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CHRISTIAN(me): Hello I’m Yasser, what’s your name?

ISAC: My name is Isac, nice to meet

CHRISTIAN(me): Nice too meet too, where are you from?

ISAC: I’m From the Argentina, and you?

CHRISTIAN(me): Iam from Peru, Argentina is handsome, tellme about your explore, travel to
know places.

ISAC: of course, l like to explore, travel to know places.

CHRISTIAN(me): ¡fantastic! Do you plan to live in argentina

ISAC: If i’am going to live in Buenos Aires, but first I Will travel to Colombia

CHRISTIAN(me): can you give me your phone number?

ISAC: My phone number is 93456789

CHRISTIAN(me): My family and I Will travel to Machu Picchu, and we need you helped.

ISAC: cool, I’II accompany you

CHRISTIAN(me): Thanks, Good bless you

ISAC: also many blessings.

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