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Bachillerato en línea Piaget

Materia: Ingles

Actividad: Make a dialogueTarea

Profesor: Bertha Emilia Ortega Díaz

Nombre del alumno(a): Alondra Cerino García

1-Hi, nice to meet you

2-Hello,the pleasure is mine

1-you´re not from around here are you?

2-Yes!, how did you guess?

1-Because of your physique, people like you are not seen much,

just for that.


1-are you going somewhere?

2Yes!, Do you know where there is a bus stop nerarby?

1yes, Go straight two blocks you Will find it

2-thank you very much, l would like to talk more with you but l don´t

have much time anymore

1-Don´t worry, go away, it Will be done later and Good luck

wherever you go.

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