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Procedia CIRP 61 (2017) 134 – 139

The 24th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering

Life Cycle Engineering and Management – Fostering the Management-

orientation of Life Cycle Engineering Activities
U. Götzea*, P. Peçasb, A. Schmidta, C. Symmanka, E. Henriquesb, I. Ribeirob, M. Schüllerc
Professorship of Management Accounting and Control, Technische Universität Chemnitz, 09107 Chemnitz, Germany
IDMEC, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal
Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nanosystems, Department Multi Device Integration, 09126 Chemnitz, Germany
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +4937153126160; fax: +4937153126169. E-mail address:


Life Cycle Engineering (LCE) is a promising approach for directing engineering activities towards sustainability. Although LCE includes not
only technical and ecological but also economic target figures, management-orientation is rather limited and issues affecting the success of
innovation processes are neglected. This is shown based on a literature review. For contributing towards closing this gap, this paper presents
suggestions to foster the market-, customer-, and supply chain-orientation of LCE: its extension by business modeling and integration with
Target Costing. Elements of these approaches are illustrated by the research activities of the Cluster of Excellence MERGE.

2017TheTheAuthors. Published
Authors. by Elsevier
Published B.V. This
by Elsevier an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 24th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering.
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 24th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering
Keywords: Life Cycle Engineering and Management; MERGE; Business Modeling; Target Costing; Target Ecology and Cost Management

1. Introduction inclusion of economic targets is one of its characteristics [2].

However, LCE was originated by engineering scientists and
Striving for sustainability becomes more and more an the engineering perspective is dominating. A review of LCE
imperative for all institutions and individuals in economy as literature shows that the economically-oriented considerations
well as society. Sustainable acting implies focusing a long- are mostly limited to including single economic targets in
term perspective. Hence, the engineering of systems should be LCE activities [2]. This goes along with the wide negligence
directed towards the entire life cycle in order to improve their of other issues influencing the success of innovation processes
sustainability. This is the dogma of Life Cycle Engineering [3]: market-, customer-, and supply chain-orientation in terms
(LCE) – a concept which is defined as “engineering activities of assuring user benefit and economic profitability of the
which include: the application of technological and scientific system to be engineered for all relevant stakeholders, the
principles to the design and manufacture of products, with the application of – market-oriented and other – concepts and
goal of protecting the environment and conserving resources, methods prominent in management sector (e.g., Target
while encouraging economic progress, keeping in mind the Costing (TC), Knowledge Management) and issues of
need for sustainability, and at the same time optimizing the leadership, culture, organization, and human resources. Only
product life cycle and minimizing pollution and waste” [1]. very few publications address management topics as well:
Regardless of technological progress, innovative systems Umeda et al. include management-related influencing factors,
(resulting from LCE) will only be successful in terms of being options, tasks (such as coherence management, business
implemented in companies or established at markets if they modeling), and methods in their framework of life cycle
are economically advantageous from the point of view of the development and concept of life cycle planning [4]. Not
involved institutions and decision-makers. An economic explicitly focusing on LCE, Meier et al. discuss different
perspective has always been considered by LCE literature: the business models for industrial product-service systems [5].

2212-8271 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 24th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering
U. Götze et al. / Procedia CIRP 61 (2017) 134 – 139 135

However, the first approach is not deeply elaborated in terms single company participating in that chain. This calls for a
of management, the second one focused on a specific type of stronger consideration of supply chains in LCE. Furthermore,
object. So, a negligence of management topics in LCE still in LCE theory, the customers´ view is almost neglected. It is
has to be stated. primarily addressed by striving for product’s reliability and
This is not surprising due to the engineering focus of the serviceability design and modeling, without considering user
approach. However, to include these issues in LCE or to benefit and economic profitability of the products and
integrate them with LCE promises a higher probability of processes. Finally, market considerations and the concept of
successful innovations generated. Hence, here it is intended to Business Modeling (BM) are neglected as well. Summarizing,
foster the management-orientation of LCE by showing ways from a management point of view LCE should be extended or
for its extension by or integration with management-relevant complemented by a stronger focus on markets, customers, and
issues – towards a Life Cycle Engineering and Management. supply chains.
Therefore, the market-, customer-, and supply chain- Referring to the four tasks of LCE included in the
orientation as important facets of management are focused. taxonomy, the results show a non-uniform picture with a
certain dominance of analysis/forecasting tasks. From a
2. LCE and its management-orientation management point of view, this is a hint for the necessity of a
further discussion of the tasks and the corresponding scope of
The following short analysis of the management- LCE. For systematic decision-making, the accomplishment of
orientation of LCE is based on a literature review conducted all analyzed tasks (description and recording, analysis and
by Peças et al. [2]. Firstly, they suggest a taxonomy of LCE forecasting, evaluation, design, and engineering) seems to be
consisting of four levels referring to the intended type of mandatory. This argues for conceptualizing LCE as an
contribution, the theoretical foundation, the LCE activities, integrated approach covering all these tasks (or as a well-
and the reference objects of LCE. The activity level is defined element of such an approach). Therefore, insights
additionally divided into the dimensions decision perspective, from planning and control theory about the design of feed
target perspective, tasks, methods, and information and forward and feedback cycles and available methods may be
knowledge. Then, the taxonomy is used to give a survey on useful. Going beyond the taxonomy, the scope of analyzed
the state-of-the-art of LCE. The results of this survey [2] shall potential tasks has been extended to leadership, organization,
now be discussed from a management perspective starting coordination and control. The analysis shows that none of
with the contribution. It was found that empirical studies are these management tasks is present in LCE literature.
not present in the publications analyzed. This lack of However, this field cannot be addressed here.
empirical studies implies a lack of knowledge about how LCE Concerning the methods, the analysis shows that there is a
is performed in company practice, factors affecting its considerable variety of suggested or applied methods with
successful operations, and existing barriers. This hinders the Life Cycle Costing (LCC) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
design, implementation, and organization (or: management) as the most frequently mentioned ones. Besides LCC and
of LCE in companies and calls for further research activities. LCA, methods are used or suggested in a disparate way – a
The analysis of the theoretical foundation shows that only mature and integrated methodology of LCE being widely
seven publications consider management theories. This accepted among researchers does not exist. Besides LCC,
clearly reveals that LCE concepts and methods are only only the related concept of life cycle value, traditional as well
weakly substantiated by insights from the management as flow cost accounting approaches [6,7], methods of multi-
research area. This can be explained by the origin of the criteria decision making, and Quality Function Deployment
concept; it might reflect the opinion that such insights are not (in only one publication) have been suggested in LCE
highly valuable for LCE activities. However, amongst others literature. This implies the quite surprising negligence of the
findings from strategic management theory (e.g., about well-known and established customer-oriented engineering
success factors at the market or resource level), innovation and management method of TC. BM as well as other
theory (about the design of innovation processes, barriers for multifaceted instruments of management such as market
innovation success, etc.), planning and control theory (e.g., research, coordination approaches, incentive schemes, etc. are
about the design of planning and control cycles and also neglected Closely coupled with the application of
activities), as well as organizational and human resource methods is the issue of information and knowledge.
management theory (about leadership, culture, incentive Undoubtedly, significant information and knowledge are
systems, etc.) seem to be helpful for conducting LCE indispensable prerequisites for successful LCE and making
activities as well as designing and organizing them. Here, them available is a major challenge: they refer to the entire
some of these findings are addressed in the context of market- life cycle and LCE acts in the early life cycle phases where
, customer-, and supply chain-orientation. typically data availability is low and uncertainty is high.
Concerning the decision perspective, most of the Nevertheless, knowledge management concepts such as
publications argue from a company perspective. A supply suggested in management literature [8] have not been
chain-related view is only present in two papers. This established in LCE literature so far. A corresponding
disregards the strong influence of the supply chain extension might be based on considerations concerning life
characteristics on the life cycle performance from the cycle-related (cost) management and cost knowledge
company perspective as well as the fact that success of an management in engineering [9,10].
entire supply chain is even a prerequisite for the success of a
136 U. Götze et al. / Procedia CIRP 61 (2017) 134 – 139

3. Integrated LCE and Business Modeling has the potential for being successful and might also indicate
the need of further elaboration and modifications. In the last
To fulfill the need of a stronger market-, customer-, and step, a more concrete financial evaluation is conducted.
supply chain orientation of LCE, the integration of LCE and Therefore, the application of dynamic investment appraisal
BM is suggested here. The basic idea of integrating both is methods, namely the net present value method, is
that at least for innovative products (as reference objects of recommended here.
LCE) an early consideration of customer needs, markets, and The integration of LCE and BM entails an effective
value chain activities is mandatory for achieving a high information exchange as well as coordination and adaption of
probability of success. Such activities are an integral part of activities. Some interdependencies and needs of adaption are:
BM – the systematically developing of new businesses with
all their necessary elements. Combining LCE and BM x Business model ideas might be the starting point of
conceptually implies that the product (or other objects) being LCE activities and products ideas vice versa.
generated by LCE is the focal element of the new business as x Some of the business model elements to be elaborated
well as the business model. The business model should will or might be subjects of LCE: primarily the
comprise all elements that are necessary to introduce and product but possibly also key activities and resources
establish the new product successfully at one or more markets – implying a corresponding flow of information as
and, thereby, contribute to the final success of LCE activities. well as the alignment of LCE activities.
The concept is visualized in Fig. 1. The left side of the x In the context of LCE, the business model should refer
figure shows the (“conventional”) LCE activities in an to the life cycle.
aggregate way. The right side visualizes the activities of BM, x The results of the “strategic” as well as financial
the arrows indicate the information exchange between evaluation may indicate the need and direction of
different steps of LCE and BM enabling the necessary close further LCE activities.
coupling and coordination of activities [11]. The BM process x Dynamic investment appraisal methods are used for
starts with the identification of business model ideas. LCC as an instrument of LCE as well. Principally, the
Afterwards, the different elements of the business model(s) financial evaluation of BM should either coincide or
are elaborated. Different approaches for structuring these be consistent with the part of an LCE-related
elements do exist [12,13,14]. Fig. 1 refers to the CANVAS evaluation referring to the economic target dimension.
[12] with its nine elements that are considered to be necessary x Due to the logic of LCE with its ecological
for successfully establishing a business. The next step of BM perspective, the elaboration of the business model
is a “strategic” evaluation of the (potential) advantageousness elements, the evaluations, and the decision about
of the business model(s). As Fig. 1 shows, this evaluation introducing the innovative product and the business
might refer to the criteria that have been identified as model should additionally take the ecological target
prerequisites of strategic success in the resource-based view dimension into account (see also [16, 17]).
of strategic management: ability to create value (for
customers), heterogeneity/rarity, ability to prevent imitation The integration of LCE and BM ensures that key activities
and substitution, and the fundamental ability to achieve a and (interests of) key partners as well as (sales, distribution,
profit [15]. This evaluation shows whether the business model and communication) channels are not neglected and, thereby,

Fig. 1. Concept of integrated LCE and BM (developed on the base of [11,12])

U. Götze et al. / Procedia CIRP 61 (2017) 134 – 139 137

fosters the supply chain-orientation of LCE. Similarly, the view on LCE, it gets obvious that TC is life cycle-related as
inclusion of customer relationships and channels implies a well, contains a strong (life cycle) engineering element
stronger customer- and market orientation (by analyzing (especially in step 3b), and considers an economic target
customer needs, markets and their potentials, competitors, figure (cost). This means that nearly all of the perspectives of
etc.) [12]. Finally, insights from strategic management theory LCE are included in TC as well – only the ecological base is
– applied for elaborating business model elements and the missing. So, there is a profound base for integration.
“strategic” evaluation – are made useful for LCE. The potential of TC for providing a stronger management
and especially market- and customer-orientation is based on
4. Target Costing as a means of LCE its key aspects regarding the balance and coordination
between the engineering and management perspective and
Due to its principal usefulness for directing engineering activities, the inherent market- and customer-orientation that
and management activities and its relevance in the industrial is expressed by deriving target cost from target prices and
context, the integration of the TC approach in or with LCE is decomposing them according to customer requirements, and
suggested here. This can either be done with reference to the finally the strict control and directing of engineering activities
concept of integrated LCE and BM including TC specific to achieve market-oriented target cost and, thereby, to foster
activities in the corresponding steps of LCE and BM or product innovation success.
without referring to BM. Here, the latter approach is regarded. The last aspect is visualized by Fig. 3. The left part of the
Target costing (Fig. 2) is a “cost management tool for figure shows a procedure model which has been suggested for
reducing the overall cost of a product over its entire life cycle conducting life cycle-related evaluations as one of the major
with the help of the production, engineering, R&D, LCE tasks. The right side shows a simplified TC-inspired
marketing, and accounting departments” [18: 41]. It can be engineering approach. Here, in step 2 target figure outcomes
used for effective market- and cost-oriented controlling of (such as target cost) are determined. In the following steps,
design specifications and production techniques over the the engineering activities are directed to achieve these target
entire product life cycle but with a focus on the early phases. outcomes. The decomposition and evaluation of target figure
The procedure starts with basic product planning (1). The outcomes to functions, components, and/or parts is intended
preparation of a basic product plan takes the company’s to direct the engineering activities. For engineering,
product and business strategy, market trends, and the needs of decomposition and evaluation, modeling and analysis
potential customers into account. Target cost determination activities are necessary. The result of the procedure consists
(2) should begin with establishing a market-oriented target of product and production process specifications as well as
price. Then, the target cost is calculated by subtracting a decomposed target figure outcomes.
target profit margin. Afterwards, the target cost is Referring to LCE has at least two consequences for the
decomposed to functions (properties), components, and/or methodology of TC: firstly, an adequate definition and
parts taking customer requirements and their relevance into calculation of target figures considering all relevant life cycle
account and the achievement of the resulting target cost is phases has to be assured. If a longer time period is regarded,
evaluated (3a). In target cost achievement (3b), the product static costs always imply a simplification – to avoid this
and production processes are engineered under consideration simplification and enlarge accuracy, TC has to be
of the decomposed target cost. The last step (4) aims at not “dynamized” by regarding single periods and using net
exceeding the follow-up cost of a product´s life cycle [19] by present value and cash flows as target figures [22].
continuous improvement along the whole product life cycle. Secondly, TC is an economically-oriented concept neglec-
Reflecting this procedure and the TC characteristics with ting the ecological perspective inherent in LCE. To exploit its
full potential for LCE, TC might be extended or adapted by
including an ecological perspective. Three ways for such an
extension or adaption have already been outlined (for a more
detailed description see [21]). Target Ecology Management
means applying TC principles to achieve ecological (instead
of cost) targets and Ecology-oriented Target Costing is
intended to consider ecological cost as a separate cost item in
TC. The most advanced approach would be a Target Ecology
and Cost Management considering ecological as well as
economic (cost) target outcomes and directing engineering
activities towards their achievement. This approach is the one
corresponding most strongly with LCE principles. However, it
implies the simultaneous consideration of at least two target
figures and is still not methodically elaborated concretely (for
first approaches see [21,25]).
Concluding, it is worth mentioning that some other
concepts and methods bearing the potential of enhancing the
market-, customer-, and supply chain-orientation of LCE do
Fig. 2. Target Costing procedure [20,21] exist: methods for analyzing and forecasting market
138 U. Götze et al. / Procedia CIRP 61 (2017) 134 – 139

structures, market potentials, and competitors and for x by building up generic life cycle-related value chains
identifying, analyzing, and forecasting customers´ needs as for smart rotor blades in wind turbines with their key
well as willingness to pay and defining customers´ activities, resources, and partners (for a simplified
requirements (e.g., conjoint analysis, requirements value chain see [27]).
engineering), as a specific variant of these methods the x by subsequently identifying customer segments at
financial evaluation from the point of view of customers and different stages of the value chain, analyzing the core
key partners [24,26], and, finally, Value Stream Mapping and requirements of typical customers (being the
Design, and Supply Chain Management methods. These counterpart of value propositions) and scrutinizing the
methods and concepts can be applied in and independent of directions of research activities against the results, and
the frame of TC and BM. x by developing models for the monetary assessment (on
the base of estimated revenues and costs or, more
5. Management-orientation in the Cluster of Excellence precisely, cash inflows and outflows) of the
MERGE – the case of smart rotor blades of wind turbines profitability of different sensor-actuator concepts in
different application scenarios (active flow control, ice
A management-oriented LCE promises to be a powerful detection etc.), of different manufacturing strategies
tool for companies striving for efficient and sustainable R&D and of smart rotor blades at all and applying them
activities and results. However, it can also be included in the from the point of view of different actors of the value
research of academic institutions. Here, MERGE and the chain (e.g., see [27,28,29]). These models also allow
resource efficient manufacturing of sensor and actuator for calculating critical values for design objectives
devices for integration into (then: “smart”) rotor blades of such as the necessary increase of the power coefficient
wind turbines as one of its research objects are focused [27, of a wind turbine per monetary unit of additional costs
28]. Although MERGE is not directed at applied but at basic [27].
research – concerning new technologies for hybrid products
and production processes in order to enhance resource The calculation of a critical value for additional costs can
efficiency of products´ production and use phases (“bivalent be seen as a first step towards TC. Nevertheless, due to the
strategy”) –, economic (and ecological) considerations are basic research character, the hitherto results are quite generic,
already included. They are part of interdisciplinary sub- rough, and uncertain. They are only intended to give impulses
projects as well as overarching activities and shall contribute for research activities – the concrete elaboration of business
to fostering innovation-orientation of research. The economic models and a TC project cannot be part of basic research.
research is primarily intended to develop methods for an early Hence, a more application-oriented research project has been
economic evaluation of new technologies and the resulting initiated by some academic institutions and companies from
processes and products up to the assessment of first business different stages of the value chain. Here, technologies for
model ideas. However, the developed methods are also smart rotor blades enabling active flow control shall be
applied and validated in interdisciplinary projects such as the developed and elaborated – accompanied by a (more detailed)
one directed at smart rotor blades. Thereat, the elements of parallel economic and ecological evaluation, derivation and
business models (see Fig. 1) that seem to be most relevant in use of control parameters such as target cost or burdens
this research phase are addressed systematically: (according to Fig. 3), and development of business models.
However, the research in MERGE (and other related

Fig. 3. From life cycle-oriented evaluation to life cycle-oriented target outcome-based engineering (developed on the base of [21,23,24])
U. Götze et al. / Procedia CIRP 61 (2017) 134 – 139 139

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