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Please read this document carefully!

 The midterm exam will be available for 90 minutes (between 19:00-20:30).

 The duration of the exam is 90 minutes.
 No matter when you start, the exam will close at 20:30 (by gmt3 and itslearning time).
 Open the exam using CHROME to encounter fewer technical issues.
 Exams must be submitted within the time allotted before the online exam timer expires.
 Do not forget to click the ‘Submit’ button.
 You cannot access any resources during the exam. This means no resources of any kind are allowed.
You can only use Eclipse.
 Cheating is a serious offence and subject to disciplinary action.
 If any evidence of cheating is caught during the exam, there will be a disciplinary action taken towards

o Any recording of the exam screens, including taking screenshots, pictures, or video.
o Copying the exam questions or answers
o Leaving mobile devices/smart phones, other web browsers, software applications, or other
computers on during the exam
o Bringing in resource materials
o Communicating (texting, calling, messaging etc.) with other individuals during the exam will be
considered as cheating.
 The exam is confidential. It cannot be copied, printed, saved, recorded, or reproduced in any manner, at
any time. The exam questions and answers cannot be disclosed or disseminated to anyone before, during,
or after the exam. Exam copies will not be provided for failed or passed exams.
 If you have a medical condition, learning disability, language barrier, or other extraordinary
circumstances, please contact your instructor.
 Same answers will get 0 from the exam.
 You will get partial points even if your answer is not totally true.
 You will get 0 if your coding answers have compilation errors, i.e. red
 In completing this examination, you agree that you received no assistance
from any other individual or used any unauthorized materials.
In case of a sign of cheating, or if you do not obey the rules above, there will be a
disciplinary action taken towards you based on the:


By starting the exam, you agree all of the above-mentioned

Q1. (30 pts.) Design a uml class diagram.

 You can use to draw your class diagrams OR you can draw them on paper, take a picture, and upload the picture of
your drawing. Name your answer as Q1.

Q2. (35 pts.) Interface.

 Create an interface called `Swim` that has a method called `swim()`.
 Create two more interfaces called `Fly` and `Run` that have methods called `fly()` and `run()` respectively.
 Create a class called `Animal` that implements all three interfaces (`Swim`, `Fly`, and `Run`).
 The `swim()` method should print "I can swim."
 The `fly()` method should print "I can fly."
 The `run()` method should print "I can run."
 Create a subclass of `Animal` called `Bird` that overrides the `swim()` method to print "I cannot swim."
 Create a subclass of `Animal` called `Fish` that overrides the `fly()` method to print "I cannot fly."
 Create a subclass of `Animal` called `Cheetah` that overrides the `swim()` and `fly()` methods to print "I cannot swim or fly."
 Finally, create a `main()` method that creates objects of `Animal`, `Bird`, `Fish`, and `Cheetah`, and calls each of their methods.

Sample Output:

Question #1 -> Draw your answer and name it as Q1.jpg / Q1.png / Q1.bmp, etc… any image file named as Q1
Questions #2 & #3 -> Create a project named as “Midterm” and create 2 packages: Q2 and Q3.

When you are finished, export your project with your surname, and upload the zip file to the submission link.

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