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GBIO-121 WEEK 20
It can be either a channel protein or a carrier protein, utilized in a facilitated diffusion.
A: uniporter

It means to maintain a stable internal environment.

A: homeostatis

These are essential in carrying out cellular respiration, as they are capable of "splitting" glucose
apart to release chemical energy and produce carbon dioxide.
A: Enzymes

IDENTIFICATION: This refers to the lipid barrier that surrounds the cell.
A: cell membrane

Proteins are molecules that have many different functions in living things
A: True

An organism which requires oxygen for cellular respiration.

A: Obligate anaerobe

refers to the difference in the concentration of the molecules in the two areas.
A: Concentration Gradient

allows glycosis to continue to make ATP in low-oxygen conditions.

A: lactic acid fermentation

___________ is an energy-carrying molecule which cells use to power their metabolic processes.
A: Adenosine Triphosphate

means "water-loving"
A: hydrophilic

This theory proposes that eukaryotic organelles evolved from ancient, free-living prokaryotes that
invaded other prokaryotic cells.
A: Theory of Endosymbiosis

IDENTIFICATION. This serves a way for small molecules or ions to move across the cell membrane
without input of energy by the cell.
A: passive transport

Antibodies protect you against disease.

A: true
Physics tells us that organize system such as living organisms, tend to disorder without a constant
input energy.
A: true

IDENTIFICATION. They allow formation of a concentration gradient between the extracellular fluid
and the cytosol. 
A: ion channels

Within plant cells or algal cells, chloroplasts organize that enzymes, chlorophyll, and accessory
pigment molecules necessary for photosynthesis.
A: true

is type of transport protein, acts like a pore in the membrane that allows transport of substances
across a cell membrane.
A: channel protein

The light reactions of photosynthesis also obviously occur during night hours.
A: false

Property of matter that is defined as the ability to do work.

A: energy

A metabolic process that uses energy released by the oxidation of nutrients to produce adenosine
triphosphate (ATP).
A: oxidative phosphorylation

Fill in the blank: When the four ATP produced in glycosis and the Krebs Cycle are added, the total of
______ ATP fits the overall equation for aerobic cellular respiration. (note: numerical answer only)
A: 38

DNA is the unique blueprint to make the proteins that give you your traits.
A: true

These are organelles specialized in carrying out aerobic respiration. They have their own DNA and
A: Mitochondria

Potential energy is the energy of moving objects.

A: false

FILL IN THE BLANK: A ________is an organism which requires oxygen for cellular respiration.
A: obligate aerobes

FILL IN THE BLANK: Certain molecules require the assistance in the form of ________ to get
across the plasma membrane.
A: transport proteins

Kinetic energy is stored in objects typically because of their position or shape.

A: false
IDENTIFICATION: ____________ is a series of chemical reactions which completes the breakdown
of glucose begun in Stage 1 of aerobic cellular respiration.
A: Citric Acid Cycle

means "water-hating"
A: hydrophobic

The rate of gas exchange between the body and the outside air.
A: respiration rate

All living things require an ongoing source of energy to do the work of life.
A: true

Organic compound is the secondary components of living organism

A: false

refers to the movement of substances across the cell membrane.

A: cell transport

FILL IN THE BLANK: One of the ways for molecules to pass through a phospholipid membrane,
__________ requires that the cell uses energy to pull in or pump out certain molecules and ions.
A: active transport

The structure within the chloroplast, this consists of stacks of sac-like thylakoid membranes.
A: grana

Life requires photosynthesis for fuel and for the oxygen to burn that fuel.
A: true

The source of energy for food is sunlight energy.

A: true

When the binding of complementary bases takes place, DNA molecules form a double helix.
A: true

Disaccharide is a type of simple sugar results from bonding two single sugars together.
A: true

Cytosine and guanine doesn't always bond together.

A: false
The formation of new combinations of alleles.
A: genetic recombination

They are called the paired chromosomes as they are formed by a complex with four chromatids.
A: bivalent or tetrad chromosomes

Each cell undergoes this stage, producing four haploid cells, each with a unique combination of
genes and chromosomes.
A: cytokinesis

It refers to the suspended state of the oocytes.

A: Dictyotene stage

A type of cell division which halves the number of chromosomes.

A: Meiosis

Longest phase of meiosis

A: Prophase I

This refers to the pairing of a chromosome during meiosis.

A: synapsis

In this stage, the new plate is rotated by 90 degrees when compared to meiosis 1, perpendicular to
the previous plate.
A: Metaphase II
The first stage of Prophase 1
A: leptotene

The _____________________ of chromosomes, as suggested by Mendel, are based on the fact

that some chromosomes inherited from the father are facing one side of the cell, while some are
facing the other side.
A: independent assortment

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