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Karyotype Activity

How to Read a Karyotype

A karyotype is the number and
appearance of chromosomes within
the nucleus of a body cell. The human
karyotype typically has 46
chromosomes, 23 pairs in total with
the last pair being the sex
chromosomes (XX for females and
XY for males).

Karyotyping is often used for genetic

analysis. Scientists will use the
karyotype test to identify and evaluate
the size, shape, and number of
chromosomes of an individual. Extra
or missing chromosomes or
abnormal positions of chromosome
pieces can cause problems with a
person’s growth, development, and
body functions. The testing can
also determine sex, along with
potential genetic disorders.

The karyotype of a “normal” human is

shown. Observe the chromosome
pairs; each chromosome in the pair
has similar size, shape, and banding.

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