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Activity 7: My daily routine during quarantine.

Objective: you will talk about your routine during this quarantine.


1-. Do you have the same routine?

No, I don`t.

2-. How do you feel about your new routine?

I feel stressed, sad, something, angry, confused, But I have faith that everything we're going
through will happen.

A.) Which of these activities do you usually do on quarantine? Put a thick (✔) or a cross (x)

1. Meet my friends x
2. Watch the news ✔
3. Cook for the family ✔
4. Study and do homework online ✔
5. Watch movies ✔
6. Do house chores ✔
7. Go to school x
8. Text my friends/chat online ✔
9. Work out at home ✔
10. Order a meal to be delivered x
11. Listen to music ✔
12. Go to bed late ✔
13. Play games with my family ✔
14. Go to a café/restaurant x

B) Listen my routine.

C) What about you?

Record an audio about your DAILY ROUTINE during this quarantine.

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