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Name: Vioni Mutiara br Siregar

Class: English Education E 22
R.Number: 2223121062

1. A)
1) salaries
2) hometown
3) like and dislikes
4) relationship
5) age
6) the weather

1) no
2) yes
3) yes
4) no
5) no
6) yes

2. A)
1) a. tea shop
2) b. an aromatherapist office
3) b. message therapist office
4) a. sport gym
5) b. a yoga class
1) sleep better, look younger
2) feel younger, have more energy
3) sleep better, feel calmer
4) look younger, have more energy
5) feel younger, feel calmer

3. The Philippines
1. Topics: general information about philippines
location: southeast asia
capital: manila
language: tagalog and english
2. Topics: people
Man: Filipino
Woman: Filipina
ethnic background: Malay, Chinese and Spanish
character: fun, loving, sociable, loyal especially towards family members
3. Topics: economy
Agricultural exports: rice, corn, coconut, sugar
other exports: chemical and electronics
4. Topics: tourist attractions
outdoor activities: explore nature and outdoor, skydiving, rock climbing and relaxing
at the beach
Wildlife: the world smallest monkey, dolphins and sea turtle in Palawan

b. most population in Philippines lives in 3 big island in there

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