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Coherence and Cohesion: Activity

SEATWORK #2- Reading and Writing

DIRECTIONS: In a ¼ sheet of paper, organize the sentences above in correct order. Write only the
letters of the correct sequence (INDIVIDUALLY)
Number ONE
a. Speaking in english every day is also proven effective.
b. Another way is watching English movies and tv shows particularly with English subtitles.
c. Reading articles in books, newspapers, and magazines is just among the helpful ways
d. There are many ways to improve and develop proficiency


Number TWO
a. Others don't realize yet what to pursue because they have so many dreams.
b. Finding the right course in college is one of the most challenging decisions one can make
c. Some people want to pursue their dreams ever since they were little
d. Indeed, destiny is a matter of choice.


Number THREE
a. When people do not wash their hands after using phones and cards, they are still prone to infections.
b. These microorganisms can survive on the coins and paper bills that can be transmitted through hand
c. Studies suggest that paper bills are covered with germs leading to the spread of virus.
d. Paper currency and coins may be a cause of the spread of virus and bacteria.
e. Thus, there is a suggestion to go for cashless payments and transactions.


Number FOUR
a. I knew that we will go to their house to celebrate her birthday but during that time, I was still in our
school because of my campus journalism.
b. I talked to her and said sorry for what I had done and I explained my reasons for not attending her
birthday. At last, I was still thankful to her for understanding my situation.
c. It was 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon when Angelica called me over the phone and said that she was
waiting for me at 7/11 store together with our other friends.
d. It's hard for me to choose what should I prioritize but I ended up staying in school.
e. On the next day, I saw her inside our room and it seemed that she did not want to look at me.


Number FIVE
a. The basic steps in building a website are easy to remember and registering a domain name is the usual
B. Designing a layout will come after that.
C. Finally, adding more content and social media presence are required to keep your site active.
D. Then you need a hosting provider to host your site's content in the World Wide Web.

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