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Nama : Febriyani

NIM : 051068776

Prodi : Administrasi Negara

Jawaban nomor 1 :

A. The style of language used in the conversation is formal or official.

B. The reason for the answer in A is as follows:

Words like “I would like” are used, indicating a level of politeness and formality in the request.

Both parties use complete sentences and formal English question structures.

The request to bring the “outline of the project” indicates that the conversation is related to work or
business, which often uses formal language. (10 points)

C. The topic of the conversation is scheduling a project meeting

Jawaban nomor 2 :

Hello! I'm Febriyani, and I'd like to share a little about my workplace. My workplace is located in the
middle of a village. The office space is thoughtfully designed with an open layout, enabling easy
communication and collaboration among colleagues. Natural light floods the workspace through
large windows, creating a pleasant and motivating atmosphere. The office is equipped with two
desks, one for the computer and a desk lamp, and another for books and files, making tasks efficient
and organized. We have dedicated workstations, comfortable ergonomic chairs, and spacious
meeting rooms for brainstorming sessions and client meetings.

One of the most striking features of our workstations is the presence of two fresh and beautiful
flower vases. They make the workspace more refreshing and less dull. Neatly organized bookshelves
make work more efficient.

The company places a strong emphasis on employee well-being. We have an on-site kitchen, which is
the best way to stay active during breaks or after work. Additionally, the office regularly organizes
health programs, seminars, and team-building activities to enhance a healthy work-life balance and a
sense of togetherness among employees.
The overall atmosphere at my workplace is professional yet friendly. The dynamic environment,
coupled with a collaborative team spirit, makes it an inspiring place to work and achieve our goals.

Jawaban nomor 3:

The sender of this memo was Daniel Livingstone, director of human resources. (5 points)

b. This memo is addressed to “All Employees” or all employees. (5 points)

c. This memo discusses the “November Growth Initiative: Punctuality” or “November Growth
Initiative: Punctuality.” It reminds employees to arrive on time, showing that the company respects
employees’ time, and announced that starting early next month, the company will track employee
arrival times throughout the month. The department with the most punctual employees will receive
half a day of paid leave. (10 points)

d. The department with the most punctual employees will get the benefit of half a day of paid leave.
However, this memo does not explicitly state which departments will get these benefits. It may be
announced further or determined by relevant company rules. (Information not available in memo.)
Aku, ingin berkencan dengan diri ku untuk sehari saja. Dengan
menanyakan kabarnya, mengajaknya makan, kemudian membawanya
mengelilingi sudut kota. Aku tau dia akan menolak, tapi
sungguh, kali ini aku yang bayar, dia hanya perlu bersedia
menyempatkan waktu dari kesedihannya, waktu beratnya, dan
menjadi berani sedikit saja. Dia boleh memilih kegiatan yang
dia inginkan, boleh bercerita tentang apapun, bahkan menangis
sesegukan sepuasnya. Dan aku berjanji tidak akan mengungkit
cita-citanya lagi, pun segala ketakutannya lagi. Biar dia
temukan jalan yang ia ingin, biar dia mencari hingga
terperosok ke jurang sedalam mungkin, karena menurutku, itu
lebih baik daripada memaksanya menjadi diri yang lain.
Akan aku bawakan dia seikat bunga segar kesukaan nya, persis
seperti beberapa tahun yang sudah berlalu. Bukan berarti dia
tidak segar hari ini, hanya saja, hidup dalam gelisah
membuatnya cepat lelah. Andai dia tahu, dia sangat bagus
setiap kali dia yakin dengan pilihannya, dia tampak menawan
dengan mimpi-mimpi besarnya. Andai dia berani, menuangkan
semua nya. Aku tahu, ini pasti berat kan? Mata nya saja sudah
mampu menjawab, mengangguk seyakin-yakin nya. Dan, jujur saja,
aku benar-benar takut kehilangannya lagi, setelah kemarin dia
berubah menjadi cengeng sekali. Tapi, untuk lagi dan lagi, dia
yakinkan, pasti mampu melewati semuanya sendiri.
Sekali lagi, ayo berjuang bersama lagi, ayo kita berkencan
untuk kali ini.

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