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Simona Crauciuc

French A1 Achievement Plan

French A1
The plan includes two hours of class time per week and is designed to cover the basics of French
grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

Week 1:

Lesson 1: Introduction to French pronunciation and basic greetings

 Pronunciation of vowels and consonants and Difficulty of prononciation in words

 Greetings and introductions (Bonjour, comment ça va ?, etc.)
 To be, to have, to want-plus useful verbs

Lesson 2: Basic vocabulary and grammar

 Common nouns and adjectives

 Present tense of regular -er verbs
 Subject pronouns

Week 2:

Lesson 3: Asking and answering questions

 Question words (qui, quoi, où, etc.)

 Basic question formation-the most used questions
 Basic question-answering strategies-most used answers

Lesson 4: Vocabulary building

 Common phrases and expressions- the most 10 used phrases

 Numbers and counting – logic behind the numbers
 Days of the week and months of the year - weather

Week 3:

Lesson 5: More complex grammar and vocabulary

 Present tense of regular -ir and -re verbs

 Basic adverbs and adverbial phrases- the most used verbs
 Descriptive adjectives

Lesson 6: Introduction to French culture and geography

 Famous French landmarks and cities

 Basic French history and cultural traditions
 French cuisine and its place in the world
Simona Crauciuc
French A1 Achievement Plan

Each lesson is divided into the following segments:

1. Warm-up: Review of previous lesson and conversation practice

2. Presentation: Introduction of new material
3. Practice: Exercises and drills to reinforce understanding
4. Assessment: Review of key concepts and self-assessment exercises

For homework, you can be asked to complete written exercises or listen to audio recordings of
French speakers to reinforce their pronunciation and comprehension skills.

At the end of the 3-week course - a test to evaluate the students' progress and assign grades based
on their level of proficiency.

Depends on the level, it can be done more than A1 along 3 weeks, based on the information that i
give and the progress students made. This means that for those who will want, it cab be passed an
A2 exam.

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