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World History John Godfrey Pd. 7 9/9/11 Ming: 1. Was the nation industrial or agricultural? Explain.

The nation was agricultural because Emperor Hongwu felt that trade was ignoble and parasitic. 2. Why did the military have to be strong under Hongwu? The military had to be strong because even though the Mongols had been defeated they were still a threat to China. 3. How did the Chinese express themselves? The Chinese expressed themselves by creating and telling novels. They were similar to folklore and short stories except they were long and the tellers used chapters as a way to take a break and collect money. 4. What are the advantages of publishing encyclopedias in a society? The advantages were that the Chinese people could read and educate themselves and the encyclopedias were a way to preserve history. 5. How did Hongwu increase the power of the emperor? Hongwu increased the power of the emperor by eliminating the prime minister and secretariat offices. This increased his power but put a huge work load on the emperor. 6. Why did Chinese money go down in value? Chinese money went down in value because Hongwu, being a peasant, did not understand inflation and gave out way to much money causing the value of the money to decrease. 7. What could be the negative effects from destroying the records from Sheng He's voyages? The negative effect of destroying those records was that the Chinese suffered from a weak Navy after the records were destroyed causing/allowing the coast to be attacked by pirates frequently. Qing: 1. What were some of the customs that the Qings kept and which ones did they change? Kept: The same form of government as the Mings. The same method of keeping the Mongols away as the Mings. The let the Chinese woman dress the same as when the Mings were in power. Changed: They changed the way the Chinese military operated as a way to make them not a threat. They changed the way men were allowed to dress in China. 2. What was the relationship between the Qing Dynasty and the outside world? The relationship was not much because the cut themselves off from the outside world in ways like the Chinese were not allowed in Manchuria; and they banned intermarriage among the Chinese and the Mongols.

3. What did the British trade with China? Why? How did it affect the Chinese? The British traded opium with China. It affected the Chinese because many people became addicted to the drug and large amounts of Chinese money and land were devoted to the drug trade. 4. What led to the decline of the Qings? The factors that led to the decline of the Qings include: The Opium Wars. The Chinese pretty much lost the war and under the treaty China virtually became a British territory. Also internal rebellions further weakened the Chinese government. Finally when a two year old was put on the throne in 1909 the rebellions started to gain power and in 1911 the Qing government was overthrown and the Republic of China was established. Ming vs. Cing



Qing -Established a foreign ruled government in China. -Larger territory then Ming. -Educated leaders

-Chinese ruled government. -Smaller territory then Qing. -Less educated first Emperor -Lowered taxes and cared for the lower class people.

-Same type of government . -Used similar methods in keeping the mongols at bay. -Woman dressed the same way.

-Cared for the upper class. -Believed in trade.

-Believed in agriculture

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