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Name: Franieboy S.

Yr/Course: BSIT-1
Question 1
1. How can you describe the relationships of God and:
a. Abraham and Sarah - The relationship between God and Abraham and Sarah is
extremely strong because God trusted Abraham to require care of the Jews "The
chosen people" and God also will fulfil all his promises because trust is that the
foundation of a decent and good relationship, it absolutely was only then that we
saw and learned that the couple was indeed a servant of God. Another evidence
that their relationship was strong was after they were promised that they'd run a
toddler even at the sign of their age whether or not there was an affair at the start
they still trusted and that they found the enjoyment that they had been expecting
an extended time.
b. Isaac- This started when God wanted to grasp if he would be obeyed by
Abraham on a mountain, God told him to sacrifice Isaac, Abraham
noticeably loved his son He didn't want Isaac to be sacrificed but Abraham
decided to serve God, however God ordered Abraham that he should
head to a mountain to sacrifice his son so he took Isaac with him and that
they ride on a donkey for 3 days then they arrive to the mountain on what
god said to sacrifice Isaac Abraham climbed up the mountain with Isaac
and Abraham pulled a knife and Isaac picked some wood and Isaac asked
where the sacrificial lamb was He was told by Abraham to not worry so
Abraham and Isaac create a sacrificial altar and Abraham put wood on the
altar and said sorry son and Isaac said why father god talked to me to
sacrifice you to him and Isaac have lots of trust of his father so he agree
So Isaac laid on the altar And Abraham was holding the knife over Isaac
when Abraham was ready for his son to be sacrificed God spoke to him
He told to Abraham that he shouldn't sacrifice Isaac subsequently God
was obeyed by Abraham subsequently Abraham prove his loved to god
and at the moment Abraham glanced around within the bushes, he saw a
ram so he tell to Isaac to urge the ram to sacrifice the ram was given by
God so that they sacrifice the ram on the altar by Abraham God was glad
he had been obeyed by Abraham God has said he would bless the family
of Abraham and Abraham and Isaac went home God was obeyed by
Abraham He was willing to just accept the death of his son to obey the
god. The connection of Isaac to God is he the fulfilment to the God’s promise to
Abraham and Sarah

c. Jacob and Esau - Jacob and Esau are known as the twins of Isaac and Rebecca.
Jacob and Esau have different habits in which Isaac favors older Esau, while his
mother favors younger Jacob. They are both close to God, believing that they
have a connection to God like Isaac but They have a difference in praying and
praising God in their own way.
d. Joseph - When something bad happened in Joseph's life he failed to lose faith in
God, giving him extraordinary abilities that he accustomed grow. God used him
to create it clear to his brothers and sisters that what that they had done was
wrong. As Joseph's closeness to God made him a wonderful destiny that
changed his life and he was also loved by God.

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