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Name: Franieboy S.

Yr/Section: BSIT-1
Question 4
4. What are their strengths that I can relate with? Please explain.
a. Abraham and Sarah - The strength that I can relate to their faith in God, How
strong is their trust that even I, we that it is impossible to still have the faith that
no matter what ugly events come to me, God is there to strengthen my every

b. Isaac - About Isaac, a parent loves his strength His family is that the reason he
faces those challenges like I’ve got my very own crosses in life where I don't
know the way I can solve this problem but until 't I see happiness and hope within
the eyes of my family, I’ve got a reason to fight always although it's hard to
convey up, I’ve got to continue the fight I could face in my whole life

c. Jacob and Esau - They still have backgrounds that may be relied upon by
siblings, despite their conflicting conflict. Sacrifice, when Esau sacrificed his
birthright to his brother Jacob in exchange for food, but this doesn't mean that if
you Sacrifice, you'll be defeated, the foremost important things are the items
you're thinking that are proud and satisfying.
d. Joseph - His strength is also his love for the family because nothing compares to me
when I see The smile on their lips and The faith in God that everything will return to the
beginning. My family has been my strength in all the trials of my life

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