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Bahasa Inggris

Nama : Anggita Dwi Utari

Nim : 051141784
Matkul : Bahasa Inggris

1. A. The style of language used in the conversation is formal or business language.

B. The reason for the answer in question A is that the conversation is about scheduling a project meeting,
and the language used is polite and appropriate for a professional or business context. Phrases like "I would
like to make an appointment," "Could you bring me the outline of the project," and the use of days of the
week for scheduling indicate a formal tone.
C. The topic of the conversation is scheduling a project meeting and discussing the details of the
meeting, such as the preferred day and the request to bring the project outline.
2. My office is a sanctuary of creativity, nestled in the heart of a bustling city. Located on
the top floor of a sleek, modern high-rise building, it offers a panoramic view of the cityscape
below. The large, floor-to-ceiling windows allow sunlight to flood the space, creating a warm
and inviting atmosphere. The central feature of the office is an expansive wooden desk,
meticulously crafted and thoughtfully arranged, serving as the epicenter of my productivity. The
walls are adorned with motivational quotes and framed artwork, providing daily inspiration and
reminders of the big picture.
A cozy reading nook in one corner boasts a plush armchair and a small bookshelf filled
with a curated collection of literary classics and motivational books. The calming scent of
lavender and eucalyptus wafts from an essential oil diffuser, which stands on a rustic wooden
shelf adorned with succulents and a small fountain. The room is further enhanced by a state-of-
the-art sound system that plays soft instrumental music, creating a harmonious background to the
day's tasks.
My office is more than just a place of work, it's a haven of inspiration, reflection, and
productivity. The serene environment, combined with the stunning view, encourages me to
dream, think, and create. It's a space where my ideas come to life, and where I feel truly in my
element, ready to take on the challenges and opportunities that each day presents.
3. a. The sender of the memo is Daniel Livingstone, the director of personnel.
b. The memo is for all employees.
c. The memo is about the November Growth Initiative, which is focused on punctuality. The
company emphasizes the importance of employees arriving at work on time and plans to track
start times throughout the month.
d. The department with the most on-time employees will receive the benefit of a half-day of
paid time off to use this year.
4. Subject: Inquiry about My City Got Talent Application

Forms Dear Rossa,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my interest in participating in the
upcoming My City Got Talent competition. However, I couldn't locate the application forms on
the official website. Could you kindly provide information on how to access and download the
necessary forms for the competition? Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

Sincerely, Anita

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