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English dictionary

SBUMITTED TO: ma’am Quratul ain
BY: 01-112221-038 ( Adeen Hameed)
01-112221-030 ( Shahaan Ahmed)
01-112221-080 ( Shayan Khalid)
1. Abase (verb)
Meaning: to reduce or lower, as in rank
Sentence: I knew she would treat me with the same indifference, and only
feel a wondering contempt that I should so abase myself.
Synonyms: humble, degrade
Antonyms: enhance, flatter
2. Aberration (noun)
Meaning: the act of departing from the right, normal, or usual course.
Sentence: They were also an aberration from conventional music
industry logic.
Synonyms: divergence, irregularity
Antonyms: normality, regularity

3. Affiliate (verb)
Meaning: to bring into close association or connection of action or interest.
Sentence: Our New York company has an affiliate in Los Angeles.
Synonyms: be in league with, associate with
Antonyms: disjoin, separate, disjoin

4. Abashments (noun)
Meaning: embarrassment from shame
Sentence: he stopped and crossed his eyes, his expression conveying
Synonyms: confusion, bashfulness
Antonyms: happiness, pleasure

5. Assailant (noun)
Meaning: a person who attacks another.
Sentence: it also appears the assailant was wearing a jacket the night of the
Synonyms: attacker, assaulter
Antonyms: ally, friend. helper
6. Athleisure (noun)
Meaning: clothing that is appropriate for both athletic and leisure pursuits.
Sentence: we’ve swapped our skinny jeans for yoga pants so athleisure.
Synonyms: casual wear, sports clothes
Antonyms: undress, overdress

7. Awfully (adverb)
Meaning: not comparable, in a manner inspiring awe
Sentence: even for a fast learner, though, four months is an awfully short
time to cram.
Synonyms: terribly, dreadfully
Antonyms: ordinary, irrelevant

8. Acquiesce (verb)
Meaning: To agree or consent quietly without protest, but without
Sentence: man feels the same impulsion, but he knows that he is free to
acquiesce or to resist.
Synonyms: permit, consent to
Antonyms: forbid, dissent

9. Acrimonious (adjective)
Meaning: (typically of speech or discussion) angry and bitter.
Sentence: the relation between the two opposing camps was bitter and the
interaction, acrimonious
Synonyms: bitter, sharp
Antonyms: smooth, sweet, pleasant

10.Bathetic (adjective)
Meaning: producing an unintentional effect of anticlimax.
Sentence: there were, indeed, other poems on similar topics that had
bathetic rather than heroic conclusions.
Synonyms: sentimental, disappointing
Antonyms: unemotionality, tough
11.Baleful (adjective)
Meaning: threatening harm; menacing
Sentence: in his last great battle there was only a baleful and ridiculous
Synonyms: threatening, unfriendly
Antonyms: benevolent, friendly

12.Befuddle (verb)
Meaning: make (someone) unable to think clearly.
Sentence: I'm bound to say that I can't see the difference, and suspect he
wants to muddy the waters and befuddle the voters.
Synonyms: mixed up, bewildered
Antonyms: clear, clearheaded person

13.Beguile (verb)
Meaning: often in a deceptive way (charm)
Sentence: Well, he was slim now, and had acquired, as if through plastic
surgery of the will, a tight smile that meant to beguile.
Synonyms: charm, attract, enchant
Antonyms: unappealing, be straight with, repel

14.Brackish (adjective)
Meaning: slight salty, as in river estuaries
Sentence: If they are the banded wart snakes, they make good display
snakes and require slightly brackish water.
Synonyms: slightly salty, saline
Antonyms: fresh, appetizing

15.Bureaucracy (noun)
Meaning: a system of government which take important decisions.
Sentence: Bureaucracy plays its usual doleful part in the process, of course.
Synonyms: civil service, government, administration
Antonyms: nonmanagerial, nonsupervisory
16.Burgeon (verb)
Meaning: begin to grow or increase rapidly; flourish.
Sentence: It is much easier to work to take out the burgeon when this size
is set up.
Synonyms: expand, increase exponentially
Antonyms: shrink, decrease, diminish

17.Calamity (noun)
Meaning: an event resulting in great loss and misfortune
Sentence: in that memorable calamity seventeen lives were lost, and forty
persons seriously injured.
Synonyms: hardship, misfortune
Antonyms: blessing, good luck, benefit

18.Callow (adjective)
Meaning: young and inexperienced
Sentence: he was a callow youth when he joined the company.
Synonyms: guileless, inexperienced
Antonyms: experienced, mature

19.Candid (adjective)
Meaning: openly straightforward and direct without secretiveness.
Sentence: let me her your candid opinion.
Synonyms: outspoken, sincere, truthful
Antonyms: dishonest, biased, lying

20.Capitulate (verb)
Meaning: surrender under agreed conditions
Sentence: we will never capitulate to pressure from outside.
Synonyms: bow, cave in, give up
Antonyms: win, defend, conquer

21.Caricature (noun)
Meaning: represent a person with comic exaggeration.
Sentence: you’re literally a caricature of an old man losing his hearing.
Synonyms: cartoon, farce
Antonyms: seriousness, flattery

22.Cartographer (noun)
Meaning: a person who makes maps
Sentence: find a good cartographer.
Synonyms: mapmaker, measurer, land surveyor.
Antonyms: no antonyms.

23.Catharsis (noun)
Meaning: purging of emotional tensions
Sentence: music is a mean of catharsis for most of the people.
Synonyms: cleansing, release, purification
Antonyms: repression

24.Caustic (adjective)
Meaning: capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action
Sentence: the chemical was so caustic that it ate through the pipe.
Synonyms: acid, corrosive, mordant
Antonyms: calm, soothing

25.Cease (verb)
Meaning: put an end to a state or an activity
Sentence: the hostilities ceased, and normal life was resumed.
Synonyms: come to an end, stop, come to a halt
Antonyms: begin, start

26.Cede (verb)
Meaning: give up (power or territory)
Sentence: in 1874, the islands were ceded to Britain.
Synonyms: surrender, concede, give up
Antonyms: fight, hold, keep, refuse

27.Dally (verb)
Meaning: act or move slowly
Sentence: come on, don’t dally.
Synonyms: delay, waste time, loiter
Antonyms: hurry, hasten, run

28.Dauntless (adjective)
Meaning: invulnerable to fear or intimidation
Sentence: Dauntless in spirit, they became steeled through hardship.
Synonyms: brave, fearless
Antonyms: afraid, fearful

29.Debacle (noun)
Meaning: a sudden and violent collapse.
Sentence: Many men were shot or captured in the debacle.
Synonyms: collapse, defeat, disaster
Antonyms: creation, miracle, construction

30.Deduce (verb)
Meaning: arrive at a conclusion by reasoning.
Sentence: We can deduce a conclusion from the premise.
Synonyms: infer, deduct
Antonyms: misunderstand, reject

31.Delicacy (noun)
Meaning: fineness or intricacy of texture or structure.
Sentence: Snails are considered a delicacy in France.
Synonyms: elegance
Antonyms: roughness

32.Demeanor (noun)
Meaning: outward behavior or beating
sentence: She is quiet in her demeanor.
synonyms: attitude
antonyms: bad manners

33.Depict (verb)
Meaning: represent by drawing, painting.
Sentence: Her paintings depict the lives of ordinary people in the last
Synonyms: detail, characterize
Antonyms: hide, conceal, confuse

34.Descendant (noun)
Meaning: a person, plant, or animal that is descended from a particular
Sentence: His design was a descendant of a 1956 device.
Synonyms: successor, family
Antonyms: ancestor

35.Desolate (adjective)
Meaning: (of a place) uninhabited and giving an impression of bleak
Sentence: The house stands desolate and empty.
Synonyms: empty, isolated, bare
Antonyms: full, bright, populated

36.Ebullient (adjective)
Meaning: cheerful and full of energy.
Sentence: My father is a naturally ebullient personality.
Synonyms: joyful
Antonyms: boring

37.Eclectic (adjective)
Meaning: deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of
Sentence: universities offering an eclectic mix of courses.
Synonyms: wide-ranging
Antonyms: narrow

38.Edible (adjective)
Meaning: fit or suitable to be eaten
Sentence: Unfortunately, some poisonous mushrooms look like edible
Synonyms: safe to eat, digestible
Antonyms: uneatable, inedible

39.Efface (verb)
Meaning: erase (a mark) from a surface
Sentence: Her rich beauty was wiped out as an acid-soaked sponge might
efface a portrait.
Synonyms: root out, wipe out
Antonyms: improve, create

40.Facet (noun)
Meaning: one side of something many-sided, especially of a cut gem.
Sentence: He shouldn't try to control every facet of her life.
Synonyms: surface, side, plane
Antonyms: uncover, subsurface, descend

41.Facile (adjective)
Meaning: ignoring the true complexities of an issue; superficial.
Sentence: It has been used here in a very facile manner, very arrogantly.
Synonyms: simplistic, superficial
Antonyms: complicated, difficult, hard

42.Famine (noun)
Meaning: extreme scarcity of food.
Sentence: There was a great famine in Rome.
Synonyms: scarcity, deprivation, poverty
Antonyms: plenty, abundance

43.Fastidious (adjective)
Meaning: very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail.
Sentence: There is also a tendency towards fastidious eating habits.
Synonyms: choosy, demanding, hypercritical
Antonyms: uncritical, undemanding, easy-going

44.Figurative (adjective)
Meaning: departing from a literal use of words; metaphorical.
Sentence: Idioms and figurative language must be deliberately taught and
explained in detail.
Synonyms: metaphorical, non-literal, symbolic
Antonyms: literal, prosaic, unpoetical

45.Flagrant (adjective)
Meaning: conspicuously or obviously offensive.
Sentence: And indeed, its injustice was flagrant.
Synonyms: glaring, gross, rank
Antonyms: slight, unobtrusive

46.Foreboding (noun)
Meaning: a feeling that something bad will happen
Sentence: He did not know why, but he felt a foreboding that he would not
carry out his intention.
Synonyms: apprehensiveness, anxiety
Antonyms: evitable, unpredictive

47.Foresight (noun)
Meaning: the ability to predict what will happen or be needed in the future.
Sentence: Betsy had the foresight to take her computer.
Synonyms: prescience, anticipation
Antonyms: improvidence, shortsightedness

48.Formidable (adjective)
Meaning: inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large.
Sentence: He does have a formidable temper, you know.
Synonyms: alarming, dire, dread
Antonyms: cheap, easy, effortless
49.Gaffe (noun)
Meaning: an unintentional act.
Sentence: What's the worst gaffe of the 2002/03 season?
Synonyms: blunder, mistake, impropriety, miscalculation
Antonyms: accuracy, preciseness, correctness, strictness

50.Galvanize (verb)
Meaning: shock or excite (someone) into acting.
Sentence: He decided to talk loudly and galvanize the team into action.
Synonyms: jolt, shock, impel, provoke
Antonyms: bore, calm, comfort, dull

51.Gamut (noun)
Meaning: the complete range of something.
Sentence: Prices run the gamut from under $50 to over $100.
Synonyms: reach, scope, range, compass, orbit
Antonyms: bottom out, leave, stand still, fail

52.Garrulous (adjective)
Meaning: excessively talkative.
Sentence: He is a very shrewd and garrulous fellow.
Synonyms: talkative, long-winded, voluble
Antonyms: quiet, silent, reserved, mum

53.Generalization (noun)
Meaning: a general statement or concept of specific cases.
Sentence: There is no exception to this generalization.
Synonyms: abstraction, observation, law, half-truth
Antonyms: detail, specific

54.Ghastly (adjective)
Meaning: causing great horror or fear.
Sentence: Yes, it is ghastly, I can't bear to have it again.
Synonyms: horrifying, dreadful, pale
Antonyms: beautiful, delightful, wonderful, nice, great
55.Haggard (adjective)
Meaning: looking exhausted and unwell.
Sentence: His haggard face was yellow.
Synonyms: lean, skinny, faded, weak
Antonyms: healthy, strong, unworn, fresh

56.Haggle: (verb)
Meaning: dispute or bargain persistently, especially over the cost of
Sentence: You have just as much room to haggle as he does
Synonyms: bargain, wrangle, barter
Antonyms: agree, concur, comply

57.Headstrong (adjective)
Meaning: energetically willful and determined.
Sentence: He was headstrong and determined.
Synonyms: impulsive, bullheaded, determined
Antonyms: moderate, docile, obedient, calm

58.Hegemony (noun)
Meaning: leadership and dominance by someone over something.
Sentence: The principal enjoyed his hegemony over the staff of the school.
Synonyms: authority, leadership, power, command
Antonyms: no control, oppression, powerlessness

59.Heinous (adjective)
Meaning: a wrongful act, especially crime.
Sentence: But it did not stop the heinous acts he's committing.
Synonyms: hateful, shocking, hideous, outrageous
Antonyms: friendly, lovable, likable, magnificent

60.Iconoclast (noun)
Meaning: criticizes beliefs or institutions.
Sentence: The worship of images never seems to have taken root among
Armenians; indeed, they supplied the Greek world with iconoclast soldiers
and emperors.
Synonyms: questioner, nonbeliever
Antonyms: believer

61.Idealistic (adjective)
Meaning: characterized by idealism; unrealistically aiming for perfection.
Sentence: The idealistic speechwriter is well-liked by just about everyone.
Synonyms: idealized, optimistic, radical
Antonyms: realistic, cynical, defeatist

62.Idle (adjective)
Meaning: spend time doing nothing.
Sentence: I was only making idle conversation anyway.
Synonyms: empty, unproductive, useless
Antonyms: active, used, ambitious, effective

63.Ignominious (adjective)
Meaning: causing public disgrace or shame.
Sentence: But his methods of filling his purse were often unconstitutional
and sometimes ignominious.
Synonyms: dishonorable, shameful, disgraceful
Antonyms: respectable

64.Imminent (adjective)
Meaning: about to happen.
Sentence: There was no luggage standing by to indicate an imminent
Synonyms: forthcoming, possible, immediate, likely
Antonyms: never, distant, unlikely, later, avoidable

65.Impecunious (adjective)
Meaning: having little or no money.
Sentence: The impecunious monarch submitted to the dictation of the diet
in the hope of obtaining sufficient money to prosecute his ambitious
Synonyms: poor, needy, homeless
Antonyms: moneyed, rich, wealthy

66.Jargon (noun)
Meaning: special words or expressions used by a profession or group.
Sentence: We also believe in not using marketing jargon or spiel.
Synonyms: idiom, vocabulary, speech
Antonyms: standard, quiet, sense, silence

67.Jibe (noun)
Meaning: an insulting or mocking remark.
Sentence: But it just doesn't jibe with the image you portray of the band.
Synonyms: taunt, sneer, insult

68.Jovial (adjective)
Meaning: cheerful and friendly.
Sentence: She had no idea what made him angry one minute and jovial the
Synonyms: affable, jolly, good-natured, light-hearted
Antonyms: depressed, hateful, heavy-hearted, mean

69.Jubilant (adjective)
Meaning: feeling or expressing great happiness and triumph.
Sentence: Yet this isn't making many Labor voters feel jubilant.
Synonyms: euphoric, excited, overjoyed, pleased
Antonyms: sad, sorrowful, unhappy, discouraged

70.Kindle (verb)
Meaning: set on fire.
Sentence: As a teacher he was able not only to impart knowledge, but to
kindle enthusiasm.
Synonyms: inflame, blaze, burn,
Antonyms: dull, extinguish, quench

71.Kinetic (adjective)
Meaning: relating to or resulting from motion.
Sentence: Energy of motion is usually called "kinetic energy."
Synonyms: active, lively, energetic, aggressive
Antonyms: inactive, apathetic, lethargic

72.Knoll (noun)
Meaning: a small hill or mound.
Sentence: The highest point is a knoll, some 450 ft.
Synonyms: cliff, hilltop, promontory
Antonyms: decline, depression

73.Lachrymose (adjective)
Meaning: tearful or given to weeping.
Sentence: she was pink-eyed and lachrymose.
Synonyms: sad, teary, weepy, tearful, crying
Antonyms: cheerful, laughing, happy, joy

74.Lament (noun)
Meaning: a passionate expression of grief or sorrow.
Sentence: It's at times like this I lament the loss of people like Robin Cook.
Synonyms: regret, deplore, hurt
Antonyms: be happy, celebrate, relieve, compliment

75.Languid (adjective)
Meaning: having or showing a disinclination for physical exertion or effort.
Sentence: He turned with her, watching her languid walk.
Synonyms: leisurely, lethargic, laid-back
Antonyms: active, hard-working, energetic, hurried

76.Languish (verb)
Meaning: lose or lack vitality.
Sentence: Sure, everyone wants a cute, funny kitten, but adult cats often
languish in shelters.
Synonyms: suffer, faint, weaken, dwindle
Antonyms: strengthen, build, grow, develop, delight

77.Macabre (adjective)
Meaning: disturbing because concerned with or causing a fear of death.
Sentence: My taste in movies is rather dark, I enjoy mostly macabre horror
Synonyms: deathlike, weird, frightening, grim
Antonyms: pretty, living, normal, cheerful

78.Maculated (verb)
Meaning: Mark with a spot; strain
Sentence: a dirty white T-shirt maculated with barbecue sauce
Synonyms: pollute, muddy, contaminate, dirty
Antonyms: clean, upgrade, elevate

79.Magnitude (noun)
Meaning: extent of something.
Sentence: The magnitude of that what-if scenario was downright scary.
Synonyms: degree, significance, consequence
Antonyms: insignificance, triviality

80.Negotiation (noun)
Meaning: reaching to an agreement.
Sentence: After a month of negotiation the claims of Ireland were
Synonyms: agreement, compromise, consultation
Antonyms: disagreement

81.Navigable (adjective)
Meaning: easy to move around in.
Sentence: The river was navigable as far as Capua.
Synonyms: passable, negotiable, crossable, traversable
Antonyms: blockaded, unnegotiable, jammed, choked

82.Necessitate (verb)
Meaning: make something necessary as a result.
Sentence: That would necessitate raising the cost of the tours for guests.
Synonyms: require, demand, entail, call for
Antonyms: calculate, have, hold, check

83.Negligence (noun)
Meaning: failure to take proper care over something.
Sentence: The ambassadors remarked his negligence, and his ministers
complained of it.
Synonyms: disregard, failure, laxity, neglect
Antonyms: accomplishment, achievement, regard

84.Obdurate (adjective)
Meaning: stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing.
Sentence: This ought to have been enough for me, but I continued
Synonyms: adamant, bullhead, harsh
Antonyms: amenable, gentle

85.Parallel (adjective)
Meaning: extending in same direction, and not meeting.
Sentence: It runs parallel to the river.
Synonyms: coordinate, alongside, side-by-side
Antonyms: different, divergent, separate, crooked

86.Quarterly (adverb)
Meaning: in heraldic quarters or quarterings.
sentence: Maybe she can come to the Quarterly.
Synonyms: periodically, every quarter
Antonyms: divergency, convergence

87.Raconteur (noun)
Meaning: a person who tells anecdotes in a skillful and amusing way.
Sentence: He is a born raconteur, lover of life, communicator.
Synonyms: storyteller, narrator

88.Salubrious (adjective)
Meaning: favorable to or promoting health or well-being.
Sentence: There were many salubrious eating establishments.
Synonyms: good, healthful, wholesome
Antonyms: unhealthy, noxious

89.Tacit (adjective)
Meaning: expressed or carried on without words or speech.
Sentence: He gave his tacit approval in letters to the media.
Synonyms: implicit, unspoken
Antonyms: express, spoken

90.Unambiguous (adjective)
Meaning: clear or precise
Sentence: This gives us an unambiguous way of evaluating expressions.
Synonyms: plain, straight forward
Antonyms: ambiguous, mysterious

91.Vacate (verb)
Meaning: leave
Sentence: Would all members of New Labor please vacate the premises!
Synonyms: get out of, quit
Antonyms: occupy, inhabit

92.Warrant (noun)
Meaning: justification or authority for an action
Sentence: Until he does something to warrant police action, I'd say he has
every right to stay.
Synonyms: basis, permit, license
Antonyms: interdiction, proscription
93.Waif (noun)
Meaning: a homeless, or abandoned person, especially a child
Sentence: They looked thin, waif - like and half starved.
Synonyms: orphan, foundling
Antonyms: no antonyms

94.Wane (verb)
Meaning: a gradual decline in size or power.
Sentence: Their political power is on the wane.
Synonyms: decrease, reduce
Antonyms: increase, grow

95.Warble (verb)
Meaning: sing or play with trills
Sentence: Mills warbled a few notes.
Synonyms: sing, trill
Antonyms: quiet, unmusical

96.Xenophobia (noun)
Meaning: dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries.
Sentence: Xenophobia means hatred of foreigners.
Synonym: racism
Antonym: unprejudiced

97.Yearn (verb)
Meaning: have an intense feeling of longing for something, typically
something that one has lost or been separated from.
Sentence: You'll miss it so much that you will yearn for it.
Synonyms: long, want badly, wish, desire
Antonyms: dismiss, ignore, decline

98.Yoke (verb)
Meaning: become joined or linked together
Sentence: As a farmer, you should learn how to yoke the oxen together.
Synonym: harness
Antonym: disconnect

99.Zeal (noun)
Meaning: great energy
Sentence: He approached the job with missionary zeal.
Synonym: passion
Antonym: apathy

100. Zenith (noun)

Meaning: the time at which something is most powerful
Sentence: in 1977, punk was at its zenith
Synonyms: highest point, top
Antonyms: bottom, lowest level

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