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Backstory of

Chromosome XX & XY
by Viory Felicia | 12 Volta

Chapter I

A. Background
Gender is a social construct that includes roles and expectations tied to
being male or female. It's distinct from biological sex. Gender identity is a person's
internal sense of their gender. Understanding gender is essential for navigating
societal expectations and personal identity. Nowadays, women are the ones who
are mostly blamed if the gender of their baby does not match expectations. Many
people think that the gender of the baby is determined by the woman herself.
However, in reality, men also play an important role in determining gender, namely
at the time of fertilization.

Determination of human sex depends on environmental facors and genetic factors,

specifically the combination of chromosomes received at fertilization. Women have
“XX” chromosomes, and men have “XY” chromosomes, which form their
reproductive and physiological characteristics. Considering the importance of
knowing the origins of gender formation in humans, the author tried to write this
paper to explain how gender is formed or occurs.

B. Formulation of the problem

The problem formulation of this paper is as follows:
1. What the factors influence gender determination?
2. What is the chromosome system in humans?
3. What factors that can help to more easily obtain gender expectations for the
future baby?

C. Research purposes
Based on the existing problem formulation, the objective is obtained
This paper includes:
1. Explains the factors that influence gender.
2. Explains about the X and Y sex chromosome system.
3. Explains two types of spermatozoa.
4. Explains about factors that can help to more easily obtain gender
expectations for the future baby.

Chapter II

A. Factors Determining Gender

All elements that influence a person's condition related to gender, whether
temporary or permanent, are known as gender determining factors. These factors
can come from outside, called environmental factors, or from within, called genetic
factors. If one of these factors does not function normally or optimally, then gender
characteristics can become abnormal. This happens because the two always work

(i). Environmental Factor :

Determining gender does not only depend on genetic factors, but is also
influenced by external factors known as environmental factors. Usually, the
physiological state has an important role in these environmental factors. If the
distribution of sex hormones in the body is unbalanced, the phenotype's expression
of a creature's sex can change, which in turn affects its sex characteristics.
(ii). Genetic Factor :
The sex of living things is largely determined by genetic factors, which can be
identified through the composition of sex chromosomes.

In essence, humans possess a total of 46 chromosomes within their somatic cells.

These chromosomes include 44 autosomal ones, responsible for determining body
characteristics, and 2 gonosomal ones, often referred to as sex chromosomes,
which determine an individual's sex.

B. Determination of Gender Type XX and XY

Humans have a total of 46 chromosomes, consisting of 22 pairs of autosomal
chromosomes and 1 pair of sex chromosomes, also known as gonosomes. Sex
chromosomes are represented by X and Y. A female has two X chromosomes
(homogamet), while a male has one The number of gonosomes does not determine
gender, but rather the presence of the Y chromosome (heterogamet). In written
form, it is expressed as 44 + XX or 22 + X, and 44 + XY or 22 + Y. Y chromosomes are
not present in women.

A woman has 22 pairs of autosomal chromosomes and 1 pair of X chromosomes, so

the chromosome formula is 22AAXX. The haploid egg cell consists of 22 autosomes
and one sex chromosome, namely 22AX. Meanwhile, Men have 22 pairs of
autosomal chromosomes and 2 gonosome cells, consisting of X and Y. Therefore,
the chromosome formula for men is 22XY. In their diploid cell form, men have two
types of spermatozoa, namely:

(i). Gynospermium :
Spermatozoa have 22 chromosomes autosome and an X chromosome so the
formula is 22AX.

(ii). Androspermium :
Spermatozoa which have 22 autosomes and a Y chromosome so the formula
is 22AY. Androspermium has a smaller size when compared with gynospermium.

The sex of the future baby is largely determined by the chromosomes that
successfully reach and fertilize the egg. The characteristics of the X chromosome
are different from the Y chromosome :

(i). Chromosome X :
Chromosome X has a longer lifespan but has the ability to swim much more
cslowly than Chromosome Y.

(ii). Chromosome Y :
Meanwhile Chromosome Y, has a shorter lifespan but has the agility to swim
much faster than Chromosome X.

If the egg is pollinated by the fuse of X and X chromosomes or “Gynospermium”,

the female gender will be produced. And if the fuse X and Y chromosomes or
“Androspermium”, a male will result. Because the male genotype is XY, the sperm
content consists of 50% X and 50% Y. So, from the statement mentioned above, the
chances of getting the gender of a girl or a boy is 50:50.

(sc : Primary Data)

This proves that the female parent has the formula 44+XX and the male
parent has the formula 44+XY. The results of the female parent gamete are 22+X
and the male parent gamete are 22+X and 22+Y. If the female parent is fused with
the male parent, the resulting phenotype is 44+XX or 22+X and 44+XY or 22+Y. The
formula 44+XX or 22+X will produce female gender and the formula 22+X and
44+XY will produce male gender, meaning it has a 50% chance of female gender
and a 50% chance of male gender.

It's different if you have abnormalities that occur in gender determination.

Aneuploidy refers to a condition in which there is an excess or deficiency of one or
more chromosomes. Since each chromosome carries many genes, the inclusion or
absence of even one chromosome will disrupt the existing balance within the cell
and, in the majority of cases, is incompatible with survival.

(sc :

The majority of these genetic makeup changes occur during the formation of
sperm and egg cells. If fertilization involves one of these defective sperm or egg
cells, the resulting embryo will carry the defect. In most cases, miscarriage is likely
to occur because most aneuploidies do not support the general development of the
embryo. Sometimes, these modifications can also occur in the early phase of
embryo division, thus having an impact on the baby's growth and development.
(sc :

As previously mentioned, women have two X chromosomes (XX), while men

have one X and one Y chromosome (XY). Aneuploidy involving sex chromosomes
involves variations in these chromosomes. These variations can cause various
impacts, including malformations, cognitive and growth disorders, as well as
problems related to sexuality and infertility.

Examples of chromosomal aneuploidy: Turner’s Syndrome (45, X0), Klinefelter’s

Syndrome (47.XXY), Jacob Syndrome (47, XYYY), Superfemale (47, XXX), Trisomy 13
(Patau Syndrome), Trisomy 18 (Edwards' Syndrome), and many other else.

Chapter III

A. Conclusion
In summary, gender determination relies on genetic factors (XX for females,
XY for males) and environmental influences. The combination of X and X
chromosomes results in females, X and Y chromosomes in males, with a 50:50
chance. Aneuploidy can lead to variations, causing conditions such as Turner's
Syndrome, Klinefelter's Syndrome, and others. Understanding this interplay is
crucial for normal development and addressing potential abnormalities like
chromosomal syndromes.

\\ References

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