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What is your stance?

an actual

both mental

organizational and

and in-home medical care?

Is it mostly about my health?

immersed in Earth, or more

and the biological health of EarthTribe?

asked a member of our new board.

Attending your last membership meeting

It has evolved into a festive occasion

playing with the school

as well as residential households

as well as regional allies,

What do you most want others to comment on?

With the supply and demand

with complete honesty,

with sincere appreciation,

concerning your service here

an Executive Board member?

What is the most significant problem you still have?

while now sitting on our Board?

Is that subject specifically discussed?

Or is it excluded from the shared purpose?

Considering that specific matter,

How have you assisted a market equilibrium and elasticity?

win-win conversation on fixing issues?

And what contribution have you made?

to a fiercer market


"I vs. You"



or utter silence?

When you consider your own management approach,

Do you believe in your greatest and finest potential?

as a Facilitator,

a teacher-enlightener,

also as a skilled Professional

delivering a service pertaining to production?

Think about living

in your jointly invested monopoly

with your kid, a black homosexual man

his last year.

During our Charter School,

likewise your daughter,

cerebral palsy,

who occupies the preschool room?

at the nearby school.

You three together

are enjoying a beautiful spring day.

How did that day sound and look?

It feels what?

What dispels your worries and doubts?

the state of your neighbors and the students of your children



the lives you touch,

your dreams,

your collective dreams?

What interior unwanted odors from outside and flavors

Do you ever feel thankful?

What factors have shaped board culture?

via microeconomic danger

other contests

between owners of residential units

and tenants and investors who are not homeowners

Considering the many stakeholders in commercial schools

the Consumer behavior included,

administrators, teachers, parents, older pupils,

younger pupils as well?

If you could, would you?

one unfavorable communication behavior culture of the Board Room

Snapping your fingers is all it takes.

what would constitute effective economics?

that would follow as a result?

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