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Classes: When fleshing out a character's class, delve into the specific training, mentors, or

magical sources that shaped their abilities. For instance, a rogue character could have been
raised as a street urchin, honing their skills in thievery and stealth to survive the mean streets
of a sprawling metropolis. Alternatively, a cleric character might have discovered their divine
connection through a mystical vision or by being raised within the strict traditions of a
religious order. Their chosen class can further be influenced by personal goals or aspirations.
A sorcerer, for example, may possess inherent magical powers tied to their bloodline, which
sets them on a journey to understand and control their abilities.

Player Agency: Give players meaningful choices and agency within the campaign. Allow
them to shape the world and influence the outcome of major events through their decisions.
Embrace the concept of sandbox gameplay, where the players have the freedom to explore
and pursue their own goals within the overarching narrative.

Character Development: Experienced players often enjoy delving into the complexities of
their characters. Encourage in-depth character backstories and provide opportunities for
personal growth and meaningful character arcs. Introduce NPCs who challenge their beliefs,
present moral dilemmas, or serve as mentors, shaping the characters' development throughout
the campaign.

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