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Nama : Febrian Galuh Aria Atmaja

NIM : 048664609

a) Ragam bahasa yang digunakan dalam percakapan tersebut adalah ragam
bahasa informal. Hal ini terlihat dari penggunaan kata-kata seperti "hey", "yeah",
"not much", dan "thanks" yang merupakan kosakata sehari-hari dan tidak terlalu
formal. Selain itu, percakapan ini juga terlihat santai dan tidak terlalu formal
dalam pengejaan dan tata bahasanya.
b) Topik percakapan tersebut adalah wawancara kerja yang telah dilakukan oleh
Jane dan hasilnya.
2. My workplace is a modern office located in the heart of downtown. The building is
easily recognized by its glass façade and striking design, which gives it a sleek and
professional appearance. Inside, the office is spacious and bright, with an open
layout that encourages collaboration and communication among staff. One of the
office's most appealing features is the panoramic view of the city from the windows,
which provides a stunning backdrop for the workday and a great source of inspiration
for creative thinking. The furniture and decor are stylish and functional too, with
ergonomic chairs, an adjustable desk and white accents that add a touch of
personality to the space. Overall, I feel fortunate to be working in a modern and
dynamic environment that encourages innovation and productivity while increasing a
sense of community and well-being among employees.
a) The sender of the memo is Jonathan Stewart, who is the Manager.
b) The memo is for all employees.
c) The memo is an invitation to attend a farewell ceremony in honour of Jesse
Carrillo, Marketing Manager, who is leaving the company after 12 years of
dedicated service. The ceremony is going to be held at 10 a.m. on the 25th of
August in Conference Room A and all staff are requested to attend without any
4. Subject: Request for Application Forms of My City Got Talent

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to inquire about where I can download the application forms for the
upcoming My City Got Talent competition. I have been searching for the forms on the
competition's official website, but I couldn't find them.

As an aspiring performer, I am highly interested in joining the competition and

showcasing my talent. Therefore, I would appreciate it if you could provide me with
the necessary information on how I can obtain the application forms.

Thank you for your time and attention. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.



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