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English phonetics and reading

Course number: 252396

Course name: English phonetics and reading

English name: English Pronunciation: Theory and Practice

Prerequisite Courses:

Applicable objects:

I. Course introduction:

English Phonetics and Recitation is a subject basic course for first-year undergraduate
students majoring in English. In the English professional curriculum system, as a support
course for the cultivation of English listening and speaking ability, it is offered in the first
semester of the first academic year. The textbooks used in this course are Lisa Mojsin,
2nd edition; the auxiliary textbooks for English and American English training are:
Cambridge International English Phonetic Course (American Edition, 2nd edition);
Cambridge International English Phonetic Course (English Audio version, 2nd edition), in
addition, this course is also equipped with CCTV's documentary Amazing China and other
video resources as part of the voice and intonation training materials as a supplement to
the ideological and political teaching reform of the course. The teaching content of this
course includes four parts: 1. English phonetic intonation system knowledge: the
pronunciation of English consonants and vowels, the rhythm of English, and the
pronunciation and intonation of English. 2. Transformation of English phonetic
knowledge to ability: English vowel and consonant pronunciation method; pronunciation
error correction method training. 3. Phonetic and intonation ability training: train students
to use the spoken and intonation knowledge they have learned to read and communicate
naturally and fluently in real English. 4. Future phonetic teaching ability training: train
students to understand from learning, summarize and correct mistakes while correcting
phonetic and intonation errors; cultivate reflection ability, communication and
cooperation ability. The teaching purpose of this course is to enable students to master
the correct English pronunciation, rhythm rules and English intonation through
systematic knowledge learning and skill training of English phonetics and intonation, and
learn to use natural and appropriate English phonetics to express ideas and emotions, so
as to achieve the purpose of communication in English. At the same time, through the
teacher's classroom Explain and guide students to summarize and reflect on
pronunciation errors, train students to learn how to correct pronunciation errors, and for
normal students to be good English teachers in the future and have basic teaching ability
to carry out phonetic teaching-related rehearsals.

II. Course objectives:

Objective 1: (Language knowledge) Be able to read all the phonetic symbols in the
English International Phonetic Alphabet List and understand the professional knowledge
of English phonetic system. Objective 2: (Language knowledge) Understand English
vowels, consonants, syllables, word stress, rhythm rules, intonation patterns and other
knowledge; use the knowledge of phonetic intonation system to read English sentences
fluently. Goal 3: (Language ability) Understand the phonetic and intonation modes of
English, and use English intonation accurately and naturally for daily oral expression and
English reading. Goal 4: (Teaching ability and professional quality) Learn to correct
common pronunciation errors in primary and secondary school students and solve the
main phonetic intonation problems; by comparing British pronunciation and American
pronunciation videos, observe and understand the role of phonetic intonation mode on
ideological and emotional expression, etc., train observation ability and perception of
language. , reflection and analysis ability on the problem; learn to communicate and
cooperate with the team through the demonstration of wrong pronunciation cases, group
mutual evaluation, etc.

III. Teaching requirements:

This course includes two teaching links: classroom and after-class, with offline teaching
as the main, supplemented by online self-study and inspection. In the form of theoretical
teaching, audio and video demonstration, classroom group guidance, face-to-face
correction of voice, online self-study after class and completion of voice training
homework, the transfer of knowledge and skill training are closely combined. 1.
Classroom teaching: systematic teaching of English phonetics theory and specific
English phonetic intonation knowledge, as well as teaching phonetic training methods.
Through situational teaching and communicative teaching methods, students are trained
to correctly and freely use standard English phonetics and intonation knowledge to
further express their thoughts and emotions naturally and smoothly.

IV. Explanation of assessment method:

Course scores are composed of process evaluation homework and final summary
evaluation homework. In the online registration system of academic affairs, it is adopted:
the usual score (50%, including class participation or after-school homework 1 and
after-school homework 2 and 3), and the final score "5:5" mode. The specific plan is as
follows: 1. Ordinary results (50

V. Course teaching history:

English Phonetics and Recitation is a subject basic course for first-year undergraduate
students majoring in English. In the English professional curriculum system, as a support
course for the cultivation of English listening and speaking ability, it is offered in the first
semester of the first academic year. After the freshmen's admission education, the
formal class will have to wait until the end of September. The number of classroom
teaching weeks is only less than 13 weeks. After holidays, students' classroom teaching
hours are only 24-26. Therefore, solving the problem of late start of freshmen and
insufficient offline phonetic teaching time is an important topic of voice course teaching.

VI. Curriculum education reform:

1. Reasonably plan the proportion of online and offline school hours and assessment,
increase the total teaching hours, and improve the teaching effect. According to the
college's professional curriculum, "English Phonetics and Recitation" is opened in the first
semester of the first academic year. It is a subject basic course for first-year
undergraduate students majoring in English. In the English professional curriculum
system, it is used as a support course for the cultivation of English listening and speaking
ability, so it is set in the first semester. However, it is usually late for freshmen to enter
the school. After the end of the admission education, they have to wait until the end of
September for formal classes. According to the regulations of the Academic Affairs
Office, the assessment of elective courses is completed one week before the suspension
of classes. In this way, the number of classroom teaching weeks is only less than 13
weeks, which is Some of the school hours are less than 26, and the real teaching time is
only 24. Such a short school hours are not enough to complete the two major teaching
tasks of phonetic knowledge and phonetic ability training. Therefore, the phonetic
courses for English majors in some other similar colleges and universities are generally
open for two semesters. In view of this situation, it is necessary to carry out curriculum
teaching reform. Through the online and offline hybrid teaching mode, on the basis of not
reducing the offline teaching time, the online teaching part with the same time is
increased, which indirectly extends the learning time of students.

VII. Bibliography:

1. English Phonetics Tutorial Third Edition, edited by Wang Guizhen, Higher Education
Press 2. Cambridge International English Phonetic Course (American Edition, 2nd edition),
Beijing Language and Culture University Press, 2010 3. Cambridge International English
Phonetics Course (English version, 2nd edition), Beijing Language and Culture University
Press, 2010 4. English American recitation (choose 15 articles + text + MP3) 5. Video
materials: CCTV documentary Amazing China series, BBC documentary Home, etc.

VIII. Hyperlinks to course resources

English Phonetics, Shanghai Normal University; Bu Youhong; Love Course (MOOC,

University of China)

IX. Main content and school hours allocation:

Chapter 1 Lecture 1 Overview of English Phonetic Accent (Online + Offline) (2 lessons)

[Purpose]: 1. Solve the problem of students' confusion about the phonetic symbol system.
2. Solve the problem of listening comprehension difficulties caused by students' lack of
understanding of English and American accents.

[Requirements]: 1. Understand the common types of IPA. 2. Familiar with several

significant differences between English and American English.

[Key point]: American English vs. British English, how to distinguish accents in British and
American phonetic listening materials

[Difficult]: American English vs.British English

[Content]: IPA introduction; General Introduction: American English vs.British English

(spelling, pronunciation; difference);

Chapter 2 Lecture 2 English Vowels (online + offline) Vowel sounds (phone knowledge +
pronunciation method) (2 lessons)

[Objective]: Students understand vowel knowledge and learn the pronunciation method of
a single vowel.

[Requirements]: Second lecture English vowel (online + offline)

[Key]: Pronunciation and difference between front vowels, middle vowels and back

[Difficult]: the difference between the four front vowels. The distinction between long
vowels and short vowels. Correct the wrong pronunciation.

[Content]: Vowel sounds (phonetic knowledge + pronunciation method) the pronunciation

and difference of the front vowel, the middle vowel and the back vowel. Pronunciation
method. Common errors and error correction methods.

Chapter 3 Lecture 3 Vowel pronunciation skills training (offline) Vowels in Detail (English
vowel pronunciation characteristics and phonetic error correction) (2 hours)

[Objective]: Training on the transformation of speech knowledge to speech ability.

[Requirements]: Students observe themselves, find pronunciation errors, correct them in

time, and master the pronunciation of all vowels.
[Key points]: Correct pronunciation errors and master training methods.

[Difficulty]: Self-observation and correction of pronunciation errors.

[Content]: The distinction between long and short vowels; the distinction between unit
sounds and divalences. Listening ability, pronunciation method.

Chapter 4 Lecture 4 English Consonants (online + offline) Consonants (phone knowledge

+ pronunciation method) (2 hours)

[Objective]: Students understand the knowledge of consonants and learn the

pronunciation of individual consonants.

[Requirements]: Consonant category, voiced sound comparison; consonant knowledge

and pronunciation methods.

[Key]: Comparison of clear consonants and voiced consonants. Comparison of similar


[Difficult]: Pronunciation of θ ð ʃ ʒ tʃ dʒ r l n ŋ

[Content]: Pronunciation characteristics of pairs of consonants; pronunciation method of

nasal sounds; θ e?? T? D? R l n ? The pronunciation of

Chapter 5 Lecture 5 English Consonant Pronunciation Skills Training (Offline)

Problematic Consonants (English Consonant Pronunciation Characteristics and Phonetic
Error Correction) (4 Hours)

[Objective]: Training on the transformation of phonetic knowledge from consonant series

to phonetic ability.

[Requirements]: Watch teaching videos, observe yourself, find your pronunciation

problems and learn how to correct them.

[Key points]: Self-observation, finding errors, focusing on the pronunciation of θ ð ʃ ʒ ʒ

tʃ dʒ r l n ŋ

[Difficult point]: The pronunciation essentials and practical training of θ ð ʃ ʒ ʒ tʃ dʒ r l n


[Content]: English consonant pronunciation skills training (offline) Problematic

Consonants (English consonant pronunciation characteristics and phonetic error
Chapter 6 Lecture 6 syllables (online + offline) The rules of syllables and stressed
syllables 4 (2 lessons)

[Objective]: Understand the principles of English spelling, master the knowledge of

syllables and stressed syllables.

[Requirements]: Online independent learning, online practical training.

[Key points]: English spelling principles, master syllables and stress syllable knowledge

[Difficult]: Learn to master natural spelling methods through syllable knowledge and
stressing syllable rules.

[Content]: 1. Syllable knowledge 2. Heavy syllable distribution level pronunciation rules. 3.

Spelling method

Chapter 7 Lecture 7 The Law of Word Rereading (Online + Offline 1. Word Stress 2.
Rhythm of English Speech (4 lessons)

[Objective]: Understand the rereading rules of words 1. Word Stress Understand the
rhythm of English 2. Rhythm of English Speech

[Requirements]: Online learning, offline practical training, master the rereading rules of

[Key points]: 1. Word Stress 2. Rhythm of English Speech

[Difficult point]:. Rhythm of English Speech

[Content]:. Rhythm of English Speech

Chapter 8 Lecture 8 English intonation (online + offline) 1. Types of Intonation in English

2. Intona (2 lessons)

[Objective]: To understand the intonation type, function and meaning of English.

[Requirements]: Online independent learning, online practical training.

[Key points]: 1. Types of Intonation in English 2. Intonation Units of English

[Difficult]: Intonation Units of English and their functions

[Content]: 1. Types of Intonation in English 2. Intonation Units of English 3. functions of

Chapter 9 Lecture 9 How to speak naturally and fluently like a native English speaker?
( Online + offline) 1. How meaning, feelings and (2 hours)

[Purpose]: t Watch through a large number of film and television video clips to learn how
to speak naturally and fluently like a native English speaker.

[Requirements]: Observation and imitation: How to speak naturally and fluently like a
native English speaker

[Key points]: 1. How meaning, feelings and emotions embodied in pronunciation and
Intonation? 2. Sounds like a Tru

[Difficulty]: 1. How meaning, feelings and emotions embodied in pronunciation and

Intonation? 2. Sounds like a True

[Content]: 1. How meaning, feelings and emotions embodied in pronunciation and

Intonation? 2. Sounds like a True Native Speaker

Chapter 10 Lecture 10 Summary of Phonetic Learning Methods and Enlightenment for

Future Teaching (Offline, Group Discussion, Course Summary) (2 hours)

[Objective]: Students sort out the important knowledge context of the English phonetic
intonation system, and reflect on the methods of learning phonetics and future teaching

[Requirements]: Offline groups discuss how to solve the problems of students' phonetics
encountered in future teaching.

[Key Points]: Summary: Methods of English Pronunciation Learning

[Difficult point]: sort out the important knowledge context of the English pronunciation
and intonation system

[Content]: The important knowledge context of English phonetic intonation system, the
method of learning phonetics

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