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Yummy Yummy Restaurant user research for mobile

app Menu and Payment

By: Elizabeth EKHORAGBON

Your favourite Restaurant
Project overview

The product:
Yummy Yummy is a restaurant that offers variety of meals
with an original taste of Homemade Meals while prioritizing
Health Hygiene.they create a platform that Enables
satisfaction and life-changing opportunity that continually
add value to lives by nourishing a community through home
cooked traditional meals that exceed expectation and
promote tourism.

Project duration:
November 2022 to January 2023
Project overview

The problem: The goal:

Users had to scroll through all Design an app for yummy yummy

menu before desired choice could restaurant that allows users to quickly

be found and the payment method and easily navigate the available menu

wasn’t easy with too much with faster payment process.

personal information
Project overview

My role: Responsibilities:
Ux designer designing an app for yummy Conducting user research and
yummy restaurant interview,paper and digital wireframing,
low and high-fidelity prototyping,
conducting usability studies,accounting
for accessibility, and iterating on designs.
My Process

Research Define Ideate Prototype

*User Interview *User persona *Lo Fi
* User survey *User journey Wireframes *User testing
*User flow
*Empathy map *Problem *Hi Fi *Challenges
statement Wireframes *Insight.
*User pain point Architecture
● User research
Understanding ● User survey
the user ● Personas
● Empathy map
● User journey maps
User research: summary

I conducted interviews and created empathy maps to understand the user’s i’m
designing for and their needs. A primary group interviewed were users who had a busy
schedule and didn’t have enough time at work to keep scrolling through the app for a
particular meal,and also the long duration it takes before payment can be initiated.
Another set of users complained that aside the duration it takes scrolling through the list
of available menu,Payment was difficult to initiate as the information required was alots,
with too much personal information.
User survey

I decided to conduct a survey among our past and current customers and potential
users who wants to be able to choose a meal and pay faster from their app in one go.
Users were told to perform a task on the Restaurant app

How easy was it finding your desired menu?

10 participants

Easy to find 4%

Found with difficulty 6%

What is it like to process your payment?
10 participants

Easy to complete 4%

Completed with difficulty 6%

Is there anything you which we did differently?

10 participants

Easy to complete 5%

Not Completed 5%
Survey Feedback
User persona
Empathy map
User journey map
Starting ● User flow
● Paper wireframes
the design ● Digital wireframes
● Low-fidelity prototype
● Usability studies
User flow
Paper wireframes

[I had to iterate each screen

of the app on paper to ensure
that the elements that made
it to digital wireframes
would be situated enough to
add user pain point.
The home screen shows a
faster and easier way to
search for your favourite

Stars were used to indicate the element that would be used in the initial digital wireframes
Digital wireframes

The button is an
The digital look of the easy way to
search for your
homescreen,after including desired meal.

feedback and findings from

the user research.
Digital wireframes
This screen
shows the
display of
The user wanted a display of varieties of
meals the user
various meals search for,so a search for
better choice can be made.
Low-fidelity prototype

This low-fidelity prototype

connect the primary user flow of
navigating through the menu and
payment session
Usability study: findings
Two rounds of usability studies was conducted,First was finding out the user pain point, that
gilded us through wireframe to mockup.
While the second was conducted during the testing phrase of the high-fidelity prototype,which
helped reveal the aspect the user was finding difficult.

Round 1 findings Round 2 findings

1 Users want to search for desired meal 1 Users wanted ingredient listed on each
faster meal

2 Users wanted a faster and and easy 2 Users wanted a one time payment
payment method authentication method
Refining ● Design System
● High-fidelity prototype
the design
● Accessibility
Design system

After the user flow and wireframes were ready, i created the color platte,font styles and icons used to
create the design system.

Color palette Typeface Buttons

Roboto flex

QRSTUVWXYZ012345 Get started

Medium,semi bold and bold

Secondary button

E1AD01 #272D2F Call to action button
Before usability study After usability study

Before usability study we

had a screen where users
could search for what they
wanted and add to cart
then pay,but after the
usability study,users
wanted a screen were they
could have a favourite list
of meals.
Before usability study 2 After usability study 2

Before usability study we

had a page for list of dishes
the user wanted,but they
wanted to be able to see the
ingredient that made up
each meal,
After the usability study i
decided to add a screen that
shows ingredient for each

The high fidelity prototype

presented a more clearer
flow of how a user will
navigate the Restaurant app
from start to finish,
From Searching from the
meal they want to seeing the
list of ingredient they prefer
to making payment,and
checking out..Easy right?

View by yummy yummy Restaurant APP

High-fidelity prototype
Accessibility considerations

1 2 3
It gives users who are
vision impaired the pictures for better Give option for one
ability to type what choices and time payment
they want, rather than illustration. method,rather than
scroll for a long time. users always trying to
remember their
passwords for each
● Takeaways
Going forward ● Next steps

Impact: What I learned:

The app makes users excited that they can I learnt that i can always make changes to

search for food faster and easy payment my designs the more i get feedback from

“ I always love to order from your restaurant using your app as

it is faster to use and saves time”
Next steps

That would be to
conduct another round
of usability studies to
know if the app meet
the users needs and
pain point was address.
Let’s connect!

Thank you for you time scrolling through my work on the Yummy Yummy Restaurant app!
I appreciate your time and consideration, i'd love to hear your feedback.
Thank you!!!

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