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StructuralEngineeringand Mechanics,Vol.22, No.2 (2006) 131-150 131


Analytical solutions of in-plane static problems for

non-uniform curved beams including axial and
shear deformations

Ekrem Tufekcit and Alaeddin Arpacr

Istanbul TechnicalUniversity,Faculty of MechanicalEngineering,Gumussuyu34437, Istanbul, Turkey

(ReceivedJuly 28, 2004,AcceptedOctober24, 2005)

Abstract. Exact analytical solutions for in-plane static problems of planar curved beamswith variable
curvatures and variable cross-sectionsare derived by using the initial value method. The governing
'equationsinclude the axial extensionand shear defonnation effects. The fundamentalmatrix required by
the initial value method is obtained analytically. Then, the displacements,slopes and stressresultantsare
found analytically along the beam axis by using the fundamental matrix. The results are given in
analytical fonns. In order to show the advantagesof the method, some examples are solved and the
results are comparedwith the existing results in the literature. One of the advantagesof the proposed
method is that the high degree of statically indetenninacy adds no extra difficulty to the solution. For
stressexamples, die given
resultantsare defonned shapealong the
in tables. '
beam axis is detenninedand plotted and also the slope and

Key words: curved beam; variable cross-section;

axial extension;sheardefonnation;initial value

1. Introduction

Many engineeringstructurescanbe modeledas beamelements.Arch elementsoccur frequentlyin

many engineeringapplicationssuch as spring design,electricalmachinery,turbo-machineryblades,
circumferentialstiffenersfor shells,aerospacestructures,arch bridges,highway construction,long
spanroof structuresand earthquakeresistantstructures.Considerableamountof attentionhas been
devotedto the analysis of such elements,in recent years. In-plane behavior of a curved beam
possesses axial extensionas well as flexural deformation.The initial curvatureintroducesgeometric
coupling between the axial and bending deformations.The analysis of curved beams is quite
complexdue to the presenceof couplingbetweenthesedeformations.
One of the most important studieson the theory of elasticity of curved beamsbelongsto Love
(1944). The early works of Kirchhoff and Euler who analyzedlarge deformationsof elasticbeams
in equilibrium is discussedin the book by Love (1944). The generalgoverning equationsfor a
spatialcurvedbeamwere given in scalarquantities.The referencecurve of the beamis inextensible

t Assistant Professor, Corresponding au~or, E-mail: >

~ Professor, E-mail:

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132 EkremTufekciandAlaeddinArpaci

and the effect of tangentialsheardefonnationis neglected.

The interactionbetweenaxial force and bendingmomeQtwas consideredby Asplund (1961).The
displacementsbased on the original geometry were computed by a method of successive
approximationand the displacements were usedto obtain the geometry.
The in-planedefonnationof a curvedbeamsubjectedto concentratedand/ordistributedloadscan
be characterizedby a systemof 6 coupledordinary differential equations,resultingin a complicated
two-point boundary value problem. However, this problem can be convertedto an initial value
problem and a variety of existing computerprogramscan be usedto integratethe equations.One of
the early applicationsof the conversionof a boundaryvalue problemto an initial value pr~blemfor
curvedbeamsis found in Huddleston(1968).
Antman (1972) studied the problems that help clarify the structure of nonlinear continuum
mechanics,employing linear theoriesin someexamples.The analysisof equilibrium of beamshas
been generalizedby including the effects of extension of the beam axis and tangential shear
defonnation. Several rational developmentsof beam theories and the correspondingdiverse
interpretationsof the role and scopeof such theorieswere examined.A variety of problemsin the
theory of nonlinearlyelasticbeamswere alsotreated.
Cinemre (1982) obtained the strain-displacementrelations geometrically,where the beam is
. representedas a directed space curve and the restrictions of perpendicularcross-sectionto the
tangentof the spacecurve and inextensiblearch length are removed,in contrastwith Kirchhoff's .
beamtheory. The displacementof a point on the spacecurve and the rotation of the cross-section
constitutethe displacementfield of the beam.The changein the tangentvector from the initial state
and the rate of changevector of the defonned director'diad are chosento representthe state of
Rubin (2000) representeda unified approachto the developmentof the Cosserattheorieswhich
are three-dimensional theory,two-dimensionalshell theory, one-dimensionalbeamtheory and zero-
dimensionalpoint theory. The beam theory allows the defonnationof a beamto be arbitrary.The
cross-sectiondoesnot have to be nonnal to the beam axis. The beam is said to have experienced
nonnal cross-sectionalextensionwhen the dimensionsof the cross-sectionchange,tangentialshear
defonnationwhen the cross-sectionis not nonnal to the defonnedbeam axis, and nonnal cross-
sectionalsheardefonnationwhen the anglebetweenthe directorsof the cross-sectionchanges.
It is often difficult and sometimes impossible to solve a curved beam problem exactly.
Castigliano'smethod,the Rayleigh-Ritzmethod,the Galerkin methodandthe differential quadrature
methodhavebeenusedto predict the staticbehaviorof a curvedbeambasedon the Euler-Bernoulli
and Timoshenkobeam theories.Most of the theoreticalworks includedthe applicationof various
numericalmethodsto solve the problemsof curved beams.It seemsthat the [mite elementshave
been the major tool in these studies. Several.specialelementsfor curved geometry have been
developed.Someof the elementsare basedon the nonlinearbeamtheories.Reissner'sfinite strain
beamtheory (Reissner1972, 1973)is the most importantone.In particular,the fonnulation of [mite
elementsfor curved beamshas been the subject of intensiveresearchinterest.Early attemptsto
fonnulate a curved [mite beam element were unsuccessfuland resulted in inaccurateelement
fonnulations.In a curved beam, both shearlocking and membranelocking take place when the
beamis modeledby the lower-orderconventionalcurved beamelements.Much attentionhas been
focusedto remedythe locking over the years, since the locking conceptwas first introducedinto
this field. Severalmethodshave been pr,oposedto alleviate the locking phenomena.Some of the
methods are the selective/reducedintegration (Stolarski and Belytschko 1983), higher order

"' '", .

Analytical solutionsof in-plane static problemsfor non-uniform curved beams 133

interpolations (Dawe 1974), shear penalty relaxation method (Tessler and Spiridigliozzi 1986), field
consistency (Atluri et ai. 2001), and hybrid/mixed formulations (Benlemlih and El Ferrichia 2002,
Kim and Kim 1998).
The shallow curved beam is one of the simplest structures exhibiting the important features
associated with elastic instability. The structure suddenly jumps from one stable equilibrium
configuration to another one or after exceeding a certain load level, the structure deforms along a
secondary path representing an asymmetric mode (Tufekci 2001, Rubin 2004). A number of finite
elements have been developed for analyzing the shallow beam problems (Stolarski and Belytschko
1983, Schulz and Filippou 2001, Dawe 1974).
The foregoing review has shown that most of the papers deal with uniform circular beams and
none of them provides analytical expressions for the displacements and stress resultants of curved
beams having variable curvature and variable cross-section. Some of the papers employ analytical
methods by neglecting the axial and shear deformations. Numerical methods have been widely used
in the analyses, and the fmite element methods have been the major tool in the analyses of curved
beams. There is no curved beam finite element with variable cross-section. The finite element
method solves the problems of curved beams with variable cross-section by using piecewise
constant cross-section beam elements to approximate the variable cross-section beams. Motivated by
this fact, the exact analytical solution of in-plane static problems for a curved beam with variable
curvature and variable cross-section is obtained in the present study. The cross-section of the beam
is doubly symmetric and the symmetry plane is also the plane of initial curvature, then the in-plane
and out-of-plane deformations will be uncoupled. The beam axis can be of any geometry such as a
parabola, catenary, cycloid, circle etc. The axial extension and shear deformation effects are
considered in the governing differential equations. The strains in the beam are assumedto be small
and the stress-strain relation is assumed to be linear. Plane sections remain plane after deformation
but not necessarily perpendicular to the beam axis. The disturbed states of deformation at the
loading points and boundaries are not taken into account. By using the methodology followed in
this paper, it is also possible to study deep and shallow curved beams or thin and thick curved
beams without any additional effort.

2. Analysis

The extensional, flexural and shear strain components in the polar coordinate system are;

81 = dw
---, u x= dOb
-, y= du W
-+--Ob (1)
ds R ds. ds R
where u and w are respectively the normal and tangential displacements; Ob is the rotation angle
about the bi-normal axis; s is the arch length; R is the radius of curvature of the beam. The
constitutive equations are given for an infinitesimal curved beam element as follows;

F1 - 8'
EA - I' Mb -
ET - 'YO
F - r
kGA- n
b n

where F n and F1 are respectively normal and tangential components of internal force; Mb is the
internal moment about the bi-normal axis; E and G are respectively Young's and shear moduli; A is
the cross-sectional area; Ib is the area moment of inertia of the cross-section with respect to the bi-


134 Ekrem Tufekciand Alaeddin Arpaci


. Fig. 1 Schematicview of a planarcurvedbeamconsideredin this study

nonnal axis; kn is the factor of sheardistributionalong the nonnal axis.

The equilibriumequationsfor an infmitesimalcurvedbeamelementare as follows:

-ds + F n + mb
dMb =0 -ds - Fn.
dFt -R + qt =0 -dFn
ds + -R + qn = 0
Ft (3)

whereqn and qt are respectivelynonnal and tangentialcomponentsof externaldistributedforce; and

mbis the externaldistributedmomentaboutbi-nonnal axis.
The governing differential equationsof in-plane behavior of a curved beam (Fig. I) can be
rewrittenby usingds = R(fjJ)dfjJ asfollows: .
~ -- u + EA(fjJ)
dw ~F t
du - -~F
dfjJ - -w+knGA(fjJ) n+ R( 'I'
"' ) O b

-:ii -- Elb(fjJ)
~M b dMb
d;j -- -R(fjJ)Fn-R(fjJ)mb

# = Fn- R('I'"') qt . dFn
""d;p- = -Ft-R(fjJ)qn (4)

The governing differential equationsof free vibration of a circular beam can be obtainedfrom
theseequationsby using d'Alembert'sprinciple (Tufekci and Arpaci 1998).
The equationscan be written in the matrix fonn:

~ = A(fjJ)y + f(fjJ) (5)

where y is the vector of variables,A( fjJ) is the 6 x 6 coefficient matrix and f( fjJ) is the resultant
vector of externaldistributedloads. ;

Analyticalsolutionsof in-planestaticproblemsfor non-uniformcurvedbeams
~~,-""""",!~~,;,,c="~~,,=,,~ - 135 ~

If a beamwith concentratedforcesand momentsis considered,taking f(fjJ)to be zero, the Eq. (5)

reducesto a homogeneous system.The solutionvector can be expressedas;

y(fjJ) = Y(fjJ,fjJo)yo (6)

The fundamentalmatrix Y (fjJ,fjJo) is obtained by solving Eq. (6) and satisfiesthe following

~ = A(fjJ)Y(fjJ,fjJo), Y(fjJo,fjJo)= I

Y(fjJ\, fjJz)Y(fjJz,
fjJ3)= Y(fjJ\, fjJ3), Y(fjJ\, fjJz)= Y-\(fjJz,fjJ\) (7)

whereI is unit matrix. The solutionsof the Eqs. (4) are:

Ft = FtocosfjJ+FnosinfjJ (8)
. Fn = -FtosinfjJ+FnocosfjJ (9)

; ;
Mb = Mbo+ fR( lJI)sinIJIdlJlFto
- fR( lJI)cos
no (10)
0 0

; ~ ;
= fEI ( ) dlJlMbo+ fEI ( ) fR(t!;)sin~d~dIJlFto-fff..EL
~ \/I ; Rf .,,\ \/I
( ) fR(t!;)cos~d~dIJlFno (11)
0 b 1/1: 0 b lJIo 0 b If! 0

u = - sinfjJwo+ cosfjJuo+ [sin~!R( lJI)sinIJIdlJl+ cosfjJlR( lJI)cosIfIdlfl]nbO

[ ; \/I Rf J:\ ; \/I Rf J:\

+ sinfjJfR(IJI)sinlJlf~d~dlJl+ cosfjJfR(IJI)cOSlJlf~d~dlJl JMbo
0 oElb(~) 0 oElb(~)

+ { -sinfjJfR(fIf)
; --- '"
[ coszT+ sinzII'T-sinlJl \/I Rf J:\
f ~'\"')
0 EA( IJI) knGA( IJI) oElb(~)o :

+ COSfjJjR(IJI)COS.J ~ - sinIJI f J!J.::l..

+ JI.I
fR(B)SinBdBd~ldlJl} Fto
0 'f'LEA(IJI) knGA(IJI) oElb(~)o J

{ ; [ .z
+ cosfjJfR(IJI) sm IJI+
f-Bi!;l fR(B)cosBdBd~
0 EA( IJI) knGA( IJI) 0 Elb(t!;) o

-sinfjJIR( lJI)sin ~~ - ~ +I ~ Jdll' }F."

IR( B)cos/Jd/Jdq" (12))


136 Ekrem Tufekciand Alaeddin Arpaci

w = cos<Pwo+ sinf/Juo+ [ SiD(I!R( ljI)cos IjIdl/f- COSt/>jR(


[ ; 11/Rf;:) ; 11/Rf;:)
+ sint/>fR(III)COSlllf~d~dljl-cost/>fR(IjI)sinljlf~ ( J: d~dlll J Mbo
0 oElb(~) 0 oElb ~)

{ ; [ 2 . 2 11/Rf;:) ~
+ cost/>fR( III) cos III) + k sm
Gm (III ) - sin IjI f~ ]
( J:) fR«())sin()d(}d~ dill

0 EA( III: n A III: oElb ~ 0

; sin 1// sin 11/ 11/ Rf;:) ~

+ sint/>fR( ljI)cos T - + f~
T fR«())sin()d()d~ ] dljl } F,o

0 EA( III) knGA( III) oElb(~)o

fR( III)Sin cos III - cos III + f

II/ ~ ~
+ { cos t/>; fR( ())cos ()d()d~] dljl
0 EA(IjI) knGA(IjI) 0 Elb(~J o

".I. [ sm
. 2 cos2 II/ !!J.£ " ] }
+ sint/>fR( III) sm III + k cos III - cos IIIf J:\fR( (})cos()d()d~ dljl F no (13)
0 EA( 1jI) nGA( 1jI) oElb(~Jo

where F,o and F noare the internal forces, Mbo is the internal moment about the bi-normal axis, .0.00
is the rotation angle about the bi-normal axis, uo and wo are respectively the displacements along the
normal and tangential axes of the deformed central line at the reference coordinate = t/>o(in this t/>

case t/>o= 0).

3. The fundamental matrix

The fundamental matrix described in the Eq. (6) can be written in the following expression by
using the Eqs. (8)~(13).

w Yll Y12 Y13 Y14 Y15 Y16 wo

U Y21 Y22 Y23 Y24 Y25 Y26 uo

.o.b = 0 0 Y3} Y34 Y35 Y36 (14)

Mb 0 0 0 Y44 Y45 Y46 Mbo
F, 0 0 0 0 Y55 Y56 F,o
Fn 0 0 0 0 Y65 Y66 F no

The analytical expressions of the fundamental matrix can be calculated easily for any beam with
any boundary and loading conditions by using the symbolic calculation tools such as Mathematica,
Maple or Mathcad. The program Mathematica is used in this study. )

r-c~~~"'" ~~- - --- -


Analyticalsolutionsof in-planestaticproblems
for non-uniformcurvedbeams 137

3.1 The fundamental matrix of a parabolic beam with variable cross-section

The fundamentalmatrix for a parabolic beam with variable cross-sectionis given below. The
radius of curvature of the beam, the moment of inertia and the area of the cross-sectionare
respectivelygiven as follows:

R(tjJ)= RolcoS3tjJ Ib(tjJ)= Ibolcos3tjJ A(tjJ)= AolcostjJ (15)

The fundamentalmatrix is obtainedin a simple form:

Y11 = costjJ; Yl2 = sintjJ; Yl3 = &sintjJtantjJ;


Elbo (~i..:!:1+10g(COStjJ))sintjJ-~
2 2 J;

. (EA: R2 ) +(~R - ~R3) sintjJ

1 -k:GA 1 + 2EJ;-.
Yl5= Ro(tjJcostjJ-log(costjJ)sintjJ)

+ -.!!:..?--.( ~ - tjJ) sectjJ;
4Elbo 3

= -Llog(costjJ)sectjJ-Ro(costjJlog(costjJ) (- - k- GA
+ tjJsintjJ)E1A 1
2Elbo n bo

+Ro(sectjJ-costjJ) -+-
( 3R2
10 ; )
EA 4E bo

Y21= -sintjJ; Y22 = costjJ; Y23 = &(sintjJ+ sectjJtantjJ);


Y24 = ~(~~f ~+ 4(sectjJ- sintjJtantjJ)log(costjJ)+ sintjJ(3tjJ- 3tantjJ- tjJtan2tjJ));

4Elbo 2.

Y25 = -Ro(costjJlog(costjJ) . ~1 - k:GA

+ tjJsmtjJ) (
1 + 2EJ;-.
R2 + iiE7;:sectjJtantjJ
R3 )
. '"
- 1 - - Ro ;
knGA 3Elbo
2 2
. "' )( 1
Y26= Ro(smtjJlog(costjJ)-tjJcos." 1
A-kG:A+iI Ro ) + Rosml!'\~+m-
. .i 1 3Ro )
E n bo bo

+-LsectjJtantjJ (--log(costjJ)
1 ); )
2Elbo 2


138 Ekrem TufekciandA/aeddin Arpaci

Y33 = 1; Y34 =~; Y35 = ~(tanf/J- f/J); Y36 = ~log(cosf/J);

Elbo 2Elbo Elbo

Y44 = 1; 1
Y45=-Rotan 2f/J; Y46 = -Rotanf/J;
Y55 = cosf/J; Y56 = sinf/J; Y65 = -sinf/J; Y66 = cosf/J (16)

3.2 The fundamental matrix of a uniform circular beam

The circular beam with uniform cross-section is widely used in practical applications. The radius
of curvature of the beam, the moment of inertia and the area of the cross-section are respectively
given as follows:
R(f/J) = Ro Ib(f/J) = Ibo A(f/J) = Ao (17)
The fundamental matrix is obtained in a simple form:
= cosf/J; Y12=sinf/J; Y13=Ro(1-cosf/J); Y14=~(f/J-sinf/J);
. Y11

3 . 3

Y15 = .!!:..£.
[sintP(!E - knG
~) + f/JcostP(!
+ ~ ) + ~f/J(cosf/J+
E knG
] 2Elbo
2) - 3-sinf/J;
Y16 = .!!:..£.f/JsintP(! + ~) + ~(- 2 + 2cosf/J+ f/Jsinf/J);
2Ao E knG 2Elbo
Y21 = -sinf/J; Y22 = cosf/J; Y23 = Rosinf/J; Y24= ~(1 - cosf/J);
Y25 = - .!!:..£.f/JsintP(! + ~) + ~(2 - 2cosf/J- f/Jsinf/J);
2Ao E knG 2Elbo

Y26 = [f/JcostP(!
+ ~)
E knG
- sintP(!+ ~
E knG
)] - ~[f/Jcosf/J-

Y33= 1; Y34=~; Y35=~(f/J-sil!f/J); Y36=~[-1+cosf/J];

Elbo Elbo Elbo

Y44 = 1; Y45= Ro(l-cosf/J); Y46.=-Rosinf/J;

Y55 = cosf/J; Y56= sinf/J; Y65= -sinf/J; Y66= cosf/J (18)

4. Initial value problem

The solution can be obtained easily in an analytical form, if the initial values are known. Si~
initial values can be solved from a system of linear equations. These equations can be obtained


Analyticalsolutionsof in-planestaticproblems
for non-uniformcurvedbeams 139

from the boundaryconditionsof the beam.

The conventionalboundaryconditionsare given for the endAof the beamin Fig. I:

i. Clamped end: w( -rPA)= 0, u( -rPA)= 0, °b( -rPA)= 0

ii. Hinged end: w( -rPA)= 0, u( -rPA)'= 0, Mb(-rPA)= 0
iii. Free end: Mb(-rPA)= 0, Ft( -rPA)= 0, F n(-rPA)= 0

When the loads are applied to the free end, the related equationsmust be equal to the loads.If a
(rP = rPK)
beamwith point loadsat the coordinate is considered
(Fig. 1), therearetwo regionsand
the solutionsfor theseregionsare:
c YI(rPI) = Y(rPI,O)Ylo for -rPA~rPI~rPK (19)

t Yz(rPz) = Y(rPZ,rPK)YZK for rPK~rPZ~rPB (20)

whereY2Kis the initial value at coordinaterP = ifJK for the sec<;>nd

region. The continuity conditionat
coordinaterP = rPK is also given as follows:

YI(rPK)+ K = YZK (21)

where K = [0, 0, 0, MKb,F Kt, F Kn]Tis the loading vector. Thus, Eq. (20) is rewritten as:

Yz(rPz) = Y(rPz, rPK)YI(rPK) + Y(rPz, rPK)K (22)

By substitutingEq. (19) into Eq. (22);

Yz(rPz)= Y(rPz,rPK)Y(rPK,
O)Ylo+ Y(rPz,rPK)K (23)

By using Eq. (7), this equationcan be given as follows:

Yz(rPz)= Y(rPz,O)Ylo+ Y(rPz,O)y-l(rPK'O)K (24)

Then, the analytical functions of the displacements,slope and the stressresultantsfor both region
canbe obtained.
Thus, the unknown initial values can be solved by using three simultaneouslinear equationsfor
eachend.Now, it is possibleto specifythe displacements, rotation, and internal forcesand bending
momentof the beam.

5. Numerical evaluation

Numerical evaluationsare performedfor severalgeometryand boundaryand loading conditions.

The problems in the literature are also solved and comparisonsare made with the results of )


140 Ekrem Tufekciand Alaeddin Arpaci

Fig. 2 A quarter-circularcantileverbeamloadedby a nonnal force at the free end

5.1 A quarter-circular cantilever beam loaded by a normal force at the free end

As a first example, a quarter-circular cantilever beam with uniform cross-sectionis studied (Fig. 2).
The beam is loaded at the free end by a point force along the normal axis.
. The expressions for the displacements and rotation at the free end are obtained as follows:
3 3 2
2EIb + -EL
Wo = EB- 2knGA - ~
2EA u0 = ~
4EIb + ~ ~
4EA + 4knGA =EB-
EIb (25)

which are the same as those obtained by using Castigliano's energy theorem. This problem has also
been considered by several authors (Kim and Kim 199'8, Raveendranath et af. 1999, Lee and Sin
1994, Ray 2003). Raveendranath et af. (1999) and Lee and Sin (1994) give the same analytical
expressions, but the sign of the second term in the Eq. (25) of Wois minus (-) in (Raveendranath
et af. 1999, Lee and Sin 1994). It is believed that the source of this difference is a typing error.
Several curved beam elements are developed in these studies. Some of the elements have been
shown to be free of locking phenomena, and predicting very accurately the displacements and
rotations over the wide range of slenderness ratio, while some of them have severe locking
phenomenon for thin curved beams.
Very thick be~s having Rlh ratios as 1.0, 2.0, and 5.0 are considered in this example. The error
is defined as e = (woslwo- 1), where Wosis the tangential displacement obtained by considering only
the shear deformation effect. Similar error defmitions are used for other assumptions and the radial
displacement Uo.The error percentagee(%) arising from omission of the effects are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Error percentagearising from omissionof .theeffects

R/h D. I t No effect Only shear Only axial
ISpacemens e (~o) e (~) e (cro)

Wo -15.014 7.082 -22.096

uo -25.558 -6.203 -19.355
Wo -4.230 1.995 -6.225
Uo -7.905 -1.919 -5.986
Wo ~.702 0.331 -1.033'
uo -1.026 ~.3288 -1.026 )


Analytical solutionsof in-plane static problemsfor non-uniform curved beams 141

The e1;Torsdecrease,as the ratio of R/h increases.This means that these effects loose their
importance, as the R/h ratios increase.
The variations along the beam axis of these quantities c~ be obtained easily:

w = (--FR + ) (
FR + -FR3 cos<jJ+ -FR + FR + -FR3 -7l + )( <jJ.
~ sm<jJ (26)
2EA 2knGA 2Elb 2EA 2knGA 2Elb 2

u= (2EA
.E!.+ ~ + EK)(!!+
2knGA 2Elb 2

o'b = FR2
-cos<jJ (28)

5.2 Pinched circular ring

The pinchedring problem (Fig. 3) has receivedconsiderableattentionin recentyears due to its

pIactical application.Researchers
have studiedthe pinchedring in order to demonstratethe behavior
of their elementsin deepbeamconfigurations.
The normal displacementand internalbendingmomentat the point A are obtainedas:
UA = (7l2 - 8)FR3 + ~ + -!!EB.- MbA = -~FR (29)
47lElb 4EA 4knGA 7l
The normal displacementand internalbendingmomentat the point B are given by:

UB = ---+-
7l-4FR3 FR FR MbB = (1--2 )FR (30)
27l Elb 2knGA 2EA 7l
Lee and Sin (1994) solved this problem and the results obtained by Castigliano's theorem were
given in analytical forms which are the same as Eqs. (29) and (30). It was shown in Lee and Sin
(1994) that the results of the finite element method converged very well.


-. -.

F )
Fig. 3 Pinchedring

- --

142 Ekrem Tufekciand A/aeddinArpaci

Kim and Kim (1998) obtained the solutions for the pinched ring with the radius of curvature
R = 4.953 in, the thickness of the cross-section h = 0,094 in, the width b = 1 in, the Young's
modulusE = 1.05x 106 lbf/in2, the Poisson's ratio y= 0.3125, shear distribution factor k" = 5/6 and
the load F = 100 lbf. The displacement at point A for the ring in Fig. 3 given by Kim and Kim
(1998) is UA= 1.244 in. By plugging-in these numerical values in (29), the displacement value is
found to be UA= 1.24454in. Bothresultsarein an excellentagreement.

5.3 Nearly straight beam

A beam having very large radius and short span is considered by several authors (Kim and Kim
1998, Raveendranath et al. 1999, Ray 2003) to test the accuracy of their beam finite elements and
to investigate the possibility of approximating to straight beam configurations by using the curved
beam finite elements. Fig. 4 shows the geometry of a thin nearly straight cantilever beam subjected
to a tip force. The length of the beam is L = lOin, the width and thickness of the cross-section are
respectively b = 1 in and h = 0.01 in, and the radius of curvature is R = 10000 in. The material
properties are E = 107 lbf/in'J" y = 0.3 and the shear correction factor is k" = 5/6. A unit vertical load
is applied to the free end. The displacements, rotation angle, bending moment, and shear and axial
. forces are calculated for several points sir, wheres is the curvilinear coordinate along the arch axis.
The results are given in Table 2. The finite elements developed by Kim and Kim (1998),
Raveendranath et al. (1999) and Ray (2003) predict very accurately the exact solutions given in
Table 2.

Fig. 4 Nearly straightcantileverbeam

Table2 The resultsof nearly straightcantileverbeani

w u x 10-3 Obx 10-2 Mb F" Ft
slL (in) (in) (rad) (lbf.m) (Ibt) (lbt)

1.00 0.14902 0.400 0.60 0 0 1.0

0.75 0.0685546 0.253 0.5625 2.5 0.25 x 10-3 1.0
0.50 0.0217773 0.125 0.45 5 0.5 x 10-3 1.0
0.25 0.002832 0.0343751 0.2625 7.5 0.75 x 10-3 1;0
0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 10 1 x 10-3 1.0)

- --

Analytical solutionsof in-plane static problemsfor non-uniform curved beam.s: 143

Fig. 5 Clamped-hingedunsymmetricalparabolicbeam

-5.4 Parabolic beam with unsymmetrical boundary and loading conditions

Unsymmetrical parabolic beam with uniform cross-section is hinged at one end and clamped at
= -45°, f/JK = 45°, f/JB = 63.435°. The tangential
the other end (Fig. 5). The angles in this figure are f/JA
and nonnal forces and bending moment are applied to the point K. Consider a beam having the
following parameters: The dimensions of the cross-section are b = 0.01 m and h = 0.015 m, and the
radiusof curvature
at f/J = 0 is Ro= 0.1m. Theradiusof curvaturefor a parabolicbeamis knownas
R{f/J) = Ro/cos3f/J.
The materialpropertiesare E = 2 x lOll N/m2 and y= 0.3. The loads are FKn=
500 N, FKt = 500 N, MKb = 1000 Nm and kn= 5/6. The solutions for the midpoint are as follows:

Wo= -0.314 mm, Uo= -0.765 mm, 000= -7.364 x 10-3rad,

Moo= 94.5545 Nm, Fto= 1274.13 N, Fno= -2899.53 N

The defonned shape of the beam is also given in Fig. 5.

5.5 Cantilever beams having spiral geometry with variable cross-section

Consider a spiral beam defined by the cylindrical coordinate r = Ro (1 -.u B), where .u is. a
constant and B is the angular coordinate (O ~ B ~ 7rf2) (Fig. 6). The circular geometry is obtained
when .u = O. The cross-section varies along the beam and functions for the area and moment of
inertia tenns are assumed'to be: .

A =Ao{l + a 6»2 1b=100{1 + a 6»4 (3l)

where Ao and 1boare the area and moment of inertia of the cross-section at B = 0° respectively,and
<9= B/{7rf2) is the nonnalized angular coordinate. The beam is clamped at B= 7rf2and a point force
F = 1000N is appliedat its freeend(B = 0°).Theunifonncross-section
is obtainedwhena = o.
Numerical values are chosen as follows:
Ro= 1 m, Ao= 0.01 m2, 100= 8.333 x 10-6 m4, E = 2 x 1010N/m2, y= 0.15 and kn= 5/6 )


144 Ekrem Tufekciand A/aeddinArpaci

14 R" ~I x

Fig. 6 Cantilevercurvedbeamhavingspiralgeometry

Table 3 gives the solutionsfor circular beams(u = 0.0) with a = 0, 0.2 and 0.4. Table4 gives the
solutionsfor spiral beams(u = 0.4) with a = 0, 0.2 and 0.4.
The aim of the exampleis to show that the exact solutionscan be obtainedfor a curved beam
. having variable
beamfinite curvature
element and variable
with variable cross-section.As far as the authorsknow, there is no curved

5.6 The effects of axial extension and shear deformation

In this section,the effectsof axial extensionand sheardeformationare studied.For this purpose,

the examplesin the study of Litewka and Rakowski (1998) are solvedand the resultsare compared
with eachother.The thick arch finite elementwas developedby using the exactstiffnessmatrix for
shear-flexibleand compressibleelementin Litewka and Rakowski (1998).The beamwith radius of
curvatureR = 4 m, the rectangularcross-sectionwith depth h = 0.6 m and width b = 0.4 m, the
openingangle ~= 271/3,Young'smodulusE = 30 GPa and Poisson'sratio y= 0.17 with different
boundaryconditionsand loadingis investigatedby taking into accountthe effectsof axial extension
and shear deformation. The loads are F = 1 kN and M = 1 kNm. The normalized vertical
displacementu/(R~) and the normalizedslope ~ / ~ of the beam at the midpoint were obtainedby
including or excluding the axial extension and shear deformation effects in the analyses.The
following parameterswere definedin orderto includetheseeffects:

d = --E1 1 = 0.0192 e E1
= -- 1 = 0.00684 (30)
knGA(RtPt)2 EA(RtPt)2
Most of the examplesgiven by Litewka and Rakowski (1998) are solved and the results of both
studiesare given in Table 5. The comparisonshowsthat the finite elementdevelopedby Litewka
and Rakowski(1998) predictsaccuratelythe displacementand slopeat the midspan.It can also be
seenthat the axial extensionis the major effect. There are very largedifferencesbetweenthe results
obtainedby consideringboth axial extensionand sheardeformationeffects and those obtainedby
neglectingthem.This showsthat the Euler-Bernoullibeamtheory gives acceptableresultsfor only a
slenderand deepcurved beamwhere the bending deformationis the main effect. Moreover,when
the beamis stubby,the sheardeformationeffect becomessignificant.

, ~ -
Analytical solutionsof in-plane static problemsfor non-uniform curved beams 145
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146 Ekrem Tufekciand Alaeddin Arpaci
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Analytical solutionsof in-plane static problemsfor non-uniform curved beams 147

Table.5 The results of Litewka and Rakowski (1998) (L&R) and this study for the normalizedvertical
tPt of four different problems
displacement uJ(RtPJ and normalized rotation

x 10-6


This Study
All Effects

Axial Ext.


No Effect


L&R 0.2884 0.2770 0.2460 0.2348

A RtPr This Study 0.28831 0.277106 0.24606 0.234814

~~~.o. L&R -0.8064 -0.8122 -0.8274 -0.8332

RtPr This Study -0.806359 -0.811982 -0.827505 -0.833128

u L&R -0.2016 -0.2030 -0.2069 -0.2083

. ~ RtPr This Study -0.20159 -0.202996 0.206876 0.208282 v

. -EE L&R 1.3613 1.3383 1.3579 1.3350
tPr This Study 1.36129 1.33832 1.35789 1.33493

.!l... L&R 0.2488 0.2205 0.1430 0.1127

~ This Study 0~248781 0.220506 0.143015 0.112688

~ I

This Study





-. -' . 0. L&R -0.3796 -0.3683 -0.4063 -0.3952

tPr This Study -0.3796417 -0.368286 -0.406268 -0.395228

u L&R -0.0949 -0.0921 -0.1016 -0.0988

~ RtPr This Study -0.09491 -0.09207 0.101567 0.098807

~"::::~..o. L&R 1.0824 1.0375 1.0757 1.0304

tPr ThisStudy 1.08224. 1.03731 1.07567 1.03057

5. 7 Comparison of the results for deep and shallow curved beams

The Euler beam theory gives acceptableresults for a slenderand deep curved beam where the
bendingdefonIlationis the main effect. But the resultsare not reasonablewhen the curvedbeamis
shallow.The axial extensionis an importanteffect for a shallow curvedbeam,even if it is slender.
As it is well known, when the beamis stubby,the sheardefonIlationeffect becomessignificant.
Deep and shallow curved beams exhibit different static and dynamic behavior (Tufekci 2001,

~~~~~~~.~,""T'.'" -

148 Ekrem Tufekciand Alaeddin Arpaci

P ~=?~ "
" . '"
'" '"
'" ",--:"

: This study
: TheEuler-
~ /, Bernoulli theory
-' (a) (b)

/ V' (c) (d)


Fig. 7 The defonnationsof the circular beamswith openinganglesof (a) tPt= 120°,(b) tPt= 90°, (c) tPt= 45°,
(d) tPt= 30° (clampedat both endsand undera vertical force at the midpoint)

. Rubin 2004). A shallow curved beam defonns along a different path representinganother
In order to exhibit the effect of the shallownessof a curved beam,a numericalexampleis given
in this section.A circular beam with clampedends is cpnsideredhere. The beam is loaded by a
force at the midspan.The cross-sectionof the beam is rectangular.The slendernessratio of the
beam is R/ Ji7A = 100. Fig. 7 shows the defonnation of the circular beams with several opening
angles.The dashedlines show the resultsof Euler-Bernoullibeamtheory; the solid lines show the
resultsof this study which considersthe effectsof axial extensionand sheardefonnation.As it can
be seenfrom the figure, the differencebetweenthe results of Euler-Bernoullitheory (dashedline)
and this study (solid line) are less than 10% for tP, = 120° (Fig. 7a); the differencebetweenthese
whenthe openingangledecreases.
For tP, < 45° (Fig. 7c), it is not only the
displacementsat the crown are different, but also the defonned shapeis different. The effect of
axial extensionis significant for a shallow curved beam even if it is slender.The effect of shear
defonnationis also important when the beam is thick, as it is expected.The shallow beam with
openingangleof 30° is still slenderin this example;and the defonned
, shapeis given in Fig. 7(d).

6. Conclusions

The approximatemethodsexcluding finite elementmethod are only useful in solving the simple
problemsin which the effectsof the axial extension,sheardefonnationor both are neglected.Also,
the fonnulation has to be done separatelyfor each problem becausethe chosen displacement
functionsdependon the boundaryconditionsand axis geometryof the beam.
The finite elementmethod has widely been used in literature for analyzingthe curved beams.
Specialbeam elementsfor curved geometryhave been developedrecently.Early fonnulations of
curved [mite beam elementswere not successfuldue to the element locking problems. Much
attentionhas beendevotedto solve the locking problemsover the years.Most of the elementshave
been developedfor the circular beamshaving unifonn cross-sections. As far as the authorsknow,

.' --

Analyticalsolutionsof in-planestaticproblemsfor non-uniformcurvedbeams 149

thereis no curvedbeamfinite elementwith variablecross-section.The finite elementmethodsolves

the problemsof curvedbeamswith variablecross-sectionby using piecewiseconstantcross-section
beam elementsto approximatethe variable cross-sectionbeam. Motivated by this fact, the exact
solution is developedto solve the static problems of planar curved beamswith variable cross-
section and variable curvatureby taking into accountthe axial extensionand shear deformation
effects. The exact solution is obtained by using the initial values method by which the
displacements, rotation and stressresultantscan be calculatedanalytically along the beamaxis. An
advantageof this methodis that the high degreeof statically indeterminacyaddsno extra difficulty ,
to the solution of problems.The fundamentalmatrix, which is necessaryto apply the initial values
method, is obtained analytically. An example for this matrix is given explicitly. The analytical
expressionsof the fundamentalmatrix can be obtainedas long as the integralscan be calculated
analyticallyby using symboliccalculationtools suchas Mathematica,Mathcador Maple.
Main contributionof this study is to give the exact solutionsfor the curved beamswith varying
curvatureand cross-section.The results of the proposedmethod do not dependon the geometry.
The exact solution can be obtainedfor all geometrictypes of beamaxesand all doubly symmetric
variablecross-sections. The accuracyof the resultsdoesnot dependon the slenderness ratio and the
$hallownessof the beam.The resultsfor severalsampleproblemsare presentedby consideringthe
axial extensionand sheardeformationeffects.


The authorsare greatly indebtedto the late ProfessorDr. Vural Cinemre of Istanbul Technical
University for his appreciableenlightenmentand overall guidance.Prof. Dr. Mustafa Savci at
Istanbul TechnicalUniversity is acknowledgedwith gratitude for his valuable encouragement
support. The authors would also like to acknowledgeAssoc. Prof. Ata Mugan from Istanbul
TechnicalUniversity for helpful discussions.


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