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Restaurant worker experiences.

Appendix A: Interview Guide

The interview guide used in this study was designed to explore the lived experiences
of restaurant service workers in selected establishments of Imus, Cavite. The
questions were structured to elicit information on the participants' job satisfaction,
work-related stressors, coping mechanisms, and suggestions for improving their work
conditions. The interview guide consisted of open-ended questions that allowed the
participants to share their experiences in their own words.

Can you tell me about your job satisfaction as a restaurant service worker?
What are some of the stressors that you encounter in your job?
How do you cope with work-related stress?
Can you suggest any improvements in your work conditions that would help you
perform your job better?
How do you see your future as a restaurant service worker?

Appendix B: Informed Consent Form

The informed consent form was used to obtain the participants' voluntary participation
in the study. It explained the purpose of the study, the procedures involved, and the
risks and benefits of participation. It also assured the participants of their anonymity
and confidentiality. The informed consent form was read to the participants, and they
were given ample time to ask questions before signing the form.

I, ____________, understand that I am being asked to participate in a research study

on the lived experiences of restaurant service workers in selected establishments of
Imus, Cavite. I have been informed of the purpose of the study, the procedures
involved, and the potential risks and benefits of participation. I understand that my
participation is voluntary, and I may withdraw at any time without penalty. I also
understand that my anonymity and confidentiality will be maintained throughout the

Signature: _____________________
Printed Name: __________________
Date: ________________________.

In the article "The Lived Experiences of Restaurant Service Workers in Selected

Establishments of Imus, Cavite," appendices can be included to provide additional
information that supports the study's findings. For example, Appendix A can be a list
of interview questions that were used to gather data from the restaurant service
workers. This list can help readers understand the scope of the study and the specific
topics that were covered during the interviews. The appendix can also include a brief
description of the interview process, such as the number of participants and the
duration of each interview.

Another possible appendix for this article is a table of the demographic information of
the participants. This table can include data on the age, gender, educational
attainment, and years of experience of the restaurant service workers who were
interviewed. This information can provide readers with a better understanding of the
characteristics of the participants and the context in which the study was conducted.
The table can also include a brief description of the sampling method used to select
the participants and the criteria for inclusion in the study.

Dela Cruz, J. R. (2021)

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