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AGROINDUSTRIAL Technical Data Sheet Codes:


Amazonas-Venezuela. CE No. 232-288-0
CAS 8001-61-4

Physical description of the product:

Viscous oil, yellow color, from Copaifera Officinalis tree.
Origin: Amazonas-Venezuela. Premium variety.

Appearance A thick liquid

Physical characteristics Color Yelow
of the raw material Odor Warm, woody
Flavor N/A

Physicochemical characteristics of the raw material

Moisture 1.7%
Color Yelow
Ash content 4.9%
Density (kg/m³) 966
pH 6.39-6.92
Acidity (%m/m Oleic acid) 17.99
Saponificación index (mg KOH/g) 48.6
Iodine value (g iodine/100 g) 189.1
ß-caryophyllene N/A
Bisabolene N/A

Condition of raw material Yellow thick liquid.

Packing presentation Plastic containers 70 kg.
Quantity Purchase Order

Storage instructions Store in a cool, non-humid, hermetically sealed place.

Once the package is opened to use a part, it should
be immediately closed to avoid exposure to oxygen,
microorganisms, humidity of the environment.
The components of Copaiba Balm are sensitive to
temperature, time, exposure to light. Under ideal
Shelf life conditions it can be stored for 24 months.
Storage temperature Ambient temperature; ≈25 °C
Physical-Chemical Analyses performed by: David Hernández. Physicochemical Analyst.

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