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TAHUN 2024
NO 1

1. Ragam bahasa yang digunakan dalam percakapan tersebut adalah ragam bahasa informal.
Hal ini dapat dilihat dari penggunaan kata-kata dan frasa-frasa yang tidak formal, seperti
"Hey" sebagai salam, "not much" untuk menyatakan tidak ada yang istimewa sedang
terjadi, dan "I’m glad" untuk menyatakan perasaan senang atau lega. Selain itu,
penggunaan kata-kata sapaan seperti "Hey" dan "Yeah" juga menunjukkan bahwa
percakapan tersebut bersifat santai dan tidak resmi.
2. Topik percakapan tersebut adalah tentang pertemuan antara Helen dan Jane di suatu tempat
yang tidak disebutkan, kemungkinan di sebuah restoran atau kafe. Mereka membicarakan
berbagai hal yang terjadi dalam kehidupan mereka, termasuk percakapan tentang
wawancara kerja yang baru saja dilakukan oleh Jane.

NO 2

1. Walking into my office feels like stepping into a haven of productivity and creativity.
Located on the top floor of a bustling commercial building in the heart of the city, the office
offers stunning panoramic views of the urban landscape below. The spacious layout is
adorned with sleek, modern furniture and vibrant greenery, creating an atmosphere of
sophistication and vitality. Large windows flood the room with natural light, energizing
the space and inspiring innovation. The open-concept design fosters collaboration among
team members, while private workstations provide quiet areas for focused tasks. One of
the most intriguing features of the office is the dedicated brainstorming corner, equipped
with whiteboards and colorful markers, where ideas flow freely and innovation thrives.
Overall, my office is not just a place to work, but a dynamic environment that stimulates
creativity and encourages growth.

NO 3

a. The sender of the memo is Jonathan Stewart, who is identified as the Manager.
b. The memo is for all employees.
c. The memo is about inviting all employees to attend a farewell ceremony in honor of Jesse
Carrillo, the Marketing Manager, who is leaving after 12 years of dedicated service. The
ceremony is scheduled to take place at 10 a.m. on the 25th of August in Conference RoomA
NO 4

Subject: Inquiry About My City Got Talent Application Forms

Dear JAKA,

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I am writing to express my
interest in participating in the upcoming My City Got Talent competition. However, I am unable
to locate information regarding where I can download the application forms.

Could you please assist me by providing guidance on where I can find and download the
necessary forms to apply for the competition? Any assistance you can offer would be greatly

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response.

Best regards,


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