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East Asia Under Challenge, 1800-1914

The Decline of the Qing Dynasty Revolution in China Rise of Modern Japan

The Decline of the Qing Dynasty

Objectives: 1. Explain that the Qing dynasty declined because of internal and external pressures 2. Summarize how Western nations increased their economic involvement with China

Causes of Decline
In 1800, the Qing dynasty of the Manchus was at the height of its power Within a century, the Qing dynasty collapsed due to Western power and authority Intense internal corruption and peasant revolts led to a modernization of China

The Opium War

European merchants encroached on Chinese territory and traded in the outlet of *Guangzhou Unfavorable trade balance in China led the British to turn to opium, grown in northern India Though made illegal, the British were unrelenting

The British refused to halt their activity resulting in Chinese blockades and outright war The Opium War (1839-1842) The Treaty of Nanjing in 1842 ve coastal ports and the island of *Hong Kong *extraterritorialityEuropeans lived in their own sections and were subject not to Chinese laws but to their own laws

The Tai Ping Rebellion

Peasant revolts known as the Tai Ping Rebellion (1850-1864) *Hong Xiuquan, the destruction of the Qing and the creation of the Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace Social reforms: land to all peasants; women as equals to men Outlawed alcohol and tobacco and eliminated the practice of footbinding

Efforts at Reform

By the late 1870s, the Qing dynasty was in decline Reformers called for a new policy called *selfstrengthening China should adopt Western technology while keeping its Confucian values and institutions; Some reformers wanted democracybut was far too radical Railroads, weapons factories, and shipyards

The Advance of Imperialism

In the north and northeast, Russia took advantage of the Qing dynastys weakness to force China to give up territories European states began to create *spheres of inuence areas where the imperial powers had exclusive trading rights Japan and German forces

Internal Crisis

Scramble for territory took place at a time of internal crisis in CHina *Guang Xu launched a massive reform program based on changes in Japanmodernized government bureaucracy following western models, educational systems, and Western-style schools and ghting techniques

The Boxer Rebellion

Shadowboxing and the Society of Harmonious Fists destroy the foreigner They disliked Christian missionaries and Chinese converts to Christianity who seemed to threaten Chinese traditions An allied army of Europeans, the US, and Japan restored order and demanded more concessions from the Chinese government

Objectives: 1. Explain that the Qing dynasty declined because of internal and external pressures 2. Summarize how Western nations increased their economic involvement with China

Revolution in China

Objectives: 1.Identify Sun Yatsen and his reforms, which led to a revolution in China 2. Discuss how the arrival of Westerners brought changes to the Chinese economy and culture

The Fall of the Qing The Qing dynasty in China tried desperately to reform itself New educational systems were created based on the Western model Legislative assemblies were formed at the *provincial (local) level

The emerging new elite, composed of merchants, professionals, and reform-minded gentry grew impatient with the pace of reform The previous reforms had done nothing for peasants and artisans; Unrest grew in the countryside

The Rise of Sun Yat-Sen

*Sun Yat-sen formed the Revive China Society Unless the Chinese were inited under a strong government, they would remain at the mercy of other countries three-stage reform process: (1) a military takeover (2) a transitional phase to prepare for democratic rule (2) constitutional democracy He formed the Revolutionary Alliance, which eventually became the Nationalist Party

The Revolution of 1911

The throne was now occupied by Chinas last emperor, the infant Henry Pu Yi Still uprisings in central China still erupted The Party had neither the military nor the political strength to form a new government and gave power to *General Yuan Shigai, who controlled the army

General Yuan agreed to serve as president of a new Chinese republic and to allow the election of a legislature The glorious revolution ended two thousand years of imperial rulehowever, no new political or social order emerged, though based on Western liberal democratic principles

An Era of Civil War yuans dictatorial efforts rapidly led to clashes with Suns party, now renamed the Guomindang, or National Party. Yuan dissolved the new parliament, the Nationalists launched a rebellion, and Sun Yat-sen ed to Japan China slipped into civil war military warlords seized power in the provinces

Chinese Society in Transition

The growth of industry and tradeoil, copper, salt, tea, and porcelain made more protable due to reliable transportation and a new money economy The coming of Westerners to China affected the Chinese economy in three ways: (1) modern transportation (2) export market (3) Chinese market integrated into world economy

Western inuences forced the Chinese to adopt new ways of thinking and acting local industry was largely destroyed

Chinas Changing Culture Most Chinese culture never changed: farmers, villages, domestic life Confucian social ideals were declining rapidly in inuence and those of Europe and North America were on the rise Radical reformers wanted to eliminate traditional culture

Intellectuals began to introduce Western books, paintings, music, and ideas to China By the rst quarter of the twentieth century, China was ooded by Western culture Literature in particular was inuenced by foreign ideas

Objectives: 1.Identify Sun Yatsen and his reforms, which led to a revolution in China 2. Discuss how the arrival of Westerners brought changes to the Chinese economy and culture

Rise of Modern Japan

Objectives: 1.Describe how Western intervention opened Japan, an island that had been isolated for 200 years, to trade 2. Discuss the interaction between Japan and Western nations that gave birth to a modern industrial society

An End to Isolation

The continued isolation of Japanese society was a challenge Other nations began to approach Japan in the hope of it opening to foreign economic interests The rst foreign power to succeed with Japan was the US US commodore *Matthew Perry arrived in *Edo Bay seeking to bring Japan into the modern world, requesting open relations In 1858, new ports opened to US trade

Resistance to the New Order

Open relations with the Western powers was resisted by several groups, including the samurai In 1863, the Sat-Cho alliance (a groups of Samurai) forced the shogun to promise to end relations with the West The Sat-Cho leaders demanded that the shogun resign and that the Emperor as a result, the shogunate ended

The Meiji Restoration

Sat-Cho leaders embarked on a policy of reform that transformed Japan into a modern industrial nation Emperor *Mutsuhito Enlightened Rule led to the Meiji Restoration They moved the capital from Kyoto to *Edo (now Tokyo)

Transformation of Japanese Politics

The new leaders moved rst to abolish the old order and to strengthen power in their hands Titles were stripped from the great lords and their territories (now called *prefectures) transferred to prefects They followed a western model of governance

*Ito Hirobumi was commissioned to travel to Great Britain, France, Germany, and the United States to study their governments Liberal and Progressive parties emerged in Japan, the latter of which eventually dominated They built an new representative government around a new constitution inspired by the west

Building a Modern Social Structure

A key focus was the military A modernization process began with the aim of becoming an equivalent to the Western powers Compulsory military service was formed in 1871, each person serving for three years Universal education was adopted in order to aid in the modernization of their society and industryhowever the virtues of loyalty to family and community remained a cornerstone

Daily Life and Womens Rights

The lives of all Japanese people were determined by their membership in a family, village, and social class Women were especially limited to three obediences child to father, wife to husband, and widow to son The Meiji Restoration allowed women to seek education as the shift from agriculture to industrial began; Western fashion also became increasingly common

Joining the Imperialist Nations

The Japanese copied the imperialist Western approach to foreign affairs Japan lacked resources and was densely populated. As a result, Japan began an aggressive expansionist policy

Beginnings of Expansion
In 1874, Japan claimed control of the Ryukyu Islands, which had been subject to the Chinese Empire Japan also forced the Koreans to open their ports to Japanese trade The Chinese-Japanese rivalry led to conict resulting in Japan seizing the Manchurian city of *Port Arthur after destroying their eet The treaty resulted in China transferring control of Taiwan and the Liaodong Peninsual

War with Russia

The Russians wanted control of Korea and welcomed the idea of war with Japan In 1904, Japan launched a surprise attack on the Russian naval base at Port Arthur which had been given back to Korea but fell under the control of the Russians The Russians were no match for the Japanesea humiliating loss

US Relations
In 1905, The US recognized Japans role in Korea in exchange for their recognition of American authority over the Philippines In 1910, Japan annexed Korea outright

Culture in an Era of Transition Japanese authors began translating and imitating the imported models of literature from the west The West also sought Japanese arts and crafts, porcelains, textiles, fans, folding screens, and woodblock prints

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