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I. I"
1406.) Who! force P will g i-10 the sys\om of bodios .shown 1n fj'9 P-
t 1406 0 vcloci'\y of 30 fl per soc a fl er rnovin9 20 rorn rosi f' nr

y•,, 205 >
'4fJ' 100

· a 301/2(20)
4 =2:z.sfl/s~
~ f~1 p = .agg,34 - so(o.2) • .so(
Zf)l / T1 -100 (0.2) • 600(22.~ ll/az.2 a2,2

T1 • 69.SS lb.

... 1

a~u,6 t
Ti .. 2ocicas-.s (0.t.) t
Choptcr 14 -[~(2t.oil/at.d
Tc - 399.3+ lb.
Worl'\ .~ Energy
Ho1.) fuid fhc veloci ty of body A in ffq P- 1.+01 ofter ·,t hos moved
10 fl from r-est . N:.Gumc the pu lley~ to be weightless ~ H--ictionless.
1 i....2
2 Tt • 300 t 9,32 o,... - · - @
..... a,_3
2(~-12.412a.._) .. ~.g.320,...
-4a>- 24. MC:V- .. .3CO t g,32 o,...
l . 100 " ..:l-4 ·165CIA .

v,..~ !lQ
°" -
- s,..
2.<J3 H/G2

,. v,.. ~ ~----
2(~.93)(10) . :I
v,.. " 7.65 ft/s I
'. I

T2 • 200 - 6.21 Qa
T~ • W0 - 6 , L1 (20,..) i
Ti - .eoo - u ..;20,.. -· ·-@ l.

199 11
1408·) Through who! distance w·,11 body A in fig. P-1400 m&1e in 1-+10.) In what d1'.. .fonco w·dt block. A or
Ft'g. P - 104<3 attolfl 0 velo-
. chonginq its velocdy frorn 6 n par.soc lo 12 n per'6eG· .,;. City of 12 fl por sec, storflnq from ~t ?
.!I ""-- 2
1 "'-.ll
1ZT1 = 300 t +·6' QA _ .. -@ 1ZT~ ·OD+ t 1fl.. 4~ CIA - · · - $
4 ~1 4 &._3

£(200 - ~.210A) d 300t4.66QA L { W4 - 18 .G<l-O,Y • -ao+ t 11'. 44' QA

400 - 12 .~IZQA = 300 t 4.G6 DA 400- 37.2.8 0A G 304- t12.42 °"
100 - 17.• 00 OA 1()4 • 4g,7QA
a.-. .;, ft/s 2 0..., • IZ. Og fl/s ~
- YA1 - 2as,... ·Yt...i " 2as...
12 1 - '.i c z(, 12 IL c 2 (fl,<XJ) GA
£,... = g.IZ.3 fl. £A" 3"\..41fi.


I .:j1
Gubsfdule Ve to 1,
Ille • 304 t 12.~ O" - ·· : ~ + 1400 , a .11 (0) 1 t 4,6, v,./'·
4 s,... 3 v,., . . 11.33 n/s.
£(£o+-'0·6+o ... ) ~ so4 +12.+~ a" Zo=~l5Lt6L "17 II
4-00 - 37. 20('.M =::1D4t11Z.4{?0A

104 =~.7
o"' • .e.09 n/.s-
°"' :,'

. J'
zr~Jost6" -8'
i!.~ ~ ei+xL

2~dt/ot = llxdx/dt
~Vt? • XVA
vA' • !ZOG l
. Rw - ~ uJ~g (v 2-v,, L)
y,., ·~ .~1Z(.t.oq)(1~)
100 (11. -8) = 2oo;t+.4 v8 "' t aa:1/6 4, 4 v,.,Z
VA 2
7.08 f'i/.s 14<X> ~ 3: ~1Va~ t . 4..66VAa -·- -(!)
1-41~.) Fr'nd th.c veloci ty o( body A, in ft'q . P-1411 oner I~ hos
m~v~, Gtarting from rest ai tho g iver) paGitlon, for 9 flalonq fhe
fr1cf 1 onl es~ surface shown · i
xz10~ ~ z:~ I
- ~ ~~ 2
15 10 2
- ·17
T~ • 2ot- 9,32 as
2/\d:11/at • u.ot/ot Zf = ~ '~ t 0 ~ - 10 J

TL. m £04-- g,~£ (La..,)

)<VA• ZVs

200 201


2 2
800 = 1,5.SVA t t.33Vs - -@
subsiduto 1 fo f,
eioo • 1.sB (rA-Ve''/ a,) t £.33 Ve£
Ve .. 1Lo.S<f
1417.) I'.. W:cigh ~ iGdropped f ~mo p<:>&ition Jus;f obovo, but ~al- to!.1-
chlng, a $prlng . Show thc rno:><•mum dcf0rrnot1on produood wi II be
· twiec that if the samo wo"19ht IG gnxluo lly low~ up:m the ~prlrig,

~1<.b1 • w'1

b, • 2W/K
W • l<.bt.

6~ - W/1<..
~lb• •(tYJ/ty64'J • R
& = 1Zf>e
1+16.) A block wc"ighing Q6,6 lb is droPPCct from o height of 4ft .
SOb" 1• ~v"' «.t> Ys t 0;11' Vis
upon o spring whose modulus is 100 lb per in . Whot voloci~wlll
.soo • 1,ssVA" t ~. a3Ve~ - · ·-© tho block hove ot tho instant the spring is dcformod 4 In.?
~ituto 1to1l 61ven: so1n :
soo: u;s(a6YA)"~) +£.3:3Ve £ W= 96.6 lb

Ve. c 1£.S fi/~- h ·-tft ..

K• 100 lb/iri
• I
x1 t y<! •10~
,, RcqCJ ! Velocity w(htb)-12 K.b" "wv/:zq
6t+Yt '.' 1o<r I . f ~
gM; (4t4A~) - Y2(100)(12)(4A2) • q6.6/6+.+V
7s an . v • 1.s ..32 fl/s.
~xclx/at t 2yd"1at =o
1419.) A 600 lb bk~;k s li'dcs down on inc.line having o .slope of .3
xVe • -7VA to<r horizonto/. It .s.1ort.s frorn rest~ oflcr moving 4fecL
6Ve = -SVA
~lril<o<.: a spring whose modulus i&100 lb po-n . If fhe cocf'fic1cnt .
VA ( ~ (<;Vs/~) t -· . -(j}
of 1<.;neiic frlclion j1; o,w , find the rno;icimum vcloc"1fy of the blocK.
RW c .z. u.1,49 (v'-v., ") IZ
Given : Gol'n:
100 (10 -9) t .so(6) • 100/<A-·tvA• HaJ/h'!'.+Vsc: t'5o/'~AVc
Ye •Ve W=60olb· ·
Glope; .3/4
... •
1414.) Repeat Proh tt1a when i< c en· K • 100 lb/fl ......_
t'· 10
- ef. - y = 6H /).l<., Q.Q [w(.a/s) - W(4/s)(o.ti] (dtli) - Y2 K6.r = wvj'2q
d " 4fl · . 600(4 tb) [3/_s - 4/s(o.t.J] - 100/.2 bL~(600/64.f}v f
2i<cl:it/dt t tydy /dt =O
Rcqo : 2G+o t 1os6 -soob.. £ g.32v ..
xVa : -yv"
mo)( . velocity
8Ye = - 6VA

1-423.) fricl ion of hie 40-lb collar ogo·1ns l ii!> vertica l gu·1c1c
d iffcrentiolo vokx:;•tY. with ~pc.ct. tob, ·'°" compute tho velocity of the collar offer 'ii ho" fallen j fl s tart-
~6+-1oob · -· g,3~ ing frol't'l rest in the position ~hown in Fig P- 1423 . 1hc unsfrotched
6 .. 2.~+fl ((or mo><. velociiy) lcn9lh of l he i;pr;nq is 3f't .
G00(4u.6+) [ a/s- 4/5(9;2)] - so(e.6+)' " g,32v'
L " ~ .3 2 t 3~ , -f,243 ft .
Y • 12-26 fl/s. &• n.
1420.) lhrough what muGt the 600 lb blocli:.
cliGfoncc Prob. 1+1Q or 4.243 -3 ,. 1.243
40(3) t V2(sx12)(1.24~) 2 =(-10fa+.4)Y 2
s lido from re"t boforc louchin9 the spnnq ·,f Its -velocity i" 10 fVG
v • 16 . 36.5 fl/s.
at the in~o nt the .sprinq i" doforYr'IOd 3 fl f Assume the spring c.ons- I L • ~ 3• t"1'1 • .!! ft .
tont jc; changed to .30 lb/in . f· a' 6t .. .s-.:9 ·.Qn.
Given : Solh: "f()(4)- !/2(.sx12)(2)2 .. (40fi;+A)(v,ii- 1 ".~s")
w • 6001b [600(3/s) -ooo(~~)(o.z~ (d t3) {30(1~)(~)~/1
Vz 2 "' 332 .21 ft 'ls 2
.Y· 1ofl/, (600(10)''_1/6..,..4
Y2 = 18. 23 fl/s .
6 • 3 fl 1~+ (d t3) • ~s.s1 .7
142-4.) Repeat Prob. '\423 if ihe unstrefched lon9ht. of \ho' sprin9 is 2ft.
I\.· 30 lb/i'n d =6.67 fl. 0 1vcn : Soln:
Rc:qCJ : distonco W·"IOlb L~~3c1!3"-= 4 . 241-3ft.
1421.) /\weight of W lb suspc;ndcd fron1 o verticol s pring (Fig P- ·
Rc:qCI : Velocity b, • 4 . 24.::i - 2 • 2.2....3 ft.
1-t!Z1.) whose modulus ic; K.. lb por fl . The weight iG pv llcd dD'Nn s f1.
"'I0(:3) t Y2(.sx12)(2. ~3) 2 =(40/6'f-.4)y 2 ·
frorn ifo c:quilit:riu"1 P,OG°it1011 ~ thon rc lcoGOd . Determine '1h; velo-
v • ~0. 88s fl/s
city when if re\or,iis to the oquilibr1urn position . 02 =~HZ •
3 fl
I -to(+)- 1/2(sx12)(3)'J. =("f<);i+.+)(v/ - 20 .aest)

'*K8" "'wvyrg Yt'J ~ 259.1 · .
w "'- ,· vt =¥ Y1.. = 16. 1 fi/s
142.s.) Tho ~r i~ Fig. P - 1+1s i& movlnq toward 1hc bumper .spr'1ng
v -sJ "-o/w ~ h~ o 1<1nctic e nergy of 1~cm in-lb. The rn:::iin bumper shield
1'4212.) Tho rigid hor"1x.on tal .shown in fig- P1+~22 is supp::irtcd .by 2 J[
(?a) i_s c.onnccfod to the l'flClin ~pr1hg, which hos a modulus of1000
Gpring" . ,A. 300 lb weigh t iG the plocod upon tho bar ot 8 /\ .wclder1 lb per 1n. lhc two oux1'liary bumper Ghlelds (b) orc 12 in . tehind 00 ~ I•
blow prQ.fccts the weight toward/\ with an initia l velocity of M\jt;. I
ore atl'och~ to secondary springs, coch of which has o modu lus of
Whot ·,c 'rtG veloerty when it rcochcs t...? tleglccl fr iction Yt._, tho wei-
soon por 1n . \IVl'\o1 the CQr iG' b'r ought to rest, whal will hove been ' I
gh'! of Inc bar . fuc: grcat&ci mO'<'cmont aa ? What pcrconiago of the erorgy hos ~n .
obGOr:-bcd by the rnoin Gprlng ? . ·
Gr~on: &>In :
KE = 100,DOO in- lb
l<a ~ 1000 lb/.n
V1 - 19.9
1<-1> ~ .!'()() 1
b/ 1n
Yt - -t .~1 fi/s
P.cqCt : .s I!.., /.

e .. output /1·n put
1/2(1000)(12t6) 2 t =100, 000
0.9 = hp /3C,J,73
.500 ( 12 £ t 2.46 t 6 ) t EOObt • 1001 000
hp(~) - 3.5. 7S hp.
1ooob2 t 120006 - ~aooo ,, o
b'- t12b - 28 ·o 0.9+ hp/3Sas

6 a -12 t J12• - .ot(1)(:-2&) • ~jn .

hp " 33.G1 hp .
~ (1)
Powor Output = 33.61(0.1+61<..w) ~ 25.1 KW.
S ~ 6 i 12 = 2 +12 = 14 in .
1431.) Wofor e~fcr5 o hydraulic react.on turb'1no w/ 0 vcloeify of 12
KE~ Y21<.(12tb)

/<.Es " Y2 (1000)(12-t2) = 90000
nper GCC· ~ loavc.G ·,t ::irt lower w'd h
volocity 4Q or n
pci-~cc . If
100,000 lb of woicr flow through fhc turbine e,och .sc:;coricl, compute
1· • K~/Kt:: = gaooo;1oaooo .. ga Y,- · ihc. h:>rscpowc,... output. A'-Sumc the ~urbino jc; 80 f. e.ffic1ent .
1429.) /\ troin wc.1gh1.nq 100 tons iG being pulled up to 2t. 9rado . lhc
6 1vcn :
troin res~fonCC '1G constant ot 10 lb per ton . 1hc Spead of fh e fra in
V1 • fZ fl/5
iG . inorroGod frorri ro fl p<]r .sec to 40 ft pc;r i;cc. In a distan co of 1axfl.
Vt a tf!h;
find the rnox1inurn ~rGC fOV'<Cr dc-<c lopcd · e • 001.
6rvon : ful'ri : %ter()) ... 1ooe.:1 fb/s
w-1oo ~onG wfa~ (v -v0 2 )
· ZJ.. s =
h .. 3ff.
R• 1010Aon$ [F -100(10)-100(2000)(.2;100~ x1000=100<'20002(402-.eJ}
s c 1a>o n. 6+.+ Req~ : Hp Oufput
Se in:
RCCJO : Po-Hen in +.Ip- ,, r f a, 726 . 71 lb . G

V..j49 " V1ftg i bt l'f

. Hp .., fV {EVZ6.n ( 40l}/sso
Hp ~ ~::i4-<o7
(12)~(su) • 4l µ (3it,:2) t 3 + H
' I . . . ti ~ ~·9876 fl.
1+.30.) Wcrlor nowG . through 0 nozz le 1 if). in d1omotcr under 0 heocl
Hp1U-~& .. u)H • 100x10
(f.907'1) = +98.76 x103 n-lb
of' 4CO fl ~o dr'1"1'.: 0 ,/urb'1ne . The turbiM '1 G o/J/, . offi(:;'ienf ~ ji; conna:;- I
tip : 3
fNQ. )( 1 hp 906. B4 hp.
tcd fo Cl generator w/c ·, ~ 941. emcien~. w1·ia1 '1s the power ovlput
498.7G 1<'10
sso f.+..-)£

. l
in 1<-i lowoHs ? ·
G i'ven : d • 1 il"I,
.Rc'1Cl : Power G\Jtput
e = Pcutpul /Pinput
O. 8 -= Poutput / 906.64 hp I
Poutpu/ = 725.S hp
PONc" "' ~Qh • fv .
f'J/ ~ lS AYh
f ; "12.-tgv(1M) J/.f ][<too] ~ 136 .136 lb.

vf/zg • 4-00 11
y = [2(:32,l1)(400) p 160.S rJ /s
hp• fV • [l3 M3G(160.sTI/sso II
hp = 3~;L 73


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