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Formative reading: Analysing connections and conventions

Read the extract below from Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence. As you read, put the extract into
the context of the story.

Where and when does the action take place?

1. Multiple-choice questions
Choose the correct answer from A, B, C or D.
1. The text “The Marlbu (Part 1)” is narrated by:
A. Molly
B. Daisy
C. Gracie
D. a third-person narrator.
2. The first thing the narrator describes is:
A. the landscape and the rain
B. the rain and the grassland
C. the bright colours of the sea
D. the landscape and the ocean.

2 Supply the correct words.

3. Find two words in the first paragraph that suggest that girls were tired of walking.
trudged and tramped
4. In the second and third paragraphs find the names of two plants that were growing in the
Banksia and acacia

3 Multiple-choice questions
Choose the correct answer and write the letter in the box.
5. The girls didn’t mind the rain because:
A. it cooled them
B. they could drink the water
C. they liked the sound it made
D. it made their scratches better.
6. The girls were frightened by:
A. the thunder
B. the lightning
C. a bright light
D. a loud noise.
7. They hid:
A. behind a tree
B. under a cover
C. under a bush
D. under a tree.
8. Molly feared that:
A. someone was looking for them
B. someone was punishing them
C. someone was trying to scare them
D. someone was sending a signal.
9. The girls see what was coming out of the bush:
A. clearly and distinctly
B. not at all
C. very vaguely
D. from a great distance
10. Gracie was so frightened that she couldn’t:
A. stand up quickly
B. speak properly
C. swallow properly
D. sleep well.
11. When the “thing” had gone the girls had to decide whether to:
A. sleep
B. follow it
C. stay
D. shiver

4 Supply the correct words

12. Find two phrases in the last paragraph that suggest that the girls were very frightened.
their young heart were still thump-thumping right up into their ears
All lay shivering with fear

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