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Final Coaching Drills ENGLISH

1. There were only five sections for the subject Math

54. The sections were A, B, C, D and E. The teachers
assigned to each section were Mr. Martin, Miss
Garcia, Mrs. Romulo, Miss Santos and Mr. Apacible
respectively. Students enrolling for the subject were
free to choose the section they want so they can
adjust their schedules. The quota for each section
was 50 students and section A and D were filled up
easily, ahead of the three other sections. It seemed
that Mr. Martin and Miss Santos were popular with
the Math students.
ANS: 3
What is true of the following observations?
1. Mr. Apacible and Mrs. Romulo are not popular
with the Math students.
2. Miss Garcia was a terror teacher.
3. Mr. Martin and Miss Santos were the best in
Math 54.
4. Both sections A and D have 50 students each.
2. Exercise is the secret of long life,
according to an old Chinese who walks
fifteen minutes every day in a small park
near his home. However, strenuous
exercises are bad for the body because
they stress the organs inside the body. For
good health, simple exercise like walking
fifteen minutes every day is good enough.
ANS: 4
Which of the following is true about the passage?
1. The best exercise to have a long life is walking
fifteen minutes every day.
2. Walking fifteen minutes a day is the secret of
long life.
3. To have a healthy body, walking fifteen
minutes a day is a must.
4. Walking is a simple exercise
3. Motorcycle accidents are rampant these
days. Many riders, especially the younger
ones, are very daring, driving as if the
roads are theirs. There are also those who
drive while answering cellphone and those
who are drunk. Strict rules against these
kinds of riders should be implemented to
avoid more accidents in the roads.
ANS: 3
If you are going to put a title to this short
passage, what would it be?
1. The Motorcycle Accidents
2. Strict Rules Against Reckless Motorcycle
3. The Causes of Rampant Motorcycle Accidents
4. Answering Cellphone While Driving
4. The number one problem of most writers
and editors is how to meet a deadline. It is
very hard to finish the editorial contents of a
magazine, especially when the theme calls
for these writers and editors to go out and
interview people. Some of them, instead of
interviewing real people, turn to internet.
This is done to save more time for writing
articles and doing the editorial obligations.
ANS: 2
What does the passage say about most editors and writers?
1. Interviewing people is not a problem of most writers and
2. Internet is very helpful to some writers and editors.
3. It is hard to finish the editorial content of a magazine
only if the theme calls for these writers and editors to
interview real people.
4. Real people make it hard for most writers and editors to
meet deadline.
5. Some people think that to age gracefully, one
should be rich. When you are rich, you can buy
good food, expensive beauty products and
clothes to go with your looks. But there are
those who think otherwise. For them, aging
gracefully is the result of adopting a good
lifestyle which includes rest and relaxation,
enough sleep, good diet and staying away from
wine and cigarette. You don’t have to be rich to
age gracefully.
ANS: 3
Which of the following summarizes the thought of the
1. A good lifestyle and not being rich is the secret to
aging gracefully.
2. Being rich and having a good lifestyle should go
together to age gracefully.
3. Even a person is not rich he can age gracefully by
adopting a good lifestyle.
4. Aging gracefully is only for the rich.
6. Chefs are different from ordinary cooks.
For one, they studied culinary arts before
they became chefs while cooks learned
cooking from their parents at home or have
worked in eateries where they were made to
help in the kitchen. Most of the time a chef
wears uniform especially tailored for them
while ordinary cooks have no dress code.
ANS: 4
Which of the following is true?
1. A chef is always wearing his uniform while he
2. A cook learned his knowledge in cooking only
from his parents.
3. A chef cannot come to work without his uniform.
4. Ordinary cook can come to work even in simple
7. A parent’s relationship with his or her child
will be reflected in the child’s actions,
including child behavior problems. If you
don’t have a good relationship with your
child, they are not going to listen to you. If
you have a good relationship with them, you
tend to trust them more, listen to their
options and agree with them. If it is someone
we do not like, we will ignore their opinion.
ANS: 1
What does the passage say?
1. A child’s action and behavior problems can reveal
his relationship with his parents.
2. You always agree with your child if you have good
relationship with him.
3. You don’t trust your child’s opinion if you do not
have a good relationship with him.
4. You trust your child more only if they listen to you.
8. The vitamin C content of food may be
reduced by prolonged storage and by cooking
because ascorbic acid is water soluble and is
destroyed by heat. Steaming or microwaving
may lessen cooking losses. Fortunately, many of
the best food sources of vitamin C, such as
fruits and vegetables, are usually consumed raw.
Consuming five varied servings of fruits and
vegetables a day can provide more than 200 mg
of vitamin C.
ANS: 3
Which of the following is true?
1. Cooked foods that are rich in vitamin C no longer
have vitamin C because it is destroyed by heat.
2. Foods that are eaten raw contain less vitamin C.
3. Fruits and vegetables are some of the best
sources of vitamin C.
4. Prolonged storage of food rich in vitamin C does
not affect the vitamin C content of said food.
9. One of the crappier aspects of human
friends is that, generally speaking, they
remember all of the times you have wronged
them and will hold it against you for the rest
of their lives. Dogs, on the other hand, have
the “gift” of poor memory. You can hurt
them, shout at them, kick them, and your
dog will forget all about it and treat you like
their best bud within a couple of minutes.
ANS: 1
Give this passage the best title.
1. Why Dogs Are Man’s Best Friend
2. Dogs Have Poor Memory
3. Dogs Are Better Than Human Friends
4. The Difference Between a Dog and
Human Friends
ANS: 2
1. foursome
2. fourty
3. furlough
4. frolic
ANS: 3
1. reciprocate
2. relentless
3. recipt
4. reckless
ANS: 5
1. devour
2. desistance
3. deceive
4. develop
ANS: 3
1. perilous
2. provincial
3. proffessional
4. proselyte
ANS: 2
1. touchy
2. tommorow
3. tableaux
4. tarpaulin
ANS: 4
1. stumbling
2. stoppage
3. stupor
4. stickey
ANS: 3
1. frothy
2. freely
3. fanctioning
4. flamboyant
ANS: 1
1. viceral
2. vicariate
3. vogue
4. visage
ANS: 2
1. clumsy
2. clandestime
3. cranial
4. clingy
ANS: 2
1. scion
2. sycath
3. stink
4. slash
ANS: 3
1. prestigious
2. predilection
3. prelimenary
4. perforate
ANS: 2
1. several
2. sivere
3. sartorial
4. subtle
ANS: 1
1. rhythym
2. reverend
3. resilient
4. revolve
ANS: 4
1. candor
2. chrome
3. albumin
4. crescent
ANS: 1
1. acquiece
2. hostage
3. ambivalence
4. conjugal
ANS: 2
1. arduous
2. simultanous
3. mountainous
4. incredulous
5. 5. NO ERROR

"Success is walking from failure to

failure with no loss of enthusiasm."
-- Winston Churchill

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