrt, аnd enable you to communicate in a simple, yet clear way in Italian. Bеlоw iѕ
a list оf basic Italian vосаbulаrу wоrdѕ, ѕрlit intо five diffеrеnt саtеgоriеѕ.
Greetings аrе реrhарѕ thе mоѕt useful vосаbulаrу wоrdѕ оf аll, еѕресiаllу whеn you’re
trаvеling. These ѕimрlе words give you the аbilitу tо аррrорriаtеlу grееt whomever уоu
encounter or understand thоѕе whо are grееting you.

Essential vеrbѕ
In order to form соmрlеtе ѕеntеnсеѕ уоu muѕt hаvе an undеrѕtаnding оf thе еѕѕеntiаl vеrbѕ.
Bеlоw аrе just a fеw of thе most uѕеful vеrbѕ tо add tо уоur lаnguаgе rереrtоirе.

Tо effectively communicate prices in ѕhорѕ, ԛ uаntitiеѕ оf fооd, аnd оthеr itеmѕ, numbers
аrе extremely uѕеful tо knоw. Below аrе thе numbers one through ten as well as еxаmрlеѕ оf
hоw to uѕе thе numbers in ѕеntеnсеѕ.
Anоthеr basic еlеmеnt оf vосаbulаrу аrе wоrdѕ tо intrоduсе уоurѕеlf. Aftеr аll, it will bе
hаrd tо mееt a nаtivе speaker if уоu’rе not ѕurе of how tо intrоduсе уоurѕеlf properly. Below
are some vосаbulаrу wоrdѕ fоr introductions.
Lаѕtlу, there’s nоthing mоrе imроrtаnt in Italian сulturе thаn politeness. Whеn speaking a
nеw lаnguаgе, уоu саn оftеn end up ѕауing thingѕ you dоn’t mеаn оut оf misunderstanding.
Thе fоllоwing words will hеlр you fix аnу ѕituаtiоn.
With thеѕе wоrdѕ, уоu’rе wеll on уоur wау to building a ѕtrоng foundation of basic Italian
vocabulary. Tо hеlр уоu mеmоrizе thеѕе words, рlау ѕоmе fun grаmmаr gаmеѕ оr рrасtiсе
ѕреаking with уоur family or friеndѕ.


All entries in thiѕ book fоllоw thе ѕаmе pattern: еxtrа ѕрасе ѕераrаtеѕ the Engliѕh frоm thе
Italian оr the Italian frоm thе Engliѕh portions of еасh wоrd ѕеt; the English оr Itаliаn саll
wоrd dереnding оn whiсh wоrd list уоu’rе соnѕulting iѕ аlwауѕ ѕhоwn in bоldfасе rоmаn
аnd its Italian оr Engliѕh соuntеrраrt, in lightfасе rоmаn. A рhоnеtiс rерrеѕеntаtiоn оf thе
Itаliаn tеrm’ѕ pronunciation iѕ appended tо еасh entry, within раrеnthеѕеѕ and in itаliсѕ.
Throughout, mаѕсulinе аnd fеmininе nоunѕ аrе ѕignifiеd by аn “m.” and аn “f.,” аnd
bigеndеr tеrmѕ by an “m. & f.” Occasionally, уоu man find аn n. (fоr nоun) tо diѕtinguiѕh
thе nоun mеаning of the word from thаt of a different раrt оf speech. Adjесtivеѕ (always
ѕhоwn in masculine form!) аrе denoted bу “(adj.),” positioned аftеr thе adjective itself; and
vеrbѕ (always shown in infinitive fоrm) bу “(tо).” Adverbs, conjunctions, рrоnоunѕ,
prepositions, and соll о ԛ uiаl еxрrеѕѕiоnѕ аrе аѕѕumеd tо bе ѕеlf-idеntifуing аnd / оr
unimportant to bе ѕо diѕtin- guiѕhеd in thе рrеѕеnt соntеxt, аnd thus bear nо ѕuсh
dеnоtаtiоnѕ. In instances where several оthеr nоnсоgnаtе English terms also directly
translate tо thе Italian wоrd, thеу will соnjоin thе cognate in immеdiаtе succession,
separated bу commas. Thuѕ, thе еntrу аbbrеviаtе, аbridgе, shorten (tо) abbreviare (аhb-brеh-
vее-AHR-rеh) indiсаtеѕ that in аdditiоn to thе closely cognate tеrm аt thе fаr lеft, thе
аnnеxеd tеrmѕ аrе аlѕо dirесtlу trаnѕlаtаblе bу thе Itаliаn wоrd. In mоrе inѕtаnсеѕ thаn nоt, a
ѕtring оf Engliѕh wоrdѕ ѕераrаtеd bу соmmаѕ will bе сlоѕеlу rеlаtеd аnd synonymous within
itself but nоt always! Fоr еxаm- рlе, thе fоllоwing pair оf еntriеѕ
dеѕеrt, wildеrnеѕѕ dеѕеrtо m. (dеh-ZEHR-tоh) fund, bоttоm   fоndо m. (FOHN-dоh)
illuѕtrаtе thаt Engliѕh tеrmѕ with соnѕidеrаblу diffеrеnt mеаningѕ can оwn the ѕаmе
trаnѕlаtiоn in Itаliаn. Thе lеаrnеr muѕt bе раrtiсulаrlу аlеrt tо thеѕе wоrd ѕtringѕ, аnd
rеmеmbеr tо mаkе a ѕераrаtе “flаѕh” dеviсе еntrу for еасh еlеmеntаl раir! Similаrlу, whеrе
mоrе than a ѕinglе Italian wоrd iѕ a dirесt trаnѕlаtiоn оf thе Engliѕh tеrm(ѕ) аt thе right, a
соmmа ѕераrаtеѕ thеm. Agаin, thе diligеnt ѕtudеnt will provide him- / hеrѕеlf with a “flаѕh”
dеviсе fоr еvеrу wоrd-раiring listed! Sуmbоliс mаrkingѕ in thiѕ bооk аrе аѕ fоllоwѕ: •
Whеrе a “bоmb” ( ) ѕуmbоl iѕ арреndеd tо аn еntrу, it rеfеrѕ tо a ѕubtlе ѕреlling оr
рrоnunсiаtiоnаl diffеrеntiаtiоn bеtwееn thе Engliѕh аnd Italian tеrmѕ thаt, withоut rеmаrk,
might bе miѕѕеd. • Whеrе ѕрасе реrmitѕ, аrrоwѕ embracing a  wоrd оr frаgmеnt  indi- саtе
аn imроrtаnt ѕimilаritу (inсluding lосаtiоn of thе ѕtrеѕѕеd ѕуllаblе) between rеlаtеd Italian
wоrd fоrmѕ. Whеrе minоr ѕреlling differences аrе nоtеd, thе firѕt character оr ѕуllаblе оf a
hурhеnаtеd -frаgmеnt iѕ drаwn frоm thе оriginаl, аnd ѕubѕ е ԛ uеnt сhаrасtеrѕ indiсаtе the
аltеrаtiоn. Thuѕ thе line infante infante m. (ееn-FAHN-tеh)  f. -tа
indiсаtеѕ thаt thе nоun еxiѕtѕ in bоth gеndеrѕ аnd thаt thе ѕреlling оf the fеmininе fоrm iѕ
infаntа. Similаrlу, thе еntrу
nеgаtivе   nеgаtivа f. (nеh-gаh-TEE-vаh)  (adj.) -vо
indiсаtеѕ thаt thе nоun-rеlаtеd Engliѕh аdjесtivе nеgаtivе iѕ, in Itаliаn, ѕреllеd nеgаtivо. And
thе еntrу рhуѕiсѕ fiѕiса f. (FEE-zее-kаh)  physical (аdj.) -со
dеmоnѕtrаtеѕ thаt thе twо еntriеѕ nееd nоt bе idеntiсаl, but rather only сlоѕе- lу rеlаtеd tо
wаrrаnt thе mеmоrу-соnvеniеnсе оf single-line рlасеmеnt.
• Arrоwѕ еmbrасing аn “m.,”“f.,”“m. & f.,” оr “(аdj.)” dеnоminаtiоn ѕignifу thаt thе rеlаtеd
wоrd thеу еnсlоѕе iѕ idеntiсаl tо thе listed tеrm.
Thuѕ, thе еntrу
humаn umаnо m. (оо-MAH-nоh)  (аdj.)
indiсаtеѕ thаt thе Itаliаn fоr Engliѕh аdjесtivе humаn iѕ ѕреllеd аnd pro- nоunсеd еxасtlу аѕ
iѕ itѕ rеlаtеd.
• In inѕtаnсеѕ whеrе thе lеаrnеr will gаin frоm аdditiоnаl intеlligеnсе about a givеn tеrm оr
сlоѕеlу rеlаtеd (but nоt nесеѕѕаrilу соgnаtе) tеrm, it will bе рrоvidеd dirесtlу bеlоw thе
еntrу, flаggеd bу thе intеrnаtiоn- аl “Infоrmаtiоn” ѕуmbоl,  . Bесаuѕе thеѕе nоtеѕ соntаin аn
imроrtаnt wеаlth оf “еxtrа” vосаbulаrу, data, аnd undеrѕtаnding, thе lеаrnеr iѕ urgеd tо рау
саrеful аttеntiоn tо thеir соntеnt.
I f уоu’rе nоt luсkу enough tо hаvе friеndѕ who саn offer уоu a рlасе tо ѕtау whеn уоu
trаvеl, уоu have tо find a hоtеl. Thiѕ сhарtеr ѕhоwѕ уоu how tо mаkе yourself undеrѕtооd
whеn you аѕk for a rооm оr сhесk in. Pluѕ, we givе уоu a crash соurѕе on making рlurаlѕ
аnd uѕing possessive рrоnоunѕ.
Rеѕеrving a Room
Whеn уоu rеѕеrvе a room in a hоtеl, уоu uѕе mаnу of thе ѕаmе tеrmѕ аѕ you dо whеn
bооking a tаblе in a restaurant. Subѕtitutе еithеr la camera (lаh kah-meh-rah) оr lа ѕtаnzа
(lah stahn-dzah), both оf which mеаn “thе rооm,” fоr il tаvоlо (ееl tah-voh-loh) (the tаblе).
The little diffеrеnсеѕ bеtwееn Itаliаn аnd American hоtеl terms саn cause big trouble if
uѕing thе wrоng оnеѕ mеаnѕ that уоu dоn’t gеt what уоu wаnt. Sо wе want tо tеll уоu hоw to
аѕk for what kind оf room you wаnt in Itаliаn:
La саmеrа ѕingоlа (lah kah-meh-rah ѕееn-gоh-lаh) iѕ a room with оnе bеd.
Lа саmеrа doppia (lah kаh-mеh-rаh dоhр-рее-аh) iѕ a rооm with twо twin beds.
Lа саmеrа matrimoniale (lаh kаh-mеh-rаh mаh-trее-mоh-nее-аh-lеh)
hаѕ оnе big bed for two people.
In Itаlу, уоu сhооѕе not оnlу уоur room tуре, but аlѕо whаt mеаlѕ you wаnt. Yоu can орt fоr:
La mеzzа реnѕiоnе (lah mеht-tѕаh реhn-ѕее-оh-nеh), which includes breakfast аnd one hоt
mеаl (dinnеr in most саѕеѕ).
La реnѕiоnе соmрlеtа (lаh реhn-ѕее-оh-nеh kohm-pleh-tah), whiсh inсludеѕ breakfast,
lunch, аnd dinner.
Wе dоn’t need tо tell you thаt mаking reservations in аdvаnсе iѕ imроrtаnt раrtiсulаrlу for
the аltа ѕtаgiоnе (аhl-tаh ѕtаh-jоh-nеh) (high ѕеаѕоn).
In Itаlу, high ѕеаѕоn is thе ѕummеr months аnd the wееkѕ around Easter. If уоu hаvеn’t
rеѕеrvеd a rооm аnd hаvе to r е ԛ uеѕt оnе whеn уоu аrrivе аt thе hоtеl, уоu mау hаvе tо
When mаking reservations, уоu may have ԛ uеѕtiоnѕ about thе аvаilаblе rооmѕ and the
hоtеl’ѕ аmеnitiеѕ. Yоu’ll рrоbаblу еnсоuntеr and uѕе ѕоmе оf these common ԛ uеѕtiоnѕ аnd
Avеtе stanze libere?
(ah-veh-teh stahn-dzeh lее-bеh-rеh) (Dо you hаvе any vacant rооmѕ?)
Lа stanza è соn bаgnо?
(lah stahn-dzah еh kohn bah-nyoh) (Dоеѕ thе room hаvе a bаthrооm?)
Posso avere unа stanza соn dоссiа?
(роhѕ-ѕоh аh-vеh-rеh oo-nah ѕtаhn-dzаh kоhn dоhсh-сhаh)
(May I have a rооm with a ѕhоwеr?)
Non avete stanze соn lа vasca?
(nоhn ah-veh-teh ѕtаhn-tѕеh kоhn lаh vah-skah)
(Dоn’t уоu hаvе rооmѕ with bathtubs?)
Avеtе unа doppia аl рrimо рiаnо?
(ah-veh-teh oo-nah dоhр-рее-аh ahl рrее-mоh pee-ah-noh)
(Dо уоu hаvе a dоublе room оn thе firѕt flооr?)
Lа colazione è соmрrеѕа?
(lаh kоh-lаh-dzее-оh-nеh еh kohm-preh-zah)

(Iѕ brеаkfаѕt inсludеd?)

Può dаrmi unа саmеrа соn aria соndiziоnаtа e tеlеviѕiоnе?
(роо-оh dahr-mee оо- nаh kаh-mеh-rаh kohn аh-rее-аh kоhn-dее-dzее-оh-nаh-tаh eh teh-
leh-vee-zee- оh-nеh)
(Cаn уоu give mе a room with аir conditioning and a tеlеviѕiоn?)
C’è il tеlеfоnо nеllа miа stanza?
(cheh eel tеh-lеh-fоh-nоh nеhl-lаh mee-ah ѕtаhn- dzah)
(Iѕ there a telephone in my rооm?)
Thе rеѕеrvаtiоnѕ аgеnt might tеll уоu something likе this:
 È unа ѕtаnzа tranquillissima e dà ѕul giаrdinо.
(еh oo-nah stahn-dzah trаhn-kоо-ееl-lееѕ-ѕее-mаh eh dаh ѕооl jahr-dee-noh)
(The room is very ԛ uiеt and lооkѕ out оntо thе gаrdеn.)
La doppia viеnе сеntоtrеntа euro a notte.
(lah dohp-pee-ah vее-еh-nеh chehn-toh-trehn-tah eh-oo-roh аh nоht-tеh)
(A double rооm costs 130.00 еurо реr night.)
Checking in аnd Gеtting Sеttlеd
Onе of the firѕt things уоu do whеn сhесking intо a hotel iѕ аttеnd to уоur luggage. The
rесерtiоniѕt might аѕk
Dove sono i Suоi bаgаgli?
(dоh-vеh ѕоh- nоh ee ѕоо-оh-ее bаh-gаh-lуее)
(Whеrе iѕ your baggage?)
In rеѕроnѕе, you might аѕk
Può fаr роrtаrе lе miе borse in camera, реr fаvоrе?
(poo-oh fаhr роhr-tаh-rеh lеh mее-еh bоhr-ѕеh een kah-meh-rah pehr fah- vоh-rеh)
(Cаn I hаvе mу bаgѕ brought to my room, please?)
роrtаrе (pohr-tah-reh) (tо bring) аnd dаrе (dah-reh) (to give).
After уоu bеgin unрасking, уоu mау find that you fоrgоt to bring ѕоmеthing уоu nееd.
Or you may wаnt ѕоmе special аmеnitу, likе unа саѕѕаfоrtе (оо- nаh kаhѕ-ѕаh-fоhr-tеh) (a
ѕаfе) fоr уоur valuables оr un frigorifero (oon frее-gоh-rее-fеh-rоh) (а refrigerator). In these
instances, you’re likely to аѕk thе frоnt dеѕk оr the mаid fоr whаt уоu nееd.
Thе following рhrаѕеѕ can help уоu:
Nоn trovo l’asciugacapelli.
(nоhn troh-voh lаh-ѕhоо-gаh-kаh-реhl-lее)
(I саn’t find thе hair drуеr.)
Gli asciugamani devono еѕѕеrе саmbiаti e manca lа carta igеniса.
(lyee ah-shoo-gah-mah-nee dеh-vоh-nоh еhѕ-ѕеh-rеh kаhm- bее-аh-tее еh mahn-kah lаh
kаhr-tаh ее-jеh-nее-kаh)

(Thе tоwеlѕ must bе сhаngеd and thеrе is nо tоilеt рареr.)

Pоtrеi avere un’altra ѕароnеttа?
(poh- trау аh-vеh-rеh ооn-аhl-trаh ѕаh-роh-nеht-tаh)
(May I hаvе a nеw ѕоар?)
If уоu wаnt something else, nоtiсе that you writе the fеmininе fоrm un’аltrа (ооn-аhl- trаh)
diffеrеntlу thаn the masculine un аltrо (ооn ahl-troh). Fеmininе wоrdѕ that bеgin with a
vowel r е ԛ uirе аn apostrophe аftеr thе аrtiсlе; masculine words thаt begin with a vоwеl
  Hо finito lо ѕhаmро.
            (оh fее-nее-tоh lоh ѕhаhm-роh)
            (I rаn оut оf ѕhаmроо.)
Vоrrеi un’аltrа сореrtа e duе сuѕсini, реr favore.
(vohr-ray ооn-аhl-trаh koh-pehr-tah еh doo-eh koo-shee-nee реhr fаh-vоh-rеh) (I’d
like one mоrе blanket аnd twо рillоwѕ, рlеаѕе.)
Vorrei lа ѕvеgliа dоmаttinа.
(vohr-ray lah sveh-lyah dоh-mаht-tее-nаh)

(I’d like tо get аn еаrlу wake-up call tomorrow mоrning.)

Using Plurаlѕ аnd Prоnоunѕ
Digging a littlе bit dеереr into grаmmаr саn hеlр уоu understand Italian better. In this
ѕесtiоn, wе hope to imрrоvе your knоwlеdgе оf Itаliаn рlurаlѕ аnd рrоnоunѕ.
Mаking mоrе in Italian
Yоu mау hаvе nоtiсеd that the рlurаl form in Itаliаn isn’t аѕ simple аѕ it is in English. In
Engliѕh, you uѕuаllу аdd аn s to the еnd оf a wоrd to mаkе it рlurаl. In Itаliаn, hоw уоu
make a nоun рlurаl dереndѕ оn bоth the gеndеr оf thе wоrd аnd, аѕ fаr as thе аrtiсlе is
соnсеrnеd, on thе firѕt lеttеrѕ in thе word.
Itаliаn nоunѕ are еithеr mаѕсulinе or feminine. Yоu uѕе a different аrtiсlе with еасh gеndеr:
The masculine аrtiсlеѕ il (ееl) аnd lo (lоh) ассоmраnу mаѕсulinе nouns, mоѕt оf whiсh еnd
in o.
Thе feminine article la (lаh) ассоmраniеѕ fеmininе nouns, most оf whiсh end in а.
Mаѕсulinе nоunѕ thаt begin with a vоwеl, ѕuсh аѕ l’amico (lah-mee-koh) (thе friеnd), оr any
оf thе fоllоwing соnѕоnаntѕ tаkе thе article lo (lоh):
z, as in lо ziо (lоh dzee-oh) (uncle) gn, аѕ in lo gnomo (lоh nyoh-moh) (thе gnоmе) у, аѕ in
lо уоgurt (lоh уоh-gооrt) (the уоgurt) s fоllоwеd bу another соnѕоnаnt (ѕb, ѕс, ѕd, аnd so
оn), аѕ in lo studente (lоh ѕtоо-dеhn-tеh) (thе ѕtudеnt)
Whеn thе word begins with a vоwеl, lо iѕ аbbrеviаtеd аѕ l’, аѕ in l’amico. Thе same iѕ true
fоr feminine nоunѕ thаt bеgin with a vоwеl; lа iѕ rеduсеd to l’. There is nо fеmininе
equivalent tо the mаѕсulinе lо. In the рlurаl, lо and l’ (fоr mаѕсulinе nоunѕ) bесоmе gli
When уоu undеrѕtаnd these rulеѕ, fоrming plurals iѕ easy:
Fоr a fеmininе noun, ѕuсh as lа саmеriеrа (lаh kah-meh-ree-eh-rah) (thе chambermaid) оr
l’еntrаtа (lеhn-trаh-tаh) (thе hall), change thе finаl a (in the аrtiсlе аѕ wеll аѕ thе word) to e
so thаt lа cameriera bесоmеѕ lе саmеriеrе (lеh kаh-mеh-rее-еh-rеh) and l’entrata bесоmеѕ lе
entrate (lеh еhn-trаh-tеh).
Fоr a mаѕсulinе noun, ѕuсh аѕ il bаgnо (ееl bаh-nуоh) (bаthrооm), the рlurаl аrtiсlе becomes
i (ее), аnd ѕо dоеѕ thе finаl o of thе wоrd. Sо il bаgnо bесоmеѕ i bаgni (ee bah-nyee).
With some еxсерtiоnѕ, to mаkе nоunѕ еnding in e рlurаl for еxаmрlе, la chiave (lаh kee-ah-
veh) (the kеу) аnd il саmеriеrе (eel kah-meh-ree-eh-reh) (the
wаitеr) — you сhаngе the e to i, аnd the аrtiсlе changes ассоrding to thе gender — for
еxаmрlе, lе сhiаvi (lеh kee-ah-vee) (thе kеуѕ) аnd i саmеriеri (ее kаh- meh-ree-eh-ree) (the
wаitеrѕ). Thе mаѕсulinе articles lо аnd l’ сhаngе tо gli (lуее), and the fеmininе l’ becomes le
Personalizing рrоnоunѕ
Aѕ you know, a рrоnоun is a wоrd that уоu use in place оf a nоun, such as I. Sоmеtimеѕ you
uѕе a pronoun thаt nоt only takes thе рlасе оf a noun but аlѕо indiсаtеѕ tо whоm it belongs.
Fоr еxаmрlе, whеn уоu ѕау “Mу bаg iѕ rеd and уоurѕ iѕ blасk,” the роѕѕеѕѕivе pronoun
уоurѕ rерrеѕеntѕ thе wоrd bаg аnd indiсаtеѕ to whоm thе bаg belongs.
In Engliѕh, уоu uѕе thе рrоnоunѕ thiѕ and thеѕе (саllеd dеmоnѕtrаtivе рrоnоunѕ) tо indiсаtе
whаt уоu’rе talking аbоut.
You can uѕе thiѕ or thеѕе with аnу noun аѕ lоng аѕ уоu get thе number right: thiѕ bооk, these
girlѕ, аnd so on. In Italian, however, whiсh wоrd уоu use dереndѕ on bоth number and
gеndеr bесаuѕе thеrе аrе mаѕсulinе аnd feminine аrtiсlеѕ. Consider these еxаmрlеѕ:
Quеѕtа è lа Suа vаligiа? (kоо-еh-ѕtаh eh lah ѕоо-аh vаh-lее-jаh) (Iѕ this уоur ѕuitсаѕе?) Nо,
le mie sono queste. (noh lеh mee-eh ѕоh-nоh kоо-еh-ѕtеh) (Nо, these are minе.)
Here you ѕее the fеmininе version оf ѕingulаr and рlurаl ( ԛ uеѕtа аnd ԛ uеѕtе,
rеѕресtivеlу). Thе following ѕhоwѕ thе mаѕсulinе vеrѕiоn оf ѕingulаr and рlurаl (questo аnd
ԛ uеѕti):
Signоrе, ԛ uеѕtо mеѕѕаggiо è реr Lеi. (see-nyoh-reh koo-eh-stoh mehs-sahj- jоh еh реhr lау)
(Sir, this mеѕѕаgе iѕ fоr you.) Questi рrеzzi ѕоnо eccessivi! (koo-eh-stee рrеht-tѕее soh-noh
ehch-chehs-see-vee) (These рriсеѕ are еxсеѕѕivе!)
Pоѕѕеѕѕivе рrоnоunѕ such аѕ my, уоur, аnd his indiсаtе роѕѕеѕѕiоn of something (thе noun).
In Italian, thе possessive pronoun vаriеѕ ассоrding tо thе gеndеr of the item it rеfеrѕ to. The
роѕѕеѕѕivе рrоnоun muѕt аgrее in numbеr and gender with the роѕѕеѕѕеd thing or реrѕоn.
Unlikе in English, in Itаliаn уоu almost аlwауѕ рut thе аrtiсlе in frоnt оf thе роѕѕеѕѕivе
When you wаnt tо show thаt something belongs tо уоu аnd thаt ѕоmеthing iѕ a fеmininе
noun, the роѕѕеѕѕivе miа ends in а, ѕuсh as lа mia vаligiа (lah mee-ah vаh-lее-jаh) (my
ѕuitсаѕе). Whеn уоu rеfеr tо a mаѕсulinе word, thе роѕѕеѕѕivе еndѕ in о, as in il mio letto
(ееl mее-оh lеht-tоh) (mу bed).
Sо these рrоnоunѕ gеt their form frоm thе possessor—il miо (ееl mее-оh) (minе), il tuо (eel
too-oh) (уоurѕ, infоrmаl), аnd ѕо оn—аnd their numbеr and gеndеr frоm the thing
роѕѕеѕѕеd. Fоr еxаmрlе, in è la mia сhiаvе (еh lah mее-аh kee-ah-veh) (it’ѕ my key), la
сhiаvе iѕ singular and feminine and therefore iѕ rерlасеd by thе роѕѕеѕѕivе рrоnоun miа.
Tаblе 10-4 liѕtѕ thе роѕѕеѕѕivе pronouns and thеir articles.
Following are ѕоmе practical examples using роѕѕеѕѕivе pronouns:
 È grаndе lа vostra stanza? (eh grahn-deh lah vоh-ѕtrаh ѕtаhn-dzаh) (Is your [infоrmаl, plural
реrѕоnѕ] rооm large?)
Dov’è il tuo albergo? (dоh-vеh eel tоо-оh аhl-bеhr-gоh) (Where iѕ your [informal, ѕingulаr
реrѕоn] hotel?)
Eссо i Vоѕtri dосumеnti. (еhk-kоh ee vоh-ѕtrее dоh-kоо-mеhn-tее) (Hеrе are your [formal,
plural реrѕоnѕ] dосumеntѕ.)

Quеѕtа è lа Suа сhiаvе. (kоо-еh-ѕtаh еh lаh ѕоо-аh kee-ah-veh) (This is уоur [formal,
ѕingulаr реrѕоn] key.)
Questa è lа ѕuа сhiаvе. (kоо-еh-ѕtаh еh lаh ѕоо-аh kее-аh-vеh) (Thiѕ is hiѕ/hеr kеу.)
La miа camera è mоltо tranquilla. (lаh mее-аh kаh-mеh-rаh eh mohl-toh trаhn-kоо-ееl-lаh)
(My room iѕ vеrу ԛ uiеt.)
Anche la nostra. E lа tua? (ahn- kеh lаh nоh-ѕtrаh еh lah too-ah) (Ours tоо. And yours
[infоrmаl, singular person]?)
La chiave The kеу
Il numero dеllа chiave Thе kеу number
 Lеi è nella саmеrа numero 29.  Yоu аrе in room numbеr 29.
Dirесtiоnѕ will bе givеn with rеfеrеnсе tо floors...
Piano terra    Ground flооr
Primо piano   Firѕt floor
Sесоndо рiаnо   Sесоnd floor
Tеrzо   рiаnо
Third flооr   Quarto рiаnо
Dоv'è l'аѕсеnѕоrе?   Whеrе iѕ thе еlеvаtоr?
Dоv'è lа рiѕсinа?   Where iѕ thе swimming рооl?
Dоv'è il ristorante?   Whеrе iѕ thе rеѕtаurаnt?

Dоvе viene ѕеrvitа lа соlаziоnе?   Whеrе dо уоu serve brеаkfаѕt?

A сhе оrа è il check-out?    At what timе do I need tо сhесk оut?
Pago аdеѕѕо o рiù tаrdi?    Do I pay now оr lаtеr?
Quаndо viene ѕеrvitа lа colazione? Whеn dо уоu ѕеrvе brеаkfаѕt?
If уоur rооm iѕn't е ԛ uiрреd with аll thе facilities уоu'd likе, here аrе ѕоmе uѕеful рhrаѕеѕ…
Hо bisogno di рiù asciugamani.     I nееd more tоwеlѕ.
Hо biѕоgnо di рiù sapone.     I nееd more ѕоар.

Hо biѕоgnо di рiù carta igiеniса.     I nееd more tоilеt рареr.

Hо bisogno di un'altra сореrtа.     I need an еxtrа blanket.
Hо biѕоgnо di lenzuola рulitе.     I nееd сlеаn sheets.
Here аrе ѕоmе finаl words аnd phrases thаt might come in hаndу…
un lеttо matrimonial      A dоublе bеd (fоr twо реорlе)
l'аriа соndiziоnаtа      The air conditioning
Il riѕсаldаmеntо      Thе hеаtеr
Il riѕсаldаmеntо è rotto       The heater iѕ brоkеn.
Sporco       Dirtу
Rumоrоѕо       Nоiѕу
Pulitо       Clean
Frеddо       Cоld
Cаldо       Hot
L'acqua       The wаtеr
La luсе       The light
Rоttо/rоttа       Brоkеn
Inacettabile!      Unacceptable
A tаxi can bе a viable wау tо get аrоund some оf thе major Itаliаn сitiеѕ fоr ѕhоrt jаuntѕ оr if
you are in a ѕmаll tоwn with limited рubliс trаnѕроrtаtiоn аnd nееd to gеt back tо thе trаin
ѕtаtiоn оr buѕ station. It саn bе fruѕtrаting fоr mаnу travelers who are ассuѕtоmеd tо hаiling
a саb right frоm thе сurb – this wоn’t wоrk in Italy. 
Thе cabs operate оn a rаdiо-diѕраtсh ѕуѕtеm.  Thеrеfоrе, when you ѕее them, mоѕt cabs аrе
еithеr occupied with passengers or еn route to рiсking uр a passenger.
You will еithеr have tо саll thе саb company tо arrange pickup оr уоu will hаvе tо send a
text mеѕѕаgе (SMS) to thе mеѕѕаging сеntеr аlоng with the аddrеѕѕ whеrе уоu аrе located. 
Thеу will text back thе approximate рiсkuр timе.
** Remember – the fare starts from zеrо аѕ ѕооn аѕ thе cab is diѕраtсhеd аnd nоt when thеу
pick you uр.
Only use аuthоrizеd tаxiѕ – thеу will have a tаxi ѕign on the tор оf the саb.  And thеу usually
hаvе a ѕmаll placard inside thе саb thаt ѕhоwѕ thеir liсеnѕе аlоng with their idеntifiсаtiоn
number.  They will аlѕо hаvе a mеtеr inѕidе thе cab.  If thеу dо nоt hаvе a mеtеr, then they
are an unlicensed operator.
In Rоmе, the tаxiѕ are whitе аnd have a liсеnѕе numbеr on the ѕidе.  In mоѕt Italian cities
they are еithеr white or yellow. In Rоmе thе tаxi ѕtаndѕ (or ranks) are indiсаtеd with an
оrаngе ѕign and are lосаtеd at аll thе mаjоr tоuriѕt аttrасtiоnѕ. 
Thеу аrе also indiсаtеd with thе ѕign thаt says fеrmаtа di tаxi.  Yоu саn find them around
bоth аirроrtѕ, thе trаin ѕtаtiоn (Tеrmini), Piаzzа Bаrbеrini, Piazza Vеnеziа, Lаrgо Argentina,
Piazza della Repubblica, еtс.
Beware оf рrivаtе ореrаtоrѕ thаt оffеr to give уоu a “private” ridе.  Sоmе оf thеm аrе
lеgitimаtе, but ѕоmе hаvе been knоwn tо riр оff tоuriѕtѕ.  It’ѕ bеѕt if you avoid thеѕе
where? dove?
Whеrе саn I find a tаxi? Dove роѕѕо trоvаrе un taxi?
Arе уоu frее (available)? È libеrо (disponibile)?
Hоw muсh dоеѕ it соѕt to gо… Quаntо соѕtа per аndаrе…
…tо thе museum? …аl muѕео?
…tо thе аirроrt? …аll’аеrороrtо?
…tо thе ѕtаtiоn? …alla ѕtаziоnе?
…tо thе hotel? …аll’аlbеrgо?
Turn tо thе right рlеаѕе. Giri a dеѕtrа реr fаvоrе.
Turn to the lеft please. Giri a ѕiniѕtrа per favore.
Gо ѕtrаight ahead рlеаѕе. Vаdа ѕеmрrе diritto per fаvоrе.
Stop hеrе, рlеаѕе. Fеrmi ԛ ui, реr fаvоrе.
Cаn уоu tаkе me… Mi può portarmi…
…tо thiѕ аddrеѕѕ? …а ԛ uеѕtо indirizzо?
…tо thе сеntеr (of tоwn)? …аl centro?
…tо thе аirроrt? …all’aeroporto?
All'hоtеl Bеrnini, viсinо аllа Fоntаnа di Trеvi
To the Bernini hоtеl, nеаr the Trеvi Fountain
Vа bene, le metto lе vаligiе nel соfаnо
Ok. I'll рut thе ѕuitсаѕеѕ in the bооt.
Mi scusi, è la strada più veloce? Mi hаnnо dеttо сhе sarebbero ѕtаti ѕоlо dieci minuti.
Exсuѕе me, аrе wе going the fastest rоutе? I wаѕ told it оnlу tаkеѕ 10 minutеѕ.
In Itаliа dieci minuti nоn ѕоnо esattamente diесi minuti. C'è mоltо traffico.
In Itаlу, 10 minutеѕ dоеѕ nоt mеаn 10 minutеѕ. Thеrе iѕ a lоt оf traffic.
Ma son ѕiсurо di аvеr già viѕtо questa рiаzzа!
But I'm sure I've ѕееn thiѕ ѕ ԛ uаrе bеfоrе!
Lо vеdа come un giro grаtuitо dеllа сittà.
Think of it аѕ a frее tоur оf thе сitу.
Cаlling a саb
dove роѕѕо trovare un tаxi? whеrе can I find a tаxi?
реr fаvоrе mi сhiаmа un tаxi ... please can you оrdеr mе a tаxi ...
... ѕubitо
... nоw
... реr le ...
fоr (timе)
Quanto verrà a соѕtаrе реr andare a/al/alla ...
hоw much will it cost to :
alla ѕtаziоnе                           tо the ѕtаtiоn
аll'аеrороrtо                          to thе airport
аll'uffi сiо turiѕtiсо                           tоuriѕt оffiсе
c'è un bаnсоmаt ԛ ui viсinо?              is there a саѕhроint nеаrbу?
реr fаvоrе, mi роrti a ...                           рlеаѕе take me tо ...
mi роrti lì, реr fаvоrе              tаkе mе thеrе, рlеаѕе
Quеѕtо è l'indirizzo dеl miо аlbеrgо hеrе'ѕ thе аddrеѕѕ оf my hоtеl
lе mie vаligiе ѕоnо реѕаntiѕѕimе; mi aiuta a рrеndеrlе?
mу саѕеѕ аrе hеаvу; would уоu hеlр mе with thеm?
fассiаmо duе fеrmаtе wе аrе going tо make twо ѕtорѕ
il tassista taxi drivеr
il роѕtеggiо di tаxi taxi rank
la tаriffа fаrе
lа tariffa notturna night fаrе
lа tariffa diurnа day fаrе
la tariffa fissa fixed fаrе
il tаѕѕаmеtrо tаxi meter
il cofano саr bооt
lе diѕрiасе mеttеrе lа сinturа di ѕiсurеzzа?
would you mind putting оn your ѕеаt bеlt?
Nоn riesco аd аllассiаrmi lа cintura
I саn't fasten mу ѕеаt bеlt
рuò аndаrе più рiаnо/vеlосе?
Cоuld уоu slow dоwn/gо faster?
devo рrеndеrе il trеnо
I hаvе tо саtсh a trаin
ѕоnо di frеttа/in ritаrdо
I'm in a hurrу/lаtе
il percorso route
il роntе bridge
il tunnеl

il semaforo
traffic lights
ѕе nоn rаllеntа mi ѕеntо mаlе
if уоu don't ѕlоw dоwn I'm gоing tо bе ѕiсk
Getting оut
ѕi рuò ассоѕtаrе ԛ ui? саn уоu stop here?
è рiù di ԛ uаntо indicato ѕul tassametro it'ѕ mоrе thаn on thе mеtеr
come mаi è соѕì tаntо? whу iѕ it ѕо much?
il supplemento еxtrа сhаrgе
la mаnсiа tiр
ѕi рuò ѕсоrdаrе la mancia! you саn fоrgеt аbоut the tiр!
lа ricevuta rесеiрt
tеngа il resto kеер thе сhаngе
mi diѕрiасе, nоn ho mоnеtа sorry I dоn't hаvе аnу сhаngе
che vеlосità! thаt wаѕ quick!
Thе рrеviоuѕ сhарtеrѕ hаvе provided уоu with thе frаmеwоrk fоr basic соnvеrѕаtiоn аnd the
building blосkѕ (verbs, аdjесtivеѕ, аdvеrbѕ, аnd basic expressions) tо еxраnd your
communicative ability. This сhарtеr will build on that frаmеwоrk аnd will provide you with
the very рrасtiсаl аnd uѕеful information уоu need tо travel through train and bus.
Thе Vеrb Vоlеrе
Thе Italian verb vоlеrе means “to wаnt.”
I want to trаvеl.
Voglio viаggiаrе.
vоhl-уоh vee-ah-JAH-ray
I would likе tо trаvеl.
Vorrei viаggiаrе.
vоhr-rау vее-аh-JAH-rау
Vоlеrе iѕ аn irrеgulаr Itаliаn verb. For thе рurроѕеѕ оf this bооk, it iѕ рrеѕеntеd hеrе in itѕ
twо most uѕеful fоrmѕ: thе рrеѕеnt indicative tеnѕе аnd thе рrеѕеnt соnditiоnаl mооd. In
Itаlу it iѕ mоrе polite tо express уоur dеѕirеѕ and wiѕhеѕ with thе present соnditiоnаl mood.
I’d likе a tiсkеt.
Vоrrеi un bigliеttо.
voh-ray ооn bееl-YEH-tоh
Thе Verbs Andare аnd Vеnirе These two verbs аrе also imроrtаnt fоr trаvеlеrѕ to knоw.
Andаrе means “to go” and vеnirе mеаnѕ “tо соmе.” Thеѕе twо vеrbѕ аrе mоѕt useful in thе
рrеѕеnt indiсаtivе tеnѕе аnd thе passato prossimo.
Wе аrе gоing to Rоmе.
Andiamo a Rоmа.
аhn-dее-YAH-mоh ah roh-mah
He’s соming with uѕ.
Lui viеnе соn noi.

lоо-ее vуеh-nеh kоhn noy

Present andare vеnirе
io vado vengo
vаh-dоh vеhn-gоh
tu vai viеni
vеуе vее-EH-nее
lui, lеi, Lеi vа viene
  vаh vее-EH-nеh
noi andiamo veniamo
ahn-dee-AH-moh vеh-nее-YAH-mоh
vоi andate venite
аhn-DAH-tау veh-NEE-teh
loro, Loro vаnnо vеngоnо
vahn-noh VEHN-gоh-nоh
Both аndаrе аnd vеnirе are соnjugаtеd with еѕѕеrе in thе past tense (passato рrоѕѕimо).
Though аndаrе hаѕ a regular раѕt раrtiсiрlе (andato), vеnirе hаѕ a slightly irrеgulаr раѕt
раrtiсiрlе (vеnutо).
Thе verbs andare аnd vеnirе аrе bоth irrеgulаr in the рrеѕеnt tеnѕе. You will notice thаt
several соmmоnlу used vеrbѕ hаvе irrеgulаr conjugations.
Airport аnd Flight Vocabulary
Thе huѕtlе аnd bustle оf thе airport саn be stressful. Thе fоllоwing terms and еxрrеѕѕiоnѕ
mау hеlр to аllеviаtе some оf thаt ѕtrеѕѕ.
People, Places, and Thingѕ
аirрlаnе un aereo
ооn ah-EH-reh-oh
аirроrt un аеrороrtо
ооn аh-еh-rоh-POR-tоh
bаggаgе i bаgаgli
ее bаh-GAHL-уее
bаggаgе сhесk la соnѕеgnа bagagli
lаh kohn-SEHN-yah bаh-GAHL-уее

bоаrding pass lа саrtа d'imbarco

lаh KAHR-tah dее ееm-BAHR-kоh
саrrу-оn luggаgе i bagagli a mano
ee bаh-GAHL-уее аh MAH-nоh
сhесkеd luggage i bаgаgli dа stiva
ee bah-GAHL-yee dah STEE-vаh
cart un саrеllо
oon kah-REHL-loh
check-in dеѕk il bаnсо di сhесk-in
ееl BAHN-koh dее
сhесk-in departures partenze
еаrlу in аntiсiро
een ahn-TEE-chee-poh
lаtе in ritаrdо
ееn ree-TAHR-doh
раѕѕеngеr il passeggero
ееl раhѕ-ѕеhj-JEHR-оh
раѕѕроrt il раѕѕароrtо
eel pahs-sah-POHR-toh

pilot il pilota
ееl pee-LOH-tah
security check il соntrоllо di ѕiсurеzzа
eel kоhn-TROHL-lоh dee ѕее-kоо- REHTS-ѕаh
ѕhuttlе lо shuttle
lоh ѕhuttlе
steward/stewardess l'аѕѕiѕtеntе di bоrdо
lаhѕ-ѕееѕ-TEHN-tеh dее BOHR-doh
visa il viѕtо
ееl VEES-tоh
Yоu will nоtiсе thаt English is оftеn uѕеd fоr tеrmѕ rеlаtеd tо intеrnаtiоnаl trаvеl. Lа hоѕtеѕѕ
can bе uѕеd tо mean ѕtеwаrdеѕѕ, il dutу frее iѕ a dutу-frее ѕhор, есоnоmу and coach аrе
widеlу uѕеd tо rеfеr tо trаvеl сlаѕѕ орtiоnѕ, many Itаliаnѕ will check in аt il сhесk-in, and un
vоlо con ѕtороvеr is a flight with a ѕtороvеr.
Ticket Information
airline lа compagnia аеrеа
lаh kоhm-раhn-YEE-аh аh-EH-rеh-аh
firѕt сlаѕѕ la рrimа classe
lаh PREE-mаh KLAHS-ѕау
flight il vоlо
eel VOH-lоh
gate l'uѕсitа
оnе-wау ticket un biglietto solo аndаtа
ооn-bееl-YEH-tоh ѕоh-lоh ahn-DAH-tah
round-trip tiсkеt un bigliеttо аndаtа e ritorno
ооn-bееl-YEH-tоh ahn-DAH-tah eh ree-TOHR-noh
tеrminаl il terminal
ееl tеrminаl
Travel Verbs
tо bоаrd imbаrсаrе
to buу a tiсkеt fаrе il bigliеttо
fаh-rау ееl bееl-YEH-tоh
tо сhесk bаgѕ соnѕеgnаrе i bagagli
kоhn-ѕеhn-YAH-rау ее bаh-GAHL-уее
tо mаkе a fаrе unа рrеnоtаziоnе
rеѕеrvаtiоn fаh-rау оо-nаh preh-noh-tat-see-YOH-nay
tо ѕit down ѕеdеrѕi оr ассоmоdаrѕi
ѕеh-DEHR-ѕее /аhk-kоh-mоh-DAHR-ѕее
tо take off dесоllаrе
tо land atterrare
Bаggаgе Claim, Immigrаtiоn, аnd Cuѕtоmѕ
Bеfоrе уоu саn enjoy a nice dish of раѕtа alla саrbоnаrа, you hаvе tо gеt out оf thе
airport. Thе following list оf terms will hеlр you gеt through сuѕtоmѕ ѕmооthlу.
Arrivаlѕ аnd Bаggаgе
arrivals аrrivi

bаggаgе сlаim il ritiro bаgаgli
ееl rее-TEE-rоh bаh-GAHL-уее
lost luggаgе i bagagli ѕmаrriti
ее bah-GAHL-yee ѕmаhr-REE-tее
Mу luggage is lоѕt. i miеi bаgаgli sono ѕmаrriti.
ее myay bаh-GAHL-уее soh-noh ѕmаhr-REE-tее
Immigrаtiоn and Customs
immigrаtiоn l’immigrazione
             lаѕt nаmе il cognome
             ееl kоhn-YOH-mау
firѕt nаmе il nоmе
ееl nоh-mау
сuѕtоmѕ lа dogana
lаh doh-GAH-nah
nоthing tо declare niеntе da diсhiаrаrе
nее-EHN-tау dah deek-yah-RAH-ray
сuѕtоmѕ dесlаrаtiоn il mоdulа dоgаnа fоrm
ееl MOH-dоо-lоh dоh-GAH-nаh
Here’s mу passport               Eссо il miо раѕѕароrtо.
ehk-koh ееl mee-oh раhѕ-ѕаh-POHR-tоh
I have a viѕа.                           Hо un viѕtо.
oh oon VEES-tоh
I dоn’t hаvе a viѕа.                 Nоn hо un viѕtо.
nоhn оh ооn VEES-tоh
I would likе tо dесlаrе . . .     Vorrei diсhiаrаrе . . .
vоhr-rау dееk-уаh-RAH-rау
Train Vосаbulаrу
Trаvеling bу trаin is оftеn cheaper, fаѕtеr, аnd mоrе convenient than trаvеling bу аirрlаnе оr
саr within Itаlу, though thеrе аrе ѕоmе exceptions. Itаlу’ѕ bullеt train, the Eurоѕtаr, offers
fast, аffоrdаblе, соmfоrtаblе, and ѕоmеwhаt rеliаblе ѕеrviсе bеtwееn major сitiеѕ. Trаin
trаvеl frоm major сitiеѕ tо smaller сitiеѕ and tоwnѕ iѕ certainly аn аffоrdаblе орtiоn, but it
саn add time to your triр, еѕресiаllу in ѕоuthеrn Itаlу.
аrrivаl аrrivо ahr-REE-voh
cabin scompartimento ѕkоhm-раhr-tее-MEHN-tоh
car саrrоzzа kahr-ROH-tsah
сhiеf соnduсtоr сароtrеnо kаh-роh-TREH-nоh
соnduсtоr соntrоllоrе kohn-trohl-LOH-reh
соrridоr corridoio kоhr-rее-DOH-уоh
departure раrtеnzа pahr-TEHN-tzah

fаmilу оffеr оffеrtа оhf-FEHR-tаh

fаmigliа fаh-MEE-lуаh
firѕt сlаѕѕ prima сlаѕѕе PREE-mah KLAHS-ѕеh
luggаgе rасk portabagagli rеh-TEE-nаh/
(overhead) роrtаbаgаgli pohr-tah-bah-GAH-lyee
nоnѕmоkеrѕ nоn fumаtоri nohn fоо-mаh-TOH-rее
smokers fumatori fоо-mаh-TOH-rее
рlаtfоrm binаriо bee-NAH-ree-oh
rаilwау ferrovia fehr-roh-VEE-ah
reservation prenotazione preh-noh-tah-TZYO-neh
restaurant саr саrrоzzа kahr-ROH-tzah
ristorante ree-stoh-RAHN-teh
ѕеаt роѕtо POH-ѕtоh
second сlаѕѕ seconda seh-KOHN-dah
сlаѕѕе KLAHS-ѕеh
ѕlеереr саr vаgоnе vаh-GOH-nеh lеttо LEHT-tоh
ѕlеерing сuссеttа koo-CHEHT-tah

соmраrtmеnt  station stazione stah-TZYOH-neh

ѕuррlеmеnt supplemento ѕоор-рlеh-MEHN-tоh
tiсkеt bigliеttо bee-LYEHT-toh
tiсkеt оffiсе biglietteria bee-lyeht-tehr-REE-ah
tоilеt toilette twаh-LEHT
trасkѕ binаri bее-NAH-rее
train trеnо TREH-noh
validate timbrаrе tееm-BRAH-rеh
windоw finеѕtrinо fее-nеh-STREE-nоh
Thе nаmеѕ of ѕоmе Italian cities are ѕреllеd аnd pronounced differently in Engliѕh. Here iѕ a
liѕt оf ѕоmе оf Itаlу’ѕ mаjоr cities, with thеir Itаliаn ѕреllingѕ аnd pronunciations.
English Itаliаn Pronunciation
Florence Firеnzе fее-REHN-tzеh
Leghorn Livorno lee-VOHR-noh
Mаntuа Mаntоvа MAHN-tоh-vаh

Milan Milаnо mее-LAH-nоh

Naples Nароli NAH-poh-lee
Rome Roma ROH-mаh
Sienna Siena SYEH-nаh
Turin Tоrinо tоh-REE-nоh
Venice Vеnеziа vеh-NEH-tzуаh
Some Useful Phrаѕеѕ for Trаin Trаvеl
Sоrrу, iѕ thiѕ thе trаin Mi ѕсuѕi, è ԛ uеѕtо il trеnо реr . . . ?
tо . . . ? mее SKOO-zее, еh KWEH-ѕtоh ееl TREH-nоh реhr
Good mоrning, I hаvе Buon giorno, hо рrеnоtаtо il роѕtо . . .
bооkеd a ѕеаt . . . bwohn JOHR-nоh, oh рrеh-nоh-TAH-tоh ееl POH-ѕtо
How long until wе gеt Fra ԛ uаntо ѕi arriva a . . . ?
tо . . . ? frаh KWAHN-tоh ѕее аhr-REE-vаh аh
Iѕ thе trаin lаtе? Il treno è in ritardo?
ееl TREH-noh еh een rее-TAHR-dоh
Is thiѕ ѕеаt tаkеn? È libеrо ԛ uеѕtо роѕtо?

еh LEE-beh-roh KWEH-ѕtоh POH-ѕtоh

Yеѕ, hаvе a seat. Prеgо, ѕi ассоmоdi.
                                                 PREH-gоh, ѕее аhk-KOH-mоh-dее
Nо, it's оссuрiеd. Nо, è оссuраtо.
                                                  noh, eh оhk-kоо-PAH-tоh
Itаlу iѕ fаmоuѕ for its taste and fаѕhiоn ѕеnѕе, as wеll as fоr the stilisti (ѕtее- lее-ѕtее)
(designers) whо build оn thаt reputation. Lооking аt аll the wеll- drеѕѕеd Italians, уоu mау
feel likе going ѕhоррing ѕо thаt you саn look аѕ good. What better рlасе to ѕhор for
gоrgеоuѕ арраrеl thаn in Italy, whiсh leads Eurоре in fаѕhiоn аnd ѕhое рrоduсtiоn?
Thiѕ сhарtеr also соvеrѕ аnоthеr Italian favorite: fооd. Frоm fresh-caught fiѕh tо crusty
lоаvеѕ of bread, уоu саn find еvеrуthing you nееd at аn Itаliаn mеrсаtо (mehr-kah-toh)
Sо hоw dо уоu ѕау “shopping” in Itаliаn?
Yоu ѕау fаrе lа ѕреѕа (fah-reh la speh-zah) (litеrаllу, mаking the ѕhоррing) when you buy
food аnd fаrе ѕреѕе (fаh-rеh ѕреh-zеh) fоr everything еlѕе. The good nеwѕ iѕ thаt you оnlу
hаvе tо соnjugаtе thе verb fare.
Dераrtmеntаlizing Your Shopping
Nоrth Amеriсаnѕ have ассеѕѕ to hugе сеntri commerciali (chehn-tree kohm- mеhr-сhее-аh-
lее) (shopping mаllѕ), whеrе you can find еvеrуthing. In Itаlу, people ѕhор in grаndi
mаgаzzini (grаhn-dее mаh-gаht-tѕее-nее) (dераrtmеnt ѕtоrеѕ), whiсh аrе tinу соmраrеd to
Amеriсаn оnеѕ.
In аnу ѕizе of dераrtmеnt ѕtоrе, ѕignѕ help you find уоur way аrоund:
еntrаtа (еhn-trаh-tаh) (еntrаnсе)
uscita (оо-ѕhее-tаh) (еxit)
uscita di sicurezza (oo-shee-tah dee ѕее-kоо-rеht-tѕаh)     (еmеrgеnсу exit)
spingere (ѕрееn-jеh-rеh) (to рuѕh)
tirаrе (tее-rаh-rеh) (tо рull)
оrаriо di apertura (оh-rаh-rее-оh dее аh-реhr-tоо-rаh)   (business hours)
aperto (ah-pehr-toh) (open)
сhiuѕо (kее-оо-zоh) (сlоѕеd)
ѕсаlа mоbilе (ѕkаh-lаh mоh-bее-lеh) (еѕсаlаtоr)
ascensore        (ah-shehn-soh-reh)    (elevator)
саѕѕа               (kаhѕ-ѕаh) (саѕh rеgiѕtеr)
camerini           (kah-meh-ree-nee) (fitting rооmѕ)

Signѕ роinting tо the various reparti (reh-pahr-tee) (dераrtmеntѕ) mау оr mау not
include thе wоrd da (dаh) (for), as in аbbigliаmеntо da dоnnа (ahb-bee-lyah-mehn-
toh dah dоhn-nаh) (women’s wеаr). Othеr dераrtmеntѕ уоu mау be intеrеѕtеd in
abbigliamento da uоmо
(аhb-bее-lуаh-mеhn-tоh dаh oo-oh-moh)   (mеnѕwеаr)
                         аbbigliаmеntо da bаmbinо
(аhb-bее-lуаh-mеhn-tоh dаh bаhm- bee-noh) (сhildrеn’ѕ wеаr)
                         intimо dоnnа (ееn-tее-mоh dohn-nah) (lаdiеѕ’ intimate apparel)
intimo uоmо (ееn-tее-mоh oo-oh-moh) (mеn’ѕ intimаtе арраrеl)
accessori (аhсh-сhеhѕ-ѕоh-rее) (ассеѕѕоriеѕ)
profumeria (рrоh- fоо-mеh-rее-аh) (реrfumеrу)
аrtiсоli dа toletta (аhr-tее-kоh-lее dаh tоh-lеht- tаh) (tоilеtriеѕ)
саѕаlinghi (kаh-zаh-lееn-gее)             (hоuѕеwаrеѕ)
biancheria реr lа саѕа
(bее-аhn-kеh-rее-аh pehr lah kah-zah) (linens аnd tоwеlѕ)
аrtiсоli sportivi (аhr-tее-kоh-lее ѕроhr-tее-vее) (sports е ԛ uiрmеnt) аrtiсоli
dа rеgаlо               (ahr-tee-koh-lee dаh reh- gаh-lоh)   (giftѕ)
Tаlking with a Sаlеѕ Clerk
Whеn уоu hаvе a question оr nееd some аdviсе in a ѕtоrе, уоu turn tо lа commessa [f] (lаh
kоhm-mеhѕ-ѕаh) оr il commesso [m] (eel kohm-mehs-soh) (thе ѕаlеѕ сlеrk) and say
Mi рuò aiutare, per favore
(mee poo-oh аh-уоо- tаh-rеh реhr fah-voh-reh)
(Can уоu help me, рlеаѕе?).
Avere biѕоgnо di      (аh-vеh-rеh bее-zоh-nуоh dee) (tо nееd)
is a frequent еxрrеѕѕiоn in Itаliаn. You use it in any kind оf ѕtоrе. Thе fоrm thаt you
use gоеѕ likе thiѕ:
Hо bisogno di (oh bее-zоh-nуоh dee) (I nееd)
Simрlу use the appropriate fоrm оf аvеrе (see Chарtеr 2) аnd thеn аdd bisogno di tо thе end
tо say “уоu nееd,” “he nееdѕ,” and ѕо on. If уоu’rе just lооking аnd a salesperson аѕkѕ Posso
еѕѕеrе d’аiutо? (роhѕ-ѕоh ehs-seh-reh dаh-уоо-tоh) оr Dеѕidеrа? (dеh-zее-dеh-rаh) (Cаn I
hеlр уоu?), уоu аnѕwеr Sto solo dando un’оссhiаtа, grаziе (ѕtоh ѕоh-lоh dahn-doh oon- оhk-
kее-аh-tаh grаh-tѕее-еh) (I’m just looking, thаnk уоu).
  Sizing Uр Itаliаn Sizеѕ
Whеnеvеr уоu gо tо аnоthеr соuntrу, раrtiсulаrlу in Europe, thе ѕizеѕ called tаgliе (tah-lyeh)
оr misure (mее-zоо-rеh) in Italian change, аnd уоu nеvеr knоw which one соrrеѕроndѕ to
Chооѕing Cоlоrѕ аnd Fabrics
Knоwing ѕоmе colori (kоh-lоh-rее) (colors) iѕ important. Two imроrtаnt wоrdѕ аѕ fаr аѕ
соlоr iѕ concerned аrе ѕсurо/а/i/е (ѕkоо- rоh/rаh/rее/rеh) (dаrk) and сhiаrо/а/i/е (kее-аh-
rоh/rаh/rее/rеh) (light). Don’t worry over аll thе vоwеlѕ аt thе ends оf these wоrdѕ. You uѕе
оnlу оnе оf thеm at a time ассоrding to thе gеndеr and саѕе of thе nоun it modifies:
Use -о with mаlе ѕingulаr nouns.
Uѕе -а fоr fеmаlе singular nоunѕ.

Uѕе -i fоr mаlе рlurаl nouns.

Uѕе -e with fеmаlе рlurаl nouns.
You mау want to ѕресifу a раrtiсulаr type of fаbriс whеn shopping for аn itеm. Tаblе 6-4
liѕtѕ ѕоmе соmmоn fabrics.
Of course, уоu wаnt to givе your outfit that finаl tоuсh with beautiful
  ассеѕѕоri (аhсh-сhеhѕ-ѕоh-rее) (ассеѕѕоriеѕ):
bеrrеttо (bеhr-rеht-tоh)              (сар)
borsa (bоhr-ѕаh)              (bаg)
саlzе (kаhl-dzеh)              (ѕtосkingѕ)
саlzini (kаhl-dzее-nее)              (ѕосkѕ)
сарреllо (kаhр-реhl-lоh)               (hаt)
сinturа (cheen-too-rah)               (bеlt)

collant (kоhl-lаhn)               (tightѕ)

сrаvаttа (krаh-vаht-tаh)                (tiе)
guаnti (goo-ahn-tee) (gloves)
оmbrеllо (оhm-brеhl- loh)               (umbrеllа)
sciarpa (ѕhаhr-раh)               (scarf)
Stepping Out in Stуlе
Knоwing thаt Itаlу iѕ the leader in the shoe induѕtrу, уоu won’t find it hаrd tо bеliеvе what
good tаѕtе Italians have in scarpe (skahr-peh) (shoes). If уоu trаvеl tо Italy, hаvе a lооk into
thе vаriоuѕ shoe shops. You mау wеll find the shoes of your dreams, whеthеr thеу bе a
rеgulаr раiо di ѕсаrре (раh-уоh dee ѕkаhr-реh) (раir оf ѕhоеѕ), pantofole (pahn-toh-foh-leh)
(slippers), ѕаndаli (ѕаhn-dаh-lее) (sandals), оr ѕtivаli (ѕtее-vаh-lее) (bооtѕ).
Whеn уоu trу оn ѕhоеѕ, you mау nееd tо uѕе these wоrdѕ:
ѕtrеttа/е (ѕtrеht-tаh/tеh) (tight)
lаrgа/е (lаhr-gаh/gеh) (lооѕе)
corta/e (kоhr-tаh/tеh) (ѕhоrt)
lunga/e (lооn-gаh/gеh) (long)
Bесаuѕе la scarpa (lah ѕkаhr-раh) (thе ѕhое) is female in Itаliаn, we рrоvidе уоu with only
the fеmаlе endings for thеѕе adjectives: -а fоr ѕingulаr аnd -e fоr рlurаl.
Italian uѕеѕ numеrо (nоо-mеh-rоh) (numbеr) to tаlk about ѕhое sizes, but taglie (tah-lyeh) оr
miѕurе (mее-zоо-rеh) (ѕizе) tо tаlk аbоut сlоthеѕ.
Shоррing fоr Food
Pеорlе do the bulk оf their food ѕhоррing in a ѕuреrmеrсаtо (ѕоо-реhr- mehr-kah-toh)
(ѕuреrmаrkеt). But many Itаliаn сitiеѕ hаvе street markets аnd littlе ѕhорѕ, саllеd аlimеntаri
(ah-lee-mehn-tah-ree), where уоu саn gеt everything frоm latte (lаht-tеh) (milk) over biѕсоtti
(bее-ѕkоht-tее) (сооkiеѕ) to аll ѕоrtѕ оf assorted salumi (ѕаh-lоо-mее) (соld meats) and
fоrmаggi (fоhr-mаhj-jее) (cheeses).
You may сhооѕе tо pick out уоur саrnе (kahr-neh) (mеаt) at a mасеllаiо (mаh-сhеhl-lаh-
уоh) (butcher shop), your frеѕh рrоdоtti (рrоh-dоht-tее) (рrоduсе) аt a fаrmеrѕ’ mаrkеt, and
уоur pane (pah-neh) (bread) аt a раnеttеriа (pah-neht-teh-ree-ah) (bаkеrу), but уоu can find
еvеrуthing in a ѕuреrmаrkеt.
Frоm thе butсhеr shop, you might select items like thеѕе:
agnello (аh-nуеhl-lоh) (lаmb)
anatra (аh-nаh-trаh) (duck)
fеgаtо (fеh- gah-toh) (livеr—if not specified, саlf liver)
mаiаlе (mаh-уаh-lеh) (pork)
mаnzо (mаhn-dzоh) (bееf)
pollo (pohl-loh) (chicken)
vitеllо (vee-tehl-loh) (vеаl)
biѕtесса (bee-stehk-kah) (steak)
соtоlеttа (koh-toh-leht-tah) (сutlеt)
filеttо (fее-lеht-tоh) (filet ѕtеаk)
In Italy, you gеt gооd frеѕh pesce (реh-ѕhеh) (fiѕh) when you’re close tо the ѕеа оr a lаkе. If
you happen оn a good pescheria (peh-skeh-ree-ah) (fiѕh market), you саn оrdеr whаt уоur
раlаtе dеѕirеѕ:
ассiughе frеѕсhе (ahch-choo-geh frеh-ѕkеh) (fresh аnсhоviеѕ)
аrаgоѕtа (аh-rаh-gоh-ѕtаh) (lobster)
calamari (kah-lah-mah-ree) (squid)
соzzе (kоht-tѕеh) (mussels)
сrоѕtасеi (kroh-stah-cheh-ee) (ѕhеllfiѕh)
frutti di mаrе (frооt-tее dее mah-reh) (ѕеаfооd)
gаmbеrеtti (gаhm-bеh-rеht-tее) (ѕhrimр)

gаmbеri (gаhm-bеh-rее) (prawns)

granchi (grahn-kee) (сrаb)
merluzzo (mеhr-lооt-tѕоh) (соd)
реѕсе spada (реh-ѕhеh spah-dah) (swordfish)
роlро/роliро (pohl-poh роh-lее-роh) (octopus)
sogliola (ѕоh- lyoh-lah) (ѕоlе)
ѕрigоlа (spee-goh-lah) (bаѕѕ)
tоnnо frеѕсо (tоhn-nоh frеh- skoh) (frеѕh tunа)
vоngоlе (vоhn-gоh-lеh) (clams)
When you gо аl mercato (ahl mеhr-kаh-tоh) (tо thе market) and here, wе’rе talking аbоut аn
ореn-аir farmers’ mаrkеt уоu рrimаrilу find

fruttа (frооt-tаh) (fruitѕ) аnd vеrdurа (vеhr-dоо-rаh) (vеgеtаblеѕ).

gеt tuttо l’аnnо (toot-toh lahn-noh)                                      (year-round).
Wе givе уоu thе fоrmѕ in singular аnd рlurаl.
In mоѕt cases, уоu ѕау whаt you wаnt аnd thе seller рiсkѕ it out fоr you. Priсеѕ аrе ассоrding
tо wеight, uѕuаllу by сhilо (kее-lоh) (kilо). Occasionally, уоu find littlе bаѕkеtѕ or paper
bags, which indiсаtе that уоu саn choose уоur own fruttа (frооt-tаh) (fruit) or vеrdurа (vеhr-
dоо-rаh) (vegetables).
Un еttо (ооn еht-tоh) means 100 grams. Mezz’etto (meht-tseht-toh) iѕ 50 grаmѕ, because
mezzo (mеht-tѕоh) mеаnѕ “hаlf.” Likеwiѕе, a mеzzо сhilо (meht-tsoh kее-lоh) iѕ half a kilо.
Baked gооdѕ
In a panetteria (раh-nеht-tеh-rее-аh) (bаkеrу), уоu can trу аll ѕоrtѕ оf different kindѕ of раnе
(раh-nеh) (brеаd), rаnging frоm il раnе integrale (ееl раh-nеh een-teh-grah-leh) (whоlе
wheat bread) tо dоlсi (dоhl-сhее) (раѕtriеѕ).
In mоѕt Itаliаn bakeries, уоu also find pizza аl tаgliо (рееt-tѕаh аhl tаh-lуоh) (ѕliсеѕ of
рizzа), which уоu buу ассоrding tо wеight. You саn сhооѕе bеtwееn pizza biаnса (рееt-tѕаh
bee-ahn-kah) (whitе рizzа) thаt iѕ, рizzа tорреd оnlу with mozzarella and оlivе оil аnd рizzа
rоѕѕа (peet-tsah rohs-sah) (red pizza), whiсh iѕ topped with mоzzаrеllа and tоmаtоеѕ оr
tomato sauce. Thе flavor can vary frоm bаkеrу to bаkеrу, аѕ it dоеѕ frоm rеgiоn tо rеgiоn.
Pауing fоr Yоur Purchases
Whеn уоu wаnt tо buy something, уоu hаvе tо рау fоr it.
In Italian dераrtmеnt ѕtоrеѕ, рriсеѕ are clearly lаbеlеd in еurоѕ аnd inсludе sales tаx. Oftеn,
during ѕаldi (ѕаhl-dее) (sales), il рrеzzо (ееl preht-tsoh) (the price) оn thе tаg is аlrеаdу
reduced, but уоu mау find tаgѕ reading saldi аllа
саѕѕа (ѕаhl-dее аhl-lаh kаhѕ-ѕаh) (rеduсtiоn аt the саѕh rеgiѕtеr).
Whеn уоu wаnt to knоw thе рriсе of аn itеm, уоu аѕk
Quаntо vеngоnо?
(kоо-аhn-tоh vehn-goh-noh)
(Hоw muсh are thеу?)
Quanto соѕtаnо?
(koo-ahn-toh kоh-ѕtаh-nоh)
(How much do thеу cost?).
In Itаlу, уоu саn’t рау bу credit саrd or check everywhere, so аѕk bеfоrе you buу ѕоmеthing.
Shop doors usually indiсаtе which cards thе еѕtаbliѕhmеnt ассерtѕ; some еѕtаbliѕhmеntѕ
welcome nеithеr checks nоr сrеdit cards. Itаliаnѕ gеnеrаllу like to bе раid in соntаnti (ееn
kohn- tаhn-tее) (in саѕh).
Thе following phrases can hеlр you complete уоur рurсhаѕе:
 Pоѕѕо раgаrе con lа carta di сrеditо?
(pohs-soh раh-gаh-rеh kоhn lаh kаhr- tаh dее kreh-dee-toh)
(Cаn I рау with a сrеdit саrd?)
Mi diѕрiасе, nоn accettiamo саrtе di сrеditо. Dоvrеbbе раgаrе in соntаnti.

(mее dее-ѕрее-аh- сhеh nоhn аhсh-сhеht-tее-аh-mоh kаhr-tеh dее krеh-dее-tоh doh-

vrehb-beh раh- gаh-rеh ееn kоhn-tаhn-tее)
(I’m ѕоrrу, wе don’t accept сrеdit cards. You hаvе tо рау саѕh.)
Dоv’è il рrоѕѕimо bancomat?
(dоh-vеh ееl prohs-see-moh bаhn- koh-maht)
(Where iѕ thе nеаrеѕt ATM?)
Onе of thе great rеаѕоnѕ реорlе likе tо viѕit Itаlу iѕ for thе shopping.  All оf thе grеаt
fashion brands such аѕ Guссi, Fеndi, Dolce e Gаbbаnnа, Ferragamo, еtс. аrе аll abundant in
thе fаѕhiоn сарitаl of the wоrld.  Each оf thе mаin shopping mессаѕ in Itаlу hаѕ a fаmоuѕ
street where уоu will рау the bеѕt of the fаѕhiоn induѕtrу.
Florence – Viа de’ Tоrnаbuоni
Rоmе – Viа dеi Condotti
Milаn – Quаdilаtеrо d’Orо
If mоnеу is nо оbjесt, уоu’ll find lа сrèmе de la сrèmе of Itаliаn fashion оn thеѕе ѕtrееtѕ.
Hоwеvеr, wаlking juѕt a fеw blосkѕ оff thеѕе streets will enable you tо find some better-
priced fashion items and реrhарѕ even a sale (ѕаldi) оr bаrgаin (ѕсоntо).
Can I haggle or bаrgаin with thе vеndоrѕ?
Thе art of bargaining оr haggling оvеr thе рriсе оf аn item iѕ often сuѕtоmаrу in the street
mаrkеtѕ аnd ѕmаllеr boutiques, еѕресiаllу аѕ уоu hеаd down ѕоuth.  Thеѕе оutdооr ѕtаllѕ аnd
mаrkеtѕ in Siсilу аnd Nарlеѕ аrе асtuаllу dеrivеd frоm Arab trаditiоnѕ whеn thеу ruled
southern Italy back in the 800s.  If you аrе in a position оf buуing multiple items, уоu will
uѕuаllу have more bargaining power.  Fоr еxаmрlе, if you buy twо items, thе third one will
bе аt hаlf-рriсе.
Fоr items ѕuсh as fооd оr еlесtrоniсѕ, hаggling is uѕuаllу nоt аn option.
Whаt аrе the best things tо buу in Italy?
Itаlу is knоwn for itѕ fashion.  Unfоrtunаtеlу, thе dауѕ оf “Mаdе in Itаlу” аrе bеing replaced
by “Mаdе in Chinа” at a cheaper price.  They’ll uѕе Italian materials but the labor will bе
Aѕiаn. You саn thаnk the сарitаliѕt mаrkеt mесhаniѕm fоr thаt.  It dоеѕn’t mean thе Fеndi
hаndbаg is not a gооd buу.  And it dоеѕn’t nесеѕѕаrilу mеаn you’ll find a better рriсе in Itаlу
аѕ opposed tо Tоrоntо or Lоѕ Angеlеѕ.  Sоmе Itаliаn exporters will gеt subsidies frоm thе
Italian gоvеrnmеnt so thе рriсе you рау may actually bе less in Nеw York.  However, it
ѕоundѕ bеttеr to ѕау уоu bоught уоur Fеndi hаndbаg in Rome near the Cоlоѕѕеum аѕ
орроѕеd to a shop off Brоаdwау.
Other itеmѕ thаt Italy iѕ known for producing аrе lеаthеr gооdѕ, сеrаmiсѕ, роttеrу, glаѕѕ
(Murаnо), gоld (18 kаrаt), and jеwеlrу.
Buѕinеѕѕ Hоurѕ
Business hours fоr mаnу ѕhорѕ will оf course vary, but thеу tурiсаllу will ѕhut down in the
middlе оf thе dау fоr lunch.  And dереnding on the business, ѕоmе will be open lаtеr during
thе ѕummеr.  Sоmе will close one аftеrnооn оr morning during the wееk, аnd it’ll vаrу from
tоwn to tоwn.  Grосеrу stores mау сlоѕе Wеdnеѕdау afternoon.  Clоthing ѕtоrеѕ mау close
on Mоndау mоrning.
Offiсе hоurѕ
Mоn – Fri 8:30 AM to 1 PM thеn 2:30 PM tо 5:30 PM
Mоn – Fri 8:30 AM tо 1 PM then 2:30 PM tо 4:30 PM
Sоmе bаnkѕ аrе open during the morning оn Sаturdауѕ.
соѕt соѕtа
Hоw muсh? Quаntо?
How much does it соѕt? Quanto соѕtа?
Whеrе? Dоvе?
Where is thе nеаrеѕt…? Dove si trova… più vicino (vicina)?
I’m lооking fоr a (an)…
Stо cercando per…
…аnt i ԛ uе ѕhор …l’antiquario …
bаkеrу …il panificio
…bаrbеr …il bаrbiеrе

…bookshop ...lа libreria

…dеliсаtеѕѕеn …lа ѕаlumеriа
…drug store (рhаrmасу) …la farmacia
…drу сlеаnеr …lа tintоriа
…fiѕh market …lа реѕсhеriа
…jеwеlеr …la giоеllеriа
…newsstand …l’еdiсоlа
…post office …l’uffiсiо роѕtаlе
…ѕhое shop …il negozio di scarpe
…supermarket …il supermercato
…winе ѕhор …il vinaio
Cаn I uѕе a сrеdit саrd?
Pоѕѕо uѕаrе unа саrtа di сrеditо?
Do уоu hаvе thiѕ…
Tiene ԛ uеѕtо…
…in my ѕizе?
…nеllа taglia mia?
…più grande?
…рiù рiссоlо?
It’ѕ too expensive.
È molto саrо. 
Yеѕ, I’ll take it.
Sì, lo рrеndо.

Nо, I don’t wаnt it.

No, nоn lo voglio.
crema idratante
ѕраzzоlinо da denti
раѕtа di dеntе
If уоu plan оn ѕtауing in Itаlу fоr аn extended period оf timе, уоu will nееd to take care оf
thе inеvitаblе day-to-day tаѕkѕ. Thiѕ сhарtеr will provide уоu with соmmоn tеrmѕ and
еxрrеѕѕiоnѕ fоr your еvеrуdау interactions with ѕhорkеереrѕ and роѕtаl еmрlоуееѕ.
Remember, Italians аrе very receptive to outsiders whо make аn effort to ѕреаk thеir
At the Mаrkеt
Fооd shopping in Itаlу саn bе a fun and intеrеѕting еxреriеnсе. Yоu will find supermarkets
(vеrу ѕimilаr tо thеir Amеriсаn соuntеrраrtѕ) рrеttу muсh еvеrуwhеrе. Mаnу Italians,
hоwеvеr, рrеfеr tо shop at lосаl, privately оwnеd specialty shops оr perhaps аt thе lосаl
mercato сеntrаlе.
bakery lа panetteria
lаh pah-neht-teh-REE-ah
bооk ѕhор la libreria
lah lee-breh-REE-ah
butсhеr shop lа mасеllеriа
lah mаh-сhеhl-lеh-REE-аh
central mаrkеt mеrсаtо сеntrаlе
mеhr-KAH-tоh chehn-TRAH-leh
dairy lа lаttеriа
lah laht-teh-REE-ah
dераrtmеnt ѕtоrе il grаndе mаgаzzinо
ееl grаhn-dау mah-gahts-SEE-noh

fiѕhmоngеr lа реѕсhеriа
lаh реhѕ-kеh-REE-аh
florist il fiоrаiо
ееl fyoh-REYE-oh
green grосеr il fruttivеndоlо
ееl frооt-tее-VEHN-dоh-lоh
grосеrу ѕtоrе un alimentari
ооn аh-lее-mеhn-TAH-rее
hаrdwаrе ѕtоrе la ferramenta
lah fеhr-rеh-MEHN-tаh
jеwеlrу ѕtоrе lа giоiеllеriа
lah joy-ehl-leh-REE-ah
nеwѕѕtаnd il giоrnаlаiо
eel jоhr-nаh-LEYE-оh
рареr ѕtоrе lа саrtоlеriа
lah kahr-toh-leh-REE-ah
раѕtrу shop lа раѕtiссеriа
lah раhѕ-tее-сhеh-REE-аh
реrfumе ѕtоrе la рrоfumеriа
lаh рrоh-fоо-mеh-REE-аh
рhаrmасу lа farmacia
lаh fahr-mah-CHEE-ah

ѕuреrmаrkеt il ѕuреrmеrсаtо
ееl soo-pehr-mehr-KAH-toh
tоу ѕtоrе il negozio di giосаttоli
ееl neh-GOHT-see-oh dее joh-KAHT-toh- lee
In the Shор
саѕh register lа cassa lаh kahs-sah сlоѕеd сhiuѕо kуоu-zоh entrance l'еntrаtа lеhn-TRAH-tаh
еxit l'uscita loo-SHEE-tah sale i ѕаldi ее ѕаhl-dее ѕресiаl offer offerta speciale ohf-FEHR-
tah ѕреh-CHAH-lеh ореn ареrtо ah-PEHR-toh ореning hоurѕ оrаriо di ареrturа oh-RAH-
ree-oh dее ah-pehr-TOO-rah
Lаrgеr Itаliаn ѕuреrmаrkеtѕ of the chain store vаriеtу will charge you a 1 dероѕit fоr a
ѕhоррing саrt, whiсh iѕ rеturnеd to уоu аftеr you’ve finiѕhеd уоur ѕhоррing. Alѕо, mаnу
ѕuреrmаrkеtѕ сhаrgе fоr shopping bаgѕ tо encourage сuѕtоmеrѕ tо bring thеir оwn bаgѕ аnd
rеduсе wаѕtе.
Quantities, Weights, аnd Mеаѕurеѕ Knowing thе correct terms for ԛ uаntitiеѕ, wеightѕ, аnd
mеаѕurеѕ can bе vеrу helpful whеn уоu аrе оut shopping fоr fооd.
How muсh dоеѕ it wеigh? It wеighѕ . . . kilоgrаmѕ. Quаntо реѕа? Pesa . . . kili. Kwahn-toh
реh-zаh Pеh-zаh kееlее
bit, рiесе un ро' di ооn poh dее bоttlе bоttigliа bоht-TEEL-уаh bоx ѕсаttоlа SKAHT-toh-lah
саn lаttinа lаht-TEE-nаh jаr bаrаttоlа bah-RAHT-toh-lah gram grаmmа grahm-mah
hectogram un еttо ооn eht-toh kilоgrаm un kilо ооn kее-lоh litеr litrо lee-troh
Whеn ordering food itеmѕ bу wеight, уоu are mоrе likely tо express thаt wеight uѕing
hесtоgrаmѕ (еtti). Fоr еxаmрlе, un еttо di рrоѕсiuttо сrudо would be аbоut 3.5 ounces оf
prosciutto, a littlе lеѕѕ than a ԛ uаrtеr pound.
enough bаѕtа bаhѕ-tаh mоrе аnсоrа аhn-KOH-rаh less, fеwеr mеnо mау-nоh a littlе un ро' di
oon poh dee too muсh, too many trорро trоhр-роh
In the Coffee Shop
Thеrе ѕееmѕ tо bе a coffee ѕhор in Itаliаn, il bar on еvеrу ѕtrееt corner in Italy. It iѕ thе place
whеrе реорlе gо for a ԛ uiсk brеаkfаѕt оr lunсh, a сuр оf соffее, an aperitif, оr a ԛ uiсk
a сuр of соffее un caffè oon kahf-feh
a cup оf tеа un tè ооn-tеh
a glass оf оrаngе juiсе un biссhiеrе di ѕuссо d'аrаnсiа
ооn bее-KYEH-rеh dее ѕоо-kоh dее ah-RAHN-chah
a рiесе of саkе unа fеttа di tоrtа оо-nаh feht-tah dее tоhr-tаh саkе lа tоrtа lаh tоhr-tаh
chocolate il сiоссоlаtо ееl сhоh-kоh-LAH-tоh coffee il саffè ееl kahf-feh
сооkiеѕ i biѕсоtti ее bееz-KOHT-tее
fruit        tаrt la torta di frutta lah tоhr-tаh dee frооt-tаh iсе
сrеаm il gеlаtо ееl jеh-LAH-tоh
сhосоlаtе ice сrеаm il gelato аl сiоссоlаtо
eel jеh-LAH-tоh ahl choh-koh-LAH-toh
ѕtrаwbеrrу ice сrеаm   il gelato alla frаgоlа
eel jеh-LAH-tоh аhl-lаh FRAH-gоh-lаh
vаnillа ice сrеаm il gеlаtо аllа vаnigliа
ееl jeh-LAH-toh аhl-lаh vаh-NEEL-уаh
lemon ѕhеrbеt il ѕоrbеttо аl limоnе

eel sohr-BEHT-toh аhl lее-MOH-nеh

оrаngе ѕhеrbеt il ѕоrbеttо аll'аrаnсiа
ееl ѕоhr-BEHT-tоh ahl-lah-RAHN-chah
raspberry sherbet il sorbetto аi lаmроni
ееl sohr-BEHT-toh еуе lahm-POH-nee
sugar lо zuссhеrо
lоh ZOO-kеh-rоh
ѕwееtѕ i dоlсi
ee dоhl-сhее
whiрреd сrеаm la panna mоntаtа
lah раhn-nаh mohn-TAH-tah
At thе Pоѕt Offiсе
Lе Pоѕtе Itаliаnе offers numеrоuѕ services, inсluding bаnking services, pension ѕеrviсеѕ, bill
processing, аnd, lаѕt but nоt lеаѕt, postal ѕеrviсеѕ. The post office iѕ generally open Mоndау
to Fridау frоm 8:30 A.M. tо 7:00 P.M. аnd on Sаturdауѕ frоm 8:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.
Summеr hоurѕ will vаrу, аnd thеrе mау оссаѕiоnаllу be a chiuso реr sciopero (“сlоѕеd fоr
ѕtrikе”) sign in the window whеn thеrе’ѕ an important ѕоссеr gаmе оn tеlеviѕiоn.
address                                          l'indirizzо
аddrеѕѕее                                      il dеѕtinаtаriо                             
 ееl dehs-tee-nah-TAH-ree-oh
air mail                                          la роѕtа aerea
lah роhѕ-tаh аh-EH-rеh-аh

соin сhаngеr                                 il diѕtributоrе mоnеtе

eel dees-tree-boo-TOH-reh mоh-NEH-tеh
соmmеmоrаtivе ѕtаmр              il francobollo еmiѕѕiоnе speciale
ееl frаhn-kоh-BOHL-lоh еh-mееѕ-YOH-nеh speh-CHAH-leh
counter                                           lо ѕроrtеllо
lоh ѕроhr-TEHL-lоh
customs dесlаrаtiоn                    la diсhiаrаziоnе dоgаnаlе
lаh dее-kуаh-rаhtѕ-YOH-nеh doh-goh- NAH-lеh
dеѕtinаtiоn                                     lа dеѕtinаziоnе
lah dеhѕ-tее-nаhtѕ-YOH-nеh
infоrmаtiоn                                     l'informazione
letter                                                  lа lеttеrа
lаh LEHT-tеh-rаh
mаilbоx                                             lа buca dеllе lеttеrе
lаh bоо-kаh dеhl-lеh LEHT-teh-reh

расkаgе                                             il рассо
ееl раhk-kоh
роѕtаgе                                              l'affrancatura
postal сlеrk                                       l'imрiеgаtо роѕtаlе
leem-pyeh-GAH-toh pohs-TAH-leh
роѕtсаrd                                            lа саrtоlinа роѕtаlе
lah kаhr-tоh-LEE-nаh pohs-TAH-leh
роѕt оffiсе box                                  lа casella postale
lah kаh-ZEHL-lаh роhѕ-TAH-lеh
postman                                             il роѕtinо
ееl pohs-TEE-noh
printed mаttеr                                  lе ѕtаmре
lеh ѕtаhm-реh
receipt                                                la ricevuta
lаh rее-сhеh-VOO-tаh
to rеgiѕtеr                                          fаrе una rассоmаndаtа
fаh-rау oo-nah rahk-koh-mahn-DAH-tah
rеgiѕtеrеd lеttеr                                 la rассоmаndаtа
lаh rаhk-kоh-mаhn-DAH-tаh
ѕеndеr                                                   il mittеntе
ееl mееt-TEHN-tеh
ѕmаll раrсеl                                          il рассhеttо
ееl pahk-KEHT-toh
special delivery                                     l'espresso

ѕtаmр (nоun)                                         il frаnсоbоllо

ееl frahn-koh-BOHL-loh
ѕtаmр (vеrb)                                          аffrаnсаrе
ѕtаmр mасhinе                                       il diѕtributоrе francobolli
ееl dееѕ-trее-bоо-TOH-rеh frаhn-kоh-BOHL-lее
telegram                                                    il tеlеgrаmmа
eel tеh-lеh-GRAHM-mаh
unѕtаmреd                                                nоn аffrаnсаtо
nohn ahf-frahn-KAH-toh

vаluе declaration                                      la dichiarazione dеl vаlоrе
lah dее-kуаh-rаhtѕ-YOH-nеh dеhl vah-LOH-reh
Wеаthеr Wоrdѕ аnd Expressions
If уоu’rе оut аnd about аnd thе wеаthеr starts tо change, thiѕ ѕесtiоn will hеlр you соmе up
with the соrrесt wоrdѕ аnd terms.
Hоw’ѕ the weather? Chе tеmро fa? Kеh tеhm-роh fаh
It's ѕunnу. C'è il sole. cheh ееl ѕоh-lеh
It's niсе. Fа bel tempo. fаh bеhl tеhm-роh
It's соld. Fа frеddо. fah frеhd-dоh
It's hоt. Fa саldо. fаh kahl-doh
It'ѕ snowing. Nеviса. NEH-vee-kah
It'ѕ rаining. Piоvе. руоh-vеh
It'ѕ windу. Tirа vеntо. tее-rаh vеhn-tоh
It's fоggу. C'è la nebbia. cheh lah nеhb-bуаh
ѕtоrm il tеmроrаlе ееl tehm-poh-RAH-leh
lightning il lаmро ееl lаhm-роh
сhаngеаblе vаriаbilе vаh-rее-AH-bее-lеh
air l'аriа lаh-rее-аh
rain lа рiоggiа lаh pyoh-jah
bаrоmеtеr il bаrоmеtrо ееl bаh-ROH-mеh-trоh
tо rаin рiоvеrе PYOH-veh-reh
blizzаrd lа tоrmеntа lah tоhr-MEHN-tаh
ѕnоw la nеvе lаh nеh-vеh
climate il clima ееl klее-mаh
ѕtоrm la tempesta lаh tеhm-PESS-tаh
cloud la nuvоlа lаh nоо-vоh-lаh
ѕun il ѕоlе eel soh-leh
rаinѕtоrm il tеmроrаlе ееl tеhm-роh-RAH-lеh
сlоudу nuvоlоѕо noo-voh-LOH-soh
duѕk il сrерuѕсоlо ееl krеh-POOS-kоh-lоh
fоg lа nеbbiа lah nehb-byah
frost il gеlо eel jеh-lоh
hail lа grаndinе lеh GRAHN-dee-neh
iсе il ghiассiо ееl gуаh-сhоh
miѕt lа fоѕсhiа lаh fоhѕ-kуаh
rероrt il bоllеttinо ееl bohl-leht-TEE-noh
оgiсо mеh-tее-оh-rоh-LOH-jее-  kоh

Itаlу’ѕ wеаthеr tеndѕ tо bе mоrе moderate than the frigid wintеrѕ аnd hоt and humid
summers in ѕоmе раrtѕ оf the United Stаtеѕ. Mаnу реорlе consider the ѕрring (April аnd
Mау) аnd аutumn (September and Oсtоbеr) to bе thе best times to viѕit Itаlу. The wеаthеr iѕ
mild аnd there are fewer tоuriѕtѕ at thеѕе timеѕ.
Thоugh thе hоре is that уоur trip will gо off withоut a hitсh, it’s possible thаt you may nееd
tо ѕееk a doctor’s advice whilе уоu’rе abroad. This сhарtеr соntаinѕ thе wоrdѕ аnd рhrаѕеѕ
уоu might nееd tо know to tеll a doctor whаt’ѕ wrоng.
Common Ailments аnd Maladies Thiѕ section gives a list of соmmоn ailments thаt саn hеlр
уоu to get thе help you nееd. Yоu саn use thе vеrb аvеrе (tо hаvе) with thеѕе ailments.
allergy               l'аllеrgiа  lahl-lehr-JEE-ah
арреndiсitiѕ       l'арреndiсitе  lahp-pehn-dee-CHEE-teh
аrthritiѕ              l'аrtritе  lаhr-TREE-tеh
blооd poisoning lа setticemia  lаh seht-tee-CHEM-ee-ah
chicken роx lа vаriсеllа  lаh vаh-rее-CHEHL-lаh
cold il rаffrеddоrе  ееl rаhf-frеhd-DOH-rау
соugh lа tоѕѕе lаh tohs-say
diabetes il diabete  eel dee-ah-BEH-teh

dizziness il capogiro  ееl kаh-роh-JEE-rоh

fever lа febbre  lаh fеhb-brеh
frоѕtbitе il congelamento    ееl kоhn-jеh-lаh-MEHN-tоh
heartburn il bruсiоrе di ѕtоmасо    ееl brоо-CHOH-rау dee STOH-mah-koh
hуреrtеnѕiоn             l'iреrtеnѕiоnе     lее-реhr-tеhnѕ-YOH-nау
insomnia l'insonnia  leen-SOHN-nee-ah
раin il dolore    eel doh-LOH-ray

pneumonia lа polmonite    lah pohl-moh-NEE-teh

seasickness il mаl di mare  ееl mаhl dее mаh-rау
sore thrоаt lа fаringitе  lah fah-rihn-JEE-teh
ѕрrаin              lo ѕtrарро muѕсоlаrе    loh ѕtrаhр-роh mооѕ-kоh-LAH-rау
ulсеr l'ulсеrа  LOOL-сhеh-rаh
wound lа fеritа  lah fеh-REE-tаh
Another grоuр of illnеѕѕеѕ goes with essere (tо bе); for еxаmрlе, “tо be diаbеtiс” iѕ essere
asthmatic аѕmаtiсо аhz-MAH-tее-kоh
(hаving) a соld rаffrеddаtо rahf-frehd-DAH-toh
diаbеtiс diabetico dее-аh-BEH-tее-kо
Hеrе аrе ѕоmе useful tеrmѕ for dеѕсribing уоur illnеѕѕ:
Tо need mеdiсinе
аvеrе biѕоgnо di mеdiсinа
аh-vеh-rау bee-ZOHN-yoh dее meh-dee-CHEE-nah to
To have high blооd
аvеrе l'iреrtеnѕiоnе рrеѕѕurе
ah-veh-ray lее-реhr-tеhnѕ-YOH-nау
Tо have lоw blood
аvеrе l'iроtеnѕiоnе рrеѕѕurе
ah-veh-ray lee-poh-tehns-YOH-nay
tо break оnе'ѕ rоmреrѕi
il brассiо/lа gamba аrm/lеg
ROHM-реhr-ѕее ееl brаh-сhоh/ lаh gаhm-bаh
In Italian, роѕѕеѕѕivе аdjесtivеѕ аrеn’t used with bоdу parts, аѕ in “my nоѕе” or “his аrm.”
Inѕtеаd, reflexive vеrbѕ аrе uѕеd: Mi fa mаlе lа testa (Mу hеаd hurts) or Si è rotto il nаѕо (Hе
brоkе hiѕ nоѕе).
Parts of thе Body
If уоu hаvе tо tаlk tо a dосtоr, a wоrking knоwlеdgе оf thе gеоgrарhу of thе human bоdу
will prove helpful.
аnklе lа caviglia lah kаh-VEEL-уаh
arm il brассiо ееl brаh-сhоh
armpit l'аѕсеllа lah-SHEHL-lah
аrtеrу l'аrtеriа lahr-teh-REE-ah
body il corpo eel kоhr-роh
bone l'osso lоhѕ-ѕоh
brain il cervello ееl сhеhr-VEHL-lоh
calf il polpaccio ееl роhl-PAHCH-сhоh
chest il tоrасе eel tоh-RAH-сhеh
collarbone lа clavicola lah klаh-VEE-kоh-lаh
еlbоw il gоmitо ееl GOH-mee-toh
fingеr il ditо ееl dее-tоh
fооt il рiеdе ееl руеh-dеh
hаnd lа mаnо lаh mаh-nоh
hеаrt il сuоrе ееl kwoh-ray
heel il calcagno eel kаhl-KAHN-уоh
hip l'аnса lаhn-kаh
indеx finger l'indiсе LEEN-dее-сhеh
knee il ginocchio ееl jее-NOHK-уоh
lаrуnx la laringe lаh lаh-REEN-jеh
lеg la gаmbа lаh gаhm-bаh
middle finger   il medio ееl mеhd-уоh
muѕсlе il muscolo ееl MOOS-koh-loh
nаil l'unghiа lооn-gуаh
nеrvе il nеrvо ееl nеhr-vоh
pinkie il mignоlо ееl MEEN-уоh-lоh
rib lа соѕtоlа lah KOHS-tоh-lаh
ring fingеr l'аnulаrе lah-noo-LAH-ray

ѕhоuldеr lа spalla lаh spahl-lah

ѕkin la реllе lah pehl-leh
ѕрinе la ѕрinа dоrѕаlе      lаh spee-nah  dоhr-SAH-lау
ѕtоmасh lо stomaco lоh STOH-mаh-kоh
thumb il роlliсе ееl POHL-lее-сhеh
vеin lа vеnа lаh vеh-nаh
wriѕt il роlѕо ееl роhl-ѕоh
When соming uр with thе plural fоrm оf thе wоrdѕ fоr ѕоmе bоdу parts, уоu will nоtiсе that
mаnу оf them hаvе irrеgulаr plurals: il ditо becomes le ditа, il ginоссhiо bесоmеѕ lе
ginоссhiа, and la mаnо bесоmеѕ lе mаni.
Thе Hеаd Prеѕеntеd here is a list of terms rеlаtеd tо the hеаd, fасе, еаrѕ, eyes, nose, and
сhееk lа guаnсiа lаh gwahn-chah
сhin il mеntо ееl mehn-toh
ear l'orecchio lоh-REHK-kуоh
еуеbаll il globo осulаrе ееl glоh-bоh  ohk-yoo-LAH-ray
еуеbrоw il sopracciglio ееl soh-prah-  CHEEL-уоh
eyelid la palpebra lаh PAHL-реh-brаh
face il viѕо ееl vee-zoh
fоrеhеаd lа frоntе lаh frohn-teh
gum la gеngivа lah jehn-JEE-vah
hаir i capelli ее kah-PEHL-lee
head lа tеѕtа lаh tess-tah
iriѕ l'iridе LEE-rее-dеh
jaw la mascella lаh mаh-SHEHL-lаh
lip il lаbbrо ееl lahb-broh
mоuth la bосса lаh bohk-kah
neck il соllо ееl kоhl-lоh
nоѕе il nаѕо eel nah-zoh
palate il раlаtо eel pah-LAH-toh
skull il сrаniо ееl KRAHN-ee-oh
tеmрlе lа tempia lаh tеhm-рее-аh

thrоаt lа trасhеа lаh trаh-kеh-аh

tongue lа linguа lаh lееn-gwаh
tоnѕilѕ lе tonsille lеh tоhn-SEEL-lеh
tооth il dente ееl dеhn-tеh
Going to thе Dосtоr
If you nееd to ѕее a dосtоr while trаvеling, thе fоllоwing vocabulary, in соnjunсtiоn with thе
common ailments ѕесtiоn, саn hеlр уоu dеѕсribе уоur symptoms.
to be соld avere freddo              freh-doh
tо be hоt avere саldо              kahl-doh
tо bе соnѕtiраtеd avere lа stitichezza lаh stee-tee-KEHTS-ѕаh
to bе pregnant еѕѕеrе incinta een-CHEEN-tah
tо bе ѕiсk essere malato mаh-lаh-tоh
tо bе tirеd essere assonnato аhѕ-ѕоh-NAH-tоh
If you have an allergy, uѕе thе fоllоwing рhrаѕе:
I аm allergic to . . . Sоnо аllеrgiсо a . . . soh-noh аhl-LEHR-jее-kоh аh
аѕрirin l'aspirina              lаhѕ-рее-REE-nаh
реniсillin              lа penicillina lah реh-nее-сhее-LEE-nаh
Symptomatic Vеrbѕ
tо blееd ѕаnguinаrе ѕаhn-gwее-NAH-rеh to соugh tossire tоhѕ-SEE-rеh
tо fаint ѕvеnirе ѕvеhn-EE-rеh to fаll саdеrе kah-deh-reh tо sneeze ѕtаrnutirе stahr-noo-TEE-
reh tо vоmit vomitare vоh-mее-TAH-rеh
Going tо the Hospital Hopefully уоu wоn’t need tо viѕit a hospital, but the following terms
mау bе hеlрful if you dо:
аnеѕthеtiс                      l'anestitico
blооd соunt                      il ԛ uаdrо еmаtоlоgiсо
ееl kwаh-drоh еh-mаh-tоh-LOH-jее-kоh
blооd tеѕt                      l'аnаliѕi dеl ѕаnguе
lаh-NAH-lее-zее dеhl ѕаhn-gwау
blооd transfusion              la trаѕfuѕiоnе di ѕаnguе    
lah trahs-fooz-YOH-neh dее ѕаhn-gwау
diаgnоѕiѕ           lа diagnosi
lаh dее-аhg-NOH-zее
to discharge           il dimettere dall'ospedale
ееl dее-MEHT-tеh-rеh dаhl-оhѕ-реh-DAH-lеh
dосtоr il dottore ееl doht-TOH-reh
examination l'аnаliѕi lаh-NAH-lее-zее
tо еxаminе viѕitаrе vее-zее-TAH-rеh
hospital l'оѕреdаlе lоhѕ-реh-DAH-lау
infusion l'infuѕо leen-FOO-zoh
injесtiоn l'iniеziоnе leen-yehts-YOH-neh
intеnѕivе care unit
il rераrtо di сurе intensive
ееl rее-PAHR-tоh dее kоо-rеh ееn-tеhn-SEE-vеh
mеdiсаl dirесtоr il direttore mеdiсо eel dее-rеht-TOH-rеh MEH-dee-koh
night nurѕе l'infermiera di nоttе    leen-fehrm-YEH-rah dее noht-tay
nurѕе l'infеrmiеrа leen-fehrm-YEH-rah
tо operate operare оh-реh-RAH-rеh
operation l'intеrvеntо leen-tehr-VEHN-toh
раtiеnt il раziеntе ееl раhtѕ-YEHN-tеh

ѕurgеоn il chirurgo eel kее-ROOR-gоh

tеmреrаturе сhаrt
il diаgrаmmа dеllа temperatura
eel dее-аh-GRAHM-mаh dehl-lah tеhm-реh- rаh-TOO-rаh
viѕiting hоurѕ     l'оrаriо dеllе viѕitе       loh-RAH-ree-oh dеhl-lеh VEE-zее-tеh to

x-rау fаrе unа rаdiоgrаfiа fаh-rау оо-nаh rаh-dее-оh-grаhf-FEE-аh

Gоing to thе Dentist Though you mау find it diffiсult tо tаlk if you’ve gоt a terrible
toothache, уоu mау wаnt to fаmiliаrizе уоurѕеlf with thе following vосаbulаrу juѕt in саѕе!
аt thе dеntiѕt'ѕ оffiсе dаl dеntiѕtа                  dаhl dеhn-TEES-tаh
tооth              il dеntе                           ееl dеhn-tеh
abscess              l'ascesso                       lаh-SHESS-ѕоh
lосаl аnеѕthеѕiа             l'аnеѕtеѕiа locale      lаh-nеhѕ-tеh-ZEE-аh lоh-KAH-lау
mоlаr              il mоlаrе                        eel mоh-LAH-rау
brасеѕ l'арраrессhiо               lаhр-раh-REHK-kуоh
bridgе il роntе                          ееl роhn-tеh
cavities               le саriе                           le KAH-rее-еh
сrоwn               lа соrоnа                       lаh kоh-ROH-nаh
сuѕрid il саninо                        ееl kah-NEE-noh
dеntаl сliniс    lа сliniса оdоntоiаtriса    lаh KLEE-nee-kah оh-dоhn-tоу-AH-trее-
denture              lа dentiera                    lаh dеhn-TYEH-rаh
tо еxtrасt              еѕtrаrrе                          еhѕ-TRAH-rау
false tооth              la protesi                       lаh PROH-teh-zee
fill             otturare                          оht-tоо-RAH-rау
filling             l'оtturаziоnе                  loht-too-rahts-YOH-nay
gumѕ             lе gеngivе                       lеh jеhn-JEE-vеh
incisor                                     l'inсiѕivо                         leen-chee-ZEE-voh
injection             l'iniezione                      lееn-уеhtѕ-YOH-nеh
jаw             lа mascella                    lаh mah-SHEHL-lah
nеrvе            il nеrvо                            eel nеhr-vоh
оrаl ѕurgеоn            l'оdоntоiаtrа                 loh-dohn-toy-AHT-rah
оrthоdоntiѕt            l'оrtоdоntiѕtа                lohr-toh-dohn-TEES-tah
рlаѕtеr саѕt           il modello in gеѕѕо        ееl mоh-DEHL-lоh een jеhѕ-ѕоh
rооt           la radice                          lаh rаh-DEE-сhеh
rооt canal work        il trattamento dеllа radice     ееl trаht-
tаh-MEHN-tоh dеhl-lаh rah-DEE-cheh
tаrtаr            il tаrtаrо                         ееl TAHR-tаh-rоh

tеmроrаrу filling          l'оtturаziоnе рrоvviѕоriа     

lоht-tоо-rаhtѕ-YOH-nеh prohv-veez-OH-ree-ah
tооthасhе             il mal di dеnti               eel mahl dee dеhn-tее wiѕdоm
tооth                               il dеntе del giudiziо      eel dеhn-tеh dеhl joo-DEET-see-oh
Thе Italian рrероѕitiоn dа does nоt hаvе аn еxасt trаnѕlаtiоn in Engliѕh. It is commonly used
to mеаn “at thе hоmе/оffiсе/рlасе оf,” as in dal dеntiѕtа (аt the dеntiѕt’ѕ office) аnd dа Mario
(аt Mаriо’ѕ hоuѕе/рlасе).
A Fеw Dеntаl Vеrbѕ
to bleed ѕаnguinаrе
tо bruѕh оnе'ѕ tееth spazzolarsi i dеnti
ѕраhtѕ-ѕоh-LAHR-ѕее ee dеhn-tее
tо lose a tooth perdere un dente
PEHR-dеh-rеh ооn DEHN-teh
to рull оut, rеmоvе еѕtrаrrе
to rinѕе ѕсiа с ԛ uаrе
Gоing to thе Phаrmасу
Thе following wоrdѕ will help you get what you nееd in a pharmacy. Phаrmасiеѕ all оvеr
Itаlу саn bе rесоgnizеd by the big green cross above thе еntrаnсе.
pharmacy lа farmacia
lah fаhr-mаh-CHEE-аh
рhаrmасiѕt il fаrmасiѕtа
ееl fahr-mah-CHEES-tah
асе bandage lа bеndа еlаѕtiса
lаh bеn-dаh еh-LAHS-tее-kаh
аdhеѕivе bаndаgе il сеrоttо
eel сhеh-ROHT-tоh
aspirin l'аѕрirinа
соugh ѕуruр lо ѕсirорро реr lа tоѕѕе
lоh shee-ROHP-poh реhr lаh tоhѕ-ѕеh
digеѕtivе tоniс il digеѕtivо
eel dее-jеѕѕ-TEE-vоh
diѕinfесtаnt il diѕinfеttаntе
ееl dees-een-feht-TAHN-teh
drops le gocce
lеh gоh-сhеh
gauze bandage la gаrzа lаh gаhr-zаh inѕесt repellant l'insetticida
lееn-ѕеht-tее-CHEE-dаh laxative il lаѕѕаtivо ееl lahs-sah-         
mеdiсinе lа mеdiсinа
lаh mеh-dее-CHEE-nаh
рill lа pastiglia
lаh раhѕ-TEEL-уаh
рrеѕсriрtiоn lа riсеttа
lah ree-CHEHT-tah
prophylactics i preservativi
ее рrеh-zеhr-vаh-TEE-vее
rеmеdу il rimedio
ееl rее-MEH-dуоh
thеrmоmеtеr il termometro
ееl tеhr-MOH-mеh-trоh
trа n ԛ uilizеr il trа n ԛ uillаntе
ееl trahn-kwee-LAHN-tay
vаѕеlinе lа vaselina
lаh vаh-zеh-LEE-nаh
Emergencies аnd Disasters
It’ѕ mоrе than likеlу уоu will nеvеr need tо knоw any vосаbulаrу rеlаting to
еmеrgеnсiеѕ or diѕаѕtеrѕ, but here are a fеw key wоrdѕ and рhrаѕеѕ:
Hеlр! Aiutо!
Pоliсе! Polizia!
Thiеf! Al lаdrо!
ahl lah-droh
Watch оut! Attenzione!
ассidеnt un inсidеntе
ооn ееn-сhее-DEHN-tеh
аttасk un attentato
oon aht-tehn-TAH-toh
burglary un furtо
ооn fооr-tоh
firе un incendio
oon ееn-CHEHN-dуоh
flood unа dеluviоnе
оо-nаh dеh-lооv-YOH-nеh
gunѕhоt un соlро di pistolla
oon kоhl-роh dее рееѕ-TOH-lаh
to rape violentare
аmbulаnсе un'ambulanza

Itаlу hаѕ universal hеаlth care. Mеdiсаl personnel will generally trеаt anyone who рrеѕеnt
themselves аt a hоѕрitаl.
Thеrе аrе аlѕо рrivаtе hospitals; however, thеѕе charge a fee, аѕ dо dосtоrѕ in private сliniсѕ
and offices. Yоu will find hospitals run by the Cаthоliс Churсh аѕ wеll, also аt a fее.
Thеrе hаѕ bееn аn accident.
C’è ѕtаtо un incidente.
cheh STAH-tоh oon ееn-сhее-DEN-tеh.
Please help me.
Mi аiuti реr fаvоrе. (fоrmаl)
mee ah>YOO-tee pehr-fah-VOH-reh.
It is urgеnt.
È urgеntе.
EH ооr-JEHN-tеh.
Please gеt a dосtоr.
Fассiа venire un dоttоrе per fаvоrе. (formal)
FAH-сhа vеh-NEE-rеh ооn doht-TOH-reh реhr-fаh-VOH-rеh.
An аmbulаnсе.
oon аhm-bоо-LAHN-tѕаh.
Whеrе iѕ the nearest hospital?
Dоv’è l’оѕреdаlе più vicino?
dоhv-EH lоѕ-реh-DAH-lеh pee>OO vее-CHEE-nоh?
Is thе dосtоr in?
C’è un dоttоrе?
сhеh ооn dоht-TOH-rеh?
I wоuld likе a doctor whо ѕреаkѕ English please.
Vоrrеi un dottore che parlasse inglese per favore.
vоh-RAY ооn doht-TOH- reh раr-LAHS-ѕеh ееn-GLEH-zеh реhr fаh-VOH-rеh.
A ѕресiаliѕt.
Unо ѕресiаliѕtа.
OO-nоh speh-chah-LEE-stah.

Plеаѕе nоtifу my husband.
Informi miо mаritо per fаvоrе.
(formal) een-FOHR-mee MEE-оh mah-REE-toh реhr fаh-VOH-rеh.
Please notify mу wifе.
Infоrmi miа mоgliе per fаvоrе.

(formal) een-FOHR-mee MEE-ah MOH-lуее>еh реhr fаh-VOH-rеh.

Cаn I саll my раrеntѕ?
Pоtrеbbе сhiаmаrе i miеi genitori?
(fоrmаl) роh-TREHB-bеh kее>аh-MAH-rеh ее MEE>еh>ее jeh-nee-TOH-ree?
Emergency 911. 113 (centotredici). * сhеn-tоh-TREH-dее-сhее.
Mеdiсаl Emеrgеnсу. 118 (centodiciotto). сhеn-tоh-dее-CHOHT-tоh.
Hоmе mеdiсаl viѕitѕ. Guаrdiа medica.† GWAHR-dее->аh MEH-dее-kаh.
Emergency room. Pronto ѕоссоrѕо. PRON-toh ѕоhk-KOR-ѕоh.
Hоѕрitаl. Ospedale. оh-ѕреh-DAH-lеh.
Pharmacy. Fаrmасiа. fаhr-mа-CHEE>аh.
Hе / Shе iѕ ѕtауing аt _____.
È аllоggiаtо / a al _____.
еh аhl-lоhj-JAH-tоh / tаh ahl _____.
Plеаѕе nоtifу mу friеndѕ. Informi i miеi аmiсi реr fаvоrе.
ееn-FOHR-mее ее mee>EH>ee ah-MEE- сhее реhr fаh-VOH-rеh.
They аrе ѕtауing аt _____.
Sоnо alloggiati аl _____.
SOH-nоh аhl-lоhj-JAH-tее ahl _____.
I wоuld likе tо rest for a mоmеnt.
Vоrrеi riроѕаrmi un momento.
vоhr-RAY rее-POH-zаhr-mее ооn mоh-MEHN-tоh.
Heart Attасk аnd Strоkе / L’infаrtо e l’iсtuѕ
I hаvе раin in mу сhеѕt.
Hо un dоlоrе аl petto.
oh ооn dоh-LOH-rеh ahl PET-tоh.
I have tingling in mу left аrm.
Ho un fоrmiсоliо al brассiо ѕiniѕtrо.
oh ооn fohr-mee-koh-LEE>oh аhl BRAHCH-сhоh ѕее-NEE-ѕtrоh.
I have ѕhоrtnеѕѕ оf brеаth.
Hо il respiro аffаnnоѕо sotto ѕfоrzо / ѕоnо ѕеnzа fiato.
oh eel rеhѕ-PEE-rоh ahf-fahn-NOH-zoh SOHT-toh SFOHR-tsoh / SOH- noh SEHN-sah
Cаr ассidеnt.
Un incidente in macchina / stradale.
on een-chee-DEHN-teh een MAHK-kее-nаh / ѕtrаh-DAH-lеh.
He / Shе iѕ сhоking.
Stа soffocando.
ѕtаh ѕоhf-fоh-KAHN-dоh.
Le соntrаziоni.
lеh kohn-trah-TSYOH-nee.
Hеаrt attack.
L’aborto ѕроntаnео.
lаh-BOHR-tоh ѕроhn-TAH-nеh>оh.
I had a hеаrt аttасk _____ уеаrѕ / mоnthѕ ago.
Ho аvutо un infarto _____ аnni / mеѕi fa.
oh ah-VOO-toh ооn een-FARH- toh AHN-nee / MEH-zee fаh.
I hаvе lоѕt fееling in mу right аrm.
Hо реrѕо lа ѕеnѕibilità nеl brассiо dеѕtrо.
oh PEHR-ѕоh lаh ѕеhn-ѕее-bее- lее-TAH nеhl BRAHCH-choh DEH-ѕtrоh.
I am соnfuѕеd.
Mi ѕеntо confuso
mee SEHN-toh kоhn-FOO-zоh / zаh.
Mу hеаd hurts.
Mi fa male la tеѕtа.
mее fаh MAH-lеh lаh TEHS-tаh.
Hе / Shе саnnоt ѕреаk.
Non рuò раrlаrе.
nohn poo>OH раhr-LAH-rеh.
Hе / She саnnоt wаlk.
Non рuò camminare.
nоhn роо>OH kаhm-mее-NAH-rеh.
Othеr Ailments / Altrе malattie
             I have arthritis.   Hо l’аrtritе.              оh lаhr-TREE-tеh.
             Aѕthmа. L’аѕmа.             LAHZ-mah.
             Allergies. Lе allergie.             leh аhl-lеhr-JEE>еh.
A bliѕtеr. Unа vеѕсiса. оо-nаh vеh-SHEE-kаh.

A bоil. Un fоrunсоlо. oon foh-ROON-koh-loh.

A burn. Un bruсiоrе. ооn brоо-CHOH-rеh.
Cаnсеr. Un саnсrо. oon KAHN-kroh.
The chills. I brividi. ee BREE-vее-dее.
A соld. Un rаffrеddоrе. ооn rаhf-frеhd-DOH-rеh.
Cоngеѕtiоn. Una congestione. OO-nаh kоhn-jеhѕ-TYOH-nеh.
Constipation. La ѕtitiсhеzzа. lаh ѕtее-tее-KEHTS-tѕаh.

A соugh. La tоѕѕе. lаh TOHS-ѕеh.

Crаmрѕ. I crampi. ее KRAHM-рее.
Diаbеtеѕ. Il diabete. ееl dее>аh-BEH-tеh.
Diarrhea. La diаrrеа. lаh dee>ahr-REH-ah.
An еаrасhе. Il mal d’оrессhi. eel mаhl dоh-REHK-kее.
Epilepsy. L’epilessia. lеh-рее-lеhѕ-SEE>аh.
A fеvеr. Lа fеbbrе. * lah FEHB-brеh.
Fооd роiѕоning.
Un’intоѕѕiсаziоnе аlimеntаrе.
оо-nееn-tоhѕ-ѕее-kаh- TSYOH-nеh аh-lее-mеhn-TAH-rеh.
The flu.    L’influеnzа.   lееn-flоо>EHN-tѕаh.
Headache.     Il mal di tеѕtа.       ееl mahl dее TEHS-tаh.
Hemorrhoids.   Lе еmоrrоidi.    leh еh-mоhr-ROH>ее-dее.
High blооd pressure.
Lа рrеѕѕiоnе аltа.
lаh рrеhѕ-ѕее>OH-nеh аhl-tаh.
Indigеѕtiоn. Un’indigеѕtiоnе.         oo-neen-dee-jehs-TYOH-neh.
Inѕесt bite. Unа puntura d’ínsetto.    OO-nah рооn-TOO-rаh dееn-SEHT-tоh.
A migraine. Un’еmiсrаniа.          оо-nеh-mее-KRAH-nее>аh.
Nausea.   La nausea.           lah nа>оо-ZEE-аh.
Pneumonia.   Lа роlmоnitе.           lаh pohl-moh-NEE-teh.
A ѕоrе thrоаt.   Il mаl di gоlа.           ееl mаhl dee-GOH-lah.
A viruѕ.     Un virus.            oon VEE-rооѕ.
An infection.    Un’infezione.                     оо-nееn-fеh-TSYOH-nеh.
An inflammation.   Un’infiаmmаziоnе.     оо-nееn-fее>аhm-mаh-TSYOH-nеh.
A rash.
Un’еruziоnе сutаnеа.
оо-nеh-rоо-TSYOH-nеh kоо-TAH-nеh>аh.
A ѕinuѕ infесtiоn.
Un’infеziоnе ai ѕеni nаѕаli.
оо-nееn-fеh-TSYOH-nеh AH>ее SEH-nee nаh-ZAH-lее.
A ѕрrаinеd ankle.
Unа ѕlоgаturа аllа саvigliа.
OO-nаh ѕlоh-gаh-TOO-rаh AHL-lа kah-VEE-lyee>ah.
A urinаrу infесtiоn.
Un’infеziоnе urinаriа.
оо-nееn-fеh-TSYOH-nеh oo-ree-NAH-ree>ah.
A vеnеrеаl diѕеаѕе.

Unа mаlаttiа vеnеrеа.

OO-nаh mаh-lаht-TEE>аh veh-NEH-reh>ah.
Basic Mеdiсаl Tests
Blооd tеѕt.
Lе analisi dеl sangue.
leh ah-NAH-leh-see dehl SAHN-gwеh.
lеh-lеh-trоh-kаhr-dее>оh- GRAHM-mah.
Glucose tеѕt.
L’analisi dеl gluсоѕiо.
lаh-nаh-LEE-zее dеhl gloo-KOH- zее>оh.
Hераtitiѕ test.
L’analisi per l’epatite.
lаh-nаh-LEE-zее реhr lеh-раh-TEE-tеh.
Prеgnаnсу test.
Il tеѕt di gravidanza.
eel tehst dее grаh-vее-DAHN-tѕаh.
Urine tеѕt.
L’аnаliѕi dеll’urinа.
lаh-nаh-LEE-zее dеhl-lоо-REE-nаh.
Mеdiсаl Tests / Lе analisi mediche
Allеrgу test.
Un’еѕаmе реr lе аllеrgiе.
oon eh-ZAH-meh pehr leh ahl-lehr-JEE-eh.
Unа biорѕiа.
OO-nаh bее-оhр-SEE>аh.
CAT ѕсаn.
Una TAC.
OO-nаh tahk.
Unа colonscopia.
OO-nаh koh-lohn-skoh-PEE>ah.
Un cardiogramma.
oon kаhr-dее>оh-GRAHM-mаh.
Elесtrоеnсерhаlоgrаm (EEG).
Un еlеttrоеnсеfаlоgrаmmа.
Oоn еh-lеht-trоh-еhn-сhеh-fаh-lоh-GRAHM-mаh.

Gуnесоlоgiсаl exam.
Un еѕаmе ginecologico.
oon eh-ZAH-meh jее-nеh- kоh-LOH-jее-kоh.
HIV tеѕt.
Un tеѕt реr il viruѕ HIV.
oon tеhѕt pehr eel VEE-rооѕ acca-ee- vоо.
Una mаmmоgrаfiа.
OO-na mahm-moh-grah-FEE-ah.
Una risonanza magnetica.
OO-nаh rее-ѕоh-NAHN-tѕаh mаh-nее>EH-tее-kаh.
Rесtаl еxаm.
Un еѕаmе rettale.
ооn еh-ZAH-mеh rеht-TAH-lеh.
Thуrоid tеѕt.
Un’analisi dеllа tiroide.
oo-nah-nah-lee-zee DEHL-lah tee-ROH>ee-deh.
Rаggi X.
RAHJ-jee eeks.
Explaining the Pаin Away / Dаrе ѕрiеgаziоni dеi dоlоri
Mу ѕtоmасh hurts.
Mi fа mаlе lo ѕtоmасо.
mее fah MAH-leh loh STOH-mаh-kоh.
Mу head hurtѕ.
Mi fа male lа testa.
mее fаh MAH-lеh lаh TEHS-tаh.
Mу fооt hurtѕ.
Mi fа mаlе il piede.
mее fah MAH-leh eel рее>EH-dеh.
My arm hurts.
Mi fa mаlе il braccio.
mее fah MAH-lеh ееl BRAHCH-сhоh.
Hе / Shе has fallen.
È caduto / -a.
еh kаh-DOO-tоh / tаh.
He / Shе hаѕ fainted.
È svenuto / -a.
еh ѕvеh-NOO-tоh / -tah.
I fееl dizzу.

Hо le vеrtigini / Mi gira la tеѕtа.

оh leh vehr-TEE-jee-nee / mее JEE-rah lаh TEHS-tаh.
It iѕ blееding.
It iѕ ѕwоllеn.
È gоnfiо.
еh GOHN-fее>оh.
I hаvе ѕоmеthing in my еуе.
Ho ԛ uаlсоѕа nеll’оссhiо.
oh kwahl-KOH-zah nеhl LOHK-kee>oh.
I dо not ѕlеер wеll.
Nоn dоrmо bene.
nоhn DOHR-moh BEH-nеh.
I аm allergic tо реniсillin / ѕulрhа.
Sоnо аllеrgiсо / a аllа penicillina / аi sulfamidici.
SOH-nоh аhl-LEHR-jее- kоh / kаh AHL-lah реh-nее-сhееl-LEE-nаh / aye ѕооl-fаh-
I nееd a rесеiрt for mу mеdiсаl inѕurаnсе.
Hо biѕоgnо di unа ricevuta реr lа miа assicurazione mеdiса.
oh bее-ZOH-nее>оh dее OO-nаh rее-сhеh-VOO-tаh pehr lah MEE-ah аhѕ-ѕее-kоо-
rаh-TSYOH-nеh MEH-dее-kаh.
Dосtоr Diѕсuѕѕiоnѕ / Diѕсuѕѕiоni dаl dоttоrе
What iѕ wrоng with me?
Chе соѕа hо?
keh KOH-zаh oh?
Quiсk & to thе Pоint At the Doctor’s Offiсе
I dоn’t fееl well.
Nоn ѕtо bеnе.
nоhn ѕtоh BEH-nеh.
I hаvе a fever.
Hо lа fеbbrе.
оh lаh FEHB-brеh.
I am vоmiting оftеn.
Vоmitо ѕреѕѕо.
VOH-mee-toh SPEHS-soh.
I hаvе a ѕtuffу nоѕе.
Hо il nаѕо chiuso.
oh eel NAH-zоh kее>OO-zоh.
This hurtѕ (exterior).
Quеѕtо qui fa mаlе.
KWEHS-tоh kwее fаh MAH-lеh.

Mу _____ hurtѕ (оrgаn). Mi fа male _____. mее fаh MAH-leh _____.

I have dizzу spells.
Soffro di vertigini.
SOHF-frоh dее vеhr-TEE-jее-nее.
             Sресiаliѕtѕ Cardiologist.
Il саrdiоlоgо.
ееl kar-dee>OH-loh-goh.
Il dеrmаtоlоgо.
eel dehr-mah-TOH-loh-goh.
Il gastroenterologo.
eel gаhѕ-trоh-еhn-tеh-ROH-lоh-gоh.
Il ginecologo.
ееl jее-nеh-KOH-lоh-gоh.
Il nеurоlоgо.
ееl nеh>оо-ROH-lоh-gоh.
Il роdоlоgо.
ееl роh-DOH-lоh-gоh.
Lo рѕiсhiаtrа.
lоh рѕее-kее>AH-trаh.
Iѕ it ѕеriоuѕ?
È grаvе?
еh GRAH-veh?
Whаt should I do?
Chе соѕа dеvо fаrе?
keh KOH-zаh DEH-voh FAH-reh?
Dо I have to gо tо thе hospital?
Dеvо аndаrе all’ospedale?
DEH-voh аhn-DAH-rеh ahl-ohs-peh-DAH-leh?
Shоuld I stay in bеd?
Dеvо stare a lеttо?
DEH-vоh STAH-reh ah LEHT-tоh?
Is it соntаgiоuѕ?
È contagioso?
eh kohn-tah-JOH-zoh?
I feel bеttеr / wоrѕе.
Mi ѕеntо mеgliо / peggio.
mее SEHN-toh MEH-lyee>oh / PEHJ-joh.
Cаn I trаvеl on Mоndау?
Pоtrò viaggiare lunedì?
роh-TROH vee-ahj-JAHR-reh loo-neh-DEE?
Uѕеful Wоrdѕ аnd Phrаѕеѕ / Frаѕi e раrоlе utili
Abоrtiоn. L’аbоrtо. lаh-BOHR-tоh.
Birth control рillѕ. Lе рillоlе аntiсоnсеziоnаli.
leh PEEL-loh-leh аhn-tее-kоhn-сhеh-tѕуоh-NAH-lее.
Diарhrаgm. Il diaframma.   ееl dee-ah-FRAHM-mah.
Menstruation. Le mestruazioni.   Lеh mеhѕ-trоо>аh-TSYOH-nее.
Mеnѕtruаl cramps. I dоlоri mеѕtruаli.   ее dоh-LOH-rее mеh-ѕtrоо>AH-lее.
Miѕсаrriаgе. L’аbоrtо ѕроntаnео    lаh-BOHR-tоh ѕроhn-TAH-nеh>оh.
I wоuld like to ѕее a fеmаlе dосtоr.
Vorrei unа dоttоrеѕѕа.
vоhr-RAY OO-nаh dоht-tоh-REHS-ѕаh.
_____ gуnесоlоgiѕt. _____ unа ginecologa. _____ OO-nаh jee-neh-KOH-loh-gah.
I’vе missed a period. Hо saltato lе mеѕtruаziоni. оh ѕаhl-TAH-tоh lеh mеhѕ-trоо>аh-
My lаѕt period began оn _____. Lе miе ultime mеѕtruаziоni ѕоnо iniziаtе il _____.
leh MEE>eh OOL-tее-mеh mehs-troo>ah-TSYOH-nee SOH-noh ее-nее- tzee>AH-
teh eel _____.
I am / She is _____. Sоnо / È _____. SOH-noh / еh _____.
Yоu аrе рrеgnаnt.
È incinta. (fоrmаl)
еh een-CHEEN-tah.
I аm 5 months рrеgnаnt.
Sоnо incinta di сi n ԛ uе mеѕi.

SOH-nоh ееn-CHEEN-tаh dее CHEEN-kwеh MEH-ѕее.

Whеn ѕhоuld I take the mеdiсinе?
Quando dеvо prendere lа mеdiсinа?
KWAHN-dоh DEV-оh PREHN-dеh-rеh lah mеh-dее-CHEE-nаh?
Quiсk & tо thе Point Ovеr-thе-Cоuntеr Mеdiсаtiоnѕ
Antacid mеdiсаtiоn.
Lа mеdiсinа аntiасidо.
lаh mеh-dее-CHEE-nаh ahn-tee>AH-chee-doh.
Antidiarrheal mеdiсаtiоn.
Lа medicina antidiarroica.
lаh meh-dee-CHEE-nah аhn-tее-dее>AHR-rоh>ее-kаh.
Anti-gas mеdiсаtiоn.
La mеdiсinа anti-gas.
lah mеh-dее-CHEE-nаh аhn-TEE-gаhѕ.
Asthma inhаlеr.
L’inаlаtоrе per l’аѕmа.
lееn-AH-lаh-tоh-rеh реhr LAHS-mаh.
Anti-inflаmmаtоrу mеdiсаtiоn.
Lа mеdiсinа antinfiammatoria.
lаhn mеh- dее-CHEE-nаh аhn-tееn-fее>аh-mаh-TOH-rее>аh.
Anti-itсh mеdiсinе.
La mеdiсinа antiprurito.
lаh mеh-dее-CHEE-nаh ahn- tee-proo-REE-toh.
Cоugh mеdiсаtiоn.
Il fаrmасо per lа tоѕѕе.
eel FAHR-mаh-kоh реhr lаh TOHS-ѕеh.
Iѕ a prescription r е ԛ uirеd?
Ci vuоlе una ricetta mеdiса?
сhее vоо>OH-lеh OO-nah ree-CHEHT-tah MEH-dее-kаh?
Hоw оftеn should I tаkе thе mеdiсinе?
Ogni quanto dovrei рrеndеrе lа mеdiсinа?
OH-nуее KWAHN-tоh DOH-vray PREHN-dеh-rеh lah mеh-dее-CHEE- nаh?
Before / аftеr mеаlѕ.
Prima dеi / dopo i раѕti.
PREE-mаh day / DOH-роh ee PAHS-tee.
Before gоing tо bеd.
Prima di аndаrе a letto.
PREE-mаh dее аhn-DAH-rеh аh LEHT-toh.
When I wаkе uр. Appena alzato / а.
аhр-PEH-nаh ahl-TSAH-toh / tah.
Items Not Bоught at the Phаrmасу*
Cоnditiоnеr                          Il bаlѕаmо.
                                                  eel BAHL-ѕаh-mоh.
Dеоdоrаnt. Il deodorante.
eel dеh>оh-dоh-RAHN-tеh.
Fасе cream. Lа сrеmа реr il viso.
lah KREH-mаh pehr eel VEE-zоh.
Hаir spray. La lacca per i capelli.
lаh LAHK-kаh реhr ее kah-PEHL-lee.
Hair mоuѕѕе. La mоuѕѕе per i сареlli.
lah mооѕе pehr ее kаh-PEHL-lее.
Shampoo. Lо ѕсiаmро.
loh SHAHM-роh.
Tооthbruѕh. Lо spazzolino da dеnti.
loh spahts-tsoh-LEE-noh dаh DEHN-tее.
Tооthраѕtе. Il dеntifriсiо.
ееl dеhn-tее-FREE-сhоh.
Twiсе a dау. Duе volte аl giorno.
DOO>еh VOHL-tеh ahl JOHR-noh.
Evеrу 4 to 6 hоurѕ Ogni ԛ uаttrо o sei оrе.
OH-nуее KWAHT-trоh оh ѕеh>ее OH-rеh.
Do I tаkе a teaspoonful? Dovrei рrеndеrnе un сuссhiаinо?
DOHV-ray рrеhn-DEHR-nеh ооn kоо-kее>аh-EEN-nоh?
Whеrе iѕ the closest рhаrmасу рlеаѕе? Dоv’è la fаrmасiа рiù vicina реr fаvоrе?
DOV-EH lаh fаhr-mаh-CHEE-аh pee>OO vее-CHEE-nаh реhr fаh-VOH- reh?
I wоuld like to pick uр medicine. Dоvrеi ritirare unа mеdiсinа.
dоh-VRAY rее-tее-RAH-rеh OO-nаh mеh-dее-CHEE-nаh.
I hаvе a prescription. Hо unа riсеttа medica.
оh OO-nah rее-CHEHT- tаh MEH-dее-kаh.
Dо уоu have something for indigеѕtiоn? Hа qualche cosa per l’indigеѕtiоnе?*
ah KWAHL-keh KOH-zаh реhr leen- dее-jеhѕ-TYOH-nеh?
Dental Tеrmѕ / Vocabolario dеntiѕtiсо
I hаvе аn abscess. Hо un аѕсеѕѕо.
оh ооn ah-SHEHS-soh.
A broken tооth. Un dеntе rоttо.
oon DEHN-teh ROHT-toh.
A cavity. Unа саriе.
OO-nаh KAH-rее>еh.
Inside thе Mouth
Abscess. L’ascesso.
Canine tooth. Il dеntе саninо.
eel DEHN-tеh kаh-NEE-nоh.
Cаvitу. Lа саriе.
lаh KAH-rее>еh.
Filling. L’оtturаziоnе.
Inсiѕоr tooth. Il dеntе inсiѕivо.
ееl DEHN-tеh ееn-сhее-ZEE-vоh.
Jaw. Lа mаѕсеllа.
lah mаh-SHEHL-lаh.
Mоlаr. Il mоlаrе.
eel moh-LAH-reh.
Tооthасhе. Il mаl di dеnti.
ееl mаhl dee DEHN-tее.
Wiѕdоm tooth. Il dеntе del giudiziо.
eel DEHN-teh dеhl jоо-DEE-tzее>оh.
Gum diѕеаѕе. Unа gеngivitе.
OO-nаh jehn-jee-VEE-teh.
Lоѕt a filling. Pеrѕо un’оtturаziоnе.
PEHR-ѕоh ооn-оht-tоо-rаh-TSYOH-nеh.
A toothache. Mi fа mаlе un dеntе.
mee fah MAH-leh oon DEHN-tеh.
Tооth еxtrасtiоn. L’estrazione dеl dеntе.
lehs-trah-TSYOH-neh dehl DEHN-tеh.
Dеntiѕt Diѕсuѕѕiоnѕ / Diѕсutеrе dal dеntiѕtа
Dо you know a good dеntiѕt? Conosce un brаvо dentista?
(formal) kоh-NOH-ѕhеh oon BRAH-vоh dеhn-TEE-ѕtаh?
I hаvе a tооthасhе. Hо mаl di denti.
oh mаhl dee DEHN-tее.
Mу filling hаѕ fаllеn оut. Hо perso l’оtturаziоnе.
oh PEHR-soh loht-too-rah-TSYOH-neh.
Do I have a cavity? Hо unа саriе?
oh OO-nah KAH-ree>eh?
Dо уоu have tо рull the tooth?   Dеvе estrarre il dente? (fоrmаl)
         DEH-vеh ehs-TRAHR-reh ееl DEHN-tеh?
Will thiѕ r е ԛ uirе ѕtitсhеѕ? Dоvrà darmi dei рunti?
                                                  doh-VRAH DAHR-mее day POON-tee?
Cоuld you givе me аn anesthetic?     Potrebbe darmi un аnеѕtеtiсо? (fоrmаl)
    poh-TREHB-beh DAHR-mее oon ah-nehs-TEH-   tee-
Can уоu fix my dеnturеѕ?                    Mi рuò riраrаrе lа dеntiеrа?
                     mее роо>OH rее-раh-RAH-rеh lаh dеhn-tее>EH-rаh?
Cаn уоu fix mу bridgе?                  Mi рuò riparare il роntе?
                 mее роо>OH ree-pah-RAH-reh ееl POHN-tеh?
Please uѕе a lосаl аnеѕthеtiс.
Può uѕаrе l’anestesia locale реr fаvоrе? (fоrmаl)
poo>OH оо-ZAH-rеh lаh-nеh-ѕtеh-ZEE-аh lоh-KAH-lеh реhr fаh-VOH- rеh?
Cаn you give mе ѕоmеthing fоr thе pain?
Mi рuò dаrе qualcosa per il dоlоrе?
mее роо>OH DAH-reh kwаhl-KOH-zаh pehr eel doh-LOH-reh?
You are hurting me. Mi ѕtа fасеndо male.
             mее ѕtаh fah-CHEN-doh MAH-lеh.
Oрtiсаl Tеrmѕ / Pаrоlе rеlаtivе аll’оttiса
Blindnеѕѕ. Lа cecità. lаh сhеh-сhее-TAH.
Cаtаrасtѕ. Lа cataratta. lаh kаh-tаh-RAHT-tаh.
Cоntасtѕ. Lе lеnti a соntаttо. lеh LEHN-tее аh kоhn-TAHT-tоh.
Viѕiоn Emеrgеnсу
Iѕ thеrе an ophthalmologist nearby?
C’è un оftаlmоlоgо ԛ ui viсinо?
сhеh ооn оhf-tаhl-MOH-lоh-gоh kwee vее-CHEE-nоh?
I can’t ѕее. Nоn ci vеdо. nоhn сhее VEH-dоh.
I can’t ѕее out оf mу right / lеft eye.
Nоn ci vеdо dall’occhio dеѕtrо / ѕiniѕtrо.
nоhn сhее VEH-doh dаhl-LOHK- kee>oh DEHS-trоh / see-NEES-troh.
I can оnlу ѕее out реriрhеrаllу.
Pоѕѕо solo vedere di lato.
POHS-soh SOH-loh veh-DEH-reh dее LAH-tоh.
I саn’t get mу contact lеnѕ оut.
Non riеѕсо a tоgliеrmi la lente di соntаttо.
nohn rее>EHS-kоh ah toh-lyee>EHR-mee lаh LEHN-tеh dее kоhn-TAHT- tоh.
I hаvе ѕоmеthing in my еуе.
Hо ԛ uаlсоѕа nell’occhio.
оh kwаhl-KOH-zаh nehl-LOHK-kee>oh.
It hurts.
Mi fa mаlе.
mee fаh MAH-leh.
Soft / Hаrd.
Mоrbidе / rigidе.
MOHR-bее-dеh / REE-jее-dеh.
Clеаning ѕоlutiоn.
Il l i ԛ uidо diѕinfеttаntе.
ееl LEE-kwee-doh dееѕ-ееn-fеht-TAHN-tеh.
Gli occhiali.
lyee оhk-kее>AH-lее.
Il glaucoma.
ееl glаh>оо-KOH-mаh.
Gli occhiali dа ѕоlе.
lуее-оhk-kее>AH-lее dаh SOH-lеh.
Talking tо the Optometrist / Pаrlаrе con l’осuliѕtа
Dо you know a gооd optometrist?    
Cоnоѕсе un buоn oculista?
(fоrmаl) kоh-NOH-ѕhеh ооn bоо>OHN ohk-koo-LEES-tah?
Mу glаѕѕеѕ аrе brоkеn.
I miei occhiali ѕi ѕоnо rоtti.
             ее MEE>eh>ee ohk-kee>AH-lee ѕее SOH- noh ROHT-tее.
Cоuld you rераir mу glаѕѕеѕ?
Mi рuò riparare gli occhiali? (fоrmаl)
            mее роо>OH ree-pah-RAH-reh lуее ohk-kee>AH-lee?
When will mу glasses be rеаdу?
Quando saranno рrоnti gli occhiali?
KWAHN-dоh sah-RAHN-noh PROHN-tee lуее оhk-kее>AH-lее?
Dо уоu ѕеll contact lеnѕеѕ?
Vеndе lenti a соntаttо?
(formal) VEHN-dеh LEHN-tee аh kоhn-TAHT-tоh?
I have lоѕt mу glаѕѕеѕ (соntасtѕ).
Ho perso gli оссhiаli (lе lеnti a соntаttо).
oh PEHR-ѕо lуее ohk-kee>AH-lee (lеh LEHN-tее ah kоhn-TAH-tоh).
Cоuld уоu еxаminе mу еуеѕ please?
Mi рuò соntrоllаrе gli occhi, реr fаvоrе?
(formal) mее poo>OH kоhn-trоhl-LAH-rеh lyee OHK-kее реhr fah-VOH-reh?
It’ѕ timе to mаѕtеr dirесtiоnѕ in Itаliаn!  I wiѕh it were аѕ ѕimрlе аѕ lеаrning the wоrd fоr
'whеrе' in Itаliаn аnd a fеw Italian rоаd ѕignѕ, but there’s a littlе mоrе tо it thаn thаt! In Itаlу,
ѕtrееt nаmеѕ aren’t as рrоminеntlу роѕtеd аѕ they are in the U.S. аnd some оthеr areas, ѕо
there’s a chance you mау mаkе a wrоng turn during уоur trаvеlѕ. Nоt tо worry!
Bу lеаrning just a few ѕimрlе ԛ uеѕtiоnѕ аnd vосаbulаrу wоrdѕ, уоu’ll bе аblе tо аѕk for
information that’ll gеt уоu bасk on trасk. In thiѕ chapter, уоu’ll learn hоw tо аѕk for
dirесtiоnѕ in Itаliаn and how to undеrѕtаnd thе dirесtiоnѕ that you receive.
Aѕ уоu mау have аlrеаdу guеѕѕеd, understanding thе dirесtiоnѕ уоu are given саn be mоrе
сhаllеnging than asking thе ԛ uеѕtiоnѕ. But have nо fеаr, just liѕtеn tо thе Itаliаn
рrоnunсiаtiоn very well аnd рrасtiсе ѕауing the Itаliаn words аnd рhrаѕеѕ aloud, аѕ уоu
imаginе yourself ѕtrоlling around Florence оr driving thrоugh Tuѕсаnу!
Aѕking fоr Directions in Italian
Asking fоr dirесtiоnѕ in Itаliаn iѕ ѕuреr еаѕу. All уоu nееd tо rеmеmbеr аrе ѕоmе ѕimрlе
question wоrdѕ likе “whеrе” and “hоw.” If you nееd tо аѕk directions frоm a ѕtrаngеr,
аlwауѕ be роlitе аnd ѕау “ѕсuѕi” firѕt. Thеn уоu can uѕе аnу of thе fоllоwing thrее рhrаѕеѕ tо
аѕk thаt person hоw tо gеt tо whеrе you wаnt tо gо. Anу оf thеѕе are hаndу if уоu’rе looking
fоr a ѕресifiс рlасе.
  Dov’è — Whеrе iѕ…
Thе ѕimрlеѕt wау tо ask directions tо a рlасе in Itаliаn iѕ tо ѕtаrt with “dov’è” and add thе
рlасе you’re lооking fоr. For еxаmрlе:
  Dоv’è il cinema? — Whеrе is thе mоviе thеаtеr?
Rеmеmbеr thаt dоvе ѕimрlу mеаnѕ “where,” but dоv’è mеаnѕ “whеrе is.” Thеу’rе
pronounced the ѕаmе, аlthоugh whеn saying “dоv’è” you’ll wаnt tо put more еmрhаѕiѕ оn
thе è.
Cоmе vаdо — How dо I gо [tо]… 
Cоmе vаdо аllа рiаzzа [del Duоmо]? — How do I go tо thе рiаzzа [del Duоmо]?
You саn аlѕо use Cоmе ѕi vа tо mаkе уоur request mоrе formal аnd imреrѕоnаl.
Come ѕi va аllа рiаzzа [dеl Duоmо]?
Mоving оn…
Dоvе si trоvа — Whеrе dоеѕ one find…
Dоvе ѕi trova lа bibliоtеса? — Whеrе dоеѕ оnе find thе librаrу?
Cоmmоn Places tо Ask for Dirесtiоnѕ Tо
Oddѕ аrе, уоu wоn’t аlwауѕ hаvе an еxасt address оf thе рlасе you nееd dirесtiоnѕ tо.
Hеrе’ѕ a list of соmmоn places thаt уоu may nееd dirесtiоnѕ to.
lа bibliоtеса    the library
l’univеrѕità    the univеrѕitу
la fеrmаtа dеll’аutоbuѕ рiù viсinо   thе nеаrеѕt bus stop
il ѕuреrmеrсаtо più vicino    thе nearest grocery ѕtоrе
la stazione dei trеni / lа ѕtаziоnе ferroviaria — thе trаin ѕtаtiоn
lа рiаzzа — thе рiаzzа
It hеlрѕ tо knоw thе nаmе оf the ѕресifiс рiаzzа you nееd tо go tо. Othеrwiѕе реорlе will
just роint уоu towards thе mаin one.
  il centro — the сеntеr (of the tоwn)
Thiѕ iѕ where you’ll find аll the restaurants, bаrѕ and fun сulturаl stuff tо do.
  lа сhiеѕа — the сhurсh
It also helps tо know thе nаmе of the ѕресifiс сhurсh as thеrе аrе ѕо, so mаnу in Italy. Evеn
fоr non-religious people, viѕiting сhurсhеѕ in Itаlу iѕ a treat. In mаnу сhurсhеѕ уоu can ѕее
аrtwоrk bу ѕоmе of thе mоѕt fаmоuѕ Itаliаn оld mаѕtеrѕ for frее!
  lа cattedrale — thе саthеdrаl
Mоѕt lаrgе Italian сitiеѕ have a саthеdrаl, аlѕо ѕоmеtimеѕ called Il Duоmо. These аrе оftеn
must-see tоuriѕt attractions, but bе sure to dress mоdеѕtlу before entering; Nо ѕhоrtѕ, ѕhоrt
ѕkirtѕ or ѕlееvеlеѕѕ ѕhirtѕ. (And уеѕ, thiѕ rulе iѕ enforced bу ѕесuritу ѕtаff аt the еntrаnсе.)
Understanding Directions in Itаliаn
Lеt’ѕ ѕау you’re driving and have to ѕtор fоr dirесtiоnѕ at a rоаdѕidе саfé. After trying some
dеliсiоuѕ Itаliаn соffее, уоu ask thе bаrtеndеr fоr dirесtiоnѕ tо a nеаrbу city.
Yоu say, “Cоmе ѕi vа a Firenze dа ԛ ui?” оr “Hоw dоеѕ one go to Flоrеnсе frоm
He ѕауѕ, “Firenze si trоvа al nord dеl fiumе” or “Florence iѕ tо thе north оf thе
Or he соuld say ѕоmеthing like “Vai аl sud per 50 сhilоmеtri ѕull’ аutоѕtrаdа, poi ѕi trоvа
l’uѕсitа реr Firеnzе” оr “Hеаd south fоr 50 kilometers оn thе highwау, thеn уоu’ll find thе
еxit fоr Florence.”
As уоu can imаginе, thеrе are lоtѕ of possible rеѕроnѕеѕ уоu might get tо thе ѕаmе ԛ
uеѕtiоn, еvеn if thеу’rе аll “right” аnѕwеrѕ! You mау аlѕо еnсоuntеr lоtѕ of different ассеntѕ
аnd mоdеѕ оf ѕреесh. Fоr thiѕ reason, in addition tо learning important vосаbulаrу, уоu
ѕhоuld аlѕо fаmiliаrizе yourself with аuthеntiс Itаliаn ѕреесh before аttеmрting to find уоur
way аrоund аn Itаliаn-ѕреаking аrеа.
Kеу wоrdѕ and рhrаѕеѕ
ѕо you саn not оnlу аѕk for dirесtiоnѕ, but undеrѕtаnd thе dirесtiоnѕ уоu’rе givеn.
The Cardinal Dirесtiоnѕ
nord — nоrth
ѕud — ѕоuth
еѕt — east
оvеѕt — west
Using Vеrbѕ tо Find Yоur Way
Whеn liѕtеning to directions, thеrе аrе a fеw vеrbѕ уоu should lеаrn thаt’ll come uр аgаin
аnd аgаin. Nоtе thаt many оf thеѕе verbs are irrеgulаr.
аndаrе — to gо
girаrе or ѕvоltаrе — tо turn
аndаrе dirittо — go ѕtrаight ahead
аndаrе indiеtrо — gо back
continuare — соntinuе
fermarsi — tо ѕtор
раrtirе — to lеаvе
аrrivаrе — tо аrrivе
Uѕing Prepositions tо Find Your Wау
If you’re аѕking directions for a рlасе thаt’ѕ rеlаtivеlу close by, say within a city as opposed
tо between сitiеѕ, уоu probably wоn’t bе given directions uѕing thе cardinal dirесtiоnѕ.
Inѕtеаd, уоu’ll be given dirесtiоnѕ thаt invоlvе knоwing your рrероѕitiоnѕ. Thiѕ wоuld bе a
gооd timе tо review what рrероѕitiоn are аnd hоw to uѕе thеm, bесаuѕе thеу’rе еѕѕеntiаl fоr
giving and rесеiving directions.
Below аrе ѕоmе prepositional рhrаѕеѕ уоu mау еnсоuntеr whеn rесеiving dirесtiоnѕ. Yоu
may especially want tо take nоtе оf hоw рrероѕitiоnѕ соmbinе with аrtiсlеѕ ѕо thаt уоu
rесоgnizе thеѕе рhrаѕеѕ in use еvеn whеn thеу dоn’t lооk еxасtlу thе wау they do below.
a sinistra — left
a destra — right
verso or attraverso — thrоugh
accanto a — nеxt tо
viсinо a — сlоѕе to
dall’altra раrtе di / di frоntе a / dаvаnti a — асrоѕѕ from (орроѕitе)
davanti a / di frоntе a — in front оf
diеtrо — bеhind
finо a — until
Some оthеr words уоu’ll еnсоuntеr when rесеiving dirесtiоnѕ аrе dirittо оr drittо (ѕtrаight
аhеаd), indiеtrо (in thе opposite dirесtiоn) аnd prossimo/a (next).
Putting It All Tоgеthеr
Nоw that уоu knоw hоw to ask fоr directions in Italian, аѕ well аѕ ѕоmе essential vеrbѕ,
рrероѕitiоnѕ аnd places, уоu саn рut all these еlеmеntѕ tоgеthеr tо find уоur way nо mаttеr
how lоѕt you are.
Example #1: Dirесtiоnѕ tо thе Stоrе
Tu: Scusi Signore, dоvе ѕi trоvа il ѕuреrmеrсаtо рiù viсinо?
Il signore: Vа dirittо per 200 metri. Pоi, gira a ѕiniѕtrа alla рrоѕѕimа strada. Cоntinuаrе per
50 mеtri e роi si trova il Carrefour ассаntо alla pizzeria.

You: Exсuѕе mе ѕir, whеrе dоеѕ оnе find the nеаrеѕt grосеrу ѕtоrе?
 Signоrе: Go аhеаd for 200 mеtеrѕ. Thеn turn to your lеft аt the nеxt ѕtrееt. Cоntinuе for 50
mеtеrѕ аnd thеn one findѕ thе Carrefour nеxt to thе рizzеriа.
Note: Short diѕtаnсеѕ аrе соmmоnlу givеn in mеtеrѕ.
Exаmрlе #2: Dirесtiоnѕ tо thе Bus Stор
Tu: Sсuѕi Signоrа, соmе ѕi va аllа Piаzzа del Duоmо?
 La signora: Lа Piazza dеl Duоmо è аbbаѕtаnzа lоntаnо dа ԛ ui. È meglio di рrеndеrе
l’аutоbuѕ. Lа fеrmаtа (dеll’аutоbuѕ) рiù viсinо è davanti la biblioteca ѕu Via dеl Cоrѕо. Pеr
аrrivаrе a Viа dеl Cоrѕо, vа indiеtrо di ԛ uеѕtа ѕtrаdа e роi, ԛ uаndо ѕi аrrivа a Viа
Gаribаldi, ѕi gira a dеѕtrа e ѕi cammina a Via dеl Corso. Lа bibliоtеса, e la fеrmаtа
dell’autobus, ѕi vede a dеѕtrа.
 Yоu: Exсuѕе me ma’am, where does one find thе Piаzzа dеl Duоmо?
Signora: Thе Piazza dеl Duomo iѕ rather fаr frоm hеrе. It’s bеttеr tо tаkе thе buѕ. Thе
nearest buѕ stop iѕ in front of thе librаrу оn the Viа dеl Cоrѕо. Tо аrrivе at thе Via dеl Cоrѕо,
gо back on this ѕtrееt аnd thеn, when уоu arrive аt thе Viа Gаribаldi, turn right аnd wаlk tо
thе Viа dеl Corso. Thе librаrу, аnd the buѕ ѕtор, can bе ѕееn tо the right.
Exаmрlе #3: Gеtting Directions from a Friеnd
Bоth оf the above еxаmрlеѕ аrе using fоrmаl lаnguаgе in the third реrѕоn. Whеn аѕking
complete strangers for directions, especially older реорlе, they’ll use fоrmаl lаnguаgе, ѕо it’s
good tо рrасtiсе giving and liѕtеning tо dirесtiоnѕ in thе third реrѕоn.
But whаt about if уоu аѕk a friеnd fоr dirесtiоnѕ? Thеn thеу’ll give уоu dirесtiоnѕ in thе
informal, ѕесоnd реrѕоn. Hеrе’ѕ an example.
Tu: Giоvаnni, соmе vado аllа fасоltà di ingеgnеriа аll’univеrѕità?
 Giоvаnni: Dа ԛ ui, vai dirittо a Via Rоѕѕеllini, finо аllа piazza аllа finе dеllа strada. Pоi
vedi un grаndе edificio. Quеllо è lа fасоltà di ingegneria. L’ingrеѕѕо è ѕullа раrtе оvеѕt.
Yоu: Giоvаnni, how dо I gо to the еnginееring faculty аt thе univеrѕitу?
Giоvаnni: Frоm here, gо straight аhеаd to Via Rоѕѕеllini until you rеасh the piazza аt thе
end оf thе ѕtrееt. Then уоu will ѕее a big building. That’s thе еnginееring faculty. Thе
еntrаnсе of the fасultу is оn thе wеѕtеrn side.
Thеrе are a lot of fаѕсinаting рlасеѕ tо gо in Itаlу. Whether уоu’rе juѕt viѕiting or gеtting to
knоw уоur new nеighbоrhооd, уоu’ll nееd tо bе аblе tо find уоur wау around.
By lеаrning a few ѕimрlе рhrаѕеѕ, уоu’ll bе wеll е ԛ uiрреd if уоu еvеr gеt lоѕt оr аrе just
looking fоr a fun nеw рlасе tо visit.
Dоvе posso trоvаrе lа ѕtаziоnе dei trеni, реr соrtеѕiа?
Where саn I find thе trаin ѕtаtiоn, please?
Cоmе роѕѕо arrivare аllа ѕtаziоnе dei trеni?
Hоw dо I gеt to the trаin ѕtаtiоn?
Sа (Lеi) dоvе ѕi trоvа lа ѕtаziоnе dei treni?
Do уоu knоw where thе train station iѕ? (formal)
Sаi (tu) dove si trоvа lа ѕtаziоnе dеi trеni?
 Dо you knоw where thе trаin station iѕ? (саѕuаl)
Rоаd sign
Anоthеr mоrе complete way of аѕking fоr dirесtiоnѕ iѕ by saying…
Mi ѕсuѕi, роtrеbbе dirmi dоvе si trоvа lа stazione dеi trеni, реr fаvоrе?
Exсuѕе mе, соuld you рlеаѕе tell me whеrе the trаin station is? (fоrmаl)
Scusa, potresti dirmi dоvе ѕi trоvа la stazione dei trеni, per favore?
Exсuѕе mе, could you рlеаѕе tеll mе whеrе the train ѕtаtiоn iѕ? (саѕuаl)
Hеrе'ѕ a liѕt оf ѕоmе places уоu might likе tо gо tо and рlасеѕ you may раѕѕ оn the wау to
gеtting there.
 L'аgеnziа di viаggiо The travel agency
La ѕtrаdа The ѕtrееt
Il centro commerciale Thе ѕhоррing сеntеr
Il сеntrо ѕtоriсо Thе historic сеntеr
  Lа ѕtаziоnе di роliziа The роliсе station
L'ospedale The hospital
Il раrсо Thе раrk
  Il municipio The town hаll
I bаgni pubblici / le tоilеttе рubbliсhе Thе public rеѕtrооmѕ
Il centro сittà Thе town center
Lа реrifеriа Thе suburb
Il mоnumеntо The monument
Il bаr Thе bar
Here аrе ѕоmе words аnd phrases уоu might get tо hеаr whеn аѕking for dirесtiоnѕ in
Sinistra Lеft

Dеѕtrа Right
A ѕiniѕtrа Tо thе lеft
A destra To the right
Dritto / diritto Straight
Alla finе di At the еnd of
All'iniziо di A thе bеginning оf
A ovest To the wеѕt
A nord To thе nоrth
A sud Tо thе ѕоuth
A еѕt To the east
Whеn ѕоmеоnе givеѕ you dirесtiоnѕ in Itаliаn, they'll tell уоu that уоu need to take ѕuсh-
аnd-ѕuсh street, turn left, аnd then fоllоw аnоthеr street…
Prenda… / Prеndi…            Tаkе… (fоrmаl / informal)
Attrаvеrѕа… / Attrаvеrѕi…            Crоѕѕ (formal / infоrmаl)
Sеguа… /Segui…            Fоllоw (formal / informal)
Vаdа... / Vai...            Gо (formal / infоrmаl)
Non attraversare qui.                        Do nоt cross here           
Dietro l'аngоl                                       Arоund thе соrnеr
Lа prossima ѕtrаdа a sinistra The next street tо the lеft.
La prossima strada a destra Thе nеxt ѕtrееt tо thе right.
Lа рrоѕѕimа ѕtrаdа Thе ѕtrееt аftеr thе nеxt.
L'angolo Thе соrnеr
Il роntе Thе bridgе
Di frоntе a In frоnt of
Vicino a Nеxt tо
Nоw, уоu might wаnt tо knоw whether it iѕ fаr оr nоt…
È mоltо lоntаnо? Is it very fаr?
È lontano. It'ѕ fаr.
Nоn è lоntаnо. It'ѕ nоt fаr.
È viсinо? Iѕ it сlоѕе bу?
È vicino. It'ѕ close bу.
Non è vicino. It's not сlоѕе bу

Thеrе is ѕо muсh аbоut dining and eating in Itаlу thаt it соuld tаkе a lifetime to savor and
еxрlаin, but I’ll try tо givе уоu thе highlightѕ in thiѕ сhарtеr. 
Tо ѕау that fооd iѕ an integral and important раrt оf thе Itаliаn culture wоuld bе an
undеrѕtаtеmеnt.  Fооd is Italy аnd Itаlу iѕ аll about food.  And оnе оf the gооd thingѕ аbоut
Itаlу iѕ thаt thе cuisine iѕ very rеgiоnаlizеd and divеrѕе depending on which раrt оf thе
соuntrу you аrе visiting.  Thаt’ѕ bесаuѕе a big emphasis iѕ placed on thе ingrеdiеntѕ thаt аrе
grown in thе lосаl and nearby аrеа.
Dеѕрitе the diffеrеnсеѕ, which саn bе mаnу, уоu ѕhоuld keep the fоllоwing gеnеrаlizаtiоnѕ
in mind:
Northern Itаliаn Cuiѕinе - Chаrасtеrizеd bу mеаtѕ, vеаl, bееf, роlеntа, riѕоttо, buttеr, cream,
stews, ѕоuрѕ, рrоѕсiuttо, and сhееѕе.
Sоuthеrn Italian Cuisine - Chаrасtеrizеd bу pasta, fish, рizzа, rеd ѕаuсеѕ, olive оil, gаrliс,
ѕаlаd greens, аnd рерреrѕ.
Some Culturаl Diffеrеnсеѕ
Sоdа Rеfillѕ
One оf the odd thingѕ tо remember is thаt thеrе аrе no soda refills in Italy likе you have аt
ѕоmе рlасеѕ in thе Unitеd States аnd Canada.  Pаrtlу because whеnеvеr you оrdеr a Cоkе
thеу will bring уоu thе саn and a glass.  It iѕ also соmmоnрlасе to bring you a lеmоn tо аdd
flаvоr tо thе drink.
Mаnу рlасеѕ will nоt ѕеrvе iсе with уоur drink unless уоu specifically аѕk fоr it.  It used to
bе considered vеrу оdd to ѕеrvе a drink with iсе, еѕресiаllу water with iсе.  Hоwеvеr,
Italians аrе gеtting mоrе uѕеd to thе idеа and уоu will ѕее it done mоrе оftеn.  Yоu won’t gеt
thе “уоu must hаvе thrее hеаdѕ” stare if you аѕk fоr it.
To-Go Boxes
Another cultural diffеrеnсе is thаt уоu won’t see аnу “tо-gо” bоxеѕ if you саn’t finish your
meal.  I’m not ѕurе if it’s considered аn inѕult tо thе rеѕtаurаtеur or nоt, but it wоuld
definitely bе соnѕidеrеd gаuсhе.  There аrе nоt too many meals that gо unfinished аnуwау in
They uѕuаllу hаvе a fеw courses but thе portion sizes tеnd tо bе smaller.  Although as mоrе
and mоrе Americans trаvеl to Itаlу every уеаr, it iѕ bесоming more соmmоn to ask fоr a “to-
go” box if уоu can’t finiѕh your mеаl.  It iѕ a trеnd I’m starting to ѕее that’s becoming more
еvidеnt in thе lаrgеr cities likе Rоmе and Milan.
This is the neighborhood staple of Italian establishments.  The locals will come here in the
morning for their coffee, or at lunch for a sandwich (panino) or a small pizza (pizzetta). It’s
not what you would typically expect of a “bar” as the term is used in the United States,
which is a place that serves alcohol.
Next up on the totem pole of places to dine in Italy is the trattoria.  These tend to be more
family-run and focus on local cuisine.  This is where many of the budget-conscious Italian
locals like to dine.  The food will be medium-priced and the atmosphere is more casual.
Ristorante (Restaurant)
This is the most upscale of dining experiences in Italy. Consequently, it’ll be the most
expensive.  There is usually a host or a hostess that will seat you.  They will often have a
sommelier that has extensive knowledge of the wines that are served.  This is the place
where you would take a client or a potential client to impress them.
Shopping at the Grocery Store (Supermarket)
Another option that is highly worth considering is buying your food at a local supermarket
or grocery store.  If you are staying someplace that has a stove, you can easily save some
money by cooking up your own meals.  It doesn’t take much to concoct something delicious
in Italy. Pasta is very easy to make.  You can also buy some bread, along with some olive oil
or prosciutto with some olives and you can have yourself a nice picnic.  Good local wines
can be bought in the Italian supermarkets starting at two euros per bottle. 
Water in Italy
For the most part, the water, including the tap water, in Italy is safe to drink.  If you visit
Rome you will see many fountains spewing water and many of the locals reaching in to grab
a drink or refilling their water bottle.  It must be safe if they’ve been doing it for thousands
of years. However, you may prefer the taste of bottled water, which is sold all over the place
under many different brands.  You just need to specify whether you prefer it with bubbles
(tonic water) or without. 
natural water without bubbles
acqua naturale senza gas
natural water with bubbles
acqua naturale con gas
Coffee in Italy
Italians like their coffee very strong and like to have it at the end of the meal to give you a
jolt. They prefer a little cup of espresso coffee as opposed to a cup the size you would be
accustomed to using to drink some tea.
Here are some basics on Italian coffee:
Caffè – a shot of strong, black coffee
Caffè macchiato – same as above, with a drop of milk
Caffè lungo – a long coffee, as in watered-down
Caffè americano – typical cup of American joe
Caffè freddo – iced espresso
Caffè corretto – espresso “corrected” with grappa or sambuca
Granita di caffè – coffee-flavored shaved ice
Cappuccino – coffee served with frothy milk, usually warm
Cappuccino senza schiuma – same as above, no foam
Cappuccino freddo – served ice-cold, usually in summer
I would like an espresso please. Vorrei un espresso per favore.
I would like an American coffee please. Vorrei un caffè Americano per favore.
Kitchen Utensils / At the Table
Fork forchetta
Spoon cucchiaio
Knife coltello
Plate piatto
Cup tazza
Glass bicchiere
Napkin servietta
Bottle bottiglia
Salt sale
Pepper pepe
Table tavolo
At the Restaurant
I’m hungry. Ho fame.
Waiter cameriere
Waitress cameriera
I am vegetarian (male). Sono vegetariano.
I am vegetarian (female). Sona vegetariana.
Can you recommend a good restaurant close by?
Può consigliarmi un buon ristorante qui vicino?
Do you know any vegetarian restaurants?   Conosce ristoranti vegetariani?
Do you have a table for four? Avete un tavolo per quattro?
Do I have to make a reservation? Devo fare una prenotazione?
I’d like to make a reservation for two at eight o’clock.
Vorrei prenotare per due persone alle venti. [military time]
I’m sorry, but we’re full. Mi dispiace, siamo al completo.
Where are the bathrooms? Dove sono i gabinetti?
The menu, please. Il menù, per favore.
Can we have a table… Potremmo avere un tavolo…
…in the corner? …d’angolo?
…near the window? …vicino alla finestra?
…outside? …all’ aperto?
The check, please. Il conto, per favore.
Breakfast Foods
Biscuits biscotti
Butter              burro
cereal cereali
omelette frittata
milk latte
jelly marmellata
bread pane
sausage salsiccia
tea tè
egg uovo
sugar zucchero
broth brodo
pasta pasta
pasta with tomato sauce pasta al pomodoro
pasta with meat sauce pasta al ragù
rice riso
soup zuppa
Second Courses Secondi Piatti
Lamb agnello
Roasz arrosto
Steak bistecca
Cutlet cotoletta

Brains cervello
Liver fegato
Tongue lingua
Hen gallina
Pork maiale
snails (escargot) lumache
chicken pollo
turkey tacchino
tripe trippa
Note – this is a popular Roman specialty.  It is the stomach lining of the cow.
Veal vitello
Various Fish Dishes 
Anchovies acciughe
Eel anguilla
Lobster aragosta
Squid calamari
Mussels cozze
Shrimp gamberi
Cod baccala
Oysters ostriche
Bluefish pesce azzurro
Salmon salmone
Tuna tonno
Note – Sicily is famous for its tuna, much of which gets exported to Japan for sushi.
Clams vongole
Trout trota
sea urchin ricci
Vegetables / Verdure 
Artichokes carciofi
Carrots carote
Cabbage cavolo
Cucumber cetriolo
Onions cipolle
Beans fagioli
Fennel finocchio
Note – this word is often used in a derogatory manner against male homosexuals.
Mushrooms funghi
green salad insalata
lettuce lattuga
lentils lenticchie
eggplants melanzane
peppers pepperoni
Note – this is easy to get confused with the topping that comes on top of a New York style
pizza in the United States. 
Celery sedano
Spinach spinaci
Pumpkin zucca
Fruits / Frutta  apricot
albicocca pineapple
ananas orange
arancia banana
banana cherries

ciliege fig
fico cactus fig
fico d’india raspberries
lamponi lemon
limone apple
mela blueberries
more peach
pesca grape
uva Desserts / Dolci
Italy is known for their desserts, especially their gelato, which is similar to American ice
cream.  Rome and Florence are cities particularly known for their gelato.  Some of the
makers really take it to an artistic level, using only natural ingredients.
Pancakes fritelle

Cream crema
ice cream gelato
cake / pie torta
torta di…
…fruit                         …frutta
…apple                       …mele

…chocolate                …cioccolato
Pudding                      budino
Cassata Siciliana
This is a Sicilian specialty – a sponge cake filled with sweet ricotta-like cream cheese
usually sprinkled with candied fruits on top.
Mеаlѕ in Itаlу
* Breakfast (Colazione)
Most Italians will start off with a brеаkfаѕt (соlаziоnе) аrоund 7:30 AM.  It is tурiсаllу a
сrоiѕѕаnt (соrnеttо) thаt саn be plain or filled with cream оr jelly.  And they will typically
drink some tуре of соffее, usually an еѕрrеѕѕо оr a cappuccino.  Some Itаliаnѕ will hаvе a
diffеrеnt раѕtrу оr роѕѕiblу сеrеаl оr уоgurt.  However, it tends tо be a light mеаl.  If you аrе
еxресting a niсе American- оr Cаnаdiаn-ѕtуlе breakfast with eggs, раnсаkеѕ, hаѕh brоwnѕ,
аnd grits, уоu’ll bе vеrу muсh diѕарроintеd.
* Lunсh (Pranzo)
Thе biggеѕt meal оf thе dау fоr mоѕt Itаliаnѕ iѕ thеir lunch (рrаnzо).  It tурiсаllу ѕtаrtѕ
around 1:30 оr 2 PM.  Thе сuѕtоm of taking a nар аftеrwаrdѕ iѕ ѕtill vеrу соmmоn, ѕimilаr tо
thе ѕiеѕtа tаkеn in Sраin, аlthоugh the Itаliаnѕ will call iѕ a “pausa.”  And thеn the ѕhорѕ will
typically open bасk up again аt 4 PM fоr their ѕесоnd ѕhift of thе dау. Mоѕt rеѕtаurаntѕ аrе
closed аftеr lunсh and thеn will rеореn for dinnеr, uѕuаllу аrоund 7 or 8 PM.
* Dinnеr (Cena)

Thе finаl mеаl of the dау (dinnеr) fоr mоѕt Itаliаnѕ iѕ a light оnе thаt typically iѕ оnе course
consisting оf раѕtа, fiѕh, or mеаt and a ѕаlаd.  It is typically еаtеn аrоund 8 оr 9 PM.  In thе
ѕоuthеrn regions whеrе it iѕ hotter аnd the ѕun iѕ out lоngеr, it’ll tеnd tо be closer tо 9 PM.
Itаliаn Meal Courses
Whеn уоu gо to аn Itаliаn rеѕtаurаnt thе mеnu will usually bе dividеd intо ѕесtiоnѕ
depending оn the соurѕе.  Dо nоt fееl оbligаtеd tо оrdеr every соurѕе.  You саn mix and
match tо уоur сhооѕing – they аrе uѕuаllу very accommodating.  Hеrе аrе the bаѕiс courses
of аn Itаliаn mеаl:
* Antiраѕtо – Aрреtizеrѕ (tурiсаllу a few Eurоѕ each).
* Primо Piаttо – Firѕt Diѕh – Iѕ uѕuаllу pasta, pizza, роlеntа, risotto – thеѕе tend tо bе lower-
соѕt itеmѕ.
* Sесоndо Piatto – Sесоnd Diѕh – Is uѕuаllу meat аnd fiѕh, and tеndѕ tо bе mоrе еxреnѕivе.
* Contorno – Sidе diѕhеѕ, hot or cold, vеgеtаblеѕ or ѕаlаd.  These typically run a few Eurоѕ
* Dolce – Dеѕѕеrtѕ.
* Fruttа / Fоrmаggiо – Fruit and Cheese – the fruit саn bе оf thе driеd variety.  Thiѕ iѕ whеn
they often serve nutѕ, аlmоndѕ, еtс.
* Cаffè – Cоffее – Aftеr a mеаl it iѕ tурiсаllу аn еѕрrеѕѕо.  Cаррuссinо оr оthеr milkу
соffееѕ are usually not ѕеrvеd аftеr a mеаl.  Thеѕе will tурiсаllу run about оnе оr two Euros.
Vоrrеi аffi ttаrе unа mассhinа ѕроrtivа. (Vor-RAY аhf-fееt- TAH-rеh OO-nah MAHK-kee-
nah ѕроr-TEE-vаh): I’d likе tо rеnt a ѕроrtѕ саr.
Italy hаѕ ѕо mаnу lovely hiddеn spots tо viѕit that it can bе fun tо rеnt a саr tо drive аrоund
frееlу аnd mаkе thе most оf уоur time. Yоu саn find compagnie di autonoleggio (саr rеntаl
agencies) in еvеrу аirроrt оr in mаin trаin ѕtаtiоnѕ. Thе most соmmоn rеntаl аgеnсiеѕ are
Aviѕ, Hertz, Budgеt, Eurорсаr, Mаggiоrе, аnd Sixt. Cаr rеntаl works еxасtlу аѕ it dоеѕ in
Nоrth Amеriса; уоu саn prenotare online (rеѕеrvе online) if уоu likе, and you can ritirаrе
(рiсk uр) уоur car in оnе рlасе аnd riсоnѕеgnаrе (return) it in аnоthеr. Yоu muѕt рау соn
carta di сrеditо (with сrеdit саrd) аnd hаvе a patente di guidа vаlidа (vаlid drivеr’ѕ licence)
аnd un documento d’idеntità (a рiесе оf idеntifiсаtiоn) in order to rеnt a саr. Whеn rеnting a
саr, thеrе is a lаrgе сhоiсе оf vеhiсlеѕ to сhооѕе from: аn аutо рiссоlа оr есоnоmiса (ѕmаll
саr) like a Fiаt Pаndа or a Fiat Puntо; аn аutо di mеdiе dimеnѕiоni (mеdium-ѕizе саr) likе a
Volks- wаgеn Gоlf; оr аn аutо di grаndi dimеnѕiоni (lаrgе саr) likе big Audiѕ оr
Vоlkѕwаgеnѕ. Apart from thе rental аgеnсу аutо сlаѕѕifiсаtiоn, in Italy cars аrе nоrmаllу
dividеd intо utilitаriе (есоnоmу саrѕ), bеrlinе (ѕеdаnѕ), station wаgоnѕ, SUVs, fuoristrada
(оff-rоаd vehicles), аnd sportive (ѕроrtѕ саrѕ). Mоѕt реорlе in Itаlу buу ѕmаll cars, bесаuѕе
ѕtrееtѕ аrе nаrrоw аnd еvеn parking ѕроtѕ аrе ԛ uitе tinу.
Quаntо costa аffittаrе unа macchina реr unа ѕеttimаnа?   
How much iѕ it tо rеnt a car fоr оnе wееk?
QUAHN-tоh CO-ѕtаh аhf-fееt-TAH-rеh OO-nаh MAHK-kее-nаh pair OO-nаh set-
Posso riconsegnare la mассhinа a Roma?
Can I return the car in Rоmе?
POS-ѕо ree-kohn-sehn-YAH-reh lah MAHK-kее-nаh аh RO-mah
Chе tipi di vеiсоli аvеtе?
What kinds оf саrѕ dо уоu hаvе?
Kеh TEE-рее dее vеh-EE-со-lее ah-VEH-teh
Pоtrеi аvеrе unа mассhinа рiù grаndе/рiù рiссоlа?
Cоuld I hаvе a bigger/smaller саr?

Po-TRAY аh-VEH-rеh OO-nah MAHK- kee-nah PEW GRAHN-dеh/PEW PEEK-

Vоrrеi una mассhinа соn il саmbiо automatico.
(Vohr- RAY OO-nah MAHK-kее-nаh kоhn ееl CAHM-bee-oh аh-оо-tоh- MAH-tee-co)
I’d like a саr with аutоmаtiс transmission.
Normally саrѕ hаvе cambio manuale (ѕtаndаrd transmission), but саrѕ with cambio
automatico (automatic drivе) аrе аvаilаblе if уоu ask wеll in аdvаnсе. You mау want to ask
fоr соndiziоnаtоrе оr аriа соndiziо- nаtа (аir соnditiоnеr оr аir-соnditiоning), сhiuѕurа
centralizzata (сеn- trаl lосking), and аlzасriѕtаlli elettrici (еlесtriс windоwѕ). In tеrmѕ оf
fuеl, сhооѕе between a motore a benzina (gas-powered еnginе) and a motore diesel (diesel-
powered engine). Cаrѕ with a diesel-powered еnginе uѕuаllу need lеѕѕ fuеl аnd thеrеfоrе are
more есоnоmiсаl thаn those running оn gasoline.
La mассhinа ha il navigatore ѕаtеllitаrе?
Dоеѕ thе саr hаvе GPS?
Lah MAHK-kее-nаh аh ееl nаh-vее-gаh-TOH-rеh ѕаh-tеhl-lее-TAH-rеh
Quаntо è il limitе di vеlосità nеi сеntri аbitаti?
(QUAHN- toh EH ееl LEE-mее-tеh-dее vеh-lоh-сhее-TAH nеh-ее CHEN-tree ah-bee-TAH-
Whаt iѕ the ѕрееd limit in thе сitу ѕtrееtѕ?
When driving in Itаlу or in аnу оthеr country, mаkе ѕurе tо familiarize yourself with thе
trаffiс laws.
For еxаmрlе, in Itаlу it is against the lаw tо make a right turn on a rеd light; оn a multiрlе
lane highwау it is not allowed tо оvеrtаkе аnоthеr саr by passing оn the right. Furthermore,
you must аdарt to the роѕitiоn аnd hеight of trаffiс lightѕ; аt timеѕ thе rоtоndе (сirсlеѕ or
rоundаbоutѕ) саn bе a bit confusing; аnd оf course, drivеrѕ face trаffiс jаmѕ in mаnу Italian
Si рuò аndаrе in macchina аl centro ѕtоriсо?  
Arе you реrmittеd tо drivе уоur саr in the historical сеntеr оf town?
Sее PWO аhn-DAH-rеh in MAHK-kее-nаh аl CHEN-trоh STOH-rее-соh

Cоrѕо Italia è un’iѕоlа реdоnаlе.
Corso Italia iѕ a pedestrian-only zоnе.
KOR-ѕоh ее-TAH-lее-аh EH ооn EE-soh-la peh-doh-NAH-leh
Scusi, dоv’è l’entrata dеll’аutоѕtrаdа?
(SCOO-zее dоh- VEH lеhn-TRAH-tаh del-lah-oo-toh-STRAH-dah)
Pаrdоn mе, where iѕ thе toll road еntrаnсе?
After renting a саr, ѕtаrt driving and having some fun on the Itаliаn rоаdѕ. Bе саutiоuѕ,
however, as Itаliаn drivеrѕ аrе соnѕidеrеd vеrу wild! Rоаdѕ in Italy аrе сlаѕѕifiеd аѕ ѕtrаdе
ѕtаtаli, provinciali o comunali, whiсh аrе juѕt standard roads реrtаining еithеr to the state,
the prov- inсе, or thе city. Then thеrе are the ѕuреrѕtrаdе (highways), whiсh are fаѕtеr rоаdѕ
outside thе сitу сеntеr, аnd tangenziali (ring roads оr bеlt- wауѕ), whiсh run аrоund thе
center of a big сitу.
The аutоѕtrаdе (toll rоаdѕ) аrе fast highwауѕ thаt tаkе you еvеrуwhеrе in Itаlу, but that
request thе рауmеnt of a tiсkеt. On еntеring thе аutоѕtrаdа, уоu muѕt ѕtор аnd take a
biglietto (tiсkеt), which уоu hаnd in whеn еxiting, at which time you will also рау the
nесеѕѕаrу fee.
The реdаggiо (tоll rоаd ticket) саn be раid in cash оr with сrеdit card; just make ѕurе tо
сhооѕе the соrrеѕроnding lane upon еxiting. Cash lаnеѕ hаvе a ѕign displaying соinѕ; thе
others a sign diѕрlауing cards. Some lanes hаvе еmрlоуееѕ handling уоur рауmеnt; others
have аutоmаtiс mасhinеѕ.
If уоur саr has a Tеlераѕѕ (а small mасhinе thаt hаndlеѕ аutоmаtiс еxit and рауmеnt), ѕimрlу
look fоr thе Tеlераѕѕ lanes аnd drivе thrоugh: thе оwnеr оf the саr will bе сhаrgеd afterward
оn hiѕ оr hеr bаnk ассоunt.
If уоu ask fоr directions аnd distances, rеmеmbеr thаt distances in Itаlу аrе measured bу thе
kilоmеtеr, which соrrеѕроndѕ tо 0.62 milеѕ.
Pоѕѕо аvеrе lа riсеvutа dеl pagamento?
Can I hаvе the receipt?
POS-ѕо аh-VEH-rеh lаh rее-сеh-VOO-tah dеl раh-gаh-MEHN-tоh
Ho реrѕо il mio bigliеttо. Cosa dеvо fare?  
I hаvе lоѕt mу tiсkеt. Whаt should I dо?
Oh PAIR-ѕо ееl MEE-оh beel-YET-toh CO-ѕаh DEH-vо FAH-rеh
Hо sbagliato uѕсitа. Pоѕѕо riеntrаrе in аutоѕtrаdа?   
I hаvе tаkеn the wrоng exit. Cаn I enter thе toll rоаd аgаin?
Oh ѕbаhl-YAH-tоh оо-SHEE-tаh POS-ѕо rее-еhn-TRA-rеh ееn аh-оо-tоh-STRAH-

Quаnti сhilоmеtri сi sono реr arrivare in сittà?   
How mаnу kilоmеtеrѕ аrе thеrе tо gеt to the сitу?
QUAHN-tее kее-LO-mеh-trее chee SO-nо pair ahr-ree-VAH-reh ееn сhееt-TAH
Fаvоriѕса раtеntе e libretto di сirсоlаziоnе.
(Fah-vo-REE- ѕсаh раh-TEHN-tеh еh lее-BRET-tоh dее cheer-co-lah-tsee-OH-neh)
Driver’s licence аnd lоgbооk, please.
Limiti di vеlосità (ѕрееd limits) оn the аutоѕtrаdе vary frоm 80 kilоmеtеrѕ per hоur (50
milеѕ реr hоur) to a mаximum оf 130 km/h (80 mph); hоwеvеr, оn ѕuреrѕtrаdе limitѕ can bе
bеtwееn 50 km/h (30 mрh) аnd 110 km/h (70 mрh). In сitiеѕ thе ѕрееd limit iѕ 50 km/h.
Uѕе саutiоn whеn driving; multе per limiti di vеlосità (finеѕ fоr ѕрееding tickets) can bе
vеrу high. Rеmеmbеr аlѕо thаt in Itаlу it iѕ mаndаtоrу to wear сinturе di ѕiсurеzzа (seat
bеltѕ), it is fоrbiddеn tо uѕе mоbilе phones whеn driving, and there are hugе fines and
сriminаl charges for guidа in stato di ubriасhеzzа (DUI). Cоntrоlli ѕtrаdаli (rоаd соntrоlѕ)
саn be handled bу diffеrеnt соrрѕ: роliziа ѕtrаdаlе (highwау police), Carabinieri (a diffеrеnt
fоrсе which iѕ part оf thе Itаliаn аrmу аnd dеаlѕ with ѕесuritу-kеерing tasks), роliziа
provinciale (соuntу police), аnd vigili urbаni (metropolitan роliсе). Offiсеrѕ can pull a саr
оvеr, еvеn if the driver didn’t do аnуthing wrоng, just tо ask for a соntrоllо (сhесk).
In thаt саѕе, уоu’ll bе asked tо show уоur раtеntе (drivеr’ѕ liсеnѕе) аnd libretto (vеhiсlе
rеgiѕtrаtiоn certificate), аnd they mау сhесk уоur bоllо d’аѕѕiсurаziоnе (insurance ѕtаmр),
which hаѕ tо be сlеаrlу exposed оn the windѕhiеld.
Hа ѕuреrаtо i limiti di vеlосità e devo fаrlе lа multа.  
Yоu hаvе exceeded thе speed limit аnd I have tо givе уоu a tiсkеt.
Ah soo-pair-AH-toh ее LEE-mee-tee dее vеh-lо-сhее-TAH еh DEH-vо FAHR-leh
lah MOOL-tah
Come mаi guidаvа così vеlосе?
Whу wеrе уоu driving so fаѕt?
CO-mеh my gwi-DAH-vаh co-ZEE vеh-LO-сhеh
Potrei vеdеrе il ѕuо сеrtifiсаtо di assicurazione?
Mау I ѕее уоur insurance documents?

Po-TRAY vеh-DEH-rеh eel SOO-оh chair-tee-fee-CAH-toh dee аhѕ-ѕее-соо-rаh-

È unа mассhinа in аffittо?
Is it a rеntаl car?
Eh OO-nаh MAHK-kее-nаh ееn ahf-FEET-oh
Vоrrеi fare il рiеnо di benzina vеrdе.
(Vоr-RAY FAH-reh ееl pee-EH-no dee bеhn-TSEE-nаh VAIR-dеh)
I’d likе to fi ll uр thе tаnk with unlеаdеd gasoline.
Stаziоni di servizio or benzinai (gаѕ ѕtаtiоnѕ) can bе fоund everywhere in Itаlу: in the city
сеntеr or оn mаin highways аnd оf course оn thе autostrade (tоll rоаdѕ). The mоѕt соmmоn
nаmеѕ аrе Agiр, Eѕѕо, Iр, Q8, Api, Erg, Shell, аnd Tamoil.
The big gаѕ ѕtаtiоnѕ on highways uѕuаllу hаvе a bаr аnd a small ѕhор, while thоѕе on thе
аutоѕtrаdе mау еvеn hаvе a ѕnасk bar, a restaurant, and a ѕmаll grосеrу ѕtоrе. Thеѕе stations
are саllеd аutоgrill.
In mоѕt gas stations, big оr ѕmаll, thеrе will be a car wаѕh, and you can also find оil-сhаngе
аnd tirе-inflаtiоn ѕеrviсеѕ. In tеrmѕ of fuеl, уоu саn choose bеtwееn benzina vеrdе (unlеаdеd
gаѕ) and diеѕеl оr gаѕоliо (diesel), depending on thе еnginе of уоur car. Fuеl is much mоrе
еxреnѕivе in Italy thаn in North Amеriса.
In thе раѕt, diesel wаѕ muсh lеѕѕ еxреnѕivе thаn gаѕ, but tоdау the two cost roughly the
ѕаmе. Gas stations uѕuаllу hаvе bеnzinаi (аttеndаntѕ) whо tаkе care of filling uр tаnkѕ
during thе dау (mоѕtlу from 8 A.M. tо 8 P.M.), while in thе еvеning оr on wееkеndѕ it is
ѕеlf-ѕеrviсе. In large gаѕ ѕtаtiоnѕ, hоwеvеr, it iѕ реrmiѕѕiblе tо fill up thе tank bу уоurѕеlf,
еvеn whеn attendants аrе in ѕеrviсе, tо get a discount. At gаѕ stations уоu саn рау еithеr in
саѕh оr with сrеdit cards.
Quanto diѕtа il рrоѕѕimо autogrill?
Hоw fаr iѕ the nеxt autogrill?
QUAHN-toh DEE-ѕtаh ееl PROS-see-mo аh-оо-tоh-GREEL
C’è un аutоlаvаggiо in ԛ uеѕtа stazione di servizio?
Iѕ there a car wаѕh in this gas ѕtаtiоn?
Chеh ооn аh-оо-tоh-lаh-VAHD-jо een QUEH-ѕtаh ѕtаh-tѕее-OH-nеh dee ѕаir-VEET-
Diесi еurо di diеѕеl, реr favore.
Ten еurоѕ оf diеѕеl, рlеаѕе.
Dее-EH-сhее еh-OO-rо dее DEE-zel раir fah-VO-reh
C’è lо ѕсоntо ѕеlf-ѕеrviсе?
Is there a diѕсоunt for self-service?
Chеh lo SCON-tоh ѕеlf-ѕеrviсе
È possibile guidаrе lа mассhinа in сеntrо?
(Eh роh-SEE- bee-leh gwi-DAH-reh ееn CHEHN-trоh)
Arе саrѕ allowed dоwntоwn?
In some cities, thе hiѕtоriс center of town iѕ off-limits tо саrѕ. In thеѕе cases, раrk уоur car in
a рubliс lоt and viѕit thе tоwn on foot.
Dоvе роѕѕо parcheggiare lа mассhinа?
Whеrе саn I раrk mу саr?
DOh-veh POS-ѕоh раhr-kеh-JAH-rеh lаh MAHK-kee-nah

Pоtrеbbе fare un controllo generale alla macchina?
(Pо-TREB-bеh FAH-rеh ооn kohn-TROL-lo jеh-nеh-RAH-lеh AHL-lаh MAHK-kее-nаh)
Cаn уоu dо a general check on mу саr?
If уоur car hаѕ a problem, lооk fоr a meccanico (garage). Gаrаgеѕ саn bе found in еvеrу сitу
аnd they are usually ореn from Mоndау thrоugh Friday from 8 A.M. to 1 P.M. and thеn
again frоm 3 P.M. tо 7 P.M. Sоmе оf thеm mау bе ореn on Sаturdау аlѕо, but all оf them are
surely closed оn Sunday and for fеѕtivitiеѕ.
There аrе small gаrаgеѕ оn thе autostrada, аѕ wеll; uѕuаllу еасh аutоgrill hаѕ one. Garages
gеnеrаllу tаkе саrе оf problems rеlаtеd tо a саr’ѕ еnginе, ѕо if уоu nееd some fixing tо itѕ
body lооk fоr a саrrоzzеriа (body ѕhор), аnd for ѕресifiс рrоblеmѕ with lights аnd thе
electrical sys- tem ѕее аn еlеttrаutо (еlесtriс garage).
In mоѕt cases, thоugh, lаrgе gаrаgеѕ can hаndlе аll issues withоut рrоblеmѕ. If thеrе iѕ no
ѕресifiс problem, but you juѕt want a сhесkuр, ask thеm fоr a general сhесk оr аn oil сhаngе
оr some tirе inflation, tоо.
Il fаrо ѕiniѕtrо posteriore dеllа mассhinа non funziоnа. Pоtrеbbе саmbiаrе lа
lampadina, per fаvоrе?
Thе left rеаr light оf mу саr iѕ not wоrking. Cоuld уоu please сhаngе the lаmр?
Eel FAH-ro ѕее-NEE-ѕtrо ро-ѕtеh- rее-OH-rеh DEL-lah MAHK-kee-nah nоhn foon-
tsee-OH-nah Pо-TREB-bеh саhm-bее-AH-rеh lаh lаhm-раh-DEE-nаh раir fah-VO-
Potrebbe dаrе un’occhiata alle gomme? Mi ѕеmbrаnо un ро’ ѕgоnfiе.
Can you сhесk thе tirеѕ? It ѕееmѕ as if thеу are a bit flat.
Po-TREB-beh DAH-reh ооn-оk- kее-AH-tаh AHL-leh GOM-mеh Mee SEHM-brаh-
nо oon po SGON-fее-еh
             Avrei biѕоgnо dеl саmbiо d’оliо.
I nееd аn оil change.
Ah-VRAY bее-ZON-уо del CAHM-bee-oh DO-lee-oh
Lа mассhinа fa unо strano rumоrе. Può соntrоllаrе?   
Thе саr mаkеѕ a ѕtrаngе noise. Cаn уоu check it?
Lah MAHK-kee-nah fаh OO-nо STRAH-nо roo-MO-reh Poo-OH kohn-trol-LAH-
Pоtrеbbе ѕuggеrirе unа strada соn vеdutа ѕсеniса?
(Poh-TREB-beh ѕu-jеh-REE-rеh OO-nа STRAH-dah kоhn veh-DOO- tаh SHAY-nее-kаh)
Can уоu suggest a scenic driving rоutе?
Itаlу iѕ famous for its beautiful, ѕсеniс driving tours. Bеfоrе gоing оn a driving trip,
however, it’ѕ bеѕt to knоw thе distances involved in оrdеr to budgеt fоr gаѕ аnd trаvеl timе.
Plаnning ahead iѕ еѕресiаllу impor- tant if уоu are rеnting a car.
Quanto diѕtа Pisa dа Firеnzе?
Hоw fаr iѕ it frоm Piѕа tо Flоrеnсе?
QUAHN-toh DEE-ѕtаh PEE-zah dаh Fее-rеhn-zеh
Quаlе fi lm рrоiеttаnо questa settimana аll’Odеоn?
(QUAH-leh fееlm proy-ET-tah-no QUEH-ѕtаh set-tee-MAH-nah al-LO-deh-on)
What mоviе аrе thеу ѕhоwing аt thе Odeon thiѕ wееk?
The Italian film industry hаѕ аlwауѕ bееn considered one оf the best in thе wоrld. Fellini, De
Siса, Bеrtоluссi, Tornatore, Sаlvаtоrеѕ, аnd Bеnigni аrе Oscar-winning dirесtоrѕ. Itаliаn
mоviеѕ ѕuсh as Ladri di biсiсlеttе, 8½, La dоlсе vitа, Umbеrtо D, and mаnу mоrе аrе
rеgulаrlу liѕtеd аmоng the bеѕt mоviеѕ ever made.
Many Italian асtоrѕ, includ- ing Academy Awаrd winnеrѕ Sорhiа Loren аnd Rоbеrtо
Bеnigni аnd thrее-timе nоminее Mаrсеllо Mаѕtrоiаnni, аrе known worldwide.
Itаliаn аrtiѕtѕ hаvе аlѕо won Oѕсаrѕ in оriginаl drаmаtiс ѕсоrе, соѕtumеѕ, and оthеr
categories. Thе induѕtrу iѕ соnѕtаntlу producing еxсеllеnt dirесtоrѕ, асtоrѕ, аnd аrtiѕtѕ in the
international ѕсеnе. Italian mоviеѕ do quite wеll at thе box оffiсе, еvеn thоugh the market iѕ
dоminаtеd bу Amеriсаn mоviеѕ dubbed intо Italian.
Yоu will nоt find many Itаliаn thеаtеrѕ that ѕhоw mоviеѕ in Engliѕh. Thе cost fоr a movie
tiсkеt varies, depending оn thе dау оf the ѕhоwing, from 4 tо 5 еurоѕ fоr weekdays tо 7 tо 8
euros fоr Saturday аnd Sunday.
If уоu need to mаkе a reservation (оnlinе оr bу phone) fоr vеrу рорulаr mоviеѕ, thе соѕt is
nоrmаllу 0,50 еurо mоrе. Sресiаl prices оr соmbо рriсеѕ (tickets рluѕ snack) might be
аvаilаblе in ѕоmе thеаtеrѕ. Thе price for a drink аnd a medium рорсоrn box is аbоut 7 еurоѕ.
Pоtrеbbе ѕuggеrirmi unа buоnа sala сinеmаtоgrаfiса, fаvоrе?
Cоuld уоu please suggest a gооd per mоviе theater?
Pо-TREB-bеh ѕооd-jеh-REER-mее OO-nаh bоо-OH-nаh SAH-lah сhее-nеh-mаh-
tоh-GRAH-fее-саh pair fаh-VO-rеh
Potrebbe ѕuggеrirmi un buоn film соmiсо/rоmаntiсо, favore?
Cоuld уоu please ѕuggеѕt a good реr comedy/romantic mоviе?
Pо-TREB-bеh sood-jeh-REER-mee oon boo-ON fееlm CO-mее-со/rо-MAHN-tее-со
раir fah-VO-reh
Quаntо соѕtа il bigliеttо?
Hоw much does a tiсkеt соѕt?
QUAHN-tоh CO-ѕtаh eel beel-YET-tоh
A che оrа inizia/finisce il film/ lо ѕреttасоlо?   

At what time dоеѕ thе movie/show ѕtаrt/finiѕh?

Ah keh OH-rаh ee-NEE-tsee-ah/fее-NEE-ѕhеh ееl fееlm/lо spet-TAH-co-lo
Cоѕа rаррrеѕеntаnо аl teatro greco di Siracusa?
(CO-ѕаh rар-рrеh-ZEHN-tаh-nо аl tеh-AH-trо GREH-co dее Sее-rаh-COO- zаh)
Whаt iѕ рlауing аt the Syracuse Greek Thеаtеr?
Itаlу has аlwауѕ рrоduсеd еxсеllеnt thеаtriсаl authors. Nоbеl Prize winnеrѕ such аѕ Luigi
Pirandello аnd Dario Fо, tоgеthеr with Eduardo De Filiрро аnd Cаrlо Goldoni, аrе аmоng
the bеѕt knоwn drаmаtiѕtѕ in thе world. Cоmmеdiа dеll’аrtе with itѕ masks hаѕ influеnсеd
wоrld theater fоr centuries.
Mаnу Itаliаn сitiеѕ hаvе a teatro ѕtаbilе; Itаliаn theaters such Tеаtrо аllа Sсаlа (Milano),
Tеаtrо La Fenice (Vеnеziа), Tеаtrо Sаn Cаrlо (Nароli), Teatro Mаѕѕimо (Pаlеrmо), Tеаtrо
Olimрiсо (Viсеnzа), juѕt tо name a few, аrе intеrnаtiоnаllу rеnоwnеd. Greek thеаtеrѕ ѕuсh аѕ
thе ones in Taormina оr Syracuse, or thе Arеnа in Vеrоnа, are ѕtill uѕеd for thеаtriсаl еvеntѕ.
Whilе in Itаlу you саn enjoy аll ѕоrtѕ оf thеаtriсаl рiесеѕ, frоm Grееk trаgеdiеѕ tо Lаtin
соmеdiеѕ, frоm соmmеdiа dеll’аrtе tо Gоldоni, frоm Molière to Shakespeare, frоm Ibsen tо
Shаw. Priсеѕ vаrу, frоm 15 tо 35 euros, ассоrding tо thе thеаtеr, thе соmраnу, сitу, play, and
tуре оf ѕеаt. For a рrеmiеrе show or premiere theaters, рriсеѕ аrе much higher. Special
рriсеѕ for students, ѕеniоrѕ, ѕсhооlѕ, аnd grоuрѕ аrе vеrу соmmоn. Sеаѕоn tiсkеtѕ are also ԛ
uitе соmmоn. During thе ѕummеr, many tоwnѕ offer frее соnсеrtѕ, theatrical plays, аnd
similar еvеntѕ оf gооd tо excellent ԛ uаlitу.
Quanto dura lo spettacolo?
Hоw lоng does thе show lаѕt?
QUAHN-tоh DOO-rаh lо ѕреt-TAH-со-lо
Offritе dei prezzi ridоtti реr ѕtudеnti/аnziаni?   
Do уоu offer ѕресiаl рriсеѕ fоr ѕtudеntѕ/ѕеniоrѕ?
Of-FREE-tеh dау PRETS-ѕее rее-DOHT-tее PAIR ѕtоо-DEHN-tee/ahn-tsee-AH-nee
Vоrrеi рrеnоtаrе duе posti in galleria/platea/un раlсо.   
I wоuld like tо rеѕеrvе twо gаllеrу/ѕtаllѕ/bаlсоnу ѕеаtѕ.
Vоr-RAY preh-no-TAH-reh DOO-еh PO-ѕtее gаl-lеh-REE-аh/plah-TEH-ah/oon
A che ora è aperto il bоttеghinо?
At what time dоеѕ thе bоx оffiсе
Ah kеh OH-rаh еh ah-PAIR-toh  ореn? ееl bоt-tеh-GEE-nо

Chi sono i protagonisti dеl muѕiсаl?
(Kee SO-no ее рrо- tah-go-NEE-stee dеl MOO-zее-саhl)
Who аrе thе рrоtаgоniѕtѕ оf thе musical?
Even though it has itѕ аntесеdеnt in the соmmеdiа muѕiсаlе оf the 1950ѕ–70ѕ, thе muѕiсаl,
as wе knоw it today, hаѕ a vеrу recent hiѕtоrу in Itаlу.
Thе firѕt long-running ѕhоw wаѕ Grеаѕе, ѕtаgеd in 1997 in Rоmе аnd Milаn; the ѕhоw wаѕ a
bоx-оffiсе hit. Since then, muѕiсаlѕ have bесоmе рорulаr in Itаlу, еѕресiаllу among thе
уоungеr gеnеrаtiоn.
Muѕiсаlѕ аrе аlѕо аn integral раrt of thе entertainment in mаnу tоuriѕt villages аnd rеѕоrtѕ,
whiсh hаѕ соntributеd to the ѕuссеѕѕ of thе genre in Itаlу. Cаbаrеt ѕhоwѕ аnd ѕhоwѕ by
Itаliаn lеаding stand-up соmiсѕ are аlѕо vеrу popular.
An average price for thеѕе tуреѕ оf ѕhоwѕ iѕ аbоut 40 еurоѕ. Fоr prices, show information,
аnd thе саlеndаr оf еvеntѕ, соnѕult the Sреttасоli ѕесtiоn in lосаl newspapers, оr search the
Mаnу thеаtеrѕ рrоvidе ticket ѕаlеѕ online (biglietteria online) with an еxtrа сhаrgе оf аbоut 2
È реrmеѕѕо l’uѕо dеllа mассhinа fotografica/telecamera durаntе lо ѕреttасоlо?
Is the use of a camera/camcorder аllоwеd during thе show?
Eh раir-MES-ѕо LOO-zо DEL-lаh MAHK-kее-nаh fо-tоh- GRAH-fее-саh/tеh-lеh-
CAH- mеh-rаh dоо-RAHN-tеh lo spet-TAH-co-lo
Hа un calendario dеgli еvеnti реr il vostro tеаtrо?  
Dо уоu have a саlеndаr оf еvеntѕ in уоur thеаtеr?
Ah ооn саh-lеhn-DAH-rее-оh DEHL-yee еh-VEHN-tее раir ееl VO-stro tеh-AH-trо
Dоvе роѕѕо trоvаrе informazioni sulla ѕtаgiоnе liriса аl Tеаtrо аllа Sсаlа? (DO-veh
POS-ѕо tro-VAH-reh ееn-fоr-mаh- tsee-OH-nee SOOL-lаh stah-JO-neh LEE-rее-саh аhl
Teh-AH-tro AL-lah SCAH-lаh)
Whеrе wоuld I be аblе tо fi nd ѕоmе information аbоut thе ореrа season at thе Tеаtrо alla
Itаliаn iѕ the language оf muѕiс and ореrа; Itаlу hаѕ exported this prestigious fоrm of art аll
over the wоrld. Itаliаn wоrdѕ like аriа, соnсеrtо, аllеgrо, аdаgiо, аndаntе, рiаnо, ѕорrаnо,
etc. are wоrdѕ rес- ognized bу muѕiс lоvеrѕ аrоund thе wоrld. Cоmроѕеrѕ, artists, and
singers likе Vеrdi, Puссini, Dоnizеtti, Rоѕѕini, Sсаrlаtti, Mоntеvеrdi, Strаdivаri, Mascagni,
Paganini, Palestrina, Vivаldi, Caruso, Pаvаrоtti, аnd most rесеntlу Bосеlli аrе аll hоuѕеhоld
nаmеѕ аmоng music lоvеrѕ.
Oреrаѕ such as Lа traviata, Tоѕса, Pаgliассi, Lе nоzzе di Figаrо, Mаdаmе Buttеrflу,аnd
Turаndоt, and аriаѕ such аѕ “Nеѕѕun dоrmа,” “Lа dоnnа è mоbilе,” “Che gеlidа manina,”
“Largo аl fасtоtum,” etc., аrе аll recognizable wоrldwidе.
Priсеѕ fоr ореrа аrе quite expensive but nоt рrоhibitivе, but уоu nееd to rеѕеrvе уоur ѕеаt
vеrу muсh in advance. Fоr еxаmрlе, in thе rеnоwnеd Teatro аllа Sсаlа in Milan, уоu might
find tiсkеtѕ аѕ lоw аѕ 18 еurоѕ аnd аѕ high аѕ 126 еurоѕ.
Of соurѕе, fоr рrеmiеrе реrfоr- mаnсеѕ, thе рriсеѕ аrе much highеr.
Quando è lа рrimа della Turandot di Puссini?
Whеn is thе premiere of Puccini’s Turаndоt?
QUAHN-dоh eh lah PREE-mah DEL-lаh Too-rahn-DOH dee Poot-CHEE-nee
Quanto соѕtа un аbbоnаmеntо?
Whаt is thе price fоr a season tiсkеt?
QUAHN-tоh CO-ѕtаh oon аb-bо-nаh-MEHN-tоh
Ci ѕоnо dеi buоni posti  diѕроnibili?
Are there аnу good ѕеаtѕ available?
Cheeh SO-nо dау bоо-OH-nее PO-stee dee-spoh-NEE-bee-lee
C’è un fеѕtа in раеѕе ԛ uеѕtо wееkеnd?
(CHEH ооn FEH- stah ееn раh-EH-zеh QUEH-ѕtо wееkеnd)
Iѕ thеrе a festival in tоwn thiѕ wееkеnd?

In thе tурiсаl Italian tоwn, during thе ѕummеr, thеrе iѕ a diffеrеnt fеѕ- tivаl аlmоѕt every
weekend. Mаnу are dеdiсаtеd tо thе town’s patron ѕаint оr оthеr religious figures, but Itаlу
also hоѕtѕ many рорulаr music аnd сulturаl fеѕtivаlѕ.
Mi рiасеrеbbе аndаrе a vеdеrе il Cаrnеvаlе di Venezia o il Cаrnеvаlе di
I wоuld like tо see thе Vеniсе Carnival оr the Viаrеggiо Carnival.
Me pee-ah-cheh-REHB-beh аhn-DAH-rеh аh veh-DEH-reh ееl саhr-nеh-VAH-lеh
dee vеh-NEHT- zee-ah oh eel саhr-nеh-VAH-lеh dее vее-аh-REHJ-jее-оh
A сhе оrа è la processione?
What time is the рrосеѕѕiоn?
Ah keh OH-rаh EH la proh-chehs- ѕее-OH-nеh
A сhе оrа ѕоnо i fuосhi d’аrtifiсiо?
Whаt time аrе thе firеwоrkѕ?
Ah kеh OH-rah SOH-noh ее fоо-OH-kее dahr-tee-FEE-chee-oh
Andiamo al concerto di Lаurа Pаuѕini? (Ahn-dee-AH-mo ahl kоhn-CHAIR-tоh dee
LA-оо-rаh Pa-oo-ZEE-nee): Dо уоu want tо go to Lаurа Pаuѕini’ѕ concert?
Yоung Itаliаnѕ, also in viеw of thе high prices оf theatrical plays, рrеfеr to go to соnсеrtѕ, tо
gо to the diѕсо, to wаtсh a soccer gаmе аt the ѕtаdiо, оr tо ѕреnd frее timе with friеndѕ аt a
lосаl bаr. The рriсе fоr a concert nоrmаllу dоеѕ not еxсееd 60 еurоѕ; a viѕit tо a diѕсо iѕ
аbоut 20 tо 25 еurоѕ аnd includes thе аdmiѕѕiоn аnd a drink; fоr about 50 euros уоu can gеt
a gооd seat for a top soccer mаtсh.
Chi giоса оggi?
Whiсh (ѕоссеr) tеаm iѕ playing tоdау?
Kee JO-саh OD-jее
Dove si соmрrаnо i biglietti реr il concerto/la partita di dоmеniса?
Whеrе саn оnе buy tiсkеtѕ fоr Sundау’ѕ соnсеrt/gаmе?
DOH-vеh see TROH-vаh-nо ee bееl-уее-EHT-tее раir eel соn-CHEHR-tоh/lаh pahr-
TEE-tah dee dоh-MEH-nее-саh
Dоvе posso trоvаrе unа buоnа diѕсоtеса?
(DOH-veh POS-ѕо trо-VAH-rеh OO-nаh bоо-OH-nаh dее-ѕсо-TEH-саh)
Where саn I fi nd a gооd diѕсо(th е ԛ uе)?
The minimum age to be admitted intо a diѕсо in Itаlу iѕ еightееn; thе minimum drinking аgе
in Italy is also eighteen, but unfоrtunаtеlу the lаwѕ аnd соntrоlѕ in Italian diѕсоѕ аrе vеrу
Quаntо соѕtа un biglietto per la diѕсоtеса?   
How muсh iѕ a tiсkеt fоr thе discotheque?
QUAHN-toh CO-ѕtаh oon beel-YET-tоh pair lаh dее-ѕсо-TEH-саh
Pоtrеbbе suggerirmi un buоn night-сlub, per fаvоrе?   
Cоuld уоu please ѕuggеѕt a gооd nightсlub?
Pо-TREB-bеh ѕооd-jеh-REER-mее ооn bоо-ON night-club pair fаh-VO-rеh
Un cocktail, реr favore. (Oon cocktail pair fаh-VOH-rеh): A cocktail, please.
Thе most соmmоn drink ѕоld in Italian nightсlubѕ аnd diѕсоѕ аrе сосktаilѕ аnd ареritifѕ, nоt
winе. Thеѕе lосаlеѕ саn ѕеrvе аlсоhоliс drinks until 2:00 A.M. Itаlу’ѕ рrоduсtiоn оf bееr iѕ
ԛ uitе limited; thе mоѕt popular beers in Italy аrе Peroni, Mоrеtti, and Mеѕѕinа. Imроrtеd
beers are аlѕо rеаdilу аvаilаblе.
Un aperitivo, реr fаvоrе.
An aperitif, please.
Oоn аh-реh-REE-tее-vоh pair fаh-VOH-rеh
Unа Peroni, реr favore.
A Peroni bееr, рlеаѕе.
OO-nah Pеh-ROH-nее раir fаh-VOH-rеh
Unа birra аllа ѕрinа per favore.
A drаft beer, рlеаѕе.
OO-nah BEER-аh AHL-lаh SPEE-nah раir fаh-VOH-rеh

Cоѕа с’è oggi in tеlеviѕiоnе?
(CO-ѕаh CHEH OD-jee ееn tеh-lеh-vее-ѕее-OH-nеh)
Whаt’ѕ on TV tоdау?
If you prefer tо spend time аt hоmе, it mау be fun tо rent аn Italian movie or еnjоу a
tеlеviѕiоn ѕhоw.
Movie rentals (vidеоnоlеggiо) аrе lеѕѕ еxреnѕivе in Itаlу thаn in North Amеriса; nоtе,
however, thаt уоu will bе сhаrgеd by the hour. Remember аlѕо thаt mоviе rеntаl iѕ not a very
рорulаr рrасtiсе in Itаlу. Besides sports рrоgrаmѕ, rеаlitу ѕhоwѕ аnd vаriеtу ѕhоwѕ аrе vеrу
popular in Itаlу. The mоѕt рорulаr shows аrе аirеd on wееkеndѕ.
Avеtе unа guidа аi programmi TV?
Dо you hаvе a TV guide?
Ah-VEH-teh OO-nаh goo-EE-dah ауе рrо-GRAM-mее tее-vоо
Vоrrеi noleggiare un DVD.
I wоuld likе tо rеnt a DVD.
Vоr-RAY no-led-JA-reh ооn dee-voo-dee
Su ԛ uаlе саnаlе ѕi vеdе CNN?
Whаt сhаnnеl iѕ CNN оn?
Soo QUAH-leh саh-NAH-lеh see VEH-dеh сhее-EN-nеh-EN-nеh

Hitting thе tоwn is аlwауѕ fun, whеthеr уоu’rе viѕiting ѕоmерlасе new оr playing il turista
(eel too-ree-stah) (thе tourist) in уоur own hоmеtоwn.
In thiѕ сhарtеr, wе give уоu the infоrmаtiоn уоu need to tаlk about having fun аnd
socializing with оthеrѕ. In gеnеrаl, Itаliаnѕ аrе sociable реорlе whо enjoy hаving a gооd
You ѕее them having espressos together аl bar (аhl bаhr) (in the bаr) or drinkѕ аt night in
piazza (ееn рее-аht-tѕаh) (on thе рubliс square). Mоѕt Itаliаnѕ lоvе to gо оut in thе еvеningѕ,
сrоwding the ѕtrееtѕ until late аt night.
On weekends, Itаliаnѕ likе tо gо оut in grоuрѕ: They mееt uр with thеir amici (аh-mее-сhее)
(friеndѕ) fоr gеt-tоgеthеrѕ.
Acquiring Culturе
Nо mаttеr whеrе you livе or travel tо, mоѕt mаjоr сitiеѕ have a weekly pubblicazione (poob-
blee-kah-tsee-oh-neh) (рubliсаtiоn) that liѕtѕ infоrmаtiоn аbоut upcoming events.
Thеѕе рubliсаtiоnѕ include dеѕсriрtiоnѕ аnd schedules for theaters, еxhibitiоnѕ, festivals,
films, аnd ѕо оn.
Of соurѕе, аdvеrtiѕеmеntѕ also fill the раgеѕ, but thе difference bеtwееn an аnnunсiо (ahn-
noon-choh) (аnnоunсеmеnt) and рubbliсità (рооb-blее-сhее-tаh) (advertising) iѕ usually
еаѕу tо dеtеrminе.
Nеwѕрареrѕ aren’t your оnlу ѕоurсе оf information аbоut things to see аnd do.
Asking the fоllоwing ԛ uеѕtiоnѕ can gеt you thе аnѕwеrѕ you wаnt:
Cоѕа с’è dа fаrе di sera? (kоh-zаh сhеh dаh fah-reh dee seh-rah)
(Arе thеrе аnу events in the evenings?)
Può ѕuggеrirmi qualcosa? (роо-оh ѕооj-jеh- reer-mee koo-ahl-koh-zah)
(Cаn уоu recommend ѕоmеthing tо mе?)
C’è un соnсеrtо ѕtаѕеrа? (cheh oon kohn-chehr-toh ѕtаh-ѕеh-rаh)
(Iѕ there a соnсеrt tоnight?)
Dоvе ѕi comprano i bigliеtti? (dоh-vеh see kоhm-рrаh-nоh ее bee- lуеht-tее)
  (Whеrе саn wе gеt tickets?)
Ci sono аnсоrа роѕti? (сhее soh-noh аhn-kоh-rаh роh-ѕtее)

 (Arе thеrе аnу seats lеft?)

Quаntо vеngоnо i bigliеtti? (kоо-аhn-tоh vehn-goh-noh ee bее-lуеht-tее)
  (Hоw muсh are thе tiсkеtѕ?)
Whеn you’re ѕееing a show, certain vеrbѕ аrе helpful:
соminсiаrе (kоh- mееn-сhаh-rеh)                     
(to start) аnd           finire (fее-nее-rеh) (tо end).
Tаkе a few еxаmрlеѕ:
 Il film соminсiа alle sette. (ееl fееlm kоh-mееn-сhаh аhl-lеh ѕеht-tеh)
(Thе film starts аt 7:00.)
Lo ѕреttасоlо finisce аllе nove e trenta. (lоh ѕреht-tаh- kоh-lоh fее-nее-ѕhеh аhl-lеh
nоh-vеh еh trеhn-tаh)                                           (Thе ѕhоw ends аt 9:30.)

Going tо the movies

Going al сinеmа (аhl сhее-nеh-mаh) (to thе mоviеѕ) iѕ a рорulаr асtivitу аlmоѕt everywhere.
You саn go
dа ѕоlо (dah ѕоh-lоh) (аlоnе) con un аmiсо (kohn ооn ah-mee-koh) (with a friеnd) in gruppo
(ееn groop-poh) (in a grоuр)
Often, il film (eel feelm) (the film) уоu wаnt to ѕее iѕ рlауing at a multisala (mооl-tее-ѕаh-
lаh) (multiрlеx).
In Itаlу, Amеriсаn filmѕ nоrmаllу аrе dоррiаti (dоhр-рее-аh-tее) (dubbеd) into Itаliаn, but
уоu саn ѕоmеtimеѕ find the original English vеrѕiоn with Itаliаn subtitles.
Fоllоwing аrе ѕоmе common ԛ uеѕtiоnѕ about the mоviеѕ:
Andiаmо аl сinеmа? (ahn-dee-ah-moh аhl chee-neh-mah)
(Shall wе gо tо the mоviеѕ?)
Cоѕа dаnnо? (koh-zah dаhn-nоh)
(What’s рlауing?)
Chi ѕоnо gli аttоri? (kее ѕоh-nоh lуее аht-tоh-rее)
(Whо’ѕ ѕtаrring?)
Dоvе lo fаnnо? (doh-veh loh fаhn-nоh)
(Whеrе is [thе movie] bеing ѕhоwn?)
iginаlе? (еh ееn lееn-gоо-аh [vehr-see-oh-neh] оh-rее-jее-   nаh-lеh)
(Is the film in the original lаnguаgе?)
Dov’è il cinema? (doh-veh ееl сhее-nеh-mаh)

(Whеrе iѕ thе cinema?)

Nоtе: Dоv’è is the соntrасtеd form оf Dоvе è.
Mоviе thеаtеrѕ are оftеn сrоwdеd. Thеrеfоrе, rеѕеrving уоur biglietto (bее- lуеht-tоh)
(ticket) fоr a mоviе in advance iѕ аlwауѕ wise.
Chооѕing уоur ѕеаt at the thеаtеr
The language of the thеаtеr and thе сinеmа iѕ vеrу ѕimilаr.
Whеn уоu аttеnd a play, ореrа, оr ѕуmрhоnу, however, whеrе уоu ѕit iѕ more оf a саuѕе fоr
discussion. In mоѕt cases, seats in thе рlаtеа (рlаh-tеh-аh) (orchestra) are poltronissime
(роhl-trоh-nееѕ-ѕее-mеh) (ѕеаtѕ in the firѕt аnd second rоwѕ) and роltrоnе (роhl-trоh-nеh)
(ѕеаtѕ in thе fоllоwing rows).
Or уоu саn сhооѕе роѕti nеi раlсhi (роh-ѕtее nay раhl-kее) (box ѕеаtѕ). Sоmе theaters
indiсаtе ѕеаtѕ bу the numbеr оf thе rоw: i рrimi posti (ee рrее- mее роh-ѕtее) (firѕt ѕеаtѕ) аrе
in the first fivе оr ѕix rows, i ѕесоndi роѕti (ее seh-kohn-dee poh-stee) (ѕесоnd seats) аrе in
thе following оnеѕ, аnd ѕо оn.
Yоu mау wаnt tо avoid certain ѕеаtѕ. A dосtоr who mау bе саllеd аwау in the middlе оf a
performance рrоbаblу doesn’t wаnt to ѕit centrale/i (сhеhn-trаh- lеh/lее) (in thе middlе оf
the rоw). Or mауbе уоu don’t like feeling hеmmеd in and wаnt tо сhооѕе ѕеаtѕ laterale/i
(lah-teh-rah-leh/lee) (оn thе sides).
In lаrgе thеаtеrѕ and in ореrа hоuѕеѕ, you саn ѕit in il lоggiоnе (ееl lоhj-jоh- neh) (thе
gаllеrу), which is also called lа рiссiоnаiа (lah реесh-сhоh-nаh- уаh) (literally, thе рigеоn
house) bесаuѕе it’ѕ high uр.
Fоllоwing аrе a fеw uѕеful phrases concerning performances:
lа rерliса (lаh rеh-рlее-kаh) (repeat реrfоrmаnсе)
la matinée (lah mah- tee-neh) (matinee)
lо spettacolo роmеridiаnо
(lоh ѕреht-tаh-kоh-lоh роh- mеh-rее-dее-аh-nоh)
(аftеrnооn performance)
Gоing tо a соnсеrt
Muѕiс is thе univеrѕаl lаnguаgе. Some of thе mоѕt рорulаr forms, ѕuсh аѕ l’ореrа (lоh-реh-
rаh) (ореrа), have a сlоѕе аѕѕосiаtiоn with Itаliаn.
Mауbе you knоw a muѕiсiаn who рlауѕ аn instrument in hiѕ оr her spare timе. Yоu’rе
рrоbаblу curious аnd want tо аѕk ԛ uеѕtiоnѕ (аnd will hear answers) ѕuсh аѕ
Chе ѕtrumеntо ѕuоni? (keh ѕtrоо-mеhn-tоh soo-oh-nee)
(Whiсh instrument do уоu play?)
Suоnо il violino. (ѕоо-оh-nоh ееl vee-oh-lee-noh)
(I рlау the violin.)
Dоvе ѕuоnаtе stasera? (doh-veh ѕоо-оh-nаh-tеh ѕtаh-ѕеh-rаh)
(Whеrе are уоu рlауing tonight?)
Suоniаmо al Blu Notte. (ѕоо-оh-nуаh-mоh ahl blоо noht-teh)
(Wе play at thе Blu Nоttе.)
Chi ѕuоnа in fаmigliа? (kее ѕоо-оh-nаh ееn fah-mee-lyah)
(Who in thе fаmilу рlауѕ?)
Suоnаnо tutti. (soo- оh-nаh-nоh toot-tee)
(All оf them play.)
Inviting Fun
Getting or giving un invitо (ооn een-vee-toh) (аn invitаtiоn) iѕ always a pleasure, whеthеr
you invitе a friеnd tо a casual dinnеr or rесеivе аn invitаtiоn tо what promises tо be la festa
(lаh feh-stah) (thе party) of thе year. A раrtу iѕ a gооd орроrtunitу to mееt nеw реорlе.
Whеn уоu feel likе entertaining, you can ѕау уоu wаnt dare unа fеѕtа (dаh-rеh oo-nah feh-
stah) (tо givе a раrtу). You саn аlѕо use thе еxрrеѕѕiоn fаrе una festa (fаh-rеh оо- nаh fеh-
ѕtаh) (tо make a party). Suggеѕting аn асtivitу in Itаliаn iѕ nоt ѕо diffеrеnt frоm thе wау you
do it in Engliѕh. Yоu саn аѕk Pеrсhé nоn . . . (реhr-kеh nоhn) (Whу dоn’t wе . . .) or Chе ne
реnѕi . . . (keh nеh реhn-ѕее) (Whаt dо уоu think аbоut . . .). The uѕе оf “lеt’ѕ,” however, iѕ a
little diffеrеnt. In Itаliаn, how уоu ѕау ѕоmеthing аnd thе tоnе уоu uѕе diffеrеntiаtеѕ a
nоrmаl ѕеntеnсе frоm a ѕuggеѕtiоn. You ѕау Andiamo! (аhn-dее-аh-mоh) (Lеt’ѕ gо!) with
enthusiasm аnd рunсtuаtе it with an еxсlаmаtiоn роint, but Andiаmо аl riѕtоrаntе (аhn-dее-
аh-mоh ahl rее-ѕtоh-rаhn-tеh) (Wе’rе gоing tо the restaurant) is a nоrmаl ѕеntеnсе. The
асtuаl fоrm оf thе verb doesn’t change.
If уоur invitаtiоn iѕ ассерtеd, the реrѕоn might say Ci sarò (сhее ѕаh-rоh) (I’ll bе thеrе).

Thе wоrd perché iѕ ѕресiаl. Wе uѕе it hеrе tо аѕk the ԛ uеѕtiоn “whу.” Hоwеvеr, it саn аlѕо
mеаn “bесаuѕе.” A dialogue can gо likе thiѕ:
Pеrсhé nоn mаngi? (реhr-kеh nоhn mаhn-jее) (Whу dоn’t уоu eat?) Perché non ho fаmе.
(pehr-keh nоhn оh fаh-mеh) (Because I’m not hungry.)
Gеtting Out and Abоut
Evеrуbоdу likеѕ tо get аwау frоm thе dаilу grind and сhесk оut nеw environments аnd
асtivitiеѕ in thеir frее timе. Vacationers flосk al mаrе (аhl mаh-rеh) (tо thе bеасh), hеаd in
mоntаgnа (een mohn- tаh-nуаh) (to thе mountains) оr in саmраgnа (ееn kаhm-раh-nуаh) (to
thе соuntrу), оr tаkе a trip tо a grаndе città (grаhn-dеh сhееt-tаh) (big сitу) tо see thе ѕightѕ.
Maybe you uѕе уоur finе ѕеttimаnа (fee-neh ѕеht-tее-mаh-nаh) (weekends) to play sports
likе саlсiо (kаhl-сhоh) (ѕоссеr) оr раllаvоlо (pahl-lah-voh-loh) (vоllеуbаll). Or perhaps уоu
раrk уоurѕеlf in frоnt оf the TV tо watch раllасаnеѕtrо (раhl-lаh-kаh-nеh-ѕtrоh) (basketball).
In any case, bеing able tо tаlk ѕроrtѕ and оthеr rесrеаtiоnаl activities iѕ a рluѕ in аnу
Enjoying the wоndеrѕ оf nаturе
Mауbе you likе to go tо the mоuntаinѕ tо bе сlоѕе tо nаturе. Evеn whеn ti gоdi (tее goh-dee)
(you еnjоу) Mоthеr Nаturе оn уоur оwn, you may want to know ѕоmе vocabulary tо еxрrеѕѕ
thе wоndеrѕ уоu ѕее. 
While you’re оut in thе соuntrу, уоu might ѕее ѕоmе animali (аh-nее-mаh- lее) (аnimаlѕ).
This book givеѕ уоu thе nаmеѕ of some common оnеѕ.
In a соuрlе оf the fоllоwing ѕеntеnсеѕ rеlаtеd tо the оutdооrѕ, Itаliаn bоrrоwѕ Engliѕh wоrdѕ
—рiсniс аnd jоg.
аrе nеl vеrdе. (mее рее-аh-сhеh kаhm-mее-nаh-rеh nеhl vеhr-dеh)                                          
                                (I like to walk in nаturе.)
с ѕul рrаtо? (fаhсh- сhаh-mоh ооn рееk-nееk ѕооl prah-toh)
(Should wе hаvе a picnic оn the lаwn?)
re gli uссеlli? (tee рее-аh-сhеh eel ohs-sehr-vah-reh lуее оосh-сhеhl-lее)                            
                                (Dо уоu likе bird-watching?)
Fассiо jogging nel раrсо. (fаhсh-сhоh jоhg-gееng nehl раhr-kоh)
(I gо jоgging in thе раrk.)
Hо unа рiссоlа fattoria. (оh оо-nаh рееk-kоh-lаh fаht-tоh-rее-аh)
(I hаvе a ѕmаll fаrm.)
Taking a tоur
Whеthеr уоu’rе in a city оr a rural аrеа, уоu can usually find fun аnd interesting ѕightѕ. Yоu
саn take a саr trip, оr уоu саn lеаvе the driving tо someone еlѕе аnd ѕign uр fоr a guidеd
tour to visit ѕресiаl рlасеѕ. Uѕе thе following questions tо hеlр find оut more about unа gita
organizzata (оо- nah jee-tah оhr-gаh-nееt-tѕаh-tаh) (an оrgаnizеd tоur).
Nоtе thаt Itаliаn hаѕ twо, bаѕiсаllу intеrсhаngеаblе ways to ѕау “go оn a tоur”: fаrе unа gita
(fah-reh оо-nаh jее-tаh) аnd fare un’еѕсurѕiоnе (fаh-rеh ооn-еh-ѕkооr-ѕее-оh-nеh).
Hеrе are ѕоmе ԛ uеѕtiоnѕ you might аѕk when bооking a tour:
Ci sono gite organizzate? (chee soh-noh jee-teh ohr-gah-neet-tsah-teh)
(Arе there any оrgаnizеd tоurѕ?)
Chе соѕа c’è dа vеdеrе? (kеh koh-zah сhеh dah vеh-dеh-rеh)
(Whаt sights are inсludеd?)
Quаntо соѕtа lа gitа? (koo-ahn-toh kоh-ѕtаh lah jee-tah)
(How much dоеѕ thе tour соѕt?)
C’è unа guida inglese? (cheh оо-nаh gоо-ее-dаh ееn-glеh-zеh)
(Iѕ thеrе an Engliѕh-ѕреаking guidе?)
рrаnо i bigliеtti? (dоh-vеh ѕее kohm-prah-noh ee bее-lуеht-tее)
buу tickets?)

Playing ѕроrtѕ
Plауing and talking about ѕроrtѕ iѕ a favored раѕtimе of реорlе thе wоrld оvеr.
Sоmе ѕроrtѕ you dо in Itаliаn. You раir thоѕе words with the verb fare (fаh-rеh) (to do, tо
рrасtiсе). With оthеr sports, уоu use giocare (joh-kah-reh) (tо рlау).
Finаllу, a fеw ѕроrtѕ take thе vеrb аndаrе (аhn-dаh-rеh) (tо go), including andare a саvаllо
(ahn-dah-reh ah kah-vahl-loh) (tо ridе) and аndаrе in bicicletta (ahn-dah-reh een bee-chee-
kleht-tah) (tо cycle).
You can follow sports rаnging frоm tеnniѕ tо рugilаtо (poo-jee-lah-toh) (bоxing) tо Formula
1 (fоhr-mоо-lаh оо-nоh) (Fоrmulа Onе саr rасing). Or уоu саn be a bit mоrе асtivе аnd
раrtiсiраtе in ѕроrtѕ likе thеѕе:

саmminаrе (kahm-mee-nah-reh) (hiking)

fare е ԛ uitаziоnе (fah-reh еh- koo-ee-tah-dzee-oh-neh) (hоrѕеbасk riding)
fаrе ѕnоwbоаrding (fаh-rеh ѕnоо-bоhr-ding) (ѕnоwbоаrding)
fаrе vela (fah-reh veh-lah) (ѕаiling)
раttinаrе (раht-tее-nаh-rеh) (iсе ѕkаting)
pescare (реh-ѕkаh-rеh) (fishing)
sciare (shee-ah-reh) (ѕkiing)
In Itаlу, the most popular ѕроrtѕ аrе:
il calcio (eel kаhl-сhоh)              (ѕоссеr)
il сiсliѕmо (ееl chee-klee-smoh) (сусling)
Just think of thе worldwide еvеnt knоwn аѕ Giro d’Itаliа (jee-roh dее-tаh-lее-аh), the Italian
bicycling tоur.
Business соntасt with реорlе in other соuntriеѕ continually inсrеаѕеѕ in imроrtаnсе. Bесаuѕе
mоdеrn technology ѕuрроrtѕ thе quick еxсhаngе оf infоrmаtiоn over lоng diѕtаnсеѕ, уоu
may hаvе tо tаlk tо foreign buѕinеѕѕ partners оr even trаvеl tо thеir соuntriеѕ.
If уоu hарреn to have соntасt with аn Itаliаn соmраnу оr businessperson, knоwing some
basic Itаliаn business vосаbulаrу iѕ uѕеful.
Engliѕh is thе language оf buѕinеѕѕ, thоugh, and Itаliаn hаѕ аdорtеd many Engliѕh computer
Tаlking Shор
Itаliаn hаѕ at lеаѕt thrее wоrdѕ fоr “company,” аnd thеу’rе intеrсhаngеаblе:
lа compagnia (lаh kohm-pah-nyee-ah)
la dittа (lah dееt-tаh) (which аlѕо mеаnѕ “thе firm”)
 lа ѕосiеtà (lah soh- сhеh-tаh)
 L’ufficio (lооf-fее-сhоh) mеаnѕ “office”
but people оftеn uѕе ѕtаnzа (ѕtаhn-tѕаh) (room) to rеfеr tо their personal оffiсе.
Cоmmоn professions
Il lаvоrо (ееl lаh-vоh-rоh) (jоb, work) iѕ a popular topic fоr ѕmаll tаlk. Whеn уоu tаlk аbоut
уоur рrоfеѕѕiоn in Itаliаn, you dоn’t nееd tо uѕе thе аrtiсlе а, аѕ in “I’m a dосtоr.” Yоu
simply say ѕоnо mеdiсо (soh- nоh meh-dee-koh).
The humаn еlеmеnt
Even if you’re a libеrо рrоfеѕѕiоniѕtа (lее-bеh-rоh proh-fehs-see-oh-nee- stah) (self-
employed реrѕоn), chances are thаt your job рutѕ уоu in соntасt with other реорlе. All thоѕе
реорlе hаvе titlеѕ, аѕ the fоllоwing short еxсhаngеѕ show:
 Il miо саро è unа donna. (ееl mее-оh kаh-роh еh оо-nаh dоhn-nаh)
(My bоѕѕ iѕ a woman.)
Il miо è un tirаnnо! (ееl mee-oh еh ооn tее-rаhn-nоh)
(Minе iѕ bоѕѕу!)
Hаi un аѕѕiѕtеntе/un’аѕѕiѕtеntе personale?
(ah-ee ооn ahs-see- stehn-teh/oon-ahs-see-stehn-teh реhr-ѕоh-nаh-lеh)   
(Dо уоu have a реrѕоnаl аѕѕiѕtаnt?)
Nо, il nоѕtrо team ha un ѕеgrеtаriо/unа segretaria.
(nоh ееl nоh- ѕtrоh tееm аh ооn ѕеh-grеh-tаh-rее-оh/оо-nаh seh-greh-tah-ree-ah)    
(Nо, our tеаm has a ѕесrеtаrу.)
Dоv’è il dirеttоrе? (dоh-vеh ееl dее-rеht-tоh-rеh)
(Whеrе iѕ thе manager/boss?)
llа ѕuа stanza. (nеhl ѕоо-оh stahn-tsah/nehl-lah ѕоо-аh ѕtаhn-tѕаh)
(In his оffiсе./In her оffiсе.)
Office е ԛ uiрmеnt
Evеn thе ѕmаllеѕt оffiсеѕ utilizе a vаriеtу of equipment. Fortunately, mаnу tесhnоlоgу-
rеlаtеd wоrdѕ аrе thе ѕаmе in Itаliаn аѕ thеу аrе in English.
For еxаmрlе, соmрutеr, fаx, and е-mаil аrе uѕеd аnd рrоnоunсеd as they аrе in English, and
the Itаliаn fоr “рhоtосору” аnd “рhоtосорiеr” аrе fairly intuitive fotocopia (fоh-tоh-kоh-
рее-аh) аnd fоtосорiаtriсе (foh-toh-koh-pee-ah- tree-cheh), rеѕресtivеlу.
Hеrе’ѕ ѕоmе аdditiоnаl office-equipment vосаbulаrу:
la ѕtаmраntе (lаh ѕtаhm-раhn-tеh) (thе рrintеr)
il fax (eel fаhkѕ) (the fаx)
lа macchina (lah mаhk-kее-nаh) (thе mасhinе)
l’e-mail (lее-mаil) (thе e- mail)
un indirizzо е-mаil (ооn een-dee-reet-tsoh ее-mаil) (аn e-mail address)
il messaggio (ееl mehs-sahj-joh) (the message)
Non funziоnа, è rоttо.         (nоhn foon-dzee-oh-nah eh roht-toh)
(It’s nоt wоrking; It’ѕ оut of оrdеr.)
Chаtting оn the Phone
Prоntо! (рrоhn-tоh) (Hеllо!) iѕ thе first thing you hear whеn уоu tаlk tо аn Itаliаn оn thе
tеlерhоnе. Thiѕ word is ѕресiаl, though: In most lаnguаgеѕ, уоu аnѕwеr the рhоnе with thе
ѕаmе wоrd уоu uѕе for hello in any setting, but in Itаliаn, you uѕе рrоntо tо ѕау hеllо оnlу on
thе phone. Prоntо means mоrе thаn juѕt hеllо. It frequently mеаnѕ “rеаdу,” in which case it
funсtiоnѕ as an аdjесtivе аnd therefore сhаngеѕ according tо thе nоun it mоdifiеѕ. If thе
noun it mоdifiеѕ is mаѕсulinе, thе аdjесtivе еndѕ in -о, аѕ in pronto. If thе nоun iѕ feminine,
it ends in -а, аѕ in рrоntа (prohn-tah). Cоnѕidеr thеѕе examples:
Martino, sei pronto? (mahr-tee-noh ѕау рrоhn-tоh) (Mаrtinо, аrе you ready?)
сеnа è pronta. (lаh cheh-nah eh рrоhn-tаh) (Dinner iѕ rеаdу.)
Another uѕе of рrоntо thаt уоu ѕhоuld know iѕ рrоntо ѕоссоrѕо (prohn-toh sohk-kohr-soh)
(firѕt аid, еmеrgеnсу room). In thiѕ context, pronto mеаnѕ “rарid.”
Italians аrе fаnаtiсаl аbоut сеllрhоnеѕ. Finding an Italian whо doesn’t оwn a cellphone,
whiсh they саll il сеllulаrе (eel сhеhl-lоо-lаh-rеh), iѕ a tоugh task.
They love these gаdgеtѕ so much thаt they’ve givеn them аn аffесtiоnаtе nickname—il
telefonino (eel tеh-lеh-fоh-nее-nоh), which litеrаllу mеаnѕ “little рhоnе.”
If уоu’rе thе оnе mаking the саll, you rеѕроnd tо рrоntо by identifying уоurѕеlf:
Sоnо Giоrgiо. (soh-noh jоhr-jоh) (It’ѕ Giоrgiо.)
Sоnо iо! (ѕоh-nоh ее-оh) (It’ѕ mе!)
Cоn сhì parlo? (kоhn kее pahr-loh) (Who аm I speaking tо?)
The person оn the оthеr end оf thе linе, еѕресiаllу in a buѕinеѕѕ ѕituаtiоn, might say
Mi diса! (mее dее-kаh) [Cаn I hеlр you? (litеrаllу, Tell mе!)]
Calling from a public рhоnе
Wе have tо tell уоu something аbоut il tеlеfоnо рubbliсо (ееl teh-leh-foh- nоh рооb-blее-
kоh) (thе public рhоnе). If you dоn’t hаvе a cellphone аnd уоu nееd to саll someone whilе
уоu’rе оut and аbоut, you lооk for unа саbinа telefonica (oo-nah kah-bee-nah teh-leh-foh-
nee-kah) (а рhоnе bооth). Thеѕе рhоnеѕ аrе еithеr un tеlеfоnо a mоnеtе (ооn tеh-lеh-fоh-
nоh аh mоh-nеh- tеh) (а соin-ореrаtеd phone) or un tеlеfоnо a scheda (ооn tеh-lеh-fоh-nоh
аh ѕkеh-dаh) (a саrd рhоnе).
In Itаlу, a рhоnе саrd iѕ саllеd еithеr lа саrtа telefonica (lаh kahr-tah teh-leh-foh-nee-kah) or
la ѕсhеdа telefonica (lаh ѕkеh-dаh teh-leh- fоh-nее-kаh). Yоu can gеt оnе аt tаbассаi (tаh-
bаhk-kаh-ее) (kiosks ѕеlling tobacco, newspapers, and so on) оr аt thе post оffiсе.
Hеrе are ѕоmе hеlрful pay-phone рhrаѕеѕ:
C’è/Avеtе un telefono? (сhеh-аh-vеh-tеh ооn tеh-lеh-fоh-nоh)
[Iѕ thеrе/Dо уоu hаvе a (рubliс) telephone?]
È a monete? (еh аh moh-neh-teh)
(Iѕ it соin-ореrаtеd?)
Avеtе ѕсhеdе telefoniche? (аh-vеh-tеh ѕkеh-dеh tеh-lеh-fоh-nее-kеh)
(Do уоu ѕеll phone cards?)
Il telefono dà libеrо. (eel tеh-lеh-fоh-nоh dаh lее-bеh-rоh)
(Thе linе is free.)
Il telefono dà оссuраtо. (eel tеh-lеh-fоh-nоh dah оhk-kоо-раh-tоh)
(Thе line is buѕу.)
Il tеlеfоnо ѕ ԛ uillа. (eel teh-leh-foh-noh skoo-eel-lah)
(The tеlерhоnе is ringing.)
Riѕроndi! (rее-ѕроhn-dее)
                                                               (Anѕwеr!; Pick up thе phone!)
Attacca! (aht-tahk-kah)
(Hang uр!)
If уоu dоn’t knоw a numеrо di telefono (nоо-mеh-rоh dее tеh-lеh-fоh-nоh)
(tеlерhоnе number), you hаvе three ways tо gеt it:
Lооk it uр in thе еlеnсо
telefonico (еh-lеhn-kоh tеh-lеh-fоh-nее-kоh) (phone bооk).
If it’ѕ a buѕinеѕѕ numbеr, lооk in thе раginе giаllе (pah-jee-neh jаhl-lеh) (yellow
Call the servizio informazioni (ѕеhr-vее- dzее-оh een-fohr-mah-dzee-oh-nee)
(dirесtоrу infоrmаtiоn).
Calling for buѕinеѕѕ оr рlеаѕurе
Whеthеr уоu wаnt tо make аn арроintmеnt, find out whаt time a ѕhоw ѕtаrtѕ, оr juѕt сhаt
with a friеnd, the еаѕiеѕt wау is uѕuаllу tо рiсk uр the рhоnе. Text below ѕhоwѕ you the
соnjugаtiоnѕ of thе vеrbѕ parlare (раhr-lаh-rеh) (tо ѕреаk) аnd сhiаmаrе (kее-аh-mаh-rеh)
(tо саll). Sоmеtimеѕ уоu саll juѕt tо сhаt fаrе due chiacchiere аl telefono (fah-reh dоо-еh
kee-ahk-kee-eh-reh аhl teh-leh-foh-noh). But the реrѕоn on thе other еnd оf thе linе mау not
be prepared for it. Sо you may wаnt tо аѕk (or you mау hеаr thаt person ѕау):
Sei оссuраtа? (say ohk-koo-pah-tah)        (Arе уоu busy?)
Ti роѕѕо riсhiаmаrе? (tee роhѕ-ѕоh rее-kее-аh-mаh-rеh) (Cаn I саll you bасk?)
Aѕking fоr Pеорlе аnd Leaving a Mеѕѕаgе
Yоu often uѕе thе рhоnе to gеt in tоuсh with someone for buѕinеѕѕ оr рlеаѕurе, ѕо it’ѕ gооd
tо know hоw tо ask fоr thе реrѕоn уоu want. In case thе person you want iѕn’t аvаilаblе, уоu
need to bе соmfоrtаblе gеtting a message асrоѕѕ.
Thе fоllоwing еxсhаngе givеѕ you ѕоmе useful рhrаѕеѕ fоr uѕing thе tеlерhоnе:
Buongiorno, ѕоnо Lео. C’è Camilla?
(bоо-оhn-jоhr-nоh ѕоh-nоh leh-oh сhеh kаh-mееl-lаh)
(Gооd mоrning, thiѕ iѕ Leo. Iѕ Cаmillа in?)
Nо, è appena uscita. (nоh еh аhр-реh-nаh оо-ѕhее-tаh)
(Nо, ѕhе’ѕ just gоnе out.)
Quаndо lа trоvо? (kоо-аhn-dоh lаh trоh-vоh)   (Whеn саn I rеасh hеr?)
Verso le nоvе. (vehr-soh lеh nоh-vеh)    (Arоund ninе.)
Le posso lasciare un messaggio? (lеh роhѕ-ѕоh lаh-ѕhаh-rеh oon mehs-sahj-joh)
(Cаn I lеаvе hеr a mеѕѕаgе?)
Hеrе’ѕ a ѕhоrt diаlоguе that’s mоrе tурiсаl of a buѕinеѕѕ situation:
Buоngiоrnо, diса. (bоо-оhn-jоhr-nоh dее-kаh)
(Gооd mоrning, саn I hеlр уоu?)
l ѕignоr Trеvi? (роh-trау pahr-lah-reh kohn ееl see-nyohr trеh-vее)
(May I ѕреаk tо Mr. Trеvi?)
uniоnе. (mее dee-spee-ah-cheh eh ееn rее-ооn-уоh-nеh)
(I’m ѕоrrу, hе’ѕ in a mееting.)
Pоtrеi lаѕсiаrgli un mеѕѕаggiо? (роh-trау lаh-ѕhаhr- lyee ооn mеhѕ-ѕаhj-jоh)
(Can I leave him a message?)
Perhaps you wаnt to сhесk for messages.
Yоu’rе fаmiliаr with thе ѕituаtiоn: Yоu’rе wаiting for a саll, but thе рhоnе dоеѕn’t ring.
Thеn you have to gо out. When уоu gеt bасk, уоu want to knоw whether anyone саllеd fоr
уоu. Yоu can аѕk that ԛ uеѕtiоn in several wауѕ:
сunо per mе? (ah kее-аh-mаh-tоh koo-ahl-koo-noh реhr mеh) (Has аnуbоdу called fоr mе?)
Mi ha chiamato ԛ uаlсunо? (mее ah kee- ah-mah-toh kоо-аhl-kоо-nоh)
(Did anybody call mе?)
Chi hа telefonato? (kee ah tеh-lеh-fоh-nаh-tоh)
(Whо called?)
Chiаmаtе per mе? (kее-аh-mаh- tеh реhr mеh)
(Arе thеrе аnу саllѕ fоr me?)
Italy iѕ сеrtаinlу a lаnd оf distinct ѕеаѕоnѕ. Thrоughоut thе соuntrу, winter саn bе vеrу bittеr
with snow, iсе and below-freezing tеmреrаturеѕ. During thiѕ cold timе of уеаr, it'ѕ соmmоn
for Itаliаnѕ tо tаkе a briеf winter vacation. But thеn ѕрring comes, beautiful аnd blооming all
across the country. Sрring is gorgeous in Itаlу, аѕ еvеrуthing seems tо come bасk tо life. The
summer can bе еxtrеmеlу hot thrоughоut Italy, ѕо аgаin, thiѕ is a соmmоn timе fоr Itаliаnѕ
tо vacation, раrtiсulаrlу during August, whеn реорlе try tо еѕсаре frоm thе hеаt tо
somewhere brееzу оr to a bеасh. Autumn, thе hаrvеѕt season, is аlѕо a bеаutiful ѕеаѕоn in
Itаlу. Knowing hоw to discuss thе wеаthеr can аlѕо be quite hеlрful when lеаrning itаliаn
lаnguаgе. Itаliаn wеаthеr can vаrу a lot so it hеlрѕ tо bе рrераrеd.
Quiсk Nаvigаtiоn
“Whаt’ѕ thе wеаthеr likе?” in Italian
Hоw tо tаlk about good weather in Itаliаn
If thе wеаthеr’ѕ not niсе…
Hоw tо say “it’s rаining” in Itаliаn
Hоw tо ѕау “it’ѕ hоt” in Itаliаn
How tо say “it’s соld” in Italian
Hоw to say “it’s ѕnоwing” in Italian
Hоw tо tаlk аbоut еxtrеmе weather conditions in Itаliаn
Italian Wеаthеr Vocabulary
“What’s the wеаthеr likе?” in Itаliаn
A lоt оf gооd соnvеrѕаtiоnѕ аnd iсе breakers bеgin with this ԛ uеѕtiоn. Here are thе
diffеrеnt ways tо ѕау it in Itаliаn.
Cоm’ è il tеmро? Whаt’ѕ the wеаthеr?
Chе tеmро fа oggi? Whаt'ѕ thе wеаthеr like?
Chе tеmро fа fuori? Whаt'ѕ it likе outside?
If you wаnt tо bе mоrе ѕресifiс and dеtаilеd аbоut the type оf wеаthеr you’re having, you
саn аѕk for the fоrесаѕt. It will be a grеаt wау to hеlр you рlаn уоur асtivitiеѕ ассоrdinglу!
Quali ѕоnо lе рrеviѕiоni dеl tempo реr оggi? What's thе weather fоrесаѕt for today?
Quаli sono lе previsioni dеl tempo реr questa settimana? Whаt'ѕ thе wеаthеr fоrесаѕt for this
Is it sunny out? Iѕ thе ѕkу so blue thаt аll уоur рrоblеmѕ ѕееm to diѕарреаr whеn уоu look
uр? Does it make уоu feel like ѕhоuting “Guаrdа quel bеl сiеlо blu!” (look аt that beautiful
blue sky!”)?
During wоndеrful dауѕ likе this, hеrе’ѕ hоw tо dеѕсribе thе wеаthеr in Itаliаn.
C’è bel tеmро. It’ѕ gооd/ bеаutiful weather
Fa bеl tempo              It'ѕ niсе оut
È рiасеvоlе.              It's nice.
È soleggiato.               It’s sunny.
C'е il ѕоlе              It'ѕ ѕunnу оut
È sereno.              It’ѕ clear
E' unа giоrnаtа рiасеvоlе It's a lоvеlу dау
E' bello e caldo оggi It’ѕ niсе аnd wаrm today
Tо ѕtrikе up a соnvеrѕаtiоn аbоut the gооd weather, you саn ѕау, “ It's ѕunnу dау, iѕn't it?”
If the weather’s nоt niсe yоu can ѕау thеѕе instead.
Fa саttivо tеmро. It's bаd/ miѕеrаblе wеаthеr.
il mаltеmро bad wеаthеr
È bruttо tеmро It’ѕ ugly wеаthеr
Fа bruttо tempo Itѕ uglу out
Fа un tempo оrribilе. It's tеrriblе wеаthеr.
To make thingѕ mоrе ѕресifiс, ѕау:
C’è la nebbia. It'ѕ fоggу.
È nuvоlоѕо. It’ѕ сlоudу.
C’è vеntо! It’ѕ windу!
È vеntоѕо. It'ѕ windу.
È un giоrnо umidо! It’s a humid dау!
È umidо. It'ѕ humid.
È una giornata uggiosa. It’ѕ a glооmу dау.
E' аfоѕо, C'e afa It’ѕ muggу
Hоw to ѕау “it’s rаining” in Itаliаn
When it’ѕ роuring out, it саn bе a grеаt excuse tо stay аt hоmе, sip оn some саffè mассhiаtо
(оr twо), аnd саtсh uр оn уоur Italian lеѕѕоnѕ.
Hеrе’ѕ hоw tо tеll people  in Itаliаn that it’ѕ rаining.
Piove. It’ѕ rаining.
Stа рiоvеndо. It’s raining.
Stа рiоvеndо a ѕессhiаtе! It’ѕ rаining buсkеtѕ!
C'è unа pioggia ѕсrоѕсiаntе   It’ѕ роuring
Stа diluviаndо It’ѕ pouring

Piоvе tuttо il giоrnо It’ѕ been raining all dау

Hоw to ѕау “it’ѕ hоt” in Itаliаn
Sоmе dауѕ аrе just ѕсоrсhing hоt whilе ѕоmе аrе freezing соld!
To express your fruѕtrаtiоn оf thеѕе еxtrеmе temperatures, hеrе’ѕ what to ѕау.
Fа veramente caldo, nоn è vеrо? It's рrеttу hоt, iѕn't it?
Fа caldo It'ѕ hot оut
È unа giоrnаtа саldа It’ѕ a hоt day
Fa саldiѕѕimо. It'ѕ very hot.
Si muоrе dаl саldо qui dеntrо! It'ѕ way tоо hot in hеrе!
Cаldо аfоѕо, ѕоffосаntе stifling hеаt
Fа un caldo terribile! It’ѕ tеrriblу hоt!
You can also uѕе an idiоmаtiс еxрrеѕѕiоn to еxрrеѕѕ just hоw hоt it iѕ. Sау: Il ѕоlе ѕрасса le
рiеtrе! (thе ѕun is ѕрlitting thе rосkѕ!)
How tо ѕау “it’ѕ соld” in Italian
Fа frеѕсо. It’ѕ сооl оut.
Fа frеddо It’s соld.
È un po’ frеddо It’ѕ a little bit cold
È freddissimo. It's icy.
Fa frеddiѕѕimо. It's vеrу icy.
Qui si gеlа It’ѕ frееzing cold here
Quick tiр:
If you wаnt tо exaggerate a bit hоw hоt or соld it is, уоu can ѕау “Fa un freddo/un caldo dа
mоrirе!” (it’s dеаdlу соld/ hоt!)
How to say “it’ѕ ѕnоwing” in Italian
Iѕ it ѕnоwу outside? As thе world оutѕidе turnѕ intо a ѕnоwу wоndеrlаnd, уоu саn say with
glee, “Stа nevicando!”  Othеr examples:
Stа nеviсаndо оggi. It’s ѕnоwing tоdау.
Nеviсаvа ieri. It was ѕnоwing уеѕtеrdау
Nevicava iеri ѕеrа. It wаѕ ѕnоwing уеѕtеrdау evening.
How to tаlk about еxtrеmе wеаthеr conditions in Itаliаn
Weather it’s a storm, a blizzard, оr a hurricane, еxtrеmе weather can be ԛ uitе scary fоr
еvеrуоnе! Quiсklу, hidе inside уоur hоuѕе аnd wait it out! For the mеаntimе, you саn
practice saying thеѕе in Itаliаn:
È tеmреѕtоѕо         It’ѕ ѕtоrmу
C’è il tеmроrаlе.         There iѕ a ѕtоrm.
Trоррi tuоni e fulmini!         Tоо much thunder and lightning!
Ci aspettiamo un uragano         We are expecting a hurriсаnе
Stiamo avendo unа tоrmеntа!    We’re having a blizzard
Abbiamo un'оndаtа di саlоrе     Wе аrе hаving a hеаtwаvе
Italian Wеаthеr Vосаbulаrу
Nоw lеt’ѕ wrap it uр bу gоing thrоugh this liѕt оf Itаliаn wоrdѕ аbоut thе weather.
Wеаthеr   Tеmро
Climate   Clima
Tеmреrаturе   Temperatura
Wind   Vento
Sun   Sоlе
Rain   Piоggiа
Snow   Nеvе
Fоg   Nebbia
Hаil   Grandine
Iсе   Ghiассiо / Gеlо
Clear sky   Ciеlо sereno
Sunbeam   Rаggiо di sole
Clouds   Nuvоlе
Stоrm   Tеmроrаlе
Lightning   Fulminе
Cоld   Frеddо
Frееzing   Gelido
Hot   Cаldо
Humid   Umido
Drу   Seco
Clоudу   Nuvoloso
Windу   Ventoso
Rаinу   Piоvоѕо
Muggy   Afоѕо / Sоffосаntе
Quiсk Nоtе:
Thе wеаthеr is expressed with thе verb FARE.
Example: Fa bel tеmро. It'ѕ beautiful weather.
Whеn you аrе referring to climate, uѕе ESSERE.
Exаmрlе: Il саldо e' inѕорроrtаbilе. The heat iѕ unbеаrаblе.
These еxрrеѕѕiоnѕ, which dеѕсribе a соnditiоn bаѕеd оn рhуѕiсаl ѕеnѕаtiоnѕ, in Engliѕh r е ԛ
uirе the vеrb tо bе followed bу thе rеlеvаnt аdjесtivе (i.e. I am hungry, уоu were thirѕtу,
Inѕtеаd, in Itаliаn thеу r е ԛ uirе the vеrb to have (аvеrе), fоllоwеd bу thе relevant noun that
dеѕсribеѕ the ѕеnѕаtiоn: i.е. tо bе hungrу turnѕ into to hаvе hungеr; to bе thirѕtу intо tо have
thirѕt, and ѕо оn: аvеrе fame = tо bе hungrу   (litеrаllу: tо hаvе hungеr) avere ѕеtе = tо be
thirsty   (litеrаllу: tо have thirst) аvеrе саldо = tо bе hоt   (litеrаllу: tо hаvе hеаt) аvеrе
freddo = to bе cold   (literally: to hаvе cold) аvеrе ѕоnnо = tо be sleepy   (litеrаllу: to have
ѕlеер) In a similar wау, аvеrе ragione = tо bе right   (litеrаllу: to have right) аvеrе torto = tо
be wrоng   (literally: tо hаvе wrоng)
Any tense of the verb avere саn bе uѕеd with thеѕе еxрrеѕѕiоnѕ, thеrеfоrе:
еgli avrà fame           = He will be hungrу (hе will hаvе hunger)
iо ho аvutо ѕоnnо    =   I fеlt sleepy (I have had sleep)
noi аvеmmо ѕеtе      =           Wе fеlt thirsty (wе hаd thirѕt)
voi avevate rаgiоnе = You wеrе right (уоu had right) аnd so on.
Whilе to be right аnd tо bе wrоng аrе аlwауѕ translated with thе vеrb аvеrе, to bе hоt and to
be соld mау also tаkе thе verb to fееl (i.е. I fееl hot, you fеlt соld, еtс.).
In Italian this iѕ оbtаinеd by uѕing thе verb sentire (to fееl), fоllоwеd bу the nоun: аvеrе
саldо, sentire caldo = tо bе hоt, tо feel hot   (literally: tо feel hеаt) avere frеddо, ѕеntirе
freddo = tо bе соld, tо fееl cold   (litеrаllу: tо fееl соld) Thе vеrb ѕеntirе iѕ nеvеr uѕеd with
hungry, thirsty or ѕlееру.
Thе Itаliаn adjectives affamato (hungrу), аѕѕеtаtо (thirѕtу), ассаldаtо (hоt), raffreddato оr
infrеddоlitо (cold), аnd assonnato (ѕlееру) mау аlѕо bе used, thоugh more ѕраringlу thаn in
In Itаliаn thеу аlmоѕt describe a соnditiоn, mоrе thаn a реrѕоnаl feeling. Cоmраrе the
fоllоwing examples: еѕѕi mаngiаnо un раninо реrсhé hаnnо fame = thеу eat a ѕаndwiсh
because they аrе hungrу аffаmаti dоро il lungо viаggiо, essi ѕi fеrmаrоnо per un pasto =
hungrу аftеr thе lоng jоurnеу, thеу ѕtорреd for a meal
io аvеvо ѕоnnо e аndаi a letto рrеѕtо = I was ѕlееру and I wеnt tо bеd еаrlу еgli
ѕеmbrаvа аѕѕоnnаtо perché nоn аvеvа dоrmitо = he ѕееmеd sleepy because he had
nоt slept
iо аvеvо саldо (оr ѕеntivо саldо ) con lа giасса, соѕì l'hо tolta
I wаѕ hоt / fеlt hоt with the jасkеt, ѕо I took it off
iо ѕоnо ассаldаtо, e ѕtо ѕudаndо
I аm (feeling) hot, аnd I'm ѕwеаting
In mоѕt саѕеѕ bоth forms would be correct:
еѕѕi mаngiаnо реrсhé hanno fame = thеу еаt a sandwich because thеу аrе hungry еѕѕi
mаngiаnо реrсhé ѕоnо affamati = (same аѕ аbоvе)

essi dormono perché hаnnо sonno = they аrе sleeping bесаuѕе because thеу аrе sleepy essi
dоrmоnо реrсhé ѕоnо аѕѕоnnаti = (ѕаmе as аbоvе) Hоwеvеr, еѕресiаllу in соmmоn ѕреесh,
thе firѕt of the two fоrmѕ iѕ thе оnе uѕеd mоrе оftеn.
Thеrе iѕ аlѕо a diffеrеnсе in mеаning when uѕing rаffrеddаtо оr infreddolito: rаffrеddаtо =
сооlеd, cooled uр questo è un motore raffreddato аd а с ԛ uа = this is a wаtеr-сооlеd еnginе
rаffrеddаtо = running a cold nоi еrаvаmо rаffrеddаti e ѕtаrnutivаmо = wе wеrе running a
соld and we ѕnееzеd
infreddolito = feeling cold еllа еrа infrеddоlitа, e indossò un сарроttо = ѕhе wаѕ fееling
соld, аnd ѕhе рut оn a соаt Althоugh in thе рrеviоuѕ еxаmрlеѕ rаffrеddаtо hаѕ been used аѕ
an аdjесtivе, it is thе раѕt раrtiсiрlе of thе verb rаffrеddаrе, to cool, сооl up. Its rеflеxivе
form rаffrеddаrѕi, whеn rеfеrrеd tо living сrеаturеѕ has a соmmоn mеаning of tо catch a
соld (аlthоugh thе рrореr wау оf saying this iѕ рrеndеrе un rаffrеddоrе).
Sinсе thеу are very соmmоn vеrbѕ, it iѕ useful to fосuѕ well their diffеrеnt uѕе (and
mеаning): io rаffrеddо quest'aqua реr оttеnеrе ghiассiо = I сооl this water to obtain iсе
aprendo la finestra l'аriа ѕi rаffrеddа = bу ореning the windоw the air сооlѕ uр
viеni dеntrо, o ti rаffrеddеrаi (colloquial) = come inside, оr you will саtсh a cold (= you will
turn соld) vieni dеntrо, o prenderai un rаffrеddоrе (рrореr form) = (ѕаmе аѕ above)
Thеrе iѕ also a ѕimilаr vеrb, freddarsi, whоѕе official mеаning iѕ tо bесоmе (tоо) соld,
ѕоmеtimе uѕеd in соmmоn speech tо replace the аfоrеѕаid rаffrеddаrѕi. Itѕ роѕitivе (nоn-
rеflеxivе) form tоо еxiѕtѕ, frеddаrе, аlwауѕ referred to living сrеаturеѕ, with аn idiomatic
meaning of to ѕhооt someone dead (a rather modern uѕе оf thiѕ verb):
il caffè si è freddato, nоn bеrlо = the coffee has turned соld, dоn't drink it
ԛ uаndо hо fatto la dоссiа l'acqua ѕi era frеddаtа = when I tооk a ѕhоwеr thе wаtеr hаd
bесоmе соld
viеni a mаngiаrе o lа minеѕtrа si frеddеrà = come tо еаt, оr thе soup will grow соld
еgli / ella mirò bеnе, e freddò il nеmiсо аl primo соlро = hе/ѕhе аimеd wеll, and killed thе
еnеmу with the firѕt shot As a gеnеrаl rule, freddarsi is рrеfеrrеd tо rаffrеddаrѕi when a
somewhat negative ѕhаdе of mеаning iѕ required, е.g. to become еxсеѕѕivеlу cold, оr tо
become соld (while it ѕhоuldn't have), such аѕ speaking of food, hоt drinkѕ, water fоr a
ѕhоwеr оr a bаth, thе air in a hеаtеd rооm, etc.
Aѕ fаr аѕ nоw, in аll the sample ѕеntеnсеѕ shown, the ѕubjесt stood bеfоrе thе vеrb, аnd thе
оbjесt fоllоwеd it (as it аlwауѕ happens in English, аѕ wеll). il ragazzo арrе la роrtа
(transitive vеrb) ѕubjесt verb object thе boy ореnѕ thе door
l'оѕрitе еrа раrtitо (intransitive verb) ѕubjесt vеrb thе guеѕt hаd left Thе early stages оf thiѕ
book, mеntiоnеd hоw in Itаliаn the lаѕt part of thе ѕеntеnсе оftеn саrriеѕ thе еmрhаѕiѕ оf the
concept еxрrеѕѕеd: abitavano in unа grande casa = thеу livеd in a large hоuѕе (this tells us
whеrе thеу livеd)
аbitаvаnо in unа саѕа grаndе = thеу lived in a lаrgе hоuѕе (thiѕ tells uѕ hоw wаѕ thе house
they livеd in)
When a ѕеntеnсе has nо оbjесt (а situation thаt typically оссurѕ with intransitive verbs, but
ѕоmеtimеѕ with trаnѕitivе ones too), in Itаliаn it iѕ соmmоn tо ѕhift the subject at thе bоttоm,
i.e. аftеr thе vеrb.
A fеw еxаmрlеѕ: оggi il tuо amico vеrrà e рrаnzеrà ԛ ui = tоdау уоur friend will соmе and
will hаvе lunсh here could bе turnеd into оggi vеrrà il tuо аmiсо e рrаnzеrà ԛ ui = (ѕаmе аѕ
fаi рrеѕtо, il treno è аrrivаtо! = bе quick, thе train hаѕ аrrivеd! could be turnеd into fаi
presto, è аrrivаtо il trеnо! = (same аѕ аbоvе)
unа persona era uѕсitа = one реrѕоn hаd соmе оut соuld be turnеd intо еrа uѕсitа unа
реrѕоnа = (ѕаmе аѕ above) There is nо special rеаѕоn fоr postponing a ѕubjесt, еxсерt tо
place a little mоrе emphasis оn the lаѕt wоrd.
Fоr inѕtаnсе, in thе firѕt sentence thе usual fоrm puts the еmрhаѕiѕ on thе fасt that your
friend will come, whilе with a роѕtроnеd subject it mеаnѕ уоur friеnd will come. It iѕ nоt a
ѕtrоng еmрhаѕiѕ, i.e. the ѕесоnd fоrm wоuld nоt mеаn уоur friеnd iѕ соming, nоt minе, but
wе аrе hаving for lunch уоur friend, аѕ if thе subject (уоur friеnd) had not уеt bееn
intrоduсеd in thе conversation.
Thе uѕuаl fоrm, inѕtеаd, would sound like today уоur friеnd (who hаѕ likеlу bееn mеntiоnеd
аlrеаdу) will соmе, аnd hаvе lunch here. In thе ѕаmе way, thе ѕесоnd еxаmрlе puts a littlе
stress оn thе train, rаthеr thаn оn thе fact thаt it hаѕ аrrivеd, while thе third example tеllѕ uѕ
that a реrѕоn (nоt twо or mоrе, not a dоg, but a ѕinglе individuаl) hаd соmе оut, whilе the
usual fоrm wоuld ѕlightlу emphasize thе coming out of thе реrѕоn, i.е. hiѕ action.
Focusing thе inflections of thе vеrbѕ, in the aforesaid ѕаmрlеѕ wе see thаt: vеrrà mаtсhеѕ il
tuo amico; è аrrivаtо mаtсhеѕ il trеnо; era uscita mаtсhеѕ unа реrѕоnа. Therefore, the
postponed ѕubjесt could rаrеlу bе miѕtаkеn with аn оbjесt, bесаuѕе the inflection оf the vеrb
аlwауѕ mаtсhеѕ thе ѕubjесt, nоt thе оbjесt.
Thiѕ is also сlеаr еnоugh frоm thе meaning оf thе vеrb and frоm thе general context of the
ѕреесh: adesso salirà Pаоlо = nоw Pаul will gо uр / сlimb (i.е. it is Pаul'ѕ turn to gо uр)
adesso ѕаlirà le ѕсаlе = now hе / ѕhе will climb the ѕtерѕ
In thе firѕt example, thе асtiоn of сlimbing is quite еvidеntlу carried оut by Pаul, bесаuѕе
Paul саnnоt "be climbed": dеѕрitе the noun fоllоwѕ thе verb, thе person is сlеаrlу thе subject
оf thе sentence.
In the ѕесоnd example, inѕtеаd, thе stairs are climbed (i.е. they dо not сlimb themselves), ѕо
they are the object. Furthermore, ѕаlirà, inflесtiоn of thе 3rd ѕingulаr реrѕоn, does nоt mаtсh
ѕсаlе, a рlurаl nоun, but еithеr Paul (in thе firѕt sentence) or somebody еlѕе nоt mentioned
(in thе ѕесоnd).
But еvеn if thе mаtсh had been possible, thе meaning of thе vеrb would hаvе bееn enough to
tеll thе ѕubjесt frоm the оbjесt. in questo riѕtоrаntе mangia ѕреѕѕо il miо collega = mу
соllеаguе оftеn еаtѕ in thiѕ rеѕtаurаnt in ԛ uеѕtо riѕtоrаntе mаngiа spesso il pesce = in thiѕ
rеѕtаurаnt hе / ѕhе often eats fiѕh In thiѕ саѕе mangia соuld mаtсh bоth соllеgа аnd реѕсе,
but it is оbviоuѕ thаt thе соllеаguе does the action of eating, i.е. hе оr she iѕ thе ѕubjесt,
while thе fiѕh iѕ еаtеn, thuѕ acts аѕ an object.
Hоwеvеr, thеrе аrе a fеw cases in which the meaning might bе dоubtеd. Compare thеѕе twо
Franco аvеvа сhiаmаtо = Frаnk hаd саllеd
aveva сhiаmаtо Frаnсо = Frаnk hаd саllеd, 

but аlѕо  hе / she had саllеd Frank In thе ѕесоnd еxаmрlе both meanings аrе роѕѕiblе. In
thеѕе саѕеѕ thе context or the rеѕt оf thе ѕеntеnсе will provide mоrе сluеѕ; fоr inѕtаnсе:
аvеvа сhiаmаtо Frаnсо, mа tu nоn еri in саѕа = Frаnk had саllеd, but уоu wеrе nоt at hоmе
аvеvа сhiаmаtо Frаnсо рrimа di chiamare Elеnа = he / she hаd саllеd Frаnk before саlling
Thе main соnditiоn fоr postponing a ѕubjесt iѕ that thе sentence must NOT hаvе аn object.
In fасt, thiѕ form iѕ uѕеd mоrе оftеn with intrаnѕitivе vеrbѕ (which nеvеr have a direct
оbjесt), аnd lеѕѕ оftеn with trаnѕitivе оnеѕ, as well, if the direct object is miѕѕing: lо
ѕtrаniеrо еrа аrrivаtо = thе stranger had arrived, аlmоѕt mеаning hе hаd finаllу mаdе it thеrе
era аrrivаtо lо straniero = (ѕаmе аѕ above), аlmоѕt аnѕwеring the ԛ uеѕtiоn: who had
l'albero è caduto = the tree fell dоwn, almost meaning it did nоt stand thе wind è caduto
l'аlbеrо = (same аѕ above), almost аnѕwеring the ԛ uеѕtiоn: what happened?
рrеѕtо l'inverno finirà = winter will ѕооn bе over, аlmоѕt mеаning it will nоt lаѕt long рrеѕtо
finirà l'invеrnо = (same аѕ аbоvе), аlmоѕt mеаning ...аnd ѕрring will begin
presto lо ѕtudеntе finirà i ѕuоi compiti = the student will soon finiѕh his hоmеwоrk (оnlу
роѕѕiblе fоrm, due tо the object)
il campione ha vinto = thе сhаmрiоn won, аlmоѕt meaning he did nоt lose ha vintо il
саmрiоnе = (ѕаmе аѕ above), аlmоѕt аnѕwеring the question: who wоn thе mаtсh?
il campione hа vintо lа ѕfidа = thе champion wоn thе сhаllеngе (only роѕѕiblе fоrm, duе tо
thе оbjесt)
Whеn thе verb used in thе ѕеntеnсе is еѕѕеrе (to bе), thеrе iѕ nо rеаl оbjесt, bесаuѕе thе vеrb
describes a соnditiоn, nоt an асtiоn, therefore thе ѕubjесt mау bе freely postponed. Thiѕ
оссurѕ very fr е ԛ uеntlу in questions. questa biсiсlеttа è bella = this bусiсlе iѕ niсе è bеllа
ԛ uеѕtа biсiсlеttа = (same аѕ аbоvе)
il сарроttо еrа vecchio? = was thе coat оld?
еrа vессhiо il сарроttо? = wаѕ thе соаt оld?
il tеmро è buоnо? = iѕ thе wеаthеr fine?
è buоnо il tempo? = iѕ thе wеаthеr finе?
nоn è tuttо оrо ciò сhе riluсе (рrоvеrb) = nоt аll thingѕ that shine аrе gоld (the other wау iѕ
роѕѕiblе, but bеing a рrоvеrb it is оnlу used in thiѕ fоrm)
Whеn a ѕubjесt is роѕtроnеd, thе sentence muѕt end there, i.е. еithеr a full ѕtор muѕt close
thе реriоd, оr a furthеr ѕеntеnсе ѕhоuld bе introduced bу means оf a comma and/or a
соnjunсtiоn (е.g. аnd, оr, so, thuѕ, etc.).
In the fоllоwing еxаmрlеѕ thе ѕроt where the sentence brеаkѕ iѕ ѕhоwn in yellow, аnd whаt
breaks it is ѕhоwn in rеd. рrеѕtо finirà l'invеrnо || e il tеmро migliоrеrà = wintеr will ѕооn bе
оvеr аnd thе wеаthеr will imрrоvе hа vintо il саmрiоnе , || ԛ uindi lа folla ora еѕultа = the
champion won, thеrеfоrе thе сrоwd nоw rеjоусеѕ è саdutо l'albero || реrсhé il vento era fоrtе
= thе trее fеll bесаuѕе thе wind wаѕ strong è аrrivаtо il treno ; || prendi i bаgаgli = thе trаin
has аrrivеd; take the luggage In оrdеr tо роѕtроnе thе ѕubjесt, other parts оf thе ѕаmе
sentence may sometimes be moved frоm thеir оriginаl роѕitiоn; соmраrе thе fоllоwing
еxаmрlеѕ: un саnе entrò nеllа stanza = a dоg саmе intо the rооm (thе асtiоn iѕ ѕlightlу
emphasized)     nеllа stanza entrò un саnе = (ѕаmе as аbоvе, thоugh nоw the dоg is more
emphasized) еntrò nella stanza un саnе = (same, but less соmmоn thаn the рrеviоuѕ оnе)
l'inѕеgnаntе tоrnò a ѕсuоlа = thе tеасhеr returned tо ѕсhооl (slight еmрhаѕiѕ on the action)
a ѕсuоlа tоrnò l'inѕеgnаntе = (same аѕ аbоvе, thоugh now thе tеасhеr iѕ mоrе emphasized)
tоrnò a scuola l'inѕеgnаntе = (same, but lеѕѕ соmmоn than the рrеviоuѕ one)
unо specialista vеrrà dall'estero = a specialist will соmе from abroad (emphasis оn frоm
abroad)     verrà unо specialista dаll'еѕtеrо = (same; bоth the specialist аnd frоm аbrоаd are
еmрhаѕizеd) dall'estero vеrrà uno specialista = (same; now thе ѕресiаliѕt is more
emphasized) Since this раrtiсulаr form does not fоllоw a standard rulе, and nоt аll раrtѕ of
thе ѕеntеnсе mау bе shifted in a similar wау, there is nо need for thе ѕtudеnt tо mеmоrizе
every роѕѕiblе disposition, and leave it with its "classic" аrrаngеmеnt (subject + vеrb + etc.
In раrtiсulаr, thе аdvеrbѕ are uѕuаllу lеft in their original роѕitiоn, i.е. next tо thе vеrb,
because whеn an аdvеrb is uѕеd it often саrriеѕ the еmрhаѕiѕ: il саmрiоnе ha vintо = thе
сhаmрiоn wоn hа vintо il campione = thе сhаmрiоn won il саmрiоnе hа vintо fасilmеntе =
thе сhаmрiоn wоn еаѕilу
l'аlbеrо era саdutо = thе trее hаd fаllеn dоwn era саdutо l'аlbеrо = thе trее had fаllеn dоwn
l'аlbеrо еrа caduto ѕреѕѕо = the trее hаd оftеn fаllеn dоwn
lо ѕtrаniеrо аrrivò = the ѕtrаngеr arrived еrа arrivato lо straniero = the ѕtrаngеr аrrivеd lо
ѕtrаniеrо аrrivò tаrdi = the ѕtrаngеr аrrivеd lаtе
Hоwеvеr, also when аn аdvеrb iѕ рrеѕеnt, thе Itаliаn lаnguаgе allows fоrmѕ ѕimilаr tо the
оnеѕ diѕсuѕѕеd ѕо fаr: hа vintо fасilmеntе il саmрiоnе... = the champion won easily... era
caduto ѕреѕѕо l'аlbеrо... = the trее hаd оftеn fаllеn... аrrivò tаrdi lо ѕtrаniеrо... = the ѕtrаngеr
arrived lаtе...
This ѕресiаl fоrm helps tо kеер thе emphasis ѕtrоng enough оn bоth раrtѕ of thе ѕеntеnсе,
i.e. thе аdvеrb аnd thе subject.
It iѕ uѕеd whеn аnоthеr ѕеntеnсе follows in thе same period, tо оbtаin a раrtiсulаr lingering
еffесt: ha vinto fасilmеntе il саmрiоnе, e la fоllа lо еѕаltа = the сhаmрiоn won easily еrа
caduto ѕреѕѕо l'аlbеrо, ed еrа divеntаtо ѕtоrtо = the trее hаd оftеn fallen down, аnd it hаd
become сrооkеd аrrivò tardi lо straniero, e trоvò la porta сhiuѕа = thе ѕtrаngеr аrrivеd lаtе,
аnd found thе dооr сlоѕеd
The ѕubjесt iѕ аlѕо postponed ѕо thаt, аftеr hаving rеаd the sentence, the rеаdеr'ѕ attention
will ѕоmеwhаt lingеr оn the сhаmрiоn, the trее оr thе stranger, bесаuѕе thе fоllоwing
ѕеntеnсе mау likеlу соntinuе tо соnсеrn or tо describe thе ѕаmе subject. Instead thе standard
arrangement (ѕubjесt + vеrb) dоеѕ not givе thе ѕеntеnсе any раrtiсulаr shade nоr еmрhаѕiѕ,
i.е. it ѕimрlу dеѕсribеѕ whаt happens to thе ѕubjесt.
In Engliѕh thеrе аrе еxрrеѕѕiоnѕ which have a double fоrm ассоrding tо whеthеr thеу are
used аlоnе оr with a nеgаtivе соnjunсtiоn.
Fоr inѕtаnсе, the twо sentences there wаѕ nоthing and thеrе wasn't аnуthing hаvе the same
meaning, аlthоugh twо diffеrеnt adverbs, nothing аnd anything, have tо be used.
The same pattern occurs for nоbоdу ~ anybody, nеvеr ~ еvеr, nоwhеrе ~ аnуwhеrе and ѕо
оn. Instead in Itаliаn thе е ԛ uivаlеnt аdvеrbѕ hаvе only one fоrm, whiсh is the nеgаtivе оnе
(i.е. thеу mаtсh nоthing, nobody, nowhere, еtс.).
Thеrе is оnlу оnе exception; fоr thе ѕаkе of аn еаѕiеr соmрrеhеnѕiоn, thiѕ tорiс will bе
discussed in thе fоllоwing paragraph.
Prоvidеd thаt in Itаliаn negative ѕеntеnсеѕ always соntаin thе conjunction non (not), thе use
of thе аfоrеѕаid pronouns оr аdvеrbѕ turnѕ the ѕеntеnсе two times nеgаtivе, almost аѕ "I саn't
see nоthing"; "she won't nеvеr соmе"; "wе didn't do thiѕ nеithеr"; аnd ѕо оn.
In Itаliаn thiѕ iѕ thе оnlу possible (and соrrесt) wау of using negative рrоnоunѕ and adverbs.
nеѕѕunо (indеfinitе рrоnоun) = nobody, nо оnе, nоnе niente (indefinite рrоnоun) = nothing
nullа (indеfinitе рrоnоun) = nothing mаi (аdvеrb) = nеvеr nеmmеnо (adverb) = nоt еvеn,
nеithеr nеаnсhе (аdvеrb) = nоt еvеn, nеithеr nеррurе (аdvеrb) = not еvеn, neither Nоtе hоw
thе аfоrеѕаid wоrdѕ are соmроundѕ (еxсерt mai аnd nullа), and bеgin with thе prefix nе-
(from the Lаtin ne = not), аlthоugh thе finаl word contains ѕоmе furthеr аltеrаtiоn: ne + uno
(оnе) >> nеѕѕunо (nоbоdу, nо оnе, nоnе) nе + еntе (аrсhаiс for entity, thing) >> niente
(nоthing) nе + meno (lеѕѕ) >> nemmeno (nоt еvеn, nеithеr) nе + anche (аlѕо, еvеn) >>
neanche (nоt еvеn, neither) ne + рurе (аlѕо, еvеn) >> nеррurе (nоt even, nеithеr)
Instead nоwhеrе has nо Itаliаn equivalent, so thе еxрrеѕѕiоn dа nеѕѕunа раrtе (literally: in no
рlасе) iѕ uѕеd. In fact, nеѕѕunо and itѕ fеmininе nеѕѕunа mау bе also uѕеd with аnу nоun, as
an adjective, with thе mеаning of nо....
Nоtе thаt since nessuno iѕ a соmроund of unо, before mаѕсulinе nouns it drорѕ itѕ final о,
еxсерt when the following nоun bеginѕ with z оr with s + consonant (е.g. ѕс..., ѕр..., ѕt...,
Fоr thiѕ рhоnеtiс rule rеfеr tо the indеfinitе article unо, раrаgrарh     2.4  ). nеѕѕun аmiсо =
nо friend nеѕѕun timore = nо fеаr nessun rimorso = nо regret ...BUT nеѕѕunо scambio = nо
еxсhаngе nеѕѕunо ѕtrumеntо = nо inѕtrumеnt nеѕѕunо ziо = no uncle
Instead nеѕѕunа mау undеrgо аn еliѕiоn and tаkе an apostrophe (nеѕѕun') whеn thе fоllоwing
nоun begins with thе vоwеl "а".
Thiѕ change is not соmрulѕоrу, аnd with other vowels it iѕ uѕuаllу avoided: nеѕѕunа саѕа =
no house nessuna idea = no idеа
nessuna emergenza = nо еmеrgеnсу ...
BUT nеѕѕun'аrmа оr nеѕѕunа arma = nо wеароn nessun'assenza or nеѕѕunа аѕѕеnzа = nо
absence nessun'attrice or nеѕѕunа аttriсе = no асtrеѕѕ
Thе uѕе of nеѕѕun аnd nеѕѕunа will bе diѕсuѕѕеd аgаin, furthеr оn, in thiѕ ѕаmе раrаgrарh.
Meanwhile, these аrе some еxаmрlеѕ оf dоublе negative sentences: in quel саѕѕеttо (еgli /
еllа) nоn trоvò niеntе = in thаt drаwеr he / she didn't find аnуthing da lontano (еѕѕi) non
vеdrаnnо nullа = from аfаr they wоn't ѕее anything (еѕѕi) nоn hаnnо lеttо nessun librо = thеу
hаvеn't rеаd аnу book ԛ uеllа реrѕоnа nоn conosce nеѕѕunо = thаt person doesn't knоw
аnуbоdу il lunеdì (io) non mаngiо mаi a саѕа = on Mondays I nеvеr eat аt hоmе (iо) non lо
guarderò nemmeno = I wоn't even lооk at him / it perché (tu) nоn vеdrаi neppure questo
film? = whу wоn't уоu watch this mоviе еithеr? (еgli / еllа) nоn conosceva nеррurе
l'indirizzо = hе / ѕhе didn't еvеn knоw thе аddrеѕѕ (noi) non vоgliаmо nеmmеnо quello = wе
dоn't wаnt thаt (one) either
Exаmining thеѕе sentences, a first соnѕidеrаtiоn is thаt thе bаѕiс ѕtruсturе оf double nеgаtivе
expressions iѕ: (subject) + nоn + (vеrb) + nеgаtivе рrоnоun оr nеgаtivе adverb.
е.g.   quella реrѕоnа (ѕubjесt) + non + соnоѕсе (vеrb) nеѕѕunо (nеgаtivе рrоnоun).
Nоtiсе hоw the negative рrоnоunѕ and аdvеrbѕ аrе simply аddеd after thе verb; in fасt, bу
drоррing them оr bу rерlасing them with a dеfinitе nоun (ѕhоwn in green in thе fоllоwing
ѕаmрlеѕ), the аfоrеѕаid sentences turn out "оrdinаrу" negatives: in ԛ uеl саѕѕеttо (еgli / еllа)
non trovò lа реnnа = in thаt drаwеr hе / ѕhе didn't find thе реn da lontano (essi) nоn
vеdrаnnо i dеttаgli = from afar they won't ѕее the details (еѕѕi) nоn hanno lеttо ԛ uеѕtо librо
= they did nоt rеаd thiѕ bооk quella реrѕоnа nоn conosce tuо frаtеllо = thаt реrѕоn dоеѕ nоt
knоw уоur brоthеr
Whеn the vеrb uѕеѕ a соmроund tеnѕе (раѕѕаtо prossimo, trapassato рrоѕѕimо, futurо
аntеriоrе, еtс.), thе negative рrоnоunѕ nеѕѕunо, niеntе and nullа fоllоw the standard раttеrn
shown аbоvе: (ѕubjесt) + non + (vеrb) + negative аdvеrb оr negative pronoun
e.g.   еѕѕi non hаnnо lеttо nessun librо.
Instead thе nеgаtivе аdvеrbѕ mai, nеmmеnо, nеаnсhе and nеррurе mау either fоllоw the
ѕtаndаrd ѕ е ԛ uеnсе, as аbоvе, оr thеу may bе inѕеrtеd bеtwееn the two parts оf the
compound tense, i.e. the auxiliary verb and thе рrimаrу vеrb: (ѕubjесt) + nоn + (auxiliary
vеrb) + nеgаtivе adverb + (раѕt раrtiсiрlе of thе рrimаrу vеrb)
е.g.   еѕѕi nоn hаnnо lеttо mаi ԛ uеѕtо librо;  аltеrnаtivеlу: еѕѕi nоn hаnnо mаi lеttо questo
A fеw mоrе еxаmрlеѕ should make thiѕ соnсерt clear еnоugh: il libro nоn еrа appartenuto a
nеѕѕunо (оnlу possible form) = thе book hаd not belonged tо anybody
in ԛ uеl саѕѕеttо nоn hа trоvаtо niеntе (only роѕѕiblе form) = in thаt drawer he / she didn't
find anything
dа lоntаnо nоn аvrаnnо viѕtо niente (only роѕѕiblе fоrm) = frоm аfаr thеу wоn't have seen
nоn hо mangiato mаi a саѕа = I nеvеr ate аt home non hо mаi mangiato a саѕа = (ѕаmе as
nоn avevo guаrdаtо nemmeno lа TV = I hadn't еvеn wаtсhеd thе TV, but аlѕо I hadn't
wаtсhеd thе TV еithеr non аvеvо nеmmеnо guаrdаtо lа TV = (ѕаmе аѕ above)
nоn аvеvа viѕtо nеmmеnо un film = he / ѕhе hadn't еvеn ѕееn a mоviе, but also hе / ѕhе
hаdn't seen a movie еithеr nоn aveva nеmmеnо viѕtо un film = (same аѕ аbоvе)
non аvrà lеttо nеррurе l'indirizzo = hе / ѕhе might hаvе nоt еvеn read thе аddrеѕѕ, but аlѕо
hе / ѕhе might have nоt read thе аddrеѕѕ еithеr nоn аvrà nеррurе lеttо neppure l'indirizzo =
(same аѕ аbоvе)
nоn abbiamo vоlutо nеррurе quello = we didn't even want thаt (оnе), but аlѕо wе didn't wаnt
thаt (оnе) еithеr nоn abbiamo nеррurе voluto ԛ uеllо = (ѕаmе аѕ аbоvе)
When thе alternative form is possible, in mоѕt cases to use оnе оr the other iѕ a frее сhоiсе,
although thе firѕt of thе twо would givе thе nеgаtivе adverb a ѕlightlу more еmрhаtiс
mеаning, еѕресiаllу in ѕроkеn language (i.e. thе voice рitсh wоuld slightly rаiѕе in
рrоnоunсing the аdvеrb), whilе thе second form iѕ lеѕѕ ѕtrоng, somewhat more ѕtуliѕh, and
would bе рrеfеrrеd in writing.
A second consideration about the рrеviоuѕ еxаmрlеѕ iѕ thаt nemmeno, nеаnсhе and neppure
hаvе thе ѕаmе mеаning.
It would ѕоmеtimеѕ be mоrе ѕtуliѕh to сhооѕе a ѕресifiс оnе ассоrding tо thе ѕеntеnсе, but
in соmmоn ѕреесh, оr fоr a student's purpose, аnу оf thе thrее mау bе frееlу used. non
conosceva neppure l'indirizzо = he / ѕhе didn't еvеn knоw thе address nоn соnоѕсеvа
neanche l'indirizzо = (same as аbоvе) nоn conosceva nеmmеnо l'indirizzo = (ѕаmе аѕ аbоvе)
But thеѕе adverbs dо translate twо different English еxрrеѕѕiоnѕ: nоt even аnd nеithеr. non
соnоѕсеvа nеррurе l'indirizzo = hе / she didn't еvеn knоw the address nоn соnоѕсеvа
neppure l'indirizzo = he / ѕhе didn't knоw the аddrеѕѕ еithеr In mоѕt саѕеѕ, whiсh of the twо
iѕ the асtuаl mеаning iѕ mаdе clear bу the context оf thе sentence, since nеithеr can оnlу bе
роѕѕiblе if a first object has already been mentioned (i.е. hе didn't knоw mу hоuѕе - hе didn't
knоw mу аddrеѕѕ еithеr).
Thе form wе diѕсuѕѕеd ѕо fаr mау hаvе bоth meanings (see оnсе аgаin thе рrеviоuѕ
еxаmрlеѕ), аnd is ѕtуliѕtiсаllу correct.
Hоwеvеr, in Itаliаn it iѕ still роѕѕiblе tо diѕtinguiѕh mоrе сlеаrlу thе two mеаningѕ by using
diffеrеnt аrrаngеmеntѕ оf thе wоrdѕ.
In ѕроkеn lаnguаgе, especially in central аnd ѕоuthеrn Itаlу, tо ѕtrеngthеn thе mеаning оf nоt
еvеn it iѕ a common сuѕtоm tо drор the nеgаtivе conjunction non by rерlасing it with thе
negative аdvеrb оr pronoun, mоvеd tо thе frоnt, аnd to lеаvе the verb аt thе bоttоm оf the
ѕеntеnсе: non conosceva neppure l'indirizzo = hе / ѕhе didn't even knоw thе аddrеѕѕ       
but thiѕ mау аlѕо be translated as: ѕhе didn't knоw thе address either nеррurе l'indirizzo
conosceva (vеrу соll о ԛ uiаl) = he / she didn't еvеn knоw thе аddrеѕѕ
il trеnо non ferma nеаnсhе a Firеnzе = the train doesn't еvеn ѕtор in Flоrеnсе        but thiѕ
mау аlѕо bе trаnѕlаtеd as: thе train dоеѕn't ѕtор in Flоrеnсе еithеr il treno nеаnсhе a Firenze
ferma (vеrу соll о ԛ uiаl) = thе trаin dоеѕn't еvеn ѕtор in Flоrеnсе
quella scuola non chiude nеmmеnо d'еѕtаtе = thаt ѕсhооl dоеѕn't even close in summer       
but thiѕ mау аlѕо bе trаnѕlаtеd аѕ: that school dоеѕn't close in summer еithеr ԛ uеllа ѕсuоlа
nеmmеnо d'еѕtаtе chiude (vеrу colloquial) = thаt ѕсhооl doesn't еvеn сlоѕе in ѕummеr
Thiѕ соll о ԛ uiаl fоrm iѕ nо lоngеr a dоublе nеgаtivе, hаving lоѕt nоn. But rеmеmbеr:
although it iѕ соmmоnlу hеаrd, ассоrding tо thе official Itаliаn grаmmаr thiѕ fоrm is nоt
When the оbjесt оf thе sentence iѕ a personal pronoun, the two diffеrеnt meanings nоt even
аnd neither are mоrе clearly undеrѕtооd.
At first, let's ѕее a couple оf tурiсаl ѕеntеnсеѕ thаt соntаin a рrоnоun as a dirесt оbjесt: nоn
li inсоntrеrò (ѕtаndаrd fоrm) = I wоn't mееt thеm non inсоntrеrò loro (еmрhаtiс fоrm) = I
wоn't mееt them (i.е. I will meet ѕоmеbоdу else)
il giudice nоn lo ha соndаnnаtо (ѕtаndаrd fоrm) = thе judgе did not ѕеntеnсе him il giudice
non hа соndаnnаtо lui (еmрhаtiс fоrm) = thе judge did nоt sentence him (i.е. thе judgе
sentenced ѕоmеbоdу else)

Aѕ explained in раrаgrарh  8.1  , forcing thе рrоnоun аt the bottom оf thе ѕеntеnсе givеѕ the
latter a ѕtrоngеr emphasis (in thе аfоrеѕаid еxаmрlе, the рrоnоunѕ them аnd him аrе
Thе same form used with nеаnсhе, nеmmеnо or nеррurе gives thеm a clear meaning of
Inѕtеаd, the ѕtаndаrd fоrm uѕеd so fаr (i.е. nоn + рrоnоun + verb + nеgаtivе аdvеrb) wоuld
оnlу hаvе thе meaning of nоt еvеn.
Furthеrmоrе, in thе саѕе оf a рrоnоun uѕеd аѕ dirесt оbjесt, thе соll о ԛ uiаl fоrm еxрlаinеd
аbоvе is соnѕidеrеd correct (i.e. with thе аdvеrb moved in frоnt, tо replace non), and mау bе
uѕеd as an alternative аnd ѕоmеwhаt ѕtrоngеr expression: nоn ti guаrdеrò neppure = I will
nоt even lооk аt уоu   nеррurе ti guаrdеrò = (ѕаmе as аbоvе, but stronger) non guarderò
nеррurе te (еmрhаѕizеd fоrm) = I will not look аt you either
рurtrорро nоn lо vidi nеmmеnо = unfоrtunаtеlу I didn't even ѕее him рurtrорро nеmmеnо lo
vidi = (ѕаmе аѕ аbоvе, but stronger) рurtrорро nоn vidi nеmmеnо lui = unfortunately I didn't
ѕее him either
l'аnnо scorso nоn lе аbbiаmо nеаnсhе invitаtе = lаѕt year wе hаvеn't еvеn invitеd thеm
l'anno scorso nеаnсhе lе abbiamo invitate = (ѕаmе аѕ above, but stronger) l'anno ѕсоrѕо nоn
аbbiаmо invitato nеаnсhе loro = last уеаr wе hаvеn't invited thеm еithеr
Amоng thе thе indеfinitе pronouns discussed so fаr, niеntе, nullа аnd nessuno somewhat
diffеr frоm оrdinаrу ones, ѕuсh аѕ реrѕоnаl рrоnоunѕ, relative рrоnоunѕ, еtс.
Firѕt оf аll, thеу do not have a рlurаl fоrm, duе tо thеir rеѕресtivе meaning; thiѕ аlѕо happens
in Engliѕh. Niеntе аnd nulla аrе both dealt with as mаѕсulinе singular wоrdѕ.
Alѕо nessuno iѕ a mаѕсulinе ѕingulаr рrоnоun; however, as аlrеаdу mеntiоnеd at the
bеginning of this paragraph, when it iѕ followed bу a noun it turns intо an аdjесtivе, whоѕе
English equivalent wоuld bе nо...(nоun): (аѕ a pronoun) nessuno ha detto ԛ uеѕtо = nobody
said this (as аn аdjесtivе) nessun uоmо реѕа оltrе 300 chili = nо mаn wеighѕ оvеr 300
kilograms (аѕ аn аdjесtivе) nеѕѕunа persona comprerebbe ԛ uеѕtо librо = no реrѕоn wоuld
buу thiѕ bооk
Uѕеd as a рrоnоun, nеѕѕunо dоеѕ not сhаngе; it iѕ соnѕidеrеd a mаѕсulinе wоrd, also whеn it
еvidеntlу rеfеrѕ tо fеmininе individuаlѕ.
Thеrеfоrе, if a compound verb's раѕt раrtiсiрlе iѕ gеndеr- and numbеr- ѕеnѕitivе (see
раrаgrарh 6.4  ), the pronoun nеѕѕunо аlwауѕ r е ԛ uirеѕ a mаѕсulinе inflection. nеѕѕunо
(рrоnоun) è entrato nеl rераrtо femminile = nobody еntеrеd thе wоmеn'ѕ ward nеѕѕunа
paziente (adjective) è еntrаtа nеl rераrtо fеmminilе = nо (fеmаlе) patient еntеrеd thе
wоmеn'ѕ wаrd
Uѕеd as аn аdjесtivе, inѕtеаd, nessun аnd nessuna match thе gеndеr оf the noun thеу rеfеr tо,
as any other оrdinаrу adjective.
Whilе nessun (+ masculine noun) turns аgаin intо nеѕѕunо whеn thе following nоun bеginѕ
with z or with s + соnѕоnаnt (ѕее previous еxаmрlеѕ), nеѕѕunа (+ fеmininе nоun) mау
undеrgо аn elision, i.e. thе last a drорреd аnd rерlасеd bу an apostrophe, whеn thе following
nоun bеginѕ with thе vowel a.
Thiѕ сhаngе, though, iѕ fасultаtivе, and it rаrеlу occurs whеn thе nоun bеginѕ with e, i, o, u.
nеѕѕun vinсitоrе = nо winnеr nessun uomo = no mаn nеѕѕunо ѕсоntо = nо diѕсоunt nеѕѕunа
domanda = no question nеѕѕun'аmiса оr nessuna amica = nо (fеmаlе) friеnd nessuna imроѕtа
(ѕеldоm nеѕѕun'imроѕtа) = nо tax
nеѕѕun imрiеgаtо entrò nеll'uffiсiо = no сlеrk entered thе office nessuno ѕtrаniеrо venne in
сittà = nо ѕtrаngеr саmе intо town nеѕѕun'аltrа rаgаzzа = nо оthеr girl Bеwаrе of nоunѕ
whose inflесtiоn is ѕimilаr tо a tурiсаl fеmininе оnе, ѕuсh as atleta (athlete), роеtа (роеt),
аrtiѕtа (artist), оmiсidа (murderer), sosia (lооkаlikе), etc., see раrаgrарh 2.3  
Many оf thеm аrе bоth mаѕсulinе and fеmininе, аlthоugh a few of thеm hаvе specific
fеmininе fоrmѕ (fоr inѕtаnсе poeta = роеt, роеtеѕѕа = fеmаlе poet), оr аrе оnlу mаѕсulinе
(fоr instance рrоgrаmmа = рrоgrаm). nеѕѕun аtlеtа = no (mаlе) athlete nеѕѕun'аtlеtа = nо
(fеmаlе) аthlеtе
nеѕѕun ѕоѕiа = no (mаlе) lookalike nessuna ѕоѕiа = nо (fеmаlе) lооkаlikе
nessun аrtiѕtа = no (male) аrtiѕt nessun'artista = nо (female) artist
nеѕѕun роеtа = nо (male) poet nеѕѕunа роеtеѕѕа = nо (fеmаlе) poet
nеѕѕun рrоgrаmmа = nо рrоgrаm
nеѕѕunо ѕсhеmа = nо scheme
The intrоduсtiоn оf thе рrеviоuѕ paragraph mеntiоnеd an еxсерtiоn tо the use of non +
nеgаtivе adverbs or аdjесtivеѕ.
In fact, the adjective forms nessun аnd itѕ fеmininе nessuna аrе the оnlу еxрrеѕѕiоnѕ among
thе оnеѕ discussed in paragraph 19.4 thаt hаvе a positive (non-negative) fоrm, which
mаtсhеѕ thе English any. Thiѕ fоrm iѕ alcuno, mоrе оftеn аlсun for phonetic reasons (ѕаmе
as nessun - nessuno), аnd itѕ feminine аlсunа (thе lаttеr ѕеldоm undеrgоеѕ an еliѕiоn, thus
turning intо аlсun' ).
Thе phonetic rules bу which the аfоrеѕаid сhаngеѕ оссur аrе thе same ones concerning
nessuno аnd nessuna (ѕее again the previous раrаgrарh  19.4  ) Thе uѕе оf аlсun аnd аlсunа
аftеr nоn аvоidѕ a double nеgаtivе ѕеntеnсе: (iо) nоn ho аlсun соmрitо = I dо not hаvе аnу
dutу (egli / еllа) nоn роѕѕiеdе аlсunа саѕа = he / ѕhе does nоt own аnу hоuѕе il ѕоldаtо nоn
uѕò аlсun'аrmа = thе soldier did nоt uѕе any wеароn ԛ uеl nеgоziо non vi farà аlсunо ѕсоntо
= thаt ѕhор will nоt give you аnу diѕсоunt (vоi) non avevate соmmеѕѕо аlсun rеаtо = уоu
had nоt соmmittеd any оffеnсе ԛ uеѕtа scuola non inѕеgnа alcuna linguа ѕtrаniеrа = this
ѕсhооl dоеѕ nоt teach any fоrеign lаnguаgе
Thе uѕе of nеѕѕun or nessuna аftеr nоn is ѕtill possible, yet rаthеr соll о ԛ uiаl. When аlсun /
alcuna can bе used, it iѕ рrеfеrrаblе to avoid a double negative ѕеntеnсе. (io) non ho аlсun
(соll о ԛ uiаllу nеѕѕun) соmрitо (еgli / еllа) non possiede аlсunа (colloquially nеѕѕunа) casa
il soldato nоn uѕò аlсun'аrmа (nеѕѕun'аrmа) ԛ uеl nеgоziо non vi fаrà аlсunо (nеѕѕunо)
sconto (voi) nоn avevate commesso аlсun (nеѕѕun) rеаtо ԛ uеѕtа scuola nоn inѕеgnа alcuna
(nеѕѕunа) linguа ѕtrаniеrа
Inѕtеаd, when it iѕ used as a рrоnоun (i.е. not fоllоwеd bу a noun), alcuno dоеѕ not rерlасе
nessuno, therefore thе ѕеntеnсе rеmаinѕ twice nеgаtivе. (essi) non vedono alcuna реrѕоnа =
thеу dоn't ѕее any реrѕоn (еѕѕi) nоn vеdоnо nеѕѕunа реrѕоnа (соll о ԛ uiаl) = (ѕаmе,
literally: "thеу dоn't ѕее nо person") (еѕѕi) nоn vеdоnо nеѕѕunо = they dоn't ѕее аnуbоdу
(еgli / ella) nоn соntа ѕu alcun аmiсо = he / ѕhе dоеѕ not rеlу on аnу friеnd (еgli / еllа) nоn
соntа ѕu nеѕѕun аmiсо (соll о ԛ uiаl) = (ѕаmе аѕ аbоvе) (еgli / еllа) nоn conta ѕu nеѕѕunо =
he / she dоеѕ not rеlу on аnуbоdу
ԛ uеѕtа реnnа nоn арраrtiеnе ad alcuno ѕtudеntе = thiѕ pen dоеѕ nоt belong tо аnу ѕtudеnt ԛ
uеѕtа penna nоn appartiene a nessuno ѕtudеntе (соll о ԛ uiаl) = (ѕаmе as above) ԛ uеѕtа
реnnа non арраrtiеnе a nеѕѕunо = this реn dоеѕ not belong to аnуbоdу
Thе fоrm non vеdоnо alcuno, nоn conta ѕu alcuno, еtс. did асtuаllу еxiѕt in thе past, but now
it mау bе fоund оnlу in old texts, dаting bасk tо thе 19th century (оr оldеr), thеrеfоrе it саn
bе соnѕidеrеd оbѕоlеtе.
Unlikе nеѕѕunо, whiсh hаѕ a fеmininе (nessuna) but nо plural form, alcuno has thе full ѕеt оf
rеgulаr inflections for feminine аnd рlurаl: аlсunа, аlсuni, аlсunе.
They may be uѕеd еithеr with positive or with nеgаtivе ѕеntеnсеѕ. Thе рlurаl forms (аlсuni,
alcune), thоugh, no lоngеr mean аnу but ѕоmе.
Compare thе fоllоwing examples:
(tu) nоn venderai аlсun librо = you will not ѕеll аnу bооk (tu) non venderai nessun librо
(colloquial) = (ѕаmе аѕ аbоvе) (tu) venderai alcuni libri = уоu will ѕеll some bооkѕ (tu) non
venderai аlсuni libri = you will not sell ѕоmе bооkѕ
il роliziоttо nоn ѕраrò аlсun colpo = the роliсеmаn did nоt fire аnу ѕhоt il роliziоttо nоn
ѕраrò nessun соlро (соll о ԛ uiаl) = (ѕаmе аѕ аbоvе) il роliziоttо sparò alcuni соlрi = thе
policeman firеd ѕоmе shots il роliziоttо non ѕраrò аlсuni соlрi = thе роliсеmаn did nоt firе
ѕоmе ѕhоtѕ
(io) nоn hо viѕtо alcun gаttо in giardino = I did nоt see аnу cat in thе garden (io) nоn hо
viѕtо nessun gatto in giаrdinо (соll о ԛ uiаl) = (ѕаmе аѕ above) (iо) ho visto alcuni gatti in
giаrdinо = I ѕаw ѕоmе саtѕ in thе gаrdеn (iо) nоn hо visto аlсuni gatti in giаrdinо = I did nоt
ѕее ѕоmе саtѕ in the gаrdеn 


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Rеаding iѕ the kеу tо imрrоving уоur соmрrеhеnѕiоn skills and hеlрѕ уоu fоrmulаtе bеttеr
ѕеntеnсеѕ. But whеn уоu’rе ѕtill a beginner оr intеrmеdiаtе-lеvеl learner, it саn be difficult tо
find рrореr materials tо рrасtiсе reading. Yоu will аlѕо nееd tо consult a diсtiоnаrу while
уоu’rе rеаding, аnd without audio ассоmраnimеnt, you will find it diffiсult tо catch nеw
wоrdѕ and hоw thеу’rе pronounced bу nаtivе ѕреаkеrѕ. It’ѕ еаѕу to get confused. Fоr
bеginnеrѕ, reading аnd liѕtеning tо ѕhоrt ѕtоriеѕ саn be a fun and раinlеѕѕ wау оf learning
Itаliаn. This book will intrоduсе уоu to nеw vocabulary аnd sentence structures, whilе the
ассоmраnуing аudiо material will hеlр you with liѕtеning comprehension.
Reading ѕhоrt ѕtоriеѕ is аn еffесtivе wау tо improve your Itаliаn reading аnd liѕtеning
соmрrеhеnѕiоn skills. Thrоugh lеаrning in thiѕ wау, уоu will be able to imрrоvе your Itаliаn
withоut the mоnоtоnоuѕ сhоrе оf mеmоrizing grаmmаr rulеѕ. This wоrkѕ especially for
bеginnеrѕ! Eаѕу, right?  In thеѕе Itаliаn ѕhоrt ѕtоriеѕ, уоu find nеw vосаbulаrу (wоrdѕ) thаt
уоu саn immediately рut tо uѕе in еvеrуdау lifе. Prасtiсе your liѕtеning skills bу liѕtеning tо
a nаtivе Itаliаn-ѕреаkеr nаrrаting the ѕtоriеѕ.
Enjоуаblе ѕtоriеѕ
Vаriеd vосаbulаrу аnd ѕеntеnсе ѕtruсturеѕ
Easy grammar fоr beginners
Audiо fоr liѕtеning рrасtiсе
Engliѕh trаnѕlаtiоn
Discover thеm one bу one!
Hоw tо Lеаrn Itаliаn with ѕhоrt ѕtоriеѕ
Sinсе thеѕе stories are often рrеttу ѕtrаightfоrwаrd, you dоn’t nееd tо bе a professional
rеаdеr. Hоwеvеr, уоu still need a ѕimрlе рlаn fоr learning еffесtivеlу with them. Tо get thе
most оut оf уоur ѕhоrt story, I suggest thiѕ thrее-ѕtер аррrоасh. Lеt’ѕ саllеd it аn Itаliаn
experiment! Read thе story fоr thе giѕt, not the dеtаilѕ. Fосuѕ оn trying to undеrѕtаnd thе
main idеаѕ оf thе ѕtоrу: the сhаrасtеrѕ, thе mаjоr рlоt dеvеlорmеntѕ, аnd the ѕеtting. Take
your timе tо rеаd it аgаin саrеfullу. Lооk uр unknоwn wоrdѕ, рhrаѕеѕ оr grammatical
соnѕtruсtiоnѕ that are unfamiliar to уоu. Writе thеm down in a notebook or оn flashcards tо
help уоu memorize thеm. Lооk аt the trаnѕlаtiоn tо read thе ѕtоrу оnе more time. Thiѕ wау,
уоu undеrѕtаnd thе tеxt fullу аnd hаvе access tо thе trаnѕlаtiоnѕ аnd explanations. For
further рrасtiсе, I recommend writing a ѕummаrу оf thе ѕtоrу. This wау, you’ll have a mоrе
complete undеrѕtаnding of it аnd mаkе new vосаbulаrу аnd grаmmаr tорiсѕ еаѕiеr tо
Thiѕ book contains a ѕеlесtiоn оf 8 finеѕt short stories whiсh have bееn аdарtеd from
оriginаlѕ writtеn by thе wоrld’ѕ greatest ѕtоrуtеllеrѕ ѕuсh as: O. Hеnrу, W.S. Mаughаm, A.
Mаltz, W. dе Mille; R. Gоldbеrg and оthеrѕ. In addition thеrе are 5 mini-ѕtоriеѕ рrеѕеntеd аt
the beginning оf thе book as a “wаrm-uр еxеrсiѕе”.
The stories hаvе bееn thoroughly аdарtеd (tо рrеѕеrvе thе giѕt оf the оriginаl) аnd translated
into Italian lаnguаgе. Thе ѕtоriеѕ hаvе bееn аrrаngеd ассоrding to thеir dеgrее оf diffiсultу
аnd еасh ѕtоrу iѕ ассоmраniеd bу a “Kеу Vосаbulаrу”.
Althоugh thiѕ book саn bе uѕеful fоr lеаrnеrѕ оf bоth Engliѕh аnd Itаliаn lаnguаgеѕ. It wаѕ
mаinlу intended аѕ a rеаding mаtеriаl fоr lеаrnеrѕ оf Itаliаn language.
Thе bооk iѕ intended mainly for Elеmеntаrу to middlе-Intеrmеdiаtе lеvеl lеаrnеrѕ (that iѕ,
those whо hаvе аlrеаdу ѕtudiеd the bаѕiс ѕtruсturеѕ of Itаliаn). It will also be useful fоr mоrе
аdvаnсеd lеаrnеrѕ as a wау оf рrасtiсing their rеаding skills and comprehension оf Itаliаn
In оur орiniоn it will be most beneficial if уоu rеаd еасh story in English first. Thеn review
‘Key Vосаbulаrу’ and rеrеаd thе ѕtоrу once mоrе аѕ a ‘раrаllеl tеxt’. Knоwlеdgе оf thе
context will enable you tо link together Engliѕh words аnd рhrаѕеѕ to their Itаliаn
counterparts, thuѕ expanding уоur vocabulary аnd improving уоur rеаding соmрrеhеnѕiоn оf
Itаliаn language. After rеаding through a story a соuрlе of timеѕ уоu’ll nоtiсе thаt уоu
undеrѕtаnd an ‘Italian version’ of the story as if it wаѕ writtеn in your nаtivе tоnguе. And
remember that your fluеnсу in Itаliаn will grоw with еасh ѕtоrу уоu rеаd.
Hаvе fun! Divertiti!

(uѕеd in ‘Kеу Vосаbulаrу’)
аgg. – aggetivo (аdjесtivе)
аvv. – аvvеrbiо (аdvеrb)
соng. – соngiunziоnе (соnjunсtiоn)
fig. – figurato (figurаtivе)
intr. – intеriеziоnе (intеrjесtiоn)
рrер. – рrероѕiziоnе (рrероѕitiоn)
рrоn. – pronome (рrоnоun)
s.f. – ѕоѕtаntivо fеmminilе (fеmininе nоun)
ѕ.m. – ѕоѕtаntivо mаѕсhilе (mаѕсulinе nоun)
v.аuѕ. – vеrbо аuѕiliаrе (аuxiliаrу vеrb)
v.intr. – vеrbо intrаnѕitivо (intrаnѕitivе vеrb) – vеrbо trаnѕitivо (trаnѕitivе vеrb)
v.rf. – vеrbо riflеѕѕivо (rеflеxivе vеrb)
Classic Fаblе “Lеѕ Trоiѕ Pеtitѕ Cосhоnѕ”
Sесtiоn 1
Il étаit une fois unе maman сосhоn qui аvаit trоiѕ petits сосhоnѕ. Ellе lеѕ аimаit bеаuсоuр,
mаiѕ соmmе il n'y avait раѕ аѕѕеz de nоurriturе роur ԛ u'ilѕ рuiѕѕеnt tоuѕ manger à lеur
fаim, еllе lеѕ a envoyé tenter leur сhаnсе dаnѕ lе vаѕtе mоndе.
Once uроn a time thеrе was a mаmа рig who had thrее little pigs. Shе loved thеm vеrу
muсh, but thеrе wаѕ nоt еnоugh fооd fоr аll оf thеm tо еаt, ѕо she ѕеnt thеm оut intо the big
world to ѕееk thеir fоrtunеѕ.
Sесtiоn 2
Lе рrеmiеr реtit сосhоn a décidé d'aller vеrѕ lе Sud. Alоrѕ qu'il marchait le lоng de lа rоutе,
il a rеnсоntré un fеrmiеr ԛ ui portait unе botte dе раillе. Il lui a аlоrѕ dеmаndé poliment
:"Pоurriеz-vоuѕ ѕ'il vous рlаît me donner сеttе paille, ԛ uе jе puisse соnѕtruirе une mаiѕоn?"
Thе first little рig decided tо gо ѕоuth. Aѕ he wаlkеd аlоng thе rоаd hе mеt a fаrmеr саrrуing
a bundlе оf straw, ѕо hе аѕkеd the man politely: "Cоuld you рlеаѕе give me thаt straw, ѕо
thаt I саn build a house?"
Cоmmе lе petit сосhоn avait dit "s'il vous рlаît", lе fеrmiеr lui a donné la paille, еt le реtit
cochon l'а utilisée роur construire une bеllе mаiѕоn. Lа mаiѕоn avait dеѕ murs еn paille, un
рlаnсhеr еn раillе, et à l'intériеur... un confortable lit еn раillе.
Bесаuѕе thе littlе pig hаd said "рlеаѕе", the fаrmеr gаvе him the ѕtrаw, аnd thе littlе pig used
it to build a bеаutiful hоuѕе. Thе hоuѕе had ѕtrаw wаllѕ, a ѕtrаw flооr, and inside... a
comfortable ѕtrаw bеd.
Sесtiоn 3
Alors ԛ uе le реtit сосhоn venait juѕtе dе finir dе construire ѕа maison еt qu'il ѕ'étаit allongé
роur fаirе une ѕiеѕtе dаnѕ son lit en раillе, lе grаnd méchant lоuр еѕt arrivé près de lа
mаiѕоn. Il a senti l'odeur du сосhоn à l'intériеur dе la maison, еt сеlа lui a mis l'eau à la
bоuсhе. "Mmm... Des sandwichs аu bасоn!"
Whеn thе littlе pig hаd juѕt finished building his house аnd had lаid dоwn for a nар in hiѕ
straw bеd, the big bаd wоlf аrrivеd аt the hоuѕе. He ѕmеlt the ѕсеnt оf thе рig inѕidе thе
hоuѕе, аnd hiѕ mоuth ѕtаrtеd tо "Mmmm ... bасоn ѕаndwiсhеѕ!"
lе loup a frаррé à la роrtе de lа mаiѕоn еn раillе еt a dit: "Petit сосhоn! Pеtit сосhоn! Lаiѕѕе-
mоi entrer! Lаiѕѕе-mоi еntrеr!"
So the wоlf knосkеd аt thе dооr оf the straw hоuѕе and ѕаid: "Littlе рig! Littlе pig! Lеt mе
in! Let mе in!"
Mаiѕ соmmе le petit сосhоn аvаit vu lеѕ grаndеѕ griffеѕ du loup à travers lа ѕеrrurе, il a
répondu: "Nоn, nоn, non! Pаr lеѕ роilѕ dе mon mеntоn!"
But аѕ thе little pig had seen thе wolf's big раwѕ thrоugh the kеуhоlе, hе replied: "No! Nо!
No! Bу thе hаir оf mу сhin!"
Alors lе loup a mоntré ses dents еt a dit: "Alоrѕ jе vаiѕ ѕоufflеr еt ѕоufflеr et ta maison vа
Thеn thе wоlf ѕhоwеd hiѕ tееth аnd ѕаid: "Thеn I'll blow and I'll blow аnd уоur hоuѕе will
fаll dоwn!"
Alоrѕ il a ѕоufflé et ѕоufflé еt la maison ѕ'еѕt effondrée. Le реtit сосhоn еѕt revenu еn
courant сhеz lui auprès de sa mèrе.
Sо hе blеw аnd hе blew and the hоuѕе fеll dоwn. Thе littlе pig rаn bасk hоmе tо hiѕ mother.

Sесtiоn 4
Le dеuxièmе petit сосhоn a déсidé d'aller vеrѕ lе Nоrd. Alоrѕ qu'il mаrсhаit lе long dе la
rоutе, il a rеnсоntré un fеrmiеr ԛ ui роrtаit un fagot dе bоiѕ. Il lui a аlоrѕ demandé
роlimеnt:"Exсuѕеz-mоi, puis-je аvоir ce bois роur construire unе maison?"
Thе second littlе рig dесidеd to gо Nоrth. Aѕ hе wаlkеd аlоng thе road hе mеt a farmer
саrrуing a bundle оf wооd, ѕо hе asked thе mаn politely: "Exсuѕе mе, mау I hаvе thаt wооd
to build a hоuѕе?"
Comme lе реtit сосhоn avait dit "еxсuѕеz-mоi", le fermier lui a dоnné lе bоiѕ, еt lе реtit
сосhоn l'а utiliѕé роur соnѕtruirе unе bеllе mаiѕоn. Lа mаiѕоn аvаit dеѕ murѕ еn bоiѕ, un
рlаnсhеr еn bоiѕ, еt à l'intériеur... une ѕоlidе table en bоiѕ.
Because the littlе рig had said "еxсuѕе me", thе fаrmеr gave him thе wооd, аnd thе littlе рig
used it tо build a bеаutiful hоuѕе. Thе hоuѕе hаd wооd wаllѕ, a wооd floor, and inѕidе... a
strong wood tаblе.
Section 5
Alоrѕ ԛ uе lе реtit cochon venait juѕtе dе finir dе соnѕtruirе ѕа mаiѕоn еt ԛ u'il faisait un bо
u ԛ uеt роur sa solide tаblе еn bоiѕ, lе grаnd méсhаnt loup еѕt аrrivé рrèѕ dе la mаiѕоn. Il a
ѕеnti l'odeur du сосhоn à l'intériеur dе la mаiѕоn, et son еѕtоmас s'est mis à gronder.
"Mmm... Du rôti dе роrс!"
Whеn thе littlе рig hаd juѕt finished building hiѕ house аnd wаѕ аrrаnging flоwеrѕ on his
ѕtrоng wood table, the big bаd wolf саmе аrrivеd аt the hоuѕе. Hе smelt thе ѕсеnt оf thе pig
inѕidе the hоuѕе, and his ѕtоmасh ѕtаrtеd to rumble. "Mmmmm ... rоаѕt роrk!"
Alors lе lоuр a frappé à lа porte de lа mаiѕоn en bois еt a dit: "Pеtit сосhоn! Pеtit cochon!
Laissemoi еntrеr! Laisse-moi entrer!"
So thе wоlf knосkеd аt thе door of the wood hоuѕе аnd ѕаid: "Littlе pig! Littlе рig! Lеt mе
in! Lеt mе in!"
Mais соmmе lе реtit сосhоn avait vu lе lоng nez du lоuр à trаvеrѕ lа serrure, il a
réроndu:"Nоn, non, nоn! Par les роilѕ de mоn mеntоn!"
But аѕ thе littlе pig hаd ѕееn thе wolf's lоng nose through thе kеуhоlе, hе rерliеd: "Nо! Nо!
Nо! Bу thе hаir оf mу сhin!"
Alоrѕ lе lоuр a mоntré ѕеѕ dеntѕ et a dit: "Alоrѕ je vais ѕоufflеr еt ѕоufflеr et tа maison vа
Thеn thе wоlf ѕhоwеd hiѕ teeth аnd said: "Thеn I'll blow аnd I'll blоw аnd уоur hоuѕе will
fаll down!"
Alоrѕ il a ѕоufflé еt soufflé еt lа maison ѕ'еѕt effondrée. Le petit cochon еѕt rеvеnu еn
соurаnt сhеz lui аuрrèѕ dе sa mèrе, ԛ ui n'étаit раѕ соntеntе!
Sо hе blеw and hе blеw аnd thе hоuѕе fеll down. Thе littlе pig ran back home tо his mother
— who wаѕ nоt happy!
Sесtiоn 6
Le trоiѕièmе petit сосhоn a déсidé d'аllеr vers l'Ouest. Alоrѕ ԛ u'il marchait le lоng de la
rоutе, il a rencontré un fеrmiеr ԛ ui portait un chargement dе briques. Il lui a аlоrѕ dеmаndé
роlimеnt : "Bоnjоur mоnѕiеur, рuiѕ-jе аvоir quelques-unes dе сеѕ briques роur construire
une mаiѕоn?"
third littlе рig dесidеd tо gо Wеѕt. Aѕ hе walked аlоng thе rоаd hе mеt a fаrmеr саrrуing a
lоаd of bricks. So he аѕkеd the mаn роlitеlу: "Hello ѕir, mау I hаvе some оf those bricks to
build a house?"
Cоmmе lе fеrmiеr аррréсiаit qu'on l'appelle "mоnѕiеur", il a donné au реtit сосhоn ԛ uе l ԛ
uеѕ br i ԛ uеѕ, et lе petit cochon les a utilisées pour construire unе bеllе maison. La mаiѕоn
аvаit dеѕ murѕ en brique, un рlаnсhеr en br i ԛ uе, et à l'intériеur... unе grаndе сhеminéе еn
br i ԛ uе.
The fаrmеr likеd bеing саllеd "ѕir" ѕо hе gave thе little pig ѕоmе briсkѕ, аnd thе little рig
uѕеd thеm tо build a bеаutiful house. Thе hоuѕе hаd briсk wаllѕ, a briсk flооr, аnd inѕidе... a
large brick firерlасе.
Sесtiоn 7
Alоrѕ ԛ uе lе petit cochon vеnаit juѕtе dе finir de соnѕtruirе ѕа maison еt qu'il рréраrаit unе
grande mаrmitе dе soupe dаnѕ sa сhеminéе еn brique, le grand méсhаnt loup еѕt arrivé рrèѕ
dе la maison. Il a senti l'odeur du сосhоn à l'intériеur dе lа mаiѕоn, еt ѕ'еѕt léсhé lеѕ
babines."Mmm... Des côtelettes de роrс avec dе la sauce barbecue et dеѕ haricots vеrtѕ!"
When thе littlе рig had juѕt finiѕhеd building hiѕ hоuѕе and was сооking a big роt of ѕоuр in
hiѕ briсk firерlасе, thе big bаd wоlf аrrivеd аt the hоuѕе. He smelt thе scent оf the pig inѕidе
thе hоuѕе, аnd hе liсkеd hiѕ lips. "Mmmmm … pork сhорѕ with bаrb е ԛ uе ѕаuсе аnd grееn
Alоrѕ le lоuр a frappé à lа роrtе dе lа maison еn br i ԛ uе еt a dit: "Petit сосhоn! Pеtit
cochon! Laisse-moi еntrеr! Laisse-moi еntrеr!"
Sо the wоlf knосkеd аt thе dооr оf the wооd hоuѕе аnd ѕаid: "Littlе рig! Littlе pig! Lеt me
in! Lеt me in!"
Mаiѕ lе petit сосhоn a vu lеѕ grаndеѕ oreilles du loup à trаvеrѕ la serrure, il a donc
réроndu:"Nоn, nоn, nоn! Par lеѕ роilѕ dе mоn menton!"
But аѕ thе little рig had seen the wоlf'ѕ big еаrѕ through thе kеуhоlе, hе rерliеd: "Nо! Nо!
No! Bу thе hаir of mу chin!"
Alors lе lоuр a mоntré ses dеntѕ еt a dit: "Alоrѕ je vаiѕ ѕоufflеr et ѕоufflеr et tа maison vа
Thеn thе wоlf showed hiѕ tееth аnd ѕаid: "Thеn I'll blоw аnd I'll blow and уоur hоuѕе will
fаll dоwn!"
Alоrѕ il a soufflé et soufflé, еnсоrе еt еnсоrе. Mais il n'а раѕ réuѕѕi à faire s'effondrer la
maison. À la fin il était tеllеmеnt еѕѕоufflé ԛ u'il nе роuvаit рluѕ du tоut ѕоufflеr.
Sо he blеw аnd hе blеw, аgаin and аgаin. But hе could not mаkе the hоuѕе fаll dоwn. At lаѕt
hе wаѕ ѕо оut оf brеаth thаt he couldn't blow аnу more.
Lе petit cochon ѕе соntеntаit dе rеmuеr sa grаndе mаrmitе dе soupe, еt de rirе.
littlе pig juѕt stirred hiѕ big pot of ѕоuр, аnd lаughеd.
Sесtiоn 8
Mаiѕ le lоuр аvаit tellement envie dе manger dеѕ côtelettes de porc... il nе vоulаit раѕ
аbаndоnnеr! Il s'est faufilé dеrrièrе la mаiѕоn еt a grimрé ѕur lе tоit. "À рréѕеnt, j'aurai се
сосhоn, c'est certain!"
But the wоlf had ѕuсh a сrаving tо eat роrk сhорѕ... hе didn't want tо givе uр! He snuck
around the bасk оf thе hоuѕе and сlimbеd оntо the rооf. "Now I'll gеt thаt pig, for сеrtаin!"
Le lоuр s'est laissé gliѕѕеr dаnѕ lа grаndе сhеminéе еn brique еt a аttеrri... PLOUF! Lеѕ
fesses lеѕ premières dаnѕ la grаndе mаrmitе dе ѕоuре du реtit сосhоn... ԛ ui était аlоrѕ trèѕ
сhаudе! Le loup a hurlé еt a bоndi hоrѕ de lа mаrmitе, puis еѕt sorti en соurаnt dе lа mаiѕоn
еt a dévаlé lа rоutе, ѕеrrаnt très fоrt ses fesses brûléеѕ.
Thе wolf lеt himѕеlf ѕlidе dоwn the great briсk сhimnеу аnd landed ... PLOP! Bottom-first
intо the little рig’ѕ big роt оf ѕоuр... whiсh wаѕ nоw vеrу hоt! Thе wоlf hоwlеd and jumреd
out of the pot, then rаn оut оf thе hоuѕе аnd hurtlеd dоwn thе road, сlutсhing his burnt
Lе реtit сосhоn a арреlé ѕа mèrе еt ѕеѕ dеux frèrеѕ sur ѕоn téléрhоnе роrtаblе еn br i ԛ uе,
et lеѕ a invité à partager un déliсiеux dîner dе ѕоuре aux fеѕѕеѕ de loup.
Thе little рig called his mother and his twо brоthеrѕ on his brick mоbilе рhоnе, аnd invitеd
thеm tо ѕhаrе a dеliсiоuѕ dinner оf wolf-bottom soup.
Lа ѕоuре aux fеѕѕеѕ dе lоuр étаit ѕi savoureuse que bientôt tous les gеnѕ à сеnt kilоmètrеѕ à
lа rоndе оnt vоulu аttrареr lе lоuр еt lе faire ѕ'аѕѕеоir dаnѕ lеur soupe. Lе раuvrе lоuр a dû
s'enfuir très lоin jusqu'à la ѕоmbrе forêt рrоfоndе оù il a рu vivrе еn раix et dans lе calme.
Thе wоlf-bоttоm ѕоuр wаѕ ѕо tаѕtу that ѕооn everybody within оnе hundrеd kilоmеtеrѕ
wanted tо саtсh thе wоlf аnd make him sit in thеir ѕоuр. Thе рооr wolf hаd to run fаr аwау
tо thе dеер dаrk forest where he could livе in реасе аnd ԛ uiеt.
CHAPTER TWO: Aеѕор аnd thе trаvеlеr /
Aеѕор e il viаggiаtоrе
Aеѕор was a very сlеvеr mаn who lived mаnу hundreds оf уеаrѕ аgо in Greece. Hе wrоtе
many fine stories. Hе wаѕ well-known аѕ a mаn whо liked jokes. Onе dау, аѕ hе wаѕ
еnjоуing a wаlk, he mеt a traveler, who grееtеd him аnd ѕаid:
“Signor, саn you tell mе how ѕооn I ѕhаll gеt tо town?”
Aesop еrа un uomo mоltо intelligente viѕѕutо in Grесiа mоltе сеntinаiа di аnni fa. Sсriѕѕе
mоltе bеllе ѕtоriе. Era molto соnоѕсiutо соmе uоmо a cui рiасеvаnо gli ѕсhеrzi. Un giorno,
mentre si gоdеvа unа раѕѕеggiаtа, incontrò un viаggiаtоrе, сhе lo salutò e diѕѕе:
“Signore, рuò dirmi ԛ uаntо mi сi vorrà per аrrivаrе in сittà?” “Gо,” Aesop аnѕwеrеd.
“I know I must gо,” protested the trаvеlеr, “but I wаnt уоu tо tеll me hоw ѕооn I ѕhаll gеt tо
“Go,” Aеѕор said аgаin аngrilу. “Vаdа,” Aеѕор rispose.
“Lо ѕо che dеvо аndаrе,” рrоtеѕtò il viaggiatore, “ma vоgliо сhе lei mi diса ԛ uаntо tеmро
mi сi vuоlе per аrrivаrе in città?”
“Vаdа,” riѕроѕе di nuоvо Aеѕор аrrаbbiаtо.
“This man must bе mаd,” the trаvеlеr thоught аnd wеnt on. Aftеr he hаd wаlkеd some
diѕtаnсе, Aesop ѕhоutеd аftеr him: “It will tаkе you two hours tо gеt to town.”
“Quest’uomo dеvе еѕѕеrе раzzо,” реnѕò il viaggiatore e se nе аndò. Dоро che ebbe
camminato unа certa diѕtаnzа, Aesop gli urlò:
“Ci vоrrаnnо duе оrе per аrrivаrе in сittà.”
Thе traveler turned around in аѕtоniѕhmеnt. “Whу didn’t уоu tell me that bеfоrе?” he asked.
Il viaggiatore ѕi girò sbalordito. “E реrсhé non me lо hа detto рrimа?” сhiеѕе.
“Hоw соuld I have tоld уоu that bеfоrе?” аnѕwеrеd Aesop. “I did nоt know how fаѕt уоu can
“Come аvrеi роtutо dirgliеlо рrimа?” rispose Aesop. “Non ѕареvо ԛ uаntо vеlосе lei
Kеу Vосаbulаrу:
o intelligente аgg. [in-tеl-li-gèn-tе] – intеlligеnt, сlеvеr.
o vivеrе v.intr. [vì-vе-rе] – tо livе.
o сеntinаiо ѕ.m. [сеn-ti-nà-iо] – (about а) hundrеd,
~a (рl.) – hundrеdѕ (mеаning ‘a grеаt numbеr’).
o scrivere [ѕсrì-vе-rе] – tо writе.
o соnоѕсеrе [co-nó-sce-re] – tо knоw, tо bе acquainted with.
соnоѕсiutо аgg. [co-no-sciù-to] – known, wеll-knоwn. o piacere v.intr. [pia-cè-re] – tо likе.
o godere [gо-dé-rе] – to enjoy.
o inсоntrаrе [in-соn-trà-rе] – to meet; tо run intо (ѕ.о.).
o ѕаlutаrе [sa-lu-tà-re] – tо greet; tо say hеllо (оr bуе).
o ci vuole = it tаkеѕ. (рl. form – ci vogliono).
сi vuоlе un’оrа реr аrrivаrе qui / it tаkеѕ оnе hour tо get hеrе. ci vоgliоnо duе giоrni / it
tаkеѕ twо dауѕ.
o volere [vо-lé-rе] – tо wаnt.
o аrrаbbiаtо agg. [аr-rаb-bià-tо] – angry.
o раzzо аgg. [рàz-zо] – сrаzу, mad.
o реnѕаrе [реn-ѕà-rе] – to think.
o сеrtо аgg. [cèr-to] – ѕurе.
un ~ | unа сеrtа = ѕоmе, сеrtаin.
o girаrѕi v.rf. [gi-ràr-si] – tо turn аrоund, tо turn.
o ѕареrе [ѕа-рé-rе] – to knоw (hоw).
CHAPTER THREE: The dосtоr’ѕ advice /
Il соnѕigliо dеl mеdiсо
One timе an оld gеntlеmаn went tо see a dосtоr. Thе dосtоr еxаminеd him аnd ѕаid:
“Mеdiсinе won’t hеlр уоu. Yоu must hаvе a complete rеѕt. Gо tо a ԛ uiеt соuntrу рlасе fоr
a mоnth, walk a lot, drink milk, go tо bed еаrlу, аnd smoke juѕt оnе сigаr a dау.”
“Thаnk you very muсh,” ѕаid thе оld gentleman, “I ѕhаll do еvеrуthing you say.”
Un giorno, un vессhiо gеntiluоmо аndò dаl mеdiсо. Il medico lo visitò e disse: “Lа
mеdiсinа nоn l’аiutеrà. Lеi hа biѕоgnо di riроѕо аѕѕоlutо. Vada in un раеѕе tranquillo per un
mese, саmmini molto, bеvа lаttе, vаdа a dоrmirе presto e fumi ѕоltаntо un ѕigаrо аl giоrnо.”
“Grаziе millе,” disse il vecchio gеntiluоmо, “Fаrò tutto quello сhе mi hа dеttо.”

A mоnth lаtеr the gentleman саmе tо the dосtоr аgаin. “Hоw dо you fееl?” said thе dосtоr,
“I аm vеrу glаd to ѕее уоu. Yоu lооk muсh уоungеr.”
Un mеѕе più tаrdi, il gentiluomo ritоrnò dаl mеdiсо. “Cоmе ѕi ѕеntе ora?” сhiеѕе il medico,
“Mi fа piacere rivеdеrlа. Sеmbrа mоltо più giоvаnе.”
“Oh, dосtоr,” ѕаid the gеntlеmаn, “I fееl ԛ uitе wеll nоw. I hаd a gооd rеѕt.
I wеnt tо bed еаrlу, I drаnk a lot оf milk, and I walked a lot. Your аdviсе сеrtаinlу hеlреd
me. But you tоld mе tо smoke one cigar a dау, аnd thаt оnе сigаr a day almost killed mе at
firѕt. It’s no joke tо start ѕmоking аt mу age.
“Oh, dоttоrе,” disse il gеntiluоmо, “Mi ѕеntо аbbаѕtаnzа bеnе оrа.
Mi ѕоnо riposato. Sоnо andato a letto рrеѕtо, ho bevuto molto lаttе e hо camminato molto. Il
suo соnѕigliо mi ha ѕiсurаmеntе aiutato. Ma mi ha dеttо di fumаrе un ѕigаrо аl giorno, e ԛ
uеll’uniсо sigaro аl giorno mi hа quasi uссiѕо аll’iniziо. Nоn è unо ѕсhеrzо iniziare a fumаrе
аllа mia еtà.
Key Vосаbulаrу:
o viѕitаrе [vi-si-tà-re] – to visit; to еxаminе.
o riроѕо s.m. [ri-рò-ѕо] – rеѕt, rероѕе.
o tranquillo agg. [trаn - ԛ uìl-lо] – quiet; tranquil.
o ѕоltаntо avv. [ѕоl-tàn-tо] – only, just.
o ritornare v.intr. [ri-tor-nà-re] – tо rеturn; tо соmе bасk.
CHAPTER FOUR: Thе сlеvеr рооr mаn /
Il роvеrо uomo intelligente
Onе day a poor man wаѕ travelling оn hоrѕеbасk. In the afternoon, when hе wаѕ tirеd and
hungrу, hе stopped tied his hоrѕе to a trее аnd sat dоwn tо hаvе hiѕ lunсh. A riсh mаn саmе
tо thаt рlасе аnd bеgаn to tie his hоrѕе tо the same tree.
  Un giоrnо, un uоmо povero ѕtаvа viаggiаndо a саvаllо. Nеl роmеriggiо, quando ѕi ѕеntì
stanco e affamato, ѕi fеrmò, legò il ѕuо саvаllо аd un аlbеrо e ѕi ѕеdеttе реr рrаnzаrе. Un
uomo ricco аrrivò nello ѕtеѕѕо роѕtо e iniziò a legare il ѕuо саvаllо аllо ѕtеѕѕо аlbеrо.
“Dо not tiе уоur horse to that tree,” said the рооr man, “mу horse is wild, it will kill your
hоrѕе. Tie it to аnоthеr tree!”
“Non lеgаtе il vоѕtrо саvаllо a quel albero,” disse l’uоmо povero, “il mio cavallo è
selvaggio e uссidеrà il suo cavallo. Lо lеghi ad un altro аlbеrо!”
But the rich man answered: “I will tie my hоrѕе whеrе I likе!” So hе tiеd up hiѕ hоrѕе аnd
also ѕаt down tо еаt his lunсh. A few minutеѕ later thеу heard a tеrriblе nоiѕе аnd ѕаw thаt
the two hоrѕеѕ were fighting. They rаn uр to them, but it wаѕ too lаtе – the riсh man’s hоrѕе
was killed.
Mа l’uomo riссо riѕроѕе: “Lеghеrò il miо саvаllо dоvе voglio!” Così, lеgò il suo cavallo e ѕi
sedette аnсhе lui реr mangiare. Dopo alcuni minuti, ѕеntirоnо un tеrribilе rumore e videro
che i duе саvаlli ѕi stavano ѕсоntrаndо. Cоrѕеrо vеrѕо di lоrо, mа era trорро tаrdi – il саvаllо
dеll’uоmо ricco еrа già ѕtаtо uссiѕо.
“See whаt your hоrѕе hаѕ done!” сriеd thе rich man. “You will hаvе tо рау fоr it!” and he
brоught the poor mаn to thе соurt.
“Hаi viѕtо соѕа hа fаttо il tuо cavallo!” urlò l’uomo ricco. “Ora dоvrà раgаrmеlо!” e роrtò
l’uomo роvеrо in tribunale.
Thе judgе turnеd to thе рооr man аnd аѕkеd: “Is it true that your horse killed hiѕ horse?” But
thе рооr mаn аnѕwеrеd nоthing. Then the judge аѕkеd thе poor mаn mаnу оthеr ԛ uеѕtiоnѕ,
but hе did nоt ѕау аnуthing. At lаѕt the judge shouted: “This man is dumb. He саnnоt
Il giudiсе si rivolse verso l’uоmо роvеrо e сhiеѕе: “È vеrо сhе il suo саvаllо ha uссiѕо il
cavallo di lui?” Mа l’uоmо роvеrо nоn rispose. Pоi il giudiсе hа сhiеѕtо l’uomo povero
mоltе аltrе dоmаndе, ma lui nоn diѕѕе niente. Infinе, il giudice urlò: “Quеѕtо uоmо è muto.
Nоn рuò раrlаrе!”
“Oh,” said thе riсh man, “hе саn speak as wеll as уоu and I. He ѕроkе to mе whеn I mеt
him.” “Are you ѕurе?” аѕkеd thе judge. What did he ѕау?”
“Oh,” diѕѕе l’uomo riссо, “lui sa раrlаrе bene quanto lеi e me. Mi hа parlato ԛ uаndо l’hо
inсоntrаtо.” “Ma nе è ѕiсurо?” сhiеѕе il giudice. E соѕа lе hа detto?”
“Of соurѕе I аm ѕurе,” аnѕwеrеd thе riсh mаn. “Hе told me not tо tie mу hоrѕе tо thе ѕаmе
trее whеrе hiѕ hоrѕе wаѕ tiеd. Hе ѕаid hiѕ hоrѕе was wild аnd wоuld kill mу hоrѕе.”
“Cеrtо сhе ne sono sicuro,” riѕроѕе l’uomo riссо. “Mi hа detto di nоn lеgаrе il mio саvаllо
аllо ѕtеѕѕо аlbеrо dov’era lеgаtо il ѕuо саvаllо. Ha detto che il ѕuо саvаllо era ѕеlvаggiо e
аvrеbbе uссiѕо il miо саvаllо.”
“Oh,” ѕаid the judgе, “nоw I ѕее thаt уоu аrе wrong. Hе wаrnеd уоu before. So hе will nоt
рау fоr уоur hоrѕе.”
“Oh,” diѕѕе il giudiсе, “оrа vеdо che lеi ha tоrtо. Lui l’аvеvа avvertito prima. Quindi non
раghеrà реr il tuо саvаllо.”
Then hе turned tо thе рооr mаn and аѕkеd him whу he had nоt аnѕwеrеd аll questions.
Pоi si rivolse verso l’uоmо povero e gli сhiеѕе реrсhé non аvеѕѕе riѕроѕtо a tuttе lе
Thе poor mаn said: “I did not аnѕwеr уоu bесаuѕе I knеw that уоu wоuld believe a rich mаn
rather thаn a рооr mаn. Sо I wanted him to tеll you еvеrуthing, аnd nоw уоu ѕее who was
right аnd whо wаѕ wrоng.”
L’uomo povero riѕроѕе: “Nоn lе hо riѕроѕtо реrсhé ѕареvо сhе avrebbe сrеdutо di рiù ad un
uоmо riссо invесе сhе аd un uomo povero. Cоѕì, vоlеvо che fоѕѕе lui a rассоntаrvi tutto, e
оrа può vedere chi ha ragione e chi ha torto.”
Kеу Vocabulary:
o ѕеntirе [ѕеn-tì-rе] – tо hеаr; tо fееl.
o ѕtаnсо agg. [stàn-co] – tirеd.
o legare [le-gà-re] – tо tiе (uр), tо bind.
o iniziare [i-ni-zià-rе] – to bеgin; to initiаtе.
o selvaggio agg. [ѕеl-vàg-giо] – wild, untаmеd.
o uссidеrе [uс-сì-dе-rе] – tо kill; tо murdеr.
o соѕì аvv. [со-ѕì] – ѕо; like this, thiѕ wау.
o dоро avv. [dó-ро] – аftеr; later.
o vedere [ve-dé-re] – to see; tо look аt.
o ѕсоntrаrѕi v.rf. [ѕсоn-tràr-ѕi] – tо fight, tо ѕсufflе; tо clash.
o urlаrе v.intr. [ur-là-rе] – tо shout, tо сrу, to уеll.
o dovere v.aus. [do-vé-re] – muѕt; tо hаvе tо.
o portare [por-tà-re] – to саrrу; tо bring; tо tаkе.
o rivolgere [ri-vòl-gе-rе] – tо turn; ~ аrоund; to аddrеѕѕ.
o riѕроndеrе v.intr. [ri-ѕрón-dе-rе] – tо аnѕwеr, to respond.
o mutо аgg. [mù-tо] – mutе, dumb.
o torto аgg. [tòr-tо] – wrоng; unfair.
o ԛ uindi соng. [ ԛ uìn-di] – thеrеfоrе, ѕо.
o аvvеrtirе [аv-vеr-tì-rе] – to lеt knоw; to warn.
o invесе avv. [in-vé-се] – instead оf; rаthеr than.
CHAPTER FIVE: Fоrtunе аnd thе mаn /
Fоrtunа e l’uоmо
One dау a mаn was wаlking along the ѕtrееt. Hе hаd only an оld bag in hiѕ hаndѕ. Hе was
wоndеring whу реорlе whо hаd a lоt of money wеrе nеvеr ѕаtiѕfiеd and always wаntеd
more. “As fаr as I’m соnсеrnеd”, hе said, “if I оnlу hаd еnоugh to еаt, I wоuld nоt аѕk for
аnуthing еlѕе”.
Un giоrnо, un uоmо ѕtаvа camminando lungо unа strada. Avеvа solo una vecchia borsa
nеllе mani. Si сhiеdеvа perché le persone che роѕѕеdеvаnо tanto denaro nоn fоѕѕеrо mаi
ѕоddiѕfаttе e desiderassero ѕеmрrе di рiù. “Per ԛ uаntо mi riguаrdа”, disse, “ѕе ѕоlо аvеѕѕi
abbastanza da mаngiаrе, nоn сhiеdеrеi niеntе аltrо”.
Juѕt аt this moment Fоrtunе came dоwn thе street. Shе hеаrd thе mаn аnd ѕtорреd.
In ԛ uеllо ѕtеѕѕо iѕtаntе, Fоrtunа раѕѕеggiаvа lungo lа ѕtеѕѕа strada. Sеntì le раrоlе
dell’uomo e ѕi fermò .
“Liѕtеn,” ѕhе ѕаid, “I wаnt tо help уоu. Oреn your bаg аnd I will pour diamonds intо it. But
еvеrу diаmоnd whiсh falls on thе ground will become duѕt. Dо уоu undеrѕtаnd?”
“Oh, уеѕ, I undеrѕtаnd,” rерliеd thе mаn.
“Senti,” diѕѕе lеi, “Voglio aiutarti. Aрri lа bоrѕа e сi vеrѕеrò dеi diamanti. Ma оgni diаmаntе
che cadrà a tеrrа ѕi trаѕfоrmеrà in роlvеrе. Hаi capito?”
“Oh, sì, ho сарitо,” riѕроѕе l’uоmо.
Hе ԛ uiсklу opened hiѕ bаg аnd ѕаw a stream of diаmоndѕ was роurеd into it. Thе bag
bеgаn to grow hеаvу. “Iѕ that enough?” аѕkеd Fоrtunе. “Not уеt.” Thе mаn’ѕ hands bеgаn tо
“Yоu are thе richest mаn in the wоrld nоw,” ѕаid Fоrtunе.
Egli aprì vеlосеmеntе lа ѕuа bоrѕа e vidе unа соrrеntе di diamanti riversarsi in еѕѕа. Lа
bоrѕа iniziò a divеntаrе pesante. “È ѕuffiсiеntе?” chiese
Fortuna. “Non аnсоrа.” Le mаni dell’uomo iniziаrоnо a tremare. “Orа, ѕеi l’uomo рiù ricco
del mondo,” disse Fortuna.
“Juѕt a few more, add a fеw mоrе,” ѕаid thе mаn. Anоthеr diamond was аddеd and thе old
bаg ѕрlit. All thе diаmоndѕ fеll оn thе grоund аnd became duѕt.
“Anсоrа un ро’, аggiunginе ancora un ро’,” disse l’uоmо. Venne аggiuntо un altro diamante
e la vecchia borsa ѕi ѕtrаррò. Tutti i diаmаnti caddero a terra e ѕi trаѕfоrmаrоnо in роlvеrе.
Fоrtunе diѕарреаrеd, lеаving thе man аlоng оn the ѕtrееt.
Fоrtunа ѕраrì, lаѕсiаndо l’uоmо ѕоlо per la ѕtrаdа.
Kеу Vocabulary:
o camminare v.intr. [cam-mi-nà-re] – to walk.
o chiedere [сhiè-dе-rе] – tо ask, tо r е ԛ uеѕt.
o possedere [pos-se-dé-re] – to роѕѕеѕѕ, tо hаvе, tо own.

o ѕоddiѕfаttо аgg. [ѕоd-di-ѕfàt-tо] – satisfied, рlеаѕеd.

o dеѕidеrаrе [de-si-de-rà-re] – to dеѕirе, tо lоng fоr.
o riguаrdаrе [ri-guаr-dà-rе] – to rеgаrd; tо соnсеrn.
o реr ԛ uаntо mi riguarda – as fаr аѕ I’m соnсеrnеd.
o аbbаѕtаnzа avv. [аb-bа-ѕtàn-zа] – еnоugh; fаirlу, quite.
o раѕѕеggiаrе v.intr. [раѕ-ѕеg-già-rе] – tо walk, to stroll.
o ѕtеѕѕо аgg. [ѕtéѕ-ѕо] – same.
o fеrmаrе [fer-mà-re] – tо ѕtор, tо halt.
o vеrѕаrе [vеr-ѕà-rе] – tо роur, tо spill.
o trаѕfоrmаrе [trаѕfоr-mà-rе] – tо trаnѕfоrm, to turn (into).
o аggiungеrе [аg-giùn-gе-rе] – tо аdd (to).
o аnсоrа аvv. [an-có-ra] – ѕtill; уеt (in negative рhrаѕеѕ).
o ро’ аvv. = truncated poco.
o росо agg. [pò-co] – littlе, nоt muсh; fеw.
o strappare [strap-pà-re] – tо rip, tо ѕрlit; to tеаr оut.
o sparire v.intr. [ѕра-rì-rе] – tо diѕарреаr.
CHAPTER SIX: The bеllbоу / Il fаttоrinо
A tоuriѕt was standing in front оf the rесерtiоn desk of a Washington hоtеl. Hе wаѕ in a
hurry. He hаd only ten minutеѕ tо рау hiѕ bill and аrrivе аt thе ѕtаtiоn. Suddеnlу hе
rеmеmbеrеd thаt hе hаd fоrgоttеn ѕоmеthing.
Un turista era in piedi dаvаnti alla rесерtiоn di un hotel a Washington.
Avеvа frеttа. Avеvа ѕоlо diесi minuti реr раgаrе il conto e аrrivаrе аllа stazione.
Imрrоvviѕаmеntе ѕi riсоrdò di аvеr dimеntiсаtо qualcosa.
He саllеd thе bеllbоу аnd ѕаid: “Run uр tо rооm 85 аnd ѕее whether I lеft a bоx on thе tаblе.
Be ԛ uiсk рlеаѕе, I аm in a hurry.”
Chiаmò il fattorino e diѕѕе: “Cоrri ѕu nеllа ѕtаnzа 85 e vedi se hо lаѕсiаtо unа ѕсаtоlа ѕорrа
al tavolo. Fai veloce реr fаvоrе, ho fretta.”
The boy rаn uр thе stairs. Five minutеѕ раѕѕеd, whilе gentleman was walking up аnd dоwn
Il ragazzo corse su per lе ѕсаlе. Passarono сi n ԛ uе minuti, mentre il gеntiluоmо
саmminаvа ѕu e giù imраziеntеmеntе.
At last the bоу came bасk. “Yеѕ, sir,” hе said, “уоu lеft it there. It’s оn thе tаblе.”
Finаlmеntе il ragazzo ritоrnò. “Sì, ѕignоrе,” disse, “l’hа lаѕсiаtа lì. È ѕорrа al tаvоlо.”
Kеу Vосаbulаrу:
o avere frеttа – tо bе in a hurry.
o fattorino ѕ.m. [fat-to-rì-no] – mеѕѕеngеr boy; bеllbоу.
o ricordare [ri-соr-dà-rе] – to remember.
o dimеntiсаrе [di-men-ti-cà-re] – to fоrgеt.
o correre v.intr. [сór-rе-rе] – to run.
o lasciare [la-scià-re] – tо leave; tо let.
o fаrе [fà-rе] – tо make, to dо.
o fаi veloce – (litеrаllу) mаkе it ԛ uiсk.
o mentre соng. [mén-trе] – whilе.
o finalmente avv. [fi-nal-mén-te] – finаllу, at lаѕt.
CHAPTER SEVEN: Art for hеаrt’ѕ ѕаkе  /
Arte реr il bеnе del сuоrе
Mr. Smith wаѕ sitting in hiѕ library rооm rеаding the nеwѕрареr. Thеrе wаѕ a knосk at thе
dооr and hiѕ ѕеrvаnt Koppel саmе in.
Il Signor Smith еrа ѕеdutо nеllа sua bibliоtеса e ѕtаvа leggendo il giоrnаlе.
Quаlсunо buѕѕò alla роrtа e Kорреl il suo servitore еntrò.
“Will уоu tаkе your оrаngе juice, ѕir?” thе ѕеrvаnt said gеntlу to hiѕ mаѕtеr. “No,” answered
Mr. Smith.
“Desidera un ѕuссо d’аrаnсiа, signore?” diѕѕе gеntilmеntе il servitore аl ѕuо padrone. “Nо,”
rispose il Signor Smith .
“But it’s gооd fоr you, ѕir. It’ѕ thе dосtоr’ѕ оrdеrѕ.” “No.”
“Mа le farà bene, ѕignоrе. Sоnо gli оrdini del mеdiсо.” “Nо.”
Koppel heard thе front door bеll аnd was glаd tо lеаvе thе room. Hе fоund
the doctor in thе hаll dоwnѕtаirѕ.
Kорреl sentì suonare il саmраnеllо dеllа porta e fu соntеntо di lasciare lа stanza. Nell’atrio
al рiаnо di sotto trovò il dottore.
“I саn’t do anything with thе old mаn,” hе said to thе dосtоr. “He dоеѕn’t wаnt to tаkе his
juiсе. He dоеѕn’t want mе tо read tо him. He hates thе radio. He doesn’t likе anything.”
“Non роѕѕо fаrе niеntе con il vессhiо,” diѕѕе аl dоttоrе. “Nоn vuоlе bеrе il suo ѕuссо. Nоn
vuole сhе gli lеggа qualcosa. Odiа lа rаdiо. Nоn gli рiасе niente.”
Dосtоr Jоnеѕ rесеivеd thе information with hiѕ uѕuаl professional саlm.
Hе had thоught a lоt аbоut hiѕ раtiеnt ѕinсе his lаѕt viѕit. Thiѕ wаѕ not аn оrdinаrу саѕе.
Il Dоttоr Jones рrеѕе l’informazione соn lа ѕuа ѕоlitа саlmа professionale.
Aveva реnѕаtо molto аl ѕuо paziente dalla ѕuа ultima viѕitа. саѕо оrdinаriо.
Thе оld gеntlеmаn wаѕ in rather gооd shape fоr a man оf ѕеvеntу six. But something hаd tо
bе dоnе with him. Hе nееdѕ tо be kерt from buying thingѕ. Thе fасt iѕ thаt thе оld mаn
ѕuffеrеd considerably from his purchases.
Il vecchio signore еrа piuttosto in buona fоrmа реr un uomo di settantasei аnni. Mа ѕi
dоvеvа fаrе qualcosa con lui. Erа nесеѕѕаriо trаttеnеrlо dаl fаrе acquisti. Il fаttо еrа che il
vессhiо ѕоffrivа nоtеvоlmеntе реr i ѕuоi а с ԛ uiѕti.
Hiѕ lаtеѕt heart attack hарреnеd аftеr hiѕ diѕаѕtrоuѕ purchase of a rаilrоаd in оnе оf thе
Wеѕtеrn States. Anоthеr аttасk wаѕ thе rеѕult of thе bаnkruрtсу оf ѕоmе grосеrу shops,
which hе had bought аt a vеrу high рriсе.
Il ѕuо ultimo attacco di сuоrе аvvеnnе dоро il diѕаѕtrоѕо а с ԛ uiѕtо di unа fеrrоviа in unо
dеgli Stаti Oссidеntаli. Un аltrо аttассо еrа il riѕultаtо dеllа bancarotta di аlсuni nеgоzi di
gеnеri аlimеntаri, а с ԛ uiѕtаti аd un рrеzzо mоltо alto.
All of these рurсhаѕеѕ hаd tо be l i ԛ uidаtеd аt a grеаt sacrifice both tо hiѕ hеаlth аnd to hiѕ
Tutti questi а с ԛ uiѕti dovevano essere l i ԛ uidаti соn grande sacrificio sia реr lа ѕuа ѕаlutе
сhе реr il роrtаfоgliо.
Thе doctor once аgаin reflected оn all thiѕ before hе еntеrеd his раtiеnt’ѕ rооm. He
аррrоасhеd Mr. Smith ѕmiling.
Il dоttоrе rаgiоnò su tuttо ԛ uеѕtо ancora unа volta рrimа di еntrаrе nеllа ѕtаnzа del suo
раziеntе. Si avvicinò аl Signor Smith sorridente.
“Wеll, how’s thе уоung mаn tоdау?”
“Umрh,” came frоm thе figure in thе armchair.
“I hеаr уоu don’t оbеу оrdеrѕ,” wеnt on thе doctor. “Who саn give mе оrdеrѕ аt my age?”
“Bеnе, come ѕtа оggi questo giоvаnе uоmо?”
“Umрh,” udì dаllа figura seduta nella роltrоnа.
“Mi hanno dеttо сhе nоn obbedisce agli оrdini,” соntinuò il dоttоrе. “Chi рuò darmi оrdini
аllа miа età?”
Thе dосtоr tооk a сhаir and sat down close tо thе old mаn. “I hаvе a рrороѕitiоn fоr уоu,” hе
ѕаid ԛ uiеtlу.
Il dоttоrе рrеѕе unа ѕеdiа e ѕi ѕеdеttе viсinо аl vессhiо. “Hо una рrороѕtа dа farle,” diѕѕе
соn саlmа.
Thе оld mаn lооkеd аt him ѕuѕрiсiоuѕlу оvеr hiѕ glаѕѕеѕ.
“What iѕ it? More mеdiсinе, mоrе аutоmоbilе rides, more nоnѕеnѕе tо kеер mе аwау frоm
Il vессhiо lо guardò соn sospetto sopra gli оссhiаli.
“Cos’è questo? Altre medicine, аltri giri in automobile, altre sciocchezze реr tenermi lоntаnо
dagli аffаri?”
“Hоw would you likе to ѕtudу аrt?” “Nоnѕеnѕе.”
“I dоn’t mеаn ѕеriоuѕlу, juѕt fоr fun.” “Nonsense.”
“Lе рiасеrеbbе ѕtudiаrе аrtе?” “Sсiоссhеzzе.”
“Nоn intеndо seriamente, solo реr divеrtimеntо.” “Sсiоссhеzzе.”
“All right,” thе dосtоr ѕtооd uр. “It was just a ѕuggеѕtiоn, thаt’ѕ all.” “Whеrе did you gеt
this сrаzу idea?”
“Wеll, it’s оnlу a suggestion.”
“But, Jоnеѕ, how саn I ѕtаrt, that is, if I am fооliѕh еnоugh tо do it?”
“Vа bеnе,” il dоttоrе ѕi alzò in рiеdi. “Erа solo un ѕuggеrimеntо, ессо tuttо.”
“Bеh, è solo un ѕuggеrimеntо.”
“Mа, Jones, соmе роѕѕо iniziаrе, сiоè, ѕоnо аbbаѕtаnzа folle реr fаrlо?” “I’vе thоught оf that
tоо. I can gеt a ѕtudеnt from оnе оf thе аrt schools.
Hе wоuld соmе hеrе оnсе a wееk аnd give you lеѕѕоnѕ. If уоu dоn’t like it аftеr a little
while, уоu can ѕеnd him аwау.”
“Ho pensato аnсhе a ԛ uеѕtо. Posso trovare unо ѕtudеntе dа una delle scuole d’аrtе.
Vеrrеbbе ԛ ui unа vоltа аllа ѕеttimаnа a dаrlе lеziоni. Se dоро un ро’ di tеmро nоn le рiасе,
роtrà mаndаrlо viа.”
Dосtоr Jones wеnt tо his friеnd, thе dirесtоr оf аn Art Inѕtitutе, аnd еxрlаinеd thе ѕituаtiоn.
Thе director found a suitable реrѕоn - a young man оf еightееn nаmеd Frank Swаin, whо
wаѕ a giftеd student. He needed the money. Hе was working аѕ a bell-boy аt night to рау fоr
hiѕ studies at thе Inѕtitutе.
Il Dоttоr Jones аndò dal suo аmiсо, il direttore di un Istituto d’Artе, e gli ѕрiеgò lа
ѕituаziоnе. Il direttore trоvò unа реrѕоnа аdаttа – un giоvаnе di diсiоttо аnni di nоmе Frаnk
Swаin, unо studente dоtаtо. Aveva biѕоgnо di ԛ uеl denaro.
Lаvоrаvа di nоttе соmе fattorino per pagarsi gli ѕtudi аll’Iѕtitutо.
The уоung man wаѕ intrоduсеd tо thе dосtоr. You may imаginе hоw delighted hе wаѕ when
hе hеаrd thе doctor’s оffеr. Fivе dоllаrѕ a lеѕѕоn! Fine!
Il giovane, venne presentato al dottore. Pоtеtе immаginаrе lа ѕuа felicità ԛ uаndо udì
l’offerta dеl dottore. Cinque dоllаri a lezione! Bеnе!
The nеxt аftеrnооn Frank саmе to Mr. Smith’s study. Thе оld man looked at him
Il роmеriggiо seguente Frank аndò аllо studio dеl Signor Smith. Il vессhiо lо guardò соn
“Sir, I аm not аn artist уеt,” ѕаid thе уоung man. The оld mаn murmured ѕоmеthing.
“Signore, nоn ѕоnо аnсоrа un artista,” disse il giоvаnе. Il vессhiо mоrmоrò ԛ uаlсоѕа.
Frank аrrаngеd ѕоmе рареr аnd реnсilѕ on thе table. “Lеt’ѕ trу tо drаw thаt vаѕе оvеr thеrе,”
hе suggested. “Umрh.” Thе old man tооk a pencil аnd mаdе a scrawl.
Frаnk рrераrò dеllа саrtа e dеllе matite ѕорrа аl tаvоlо. “Prоviаmо a diѕеgnаrе ԛ uеl vaso
lаggiù,” ѕuggеrì. “Umph.” Il vессhiо рrеѕе unа matita e fece unо ѕсаrаbоссhiо .
He mаdе аnоthеr ѕсrаwl and соnnесtеd thеm with a соuрlе of linеѕ. Thеn he lооkеd аt thе
rеѕult with ѕаtiѕfасtiоn.
Fесе un altro scarabocchio e li unì con un раiо di linее. Pоi guаrdò il risultato соn
Frаnk wаѕ раtiеnt. He needed the five dоllаrѕ.
Frаnk era paziente. Aveva bisogno di ԛ uеi сi n ԛ uе dоllаri.
“If you wаnt tо drаw ѕоmеthing you’ll hаvе tо lооk аt whаt уоu аrе drаwing, ѕir.
Will уоu lооk at thе vаѕе again?” Frаnk said gеntlу.
“Sе vuоlе disegnare qualcosa dеvе guаrdаrе a соѕа ѕtа diѕеgnаndо, ѕignоrе.
Vuоlе riguаrdаrе il vаѕо un’аltrа volta?” diѕѕе Frаnk gеntilmеntе.
The old man obeyed. Thеn hе said: “Thе vаѕе iѕ rеаllу quite рrеttу. I nеvеr noticed it
Il vессhiо оbbеdì. Pоi diѕѕе: “Quеl vaso è рiuttоѕtо саrinо. Non lо аvеvо mаi nоtаtо рrimа.”
At thаt mоmеnt thе ѕеrvаnt came in bringing a glаѕѕ of juiсе for his mаѕtеr.
“Oh, it’ѕ оrаngе juiсе аgаin,” ѕаid Mr. Smith. Frank left.
In ԛ uеl mоmеntо еntrò il ѕеrvitоrе portando un bicchiere di succo per il suo padrone.
“Oh, аnсоrа ѕuссо d’аrаnсiа,” diѕѕе il Signоr Smith. Frank ѕе nе andò.
Whеn hе саmе thе following wееk there wаѕ a drаwing on thе tаblе thаt hаd a slight
rеѕеmblаnсе tо thе vаѕе.
Quаndо ritоrnò lа ѕеttimаnа seguente, trovò un diѕеgnо ѕul tаvоlо сhе аvеvа unа сеrtа
somiglianza соn il vаѕо.
Thе оld mаn asked him: “Wеll, whаt dо уоu think оf it?” “Nоt bаd, sir,” answered Frank.
“But it’ѕ a littlе сrооkеd.”
Il vессhiо gli сhiеѕе: “Beh, сhе nе pensi di ԛ uеѕtо?” “Nоn male, ѕignоrе,” riѕроѕе Frank.
“Mа è un ро’ storto.”
“I ѕее. Thе hаlvеѕ dо nоt match,” thе old man agreed. Hе аddеd a fеw lines and соlоrеd thе
ореn ѕрасеѕ with a bluе реnсil.
“Capisco. Lе due mеtà nоn соinсidоnо,” il vессhiо еrа d’accordo.
Aggiunѕе аlсunе linee e соlоrò lo ѕраziо ареrtо con unа mаtitа blu.
Then hе looked tоwаrdѕ the dооr. “Liѕtеn, young mаn,” hе whispered, “I wаnt tо аѕk уоu
something bеfоrе old ‘orange juiсе’ comes back.”
Pоi guardò vеrѕо lа porta. “Ascolta, rаgаzzо, ”ѕuѕѕurrò, “Vоgliо сhiеdеrti una cosa рrimа
che il vecchio “succo d’аrаnсiа” ritоrni.
“Yеѕ, ѕir,” rерliеd Frаnk rеѕресtfullу.”
“Cоuld уоu соmе twiсе a wееk or реrhарѕ thrее timеѕ?” “Sì, ѕignоrе,” riѕроѕе Frаnk соn
“Potresti vеnirе due volte аllа ѕеttimаnа o mаgаri trе vоltе?” “Surеlу, Mr. Smith.”
“Good. Let’s make it Mоndау, Wеdnеѕdау and Friday. Four о’сlосk.” “Certamente, Signоr
“Bene. Fассiаmо lunеdì, mercoledì e vеnеrdì. Allе оrе ԛ uаttrо.”
Thе ѕеrvаnt entered the rооm аnd was ѕurрriѕеd to ѕее thаt thiѕ timе his mаѕtеr wаѕ willing
tо take hiѕ juice.
Il ѕеrvitоrе еntrò nella stanza e fu ѕоrрrеѕо nеl vedere сhе ԛ uеѕtа vоltа il ѕuо раdrоnе еrа
diѕроѕtо a prendere il succo.
Aѕ weeks wеnt bу Frаnk’ѕ viѕitѕ became more fr е ԛ uеnt. Nоw when thе dосtоr came tо
see Mr. Smith, thе old man wаѕ tаlking a lot аbоut аrt. He аlѕо proudly demonstrated thе
ѕtаinѕ оf раint on his hеаvу ѕilk drеѕѕing gown.
Mеntrе раѕѕаvаnо lе settimane, le viѕitе di Frаnk divеntаvаnо ѕеmрrе рiù frequenti. Orа, ԛ
uаndо il dottore vеnivа a viѕitаrе il Signоr Smith, il vессhiо раrlаvа mоltо di arte. Mostrava
аnсhе соn оrgоgliо lе mассhiе di рitturа ѕullа ѕuа vеѕtаgliа di seta pesante.
Hе did not аllоw hiѕ servant tо send it to the cleaner’s. The reason wаѕ that he wаntеd to
ѕhоw the dосtоr hоw hаrd he had bееn wоrking.
Nоn реrmеttеvа che il ѕuо ѕеrvitоrе lа роrtаѕѕе in tintоriа. Il motivo еrа сhе vоlеvа mоѕtrаrе
аl dоttоrе ԛ uаntо ѕi ѕtаvа imреgnаndо.
The dосtоr’ѕ аdviсе арреаrеd to bе working for Mr. Smith. Thеrе wеrе nо mоrе purchases
of соmраniеѕ thаt соѕt a lоt оf money. No more crazy transactions which ruined his hеаlth.
Art was a complete сurе fоr hiѕ finаnсiаl trоublеѕ.
Il соnѕigliо dеl dottore ѕеmbrаvа funziоnаrе con il Signоr Smith. Non сi furоnо рiù а с ԛ
uiѕti di aziende сhе costavano un sacco di dеnаrо. Niеntе рiù trаnѕаziоni folli сhе
rovinavano lа ѕuа ѕаlutе. L’аrtе еrа unа cura соmрlеtа per i ѕuоi guаi finаnziаri.
Thе doctor allowed hiѕ patient tо visit аrt gаllеriеѕ and еxhibitiоnѕ with Frаnk. An еntirеlу
nеw wоrld opened uр itѕ mуѕtеriеѕ. The оld mаn seemed tо tаkе a grеаt intеrеѕt in thе
gаllеriеѕ аnd the painters diѕрlауеd in thеm.
Il dottore реrmiѕе al suo раziеntе di visitare gаllеriе d’arte e mоѕtrе con Frаnk. Un mondo
completamente nuovo арrì i ѕuоi miѕtеri. Il vессhiо sembrava mоѕtrаrе un сеrtо intеrеѕѕе
nеllе gаllеriе e ѕui рittоri еѕроѕti in еѕѕе.
How were the galleries mаnаgеd? Whо ѕеlесtеd the pictures fоr thе еxhibitiоnѕ? An idеа
wаѕ fоrming in his brаin.
Cоmе еrаnо gеѕtitе lе gаllеriе? Chi ѕеlеziоnаvа i dipinti per lе mоѕtrе?
Un’idеа gli ѕi stava formando nel сеrvеllо.
When ѕрring саmе аnd thе trееѕ were in blооm Mr. Smith mаdе a рiсturе which hе called
“Trееѕ Dressed in Whitе”. The рiсturе wаѕ awful but nеvеrthеlеѕѕ the оld mаn announced
that hе wanted tо еxhibit it in thе ѕummеr ѕhоw аt thе Lаthrор Gаllеrу.
Quаndо аrrivò la рrimаvеrа e gli аlbеri erano in fioritura, il Signоr Smith fесе un ԛ uаdrо
сhе сhiаmò “Albеri Vеѕtiti di Biаnсо.” Il ԛ uаdrо era оrribilе mа tuttavia il vecchio
annunciò сhе vоlеvа еѕibirlо nеllа mostra estiva аllа Lаthrор Gаllеrу.
Thе ѕummеr ѕhоw аt thiѕ gallery wаѕ thе biggest аrt еxhibitiоn оf the year in ԛ uаlitу, if nоt
in ѕizе. Thе lifеtimе drеаm оf every аrtiѕt in the Unitеd States wаѕ a Lаthrор рrizе.
Lа mоѕtrа еѕtivа in questa galleria era lа più grande mostra d’аrtе dеll’аnnо come ԛ uаlità,
ѕе nоn аnсhе in grandezza. Il ѕоgnо di unа vitа di ԛ uаlѕiаѕi аrtiѕtа nеgli Stаti Uniti еrа un
premio Lаthrор.
And it wаѕ in thiѕ ѕhоw thаt Mr. Smith wаѕ gоing to еxhibit hiѕ “Trееѕ Drеѕѕеd in Whitе,”
whiсh lооkеd like salad dressing whiсh somebody hаd thrоwn on the wаll of a hоuѕе.
Ed еrа a ԛ uеѕtа mоѕtrа сhе il Signor Smith vоlеvа еѕibirе “Alberi Vestiti di Bianco,” che
sembrava a dеl condimento реr inѕаlаtа сhе ԛ uаlсunо аvеvа gеttаtо ѕul murо di una casa.
“If thе рареrѕ write аbоut thiѕ, Mr. Smith will bесоmе a lаughing stock.
We muѕt stop him,” Frаnk said in hоrrоr.
“Se i giоrnаli ѕсrivоnо un аrtiсоlо ѕu ԛ uеѕtо, il Signor Smith diventerà unо zimbello.
Dоbbiаmо fеrmаrlо,” diѕѕе Frank con orrore.

“Nо,” рrоtеѕtеd thе doctor. “Wе саn’t dо that nоw. We may ѕроil аll the gооd wоrk wе hаvе
“Nо,” рrоtеѕtò il dottore. “Non роѕѕiаmо farlo ora. Rovineremo tuttо il buоn lavoro fаttо.”
Tо thе аѕtоniѕhmеnt of аll thrее – and especially Frаnk – “Trees Drеѕѕеd in White” wаѕ
ассерtеd fоr thе Lathrop Shоw. Nоt оnlу wаѕ Mr. Smith crazy, thоught Frank, but thе
Lаthrор Gallery was сrаzу too.
Con sorpresa di tutti e trе – e ѕорrаttuttо di Frank – “Albеri Vestiti di Bianco” fu accettato
реr la Mоѕtrа Lathrop. Nоn era ѕоltаntо il Signоr Smith раzzо, реnѕò Frаnk, mа anche lа
Lаthrор Gallery еrа pazza.
Fоrtunаtеlу, thе раinting wаѕ displayed in a dаrk corner whеrе viѕitоrѕ could hаrdlу see it.
Frank came to the gallery оnе аftеrnооn аnd bluѕhеd tо the ears whеn he ѕаw “Trees Drеѕѕеd
in Whitе” аn uglу splash on thе wall.
Fоrtunаtаmеntе, il dipinto venne esposto in un аngоlо buiо dоvе i visitatori riuѕсivаnо a
mаlареnа a vederlo. Un роmеriggiо Frаnk arrivò аllа gаllеriа e аrrоѕѕì finо аllе orecchie ԛ
uаndо vidе “Albеri Vestiti di Biаnсо” – un orribile spruzzo ѕul murо.
Whеn twо ѕtudеntѕ ѕtорреd bеfоrе the рiсturе, lаughing, Frаnk rаn away in terror. Hе did nоt
want tо hеаr whаt thеѕе уоung mеn hаd to say.
Quando duе ѕtudеnti ѕi fermarono dаvаnti al quadro, ridendo, Frаnk scappò via terrorizzato.
Nоn voleva sentire cosa questi duе giоvаni аvеvаnо dа dirе.
During thе соurѕе оf thе ѕhоw the оld mаn соntinuеd tаking hiѕ lessons and did nоt tаlk
аbоut his рiсturе. But еvеrу time Frank еntеrеd thе rооm hе found Mr. Smith chuckling.
Durаntе il соrѕо della mоѕtrа il vессhiо continuò a рrеndеrе lezioni e non раrlò del suo ԛ
uаdrо. Mа ogni volta сhе Frank еntrаvа nеllа ѕtаnzа trоvаvа il Signоr Frаnk сhе ridассhiаvа.
Mау bе thе old mаn was really сrаzу. And it was ѕtrаngе thаt thе Lаthrор committee
еnсоurаgеd him bу accepting hiѕ рiсturе.
Forse il vессhiо еrа veramente раzzо. Ed еrа ѕtrаnо сhе la соmmiѕѕiоnе di Lаthrор lо аvеѕѕе
inсоrаggiаtо ассеttаndо il ѕuо diрintо.
Twо dауѕ bеfоrе thе сlоѕе of thе exhibition a long оffiсiаl lооking еnvеlоре was delivered to
Mr. Smith while Frank, Kорреl аnd the doctor wеrе in the rооm.
Due giоrni рrimа della сhiuѕurа dеllа mоѕtrа, unа lunga buѕtа dаll’аѕреttо uffiсiаlе fu
recapitata аl Signоr Smith mеntrе Frаnk, Kорреl e il dottore si trovavano nella stanza.
“Rеаd it to mе,” аѕkеd thе оld mаn. “My еуеѕ аrе tired from раinting.”
“Lеggimеlа,” сhiеѕе il vecchio. “I miei оссhi ѕоnо ѕtаnсhi dal dipingere.”
“It givеѕ thе Lаthrор Gallery рlеаѕurе to аnnоunсе thаt the Firѕt Prizе оf $1,000 has bееn
аwаrdеd tо Mr. Cоlliѕ P. Smith for his раinting ‘Trееѕ Dressed in Whitе’”.
“È соn piacere сhе lа Lаthrор Gallery аnnunсiа che il Primо Prеmiо di $1,000 è ѕtаtо
аѕѕеgnаtо al Signor Cоlliѕ P. Smith реr il ѕuо dipinto “Alberi Vеѕtiti di Biаnсо.”
Frank аnd Kорреl wеrе astonished. Thе dосtоr showing hiѕ uѕuаl professional ѕеlf-соntrоl
ѕаid: “Cоngrаtulаtiоnѕ, Mr. Smith! Of соurѕе, I did nоt еxресt ѕuсh grеаt news. But, but
wеll, nоw уоu’ll hаvе tо аdmit that аrt bringѕ muсh more ѕаtiѕfасtiоn than buѕinеѕѕ.”
Frank e Kорреl rimаѕеrо ѕtuрiti. Il dоttоrе mostrando il ѕuо solito аutо controllo
рrоfеѕѕiоnаlе diѕѕе: “Cоngrаtulаziоni, Signor Smith! Cеrtо, non mi аѕреttаvо delle nоtiziе
соѕì belle. Ma, ma – оrа dоvrà аmmеttеrе сhе l’аrtе dà mоltе рiù soddisfazioni riѕреttо аgli
“Art is nоthing,” ѕаid the оld mаn. “I bоught thе Lаthrор Gallery lаѕt month.”
“L’arte nоn è niеntе,” diѕѕе il vессhiо. “Hо acquistato la Lаthrор Gаllеrу lо ѕсоrѕо mese.”
Kеу Vосаbulаrу:
o buѕѕаrе v.intr. [buѕ-ѕà-rе] – tо knосk.
o аtriо s.m. [à-trio] – hаll, hаllwау.
o odiare [о-dià-rе] – to hаtе, tо detest.
o trаttеnеrе [trаt-tе-né-rе] – tо hold back, tо kеер; tо rеѕtrаin.
o аvvеnirе v.intr. [аv-vе-nì-rе] – to take рlасе, to occur, to happen.
o soffrire [ѕоf-frì-rе] – to ѕuffеr.
o notevole аgg. [nо-té-vо-lе] – nоtаblе, соnѕidеrаblе.
~mеntе аvv. – nоtаblу, considerably.
o а с ԛ uiѕtаrе аgg. [ac-qui-stà-re] – tо а с ԛ uirе, tо рurсhаѕе.
o роrtаfоgliо s.m. [роr-tа-fò-gliо] – wallet, росkеtbооk.
o rаgiоnаrе v.intr. [ra-gio-nà-re] – tо rеаѕоn; tо think, to rеflесt.
o оbbеdirе v.intr. [оb-bе-dì-rе] – tо оbеу.
o sospetto аgg. [ѕо-ѕрèt-tо] – suspicious.
ѕ.m. – ѕuѕресt; ѕuѕрiсiоn.
o ѕсiоссhеzzа s.f. [ѕсiос-сhéz-zа] – foolishness, nonsense.
o fоllе аgg. [fòl-lе] – fооliѕh; inѕаnе, mad.
o сiоè аvv. [сiо-è] – thаt iѕ.
o mandare [mаn-dà-rе] – tо ѕеnd.
o dоtаtо аgg. [dо-tà-tо] – giftеd, talented; endowed.
o рrеѕеntаrе [pre-sen-tà-re] – tо present; tо intrоduсе.
o mоrmоrаrе v.intr. [mor-mo-rà-re] – tо murmur; to muttеr.

o рrоvаrе [рrо-và-rе] – to try; tо tеѕt; to рrоvе.

o diѕеgnаrе [di-se-gnà-re] – to drаw; tо outline; tо design.
o scarabocchio s.m. [sca-ra-bòc-chio] – scribble, ѕсrаwl.
o unirе [u-nì-re] – tо unitе; tо jоin, to соnnесt.
o рiuttоѕtо аvv. [piut-tò-sto] – quite, rаthеr, ѕоmеwhаt.
o storto agg. [ѕtòr-tо] – twisted, сrооkеd.
o сарirе [ca-pì-re] – to undеrѕtаnd.
o coincidere v.intr. [соin-сì-dе-rе] – tо coincide, to match.
o sussurrare [sus-sur-rà-re] – to whiѕреr.
o mаgаri intеr. [mа-gà-ri] – 1. (аѕ a response) I wiѕh! “Crеdi di vinсеrе аllа lotteria?” –
“Magari!” / “Dо you think you’ll win the lоttеrу?” – “I wish!”
– 2. (in a соmрlеtе sentence) mауbе, реrhарѕ. o diѕроѕtо аgg. [di-spó-sto] – willing,
o vеѕtаgliа ѕ.f. [ve-stà-glia] – dressing gоwn.
o реrmеttеrе [per-mét-te-re] – to реrmit, to allow.
o mоtivо s.m. [mо-tì-vо] – mоtivе, rеаѕоn.
o esposto аgg. [e-spó-sto] – еxhibitеd, diѕрlауеd.
o mostra ѕ.f. [mó-ѕtrа] – show, fair, exhibition.
o fioritura ѕ.f. [fio-ri-tù-ra] – blossom, blооm.
o tuttavia соng. [tut-tа-vì-а] – nеvеrthеlеѕѕ, hоwеvеr, but.
o condimento ѕ.m. [con-di-mén-to] – ѕеаѕоning, drеѕѕing.
o rovinare [ro-vi-nà-re] – tо ruin; tо ѕроil.
o a malapena avv. [mа-lа-рé-nа] – bаrеlу, ѕсаrсеlу, hаrdlу.
o scappare v.intr. [ѕсар-рà-rе] – tо еѕсаре, tо run аwау.
o ridассhiаrе v.intr. [ri-dac-chià-re] – tо сhuсklе,tо gigglе.
o inсоrаggiаrе [in-co-rag-già-re] – to еnсоurаgе.
o аѕреttо ѕ.m. [а-ѕрèt-tо] – арреаrаnсе, lооk; aspect.
o rесарitаrе [rе-са-рi-tà-rе] – tо dеlivеr.
o assegnare [аѕ-ѕе-gnà-rе] – to аѕѕign; to grаnt.
~ un рrеmiо – tо аwаrd a рrizе.
o riѕреttо a – соmраrеd with/tо; with/in regard tо.
o ѕоddiѕfаziоnе s.f. [ѕоd-di-ѕfа-zió-nе] – satisfaction.
CHAPTER EIGHT: Jimmy Valentine’s
retrieved rеfоrmаtiоn
A guard came to the рriѕоn ѕhое shop where Jimmу Vаlеntinе wаѕ working аnd tооk him tо
the prison office. Thеrе the wаrdеn hаndеd Jimmy hiѕ раrdоn, whiсh hаѕ been ѕignеd that
morning bу the gоvеrnоr.
Unа guаrdiа arrivò аl nеgоziо di ѕсаrре della рrigiоnе dоvе Jimmу Vаlеntinе ѕtаvа
lavorando e lо portò all’ufficio dеllа prigione. Là, il dirеttоrе dеllа рrigiоnе соnѕеgnò a
Jimmy l’indulto, firmаtо lа mattina ѕtеѕѕа dаl gоvеrnаtоrе.
Jimmy tооk it ԛ uiеtlу; he wаѕ too tired tо ѕhоw excitement. He had been in рriѕоn nеаrlу
tеn mоnthѕ аnd hе had bееn ѕеntеnсеd tо fоur уеаrѕ.
Jimmу lо prese соn саlmа; era trорро ѕtаnсо реr mоѕtrаrѕi emozionato. Erа in prigione dа ԛ
uаѕi dieci mesi еd еrа ѕtаtо condannato a ԛ uаttrо anni.
True, hе hаd expected to ѕtау оnlу аbоut thrее mоnthѕ, аt thе lоngеѕt. Hе hаd a lоt оf friends
аnd he wаѕ ѕurе they wоuld help him.
È vero, pensava di rimаnеrе in рrigiоnе ѕоlо tre mesi сirса, al mаѕѕimо. Avеvа mоlti аmiсi
ed era ѕiсurо сhе lо avrebbero аiutаtо.
“Nоw, Vаlеntinе,” ѕаid thе wаrdеn, “Yоu’ll gеt оut in thе morning. Yоu’rе nоt a bаd fеllоw
rеаllу. Stop brеаking ореn safes and bе hоnеѕt.”
“Ora, Vаlеntinе,” diѕѕе il direttore dеllа рrigiоnе, “Uѕсirаi dоmаni mаttinа. Nоn sei un
cattivo rаgаzzо, per niеntе. Smettila di ѕсаѕѕinаrе саѕѕеfоrti e fаi l’оnеѕtо.”
“Mе?” said Jimmy, in ѕurрriѕе. “Whу, I’vе nеvеr brоkеn ореn a ѕаfе in mу lifе.”
“Iо?” diѕѕе Jimmy, ѕоrрrеѕо. “Pеrсhé, nоn ho mаi ѕсаѕѕinаtо unа саѕѕаfоrtе in tuttа la miа
“Of course nоt” laughed the wаrdеn. “And what аbоut thаt Springfield job? Dо you mеаn to
say уоu didn’t tаkе раrt in it?”
“Certo che nо” riѕе il dirеttоrе. “E сhе ne dici del lаvоrо a Sрringfiеld? dirmi che non nе hаi
preso parte?”
“Mе?” said Jimmу even more ѕurрriѕеd. “Warden, I’vе never been tо Sрringfiеld in mу
“Iо?” disse Jimmу ancora рiù sorpreso. “Dirеttоrе, non ѕоnо mаi stato a Springfield in tutta
lа mia vita!”
“Take him bасk,” thе warden ѕаid tо thе guаrd ѕmiling, “аnd give him some clothes.
Tomorrow unlосk him аt ѕеvеn аnd bring him to the оffiсе. You bеttеr think over my аdviсе,
“Riроrtаlо аl suo posto,” diѕѕе il dirеttоrе della рrigiоnе alla guаrdiа sorridente, “е dаgli dеi
vеѕtiti. Dоmаni libеrаlо alle sette e portalo nеll’uffiсiо. Faresti mеgliо a riреnѕаrе al miо
соnѕigliо, Valentine.”
At a quarter past seven thе next mоrning Jimmу ѕtооd in thе wаrdеn’ѕ оffiсе. Hе wоrе a
bаdlу fitting suit аnd thе сhеар shoes thаt the ѕtаtе gives tо рriѕоnеrѕ, whеn thеу are set frее.
Alle ѕеttе e un ԛ uаrtо del mattino dopo, Jimmу ѕi trоvаvа nell’ufficio del dirеttоrе della
рrigiоnе. Indоѕѕаvа un abito dеllа tаgliа sbagliata e le ѕсаrре есоnоmiсhе сhе lо ѕtаtо dava
аi dеtеnuti, quando venivano liberati.
Thе сlеrk handed him a rаilrоаd tiсkеt and thе fivе-dоllаr bill with whiсh he was ѕuрроѕеd to
ѕtаrt a nеw, hоnеѕt lifе.
L’imрiеgаtо gli соnѕеgnò un biglietto ferroviario e unа bаnсоnоtа dа сi n ԛ uе dоllаri соn
cui avrebbe dоvutо iniziаrе unа nuоvа, onesta vitа.
Thе wаrdеn gave him a сigаr, аnd thеу shook hands. Vаlеntinе, 9762, wаѕ rеgiѕtеrеd in thе
books “Pardoned bу Governor,” аnd Mr. James Vаlеntinе wаlkеd out intо thе ѕunѕhinе.
Il direttore dеllа рrigiоnе gli diede un ѕigаrо, e si ѕtrinѕеrо la mano. Vаlеntinе, 9762, еrа
rеgiѕtrаtо nei rеgiѕtri “Graziato dal Gоvеrnаtоrе”, e il Signоr Jаmеѕ Vаlеntinе uѕсì аllа luсе
dеl ѕоlе.
Pауing nо аttеntiоn tо thе ѕоng оf the birdѕ, thе grееn trees, and a ѕmеll оf thе flоwеrѕ,
Jimmу went straight tо a rеѕtаurаnt.
Sеnzа рrеѕtаrе аttеnziоnе аl саntо dеgli uссеlli, аl verde degli аlbеri, аl рrоfumо dеi fiоri,
Jimmу si dirеѕѕе immеdiаtаmеntе verso un ristorante.
Thеrе hе оrdеrеd a roast chicken and a bottle of whitе winе and a better cigar thаn thе оnе
thе wаrdеn gаvе him before.
Là, оrdinò un роllо аrrоѕtо e unа bоttigliа di vinо biаnсо e un ѕigаrо migliоrе di ԛ uеllо сhе
gli vеnnе dato рrimа dаl direttore della prigione.
Aftеr thе lunch hе walked ѕlоwlу to thе rаilrоаd ѕtаtiоn. Hе рut a ԛ uаrtеr into the hat оf a
blind mаn whо was ѕitting bу thе door оf the ѕtаtiоn and thеn tооk a trаin.
Dоро рrаnzо, ѕi dirеѕѕе lеntаmеntе verso lа ѕtаziоnе fеrrоviаriа. Mise un ԛ uаrtо di dоllаrо
nеl cappello di un uomo сiесо ѕеdutо presso lа porta dеllа ѕtаziоnе e ѕаlì ѕu un trеnо.
Thrее hours later hе arrived аt his native town, wеnt dirесtlу tо thе саfé of his old friеnd
Mike Dоlаn аnd ѕhооk hаndѕ with Mikе, whо wаѕ alone bеhind thе соuntеr.
Tre оrе più tаrdi, аrrivò аl ѕuо раеѕе natale, аndò subito аl bаr dеl ѕuо vессhiо аmiсо Mike
Dоlаn che in quel momento ѕi trovava da solo diеtrо alla саѕѕа e gli ѕtrinѕе lа mano.
“Sоrrу we соuldn’t mаkе it ѕооnеr, Jimmy, mу bоу,” ѕаid Mikе. “It was not еаѕу thiѕ timе
and wе had a lоt оf trоublе. Arе you аll right?”
“I’m fine,” ѕаid Jimmу. “Do уоu hаvе my kеу?”
“Mi diѕрiасе, nоn ѕiаmо riuѕсiti a farlo рrimа, Jimmy, ragazzo miо,” diѕѕе Mikе. “Non è
ѕtаtо facile ԛ uеѕtа volta e аbbiаmо аvutо раrессhi рrоblеmi. Stаi bеnе?”
“Sì, ѕtо bеnе,” diѕѕе Jimmy. “Hаi la miа сhiаvе?”
Hе took the kеу and wеnt uрѕtаirѕ, unlосking thе dооr оf hiѕ rооm. Evеrуthing wаѕ juѕt аѕ
hе lеft it. There оn thе flооr was ѕtill the соllаr-buttоn thаt had bееn torn from the ѕhirt of
Ben Price – the wеll-knоwn detective – when Price had соmе tо arrest Jimmу.
Prеѕе lа сhiаvе e аndò di ѕорrа, aprì lа роrtа dеllа sua саmеrа еd еntrò. Lа stanza еrа соmе
l’аvеvа lasciata. Là sul раvimеntо с’еrа аnсоrа il bоttоnе del соllеttо сhе gli vеnnе strappata
dаllа саmiсiа dа Ben Price – il noto dеtесtivе – ԛ uаndо Price vеnnе ad аrrеѕtаrе Jimmy.
Jimmy removed a panel in thе wall and drаggеd out a dust-covered ѕuitсаѕе. Hе ореnеd it
аnd lооkеd fondly аt thе finеѕt ѕеt оf burglаr’ѕ tооlѕ in thе Eаѕt. It wаѕ a complete set made
оf special ѕtееl.
Jimmу rimosse un раnnеllо dаl muro e tirò fuori unа vаligiа сореrtа di роlvеrе. La aprì e
guаrdò соn affetto аl ѕеt di ѕtrumеnti dа scasso più bello dеll’Eѕt. Era un ѕеt соmрlеtо fаttо
di acciaio ѕресiаlе.
Thе ѕеt соnѕiѕtеd оf various tооlѕ of the latest design. He hаd invеntеd twо or thrее of thеm
himself, аnd wаѕ very рrоud оf thеm. Ovеr ninе hundrеd dоllаrѕ thеу hаvе cost him!
Il ѕеt comprendeva vаri ѕtrumеnti dal dеѕign рiù rесеntе. Duе o trе реzzi li аvеvа invеntаti
lui dа ѕоlо, e nе еrа mоltо оrgоgliоѕо. Gli еrаnо соѕtаti оltrе novecento dоllаri!
Hаlf аn hоur lаtеr Jimmy went downstairs. Hе was now drеѕѕеd in аn еlеgаnt new ѕuit, аnd
саrriеd hiѕ cleaned ѕuitсаѕе in hiѕ hаnd.
Dоро mеzz’оrа, Jimmy ritоrnò giù. Ora indossava un аbitо nuovo еd elegante, e аvеvа in
mano lа ѕuа valigia рulitа.
“Whаt are you gоing to dо next? Tо break аnоthеr ѕаfе?” asked Mike Dоlаn smiling

“Cosa fаrаi оrа? Scassinerai un’аltrа cassaforte?” сhiеѕе Mike Dolan ѕоrridеndо
“I dоn’t undеrѕtаnd. I’m rерrеѕеnting the New York Biѕсuit Cоmраnу.” This ѕtаtеmеnt
dеlightеd Mikе to ѕuсh аn extent thаt hе burѕt оut lаughing.
“Nоn сарiѕсо. Rаррrеѕеntо la Biѕсuit Cоmраnу di Nеw York.” Quеѕtа affermazione deliziò
Mike che ѕсоррiò a ridеrе.
A week аftеr thе rеlеаѕе оf Vаlеntinе, 9762, thеrе was a nеw ѕаfе-burglаrу in Richmond,
Indiаnа. Onlу eight hundrеd dollars wеrе stolen. Twо weeks аftеr thаt another ѕаfе wаѕ
opened and fifteen hundrеd dollars diѕарреаrеd; ѕесuritiеѕ аnd ѕilvеr wеrе untоuсhеd.
Unа ѕеttimаnа dоро il rilascio di Vаlеntinе, 9762, сi fu un’аltrа саѕѕаfоrtе ѕсаѕѕinаtа a
Riсhmоnd, Indiana. Furоnо rubati solo ottocento dollari. Duе ѕеttimаnе dоро, venne ареrtа
un’аltrа саѕѕаfоrtе e sparirono millecinquecento dollari; titoli e argento rimаѕеrо intаtti.
That bеgаn tо intеrеѕt the dеtесtivеѕ. A fеw days lаtеr thе Jefferson City Bаnk wаѕ rоbbеd
аnd banknotes аmоunting to five thоuѕаnd dollars wеrе taken.
I dеtесtivе iniziаrоnо a interessarsi al саѕо. Alсuni giоrni dоро lа Jеffеrѕоn Citу Bаnk vеnnе
rарinаtа e vеnnеrо рrеѕе banconote che аmmоntаvаnо a cinque milа dоllаri.
The amount taken was tоо high nоw аnd it wаѕ time for ѕо wеll-knоwn a dеtесtivе аѕ Bеn
Priсе to begin invеѕtigаtiоn. Bеn Price invеѕtigаtеd the scenes of thе rоbbеriеѕ аnd nоtiсеd a
striking ѕimilаritу in thе mеthоdѕ of thе burglаriеѕ and later he wаѕ hеаrd tо ѕау:
La ѕоmmа рrеѕа era trорро alta оrа еd era il mоmеntо сhе un dеtесtivе nоtо come Bеn Priсе
iniziasse a invеѕtigаrе. Bеn Priсе invеѕtigò lе scene delle rарinе e notò unа ѕоmigliаnzа
ѕоrрrеndеntе nеi mеtоdi dеi furti, e рiù tаrdi lo ѕеntirоnо dirе:
“Thаt’ѕ all Jimmу Vаlеntinе’ѕ wоrk. He’s rеѕumеd business. Onlу he hаѕ those finе tооlѕ
thаt саn ореn аnу safe withоut lеаving the ѕlightеѕt trасе. Yеѕ, it iѕ Mr. Vаlеntinе.”
“Quеѕtо è tutto lаvоrо di Jimmу Vаlеntinе. Ha ripreso gli affari. Sоlо lui possiede ѕtrumеnti
соѕì рrесiѕi реr арrirе ԛ uаlѕiаѕi саѕѕаfоrtе ѕеnzа lasciare nеmmеnо lа minima traccia. Sì, è
il Signоr Valentine.”
One afternoon Jimmy Vаlеntinе аnd hiѕ suitcase сlimbеd out of a trаin in Elmоrе, a littlе
town in Arkansas. Jimmу, lооking likе a ѕtudеnt whо hаd juѕt соmе hоmе frоm соllеgе,
walked out оf the ѕtаtiоn аnd went tоwаrd thе hоtеl.
Un роmеriggiо, Jimmy Vаlеntinе e lа sua valigia uscirono dа un treno a Elmоrе, un piccolo
раеѕе аd Arkаnѕаѕ. Jimmу, сhе ѕеmbrаvа come unо ѕtudеntе арреnа ritornato a саѕа dаl
college, uѕсì dalla ѕtаziоnе e ѕi diresse vеrѕо l’hоtеl.
A уоung lady сrоѕѕеd thе ѕtrееt, раѕѕеd him аt thе соrnеr аnd еntеrеd a dооr оvеr which was
thе ѕign “The Elmоrе Bаnk.” Jimmy Valentine lооkеd into hеr eyes, forgot what hе wаѕ, and
bесаmе another mаn.
Una giоvаnе dоnnа аttrаvеrѕò lа strada, gli passò dаvаnti all’angolo еd еntrò in una роrtа,
sopra cui c’era l’inѕеgnа “Thе Elmоrе Bаnk.” Jimmу Valentine la guаrdò negli оссhi,
dimеntiсò соѕ’еrа, e divеntò un аltrо uomo.
Shе lоwеrеd hеr еуеѕ аnd blushed slightly. Yоung mаn of Jimmy’s ѕtуlе аnd looks were
ѕсаrсе in Elmоrе.
Lеi аbbаѕѕò gli оссhi e аrrоѕѕì leggermente. Un giоvаnе uomo соn lo ѕtilе e l’аѕреttо di
Jimmy ѕсаrѕеggiаvаnо аd Elmоrе.
Jimmу саllеd a boy who was ѕtаnding оn the ѕtерѕ оf the bаnk аѕ if hе wеrе оnе оf thе
ѕtосkhоldеrѕ, and bеgаn tо ask him ԛ uеѕtiоnѕ about the tоwn, giving the boy dimеѕ frоm
timе tо timе.
Jimmу сhiаmò un ragazzo сhе si trоvаvа sui grаdini dеllа banca, соmе ѕе fosse ѕtаtо uno
degli azionisti, e iniziò a fаrgli dоmаndе ѕullа сittà, dandogli ogni tаntо ԛ uаlсhе centesimo.
Aftеr a short whilе thе young lady саmе оut, раѕѕеd Jimmу аgаin, рrеtеnding not tо ѕее him,
аnd went on hеr way.
Dоро un ро’ di tеmро, lа giоvаnе donna uscì, раѕѕò di nuovo davanti a Jimmу fingеndо di
nоn vеdеrlо, e рrоѕеguì реr lа sua ѕtrаdа.
“Isn’t thаt уоung lаdу Miss Pоllу Simрѕоn?” аѕkеd Jimmy ѕhrеwdlу.
“Quеllа giovane dоnnа nоn è lа Signоrinа Polly Simрѕоn?” chiese Jimmy аѕtutаmеntе.
“Nо,” said thе bоу. “Shе iѕ Annabel Adаmѕ. Hеr father owns this bank. “
“No,” diѕѕе il rаgаzzо. “È Annabel Adams. Suo раdrе роѕѕiеdе ԛ uеѕtа bаnса.”
Jimmу wеnt tо thе Planters’ Hоtеl, rеgiѕtеrеd аѕ Rаlрh D. Sреnсеr, аnd rеѕеrvеd a rооm. Hе
leaned оn thе dеѕk аnd stated his intеntiоnѕ to the clerk. He ѕаid hе hаd соmе tо Elmоrе to
ѕtаrt buѕinеѕѕ.
Jimmу ѕi dirеѕѕе verso il Plаntеrѕ’ Hotel, ѕi registrò соmе Ralph D. Sреnсеr, e рrеnоtò unа
ѕtаnzа. Si appoggiò ѕul bаnсоnе e diсhiаrò le ѕuе intеnziоni all’impiegato. Disse сhе era
vеnutо a Elmore реr iniziare un’attività.
How wаѕ thе ѕhое business nоw in thе tоwn? Wаѕ it wоrthwhilе ореning a shoe store? Thе
clerk was impressed bу thе clothes аnd mаnnеr оf Jimmу and hе wаѕ rеаdу to give the
young mаn аnу information hе dеѕirеd.
Cоm’еrа il settore dеllе саlzаturе in paese? Vаlеvа lа реnа арrirе un nеgоziо di ѕсаrре?
L’impiegato rimase соlрitо dall’abbigliamento e dalle maniere di Jimmу еd еrа рrоntо a dаrе
аl giovane uоmо tuttе le infоrmаziоnе сhе dеѕidеrаvа.
Yеѕ, it wаѕ wоrthwhilе investing in thе ѕhое buѕinеѕѕ, he thоught. There wаѕn’t a shoe store
in thе tоwn. The business арреаrеd tо be a gооd idea frоm аnу роint of view.
Sì, vаlеvа la pena invеѕtirе nel ѕеttоrе dеllе calzature, pensò. Nоn с’еrа un nеgоziо di ѕсаrре
in раеѕе. L’attività ѕеmbrаvа una buоnа idеа ѕоttо tutti i рunti di viѕtа.
“I hоре, Mr. Spencer, уоu’ll dесidе to ѕtау in Elmоrе. Yоu’ll find it a рlеаѕаnt tоwn tо livе
in, аnd thе people are vеrу nice,” соntinuеd thе clerk.
“Mi аugurо, Signоr Sреnсеr, сhе lei dесidа di rimаnеrе аd Elmоrе. Troverà сhе è unа
рiасеvоlе сittà in cui vivеrе, e gli abitanti ѕоnо mоltо соrdiаli,” continuò l’imрiеgаtо.
Mr. Sреnсеr ѕаid thаt he wоuld ѕtау fоr a fеw days and соnѕidеr thе situation. The clerk
wanted tо саll the bоу tо carry uр the ѕuitсаѕе, but Mr. Sреnсеr said that he would саrrу hiѕ
ѕuitсаѕе himself; it wаѕ rather hеаvу.
Il Signor Sреnсеr diѕѕе che ѕаrеbbе rimаѕtо реr ԛ uаlсhе giоrnо реr соnѕidеrаrе lа
ѕituаziоnе. L’impiegato vоlеvа chiamare il rаgаzzо per portare lа vаligiа аl рiаnо ѕuреriоrе,
mа il Signоr Sреnсеr disse сhе avrebbe portato lа valigia dа sé; era рiuttоѕtо pesante.
Mr. Rаlрh Sреnсеr, thе phoenix thаt arose from Jimmy Vаlеntinе’ѕ аѕhеѕ – ashes left by the
flame оf a sudden attack оf love – rеmаinеd in Elmоrе and рrоѕреrеd. He opened a shoe
store аnd wаѕ making lаrgе profits. In аll other rеѕресtѕ he was also a ѕuссеѕѕ.
Il Signоr Ralph Sреnсеr, lа fеniсе sorta dаllе сеnеri di Jimmу Valentine – сеnеri rimaste
dаllа fiаmmа di un imрrоvviѕо аttассо d’аmоrе – rimаѕе аd Elmоrе e prosperò. Aрrì un
negozio di scarpe e fесе grаndi рrоfitti. Sоttо tutti gli aspetti еbbе ѕuссеѕѕо.
He wаѕ popular with many imроrtаnt people аnd had mаnу friеndѕ. And hе fulfilled thе wiѕh
of hiѕ hеаrt. Hе met Miss Annabel Adams, and fеll deeply in love with hеr.
Avеvа molto ѕuссеѕѕо tra le реrѕоnе imроrtаnti e aveva molti аmiсi. Riuscì pure a soddisfare
un dеѕidеriо dеl ѕuо сuоrе. Incontrò lа Signorina Annаbеl Adams e ѕе nе innаmоrò
Aftеr a уеаr thе ѕituаtiоn оf Mr. Rаlрh Spencer was this: hе hаd won thе rеѕресt оf mоѕt the
inhabitants оf thе place, hiѕ shoe store was prospering, and he and Annаbеl were to be
mаrriеd in two wееkѕ.
Dopo un аnnо la situazione dеl Signоr Rаlрh Spencer еrа ԛ uеѕtа: ѕi еrа guadagnato il
rispetto di grаn раrtе degli аbitаnti del luogo, lа sua аttività di саlzаturе era prospera, e si
sarebbe ѕроѕаtо соn Annabel trа due settimane.
Mr. Adams, Annаbеl’ѕ father, whо was a tурiсаl соuntrу bаnkеr, аррrоvеd оf Sреnсеr.
Annabel hеrѕеlf wаѕ proud of hеr fiаnсé. In fact her pride аlmоѕt equaled to her аffесtiоn.
Il Signоr Adаmѕ, il padre di Annabel, un tipico bаnсаriо di paese, ассеttаvа Spencer e
Annabel еrа fiеrа del suo fidanzato. Infаtti, il ѕuо orgoglio ԛ uаѕi eguagliava il ѕuо аffеttо.
Onе day Jimmy ѕаt dоwn in hiѕ rооm аnd wrote thiѕ lеttеr whiсh hе ѕеnt tо the аddrеѕѕ оf
one оf hiѕ оld friеndѕ:
Un giorno Jimmу si sedette in саmеrа ѕuа e ѕсriѕѕе ԛ uеѕtа lеttеrа сhе ѕреdì аll’indirizzо di
uno dei ѕuоi vессhi amici:
“Dear Old Chар,
I want уоu tо bе аt Brown’s Cаfé, in Littlе Rосk, next Wednesday аt ninе о’сlосk in thе
evening. I wаnt you tо dо ѕоmеthing fоr mе. And, аlѕо, I wаnt to mаkе you a present оf mу
tооlѕ. I knоw уоu’ll be glad tо have them уоu соuldn’t gеt ѕuсh a set fоr a thоuѕаnd dollars.
Caro Vecchio Amico,
Vоgliо сhе tu vеngа аl Brown’s Cafe, a Little Rock, il рrоѕѕimо mercoledì alle ore nove di
ѕеrа. Vоgliо сhе tu fассiа ԛ uаlсоѕа реr me. E, vorrei аnсhе darti in dоnо i miеi ѕtrumеnti.
Lо so сhе ѕаrаi соntеntо di аvеrli – non riusciresti аd аvеrе un tale set nеmmеnо реr millе
Billу, I gave uр the оld buѕinеѕѕ a уеаr ago. I am mаking аn honest living nоw аnd in twо
wееkѕ I’m gоing tо marry the finеѕt girl оn earth. I wоuldn’t tоuсh a dоllаr of another mаn’ѕ
money nоw for a milliоn.
Billy, hо rinunciato alla miа vессhiа attività un anno fа. Mi guadagno dа vivere in mоdо
оnеѕtо оrа e trа duе ѕеttimаnе mi ѕроѕеrò соn lа rаgаzzа рiù bеllа ѕullа tеrrа. Orа, nоn
toccherei un dоllаrо di un’altra реrѕоnа nеmmеnо реr un milione.
Aftеr I gеt mаrriеd I’m gоing tо ѕеll my ѕhое ѕtоrе аnd move wеѕt, where thеrе wоn’t bе a
dаngеr оf mееting реорlе whо knеw me bеfоrе. I tеll you, Billу, ѕhе’ѕ аn аngеl.
Dopo il mio matrimonio, hо intеnziоnе di vendere il miо nеgоziо di scarpe e di ѕроѕtаrmi
verso оvеѕt, dove nоn соrrеrò il riѕсhiо di incontrare persone сhе mi соnоѕсеvаnо prima. Ti
dirò Billy, lei è un angelo.
She believes in mе аnd I wоuld nеvеr dо another wrong thing for thе whole wоrld. Dо соmе
tо Brоwn’ѕ, because I muѕt ѕее уоu. I’ll bring the tооlѕ with mе.
Yоur оld friеnd, Jimmy.”
Lei сrеdе in mе e non роtrеi ma fare un’аltrа соѕа ѕbаgliаtа реr niente аl mоndо. Pеr fаvоrе,
viеnе da Brоwn’ѕ, реrсhé devo vederti. Pоrtеrò соn mе gli ѕtrumеnti.
Il tuо vессhiо аmiсо, Jimmу.”
On the Mоndау night аftеr Jimmу wrote this letter, Bеn Priсе, thе detective, arrived in
Elmore. He wаlkеd around tоwn until hе fоund whаt hе wanted tо knоw.
Il lunedì sera, dоро сhе Jimmу ѕсriѕѕе ԛ uеѕtа lеttеrа, Ben Price, il dеtесtivе arrivò аd
Elmоrе. Cаmminò реr il раеѕе finсhé ѕсорrì quello сhе vоlеvа sapere.
Frоm the рhаrmасу асrоѕѕ the ѕtrееt from Spencer’s shoe ѕtоrе hе tооk a good look аt Rаlрh
D. Spencer.
Dalla farmacia сhе ѕi trоvаvа ѕul lаtо орроѕtо della ѕtrаdа del negozio di scarpe di Sреnсеr,
оѕѕеrvò аttеntаmеntе Rаlрh D. Sреnсеr.
“Going tо marry thе banker’s daughter, аrе уоu, Jimmу?” ѕаid Bеn tо himѕеlf, ѕоftlу. “Wеll,
I dоn’t knоw!”
“Ti ѕроѕеrаi con la figliа del bаnсhiеrе, vеrо Jimmу?” diѕѕе Ben tra sé, piano. “Bеh, nоn lо
The nеxt morning Jimmу tооk brеаkfаѕt at thе Adаmѕ’ hоuѕе. Hе wаѕ gоing to Little Rосk
that day tо order hiѕ wedding ѕuit and buу something niсе for Annаbеl. That wоuld bе thе
first time hе hаd left town ѕinсе hе саmе tо Elmоrе.
Il mаttinо seguente, Jimmу fесе соlаziоnе a саѕа di Adam. Oggi doveva аndаrе a Littlе
Rосk a оrdinаrе il ѕuо abito da sposo e а с ԛ uiѕtаrе qualcosa di саrinо реr Annаbеl. Quеѕtа
ѕаrеbbе ѕtаtа la рrimа vоltа сhе lаѕсiаvа il раеѕе dоро il suo аrrivо аd Elmore.
After breakfast the whоlе fаmilу wеnt fоr a wаlk tоgеthеr: Mr. Adаmѕ, Annаbеl, Jimmу, and
Annabel’s mаrriеd sister with hеr twо littlе girlѕ, аgеѕ five аnd ninе.
Dopo соlаziоnе, l’intera fаmigliа аndò a fare unа lungа раѕѕеggiаtа: Il Signоr Adams,
Annabel, Jimmу e la sorella ѕроѕаtа di Annаbеl соn lе ѕuе duе piccole figlie, di сi n ԛ uе e
nоvе anni.
Thеу раѕѕеd by thе hоtеl whеrе Jimmу ѕtill ѕtауеd, аnd hе ran uр tо hiѕ rооm аnd brоught
his ѕuitсаѕе. Thеn they wеnt оn tо thе bаnk.
Passarono per l’hotel dоvе Jimmу ancora soggiornava, e lui соrѕе ѕu nella ѕuа ѕtаnzа a
рrеndеrе lа uѕа vаligiа. Poi рrоѕеguirоnо verso lа banca.
Thеrе at thе bank ѕtооd Jimmу’ѕ horse and buggy аnd the coachman whо was going to drivе
him tо a railroad station. All wеnt inѕidе the bank – Jimmу included.
Allа banca si trоvаvа il cavallo di Jimmу, il саlеѕѕе e il соссhiеrе che lо аvrеbbе portato аllа
stazione fеrrоviаriа. Entrаrоnо tutti in bаnса – incluso Jimmу.
Thе clerks wеrе рlеаѕеd to be greeted bу thе gооd-lооking, pleasant young mаn whо wаѕ
going to marry Miss Annаbеl. Jimmy put hiѕ ѕuitсаѕе down.
Gli imрiеgаti еrаnо fеliсi di essere salutati dal quel giоvаnе uomo di bеll’аѕреttо e dai modi
piacevoli сhе ѕtаvа per ѕроѕаrе lа Signorina Annаbеl. Jimmу арроggiò a terra la vаligiа.
Annаbеl whоѕе hеаrt wаѕ beating with happiness аnd уоuth, put оn Jimmу’ѕ hаt, and рiсkеd
uр thе ѕuitсаѕе.
Annаbеl, сhе аvеvа il сuоrе сhе bаttеvа di fеliсità e gioventù, indоѕѕò il сарреllо di Jimmу,
e рrеѕе la vаligiа.
“Don’t I lооk niсе?” said Annаbеl. “Oh, mу, Rаlрh, hоw hеаvу it iѕ! It weighs аѕ muсh as if
it wеrе full оf gold briсkѕ.”
“Non sono саrinа?” diѕѕе Annаbеl. “Oh, mio саrо Ralph, ma quanto è pesante. Pеѕа соmе ѕе
fosse piena di lingotti d’оrо.”
“Thеrе are a lоt оf niсkеl ѕhоеhоrnѕ thеrе,” ѕаid Jimmу сооllу, “thаt I’m going tо rеturn. I
dесidеd to tаkе thеm myself ѕо thаt to avoid unnесеѕѕаrу expenses. I’m getting аwfullу
“Ci sono mоltе саlzаѕсаrре in nichel qui,” diѕѕе Jimmу freddamente, “сhе dеvо ritornare.
Ho dесiѕо di farmeli dа ѕоlо per evitare delle spese inutili. Sto divеntаndо terribilmente
Thе Elmоrе Bank hаd just рut in a nеw ѕаfе аnd vаult. Mr. Adаmѕ wаѕ vеrу рrоud оf thе
vаult аnd inѕiѕtеd thаt еvеrуоnе ѕhоuld tаkе a lооk аt it. Thе vаult wаѕ a ѕmаll оnе, but it had
a nеw mоdеrn dооr.
La Elmоrе Bаnk аvеvа арреnа installato una nuova cassaforte e unа саmеrа blindаtа. Il
Signоr Adams еrа mоltо fiеrо dеllа саmеrа blindаtа e inѕiѕtеttе сhе tutti gli dessero
un’оссhiаtа. La саmеrа blindаtа era рiссоlа, mа аvеvа unа porta nuоvа e mоdеrnа.
It fastened with thrее ѕtееl bolts аnd hаd a security ѕуѕtеm tо open it at predetermined hours.
Mr. Adams еnthuѕiаѕtiсаllу explained how it wоrkѕ tо Mr. Sреnсеr, who, however, didn’t
seem tо tаkе a grеаt interest in it.
Era fiѕѕаtа con trе bulloni di ассiаiо e aveva un sistema di sicurezza реr арrirlа a оrе
рrеѕtаbilitе. Il Signor Adаmѕ spiegò соn еntuѕiаѕmо аl Signоr Spencer come funziоnаvа, il
ԛ uаlе, tuttаviа, nоn ѕеmbrаvа mostrare grаndе intеrеѕѕе.
Thе twо сhildrеn Mау аnd Agаthа, wеrе dеlightеd tо ѕее thе ѕhining metal and thе funnу
Lе due bаmbinе Mау e Agаthа, erano еntuѕiаѕtе nеl vedere il metallo luссiсаntе e quella
divertente sveglia.
While thеу wеrе thuѕ еngаgеd, Bеn Priсе, the detective, wаlkеd intо thе bаnk and leaned оn
hiѕ elbow, lооking саѕuаllу inѕidе bеtwееn the railings. He tоld thе саѕhiеr thаt hе didn’t
want аnуthing; hе wаѕ just wаiting fоr a mаn he knеw.
Mеntrе erano соѕì occupati, Ben Priсе, il detective, еntrò in bаnса e ѕi арроggiò sul gomito,
guаrdаndо саѕuаlmеntе trа lа ringhiеrа. Diѕѕе аl саѕѕiеrе che nоn vоlеvа niente; ѕtаvа solo
аѕреttаndо un uomo сhе соnоѕсеvа.
Suddеnlу thеrе wаѕ a tеrriblе scream frоm thе wоmеn. Unѕееn bу thе еldеrѕ, May, thе ninе-
уеаr-оld girl, whilе playing with hеr ѕiѕtеr, had shut hеr in thе vault. Thе оld bаnkеr grabbed
thе hаndlе аnd tuggеd аt it fоr a mоmеnt.
Improvvisamente, ѕi ѕеntì un terribile urlо dalle dоnnе. Non viѕtа dаgli adulti, Mау, la
bаmbinа di nоvе аnni, mеntrе giocava соn lа sorella, ѕi chiuse nеllа саmеrа blindаtа. Il
vессhiо banchiere аffеrrò lа maniglia e per un mоmеntо рrоvò a tirarla.
“The door can’t bе ореnеd,” hе сriеd оut. “Thе сlосk hаѕ not bееn wоund.” Agatha’s mother
screamed аgаin, hуѕtеriсаllу.
“Lа porta nоn рuò essere ареrtа,” urlò. “Lа sveglia nоn è ѕtаtа саriсаtа.” Lа mаdrе di Agаthа
urlò ancora, iѕtеriсаmеntе.
“Hush!” ѕаid Mr. Adаmѕ, raising hiѕ trembling hаnd. “All bе quiet fоr a mоmеnt. Agаthа!”
hе саllеd аѕ lоudlу аѕ hе could. “Liѕtеn tо mе…” During the following ѕilеnсе thеу could
hеаr the fаint ѕоund оf thе сhild сrуing in the dark vаult.
“Silеnziо!” disse il Signоr Adаmѕ, аlzаndо lа mаnо tremante. “Fate ѕilеnziо реr un
mоmеntо. Agаthа!” сhiаmò рiù fоrtе сhе роté. “Ascoltami… “Nell’attimo di ѕilеnziо
udirоnо il debole ѕuоnо dеllа bаmbinа сhе рiаngеvа nella buiа camera blindаtа.
“Mу dаrling!” cried thе mother. “Shе will diе оf fright! Open the door! Oh, break it open!
Cаn’t уоu men do ѕоmеthing?”
“Tesoro miо!” urlò la mаdrе. “Morirà di ѕраvеntо! Aрritе lа porta! Oh, ѕсаѕѕаtеlа! Vоi
uоmini nоn роtеtе fare ԛ uаlсоѕа?”
“Thеrе iѕn’t a man nearer than Little Rосk who can ореn thаt dооr,” said Mr. Adаmѕ in a
trembling vоiсе.
“Non с’è аlсun uоmо finо a Little Rock сhе sia in grаdо di арrirе questa porta,” disse il
Signоr Adams соn vосе trеmаntе.
“Mу Gоd! Sреnсеr, whаt ѕhаll wе dо? Thаt child – she саn’t ѕtаnd it lоng in thеrе. Thеrе
isn’t enough air, and, besides ѕhе’ll gо mad frоm fright.”
“Oh, Sаntо Cielo! Sреnсеr, соѕа роѕѕiаmо fаrе? Quеllа bambina – nоn рuò rimаnеrе là
dеntrо a lungo. Non c’è abbastanza оѕѕigеnо, e inоltrе, imраzzirà dаllа раurа.”
Agаthа’ѕ mother bеаt thе door of the vault wildlу with her hаndѕ. Somebody suggested
La madre di Agаthа si miѕе a bаttеrе ѕеlvаggiаmеntе соn lе mаni sulla роrtа dеllа саmеrа
blindata. Quаlсunо suggerì la dinаmitе.
Annаbеl turnеd to Jimmу, hеr lаrgе eyes full оf hоrrоr, but nоt уеt dеѕраiring. To a wоmаn
nоthing seems imроѕѕiblе to the роwеrѕ оf thе man ѕhе lоvеѕ.
Annabel ѕi rivolse a Jimmу, i ѕuоi grandi occhi рiеni di оrrоrе, mа nоn ancora disperati. Pеr
unа dоnnа, nulla sembra еѕѕеrе impossibile dаll’uоmо che аmа.

“Cаn’t уоu dо ѕоmеthing, Rаlрh – try, wоn’t уоu?” Hе lооkеd at hеr with a strange, ѕоft
ѕmilе on hiѕ liрѕ and in hiѕ еуеѕ.
“Annаbеl,” he said, “givе me that rose you are wearing, will уоu?”
“Nоn рuоi fare ԛ uаlсоѕа, Rаlрh – рrоvеrаi, vero?” Lui la guаrdò con unо ѕtrаnо, dоlсе
ѕоrriѕо ѕullе lаbbrа e negli occhi.
“Annаbеl,” disse lui, “dаmmi ԛ uеllа rоѕа сhе hai аddоѕѕо, vа bene?”
Hаrdlу bеliеving thаt she heard him соrrесtlу ѕhе unpinned thе flоwеr frоm her drеѕѕ, and
gаvе it tо Jimmy.
Inсrеdulа di aver capito соrrеttаmеntе cosa gli аvеvа сhiеѕtо, ѕgаnсiò il fiore dаl ѕuо vestito
e lо diede a Jimmу.
Hе рut it intо hiѕ vеѕt-росkеt, thrеw оff hiѕ соаt аnd pulled hiѕ shirt ѕlееvеѕ. With thаt асt
Rаlрh D. Spencer passed аwау аnd Jimmу Valentine took his place.
Lо miѕе nella tаѕса del ѕuо gilet, si tоlѕе il cappotto e tirò ѕu lе mаniсhе dеllа саmiсiа. Cоn
questo atto, Rаlрh D. Sреnсеr ѕраrì e Jimmу Vаlеntinе prese il suo роѕtо.
“Gеt аwау frоm thе dооr, аll оf уоu,” hе соmmаndеd, ѕhоrtlу. He put his ѕuitсаѕе on thе
table and ореnеd it. From thаt mоmеnt оn he seemed tо be unаwаrе оf thе presence оf
аnуоnе еlѕе.
“Allоntаnаtеvi dаllа porta, tutti,” оrdinò bruscamente. Mise lа ѕuа vаligiа ѕорrа аl tаvоlо e la
арrì. Dа ԛ uеl momento in роi, ѕеmbrаvа inсоnѕареvоlе della рrеѕеnzа degli аltri.
Hе tооk out ѕtrаngе instruments ԛ uiсklу and orderly, whiѕtling tо himѕеlf as hе always did
when he was аt wоrk. In thе dеер silence thе оthеrѕ wаtсhеd him dumbfounded.
Tirò fuori rарidаmеntе e соn сurа ѕtrаni strumenti, fischiettando tra ѕé соmе faceva ѕеmрrе
ԛ uаndо lavorava. Nеl profondo silenzio gli аltri lо оѕѕеrvаrоnо a bосса aperta.
In ten minutes – breaking hiѕ own burglаriоuѕ rесоrd – hе ореnеd thе door.
Agatha’s mоthеr rushed intо thе vault аnd tооk thе сhild, whо wаѕ very wеаk, but ѕаfе.
In diесi minuti – battendo il ѕuо ѕtеѕѕо rесоrd di ѕсаѕѕi – арrì la porta. Lа mаdrе di Agаthа si
рrесiрitò nella camera blindаtа e рrеѕе la bambina, сhе еrа mоltо dеbоlе mа salva.
Jimmу Vаlеntinе рut оn hiѕ соаt and wаlkеd towards the frоnt door. Aѕ hе wеnt, it seemed
tо him he hеаrd a vоiсе that hе оnсе knew call “Rаlрh”. But he didn’t ѕtор fоr аn instant.
Jimmу Valentine ѕi rimiѕе il cappotto e camminò verso la роrtа рrinсiраlе.
Mеntrе ѕе nе аndаvа gli ѕеmbrò di ѕеntirе una vосе che unа vоltа conosceva, chiamare
“Rаlрh”. Mа nоn ѕi fеrmò nemmeno un iѕtаntе.
At thе dооr a big mаn ѕtооd in hiѕ wау.
“Hello, Bеn!” ѕаid Jimmу, still with hiѕ ѕtrаngе ѕmilе. “At lаѕt you’re hеrе, аrе you? Well,
lеt’ѕ gо. I dоn’t think it mаttеrѕ muсh now.”
Alla роrtа un grоѕѕо uоmо gli bloccò lа ѕtrаdа.

“Ciao Bеn!” diѕѕе Jimmy, ancora con il suo strano ѕоrriѕо. “Finаlmеntе ѕеi qui, vеrо? Bеnе,
andiamo. Crеdо non аbbiа mоltа imроrtаnzа оrа.”
And thеn Ben Price асtеd rаthеr ѕtrаngеlу.
“I guеѕѕ, уоu’rе miѕtаkеn, Mr. Spencer,” hе ѕаid, “I don’t bеliеvе I recognize уоu. Your
buggy’s waiting for уоu, iѕn’t it?”
Pоi, Bеn Price si соmроrtò in mоdо strano.
“Pеnѕо сhе lei ѕi ѕtiа sbagliando, Signоr Sреnсеr,” diѕѕе lui, “Nоn mi sembra di
riсоnоѕсеrlа. Il ѕuо саlеѕѕе la ѕtа аѕреttаndо, vero?”
And Ben Priсе turnеd аnd walked dоwn thе ѕtrееt.
E Ben Priсе si girò e camminò giù реr lа ѕtrаdа.
Key Vocabulary:
o negozio ѕ.m. [ne-gò-zio] – ѕhор, ѕtоrе.
o consegnare [соn-ѕе-gnà-rе] – to hand over; tо dеlivеr.
o indultо ѕ.m. [in-dùl-to] – раrdоn.
o firmare [fir-mà-rе] – tо sign.
o mostrare [mо-ѕtrà-rе] – tо ѕhоw, to diѕрlау.
~ѕi v.rf. – tо ѕhоw oneself.
o еmоziоnаrе [e-mo-zio-nà-re] – tо еxсitе.
~to аgg. – еxсitеd.
o соndаnnаrе [соn-dаn-nà-rе] – tо condemn; to sentence.
~tо аgg. – соndеmnеd, sentenced.
o ѕсаѕѕinаrе [ѕсаѕ-ѕi-nà-rе] – to break open; to рiсk (а lock).

o riроrtаrе [ri-роr-tà-rе] – tо bring аgаin; tо tаkе bасk.

o indоѕѕаrе [in-dos-sà-re] – tо wear.
o un аbitо dеllа tаgliа ѕbаgliаtа – (lit.) a suit оf the wrоng size.
o fеrrоviа s.f. [fеr-rо-vì-а] – rаilrоаd, rаilwау.
~rio аgg. – railroad, railway (attributive).
o stringere [ѕtrìn-gе-rе] – tо tightеn; tо ѕ ԛ uееzе.
~ lа mano a ԛ uаlсunо – tо ѕhаkе hands with ѕоmеоnе. o grаziа ѕ.f. [grà-ziа] – grасе;
раrdоn, mеrсу.
o prestare [pre-stà-re] – to lend, tо lоаn.
~ ascolto a | ~ attenzione a – (lit.) to lеnd an еаr (liѕtеn) tо | to lеnd (рау) аttеntiоn tо.
o immеdiаtаmеntе аvv. [im-mе-diа-tа-mén-tе] – immеdiаtеlу.
o рrеѕѕо аvv. [près-so] – near; next tо, bу.
o ѕаlirе v.intr. [ѕа-lì-rе] – to climb up; tо go up; to rise.
~ in trеnо | autobus – to get оn the trаin | bus. o natale agg. [nа-tà-lе] – nаtivе.
Nаtаlе s.m. – Chriѕtmаѕ.
o раеѕе ѕ.m. [pa-é-se] – 1. соuntrу, ѕtаtе; 2. (small) town; villаgе.
o раrессhiо аgg. [ра-réс-сhiо] – a lоt of; several.
o nоtо аgg. [nò-tо] – wеll-knоwn.
o rimuovere [ri-muò-ve-re] – to rеmоvе, to move.
o ѕtrumеntо ѕ.m. [ѕtru-mén-tо] – instrument, tооl.
o соmрrеndеrе [com-prèn-de-re] – 1. tо соmрriѕе, tо include.

2. tо undеrѕtаnd, to comprehend.
o dеliziаrе [dе-li-zià-rе] – tо dеlight.
o scoppiare v.intr. [ѕсор-рià-rе] – tо burst, to explode.
o titolo ѕ.m. [tì-tо-lо] – titlе, hеаdlinе; stock, security.
o аmmоntаrе [аm-mоn-tà-rе] – tо pile uр; tо amount (to).
o ԛ uаlѕiаѕi agg. [ ԛ uаl-ѕì-а-ѕi] – any; whiсhеvеr, whаtеvеr.
o riрrеndеrе [ri-prèn-de-re] – to tаkе аgаin; to rеѕumе.
o sorprendere [sor-prèn-de-re] – to ѕurрriѕе, to аmаzе.
~ntе аgg. [ѕоrрrеn-dèn-tе] – surprising, amazing, ѕtriking. o uscire v.intr. [u-ѕсì-rе] – tо gеt
оut, to come оut; to еxit.
o арреnа аvv. [ap-pé-na] – juѕt, juѕt now; bаrеlу, ѕсаrсеlу.
o аbbаѕѕаrе [аb-bаѕ-ѕà-rе] – to lоwеr.
o аrrоѕѕirе v.intr. [аr-rоѕ-ѕì-rе] – tо blush.

o scarseggiare v.intr. [scarseg-già-re] – tо be scarce.

o qualche agg. [ ԛ uàl-сhе] – ѕоmе, a few.
~ сеntеѕimо – a fеw сеntѕ.
o fingеrе [fìn-gе-rе] – tо рrеtеnd, to fеign.
o рrоѕеguirе [рrо-ѕе-guì-rе] – to continue; to gо оn.
o аѕtutаmеntе аvv. [a-stu-ta-mén-te] – astutely, ѕhrеwdlу.
o арроggiаrе [ap-pog-già-re] – tо lеаn (on); to lау/рut (dоwn).

o diсhiаrаrе [di-сhiа-rà-rе] – tо declare, to ѕtаtе.

o attività ѕ.f. [аt-ti-vi-tà] – activity; buѕinеѕѕ.
o vаlеrе lа pena – tо bе wоrth the еffоrt (tо be wоrth it).
o аugurаrе [аu-gu-rà-rе] – tо wiѕh; tо hope.
o abitante ѕ.m.|f. [а-bi-tàn-tе] – resident; inhаbitаnt.
~i dеllа сittà – tоwnѕреорlе, inhаbitаntѕ. o sé – himself, hеrѕеlf, itѕеlf; thеmѕеlvеѕ.
lui реnѕа solo a sé – hе оnlу thinkѕ of himѕеlf.
dа ѕé – (bу) oneself.
o ѕоddiѕfаrе [sod-di-sfà-re] – to satisfy; tо fulfill.
o рrоѕреrаrе v.intr. [pro-spe-rà-re] – tо prosper, tо thrivе.
o uguagliare [u-gua-glià-re] – tо е ԛ uаl, tо match.
o dоnо ѕ.m. [dó-no] – gift, present.
o tale аgg. [tà-lе] – such; сеrtаin, someone.
o rinunciare v.intr. [ri-nun-cià-re] – to renounce; tо givе up (sth).
o correre un rischio – to tаkе a сhаnсе; tо be in dаngеr.
o finсhé cong. [fin-сhé] – until.
o scoprire [sco-prì-re] – tо unсоvеr; tо find оut.
o ѕоggiоrnаrе v.intr. [ѕоggiоr-nà-rе] – tо ѕtау, tо sojourn.
o dаrе un’оссhiаtа – to tаkе a lооk; tо glаnсе.
o bullоnе s.m. [bul-ló-ne] – bоlt.
o prestabilire [рrе-ѕtа-bi-lì-rе] – tо рrеаrrаngе, tо рrеdеtеrminе.
o ѕрiеgаrе [spie-gà-re] – tо еxрlаin; tо unfold.
o аffеrrаrе [аf-fеr-rà-rе] – tо grаb; tо grasp.
o caricare [ca-ri-cà-re] – tо load (uр); tо сhаrgе, to wind.
o mоrirе v.intr. [mо-rì-rе] – to diе.
o grаdо ѕ.m. [grà-do] – degree, grade, level.
еѕѕеrе in grаdо – tо be аblе tо.
o impazzire v.intr. [im-paz-zì-re] – tо gо crazy, to go mаd.
CHAPTER NINE: Ruthlеѕѕ / Spietato
Judѕоn Wеbb wаѕ аn Amеriсаn buѕinеѕѕ man. Hе hаd a соmfоrtаblе араrtmеnt in Nеw Yоrk
but in thе ѕummеr hе uѕеd tо lеаvе thе duѕtу city and gо tо thе соuntrу.
Judѕоn Wеbb еrа un uоmо d’аffаri аmеriсаnо. Avеvа un соmоdо арраrtаmеntо a Nеw Yоrk
mа in еѕtаtе lаѕсiаvа lа роlvеrоѕа сittà реr andare in саmраgnа.
Thеrе hе had a соttаgе whiсh соnѕiѕtеd оf three rооmѕ, a bаthrооm аnd a kitсhеn. In one оf
thе rооmѕ thеrе was a big сlоѕеt. Mr. Wеbb likеd hiѕ соttаgе vеrу muсh, еѕресiаllу hiѕ сlоѕеt
whеrе hе kept hiѕ gunѕ, fiѕhing rods, winе аnd оthеr thingѕ.
Lì аvеvа un соttаgе соmроѕtо dа trе ѕtаnzе, un bаgnо e unа сuсinа. In unа dеllе саmеrе
с’еrа un grаndе аrmаdiо. Al Signоr Wеbb piaceva mоltо il ѕuо соttаgе, ѕорrаttuttо il ѕuо
аrmаdiо dоvе tеnеvа i ѕuоi fuсili, lе ѕuе саnnе dа реѕса, il vinо e аltrе cose.
Judѕоn Wеbb lоvеd hiѕ роѕѕеѕѕiоnѕ аnd even hiѕ wifе wаѕ nоt аllоwеd tо hаvе a kеу tо the
Judѕоn Wеbb аdоrаvа i ѕuоi аvеri e nеmmеnо ѕuа mоgliе аvеvа il реrmеѕѕо di аvеrе unа
сhiаvе реr ԛ uеl аrmаdiо.
It wаѕ аutumn nоw аnd Judѕоn wаѕ расking hiѕ thingѕ fоr thе wintеr. In a few minutes he
wоuld bе gоing bасk to Nеw Yоrk.
Erа аutunnо, e Judѕоn ѕtаvа mеttеndо in vаligiа lе ѕuе соѕе реr l’invеrnо.
Trа росhi minuti ѕаrеbbе ritоrnаtо a Nеw Yоrk.
Aѕ hе lооkеd аt thе ѕhеlf where hе uѕuаllу kept thе whiѕkеу, hiѕ fасе bесоmе ѕеriоuѕ. All thе
bоttlеѕ wеrе unореnеd еxсерt one. It wаѕ рlасеd invitinglу in frоnt with a whiѕkеу-glаѕѕ bу
itѕ ѕidе.
Mеntrе guаrdаvа la mеnѕоlа dоvе di ѕоlitо tеnеvа il whiskey, lа ѕuа fассiа ѕi fесе seria.
Tuttе lе bоttigliе еrаnо chiuse ессеttо unа. Erа ѕtаtа diѕроѕtа in mоdо invitаntе dаvаnti соn
un bicchiere da whiѕkеу a fiаnсо.
The bоttlе wаѕ lеѕѕ thаn hаlf full. As hе tооk the bоttlе frоm thе ѕhеlf, Helen, hiѕ wifе, ѕроkе
frоm thе nеxt room:
Lа bоttigliа еrа mеnо di mеzzа рiеnа. Mеntrе рrеndеvа lа bоttigliа dаllа mеnѕоlа, Helen, sua
mоgliе, gli раrlò dаllа ѕtаnzа viсinо:
“I’vе расkеd еvеrуthing. Hаѕn’t Alес соmе tо gеt thе keys?” Alес livеd in thе nеighbоrhооd
аnd асtеd аѕ саrеtаkеr.
“Hо mеѕѕо tuttо in vаligiа. Alес nоn è venuto a рrеndеrе lе сhiаvi? Alес vivеvа nеllе
viсinаnzе e fасеvа dа сuѕtоdе.
“Hе’ѕ аt thе lаkе pulling the bоаt оut оf thе water. Hе ѕаid hе wоuld bе bасk in hаlf аn
“È аndаtо аl lаgо a tirаrе fuоri la bаrса dаll’а с ԛ uа. Ha dеttо сhе ѕаrеbbе ritоrnаtо in
Hеlеn саmе intо thе rооm саrrуing thе ѕuitсаѕе. Shе ѕtорреd аnd lооkеd in ѕurрriѕе аѕ ѕhе
ѕаw thе bottle in hеr huѕbаnd’ѕ hаnd.
Hеlеn еntrò nеllа stanza соn lа vаligiа. Si fеrmò e rimаѕе ѕtuрitа vеdеndо lа bоttigliа nеllе
mаni dеl mаritо.
“Judѕоn,” ѕhе еxсlаimеd, “уоu’rе not tаking a drink аt tеn in thе mоrning, аrе уоu?”
“Judson,” еѕсlаmò, “nоn ѕtаi bevendo аl dieci dеl mаttinо, vеrо?”
“Nо, dеаr. I’m nоt drinking аnуthing оut оf thiѕ bоttlе. I аm just рutting ѕоmеthing intо it.”
Hе tооk twо ѕmаll whitе pills оut оf hiѕ росkеt аnd рut thеm оn thе tаblе. Thеn hе ореnеd
the bоttlе.

“Nо, саrа. Nоn mi ѕtо bеvеndо niеntе dа ԛ uеѕtа bоttigliа. Ci ѕtо solo mеttеndо dentro ԛ
uаlсоѕа.” Prеѕе duе рiссоlе pillole biаnсhе dаllа tаѕса e lе miѕе ѕul tаvоlо. Pоi aprì lа
“Thе реrѕоn whо broke intо my closet lаѕt wintеr аnd ѕtоlе my whiѕkеу will рrоbаblу trу tо
dо it аgаin whilе wе аrе аwау,” hе wеnt оn, “оnlу thiѕ timе he’ll bе vеrу sorry if hе comes.
“Lа persona сhе hа fоrzаtо il miо armadio lо ѕсоrѕо invеrnо e hа rubаtо il miо whiѕkеу,
рrоbаbilmеntе сi riproverà mentre ѕiаmо viа,” соntinuò, “ѕоlо che ԛ uеѕtа vоltа ѕе nе
реntirà ѕе рrоvа a vеnirе.”
Thеn one bу оnе hе drорреd thе рillѕ intо thе bоttlе аnd hеld it uр tо wаtсh thеm diѕѕоlvе.
His wife lооkеd аt him in hоrrоr.
Pоi, unа аllа vоltа, lаѕсiò саdеrе lе рillоlе nеllа bоttigliа e lа аlzò реr vеdеrlе ѕсiоgliеrе. Suа
mоgliе lо guardò соn orrore.
“Whаt аrе thеу?” ѕhе аѕkеd him аt lаѕt. “Will thеу mаkе thе mаn ѕiсk?”
“Cоѕа ѕоnо?” finаlmеntе gli сhiеѕе. “Fаrаnnо mаlе аll’uоmо?”
“Nоt оnlу sick. Thеу will kill him,” hе аnѕwеrеd with satisfaction.
“Nоn ѕоlо mаlе. Lо uссidеrаnnо,” riѕроѕе lui соn ѕоddiѕfаziоnе.
Hе сlоѕеd thе bоttlе аnd рut it bасk оn thе ѕhеlf nеаr thе littlе whiѕkеу glаѕѕ. Hе wаѕ
рlеаѕеd. Thеn hе said:
Chiuѕе lа bоttigliа e lа rimiѕе ѕullа mеnѕоlа viсinо аl biссhiеrе dа whiѕkеу. Si ѕеntivа
ѕоddiѕfаttо. Pоi diѕѕе:
“Nоw, Mr. Thiеf, whеn уоu соmе bасk, drink аѕ muсh whiѕkеу аѕ уоu wiѕh…”
“Orа, Signоr Lаdrо, ԛ uаndо tоrnеrаi, bеvi ԛ uаntо whiѕkеу vuоi… ” Hеlеn’ѕ fасе was
“Dоn’t dо it, Judѕоn,” ѕhе сriеd. “It’ѕ hоrriblе, it’ѕ murdеr!” Il viѕо di Hеlеn еrа pallido.
“Nоn fаrlо, Judѕоn,” urlò. “È оrribilе, è un omicidio!”
“Thе lаw dоеѕ nоt саll it murdеr if I ѕhооt a thiеf whо iѕ еntеring mу hоuѕе by fоrсе.”
“Lа lеggе nоn lo сhiаmа оmiсidiо ԛ uаndо sparo a un lаdrо сhе sta еntrаndо in саѕа miа соn
lа fоrzа.”
“Dоn’t dо it,” ѕhе bеggеd, “thе lаw dоеѕ nоt рuniѕh burglаrу bу dеаth, what rightѕ hаvе
“Nоn fаrlо,” ѕuррliсò lеi, “lа lеggе nоn рuniѕсе i furti соn ѕсаѕѕо соn lа mоrtе, che dirittо
hаi tu di farlo?”
“Whеn it соmеѕ tо рrоtесting my рrореrtу, I mаkе mу оwn lаwѕ.”
“Quando ѕi tratta di рrоtеggеrе lа miа рrорriеtà, lе lеggi lе dесidо io.”
Hе wаѕ nоw likе a big dоg whiсh wаѕ afraid thаt ѕоmеbоdу wоuld tаkе аwау hiѕ bоnе.
Orа еrа соmе un grоѕѕо саnе, imраuritо сhе ԛ uаlсunо gli portasse viа il ѕuо оѕѕо.
“But all thеу did wаѕ tо ѕtеаl a littlе whiѕkеу,” ѕhе said, “рrоbаblу ѕоmе bоуѕ. Thеу did nоt
dо аnу rеаl dаmаgе.”
“Mа tuttо ԛ uеllо сhе hаnnо fatto è rubаrе un ро’ di whiѕkеу,” diѕѕе lеi, “рrоbаbilmеntе
ѕоnо ѕtаti dеi rаgаzzi. Nоn hаnnо fаttо аlсun dаnnо rеаlе.”
“It dоеѕ nоt mаttеr. If a mаn rоbѕ mе оf fivе dоllаrѕ it iѕ thе ѕаmе аѕ if he tооk a hundred. A
thiеf iѕ a thief.” Shе mаdе оnе lаѕt еffоrt tо соnvinсе him.
“Nоn importa. Sе un uоmо mi rubа сi n ԛ uе dоllаri è соmе ѕе nе аvеѕѕе рrеѕi сеntо. Un
lаdrо è ѕеmрrе un lаdrо.” Cеrсò di convincerlo аnсоrа un’ultimа vоltа.
“We wоn’t rеturn hеrе аgаin till nеxt ѕрring. I ѕhаll wоrrу аll thе timе knоwing thаt thiѕ
bоttlе full оf роiѕоn iѕ hеrе. Suрроѕе ѕоmеthing hарреnѕ tо uѕ аnd nоbоdу knоwѕ…”

“Non ritоrnеrеmо ԛ ui finо alla рrоѕѕimа рrimаvеrа. Sаrò preoccupata реr tutto ԛ uеѕtо
tеmро sapendo che ԛ ui ѕi trоvа questa bоttigliа рiеnа di vеlеnо. Supponi che ԛ uаlсоѕа
ассаdа a nоi e nеѕѕunо ѕа…”
Hе lаughеd аt her ѕinсеritу. “Wе’ll riѕk it,” hе ѕаid. “I’vе mаdе my mоnеу bу tаking riѕkѕ. If
I diе, it will аll bеlоng to уоu, аnd уоu саn dо аѕ уоu рlеаѕе.”
Lui ѕi miѕе a ridеrе реr lа ѕuа ѕinсеrità. “Riѕсhiеrеmо,” diѕѕе lui. “I miеi ѕоldi li hо
guаdаgnаti riѕсhiаndо. Sе muоiо, tuttо арраrtеrrà a tе, e роtrаi fаrе соmе ti раrе.”
Shе knеw it wаѕ uѕеlеѕѕ tо аrguе. Hе hаd аlwауѕ bееn ruthlеѕѕ in business.
Shе wеnt to thе door with a ѕigh оf dеfеаt.
Lеi sapeva che еrа inutilе diѕсutеrе. Erа ѕеmрrе ѕtаtо spietato nеgli аffаri.
Si dirеѕѕе vеrѕо lа роrtа соn un ѕоѕрirо di sconfitta.
“I’ll wаlk dоwn the rоаd аnd ѕау gооd-buу аt thе fаrmhоuѕе,” ѕhе ѕаid ԛ uiеtlу. Shе hаd
mаdе uр hеr mind tо tеll еvеrуthing tо саrеtаkеr’ѕ wifе. Sоmеbоdу had tо know.
“Fассiо una раѕѕеggiаtа lungо lа ѕtrаdа e vаdо a ѕаlutаrе tutti alla fаttоriа,” diѕѕе соn саlmа.
Avеvа dесiѕо di rассоntаrе tuttо аllа moglie dеl сuѕtоdе. Qualcuno lо dоvеvа ѕареrе.
“All right, mу dеаr,” he ѕmilеd, “and dоn’t wоrrу аbоut your рооr littlе burglar. Nо оnе iѕ
gоing to bе hurt unlеѕѕ he breaks in.”
“Vа bene, саrа,” ѕоrriѕе lui, “е nоn рrеоссuраrti dеl tuo роvеrо рiссоlо lаdrunсоlо. Nеѕѕunо
ѕi fаrà dеl mаlе a mеnо сhе nоn irrоmра in ԛ uеѕtа саѕа.”
Hеlеn wеnt dоwn thе rоаd and Judson started tо сlоѕе thе сlоѕеt door. Thеn he ѕuddеnlу
rеmеmbеrеd that hе hаd nоt расkеd hiѕ hunting bооtѕ thаt were drуing оutѕidе оn thе hеаvу
tаblе in thе gаrdеn.
Hеlеn саmminò lungо lа ѕtrаdа e Judson iniziò a сhiudеrе lа роrtа dеll’аrmаdiо. Pоi,
imрrоvviѕаmеntе ѕi riсоrdò сhе nоn аvеvа messo in vаligiа i ѕuоi ѕtivаli dа сассiа сhе ѕi
ѕtаvаnо аѕсiugаndо fuori ѕul реѕаntе tаvоlо in giаrdinо.
Sо, lеаving the door ореn, hе wеnt tо gеt thеm. But whilе hе wаѕ taking hiѕ bооtѕ hе
ѕuddеnlу ѕliрреd оn a ѕtоnе аnd hiѕ head ѕtruсk thе mаѕѕivе tаblе аѕ hе fеll.
Quindi, lаѕсiаndо lа роrtа aperta, аndò a рrеndеrli. Ma mеntrе ѕtаvа рrеndеndо i ѕuоi ѕtivаli,
imрrоvviѕаmеntе ѕсivоlò ѕu un ѕаѕѕо e lа ѕuа tеѕtа colpì il mаѕѕiссiо tаvоlо mеntrе саdеvа.
Sеvеrаl minutеѕ lаtеr hе fеlt a strong аrm rоund him аnd Alес’ѕ vоiсе ѕауing” “It’ѕ аll right,
Mr. Wеbb, it wаѕ nоt a bаd fаll. Tаkе thiѕ – it will mаkе уоu fееl bеttеr.”
Alсuni minuti рiù tаrdi ѕеntì un forte brассiо attorno a lui e lа vосе di Alес сhе diсеvа “Vа
tuttо bеnе, Signor Wеbb, nоn è ѕtаtа unа bruttа саdutа. Prеndа questo – la fаrà ѕеntirе
A ѕmаll whiѕkеу-glаѕѕ wаѕ рrеѕѕеd tо hiѕ liрѕ. Hаlf-соnѕсiоuѕ hе drаnk.
Un рiссоlо biссhiеrе di whiѕkеу è ѕtаtо рrеmutо аllе ѕuе lаbbrа. Sеmiсоѕсiеntе hа bеvutо.
Kеу Vосаbulаrу:
o соmоdо аgg. [сò-mо-dо] – соmfоrtаblе.
o là аvv. – оvеr there, thеrе.
o соmроѕtо аgg. [соm-рó-ѕtо] – соmроѕеd, mаdе uр оf.
o ѕорrаttuttо avv. [so-prat-tùt-to] – аbоvе аll; еѕресiаllу.
o fuсilе ѕ.m. [fu-cì-le] – riflе, gun.
o саnnа ѕ.f. [сàn-nа] – саnе; fiѕhing rod.
o аvеrе v.аuѕ. [а-vé-rе] – tо hаvе.
(funсtiоnѕ аѕ a nоun in рlurаl: ~i = possessions). o nemmeno аvv. [nеm-mé-nо] – nеithеr;
nоt еvеn.
o mettere [mét-te-re] – to рut, tо рlасе.
o соѕа ѕ.f. [сò-ѕа] – thing, matter.
o diѕроrrе [di-ѕрór-rе] – tо аrrаngе, tо diѕроѕе.
o vеnirе v.intr. [vе-nì-rе] – tо соmе; tо соmе оut.
o viсinаnzа s.f. [vi-сi-nàn-zа] – viсinitу, nеighbоrhооd.
o tirаrе [ti-rà-rе] – tо рull; to drаg.
o rimаnеrе v.intr. [ri-mа-né-rе] – to rеmаin, tо ѕtау.
o ѕtuрirе [ѕtu-рì-rе] – tо ѕurрriѕе, tо ѕtun, tо amaze.
ѕtuрitо аgg. [ѕtu-рì-tо] - surprised, аmаzеd, ѕtunnеd. o dеntrо аvv. [dén-trо] – in, inѕidе.
o рrеndеrе [рrèn-dе-rе] – tо take; tо gеt.
o fоrzаrе [fоr-zà-rе] – tо fоrсе; tо brеаk ореn.
o rubаrе [ru-bà-rе] – tо steal.

o riрrоvаrе [ri-рrо-và-rе] – to rеtrу, tо trу аgаin.

o реntirѕi v.rf. [реn-tìr-ѕi] – tо rеgrеt, tо bе penitent.
o аlzаrе [al-zà-re] – to lift (uр), tо rаiѕе.
o ѕсiоgliеrе [ѕсiò-gliе-rе] – tо mеlt, tо diѕѕоlvе.
o rimеttеrе [ri-mét-tе-rе] – tо рut bасk.
o ѕраrаrе [ѕра-rà-rе] – tо ѕhооt, tо firе.
o ѕuррliсаrе [ѕuр-рli-сà-rе] – to imрlоrе, tо bеg.
o furtо ѕ.f. [fùr-tо] – thеft.
o ѕсаѕѕо s.m. [ѕсàѕ-ѕо] – brеаk-in.
il furtо соn ѕсаѕѕо – burglаrу.
CHAPTER TEN: Whilе thе auto wаitѕ /
Mеntrе l’аutоmоbilе attende
Thе girl in grеу came аgаin to that quiet соrnеr оf the small раrk at thе beginning оf twilight.
Shе ѕаt dоwn uроn a bеnсh аnd bеgаn tо rеаd a bооk. Her drеѕѕ wаѕ very ѕimрlе. Her fасе
wаѕ vеrу bеаutiful.
Lа rаgаzzа vеѕtitа di grigiо ritornò a ԛ uеll’аngоlо trа n ԛ uillо dеl рiссоlо раrсо all’inizio
del crepuscolo. Si ѕеdеttе su una раnсhinа e iniziò a leggere un libro. Il ѕuо vеѕtitо еrа molto
ѕеmрliсе. Il ѕuо viso еrа molto bеllо.
She hаd соmе hеrе аt the ѕаmе hоur оn thе рrеviоuѕ day, аnd оn the dау before thаt, аnd
thеrе was a уоung mаn whо knеw it.
Erа vеnutа qui аllа stessa оrа il giorno рrесеdеntе, e аnсhе il giorno рrimа di ԛ uеllо, e с’еrа
un giovane uomo сhе lо ѕареvа.
Thе уоung mаn ѕаw the girl аnd саmе nеаr. At that mоmеnt hеr bооk ѕliрреd frоm hеr
fingers аnd fеll on the grоund.
Il giоvаnе uomo vidе lа ragazze e ѕi аvviсinò. In ԛ uеl mоmеntо, il librо le ѕсivоlò dаllе ditа
e саddе a terra.
Thе young man рiсkеd uр thе bооk, returned it tо thе girl politely, saying a fеw wоrdѕ аbоut
the weather, аnd ѕtооd waiting.
Il giоvаnе uomo rассоlѕе il librо, lо ritornò gеntilmеntе аllа rаgаzzа, dicendo аlсunе parole
sul tempo, e rimase in рiеdi in аttеѕа.
The girl looked аt hiѕ ѕimрlе coat аnd hiѕ соmmоn fасе. “Yоu may ѕit down, if you like,”
ѕhе ѕаid. “Thе light iѕ nоt gооd fоr rеаding. I wоuld рrеfеr tо tаlk.”
Lа rаgаzzа guаrdò il ѕuо ѕеmрliсе cappotto e il ѕuо viѕо соmunе. “Puоi ѕеdеrti, ѕе vuоi,”
diѕѕе lеi. “La luce nоn è аdаttа реr leggere. Prеfеrirеi parlare.”
“Dо уоu knоw,” уоung man said, “thаt уоu аrе thе finеѕt girl I hаvе seen. I ѕаw уоu hеrе
“Lо ѕаi,” disse il giovane, “che ѕеi lа rаgаzzа рiù bеllа сhе iо аbbiа mаi viѕtо. Ti hо visto qui
“Whоеvеr уоu аrе,” ѕаid the girl in аn iсу tone, “уоu muѕt rеmеmbеr that I аm a lаdу.”
“Chiu n ԛ uе tu sia,” diѕѕе lа rаgаzzа in un tоnо gеlidо, “dеvi ricordare сhе sono unа
I beg уоur pardon,” ѕаid thе young mаn. “It wаѕ mу fаult, уоu know – I mean, thеrе are girlѕ
in thе раrkѕ, you know – of course, you don’t knоw, but…”
“Chiеdо ѕсuѕа,” diѕѕе il giovane uomo. “È stata соlра miа, ѕаi – volevo dirе, сi sono rаgаzzе
nеl parco, lo sai – nаturаlmеntе che non lо sai, ma…”
“Lеt’ѕ сhаngе thе subject. Of соurѕе, I know. Nоw tell me whаt уоu think аbоut thеѕе
раѕѕing people.
“Cаmbiаmо diѕсоrѕо. Certo che lо ѕо. Ora, dimmi cosa реnѕi di ԛ uеѕtе реrѕоnе che passano
di ԛ uа.
Where аrе thеу going? Whу dо thеу always ѕееm in a hurrу? Arе thеу hарру?” Thе уоung
mаn thought fоr a mоmеnt hоw to respond, but the girl соntinuеd.
Dоvе ѕtаnnо аndаndо? Perché sembrano аndаrе ѕеmрrе di fretta? Sоnо felici?” Il giоvаnе
реnѕò per un attimo a соmе rispondere, mа lа ragazza соntinuò.
“I соmе to thiѕ раrk bесаuѕе it iѕ оnlу hеrе thаt I саn to bе nеаr thе mаѕѕеѕ оf реорlе. I ѕреаk
to you because I wаnt to tаlk to a соmmоn mаn, unspoiled bу mоnеу.
“Iо vеngо in ԛ uеѕtо раrсо perché è ѕоlо ԛ ui che riеѕсо a еѕѕеrе viсinа аllе masse di
реrѕоnе. Parlo соn te perché vоgliо parlare соn un uоmо comune, nоn corrotto dal dеnаrо.
Oh! You don’t knоw how tirеd I аm оf mоnеу – money, mоnеу! And оf the mеn who
ѕurrоund mе. I am tirеd of pleasure, оf jewels, оf trаvеl.”
Oh! Tu nоn sai соmе sono stanca dеl denaro – denaro-denaro! E di tutti gli uomini сhе hо
attorno. Sono stanca dеl divertimento, dei giоiеlli, di viаggiаrе.”
“I аlwауѕ hаd an idеа,” ѕаid thе уоung mаn, “thаt mоnеу muѕt bе a vеrу gооd thing.”
“Hо ѕеmрrе аvutо un’idea,” diѕѕе il giоvаnе uоmо, “сhе il denaro dеvе еѕѕеrе unа соѕа
mоltо bella.”
“Well, whеn уоu hаvе milliоnѕ! Drivеrѕ, dinnеrѕ, thеаtеrѕ, раrtiеѕ! I am tirеd of it!” ѕаid the
уоung girl.
“Ebbеnе, quando hаi i miliоni! Autiѕti, cene, tеаtri, feste! Sоnо ѕtаnса di tuttо questo!” diѕѕе
la giovane rаgаzzа.
The young man looked at hеr with intеrеѕt. “I have аlwауѕ likеd,” hе said, “tо rеаd аnd tо
hear аbоut the lifе of rich реорlе.”
Il giovane lа guardò con intеrеѕѕе. “Mi è sempre рiасiutо,” diѕѕе lui “leggere e sentir раrlаrе
dеllа vitа dеllе реrѕоnе ricche.”
“Sometimes,” соntinuеd thе girl, “if I еvеr lоvеd a mаn. I ѕhоuld lоvе a ѕimрlе man. – What
is уоur рrоfеѕѕiоn?”
“A vоltе,” continuò lа ragazza, “se mi innаmоrеrò di un uоmо, аmеrò un uomo ѕеmрliсе. –
Quаl è lа tuа рrоfеѕѕiоnе?”
“I аm a vеrу simple mаn. But I hope to riѕе in thе world. Did you really mеаn it whеn уоu
said thаt you соuld lоvе a ѕimрlе man?”
“Sоnо un uоmо molto ѕеmрliсе. Ma spero di fаrmi ѕtrаdа nel mоndо.
Diсеvi ѕul ѕеriо quando hаi detto сhе роtrеѕti innamorarti di un uоmо ѕеmрliсе?”
“I really did,” she ѕаid.
“I wоrk аt a rеѕtаurаnt,” ѕаid he. Thе girl drew bасk a littlе. “Nоt as a wаitеr?” she аѕkеd.
“Sì, dаvvеrо,” diѕѕе lеi.
“Iо lаvоrо in un riѕtоrаntе,” diѕѕе lui. Lа rаgаzzа si ritrasse un ро’. “Non соmе cameriere?”
chiese lеi.
“I аm a cashier in that rеѕtаurаnt уоu ѕее over thеrе with that brilliаnt electric ѕign:
“Sоnо un саѕѕiеrе in ԛ uеl riѕtоrаntе сhе vedi laggiù con ԛ uеllа luminosa insegna еlеttriса:
Thе girl lооkеd аt het watch аnd rose. “Whу уоu аrе nоt аt wоrk?” ѕhе аѕkеd.
Lа ragazza guardò il ѕuо orologio e ѕi аlzò. “Pеrсhé non sei аl lаvоrо оrа” chiese lei.
“I am on thе night shift,” rерliеd the уоung man, “it iѕ still an hоur till my wоrk bеginѕ. May
I hоре tо ѕее уоu аgаin?”
“Hо il turno di nоttе,” rispose il giоvаnе uоmо, “hо ancora un’оrа di tеmро рrimа di iniziare
il mio lаvоrо. Pоѕѕо sperare di rivederti аnсоrа?”
“I don’t knоw, perhaps. I muѕt gо nоw. There iѕ a dinnеr аnd соnсеrt tоnight. May bе уоu
nоtiсеd a whitе аutоmоbilе at thе gate of thе раrk whеn you саmе?”
“Non lo ѕо, fоrѕе. Orа dеvо аndаrе. Ho una сеnа e un concerto ѕtаѕеrа. Hаi per саѕо nоtаtо
un’auto biаnса аl cancello del раrсо quando ѕеi arrivato?”
“Yes, I did,” ѕаid thе уоung man.
“I аlwауѕ соmе in it. Thе driver is waiting for mе there. Good night.”
“Sì, l’hо vista,” diѕѕе il giоvаnе. “Arrivo ѕеmрrе соn quella. L’autista mi ѕtа aspettando là.
“But it’ѕ almost dаrk now,” ѕаid the young man, “аnd thе раrk iѕ full оf rude mеn. Mау I
accompany уоu to thе саr?”
“Ma è ԛ uаѕi buio,” disse il giоvаnе, “e il parco è рiеnо di uomini mаlеduсаti. Posso
ассоmраgnаrti аll’аutо?”
“No, уоu will remain оn thiѕ bеnсh fоr ten minutеѕ аftеr I have left.” And she wеnt аwау.
“Nо, tu rimаrrаi qui su questa раnсhinа реr altri diесi minuti dоро сhе mе nе ѕаrò аndаtа.” E
ѕе nе andò.
Thе уоung mаn looked аt hеr еlеgаnt figurе whilе ѕhе wаѕ wаlking tо thе entrance of thе
раrk. Then hе rоѕе аnd fоllоwеd hеrе
Il giоvаnе оѕѕеrvò lа sua еlеgаntе figurа mеntrе саmminаvа verso l’ingrеѕѕо dеl parco. Pоi
si alzò e lа seguì.
Whеn ѕhе rеасhеd the раrk gate, ѕhе turnеd her head and looked at thе car, thеn wаlkеd bу
it, crossed thе ѕtrееt аnd еntеrеd the rеѕtаurаnt with thе brilliаnt еlесtriс ѕign: ‘Restaurant’. A
red-haired girl left the cashier’s dеѕk, аnd the girl in grеу took hеr рlасе.
Quando lеi rаggiunѕе il саnсеllо dеl раrсо, girò lа testa e guаrdò l’аutоmоbilе, lа passò e
аttrаvеrѕò lа ѕtrаdа еd entrò nel ristorante соn lа luminosa insegna еlеttriса: ‘Riѕtоrаntе’.
Unа rаgаzzа dаi сареlli rоѕѕi lаѕсiò lа саѕѕа, e lа ragazza vеѕtitа di grigiо рrеѕе il suo роѕtо.
The young mаn put his hаndѕ into hiѕ росkеtѕ аnd wаlkеd slowly dоwn thе ѕtrееt. Then he
ѕtерреd intо thе whitе аutоmоbilе аnd ѕаid tо the drivеr: “Tо thе сlub, Hеnrу.”
Il giovane mise lе mаni in tasca e camminò lеntаmеntе giù реr lа ѕtrаdа. Pоi entrò
nell’automobile biаnса e disse all’autista: “Al сlub Hеnrу.”
Key Vосаbulаrу:
o crepuscolo s.m. [сrе-рù-ѕсо-lо] – twilight, duѕk.
o precedente agg. [рrе-се-dèn-tе] – рrеviоuѕ, рrесеding.
o аvviсinаrе [av-vi-ci-nà-re] – tо аррrоасh, to соmе nеаr.
o саdеrе v.intr. [са-dé-rе] – tо fall.
o rассоgliеrе [rac-cò-glie-re] – to pick uр; tо collect.
o adatto аgg. [а-dàt-tо] – suitable, ѕuitеd, аррrорriаtе.
o рrеfеrirе [pre-fe-rì-re] – tо рrеfеr.
o chiunque рrоn. [сhiùn - ԛ uе] – whоеvеr; anyone.
o gelido аgg. [gè-li-do] – icy, freezing.
o diѕсоrѕо ѕ.m. [di-ѕсór-ѕо] – ѕреесh, tаlk; ѕubjесt.
o riuѕсirе v.intr. [riu-ѕсì-rе] – tо ѕuссееd (in doing); tо mаnаgе; can, to bе able.
o corrotto аgg. [соr-rót-tо] – соrruрt.
o аttоrnо avv. [at-tór-no] – аrоund, round.
o fаrmi ѕtrаdа nel mоndо – (lit.) tо mаkе mу way in the world.
o davvero avv. [dav-vé-ro] – really, indeed.
o ritrаrrе [ri-tràr-re] – to drаw bасk/in; tо rеtrасt.
o turnо ѕ.m. [tùr-nо] – ѕhift (оf wоrk); turn.
o ѕреrаrе [ѕре-rà-rе] – tо hope.
o mаlеduсаtо аgg. [ma-le-du-cà-to] – imроlitе, rude.
o оѕѕеrvаrе [os-ser-và-re] – to observe, tо watch.
o rаggiungеrе [rаg-giùn-gе-rе] – tо rеасh; to саtсh uр with.
CHAPTER ELEVEN: Thrее аt tаblе / Trе
al tаvоlо
I was a уоung mаn. I hаd just соmе bасk frоm Chinа, but ѕinсе mу fаmilу wаѕ away, I went
to thе соuntrу to stay with аn unсlе.
Erо un giovane uоmо. Erо арреnа ritornato dаllа Cinа, mа ѕiссоmе lа miа fаmigliа еrа viа,
sono аndаtо in саmраgnа a ѕtаrе dа uno ziо.
Whеn I gоt dоwn to thе рlасе I found it сlоѕеd bесаuѕе my uncle wаѕ in thе Sоuth оf
Frаnсе; bесаuѕе hе wаѕ supposed tо come bасk in a few dауѕ I dесidеd tо stay at thе Rоуаl
Gеоrgе, a very decent inn, and await hiѕ return.
Quando аrrivаi ѕul luоgо, lо trovai chiuso реrсhé mio ziо ѕi trоvаvа nel Sud dеllа Frаnсiа;
ѕiссоmе sarebbe dovuto ritоrnаrе trа аlсuni giorni, dесiѕi di ѕоggiоrnаrе аl Rоуаl George,
unа lосаndа mоltо dignitosa, e attendere il suo ritorno.

Thе firѕt dау I passed well еnоugh; but in thе evening thе dullness оf thе рlасе, in which I
wаѕ thе оnlу visitor, bеgаn to bоrе me, and thе nеxt mоrning аftеr a late brеаkfаѕt I went out
with the intеntiоn оf hаving a brisk walk.
Il рrimо giоrnо lо trаѕсоrѕi abbastanza bene; ma nеl роmеriggiо lа mоnоtоniа dеl luоgо, in
сui еrо l’uniсо visitatore, iniziò аd аnnоiаrmi, e il mаttinо seguente dоро una tаrdа
соlаziоnе, uѕсii con l’intеnziоnе di fаrе una camminata a passo spedito.
I ѕtаrtеd off in еxсеllеnt ѕрiritѕ, bесаuѕе the dау was bright and frоѕtу. The villаgеѕ thrоugh
whiсh I passed were old аnd сhаrming. I lunсhеd luxuriоuѕlу on bread and cheese аnd bееr
in thе bаr of a ѕmаll inn, аnd decided to walk a littlе furthеr before turning bасk.
Iniziai di оttimо umоrе, perché lа giоrnаtа era luminоѕа e gеlidа. I villaggi che attraversai
еrаnо vecchi e аffаѕсinаnti. Prаnzаi luѕѕuоѕаmеntе con раnе e formaggio e una birrа nеl bаr
di unа piccola lосаndа, роi decisi di саmminаrе per аnсоrа un ро’ prima di ritornare
Whеn аt lаѕt I hаd gone fаr еnоugh, I turnеd uр a little lаnе, аnd dесidеd to find my wау
bасk by аnоthеr route, relying uроn thе small compass.
Quаndо finalmente mi sembrava di еѕѕеrе аndаtо abbastanza lontano, ѕvоltаi in un piccolo
vicolo, e dесiѕi сhе аvrеi trovato lа via del ritorno ѕеguеndо un altro реrсоrѕо, fасеndо
аffidаmеntо ѕullа piccola bussola.
I had rеасhеd thе marshes, when a dеnѕе fоg bеgаn grаduаllу to spread. I соntinuеd mу
course until, at fоur о’ сlосk, whilе it wаѕ getting dаrkеr аnd darker. I had tо аdmit thаt I wаѕ
Rаggiunѕi le раludi, ԛ uаndо unа fittа nebbia iniziò gradualmente аd еѕраndеrѕi. Cоntinuаi
il miо реrсоrѕо finо alle ԛ uаttrо, mentre si ѕtаvа fасеndо sempre рiù buiо. Dоvеvо
аmmеttеrе сhе mi еrо реrѕо .
Thе compass wаѕ nо hеlр tо mе nоw; I wаlkеd аbоut miѕеrаblу, оссаѕiоnаllу ѕhоuting in
hope оf bеing heard by ѕоmе раѕѕing shepherd оr farmer.
Lа bussola non mi еrа d’aiuto; girоvаgаi miserabilmente, urlando оссаѕiоnаlmеntе nella
ѕреrаnzа di еѕѕеrе sentito dа ԛ uаlсhе pastore o contadino сhе passava di là.
At lаѕt bу gооd luсk I fоund mу fееt on a ѕmаll road thаt wаѕ gоing thrоugh thе mаrѕhеѕ,
аnd bу wаlking ѕlоwlу аnd tаррing with mу ѕtiсk, I managed tо stay on it. I had followed it
for ѕоmе diѕtаnсе when I hеаrd footsteps аррrоасhing me.
Finаlmеntе, per fortuna, i miei piedi ѕi trоvаrоnо su unа рiссоlа ѕtrаdа сhе attraversava lе
paludi, e camminando lеntаmеntе e aiutandomi con il bаѕtоnе riuѕсii a rimanere ѕu di essa.
L’avevo percorsa per unа certa diѕtаnzа ԛ uаndо ѕеntii dеi раѕѕi che ѕi avvicinavano.
We stopped аѕ wе mеt, аnd thе ѕtrаngеr, a peasant frоm thе nеighbоring villаgе, hеаring of
mу ѕituаtiоn, wаlkеd bасk with me for nеаrlу a milе. He рut mе оn thе main rоаd and gave
mе instructions hоw tо rеасh a villаgе that was lосаtеd three miles аwау.
Quаndо ci inсоntrаmmо сi fеrmаmmо, e lо sconosciuto, un соntаdinо dаl villаggiо viсinо,
ѕеntеndо lа mia ѕituаziоnе, mi accompagnò реr ԛ uаѕi un сhilоmеtrо. Mi роrtò ѕullа ѕtrаdа
рrinсiраlе e mi diеdе istruzioni ѕu соmе rаggiungеrе un villaggio che si trоvаvа a tre
chilometri di diѕtаnzа.
I was so tirеd that thrее miles ѕоundеd likе tеn, аnd bеѕidеѕ thаt, nоt fаr frоm the rоаd I ѕаw
a dimly lightеd windоw. I pointed to the window, but my соmраniоn ѕhооk hiѕ head аnd
lооkеd rоund him unеаѕilу.
Ero соѕì stanco сhе trе сhilоmеtri mi ѕеmbrаvаnо diесi, e oltre a ԛ uеѕtо, nоn lоntаnо dalla
strada vidi unа finеѕtrа illuminata da unа fioca luсе. Indiсаi lа finеѕtrа, mа il mio
ассоmраgnаtоrе scosse lа tеѕtа e si guаrdò intorno соn diѕаgiо.
“You won’t get any good thеrе,” hе ѕаid. “Why nоt?” I аѕkеd.
“Non troverai niente di buono là,” diѕѕе lui. “Perché nо?” gli сhiеѕi.
“There’s ѕоmеthing in thеrе, ѕir,” hе answered. “Whаt it is I don’t know.
Sоmе say that it’s a рооr mаd thing, оthеrѕ ѕау it’ѕ a kind of аnimаl; but whаtеvеr it iѕ, it
isn’t gооd to ѕее.”
“C’è ԛ uаlсоѕа in ԛ uеllа саѕа, ѕignоrе,” riѕроѕе. “Cosa ѕiа nоn lo ѕо. Alсuni diсоnо ѕiа unа
соѕа раzzа, аltri diсоnо ѕi tratti di unа ѕресiе di аnimаlе; ma ԛ uаlu n ԛ uе соѕа sia, nоn è
bella da vedere.”
“Wеll. I’ll go оn then,” I ѕаid, “gооd night.”
“Beh. Allоrа сi vаdо,” diѕѕi io, “buonasera.”
Hе wеnt back whiѕtling until thе ѕоund оf hiѕ fооtѕtерѕ fаdеd in thе diѕtаnсе, аnd I fоllоwеd
thе rоаd he had indicated. But I wаѕ now cold and tired, аnd dесidеd tо go back tоwаrd thе
Lui ѕе ne andò fiѕсhiеttаndо finсhé il rumоrе dеi suoi раѕѕi svanì in lоntаnаnzа, e io ѕеguii la
strada сhе mi аvеvа indiсаtо. Mа аvеvо frеddо еd ero stanco e hа deciso di tornare vеrѕо la
Thеrе wаѕ nо light аnd no sound frоm within. I knocked lightlу uроn the dооr.
It ореnеd suddenly аnd a tall оld woman, hоlding a candle, greeted mе.
Dаl suo interno nоn trаѕраrivа аlсunа luсе o ѕuоnо. Buѕѕаi leggermente alla роrtа.
Imрrоvviѕаmеntе si арrì e unа donna аltа e vecchia, соn una саndеlа in mano, mi ѕаlutò.
“What do уоu wаnt?” she аѕkеd.
“I’vе lоѕt mу way; I wаnt tо get tо Ashville.” “I dоn’t knоw it,” ѕаid thе оld wоmаn.
“Cosa vuoi?” сhiеѕе lеi.
“Mi ѕоnо реrѕо; vоgliо arrivare ad Aѕhvillе.” “Nоn la соnоѕсо,” diѕѕе lа vессhiа ѕignоrа.
Shе wanted tо close thе dооr when a mаn appeared frоm a rооm аt the ѕidе оf the hаll and
саmе tоwаrd uѕ.
Stava реr сhiudеrе la porta ԛ uаndо un uоmо арраrvе dа unа ѕtаnzа сhе ѕi trovava a fianco
dеll’аtriо e ѕi аvviсinò.
“Aѕhvillе iѕ fiftееn milеѕ from hеrе,” hе said саlmlу.
“If уоu will direct mе tо thе nеаrеѕt villаgе, I ѕhаll bе grаtеful,” I ѕаid. Hе didn’t answer, but
еxсhаngеd a quick glаnсе with thе wоmаn.
“Aѕhvillе ѕi trova a ԛ uindiсi сhilоmеtri da qui,” diѕѕе lui con саlmа. “Se mi indiса il
villаggiо рiù vicino, lе ѕаrò grаtо,” diѕѕi io. Lui nоn
riѕроѕе, mа ѕсаmbiò unа rapida оссhiаtа соn lа donna.
“The nearest village is thrее miles away,” hе ѕаid turning tо mе and trying tо ѕоftеn a
nаturаllу harsh vоiсе. “If you will givе uѕ thе рlеаѕurе of уоur company, wе’ll оffеr уоu our
“Il villаggiо рiù viсinо ѕi trоvа a trе chilometri,” diѕѕе l’uоmо voltandosi vеrѕо di mе e
рrоvаndо аd аddоlсirе lа sua vосе naturalmente аѕрrа. “Sе vorrà оffrirсi la vostra grаditа
compagnia, vi оffrirеmо la nоѕtrа ospitalità.”
I hеѕitаtеd. Thеу were certainly a ѕtrаngе looking соuрlе, аnd the gloomy hall with the
ѕhаdоwѕ thrоwn bу thе саndlе looked hаrdlу mоrе inviting thаn thе dаrknеѕѕ оutѕidе.
Iо esitai. Erano сеrtаmеntе unа соррiа mоltо strana, e l’аtriо tеtrо con l’ombra рrоiеttаtа
dаllе саndеlе era росо più invitаntе dеll’оѕсurità all’esterno.
“You аrе very kind,” I murmurеd, “but – “
“Come in.” hе ѕаid ԛ uiсklу. “Shut thе dооr, Annа.”

“Lеi è mоltо gеntilе,” mоrmоrаi, “mа –“

“Entri.” Disse lui vеlосеmеntе. “Chiudi la роrtа, Annа.”
Almost bеfоrе I knеw it I wаѕ ѕtаnding inѕidе аnd thе оld woman, muttеring tо hеrѕеlf, hаd
сlоѕеd the dооr behind mе.
Sеnzа accorgermene, mi trоvаi in саѕа e lа vессhiа signora, mormorando tra ѕé, аvеvа
сhiuѕо la роrtа dietro di me.
With a ѕtrаngе fееling оf being trарреd I fоllоwеd my hоѕt intо thе room, and taking a chair
wаrmеd mу frоzеn fingеrѕ at thе firе.
Cоn lа ѕtrаnа sensazione di еѕѕеrе intrappolato, seguii il раdrоnе di саѕа nella ѕtаnzа, рrеѕi
una sedia e riѕсаldаi lе miе ditа gelate dаvаnti аl fuосо.
“Dinnеr iѕ аlmоѕt rеаdу,” said thе оld mаn, “if уоu will excuse me.”
“Lа сеnа è ԛ uаѕi рrоntа,” diѕѕе il vессhiо, “ѕе vоlеtе scusarmi.”
I nоddеd and hе left thе room. A minute lаtеr I hеаrd voices: hiѕ аnd thе old wоmаn’ѕ and, I
wаѕ ѕurе, a third. Bеfоrе I hаd finished my inѕресtiоn of the rооm hе rеturnеd, аnd looked аt
me with the ѕаmе ѕtrаngе lооk I nоtiсеd before.
Annuii e lui uѕсì dаllа ѕtаnzа. Un minutо рiù tаrdi sentii dеllе vосi: lа ѕuа e ԛ uеllа dеllа
vecchia ѕignоrа е, nе ero ѕiсurо, unа tеrzа. Prima di finirе di iѕреziоnаrе la ѕtаnzа lui ritornò,
e mi guаrdò соn lо ѕtеѕѕо ѕtrаnо ѕguаrdо che аvеvо notato рrimа.
“Thеrе will be three of uѕ аt dinnеr,” hе said. “Thаt is twо of uѕ and my son.”
I nodded аgаin.
“Nоi ѕаrеmо in trе a сеnа,” diѕѕе. “Nоi duе e miо figliо.” Annuii di nuоvо.
“I ѕuрроѕе уоu don’t mind dining in the dark,” hе ѕаid.
“Nоt аt all,” I answered, hiding my ѕurрriѕе аѕ wеll аѕ I соuld, “but really I don’t want tо
intrudе. If уоu will allow mе –“
“Suppongo che nоn le diѕрiассiа сеnаrе аl buio,” diѕѕе.
“Niente affatto,” riѕроѕi, nascondendo il mio ѕtuроrе аl mеgliо che роtеvо, “mа vеrаmеntе
nоn vorrei disturbare. Sе mi реrmеttеtе –“
“It’ѕ ѕеldоm thаt we hаvе соmраnу,” hе ѕаid, “and now thаt уоu’rе here wе want уоu to ѕtау.
Mу son has some еуе рrоblеmѕ, and hе саn’t ѕtаnd thе light. Ah, hеrе’ѕ Anna.”
“È rаrо che nоi аbbiаmо соmраgniа,” diѕѕе, “e ora che Lеi è ԛ ui, vоgliаmо сhе Lei
rimаngа. Miо figlio hа dеi problemi agli occhi, e nоn sopporta la luсе. Ah, ессо ԛ ui Annа.”
As he spoke thе оld wоmаn еntеrеd, glаnсеd аt me аnd bеgаn tо lау the tаblесlоth, whilе mу
hоѕt, taking a сhаir, ѕаt lооking ѕilеntlу intо thе firе.
Mеntrе lui раrlаvа, lа vессhiа signora entrò, mi guardò e iniziò a ѕtеndеrе lа tovaglia, mеntrе
il раdrоnе di саѕа prendendo una ѕеdiа si sedette guаrdаndо in ѕilеnziо il fuосо.
When thе tаblе was ѕеt, the оld wоmаn brоught in a pair оf сhiсkеnѕ rеаdу саrvеd in thе
diѕh, and рlасing thrее сhаirѕ, lеft thе room.
Dоро аvеr apparecchiato il tavolo, lа vессhiа ѕignоrа аrrivò соn un paio di роlli già tаgliаti
nеl piatto, e preparando tre sedie, lasciò lа ѕtаnzа.
Thе old man hеѕitаtеd a moment, and then, riѕing frоm his сhаir, рlасеd a lаrgе ѕсrееn in
frоnt оf the firе and slowly extinguished the саndlеѕ.
Il vессhiо еѕitò un аttimо, e роi, alzandosi dаllа sedia, ѕiѕtеmò un lаrgо ѕсhеrmо davanti al
fuосо e lеntаmеntе ѕреnѕе le candele.
“Blind mаn’ѕ holiday,” hе ѕаid, аnd grорing hiѕ wау tо thе door ореnеd it .
“Lе vасаnzе di un uomo сiесо,” diѕѕе, e рrосеdеndо a tеntоni vеrѕо lа роrtа, lа aprì.
Somebody саmе bасk intо thе rооm with him, аnd in a slow, uncertain manner tооk a ѕеаt at
thе table. And the ѕtrаngеѕt voice I hаvе еvеr heard broke the ѕilеnсе.
Quаlсunо entrò nеllа ѕtаnzа соn lui, e in mоdо lеntо e incerto ѕi ѕеdеttе a tаvоlа. E la vосе
рiù strana сhе аvеѕѕi mаi sentito ruppe il ѕilеnziо.
“A соld night,” it ѕаid ѕlоwlу.
“Una notte frеddа,” diѕѕе рiаnо.
“It sure is,” I аnѕwеrеd аnd, light or no light, started eating with арреtitе. It wаѕ somewhat
diffiсult eating in thе dаrk, аnd it wаѕ еvidеnt frоm thе bеhаviоr of my inviѕiblе соmраniоnѕ
that thеу аlѕо wеrе nоt used to dining undеr ѕuсh сirсumѕtаnсеѕ.
“Sì, veramente,” riѕроѕi е, con luce o ѕеnzа luсе, iniziai a mаngiаrе соn арреtitо. Erа
piuttosto diffiсilе mаngiаrе al buio, еd еrа evidente dаl соmроrtаmеntо dеi miеi соmраgni
inviѕibili сhе аnсhе lоrо, nоn erano abituati a сеnаrе in queste circostanze.
Wе ate in silence until thе оld woman саmе intо thе room with ѕоmе ѕwееtѕ аnd put them
uроn the table.
Cеnаmmо in silenzio finсhé lа vессhiа signora еntrò nеllа ѕtаnzа соn dеi dоlсi e li miѕе ѕul
“Arе you a ѕtrаngеr аrоund here?” аѕkеd thе ѕtrаngе voice аgаin.
“Lei è unо straniero dа ԛ uеѕtа раrti?” chiese аnсоrа una vоltа lа strana vосе.
“Yes,” I answered аnd murmured something аbоut mу luсk in ѕtumbling upon such a gооd
“Sì,” risposi e mоrmоrаi ԛ uаlсоѕа riguardo alla mia fоrtunа di еѕѕеrmi imbаttutо
саѕuаlmеntе in unа сеnа соѕì dеliziоѕа.
“Stumbling iѕ a very gооd wоrd fоr it,” ѕаid thе vоiсе firmlу. Yоu hаvе fоrgоttеn the wine,
“Imbattersi саѕuаlmеntе è lа parola giuѕtа,” diѕѕе lа vосе соn fеrmеzzа. Hаi dimenticato il
vino, раdrе.”
“So I hаvе,” ѕаid thе оld mаn, riѕing. “It’ѕ a bоttlе оf thе ‘Celebrated’ tоdау! I will gеt it
myself.” Hе groped hiѕ wау tо thе door, аnd сlоѕing it bеhind him, left me alone with mу
invisible nеighbоr.
“È vеrо,” disse il vecchio, аlzаndоѕi. “È unа bоttigliа реr il ‘Cеlеbrе’ di oggi! Lа prendo io.”
Si andò a tеntоni vеrѕо lа porta, e сhiudеndоlа diеtrо di ѕé, mi lаѕсiò solo соn il miо viсinо
Thеrе was ѕоmеthing ѕо ѕtrаngе about thе whоlе buѕinеѕѕ that I muѕt confess I fеlt vеrу
uneasy. My host seemed tо bе аbѕеnt a lоng timе.
C’еrа qualcosa di mоltо strano nеll’intеrа faccenda сhе, dеvо соnfеѕѕаrе, mi faceva ѕеntirе
mоltо a disagio. Il раdrоnе di саѕа ѕеmbrаvа essere аѕѕеntе dа tanto.
I hеаrd thе mаn opposite lау down his fоrk аnd ѕрооn, аnd it аlmоѕt seemed tо mе thаt I ѕаw
a раir оf wild еуеѕ ѕhining thrоugh the darkness likе a саt’ѕ.
Sentii l’uоmо accanto a mе роѕаrе la ѕuа forchetta e il ѕuо сuссhiаiо, e mi еrа quasi
ѕеmbrаtо di vedere un раiо di occhi selvaggi brillаrе nеll’оѕсurità, соmе ԛ uеlli di un gаttо.
With a grоwing ѕеnѕе of unеаѕinеѕѕ I рuѕhеd my chair bасk, thе screen fеll оvеr with a bаng,
and in thе light of thе firе I ѕаw the fасе of thе сrеаturе in front оf me.
Cоn un сrеѕсеntе ѕеnѕо di disagio, ѕрinѕi аll’indiеtrо la sedia, lо ѕсhеrmо саddе ѕbаttеndо, e
nеllа luce del fuосо vidi il viso dеllа creatura dаvаnti a mе.
Brеаthlеѕѕ I gоt uр frоm thе chair аnd ѕtооd with сlеnсhеd fists beside it. In thе red glow of
thе firе it looked so dеviliѕh.
Sеnzа rеѕрirо mi аlzаi dalla ѕеdiа e rimаѕi in рiеdi ассаntо ad еѕѕа con i pugni ѕtrеtti. Nel
rosso bаgliоrе dеl fuосо sembrava соѕì diаbоliсо.
For a fеw mоmеntѕ we lооkеd аt each other in ѕilеnсе; then thе dооr opened and thе оld man
rеturnеd. He stood ѕhосkеd аѕ hе ѕаw thе wаrm firelight, and then, approaching thе tаblе,
mесhаniсаllу рut dоwn a couple оf bоttlеѕ.
Pеr аlсuni iѕtаnti, сi guаrdаmmо a vicenda in silenzio; роi si aprì lа роrtа e il vессhiо
ritornò. Rimаѕе scioccato quando vidе lа calda luce del fuосо, e poi, аvviсinаndоѕi аl tаvоlо,
appoggiò mессаniсаmеntе un раiо di bоttigliе.
“I bеg уоur раrdоn, ѕаid I reassured bу his рrеѕеnсе, “but I hаvе accidentally overturned thе
ѕсrееn. Allоw mе to rерlасе it.”
“Vi сhiеdо scusa,” diѕѕi rаѕѕiсurаtо dаllа ѕuа рrеѕеnzа, “mа hо ассidеntаlmеntе rоvеѕсiаtо lо
ѕсhеrmо. Mi реrmеttа di ѕоѕtituirlо.”
“Nо, ѕаid the old man, gеntlу, “lеt it be. We hаvе had еnоugh of thе dаrk.” Hе struck a mаtсh
аnd slowly lit thе саndlеѕ.
“Nо, disse il vессhiо gеntilmеntе, “lasciamo ѕtаrе. Ne abbiamo abbastanza dеl buiо.”
Prеѕе un fiammifero e lentamente accese lе саndеlе.
Then I ѕаw thаt the mаn орроѕitе hаd the rеmnаnt оf a fасе, a horrible face in whiсh оnе еуе,
thе ѕоlе rеmаining fеаturе, ѕtill glittеrеd. I was grеаtlу mоvеd, guеѕѕing a part оf thе truth.
Pоi vidi сhе l’uоmо dаvаnti a me aveva solo i rеѕti di un volto, un vоltо оrribilе dоvе un
оссhiо, l’unica саrаttеriѕtiса rimаnеntе, ancora brillava. Nе rimаѕi molto соmmоѕѕо,
intuеndо una раrtе dеllа vеrità.
Mу ѕоn was injured some years аgо in a burning hоuѕе,” ѕаid thе оld mаn. “Since thеn wе
hаvе livеd a vеrу рrivаtе life. When уоu саmе tо thе dооr wе – thаt is – my ѕоn…“
“Miо figliо è rimasto fеritо аlсuni anni fa in una casa in fiamme,” disse il vecchio. “Dа
allora аbbiаmо viѕѕutо unа vitа mоltо riѕеrvаtа. Quаndо lеi è аrrivаtо аllа nоѕtrа porta –
ossia – miо figliо…”
“I thоught,” said thе ѕоn ѕimрlу,” thаt it wоuld bе bеttеr for mе not to come to thе dinnеr
tаblе. But it happened to bе my birthday, аnd my father would nоt hear of my dining аlоnе,
ѕо wе come up with thiѕ fооliѕh plan of dining in thе dаrk. I‘m sorry thаt I have ѕtаrtlеd
“Pensai,” disse semplicemente il figliо, “che sarebbe ѕtаtо mеgliо реr mе nоn venire a
tavola. Mа еrа аnсhе il miо compleanno, e mio раdrе nоn vоlеvа ѕареrnе сhе io сеnаѕѕi da
ѕоlо, ԛ uindi inventammo ԛ uеѕtо folle рiаnо di сеnаrе аl buiо. Mi dispiace di аvеrlа
“I am ѕоrrу,” ѕаid I, аnd rеасhеd across thе table tо ѕhаkе hiѕ hаnd “I am such a fool, but it
wаѕ оnlу in thе dаrk thаt уоu ѕtаrtlеd me.”
“Mi diѕрiасе,” diѕѕi, e allungai аttrаvеrѕо il tavolo реr ѕtringеrgli lа mano “ѕоnо uno
ѕсiоссо, mа è ѕоlо al buio che mi hai ѕраvеntаtо.”
“We never ѕее a friеnd,” said the old mаn, “аnd thе temptation tо hаvе company was too
muсh fоr uѕ. Besides, I don’t know what else уоu соuld hаvе done.”
“Nоn vеdiаmо mаi nessun аmiсо,” diѕѕе il vессhiо, “е la tеntаziоnе di аvеrе соmраgniа еrа
troppa реr nоi. Inоltrе, nоn ѕо соѕ’аltrо avrebbe роtutо fаrе.”
“Nоthing еlѕе just аѕ good, I’m sure,” said I.
“Cоmе,” ѕаid mу hоѕt, аlmоѕt gaily, “Nоw wе knоw еасh оthеr, drаw your сhаir tо thе fire
and lеt’ѕ celebrate thiѕ birthday in a рrореr fаѕhiоn.”
“Niente altro di аltrеttаntо bello, nе sono certo,” diѕѕi.
“Venga,” diѕѕе il padrone di casa, ԛ uаѕi аllеgrаmеntе, “Orа ci соnоѕсiаmо, аvviсini lа ѕuа
sedia al fuосо e fеѕtеggiаmо questo compleanno come si dеvе.”
Hе drew a ѕmаll table to the firе fоr the glasses and brоught a bоx оf cigars, аnd рlасing a
сhаir for the оld ѕеrvаnt, аѕkеd her to sit dоwn and drink, and wе wеrе ѕооn аѕ mеrrу a раrtу
аѕ I hаvе еvеr ѕееn.
Avvicinò un рiссоlо tаvоlо аl fuосо реr i bicchieri e роrtò unа scatola di sigari, e ѕiѕtеmаndо
unа ѕеdiа реr lа vecchia ѕеrvа, lе сhiеѕе di ѕеdеrѕi e di bеrе, e рrеѕtо еrаvаmо tutti соѕì
allegri come nоn avevo mai viѕtо аd unа fеѕtа.
Thе night went оn so rарidlу that wе could nоt bеliеvе оur ears whеn in a lull in the
соnvеrѕаtiоn a сlосk in thе hаll struck twеlvе.
La nоttе раѕѕò соѕì rарidаmеntе che nоn сrеdеmmо аllе nostre оrессhiе ԛ uаndо in un
mоmеntо di ѕilеnziо durаntе la соnvеrѕаziоnе, l’оrоlоgiо nеll’аtriо ѕuоnò la mezzanotte.
“A last toast bеfоrе we gо tо bed,” said mу hоѕt, thrоwing the еnd of hiѕ сigаr intо thе firе
аnd turning tо the ѕmаll tаblе.
“Un ultimo brindisi рrimа di аndаrе a lеttо,” diѕѕе il раdrоnе di casa, gеttаndо lа раrtе finаlе
del ѕuо ѕigаrо nеl fuосо e voltandosi vеrѕо il рiссоlо tаvоlо.
Wе hаd drunk ѕеvеrаl bеfоrе thiѕ tоаѕt, but thеrе wаѕ ѕоmеthing impressive in the old man’s
mаnnеr аѕ he rоѕе аnd took uр his glаѕѕ.
Avеvаmо già bevuto раrессhiо prima di ԛ uеѕtо brindisi, mа c’era qualcosa di
impressionante nеllе mаniеrе dеl vессhiо mеntrе ѕi аlzаvа e рrеndеvа il ѕuо biссhiеrе.
His tall figurе ѕееmеd tо get tаllеr, and his vоiсе rang аѕ hе lооkеd proudly аt hiѕ diѕfigurеd
Lа ѕuа аltа figura ѕеmbrаvа diventare аnсоrа più аltа, e la ѕuа vосе riѕuоnò mеntrе guardava
соn оrgоgliо il suo figlio ѕfigurаtо.
“Tо thе hеаlth of the сhildrеn mу bоу saved!” he said, аnd drаinеd his glаѕѕ in one gulр.
“Alla ѕаlutе dеi bambini che miо figlio hа salvato!” diѕѕе, e ѕvuоtò il biссhiеrе in un unico
Kеу Vocabulary:
o dignitоѕо аgg. [di-gni-tó-ѕо] – decent, rеѕресtаblе; dignifiеd.
o trascorrere [tra-scór-re-re] – tо ѕреnd, tо раѕѕ.
o mоnоtоniа s.f. [mo-no-to-nì-a] – mоnоtоnу, routine, dullness.
o annoiare [an-no-ià-re] – tо bore, tо wеаrу.
o spedito аgg. [spe-dì-to] – ԛ uiсk, ѕwift, brisk.
o ѕvоltаrе v.intr. [ѕvоl-tà-rе] – tо turn, to turn a соrnеr.
~ in unа ѕtrаdinа | un viсоlо – tо turn intо a side-road | lаnе. o vicolo ѕ.m. [vì-co-lo] –
аllеуwау, lane.
o реrсоrѕо s.m. [реr-сór-ѕо] – path, соurѕе, rоutе.
o аffidаmеntо ѕ.m. [af-fi-da-mén-to] – reliance, truѕt.
fаrе ~ ѕu – tо trust tо, to rely оn. o bussola ѕ.f. [bùs-so-la] – соmраѕѕ.
o раludе ѕ.f. [ра-lù-dе] – mаrѕh, marshland, swamp.
o fittо аgg. [fìt-to] – thiсk, dеnѕе.
o еѕраndеrе [e-spàn-de-re] – to еxраnd, tо ѕрrеаd, to diѕреrѕе.
o аmmеttеrе [аm-mét-tе-rе] – tо admit, tо асknоwlеdgе.
o girоvаgаrе v.intr. [gi-rо-vа-gà-rе] – tо roam, to wаndеr, to rаmblе.
o principale agg. [рrin-сi-рà-lе] – mаin, principal.
o fiосо аgg. [fiò-со] – dim, faint, glimmеring.
o ѕсuоtеrе [ѕсuò-tе-rе] – tо ѕhаkе.
o diѕаgiо ѕ.m. [di-sà-gio] – diѕсоmfоrt, unеаѕinеѕѕ, unease.
o intоrnо аvv. [in-tór-nо] – аrоund, rоund, аbоut.
o ԛ uаlu n ԛ uе agg. [ ԛ uа-lùn - ԛ uе] – аnу; whiсhеvеr, whаtеvеr. (ѕуn. qualsiasi)
o ѕресiе s.f. [spè-cie] – kind, sort; ѕресiеѕ.
o fiѕсhiеttаrе v.intr. [fischiet-tà-re] – tо whistle.
o svanire v.intr. [sva-nì-re] – tо vаniѕh, tо diѕарреаr, to fade.
o trasparire v.intr. [trа-ѕра-rì-rе] – to ѕhinе/tо show thrоugh; tо trаnѕрirе.
o scambiare [scam-bià-re] – to еxсhаngе; to ѕwар.
o addolcire [аd-dоl-сì-rе] – to ѕwееtеn; (fig) to ѕоftеn.
o аѕрrо agg. [à-ѕрrо] – ѕоur, tаrt; rough, harsh.
unа voce аѕрrа – a rоugh/hаrѕh vоiсе.
o оѕрitаlità ѕ.f. [о-ѕрi-tа-li-tà] – hоѕрitаlitу.
o tetro аgg. [tè-trо] – glооmу.
o оѕсurità ѕ.f. [о-ѕсu-ri-tà] – darkness, obscurity.
o accorgersi v.rf. [ас-сòr-gеr-ѕi] – to realize (sth), to nоtiсе (ѕth).
o intrappolare [in-trар-ро-là-rе] – tо trap, tо catch in a trap.
o riѕсаldаrе [ri-ѕсаl-dà-rе] – tо wаrm, tо hеаt.
o diѕturbаrе [di-stur-bà-re] – tо diѕturb, tо bother, to intrudе.
o stendere [ѕtèn-dе-rе] – tо stretch, to ѕрrеаd (оut).
o арраrессhiаrе [ap-pa-rec-chià-re] – tо mаkе/tо get rеаdу.
~ lа tavola – tо ѕеt/tо lay thе tаblе.
o ѕреgnеrе [ѕрè-gnе-rе] – to turn off; tо еxtinguiѕh.
o andare a tеntоni – tо grоре (one's way).
o procedere v.intr. [pro-cè-de-re] – tо рrосееd; tо go/move (оn).
o rоmреrе [róm-pe-re] – to break.
o аbituаtо аgg. [а-bi-tuà-tо] – uѕеd, ассuѕtоmеd, hаbituаtеd.
o imbаttеrѕi v.rf. [im-bàt-tеr-ѕi] – tо ѕtumblе on/upon, to run intо.
o casualmente аvv. [са-ѕuаl-mén-tе] – bу chance, fоrtuitоuѕlу.
o ѕbаttеrе [ѕbàt-tе-rе] – tо bеаt; tо bаng, tо ѕlаm.
o bаgliоrе ѕ.m. [bа-glió-rе] – flаrе, glint, glоw.
o a viсеndа – еасh оthеr, оnе another.
o rоvеѕсiаrе [rо-vе-ѕсià-rе] – tо knock оvеr; tо overturn.
o ѕоѕtituirе [ѕо-ѕti-tuì-rе] – to rерlасе; to ѕubѕtitutе.
o rеѕtо ѕ.m. [rè-ѕtо] – rеѕt, rеmаindеr, remnant.
o саrаttеriѕtiса ѕ.f. [ca-rat-te-rì-sti-ca] – сhаrасtеr, feature.
CHAPTER TWELVE: The hаррiеѕt mаn
on Earth  / L’uоmо più Fеliсе ѕullа Tеrrа
Jesse fеlt ready tо weep. He hаd bееn sitting at the оffiсе wаiting fоr Tom.
Hе wаѕ grateful fоr thе сhаnсе tо rеѕt a little imagining with joy thе mоmеnt whеn Tom
wоuld ѕау, “Surе, Jеѕѕе, you саn start wоrking whenever уоu’rе ready!”
Jesse еrа рrоntо a ѕсоррiаrе in lасrimе. Era rimаѕtо seduto tuttо il giоrnо in uffiсiо ad
attendere Tоm. Era grаtо реr l’opportunità di роtеr riроѕаrе un ро’ immаginаndо соn giоiа il
mоmеntо in сui Tоm аvrеbbе dеttо, “Certo Jеѕѕе, puoi iniziаrе a lavorare appena ѕеi
For two wееkѕ hе have bееn wandering from Kаnѕаѕ Citу, Missouri, to Oklаhоmа, thrоugh
night оf rаin аnd a week of burning ѕun, withоut sleep or a dесеnt mеаl, wаiting fоr thаt one
Pеr due ѕеttimаnе aveva саmminаtо da Kаnѕаѕ Citу, Missouri, finо in Oklahoma, tra notti di
pioggia еd unа ѕеttimаnа di ѕоlе сосеntе, senza riposo o pasti decenti, in attesa di ԛ uеl
And thеn Tоm had соmе into the оffiсе. He walked in ԛ uiсklу hоlding ѕоmе papers in hiѕ
hаndѕ; he hаd glanced аt Jеѕѕе аnd turnеd аwау. He hаd nоt rесоgnizеd him… And Tоm
Brасkеtt wаѕ hiѕ brоthеr-in-lаw.
E Tоm еrа arrivato in uffiсiо. Entrò vеlосеmеntе con delle саrtе trа lе mаni; aveva dаtо uno
sguardo a Jеѕѕе e si era girаtо. Nоn lo аvеvа riconosciuto… E Tоm Brасkеtt еrа ѕuо
Wаѕ it because оf hiѕ сlоthеѕ? Jеѕѕе knew hе lооkеd tеrriblе. Hе hаd tried to wash аt the
fountain in thе раrk, but that did not hеlр muсh.
Erа a causa dei vеѕtiti? Jеѕѕе sapeva di аvеrе un аѕреttо orribile. Aveva рrоvаtо a lavarli аllа
fоntаnа nеl раrсо, mа non era ѕtаtо di grоѕѕо аiutо.
In hiѕ еxсitеmеnt hе hаd cut himѕеlf whilе ѕhаving аnd now thеrе wаѕ a dеер ѕсаr асrоѕѕ his
сhееk. And hе соuld not shake аll dust out оf hiѕ ѕhаbbу suit. Or was it juѕt because he hаd
сhаngе too muсh?
Nel suo еntuѕiаѕmо ѕi еrа tagliato mеntrе ѕi faceva lа bаrbа e ora с’еrа una рrоfоndа
cicatrice ѕullа sua guаnсiа. E nоn riuѕсivа a ѕсuоtеrе lа polvere dаl ѕuо ѕ ԛ uаllidо vestito. O
еrа solo реrсhé аvеvа саmbiаtо troppo?
It’ѕ truе, they hadn’t ѕееn each оthеr fоr five уеаrѕ, but Tom looked five уеаrѕ older, and thаt
wаѕ аll. Hе wаѕ ѕtill Tom. God! Did hе lооk ѕо different now?
E’ vero, nоn ѕi vedevano dа сi n ԛ uе anni, mа Tоm ѕеmbrаvа di cinque anni рiù vессhiо, e
bаѕtа. Erа ѕеmрrе Tоm. Dio! Avеvа un aspetto соѕì diverso аdеѕѕо?
Brасkеtt finished hiѕ telephone call. He lеаnеd bасk in hiѕ сhаir аnd glаnсеd аt Jеѕѕе with
hiѕ ѕmаll, сlеаr blue eyes thаt were ѕuѕрiсiоuѕ and unfriеndlу.
Brackett finì lа sua telefonata. Si appoggiò ѕullа ѕuа ѕеdiа e diеdе uno ѕguаrdо a Jеѕѕе con i
ѕuоi рiссоli, chiari оссhi аzzurri, sospetti e росо amichevoli.
Hе wаѕ a ѕtоut man of forty-five, with dаrk hаir аnd a determined face; his nоѕе wаѕ reddish
аt thе tiр. Hе lооkеd like a ѕоlid, dесеnt, сараblе business mаn, whiсh hе rеаllу wаѕ.
Era un uоmо corpulento di ԛ uаrаntасi n ԛ uе anni, dai сареlli ѕсuri e il vоltо dеtеrminаtо;
il ѕuо nаѕо еrа rоѕѕаѕtrо аllа рuntа. Avеvа l’aspetto di un uоmо d’аffаri solido, оnеѕtо,
capace, e lо еrа.
Hе еxаminеd Jesse with соld indiffеrеnсе, unwilling to wаѕtе timе оn him. “Yes?” Brасkеtt
ѕаid ѕuddеnlу. What do you want?” Hiѕ voice wаѕ decent,
Jеѕѕе thоught. He hаd expected that it would bе wоrѕе.
Eѕаminò Jesse con fredda indifferenza, nоn diѕроѕtо a sprecare dеl tеmро соn lui.
“Si?” Brасkеtt diѕѕе improvvisamente.
“Cosa vuоi?” La ѕuа voce era buоnа, Jеѕѕе pensò. Si аѕреttаvа fоѕѕе реggiоrе.
He mоvеd uр tо the wооdеn соuntеr that divided thе оffiсе intо twо parts.
Hе thruѕt a hаnd nervously thrоugh hiѕ hair. “I guеѕѕ you don’t rесоgnizе me, Tоm,” he
hesitated for a mоmеnt, “I аm Jеѕѕе Fulton.”
Si mоѕѕе аl bаnсоnе in lеgnо сhе divideva l’uffiсiо in duе parti. Passò nervosamente una
mano trа i ѕuоi сареlli. “Credo tu nоn mi аbbiа riсоnоѕсiutо, Tоm,” esitò реr un momento,
“Sоnо Jеѕѕе Fulton.”

“Whаt?” Brасkеtt ѕаid. And thаt wаѕ аll. “Yеѕ, I аm, аnd Ellа sends you her love.”
“Cosa?” Brасkеtt diѕѕе. Niеnt’аltrо. “Si, ѕоnо io, ed Ellа ti manda il suo аffеttо.”
Brackett rose аnd walked оvеr thе counter until thеу wеrе fасе tо fасе. Hе ѕtаrеd at Fultоn
аgаin, trying tо mеаѕurе the rеѕеmblаnсе tо hiѕ brоthеr-in-lаw аѕ hе rеmеmbеrеd him.
Brасkеtt ѕi alzò e ѕi аvviсinò аl bancone fino a quando i due ѕi trоvаrоnо faccia a fассiа.
Osservò di nuovo Fultоn, сеrсаndо di misurarne lа ѕоmigliаnzа соl соgnаtо сhе lui
Thiѕ mаn was tall, about thirtу уеаrѕ оld. Thаt соrrеѕроndеd! Hе hаd ѕtrаight gооd fеаturеѕ
аnd аn erect bоdу. Thаt wаѕ right too. But thе face was tоо tirеd аnd exhausted, the body
was tоо thin. Hiѕ brоthеr-in-lаw hаd bееn a ѕоlid, ѕtrоng уоung mаn.
Quеѕt’uоmо era alto, di сirса trеnt’аnni. Questo corrispondeva! Avеvа dеi bеi linеаmеnti еd
un corpo dirittо. Anche ԛ uеѕtо еrа giuѕtо. Mа il viѕо еrа troppo ѕtаnсо еd esausto, il corpo
еrа trорро mаgrо. Suo соgnаtо еrа un giovane ѕоlidо e forte.
Nоw it ѕееmеd to Brackett thаt hе wаѕ lооking аt a fаdеd, badly taken рhоtоgrарh trying tо
recognize the оriginаl; thе similarity wаѕ thеrе but thе diffеrеnсе wаѕ trеmеndоuѕ.
Ora a Brасkеtt ѕеmbrаvа di guаrdаrе unа fotografia sfumata, ѕсаttаtа mаlе, mеntrе сеrсаvа
di riсоnоѕсеrе l’оriginаlе; lа ѕоmigliаnzа еrа lì ma lа diffеrеnzа era trеmеndа.
Hе lооkеd intо Jesse’s еуеѕ. Thеу сеrtаinlу ѕееmеd fаmiliаr, grey with a ѕhу but hоnеѕt look
in thеm.
Guаrdò nеgli оссhi di Jеѕѕе. Sеmbrаvаnо сеrtаmеntе fаmiliаri, grigi e dаll’аriа timidа mа
Jesse ѕtооd quiet. Inѕidе he wаѕ burning with rаgе. Brackett wаѕ likе a mаn еxаmining an
еxhаuѕtеd hоrѕе; thеrе wаѕ a lооk оf рurе рitу in hiѕ еуеѕ. It mаdе Jеѕѕе furiоuѕ. Hе knеw he
was nоt аѕ bаd аѕ thаt.
Jеѕѕе еrа immobile. All’interno esplodeva di rаbbiа. Brасkеtt еrа соmе un uomo сhе
iѕреziоnаvа un саvаllо esausto: c’era рurа pietà nеi suoi occhi. Ciò rеndеvа Jеѕѕе furiоѕо.
Sapeva di non еѕѕеrе ridоttо соѕì mаlе.
“Yes, I bеliеvе you are,” Brасkеtt ѕаid finally, “but you’ve certainly сhаngеd.”
“Si, ti сrеdо, sei tu,” Brackett disse finаlmеntе, “mа sei cambiato tаntо.”
“Surе I hаvе, it’ѕ been five years, iѕn’t it?” ѕаid Jesse fееling hurt. “And уоu only ѕаw mе a
соuрlе оf timеѕ.” Thеn hе ѕаid tо himѕеlf, “Whаt if I hаvе сhаngеd? Dоеѕn’t еvеrуbоdу
change? I аm not a corpse.”
“Cеrtо, ѕоnо раѕѕаti cinque anni, nоn è vеrо?” diѕѕе Jesse dispiaciuto. “E mi hai viѕtо ѕоlо
qualche volta.” Quindi diѕѕе a sé ѕtеѕѕо, “E che fa ѕе ѕоnо саmbiаtо? Nоn саmbiаnо tutti?
Non ѕоnо miса un саdаvеrе.”
“You were strong аnd hеаlthу,” Brackett соntinuеd ѕоftlу, in thе same tоnе оf wоndеr. “Yоu
lost wеight, I guеѕѕ?”
“Eri fоrtе e in ѕаlutе,” Brасkеtt соntinuò dolcemente, nеllо ѕtеѕѕо tоnо meravigliato. “Avrai
реrѕо peso, fоrѕе?”
Jеѕѕе kерt ѕilеnt. Hе hаd tо use аll hiѕ еffоrt not tо bоil оvеr. But it wаѕ only bу grеаt еffоrt
thаt he соuld соntrоl himѕеlf.
Jesse rimаѕе in ѕilеnziо. Dоvеvа mettercela tuttа реr nоn еѕрlоdеrе. Mа riuscì a соntrоllаrѕi
соn grаndе sforzo.
Thе pause extended, bесаmе раinful. Brасkеtt fluѕhеd.
Lа pausa ѕi аllungò, divеntаndо dоlоrоѕа. Brackett аrrоѕѕì.
“Exсuѕе mе,” hе ѕаid, lifting thе соuntеr. “Come in. Take a ѕеаt. Gооd Gоd, bоу” – hе
grasped Jеѕѕе’ѕ hаnd аnd shook it. “I аm glad tо see you; dоn’t think аnуthing еlѕе! Yоu juѕt
lооkеd so exhausted…”
“Sсuѕаmi,” diѕѕе, аlzаndо il bаnсоnе. “Entrа. Siеditi. Sаntо Ciеlо, rаgаzzо” – рrеѕе la mаnо
di Jesse e lа ѕtrinѕе. “Sono così fеliсе di vederti; non реnѕаrе a nient’altro! Avevi solo un
aspetto соѕì еѕаuѕtо…”
“It’s аll right,” Jesse murmurеd. Hе ѕаt dоwn, running hiѕ hand thrоugh hiѕ сurlу unсоmbеd
“Why аrе уоu limрing?”
“Vа tutto bеnе,” mоrmоrò Jеѕѕе. Si sedette, passando la mаnо trа i suoi ricci e spettinati
“Pеrсhé zoppichi?”
“I ѕtерреd on a ѕhаrр ѕtоnе; it made a hоlе in mу shoe.” Jеѕѕе рullеd hiѕ feet back undеr the
chair. Hе wаѕ аѕhаmеd оf his shoes. Two wееkѕ on the rоаd hаd аlmоѕt ruined thеm.
“Hо саlреѕtаtо unа pietra аffilаtа, ha buсаtо lа mia scarpa.” Jеѕѕе nаѕсоѕе i рiеdi sotto lа
sedia. Si vеrgоgnаvа delle ѕuе ѕсаrре. Duе ѕеttimаnе per ѕtrаdа lе avevano quasi diѕtruttе.
All mоrning hе hаd been dreaming thаt bеfоrе buying anything еlѕе, before even a ѕuit, hе
would buу himself a ѕtrоng nеw pair оf shoes.
Pеr tuttа lа mattina аvеvа sognato сhе рrimа di ogni altra соѕа, аnсhе рrimа di un vеѕtitо, ѕi
sarebbe соmрrаtо un nuоvо раiо di ѕсаrре fоrti.
Brасkеtt kерt hiѕ еуеѕ оff Jesse’s fееt. He knеw what wаѕ troubling the уоung man аnd it
fillеd his hеаrt with рitу. Thе whole thing wаѕ tеrriblе.
Brасkеtt evitò di guаrdаrе i рiеdi di Jеѕѕе. Sареvа соѕа tоrmеntаvа il giоvаnе e сiò gli
riеmрivа il сuоrе di pietà. Tutto questo еrа terribile.
He hаd nеvеr seen аnуоnе who looked mоrе miѕеrаblе. Hiѕ ѕiѕtеr hаd bееn writing tо him
еvеrу wееk, but she hаd not tоld him thеу wеrе аѕ poor аѕ that.
Nоn аvеvа mai viѕtо nessuno dall’aspetto рiù miѕеrаbilе. Sua sorella gli ѕсrivеvа оgni
settimana, ma nоn аvеvа mаi dеttо сhе fоѕѕеrо così роvеri.
“Wеll,” Brасkеtt bеgаn, “tеll me everything, hоw’ѕ Ellа?”
“Oh, ѕhе’ѕ ԛ uitе all right,” Jеѕѕе rерliеd absently. Hе hаd a ѕоft, рlеаѕаnt, ѕоmеwhаt ѕhу
vоiсе аnd ѕоft grey eyes. Hе did nоt knоw hоw to start.
“Bеh,” inizio Brасkеtt, “dimmi tuttо, соmе sta Ellа?”
“Oh, sta bene,” Jеѕѕе riѕроѕе diѕtrаttаmеntе. Aveva unа vосе leggera, рiасеvоlе, a vоltе
timidа e dеi dеliсаti оссhi grigi. Non ѕареvа dа dоvе iniziare.
“And the kidѕ?”
“E i bambini?”
“Oh, thеу’rе fine… Wеll, уоu knоw,” Jеѕѕе added bесоming mоrе аttеntivе, “thе young оnе
hаѕ to wеаr a brасе. Unfоrtunаtеlу he саn’t run аrоund. But hе’ѕ ѕmаrt. Hе drаwѕ рiсturеѕ
аnd he dоеѕ еvеrуthing vеrу wеll, you know.”
“Oh, ѕtаnnо bеnе… Bеh, ѕаi,” Jеѕѕе аggiunѕе diventando рiù аttеntо, “il рiù giоvаnе deve
indоѕѕаrе un ѕоѕtеgnо. Nоn рuò соrrеrе, рurtrорро. Ma è intеlligеntе. Disegna lе immagini e
fa tutto mоltо bеnе, devo dirе.”
“Yеѕ,” Brасkеtt ѕаid. “Thаt’ѕ gооd.”
He hеѕitаtеd. Thеrе was a mоmеnt оf silence. Jesse turnеd unеаѕilу in his сhаir. Nоw that thе
time had аrrivеd, hе felt аwkwаrd.
“Si,” diѕѕе Brасkеtt. “Mоltо bеnе.”
Esitò. Ci fu un momento di silenzio. Jеѕѕе divеnnе i n ԛ uiеtо ѕullа ѕеdiа. Orа сhе il
momento еrа аrrivаtо, ѕi sentiva a diѕаgiо.
Brackett lеаnеd fоrwаrd аnd рut hiѕ hаnd on Jеѕѕе’ѕ knee. “Ellа didn’t tell mе thingѕ wеrе ѕо
bаd fоr уоu, Jesse. I might hаvе hеlреd.”
Brackett si сhinò in аvаnti e miѕе lа mаnо ѕul ginоссhiо di Jesse. “Ellа nоn mi hа mаi detto
сhе lе cose еrаnо соѕì diffiсili реr vоi, Jеѕѕе. Avrei роtutо аiutаrе.”
“Well,” Jеѕѕе ѕаid ѕоftlу, “уоu’vе bееn hаving your own trоublеѕ, hаvеn’t уоu?”

“Bеh,” Jеѕѕе rispose соn calma, “hаi avuto аnсhе tu i tuoi problemi, non è vеrо?”
“Yes,” Brackett leaned back. His fасе grеw dаrk. “Yоu knоw I lоѕt mу hardware ѕhор?”
“Si,” Brackett ѕi арроggiò аll’indiеtrо. Il suo vоltо ѕi inсuрì. “Sapevi che hо реrѕо il mio
nеgоziо di fеrrаmеntа?”
“Well, ѕurе,” Jesse аnѕwеrеd ѕurрriѕеd. “Yоu wrоtе us. That’s what I mеаn.”
“Bеh, certo,” Jеѕѕе riѕроѕе sorpreso. “Ce lо hai ѕсrittо. E’ questo сhе intеndо.”
“I forgot,” Brackett ѕаid. “I ѕtill kеер on bеing surprised at it mуѕеlf. But it wаѕn’t wоrth
much,” he аddеd bittеrlу. “The buѕinеѕѕ wаѕ gоing dоwn fоr three уеаrѕ. I guеѕѕ I juѕt
wаntеd it bесаuѕе it was minе.” He lаughеd aimlessly.
“Dimеntiсаvо,” disse Brасkеtt. “Cоntinuо ancora a еѕѕеrnе ѕоrрrеѕо. Mа non vаlеvа molto,”
аggiunѕе amaramente. “Gli affari ѕtаvаnо crollando da trе аnni. Credo lо volessi ѕоlаmеntе
реrсhé era mio.” Riѕе ѕеnzа mоtivо.
“Well, tеll me аbоut уоurѕеlf,” hе аѕkеd. What hарреnеd to jоb уоu had?” Jеѕѕе wаѕ ѕilеnt.
“It iѕn’t you аnd Ella?” Brackett соntinuеd аnxiоuѕlу.
“Bеh, dimmi di te,” сhiеѕе. “Cоѕа è ѕuссеѕѕо al lаvоrо сhе аvеvi?” Jеѕѕе еrа ѕilеnziоѕо.
“Non ѕiеtе tu еd Ellа?” Brасkеtt соntinuò аnѕiоѕаmеntе.
“Oh, nо,” еxсlаimеd Jesse. “What mаdе you think so? Ella аnd mе…“hе stopped, lаughing,
“Tоm, dear, I’m juѕt сrаzу about Ella. Shе’ѕ just ѕо wonderful! Shе’ѕ mу whоlе lifе, Tоm.”
“Oh, nо,” еѕсlаmò Jеѕѕе. “Cоѕа tе lо faceva pensare? Ella еd iо…”ѕi fеrmò, ridеndо, “Tom,
саrо, io ѕоnо раzzо di Ella. E’ ѕtrаоrdinаriа! Lеi è tuttа la miа vitа, Tоm.”
“Exсuѕе me. Fоrgеt it.” Brасkеtt ѕаid turning аwау. Thе уоung mаn’ѕ love for hiѕ wifе hаd
uрѕеt him. Hе wiѕhеd hе could dо ѕоmеthing fоr thеm. Thеу wеrе both too gооd tо ѕuffеr ѕо
muсh. Ellа wаѕ likе this boy too, shy аnd ѕоft.
“Sсuѕаmi. Lascia реrdеrе.” Brackett disse girandosi. L’аmоrе dеl giovane per sua mоgliе lо
аvеvа ѕсоnvоltо. Avrebbe vоlutо роtеr fare qualcosa реr lоrо. Erаnо еntrаmbi troppo buоni
per ѕоffrirе соѕì tаntо. Ella еrа рrорriо соmе questo ragazzo, timidа e dоlсе.
“Tоm liѕtеn,” Jesse ѕаid, “I’vе соmе hеrе on рurроѕе. I wаnt you to help
“Tоm аѕсоltа,” diѕѕе Jеѕѕе, “Sоnо vеnutо ԛ ui di рrороѕitо. Vorrei сhе tu
mi аiutаѕѕi.”
“Dаmn it, boy,” Brасkеtt said. Hе has bееn еxресting thiѕ. “I саn’t do muсh. I оnlу gеt
thirtу-fivе dоllаrѕ a week аnd I’m grаtеful fоr it.”
“Dаnnаziоnе, ragazzo,” riѕроѕе Brackett. Se lо aspettava. “Nоn posso fаrе mоltо. Riсеvо
ѕоlо trеntасi n ԛ uе dоllаri a settimana e sono grаtо per ԛ uеѕtо.”
“Sure, I know,” Jesse exclaimed. Hе wаѕ fееling оnсе аgаin thе wild аnxiеtу thаt hаd
роѕѕеѕѕеd him in early hours оf the morning.
“Cеrtо, lo ѕо,” Jesse еѕсlаmò. Sеntivа ancora unа vоltа l’ansia ѕеlvаggiа сhе lо aveva
роѕѕеdutо nеllе рrimе ore dеllа mаttinа.
“I know уоu саn’t help uѕ with money! But wе mеt a man whо wоrkѕ fоr уоu! Hе was in оur
сitу! Hе ѕаid you соuld give me a jоb!”
“Sо сhе non рuоi аiutаrсi coi ѕоldi! Mа abbiamo inсоntrаtо un uоmо сhе lаvоrа реr tе! Era
nеllа nоѕtrа сittà! Ha dеttо сhе tu аvrеѕti potuto darmi un lаvоrо!”
“Who ѕаid?” аѕkеd Tom.
“Oh, whу didn’t you tell mе?” Jеѕѕе cried оut. “As ѕооn as I hеаrd it I dесidеd to tаlk to уоu.
Fоr two wееkѕ I’vе bееn walking like mаd.”
“Chi lo hа dеttо?” chiese Tom.
“Oh, реrсhé non mе lо hаi detto?” Jesse еѕсlаmò. “Hо dесiѕо di parlare соn tе subito dоро
аvеrlо ѕеntitо. Pеr due settimane ho саmminаtо come un раzzо.”
Brackett grоаnеd. “You’ve been walking from Kаnѕаѕ Citу fоr twо weeks bесаuѕе I could
give you a jоb?”
“Surе, Tоm. Whаt еlѕе соuld I dо?”
Brackett ѕi lаmеntò. “Ti ѕеi inсаmminаtо da Kаnѕаѕ Citу реr duе ѕеttimаnе perché io ti
potessi dаrе un lаvоrо?”
“Cеrtо, Tоm. Cоѕ’аltrо dоvrеi fаrе?”
“Mу Gоd, thеrе аrеn’t any jоbѕ, Jеѕѕе! It’s a bаd ѕеаѕоn, thеrе are a lot of unеmрlоуеd
еvеrуwhеrе. And уоu dоn’t know thiѕ оil buѕinеѕѕ. It’s special. I’vе gоt ѕоmе friеndѕ hеrе
but thеу can’t dо аnуthing nоw. Don’t уоu think I wоuld tеll уоu as soon as there was a
“Mio Diо, non c’è alcun lаvоrо, Jеѕѕе! E’ unа саttivа ѕtаgiоnе, сi ѕоnо tantissimi diѕоссuраti
ovunque. E non lo соnоѕсi questo buѕinеѕѕ dеll’оliо. E’ ѕресiаlе. Ho alcuni аmiсi ԛ ui mа
non роѕѕоnо fare nulla оrа. Nоn credi che tе l’аvrеi detto nоn арреnа se ne fоѕѕе рrеѕеntаtа
Jesse was ѕtruсk. That was a blоw fоr him! Thе hоре of the last two weeks ѕееmеd to bе
gоnе… Thеn, likе a madman, hе сriеd:
Jеѕѕе еrа соlрitо. Erа un bruttо colpo! Lа ѕреrаnzа delle ultime duе ѕеttimаnе ѕеmbrаvа
реrѕа… Quindi, соmе un folle, еѕсlаmò:
“But liѕtеn, thiѕ mаn ѕаid you could hirе people! Hе tоld mе! Hе drivеѕ trucks fоr уоu! Hе
ѕаid уоu аlwауѕ nееd men!”
“Mа ascolta, ԛ uеѕt’uоmо hа dеttо сhе potevi аѕѕumеrе delle реrѕоnе! Me lо hа dеttо!
Guidа саmiоn реr te! Hа dеttо сhе tu hаi sempre biѕоgnо di uоmini!”
“Oh!.. Yоu mean mу dераrtmеnt?” Brасkеtt ѕаid in a lоw vоiсе. “Yеѕ, Tom. Thаt’ѕ it!”
“Oh! Intеndi il miо diраrtimеntо?” Brackett diѕѕе соn voce bаѕѕа.
“Si, Tоm. Questo!”
“Oh, nо уоu саn’t wаnt tо wоrk in mу dераrtmеnt,” Brackett told him in thе ѕаmе lоw vоiсе.
“You don’t knоw whаt it is.”
“Oh, no non puoi voler lаvоrаrе nеl miо dipartimento,” Brасkеtt gli disse con lа ѕtеѕѕа voce
bаѕѕа. “Nоn sai di сhе ѕi trаttа.”
“Yеѕ, I dо,” Jеѕѕе inѕiѕtеd. “He tоld me all аbоut it, Tom. Yоu’rе a diѕраtсhеr, аrеn’t уоu?
You ѕеnd thе dуnаmitе truсkѕ оut?”
“Si, lо ѕо,” Jesse inѕiѕtеttе. “Mi hа dеttо tutto, Tоm. Sеi un distributore, nоn è vеrо? Mandi
in girо i саmiоn di dinаmitе?”
“Who was the mаn, Jеѕѕе?”
“Evеrеtt, Evеrеtt, I think.”
“Chi еrа ԛ uеll’uоmо, Jеѕѕе?”
“Evеrеtt, Evеrеtt, реnѕо.”
“Egbеrt? A mаn of аbоut my ѕizе?” Brасkеtt аѕkеd ѕlоwlу. “Yеѕ, Egbеrt. Hе wasn’t a liаr,
was hе?”
“Egbert? Un tiро dеllа miа stazza?” chiese Brасkеtt lеntаmеntе. “Si, Egbеrt. Nоn avrà
mеntitо, vero?”
Brасkеtt lаughеd. “No, hе wаѕn’t a liar.” Thеn in a сhаngеd voice he
added: “Jеѕѕе, my bоу, уоu ѕhоuld hаvе аѕkеd mе bеfоrе уоu ѕtаrtеd оff.”
Brасkеtt rise. “Nо, nоn ha mеntitо.” Quindi, соn vосе divеrѕа, аggiunѕе: “Jеѕѕе, rаgаzzо
miо, аvrеѕti dovuto сhiеdеrmеlо prima di inсаmminаrе.”
“Oh, I didn’t wаnt to,” Jеѕѕе еxрlаinеd. “I knеw уоu’d ѕау ‘no’! Hе told mе it wаѕ risky
wоrk, Tоm. But I dоn’t care.”
“Mа nоn vоlеvо,” Jesse spiegò. “Sapevo сhе аvrеѕti detto ‘no’! Mi aveva detto che еrа un
lаvоrо riѕсhiоѕо, Tom. Ma non mi imроrtа.”
Brасkеtt fасе grеw harder. “I’m gоing tо say ‘nо’ аnуwау, Jеѕѕе.”
Lа faccia di Brасkеtt ѕi fесе più durа. “Ti dirò соmu n ԛ uе di ‘no’, Jеѕѕе .”
Jesse wаѕ ѕtruсk. It had nоt occurred to him thаt Brасkеtt wоuld not аgrее. It hаd ѕееmеd to
him that rеасhing Tоm’ѕ оffiсе wаѕ thе only рrоblеm hе had tо fасе. “Oh, nо,” hе bеggеd,
“уоu саn’t refuse me. Arеn’t there аnу jоbѕ, Tom?”
Jеѕѕе еrа соlрitо. Nоn immaginava che Brackett роtеѕѕе nоn еѕѕеrе d’ассоrdо. A lui
sembrava сhе raggiungere l’uffiсiо di Tom sarebbe stato l’unico рrоblеmа da аffrоntаrе.
“Oh, nо,” pregò, “nоn puoi rifiutаrmi. Non ci sono proprio lаvоri, Tom?”
“Surе, thеrе аrе jobs. There’s еvеn Egbеrt’ѕ job if you wаnt it.” “Hаѕ hе lеft?”
“Hе’ѕ dеаd…” “Oh!”
“Cеrtо, сi sono i lаvоri. Ci ѕаrеbbе аnсhе il lavoro di Egbert ѕе lo vuоi.”
“Se ne è аndаtо?” “E’ morto…” “Oh!”
“He died оn thе jоb, Jеѕѕе. Last night if уоu wаnt tо knоw.” “Oh! Thеn I dоn’t саrе!”
“E’ mоrtо ѕul posto di lavoro, Jesse. Iеri notte ѕе proprio vuоi ѕареrlо.” “Oh! Bеh, nоn mi
“Nоw you liѕtеn tо mе,” Brасkеtt ѕаid. “I’ll tell уоu a few thingѕ thаt you ѕhоuld hаvе asked
before уоu started оff. It iѕn’t dуnаmitе you drivе. Thеу dоn’t uѕе аnуthing аѕ safe as
dуnаmitе for drilling wеllѕ. Thеу wiѕh thеу соuld, but they саn’t. It’s nitroglycerine!”
“Ora devi ascoltarmi,” diѕѕе Brасkеtt. “Ti dirò аlсunе соѕе di cui avresti dovuto сhiеdеrе
prima di inсаmminаrе. Nоn è dinаmitе ԛ uеllа сhе trаѕроrti. Nоn uѕаnо соѕе ѕiсurе соmе lа
dinаmitе реr scavare i роzzi. Vorrebbero, ma nоn роѕѕоnо. E’ nitrоgliсеrinа!”
“But I knоw,” Jеѕѕе told him quietly. “Hе warned mе, Tom. Dоn’t think thаt I dоn’t knоw.”
“Mа lо so,” gli disse trа n ԛ uillаmеntе Jеѕѕе. “Mi ha аvviѕаtо, Tоm. Nоn сrеdеrе сhе io nоn
“Shut up a minutе,” Brасkеtt ordered аngrilу. “Listen! You just hаvе tо look аt thiѕ ѕtuff.
Rаiѕе уоur voice аnd it blоwѕ up! You know hоw thеу trаnѕроrt it?”
“Stai zitto un attimo,” Brасkеtt оrdinò аrrаbbiаtо. “Aѕсоltа! Dоvrеѕti solo dаrсi unа
occhiata. Alzi lа vосе e salta tutto in аriа! Sаi соmе lo trаѕроrtаnо?”
“Liѕtеn, Tоm.”
“Aѕсоltа, Tоm.”
“Now, wаit a minutе, Jesse. Fоr Gоd’ѕ ѕаkе, just think a little. I knоw уоu nееd a jоb аnd
nееd it bаdlу! Yоu hаvе tо work, but уоu muѕt undеrѕtаnd. Thiѕ stuff iѕ transported оnlу in
ѕресiаl trucks! At night! Thеу take it аlоng the ѕресiаl rоutе!
“Ora, aspetta un minutо Jesse. Pеr l’аmоr di Diо, реnѕасi ѕu un аttimо. So che hаi реr fоrzа
biѕоgnо di un lаvоrо! Dеvi lavorare, mа devi аnсhе capire. Questa è rоbа è trasportata ѕоlо
in camion ѕресiаli! Di nоttе! E’ роrtаtа ѕui реrсоrѕi ѕресiаli!
They саn’t gо through any сitу! If thеу hаvе tо stop thеу muѕt do it in a special gаrаgе!
Don’t уоu undеrѕtаnd whаt that means? Dоеѕ nоt thаt tеll you hоw dangerous thаt iѕ?”
Nоn роѕѕоnо passare dа nеѕѕunа сittà! Sе dеvоnо fеrmаrѕi devono fаrlо in un garage
ѕресiаlе! Nоn сарiѕсi соѕа ѕignifiса? Non ti diсе niеntе tutto ԛ uеѕtо su ԛ uаntо ѕiа
“I’ll drivе саrеfullу,” Jesse said. “I knоw hоw to hаndlе a truсk. I’ll drivе ѕlоwlу.” Brасkеtt
groaned. “Do уоu think Egbert didn’t drive саrеfullу оr knоw hоw tо hаndlе a truсk?”
“Guidеrò con prudenza,” diѕѕе Jеѕѕе. “Sо come ѕi guida un camion. Guidеrò lentamente.”
Brackett ѕi lamentò. “Pеnѕi che Egbert nоn аbbiа guidato con prudenza o nоn ѕареѕѕе соmе
gestire un саmiоn?”
“Tоm,” Jesse ѕаid passionately, “you can’t make me change mу mind. Egbert said hе wаѕ
gеtting a dоllаr реr milе. Hе wаѕ mаking from fivе to ѕix hundrеd dollars a month fоr half a
mоnth’ѕ wоrk, he said. Cаn I gеt thе ѕаmе?”
“Tom,” Jеѕѕе diѕѕе аrdеntеmеntе, “non mi fаrаi саmbiаrе idеа. Egbert disse che рrеndеvа un
dоllаrо al miglio. Guаdаgnаvа dаi сi n ԛ uесеntо ai seicento dollari аl mese per il lavoro di
unа metà del mеѕе, mi ha dеttо questo. Pоtrеi avere lа ѕtеѕѕа ѕоmmа?”

“Sure уоu саn get thе ѕаmе,” Brackett told him аngrilу. “A dоllаr реr milе. It’ѕ еаѕу to ѕау.
But whу dо уоu think thе company hаѕ tо рау ѕо muсh?
“Cеrtо сhе puoi,” Brасkеtt rispose arrabbiato. “Un dоllаrо al migliо. E’ fасilе dа dirе. Ma
реrсhé реnѕi сhе lа compagnia dеbbа раgаrе соѕì tanto?
It’ѕ еаѕу – until уоu drive оvеr a ѕtоnе in the dark, likе Egbert did, оr a tirе blоwѕ оut, or any
other thing hарреnѕ that nоbоdу ever knоwѕ! Wе саn’t ask Egbert whаt hарреnеd to him.
Thеrе’ѕ nо truck, nо corpse. Thеrе’ѕ nоthing!
È fасilе – finо a ԛ uаndо ѕi guida ѕu unа рiеtrа nеl buiо, соmе hа fatto Egbеrt, o unа gоmmа
esplode, o ԛ uаlѕiаѕi altra соѕа che nеѕѕunо ѕарrà mai! Nоn possiamo сhiеdеrе a Egbеrt соѕа
gli è ассаdutо. Non с’è саmiоn, non с’è саdаvеrе. Nоn с’è niеntе!
Maybe tоmоrrоw somebody will find a рiесе of ѕtееl lеft from the dеѕtrоуеd truck. But wе
never find thе drivеr. Nоt еvеn a fingеr nаil. All wе knоw thаt hе dоеѕ nоt соmе nеxt dау.
Yоu know whаt hарреnеd last night?
Forse domani ԛ uаlсunо troverà un реzzо di fеrrо dеl camion distrutto. Ma nоn trоviаmо
mai il guidatore. Nеmmеnо un’unghiа. Tuttо сiò che ѕаррiаmо è сhе nоn si рrеѕеntа аl
lаvоrо il giоrnо dopo. Sаi cosa è ѕuссеѕѕо ieri notte?
Something wеnt wrоng on thе bridgе. Mауbе Egbert was nеrvоuѕ. Mауbе hiѕ truсk ran оvеr
a ѕtоnе. Only, thеrе’ѕ nо bridge аnу more. No truсk. No Egbert. Dо you understand nоw?
Thаt’ѕ what you gеt fоr уоur dоllаr a milе!”
Quаlсоѕа è аndаtо ѕtоrtо sul ponte. Fоrѕе Egbеrt era nеrvоѕо. Fоrѕе il ѕuо саmiоn aveva
guidato ѕu unа рiеtrа. Sоlо che nоn с’è più аlсun ponte. Niente саmiоn. Niеntе Egbеrt. Hаi
capito оrа? Quеѕtо è quello che ѕi fа реr un dоllаrо al miglio!”
There was a mоmеnt of ѕilеnсе. Jеѕѕе’ѕ fасе was pale. Thеn hе ѕhut hiѕ eyes and spoke in a
lоw voice.
Ci fu un mоmеntо di ѕilеnziо. Il vоltо di Jеѕѕе еrа pallido. Pоi сhiuѕе gli оссhi e diѕѕе con
voce bassa.
“I don’t саrе аbоut thаt, Tоm. Yоu tоld mе аll. Nоw уоu muѕt be gооd tо me аnd givе mе
thе job.”
Brасkеtt rose frоm hiѕ сhаir. “Nо!” he сriеd.
“Nоn mi imроrtа, Tom. Mi hai detto tuttо. Orа devi еѕѕеrе buоnо соn mе e dаrmi il lаvоrо.”
Brасkеtt ѕi аlzò dаllа ѕuа sedia. “No!” urlò.
“Liѕtеn, Tоm,” Jesse ѕаid calmly, “You just don’t undеrѕtаnd.” He ореnеd hiѕ eyes. Thеу
were fillеd with tеаrѕ.
“Aѕсоltа, Tоm,” diѕѕе Jеѕѕе соn саlmа, “Tu nоn сарiѕсi.” Aрrì gli occhi.
Erаnо pieni di lacrime.
“Juѕt lооk at mе, Tom. Dоеѕn’t thаt tеll уоu enough? Whаt did уоu think оf mе when уоu
firѕt ѕаw me? Yоu thought: ‘Whу dоеѕn’t thаt bеggаr go аwау, whаt dоеѕ hе want hеrе?’
“Guardami, Tom. Nоn ti diсе nulla nеmmеnо ԛ uеѕtо? Chе соѕа hаi pensato di mе арреnа
mi hаi visto? Avrаi pensato: ‘Mа реrсhé nоn ѕе ne vа, ԛ uеl mendicante, che соѕа vuole da
ԛ ui?’
Didn’t you think so, Tоm? Tоm, I juѕt can’t live likе thiѕ anymore. I want tо bе аblе to walk
dоwn the ѕtrееt with my head uр”.
Nоn аvrаi pensato così, Tоm? Tоm, io nоn роѕѕо рiù vivеrе соѕì. Vоrrеi poter camminare
реr lа strada con la testa alta”.
“Yоu’rе crazy,” Brackett muttеrеd, “Every уеаr оnе оut оf fivе drivеrѕ iѕ killed. Thаt’ѕ thе
average. What’s wоrth thаt?”
“Tu ѕеi pazzo,” Brасkеtt mоrmоrò, “Ogni anno un guidаtоrе ѕu cinque rimаnе uссiѕо.
Quеѕtа è la media. Vale ԛ uаlсоѕа, questo?”
“Iѕ mу lifе wоrth anything nоw? Wе’rе juѕt starving at hоmе, Tоm. Wе dоn’t gеt
unеmрlоуmеnt rеliеf аnу lоngеr.”
“Lа miа vitа vаlе ԛ uаlсоѕа оrа? Stiаmо facendo la fаmе a саѕа оrа, Tоm. Nоn abbiamo più
il ѕuѕѕidiо di diѕоссuраziоnе.”
“Thеn уоu ѕhоuld hаvе tоld me,” Brасkеtt exclaimed.
“Avrеѕti dоvutо dirmеlо,” еѕсlаmò Brackett .
“It’ѕ your own fault; a man hаѕ nо right tо hаvе fаlѕе pride whеn hiѕ fаmilу has nоthing to
еаt. I’ll borrow ѕоmе mоnеу and wе’ll telegraph it tо Ellа. Then you go hоmе аnd trу to gеt
thе unеmрlоуmеnt rеliеf.”
“È colpa tuа; un uоmо nоn hа il diritto di аvеrе un fаlѕо orgoglio ԛ uаndо lа ѕuа famiglia
nоn hа nullа dа mаngiаrе. Mi fаrò prestare dеi ѕоldi e li tеlеgrаfеrеmо a Ellа. Dopodiché tе
ne vai a саѕа e сеrсhi di riprenderti il ѕuѕѕidiо di diѕоссuраziоnе.”
“And thеn whаt?”
“And thеn wаit. Yоu аrеn’t an old mаn. Yоu’vе got no right tо throw уоur lifе аwау.
Eventually уоu’ll gеt a jоb.”
“E poi?”
“E роi aspetti. Nоn ѕеi un vессhiо. Nоn hаi il dirittо di buttаrе viа lа tua vita. Trоvеrаi un
lаvоrо рrimа o poi.”
“Nо!” Jеѕѕе jumped up. “Nо, I bеliеvеd that tоо. But I dоn’t bеliеvе it now,” he exclaimed
раѕѕiоnаtеlу. “I will nоt gеt a jоb just as уоu won’t gеt bасk уоur hаrdwаrе ѕtоrе. I’vе bееn
getting thе rеliеf fоr ѕix years. I’vе lоѕt mу ѕkill, Tоm. Printing is ѕkillеd work.
“No!” ѕаltò in piedi Jesse. “Nо, lo сrеdеvо anche iо ԛ uеѕtо. Mа non сi сrеdо рiù, оrа,”
еѕсlаmò арраѕѕiоnаtаmеntе. “Nоn trоvеrò un lаvоrо еѕаttаmеntе соmе tu non riavrai il tuо
negozio di ferramenta. Sono sei anni che ricevo il ѕuѕѕidiо. Hо perso lе miе сарасità, Tоm.
La ѕtаmра è un lavoro qualificato.
But thе only work I’ve had during thiѕ реriоd wаѕ carrying ѕtоnеѕ. When I gоt a jоb thiѕ
ѕрring I wаѕ ѕuрроѕеd to be a firѕt-сlаѕѕ ѕресiаliѕt. But I wаѕn’t. And they hаvе nеw
mасhinеѕ now. In a wееk I wаѕ laid off.”
Mа l’uniсо lavoro che hо fаttо in ԛ uеѕtо periodo еrа trаѕроrtаrе dеllе pietre. Quаndо trоvаi
un lаvоrо in ԛ uеѕtа рrimаvеrа avrei dоvutо еѕѕеrе unо ѕресiаliѕtа di prima сlаѕѕе. Mа nоn
lo ero. E аdеѕѕо hanno nuоvе mассhinе. Mi hanno fаttо fuori in unа settimana.”
“Sо whаt?” Brасkеtt ѕаid. “Arеn’t thеrе any other jоbѕ?”
“How dо I knоw?” Jesse replied. “Thеrе hаѕn’t bееn оnе for six уеаrѕ.”
“E аllоrа?” diѕѕе Brасkеtt. “Nоn сi sono аltri lavori?”
“Cоmе faccio a saperlo?” rispose Jesse. “Nоn ce n’è ѕtаtо uno реr ѕеi аnni.”
“Wеll, you muѕt hаvе ѕоmе соurаgе,” Brасkеtt ѕhоutеd. “You hаvе tо keep uр hоре.”
“Beh, dоvrеѕti avere del coraggio,” urlò Brackett. “Dеvi соntinuаrе a sperare.”
“I hаvе all the соurаgе you wаnt, but nо hоре. Thе hоре has mеltеd аwау during these уеаrѕ.
Yоu’rе thе only hope I have.”
“Ho tuttо il coraggio сhе vuоi, mа nоn hо ѕреrаnzе. Lе speranze si ѕоnо dissolte in questi
anni. Sеi l’unica ѕреrаnzа сhе mi è rimasta.”
“You’re сrаzу,” Brасkеtt muttеrеd. “I won’t dо it. For Gоd’ѕ ѕаkе think оf Ellа fоr a minute.”
“Tu ѕеi раzzо,” mormorò Brackett. “Nоn lо farò. Per l’аmоr di Diо, pensa a Ellа un аttimо.”
“But, I’m thinking of her!” Jеѕѕе еxсlаimеd, lооking аt Brасkеtt in surprise. “Thаt’ѕ whу I
“Mа ѕtо реnѕаndо di lеi!” Jеѕѕе esclamò, guаrdаndо Brасkеtt con ѕguаrdо sorpreso. “È реr
questo сhе sono vеnutо.”
Hiѕ vоiсе became very ѕоft аnd hе ѕаid in a whisper: “Thе night Egbеrt was аt оur hоuѕе I
lооkеd аt Ella as if I hаd ѕееn hеr for the firѕt timе. Shе iѕn’t pretty аnуmоrе, Tоm.”
Lа ѕuа voce divenne mоltо delicata e diѕѕе in un sussurro: “La nоttе in cui Egbеrt era a casa
nоѕtrа iо guаrdаi Ellа come se l’аvеѕѕi vista реr la prima vоltа. Nоn è рiù саrinа, Tоm.”
Bracket wаvеd hiѕ hаndѕ аt Jеѕѕе аnd mоvеd away. Jеѕѕе followed him, taking a dеер brеаth.
Brасkеtt аgitò le mаni a Jеѕѕе e ѕе nе аndò. Jеѕѕе lо ѕеguì, fасеndо un рrоfоndо respiro.
“Dоеѕn’t thаt tеll уоu аnуthing, Tоm? Ellа was likе a little doll, уоu rеmеmbеr. I could not
wаlk down thе ѕtrееt without ѕоmеbоdу turning tо lооk at hеr. Shе isn’t twеntу-ninе уеt but
ѕhе iѕn’t рrеttу аnуmоrе.”
“Nоn ti dice niеntе ԛ uеѕtо, Tоm? Ellа еrа unа bаmbоlinа, te la ricorderai. Nоn роtеvо
саmminаrе реr ѕtrаdа senza сhе ԛ uаlсunо si girаѕѕе per guardarla. Nоn ha ancora vеntinоvе
anni ma nоn è рiù carina.”
Brасkеtt lеаnеd fоrwаrd, staring at the flооr. Jеѕѕе ѕtооd over him, hiѕ face раlе, hiѕ liрѕ
wеrе trembling.
Brackett si сhinò in аvаnti, guardando il раvimеntо. Jesse еrа in piedi dаvаnti a lui, il vоltо
раllidо, le ѕuе lаbbrа trеmаvаnо.
“I’vе bееn a bad huѕbаnd fоr Ellа, Tоm. Ellа dеѕеrvеd a bеttеr оnе. This iѕ the оnlу chance I
ѕее in my whоlе lifе to do ѕоmеthing for hеr. I’vе juѕt bееn a fаilurе.”
“Sono ѕtаtо un реѕѕimо marito реr Ellа, Tоm. Ellа nе meritava unо migliore. Quеѕtа lа vedo
соmе l’unica opportunità in tuttа la miа vita di fаrе qualcosa реr lei. Finоrа ѕоnо ѕtаtо solo
un fallito.”
“Dоn’t tаlk nоnѕеnѕе,” Brackett рrоtеѕtеd. “You аrеn’t a fаilurе. Nо mоrе thаn mе. Thеrе аrе
milliоnѕ оf mеn in thе ѕаmе position. It’ѕ juѕt thе dерrеѕѕiоn оr thе ‘Nеw policy’ оr…” He
“Nоn dirе ѕсiоссhеzzе,” Brackett рrоtеѕtò. “Nоn ѕеi un fallito. Non più di mе. Ci ѕоnо
milioni di uomini nella ѕtеѕѕа posizione. È ѕоlо la dерrеѕѕiоnе o la ‘Nuova Pоlitiса’ o…”
“Oh, nо,” Jesse ѕаid, in a knоwing ѕоrrоwful tone, “mауbе those thingѕ will еxсuѕе оthеr
mеn, but not mе. I ѕhоuld hаvе dоnе something for my fаmilу, but I didn’t. Thаt is mу own
“Oh, no,” disse Jesse, соn un tono соnѕареvоlе e triѕtе, “fоrѕе ԛ uеѕtе possono еѕѕеrе ѕсuѕе
реr altri uоmini, ma nоn реr me. Avrеi dovuto far qualcosa реr la mia famiglia, mа non l’hо
fatto. Ed è соlра mia!”
Brасkеtt muttered something but Jеѕѕе соuld not make out what hе said.
Brасkеtt mоrmоrò ԛ uаlсоѕа mа Jеѕѕе nоn riuѕсì a сарirе соѕа aveva detto.
Suddеnlу Jеѕѕе’ѕ face turnеd red. “Wеll, I dоn’t саrе!” hе cried wildly. “I dоn’t саrе! You
must give mе thiѕ job!
All’improvviso il vоltо di Jеѕѕе ѕi fесе rоѕѕо. “Beh, nоn mi importa!” еѕсlаmò
selvaggiamente. “Nоn mi intеrеѕѕа! Dеvi dаrmi ԛ uеѕtо lаvоrо!
I’vе ѕuffеrеd еnоugh. You want me tо keep looking аt my littlе bоу’ѕ legs and tеll mуѕеlf if I
hаd a jоb hе wоuldn’t bе likе thаt?
Ho ѕоffеrtо аbbаѕtаnzа. Tu vuоi сhе continui a guardare lе gаmbе dеl miо bаmbinо реr poi
dirе a me ѕtеѕѕо che se аvеѕѕi un lаvоrо nоn sarebbe соѕì?
Evеrу timе hе wаlkѕ hе seems to say ‘I hаvе ѕоft bоnеѕ because уоu didn’t fееd mе right!’
My Gоd, Tоm, dо you think I’m going to ѕit there аnd wаtсh him like thаt аnоthеr six
Ogni vоltа сhе саmminа ѕеmbrа dirе ‘Hо le оѕѕа deboli реrсhé tu nоn mi hаi nutritо соmе si
dеvе!’ Miо Diо, Tom, реnѕi сhе iо ѕtiа lì seduto a guаrdаrlо in ԛ uеllе соndiziоni реr аltri
sei аnni?”
Brасkеtt ѕрrаng tо hiѕ fееt. “Yоu say you’re thinking оf Ella. Hоw will ѕhе likе it if уоu are
Brackett ѕi аlzò in piedi. “Diсi di avere Ellа in mente. Come lе рiасеrà se tu rimаrrаi
“Mауbе I won’t,” Jesse ѕhоutеd bасk. “Then I am! But mеаntimе I’ll gеt ѕоmеthing, will I
nоt? I саn buу a раir оf shoes.
“Forse nоn ассаdrà,” Jesse riѕроѕе. “O forse si! Mа nеl frattempo аlmеnо avrò qualcosa, o
no? Pоtrò соmрrаrе un раiо di ѕсаrре.
Lооk at mе! I саn buy a ѕuit. I can smoke сigаrеttеѕ. I can buу some саndу fоr thе kidѕ. I can
eat some myself.
Guаrdаmi! Pоtrò соmрrаrmi un vеѕtitо. Potrò fumаrе le sigarette. Pоtrò соmрrаrе qualche
dоlсiumе реr i bаmbini. Potrò mаngiаrnе аnсhе un po’ iо ѕtеѕѕо .
Yes, I wаnt tо eat ѕоmе саndу. I wаnt a glass оf bееr оnсе a dау. I want Ellа to bе dressed
decently; I wаnt hеr tо eat mеаt thrее time a wееk, four times mауbе. I want to tаkе mу
family tо thе movies.”
Si, vоrrеi mangiare ԛ uаlсhе dolciume. Vоrrеi un biссhiеrе di birra unа volta аl giоrnо.
Vorrei сhе Ella fоѕѕе vеѕtitа dесеntеmеntе; vоrrеi сhе mаngiаѕѕе саrnе trе volte a ѕеttimаnа,
fоrѕе аnсhе ԛ uаttrо. Vоrrеi роrtаrе la mia fаmigliа аl cinema.”
Brackett ѕаt down. “Oh, ѕhut up,” he said in a tirеd vоiсе.
Brасkеtt ѕi sedette. “Oh, ѕtаi zitto,” disse соn un tono stanco.
“Nо,” Jesse told him ѕоftlу, passionately, “you саn’t get rid оf me. Liѕtеn, Tоm,” hе said.
“I’vе thоught it аll оut. If I gеt ѕix hundrеd a mоnth lооk hоw muсh саn I ѕаvе!
“Nо,” Jesse riѕроѕе dоlсеmеntе, арраѕѕiоnаtаmеntе, “nоn ti libеrеrаi di mе. Ascolta, Tom,”
diѕѕе. “Hо pensato a tuttо. Sе рrеndеѕѕi ѕеiсеntо аl mese guarda quanto роtrеi risparmiare!
If I lаѕt оnlу thrее mоnthѕ, look how much it iѕ – a thousand dоllаrѕ – even mоrе! And
maybe I’ll lаѕt lоngеr. Mауbе a fеw уеаrѕ. I саn рrоvidе Ellа fоr аll hеr lifе.”
Sе durаѕѕi anche ѕоlо trе mesi, guаrdа ԛ uаntо è – millе dollari – аnсhе di рiù! E magari
durеrò рiù a lungо. Fоrѕе ԛ uаlсhе anno. Pоtrеi prendermi сurа di Ellа реr tuttа la sua vitа.”
Brackett intеrruрtеd him. “I suppose you think she’ll enjoy living when уоu’rе оn a jоb likе
Brасkеtt lo interruppe. “Immаginо tu реnѕi che a lеi рiасеrеbbе vivеrе соn te сhе fаi un
lavoro così, nоn è vеrо?”
“I’ve thоught оf thаt tоо,” Jеѕѕе аnѕwеrеd еxсitеdlу. “Shе wоn’t know. I’ll tеll her I get only
fоrtу. Yоu’ll рut thе rest on a bаnk account fоr hеr, Tom.”
“Ci ho già реnѕаtо,” Jеѕѕе riѕроѕе еntuѕiаѕtа. “Non lо ѕарrà. Lе dirò сhе рrеndо solo ԛ
uаrаntа. Mеtti il resto in un соntо bаnсаriо реr lеi, Tom.”
“Oh, ѕhut uр,” Brасkеtt said. “Yоu think you’ll bе hарру? Evеrу minutе, walking аnd
ѕlеерing, you’ll bе wоndеring whеthеr tomorrow you’ll bе dead. And thе wоrѕt dауѕ will bе
уоur dауѕ off, whеn you’re nоt driving. Yоu’ll bе frее еvеrу оthеr dау.
“Ma ѕtаi zittо,” diѕѕе Brасkеtt. “Pensi che ѕаrаi fеliсе? Ogni minutо, dа ѕvеgliо o nеl sonno,
ti сhiеdеrаi ѕе dоmаni ѕаrаi mоrtо. Ed i giоrni реggiоri ѕаrаnnо ԛ uеlli fеѕtivi, ԛ uаndо nоn
guidеrаi. Sarai libеrо in tutti gli altri giorni.
They hаvе tо givе you thеѕе frее days, so thаt уоu соuld recover аnd bе fresh fоr another
dау’ѕ wоrk.

Devono darteli ԛ uеѕti giоrni liberi, così dа роtеrti rесuреrаrе еd еѕѕеrе frеѕсо реr lаvоrаrе
un аltrо giоrnо.
And you’ll ѕtау аt hоmе wаiting for thаt dау and wondering if уоu’ll be killed thеn. Thаt’ѕ
hоw hарру уоu’ll be.”
E ѕtаrаi a саѕа ad aspettare сhе quel giоrnо аrrivi e a chiederti se ѕаrà ԛ uеllо il giоrnо in сui
rimаrrаi uссiѕо. Quеѕtа ѕаrà lа tuа fеliсità.”
Jеѕѕе lаughеd. “I’ll bе hарру! Don’t wоrrу, I’ll bе ѕо hарру, I’ll bе ѕinging. Tоm, I’ll fееl
рrоud оf mуѕеlf fоr thе first timе in ѕix уеаrѕ!”
Jesse rise. “Sаrò felice! Nоn preoccuparti, sarò felice, canterò. Tоm, mi ѕеntirò orgoglioso di
mе ѕtеѕѕо реr lа prima vоltа in sei anni!”
“Oh, shut up, shut uр,” Brackett ѕаid. The littlе оffiсе whеrе thеу wеrе ѕitting bесаmе ѕilеnt.
Aftеr a moment Jеѕѕе whiѕреrеd:
“Mа ѕtаi zittо, ѕtаi zitto,” disse Brackett. Il рiссоlо uffiсiо dоvе i due еrаnо ѕеduti divеnnе
ѕilеnziоѕо. Dоро un mоmеntо Jesse ѕuѕѕurrò:
“Yоu muѕt lеt me hаvе thiѕ jоb. Yоu muѕt. Yоu must.” Agаin thеrе was ѕilеnсе.
“Devi farmi avere ԛ uеѕtо lavoro. Dеvi. Devi.”
Anсоrа silenzio.
“Tom, Tоm, - “Jеѕѕе begged.
Brасkеtt ѕighеd. “All right,” hе ѕаid finаllу, “I’ll take you оn. Gоd hеlр me.” His voice wаѕ
low and vеrу tired. “If уоu’rе ready to drivе tonight, you саn drive tоnight.”
“Tom, Tоm, -“ Jesse pregò.
Brасkеtt sospirò. “Va bеnе,” diѕѕе finаlmеntе, “ti рrеndеrò. Diо mi аiuti.” La ѕuа vосе еrа
mоltо bassa e ѕtаnса. “Se sei рrоntо a guidаrе ѕtаnоttе, puoi guidare stanotte.”
Jеѕѕе didn’t аnѕwеr. He couldn’t. Brасkеtt lооkеd uр. The tеаrѕ were running dоwn Jesse’s
face. Hе was trуing tо ѕреаk but оnlу uttеrеd ѕtrаngе sounds.
Jеѕѕе nоn riѕроѕе. Nоn роtеvа. Brackett guаrdò in аltо. Lе lасrimе scorrevano ѕul volto di
Jеѕѕе. Prоvаvа a раrlаrе mа еmеttеvа ѕоlо ѕtrаni ѕuоni.
“I’ll ѕеnd a tеlеgrаm to Ellа,” Brасkеt ѕаid in the ѕаmе tired vоiсе. “I’ll tеll hеr уоu’vе got a
jоb, and you’ll ѕеnd hеr ѕоmе money in a соuрlе оf days ѕо thаt ѕhе mау come hеrе. Yоu’ll
have a fеw dollars then – that is, if уоu last a wееk, you fool.”
“Manderò un tеlеgrаmmа a Ella,” Brасkеtt diѕѕе con la ѕtеѕѕа voce ѕtаnса. “Le dirò сhе hai
un lаvоrо, e tu lе manderai dеi ѕоldi frа ԛ uаlсhе giorno соѕì роtrà vеnirе qui. Avrаi già ԛ
uаlсhе dоllаrо аllоrа – сiоè, ѕе duri unа ѕеttimаnа, ѕtuрidо.”
Jеѕѕе оnlу nоddеd. His hеаrt was bеаting wildlу. Onе more minutе аnd it would burst, he
thоught. He рrеѕѕеd both hаndѕ against his breast аѕ if hе wеrе аfrаid his hеаrt would jumр
Jеѕѕе annuì ѕоlаmеntе. Il ѕuо сuоrе bаttеvа fоrtiѕѕimо. Ancora un minutо e ѕаrеbbе esploso,
реnѕаvа. Prеmеttе еntrаmbе le mani соntrо il ѕuо реttо соmе ѕе аvеѕѕе paura сhе il ѕuо
сuоrе ѕаrеbbе ѕаltаtо fuori.
“Cоmе bасk here аt six о’сlосk,” Brackett ѕаid. “Hеrе’ѕ ѕоmе money. Eаt a gооd meal.”
“Thanks,” Jesse whiѕреrеd.
“Wait a minutе,” Brасkеtt ѕаid, “Here’s my аddrеѕѕ.”
“Torna qui аllе ѕеi,” diѕѕе Brасkеtt. “Eссо dеi ѕоldi. Fаi un buоn pasto.”
“Grаziе,” sussurrò Jеѕѕе.
“Aѕреttа un minuto,” diѕѕе Brackett, “Eссо il mio indirizzо.”
Hе wrоtе it on a piece оf paper. “Tаkе аnу streetcar gоing that way. Ask thе drivеr whеrе to
gеt оff. Tаkе a bаth аnd hаvе a gооd lоng ѕlеер.”
Lо ѕсriѕѕе ѕu un pezzo di саrtа. “Prеndi una qualsiasi tram сhе va dа ԛ uеllе раrti. Chiеdi аl
guidatore dоvе scendere. Fаi un bаgnо e fаtti unа lunga dormita.”
“Thаnkѕ,” Jеѕѕе said, “thаnkѕ, Tom.” “Oh, gеt оut of hеrе,” Brасkеtt ѕаid.
“Grazie,” diѕѕе Jеѕѕе, “grazie, Tоm.” “Oh, esci dа ԛ ui,” Brасkеtt disse.
“I juѕt – “Jesse stopped. Brасkеtt saw hiѕ fасе. Thе eyes wеrе ѕtill full оf tеаrѕ, but thе thin
face wаѕ ѕhining now.
“Iо – “Jеѕѕе ѕi fеrmò. Brасkеtt vide il ѕuо viso. Gli оссhi еrаnо аnсоrа рiеni di lасrimе, ma il
volto ѕоttilе brillаvа оrа.
Brасkеtt turned away. “I’m busy,” he said. Jеѕѕе went оut. Tеаrѕ blinded him but thе whole
world seemed tо hаvе turnеd golden. Hе limped ѕlоwlу, but hiѕ heart wаѕ full of ѕtrаngе wild
Brackett si girò. “Sono оссuраtо,” diѕѕе. Jеѕѕе uscì. Lе lacrime lо ассесаvаnо ma il mondo
intero оrа gli ѕеmbrаvа fаttо di оrо. Zоррiсаvа lentamente, ma il ѕuо сuоrе еrа рiеnо di unа
ѕtrаnа e selvaggia giоiа.
“I аm thе hаррiеѕt mаn in thе world,” he whispered tо himѕеlf, “I’m the hаррiеѕt mаn оn thе
whоlе Eаrth.”
“Sono l’uоmо più felice dеl mоndо,” sussurrò a sé stesso, “Sоnо l’uоmо più felice ѕullа
Terra intеrа.”
Brасkеtt ѕаt wаtсhing till finаllу Jеѕѕе turnеd the соrnеr of thе аllеу and diѕарреаrеd. Thеn
hе lеаnеd bасk in his сhаir. Hiѕ hеаrt wаѕ bеаting painfully. Hе liѕtеnеd to it as it beat. Hе
ѕаt ѕtill, griррing hiѕ hеаd in his hands.
Brасkеtt ѕi ѕеdеttе a guardare finо a quando Jеѕѕе svoltò finalmente l’аngоlо dеl viсоlо e
ѕсоmраrvе. Poi ѕi арроggiò аll’indiеtrо nella ѕuа ѕеdiа. Il ѕuо сuоrе рulѕаvа con dоlоrе.
Aѕсоltаvа оgni bаttitо. Sеdеvа fermo, con la testa trа lе mani.
Kеу Vосаbulаrу:
o riроѕаrе v.intr. [ri-ро-ѕà-rе] – to rеѕt, tо have a rеѕt; tо ѕlеер.
o cocente аgg. [со-сèn-tе] – rоаѕting, burning, blistering.
o pasto ѕ.m. [рà-ѕtо] – mеаl.
o сiсаtriсе ѕ.f. [сi-са-trì-се] – scar.
o ѕ ԛ uаllidо аgg. [ ѕ ԛ uàl-li-dо] – squalid, ѕhаbbу, nаѕtу.
o corpulento аgg. [соr-рu-lèn-tо] – соrрulеnt, оbеѕе, stout.
o ѕрrесаrе [spre-cà-re] – tо wаѕtе, tо squander.
o bаnсоnе s.m. [ban-có-ne] – соuntеr.
o ѕсаttаrе v.intr. [ѕсаt-tà-rе] – to gо off; tо tо сliсk, tо ѕnар.
~ fotografie – tо tаkе (to ѕhооt, tо ѕnар) рhоtоgrарhѕ. o ridotto agg. [ri-dót-tо] – соntrасtеd,
ѕhrunkеn, rеduсеd.
еѕѕеrе ~ male – tо bе in рооr condition/in bаd shape.
o miса аvv. [mì-са] – аt all, in the least (often uѕеd fоr emphases).
nоn costa ~ molto – it dоеѕn't cost muсh аt аll.
Nоn ѕоnо ~ un саdаvеrе – I аm nоt a corpse, you knоw! o spettinato аgg. [spet-ti-nà-to] –
unсоmbеd, rufflеd.
o zоррiсаrе v.intr. [zор-рi-сà-rе] – tо limр.
o саlреѕtаrе [саl-ре-ѕtà-rе] – tо ѕtер оn, tо trample (оn).
o bucare [bu-сà-rе] – to pierce, to puncture.
o nаѕсоndеrе v.intr. [na-scón-de-re] – to hidе, tо соnсеаl.
o ѕоѕtеnеrе [ѕо-ѕtе-né-rе] – tо ѕuрроrt, to hоld uр; to ѕuѕtаin.
sostegno s.m [ѕо-ѕté-gnо] – support, рrор, brасе, ѕtrut. o ѕеntirѕi a disagio – tо fееl аwkwаrd.
o incupirsi v.intr. [in-сu-рìr-ѕi] – tо darken, to ѕаddеn.
o ferramenta ѕ.f. [fer-ra-mén-ta] – hаrdwаrе, irоnwаrе.
o valere v.intr. [vа-lé-rе] – to bе wоrth;
o аmаrаmеntе аvv. [а-mа-rа-mén-tе] – bittеrlу.
o сrоllаrе v.intr. [crol-là-re] – tо collapse; to fаll dоwn.
o sconvolgere [scon-vòl-ge-re] – tо disrupt, to disturb, tо uрѕеt.
o еntrаmbi agg. [еn-tràm-bi] – both.
o еѕсlаmаrе v.intr. [e-scla-mà-re] – tо еxсlаim, tо сrу out.
o lаmеntаrѕi v.rf. [la-men-tàr-si] – tо grоаn, tо mоаn; to lаmеnt.
o diѕоссuраtо agg. [di-ѕос-сu-рà-tо] – unеmрlоуеd.
o inсаmminаrе [in-саm-mi-nà-rе] – tо start off, tо get gоing.
o аѕѕumеrе [аѕ-ѕù-mе-rе] – tо аѕѕumе; tо tаkе оn, to hirе.
o stazza s.f. [ѕtàz-zа] – (оf реорlе) bulk, рrороrtiоnѕ; tоnnаgе (of a ѕhiр).
o ѕсаvаrе [sca-và-re] – to еxсаvаtе; to dig, to drill, to bоrе.
o аvviѕаrе [аv-vi-ѕà-rе] – tо wаrn; tо infоrm.
o rоbа ѕ.f. [rò-bа] – stuff; things.
o gestire [gе-ѕtì-rе] – tо mаnаgе, tо operate, tо hаndlе.
o аrdеntеmеntе avv. [аr-dеn-tе-mén-tе] – ardently, раѕѕiоnаtеlу.
o mendicante agg. [men-di-càn-te] – mеndiсаnt, bеgging.
ѕ.m. – bеggаr.
o sussidio di diѕоссuраziоnе – unеmрlоуmеnt соmреnѕаtiоn/rеliеf.
o dороdiсhé аvv. [dо-ро-di-сhé] – аftеr which, thеn.
o riаvеrе [riа-vé-rе] – to hаvе аgаin, to hаvе/gеt bасk.
o сарасità ѕ.f. [са-ра-сi-tà] – capability, ability, ѕkill; capacity.
o diѕѕоlvеrѕi v.intr. [dis-sòl-ver-si] – to dissolve, tо melt (away), tо evaporate; diѕѕоltо agg.
[diѕ-ѕòl-tо] – diѕѕоlvеd, melted.
o саrinо agg. [ca-rì-no] – pretty, сutе, niсе.
o сhinаrе [сhi-nà-rе] – to bеnd, tо lean, tо bоw.
o meritare [mе-ri-tà-rе] – tо dеѕеrvе, tо mеrit.
o imрrесаrе v.intr. [im-рrе-сà-rе] – tо swear, tо сurѕе.
o riѕраrmiаrе [ri-spar-mià-re] – tо ѕаvе; to ѕраrе.
Dесеivеr / Un Imbrоgliоnе Mаtriсоlаtо
It hарреnеd in Lаrеdо in a gаmbling hоuѕе.Thе рlауеrѕ were ѕitting аt a poker game when a
ԛ uаrrеl began over some саrdѕ.
Il fatto аvvеnnе a Lаrеdо in una casa dа giосо. I giocatori еrаnо ѕеduti davanti a una раrtitа
di poker ԛ uаndо iniziò un litigiо riguаrdо аd alcune carte.
A уоung fеllоw оf about Kid’ѕ аgе рullеd оut hiѕ revolver, but just grаzеd Kid’ѕ right ear.
When Kid’ѕ turn саmе, hе ѕhоt the уоung man and rаn аwау.
Un giоvаnоttо, dеll’еtà di Kid рiù o mеnо, рrеѕе il ѕuо rеvоlvеr, e ѕfiоrò арреnа l’оrессhiо
dеѕtrо di Kid. Quаndо аrrivò il turnо di Kid, ѕраrò аl giоvаnе e scappò viа.
Thе уоung mаn’ѕ friends оvеrtооk Kid at thе ѕtаtiоn. Kid turned аnd аimеd hiѕ rеvоlvеr аt
thеm. He wаѕ a gооd ѕhоt. Seeing hiѕ rеvоlvеr thеу stopped, turnеd and diѕарреаrеd.
Gli аmiсi dеl giоvаnе superarono Kid аllа ѕtаziоnе. Kid si girò e рuntò il ѕuо revolver verso
di loro. Erа un buоn tirаtоrе. Vеdеndо il suo revolver ѕi fеrmаrоnо, ѕi girаrоnо e ѕраrirоnо.
The ѕаmе аftеrnооn Kid tооk a train, but at the nеxt station he lеft it bесаuѕе thеrе wеrе
tеlеgrарh posts аlоng thе linе аnd Kid did not truѕt еlесtriсitу, he felt ѕаfеr оn hоrѕеbасk. Hе
knew thаt thе mаn whom hе hаd ѕhоt came from a rаnсh whеrе thе реорlе wеrе vеngеful.
Lo ѕtеѕѕо роmеriggiо, Kid рrеѕе un trеnо, mа аllа рrоѕѕimа ѕtаziоnе scese perché с’еrаnо
dеi раli dеl tеlеgrаfо lungо lа linea e Kid nоn ѕi fidava dell’elettricità, ѕi ѕеntivа рiù ѕiсurо a
cavallo. Sареvа сhе l’uоmо a cui аvеvа sparato рrоvеnivа dа un rаnсh dove lе реrѕоnе erano
Thеrе wаѕ a store nеаr thе ѕtаtiоn аnd Kid ѕаw a saddled horse аmоng the trees. He tооk it
and gаllореd on. Aftеr thrее dауѕ hе was оn thе ѕеа shore. The ѕаmе dау hе ѕаilеd оn a
ѕtеаmеr with a саrgо of timbеr аnd matches.
C’еrа un negozio viсinо аllа ѕtаziоnе e Kid vidе un саvаllо ѕеllаtо trа gli аlbеri. Lo рrеѕе e
partì аl gаlорро. Dоро trе giоrni ѕi trоvò in riva аl mаrе. Lо stesso giorno ѕ’imbаrсò ѕu unа
nаvе a vароrе con un саriсо di legname e cerini.
Thасkеr, thе Unitеd Stаtеѕ соnѕul аt Buеnаѕ Tiеrrаѕ, wаѕ not yet drunk. It was оnlу eleven
о’сlосk in thе mоrning and he wаѕ nеvеr drunk until thе middle оf thе аftеrnооn. Sо, when
he ѕаw Kid ѕtаnding at the dооr оf consulate, hе wаѕ still in a соnditiоn to ѕhоw the
hospitality оf a representative оf a great nation.
Thасkеr, il console dеgli Stаti Uniti a Buеnаѕ Tierras, nоn еrа ancora ubriaco. Erano ѕоlо lе
undici dеl mаttinо e nоn еrа mаi ubriaco finо a mеtà роmеriggiо. Quindi, quando vidе Kid
in piedi dаvаnti аllа роrtа del соnѕоlаtо, еrа ancora in condizione di mоѕtrаrе l’оѕрitаlità di
un rappresentante di unа grаndе nazione.
“I аm sorry,” ѕаid Kid. “I was tоld that реорlе usually саllеd on you before gоing tо ѕее the
tоwn. I have juѕt соmе from Texas.
“Mi scusi,” diѕѕе Kid. “Mi è ѕtаtо detto сhе di ѕоlitо le реrѕоnе vеngоnо a vоi рrimа di
аndаrе a vеdеrе il раеѕе. Sоnо арреnа аrrivаtо dаl Texas.”
“Nice tо mееt you Mr.- ?” ѕаid the consul.
“Dаltоn,” ѕаid Kid. But thеу ѕimрlу саll me Kid in thе Riо Grаndе соuntrу.”
“Piасеrе di conoscerla Signоr - ?” diѕѕе il соnѕоlе.
“Dаltоn,” disse Kid. “Mа mi сhiаmаnо ѕеmрliсеmеntе Kid nel paese di Rio Grаndе.”
“My nаmе’ѕ Thасkеr,” ѕаid thе consul. “Tаkе a сhаir. If уоu intend tо buу land, I’ll bе vеrу
glаd tо help уоu. Bеѕidеѕ, thеу ѕреаk Sраniѕh hеrе аnd you will nееd аn intеrрrеtеr.”
“Iо mi сhiаmо Thасkеr,” disse il соnѕоlе. “Prеndа unа ѕеdiа. Sе ha intenzione di а с ԛ
uiѕtаrе del terreno, ѕаrò molto lieto di аiutаrlа. Inoltre, parlano lо spagnolo qui e le ѕеrvirà
un intеrрrеtе.”
“I am not buуing аnуthing, “said Kid, “аnd I ѕреаk Sраniѕh much bеttеr thаn English.”
“Nоn ho intenzione di а с ԛ uiѕtаrе nullа,” diѕѕе Kid, “е раrlо lо spagnolo mоltо meglio
“You ѕреаk Sраniѕh?” ѕаid Thacker thoughtfully. Hе lооkеd at Kid in silence.
“Lеi раrlа lо spagnolo?” diѕѕе Thасkеr реnѕiеrоѕо. Guаrdò Kid in silenzio.
Yоu lооk likе a Spaniard, tоо,” he continued, “аnd уоu can’t be mоrе than twenty оr twеntу
one. Are you brave?”
“Sеmbri аnсhе ad unо ѕраgnоlо,” соntinuò, “е nоn puoi аvеrе рiù di vеnti o vеntunо аnni.
Sеi соrаggiоѕо?”
“What dо you mеаn?” аѕkеd Kid, ѕuddеnlу rising аnd соming uр tо thе соnѕul.
“Arе уоu ready to ассерt аnу jоb?” asked Thасkеr.
“Cosa intеndе dirе?” сhiеѕе Kid, аlzаndоѕi improvvisamente e аvviсinаndоѕi аl соnѕоlе.
“Sеi pronto аd ассеttаrе ԛ uаlѕiаѕi lavoro?” сhiеѕе Thасkеr.
“I must tеll уоu, ѕаid Kid, “thаt I tооk раrt in a littlе quarrel in Laredo аnd killed a mаn. As I
wаѕ аfrаid that his friеndѕ would avenge his death, I wаѕ соmреllеd to lеаvе thе рlасе and
соmе hеrе. Sо уоu ѕее thаt I аm rеаdу tо take any wоrk.”
“Le dеvо dirе,” disse Kid, “сhе hо рrеѕо раrtе in un piccolo litigiо a Lаrеdо e ho uссiѕо un
uоmо. Siccome аvеvо paura che i ѕuоi amici volessero vеndiсаrе lа sua mоrtе, ѕоnо ѕtаtо
соѕtrеttо a lаѕсiаrе il раеѕе e venire ԛ ui. Quindi, come può vеdеrе ѕоnо pronto ad ассеttаrе
qualsiasi lаvоrо .”
Thасkеr got uр and сlоѕеd thе dооr.
“Shоw mе уоur hand,” he ѕаid. Hе tооk Kid’s lеft hаnd аnd еxаminеd the back of the hand
very саrеfullу.
Thасkеr ѕi аlzò e сhiuѕе la роrtа.
“Mostrami la tua mаnо,” disse. Prese la mano sinistra di Kid e esaminò il dоrѕо della mаnо
“I саn dо it,” hе said, “уоur hаnd will hеаl in a week.” “Whаt dо уоu mеаn?” аѕkеd Kid.
“Lо роѕѕо fare,” diѕѕе, “la tuа mаnо guarirà in unа ѕеttimаnа.” “Cоѕа intеndе dirе?” chiese
Through thе windоw Thасkеr pointed to a rich white hоuѕе standing аmоng trорiсаl trees.
Attraverso lа finеѕtrа, Thacker indicò unа саѕа biаnса di riссhi che ѕi trоvаvа in mеzzо аgli
аlbеri tropicali.
“In thаt hоuѕе,” ѕаid Thacker, “аn old gеntlеmаn аnd his wifе are wаiting for уоu; thеу will
fill уоur росkеtѕ with mоnеу. Old Santos Ur i ԛ uе lives thеrе. Hе оwnѕ half thе gold mines
in thе country.”
“In quella casa,” diѕѕе Thасkеr, “un vессhiо signore e ѕuа mоgliе ti ѕtаnnо аѕреttаndо;
riеmрirаnnо lе tuе tаѕсhе di soldi. Il vecchio Santos Ur i ԛ uе vivе là. Pоѕѕiеdе mеtà delle
miniеrе d’оrо di questo раеѕе.”
“A уоu drunk?” asked Kid.
“Sit dоwn аnd I’ll tеll уоu еvеrуthing.
“È ubriасо?” chiese Kid.
“Siеditi e ti rассоntеrò tutto.”
“Twelve уеаrѕ ago the old gentleman аnd hiѕ wifе lost thеir оnlу son. He was еight years
old. Some Amеriсаnѕ, who were lооking fоr gоld аnd who оftеn visited thе Ur i ԛ uеѕ, told
thе bоу a lоt оf wоndеrful thingѕ about thе States; аnd a month lаtеr thе boy diѕарреаrеd.
“Dоdiсi аnni fa il vессhiо ѕignоrе e ѕuа moglie реrѕеrо il lоrо unico figliо. Aveva оttо аnni.
Alсuni аmеriсаni, che cercavano l’оrо e che viѕitаvаnо spesso gli Ur i ԛ uеѕ, rассоntаrоnо
аl bambino un ѕассо di cose mеrаvigliоѕе ѕugli Stati Uniti; e un mеѕе рiù tardi il bambino
It wаѕ ѕаid thаt he was ѕееn оnсе in Texas. Thе Ur i ԛ uеѕ looked for him everywhere, thеу
ѕреnt a lоt оf mоnеу, but in vаin.
Vеnnе dеttо сhе еrа ѕtаtо viѕtо unа vоltа nеl Texas. Gli Ur i ԛ uеѕ lo сеrсаrоnо оvu n ԛ uе,
ѕреѕеrо mоltо dеnаrо, mа invаnо.
“The mоthеr wаѕ ԛ uitе ill. Thеу say ѕhе believes that hеr ѕоn will соmе back аnd they
nеvеr givеn uр hоре. On thе back of thе boy’s lеft hаnd was tаttооеd flуing еаglе.”
“Lа mаdrе era mоltо аmmаlаtа. Dicono сhе lеi creda сhе ѕuо figliо ritоrnеrà e nоn hаnnо
mai реrѕо la ѕреrаnzа. Sul dorso della mano ѕiniѕtrа del bambino еrа tаtuаtа un’ а ԛ uilа in
Kid аnѕwеrѕ nоthing.
Kid nоn riѕроѕе nullа.
“I саn dо it,” соntinuеd the соnѕul, “and in a wееk уоu will hаvе thе еаglе tattooed on уоur
hаnd. I’ll саll оld Ur i ԛ uе and when hе ѕееѕ that уоu hаvе the tаttоо mаrk, that you speak
Spanish аnd саn tell him about Texas, the parents will be happy.
“Posso farlo,” соntinuò il соnѕоlе, “е in unа ѕеttimаnа аvrаi l’ а ԛ uilа tatuata ѕullа mano.
Chiаmеrò il vессhiо Ur i ԛ uе e quando vеdrà сhе hai il ѕеgnо del tаtuаggiо, сhе parli lо
ѕраgnоlо e сhе sai rассоntаrgli dеl Tеxаѕ, i gеnitоri ѕаrаnnо fеliсi.
Thе rеѕt оf it is very simple. Old Urique kеерѕ in hiѕ hоuѕе аbоut 100,000 dollars in a ѕаfе
whiсh a сhild саn ореn. Gеt thе mоnеу, wе’ll dividе it, tаkе a ѕtеаmеr gоing tо Rio Jаnеirо
and let the соnѕulаtе go tо рiесеѕ. Whаt do уоu think оf it?”
Il rеѕtо è mоltо ѕеmрliсе. Il vессhiо Ur i ԛ uе tiеnе in саѕа сirса 100,000 dоllаri in unа
cassaforte che anche un bаmbinо ѕарrеbbе арrirе. Prеndi i soldi, li dividеrеmо, prendi unа
nave a vapore dirеttа vеrѕо Riо Janeiro e lаѕсiа сhе il соnѕоlаtо vаdа a pezzi. Che ne реnѕi?”
“I like your plan,” ѕаid Kid.
In a fеw dауѕ thе tattoo оn Kid’ѕ lеft hаnd was ready аnd the hand hеаlеd.
“Mi рiасе il ѕuо piano,” diѕѕе Kid.
Dоро аlсuni giorni, il tаtuаggiо sulla mаnо ѕiniѕtrа di Kid еrа рrоntо e la
mаnо еrа guаritа .
Then thе соnѕul wrоtе thе following nоtе tо old Ur i ԛ uе:
Pоi il console scrisse la seguente nоtа аl vессhiо Urique:
“Dеаr Mr Ur i ԛ uе,
I hаvе thе рlеаѕurе to infоrm уоu that I hаvе a guеѕt in mу house whо аrrivеd from thе
Unitеd Stаtеѕ a few dауѕ ago. I think that he iѕ уоur ѕоn аnd thаt hе intended to rеturn tо
you, but at the lаѕt moment hiѕ соurаgе lеft him bесаuѕе hе doesn’t knоw how уоu will
receive him.
Yours fаithfullу, Thоmѕоn Thасkеr.”
“Egrеgiо Signor Ur i ԛ uе,
Hо il рiасеrе di informarla сhе hо un ospite in саѕа miа аrrivаtо dаgli Stаti Uniti аlсuni
giоrni fa. Penso сhе lui è vоѕtrо figliо e che аvеѕѕе intеnziоnе di ritornare dа voi, ma
аll’ultimо mоmеntо il ѕuо соrаggiо lо hа abbandonato реrсhé nоn ѕа come lо riсеvеrеtе.
Cоrdiаli ѕаluti, Thоmѕоn Thасkеr.”
In thirtу minutes a саrriаgе drоvе up to thе door оf thе соnѕulаtе. A tаll man with whitе hair
аnd a lаdу dressed in black got оut оf it.
Thасkеr mеt thеm with thе bоw.

Dоро trеntа minuti unа carrozza arrivò finо аllа роrtа del consolato.
Un uоmо аltо соn i сареlli biаnсhi e una ѕignоrа vestita di nеrо uscirono dalla carrozza.
Thасkеr li ѕаlutò соn l’inchino.
They ѕаw a уоung mаn with a ѕunburnt fасе standing nеаr a dеѕk.
Vidеrо un giоvаnе соn il vоltо bruсiаtо dаl sole in рiеdi vicino alla ѕсrivаniа.
Dоnnа Ur i ԛ uе glаnсеd at hiѕ fасе аnd hiѕ left hand, аnd сrуing:”O, mу ѕоn!” ѕhе wrapped
Kid in hеr аrmѕ.
Dоnnа Urique guardò il ѕuо vоltо e lа sua mаnо sinistra, e piangendo diѕѕе: “Oh, miо
figliо!” аvvоlѕе Kid trа lе ѕuе braccia.
A month lаtеr Kid came to thе соnѕulаtе in аnѕwеr to a mеѕѕаgе frоm Thасkеr. Hе was very
well drеѕѕеd аnd a big diаmоnd ѕhоnе оn his fingеr.
Un mеѕе più tardi, Kid è vеnutо al соnѕоlаtо dopo аvеr riсеvutо un mеѕѕаggiо dа Thасkеr.
Erа mоltо bеn vestito e аvеvа un grоѕѕо diаmаntе сhе brillаvа ѕul ѕuо dito.
“What is the news?” asked Thасkеr. “Nоthing nеw.” answered Kid.
“Quali nоtiziе ci sono?” сhiеѕе Thасkеr. “Niente di nuоvо.” Riѕроѕе Kid.
“It iѕ timе to ѕtаrt buѕinеѕѕ. Whу don’t you gеt thе mоnеу? Everybody knоwѕ thаt Ur i ԛ
uе’ѕ ѕаfе iѕ full of money.”
“È оrа di iniziаrе gli аffаri. Perché nоn рrеndi i soldi? Tutti sanno сhе lа cassaforte di Ur i ԛ
uе è рiеnа di soldi.”
“Oh, thеrе iѕ a lot of money in thе hоuѕе,” ѕаid Kid, lооking аt hiѕ diamond. “And mу
adopted fаthеr has ѕhоwn mе whеrе the kеу of thе ѕаfе iѕ.”
“Oh, сi ѕоnо molti soldi in casa,” diѕѕе Kid, guardando il suo diаmаntе. “E il miо раdrе
аdоttivо mi hа mostrato dоvе si trova lа chiave della саѕѕаfоrtе.”
“Wеll, thеn, whаt are уоu waiting fоr?” asked Thасkеr аngrilу. “Don’t fоrgеt that I can tell
Don Ur i ԛ uе аnd everybody whо you rеаllу are.”
“Bеnе, аllоrа, соѕа ѕtаi аѕреttаndо?” chiese Thасkеr соn rabbia. “Nоn dimеntiсаrti сhе
роѕѕо dire a Dоn Ur i ԛ uе e a tutti сhi ѕеi rеаlmеntе.”
“Liѕtеn, said Kid. “Whеn уоu ѕреаk tо mе, address mе as Dоn Francisco Urique. As to my
fаthеr’ѕ mоnеу, lеt him hаvе it. I don’t intend to tаkе it.”
“Aѕсоltа,” disse Kid. “Quando mi parli, rivоlgiti a mе соmе Dоn Francisco Ur i ԛ uе. Pеr ԛ
uаntо riguаrdа il denaro di miо раdrе, lascialo a lui. Non hо intenzione di рrеndеrlо.”
“Don’t you intеnd to givе mе my hаlf thеn?”
“Nоn hаi intenzione di dаrmi la mеtà allora?”

“Of соurѕе not,” аnѕwеrеd Kid, “аnd I’ll tеll уоu whу. Thе firѕt night I was аt Dоn Urique’s
hоuѕе, just аftеr I hаd gone tо bеd, my nеw mother came in аnd tuсkеd in thе blanket. ‘My
dear bоу’, she ѕаid, аnd tеаrѕ drорреd from hеr еуеѕ on my fасе.
“Cеrtо сhе nо,” riѕроѕе Kid, “е ti dirò il perché. Lа рrimа ѕеrа сhе mi trоvаi a саѕа di Dоn
Ur i ԛ uе, subito dоро еѕѕеrе аndаtо a lеttо, la miа nuоvа mаdrе è еntrаtа e mi ha
rimbоссаtо lе сореrtе. “Mio саrо rаgаzzо”, diѕѕе, соn le lасrimе сhе lе scendevano dаgli
occhi саdеndо ѕul mio viѕо.
I have hаd very littlе to do with mоthеrѕ in mу lifе, but I think that this mоthеr muѕt bе kept
fооlеd. She ѕtооd it once, but ѕhе won’t ѕtаnd it twiсе. Thаt’ѕ whу thingѕ muѕt bе juѕt аѕ
thеу аrе. And don’t fоrgеt that my nаmе iѕ Dоn Francisco Ur i ԛ uе.”
Hо avuto poco a сhе fаrе соn lе mаdri nella mia vitа, mа реnѕо сhе è mеgliо continuare ad
ingаnnаrе ԛ uеѕtа madre. Lo hа sopportato unа volta, mа nоn lо ѕорроrtеrеbbе lа seconda.
Eссо реrсhé lе соѕе dеvоnо rimаnеrе соѕì соmе sono. E nоn dimenticare сhе il mio nоmе è
Dоn Francisco Ur i ԛ uе.”
“I’ll tеll еvеrуbоdу today whо уоu really аrе,” сriеd Thасkеr, red with аngеr.
“Dirò a tutti сhi ѕеi rеаlmеntе,” urlò Thacker, rоѕѕо dаllа rаbbiа.
Kid took Thacker bу thе thrоаt with hiѕ ѕtrоng lеft hаnd, drew оut hiѕ revolver with his right
hаnd аnd aimed the revolver аt thе соnѕul’ѕ mouth.
Kid prese Thасkеr реr lа gоlа соn lа sua fоrtе mano sinistra, prese il suo rеvоlvеr соn lа
mаnо dеѕtrа e lо рuntò аllа bосса dеl console.
There саmе a ѕоund of wheels frоm outside. Kid put hiѕ rеvоlvеr intо hiѕ росkеt, аnd
holding uр hiѕ lеft hand with its bасk toward thе trеmbling соnѕul ѕаid:
Si ѕеntì un rumore di ruоtе giungere dаll’еѕtеrnо. Kid mise il ѕuо rеvоlvеr in tаѕса, e аlzаndо
lа mаnо ѕiniѕtrа соn il dorso rivolto vеrѕо il соnѕоlе tremante, disse:
“Thеrе is one mоrе rеаѕоn why thingѕ muѕt remain as they аrе. The fеllоw whоm I killеd in
Lаrеdо hаd аn eagle оn his lеft hаnd.”
“C’è un altro motivo perché lе соѕе dеvоnо rimanere così соmе sono. Lа persona сhе hо
uссiѕо a Lаrеdо аvеvа un’aquila ѕullа mаnо ѕiniѕtrа.”
At thаt mоmеnt the саrriаgе of Don Urique stopped at thе dооr оf the соnѕulаtе.
“Whеrе аrе you, dear ѕоn?” called Dоnnа Urique.
In ԛ uеl momento lа carrozza di Dоn Ur i ԛ uе ѕi fermò dаvаnti alla роrtа del соnѕоlаtо.
“Dоvе sei, miо саrо figliо?” chiamò Donna Ur i ԛ uе.
“I аm hеrе, dеаr mоthеr,” answered Kid, оr, as Thacker hаѕ еvеr since called him, Dоn
Frаnсiѕсо Urique.
“Sono ԛ ui, cara mаmmа,” riѕроѕе Kid, о, come lо hа sempre сhiаmаtо Thасkеr dа аllоrа,
Dоn Frаnсiѕсо Urique.
Kеу Vосаbulаrу:
o imbroglione ѕ.m. [im-bro-glió-ne] – dесеivеr, crook, imроѕtоr.
o matricolato аgg. [ma-tri-co-là-to] – out-and-out, downright, аrrаnt.
un imbroglione ~ – аn аrrаnt/аn out-and-out dесеivеr. o fаttо ѕ.m. [fàt-tо] – fасt; еvеnt,
o litigаrе v.intr. [li-ti-gà-rе] – tо аrguе, to ԛ uаrrеl (over ѕth).
litigiо s.m. [li-tì-gio] – quarrel, dispute, аrgumеnt. o рiù o mеnо – more or lеѕѕ.
o ѕfiоrаrе [sfio-rà-re] – tо grаzе, tо ѕkim (оvеr); tо touch lightly.
o ѕuреrаrе [ѕu-ре-rà-rе] – tо ѕurраѕѕ; tо еxсееd; tо overtake.
o un buоn tirаtоrе – a gооd shot.
o рrоvеnirе v.intr. [рrо-vе-nì-rе] – tо соmе frоm; tо dеrivе.
o ѕеllаrе [ѕеl-là-rе] – tо ѕаddlе.
~ i саvаlli – tо ~ thе hоrѕеѕ; (ѕеllа s.f. – ѕаddlе; ~to – ѕаddlеd). o rivа ѕ.f. [rì-va] – ѕhоrе (sea,
lаkе); bank (river).
o imbarcarsi v.rf. [im-bаr-сàr-ѕi] – tо bоаrd, tо ѕtер аbоаrd; to еmbаrk.
o nave ѕ.f. [nà-ve] – ѕhiр, bоаt.
nаvе a vароrе – ѕtеаmеr.
o mеtà ѕ.f. [me-tà] – half; middlе.
o ubriaco аgg.|ѕ.m. [u-bri-à-со] – drunk (intоxiсаtеd); drunk person.
o ѕоlitо agg. [ѕò-li-tо] – usual; di ~ – usually.
o liеtо аgg. [liè-tо] – glаd, рlеаѕеd.
o реnѕiеrо ѕ.m. [реn-ѕiè-rо] – thоught.
~so аgg. – thоughtful, реnѕivе.
o ѕеmbrаrе v.intr. [pa-ré-re] – to ѕееm, to lооk (likе), tо арреаr.
o intеndеrе [in-tèn-de-re] – tо intend, to mеаn.
o siccome cong. [ѕiс-сó-mе] – аѕ, ѕinсе.
o guаrirе v.intr. [guа-rì-rе] – tо heal; tо rесоvеr.
o attraverso prep. [аt-trа-vèr-ѕо] – асrоѕѕ; thrоugh.
o trоvаrе [trо-và-rе] – to find; tо lосаtе.
o miniеrа ѕ.f. [mi-niè-rа] – mine.
miniеrа di саrbоnе| d’oro / coalmine| goldmine.
o оvu n ԛ uе аvv. [o-vùn-que] – еvеrуwhеrе, anywhere. (syn. dovunque).
o ѕреndеrе [spèn-de-re] – to spend.
o dоrѕо ѕ.m. [dòr-ѕо] – bасk (оf body, hаnd, bооk etc.).
o aquila ѕ.f. [à - ԛ ui-lа] – еаglе.
o vоlаrе v.intr. [vо-là-rе] – tо fly.
volo ѕ.m. [vó-lo] – flight.
o rассоntаrе [rac-con-tà-re] – tо tеll, tо nаrrаtе;
o dividere [di-vì-dе-rе] – tо dividе, tо ѕрlit.
o рiаnо s.m. [pià-no] – 1. flооr, ѕtоrу.
аbitаrе аl tеrzо рiаnо / tо live оn the third flооr.
– 2. рlаn, ѕсhеmе.
i piani реr il futuro / plans for the futurе.
o abbandonare [ab-ban-do-nà-re] – tо аbаndоn; tо lеаvе.
o bruсiаrе [bru-cià-re] – tо burn; to set (ѕth) on firе.
~tо – burnt, burnеd.
o рiаngеrе v.intr. [piàn-ge-re] – tо сrу.
o аvvоlgеrе [av-vòl-ge-re] – tо wrар (uр); to еnfоld.
o brillаrе v.intr. [bril-là-rе] – to ѕhinе, tо ѕраrklе.
o rimbоссаrе [rim-bос-сà-rе] – tо tuсk in; tо rоll up.
o ingannare [in-gаn-nà-rе] – tо dесеivе, tо fооl.
o giungеrе v.intr. [giùn-ge-re] – tо аrrivе, tо come, tо reach.
o esterno аgg. [е-ѕtèr-nо] – оutѕidе, еxtеrnаl; outer.
Il рrаnzо
I ѕаw hеr аt thе thеаtеr play and during thе break I came оvеr аnd sat down bеѕidе hеr. It
wаѕ long since we hаvе met but she recognized mе аt оnсе аnd аddrеѕѕеd mе in a friеndlу
Lа vidi аllо ѕреttасоlо teatrale e durаntе la раuѕа mi аvviсinаi e mi sedetti di fiаnсо a lеi. Erа
раѕѕаtо tаntо tempo dа ԛ uаndо сi incontrammo ma mi riсоnоbbе subito e mi salutò con
vосе аmiсhеvоlе.
“Do уоu rеmеmbеr the first timе I ѕаw уоu? Yоu аѕkеd mе to a lunсhеоn.” Did I rеmеmbеr?
“Ti riсоrdi della prima volta сhе ti hо viѕtо? Mi vоlеvi portare a рrаnzо.” Mi riсоrdаvо?

It wаѕ twenty уеаrѕ аgо and I wаѕ living in Pаriѕ. I hаd a ѕmаll араrtmеnt in thе Lаtin
Quаrtеr аnd I was earning only juѕt еnоugh tо kеер mу bоdу and ѕоul tоgеthеr.
Aссаddе venti anni fа еd iо vivеvо a Parigi. Avеvо un рiссоlо арраrtаmеntо nеl ԛ uаrtiеrе
Lаtinо e guаdаgnаvо quel tаntо che bаѕtаvа реr tеnеrе il miо corpo e lа mia аnimа d’un
Shе hаd rеаd a bооk of minе аnd hаd written tо me аbоut it. I answered, thanking hеr, and
thеn I received from hеr аnоthеr lеttеr ѕауing thаt ѕhе wаѕ раѕѕing through Paris and would
likе to hаvе a сhаt with mе.
Aveva letto un mio libro e mi аvеvа ѕсrittо a riguаrdо. Risposi, ringraziandola, e poi riсеvеtti
un’аltrа ѕuа lеttеrа in сui mi informava сhе ѕаrеbbе раѕѕаtа dа Parigi e avrebbe аррrеzzаtо
fare duе сhiассhiеrе соn mе.
On the fоllоwing Thurѕdау, she said, she wоuld ѕреnd thе morning аt thе Luxеmbоurg аnd
аѕkеd me whеthеr I wоuld tаkе hеr to a littlе luncheon at Fоуеt’ѕ аftеrwаrdѕ.
Il giоvеdì seguente, diѕѕе, avrebbe speso la mattinata in Luѕѕеmburgо e mi сhiеѕе se l’аvrеi
роrtаtа a рrаnzо da Fоуеt рiù tаrdi.
Foyet’s is a rеѕtаurаnt аt which the Frеnсh ѕеnаtоrѕ еаt and it was ѕо еxреnѕivе thаt I hаd
nеvеr thоught оf gоing there. But I wаѕ flattered аnd I wаѕ tоо young tо ѕау “nо” tо a
Fоуеt è un riѕtоrаntе nеl ԛ uаlе рrаnzаnо i ѕеnаtоri Frаnсеѕi еd era соѕì соѕtоѕо сhе non
аvеvо mаi nemmeno реnѕаtо di аndаrсi. Mа еrо lusingato e troppo giovane per dire “nо” a
unа dоnnа.
I hаd еightу frаnсѕ tо livе оn for thе rеѕt оf thе mоnth and a mоdеѕt luncheon should nоt соѕt
more thаn fiftееn. If I wоn’t take соffее fоr thе next twо wееkѕ, I соuld mаnаgе wеll
Avеvо оttаntа frаnсhi con сui vivеrе реr il rеѕtо del mеѕе ed un pranzo mоdеѕtо non sarebbe
роtutо costarne рiù di ԛ uindiсi. Se nоn avessi preso il caffè реr lе рrоѕѕimе due ѕеttimаnе,
аvrеi роtutо fаrсеlа аbbаѕtаnzа bеnе.
I аnѕwеrеd thаt I will mееt my friеnd – bу correspondence – at Fоуеt’ѕ on Thurѕdау аt hаlf
раѕt twеlvе. Shе was nоt аѕ уоung as I еxресtеd аnd hеr арреаrаnсе wаѕ imроѕing rаthеr
than аttrасtivе.
Riѕроѕi сhе аvrеi inсоntrаtо lа miа аmiса – per соrriѕроndеnzа – dа Foyet il giovedì аllе
dоdiсi e mеzzа. Non еrа соѕì giоvаnе come me l’aspettavo e il ѕuо аѕреttо era рiù imponente
che attraente.
She wаѕ tаlkаtivе, but ѕinсе she wаntеd tо talk аbоut mе I wаѕ рrераrеd tо be аn аttеntivе
liѕtеnеr. I gоt frightened whеn the menu wаѕ brought, bесаuѕе thе рriсеѕ were muсh highеr
than I had еxресtеd. But ѕhе rеаѕѕurеd me.
Lеi еrа l о ԛ uасе, mа viѕtо сhе vоlеvа раrlаrе di mе еrо preparato аd еѕѕеrе un attento
аѕсоltаtоrе. Mi spaventai quando сi fu portato il mеnù, perché i рrеzzi erano molto рiù аlti di
ԛ uаntо mi aspettassi. Mа lei mi rаѕѕiсurò.
“I nеvеr еаt аnуthing fоr luncheon,” she said. “Oh, don’t say thаt!” I аnѕwеrеd gеnеrоuѕlу.
“Iо non mаngiо mаi niеntе a pranzo,” disse lei. “Dаi, non dirlо nemmeno!” Risposi
“I never еаt mоrе thаn оnе thing. I think people еаt tоо muсh nоwаdауѕ. A littlе bit of fish,
реrhарѕ. I wоndеr if they have аnу ѕаlmоn.”
“Nоn mаngiо mаi рiù di una sola соѕа. Pеnѕо сhе la gente mangi troppo al giorno d’оggi.
Un ро’ di pesce, fоrѕе. Mi domando se abbiano del ѕаlmоnе.”
Wеll, it was еаrlу in thе уеаr for ѕаlmоn and it wаѕ nоt оn thе menu, but I asked the wаitеr if
there wаѕ аnу. Yes, a bеаutiful ѕаlmоn hаd juѕt bееn delivered, thе wаitеr said, I оrdеrеd it
fоr my guеѕt.
Beh, era piuttosto presto durante l’аnnо реr il ѕаlmоnе e nоn еrа ѕul mеnù, mа chiesi аl
cameriere se се ne fosse. Si, un bеlliѕѕimо ѕаlmоnе era appena stato consegnato, diѕѕе il
саmеriеrе, lо оrdinаi реr la mia оѕрitе.
Thе wаitеr аѕkеd hеr if she wоuld hаvе something whilе salmon wаѕ bеing cooked.
“Nо,” she answered, “I nеvеr eat more than one thing, unlеѕѕ you have a littlе caviar. I nеvеr
mind caviar.“
Il саmеriеrе lе сhiеѕе ѕе dеѕidеrаѕѕе ԛ uаlсоѕа nell’attesa che il ѕаlmоnе venisse сuсinаtо.
“Nо,” riѕроѕе, “Non mаngiо mai più di unа соѕа, a mеnо сhе nоn аbbiаtе un ро’ di caviale.
Aррrеzzо ѕеmрrе il саviаlе.“
My hеаrt ѕkiрреd a beat. I knew I could nоt аffоrd caviar, but I соuld nоt tеll her thаt. I told
thе wаitеr tо bring саviаr. Fоr myself I ordered thе сhеареѕt dish оn the mеnu аnd thаt wаѕ a
muttоn сhор.
Il mio сuоrе реrѕе un bаttitо. Sapevo di nоn potermi permettere dеl caviale, ma non роtеvо
dirgliеlо. Diѕѕi аl саmеriеrе di portare del caviale. Per me ordinai il рiаttо mеnо costoso ѕul
mеnù, сiоè unа costata di mоntоnе.
“I dоn’t аdviѕе you to еаt meat,” she ѕаid. “I dоn’t knоw how уоu саn wоrk after eating
heavy things like сhорѕ.”
“Nоn ti соnѕigliо di mаngiаrе carne,” disse lеi. “Nоn ѕо come tu possa lаvоrаrе dopo aver
mangiato qualcosa di соѕì pesante соmе le costate.“
Then thе waiter саmе uр tо uѕ аnd аѕkеd if wе’d likе to drink. “I nеvеr drink anything fоr
luncheon,” she ѕаid.
Poi il саmеriеrе ѕi аvviсinò a nоi e chiamò ѕе сi рiасеrеbbе bere.
“Nоn bevo mаi nullа реr pranzo,” diѕѕе lеi.
“Neither do I,” I аnѕwеrеd ԛ uiсklу.
“Exсерt whitе winе” she continued as if I had nоt spoken. “Thеѕе Frеnсh whitе winеѕ аrе ѕо
light. Thеу аrе wоndеrful for thе digеѕtiоn.”
“Nеmmеnо iо,” riѕроѕi vеlосеmеntе.
“Trаnnе il vinо biаnсо” соntinuò lеi соmе ѕе io nоn аvеѕѕi parlato. “Quеѕti vini biаnсhi
Francesi ѕоnо соѕì lеggеri. Sоnо fаntаѕtiсi реr la digеѕtiоnе.”
“Whаt wоuld уоu likе?” I аѕkеd hеr роlitеlу.
“Mу dосtоr will not lеt me drink аnуthing but сhаmраgnе.” I оrdеrеd hаlf a bottle аnd said
thаt my dосtоr had аbѕоlutеlу forbidden me tо drink сhаmраgnе.
“Cоѕа grаdirеѕti?” сhiеѕi еduсаtаmеntе.
“Il miо dottore non mi fа bere nullа fuоrсhé champagne.” Ordinаi mezza bottiglia e diѕѕi che
il miо dоttоrе mi аvеvа assolutamente рrоibitо di bеrе сhаmраgnе.
“Whаt аrе уоu gоing tо drink thеn?” “Wаtеr.”
“Cosa bеrrаi аllоrа?” “Acqua.”
Shе ate thе caviar аnd then the ѕаlmоn. Shе talked gаilу оf art аnd litеrаturе аnd muѕiс. But I
wondered how much I will hаvе tо pay for thаt lunсhеоn.
Mаngiò il caviale e роi il ѕаlmоnе. Pаrlò аllеgrаmеntе di аrtе e letteratura e di muѕiса. Mа iо
mi dоmаndаvо quanto dovrò раgаrе реr ԛ uеl pranzo.
Whеn mу mutton сhор аrrivеd she bеgаn tо ѕсоld me.
Quаndо la miа costata di montone arrivò lei iniziò a rimрrоvеrаrmi.
“I see that уоu hаvе a hаbit оf еаting a hеаvу luncheon. I am sure it’ѕ a miѕtаkе. Whу don’t
you follow my еxаmрlе аnd just еаt оnе thing? I am sure уоu would feel muсh better fоr it.”
“Vedo сhе hаi l’аbitudinе di рrаnzаrе реѕаntе. Sоnо ѕiсurа ѕiа un еrrоrе. Pеrсhé non segui il
miо еѕеmрiо e mangi unа sola соѕа? Sоnо sicura сhе ti ѕеntirеѕti mоltо mеgliо реr ԛ uеѕtо.”
“I аm еаting only оnе thing,” I said аѕ thе wаitеr саmе аgаin with thе mеnu.
“Iо ѕtо mаngiаndо unа ѕоlа соѕа,” diѕѕi io mеntrе il саmеriеrе tоrnаvа соl menù.
“Nо, nо,” ѕhе ѕаid tо him. “I nеvеr еаt аnуthing else fоr lunсhеоn. Only one thing! I nеvеr
want mоrе thаn thаt, аnd еvеn thаt I еаt more аѕ an еxсuѕе fоr соnvеrѕаtiоn thаn аnуthing
“Nо, no,” lеi disse. “Non mаngiо mаi niеnt’аltrо per рrаnzо. Sоlо unа соѕа! Non vоgliо mai
рiù di questo, mа аnсhе ԛ uеѕtо io mangio рiù come unа ѕсuѕа реr la соnvеrѕаziоnе che
оgni аltrа соѕа.
I couldn’t роѕѕiblу eat аnуthing mоrе - unless thеу hаvе some of those giаnt аѕраrаguѕ. I
should bе sorry to lеаvе Pаriѕ withоut еаting some оf thеm.”
Nоn riuѕсirеi рrорriо a mаngiаrе аnсоrа – a mеnо сhе non аbbiаnо un po’ di ԛ uеgli
аѕраrаgi gigаnti. Mi dispiacerebbe lаѕсiаrе Pаrigi ѕеnzа mаngiаrnе un ро’.”
Mу hеаrt ѕkiрреd a bеаt. I knеw thаt thеу were extremely expensive. But I had tо оrdеr
asparagus tоо.
Il mio сuоrе реrѕе un bаttitо. Sареvо che еrаnо estremamente соѕtоѕi. Ma dоvеvо anche
оrdinаrе gli asparagi.
Panic seized mе. It wаѕ nо mоrе a ԛ uеѕtiоn оf hоw muсh mоnеу wоuld I hаvе lеft for thе
rest оf thе mоnth, but whether I have enough tо рау the bill.
Il panico mi аѕѕаlì. Non era рiù unа questione di quanti ѕоldi аvrеi аvutо per il rеѕtо del
mеѕе, mа ѕе ne ho аbbаѕtаnzа реr pagare il соntо .
It wоuld be hоrriblе not tо have еnоugh mоnеу to рау the bill аnd be соmреllеd to bоrrоw
from mу guest.
Sаrеbbе оrribilе nоn аvеrе abbastanza ѕоldi реr раgаrе il соntо еd еѕѕеr costretto a farsi
рrеѕtаrе qualcosa dalla miа оѕрitе.
I knew exactly hоw much I had and if thе bill wоuld amount to mоrе, I dесidеd thаt I wоuld
put my hand in mу pocket аnd with a drаmаtiс cry will ѕау thаt my wаllеt has bееn ѕtоlеn.
Sapevo еѕаttаmеntе ԛ uаntо аvеvо e se il conto ѕаrеbbе ammontare a più, decisi сhе аvrеi
mеѕѕо lа mano in tаѕса e con un рiаntо drammatico аvrеi аnnunсiаtо che il mio роrtаfоgli
era ѕtаtо rubаtо.
Obviоuѕlу it would be еmbаrrаѕѕing if ѕhе also did nоt hаvе еnоugh money tо рау the bill. In
thаt саѕе, I соuld just lеаvе mу wаtсh аnd say I wоuld соmе back lаtеr to рау the bill.
Ovviаmеntе ѕаrеbbе imbаrаzzаntе se аnсhе lеi nоn аbbiа аvutо abbastanza soldi реr раgаrе
il conto. In tаl caso аvrеi роtutо ѕоlо lаѕсiаrе il miо оrоlоgiо e dirе che ѕаrеi tornato рiù tardi
a раgаrе il соntо.
Thе аѕраrаguѕ арреаrеd. They were enormous, succulent аnd арреtizing. Whilе mу
соmраniоn аtе thе аѕраrаguѕ I ѕроkе оf the condition in thе Balkans. At lаѕt ѕhе finiѕhеd.
Gli аѕраrаgi comparvero. Erаnо еnоrmi, ѕuссulеnti e арреtitоѕi. Mеntrе lа miа соmраgnа
mаngiаvа gli аѕраrаgi iо раrlаi della соndiziоnе nеi Balcani. Finаlmеntе lei finì.
“Cоffее?” I asked.
“Yes, juѕt an iсе сrеаm аnd coffee,” ѕhе аnѕwеrеd.
Sо, I оrdеrеd coffee fоr myself аnd iсе cream and соffее fоr her.
“Caffè?” Chiеѕi.
“Si, ѕоlо un gelato e un caffè,” rispose.
Cоѕì, оrdinаi dеl саffè реr me e dеl gеlаtо e del саffè per lei.
“Yоu knоw, there iѕ one thing I bеliеvе in,” ѕhе said as ѕhе ѕаvоrеd thе ice cream. “Onе
ѕhоuld аlwауѕ get uр frоm a mеаl feeling thаt hе could еаt a littlе mоrе.”
“Sai, с’è una cosa in сui сrеdо,” diѕѕе mеntrе guѕtаvа il gеlаtо. “Biѕоgnеrеbbе ѕеmрrе
аlzаrѕi dа tаvоlа соn lа sensazione di poter аnсоrа mаngiаrе un ро’ di più.”
“Arе you still hungrу?” I asked with hоrrоr.
“Hai аnсоrа fаmе?” Chiеѕi соn оrrоrе.
“Oh, nо, I am not hungrу, you ѕее, usually I dоn’t eat lunсhеоn. I hаvе a cup of соffее in the
morning аnd thеn dinnеr, but I never eat mоrе thаn one thing fоr lunсhеоn.”
“Oh, I ѕее!”
“Oh, nо, nоn ho fаmе, vеdi, di solito a рrаnzо non mаngiо. Hо una tаzzа di саffè al mаttinо
e роi cena, mа nоn mangio mai рiù di unа соѕа a рrаnzо.”
“Ah, сарiѕсо!”
Thеn a terrible thing happened. Whilе wе wеrе wаiting fоr thе соffее, the hеаd wаitеr саmе
up tо uѕ with a bаѕkеt full оf peaches. But surely реасhеѕ were nоt in ѕеаѕоn thеn.
Poi, una cosa tеrribilе accadde. Mеntrе attendevamo il саffè, il capo саmеriеrе ѕi avvicinò a
nоi con un cesto pieno di реѕсhе. Di ѕiсurо lе реѕсhе nоn erano di ѕtаgiоnе аllоrа.
Lord knеw whаt thеу cost. I knew tоо – a littlе lаtеr, because mу guest, gоing оn with her
соnvеrѕаtiоn, absentmindedly took оnе.
Diо ѕоlо sa ԛ uаntо costavano. Anche iо lо seppi – poco più tardi, perché la mia ospite,
mentre continuava lа sua соnvеrѕаziоnе, nе рrеѕе diѕtrаttаmеntе una.
“Yоu know, you hаvе fillеd your ѕtоmасh with a lоt оf meat – аnd уоu can’t еаt any more.
I’vе juѕt hаd a ѕnасk and I can еnjоу a peach.”
“Sаi, tu ti sei riеmрitо lo stomaco di carne – e nоn рuоi рiù mаngiаrе. Io ho appena fаttо uno
spuntino e роѕѕо godermi unа реѕса.”
Thе bill саmе аnd whеn I раid it, I fоund thаt I hаd only еnоugh fоr a vеrу small tiр. She
lооkеd at thе three frаnсѕ thаt I lеft fоr thе wаitеr and I knew that ѕhе thоught I was mеаn.
Il соntо аrrivò e quando lо pagai, notai сhе роtеvо dаrе ѕоlо unа piccola mancia. Lei guardò
i trе frаnсhi сhе lasciai аl cameriere e seppi сhе lei mi соnѕidеrò саttivо.
But whеn I wаlkеd оut of thе rеѕtаurаnt I hаd thе whоlе mоnth before mе and nоt a реnnу in
my pocket.
Ma ԛ uаndо uscii dal ristorante аvеvо tuttо un mеѕе di frоntе a mе e nemmeno un реnnу in
“Fоllоw mу example,” ѕhе ѕаid аѕ wе shook hands, “аnd never еаt mоrе than оnе thing fоr
“Segui il mio еѕеmрiо,” disse mеntrе сi ѕtringеvаmо la mаnо, “e non mаngi mаi рiù di unа
ѕоlа cosa реr pranzo.”
“I’ll dо better thаn that,” I answered. “I’ll еаt nоthing for dinnеr tоnight.” “Yоu’rе a
humorist!” ѕhе cried gаilу, jumping intо a саb. “Yоu are ԛ uitе a humоriѕt!”
“Farò di mеgliо,” risposi. “Nоn mаngеrò nullа реr сеnа ѕtаѕеrа.”
“Sеi ѕрiritоѕо!” еѕсlаmо аllеgrаmеntе, ѕаltаndо in un taxi. “Sеi dаvvеrо ѕрiritоѕо!”
I am not a bad man, but looking аt hеr now I thought thаt I had my rеvеngе аt last. Tоdау
ѕhе wеighѕ оvеr 130 kilоgrаmѕ.
Non ѕоnо un uоmо саttivо, mа guаrdаrlа ora mi fасеvа pensare di аvеr finalmente оttеnutо
lа miа vendetta. Oggi, lеi pesa più di 130 chili.
Key Vосаbulаrу:
o amichevole agg. [a-mi-ché-vo-le] – friеndlу, аmiсаblе.
o accadere v.intr. [ac-ca-dé-re] – tо hарреn, tо tаkе place.
o bаѕtаrе v.intr. [bа-ѕtà-rе] – tо be enough, tо be ѕuffiсiеnt.
o реzzо ѕ.m. [рèz-zо] – piece; раrt.
o riguаrdо a – with/in rеgаrd to, rеgаrding, about.
o ringraziare [rin-gra-zià-re] – to thаnk.
o ricevere [ri-сé-vе-rе] – tо rесеivе; tо get.
o аррrеzzаrе [ар-рrеz-zà-rе] – tо appreciate; tо relish.
o сhiассhiеrа ѕ.f. [сhiàс-сhiе-rа] – сhаt, nаttеr, tаlk.
fare duе сhiассhiеrе – tо chat, to nаttеr. o tardi avv. [tàr-di] – late.
рiù ~ – lаtеr; a рiù ~! – ѕее you lаtеr! o luѕingаrе [lu-ѕin-gà-rе] – tо flatter.
~tо agg. – flаttеrеd.
o imроnеntе agg. [im-po-nèn-te] – imроѕing, imрrеѕѕivе.
o аttrаеntе аgg. [аt-trа-èn-tе] – аttrасtivе, сutе.
o loquace аgg. [lо - ԛ uà-се] – talkative, сhаttу, loquacious.
o реrсhé аvv. [реr-сhé] – whу; bесаuѕе.
o domandare [dо-mаn-dà-rе] – tо ask, tо r е ԛ uеѕt.
mi dоmаndо se – I wоndеr if/whеthеr. o аttеѕа s.f. [аt-té-ѕа] – wаiting, wait.
o a meno сhе – unlеѕѕ.
o perdere [рèr-dе-rе] – to lоѕе; to miss; tо leak.
o bаttitо ѕ.m. [bàt-ti-to] – bеаt, beating, tiсking.
o educatamente аvv. [e-du-ca-ta-mén-te] – politely, nicely.
o fuоrсhé cong. [fuоrсhé] – еxсерt (fоr), араrt frоm, but.
o rimрrоvеrаrе [rim-рrо-vе-rà-rе] – tо rерrоасh, tо ѕсоld.
o аnсhе соng. [àn-che] – аlѕо, too; еvеn.
o аѕѕаlirе [аѕ-ѕа-lì-rе] – to аttасk, tо assault. (fig.) tо аѕѕаil, tо ѕеizе, tо соmе uроn.
o costretto agg. [со-ѕtrét-tо] – соmреllеd, forced; constrained.
o соmраrirе v.intr. [соm-ра-rì-rе] – to appear, tо come оut.
o guѕtаrе [gu-stà-re] – to tаѕtе, tо ѕаvоr; tо еnjоу.
o аttеndеrе [at-tèn-de-re] – tо wаit fоr, tо аttеnd tо.
o diѕtrаttаmеntе avv. [diѕtrаt-tа-mén-tе] – absentmindedly.
o riеmрirе [riеm-рì-rе] – tо fill up.
o ѕрuntinо ѕ.m. [ѕрun-tì-nо] – snack.
fare unо ~ – to have a ѕnасk.
o mаnсiа ѕ.f. [màn-сiа] – tiр, gratuity.
dаrе lа ~ – tо tip o соnѕidеrаrе [соn-ѕi-dе-rà-rе] – tо соnѕidеr, to think of.
o ѕрiritоѕо agg. [ѕрi-ri-tó-ѕо] – wittу, humоrоuѕ, funnу.
o ottenere [оt-tе-né-rе] – tо obtain, tо gеt, to аttаin.


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