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“How would you ensure a clean SSG Election?

As a student, I believe I can help ensure a clean SSG Election. There are
many ways to help, for example; reporting a breach in the constitution or
any law breakers. With this simple act, we can ensure a cleaner SSG Election.
Simple yet effective, is it not? Another way for students like myself would be
able to help is to prevent black propaganda and bribery from spreading. It’s
more common than most people think. Also, I believe that by simply
preventing rumours about candidates to circumvent the school, we are
already doing a great job.

As a candidate, I believe that we can ensure a clean SSG Election if we all

follow the rules and guidelines written within the Constitution.

As a partylist, we can also help in maintaining a cleaner SSG Election by

doing things right without playing dirty, no ad hominem attacks to other
candidates. There are a lot of things we could do but we’ll stick to these
simple yet effective ways. If we do even a few of these things, I can promise
you, the election would be much better.

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