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For what is it used?

The superlative is used to express something more Intense than a bunch of
other things
. It features a prominence between nouns and a group of nouns.

*Ex: John ia the youngest in his family

The definite article THE is used before the adjective, and EST is added to the
end of the adjective. Or we can use the expression THE MOST.
For what is it used?
The definite article THE is used before the adjective, and we add EST to the end of the
adjective. Or we can use the expression THE MOST
We use the definite article THE before the adjective and add –EST to it, or we use THE
expression THE MOST before
of the adjective
For example, when we have an adjective that has one or two syllables, all you have to
do is put the the and add –est at the end.
Example: Fast – the fastest – the fastest.
Example: John is the most important person in my life. (John is the most important
person in my life)
Short adjective
If the adjective is short (less than three syllables), the suffix "-est" is usually added, using the
formula: THE + ADJECTIVE + EST

*Ex:Willy is the tallest guy in the building.(tall)

We are the smartest students in the whole town.(smart)


For adjectives that end in Y, it becomes I. Then EST can be added:

*Ex:Luke was the happiest guy of the party. (happy)

Kevin is the busiest lawyer of the office. (busy)

For adjectives with only one syllable that end in a vowel followed by a consonant, the consonant
is doubled.

*Ex:That's the biggest building of the whole town. (big)

Golden is the fattest dog I've ever met! (fat)
Long superlative
When long superlative adjectives with more than three syllables,
and others with only 2 syllables, use "most" or also "least" +
adjective. And it will only be a superlati adjective.
The superlative of inferiority and when we want to compare something indicating
that it is below quality, something inferior or extreme inferior, far below.

To form superlative phrases that indicate inferiority, we use "least" before the
adjective that represents that the being (object, etc.) is less or less than another.

Unlike the superlative of superiority of inferiority there is no change or addition

of suffixes in the verb.

*Ex:-This is the least comfortable shoes in te store.

-They are the least nice group in the class.

-Claudia is the least boring girl in the friends group.

Irregular adjectives are exceptions that don't follow the rules for regular
adjectives Which form irregular comparatives and superlatives.

*Ex:Good (good) worst (the smallest)

Bad (Ruim) worst (the worst)

Little (small) most (the smallest)

Far (far) furthest/farthest (least far/farthest)

Write the superlative form of each adjective below:






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